Beginnings free porn video

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When I look back at the history of my relationship with my wife Lexi, there has been a great many changes over the years. I think every couple in love starts with the same exclusively monogamous, ‘till death do you part’ scenario. I remember I used to get fits of jealousy if a guy even checked Lexi out. If she flirted, I would go ballistic. How times have changed. After many years of marriage, we are now invested in an open relationship. I know this is not for everyone, and at times I question the wisdom of this decision. For us, it broke all the moral and social barriers we believed in. This is an account of how it all began.

We were married ten years ago, and for the most part, we were a normal couple making our way through life a day at a time. When we first met, our life was crazy and exciting, and we thought it always would be, but like so many we got stuck in the rut of daily living. I think for most people, there is a certain amount of security in developing a routine in your life. Unfortunately for us, that list of chores also included our sex life. Lovemaking had lost its spontaneity, and became a scheduled event, kind of like doing the laundry.

This certainly didn't come about because my wife let herself go, or is undesirable. Far from it. Lexi is a stunning woman by any standard. She has all the right curves in all the right places, and attracts attention wherever she goes, but there is a lot more to her than a hot bod and pretty face. She is also smart, articulate and formidable as a business woman.

However, like a lot of couples, our lack of creativity and over-familiarity with each other reduced our passion. Don't get me wrong, she's always tried to be attentive and has been a wonderful lover to me. I think our lack of creativity led us into a functional sexual relationship. I believe many people become boring by choice, but it can be overcome, if you're willing to push the parameters a little. In our case, it was more than a little.

We are both professionals that must meet the public daily, so our appearance is important. Part of our plan is to maintain a healthy life-style of diet and fitness, so we usually meet at the gym four days a week. I normally do heavy lifting, while Lexi does cardio.

I remember back to about a year and a half ago; I was watching Lexi work out at our local gym. It was fascinating how she captivated the attention of almost all the men within view. Once a guy using the squat machine next to me pointed out how hot she was. Initially, that statement made me feel proud, but it also prompted me to take a long look at her and reassess what a gem she is.

She truly is a beauty. That skintight outfit showed off her fit figure, with large, pert breasts, firm, round butt, and strong, shapely legs. As she pumped hard on the stair-climber, the wet fabric clung to her like a second skin. Her prominent nipples poked out the thin fabric of her top. As I watched, she flirted with the guy next to her. He was totally focused on her, and seemed oblivious to all else. Instead of being jealous, I found it kind of an erotic turn on. I think that was the first time I ever considered her being with another man.

This fantasy started that day with a casual passing glance, but rooted itself in my brain as a seed continued to grow. I began to cultivate this vision of her being with other men a bit at a time. After time, It was actually becoming more of a full-blown obsession. I did manage to keep it to myself for the time being. Then, I started reading forum testimonials of people in this lifestyle and I discovered that it was more common than I first thought. Looking back, I'm not sure if this desire to share my wife was natural or cultivated into what it is. In either case, it was now ingrained within me.

One evening after dinner, Lexi was telling me about this new employee at her firm, named Henry. She described how all the girls in the office were enamored with him and thought he was a hot commodity. It was then I asked, "Do you see him that way too?"

"Hmmm,” she thought. “Sure, I suppose so. Why?" she replied.

"I dunno. You’ve never mention finding a guy attractive before. He must be something special.”

"You sound a bit jealous, hun," she laughed.

"Hmmm. So, you find him hot? Has he made any overture to you?”

"Of course, not! I'm a married woman! He wouldn't dare,” she stated abruptly.

"I know you’re the hottest woman in that whole firm. Are you telling me he hasn't flirted, or hit on you?" I asked.

"Of suppose he has, but he knows I'm married. Why would you even ask something like that?"

"Are you aware of how men lust after you?"

"I suppose, but I don't pay much attention to it. It's happened all my adult life. What is it you are saying?"

"Well… I was just curious if you ever thought what it would feel like to be with another guy? After all I'm the only man you've ever been with.”

"Never! Are you nuts? I love you, and am faithful to you alone.”

"I know that. I know you're faithful, but that did not answer my question. Do you ever fantasize about being with other men?"

"Is that what you want? For me to be with another man, so you can be with another woman?"

"Hell no! I don't desire to be with another woman. I was wondering if you ever considered being with other men as a passing fantasy. Sometimes I do.”

"What? Are you crazy? How could you fantasize me being with another man?”

"I dunno. It has been on my mind lately. I know you've only been with me your whole life. Doesn't it ever cross your mind what it would be like?"

"I can't believe you just said that! I'm your wife. Why would you even think such a thing? That's sick."

"Forget it. It was just a passing thought. Sorry I brought it up. I won't mention it ever again."


A few months later, we were out to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, when Lexi said, “I have something I want to tell you.”


“I was working in the file room today, and Henry asked me to have lunch or dinner with him.”

"Who's Henry?" I asked.

"You remember, I told you about him before. The new guy at work."

"Oh yeah, I remember - the hot guy that was causing wet panties at your firm." I chuckled. "Is that why you've been dressing a bit more provocatively for work lately?"

"I didn't know you noticed,” she grinned.

“Kinda hard to miss, when you go from high collars to showing cleavage. So… is that what you want? Do you want to go out with him?"

"No, of course not! I would never do that to you! I just told you he asked.”

"Technically... you wouldn't be doing it to me. You'd be doing it to him." I chuckled. She glared.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I am saying, I don't control you; it's your choice. Do whatever you desire. I'm okay with it," I said, taking her hand and looking into her eyes, so she'd know I was serious.

"Including... you know what?"

"Especially you know what." I squeezed her hand.

“This is crazy. I think you're actually serious.” She looked puzzled and pulled her hand away.

“Sweetheart, all I'm saying is it's your choice.”

“I can't believe we are even discussing this, Alan! This is all so confusing.”

This ongoing dialogue went on for months and was often the topic of our pillow talk. We started to add it to our role play and it was an extreme boost in our sex life. Lexi started to openly discuss the possibility of being a Hot-wife. It was influencing her in other ways also. She was acting more confident and dressing more provocatively.


Several days later, I picked her up at work because her car was in the shop. Lexi was unusually quiet. We drove and listened to the radio. I sensed her fidgeting, as if she was uncomfortable. She was in her own world, staring out the side window, as if in a trance, deep in thought.

To break the silence, I shut off the radio and asked, “Sweetheart, is everything alright? You look troubled.”

“Alan, I want to discuss something with you. It's really important,” she said nervously, after a pause.

“Sure, go ahead. What's on your mind?”

"I have something to tell you but I'm afraid you'll be mad.”

"Tell me anything. What's on your mind?" I paused, raising an eyebrow.

"I went to lunch today with Henry. He's been asking a lot. So today I agreed! Thinking if I did he would stop pestering me."

"Oh? What happened?”

"Well, we took his car, because I didn't have mine. It was very uncomfortable, as I could sense his attraction to me the whole time. At lunch, he asked several rather intimate questions about us.”

“Questions like what?” The car behind honked because I didn't go on green.

“Things like, if we are happy. He pried about our sex life. Then he asked if I ever considered a lover? I was shocked. I told him it was not appropriate for him to ask those personal things and I told him I wanted to go back to the office."

"Wow! What else?"

"Then… on the way back, he... he kissed me."

My mouth dropped open and I gasped, not quite believing what she just said. Then I said in a raised voice, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No. I'm not kidding. Please don't be angry.” She paused.

I sat there in disbelief.

"Every since you planted that thought into my mind, it has been nagging at me. You had asked me before if I ever considered being with another man. I truthfully said no, but... since you brought it up, I think about it quite a lot now.”

"Damn! This was just some delusion I shared with you, Lexi. I never thought it would become a reality. Tell me the truth. Was that all that happened?"

"Well, not quite... I… I kissed him back, and he... felt my breasts too," Lexi said softly.

"Shit! I can't believe this is happening," I said, pulling off the road before we got into an accident.

“Would yo please forgive me? I told you rather than hide it. I would never cheat on you.” She spoke in a barely audible voice.

"Nothing to forgive. It all started as my fantasy if you remember? So, I guess I'm as responsible as you are. My question is... what do you want to do? Are you wanting to continue this?"

"I honestly don't know. Would it make you mad if I did?"

"I can't believe I'm sitting here discussing my wife having sex with some other guy. It's kinda nuts. I'm happy you told me, rather than have an affair. And... if I was mad about it, I wouldn't be sitting here sporting a huge erection.”

“Then… you think I should continue?”

“I told you before, it is your decision and It appears you've already made it, but if you're going through with this, then I guess we need to establish some rules.”

"Rules? What rules?"

"Well, to begin with, this is a shared fantasy between us. Nothing has happened yet. If you pursue this with him or another guy you must make it clear that you're not seeking a relationship. I want to lessen the chance of romantic entanglement, and... I have veto power. If I say no, it's no.”

“That seems fair I guess, since this started as your fantasy,” she replied with a smile.

“Then... any guy you're with must also have a current blood test for STD's. Too risky without it.”

“I’m not quite sure how I'd ask something like that. I mean, doesn't that seem a bit… ummm… Calculated?”

“It might seem like a mood kill, but diseases are rampant and deadly.”

“Okay. I'll agree. Anything else?”

“Yeah, one last thing. I don't want any condoms. You're on the pill.”

"Wow! You've given this some thought, haven't you? But why no condoms? You want a blood test, but no condoms? Why?”

"Because, part of my fantasy is getting sloppy-seconds," I grinned.


A few days later, Lexi called from work.

"How are you doing, hun? She spoke softly.

"Okay I suppose, kinda busy. What's up?"

"Henry just asked me out again."

"Hmmm, and...?"

"Well... I told him I wanted to, but had to ask you first. He was a bit stunned that I was telling you. Then I told him all the things we talked about. I told him about the rules. He smiled, and handed me a current card from the health service, showing he was free of STD's. I didn't expect that. I think he's kinda anxious to get into this.”

"So, when is this happening?" I asked, not quite believing how fast this was progressing. Can you send me a photo?”

“Sure… just a moment.”

I opened the text. There was a photo. It showed him to be a large black man with a big smile. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored suit. I could tell he was muscular even though fully dressed.

“Damn, that was a surprise. When is this proposed to happen?”

"He anxious, he wants it... uhhh... me... tonight."

"Damn! What time? This is progressing a lot faster than I anticipated. I have a partner meeting at five-thirty."

"Sweetie, he said he wants our first time to be just the two of us... and I agreed. I know you wanted to watch but I agreed I would feel uncomfortable first time. But it's up to you. Remember, you can still say no."

"And if I said no, would that make a difference at this point?"

"Hun… Henry already made dinner reservations... and booked a room."

"Well, I guess it is not truly up to me, as the room is already booked. So, you're really going through with this?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm on my way now, to the house, to change. I'll be gone by the time you get home. We're going to the Hilton Inn Hotel restaurant and lounge. I'll send you texts and updates throughout the evening."

"Well, I guess all that’s left is for me to say is to have fun. If anything happens, and you need me, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"I love you. Stay up and wait for me. I promise we'll have fun when I get home.”


This was not exactly going as I had planned. When I first envisioned this fantasy, I pictured me being there, but now I'm resigned to just waiting at home, like a faithful puppy dog.

After setting my briefcase in the credenza, I saw there was a sign on the kitchen bar, taped to the coffee pot. It said, “Thank you, Sweetheart. I love you❤ xxx. See you at home."

She had said she would text me throughout the progress of the date. I reheated some leftovers, and sat there in my easy chair, trying to occupy myself watching the news, but my mind was elsewhere. I was being torn up inside, questioning the wisdom of this decision.

My imagination was operating in overdrive. What were they talking about? Did they just skip dinner and go for the main course? Was he rough or gentle? Was he hung? A million thoughts flooded my brain. Regret was certainly on my mind. How could I be so stupid to risk the most important thing in my life?

About six-thirty, I received her first text. "At restaurant. Waiting to be seated. He's been a real gentleman."

I was watching some mindless sitcom, when just after eight, she texted, "Dinner was wonderful, he's so witty and handsome. Going to dance awhile and have a couple drinks. I think you would like him. Talk soon. xxx."

I sat there, staring at the screen on my phone with total anticipation. At eight-forty-five, I received another text, “We've been dancing and I'm soooo damn hot. My pussy is dripping wet. We're going to room soon."

Reality gripped my guts. My wife is about to have sex with another man. This is nuts. I sat there almost motionless, in anticipation of the next message. I wanted to text back and say stop! I must be insane allowing this.

At ten after nine, I get a text with a picture of a giant black cock, saying: "He's fucking huge. I think he's going to fuck me now. See you at home. Wait up for me, love. Xxx.”

I stared at the photo. That dick looked like it belonged on a porn star. It made my six and half inches look like a cocktail weenie. It was ripping me up on my insides, thinking of her being pounded by that enormous black veined monster. I was feeling every emotion in the book, all at once. Anger, lust, rage, jealousy, envy, all coursed through my veins at the same time.

A short time later, about ten, I received my last text. It showed my wife spread-eagle on a hotel bed with her legs spread with a huge amount of semen pouring out her gaped vagina. She was grinning like she'd just accomplished a great feat.

Just before two in the morning, I heard a car pull up in the drive way. The headlights were glowing through the curtains. I turned out all the lights and peered out the kitchen window. He was kissing her goodnight. I felt a twinge of jealousy. Henry was a bit younger than me, but built like a linebacker, big and muscular. Lexi lifted up on her toes, slid her hand in his unbuttoned dress-shirt, and kissed him deep. I couldn't see his face clearly in the dark. I rushed back to my recliner as she fiddled with the lock to open the door, and I pretended to be asleep. The door open and shut, and I heard the click of her heels on the tile.

"Honey? You awake?" she said softly, and shook my shoulder lightly.

"Oh, yeah. I'm awake. How was it?" I asked, looking at her through squinted eyes

Without saying a word, Lexi took my hand by the wrist and put it on her soaked panties, then said, "Come on, stud. It's your turn! Let's go to bed.”

She led me by the hand toward the bedroom. I followed her up the stairs, watching her butt sway confidently. She tossed her jacket on the chair, and then stood in front of the bed, waiting.

“Undress me!” she commanded.

The shimmering moon light cascaded through the window, highlighting her glowing beauty. I don't think I've ever seen her prettier. I was now seeing what he saw. That elegant black dress that showed off her cleavage looked new to me. I wondered if she bought it just for him.

I unzipped the back and peeled it down, exposing her braless full globes of perfection. She stepped out of the dress, and I carefully placed it on the back of the dressing-chair. Then I pulled her to me, and kissed her with a passion we haven't felt in years. She tasted of him, and I could smell his cologne on her. It only heightened my desire.

“Did you have fun?”

“We will talk later. Right now, I need you.”

I hooked my fingers in her cum-soaked panties and slid them down. She stepped out of them, and pulled them off her feet. She was breathtaking, standing there wearing only her garter belt, nylons, and high-heels. The alabaster glimmer of her skin was enhanced by the moon rays. She laid back on the bed and spread her legs, exposing her well-fucked, cum-loaded pussy. I was soon to find out he had really pumped her full.

“Alan, I want you to do something you might not want to do. I want you to come here and lick me!” she commanded.

This seemed grotesque to me and out of character for her. I just stared at her pussy, with his cum seeping out. She placed her fingers on her labia and spread them.

“Alan! Do it now! He said this is the true test of a cuck. If you're my cucky, then lick me.” She forcefully stated.

I quickly pulled off my clothes, discarding them wherever they fell, and then knelt on the floor in front of her waiting pussy. I cupped her butt cheeks and hesitated. Her vagina was becoming clearer in the darkened room as I came closer. I could see the oozing fluid seeping out. The smell of his sex was strong. I fingered her clit and slid in my fingers pulling them out coated in cum.

“Ohhhh. Eat me. Make me come. Please! That's it!” She raised her hips up pushing her pussy into my face.

I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue and she moaned some more. Her pussy opened like a flower, and more cum was released. It tasted salty and made me gag.

Lexi cried out her pleasure loudly, bucking her hips and gripping me by the back of the head tightly, pulling me in, as she jerked with an orgasm. Her heightened arousal induced me to lick her vigorously, bringing her to multiple climaxes.

“Fuck me… Now!” she gasped, pulling me to her. My cock had never been harder or more ready.

Not needing any further coaxing, I crawled between her legs to claim my long-awaited prize. I normally enter her slowly, because of her tightness, but she was so well-gaped, I slid into her soaked pussy with no resistance at all. She was stretched so much I wondered how long it would take for it to go back to normal. The remnant of his seed made a squishing sound as I pumped. I was delirious, with my mind spinning in pleasure. This was the most unbelievable sex I'd ever had.

“Ohhh, that is incredible. Fuck me! Fuck me harder. Claim me back! Don't stop. Ahhh, keep going!” Lexi cried out in a lustful, unfamiliar commanding voice.

“Let me put my legs together. It'll be tighter for you,” she suggested.

I couldn’t believe she was indicating I was too small. She always said how big I was. I did as she asked, pushing her legs together and straddling the outside of her hips. I was caught up in the moment, fucking her like a mad man, repossessing what was mine. The sounds of sex filled the room. Our skin slapped with every thrust. The bed squeaked and headboard hammered against the wall. I was uncontrollably pumped into her like never before, like I was on a mission to take back what was mine.

“Ohhh, my God! Fuck me! Fuck your whore wife! Ahhh, I'm coming!” She screamed out.

Trying to hold back was useless, as I felt that familiar wave of intensity wash over me. I was trying to stop the inevitable, but that was impossible. Every nerve in my being was engaged into one unified purpose - releasing my hours of built-up anticipation.

“Ahhh, I'm coming!” I cried out, as I ejaculated into her womb. Spurt after spurt, I emptied my balls, mixing my seed with his. It seeped out, puddling on the bed-spread. Spent, and breathless, I collapsed on her, recovering from the most intense sex of my entire life.

"That was unbelievable!” I panted.

"It was wonderful. You were incredible, Alan!”

“As good as him?”

“It's not a competition, Alan. He was huge and hit places we've never touched before.”

“This was quite a day for you, hun. How do you feel?"

“How do I feel? I feel… I feel… really, really fucked!” she giggled.

“Where do we go from here?” I asked, after a couple minutes of silence, except our heavy breathing.

“Where do we go from here? I don't know about you, but I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?”

“You know what I meant, smart-ass. Where is it that we're taking this?”

“Don't ruin the moment, honey. I haven't thought that far ahead. We will talk about it tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to savor this incredible day. Can you do one more thing for me, sweetheart?” Lexi said, with pleading puppy eyes.

“Anything, my love.”

“Anything? Are you sure?”

“Yes! Anything!” I replied, resolutely.

“Great! You sleep on this side of the bed,” she said, looking at the big wet spot and laughing.


The next morning, I awoke around noon. After I made the coffee and brought her a cup, we lay in bed, discussing Lexi’s encounter. Lexi was so very graphic, describing it all in exquisite detail. I asked her if she was planning on seeing him again, but she said she hadn't thought that far ahead and would talk later.

"Right now, I've got something I want to show you,” she said, pulling her phone out of her purse and totally surprising me.

“Henry asked that I play this video. Can you broadcast it on the big screen, like you did with our vacation footage? I haven't seen it yet either, since he recorded it.”

"Sure, I can,” I replied, and placed it in the media cradle.

I took the remote, and scanned down the MP4 files in the opening menu. Then I selected the one that said “untitled.” The TV flickered, and the video started in HD mode, complete with sound. I watched the screen picture as it shook and came into focus. There was a big, muscular black man sitting on the edge of the bed, in what appeared to be a lavish hotel room. He began to talk in a deep voice.

“Hello, Alan! I'm Henry, and just a few minutes ago, I finished fucking your wife for over four hours.” He stood, until just his torso showed, and I could see him holding that massive meat and shaking it for the camera. It seemed even bigger than the photo.

He continued, “Congratulations to your first step in becoming a Cuck. I told her to play this video only if you complied to doing the clean-up. This was your wife's first big black cock, but I assure you, after tonight, this won't be her last. The old saying that size doesn't matter is BS. Just ask your wife." he laughed.

I turned and looked at Lexi. She was showing little reaction.

“Alan, are you grasping the magnitude of what all this means? When you agreed to send your wife to me to be fucked, you abdicated all your rights as a husband. You tore up your marriage certificate, and served up your vows to the demon of lust. I assume by now you had a great time with her. Probably the best sex of your whole relationship. Right? You're at some cross-roads here, Alan.” He paused, and took a sip of water.

He continued, "If you send her back, she's mine to do with as I please - me, and my friends. That's right, you heard right - my friends. Talk it over. The decision is yours. If it is no, then I say thanks for a memorable evening. If yes, then be prepared to have your world rocked.” He approached the video-phone, it flickered and went blank.

I sat for what seemed like an eternity, staring at the blank screen, trying to digest what just happened. I turned to face Lexi, but she was avoiding eye contact. Then I said, “Is he serious?

"I think so.”

“Is it true that the choice is up to me? If I say no, then that's it? Our lives go back to normal?”

“Yes and no. If you say no, then it ends right here, but I don't think things will ever go back to normal.


To be continued...






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Incredible ChangesChapter 116 School Again Argggg

After the two weeks off, the mission I can’t remember, the clinic and then the weekend at Lenny’s house, I really hate having to get up to go back to school. The principal is a complete dick! Just the idea of going back to school had me in a funk as I showered, zapped the peach fuzz off my face, brushed my teeth and rolled on some deodorant. At breakfast mom and dad tried to ask me about the clinic and the past weekend, but they could tell I was in a funk. “David, as much as you might want...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 32 A Flower in the Night

Once Abril and I were done with the shower we dried each other and kept the romantic mood going. When we were dry she kissed me passionately again and pulled my finger to her sex. Her slit was moist, but I was not inclined to press between the folds of flesh. Still, even where I was, some spots got an unmistakable response. Then she pulled us both into the bed without any hint of sleepwear. My answer and my surprise walked in the door. This west wing of the house has three bedrooms along a...

2 years ago
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Another Level For Timmy Part one

Another level For Timmy (Part one) It was Christmas eve and Madge had gone over to Ruth and Timmy's for dinner and to open presents and spend the evening. Ruth was a bit saddened to hear that Madge was going to be moving away to a new town soon. And she had also been chatting with Madge over coffee about Timmy's little problem of liking to wear ladies things even though she didn't wear much in the way of classic feminine clothes. Then Madge admitted to catching him in her nylons,...

1 year ago
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Dyan pronouce Diane

As Dyan walks into an upper-class restaurant for a late brunch-business meeting, she stops in front of large mirror in the foyer to check herself. For this meeting she has chosen the gray pinstriped suit jacket with the matching tight skirt that ends just below mid-thigh and a silk, pink, button-front blouse. She checks her skirt to see if there is any trace of her garters that is holding up her sheer skin colored silk stockings. Dyan also turns around to check and see if the lines on the back...

2 years ago
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Scattered CrystalChapter 2 Cooling

Location Bloody Claw, Red Blade Territory Time Dusk 6500 hours Kin awoke to the sounds of flutes. He tumbled out of his hammock and pulled on a clean breechclout. With practiced economy he unslung the hammock, then collected and packed his gear, lugging it from the alcove to where Ka was stabled. The wagon trays were up on stilts, and the Greens were piping the shard crabs back underneath the trays. One by one the shard crabs straightened up underneath their trays, taking the weight off the...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend Becomes the Prize

I love my girlfriend Moriah, she is the first girlfriend I have ever had that I felt this close to. She is also the only girl that I have ever liked to watch parade around in front of my other friends in skimpy outfits, or to see flash random strangers. She's a bombshell, 5'4", 108 pounds, has long natural dirty blond hair although it's now dyed a sort of mahogany red color. Her breasts are a 32D cup and her ass is impeccable- definitely her greatest feature. She has a pair of legs that just...

Group Sex
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Finding BalancePart 2

The third week, the Fourth of July week, my scout troop was going to scout camp. On Saturday night I helped my brother Andy get packed. Even though he was twelve and in his second year of scouts, this was his first year at scout camp. Last summer Andy had a chance to visit our cousin's farm in central Pennsylvania and went there instead of going to camp. This was my fourth year at camp. I was experienced. I planned to take Canoeing and Environmental Science Merit Badges. I also signed up to...

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Summer Job

After graduating from high school and before moving away to college, I took a summer job for a local construction company. Frank, the owner, was a nice guy and easy to work under. One morning, Frank asked me if I would be able to stop by his house on my way home and take a the screens out of the windows. They needed to be hosed down and cleaned now that spring was over. I knew where his house was, so I told him I’d do it.I’d never met his wife Cassie before, but from what all the other guys had...

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Hot Cousin Sister

Dear All After reading this story from me please be free to tell me your comments not on my cousin but how you did like this story. Any unsatisfied aunties divorced/ widowed/single/ and any girls above the age of 20 can contact e on I am James from Mumbai. I’m 26 yrs old stand 6ft whitish complexion and athletic body. I’m currently working for a MNC in Mumbai. I am a great fan of ISS and also my passion is to have sex with aunties which I have been lucky till now and have narrated this in my...

4 years ago
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Love And Sex In The Time Of Zombies Part 6

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Chapter 13 - Group Therapy= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = We got the street cleaned up by the afternoon. I called my people together."Hey guys, good work today. Let's get cleaned up for an early dinner up at the house. Then I want to have a strategy session, we gotta do something so this doesn't happen again." We piled into the trucks and headed up the hill to my shack.After we all got clean and shiny, we had a nice meal of canned spaghetti and meatballs, green beans,...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 4

[Preservation, West Georgia] Mike is two years old. It's late spring of 2014. It amazes me to realize I track time now by my son's age. Shirley and I are trying for another. Actually, we have been trying just without success in getting Shirley pregnant. She said that we enjoy making love too much to worry about her becoming pregnant. Janice and Bennie married six months ago and they had a church wedding after making their public announcement. I gave away the bride and Shirley, holding...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 26

------------------------------------------------------ Drag queens, mobsters, and spooks, oh my! -------------------------------------------------------- My presence in this would be minimal. After all, I could be spotted a hundred miles away. And that was the plan. Project T was going in and mussel in on the action the secret organization had going. New Orleans was, after all their base. So our group would come in and try to get as much of the action as possible and wait for...

3 years ago
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Blood Red Wine

Introduction: One of the only soft stories I have ever written…it was a hit on my former account, but please leave your comments. My heels clicked against the damp pavement as I made my way towards the sounds of heavy bass and shrill, girlish giggles. I could sense the lack of inhibitions, the innebriation and the excitement of the men who thought they would bring home a mate for the night. I breathed in deep the potent scent of alcohol, smoke and sexual excitement, knowing in my forever still...

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The ExperimentChapter 4

Emma never got as far as the Barrier Reef. After two days in Sydney she heard from the Professor. Would she return to take part in a final elimination? All her expenses were to be paid, including a flight back to Australia should she not be finally successful. She knew perfectly well that she would be successful. In his message, the Professor told her she had passed all the medical tests with flying colours. Much of the three days had been passed in completing several arduous physical...

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I cant believe I let it happen Jungle Fever

First off I'm a married mother of 2 girls. My husband and I are farm people who were forced to sell our farm and start working in town.I got a job with a catering house and my Husband John joined the merchant marine and is a crewman on an oil tanker. He's gone for months at a time and I get so horny without him. I was always and open minded person even though I've never seen much of the world. During Johns long absences I'd masturbate regularly to a growing collection of porn tapes. I was...

4 years ago
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Bosss Bitch Looking For A Home

For those of you that don’t know me, I am an exhibitionist. My husband encourages me to think of ways to show my body off. I usually am telling you about the sexual things I do with my boss or his wife and their clients, like sucking their dicks or fucking them in the office or licking the wife’s pussy. More on that later. But first I am going to tell you about finding a new home.My husband and I decided to find a realtor. We waited a couple of hours more that morning before we left. Being a...

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Mami Madness

Hi my name is Sunil changed for reasons and I am 23 years old. I live in Nasik and this is my first story. I have a mami named Ankita name changed again she is 37 years old and a mother to two children. She lives in Mumbai and is little between good shape and busty shape. I usually visit my mama’s age 44 house twice in a year and I always had a crush on my mami since childhood. I was a shy guy until I came across this site, where I was delighted to see many people having crush on their mami. I...

2 years ago
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Alone after office hour

That evening after working during a very heavy long day, I was still sitting behind my desk. I was really tired, but pleasantly so. My thoughts wandered away from work as I stared out the window overlooking the city lights.It was late and everyone had left the building, like Elvis…It was my favorite time to be alone in my office.I closed my eyes for a moment; but I then heard an unexpected noise coming from the hall. Probably would be one of the cleaning ladies, making her way through the...

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Rain Helped Me To Fuck Friend8217s Mom

Hi guys, this is not fictional, it’s original. Names are changed for privacy purpose. Any older woman like aunties, girls, and milf can contact me through my email “”. I keep your promise. This is Rajesh, my age is 26, I’m single and I stay in my uncles’ home in Bangalore and joined a small firm after my graduation I don’t have any friends in Bangalore so I always go alone. Once I happened to meet my childhood buddy saket in the mall after a decade or beyond and they are settled in Bangalore....

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 62

Getting back home from Bristol to Cardiff that afternoon was not the best rail journey we'd ever had, but it was also by no means the worst. Being a Sunday, there was of course some engineering work going on, this time around Severn Tunnel Junction, so the train crawled along for a few miles before and after the tunnel, and the sunshine coming through the carriage windows made it quite hot and stuffy. At least the slow speed meant that the windows could be wide open to admit a cooling...

4 years ago
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Ruths dirty washing

Hi im dave im a 30 year old pervet i moved into a Christian community house. There is 12 people that live here but i will tell you about ruth she is 25 skinny with amazing little toes nice b cup breast lovely little bum. I shared a room with 3 other lads so there was not much chance to take care of carnal needs plus it was not really the done thing. So i tryed to hide my perversions which worked for awhile but with ruth in her little sandals and Hannah smelly feet how could i resist(we talk...

1 year ago
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Your Guardian AngelChapter 3 Seasons Are Changing

Devon was right -- I had plenty of time to get better and I did. It started when Devon woke up. She had ideas on how she could help me get better. The training program started with a shower; it let me explore her body and have my body explored by her hands. Devon was a tiny female. She didn't come to my shoulder and I outweighed her by at least seventy-five pounds. She was not lacking in curves though, especially since her breasts were a little too big for her frame. They were incredibly...

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Breakup sex with my girlfriends sister

The day was not starting out very well for me. As I walked out to my car I found a note on the windshield from my girlfriend Sheila. In her note she said she was breaking up with me. She didn't give a reason, just that we were through and she was moving on. This upset me quite a bit and I couldn't imagine what could have possibly brought this on. In hopes of getting an answer and maybe setting things right again I jumped in my car and headed for her house. As I drove I tried to think it...

1 year ago
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Full Figured Chic Ch 06

Within the hour, Jay had his mother out of the home with a packed bag. Not till he drove his car out of the driveway of the home, did he think where he was going to take her. She’s never thought to ask him either. ‘I’ll take you to the workshop first Mother. Let’s see if anything looks strange to you.’ It seemed like a good idea, and Jay would be able to ask Gregor what he was going to do with her. ‘Wow, I haven’t seen it for years — and you’re all famous now. This will be fun.’ ‘I invited...

2 years ago
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Camera slut part 2

I sat with Suzie in the back of the taxi. The taxi that was taking me to meet Baz, Mikes friend. She’d explained that we needed to go to a proper photographic studio to do the pictures that her Dad wanted. The naughty pictures. Naughty and dirty. It wasn’t a part of town I wanted to be in, let alone my daughter. Mike had gone ahead, taking various clothes that I would need for the shoot. Baz was older than I’d expected, in his forties. He was small, with one of those ridiculous pony tails that...

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Wife edges me Sunday

Sunday is normally our recoup day. Andrea always has a date on Saturday night so Sundays her pussy is sore and is off limits to me and since I spend all Saturday in chastity I'm always horny. In the pasted she would take my chastity cage off and have me jerk off while she describes her date but last Sunday she had a different idea. This Sunday as always I woke before her and started coffee and got breakfast going and waited for Andrea to wake up and unlock me. She came in the kitchen wearing...

4 years ago
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Allie Booty and the 40 Thieves

Long ago and in a place far away, a dusty caravan of desert travelers made their torturous way through a rock-strewn pass between a pair of formidable mountains of dubious fame. The stumbling column of tired camels followed each other more from instinct than from actual guidance from their robe-cloaked masters. When viewed from a height, the route was similar to the time honored expedition up female secret passageways struggling forward until the paradise of ultimate sensuous delight...

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Summer Sex Camp

When dad told Courtney and I that we were going to spend the entire summer at camp we were not pleased. Ten weeks of misquote bites, sunburn, and poison ivy. What a load of crap! My sister Courtney pleaded with mom, “Mom don’t let daddy send me to some prison in the woods! Please!” Mom said, “It’s out of my hands dear! You father has made up his mind! You will do as you’re told!” I knew better than to try to change dad’s mind. Besides this way Courtney got on dad’s bad side and I...

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Gangbang For My Friend Birthday

Hi there ISS readers, This is Sam again. I hope you all enjoyed reading my first Computer Repair to Girl Repair story. As I promised on that essay I am now here to share the story of how I called Risha for a gangbang with my friends. i think this should be pretty Interesting. It was actually March 27th 2010. It was my friends Vinodh birthday. Me and my friends always roam together and do all sorts of stuffs together. It was actually his 23rd birthday. He said he wants to enjoy that birthday a...

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An athletic white man and his black BBW wife in action at a rave

My husband and I have most things in common but not my love for techno music, dancing and raves. So for almost the first three years of our relationship, I experienced those things without him. When I went to raves, which was about every other weekend, it was a girls’ night out. He was cool about that but I still felt bad that he wasn’t interested in sharing a big part of my social life with me. Then one night when I was getting ready to go to a rave he surprised me by saying that...

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Its curtains for me

It's curtains for me Sis, honest to God, I never planned on being a performer, much less the lead in a school musical. I mean, you know I loved my drama classes, and was part of the drama club, but I always figured I'd be behind the scenes rather than on stage, unless it was as an extra. I mean, it's not like I look as handsome as the boy who played the male lead. (Geez, did I really just say that out loud?) But both my teacher/director Mr. Connor and our best performer...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 4

Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...

4 years ago
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Senior Week Ch 01 Tough Love

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

3 years ago
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Walking home from school

I was walking home from school on a cool fall day. The sun was shining and I was feeling great. Small midwestern towns are great places to live. Everyone knows everyone, and their stories. As I walked down a particularly shady street, I heard someone calling my name. It was Mrs. Hale. I had known her from the local pool. She was a 30ish lifeguard at the pool. Her husband was a truck driver. He was rarely home, and she was a talker. I said, "Hey Mrs. Hale." She asked me if I could help her with...

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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 11

I didn’t say a word. Frankly, I was at a loss for words. I mean, there was so many things speeding through my mind at that point, coherent thought was not on the menu. By now, he had reached me. I sat there watching him pull on my leg, babbling that I was his savior. Close behind was a group of kids. None of them looked older than 19 or 20. I could tell that they were in bad shape. Hanging onto each other. Several of them were weeping. Using my best command voice, I called out, “alright,...

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Your name is Alannah you have wavy shoulder length red hair, a cute face with slight dimples, A thin curvy figure accented nicely by your small round breast that fit perfectly on your sexy body. You just turned eighteen and you are extremely excited about being an adult. You're going out with your best friend Christy to have a girl's night out. Christy is a few months older than you and has promised to take you out for a night you will never forget. Looking through your closet you try to...

2 years ago
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Thunder Fucked or Virgin Storm

It whooshed out of my mouth in a harsh whisper, “Oh, my god.”My front row seat let me see every detail even in the flickering tiki torch light. She owned the outdoor stage. Her hips swished back and forth, her stride sensuous grace. Her long chestnut hair, glowed a burnish bronze. The hot humid night fueled my desire and the girl was walking lust.I poked at my buddies arm. “Larry…. Larry, look up there.”He was sitting next to me but his attention was focused on the buxom blonde seated next to...

4 years ago
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 3

The next question had to be about food. “AI, does the local AI have any data on food that we can eat? Somehow, we are going to have to find food, so I wonder if there is anything already in the bunkers that would be suitable for us? Also, we need to know about drinking water.” “I had already asked about both items. There is some food stored in a kind of stasis field so that it is as “fresh” as when it was gathered. Water is available for drinking, for food preparation, and for washing. With...

1 year ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 26

I wake up on the sofa, and the football game is over. The spots news is on now. I pick myself up and return to my bedroom. I walk past he quest room and look in. I can smell Pete and Amber in the room. The bed is made, but I can see them on it. I see Amber hogtied the way that she loves so much, tight and restricting. He toes forced and curled in the pantyhose, foot ached under the pressure of the nylon. I see Pete touching her and making hear moan, placing his hands between her legs and...

1 year ago
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Small cock cuckold

One afternoon I got off around 3 feeling horny My wife and I have a really hot and kinky sex life especially since she has decided to let me watch her getting fucked!! We have been married for about 2 or 3 years at this point " been together 15at this writing "! At the short time I mention we had been together when I started noticing our neighbor would always seem to be at the house when I would come home from work early on fridays. One afternoon I got off about 3 and feeling horny because our...

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I Caught Him Staring Part 2 Also, I kind of suggest if you've already read Part 1 to reread it because I posted it so long ago. Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoy these stories. I love bringing them to you guys because the happy comments you type helps me feel better with my extreme teen depression :( STORY: I heard a car door close. "Fuck." I said under my breath. "No time to clean off." I stated. "No problem!" Jake assured. He...

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The Bet

Annie parked her car outside Pete’s house. She was not looking forward to this; she’d come to pick up Jeff from yet another one of his boozy poker nights. She stopped to gather herself before heading up Pete’s driveway, sometimes he just weirded her out. She was trying to look cool and laid back but it was just too damn hot that night. The muffled sound of drunken banter greeted Annie as she knocked on the front door. “Come on in,” said Pete as he opened the door, “Though I gotta warn ya, he’s...

Wife Lovers
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A Maid Of Her Own

"Hello Annabelle," said the rosy cheeked blonde as she slid into the booth across from me. She was noticeably squirming, but her clear blue eyes met mine. She seemed oblivious to the stares from the other customers in the diner. She was wearing a leather jacket zipped up, but it was plain to see that she was wearing the same thing she had on the last time I had seen her, a year ago. The outfit in question was a maid's uniform, and a very revealing one at that, to put it diplomatically. I had...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Mary Rock Fucking The New Neighbor

Are you ready for some deep and hard ass fucking? Well, Mary Rock just moved in and has a problem getting all those moving boxes into her new apartment. Thanks to Vince Carter, it turns out to be just a matter of a couple of minutes. He finds his new neighbor super attractive and after taking off his shirt, Mary Rock gets wet instantly. His muscular body makes her moan in aw and she kneels to take his massive cock down her deep throat. The brunette hottie with sexy blue eyes can’t stop...


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