Maid in fear.
Hello everybody send me all your corrections and comments to:
[email protected] I sincerely hope you like this tale.
I had fallen in a spiral of shit.
Six months ago I was laid off from my job and my severance package was
completely exhausted.
Four years ago a gave the first payment to a very nice and big house in
a private grotto in Mexico City, the mortgage payments were very high,
but my job allowed me to pay every month not with ease but completely
and left me very small surplus for food or car maintenance and nothing
for savings, that was enough for me. I had very few essential furniture
and almost no clothes, nevertheless I thought that there was a payoff:
I would own a very big house by the time I would decide to get married,
also if I just paid the 20 year loan it would be completely compensated
by the time I'm 45 or less, but even though year after year my income
started being a little better and I was sure that soon I could have a
better, more laid back life, but then I lost my job and everything went
to hell. Now the big house and money were not my friends anymore.
In the first month I was very careful in my expenses, nevertheless very
quickly I ran out of cash and my job applications weren't getting
nowhere, I started applying for shittier jobs and even though I knew
those jobs wouldn't pay my debts entirely, they were better than
By the end of the second month, the Monster House had eaten all my
remaining money and I even sold my car and most of my furniture. I had
only a bed and a fridge, I didn't even had a microwave oven. Being
unmarried helped me remain sane without worrying for someone else and
Spartan in my outtake on life, but as an orphan since my teens I didn't
have any close family or friends to call for help, I had always been a
loner and liked it, but right now I felt not only alone, but considered
that all my decisions were bound to make me very miserable and soon
enough homeless.
My only friend was my neighbor Jorge, he was about 36 years a little 10
years more than me. We had become friends in the last year when his
wife lost the war against a very aggressive cancer and after 4
excruciating months of chemo and other treatments died, that left Jorge
as a bitter widower with no children and a very big alone house.
Several times he told me that I was his only friend, and in his dire
times (and my good ones) I let him crash almost every day in my couch
(when I still had one).
So one day at the middle of my third misery month I was invited to his
house for barbecue and beers, of course I could not pass on a free meal
and my free time was too much and of course I went. "So Richie (My name
was Ricardo and my friends called me Rick or Richie) how goes the job
hunt?" he asked me.
"You know the job market is really shitty and I think I'll have to get
something with a lower pay rate, but while I'm able to make the house
payments I will be ok, everything else is extra." He looked at me and
grinned sympathetically, but he knew I was in VERY rough patch, so bath
that in was more a field than a patch.
"You know, you can always stay here with me if the need arises," he
added nonchalantly, "you were there for me and I am here for you." His
eyes got all sad thinking about his late wife and I couldn't just stay
there so I hugged him, it was a very emotional moment.
The fourth month finished and I was not only on zero money, but I owed
the bank a LOT of money, they started calling me at all hours until my
cell phone got disconnected. When the bank couldn't reach me I was a
little happy, but understood also that potential employers wouldn't be
able to reach me either, as I said before I was spiraling deeper than
shit, I was in a very deep hole and kept digging inside of it.
At the beginning of the fifth month a bank representative came to see
me and told me we had passed the point of no return. I could resell the
house and pay the penalty on the mortgage, and I would lose the house
and almost all the money I had previously paid, but at least they
wouldn't prosecute me. In other words that way I wouldn't go to jail.
The representative had all the paper work ready and I signed then and
there. He then told me that I had until the 18th to take my things out
and after that anything left in the house would be propriety of the
Bank, that gave me two days to move, but to move where and what, I only
had my bed and my clothes, I ate bread and water every day I didn't
even had the fridge. I decided to leave my few belongings until the
last minute possible, I still needed to think where I could move to.
The morning of the 18th I went out to get some breakfast, I must have
been out for less than 30 minutes, but when I arrived the people of the
Bank was already there and there were seals all over the house, I had
been left out and my measly possessions were now out of my reach, I
only had the clothes I had on and a loaf of bread not even my College
diploma or id papers other than my ID inside my very empty wallet. I
had worked so much for that house and now it was the source of all my
disgrace. I had nothing and nowhere to go, so my only real choice was
to swallow all my pride and ask Jorge for his offering.
That afternoon I waited for him. He arrived from work at about 7:30 in
the evening, I had just waited outside of his house all day. Now I was
a homeless bum.
"Of course you can crash here while you get a job and recover your
footing my friend, he said with a smile" I was very grateful, but I
really didn't know how I was going to repay his kindness.
When Monica (his late wife) died Jorge moved to one of the guest rooms,
he didn't care about the master bedroom and it remained the way she had
left it, he never entered there and he said that I should use that one
that it was fully equipped and never went inside it.
I continued looking for a job, I had started moving into other kind of
jobs like store clerk or street sweeper, I didn't need to pay for the
house anymore so anything was good as long as I could get out of
Jorge's house, rent a crappy apartment or at least buy a new pair of
pants. The problem was with my work experience and studies because I
had two master degrees and had been CFO in my last job, so my r?sum?
overqualified me for all this shitty jobs and everybody was afraid that
in a little time I would take their own jobs. Everybody wants to hire
the best, but when he or she comes they are afraid they will be
surpassed, so for the time being I had to earn my keep.
I thought that maybe I could "butler" my stay. Every day I woke up very
early and prepared breakfast, cleaned the house and did laundry, cooked
dinner and kept the house in top notch condition, his room was always a
problem, I was told that he was a very reserved person and I was
allowed there only twice a week to clean and not touch anything, but
after a week he stopped At first Jorge kept saying that it wasn't
necessary but after a week or so he stopped saying it and started to
make requests, "You know, you could clean the windows better" or "My
shirt is stained, be more careful the next time," "Could you cook this
or that?" my welcome was overdue and I knew it, also even though I
washed my clothes every day, I started getting bored and uncomfortable
with my only pair of pants, shirt and underwear. Of course because I
worked for food and shelter it meant that I didn't have a dime for
Weekends were the worst, Jorge was used to go for drinks with his
friends (the ones thathe sayd he didn't have) on Fridays and Saturdays
and always got really drunk, that meant that the next day he would have
a hangover and be in a crappy mood, this times he used to stare and
make some comments about my inexistent job hunting, my shabby clothing
and very angrily demanded food, drinks or anything he wanted at the
moment. On Sundays he just droned in front of the TV watching the
soccer games, he was a real soccer fan (Like most Mexicans) and I was
not, something that really bothered him, he started seeing me as
something less than a man.
One time during the third week, the neighbor from across the street
Gina came asking for help to change her tire. She was a divorced single
mom, she got the house and a good alimony from her cheating husband and
was a very nice person, she was in her late twenties she must have been
beautiful just a few years back, but at the moment even though she was
very pretty she was fat and always wore sweat pants and tennis shoes,
she had let go of herself. She had married young about 16 or 17 and had
two sons in junior high, she kept clean the house and made the chores,
the deal she got in the divorce allowed her to live well without
working and her ex-husband a big shot business man didn't really care
as long as he didn't need to see her or the kids it's unbelievable how
can men just ignore their families.
When I opened the door, she was a little surprised, because she was
expecting Jorge, but we were not strangers and I told her all about my
problems. We became good friends and twice or thrice a week she came or
I went to her house to have coffee and talk a little, I understood that
I was taking the part of a gossipy housewife, but at this time in my
life I really needed a friend, she was there and also in need of one.
When we saw each other we talked about the neighbors or the news, ate
cookies and drank coffee, she was a real friend and there was never
sexual tension, I am sure she saw me as another chick.
About four weeks after "The incident" as I called my moving into the
house, Jorge looked at me square to my face and told me: "You know
Rick, your clothes are starting to rip apart and of course they reek,
the stench is unbearable. After all you even sleep in them, maybe you
can use something from Monica" he didn't look straight in my direction,
but it didn't sound as a possibility it sounded more like a request or
an order.
Jorge kept all of Monica's clothing, even from before her illness, he
hadn't had the heart to throw anything out and yes I was closer to her
size than to his, he was about a foot taller than me and at least 30
pounds heavier, he wasn't fat, he was fit and after five or some months
of malnourishment I was very thin; I didn't look like a skeleton, but I
was really thin maybe 100 or 110 pounds; also I hadn't cut my hair in
almost 4 months so it was close to my shoulders I could see that I sort
of looked like a girl to him. Maybe I was not a butler and more like a
maid. I didn't quite dismiss Jorge's commentary, first because he
sounded totally serious, also because my clothes were in shambles. So
the next morning during breakfast (I began to serve him and not to sit
with him, that looked like it was what he wanted) I asked if he meant
that I should rummage through her things, "You know something must fit
you and you never leave the house so I guess it's a good trade, nobody
else is going to use those things anymore and nobody will laugh if you
choose to use a dress, you know in fact you should choose a dress. You
do house work and that's a woman's job, if you are going to continue
working here you are going to dress properly, also when I come back I
want that steak with red sauce that you do, it's a good meal" he
smirked a little, but I detected no irony he was dead serious and again
it wasn't a suggestion, it was an order by the time he arrived there
should be steak and I should be in a dress.
So when he left I went up to check things out, in fact that was my
I met Monica briefly before cancer struck, she was a real beauty, about
6 feet tall without heels, (which she used religiously) long straight
raven black hair, very thin like a model, big deep black eyes and the
most luscious lips that you can imagine, I jerked out to her image more
than once.
I had got used to be in her room, in my spare time I just took naps or
read something that I found in the measly library, Jorge wasn't an
intellectual man and that meant there were mostly Soccer magazines or
old Monica's fashion magazines and sadly I preferred the last ones. I
was even ashamed to use the TV in the living room, but it never
occurred to me that I was going to go through her stuff, less of all
her private stuff like under wear drawers or private things.
As I said before, she was ultrafeminine and every piece of clothing she
owned helped to intensify her sexy image. Of course she had pants, but
they were very few and very form fitting, the formal ones defined her
figure very nicely, her jeans were all very tight or low cut, she
didn't even owned sweat pants, she worked out every morning with tight
spandex outfits and let's not talk about her underwear drawers, I think
she had only sexy revealing stuff, didn't this girl ever laid back on
her image? Well maybe with an uptight husband like Jorge she never
could, if he is anything as I've seen to this moment she must have to
be perfect everyday of her life and maybe that burden is what drove her
to the tomb.
So here I was, trying to decide what piece of clothing should I steal
from a dead woman in order to keep working for her much alive angry
I didn't know anything about women's clothing and I knew I had to learn
fast, I had to look good when he got back, but I was very sure I didn't
want to look sexy, hell I wasn't even sure I could pass as a woman, and
maybe if I did a sloppy job he would get even angrier.
I decided to call Gina, as usual she was at home and she had time to
spare, it was 9:30 in the morning and I had to be ready, with my
appearance AND dinner by 7:00. I told her by the phone that I really
needed her help and that it would be a long day, I explained the whole
situation and in less than a minute she was in the front door.
"Ricky dear, this is weird, you think he is... you know, a weirdo?" she
said flipping her hand in an exaggerated gesture.
"No," I answered, "he just wants to either embarrass me to move out or
to feel at ease without another man in the house. Either way I need
your help, I need to use this stuff and I don't want to look... you know
like a man in a dress, I think that would make him angrier and I need
to have his be in his good side, I have never worn woman's clothing,
but right now I see it as chore, you know I left my dignity in my house
a long time ago."
So we started with a little resignation lingering I the air. Together
we checked the big closet and found some things that could fit me, but
first she asked me to fetch Jorge?s electric shaver, and she went to
her house for something she said she needed. "I'm sure poor Moni (God
rest her soul) has what we need, but we don't have time to look for
everything so I will go to my house to get some supplies."
When she got back she told me to trim all my body hair with the shaver
and to stay with only my boxer shorts, they were stained and with holes
and I felt very ashamed, but I complied. She brought something like a
little electric stove and started boiling something, I recognized it as
wax, and felt worried, but I couldn't really nag about it. She was
helping me a lot so I had to take it, like a man.
Waxing took us the best part of three hours and when we finished I only
had hair in my head and in my privates, I told her I wasn't ready for
that part. She then trimmed my eyebrows in a feminine arch, asked me to
take a shower and closely shave (I hadn't a lot of beard so that was
very easy) also to clean my hair thoroughly with a shampoo and
conditioner she had brought. Until these months I had never wore my
hair long and never saw the need for conditioning, when I used it I was
surprised at how my hair felt, it made it feel very manageable, soft
and lustrous.
When I got out of the shower I had the towel around my waist and Gina
hassled me. "That's not the way a lady uses a towel and she showed me
to wrap it under my armpits to cover my breasts," she said, I laughed a
little I thought she was joking, but her face showed me she wasn't. She
really wanted to teach me girly manners!
First came underwear, she gave me a pair of medium sized panties that
she described as "Boy shorts," and again I laughed, they had the same
cut of a man's brief, minus the crotch opening of course, and also they
were black and made entirely of lace, they were soft and somewhat
comfortable, they kept my privates in place, "We need to hide your...
thingy," she said in a little derisive way. "It's not proper for a
young lady to have an erection, you know." And this time she did laugh.
Then came the bra, it didn't match with the panties, it was of a
different design and bluish, but also sexy, she explained that I needed
a full cup to keep something inside it, she had found some breast forms
surely used by Monica to enhance her perfect figure, we saw the forms
and felt very miserable for our vandalizing of her things, we both
closed our eyes and prayed for her forgiveness.
Outer outfits came next, she had laid on the bed some dresses, some
skirts and blouses, she explained a little about the pros and cons of
using skirts, short skirts, dresses, when to use them, how to combined
them, etc. There was a lot of information, but it made me think I had
time to practice all this and I would surely use everything in the
closet more than once, it made me a little nervous to think that this
could last a long time.
I decided for a knee high flared black dress, I combined it with
pearls, Gina told me that it was an excellent choice and that I was a
natural, I liked the compliment.
Shoes were next, I really wanted flats, I was sure I wouldn't be able
to use heels my first time around, the problem was size, even though
Monica was a little taller than me, her shoe size was smaller and I
definitely couldn't use any of her closed shoes, either high or low,
the only ones that could be worn were either mules or some strappy
sandals and both had medium to high heels, I decided straps were better
and decided to try my luck in 4 inch heeled sandals, they weren't my
size and were uncomfortable, maybe I'll stay barefoot and just put them
on at the last moment.
Gina suggested that maybe with pantyhose the shoes could "slide" a
little and be usable for short periods of time, I didn't really knew it
and it could be a workable solution, but pantyhose was nowhere to be
found. There were some unopened packages of silk stockings in different
designs and colors, but that would need a garter belt and I definitely
didn't want to be sexy for Jorge, just presentable and clean.
The neighbor gesticulated me to sit in the vanity and started working
on my hair, it was shoulder length and now without dirt it looked
darkish blond, some girls would kill for my hair I know. She took a
straightening iron and showed me how to do it, she did the first part
and allowed me to continue, then showed me some easy tricks to style
it, later came make up, she said that we were only looking for a
natural feminine look, nothing too fancy, she studied my face a little
and became aware that heavy foundation was needed due to my measly but
real beard. She considered that my bone structure would be enough for
me to have a very girly complexion and started to work. Again she
taught me some basic tips and asked to do it myself, she was a great
teacher. I applied some black eyeshadow with silver ends, black
eyeliner, mascara, a little red blush and pink lips, I didn't look as
natural as we intended, when we finished I looked very nice and
completely feminine.
Later came the finger and toe nails, we decided for a pink hue that
matched the lips.
When I stood up and saw my image in the full body mirror I really
couldn't' believe my eyes, a pretty girl was staring at me, that
sensation when you see somebody completely different in a mirror is
alluring but disturbing also. It can be enthralling, the woman in the
mirror has more or less your features, she moves when you do and you
control her posture, but you look so different that your brain only
process her as another person.
When we finished it was almost four o'clock, luckily the house was
clean due to my daily work, but I still had to cook dinner. I said
goodbye to Gina and thanked her I told her she was a life saver, hugged
her tightly and I told her that I'll find a way to pay her back. "Is a
woman's fantasy to be able to make someone up like you, it was a real
pleasure, call me and tell me how it goes, maybe tomorrow we can pierce
your ears."
I didn't really pay attention to the last part, I was in a hurry and
didn't want to stain the dress so I donned and apron I had used some of
the plain aprons, but today for the first time decided on a very
feminine and frilly one then I started to work.
Dinner was ready at 6 and I decided to take a break, I still was
barefoot and I dreaded the shoes, but I couldn't present myself without
At 7 I was so nervous I was sweating, so I checked my makeup, refreshed
my pink lips and as always waited seated in the kitchen.
Jorge arrived at 7:45 a little later than usual, the way he dumped his
briefcase and the door slamming indicated he had a very bad day at
work. In the past there had been some of those days, but today I felt
really terrified.
When he arrived at the Kitchen he had his eyes in the stove and didn't
see me at first, but when he did I was already standing there with my
hands on my lap and the shoes on of course still with the apron and in
complete servitude. He saw me and smiled. "So you did it, you queer, I
knew you were a fag, surely you have tried her things every day since
you arrived, come on sweet chicks give me my dinner."
I felt embarrassed and psyched out. "No I didn't I tried to explain,"
but he abruptly and rudely shushed me.
"Shut your hole bitch, give me my dinner and sit there! I want to see
you more clearly."
As instructed I served his dinner and sat, my feet hurt and because of
that my movements were clumsy, he noted it.
"Ok, you did a good job, if you are going to be here I don't want to
live with a guy, I prefer it this way, now I can bring friends over or
feel at ease," he stated. "I remember that dress, the slut wore it
I was very surprised that he referred to Monica in that way, I thought
he loved her very much.
"You look good in it," he continued. "I will leave you money for shoes
and from now on you will look your best every day and night. I don't
want to see stupid flats or tennis shoes get it. You have to look
excellent every moment and every day, if someone comes or anything they
have to see that I live with a beautiful woman and never suspect you
are a fairy in dresses." He looked firmly. "You get it cunt?"
I nodded and waited him to finish so I could wash the dishes and get
out from this stupid dress, I could wear my pants to bed at least.
When he finished he got up and passed behind me he slapped my ass and
laughed, while he went to the living room to watch TV with a beer in
his hand.
I hadn't finished my chores when he got upstairs, I sighed a little
relief that he was retiring for the day, but about five minutes later
he called me, "Come on up bitch." My heart skipped a beat, he had never
called me upstairs, I climbed the stairs and saw him in "My" room.
"Where are your putrid clothes, fairy?"
I was a little surprised to see him there and I just pointed with the
finger to the laundry basket, he then took everything out and told me,
"Bring it to the fireplace, you are never wearing it again it reeks and
they are a shame"
I took my meager possessions and did as I was told, I took my shoes, my
pants, shirt, underwear and only sweater into the fireplace, I was
barefooted and not used to walk fast with the dress so he went faster
than me, he had already put some firewood in it and igniter fluid,
waited for me to throw it in and again used some igniting liquid, the
he threw my wallet and before I could say anything he threw a match in,
I could have done something, but I couldn't I was very intimidated, but
that night regret at my hesitation was the predominant feeling.
While my last belongings burned I truly understood how fucked I was, I
didn't have any id any clothes and my identity papers had stayed in the
house, I didn't own any piece of male clothes and here I was dressed as
a princess, and that's how I felt, not pretty or nice, mostly I felt
defenseless in the dragon's den, he had already left and I just fell to
my knees and started to cry, again I knew this was for the long haul.
That night I just stumbled in bed and fell asleep, but the feeling of
despair and hesitation were in every dream.
In the morning I wasn't able to keep mourning, I felt sad and crappy,
but I had chores to do. I woke up at six like every morning and decided
to use a black slip and a silk robe. I prepared breakfast like always.
When he went down he was already dressed in a suit like always, he saw
me and shouted at me "What did I say? You look like shit, you have to
be PERFECT at all times, you can't leave that room with that, I'll have
breakfast in Starbucks I don't want your crap, eat it yourself or stick
it in your ass, I'm sure you'll like that, next time I see you I want
to see an elegant woman nothing else" and with that he left the room
and the house.
I just stood there and considered that I would have to wake at five or
earlier to be ready every day, this was my life now: Maid to an abusive
True to his word in a little table next to the door he had left money
for shoes and it was a lot of money, more or less what I would have
earned in a week in my last job. I could buy some male clothes with it,
but I became a little scared about it. I better played along for the
time being. I called Gina and again asked her help, I would need her to
take me to the mall and help me to pass for a woman.
She heard my plea and of course agreed to help me, she said that I
should do my best effort and she would come to correct my mistakes in
an hour.
I went to my room and decided to wear other boy shorts, a nice satin
bra that felt very soft and again a flare skirt so my lack of hips
wouldn't be so noticeable, then I chose a long sleeve satin blouse to
hide my hairy arms. It felt very nice when it touched my skin and I
could almost feel aroused, but I was too depressed; well at least I
wouldn't have to worry about an erection. Later I combed my hair and
styled it the most feminine way I could, but even with a diadem it
didn't look good, later I repeated the same makeup of the day before.
When Gina arrived she inspected me thoroughly, of course my hair was a
mess and changed it completely, she arranged it with some bangs framing
my face and some barrettes on the side, later she cleaned my face and
said "the clothes are really nice The makeup was very well done, but
not suitable for daylight, come on I have an idea" she handed me the
mules that were the only thing I would be able to wear, big eyeglasses
and a silk scarf. She wrapped my face and hair and I looked like a
concealed woman, but a woman nevertheless.
She gave me a purse to carry the money and some makeup, then we drove
to the nearest mall. It was only a 15 minute drive and at about 10 in
the morning the streets were deserted, a Tuesday in Mexico City can be
an awful day to drive, but at this time everybody is at work, the
streets and the mall was deserted, that helped me ease my nerves about
being in public with a skirt and heels. she walked straight into a
beauty parlor, she obviously knew the clerk and told her:
"Hi Angie, how are you darling?"
The Clerk was a very beautiful twenty something with a killer body
under her coat, 5 inch heels, great hair, great makeup. "Gina, my best
costumer," she answered they hugged and blew some kisses and for a
moment I doubted, but I knew this was definitely a man.
Gina explained, "Linda here is a friend of quite some time, she just
discovered her true gender and is trying to make up for the lost time,
and of course she needs your magic touch with hair, makeup and nails...
advice in other matters could be helpful too."
Linda? (Pretty in Spanish of course) I asked, she just shrugged and I
became aware that she just had christened me.
She inspected me, and sighed. "Yes my dear you really could use my
help. I can see you are committed," she said throwing her hands at me
in a very feminine way, "...but there's soooo much I can help you with,
come on sit, we are lucky that you came on a Tuesday, this days are
dead for the business" her two assistants and her quickly started
working on my hair and nails, at the same time they showed me a lot of
makeup tips and some things that I would never have guessed about
tucking your penis, padding hips, breast form care, and literally
hundreds of tranny tips, I made a lot of mental notes, because now it
was very useful information on my new life.
About three hours later I looked really nice my hair was now light
brown with blond highlights, my fingernails were about half inch long
with a French tip, my toenails had transparent polish and small
rhinestones on the big toes they looked very feminine. My ears were
pierced and had small diamond studs in each, I almost pierced my nose,
but decided to wait.
Later came shopping time, I wasn't at ease with spending that much
money, maybe I could find a way out with it, but for the moment I
really needed shoes so I rolled with it.
Jorge had been very specific and I concentrated only on heels, I tried
to choose the most comfortable possible, but as not used to walk with
them all felt like torture so I started deciding on the models I liked
the most.
I never had imagined so much design was involved in girl's shoes, they
were in all colors, very different styles, heights, the shape of the
heel, etc. As a man I always went to the first shoe store and bought
the first comfortable pair in black or brown, that day I chose about 12
different pairs in 4 different stores and I felt ashamed that I was
eager to wear at least 5 of them.
Gina came with the idea to buy some more clothing to try to exorcise
Monica's ghost off mi side, I partially agreed. We bought some dresses,
skirts, blouses, some packages of pantyhose and couldn't resist to buy
a few sexy lingerie, bra and panty sets, a bustier and I really don't
know why I bought a black corset with garters, of course I didn't want
to wear it for anybody, but I felt curious about it, men almost always
find these things interesting, but of course we shush those feelings,
now I had a chance and even the command to check it out.
In every store Gina did the talking and I just stood there like a
mannequin trying some things on and keeping the lowest profile
At about five in the afternoon we drove back, I felt a mix of
tiredness, accomplishment and fear. Everything related to Jorge and the
house started being terrifying to me, also traffic was terrible and the
15 minute drive took us almost an hour, at 15 past 6 it was too late to
start a meal from scratch so I ordered some takeout and tried to
present it in the best way possible.
He arrived earlier than usual and I just had finished with the meal, he
looked at me and said nothing. That was good, he approved of my
clothing and appearance, I was still wearing the skirt and blouse from
the morning, but my overall look was completely different, I was
wearing black platforms that were bothersome due to my inexperience in
heels, but I really liked how they looked.
He proceed to drop his briefcase in the hallway, (he of course was
expecting me to lift it from there and put it in the closet next to the
main door), then went into the bathroom to freshen up and sat at the
table without saying a word, I felt a little hurt that he didn't
mention anything about my new look.
When I presented the food he looked at it and then at me "This is take
out, you didn't lift a finger you lazy cow, you used MY money to stay
in bed or what??"
I started to reply, and stammered just for a moment, he stood up lifted
the dish and slammed it into the wall, "How dare you justify your
incompetence" he made a fist and took a swing, I had been in some
fights and I sort of knew how to react, but is not easy to dodge a blow
with stilettos, so he connected straight in my nose. The pain was
instant, the tears flowed immediately and blood splattered the blouse,
table and floor.
"You are going to stay down, crawl on your sissy hands and knees and
clean the floor with your tongue, I hope is good food because you are
going to stay there until every drop of it is removed with your mouth."
I could barely see, my eyes were all teary from the blow to my face and
pride, but as he instructed I went to the mess and licked everything,
he stood for some minutes and I could see a hint of an erection inside
his pants. Oh my god, I thought, he derives pleasure from this, how
will I survive? Cancer was the only thing that saved Monica... I now
He saw me cleaning and grinned, then kicked me two times in my ribs and
another time in my ass "Is good that I ate dinner before coming" he
said while he went upstairs to masturbate, I was pretty sure about it.
When he left I finished cleaning with my mouth afraid that he could
come back, my face hurt a lot, the swollen part of my face was minimal
and in an inspection it looked like nothing was broken, but still it
hurt like hell.
My ribs were another thing completely, every time I took a breath it
was very painful, that's why I decided to use a slip to bed to minimize
contact. Again that night I cried and that allowed me to blow some
steam, I was here and tomorrow I would need to wake early and refreshed
if I didn't want another beating.
At five in the morning, the alarm clock rang, I realized my face still
hurt, but the pain was receding, my ribs felt almost fine and I sighed
of relief that nothing was indeed broken.
I showered and shaved as close as I could, checked my legs for stubble
and considered they were still smooth, but I couldn't believe how itchy
they were, waxing is a pain I'll need a lot of moisturizing I'll have
to buy some cream later. It was cold and decided to use black tights, 3
inch Mary janes a pleated miniskirt (I really started to like how it
flowed every time I walked, that day I had a lot of erections just by
watching my skirt), a black gauze blouse with gold d?cor and slit
openings in the arms, the whole ensemble looked good and even sexy, I
liked it and tried not to think if Jorge would like it, but I found
myself keen on his approval, I knew it was fear talking, but I was
really afraid of developing an Stockholm syndrome. Then came makeup I
used heavy foundation to conceal what little beard I had, but mostly to
cover my bruised nose, then light eyeshadow and red lipstick, I brushed
my hair and tied it in a ponytail, maybe later I could style it
I went downstairs, the clicking of my heels was a constant remainder of
my clothing. It was colder downstairs and used a long open black
sweater with lace in the back. As every morning I cooked and served
breakfast, at 8 "My husband" came downstairs, he was already dressed
and approached me closer than usual he passed an arm around my waist
and our faces almost met, I was almost peeing my tights. "I am sorry
honey..." he said. "You know my temper, and you know you shouldn't do
stupid things, they make my blood boil, you look lovely today." I was
afraid he was going to kiss me, but he withdrew. At this point I was
trembling noticeably and my ribs hurt more than before, fear is a
powerful somatic.
When he left, I fell on my knees and stood there for 30 minutes or so,
just trying to calm myself.
From then on I tried to be the perfect wife, he wouldn't lay a hand on
my because of my errors.
Some days passed and every day I woke early, made myself pretty and
fixed breakfast, eggs, hot cakes, quesadillas, chilaquiles, I became
very good at cooking and he never complained about it. In a normal day
I would see Gina and we would gossip, go for groceries, and go to the
salon or sometimes a little shopping. When Jorge was pleased he would
treat me with some expending cash which I used only for essentials, I
would mostly save the money, I didn't have a plan, but when the
occasion came I would be ready.
With Angie and the salon girls I learnt a lot about being a woman,
about makeup, accessorizing and even how to please a man, but hoped I
would never had to use that knowledge, I also started laser hair
removal on my face, if this was my life now I could use without the
heavy makeup every morning.
At night I cooked as best as I could, I learnt a lot in the TV and even
bought some cook books, I became very adept at it and even started to
think as an alternate way to make a living if I ever could escape from
Some times after dinner if Jorge pleased it he ordered me to sit with
him to watch TV, I sometimes found it enjoyable, but I ALWAYS kept my
About a month passed like this, routine started to kick in and is
surprising at what someone can get used to, I started liking the heels,
the dangly long earrings, styling my hair and because of my female
friends my walking and mannerisms were now very feminine, I became
interested in fashion, makeup, cooking and gossip.
One night my jailer brought someone, of course I served dinner to them
both. "Linda," (He had asked me my girl name and it came to my mouth)
he called me, "this is Doctor Brito, he will be supervising your
hormone therapy."
I just nodded, yes I was here with a complete girly look, but was very
surprised, hormones could do permanent changes as far as I knew and
even though I still hadn't a plan I was going to escape, I had no doubt
about it.
Dr. Brito stood up, he was a very tall man with 6 and a half or 7 feet
tall. "This is the one?" he asked. He stood in front of me and
signaled me to sit in the couch. I straightened my skirt and sat in a
very demure way, maybe if I convinced them both that I was very
feminine they wouldn't use hormones on me.
He inspected me closely, took my pulse, measured me checked my pupils,
tongue, took some pictures and asked me to strip, I looked at Jorge in
a pleading way, but he raised his voice "You are wasting the Doctor's
time: strip cunt" so I let my form fitting dress drop, that day I
didn't use pantyhose so I had only my padded bra and small panties on
me, for some reason I had decided for a sexy pair so I looked very good
and that was very bad.
"Look she was expecting me." The Dr. laughed and slapped slightly my
butt, Jorge laughed also, but in a derisive way, he looked at me like I
was embarrassing him.
The Dr. asked me for my weight and height he then confirmed the later
and told me to bring the scale to check the first, I walked with my
heels and underwear and knew they were checking my butt, he weighed me
and asked me to remove my panties, that embarrassed me more, but had to
do it.
By this time Jorge was seated drinking a glass of scotch and was
evident on his erection.
Dr. Brito examined my penis and asked me to turn on my back and flex on
my knees, I did this and when I stood up again I felt his hand
caressing my ass, this really surprised me, but had to wait. Jorge
laughed then, the Dr. continued and grabbed my dick with one hand and
proved the entrance of my anus with his massive finger, I was about to
cry and trembled considerably, he inserted his finger a little and my
penis grew. This surprised me a lot, how could I be aroused when I was
so afraid?
"Look," he laughed, "the little bitch likes it, where do you find this
people Jorge?" This comment really surprised me, was there someone
else? Who were they referring to? And was VERY surprised that I felt a
hint of jealousy.
The Dr. continued fingering me and with the other hand he was stroking
me, it started feeling very nice, but I kept thinking in cold showers
to not give him the satisfaction, after 5 minutes or so, he grew tired
and slapped hard my ass.
"Go bitch, you are cold as ice, put your sissy panties on," the Dr.
told me.
I did as told, but didn't even try putting the dress on, I just stood
there in underwear and a very red ashamed face.
The Dr. stood up and addressed Jorge, "I will send the drugs tomorrow,
if she doesn't take them I'll know and I'll tell you." He stood up and
Jorge said his goodbyes and exactly after he closed the door came
running at me, stood in front of me with only two or three inches
separating our faces, tears were running freely now, I was frightened
and shuddering.
"What are you doing bitch? Why you used this clothes? You cheating on
me? Are you seeing somebody?" I really didn't expect this. "You are
mine and you know it." He raised his hand and slapped me hard. "Maybe I
have been too soft on you, ON YOUR KNEES." So I let myself drop and
He opened his fly and let his erection out. "You know what to do." Yes
I knew and I had been afraid of it for some time, I knew this was bound
to happen sooner or later and didn't even flinch. Sadly I was ready. I
started licking the head and caressing the balls with my hand, I hadn't
received many blowjobs, but I knew what I liked and started repeating
the movements that had been good for me a lifetime ago, I should have
been ashamed, but sadly I wasn't I was more scared of a beating.
I started listening to his breathing and knew he liked it, then started
inserting the whole thing in and out of my face, oddly it didn't taste
bad and I hated myself for starting to enjoy it, when it reached my gag
reflex I was completely unready for it, it had never occurred to me and
didn't know what to do, but as I said before fear is a powerful
motivator and did my best to continue sucking. Then we reached a rhythm
and he started pressing my head, it would be over soon and I was
relieved, but surprisingly not disgusted.
In a minute or two he ejaculated and the hot liquid invaded my mouth
and even poured out the rim of my lips, I didn't hesitate I drank
everything and found it mildly tasty, I hated myself for liking the
He was satisfied, he withdrew his flaccid member and left me on my
knees. "Ok, that was good, maybe you understood your place, continue
that way." And with that he went upstairs. It was late and he would
wake up with a crappy mood tomorrow.
I went to my room disturbed by the experience, and very angry at
myself, I had enjoyed it, there wasn't any doubt in my mind and I hated
myself for it. I was aroused also and looked for a sexy baby doll and
G-string I was disturbed that I had found it sexy but it was easy to
masturbate to the idea of the blowjob and after some minutes I came
profusely, then I fell asleep.
In my dreams, for the first time believe it or not, I was a girl and I
craved for cock in my mouth. When I woke up the taste of cum was still
in my mouth and strangely it made me smile, my own penis was rock hard
and when I jerked off I collect as much as I could with my fingers and
licked them.
That morning was a Wednesday and he was tired; that meant not only a
bad day, but a worse end of the work week, so I tried to look my best,
I passed on the sexy lingerie and used very form fitting garments,
decided on a black and royal blue scuba dress to accentuate my foam
induced curves, it was not cold so I went with nude legs and very big
royal blue stilettos with an ankle strap, my makeup was flawless and my
hair styled in a wavy flowing form.
When he came down I was very nervous, but looked even happy, he
approached me and kissed me in the cheek. "You did well yesterday I
found something that I always loved that the Bitch used, I laid it in
your bed. When I arrive in the night I want you dressed in that, you
get it?" I just nodded and continued my morning routine.
Right after his breakfast a courier knocked, he gave me a little box
and left, inside there were different bottles of pills and some vials
for injections, also there was a prescription and a note, these were
the hormones and the instructions of use, as I understood, my dosage
was very high and I should start taking them immediately.
I asked Gina to drive me and we went to the Drug store, in Mexico most
pharmacies have a Doctor in residence, here it was Dr. Rivas, he was a
32 year old who just finished his specialty studies and hadn't been
able to establish a private practice, he was tall, strong, well-
mannered and (it really bothered me that I saw it) was very handsome in
a youthful way.
I asked for him to inject me with the drug, he asked for my
prescription and he read it, he understood perfectly and he was a
little curious, he asked me why I wanted to become a woman and other
questions. He was very nice to me, he was the first man to treat me
with kindness and respect since "The incident." It was refreshing, He
gave me his business card and told me that he could oversee my
transition with him. It thrilled me and got me a little embarrassed,
but I wanted to see him again in a personal way.
In the afternoon I made dinner as always and was about to rest a moment
when I remembered his request, I had to wear what he asked and I almost
forgot, so I went to my room and found a very small school girl skirt
the white blouse with a checkered tie, a white frilly G-string and a
white garter belt, luckily I had seen an unopened package of white
thigh highs. I knew I didn't have a choice so I donned the costume, I
had seen a drawer full of costumes, nurse, French maid, sexy pirate,
ballerina and such, I hadn't paid attention to it and now I saw that
maybe I was going to use this more than I had believed.
I put everything on and just complemented it with a lacy white bra with
stony decorations on the rim, this was obviously meant to be seen, my
shoes were the heeled Mary janes and I made my makeup sluttier with
darker eyes and deep red shiny lips, I combed my hair and parted in
twin pony tails, the mirror showed a very "Fuck me image" and I
realized that my most probable scenario was that my cherry was going to
be popped that night, This made me very afraid because I had heard that
it was very painful.
When the Ogre arrived I was ready and stood up waiting for him beside
the dinner table, I felt a little queasy maybe from fear or the hormone
shot I had earlier that day, and maybe I could zone out. He inspected
me closely and smiled with satisfaction. "Well, you certainly put some
energy in it, come on sit on my lap and feed me" I did as instructed,
he ate everything and I even faked some childish laughter. He finished
his meal and instructed me to sit with him in the Sofa, I kept my
distance I knew what was coming and was very afraid.
He saw my reluctance, and very quickly became angry and shouted, "You
provoke me with this clothes and your flirting and then play hard to
get, you bipolar teasing bitch." His yelling really startled me and I
tried to calm him.
"No it's not like that, look... " And I fell to my knees and gesticulated
that I would suck him right there and then, it wasn't what he had in
mind I know, but he agreed and I sucked him senseless, I shouldn't but
I enjoyed it also. I really liked being a cock sucking whore, it made
me sick.
About a week passed and he ordered me to suck his dick almost every
night; by this time I was an expert in his likes and dislikes, but I
knew that very soon he would ask for something else, so the next free
morning I took a taxi to the mall. I really didn't want Gina with me
for this. I went to see Angie by myself at the beauty parlor, and while
she was doing my hair and checking my legs and bikini waxing I asked
her for advice in anal sex.
She just stared and looked surprised that if I "wanted" my
transformation, why hadn't' I been fucked at this point? I understood
her look and opened myself completely, so I told her my whole story; by
the end we both were in tears.
She gave me all kind of pointers: I should lubricate myself, I should
prepare with butt plugs or small dildos, and it would be better if I
had a stomach pumping before, etc.
She gave me some directions of a nearby store where I could buy all
this, and how to use them.
After my trip to the sex store I went for my weekly appointment with
Dr. Rivas, It was only my second date and I knew he really didn't need
weekly check outs, I was sure it was a con to see each other. It was a
treat to be with him, he was very funny and we liked talking, today I
wanted to ask him about sex, maybe his medical training could help me
to be more careful and maybe even enjoy it.
After the routine checkup we made small talk, I could see that Luis
Rivas enjoyed my visits, he would talk about med school, his
motivations, his travels, he had gone to so many places. I wanted to
keep listening and procrastinated my "sex talk" as much as I could, but
I knew time wasn't at my side and I better knew a little about it,
before my imminent encounter.
I tried to ask in the most technical and professional way, but is a
topic you don't usually talk about, even with your doctor so it sounded
a little like "Doc, I have a question, How do you have anal sex?" he
obviously looked at me very surprised, "ok, that didn't come out as I
wanted, are there any precautions?, is there something I should know
before hand?" this eased a little my embarrassment, he of course had
inferred I already knew about it and made the same strange look as
Angie did. I really didn't want full disclosure with him so I invented
that even though I had always wanted to be a woman I had had very few
experiences in sex and would rather ask for his medical expertise, he
still had an unbelieving face, but talked to me about anatomy, health
risks, proper care, etc.
Then he asked me to lie down face down in his examination table, would
you like me to show you a little about it? He asked in a very nervous
way, I had to admit that I liked him, I never felt attracted to another
man, but he calmed me and I decided to let go into whatever this
He donned latex gloves, lifted my knee high skirt and got my panties a
little down, he explained in a very professional way what I would
expect and then gently inserted a lubed finger in my anus, it hurt a
little, then he prodded a little further until he found my prostate, I
got an erection right in that moment, it had never risen so fast in my
life, a little moan escaped my mouth and it even surprised me, he
laughed a little about it. He continued probing and caressing just a
little more than he should and the both of us knew it. Unconsciously I
started lifting my ass a little so it was easier for him to continue,
then he lubricated two fingers and showed me the difference, he then
told me how I should relax, but how wouldn't I? It felt reaaaally nice.
His erection was now as noticeable and I whispered "Go for it, fuck
me..." he got very blushed and pretended he didn't listen, but continued
fingering me thoroughly, he had stopped talking some minutes ago.
I was almost on fours offering myself when he couldn't contain any
more, he let his pants drop and pointed his very beautiful, very big
rod to me.
Just for a moment I was afraid, but he didn't give me time to linger on
it, he inserted it almost entirely, it hurt; but not as much as I
thought it would. Maybe because I was very lubricated and expectant, he
then started pumping in and out, pain gave way to pleasure and pleasure
turned into bliss, every ramming movement sent shivers of joy through
my being.
Now I was moaning heavily, with every lunge desire increased wanting
him more and more inside me, I had never experienced such joy and I
think I even started to drool slightly.
In a moment not too soon he tensed up and growled slightly, he then
inserted it aggressively some more times and then he came, I could feel
his hot seed inside me, like in cue I came too, all my semen splattered
the table, when he withdrew I fell on the table and almost passed out,
my ass felt uncomplete and a little sad.
He lifted his pants, he was obviously embarrassed, I tried my best to
ease him and I left in good terms. "See you next week on your checkup?"
he asked a little nonchalantly, but avoiding my gaze. "Of course I'll
see you here, clear your timetable, maybe I'll stay more after the
checkup, if you want to of course," I said and kissed him tenderly on
the cheek, he blushed again and produced a very big smile, even if he
couldn't see me to my face.
That night again I gave oral to Jorge, I knew that while I could, my
ass belonged to another.
For about a month I avoided sex with Jorge, Tuesday mornings with Luis
were another entirely different thing, he made me feel like a complete
woman, and I started liking him as a man and as a companion, in small
doses I started telling the truth and little by little he made a
complete mental image of my real situation. We never dated, it was too
dangerous, but to go out in a real date became the object of my
One Thursday morning, Jorge left a very small, very inviting nurse
costume on my bed, I understood what it meant. I wore it in a really
alluring way with white stay ups, a very sexy white and pink bustier
and a lace thong, later I prepared my anus as best as I could. I have
to admit I enjoyed the fingering, lubing and the butt plug.
When we finally did it He was very satisfied, he congratulated himself
on "Showing me who is the Boss" and "What a real man can do," typical
myopic male he gave himself all credit and believed I was virgin. That
of course was in my best interest.
In my second month in hormones some changes started to be noticeable,
my skin was smoother, I started to feel heavier around the ass and Luis
told me that my face was a little different, I felt different that's
for sure. Angie and Gina helped me regularly with mannerisms and voice,
my confidence as a girl rose quickly, and of course both Luis and Jorge
had sex with me often.
In the middle of the third Month Jorge got a little bored with me,
something that was okay with me, but he started to get meaner, he
shouted more and he started going out more with his friends, of course
I was ready every night just in case he wanted dinner or brought
friends with him, that also became more and more frequent I had to do
something if he was very bored it could imply beatings or worse.
When he came with friends of course I had to be the perfect wife, serve
them all and be prepared to anything that he ordered, sometimes he even
told me to give them blowjobs.
By the fourth month routine sunk completely, every day I woke early
dressed myself in ultrafeminine garb, served breakfast, cleaned,
sometimes went out with Gina or my weekly checkup, but every night I
was ready with dinner, if he had laid a sexy outfit for me I had to
wear it and then he would rape me if I didn't prepare he would hurt me
badly, because he never cared to lubed me beforehand, it wasn't
romantic, it wasn't consensual sex, most of the times he would just
rape me.
One night he brought another person, he was a lawyer. sometime ago
Jorge had taken some pictures of me, the lawyer brought papers with
those same pictures, they were ID's and different documents, he showed
me a birth certificate for Linda Montes, (Now I had a last name), a
voters ID, a high school certificate (Now I was an undergrad), and
produced then a wedding license, Jorge urged me to sign it. I was
legally a married woman. He took the documents again.
The next morning I dressed sexy as always, but when he left I changed
for something a little more comfortable, I needed freedom of movement
so I donned a loose romper and flats that I had bought just for when he
wasn't at home. I then started checking the whole house, if I wanted to
scape I needed an identity and with those papers whatever his
motivation were I had bigger chances to survive.
The most obvious place was his room, but I had never seen a safe when
cleaning, of course I had always been too chicken shit to check
meticulously. As predicted there was a safe inside a corner of the
closet, a place which I checked only in the surface when I brought his
clean clothes. The safe was very big and sturdy looking and it had a
keyhole, it was a very lucky break because a combination would be
really hard to get, but a key could be found.
That Tuesday after my weekly workout ahem checkup, I asked Luis if
there was a way to mildly drug someone, just to be very sure he was
sleeping, but that the effects, weren't overly obvious, he showed me
some medicines that had heavy narcotics and wouldn't be evident on the
That night, I dressed sexy as always, but with a long dress making my
ass a little inaccessible, I painted my lips in a very alluring red in
an enticing way. He came home angry as usual, and luckily alone. He ate
his dinner and growled me to go with him to the couch, it was the cue
that he wanted a blowjob as I had planned. He would drink scotch after.
I finished my work on him so I poured a glass and little more than the
recommended dosage of narcotic. I outdid myself that night, my sucking
was amazing, my skills had been honed to perfection on these months and
I was a pro at cock sucking, he had one of the biggest grins I had seen
on him, he downed the whole glass in one big mouthful, it was perfect.
I waited about 30 minutes, it was early and in a normal day he wouldn't
be sleeping, but today I hoped he would be asleep; to kill time I put
on some leggings and a tight long sleeved shirt also I was barefoot, I
wouldn't be doing any noise.
His door was opened ajar, big difference as other days. On the bed he
was passed out with the same clothes, I hoped he didn't find that odd
the next day. I had a flashlight, but didn't need it because his lights
were on, the first thing was to look for his key ring, as expected the
overconfident fuck had the key in his main key chain, because he
thought the only protected place was himself.
I opened the safe and found lots of things, I needed a copy of the key
so I did a wax mold, there were my documents, but there were also other
things, maybe I could find other interesting effects there.
I didn't took anything, the next day I would do the key and spend some
time checking the documents with ease.
The next days I saw everything in the safe, he was very corrupt, and he
had blackmail files on everybody I had seen as a visitor and then some,
he had double accounting on his businesses and obviously cheated on
taxes, here were some papers for hidden accounts in Cayman islands and
some in Switzerland, I thought he was laid off financially, but because
of his bad dealings he was extremely wealthy, but cautious of course.
One of the files caught my attention: it was a dossier of me, but the
male me, there were pictures, surveillance data, financial records, and
a blackmail file of my former bosses, then it dawned on me I was fired
because of him.
He had created the whole situation, then there were some printed emails
with a Colombian, he was preparing me to sell me! My HRT would be
complete in a year or so and he was going to sell me. I needed a
passport and as a husband he could have legal rights that's why we had
"married" of course he liked the sex, he told the told the guy he was
teaching me how to better please a man.
Originally the Colombian Drug Lord approached Jorge, because he fancied
him he wanted him to become part of his harem as a Eunuch; can you
believe that! Jorge refused of course and resisted, but as a cunning
business man he made a counter offer about forcing someone else, the
Colombian liked that even more, he was into bondage and forced
feminization so that enticed him a lot.
I was more than stunned by this news, and these months living with him,
helped me realize he was a very rotten apple and I wouldn't be
surprised by his wickedness.
Below my file there was another, this deal had been planned for more
than three years and the Colombian was getting mad this wasn't the
first time he had tried to coerce someone, at the top of the file there
was a young man that looked very fragile, it said that he was a young
boy who was unsure about his sexuality and what I could decipher was
that he had pretend to help him, before selling him, with the pictures
and the medical records It made me very sad when I realized that it was
Sexy Monica had once been a boy like me, but more fragile and in need
of affection. Jorge was a REAL coldblooded bastard.
There was a journal and other elements that showed that the cancer
Monica suffered was induced with heavy doses of radiation by Dr. Brito,
I think she found out and was ready to take action when she was no
longer in condition to do it.
The fuckers had killed her in a horrible way and I was very sure that
good Dr. Brito didn't know about this file where the progression and
the methods of killing her was heavily documented, that gave me an
Both of the files made only mention of Dr. Brito, Jorge most likely "My
husband" had them as insurance if the good Dr. betrayed him.
The next day I dressed up in a very professional way, black skirt suit,
with a long sleeve purple silk blouse, black leather pumps, small hoop
earrings, work make up and the hair in a tight bun. I went to Dr.
Brito's office, he hadn't seen me in some time even though his
medication arrived every month. He opened the door and was confused for
a moment, but realization of my identity soon showed in his face. "Yes
Mrs. Montes what can I do for you?" He said in a mocking way, "I see
you are developing quite all right, want me to check the plumbing?" he
said in a confident disdainful matter.
"I'm fine Dr. and I have become very fond to my new way of life, thank
you," I replied to upset him, machistas like Brito and Jorge see women
like objects, gay people and of course transsexuals like me are pitiful
so I should be in tears not enjoying this was a hard blow on his ego.
"I'm here to show you some piece of information that you might find
useful." I gave him some copies of the Monica file and he took it with
skepticism and disdain, he started looking dismissively, but his gaze
changed fast, of course as I suspected he didn't knew this file
existed. It portrait him as human trafficker, pimp, and of course
murderer, there was no mention of Jorge in any part of the file, not
even in the emails and trade information.
"Where did you get this?" he stammered at me.
"From Jorge's private files, there's a lot more where this came from,
but that's enough to end your career and to land you in jail for a
looong time, also the abuse inflicted on Monica would make you a much
desired prisoner in max security."
"What do you want?" he sneered at me.
"First, I want my freedom, and your trust. I'm not interested in
harming you. You know who the enemy is, as myself you were only a pawn
for a very wicked person." By this moment I had his undivided
attention, this is what we are going to do.
A month later...
Brito had invited himself to dinner, that annoyed Jorge because today
he had asked me to wear a cheerleader uniform and that would mean "Rape
date," he didn't knew how he was going to explain my appearance to
Brito, both arrived at 7:30 and Jorge ordered me to change quickly "Why
are you dressed as a Whore? I know you can't live without my love rod,
but change we have visitors GO!" I knew what was going to happen, but
feigned innocence nevertheless when I donned the garment he had laid to
me that morning.
When I got upstairs I had my outfit ready, something very conservative
with a long pencil skirt and cap sleeved blouse, a final displeasure to
Jorge who always wanted me to look like a prostitute.
The dinner looked normal, but a strong sedative was in everything Jorge
ate, Dr. Brito and I just pretended to eat. Not even 5 minutes had
passed and Jorge looked very drowsy, he was about to pass out, but I
really wanted him to stay up a little more time, I wanted him to know
what was going to happen.
Like on cue the doorbell rang, as the perfect hostess I opened the
door, it was a small group of rugged looking men it was the Colombian,
Jorge saw him and recognition and surprise painted his face, "What are
you doing here?" He asked, but drugs were fast acting and his speech
was almost incoherent.
"I came to collect my prize, I've waited too long, I'm glad that you
came to