Niki's New LifeChapter 26: Further Under Control free porn video

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Cyndi had practically drug the barely clad Niki across the park and into the girls room, only a few minutes to spare before class. Pushing Niki into a stall in front of her, she pulled the robe back off the girl and hung it over the door. “Sit, you need to probably clean that stuff out.” she told her friend, lifting up her skirt and placing a foot on the back of the commode behind the girl. “You made me so hot, watching you, you got to get me off before class!” she told her slutty friend, watching as Niki moved her face between Cyndi’s legs and began to lick at the aroused and aromatic cunt. “Oh god, so good, so fucking good. I can’t wait to come over tonight” she told Niki. As she continued to grind against the girl’s face she told her, “Go ahead and pee while you lick me, I heard what your brother did last night. It’s probably ok for you to pee inside if you are licking me like this. Unless you want me to have you pee in the park at lunch? Hmm? She said moaning, her arousal growing as she heard the slut start to obey, the tinkling trickles sounding clear as she began to fill the toilet. “Goddamn Niki, you are a nasty thing aren’t you. I saw how you loved what they did to you in the locker room, maybe you want me to pee into your mouth as you lick me and pee, hmm? Is that what kind of nasty slut you’ve become?”. The ringing of the bell interrupted the two girl’s fun, at least Cyndi thought it was fun. Pulling away, smiling at her friend’s wet face, she patted her kindly. “Better hurry, Mrs. Craig is a stickler for time.” Dropping her skirt with a sigh, her body still tingling from the touch of Niki’s tongue she opened the door, handing the robe to the nude girl, knowing she was enjoying the shocked looks of the other girls at the sink, looking back at the two of them either directly, or thru their reflection in the mirror.

Groaning, Niki pulled the robe around her after quickly wiping away her excess droplets, eager to get out of there. Hurrying to class, she could feel her body still achingly on fire, and she was not sure she had gotten all of Dave’s cum out of her, she swore she could still feel his swimmers moving around. Even as class started, she continued to squirm in her seat, increasingly worried that she was going to make a mess she could not explain.

“Miss Constantini! Did you perhaps need to use the restroom? You are becoming a distraction!”

Mrs Craig’s voice interrupted Niki’s reminiscing, and she blushed as she nodded. Another trip to the restroom was just what she needed.

Minutes passed, and Mrs. Craig began to think that Niki was taking overlong. The girl had looked positively post orgasmic as she sat in her seat, that bare nothing of a robe doing little to conceal her charms. She had thought she was doing the girl a kindness, giving her a hall pass, but the longer she was gone, the more the teacher got concerned, and slightly irritated. Giving the class a reading assignment, she told them she would be back in 5 minutes. Making her way to the student’s female restroom she opened the door quietly, for some reason wanting to catch the student doing something, though she did not know what.

Entering the tiled room, she could hear the soft moans of a girl under the effects of arousal coming from the one closed stall. Waiting, secretly enjoying the sounds for a long minute, the teacher eventually coughed. “Miss Constantini, you seem to be taking a long time, you must return to class.

Niki said nothing, merely stopped her self pleasuring. She had needed a release, that was for sure, and once she had made sure that all of the sperm was out of her pussy, she’d taken matter into her own hands and quickly brought herself off once, then began on a second, not realizing that time was passing. “Yes, ok” she said, wiping and flushing before coming out, seeing the elderly teacher still standing there, as if waiting, or perhaps listening to her. As she washed her hands Niki continued to feel the teachers gaze upon her. Thinking back to Mrs. Craig’s odd (for her) behavior during their tutoring session, Niki decided to find out how correct she was in her assumptions. Turning towards Mrs. Craig, she fiddled with the tie to her robe, watching as her teacher’s gaze was drawn to what her hand was doing.

“Sorry, Mrs. Craig, but sometimes, oh sometimes “she said, as she untied her robe, letting the sides fall apart, exposing her from stem to stern. “Sometimes I just have to, you know” she said, nodding her head back towards the toilet before dropping her hand to rest tantalizingly close to her pubic region.

Mrs. Craig stood, as if frozen, watching the young minx toy with her, as if she knew the secrets she kept buried deep. Watching the girls hand move down to her sex, she glanced up at Niki’s face briefly before again watching her hand. She could not believe it when the bold lass parted her thighs and boldly ran her finger up her slit, circling her clit with an obviously wet finger.

Shaking herself out of her reverie, the teacher reasserted some control. “Yes, um, I see. But let’s get back to class now, shall we? Though” she said, almost as an afterthought, “I still think you need more tutoring.”.

Cyndi walked out to the line of cars with Niki. She was looking forward to spending some more time over at their house. Last time had been quite intense. She had learned a lot about Niki. And her brother. And her brother’s cock. She was still a little sore from how hard he had fucked her.

Roach approached, Jenna smirking at the slut Niki the whole time. Once he got close, he casually reached out and pulled Niki’s robe open far enough to expose both breasts. Grinning, he held his marker high as he fondled her right breast. “Now, let’s see, you had a busy day today. Three boys and two girls in the park in your mouth, oh, then the three again. Wow, that’s like eight!”

“Plus the girls in gym”, Jenna smirked


“Yeah, um, I think it was like five. I was showing everyone how much of a slut she was”

Cyndi looked at Jenna, the two practically daring the other to mention what else had happened besides Niki licking a few pussies.

Roach looked at Jenna, the two passing some sort of silent communication between each other. “Ok then, next time let me know. I don’t mind, but I need to know what she’s up to. I am responsible for her and you know how Max is.”

Shaking his head at how many marks he was making, he held her breast up as he added thirteen marks around her right nipple, completely encircling it and almost completing a second circle. “Dang, that makes 20, but most of it was today, busy busy girl”. Moving and taking up her left breast he added 2 more marks to the three already there. Then two more. “One for Scott, which you did not tell me about, and Mr Jacobs, which we will have to see if we can leverage next week”.

Stepping back, it was clear that Niki had been marked, like an animal, or a whore perhaps. The crowd of curious onlookers, always eager to see some bare skin, murmured as her newly decorated nipples were shown.

“It’s a good thing that it’s Friday, I’m not sure I could explain this to Ms. Dougal!” Niki said, as the two made their way back towards the car pick up area.

As they neared the queue, Cyndi could see Max’s car just a few spots behind the front, and she turned to Niki, smiling. “I know you love all of this, the embarrassment, the knowledge that everyone knows you fucked a dog. Ya know, why are you even bothering to put clothes back on. Hand me your robe. Now, don’t wait until he gets to the front of the line.”

Niki had been standing there, nervous, but excited. She loved her friend, and the games they had played in the park, and after, had been rather ... intense, but very satisfying. Spotting Max’s car, she waited alongside Cyndi, quiet in her own thoughts, until her friend’s request registered in her brain.


“You heard me! Hand it over! Or do you want a repeat of the park?”

Cyndi’s stern look left little room for interpretation, and as Niki looked around, she saw that the usual crowd was gathered, eager to see her get in her brother’s car, flashing them all as she had been doing lately. This was different though. She’d have to stand there.

“I’m waiting, and if you think I am joking, I am not. I swear, I will strip you naked and press you onto the ground in front of everyone.”

“Ok, ok! Sorry!” Niki said, scared, and excited at the same time. Being pushed to do something, especially something naughty, always made her so very wet. Removing her robe, blushing as her bare body came into view, she stood, nervous, as a murmur flew through the crowd.

As Max pulled up to the front of the line, Cyndi darted in front, opening the door and standing in the way, blocking Niki’s entrance. “Wait!” she said, peremptorily, holding out her hand

Niki gulped, and complied quickly, wanting to get into the relative safety of the car as fast as she could. Completely naked now, she could feel everyone’s eyes on her as she finally got into the car, moving into the backseat as Cyndi took the front.

“You would not believe how slutty she was today, Max, I had her in the girl’s bathroom, like I said. I was going to make her drink me dry, but settled for having her eat me out in the stall. Though I did give her a little taste, didn’t I you dog fucking little potty slut?”

Max watched with a sizable grin on his face as he pulled up, noticing quite quickly what Cyndi was doing and chucking to himself. She had really become quite a dominant girl in the past week, the drive to please him seeming to really overpower the love for her friend and making it so she would really leave Niki out to dry if it meant making him happy. Max sat back and watched the scene, not saying a word until the two girls were in the car. “My my Cyndi my dear, you are really making me proud ... Even I haven’t made her strip completely outside in front of the whole school, that bitch truly has no shame.” he said with a snicker as he shook his head while giving Cyndi a pat on hers. “You’re a very good girl, you know that?” He praised her, not even looking at Niki so far. “Well seeing as you took the front seat from Niki I am assuming you would like to take over her duties? I am not bending the rules for you sweetie, I don’t drive until you are on my cock.” he said as he unzipped his pants, his cock already rock hard from simply watching Niki’s humiliation.

After finally pulling away Max looked back at Niki at the stoplight “You dumb cunt, why aren’t your legs spread and your fingers buried in your used up doggy cumdump pussy?” he raised his voice a bit, making sure she would understand it was not really a question but a command. “Damn, look at all those fucking marks! You eager randy slut, tell me about school today while your sweet little friend gets the pleasure of sucking me off like a good girl ... You know, today I shouldn’t even touch your pussy, just let the Cooper dump in you while I play with Cyndi, her pussy is much more pure and clean after all, hasn’t had dog after dog use it every day for weeks” he said with a chuckle, his hand slowly guiding Cyndi as she bobbed her head up and down, pulling her up by the hair and looking her in the eyes “Would you like that my dear?” he asked her sweetly before giving her a deep kiss, letting her answer before kissing her deeply again and replacing her head down on his cock.

Cyndi was well aware of Max’s rules, after riding the last couple of days with them. She had gotten in front on purpose, wanting to prime him for the evening, get him away from spending all his time with Niki. As she began to suck on his hard prick, and they pulled away, she moaned, loudly, hearing him order her friend to be a total slut.

Cyndi heard Niki begin, and hearing him ask her if she wanted to get fucked, smiled happily, “Oh, you don’t have to ask, please ... fuck me, make her take care of dogs like the slut she is, I will fuck you as good or better than last time...” Returning to her task, she tried to swallow him whole, gagging a bit before pulling back slightly, unable to get his full, huge cock inside of her mouth.

Niki’s hand did not take long to work its way between her legs, and as she began to play with herself, she heard Max and Cyndi going at it in the front seat, the slurping sounds quite familiar to her. “If you say so, I’m sure that Coop will take care of my slutty cunt. Cyndi, well, she was kinda mean to me today, well, not mean compared to Steph or Jenna” Niki said, pausing as she groaned in pleasure.

“She, um, she made me play with myself in the park, without my skirt on. Just sitting there while she ate. I had to cum too. Then, after lunch and what Roach had me do, she stopped me, and told me that since I liked to be naked so much, to follow her. Yesterday she only took my clothes off in the bathroom, and had me kneel on the dirty floor and lick her out while the other girls came and went. Today, she fed me her cunt and made me pee, like you did last night.” Groaning, Niki laid back, raising one knee up onto the seat and sliding her fingers in ever deeper.

“How is that mean, you dumb slut, I bet you loved it and wish you would have done it sooner, you are such a whore, it’s a good thing your friend is there to push you a bit so you don’t chicken out of doing what you want to do. “ Max’s words, stinging and harsh, hit Niki like a caress, causing her to move her fingers even faster.

Max continued to drive home, groaning every so often as Cyndi was getting better at sucking his cock, definitely better than her first time. Max held tightly to her head, pushing her down and forcing her to take more of his cock every so often, enjoying to sound of her young small mouth as it gagged a bit, but it only seemed to make her go faster and try harder each time he did it. “God you are getting good at this Cyndi, might even pass up Niki someday” he said as he stopped at the next light.

He leaned over her a bit and lifted up her skirt, running two fingers along her wet tight cunt, pulling them away and spreading them to show Niki the wetness “My goodness you are wet huh? Did playing around with Niki today and the thought of my big cock pounding you later on get you like this?” he asked with a chuckle “You are going to be my personal cock sleeve you know that? And I know you just love that idea that as my pet, no other man will touch you but me. Niki can be passed around to whoever, I don’t care. But you are my special flower, mine and only mine slut! My personal slutty fuck toy” he said with another groan as he pushed two fingers inside of her tight wetness while continuing to drive, almost home now. He was glad these streets were empty, it wasn’t easy to focus on the road with a hungry girl’s mouth around his cock.

Cyndi groaned, hearing his words, feeling ever more slutty. As his fingers slid inside of her dampness, she knew that she could not deny how he, and Niki for that matter, made her feel. Pulling her mouth off for a moment, she murmured “Yes, fuck me, fuck me good” before taking him back into her mouth, feeling his thickness swell, sure that he was about to fill her mouth. She felt the bump of the driveway as his cock suddenly filled her mouth completely, his hand holding her head in place.

Niki continued to lewdly display herself as she fucked her fingers in and out. “Yes, sorry, yes, I’m so ... you are so ... god, you make me so bad ... Max ... you make me ... nnngggh” she cried, feeling her fingers probing deeper. “She can push me, yes, make me a doggy slut for everyone to see, I will be good, I will be so good...”

Max turned to Niki after cumming into Cyndi’s mouth and letting her lick it clean “That’s more like it you dumb bitch, you are here to please and entertain, you will be a good girl from now on and listen to whatever your friend says, do whatever she wants, and I don’t want to hear any complaints. Now fucking thank her for everything she did to you today, not just a simple thank you. I want you to tell her each thing and how much you enjoyed it and let her know you are thankful for everything. You got it slut?” he ordered, pulling Cyndi over the seat and onto his lap, just letting her sit there and look back at Niki, his still throbbing cock pushed up against her belly, teasing her a bit as to what would come soon.

Niki began to moan as her fingers worked herself over even more, speaking up as Max ordered. “Th-th-thank you, Cyndi, um, for making me play with my pussy in the park while you watched. You were so kind to make me wet by taking my robe away, I’m sorry for saying you were mean.’ She groaned louder, as she pulled her leg up and back, opening her cunt to their view as she continued.

Max turned to Cyndi, putting his fingers into her mouth and having her suckle on them as Niki was talking, taking them out for a bit and caressing her body as he spoke “Satisfied with that sweetie? You can tell her to say anything. Or do anything you know” he said with a chuckle

“I can? I mean, what should I tell her?” Cyndi was so aroused, but she was still a bit unsure. She did have some very bad ideas, and what she had done at school was only the beginning...

Niki continued. “And after Roach and them fucked me in the park, you made me naked again, and were so noisy everyone that came in the bathroom knew i was eating your pussy. They will all know that I am a pussy licker now. And ... and you even peed a little ... just to prove that you could. I was afraid you would do more, but the bell rang ... I guess...” Spread eagled now, Niki’s fingers slid in and out as she remembered her day.

What do you think would please me the most?” Max asked softly, placing his hands on Cyndi’s hips and moving her slowly, letting her feel his cock slide against her pussy but not go in yet, giving her a little push to be extra slutty and extra mean to Niki in this moment. “I also wonder if she should be allowed to cum. What do you think?” he added, looking at Cyndi

He leaned in close and whispered into her ear so Niki couldn’t hear “The more evil your ideas the harder I will fuck your tight little cunt!”

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The Anything Controller

The Anything Controller By Zedd I bought the little box in an old antique store down the street from where I live and brought it home to check it out. "Cool!" I exclaimed as I opened it up and found a small controller, very much like a game-boy inside. I picked it up and noticed that, except for the size, it wasn't really much like a game-boy after all. I noticed several small controls and levers, each having a small window next to them, and an enter pad at the...

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A Step Mothers Sin Chapter 4 It Spins Further Out Of Control

I returned home around 6 p.m. to find Robert in the downstairs shower. His gym clothes were strewn in front of the bathroom door indicating he had just come from a workout.My normal routine would be to come home, change out of my work clothes and into my night clothes, and then prepare dinner, clean up, etc. As I listened to the shower running in the downstairs bathroom, my mind raced with thoughts of what had occurred just last night. I decided that Robert might interpret me changing into my...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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Fun with Mindcontrol

You are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what

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Thunderstruck by Arcie Emm They had not been completely sober, Alex the Dropout having snuck them a twelve-pack in exchange for a six-pack of his own, when the idea had come up. And though nobody remembered exactly whose idea it was, each remembered that Dylan had drunkenly agreed to it. The next day, after sobering up, it had not taken him long to realize the idiocy of the idea. Therefore, he spent the next week protesting that there was no way that he was going to follow through....

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A Step mothers sin Chapter 3 Reluctantly I repay him and it spins further out of control

Then it hit me, unexpectedly. Maybe it was the combination of my long overdue sexual release coupled with the enormity of my sin, but suddenly an emotional wave of guilt and panic came over me. I honestly could not believe I had just done what I had done. I had just had the most intense, powerful and longest orgasm of my life, and I had it with my stepson’s fist inside me and his lips and tongue on my clitoris. I could not believe I had allowed this to happen.“Oh, baby, I am so, so very...

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The Undertaker

"Jesus, Frank, where have you been?" the medical examiner cried. "You were supposed to come by on Tuesday, my morgue's overflowing!" The undertaker wearily climbed out of the hearse. "Don't start, Barry," he moaned, "just ... don't. It's been a hell of a week." "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river," Barry grumped. "My Author got eight new ideas last week. Do you have any idea how much carnage that makes?" Frank slammed the car door and turned to face the other man. "Carnage! You want...

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Queen of the Underworld

Queen of the Underworld By Red_Elise "So what is it?" Sano asked, watching the necklace dangle before his eyes. "It's a ring, in case that fact escaped you." He inclined his head to Lina, looking at her curiously. "What is a ring doing on a necklace?" Lina's cheeks became flushed, but her embarrassment faded as she let her frustration get the better of her. "If you don't like it then give it back!" Sano looked at her with surprise before slipping the necklace over...

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God Controller

I looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...

Mind Control
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

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Sarah under Control

SARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...

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Niki8217s Sex Adventures

It’s Niki. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a short, blond-haired, blue-eyed housewife. I’m not very busty, but my 34A-22-34 firm, fit body seems to be pleasing to the guys who get to see it. I love showing off, and I especially love being the object of atten- tion. I have taken on many guys at a time, and I love to be totally filled with cock! This past weekend I had a very interesting time, and I thought I’d share it with you. As most of you...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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The Underworld Ch 02

Hades paced the long dining room, trying to avoid looking at the elegantly set table for two. This flighty girl would be the end of him, and he knew it. At first he just wanted her because she was his. She had been promised to him by his brother, Zeus, when Demeter bore her. Demeter, however, had other plans. She had hidden Persephone away from him his entire life,trying to protect her. Hades’s men had scoured the earth for her, trying to find this hidden jewel. They’d brought him countless...

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Mass Effect Underworld

Located at the edge of the Terminus Systems is the planet Koralia. Its snow-covered surface is often wracked by severe storms that makes travel inadvisable. Beneath the surface of Koralia is a city built from the remains of a massive mining facility that was abandoned centuries ago. The city has no official name but is often referred to as 'The Underworld'. The Underworld is a hub of drugs, weapons, and various forms of trafficking. It is ruled by an albino Asari crimelord known as Queen Miris...

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New Control

I'm no stranger to the concept of chastity and orgasm denial / control; but recent events have really opened my eyes to it and I now feel I can speak about my experiences with it now having been subjected to it for an extended time. Unlike my previous experiences with being controlled through chastity, this time I feel well and truly broken -in a totally submissive way. I had believed that my time with it before was all there was to it as previous lovers and Owners had locked me up from time to...

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Under Cock Control

Jacob Morgan gazed out of his office window overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, which was loaded with both foot and auto traffic. When furnishing his office, he had made sure to have the furniture arranged in such a way that the great view was available to him throughout his workday. George Moyers tapped on the door frame to Jacob's open office door rousing him from his reverie. "Hey, Jacob, can I see you for a second?" "Sure George, what's up?" "We may have a live one for a takeover. I want...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e11 Janine Saunders 18

Series 6, Episode 11 – Janine Saunders (18), from Birmingham We fade in on a nice townhouse in a nice neighbourhood – then we cut to inside the house and see our hostess – Charley – sitting at her desk, a large computer editing suite laid out infront of her (big computer, multiple screens, etc.) She appears to be editing an episode of ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’ as we watch, although there’s nothing sexual on screen at the moment, just a young couple walking a large Alsatian. Charley turns...

3 years ago
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Undercover Exposure Tiara

Undercover Exposure Tiara When I look at the newspaper, we read that lesbians say they do not need a man to be a father. They think they can do it and even do a good job. This being said I often wonder if I had a dad, would I be the same person as I now am. I think it's about time you heard what happened when I was 9. I did not have a dad. I don't have a clue why he was not in my life. My mom never talked about it. I lived alone with her. We were well off as her parents were very...

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Carrie Underwood Breaking the Girl

These are the top three choices," the director said, setting three pictures in front of Carrie Underwood. They were casting the male lead for her new music video and Carrie was being given final say on who to cast."That one," Carrie said, pointing at the picture in the middle."All three are here if you want to meet them," the director said."No, him," Carrie said, again pointing at the middle picture. She couldn't really explain it, but there was just something about the picture that compelled...

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Thunderstorms always gave Edward Adams the frights. Even now, at the ripe old age of twelve, he became frightened at the claps of thunder and the sudden bright flashes of light from the lightning. In the dark of his bedroom they seemed to take on a more frightening quality. He was ashamed to admit it, but he wanted the closeness of his mother. She would comfort him with soothing words and hold him until he went to sleep or the storms would pass as they always did.Tonight was no different...

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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

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Underworld of the Chevaan

Satyra Underworld of the Chevaan Chapter 1 Devil's Bargain Raising her head Satyra shook her head to clear it and flexed her fingersbehind the wooden stocks. For the past two days she had tried to use her magicto free herself, without success. Now she tired again, focusing all her strength,her knowledge, her will, channeling them as she pinpointed her desire to sunderthe metal bands holding her. Nothing happened. Satyra slumped back against the frame in defeat, but almost immediately shesensed...

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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...

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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...

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A New PastChapter 58 Faster Higher Further

“Damn, this looks like a pig,” Hunter said as he paused inside the new hangar in Kenya and admired my latest project. Our base in Kenya had changed over the years, growing from an emergency field to our primary heavy lift base. Most personel went to orbit on GOTs, but our heavy lifters were based here in Kenya. Our shelters had been replaced with permanent huts and houses, built along traditional lines, but with modern materials. Staff now enjoyed easy access to Nairobi via train, plane, and...

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Thundercats New Friends

As the sun sets once again you take a look around the planet you've lived alone on for so long. You've been able to fashion weapons from rocks and sticks and there's been plenty of wildlife and fish to eat. All in all you've done ok for yourself since Thundera exploded three years ago. Being the only intelligent talking mammal on this isolated planet has taken it's toll on you and you're starting to get lonely and lose your mind a bit. You were blown off course after the Thundercats convoy was...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 16 Founders Lunch getting ready

While working at SU I keep my cell phone off. I turn it on to check for messages several times a day. Normally I have no messages. But today I got a text from Alice Brand asking me to call her. “Hello, Alice.” “Z, I have something you might be able to help us with.” “And what might that be?” “I’m helping Mel find ladies for the Founder’s Lunch. It’s held at the Towering Palms Golf Club VIP dining room. The golf club is visible from our living room window. If you can make it you will...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 18 Founders Lunch is served

Kimi and I had our 4-lady sleeping quarters to ourselves as the other two ladies were sleeping with guests. Neither of us said anything about it but both of us got into Kimi’s twin bed, kissed each other good night, and promptly fell asleep comfortably pressed against each other. The alarm went off at 06:15. We had arranged an early breakfast. The kitchen crew offered us cold cereal or microwave breakfast goodies. We had microwave hot waffles with microwave hot sausage and the staff of life,...

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Tim Goes Undercover

Tim Goes Undercover By Moe 1) The Assignment I picked up the phone and answered, "Accounting, Tim Bradley." It was my sister Tracee on the line and she said rather urgently, "I need to see you in my office. Something rather important has come up and I need your help." My sister is eight years older than me at 30 and she is the president of our family company. She was working for our father who founded and ran the company when he suddenly died of a heart attack five years...

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The Undercover Detective part 8

The Undercover Detective part 8 14th June I awoke feeling like death. The moment that I moved, a bolt of pain shot through my shoulder. My head throbbed and my shoulder throbbed. I lay there feeling sorry for myself. Eventually, Fran breezed into the room. "Great Mandy, you are finally awake. It is gone noon and I have already been in to work, seen both the new chief and the big boss, I have picked up your clothes and other belongings from the bed sit and now I can bring you a...

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Blunder Wars

WARNING: This story contains insulting humor to the Republican party, the current United States President (George W. Bush), the Catholic Church, and the current Pope (Benedict XVI). If you cannot take a joke then please leave, and please let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Otherwise, you Bad Humor Fans, ENJOY!! A not so long time ago, in a political blunder far far away... BLUNDER WARS Episode H: Attack of the Government Ineptness Chapter 1- The evil Repulican Empire for years has...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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