Jilted Kerri Saunders free porn video

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It had been assumed Kerri Saunders would succeed her mother, in time, as the social queen of Falcon City. The Saunders’ money was old money, made from pelts and timber and then farm machinery, chemicals, cosmetics and then the money gouging machine seemed to run out of puff, or was it steam, diesel or swamp water?

It didn’t much matter because the multi-millions had been prudently invested in securities in seventeen different countries where corruption was genteel and taxation was considered an embarrassing impost so was applied lightly. And thus the money tree prospered. Successive generations of principal family siphoned off their entitlements but were unable to touch the base funds at source and so the cash flow continued unabated, almost untouched by human hand.

Thelma Saunders had come home from France to help prepared for her elder daughter’s wedding, entranced by the thought that Kerri after having two children would be ready to become her protégé to preside over Falcon’s social circuit, just as her mother had groomed her as successive mothers in the family had done for generations.

But days later it was catastrophe. Kerri was left standing at the altar. Well not quite. Kevin Close called her two nights before wedding day and said, ‘Kerri, I’m sorry I cannot proceed with the wedding. I love another. Daniel and I leave this country tomorrow tonight to find our destiny together. It’s been lovely knowing you. Goodbye.’

‘What, what did you say Kevin? Oh god, he’s dropped me. MOTHER!’

Mother Thelma answered the scream and found it strange she really didn’t have to calm her daughter. Kerri snarled, ‘I sensed he was a fucking gay. All the whispering with Daniel when those two were out with us dinning. You made a poor choice of chauffer mommy. He’s stolen the man you insisted I should marry.’

‘Well these things happen darling. You have time to have one more shot before I’d find it necessary to replace you with your younger sister.’

‘Well, why don’t you go that right now mother. I’m off.’

‘Off where?’

‘Off to release anger and then get a job.’

‘A job? No one would hire you. You don’t know how to work darling. It’s not something our family does.’

‘Goodbye mother. Please get your social secretary to send out cancellation notices. She may say I’m heartbroken, and after picking out the wedding gifts you’d like to keep, get Helen to return the remainder.’

‘Yes dear. So this is goodbye?’

‘Indeed it is mother. Kiss-kiss.’

‘Kiss-kiss darling. You have been a wonderful daughter. If you return you will be placed close by on the perimeter along with my sisters and your father’s sisters and the two surviving grandmothers.’

‘Understood mother. Say goodbye to daddy for me.’

‘Yes of course although you could take him with you if you wish?’

‘No mother. My repositioning in life will go better if I regard myself as socially adrift. I’ll then not be tied by social precepts.’

And so Kerri Saunders, aged twenty-five, went to her room and packed her trousseau and left the Saunders’ Estate.

* * *

Next morning Kerri Saunders awoke in her room in a dingy rooming house to face reality. She had been dreaming although it was true Kevin Close had dropped her two days out from the wedding.

Kerri’s parents were far from being wealthy. Her father Archie, a drunkard, was secretary of the Town & Country Club where his addiction was not noticed because he fitted the scene so well. The club was unable to attract sober members.

Her mother taught French at the nearby high school and the family lived in a 30-year-old unstylish suburban home that looked like most others in their neighborhood: nondescript.

Kerri possessed a master’s in business management and had resigned recently to prepare for her marriage. She broke down and cried when receiving Kevin’s call of rejection and her mother Thelma simply said something sensible: ‘You’ll have to just get on with your life darling.’ And then added in her typically practical manner, ‘You go off and mope. There are only twenty-five guests to call and I’ll do that and I’ll ask them to call to retrieve their presents and to have coffee with your father and me.’

Soon after that Kerri left dragging just the one suitcase on rollers.

Late that next evening Kevin Close was staggering home from the bar a short distance from his parents’ home when he was clouted over the head with a baseball bat. He shot up an arm to protect his head from receiving a second blow and had that arm broken. As he fell a blow across his knee shattered his patella.

It was terrible for him. He was left on the pavement unable to move and the baseball bat had rattled on to the sidewalk beside him and he was kicked in the balls. Although in agony he watched gloved hands pick up the bat and heard his assailant walk away chuckling. It was perhaps as bad for him as for a girl being humiliated at being dumped two days out from her wedding. Nay, it would be worse, much worse.

Not unexpectedly the police went after the chief suspects. Kerri’s parents had alibis, hosting four friends at home at a dinner party and the friends confirmed their hosts had been in the room with them for the past three hours. Like all parents, Thelma and Archie didn’t know where their daughter was.

‘Try rooming houses downtown,’ Thelma suggested helpfully.

Two cops in a patrol car spotted Kerri walking away from a cinema and she was taken in for questioning. The driver’s female partner would report that the suspect expressed ‘absolutely delight’ that her ‘absconded bridegroom’ had been beaten up and left incapacitated on a sidewalk with broken bones and severe bruising. The suspect then added, ‘It serves the skunk right.’

After intensive questioning Kerri was allowed to leave but ordered not to leave the city and to supply the police with a forwarding address if she left the rooming house. No one appeared to have witnessed the attack. The victim did not see or even hear his assailant and Kerri didn’t own a baseball bat and she’d denied being anywhere else in the past four hours prior to questioning apart from Benny’s Seafood Restaurant and watching the film, ‘Gay Girls in Paris.’ It was noted in the police report that Kerri gave ‘a speedy, lengthy and accurate summary’ of the film that one of the interviewing offices had seen earlier that afternoon and confirmed the accuracy of Kerri’s résumé. A waitress confirmed serving Kerri in that restaurant.

An outgoing police patrol cooperatively dropped Kerri off near her rooming house. She walked into a bar and ordered a martini.

‘Hi babe,’ said a guy sitting down from her. ‘What’s up?’

‘The cops pulled me in for questioning and have just let me go.’


Kerri glared at the guy and said get fucked.

‘I’m sorry miss. That just came out. I’m addicted to enunciating terrible humor.’

Kerri had to smile and thought enunciating was a big word to hear from a barfly.

‘I’ve popped in for a drink on my way home.’

Kerri said, ‘What four hours ago?’

The guy looked hurt and said no, half an hour ago and asked why did she have it in for him.

In need of company, Kerri said, ‘Come closer and I’ll tell you my story.’

‘Can we listen in?’ asked one of two tough-looking women sitting on the other side of her.

‘Yeah, why not. And you too miss behind the bar and your colleague when he’s finished loading the dishwasher.’

Kerri began the story, telling how eighteen months ago she met this guy Kevin Close who seduced her on their third date.

‘What was wrong with him honey?’ asked one of the older women. ‘Did he forget to ask on the first and second nights?’

Everyone laughed and Kerri lost her smile when she talked about being jilted two days before the wedding and how a few hours ago her ex-bridegroom had been sa
vagely beaten with a baseball bat and hospitalized.

‘So I was picked up by the cops a minute after leaving a movie house and taken in for questioning and have just been let go.’

‘Did you do it?’ the guy who’d first spoken to her asked.

‘No, and I repeated that denial to the cops three times.’

‘Have you been told you are the chief suspect?’ asked the woman behind the bar.

‘I was told I was the only suspect.’

‘What evidence is there against you?’ asked the barman.

‘So far none, only circumstantial. The baseball bat has not been found.’

‘Did you wear gloves?’ asked the other older woman deceptively.

‘Very funny’ Kerri glared. Everyone who understood the loaded question laughed.

Kerri was asked about her alibi and describing it as flimsy she detailed it.

The man who’d first spoken to her said it was all very well claiming she’d been at that cinema but she could have been there earlier in the day and recited her convincing summary from that earlier attendance.

Most of Kerri’s listeners agreed that was a possibility.

The man asked, ‘Did the cops try that theory on you?’


‘God, small wonder we are at the mercy of criminals.’

The bar staff went back to work and the two women resumed chatting in whispers. The guy stood and approached Kerri. ‘The name is Cassidy Cohen. May I walk you home?’

‘What for?’

‘For your safety. Then again you might need a cuddle tonight after your experiences of recent days.’

Kerri thought about that and found his reference to ‘a cuddle’ appealing.

‘How do I know I’m safe with you?’

Cassidy said she didn’t. ‘Look, I’ll just walk you to your door if it’s close by, as I think it’s likely to be, and then will continue on my way.’

They stood outside the rooming house. Cassidy said it was one of the better ones around.

She asked was he married and was told no.

It was winter and the night was cold. ‘Look,’ he said, talking off his hat presumably so she could see him clearly. ‘Are you looking for a job?’

‘Could be.’

‘And I would like to see more of you, a great deal more. Perhaps we can come to terms. Say I spend a couple of hours with you and I’ll guarantee you two week’s work. More if you are good.’


Cassidy looked surprised. ‘Aren’t you going to try to bargain?’

‘No. I really would appreciate some company tonight. I’ll do it with you without any condition other than you use a condom.’

‘Done deal. We better proceed quietly because the notice says no guests in rooms after 10:00 pm and its gone 10:00.’

‘Providing you don’t fuck me too hard I won’t make too much noise.’

‘Good girl,’ Cassidy grinned, taking Kerri by the arm softly, making no attempt to drag her through the entrance in indecent haste.

Kerri sat on the bed after removing her hat and thick coat.

‘Oh my, you have real…um…breasts.’

‘Don’t all women?’

Revealing his experience Cassidy said, ‘Not like those ones.’

He paused, hands on the top of her front-buttoned shirt. ‘You act like a hooker but you don’t appear to be one.’

‘I wonder why?’

‘And you are so clever you almost confuse me.’

‘I wonder why?’

They looked at his fingers on the top button, twitching.

‘Go on or go and I’ll cry myself to sleep in loneliness.’

Cassidy almost ripped the buttons open.

‘You smell fresh and these clothes look new.’

‘Of course they are. They’re from my trousseau.’

‘Then everything you’ve said tonight is true?’

With a faraway look in her eyes Kerri said, ‘All except one thing but don’t expect me to identify which one.’

‘Oh god, am I safe being with you?’

She smiled and curled the curl hanging over his forehead. ‘Get between my legs and you’ll be very safe.’

Cassidy finished with fondling the breasts and undressed. Kerri gasped when she saw his erection. She’d learned from limited experience that cocks could be very ugly but this one was a cut above. She observed it had been cut and felt the desire to suck that knob, so did so, and soon had Cassidy as her temporary slave.

As Kerri wiped her dripping mouth and chin Cassidy said, as his soaring blood pressure began to subside, ‘You don’t have to continue if you wish.’

‘I know.’

‘I am willing…’

‘Cassidy, put the fucking thing in me. I’m desperate to have someone’s arms around me and to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. Kevin Close taught me to expect this almost every night and I seek continuation.’

Agog, Cassidy said, ‘You mean I can do this to you every night?’


‘Shhhhh. You’ll upset the sleeping equilibrium of this establishment, bringing the house manager running. Here we go. Oh it feels like beautiful velvet and is so tight around me. You are a fool Kevin Close.’

‘If you want to fuck me ever night never mention that name again,’ hissed Kerri Madeline Saunders, whose eyes rolled back and she groaned as Cassidy completely docked and he leaned down and stretched her left nipple to a ridiculous length with his teeth.

‘Bang me Cassidy.’

Cassidy Cohen left during the night.

Kerri awoke in the morning to find he’d stuffed a towel between her legs that must have been oozing heaps. People were moving about, doors banging, some folk shouting. She yawned and then saw the note on the dresser.

‘Hi, you were great. If you wake up to find this in time meet me across the road at 8:00 at Helen’s Diner. We need to be at the office by 8.30 but it’s only two minutes from Helen’s’. The note included a phone number. Kerri looked at the clock and dashed for the bathroom and then dressed and reached the diner by 8:15 in time for coffee and her customary two pieces of lightly done toast with a skim of marmalade.

The rude Helen looked at her and said, ‘This one is classier than your usual broad Cass.’

As Helen waddled off Kerri lost her class and poked her tongue as the retreating mass. Cassidy laughed and Kerri asked could she call him Cass. He said yes and looked very pleased. She felt more than pleased and hoped she wasn’t in love with him, knowing the danger of a brainless off-the-wall rebound that any girl faced just after being jilted.

Kerri boggled when she saw the name of the substantial four-level building was ‘Cohen Building Est. 1966’.

Cass saw what Kerri was looking at. ‘Established by my late grandfather. Mom and dad were a mixed marriage. We buy packaged damaged product, over-runs, product requiring packaging and on-sell it to bulk distributors.’

‘What sort of product?’

‘Any thing that takes dad’s fancy. He must approve every proposed buying deal.’

‘What is your business plan?’ asked the business graduate.

‘To make money, lots of it.’

Kerri marveled at the simplicity of that and thought the business department at her college could learn a thing or two from real-world business people like the Cohens. So much bullshit surrounded academic learning, probably to keep the little empires of professors expanding to increase their salaries.

They rode to the top floor in a creaky elevator and arrived safely. Kerri thought the whole place could do with a good clean.

‘Your cleaners do a lousy job.’

‘We don’t have cleaners. Everyone is responsible for their own work center and everyone from dad down picks up paper and other debris and occasionally clean the inside of a window and women run a roster to clean the toilets and hand basins.

Oh so simple, so incredibly simple although undoubtedly not approved by teaching institutes and health and safety authorities, Kerri thought.

‘Who was the genius who thought up that system?’

‘Grandma. She and granddad were Jewish immigrants. The tradition has continued. If newly hired people don’t like it
they are invited to look elsewhere for a job.’

A traditional Jewish face appraised Kerri as Cass introduced his father to her.

‘Welcome to our family business Kerri. Call me by my name which is Matt.’

‘Thank you Matt.’

‘And call me Vienna which is my name,’ said a plump woman who swept into the room and Kerri could tell by the way she looked at Cass she was her mother. When Cass had said his parents were a mixed marriage Kerri had automatically assumed his mother would be Afro-American, French or perhaps a woman of South American origin. But the accent was perhaps Texan.

‘What a lovely name,’ Kerri said, anxious to impress, and the mother said the same could be said of Kerri.

‘And the reason for Kerri being here?’ Matt asked, cocking an ear.

‘She needs a job. I said I would give her one for two weeks and if she proved any good she could be offered permanent work.’

‘You should make Kerri your girlfriend. She is far classier than most of the women you walk out with,’ sniffed his mother.

‘That could happen. Cass slept with me last night.’

Vienna beamed and Matt stared studiously out the window. Kerri saw Cass was standing with a hand under an elbow that that other hand was over his eyes. Why was he embarrassed?

‘Miss Saunders,’ Matt intoned. ‘I do not accept promiscuity. It is…’

‘Spare me the lecture Mr Cohen. If you don’t wish me to work here or to associate with your son then instruct him. Otherwise just accept this is me and my right to choose.’

‘Now look here young lady…’

‘Shut up Matt. Go through and sign Kerri on and try to find her something that doesn’t demean her or do who know what you’d like to do Kerri, although I guess you haven’t toured our operation yet.’

‘Something in management please.’

‘Kerri,’ Vienna began, ‘I don’t think you understand. You won’t have a clue about management.’

‘Oh but I do Vienna but will need intense on-job tuition. I have just competed a master’s in business management and I have gained limited experience in a range of management positions between semesters and I have worked in my father’s factory since I was six years old. His plant makes golf accessories.’

The three Cohen’s looked quite stunned.

Then Matt said, ‘This is a traditional business Kerri. I don’t want anything around here changed. Do you understand?’

‘Shut up Matt,’ said Vienna. ‘After you sign Kerri on bring her to me Matt and I’ll take her on tour. Then the four of us will meet together at 1:30 at Lucy’s for lunch where Kerri will report to us.’

Kerri looked anxiously at Matt. ‘I don’t want to change anything, I really don’t. It’s not my responsibility.’

‘All I’m asking is you report impressions Kerri.’

‘Oh. Thank you Vienna.’

In his office with the nameplate of administration manager, Cass smiled and kissed and hugged Kerri. ‘You enterprising thing – you’ve really split my parents apart.’

‘Oh!’ Kerri wailed.

‘No, stop it. You don’t understand. Those two were born to scrap. They thrive on conflict and after all these years remain deeply in love but not on the surface, if you get what I mean. Dad’s father forbade him to marry a non-Jew and there was a terrible fight and dad was hospitalized. His father refused to visit him in hospital. The day dad returned to work he went into grandfather’s office, locked the door, took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, saying, ‘We have unfinished business to attend to.’ Granddad flicked ash off his cigar, studied dad for a moment, and then said, ‘If you love her that much you’d better marry her. You are entitled to make one major mistake in your life.’

Wiping at tears, Kerri sniffed, ‘Oh what a fabulously romantic story.’

‘What? Granddad was twice the size of dad. Had they traded blows again he could have killed dad.’

‘But he wouldn’t have and didn’t Cass. Don’t you see? That is what romance is all about. It’s about the unseen energies that bind people and the poetry that emanates from that.’


‘Oh god Cass, do I have some work to do on you.’

Cass groaned. ‘This place will never be the same again when you team up with my mother and stimulate her.’

‘Stop it Cass. That’s naughty and disrespectful of your mother. She is entitled to have passion and ideas. It’s no longer a man’s world.’

Cass sniffed. ‘I don’t know why I allow you to talk to me like this?’

‘Well that’s a promising start. Will you walk out with me at evenings Cass?’

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin

Introduction: Three couples have fun together I arrived home from a business trip late on Tuesday night. Sally, my wife, had left my bedside light on but she was already in bed, asleep. I stripped off, I always sleep naked, and crawled into bed, glad to be home. I reached across to Sallys side of the bed to give her a little squeeze, and discovered that her shoulders were bare. Now that is unusual because Sally normally wears pyjamas in bed. I explored further down her body and established that...

2 years ago
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Belize Part 4 Tom Kerry Tina

“Oh shit fuck yeah!” Tina screamed as Tom brought her to her first orgasm of the night. Tom was moaning, groaning, and thrusting his hips upward as I watched Kerry ride his cock. I licked and sucked feverishly on his balls. Tom was spent, his cum working its way out of Kerry’s pussy as she continued to ride Tom until she came also. Me, I was the lucky one to clean up all of Tom’s cum that was now running down his slowly deflating shaft. I was more than happy to engulf his cock not letting any,...

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The Transformation of Kerry

I lived in a dorm, a coed dorm, actually and I seemed to get a lot of grief from the other guys in the dorm. I was smaller than most of them, only about 5’6” and about 130 pounds and pretty slender, very little muscle. I was never particularly macho, and some of the guys asked why a girl, meaning me, was sharing a room with a guy, my roommate. They openly wondered if I was gay. I tried to laugh it off. I might not be what they thought of as a guy, but I was male, just not very masculine. I...

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin

Just then Sally moaned and pulled my hand to one of her breasts. I squeezed her nipple and massaged her breast and Sally moaned some more. Then, apparently awake now, she threw one leg over my body and pulled herself on top of me. The next thing that I knew was that my cock was deep inside her cunt, and she was lifting up and sliding back down my very erect cock. Her apparent enthusiasm was such that within a few minutes I was pumping a load inside her cunt. She had already enjoyed a loudly...

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 3

Introduction: Our group gets together again This is the sequel to Sally Sam, Mary, Mark Kevin Kerry and Sally Sam, Mary, Mark Kevin Kerry 2 It is probably best to read those two episodes first. On Saturday morning I woke early. There was something going on beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw my wife, Sally, naked on top of my 15-year old nephew, Peter, also naked. Sallys cunt was on Peters face and I could see his tongue sliding between her labia. Sallys head was bobbing up and down over...

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Kerry A Life Continuing

This story is dedicated to all those readers who took the time to comment on my previous stories. Thank you This story picks up 8 months after the brutal assault on Kerry during the works Winter Ball, and Kate's marriage proposal to him. He made his choices and is now getting on with life, trying to put a closure on past events and enjoy his future. This is the last of the Kerry Stories and I recommend you read the others first, but if not here's a summary. In KERRY & THE...

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Kerry BDSM Slut

Kerry couldn't wait until the next week came around. She had contacted Jamie and told him just how much she enjoyed the previous Friday with him and his friends. Her cunt and asshole had only just recovered from the abuse she had received. She wanted to meet up again the following Friday for some extreme BDSM. She wanted to be fucked and punished hard and would bring all the equipment and toys to satisfy the needs of a nasty cunt like her. So Kerry got herself ready dressed up in a short latex...

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Kerry Choices

This story is number 4 in the sagas of Kerry Eddington. It can be read as a stand alone story or better as part of the whole series. For those of you who want to delve straight in a little prologue. In KERRY & THE SECURITY CHECK - returning from a short break in Scotland en fem Kerry unwittingly checks in the wrong suitcase. Stopped at security he is stripped search and humiliated and left with breast forms glued in place. Having missed his flight he is forced to work in a...

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Mark and Kerry and me make a happy three

Kerry is a very pretty blonde with a trim, tight, athletic figure. Not only was she pretty, but she turned out to be really fun to hang out with. For this weekend, the Saturday events were a game at Wrigley in the bleachers, followed by a street festival and some bars. We had an especially beautiful day and the alcohol was flowing freely. After the game, we hit the street fest and continued to drink and listen to a few bands. Mark and Kerry kept glancing at me and whispering to each...

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I want you Uncle Kerry Family Reunion

It has been a month since Uncle Kerry's niece, Lilly, moved in with him. Day after day they ravaged each other, enjoyed the freedom of being alone without risk. When he thought she couldn't possibly turn him on more or surprise him, she proved him wrong. If he could marry her he would...Surely they can behave themselves at the reunion. Not one day has passed since they first gave into each other where they haven't had each other over and over again. Not that he needed a break,no...some how she...

3 years ago
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I want you Uncle Kerry Part 6

It was no surprise to Uncle Kerry when Julie agreed to come over, of course he had left out the fact that his niece is here. What did surprise him was when his niece returned from upstairs after showering, she brought along the dildo he used on her before but his eyes fall onto the strap on she carries."You really have thought of being with a woman haven't you?"He asks and I grin. "This will find its uses in other situations, I'm sure." He tries to hold off his hard on that is starting to grow...

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 3

On Saturday morning I woke early. There was something going on beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw my wife, Sally, naked on top of my 15-year old nephew, Peter, also naked. Sally's cunt was on Peter's face and I could see his tongue sliding between her labia. Sally's head was bobbing up and down over Peter's groin. No prizes for guessing why she was doing that. I was not surprised or upset by what I was watching. After all, Peter and I had double fucked Sally for the second time, just...

1 year ago
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Kerry The Perils of a pretty PA

This is the 3rd Story in Kerry's tale. It can be read as a stand alone story or as the sequel to Kerry and the Security Check and Kerry and Kate. I do hope you enjoy it and I apologise now for any grammatical errors as I have no proof-reader, just you, but all reviews bad and good are warmly welcomed. I stood up and pushed the office chair back from the desk. As I did so I smoothed the front of my charcoal grey just above the knee length skirt flat. I felt the outline of the front...

1 year ago
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Camping with kerry my sister

100% fiction! Every year my dad insisted that we all went on holiday camping together in the new forest. And every year it was the same damn place. even though me and my brother were old enough to go on holiday with our mates at 26 we always had to smile and try to enjoy it. in the day we would get dragged to the same shops year after year. we got to our destination at a little camp site and hooked up the tents and bedding. my dad and mum in one tent and me and my sister Kerry had the tent next...

2 years ago
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Kerry and Kate

KERRY AND KATE is the sequel to KERRY AND THE SECURITY CHECK, a long wait I know for which I apologise, but these things take time, especially when done in secret for I find I write better when I am more suitably dressed. The soft hair of a wig against my face, the constriction of bra (and sadly given my girth a corset) the light flow of an A line skirt and the softness of nylons around my legs feeling feminine gives me the power to type and so here it is please enjoy. Kerry and...

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Kerrys Momcontinued

It was about three weeks later that the next chapter was written in this episode of my early life...Myself and Kerry had the house to ourselves for the weekend as her parents were at her Fathers works annual do and were stopping over in the hotel for the night.It was late summer and I hadn't yet left for my posting to Cyprus, so we had spent most of the Saturday walking round with next to nothing on (we had the house to ourselves after all). I never got bored of looking at Kerry her slim tight...

4 years ago
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Dramatic Role Part 2 in which I become Kerry Slater

Dramatic Role - part 2 in which I become Kerry Slater I didn't bump into Miss Slater for a few days after that, but I did discover that her first name was Julie. Then she stuck her head through the door to one of my english classes and simply asked if I could be excused to sort out something for the drama club. I was allowed to leave and followed her to the drama rooms, where she immediately locked the door and leant against it. "I think you ought to try on your dress for the part....

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Slutty Kerry gets into debt

Slutty Kerry gets into debtKerry was just 18 when she came to work for me as an office junior. Even as a school leaver she seemed very forward and though she was a little overweight she was more than willing to wear low cut tops and short skirts to work which went down very well with the men who worked in the factory.She had a boyfriend but was more than happy to let everyone know that she was also seeing a married black man.It wasn’t long before she was cadging cigarettes from the men in the...

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Kerris Transformation

Kerri's Transformation By Jojo ----------------------------------------- Last winter I moved back in with my parents after a bitter divorce and losing my job. My step-father and sister were not all that pleased with the situation but I had little choice and little money. For the first few weeks I regularly went out job hunting but as the results were a constant stream of noes and the weather grew inclement I began to stay home. Wandering around the place where I had grown up...

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Kerry And The Security Check

I'm sitting at my desk in the SAS Raddison hotel at Manchester Airport, gently sipping chardonnay. In the mirror above the desk my female self stares back. My hair is dark and shoulder length, my make up very delicate pinks I feel the gentle breeze of the air conditioning around the tops of my opaque black stockings attached by thick suspender straps with metal eyes and clasps to my black transformation corset which has a black lace trim. The corset which I have pulled as tight as I can...

4 years ago
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I want you Uncle Kerry Part 5

"Good morning." Uncle Kerry greets his naked niece as I walk into the bathroom while he takes a shower. "Where is your mother?""She left already." I smile and get into the shower with him, immediately dropping to my knees and putting his cock in my mouth. An instant hard on like only his niece can give him. I suck him nice and hard, making his knees shake slightly as he braces himself against the wall, water pouring down on us. Her lips feel so good wrapped around my cock, he thinks to...

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I want you Uncle Kerry Part 3

Until he has completely formulated his plan, he dares not speak of it. Perhaps it won't work, maybe his hot niece will say no, would it change anything? He has a lot to think about.In the mean time, we go to the mall to go shopping where Uncle Kerry buys some new out fits and I even pick out some sexy apparel for when we're alone. One of my favorites is a black translucent corset and garter set and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he likes it as well. "I'm going to try this on." I say as...

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Kerrys Mom

This is a story which although the names have been changed to protect the guilty actually happened .Back in the eighties i was in the armed forces and home on leave when i met Kerry who had recently returned to the UK from Australia where her parents had been working. She was a stunner with long curly black hair, deep brown eyes and a rather fine figure.Soon enough my leave was up and i had to return to my unit in Germany but it wasn't too bad as we were due embarkation leave as the unit was...

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Kerry had just returned from seven months overseas. I had known her before her trip but not especially well although I detected there was an attraction of sorts there. Friends and I went back to a mutual friend's place after a dinner and I was surprised to see Kerry there. The evening was pleasant, plenty to drink as usual and lots of laughs. As the night wore on Kerry began to talk more to me than the others and began to tell me of her overseas trip. This began innocently enough but soon we...

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Tales from an unfaithful husband Women Kerry Pa

Hey everybody!I'm hoping my writing skills can excite you as much as memories still do so stick with it and hopefully you'll be as horny as I am thinking about this, and this story (and others) are 100% true.I've been married for nearly 10 years and in all that time I've never been able to stay faithful. Most of the women (and men!) I've slept with have been one time things with the exception of 3 women; Kerry, Hazel and Nicki.With Nicki, our 'relationship' consisted of lots of text and phone...

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I want you Uncle Kerry

First let me begin by saying that I have wanted my Uncle for a very long time. Though we were close I never told him how I felt but I longed to. Now, years later at my age of 26, we were talking on line about the usual stuff when he said that I was beautiful. The way he said it made me question, but this couldn't be! He mentioned something about himself and I decided to take a chance."Though this might sound odd coming from me, I think your hot. Any girl would be lucky to have you. " I didn't...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 14The Final stage Part 1 I Tell My Husband That Im Bisexual And More

I am writing this final chapter of my journey sitting on the balcony of our apartment that is halfway up the Peak in Hong Kong. Hong Kong spreads below. A soft warm tropical trade wind brings the smell of frangipani. I am relaxed and reflective. Tomorrow is my forty-third birthday.It is almost three years since, just after I turned forty, my sexual awakening—journey as I like to think of it—began in an incense laden room in Phuket, Thailand. Now, as my husband and I settle into Hong Kong, my...

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Kerrigan Harper Hot Mess Ch 01

Chapter One She wore a gray pencil skirt with a matching jacket, tailored just enough to help lead the eye away from a voluptuous figure. Her long, dark hair was pinned back from her face and neck, with a small gray pill-box hat perched on top. Black, silk stockings with a seem up the back of her leg and a pair of black leather heels with square toes completed the ensemble. With stoic poise, she made her way through the church toward the gleaming wood of the confessionals. Entering the...

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Kerries New Life

Shivers run up your spine. You’ve lost track of time and the only thing you can hear is the sound of someone walking on the floor above and the dripping of water from the pipe overhead. The water drops slowly on your body. You can move but not much as the chains only let you move one to two inches. At first it was no big deal but as time dragged on the dripping started to matter as you move this way and that trying to get away from it. You can’t sleep, think, or move much. You thought you...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 13I Make An Erotic Video For My Husband

If you have read my earlier stories you will know that, until about two years ago, I was a happily married woman. In particular, I had never really thought of sex with another woman. That changed after a woman gave me an erotic massage in Thailand. She elicited three amazing orgasms and revealed a bi side that I never knew existed. Returning home, I explored online and made a number of online friendships with women who showed me the art and pleasure of cybersex and mutual masturbation....

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Kerries Journey Chapter 12Surprise Timmy and I get caught by Amy and Becca

The morning after my tryst with my eighteen-year-old twin daughters, Amy and Becca, we woke late. The girls were still in my bed. We had fallen asleep cuddled up with one on either side of me. During the night, they’d rolled away and now lay beside me—Amy on her back and Becca on her tummy. Both were nude. I couldn’t resist rubbing Becca’s back. She stirred, murmured, woke and smiled.“Oh Mom, are we going to make love again?”I smacked her ass, laughed and said, “As tempting as that would be,...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 11Gemma and my twins

As I drove up to the house, I noticed Gemma’s car parked in the drive way. She must be here for a swim, I thought. While my husband was overseas, Amy and Becca, my 18-year-old twin daughters, were also home. So, regretfully, Gemma and I wouldn’t be able to follow a swim with some sexual fun. How wrong I was!Gemma lived in the next suburb and, for the past few months, we had been lovers. She was more aggressive than I was and tended to push my sexual boundaries. She had been the first woman—and...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 10 Skyping with my husband turns sexual and offers new opportunities

In the days following dinner at Gemma’s I was in turmoil. I’d woken early the morning after the dinner in Gemma’s bed. She was on her back, her face soft with sleep. I lay beside her watching her before quietly rising, dressing and leaving her a note. I had to be alone. I needed to think.At home and in the cold light of day, I was frankly amazed at what had happened. I oscillated between feeling that I’d been a real slut and being highly aroused.The physical signs of the evening’s activities...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 9 Dinner at GemmasI enjoy three cocks and lose my anal virginity

At first glance, it was a typical suburban dinner party. The truth was very different. I was there alone; my husband being in Hong Kong. Apart from our hostess, Gemma, I had only just met the other four—a couple, Paul and Brenda, and two men, Jose and Simon—yet I expected, before the night was over, to have sex with all of them. That expectation both amazed me and filled me with marvellous anticipation; my panties already damp.Gemma was a gracious host, steering the conversation and serving a...

Group Sex
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Kerries Journey Chapter 8 Timmy And I Enjoy Sara And Sara Enjoys Us

If you have read my earlier stories you will know that Timmy, my seventeen-year-old step-nephew, and I have been having an affair. I was concerned that, by having such a regular affair with me, he wouldn’t develop relationships with his peers. Thus one afternoon, as we lay on the bed, recovering from our usual very satisfying fuck, I asked him whether he was having sex with any girls his age. He told me that his girlfriend, Sara, let him feel her breasts and pussy but wouldn’t let him fuck her....

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Kerries Journey Chapter 7 I give in and resume my affair with Timmy

While this story is reasonably standalone, for some background you may care to read Chapters 5 and 6.My less than satisfactory encounter with Robbie, plus Jennifer’s insistent reminders, led to me feeling that I maybe I should see Timmy again. Hopefully he’d still be interested sexually in me. The question was how. I couldn’t just ring him up and invite him over that would look a bit odd.Heather, my sister and his step-mom, finally gave me the perfect excuse. She mentioned that since he had now...


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