Maid In Oaxaca - Part 7 (Mexico 3) - Final free porn video

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MAID IN OAXACA - PART 7 (MEXICO-3) by Monica Graz CHAPTER 19 "So, is this Crissie?" Se?ora Juana asked looking at me but really addressing Pat. She was dressed like any woman of her class and age. Comfortable set of blouse and pants, sensible shoes and hair kept back in a severe bun. We were all standing where Pedro dropped us in front of the main house that looked quite impressive. "That's correct, this is Crissie, my faithful companion and maid." Pat replied looking at me reassuringly as if she was trying to tell me, 'Don't worry, everything is under control.' All that was said in English but then Se?ora Juana turned to me and said in her Mexican Spanish, "I understand your Spanish is good Crissie because this is going to be your everyday language during your stay in the hacienda. Do you follow me girl?" "Si Se?ora," I replied, nearly curtseying, she was quite formidable that lady, "I have been practicing my Spanish with Se?ora Patricia for some time now and I feel more comfortable, now, especially with the Mexican expressions." "I'm glad to hear that because the girls you are going to work with are not particularly literate and very often use local expressions between themselves. But you are clever enough to adapt. At least that is what your Se?ora keeps telling me." She said in a neutral voice. "Si Se?ora, I am certain I'll be able to understand them," I said as with the corner of my eye I saw a girl in a maid's uniform, very similar to the ones packed in my suitcase, carrying a mop and bucket moving towards the main house. Se?ora Juana saw her at the same time because she turned and called her in a loud voice, "Ah Rosa, there you are, just the person I need. Drop your bucket and mop and come here for a moment." Rosa instantly obeyed and approached us very fast. She lowered her eyes gave a quick curtsey and said in rapid Spanish, "Si Se?ora Juana at your service!" "Rosa, this is Crissie, Se?ora Patricia's maid and she is going to be part of the domestic staff here for an indefinite period of time. Take her to her room, the one I asked you to prepare yesterday, so she can unpack, and put her uniform on. Then she is going to follow you today as you work. That way she will have the chance to get familiar with the space." Then she turned to me, "You heard me Crissie, follow Rosa and she will explain everything. I immediately want you in a uniform similar to Rosa's; your Mistress tells me you bought a few in Mexico City. Is that clear for both of you?" She finished her sentence looking first at Rosa, then at me. After that she dismissed us with her hand as we both said, "Si Se?ora," curtseying at the same time. All that time Pat was observing us, an amused look on her beautiful and clever face. She turned to me and said, "You go now Crissie, you have a lot to learn here, I'll catch up with you later." Then turning to Rosa added, "Thank you Rosa for taking care of my maid, she needs a good coaching in all domestic aspects and she is very keen to learn. And please speak clearly and slowly so she can understand you, she needs more practice with her Spanish" "No problem Se?ora Patricia, Crissie will become one of us girls in a very short time. I can assure you we need the extra hands, there is plenty of housework in the hacienda." Se?ora Juanita turned to Rosa and said in an annoyed manner, "That's enough Rosa, don't be impertinent, run along now, lots to be done." Within half an hour, properly dressed in uniform, my gingham large apron covering most of my dress, I was back by the main entrance moping the marble floor tiles under the supervision and instructions of Rosa. Everything seemed and felt surreal to me. Here I am at a Mexican hacienda in the middle of nowhere without any other links or connections to the place. My only point of reference was Se?ora Patricia and at the moment I was not directly liaised with her. That made me nervous. I kept seeing unknown faces coming and going heading at the end of the main hall where I could see a door that clearly was leading to some sort of office space. Rosa confirmed my thoughts because she said to me, "Yes Crissie, that door leads to the hacienda's offices. Se?or Antonio is the big boss there, everything in this place goes through him and Se?ora Juana. Without them giving work to us we all would be very poor and destitute." "Yes, my Se?ora has told me about them, they are close friends of her mother Se?ora Alicia." I said as I continued mopping with steady symmetrical movements. "Aren't you a lucky girl to have such a rich employer? One day your Se?ora will probably run this place and you will be probably her assistant." She said and winked at me. I felt a spark of pleasure as I heard that because she probably wasn't that much out of the truth. Who knows, if we kept being together with Pat, my Se?ora Patricia, this could really happen one day." At that moment we heard a voice from behind and we both turned startled. "Ah there you are you two," It was Se?ora Patricia's voice and she was walking towards us. Following her was a tall handsome man with thick grey hair and an imposing grey moustache. "It's Se?or Antonio with your Se?ora," Rosa hastily whispered to me, "We must curtsey when they approach." We did curtsey but I clumsily did it because I was still holding the mop. Pat saw me and tried to hide her smile. She was enjoying herself; I could tell from her sparkling eyes. "So, this is your Gringa maid Crissie," Se?or Antonio said looking at me with an amused curiosity because he knew who I really and truly was, Pat's cross-dressing husband. "Yes, this is Crissie and as you see Rosa put her already to work, she will learn a lot here." "I'm certain she will, and Rosa is the best teacher; she is our senior maid in the hacienda. And no special treatment for your maid, she is simply one of the hacienda servants now," he said as he scrutinised me with his piercing eyes "Of course Antonio, Crissie knows that already, Juana said the same thing when we arrived. During our stay here I want her to be completely assimilated and become a competent member of the domestic staff. I think she had it easy in US so far." Then she turned to me and addressed me firmly, "You heard all that Crissie? I want you to make an extra effort and become a competent maid in this hacienda and probably learn to do other things as well." Then back to Se?or Antonio adding, "I just had this thought Antonio, I think Crissie should be involved in other activities in the hacienda befitting her low servant status like do some farming or fruit picking or anything else you consider appropriate for your village girls. She should dirty her hands. Being a maid in a hacienda is not the hardest job and I want her to feel it in her skin what it means to be a poor hard-working female labourer. All those poor campesinas out in the fields would find the work as a maid in the hacienda a pure luxury." "Se?or Antonio looked most amused with Pat's suggestion. He looked at me in a nearly compassionate way. I guess he was wondering why Pat was so strict with me. "I can send Crissie out in the fields for fruit picking. In a few days the season for organic strawberries opens and I'll use about 10 to 15 campesinas for that. Crissie can be one of them for a few days. It is a repetitive and quite strenuous job and she must have a good back." My heart sunk when I heard that, fruit picking with the local campesinas? But Pat was very openly excited because she said to Senor Antonio, "That's a great idea Antonio and will show Crissie how women work in a poorer country. Thanks for taking care of that." Then turning to me with eyes full of fire added, "So we have established a program for you Crissie. During the next few days, you will be busy both as a house maid and a farm labourer, a campesina. Then you can tell me what you liked or disliked most." She chuckled with a bit of malice as she said that. I wasn't certain but I was detecting there a different Pat with an increased power over me. A Pat I hoped, wouldn't stay like this for long. Probably I was at the moment another of her social anthropology experiments. Se?or Antonio looked at his watch, "We better go Patricia, we have a meeting in Juchitan in half an hour, Pedro will drive us there and then Juana will join us for dinner in your favourite restaurant." "Of course Antonio, let's go." Then turning to us, "Back to work girls and Crissie I hope I get good reports from Rosa about your work, or else...." They started walking towards the exit with an unnamed threat on the air. 'Or else...?' What she meant by that? A possible punishment? We never went down that path before but Mexico was full of surprises for me. We curtseyed as they left and Rosa looked sympathetically at me, "Your Mistress seemed to be quite strict with you. Have you done something to annoy her?" "I can't think of anything, probably she wants me to get the full feeling of what it means to be a poor domestic worker and labourer in a hacienda in Mexico. She was right to the fact that conditions for domestic workers in US are very different. You can work hard but you maintain a certain minimum of rights. Here from what I see you are completely at the mercy of your employer." Rosa started moving her head as she said, "It's because we have large families and we need to feed many mouths. To use one of your Gringo sayings, 'beggars can't be choosers'. Pedro my husband that you met earlier told me that. He picked it when he was in US for a few years as an illegal migrant." Then looking at the large clock in the hall added, "I leave you to your mopping here, I'll go back to the other side to see what the other two maids, Silvia and Marta are up to; they keep a low profile today. You are going to meet them during our dinner at the servants' hall." CHAPTER 20 The next two weeks were hectic, harsh and peculiarly exciting. The first week I was a full-time hacienda maid. I was doing what I was told; I was a general housemaid doing practically everything, from cleaning the toilets at the domestic staff premises to serving meals at the main hacienda building. I was in uniform constantly and only at the end of the day, after our meal in the servant's area I was allowed to go to my room. By that stage it was usually ten o'clock at night and I was ready to collapse. The best moment of the day was when I was finally able to remove my uniform dress and apron both of them soiled and smelly by that stage. The warm and humid weather plus my strong and strenuous manual work were adding to that. My encounters with Se?ora Patricia were less frequent than I expected but the feeling that she was around and I could see her at least once per day either when serving breakfast of when I was cleaning her room gave me a certain sense of security. My Mistress was around and was keeping an eye on me. But the only time I could exchange a few words with her in a more private mode was only when I was sent to clean her room and she happened to be there. So, at the end of first week we came face to face when I knocked at her bedroom door and I heard a simple 'come' from inside. I was surprised she was still there; it was nearly lunch time and she usually was out following her various activities, working together with Senor Antonio or visiting the various parts of the farm. I entered carrying a bucket with all my cleaning tools and detergents. Without any pretention I curtsied and said, "Good morning Se?ora, can I clean your room now?" Acting as a lowly housemaid was a second nature to me by now, even when I was facing my 'other half'. Se?ora Patricia was dressed and clearly ready to go out but she decided to be chatty with me today, "Good morning to you Crissie," she said scrutinising me with her clever eyes. "You look quite dishevelled girl; look at those stains on your apron. They did put you to work in a serious mode as I see. Is Rosa a slave driver?" I was blushing from a mixture of embarrassment and excitement as she came closer to me sniffing the air like a hound dog, "And you definitely have the smell of a hacienda maid, the one I remember from my childhood. A mixture of cheap perfume, sweat and detergents." "Si Se?ora," I managed to answer, "I do work hard and Rosa is keeping a close eye on me and keeps telling me that I shouldn't get any preferential treatment because of my connection with you. And I'm not allowed to change my uniform for a whole day and the weather is always hot and humid so I can't help it. I constantly feel hot and sticky." "I guess it can't be helped; being a manual labourer in this part of Mexico can be uncomfortable but eventually you learn to live with it." She said rather indifferently but then asked in a more concerned tone of voice, "But do tell me honestly Crissie, are you enjoying the experience so far? Do you feel it in your skin what it means to be a poor working girl in this country?" "Si Se?ora," I replied without too much thinking, "the experience is unique and I could never ever believe, even in my wildest dreams, that this could happen to me. So, to answer your question, yes, I do enjoy the experience." Then becoming more impertinent I added, "But I do miss my Se?ora, I miss sharing a bed with her, being her devoted and personal maid." Her eyes became softer when she heard that, "I miss you too Crissie but at the moment the way you are as a hacienda maid, I'm afraid I can't touch you. All I see in you now is a poor local girl struggling with her life. A girl that I can't even dream of mix sexually with." Then as if something new came to her mind added, "And you haven't been out in the fields yet as a real village woman, a campesina. But as Se?or Antonio mentioned to me yesterday you will join the group of strawberry pickers in a couple of days. And then you will be moved to different premises to some huts near the picking fields where those women stay. You will be provided with different clothes, a long skirt and a blouse with long sleeves plus a head scarf on top of which you will be wearing a large straw hat so you can be protected from the sun which can be ruthless as you already know." My heart sunk when I heard that. Did I become someone untouchable for my Senora? Was that my future with her, just a domestic servant with no other rights and privileges? In her usual manner she detected my inner feelings and said, "It's not for ever Crissie. I want you to go through those fifteen days in the hacienda. Then you will be back with me. Then I'll take you to the town of Yuchitan and introduce you to all those muxes there. This is the reason we came here to start with. But at the moment you have to strictly stick to your role in the hacienda, being a mucama and campesina." Then she looked at her watch saying, "I better go, I have a meeting with the Garcias, we have business to discuss. And you can get on with your work. You don't want Rosa to catch you dawdling." "Si Se?ora" I said curtseying as she picked her bag and started walking towards the door. CHAPTER 21 "You, Gringa! What's your name again?" the supervisor, Se?or Ramon asked me as he was looking at my fruit picking basket "Crissie, Se?or," I answered as the sweat was running down my face and my blistered hands were carefully picking strawberries. "Well Crissie, you have to do better than that. It is already 10.00 in the morning; you are working more than 3 hours and your pickings are very slim. Look around you. The other campesinas are much faster than you." "Sorry Se?or, I'm not used to that job; it's my third day and I still try to adapt. It's very hard work Se?or." "I know it's hard, but my orders are to make you work like the other women here, Se?or Garcia and your Se?ora were adamant. 'Make her work hard, she is not to be spared', were their words. So, try harder girl. At the end of the day your basket has to be full. "Lo entiendes?" "Si Se?or, I understand Se?or, I'll try harder." I wiped the sweat from my face with a dirty handkerchief I kept in my apron pocket and I continued in a faster mode. I was dressed in the rough clothes they gave me when I joined the group of campesinas working in the fruit picking fields. Long skirt and long- sleeved blouse both made from some sort of rough cotton material that made my whole body itchy, covered by an old stained apron of unidentified colour. A scarf was covering my hair and on top of that a I had to add a wide brim straw hat to protect myself from the ruthless Mexican sun. I looked around me in the vast fields where many more women similarly dressed, probably about twenty of us all together, were busily picking the strawberries and placing them carefully inside the vast straw basket that each one of us had. I was feeling miserable; hot, sweaty and smelly and I was missing terribly my job as a maid in the hacienda. But deep down I was also feeling a peculiar alertness and excitement. Was that how the slaves working at the cotton fields of the US Deep South were feeling about two centuries ago? When we finally finished for the day at about five in the afternoon after ten hours of solid work with a small break of half an hour, we all rushed to our primitive and dirty toilet and wash facilities. I had to wash with cold water trying to remove the grime of the day. I felt so small and insignificant as I was pushed in the queue of campesinas trying to approach the wash basins. Finally, we all sat down to eat at an outdoor facility where food was cooked by another campesina. The food was strong and spicy but after the day's hard labour was very welcomed because we were all starving. I kept to myself when we were eating, the other women were busily talking in the local Zapotec dialect and I couldn't understand a word. One or two younger women tried to include me but they gave up when they realised, I couldn't follow their conversation. I could see the big mansion and the other hacienda buildings at a distance but I wasn't allowed to approach them. All campesina women involved with the fruit picking had to sleep in a large shed where bunk beds were installed. Our supervisor, Se?or Ramon had his own private hut where he would return to sleep later. As we were eating, I felt very jealous as I saw him walking towards the hacienda buildings. He was taking his meals there at the servants' quarters and he would also have to report to the Garcias and Se?ora Patricia for the day activities. I wonder if my Se?ora would ask after me. By nine o'clock we were all in bed with no other option than sleep. And we did sleep very fast. Manual labour under those hard conditions was the best sleeping pill. I was counting the days of course and the 7th day I was excited and expectant. I was up bright and early and at 6.30am I was down at the so- called canteen where a campesina was boiling water to offer us a cup of tea with some bread and jam before the start of fruit picking at 7.00am. I wasn't certain how I was going to be summoned back to the house. Would I have to work the whole day or Se?or Antonio would send me back earlier? I was nearly trembling from anticipation when I saw Se?or Ramon approaching me just before 7.00 o'clock. He saw me and waved at me to approach him. "Buenos dias Se?or," I said nearly curtseying, "Shall I return to the hacienda today Se?or?" I couldn't stop myself asking. He looked at me amused. "Yes Crissie, you are going back today, your Senora asked me to send you back now, so you will not be working today with us." "Now Se?or?" I asked incredulously. "I better go and change then and pack my things." "You don't have to change, your Se?nora wants to see you in your campesina's clothes, so just leave behind just the straw hat, the maids will wash the rest of the clothes you wear and will send them back." "Si Se?or, gracias Se?or, I'll go and pack now," I said with a mixture of joy and anticipation. Hopefully my campesina days are over, unless of course my unpredictable Se?ora has other plans for me. "Adios Crissie," Se?or Ramon said rather indifferently and moved inside the canteen to get his breakfast. As I started walking back towards the hacienda compound, I looked at my dirty clothes and I couldn't stop thinking that I had to face my Se?ora dressed like a poor peasant. The feelings, as always with me and my sharp descent into my present humble status, were mixed, embarrassment and anxiety but excitement and pleasant alertness at the same time. I looked down at my filthy apron and I decided to remove it together with my head scarf as I was walking back. I put them inside my canvas shoulder bag where I was keeping my meagre belongings. I arrived at the servants' building at about 7.30 and I was heading for the main room by the kitchen where servants had their meals and all of a sudden, I came face to face with Se?ora Patricia! She clearly was notified by Se?or Ramon and was waiting for me. She scrutinised me with eyes full of excitement and mischief, "Oh my God! You are a true campesina! You look so real, even your complexion is darker because of the sun." she exclaimed in her immaculate Spanish. "It is the clothes Se?ora," I said looking down at my coarse clothes. "It is the clothes but also the smell and the looks that go with them. But where are your apron and head scarf? Why have you removed them?" She asked rather aggressively. "I carry them in my bag, they are very dirty and I'll wash them together with the clothes I wear. Can I go and change back into my maid's uniform Se?ora?" "Not just yet Crissie. Put your apron and scarf back on, I want to take some photos of you with my mobile. My mother and Conchita will be very amused with your looks." "But Se?ora Patricia," I said in a worried voice, "they don't have to see me like this. I feel too dirty and dishevelled as it is." "Don't argue with me Crissie, do as you are told!" she replied in an annoyed voice. "Si Se?ora," I said humbly and in the next minute I put back on the dirty apron and the head scarf. Patricia took several photos and then said smiling, "Now the good news is that you are not going back to your maid's uniform, at least for the time being; I think you deserve now some leisure time. It's about time for you to meet some fellow muxes in Yuchitan." "Really Se?ora? I am so much looking forward to that! From the very first day we arrived at the hacienda I never stopped thinking of that. I thought you were never going to ask!" "But now I'm asking! The time has come for that Crissie. Enough of hardship for my maid." She replied with her eyes sparkling from excitement and mischief. "Now to practical matters, go and have a long shower to get the dirt and grime out of your body. Then do your best morning makeup, that means not very loud and finally put one of your long ethnic skirts on together with your most feminine blouse. I'll meet you here in about an hour so we can drive together to town. Pedro will drive us." She concluded and she turned back to go to the main mansion obviously for her breakfast. "Si Se?ora, I'll be ready in an hour Se?ora," I replied with a beaming smile. CHAPTER 22 I somehow felt liberated as we were driving towards the town. I was all dressed up in my ethnic Mexican clothes, long gipsy skirt, glittery blouse, large earrings and a bold makeup with a pronounced lippy made me feel ultra-feminine. I even had a flower attached on my black curly hair added the last minute by Se?ora Patricia. "Aren't you a sweet muxe my Crissie?" she said as we were entering the car. I felt quite amused and pleased when I saw Pedro's look, full of admiration as he gave me one of his flirty smiles. Thank God that Rosa wasn't around to see it. "We'll first visit Conchita's family house so you can meet Conchita's muxe son Alejandra who takes care of the house and her 3 young siblings. She is expecting us for a cup of coffee," Se?ora Patricia said casually. "Is Alejandra a transgender person Se?ora?" I suddenly asked on an impulse. "Yes and no Crissie, but certainly more advanced than you in her female looks and realities. She is in a hormone treatment so her boobs are quite developed now but she still has all her boy tools below her panties. She doesn't really want to go all the way and this is common in 90% of the muxe population in Yuchitan. And then I asked her the question that was pestering me all along since we started that trip to Mexico, "Do you see me as a transgender person Se?ora Patricia? I don't know what to think anymore. I do enjoy this unbelievable adventure but I also worry that you will abandon me if I completely let my feminine tendencies to take over. I have to admit that since we arrived in Mexico, I gradually had lost control over that." She turned and looked at me and instantly grabbed and squeezed my hand. "I sort of expected that question Crissie dear. But I'm afraid it requires a long answer and it's not the time for that now. All I can say at the moment to reassure you is that I enjoy this adventure as much as you do and I certainly not going to abandon you because I love what I see in front of me. I love your new persona; I love your humility and your devotion. I can tell you that we have a long way to go together." I felt relieved and happy when I heard that, "Thank you for that Se?ora. It is indeed quite reassuring." I replied ready to cry again. How on earth I had manage to become so emotional during the past few weeks? "I think we are here," Se?ora Patricia said as the car stopped in front of a small house very brightly painted in terracotta red, lemon yellow and sky blue. I saw quite a few houses like this around. Clearly it is a signature of popular architecture in that part of Mexico. Pedro the driver turned and addressed my Se?ora, "We are here Se?ora Patricia. What time you want me to collect you?" "Thank you Pedro. You can pick us up at about 6.00pm from the central square so we can be back on time for dinner." As we came out of the car, I instantly saw a woman simply dressed in pants and t-shirt covered by a large gingham apron prominently emphasising her breasts and narrow waist, putting clothes on a line in a small side yard by the house entrance. I instantly knew she was Alejandra, Conchita's muxe son. She saw us and rushed to meet us with a beaming smile. "Oh my God, it's Se?ora Patricia," she exclaimed in a low rather husky voice. "And you must be Crissie," she continued turning to face me. "Look at you, you look so Mexican! I love your skirt by the way and of course I've heard so much about you from my mother. You look much better in real life than in the photos I saw." In the meantime Patricia gave her a hug saying, "Nice to see you again Alejandra, it must be some years since the last time we met and I must also admit that you look better than the photos that Conchita show me. You look so womanly now!" I saw Alejandra blushing as she ushered us inside the house, "Thank you Se?ora Patricia, your compliment means a lot to me. But do come in, we have so much to talk about. I have some coffee prepared and I baked a cake." The house was small and poorly decorated with loud and kitschy decorations but looked impeccably clean and welcoming. We sat around the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and pieces of cake neatly positioned on a plate and started happily chatting. "The boys are at school and my father at work so I am home alone. I prefer it that way because I can do my housework and cooking in peace," Alejandra said gingerly as she wiped her hands on her apron, a movement so familiar to me. "You look very womanly and housewifely Alejandra and I can see that you seem to be fully adapted to that role. Am I right to assume that?" Patricia asked after a sip of her coffee. Alejandra blushed but replied without too much thinking, "I'm now certain Se?ora Patricia that I was born at the wrong side of the fence and I should be born a girl. But my family was very understanding and let me become what I was destined to be. I feel very much myself in that role and I love staying home and look after my family now that my mother is away working in US." "Glad to hear that," Patricia said and then looking at me with a benign smile added, "And as you see my Crissie here is following the same steps. She loves being a girl and a humble one for that matter, she likes serving and loves being my maid, I'm sure Conchita mentioned that to you." Alejandra giggled as she turned to me saying, "You probably are missing your uniform and apron Crissie. My mother said that you are the best and most committed cleaner. If you were living in this town, I could have employed you. I love being a housewife and look after my family but I couldn't say no to a maid's help. Unfortunately, I can't afford it." Patricia also giggling added, "You should have seen Crissie in action in the hacienda as Rosa's assistant. She excelled herself. And then she spent a week in the fields picking fruits." "That was a bit cruel Se?ora Patricia," Alejandra said half-jokingly, "That must have been a shock for poor Crissie. It would have been hard work even for me that I carry the local peasant genes." Then turning to me added, "How was it Crissie? Have you been able to cope with that hard job?" I looked at both of them with a faint smile, "It was a very difficult week and I was counting the days one by one. Look at my hands Alejandra." She picked my hands and scrutinised them. "Yes, I can see how red and irritated they are, I hope you are treating them with some cream." "I certainly do. My Se?ora insisted on that." "All I wanted for Crissie was to literally feel on her skin, what it means to be a poor campesina in this country. From the rough clothes to the hard work and everything else that goes with it." Pat added cheerfully. "Now she knows. Don't you Crissie?" "I certainly do Se?ora and I'm glad that I wasn't born a campesina." I said with conviction but then added, "Of course that doesn't change the fact that I love housework and being in a maid's role." "Speaking of that," Alejandra said a cunning smile on her face, "I couldn't help but notice how adoringly you were looking at my apron since the moment we met. Would you like to wear it and do some work in this house? There is a pile of dishes, pots and pans waiting to be washed in the sink. You could show me how good you are in washing up and tidy up the kitchen." "I wouldn't mind that if Se?ora Patricia has no objection," I hesitantly said feeling already my adrenaline rising. "Why would I have an objection?" Pat said cunningly. "This is what you are trained for so why not give a hand to poor Alejandra who struggles all day long to support her family?" "Si Se?ora," I said as Alejandra was already handing me her gingham apron. I gingerly put it on and as I was getting ready to start the washing up, she gave me a pair of rubber gloves. "Put them on, they'll protect your already suffered hands." "Gracias Alejandra," I said as I found myself in front of the pile of unwashed items inside a messy sink. As I started doing the dishes, I extended my ears as the conversation continued around the kitchen table between my Se?ora and Alejandra who was describing her work in a beauty salon. She was working there three times a week as an apprentice making a bit of extra money mostly from tips. "When my mother returns and from what she tells me that will be fairly soon, I'll become a full-time beautician, I want to specialise in professional makeup." "Good for you Alejandra, go for it if that is your vocation," my se?ora said adding immediately after. "And you are right about Conchita. She will be coming back quite soon. My father is appointed at a new post in SE Asia and as soon as they move, your mother will return, hopefully with a good bonus." "That will be great Se?ora Patricia, we want her back, we all miss her a lot." As I opened the sink tap to start rinsing the plates, I lost the voices but the moment I turned it off my ears were extended again because I heard Alejandra' voice saying, "And what are your plans for Crissie? Are you going to keep her as your maid? Does she want to do something different? Probably she would love to become a beautician like me or a seamstress?" "That's too early to say," Pat answered as she turned to look at me. "You might as well be part of that conversation Crissie. As you know I want to include you in all my decisions. Nothing should or could happen behind your back." "Si Se?ora," I said as I wiped my hands on my apron and turned to face them. "We are still in an experimental phase." Pat continued looking at Alejandra. "We are still trying to define our roles and our sexuality in that 'reality game' as I could call it. Isn't that the case Crissie?" You are right Se?ora Patricia, we're still searching, but since you ask me, I can frankly tell you and let Alejandra be my witness, that I adore my experiences so far. They are so fearfully real and stimulating. Even the fruit picking had an effect on me. I was for a moment fantasised that I was a female slave at the US South in mid-19th century. That feeling and idea turned me on even if I had to work so hard!" "I thought that much," Pat muttered and then added loudly. "So you see what I mean Alejandra, Crissie is enjoying our reality game as much as I do and I must add here that as the time goes by it is becoming more a reality and less a game. Look at her now in her apron and rubber gloves. We came to this house as guests and within an hour she became the maid and her face is beaming with pleasure!" "I am impressed, it is really quite fascinating!" Alejandra replied looking at both of us. "You two are made for each other. And I must add that Crissie is very convincing as a female. Soft face features, narrow shoulders, the right cleavage and the right hair. I can't believe that she is not at all helped by hormones and other products that can enhance femininity. She is very real!" "Thank you Alejandra, you flatter me," I managed to say blushing all over. "You are right on that Alejandra," Pat said, "Crissie is a natural as if she was meant to be a girl. With a bit of outside chemical help, like the hormones you just mentioned, she could become just perfect. But we haven't decided on that yet. Isn't that the case Crissie dear?" "Yes Se?ora, it is," I muttered embarrassed. "This is something we still have to discuss." "The time will come for that Crissie. But don't worry about it now. You have a job to finish here before we go to visit a very well-known cafe in town called 'Me Otra Mitad' where lots of muches regularly go. So chop-chop, the kitchen should look spotless when you finish." Then turning to Alejandra, "Come, let's move to the front room for a chat and leave Crissie here to finish her chores." They both got their coffee mugs and moved out of the room as I turned back to my sink to finish the washing up and counter top cleaning. CHAPTER 23 It was walking distance to the caf? so we walked there and were standing now in front of another funky multi coloured small building, featuring an old fashioned pink Neon sign in front saying in cursive writing: 'Me Otra Mitad' meaning 'My Other Half' as Se?ora Patricia explained to me. Alejandra came with us after she had quickly changed to a blouse and long Ethnic Mexican skirt outfit similar to the one I was wearing. And as I was about to find out in a couple of minutes this outfit was practically a uniform in this part of the country, very popular among the indigenous Zapotec women and the muxes. Alejandra walked in first with the air of a person being familiar with the place and we hesitantly followed. The first feeling I had, came through my nostrils. A strong intoxicating smell, a mixture of cheap perfume, coffee and spices. Then, as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the place, I saw lots of women of all ages and sizes sitting or standing by a tall bench that looked like the serving point of the caf?, dressed at first glance in the local 'uniform' as I mentioned before, long skirts and tight blouses. Alexandra standing by an empty table waved at us and in seconds we were comfortably sitting around it. I started checking my surroundings and so did my Se?ora who appeared to be as intrigued as I was. She turned to Alejandra and said, "You know Alejandra, I have been studying muxes for years now and I've been talking to Crissie about them but it is the first time that I'm present in such a congregation. I never heard of 'Me otra Mitad' before. "This caf? is fairly new, opened about two years ago but became very fast our preferred spot, we all come here. They are not all muxes though, they are a few real girls or women among them, you can easily spot them, they are smaller and genuinely feminine looking and they're usually wearing less makeup and not as many bits and pieces of jewellery." "How fascinating, I see what you mean," Pat answered and then she turned abruptly and looked at me in her usually scrutinising manner, as if she was assessing my looks. "You know what I think Alejandra, as I look at my Crissie now?" She chuckled as she turned to Alejandra. "I think that my Crissie is more genuine as a girl as I compare her with the 'muxes I see in this caf?. There is a natural femininity coming out of her. Don't you think?" "I already told you that Se?nora Patricia," Alejandra replied, "Crissie is very real as I already said to you back in the house, I still can't believe she is not taking any hormones." I was blushing all over as they were talking about me but also pleased with their remarks. I started looking around again in a more careful manner. I could also easily tell who the muxes were; heavier face features, lots of makeup and lots of accoutrements. A few were quite well built, even fat. Their mannerisms were exaggerated and they reminded me of our drag queens back in US; they were like caricatures and that somehow was a disappointment to me. "They appear to be very theatrical," I said trying to hide my disappointment. At this stage a young waitress, a real girl in my opinion, approached us. Dressed in the local 'uniform' of blouse and gipsy skirt with the addition of a pretty half apron. "What can I get you ladies?" she asked in her rapid Mexican/Spanish. "Three of your margaritas please Luanna but not the strong version just put half the amount of tequila. Senora Patricia and Crissie have to try our local special drink; and some of your homemade nachos with guacamole dip please. And Luanna, let me introduce you to Se?ora Patricia Torres and her companion/maid Crissie." Luanna smiled and turning to Pat said in her rapid Spanish, "Pleased to meet you Se?ora, I've heard a lot about you and your family from Alejandra." Then turning to me added, "And I've heard all about you Crissie. Alejandra's mother Conchita talks very highly of you. She says you are a natural in cleaning." I missed half of what she said, she was speaking too fast for me, but I politely thanked her with a "Gracias Luanna." As the waitress left, Alejandra turned to us and apologised, "I'm sorry that I didn't consult with you for the ordering but there is not much to get here and what I've just ordered for us is the best you can get." "Don't worry Alejandra, we both love margaritas and I know Crissie loves guacamole, she often makes it at home." Pat said with smile. "That's ok Alejandra," I added. "We have to taste your local specialities." Alejandra chuckled and said, "What did you think of Luanna? Is she convincing enough? She is the best example of a 'muxe' I can point out to you." "Is she really?" Pat and I exclaimed simultaneously in total surprise. "Yes, she is," Alejandra continued. "We were at school together and we were the only two boys from our class that decided to follow the 'muxe camino', the 'transgender way' in English." "Wow!" Pat exclaimed once more. "It's amazing, she is so perfect as a female. Her skin is flawless and her breasts very outstanding in the correct way." "Yes, she started her transition in early puberty and she never developed any facial hair. And her hormonal cocktail was very well balanced. And now you see the end result, the perfect female specimen." Alejandra chuckled. The impression that Luanna had on me was immense. My whole being was in turmoil, I wanted to be that perfect. And when I heard Alejandra talking about Luanna's early transition I couldn't hold myself anymore. I looked at Pat with pleading eyes and whispered, "I want to follow the 'muxe camino' Se?ora, I think I'm ready now, I want to have my own breasts!" Pat looked startled. "What did you just say Crissie?" she asked in an emotional voice. "I think I'm ready for a transition now Se?ora, I want to officially become a TG person," I repeated in a louder voice so Alejandra could also hear me. "That's a big decision Crissie dear, it's a life decision but I respect your candour. Let us both sit on it for a while. We'll talk again soon on that," Pat said still feeling quite emotional. And Alejandra added with a warm smile, "I think it is a wise decision Crissie, you already are halfway there anyway and I can see there is only one camino for you, the camino forward. You can't go backwards now; you love far too much your skirts and aprons to do that." "Yes, I think you are right Alexandra, I think the time has come but I need the moral and financial support of my Senora," I said looking sideways to my Madame. Pat touched my hand and then strongly squeezed it, "I am here for you Crissie, you know that. And you also know that I'll back you to your decisions. But let us not rush things, we have to do that cautiously and with the right consultation, money is not an issue here." "Thank you Se?ora, I knew you would back me on that, and I sincerely hope that I'll continue to be your trusted wife and maid." I could see that both Pat and Alejandra had tears on their eyes and I was about to start being tearful myself but at that moment Luanna appeared carrying a tray with our order. We all managed to pull ourselves together and become social again. I couldn't stop looking at her. She was so perfectly feminine; not loud, not over the board, just the face and body of a young woman. I raised my glass and said, "Well, cheers to everybody and cheers to you Luanna for preparing those drinks." We all had a sip and then Pat looked at Luanna with a beaming smile, "You are very pretty Luanna and you certainly had managed to positively influence my Crissie here. She wants now to follow the 'muxe camino' like you did from a very young age. Both Luanna and I blushed when we heard that. "But I thought Se?ora that Crissie is already following the muxe camino, she looks very pretty and feminine to me." Luanna answered somehow puzzled. "Yes she does, but she is not as advanced as you and Alejandra are, she still has to boost her female hormones and grow her own breasts. She had just asked me to start organising the procedure for her." I was still blushing hearing how straight forward Pat could be but on the other hand I was secretly enjoying every moment of it. My mind was made up. I was mentally ready now to go forward to my new transformation phase. EPILOGUE OAXACA- TWO MONTHS LATER! Two months later and I'm still here and I'm still a hacienda maid! But I work less hours in the hacienda and with my Se?ora's permission and encouragement I took up classes in town in Mexican cooking, traditional sewing and hairdressing lessons. I am known in the little town of Juchitan among the muxe community as the Gringa muxe mucama- the Gringa TG maid- if that can be a proper term in English. My Se?ora is always kind and considerate but at the same time never stops encouraging me 'to follow my true vocation in life' as she calls it. At the moment she is in US for a couple of weeks, she had to go there for a job interview for the position of lecturer in social anthropology at Columbia university. She is probably at the beginning of a brilliant academic career. That option makes me happy and proud of her but also anxious and worried. Where would I fit in her life from now on? Would I be a maid, a housewife, something of both? I really can't say. Still lots of questions to be answered and the person who will finally provide them, either I want it or not, is my Se?ora. I feel totally dependent on her now. All those thoughts were crossing my mind as I was mechanically mopping the vast tiled floors of the hacienda main building where I was now assigned. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Se?ora Juana. "Are you day- dreaming girl? You are very slow in your movements. I thought you were better than that. I'll tell Rosa to keep an eye on you." "Sorry Se?ora Juana," I said with a quick curtsey, "I have been thinking of my Se?ora, I miss her a lot." Her eyes softened a bit as she said, "I can see that, you are like a dog who lost her Master, or Mistress in your case. You are totally dependent on her Crissie, aren't you?" "Si Se?ora Juana, I am," I truthfully answered blushing all over and lowering my eyes. She made me feel uncomfortable with her remarks. "I thought that much. Patricia has a magic effect on you like you are hypnotised by her," she said in a dismissive mode. "Well, so be it, it's your life and I'm not the one to judge you." But then with her voice hardened added, "But I am here to judge your work as a maid in those premises and I don't want to see you absent minded or careless so keep working in a diligent manner. Am I clear girl?" "Si Se?ora Juana, you are very clear. I'll remember that," I eagerly answered with another curtsey." "Carry on then," she said as she turned to go back to her office. I continued mopping more energetically but my mind drifted away again thinking about my unknown future. I looked down at myself and I could see my humble uniform dress covered by the ever-present gingham apron. I went through a sudden jolt of excitement as I felt the hem of the dress caressing my bare legs. I smiled as I realised that I haven't been in pants since our arrival in Mexico. My Mistress was now wearing the pants literally and figuratively. I should make a point to have a serious discussion with her when she comes back. I think the time has come to start the procedure of transitioning under medical supervision. Se?ora Patricia had promised me before her departure for US that she would make some contacts with the right people in New York to clarify the medical and legal aspects of my transition. But this is going to be a topic of another story altogether. THE END

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Hot Tub Wife Swap In Mexico Part 2

Thank you for the nice comments about the first part of this story (part 1). From the requests, I guess I had better finish the story! First, below is a picture of my wife taken at this resort in Mexico...this is probably why "Hot Couple" had no problem finding us!We pick up after the wives had just given blowjobs to both of us husbands (and completely swallowed)...we all were getting back into the party vibe of the hot tub as there were other couples in the hot tub who had just watched our...

2 years ago
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wonderful mexico experience part one

To begin this story with two first experiences for each of us, intereracial sex and bi. I should introduce my wife and I. She is 5'8" tall, slim with small perky tits, and a clean shave pussy, and I am 5'8" tall, in shape 160 lbs and also shaved, and a little larger than average cock. I am mid 40's and she is mid 30'sseveral times my wife and I have vacationed below Cancun on a small cove with cabanas on the beach. At least once each trip she and I after drinks and dinner close by, end up...

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Maid For Her Part 2

Maid For Her -Part 2 Thanks to everyone for giving part 1 a read and for all the encouraging feedback. It has spurred me on to write part 2, so I hope you enjoy it. It wasn't all a dream! Normally of a morning I would wake up and masturbate, but there was 2 things stopping me this particular morning. 1, being I was strapped down to this lovely bed and 2, being that my cock was locked into a chastity device my new mistress locked onto me last night. I didn't get much sleep, just...

4 years ago
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Maid for the Family Part 1

Maid for the Family by Sally-Anne I guess I should paint you a clear picture of how things started. My future in-laws were not a normal family. I had met Mary, my intended future wife, through a set up with my friend Peter. He was married to Mary's sister, Lorraine. He was happy in his relationship, working hard and having a wife at home to cook and clean. Mary was not going to be like that for me though. She was a top stylist at a Hair Studio in town. Her...

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MexicoBefore Ms. Erotica knows it, she and MK are in Mexico, a small town south of Ensenada. Off season and off the beaten path, it feels like they have the humble resort to themselves. Their room opens to a balcony overlooking the ocean and a long sandy beach where they’ve just returned from a leisurely walk; just them, the waves and a plethora of shells that she delights in picking up and showing him.“This is amazing MK, I’m learning to not doubt you when you come up with suggestions that at...

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Do it in Mexico

I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public ,...

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Chapter 6 Swinging in Mexico

Chapter Sex- I mean Six, A Venture into SwingingAs I traveled down the road of life, so many events happened with each making its unique impact on my life. My contract with our common relative, Uncle Sam, had run its course and I was no longer obligated to serve as an active duty officer. I did join the army reserve and did some contract with part of the government because I offered some special talents to them.Lt. Col North was up to his ears brokering deals here and there and I got involved...

3 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

Group Sex
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Down Old Mexico Way

I vacationed in a small fishing village on the gulf coast of Mexico a few times a year, back in my younger days. I was introduced to the place by a friend of mine and I won't say what village or exactly where because I don't want a flood of tourists there. That place was fifty years in the past or so it seems. Life was slow and having fun was as much of a way of life as making a living.There are a lot of stories I could tell about that place and I might in the future but right now I'm thinking...

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Sexual Revolution Mexico

This is my story of when my Chinese girlfriend Leanne, my good friend Juanita who is of Mexican heritage and myself had a threesome. I'm of mixed heritage Cuban, Mexican, Russian, Italian, etc; My families racial background is very complex. Race has never played a big part in my dating life. I can always find something attractive about a woman regardless of race or skin color. I met Leanne through friends at college and when we first met we instantly feel in love. She was my first girlfriend...

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spring break in Cancun Mexico at 18 yrs old

My senior year of high school me and two of my best friends booked a week in Cancun for Spring Break. We anticipated the vacation all year and saved our monies for ONE HELL OF A WEEK! My best friend since 7th grade, Scott and my other best friend from High School, Ryan and I were staying at an all inclusive resort for seven days of sun and fun in the Carribean paridise! Wine, women and song!! At least, thats what we thought it was going to be?The day of our flight we were all so excited...

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Spring Break in Mexico

In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it. We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat...

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Santa Fe New Mexico ORAL ALLSTAR

Be careful if you have a younger step-brother because if you treat him like shit your entire life then he just may end up putting his dick inside of your wife as payback. My older step-brother has learned this the hard way (well he has no idea so fuck him lol) as my sister-in-law Nickey made the mistake one night during a family get together of telling me she's always thought that I was cute while we were outside near the fire pit. That was all it took to open the door (and her mouth) for the...

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Drugged for Dogs and HorsesChapter 7 Onwards to Mexico

I don't recall anything from shortly after my brother was taken to his room, and woke up naked and massively stretched in my room the next morning. Blacky had put me to bed about 6AM when the shire finally finished, exhausted after a marathon 10 hours fucking and pumping session. He had pumped gallons of sperm into my insensible but ecstatic body as I lay doped and happy, in an attempt to get me with foal. I very unsteadily left my room to see my brother being led from the bedroom. His dick...

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RetributionChapter 11 Mexico

“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...

1 year ago
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Escape to Mexico

Peggy Wendel was a rich spoiled brat. She was only fourteen and had already joined a gang. Not a gang that robbed people - but a sex gang that smoked dope and seduced girls. The leader was eighteen years old and Peggy loved him. He broke her cherry. His name was Larry Tate. Larry would pass her around to the other boys to fuck, but Peggy knew she was his favorite. The other gang girls were jealous of Peggy and called her american sex laws were so stupid. You could fuck any girl you wanted in...

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Maid In My Sasural 8211 Part 2

This is the continuation of the story ‘Maid In My Sasural’. So I request you all to read part one and then read this story. As you all guys know how I fucked the maid Janki in my sasural. After fucking her I got all the details of my mother-in-law Shobha. She told me that she has an extramarital affair with someone outside. She had seen her boyfriend coming the home and both of them going to a room and enjoying the sex. Shobha had given Janki a good amount to keep her mouth shut. But I gave her...

3 years ago
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Housemaid in my Fifties Part 8 final

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 8 - FINAL CHAPTER 22 "Harita, try to speak with the special singing Indian accent. You are good at that I heard you before." Arka was behind me pushing the shopping trolley as I was picking various items from the supermarket shelves, shopping list in hand. "Of course Arka, I know how to talk like an Indian lady," I answered back with a pronounced singing accent. I started enjoying my outing in...

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A week in Mexico Part 1

A vacation was just the thing for our couples since they had first gotten together a few months ago. Maurice and Sandra fit so well with James and Tiffany, it seemed like fate. Many sexual adventures had been explored, lesbian sex, swapping, and even mutual masterbating for the guys. Now the chance had come for hunting new ground for sexual partners for one night stands in an exotic locale. So they booked flights to Mexico for a weeks stay in Acapulco. The flight down was enjoyable as they...

1 year ago
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Maid in Error

MAID IN ERROR by enduringshades "Good morning Mr and Mrs Eddington, how are you both?" asked DCI Hunter. "Relieved now the trial is over, Chief Inspector," replied my wife Diane. We were shown into a meeting room by the DCI. A woman was sitting at the table. "Stella Brightman is our witness protection liaison officer," explained the DCI. "She is now responsible for you two and I'll leave you in her capable hands. I will no longer be in contact with you so I wish all the best in...

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Maid to Order

NOTE: The original version of this story has been previously posted under the title "Maid" by JLS and is still freely available on the web. I enjoyed reading the original story and decided that it should be rewritten with a TG twist. I acknowledge and thank the original author and hereby declare that this new version should not be shared with anyone under the legal age of majority and/or distributed for profit or other personal gain. I welcome and implore all feedback and suggestions. If...

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Maid On My Own Will

MAID ON MY OWN WILL By Monica Graz CHAPTER 1 APRON, THE INITIAL SEED She startled me as I was doing the dishes humming one of my favourite tunes. She came behind me, put her hands around my aproned waist and whispered in my ear, "Robin darling I loved the dinner tonight, your cooking skills are getting better by the day. And you look so neat in your apron, doing the dishes now. Thank you for being such a jewel". She kissed me again and her tongue played a bit more with my...

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Maid8217s Family Shares My Cock 8211 Part 1

This sex story is about my dominating maid Geeta. She is a 50 year old woman. She has a dark complexion, hanging boobs and a chubby body. I am a 22 year old boy who has recently got a job. Prior to my encounter with my maid, I have had sex with my Aunt Sona. It was a Thursday evening and my mom got a call from Geeta. After speaking with her for some time, my mom handed me some cash and asked me to go to Sanjay Hospital and give the money to our maid Geeta. She asked me to stay with her. Without...

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Maid Service

If you are not old enough to read this, don't. I know! I know! Yes, I know that this theme has been worked to death but I thought I'd try my hand at it too. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Humiliation Corset Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jason had a little hobby, dressing in a French maid costume before he was married and was afraid of telling his new wife. He thought of playing maid for his wife, but he was afraid to but one day she confronted him and his...

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Maid at Arms

Maid at Arms By The sheep of the China Shepherdess Hortence De La Tour awoke before the dawn. She fought off the last bit of sleep in order to prepare herself for the day. This done, she removed the sleeping corset and nightgown. Like the clothes in her closet all her days were the same. The black underwear with a hint of frill. The corset that fell into place that she was able to lace ever so tight. Her body could not...

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