Maid to Serve
- 4 years ago
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For the second consecutive growing season, the monsoons had failed to arrive over the Indian rice paddies. Without the heavy annual rainfall, the Nalwali family had been unable to produce their customarily bountiful crop of top quality rice.
It was the proceeds from the rice crop that allowed the Nalwali family to not only survive but to provide the resources to keep the land they farmed and provide for the education of their children. For generations, the Nalwali family had produced some of the most successful rice crops in their region. They were a poor but hard working farm family, and the second year of drought had added to their desperate situation.
This harvest season, like the last, was going to be a disaster for all the local rice farmers, including the Nalwali family. Without the normally heavy rains that flooded the rice paddies during planting season, production was going to be barely above that which was needed to feed the family and hold a bit in reserve for next season's planting.
In the more bountiful years, Mr. Nalwali had sold nearly his entire crop to Mr. John Price. Mr. Price was aptly named. He was the Vice-President for Purchasing of a major American food manufacturer based in Chicago. He was tasked with obtaining the raw materials from which his company made their food products. His position required him to travel all over the globe representing his company to the farmers in their fields.
He was in his mid forties and had been with his employer ever since his college graduation. In the past twenty years, he had used modern technology and personal contacts to fill his employer's needs for the best raw materials available from around the world. He had always worked hard to get his employer the best commodities at a fair price. Therefore, his Board of Directors had given him a free hand in negotiating for the commodities they needed from the producers.
Mr. Price's employer preferred purchasing their raw materials directly from the producers rather than on the open commodities market. Buying through a broker at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange would have been much easier and somewhat cheaper for them. However, the company executives believed they could get a superior product at an economical price by going directly to the producers. They would have little control over the price and quality of the products they
needed if they bought on the open commodities market.
To accomplish his assignments, Mr. Price had kept himself in top physical condition. In spite of being in his forties, Mr. Price was in excellent shape. He worked out regularly, and weighed just slightly more than he did while in college. Dealing with farmers in their fields around the world had helped keep him trim and well tanned. His deep blue eyes were as sharp as ever. His full head of dark hair had recently begun showing just a bit of gray around the edges.
Mr. Price had always negotiated firmly but fairly with the producers with which he dealt. He was no happier about Mr. Nalwali's drought induced situation than the farmer and his family. Although he had been forewarned of the drought like conditions through satellite recognizance and local harvest projections. He was nonetheless disturbed by the severity of the problem. The entire region had suffered from the lack of rain. The rice that had been produced this year was of poor quality and very low in quantity.
With their heads deeply bowed, Mr. Nalwali and his family met with Mr. Price. Mr. Nalwali apologized repeatedly for the failure of his crop and inability to satisfy Mr. Price's needs. For the second consecutive year, he had failed to have a good crop to sell to his long time customer. Being a strong man, he didn't want to let Mr. Price, or his family, see his emotions, but they were just below the surface.
The distraught man was beside himself with grief and shame. "Please Sir, forgive me. It is my fault. I should have planned for this. We not only do not have the rice to sell you, but we may loose our land if the rains do not come soon. We may have to sell part of our family's land to cover our debts."
Mr. Price was not an uncaring man. He also didn't want to loose a good supplier of some of the finest rice his company used.
"Mr. Nalwali, you have no control over the weather. What could you have done? These things happen. I have a proposition for you. Have you ever heard of the futures market?" Mr. Price asked.
Mr. Nalwali answered, "No, Sir."
Mr. Price continued, "Well, in brief, at the farm level it works like this. I can prepay you for your future rice crop now, and you provide the rice at harvest time next year."
Mr. Nalwali had never heard of such a thing. "You will pay for rice I don't have to sell?"
Mr. Price explained further, " Yes, something like that! You don't have any rice right now, but I am confident you will have some next season. I have the authority on behalf of my company to make such a deal if you are interested. Of course, as a representative of my company, I must get a good deal on the future rice or they will not allow the futures purchase. Do you understand, Mr. Nalwali?" Price asked.
"I think so, Sir."
"Okay, here's my offer. For the next five years, I will buy your entire crop of rice, except for what you need for your personal use and replanting. I will pay for half of next year's crop now. However, I
must insist on a five percent discount from the price of rice at the time the crops are harvested. The discount will be applied when you harvest next years crop of rice and the balance of the contracted price is paid. That way my company gets the rice they need at a bargain cost, I provide them with a steady supply of top quality rice, and you and your family can continue to farm your land. You will have the incentive to work hard because the more rice you produce, the more money you will make. Do we have an agreement, Mr. Nalwali?"
Mr. Price extended his hand to seal the deal.
Mr. Nalwali thought for a few seconds then excitedly took Mr. Price's offered hand and shook it vigorously. The deal was done.
Over the years, Mr. Price had found that local farmers around the world were very much alike. Lawyers were seldom needed to make a binding agreement with them. However, his company's lawyers would not accept
such a handshake agreement. Therefore, the standard contract would be pulled off Mr. Price's laptop and printer when he returned to his hotel room later that day. He could also get final authorization for the deal at that time as well. He would bring it to Mr. Nalwali the next day to be sighed. Besides, if the weather or Mr. Nalwali failed to produce a
crop of rice next year, no further money would be expended, and another supplier could be found at that time. All parties were happy with the deal.
As Mr. Nalwali continued to shake Mr. Price's hand, his mood visibly cheered. "Mr. Price, please sir, allow me to introduce my family."
"Of course! I would enjoy meeting your family. After all the years we've been dealing with each other, I have never been properly introduced to your lovely family."
Mr. Nalwali pulled a reluctant woman who seemed to be hiding behind him to his side. "Sir, this is my wife, Maina." Maina bowed deeply and quickly stepped back behind her husband. The two oldest children, young men, stood ridged as they bowed and shook Mr. Price's hand. They were introduced as Mantu and Rega. Next, Mr. Nalwali introduced his twin girls. They appeared to be about eight years old. They bowed as their father introduced them. Bitu, a boy, was next. He was probably ten or twelve. He then introduced his youngest daughter. "And this is my little queen, so we call her Rani." Rani stood tall and proudly stuck out her hand. With a wide grin on his face, Mr. Price grasped Rani's hand. The older man bowed deeply and shook the young girl's hand. The twins and Rani then giggled and ran from the room.
Laughing and returning to a standing posture, Mr. Price asked, "And whom do we have here, Mr. Nalwali?" Mr. Price indicated a young woman standing behind her mother. "She is a very lovely young lady."
The girl stood with her head bowed as her father introduced her. "This is Naina, Sir." It was evident by the look on his face, Mr. Nalwali was very proud of his entire family, especially Naina.
Even though she was wearing a scarf over her head and was modestly dressed, Mr. Price could see she was very lovely indeed. Her rounded face was surrounded by dark brown hair with light brown highlights. Her
brown eyes seemed to sparkle.
With a broad grin, Mr. Price presented his hand to Naina. "Such a beautiful young lady should not be hiding herself. How do you do, Naina?"
Naina nervously raised her head, took Mr. Price's hand and shook it. In almost perfect but accented English, she replied, "I am very well, Sir. Thank you."
The connection between Mr. Price and Naina was immediate and electrifying, especially to Naina. At the touch of their hands, a shiver ran up her arm and spread over her entire body. She knew instantly something had just happened. Just what it was she did not know.
Mr. Price had felt it too. He smiled broadly at the young lady. With a glint in his eyes, he said to her, "It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Naina." When Mr. Price released her hand, she bowed her
head and again stepped behind her mother and father.
Mr. Price then took his leave from the Nalwali family and returned to his motel in the nearby city. Within an hour of arriving back at his motel, his maid and personal secretary, Abby, had the needed future's purchase authorization from the company's headquarters in Chicago. With the authorization and printed contract in hand, Mr. Price only needed Mr. Nalwali's signature to finalize the deal the next morning.
Mr. Price woke early the next morning. He would be flying home as soon as he concluded his business with Mr. Nalwali. He had Abby pack his things and load them in the car that had just arrived. She also called the airport and alerted his pilot. The pilot had Mr. Price's private jet fueled and prepared for the flight home.
The Gulfstream jet had a range of a little less than 7000 miles. That long range was one of the deciding factors in his decision to purchase that model over several other fine aircraft. He knew he would be
using it to travel all over the world and needed something that wouldn't need to be stopping too often to refuel. He had leased the aircraft to his employer. Through their monthly lease payments they were in effect paying for the jet. They also picked up the fuel and maintenance costs as well. In effect, thanks to his employer, Mr. Price owned the Gulfstream free of costs.
Upon his return to the Nalwali home, Mr. Nalwali greeted him warmly. Naina was quietly standing beside and slightly behind her father. Her head was again bowed.
Mr. Nalwali happily signed the contract presented to him by Mr. Price. "The money will be transferred to your account as soon as I deliver this contract to my company's purchasing department in Chicago.
Again, the farmer bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Price for making such a generous bargain. The farmer then startled the worldly commodities buyer. "Mr. Price, Sir, I have no way of ever repaying your kindness to my family. We will not loose our land now. We owe you a great debt."
Price responded, "You owe me nothing more than a fine crop of rice next year, Mr. Nalwali."
"With respect, Sir, we owe you much more than rice. We owe you more than we can ever repay. You
seemed to like my daughter Naina when you met her yesterday. Is this not so, Sir?"
"Yes, Mr. Nalwali. Naina seems like a lovely young lady. I am sure you are very proud of her."
Her father looked at his daughter and spoke to her, "Naina, come here."
The girl somewhat nervously stepped forward and extended her hand to Mr. Price. Her head remained bowed.
John Price smiled and took Naina's hand intending to shake it as he had done the day before. He felt a slight quiver in her small hand as he gently surrounded it with his own. With a smile he told her, "It's a
pleasure to see you again, Naina."
Naina smiled but kept her head bowed as she and Mr. Price shook hands.
Mr. Nalwali firmly surrounded Mr. Price's and his daughter's clasped hands in both of his strong and weathered hands. "Mr. Price, you have saved my families land. You like our Naina. I have only one way to repay our debt to you. Sir, Naina is yours! I make her my gift to you."
A shocked Mr. Price stammered, unable to get his words out. For the first time in his life, John Price was speechless.
Mr. Nalwali continued holding their clasped hands in his.
Stammering, Mr. Price finally replied, "Mr. Nalwali, I can't take your daughter. That isn't done anymore. She is just coming of age and will probably be marrying soon. She probably already has a boyfriend. How can I take her from her friends and family?"
"Sir, it is true that Naina is now eighteen. She is of marrying age and has been for several years now. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to save enough for her dowry. Any mate from a good family would require a substantial dowry before marrying her. I have three other daughters to think about. You will be honoring me, our family, and Naina by accepting her as my gift to you. Sir, Naina is now yours."
Regaining his composure, John Price spoke in his normally controlled voice. "With your permission Mr. Nalwali, I would like to speak of this to Naina."
Still holding their hands together in his, the older man nodded his approval.
Price's mind was reeling with all the delicious possibilities this situation presented as he addressed the teen. "Ms. Naina, I am soon going to need a lead maid and personal assistant. The girl I have is going to retire soon. Would you be interested in serving me as my maid and personal assistant in my home and perform other duties as I may direct?"
Naina answered excitedly, "Oh yes, Sir. If that is what my father wants, I will obey his wishes. My father has always done what was best for our family. If my father wishes I should go with you, then I will go with you. I will do my best to be a good servant in your household. I will do whatever you require of me." The girl raised her head slightly and smiled at Mr.
"Have you talked this over with your mother? It may be years before you return home to see them again."
Naina began to answer, "We have..."
Mr. Nalwali interrupted his daughter. "The family agrees this is for the best and we will be happy for Naina! It will be an honor if you would accept my daughter as a servant in your household? She will work hard for you. Sir, she will make a good maid and do any other tasks you require of her." He then released his grip on Mr. Price and Naina's hands.
Smiling at Naina, Price bowed and kissed her hand still in his.
Naina giggled and smiled back at Mr. Price.
With a few seconds further thought, Mr. Price bowed to Mr. Nalwali and agreed to take Naina with him. "Mr. Nalwali, Naina will make a wonderful addition to my household staff. I am sure she will serve me well."
Mr. Price then stood up straight and addressed the teen. "Very well! Gather your things, Naina. We will be leaving in just a few minutes."
All three of them smiled broadly. Naina almost instantly produce a worn cardboard fruit box. It contained everything the teen owned. After a tearful goodbye with her family, Naina carried the box out to
Mr. Price's car. She was followed closely by her new employer.
The car's driver bowed and took Naina's box of belongings. He quickly stowed the box in the car's trunk.
Due to the car's darkened windows, Naina hadn't seen Abby until the driver opened one of the rear doors. Naina nervously settled into the car's rear seat next to the middle-aged woman.
Mr. Price then introduced the two women. "Naina, this is Abby. Abby is my present maid and personal servant. Unfortunately, she will be leaving me soon. She will be training you in your duties as her replacement. You will be taking her place on my staff and in all of her duties."
"Abby, this is Naina. Please instruct her in all she will need to know concerning her household duties and matters of respect. I will personally conduct any other training she may need." Mr. Price instructed his servant.
With a knowing smile, Abby nodded. "Yes, Sir. It will be my pleasure to train Naina."
Mr. Price and Mr. Nalwali bid each other farewell as Price entered the car's front seat. The car then pulled away from the only home Naina had ever known. As the car sped on its way toward the local airport, the adventure that would be Naina's new life had begun.
Since Naina did not have a passport, Mr. Price had his driver pull the car through an unguarded back gate at the airport and drive right up to his plane. The jet's engines were already warming up. In a matter of minutes, their luggage, including Naina's box, was loaded into the plane's cargo hold. A few minutes later, they were hurtling down the runway and winging their way skyward.
Mr. Price sat quietly reading crop reports in his private office area. They had been in the air for over an hour and Abby and Naina were still chattering like a pair of teenaged schoolgirls. Naina was excited and nervous about her new life. Abby was happy her replacement had been found. She knew she could now retire soon.
Abby tried to calm and instruct the nervous teen. "Naina darling, I have been with Mr. Price for over twenty years. When I was about your age, I came to serve Mr. Price in much the same way as you have. My father owed Mr. Price a large debt that he could not repay. So, I became the payment to satisfy that debt. I went with him willingly and have happily served Master Price ever since. I have been well paid for my services. Over the years I have served him, I have seen the world. I have also saved enough money that I can retire in comfort. Master Price can be very generous. He can also be very stern if he needs to be. You will be expected to not only care for his house but also provide certain services of a personal nature to
Master Price. As long as you perform the duties and provide the services he expects, you will do as well as I have."
'Master Price?' The words 'Master Price' echoed in Naina's thoughts. The teen did not hear the part about providing him with personal services. The teen asked, "Abby, is it usual in America for a maid to call her employer master."
"It is in Mr. Price's house and some others we have visited as well. He requires you to call him 'Master' when at home or anywhere else if we are in private. You will call him 'Sir' when out in public. Remember that and you will be fine."
Naina had her first twinge of regret as she thought to herself. 'Should I have so quickly agreed to leave my family and go with this American businessman? Yes, it was her father's wish, so she had done the right thing.' She answered her own question, "I will remember, Abby."
"Good! Now let's get some rest. It's a long flight home."
Abby was soon dozing in one of the overstuffed chairs of the luxury jet. Naina was far too excited and nervous to sleep. She just stared out the window as the land and sea far below passed rapidly.
As they flew into darkness, it seemed to Naina like it had been such a short time in the air. When she felt the plane nose down slightly and heard the
engines noise grow slightly quieter. She woke Abby.
The drowsy woman asked, "What's wrong, Naina?"
"I am not sure." Naina then told Abby of the changes she had felt and heard.
After taking a few seconds to gather her senses, Abby looked at her watch and responded. "We're alright, Naina. Master Price may just be making a brief stop somewhere. He does that now and then. He'll let us know where we are, if he wants us to know. Now, just relax. We still have a long flight ahead of us."
A few minutes later, Mr. Price came out of his air borne office and joined his maids. "Abby, Naina, I'm sure you have noticed we are descending. I have decided to make an unscheduled stop. We will be staying overnight in Tokyo. I want my new maid to get a taste of some of the many places she may be going with me. That is, if she is a good and obedient servant. Will that be alright with you, Naina?"
Excitedly, the teen answered, "Oh yes, Sir ... errr, I mean yes, aah ... Master. I want to be a good servant for you."
John Price smiled at Naina. He was beginning to think he had made a good decision when he accepted Mr. Nalwali's gift.
About twenty minutes later, the Gulfstream was on final approach to the Tokyo airport. Naina had never flown anywhere before. It was therefore a given that she had never seen the lights of a major city from
above. She was fascinated by the sights below and kept her face glued to the aircraft's window. She finally pulled away from the window as the jet taxied not to the terminal but to a hanger near the edge of the field.
Over the years, John Price had freely shared his wealth with many airport and customs agents around the world. He had developed personal relationships with many of them in many of the world's largest airports. Some would have called it bribery. Whatever it
was, Tokyo was one of the cities in which he had official contacts. Rather than going through customs with his two maids, a private car whisked them unmolested into the city.
They spent several hours driving around Tokyo doing some nocturnal sight seeing. Naina was in awe at all she saw. This was all so new to the intelligent, yet unsophisticated, teen.
Mr. Price then had their driver take them to one of the best hotels in Tokyo. Again no questions were asked when he paid cash for the best room the hotel had to offer.
As they entered the motel's penthouse suite, Naina was again in awe. Never had she imagined such splendor. The view of Tokyo below their window was magnificent. Even the servant's room had a beautiful view of the city.
Abby went about unpacking while Naina seemed mesmerize by the opulence around her. Naina was brought back to reality.
"Naina, come in her please." Mr. Price called her into the main room of the suite. He spoke to her like an old friend.
"Naina, do you think you will like traveling around the world with me?"
Without waiting for an answer, he continued. "If you live up to my expectations, you can expect to see the world. Over time, you can become rather well off as Abby has. I know all this is new to you, and you really don't know what I will expect from you. Don't worry about that now. We are all tired. You may return to the servant's room, take a shower, and go to bed. We will be leaving early in the morning and you will need your sleep. If you would, please tell Abby I would like to see her after she has prepared herself and you are in bed for the night."
Naina bowed and replied, "Yes, Sir."
Before she turned to leave Mr. Price, in a soft and kindly voice, corrected her, "Naina, you will call me 'Sir' while in public. At home or in private you will refer to me as your 'Master'. Master John will be just fine. Is that understood?"
Bowing her head Naina answered, "Yes Master John."
As she left Mr. Price and joined Abby in the servant's room, she wondered to herself. 'What did he mean for Abby to prepare herself, and why must I be in
bed for the night. No matter, whatever he wants of me, I will do my best to serve my new employer. I will be a good servant.'
The servant's room had two small, but comfortable looking, beds and an attached bath. Abby had already unpacked her small suitcase and was in the bathroom. Naina gently knocked on the bathroom door.
Abby called out, "Come in."
Naina began speaking as she opened the door and billows of steam rolled out. "Abby, Master John wants you..." The sight before her startled the teen. Abby was standing in the shower shaving her privates. It was a shock for Naina to see such a personal thing. She had never shaved any part of her body, nor had she ever known anyone who did that. "I ... I ... I'm sorry! I'll wait outside until you have finished."
"No, no! Please come on in, Naina." Abby insisted, "We girls should have no secrets from each other. Have you never shaved yourself, Naina?"
"No! Never!" The teen was shocked and embarrassed to be asked such a personal question.
You will want to start. I suggest you use my razor and shaving cream and start tonight by shaving under your arms. The rest can come later. It feels so nice without all that hair. Now, what did Master John
Stuttering, Naina delivered Master John's message, "M ... M ... Master John wants to s ... see you after you have p ... prepared yourself and I am in bed for the night."
"Very well! I'll be done here in just a few minutes. I just need to rinse off. You can start undressing now if you like."
Naina was reluctant to undress in front of another person. She had known Abby less that a day, and now she was expected to undress in front of her.
Abby sensed Naina's hesitation as she finished rinsing the lather from her freshly shaved pussy. "Come on Naina. Remember, there are no secrets between us girls."
Still nude, Abby stepped out of the tub and faced her trainee. Abby thought, 'This is as good a time as any to start your training, girl.' Abby reached up and began unbuttoning Naina's blouse. Naina blushed but did not stop Abby's hands as they opened her blouse's buttons. In short order, Abby had Naina's blouse lying on the bathroom floor. Her bra soon followed allowing her large breasts to stand free. There was only the slightest hint of sag to Naina's sizable tits.
"Oh my, Naina. You have a magnificent set of tits. You must be at least a D cup. They look so nice on such a lovely young girl. Master John ... Oh never mind for now. Finish getting undressed and get in the tub. I think we should shave under your arms tonight. Don't you agree? You will need to keep yourself smoothly shaved."
Naina silently nodded her agreement. The teen thought, 'After all, Abby was her instructor.'
"Good! Get in the tub, wash yourself, and I'll be back to get you started on those armpits." As Abby started to leave the bathroom she looked back at Naina with a big grin and said, "Damn those tits are
Unsure of where her new life would take her, Naina still recognized a sincere complement when she heard one. Even if it was a complement for something no other adult had ever seen. Naina blushed and looked
back at Abby. A smile slowly spread over the shy teen's face.
Abby returned just as Naina finished rinsing the soap off her body.
"Okay Naina, time to shave those pits. I'll do one for you and then you do the other. Now, raise you arm."
Abby lathered and carefully shaved the hair from under Naina's left arm. Since Naina had never shaved herself before, there was a great deal of hair growing in her armpits. It took Abby a little longer than usual to get Naina's armpit smoothly shaved. "Now, you do the other side, Naina." Abby instructed the teen. She then left the room, and Naina was left to shave under her right arm.
When Abby returned, she was wearing dark blue baby-doll pajamas made of silk. She inspected Naina's armpits and smiled. "Be sure to always keep yourself shaved smooth." Abby then handed Naina a long, silky white, nightgown. "This is mine, but you can use it. I'm sure it will fit you, Naina. Well, it may be a bit tight over those beautiful tits of yours, but we'll get you some clothes of your own when we get home. Now, hurry and get to bed. I don't like keeping Master John waiting so long."
Naina finished drying her hair, and got in bed. It had been a long and exciting day. She and Abby had a brief conversation about all the traveling Abby had done before Naina was overcome with drowsiness.
Naina then fell asleep shortly thereafter. Sometime during the night she awoke to sounds coming from the next room. She couldn't be sure of course, but it sounded like the same noises that occasionally came from her parent's room at home. Grunts, groans, and moans were coming from behind the door leading to Master Price's room. After a while, Naina distinctly heard Abby's voice.
Through the closed door, Naina heard Abby cry out, "Oh yes, Master! Give your servant what she needs!"
Abby's voice trailed off after that. Naina had to strain to hear Abby say more. "I am yours, Master! Do
as you please with your servant! Oh yes, Master!"
Master John's room then grew silent again. Naina slipped back off to sleep. She didn't stir until early the next morning.
Naina awoke to Abby gently shaking her arm. The sun was barely peaking over the horizon as Abby shook Naina awake. At Abby's urging, the teen quickly got up and dressed. Within the hour they were again boarding Master John's Gulfstream. A short time later, they
were wheels up and winging out over the wide blue Pacific.
There would be no more sight seeing stops on this trip. Their next landing would be on the private strip next to Mr. Price's home. He owned nearly ten thousand acres on the edge of Yellowstone National Park. That much land and his multi-story home gave him the quiet
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Maid to Order By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: Boys will be boys, pushing the boundaries for fun and excitement. But they better be careful when it comes to taking on dares around maid's uniforms! Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change Deals Bets or Dares Outsmarted Tricked, Stuck, Age: Teenager 13-18 Keywords: Maids or French Maids This is a story of how our family lives changed when femminen was introduced into the world, where society was strongly intolerant of...
I awoke on a soft rug, drooling slightly. I felt woozy, as if I had been drugged. I tried to remember what the last thing was that happened to me, something that might possibly explain where I was. I couldn't remember much. "Sit up," said a voice. I wiped my face and rose to look at the world. I was in someone's basement, that much was clear. There was an amusing assortment of old appliances lying around: a microwave, a pottery wheel, and even a NordicTrak. The walls were kind of queer....
MAID IN OAXACA - PART 7 (MEXICO-3) by Monica Graz CHAPTER 19 "So, is this Crissie?" Se?ora Juana asked looking at me but really addressing Pat. She was dressed like any woman of her class and age. Comfortable set of blouse and pants, sensible shoes and hair kept back in a severe bun. We were all standing where Pedro dropped us in front of the main house that looked quite impressive. "That's correct, this is Crissie, my faithful companion and maid." Pat replied looking at me re...
Maid Service By Jennifer Stewart The Maid's Bedroom The black satin dress of a maid's uniform hangs carelessly on the back of a chair. The white chiffon apron lies on the floor behind the chair. The sounds of a vigorous copulation gradually fill the room - a rhythmic thumping and creaking noise of a bed being shaken violently; the steady slapping of flesh; a woman's gasps sprinkled with her cries and moans; the heavy breathing and grunts of a men. "Ummmnn... Oh GOD......
Maid to Watch By M.T. Miles Smashwords Edition Copyright 2016 M.T. Miles Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase...
Copyright© (c) 1994-2003 "Oden the bardling averred His muse was the bum of a bird, And his Lesbian wife Would finger his fife While Fisherwood waited as third." -author unknown She came highly recommended, with references and a resume that greatly impressed me. The children loved her, my wife was thankful of the excellent work she did, and I was able to spend more time with my work. The maid also entered my family and began to systematically control or terrorize everyone in the...
Maid For Pleasure By Nancy Moore PART ONE Mrs. Moore kept her dirty laundry basket in the bathroom. I had noticed it on a number of visits in the past, when I had to use the toilet in my friend Martin's house. The washing basket was gray plastic, about waist high and, on this occasion, very, very full. Full to overflowing, in fact, with a pair of tan nylons and a white bra drooping over the edge and, just underneath them, a white panty girdle. It intrigued me. Perhaps a...
MAID IN OAXACA - PART 6 (MEXICO-2) By Monica Graz A synopsis of the previous 4 parts in New York City and part 5 in Mexico City all published in Fictionmania in June and July 2019: In the first four parts our story is unravelling in New York City. Chris Galiano a native New Yorker and translator at UN meets Pat (Patricia Martinez-Torres) a rich Mexican student and they become an item. Chris reveals his cross dressing and maid tendencies and his transformation begins with Pat's...
MAID IN A SHAM MARRIAGE I've tried to explain my relationship with my older sister to a writer who wanted to tell my story but they just couldn't understand it, so I thought that I'd better tell the whole tale myself. My name is Brian Davis, at least that's the name I'm going to use for these purposes, if I used my real name you might recognise it and I want to keep at least some dignity so I will remain anonymous. This is all about my sister Charlotte and my wife Regina but if I...
Thirty year old Betty Chu smiled her best smile as she sat before Miss Penelope Oswald. She had answers ready for every question, and references that would please the most stringent background check. The fact that none of it was true didn't worry the petite Asian one little bit. She paid through the nose for this new ID, and she knew enough to pay for the very best! Faking her own death had been a necessity in order for her to avoid a rather lengthy prison stay! She took another sip of iced...
Maid To Change By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Meyer was busy giving one of her salesgirls hints on how to get customers to buy more. She owned the most upscale women's wear store in town. She was a no-nonsense woman who knew how to direct people to do as she wanted. She finished with the salesgirl and went to her office. She had the bookkeeping to do and wanted to get it done before she went home. She finished it just before it was closing time. Her last quarter figures were...
Maid in Bound (+pic) Maid in Bound (+pic)????? by YamiNoHikari written: October 8th 2006 Genre: PWPFrom : Random hentai image (maybe from some H-game) DICLAIMER: This maid is not mine. The image is found somewhere in the internet, not drawn by me. However, Hikaru is mine, she is from my other fiction (Bond of Destiny). WARNING! This is a fiction of hentai, so only adults may view or if you insist then so be it. I've warned ya. CODE WARNING!* toys* F/F* bondage...
Maid and Master Jacob had heard that if you did something for long enough, that your body would get used to it and it should eventually feel normal. The mid twenty something man had since decided that that was a load of crap. It had already been two years since waking up at 5 in the morning had become his daily routine, but it had not gotten any easier. The hot water on his dark brown skin threatened to lull Jacob back to sleep, but he persevered. As always, the morning...
MAID SERVICE REQUESTEDT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to...
MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 3 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 8 I had an uneasy sleep during my first night at the new apartment. I felt quite lonely lying on my small single bed at the tiny maid's room. I was terribly missing Pat; I would have loved to share the bed with her in the master bedroom but she had decided differently and at the moment she was the boss. I was of course dead tired and my body was aching from the manual labor but my mind was busy trying to absorb the novelty of...
It had just been the tiniest of glimpses, but it had been more then enough to set Mary's mind in a whirl. Could such things really be true? Could someone like Miss Amanda Oswald really truly be real? "Oh my." The maid sighed in the privacy of her little room in the servant's wing of the stately Oswald manor. "Oh my goodness me!" The buxom redhead sighed again. She could hardly believe the sight she beheld early that morning. As was her daily task, she had slipped into her mistress's...
Maid for a surprise Part 1 By Amanda Walker I nervously adjusted the hem of the maid's uniform, I could feel the tightness of the bra on my chest and tights on my legs as I stood outside my mother's bedroom door. 'Is this such a good idea?' I thought. How did I get here? It had seemed like a good laugh. Mum would often jokingly ask if the maid was free to bring her breakfast on a Saturday morning and I would reply that she'd been given the day off. It was just one of those...
MAID IN OAXACA PART 2 - MEXICO CHAPTER 14 "We're flying to Mexico City in a week; I just booked the tickets w??? Delta Airlines," Pat said casually as I was serving her breakfast. I nearly spilled the coffee I was pouring and looked at her alarmed. "That's very sudden Madam. How Can I travel like this? I need to prepare, look at me, I'm all woman now. I have to go back to be Chris again. I have to talk to Theresa; I work there later today. How can? do all that in a week?" She...
MAID FOR IT by Throne Martin gave himself one more check in the full length mirror. He didn't know where his girlfriend Ava had gotten the maid uniform he was wearing, but it was obviously made for a guy. It neatly fit his slim- hipped figure, the front lying flat over his male chest. He smoothed down the short skirt, under which he wore very brief panties. Then he fiddled with the tiny apron. Finally, he adjusted the lacy cap atop his blond locks, which had been allowed to grow...
She was tall and statuesque, her hair in a bun. I had seen her type before, trying to appear strong and domineering by flexing their Executive muscle. Management change was nothing new for me. I had watched new department heads come and go with regularity. I didn't fear a new boss like the other employees did ... I knew the company needed me because I was their biggest producer. I made them money ... lots of money. And, as long as I was one of their best sales people, I felt bullet proof,...
Maid in Mexico (Bi-male, BBW)Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious. A four gigabyte flashdrive full of porn, 3 dirty magazines, and some anal lube. Maybe not "everyone" brings these items on vacation, but I did, and I was VERY glad to have them. My impromtu vacation to Cabo coincided with a hurricane off of Mexico's coast, and my weather consisted of four days of pouring rain. No beach time and no sun. This could have been a disastrous vacation, but it...
Maid for the Family - Part 2 ? by: Sissy Sally-Anne For a couple of hours, I was left, bound over the stool with a huge butt plug in my arse, whilst everyone slept and rested. I could not believe the situation that I had gotten myself into. As I considered what was going on, I remember that Elizabeth had said that she might invite my mum over to see me. My mother had caught me dressing up in my sister's clothes when I was young. I had tried to convince her that it was just an...
Maid to Order Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. If you are not att least eighteen, or if you are not above the age of consent for the country where you reside, you should exit this page immediately. Content Warning: Involves forced TG, as well as blackmail, with sexual contact being part of the trigger for the TG. The chains rattled faintly as a door opened, and Lord Marcus Anderson stirred in his confinement. He had been...
MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 2 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 4 "Do you want to marry me Chris or should I say Cristina and move in with me?" It was several weeks later and we were having a nice glass of chardonnay sitting at an elegant caf? not far from the UN building when Pat asked me the question that was dropped like a bomb. But I knew her well enough by now not to be completely surprised. That was her style all right. She loved to come out with big things out of the blue without any p...
MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 4 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 10 The feeling was so different, I had boobs! My breast forms were attached to my chest. My posture was different as well; my center of gravity has changed. As I moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast I kept looking down to my chest as it was protruding prominently pushing my uniform dress and apron bib outwards. Pat was very pleased as she was helping me gluing them into position earlier...
Yay! The day had finally arrived. I'd been terrified and excited in equal measure for the months leading up to today. Unfortunately little did I know that today was going to go very differently to how I'd planned. First let me jump back to how this all started. I've been a crossdresser since I was a kid, but unfortunately I was always a bit of a fat kid, who grew into an overweight,tall and well-built man. As a result I never really got the knack of dressing enough to be all that...
Maid to Please Chapter 1 - The House Visit We had married in England. My new wife Julie is a delight and a tease. She is slender but has an ample bosom and curves in all the right places. One of the things I like about her is that she is spontaneous and adventurous. Tragedy struck and her parents died in a car accident soon after our marriage. Mine had already gone so we were our only family. The up side was that we had a few ?millions in the bank and our life ahead...
Maid and Master: After Hours Lara drew shaky breath through a bright red ball gag as she teetered precariously atop a wooden sawhorse. A rope and pulley system ensured that she did not fall off. A cat o' nine tails blossomed from her anus and twitched ever so often as her rectum dealt with its invasive presence. Maria watched patiently as her slave squirmed, absently stroking the six inch dark brown phallus protruding from the zippered opening in the front of her black latex...
Hello everyone this is DJ , basically I am from Gujarat. I am 26 years old dude with nice hard cock working in a private advertising agency based in Mumbai. I had wonderful college life banging so many nice girls in college. My first sex encounter in my freshmen year (first year) with a cute girl from Delhi her name was Sonia, she had awesome figure nice big ass after that I can’t even remember how many times my cock seen different pussy’s (choot). Let’s focus on my story too much description...
This story I’m about to begin happened many years ago, as I was in High School, a 19 yo., I reckon. This event has triggered my enthusiasm for matures ever since, mad in the hunt for matures especially if they are portly and big. This way I was initiated for the first time into this new world of mature women. Her name was Dulce, a Spaniard who had begun to work as a new maid at home. I can’t reckon with accuracy how old she was, probably 40 yo.? A round woman with enormous incredible tits -...
MatureMaid for the Job Chapter Five Two days later as my boss left for work she reminded me about the weekly grocery shop. As she says this I am surprised and amused. Can it be only a week since my first morning as a new woman, only a week since the terror of having to open the door to the delivery man and having to contrive the situation so I looked like some kind of harridan? I can't believe so much has happened in so short a time, and right now it seems odd that I would try to make...
Maid for the Family - Part 3 ? by: Sissy Sally-Anne Following on from Part 2... After pleasing Elizabeth, she took me upstairs to her bed. I could not believe how tired I was. My energy was gone completely. She asked me to strip and then dressed me in a long white silk nightdress. I slipped into bed and curled up under the quilt. "Sleep well, Jason," said Elizabeth, as she turned out the light. "We still have so much to do." Quietly, she left the room and when...
Hitting Puberty Welcoming all Readers from Indian Sex Stories dot net. I am new here as an author but been an avid reader of the stories many of you have contributed, thought of taking a shot at writing myself. What I am about to write, is a slow paced story, an indulgence and my flair with the world of Lust. As you have read “About me” in my profile, and just in case you haven’t, to cut the story short, I am today a 28 years old man, and my life till today has been full of sex adventures which...
My husband and I enjoy travel and like to get away a few times a year. Being cold in the North we like to head south in January or February. This year we went to Florida to see the sights and do the regular tour that the tourists do. We booked into the Hilton at Walt Disney World and got busy seeing and doing all the regular stuff. On the fourth day we were there, my husband had booked a round of golf, that being his passion. My passion on the other hand is shopping and I was quite delighted to...
MAID FOR A DAY By Tammy Richards I got my introduction to women's clothing courtesy of the Ohio State ? Michigan football game. You see, I'm an Ohio State alum and my wife Danielle graduated from the University of Michigan. Needless to say there's a lot of good-natured kidding back and forth between us, particularly during football season. A few years ago, we decided to have several friends from the neighborhood over for a party on the day of the big game. It turned out to be one...
Maid to Please I was thirty years old happily married and yet frustrated as I had a desire to cross dress on a more permanent basis but my day to day life tended to prevent it. I joined a web based dating service that specialised in the unusual and having shared my profile and my desire to become feminised in a controlled environment it happened. You see I am practical in terms of all manner of DIY and am a handy cook and good at housework. It occurred to me that a lesbian...
Maid of Honor Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In many of the stories I had read on the Internet, being the bride in a wedding was a constant theme, a good one to be sure, but still, just fiction, and I very seriously doubted that any guy could actually pull it off with any realism; maybe, but probably not. I liked to dress up, and did so when ever I had the chance, starting from a very young age. I thought that I was moderately good at it, not perfect to be sure, but in my...
Maid of Honor Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In many of the stories I had read on the Internet, being the bride in a wedding was a constant theme, a good one to be sure, but still, just fiction, and I very seriously doubted that any guy could actually pull it off with any realism; maybe, but probably not. I liked to dress up, and did so when ever I had the chance, starting from a very young age. I thought that I was moderately good at it, not perfect to be sure, but in my...
MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Patricia Martinez Torres is a pretty and highly intelligent Mexican girl in her mid twenties living in New York. Her father Diego Martinez Torres is a high-ranking diplomat serving at the UN Mexican delegation. Her mother Alicia Martinez Torres is 'old money'. She is the sole inheritor of vast pieces of land and properties in the southern state of Oaxaca at the vicinity of the town of Juchitan. In the district of Juchitan is the...
Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As u knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of pandav nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or My husband and I enjoy travel and like to get away a few times a year. Being cold in the North we like to head south in January or February. This year we went to Florida to see the sights and do the regular tour that the tourists do. We booked into...
LesbianThis story contains material of a sexual nature. It has explicit descriptions of sex, bondage and non-consensual sex. If you are at all offended by this kind of story or are under age, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! Any characters in this story are the property of Jayne Dell. This story is written for the sole purpose of entertainment and is not written for profit and cannot be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise traded for profit. If you have any comments, want to get in touch, please...
MAID MACHIAVELLI By Bea The young man woke gradually, feeling the soft hands work their way under the covers then undo his pajama jacket buttons. He then felt the softness of the fingers as they started caressing his tummy, breasts and armpits. He heard the whispered words vaguely, something about how smooth he'd kept himself. He came awake completely when his hair band was slackened and removed. Knew that his hair was being softly fanned out about...
Philip was running out of time, he knew that he needed to be dressed and ready to greet his wife, Vanessa at 6pm, it was 5-15 and he was still 10 minutes from home. Finally his car drew into the drive and he rushed into their large house and up to the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went. He shaved his face and checked his body was hairless. Moving quickly down the hall to the bedroom, he was surprised to find a lock on the door so that he couldn't get in, but then he remembered that...
Hi this is my first post in this website. I have never written before about my maid who ended up turning me into a sex maniac. I hope everybody enjoys reading this, specially the ladies. It all started when I was 18 and I had completed my studies in Delhi for 12th and had returned home to spend a few years relaxing and helping dad. The day I arrived I saw our maid Roopa and was left speechless. She looked to be in her forties but did not look old. In fact there was something alive in her which...
Maid to be his by Caitlyn Masked Android technology in the mid-21st century revolutionized almost all industries. At first the only thing limiting their use was the limit of artificial intelligence. Simple but dangerous manufacturing was regulated to the droids. Repetitive tasks were perfect for them. Next came putting androids in the place of non-humanoid robots because having a 'person' to look at was more comforting. Self-driving cars never picked up even though there were...
Copyright,[email protected] Before you start this story a notice to the readers, Iam clearing out my video collection and they are classics, well you knowmy taste so why not e-mail me for a list, they are cheap, good and theselection play, U/K & USA Another story by Pagan Maid for the family album. It all started as a great idea, Trudy and Bob, Helen and Terryhad found their dream house. It was Terry who said, this has great potential,big and already divided, two beautiful big...
Part OneDiane sat with her foursome drinking in the bar. Their golf round was cancelled as a downpour slammed into the clubhouse windows. The waiter came by, "Anyone ready for another?" Diane looked at her watch. It was four and she had already had three drinks. She looked over at her friend Julia."What do you think?""I have to meet Carl. I'm sure he's home early because of the rain and it's date night.""Oh." Diane knew what 'date night' meant to Julia. Her and Carl were going to fuck. Diane...
Jennifer was so horny and she couldn't do anything about it. Alex had asked Jennifer to dress up in her tight little French Maid's costume. Not that Jennifer minded. She loved pleasing her lover to the extent that she would do anything asked of her. She had slowly dressed herself in the hotel room while Alex busied in the bathroom for the corporate meeting that would take most of the morning. Looking at herself in the mirror over the dresser, she admired the way the little black and white...
Maid for the Job Chapter Eleven I woke with a start as the memories of the previous night's activities came flooding back, the pain in my used hole a further reminder of the assault that I had experienced. But had it been assault?! I could have tried to fight him off, I could have revealed Mrs Smith's plan, but I didn't, I allowed Mr Smith to use me as a sexual plaything just as his wife had done previously. Why hadn't I fought him off? Fear of exposure? Fear of further cruelty? But...
Hi guys, this is schmuk, coming once again to you after a really long time. After my initial 5 stories in ISS (How i finally attained my maid part 1 & 2, maid to taste, cook became my meal, deepa my sexual masterpiece), i got a lot of requests to write more. But i am a firm believer that the basis of my stories should be reality and not fiction. Thats why i have had nothing to write about for the last 18 odd months. All my sexperiences had come from steamy affairs with dusky maids during my...
I wrote this story a couple of years ago, and posted it on I have decided to post all my stories here, and this is the only one (and first) story I wrote outside fictionmania. Hope you like it! Chapter 1 I stood outside the bus with my friend Alex, and looked up at the hotel below the Swiss Alps. It was beautiful view. You see, my parents had arranged for me to work at my aunt's hotel this summer as a substitute gardener. My parents thought that it would do me good doing...
This sex story is about my dominating maid Geeta. She is a 50 year old woman. She has a dark complexion, hanging boobs and a chubby body. I am a 22 year old boy who has recently got a job. Prior to my encounter with my maid, I have had sex with my Aunt Sona. It was a Thursday evening and my mom got a call from Geeta. After speaking with her for some time, my mom handed me some cash and asked me to go to Sanjay Hospital and give the money to our maid Geeta. She asked me to stay with her. Without...