It Begins free porn video

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This story is copy written by the author authorization for any use other than personal downloads is prohibited. This story is based on real events to some degree. Some of it is; something that maybe should have been but just did not happen. It Begins By Cheryl Lynn It was a Friday night and bitter cold outside. I was having a Jack Daniels and coke, feeling an itch that kept getting stronger and stronger as time went by. Finishing my third drink, the itch could not be ignored any longer. I went into my bedroom and pulled out my box of secrets. Quickly, I divested myself of all my clothing and began dressing. A pair of high-rise brief panties with a colorful display of giraffes printed on the fine nylon. A red lace trimmed black bra, which was a great find at the Goodwill box. The panties were stolen from a Laundromat along with many others and a Cinderella styled nylon nightgown...sleeveless black top and long bright yellow skirt. I put on a pair of black hose, white floral laced garter belt and finally the Cinderella nightgown. All this was quickly covered by my jeans and long-sleeved blue cowboy shirt. Pulling on my boots, I was ready to go, but first, I needed another drink to build my courage. Wearing feminine clothing changed me. Normally I wouldn't even think about other guys, but dressed, I felt so feminine that other guys caught my attention. I had never had a homosexual encounter before nor was homosexual encounters in my normal thought patterns. I guess the combination of the clothing and a few stiff drinks loosened up my libido. I hadn't had a date in a while and I guess this night I was just plain horny. It was not my intention to go out and get some guy. Just the opposite was true. I was scared of such an encounter. What would he say or worse what would he do if he discovered what I was wearing underneath my regular clothing. I just had to get out of the apartment that's all this night was supposed to be... an escapist dream. The ride downtown to the porn theater did not take long. My emotions were in a fearful turmoil as they raced through the gamut of outright fear to erotic pleasure. Fear at getting into an accident and having to go to the hospital and the erotic feelings of the soft nylon caressing my skin. I paid my ten dollars and entered the theater and found a spot at the balcony railing. As I watched the show unlike the few others in the theater, I was picturing in my mind what it would be like to be one of those women. I don't know how long I stood there watching the sluts giving blow jobs and getting their pussy's reamed before I noticed someone standing beside me. He was slightly shorter than me, Hispanic and a little rough looking. He turned my way and caught me looking at him. "Nice tits on those broads," he said nodding towards the screen. "Yeah," I acknowledged, "some nice ass too." We were silent for a while then began talking about the girls in the movie some more. I really needed a drink by now. I needed something to calm my nerves. Did the guy next to me guess that I was wearing a bra? No my jacket should be covering it. Could he just tell that I am wearing girl's clothing under this? My mind was getting away with itself. When the film finished, I sucked up my courage and asked him if he wanted to get a beer at the bar just across the street. We had a few beers at the bar in a quite out of the way table. He told me his name was Jose and that he worked in construction. I told him mine and that I worked for the state. We talked much about nothing in particular and the combination of the previous drinks and the beer was making me bolder. Eventually, I asked him if he wanted to come over to my apartment and have a real drink. This bar did not serve hard liquor. Jose accepted. He followed me to the apartment in his truck. It was a new white Chevy. Inside, I took his coat and told him to wait while I went to the bathroom. There I quickly divested myself of my girlish attire and redressed. I hid the clothing under the sink. Feeling better I quickly went out and made us a couple of drinks. We sat on the couch just talking. I commented on his new truck and he told me his parents bought it for him. They owned a local Mexican restraint, but he wasn't interested in that business. I don't know how it happened, but the next thing I was aware of, was his lips pressing against mine... my first man kiss. I was shocked and started to pull away but his hand behind my neck held me firm. Gradually I relaxed and let it happen. It was very different than kissing a girl... rougher and somehow much more wicked. His tongue slid into my mouth and I found myself sucking on it. When we finally broke our kiss, I jumped up and to cover my fear of what just happened went to refresh our drinks. I made mine a double. He followed me over to the counter and I felt his hands go around my waist and begin to unbuckle my belt. I just stood there mixing the drinks as if nothing was happening and let him drop my pants. His hands slid up my shirt and his fingers began pinching my nipples. Then as his hands pressed against the flesh of my man breasts, he said in a quite whisper, "You know baby, I thought you were wearing a bra when we were in the bar. I think I can still feel the imprint of it on your chest. You were wearing a bra now weren't you? I wonder what else you were wearing." I stood frozen for what seemed like an eternity, then slowly turned to face him handing him his drink as I did so. I was trapped between him and the counter. Now what was I going to do? He put his drink on the counter top and as he leaned in to kiss me popped open my cowboy shirt. After the quick kiss, he looked at my chest and sure enough you could see the red marks left by the under wires of the tight bra. Standing there with my jeans around my ankles with no underwear on and my shirt open, what was I suppose to do. I started to tell him that I didn't know what he was talking about, but before I could finish, he slapped my face. Not hard but hard enough to get my attention. "Now don't start lying to me baby. You going to do what Jose want you to do now don't you," he said as he grabbed my balls. "I bet these would look really good in a pair of panties. You go get your clothes and make yourself pretty for me. You don't want to make me mad do you? I want to see what you will look like all prettied up. Take your drink, but you no take to long, okay?" Man was I in a skillet being slowly fried. It was either stay in the skillet or jump into the fire. What to do? Seeing no obvious alternative, I picked up my drink and shuffled into my bedroom. There I stripped naked and pulled the small white wicker box purse from the box. It was a Goodwill find in which I kept what little make up that I had accumulated. I pulled out a pair of bright violet colored nylon panties with little white daisy's printed on them, my only other bra, a white cross your heart, a pair of ecru hose, white garter belt and my white chiffon baby doll nightie. I quickly dressed and went over to the mirror on my bureau. I was not good at applying make up and it showed, but it was the best I could do. Liquid foundation, green eye shadow, mascara, purple lipstick, and a dusting of powder were quickly applied. Reaching into the box, one more time, I pulled out the page boy brunette wig and a pair of two inch black pumps I had found in another Goodwill box. Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't look bad, but would never pass in public. My arms, chest, legs were all too hairy. I thought for a moment about just taking all this stuff off and telling Jose to get lost, but was afraid. If I had to get rough then the neighbors would hear or even worse call the cops, damned if I do and damned if I don't. The worst that could happen would be that Jose would just laugh his ass off, beat the snot out of me or maybe do nothing. By this time my drink was finished and some of my courage came back. So I decided what the heck, two out of the three weren't all that bad. When I entered the living room, Jose was laying on the couch with his drink sitting on his bare chest. He was completely naked, very hairy and muscular with a raging hard on. He looked at me for a long moment, and then sitting up told me to come over to him. He didn't laugh nor did he seem ready to bash my brains out. I found myself doing a little twirl before him as he gazed at me. His hand reached out and pulled me onto his lap. His lips found mine and I put my hands behind his neck and let my fingers drift through his hair. My brain was forcing me into my feminine persona. Kissing a man no longer seemed strange, it felt right. We kissed deeply with me sucking on his tongue for all I was worth and enjoying it. Next, he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. He dropped me on my bed and then lay beside me. "Okay baby you turned out real hot. Now I want you to suck me. I want to see those purple lips of yours sucking and licking me all over down there," was the only thing he said. I maneuvered myself down between his legs in the classic 69 position. "I said suck me. I didn't say anything about doing you," he said as he pushed my butt and legs off to the side. I took his penis in my right hand and trying to remember everything that my previous girl friend use to do to me, began licking and kissing it. I must have been doing something right as he began to moan and grabbed the back of my head. Soon he was forcing my face up and down while humping with his hips forcing his penis deep inside my throat. I was scared as shit when his pounding of my face cut off my breathing. I wanted to throw up and couldn't as the head of his penis hit the back of my throat. Soon I managed to get into the rhythm and it became easier. His hands gripped the back of my head hard and pressed down so that my nose was mashed up against his pubic hair. Then he came, filling my throat, mouth, and even my nose with his cum. I was choking on all that sperm but he kept a tight hold on my head. When I thought that I couldn't take any more, he relaxed his hold and I was able to fall off to the side breathing heavily. We lay there for a while, just catching our breath when Jose asked me to get him another drink. I was more than happy too as I wanted desperately to rinse my mouth out. While his cum didn't taste bad, it had a funny texture and somewhat salty. While I was in the bathroom, I peed and then reapplied my lipstick. I fixed two more drinks and returned to the bedroom. Jose was lying in the bed holding his dick between two fingers. As I arrived, he looked up and said, "Baby you're sure left your mark on my dick." It was covered in my lipstick. I felt like I actually blushed then. While he dank his drink, he wanted me to fondle his penis to get it hard again. I did as he wished with some trepidation. I wasn't sure that I wanted this to go any further. Finished with his drink, he turned to me. Thinking that he wanted to kiss I puckered up, but was surprised when he flipped me over onto my back and straddled me. Grabbing my ankles he pulled them over his shoulders and lifted my butt up. Before I could do anything, I felt him pressing his penis into my virgin ass. "No, no please don't," I said. I really wanted to shout out for him to stop and leave, but I couldn't what if the neighbors heard and called the cops? It didn't matter; he was determined to take my cherry. I tried to tell him that I had never done anything like this before and that I didn't want him to go any further, but he just told me to be quite and enjoy it. "Look baby, you been asking for this all night and now you're going to get it," Jose told me. I was being date raped, but in the early seventies this was not uncommon and very seldom ever reported. Beside how could I, a man, go to the cops and tell them I was sodomized while dressed as a woman. My fate was sealed. It hurt like hell, but in the end he penetrated me fully. I felt my penis rubbing on his stomach each time he plunged into me. It hurt for so long, but then I began to get the biggest erection that I had ever had. It became easier as Jose continued to pump into me. I was stuffed, I was full, but I was hard as a rock. Finally, Jose pushed into me as far as he could go and erupted. As his penis was sliding out of my stretched anus, my climax erupted all over my stomach and chest. He rolled over to the side and lay still, sound asleep. I was left in the wet spot. I wanted to get up and clean myself up, but just didn't have the energy. I fell asleep with Jose's semen flowing out of my stretched ass. It was a fitful sleep and I awoke early the next morning with something being pressed against my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Jose squatting over me with his penis pointed directly at my lips. It hadn't been a nightmare. "Come on baby, I need my morning relief before I go pee," Jose said. What could I do, I opened my mouth and took him in. With his hands on both sides of my head, he began slowly lowering himself. Soon he had a rhythm going and I was sucking for all I was worth trying to hurry up and get this over with. Without the alcohol in my system, I was not enjoying any of this. I felt disgusted with myself and just wanted him out of my life and this incident forgotten. He came with his balls resting against my chin in a flood. I managed to get it all down though some dripped down my face. Finished, he jumped up and went into the bathroom leaving me alone in my misery. I finally managed to drag my sorry ass out of the bed, noticing how my nightie stuck to my behind and crotch. My ass hurt and burned like the dickens, but it would be awhile before I could get into the bath as I heard Jose get into the shower. I looked into the mirror and saw that my make up was smeared all over my face, my wig was off, and I looked like death warmed over. I tried to fix myself up as best I could. I removed the make up with Pond's cleansing cream and reapplied my lipstick and put my wig back on. Why I don't know. I went into the kitchen and made coffee. In the kitchen, I grabbed a dish towel soaked it in water and put some soap on it and did my best to clean my groin and backside. It was a mess and I could barely stand to look at it as I threw the cloth into the trash. I filled my cup and went over to the couch to sit and wait my turn in the bath. Jose came out of the bath drying his hair with a towel and stopped to get a cup of coffee before coming over to sit beside me. "You one hot bitch," he told me. "I think I am going to like you." With that he reached over and pulled my head down into his naked lap. My face rested on his upper thigh with his semi-erect penis just inches from my face. "Come on baby play with it some more. You make me hot," he said. What could I do, but comply. As I pulled and rubbed his penis, Jose said, "You got some nail polish baby? I think it would be a real turn on if you had on some hot red or purple nail polish. You don't. Maybe I get you some. Come on start sucking my dick." I didn't want to and I certainly didn't like the idea of putting on nail polish. I moved closer and began to gently suck on his dick. Soon his hands were on the back of my head and he was increasing the tempo. For the second time that morning I drank a load of his cum. With him satisfied, I was able to escape to the bathroom. I showered and even gave myself an enema to try and feel clean, but I still felt used as I finally forced myself to dress. I wasn't about to put on the clothing I had worn that night, so I pulled the clothing I had stashed under the sink and put them on. I would have rather put on my briefs and jeans, but I didn't think to bring them with me. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Jose in my bedroom looking through my box of secrets. "Hay, baby," he greeted me. "You got some shit here don't you? Why don't you put on some of the things I put on the bed and we'll go out for some breakfast, but first I want another go at that pretty ass of yours." I had had enough, "Look Jose, this has been fun, but enough is enough. I think it is time for you to go and I don't want to see you anymore. So please just leave." "Oh no, my Chiquita," he said. Then to my complete surprise he showed me my wallet and said he knew everything about me. While I was taking my bath he had rummaged through all my personal effects. He knew my family, their address, everything that would ruin me if any of this ever got out. After he explained everything that he could do to me, he broke out in a big smile and said for me to get on the bed. Fortunately, I had rubbed some petroleum jelly into my sore butt and this time it did not hurt as bad. As I lay on my stomach after he had filled me, he handed me a tampon that he had found in my box of secrets. "I think you need that to stop leaking baby. Then I want you to put on those things I laid out and we are going for some breakfast. I'm starving." It was humiliating but I did as he said. With my butt plugged, I picked up the yellow nylon panties with plump red cherries depicted on them, a pale yellow panty girdle and pulled them up my hips tucking my penis back between my legs. I attached the hose to the girdle's tabs and put my cross your heart bra back on. Then I dropped a yellow full slip with brown floral lace trim on the bodice and hem followed by the wrap around dress in black rayon with large hibiscus flower prints on it. After stepping into my pumps, I went over to the dresser and fixed my face. I dug around in my box purse and found the one pair of clip on earrings that I had. They were gold trim with a large fax-pearl. I checked the purse making sure I had lipstick and my other cosmetics in it, then put my wallet in. I was ready for my first public outing scared shitless. I knew what I looked like...I was a guy in a dress. My foundation was too heavy as was the rest of my make up for a real woman to be wearing in the early morning. When I tried to explain all this to Jose, he just grinned and said not to worry. "I'll take you to an okay place. Now come on baby I am starving." We wound up in a dilapidated part of the Mexican side of town. He took me to what had originally be a house, but now converted into a caf?. Thankfully, it was dark inside and there weren't more than three other people in it. A very fat Mexican woman came over to our table wearing a black full skirt and pink with floral background blouse. She took our order in a bored "I'm too tired to care attitude". "Maria," Jose spoke up, "What no smile for me?" "Oh, it's you Jose. I'm sorry but it has been a very long night. Who's your punta?" She said this time with a smile. "Maria, this is my very good friend," he said and I gasped. He revealed my real name. "You're gong to be seeing a lot of her in the future. I'm thinking about renting the place in back for her to stay. Maybe you could use a girl like her on the weekends?" "Well I don't know Jose, but I will think about it. You want a beer with your breakfast tacos?" I was never so scared or humiliated in my life. What was he saying about renting me a place and having me work for Maria? I was almost to tears and began trembling. Jose reached out and took my hand, "Don't worry baby, I'll take good care of you," he said. That remark really scared me. I screamed and then I woke up. I was wearing my white nightie and it stuck to my groin and butt. I felt like I had been run over by a train and my anus burned, but I was by myself. Jose was gone. Thankfully, he never came back. What would have happened if my dream had been real and I stayed with Jose? That thought scares me because maybe I would have like it.

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Office Drinks

I had been living in New York City for a year or so and working in a big office, there were a lot of young people working there and we would organise regular nights out, usually on a Friday after work to a local bar to drink off the stresses of the week. This one Friday a bunch of us were going out and I was very pleased to hear that Sally would be coming along, Sally worked in sales, she was tall with curly long blonde hair, with a lovely shape, a real blonde bombshell type. She didn’t have...

2 years ago
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Search for the Relic

After days of travelling, you reach the gate the King specified. It's three times as tall as you are and carved into a mountainside. As you inspect the door you realize it has a locking mechanism- once you go in you're not going to be able to get out until you find that relic. You sigh, sip from your canteen, and push the doors open. Immediately the musky smell of the cave rushes out, almost as if the cave is taking a deep breath. You unsheathe your sword and cautiously step in, casting a spell...

2 years ago
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Love From Overseas Prologue

Introduction: This is only a prologue, there wont be any sex! If youre looking for a quick one handed story, look somewhere else. Based on a true story of how my brother met the love of his life and turned his whole life around. Since my first post didnt bode so well, I decided to make an extension. There will be NO SEX in this story, as it is only a prologue. If you enjoy a good romance story, this should please you. However, I will add sex to the upcoming chapters, providing if you guys want...

2 years ago
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An Older Gentlemen Took Control Of My Wife And I

My beautiful wife Ann and I had a great marriage. We loved one another more than the world but that all changed one day about three months ago. My wife Ann and I are in our early forties and loved doing things like biking and taking long walks together. We spent a lot of time together and loved being outdoors. I was Ann’s only partner in life as she only dated me and no one else. We had a great sex life and, in a way, that great sex life maybe the root of our problem we both now share. How it...

4 years ago
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House Guest

This is a rough draft. Let me know what you think.------------I imagined that I was a friend visiting you. It was the morning and you were in the shower, but there was only one bathroom and I had to pee really bad. I nervously knocked on the bathroom door and said that it was an emergency, could I use the bathroom really quick. You hesitated, but said yes. I said I'd close my eyes and just look at the toilet. I walked in, but noticed the shower curtain was almost see through. Your back was to...

3 years ago
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Club Indigo pt1

1.‘Time to get dressed my sissy cuck’ Anna grinned as she strutted nakedaround the bedroom, picking out the most revealing, provocative clothes she had. ‘Yourdevotion to me and humiliation of yourself in my honour really gets me wet you know.’Pete’s eyes twitched watching her longingly from the corner he was kneeling in. Sheadorned black suspenders which held up a set of beautifully decorated tights followedby some tight lacy underwear that Pete had bought her for the occasion. ’I know Ihaven’t...

1 year ago
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The green Sofa by CodeRouge Redcode

The GREEN SOFAtranslated from French by Cleland- " I've got a hard-on look...I've got a hard-on I'm hard as a tiger, as an ogre, as a donkey...I'm so hard my glans hurts...It's all purple for God's sake...Look at it !! You're so naughty Red...I mean those photos...What the hell ?!?- It's sweetened condensed milk...It's not what you think it is...- Well nevertheless you're the queen of special effects...I've got a hard-on and in one hour I'm supposed to be at work...And you know how long it...

1 year ago
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Lust Crazed Fools Part 2

Nikki's car rushed down the interstate towards Trent. She knew he was waiting for her. They only had 24 hours stolen away together. A few short hours stolen from their everyday lives. For a day they belonged to each other. No question. No phone calls. No explanations. Solely to each other. Nikki and Trent had spent quite a bit of time together but not uninterrupted and not overnight. She looked forward to laying in his arms all night and feeling his body pressed against hers, feeling his breath...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Getting Mom Interested CH05

A week has passed since my little vixen, Becky, had me thinking about her fucking my Dad while Mom and I watched. While my Dad also had an out-of-town trip planned, and it was fast approaching.Still, I wasn't sure how we would pull this off since I wasn't sure how Mom would react to the idea of her husband fucking another woman. However, I also didn't see why she would be too upset with it, since we both were fucking like bunnies behind my father's back right now.Only as I was lying in bed...

2 years ago
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I had driven us to a walking park in a lightly wooded forest outside of town, directly off the four lane. While it was right on the main road, I knew the park got no traffic at night, and I knew a hill in the park where we could be concealed while we were able to effectively spot any vehicle entering, with plenty of time to recover from whatever we were doing to achieve some semblance of normal appearance. Anyone that found us would know that we were up to no good, but all evidence would be...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Boyfriend

Prologue My daughter is 13, her boyfriend is14 and I am 34! Cindy Owens had taken the two children to Pacific Beach to enjoy the sun on a warm summer afternoon. She sat on her towel and watched as her thirteen-year-old daughter, Gail played at the water line with her new friend and classmate Ron. Ron was fourteen and had just moved to San Diego from Virginia and when Gail had met him she immediately 'fell in love' with the handsome young man. Cindy was sure that it was just another example...

1 year ago
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Things Happen for a ReasonChapter 7

There was just no other way to describe her. The woman was beautiful. Beautiful in that classy Grace-Kelly-kind-of-way, even while she was scantily dressed. An angel and a vixen, that's how she looked. Luke, almost reluctantly, pulled his eyes away from the woman who'd just stepped into the bar and grill and returned to nursing the beer he'd bought to help settle his nerves. He was waiting on his old co-worker to meet him for lunch and was a little worried about the information he'd...

2 years ago
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Weird Fantasys Part 1

Anyways, this is a story about how I got into the whole incest scene. Not really sure how it happened, and I never had any fantasy's about incest before then, but, when I was sitting on her back, her in a skimpy bikini, me rubbing lotion on her back... well, I'll just start from the beginning to leave out any confusion. So, today was a day like any other. I got a message from my sister's, she being 17 at the time as well (let's call her Zelda, just for the sake of humor), dick-wad...

1 year ago
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Mother Gets Caught

Mother Gets Caught. Author’s note:        This story might be a little ?soft? for some but I still think it is a good story. Maybe some can take the basic story and modify it to their own satisfaction but I enjoyed writing it like this. Let me know what you think. THX.I came home from school. My dad wasn’t home, yet. He wouldn’t be home for a few hours. I am fifteen and I am in the eighth grade. My name is Sandy. Mom is usually home but I deemed to be home alone. That was not unusual. She was...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 48

Jim LaCross was a lot happier when he had a full infield. Fred Hartman manned third base, another first for him. Ryan Radabaugh fielded shortstop and Rafael Mendoza gave a big target at first. LaCross led them through fielding drills, including have Brock cover first on a few bunts. He was actually fairly impressed with way the morning went, after his carrot-topped shortstop got over his euphoria and a subsequent bout of nerves. "It's the same game you've been playing for years," Brock...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi8217s Consensual Rape

“Fuck! It’s 6 o’clock,” I said looking at my watch, to no in particular. “You got anything to eat man? It feels like I haven’t eaten anything for ages,” I asked one of my final year project group partner. “Nahh man,” replied the one whose room we had ‘hijacked’ for near about whole last year, “last piece of food got finished hours ago while you were sleeping.” “Dude! I only slept for like 20 minutes then. And...

2 years ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Continuation FanficChapter 2

The light at the end of the tunnel isn't ALWAYS an oncoming train "Since when do you decide if we're going to have a family conference, whore?" Bill began to rant, before seeing the look in her eyes and changing tack. "I mean we still have to get food for the fridge and you have to make us breakfast..." he tapered off lamely. "I know honey," Wendy began, using an endearment instead of master or sir before continuing, "and we will, this worthless shit-eating, cock sucking dime-whore...

2 years ago
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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 6 Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a teenager’s cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a fifteen-year-old Hispanic slut I claimed at the church orgy. Pina brought my burgeoning harem up to ten women: my wife, my four daughters, Crystal’s...

1 year ago
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JessicaChapter 2 Tabitha

"Hi! This is Jessica. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible..." I waited for the voice mail connection and promptly forgot what I wanted to say. "Uh, hi. It's John, from last Thursday? Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be free this evening. Not free, uh ... I mean, available? For a date? Um ... Maybe I'll email you. Shoot. But if you want to call me back, my number is..." I hung up the phone feeling like...

3 years ago
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VT a Lesbian Love Story Ch 06

Week Six:R & R Trin did not like being bedridden. She detested being waited upon, and she sure as hell hated the compression stockings affixed to her thighs. Since she got home from the hospital she would doze all day with Violet, and then allow herself to be dressed. Together they walked outside for a set number of blocks, then returned home. Violet had installed an air-conditioner into their room despite her own discomfort. Trin emotionally was withdrawn. She did not do much, mostly...

3 years ago
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Getting Fucked Off My Mates Uncle True

Hi, This Is A True StoryThis Happened About 2 years Ago When I Was Just 17.My Friend Jake Who Was the same age as me was invited to a family christening one weekend.Because he didn't want to be bored he brought me along to the after party at rugby club function room .We was both their for a few hours and most the older family members went home and jakes uncle ross came over and bought us a drinkHe started chatting to us having a laugh and a joke. I was Gay and Jake Knew and the day before he...

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Fun in the Sun

Fun In The Sun It was the fourth day of our holiday in Majorca we had been round the pool all morning and after lunch Paul said shall we go for a walk this afternoon instead of frying in the sun again. It was a very hot day and I couldn’t decide what to wear and decided on my light coloured patterned summer dress as it was nice and thin and being quite short I thought it wouldn’t be too bad, I couldn’t find my white bra to put under it but had a white bikini top that I thought would be ok but...

4 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 11 The Highway

Everybody has their stories about traveling on The Highway, and they're all worth listening to. That's because every one of them is different. No one ever seems to take the same journey as anyone else, even when seeking the same destination. And while some segments are so plain and deserted as to not even be worth mention, others are memorable beyond belief. Here's my list of the ones I'll never forget. The first place that really threw me was our fourth segment where we drove into a...

2 years ago
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Shadi mai suhagraat

Hello to all ISS reader, dosto ye ek sachi dastaan hai meri , waise mera name harry hai aur mai lucknow mai raheta hu .Ab apni dastaan par aata hu ye ghatna mere ek ristey daar ki shadi mai hui thi actullay wo lucknow se bahar rahetey they lekin ladkey wale lucknow ke hi they isliye wo log lucknow mai hi aa kar shadi kar rahey they wo bhi mere ghar se sab kuch ho raha tha . Mere ghar mai sab relatives rukey huey unhi mai se ek meri door ki buwa ki ladki thi name tha jyoti kareeb 20 saal ki hogi...

1 year ago
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Anokhi Girlfriend Ki Chudai

Hi Dotson! Mera naam Sahil hai jo ki mera asli naam nahi hai. Mein ek BPO mein kaap karta hoon kaafi achcha kamaata hoon. Ye meri pehli kahani hai jo mein sabhi ladke ladkiyon ke saath share karna chahta hoon ladkon ka Lund shaant Karne k liye and ladkiyon ki choot ki aag bhujane k liye agar phir bhi kisi ladki ki aag na bhuje to mere email id pe sabhi girls contact karein aur apni hawas ki bhook mitaayein. Mein apne bare mein batata hu mein ek average height fit body aur ek mote aur lambe...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Amilia Onyx Loves Getting Wet

A plumber, Amilia Onyx, is standing in the shower of a massage parlor with her toolkit nearby, tinkering with the showerhead. Even though she’s concentrating on her work, her mannerisms are bubbly and energetic, clearly showing that she’s a happy-go-lucky person that enjoys her job. Meanwhile, the clueless masseur Van Wylde walks in, carrying a towel, and is startled to see a woman in the shower. At the same time, the shower head turns on. Amilia lets out a squeal and tries to stop...

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Bi Bi Miss American Pi

Samantha Bigby was arguably the most popular teacher in the high school. She was cute, young, full-breasted, and funny, but what made her especially attractive was her accent. She was a Brit. Originally, anyway, and very recently landed from the UK. She had just married an American serviceman who had brought her back to what her dad jokingly referred to as the colonies–Virginia, no less–and there she was when our story took place. She had never been to America before her marriage, so she found...

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My name is Ben Harker. I’m one of the Forester Five, the group of kids you probably read about in the paper a decade ago. We were five unrelated kids born on the same day across the world and given up for adoption. Some billionaire-funded research group swooped in and took us for these strange experiments. They gave us weird drugs and monitored us day in and day out. To this day, no one knows the purpose of these experiments or the full extent of the physical or psychological effects they had...

1 year ago
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Sodom Eyes Part 3 Taste Testing

William held the pestle against my butthole. I could feel how cold it was. He told me to take a deep breath, and slowly pushed it in. My ass spread wide, wider than ever before, wider than my brothers or Uncle Jake ever made it wide. It popped past my anal ring and the muscles closed over the glass shaft as the head decended into the depths of my rectum, spreading those walls, seeking out new life, and new pleasure, boldly going where no man had gone before. After Hal’s and my little tryst,...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 32

I sat sipping my coffee, waiting for Kat to return. I was thinking about those dogs and how they had handled the prisoner. The one dog had gotten hold of the man, and with all the growling and fang showing, the skin hadn't been broken. Not even when he shook his head back and forth. I had pretty much made up my mind that when we got back, I was going to buy all three of them for my own. Of course I knew Sally would have them eating out of her hand, the way she was with animals. At least when...

1 year ago
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Maria Russian Cum Girlfriend

Hello dosto me aadi ek bar fir hazir hu ek aisi dastan leker jise yad karke me bahot romanchit ho jata hu mera nam aadi hai me mumbai se hu age 28 me iss ka kafi purana fan hu lekin story likhna mene abhi abhi shuru kiya hai muje jarur bataye aapko story kaisi lagi taki me agli story likh saku my email is To chaliye story per chalte hai ye story meri aur meri ek gf maria ke bare me hai. maria indian hai but she lives in russia as her father shifted there long time back aur ek din dating site...

3 years ago
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Healthcare Reform A nurse fantasy

I had been having some difficulties of a personal nature recently. Nothing really major, probably just a normal part of aging, but I felt I should be checked out. I was just hoping this would go smoothly. I parked my car and made my way into the modern glass office building. I found the office number on the wall chart and made my way onto the elevator. I could feel my level of nervousness rise along with the rising of the elevator. When I got to my floor, I entered the office. ...

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Going Nova

The characters, events and organisations in this story are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people or organisations is coincidental and unintended. Going Nova By Emma Smith Friday, 14 February 2003 Chapter 1 System Compromise I sweep through the airport arrivals lounge with my entourage behind me. I am in full flow, an unstoppable force. Network camera drones track and focus as I march forward. Some of them are...

4 years ago
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Public Exposure

Since my last series was fantasy, and I couldn't decide on a new theme yet, I decided to just write a few of my own true experiences. About two years ago I decided to fulfill some fantasies and adverstised on a casual sex web site for couples looking for a bi male. One of the first I met was a couple from out of town here on business. They weren't really a couple, but a gay guy and his straight girlfriend who liked to watch each other play. They proposed meeting at their hotel pool and all...

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