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Redux By Cal Y. Pygia Today, Stormy Danielson was re-creating the late Renaissance's Antonio Allegri da Correggio's Jupiter and Io. Danielson's re-creation was to remain true to the original in every way but one--the same detail, if one could call such a feature a mere "detail"--that his anonymous billionaire patron had ordered in commissioning the series of works upon which the artist was now hard at work. The painter thought that his benefactor's obsession with such a "detail" was ludicrous, but the patron considered it the very mark of genius. That such a feature could improve upon Correggio's masterpiece--or any of the other great painters' works which Danielson had been commissioned to re-create--was preposterous. Nevertheless, art had fallen upon hard times, and a man, even a painter as brilliant as Danielson, must eat and pay the rent. Therefore, with the greatest reluctance, and barely able to conceal the horror of his sponsor's idea, Danielson had agreed to the terms of his commission, which was to replace the woman in each painting with a male- to-female transsexual who had decided to retain her male genitals rather than to deliver them to the plastic surgeon's scalpel. Jupiter and Io was the first in a series of three such re-creations that Danielson had agreed to paint. Displayed in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria, Correggio's masterpiece was a companion piece to Ganymede Abducted by the Eagle, a homoerotic work celebrating the seizure of the Greek youth by Zeus in the form of a mighty raptor who carried him off to Mount Olympus. Jupiter and Io was itself inspired by the seduction, by Jupiter (or Zeus, as he was known by the Greeks), of the princess Io, as the story is recounted in Ovid's Metamorphoses. The original oil painting was created for Federigo Gonzaga, the first duke of Mantua, who had intended to decorate a room of his palace with The Loves of Jupiter. The amorous god was supposedly a distant ancestor of the Gonzaga family and a great womanizer like the duke himself. To suggest the alien nature of the deity, Correggio had depicted Jupiter in the form of a dark cloud out of which emerges a masculine face with cloudy lips with which to kiss Io's lips and a gray hand with which to clasp her waist. Although the naked Io's posture is awkward, suggesting that she has been caught off guard--her white robe is beneath her buttocks and right arm, as if it has slipped from her shoulders or has been removed by the vaporous deity--she offers her seducer no resistance, and, indeed, seems to enjoy his urgent embrace. As Correggio depicted Io, she is a young woman, in her twenties of classic beauty. Her face is angelic in its innocence and purity, with large eyes, a fine nose, unremarkable lips, a small chin, a sharp jaw line, and auburn hair swept up in a bun. Her body, although naked, is seen from the rear, offering a view of her smooth, but ordinary back, and the top of her buttocks which are truncated, as it were, by her seated position. Her legs are smooth and shapely. She is not overweight, although she is a bit plump, perhaps, by today's standards of feminine beauty, which call for skeletal versions of womanhood that resemble the female survivors of Auschwitz and Dachau. In order to exhibit the revised figure's male genitalia, Danielson found it necessary to slightly shift Io's posture, so that she sits upon one of her own calves and ankles, which raises her buttocks just enough to show a glimpse of her testicles and penis, which the artist positions between her legs, purely for the sake of pleasing the patron who has commissioned the work. Except for this "detail," the re-creation of Correggio's work is an exact copy that could hang in place of Correggio's original with no one, perhaps, being the wiser. The penis and testicles, however, are certain indicators that the painting is but a copy--and an altered copy, at that. The transsexual, or "shemale," as his benefactor insisted upon referring to the model whom Danielson hired for this painting, looked very much like whoever Correggio's model was; other than the male genitals, their resemblance was striking. Her name, Danielson had been told, was Anne Swan, an unlikely appellation, which, Danielson had little doubt, she'd made up, just as she'd made up her feminine gender--a copy, except in one "detail," of a woman, Danielson thought derisively, just as his own imitation Jupiter and Io was a copy, except in the same "detail," of Correggio's masterpiece. The irony was as obvious as it was odious to the painter, but, again, he had bills to pay, and his commissions would provide him with the means to meet these obligations and, perhaps, to take a small vacation after the third in the series was painted. He'd resigned himself to his use of her as the model for his Jupiter and Io re-creation, or rip off, as he thought of the counterfeit work he'd painted, but vowed that he would replace her with another model for his next painting. He wanted, as much as possible, to find women--or "shemales"--whose own looks, modified as they had been, by hormonal therapy and plastic surgery, matched as closely as possible those of the models who'd posed for the original masterpieces he was duplicating, except, of course, for the one added "detail" of the female subject's male sex organs. That was before he'd fallen in love with Anne, a situation which he would have regarded with equal parts incredulity and horror, before it happened. It had occurred in stages, over the three weeks' time that it had taken Danielson to replicate Correggio's masterpiece. In directing Anne as to how to pose, in instructing her to adjust the tilt of her chin, to lower her left arm or to raise her right, to settle more firmly upon her left buttock, to push her "male parts" more firmly between her legs, and to remain absolutely still, Danielson had observed anew, with each direction, as painters are wont to notice, the exquisite loveliness of his model. He had discerned the way in which the morning sun illuminated her golden flesh, highlighting the flawless, fluid contours of her facial profile, her brow, her nose, her lips, her chin, the sweep of her flowing throat, her delicate shoulders, her sculpted back, the flare of her hips, her slightly elevated buttocks, and, of course, the small, flaccid penis and the sac of balls between her sleek thighs. She was an altogether beautiful woman--or "shemale"--and, as always, it was Danielson's blessing and curse as an artist to be captivated by beauty. During the breaks that she took from her modeling, Danielson had begun to strike up conversations about her. Awkward at first, his halting speech, his indecisive manner, and his obvious embarrassment in conversing with such an exotic creature as the hermaphroditic Anne did not win her affections. She'd replied dutifully, in monosyllabic terms, to his questions, sometimes refusing to answer his queries at all, finding them "too personal." However, slowly, she warmed to his brusque manner, his fumbling interrogations, and his unschooled attempts at civility. It did not hurt his cause, either, that he was both a fine artist and a handsome man. In the midst of one of their question-and-answer sessions, she, still undraped, had stalled his interrogation by probing his mouth with her tongue as she pressed her breasts--and her cock and balls--against his chest and groin. Thereafter, from that moment on, he was hers, and the "detail" of her burgeoning manhood, clearly evident between their embracing bodies, was no longer an impediment to their love. Indeed, it became a significant factor in Danielson's attraction to her exotic beauty, just as, before, it had been a repellant. The artist now understood his patron's obsession with "shemales." Such a mania seemed, indeed, not a fixation at all, but natural and inevitable. On the day of the painting's completion, Anne stood beside Danielson, her arm around his waist, and his around hers. He was clothed, as usual, in his boots, jeans, sweatshirt, and artist's smock. She was nude, as always. "What does it mean?" she asked the artist. He looked at her, his devotion to the transsexual obvious in his loving gaze. "Mean?" he repeated, as if the concept were alien to him. "The painting." "It is the story of Jupiter and Io." "I know that, silly, but what does it mean?" He smiled at her naivet?. It was one of the things he loved about her, beside her beauty and the fabulous incongruity of her mixing of humanity's sexes and genders. He started to lecture her about "art for art's sake," but decided, instead, to approach the topic from Anne's more na?ve point of view. "You mean what does it mean, as it what's the meaning, or the moral, of the story?" She smiled. "Exactly." "Well," he began, "there is a certain openness in the interpretation of a work of art--even a copy such as this--but my patron's intent, in replacing the female figures in the series he's commissioned me to paint, with a shemale--I mean, a transwoman--" Anne had told him how she detested the word "shemale"--is to show--how did he put it?--ah, yes!--to show that gender, if not sex, is entirely plastic and fluid, and that, as a consequence, both masculine and feminine characteristics may be exhibited in the same figure, regardless of the cultural and artistic milieu out of which any specific work of art itself arises." "Wow. He said all that?" Anne mused. "The same asshole who refers to transgender women as 'shemales'?" Danielson laughed. "A man who is astute in one area may be, as you say, an 'asshole' in another." "So what does all that mean, that stuff that he said about 'plastic and fluid' and all that?" The artist smiled. "He means, my dear, that masculinity and femininity are accidental, rather than essential." "You mean, gender is socially determined, rather than innate?" "Yes, and, more than that, that even our sex is something that, although it is assigned, as it were, by nature, is arbitrary and random, and, therefore accidental and capricious, rather than necessary and essential." "So we can change sex?" "If we like, although, I must admit, I prefer the hermaphroditic mixture of sex and gender that your choice, in foregoing sex-reassignment surgery and retaining your male parts, represents." Anne kissed him. "You say the sweetest things," she told the artist, "even if, most of the time, they're mostly incomprehensible." * Their next project was Sandro Botticelli's famous tour de force, Venus Rising from the Sea. In the original, the Greek goddess of beauty stands, near the center of the painting, on the half shell that has floated her ashore amid a hail of flowers, courtesy of Zephyr and Chloris, gods of the winds, who hover to her right, providing the wind that propels her ashore. Her flowing red hair lies along her left side, the ends of these fiery locks draped over her left hand, which is strategically placed over her genitals to hide them from the viewer's gaze. Her right arm is lifted so that her forearm and right hand obscure her right breast. Her left tit, however, apple- small, hard-looking, and round, is on display. Although she is naked, showing plenty of skin, the goddess' privy parts, except for the left breast, are concealed; she is more a tease than a temptress. Venus is ill-disposed, in Botticelli's painting, to leave even her left breast revealed for long, for one of the Horae, or deities of the seasons, rushes forward with a flower-printed robe with which the goddess of love may cloak her nakedness. As with Jupiter and Io, Danielson had to make a few, not-so-subtle changes in the original composition in order to incorporate Anne's male genitals into the figure of Venus. By moving the goddess' left arm so that it hangs to her side and the hank of hair that it holds is also moved from her groin, Danielson was able to include Anne's cock and balls, thereby transforming Botticelli's vision of the goddess' birth into one that presented a hermaphroditic, rather than a female, deity. As with Jupiter and Io, the transsexual transformation of Venus was startling and gave a whole new world of possible interpretations to the work of art. This time, in celebration of the completion of the second of the three commissioned works, the artist and his model, having become lovers in spirit, if not yet in the flesh, honored the occasion with more than kisses. Kneeling before Danielson, Anne bowed low, worshipping the painter's prick. Letting her open jaws descend over his stiff, standing erection, she drew her rounded lips up and down, in a slow, steady rhythm that brought to Danielson's mind the relentless inflow and outflow of the ocean's surf, reminding him, as did Anne herself, of the goddess of beauty's birth from the foam of the sea. Sensing the rising urgency in the artist's loins, Anne quickened the pace with which she sucked Danielson's cock, and he was soon relieving himself in her mouth, jet after warm, thick jet of his fecundating fluid filling her oral cavity. She swallowed and swallowed as his convulsing cock spewed another volley of semen into the warm-soft-wetness of her mouth, and, still, more splattering ejaculate sprayed over her tongue and palate. She swallowed these additional bursts of semen, delighting in the salty, sea-taste of him. It was the first time that Danielson had ever ejaculated in front of one of his works, and he found the experience tremendously exciting, a signature of sorts. It was as if the central figure of his painting had come to life, taken on flesh instead of paint, and stepped off his canvas to demonstrate her adoration of him, her creator. * The last of the three paintings took Danielson a week to complete, but, when it was finished, he saw, at once, that, even as a mere replication of the original, it was, in its own right, a masterpiece worthy of one of the great galleries of the world. As always, the patient, longsuffering Anne, had, likewise, been the perfect model, this time portraying Eve, with whom the artist had coupled a portrait of himself, nude, like her, as Adam. This time, the painting that Danielson copied, altering only the "detail" of Eve's sex organs, was by Tiziano Vecelli, better known to the world as Titian. There had been a debate among philosophers, theologians, artists, and others as to whether humanity's first parents should be depicted as having had navels. Like Venus, they were said to have been created as adults. Therefore, reason would assume that they had never have been in need of an umbilical cord and, consequently, would not possess the scar, or navel, resulting from the removal of this fleshly lifeline. Those who opted to paint the famous first couple without a navel saw the result as eerily unnatural looking, some of them painting in a tree's or a shrub's stray leaf to conceal the missing scar. Others painted the navel, whether, logically, it should be present or not, Titian being among them. Because of the scripture that reads, "male and female, he created them," some artists had rendered Adam and Eve as a single, hermaphroditic creature, so, from that standpoint, Danielson supposed that there was some precedent for depicting Eve as a transwoman, although, by the same standard, he ought also to portray Adam in the same vein, as having had both breasts and a penis and testicles and, for that matter, a vagina as well. Instead, he painted the couple as his patron had insisted, Adam as a typical, but idealized, man; Eve as a male-to-female transsexual who had opted out of sex-change surgery, deciding to keep her male genitals as part of who and what she was, neither fully male nor fully female, but a member of a rare and mystical third sex. The portrayal of Eve as a transwoman, rather than as a woman, enriched the mythical and theological implications of the Genesis account of divine creation. Was the serpent's temptation to her designed to encourage her to change her sex, to become a woman rather than a man or a hermaphrodite? Was it to forego the possibility of womanhood in order to embrace manhood or hermaphroditism instead? Was it to become both male and female? Was the temptation to become less, as either a woman or a man, or to become more, as a hybrid mixture of both sexes? What was God's will with regard to human sexuality and gender? What was nature's purpose, if any, in the process? Were Adam and Eve meant to embrace heterosexuality exclusively, or both heterosexuality and homosexuality, or, indeed, for that matter, transsexuality? The substitution of the transsexual Anne for the female Eve as the central player in the fall of humanity introduced all these questions and more. Danielson and Anne celebrated this, the artist's magnum opus of the series, by making wild, passionate love. The painter took his model from behind, penetrating her anally. After lubricating her asshole and his cock, Danielson knelt behind his Io-Venus-Eve, who had positioned herself before him, on her elbows and knees, her legs spread well apart. Grasping his erection in his fist, Danielson aimed it between the silken, inward- curving buttocks of his model's perfect ass and drove his hips forward, slowly but resolutely, forcing wide her anal sphincter. His penis entered his model's asshole, plunging into her rectum, its entire length cramming her ass. Ann grunted, but pressed her rear firmly against the invading member, the firm-soft cheeks flattening before the artist's groin. The painter eased his cock back through the model's impaled bottom, drawing the thick column of flesh slowly into view, an inch at a time, and, when just the glans remained within the wide-spread ring, he thrust his member back into Anne's asshole. His cock rammed easily through the relaxed sphincter, plumbing the transwoman's depths. His penis moved fluidly, and he quickened his pace, fucking her more forcefully. In and out, back and forth, he attacked and withdrew, assaulted and retreated, charged and drew back. In response to the repeated thrusts into her gut, Anne gasped, moaned, groaned, and whimpered. Her sounds enflamed Danielson's lust, and he pounded her harder, faster, almost frantically ramming and cramming her full of his massive member. Her ass cheeks rippled as they reacted to the relentless pummeling, jiggling and flexing. They flattened and sprang back into fullness as the artist continued his merciless assault, driving his cock into her depths again and again with a violence that bordered upon savagery. Anne bit her lower lip, repressing her urge to cry out, to shriek, to scream, for the endless, forceful pounding she was taking, although incredibly sexy, was almost more than she could bear. Her own diminutive penis stood up, stiff and swollen, against her tummy, her small balls swinging in time with Danielson's thrusts and withdrawals. The painter ravished his model, with no other thought than to fuck her, as fast and as forcefully as he could, for as long as he could, the ravishment having become an end unto itself. His hips moved according to some primeval instinct as old as time, and he was driven entirely by hormones and the propensities not of his own nature, but of Nature herself, a captive to primordial needs and irrational desires. As he launched his cock deep into Anne's ass again, something inside him seemed to uncoil all at once, to unwind within his balls, and to spring from his loins in thick, spurting streamers. He withdrew his prick, and several more warm, wet, white banners of semen unfurled, these splattering Anne's back, buttocks, and thighs. Danielson's ejaculate dribbled down the model's balls and perineum and trickled down her upper legs. She, too, lost control, and her small cock convulsed, spewing her seed across the studio floor. She gasped, and another jet of her fecundating fluid spurted from her. * A week later good news came from Danielson's patron. He adored the painter's works, and he commissioned another set of three modifications of famous paintings, on the condition that the artist would employ the same lovely "shemale." The first was Leda and the Swan, itself to be based upon a copy--the one by Cesare Sesto, of Leonardo da Vinci's lost work; the second Eugene- Emmanuel Amaury-Duval's Psyche, and the third Emilio Fernandez's Hermaphrodite. Danielson had no doubt but that Anne would look lovely in all these guises, just as she had as Io, Venus, and Eve, and he was anxious to get started on the new projects, for, upon the completion of each, he knew that Anne would want to celebrate the resulting masterpiece as much, if not more, than he would--with sex--and he was looking forward to doing just that.

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Hi friends my name is sumit .age 18 years .me baroda me apane mummy papa ke sath rahata hoo 10th ki exam dene ke bad me aise hi apane dosto ke sath internet cafe jane apane ek friend nikhil ke sath ek comp share karta tha nikhil mere se internet ke bare me jyada janta jyada karke wahi site surf karata tha.ek din me internet cafe der se pahoocha to dekha nikhil comp pe betha hoowa tha aur indian sex stories read kar raha tha.mene dekha woh jyada karke brother sister ki stories...

2 years ago
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A night turned beastly

First off I'm Mary, just recently turned 18, 5'3, short choppy hair that's currently died half pink, half black. I'm not exactly "fat" but I'm more curvy than anything. Round hips, large ass, 40 DD-DDD breasts (the size bra I wear depends on the brand) and Iv defiantly never had trouble with the guys, or girls. (I'm Bisexual. It's 2015 what do you expect? Every girl likes girls and boys, even the ones who don't want to admit it) however I fell in love hard with my boyfriend, Cody....

2 years ago
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Fucking My Sister In Law And Her Daughter 8211 Part II

I woke up in the morning at around 5 am and looked around my wife Preeti was still sleeping and snoring and I got up walked towards the room where my sister in law Mona was sleeping and even she was in deep sleep what you would expect a woman of 39 years to do after. She has been fucked by my 7.5 inches cock and the night before then I walked towards the room of Cherry Mona’s daughter and she was also in deep sleep and her 38 inches breasts were going up and down with her breath and I could see...

3 years ago
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Yoursquore Kinda Pretty

“Okay. I understand. I’ll call you on Sunday. Bye.” I sighed into my cell-phone. Liz my best friend had been called back to work instead of meeting me for a girlie lunch and an afternoon shopping.As I looked at my watch and fresh cup of cappuccino I was aware of two guys running across the road towards me as I sat at the pavement café. “Wow! You’re so pretty! You must be a model!” The shorter one gasped breathlessly taking hold of my free hand as he sat next to me. The other, taller, one held a...

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A Mythological Trip

Please comment on my story :D Oh, if you know how to put indents in these stories, let me know. !Update! This story has been edited and cleaned up a bit. It is now A Mythological Trip (Took away the . cause that is a little cheap to get on the top of the menu :P). Updates will go there, so i hope you will check it out ^.^ Along an old dirt road an old rusting truck barreled along, making a plume of disturbed dust behind it. "How did I get here, and how am I going to get out of this damn place,"...

2 years ago
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Wrong Text to My Phone PT2 Gay

I was shocked! It felt like I was watching a porn video and then the guy impossibly stepped off the screen and stuck his wet dick in my face! Without any warning I was suddenly transformed from anonymous audience to active participant with the lights shining on me and the cameras rolling!And my impulse was to obey, to suck.I opened my mouth and took his rock hard cock in my mouth without even thinking... just doing.And I knew in one second, in one impulsive moment, that I wasn't as straight as...

3 years ago
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My old neighbor the plumber

My old neighbor, the plumber When living in Atlanta, we had several good neighbors. One of them was Jack O’, a giant black man in his mid fifties, a widower, who lived alone in a nice house around the street corner. One morning I was arriving home when he passed along and I invited him in for a beer.We were sitting at the kitchen counter joking and telling some stories when my sweet Ana walked in wearing nothing but a short transparent black night gown, tight high stockings, stiletto heels and...

3 years ago
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The New OwnerChapter 9

Note: I love this story as if flows onto my computer. I hope I do it justice as it is much longer than I anticipated. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. I did take some liberties in the management restructuring or this chapter alone could have been a book. As it is my editor suggested I split it into two chapters because it was too long. Please accept them as they are, I have plans to use some of them in the future. As always constructive criticism gratefully accepted and ways to...

4 years ago
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The First Time I Let A Man Fuck Me

I always knew I would let another man fuck me eventually. And I finally did it for the first time at age 46, around two years after I got divorced and I was free to fuck and be fucked by whoever I wanted - after 22 years of an monogamous and very sexually satisfying relationship with my ex. Once I made my decision I never looked back. I was excited and nervous too. I fantasized about what it would be like constantly, and when I fucked my new girlfriend I wondered what it was like to be fucked...

Gay Male
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Sandra the Ponygirl wanting to be Sired

Sandra was horse crazy, we both were and working on the farm at weekends, gave us the opportunity to ride, with the occasional weekend away, to ride on the island at the farmers sisters horse riding school.We were alone a lot of the time mucking-out the stables and brushing the horses down, and the farmer once took us along to watch out Mares be Sired.We were both old enough to know what was going on and as I have mentioned in several stories before, we became sexually active with the old man,...

3 years ago
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I was already breathing heavily as I was lowered seductively towards the leather sofa. His arm encircled my waist and lowered me slowly and gently to the waiting cold surface. He had stripped me down to the statutory stockings and suspenders as soon as we got into the house. There was little else left to hide my modesty. In all honesty, my modesty was well and truly discarded the moment I knew he was mine. I watched him spread my legs and drop to his knees between them. He discarded his...

2 years ago
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My Mom my first experience Heinis story2

Written by aweiawa on Dec. 18th 2003 at 12:18 translated by jack4fun on Jan. 12th 2012, 04:08Heini's story part 2 Just the next evening I wanted to try it. I already went to bed at 9 p.m., read a bit in my porn magazines and then went, as nude as I was, witha semi erect willy, to the living room where mom sat in front of the TV. "The porn magazines are not longer so interesting, they are even somewhat boring,I like it much more if you are helping me." I said wholly innocent.At once she lifted,...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 70

The trip to Jacksonville went smoothly. Stephanie had called a little after six (while Liz and I were still in varying stages of undress) and acted as though nothing was amiss. She asked if the travel plans were still the same and said she’d meet us at the airport. She gave no indication that I’d spoken to her or that she had considered walking away. I decided it wasn’t worth the battle so I let it go. She was on board like the rest of us and she’d sink or swim with everybody else. Liz was...

4 years ago
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A Woman In Full Sharons Journey Continues Part VI Whispers and Shouts

Part VI - Whispers and Shouts Sharon was up early Monday, and so by the time Jocelyn came out, dressed and ready to go, there was a light, healthy breakfast waiting for her. Two places were set, each with half a cantaloupe, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee and whole wheat toast. The New York Times was at Jocelyn's place as well as the Wall Street Journal. "Nothing in the Times and nothing new in the Journal," Sharon said. "Too soon," Jocelyn said. "The Journal will await...

3 years ago
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Angry Fuck

There was this very hot transgender girl who use to live in the Perth CBD, Western Australia and was working usually in a hotel on Hay Street. But she now lives in the United States with what i can only assume is a successful porn career as i have seen her sexy body and beautiful hard cock in several sexy scene's. We'll call her Marissa for whatever reason and she has a cock i have sucked dry on six different occasions either with my mouth or asshole. I remember all of them fondly and i do jerk...

4 years ago
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Prison Bitch

James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college kid. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...

3 years ago
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First Date

On our very first date, I anticipated my husband to be promiscuous and far more sexually advanced than I. Perhaps even a bit sexually aggressive, which made me cautiously choose my outfit as I got ready. I was definitely more nervous than usual for a first date. Not sure if it was because of my attraction to him or his bold manner. All I knew was it was the best invitation I'd had since moving to town six months ago. After picking me up, he asked if it would be ok if we stopped by to meet a few...

First Time
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Ozark LifeChapter 3

I woke up at five after six to have a good outlook on what the day should be. I showered, shaved my few whiskers, brushed my teeth, and made sure that my hair was standing up the way it should. Most of the kids had long hair, but that would be a pain to wash and brush all the time. I liked a flat top that my sis was the best at cutting. I loaded the books for yesterday’s and today’s classes into my backpack, grabbed my coat, and left my room to go to the cafeteria. There were a few guys in...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 23

November 28, 1975 “I’m going to have to fail your wiring.” “You are?” Tim did not sound at all upset. “Yes.” “Why?” “I’ve never seen such a bad job. It looks like a bumbling amateur did the work.” Because the laws had changed in 1974, the older simple two prong receptacle was no longer allowed to be installed in houses. New outlets were required to use the three prong grounded receptacle. While they had not been required to upgrade the outlets, the old wire motivated them to upgrade...

3 years ago
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HI THIS IS CHALES AGAIN ,THIS TIME WITH GANBANG STORY AS NARRATED MY ONE AUNTY WITH WHOM I HAD SEX..ENJOYYYYYY I never had a gang bang before the other day. I mean I had fucked two guys at once but, that’s not really a gang bang. I had always wondered what it would be like to fuck 3 or 4 guys at once. Sucking, fucking, stroking, and getting reamed. How intense would that be? I still don’t know but, I can tell you 5 guys is a blast. My husband and I were having some work done on our house. We...

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Thomas meets Misty part II

Misty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...

1 year ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 7

It was another weekend, and I was again at Ben and Courtney's place. I drove to a county library, and parked my car there. Tom was waiting for me, and he transported us to his place after checking to make sure I was clean. My car was definitely monitored. We could not afford to have HS or anyone tumble onto the fact he was still alive and well. We were in his backyard sparing, and he was good. I had developed a set of combat reflexes courtesy of that training school in the alternate reality...

3 years ago
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His Pleasure

Sunlight is pouring into the room as her eyes open to the day. She is alone, having never been happy waking that way, she looks around the room for him. No one there, she is indeed alone, climbing out of the large bed she walks through the house, looking, searching the rooms, no one else is there. As she walks past the large sliding door to the backyard, she sees him. Laying on a chase lounge between the pool and the hot tub, soaking up the sun. He is naked except for sunglasses, the remote...

2 years ago
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The aide lends a hand

He was sleeping that morning and only had on his t-shirt and a baggy pair of shorts when Jessie did her usual quick knock and walked in the front door. She began to say good morning when she saw him laying there on his back with his shorts bunched up allowing his penis to lay along his thigh out in the open on display. Jessie quietly moved to the bed watching Ben and thinking to herself this is so wrong. She tentatively reached out a hand and brushed his penis with her fingertips causing him...

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Although I always dreaded the drive to my aunt and uncles house, I do enjoy hanging out there and just relaxing. Their house was built right by a lake and there's pretty much no neighbors around. Besides my aunt and uncle, there's also my younger cousin who I always got along well with but the age gap was big enough that we did not relate as much. We were planning on staying for the weekend and celebrate my aunt and uncles anniversary. When we got there my aunt asked me to stay in the bedroom...

1 year ago
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Camille Another Blowjob Queen in College

I walk into the lab to find Professor Schroeder alone. I am still tired from last night. It was the wildest frat party of the year. I was there with my girlfriends, Lynn Payton and Maria Castello. We are well known as the 'blowjob muske-tits', the three busty oral queens of the University. I disliked the nickname at first, but I got used to it and find it funny now. My name is Camille McCarthy, I am a coed at a large University in the West Coast. I am considered beautiful a Tall blonde with...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 10 Deepa

Martha tapped the activation sensor and established connection. Geha did not use an Avatar connection. “Martha, I managed to get away from the ones that tried to capture me again, but this is not why I am calling. I wanted to let you know that I am trying to get back into Freespace.” “Geha, Sister is alive.” “I am glad, it appears I gathered enough of her and it appears there was enough life in her for them to keep her alive. What will they do to her once she can be regrown?” “Geha, she...

4 years ago
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Vacation Transformation

VACATION TRANSFORMATION by Throne My wife Jennie was, as usual, attired in a leotard. She seemed to live in those things. Not that I minded. They did a fantastic job of showing off her supersized boobs and doublewide butt. Problem is that I'm not the only one looking. We were at a seaside vacation town and there was no shortage of young studs feasting their eyes on her outrageous curves. There were plenty of sexy girls, too, and I wouldn't have minded looking at them. But if I...

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Christine had invited her friend for a sleep over knowing full well that I had the hots for her, just one look at her firm 40inch chest could reduce me to a wreck. Christine breasts were a nice size considering her slim frame about 36c if I recall set off with a delicate candy pink nipple that was to die for. I had an idea that Christine was trying her best to match me up with her mate Sharon and I did not plan on this. Whilst watching the video the two girls were doing there best to...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Caitlin Bell Lusty Professor Caitlin Bell Needs Dick

When sexy professor Caitlin Bell’s husband leaves her for her secretary, she ends up getting consoled by hunky student Robby Echo in the most raunchiest of ways. French kissing quickly turns to titty sucking and heavy petting, and soon the blonde babe is spreading her legs for pussy licking and sucking his cock. Watch the lusty MILF bombshell slide her dripping wet snatch up and down the stud’s monster dick in cowgirl and get pounded until covered with tons of cum here on...

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Sudden sex with my maid

Hi, I am Damodar from Gurgaon. I will tell you how I seduced my maid to do sex with me. One morning I woke up late and my mother was already gone to work so she wrote a letter telling me that she will go to Delhi for some work direct from office. And she also told me that she might not be coming today maybe after two days. After hearing this I felt so happy to be alone for two days. Just then my maid came and knocks the door, I opened it and to my surprise she was wearing a very thin saree and...

3 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

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Caught part 4

Hello All, It's been a while since I last posted any stories. I have been working on the stories but progress has been slow. I have a blog at Please visit and follow some of my real life adventures. I plan to continue this story. Feel free to let me know what you think, and any ideas you'd like incorporated. My email is [email protected] Part 4 The barman approaches with a beer. "From that guy over there," he said pointing to a guy dressed in...

2 years ago
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The PetChapter 9

"I think," David said after a while, "that we really need to break her spirit. If we get her to the point where there is no hope left, we can rebuild her however we want." "What do you mean, honey?" "I think that she has too much time to think, and that her lessons have become predictable, at least in terms of the time of day." David stopped and pondered for a while. "We also need different ways to reinforce the lessons." "C'mon," he said with a smile, "It's about time that...

2 years ago
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Roommate Sex pt 1

Nikki spread her legs and pinched her nipples as her roommate Kay climbed onto the bed and began eating Nikki out. Nikki moaned loudly and arched her back as the first wave of pleasure hit her body. She hadn't had sex in a long time and when Kay drunkenly hit on her she gave into temptation and accepted Kay's request of sex. Kay had smirked a sexy grin that made Nikki blush as Kay pushed her against the wall and began taking Nikki's clothes off for her. Nikki was in such a horny state that...

4 years ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 5Part 1

That old man has to be mucking with these wings, I thought as I hefted my Sword of Miracles and looked around the surrounding countryside. I could see a well-worn path leading from the nearby bridge, but I couldn't see the city of Salabona. The wing should have dropped me at least close enough to see some sign of civilization. Slipping my sword into its sheathe, I chuckled. Sword of Miracles, Mystic Armor, Shield of Strength — If anything does hit me, it's not going to hurt for more than...

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