Down Mexico Way free porn video

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My retirement money goes a lot farther in Mexico than it does in the states and that allows me certain luxuries than I otherwise couldn't afford such as a girl to do my cooking and cleaning. I have one come in five days a week and I pay her the equivalent of a $1.50 an hour. That's the going wage. You don't dare pay them more than the going wage. The woman would invariably brag about it to her friends and then the other women would demand the same pay from their employers. That just pisses off your friends and neighbors.

The girls come and go. Some last longer than others. She's usually 18 years of age, a school dropout and the mother of a toddler. She may or may not be living with the father of her child and it's unlikely she married him. I allow her to bring her child with her since she can't afford a babysitter, but she has to make sure the child doesn't get in my way. I've never met any of these girls that speak English but I speak passable Spanish. She and the kid eat what she fixes for me and she usually does a good job.

One thing you have to watch out for is your personal property walking off when these girls are around so keep everything you don't want to lose under lock and key. Of course, she'll deny ever having seen the missing property but when I started locking up the things I cared about, the thievery stopped. Also, I'm there the entire time they are.

Another thing not to do is to advance them any money because that's a sure way to see the last of them. I don't know why they think this way, but if I give them a peso more than they've earned, it's like they think they've outsmarted the "gabacho". They disappear and never come back. Of course, there are plenty of other girls ready to take her place but I have learned some hard lessons which I'm glad to pass on to you. Not that there aren't some side benefits to enjoy.

Guadalupe is a typical example. She had been working for me for a while. And like the others, I'd pay her in cash the wages she'd earned at the end of the day. And like the others she always ran short of money.

"May I have an advance on my wages?"

"Why should I do that?" That's my standard reply now. She shrugged her shoulders as if she couldn't explain it.

"I need the money," she eventually said.

"We all need money."

"My husband lost his job."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Guadalupe shrugged her shoulders again. Mexican women like to do that as if silently saying they are helpless victims of fate. I couldn't tell if she was telling the truth or not. But I didn't care either way.

"But I need the money," the young woman said. This time she added a whine.

"Come sit on my lap and let's talk about it." Guadalupe gasped.

"I can't do that. I'm a married woman." She picked up her daughter in her arms, gave me a disapproving stare and left without another word. I wondered if she would return. If not, I'd have to go to the trouble of hiring and training another girl. I wasn't worried about a sexual harassment complaint. They don't have that kind of legal remedy in Mexico.

Guadalupe showed up the next day but she gave me the silent treatment from the very start as if this would punish me for making an inappropriate suggestion. I responded by ignoring her in return and occupying myself surfing the web. After lunch, the girl put her daughter down for a nap and I went back to my web surfing. After a while, Guadalupe came and stood at my bedroom door where I kept my computer. She stared at me for a while and I assumed she was gathering her courage or giving me the evil eye. I had a feeling the negotiations were about to start.

"I can work extra for you."

"I don't have any extra work for you to do. Do you have any other suggestions?"

"No." She shrugged her shoulders again. It was time to make a couple suggestions of my own.

"I'll give you an extra day's pay if you do the housework naked tomorrow." She gasped once more but she didn't leave this time. Apparently she figured out trying to make me feel guilty wasn't going to work. I guessed she was really desperate.

"My daughter would see and anyone else who comes to the house."

"Your daughter is too young to understand and any visitors have to call first before coming over."

"You pay me now?" Oh, sure! The old 'trust me' routine. If I gave her cash now I'd never see her again and I'd be out my money.

"No," I replied.

"But I need the money tonight."

"I guess you'll have to do something else for the money."

"But what?"

"You can fuck for it," I replied with a leering smile. Guadalupe paled and stared down at the floor. I'm sure she wanted to run away. I was old enough to be her grandfather and I'm not what you'd call handsome with thinning gray hair and a paunch that won't go away no matter how much I diet and exercise so I don't think I was her ideal lover. At least I still have my own teeth. She remained silent. I knew we couldn't do anything once her daughter woke up from her nap and I wanted to get my money's worth ... if she was willing.

"I'm not paying you to just stand around, young lady. Either come in or get out." I'm not known for using a harsh tone of voice and I know I scared the girl. In fact, she started trembling and I saw tears start from her eyes.

"I can't," she whined.

"You have five minutes to get undressed and get on this bed. After that, I'll just send you home with a half day's pay and think about hiring someone to replace you. Try explaining that to your husband." She now had to shit or get off the pot.

Sheesh! It wasn't like Guadalupe was a blushing virgin. She needed money and I made an offer. She could still walk away but the girl glared at me like I was forcing her. Even though I'm 63 years old I can still get it hard for a pretty girl even without Viagra and Guadalupe was definitely pretty; still in the bloom of youth, a 5'5" brown-eyed dark brunette with a typically olive complexion and tits that would fill a C cup bra. Still, with her attitude, fucking the girl probably wouldn't be the most pleasant of experiences.

I was just about going to tell her to forget it and go back to work when Guadalupe finally found her courage. She walked to the other side of the bed, turned her back to me and got undressed. She then got under the covers with her back still turned to me. Heh! If I didn't know better I would have thought Guadalupe was taking lessons from my ex-wife. I undressed and slipped under the covers beside her.

"Ay!" Guadalupe cried the instant I touched her. Oh great! She was going to make sure I didn't enjoy myself.

"Relax," I urged her. She didn't relax but I think the young woman realized she was committed to letting me fuck her so she didn't resist. That didn't stop her crying "Ay!" every five seconds or so especially when I started massaging her hairy pussy. I finally deemed her wet enough for me to fuck her and climbed between her legs. Guadalupe crossed herself and covered her eyes with her right arm. She was a so-so fuck but at least I got my rocks off. As soon as I finished, she started pushing at me so I'd get off her. She scurried to the bathroom to wash out her pussy.

At the end of the day Guadalupe thought I didn't pay her enough for her sexual services but I assured her it was the same as I would have had to pay one of the local hookers. Being compared to a prostitute didn't sit well with her but was there any difference between her and a prostitute? I certainly didn't think so. I told her to take it or leave it. She took it.

I look after myself on the weekends. I cross the border into the U.S. to do my banking and collect my mail from my post office box. On the Mexican side I do most of my shopping and socialize. Guadalupe showed up for work the following Monday. She was quiet again but I don't think she was giving me the silent treatment this time. I didn't worry about it and didn't try to talk to her either. After lunch, I could tell she wanted to talk again but it was up to her to break the silence.

"Do you want to do anything?"

"You mean like last Friday at this same time?" She nodded her head and I said, "No, thanks." She looked kind of surprised that I rejected her and perhaps I injured her pride a bit.

"Are you angry with me?" I shook my head.

"Come sit on my lap and let's talk about it." This time Guadalupe barely hesitated before getting on my lap. I had an arm around her waist and my free hand was caressing her thigh.

"Well," I said. "I know I'm not your husband or your sweetheart. I also know I'm old and ugly. But I paid for the sex. And when I pay a pretty girl for sex I expect her to act like an enthusiastic partner even if she is just acting. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Guadalupe nodded her head.

"I was afraid."

"You don't seem afraid right now." She shook her head.

"You're nicer than my husband." She leaned against my chest and we kissed. I took the opportunity to play with her tits.

"You want me?"

"Yes, but I can't afford to do this often. I'm not a rich man." I'm long past the need to impress anyone so I live simply and always plead poverty. A display of wealth always attracts unwanted attention anyway.

"Let's go to the bed, you ugly old man," Guadalupe said and started giggling. The sex with the young woman that time was a lot better and a lot more fun. I started paying her a little bit extra for the sex. It was great until she had to leave my employment. Her husband sneaked across the border to find work and she had to go back to her family to wait until he could send for her. Her family lived in central Mexico.

Guadalupe made it clear that she'd be glad to move in with me and become my "woman". That sounded too much like marriage. No, thanks.

When I was first exploring the idea of moving down here I made the acquaintance of an expatriate Brit by the name of Colin. We're about the same age. Colin took me under his wing and educated me regarding Mexican law and dealing with the local bureaucracy. He also helped me find a decent and affordable place to live.

Once I got settled in I was invited to dinner at Colin's home and introduced to his girlfriend Maria. Maria introduced me in turn to her girlfriend Lourdes. Lourdes was 40 something and very attractive. She was a middle class Mexican woman who still watched her weight. I'm lousy at guessing weight but she was proportional to her height which was 5'7". Her brunette hair had a reddish tinge to it which told me she colored it. We had a pleasant conversation and I had a feeling Colin and Maria were trying to set me up with Lourdes but I just played it cool. Later on Colin took me to another room while the women chatted.

"What do you think of Lourdes," he asked.

"She's very nice," I replied and didn't say anything else. That just made Colin smile.

"Lourdes is married," he explained, "but has been separated from her husband for the past ten years."

"Ten years is a long time," I replied. "Why don't they get divorced?"

"Because of the church. Mexican marriages seldom end in divorce but that doesn't mean they necessarily stick together and that's the case here. She's in the market for a boyfriend. Are you interested?"

"I'm not sure. I'm glad she's not looking for a husband because I'm not interested. What does Lourdes expect out of this?"

"Lourdes hopes to have a more active social life. She hasn't been out on a date with a man in a while. An occasional cash gift wouldn't be out of line. In return you get a charming dinner partner, intelligent conversation and a bed partner at the end of the evening."

"What are the possible negatives?"

"Absolutely none. You don't have any competition. Mexican men prefer their mistresses quite a bit younger. Her children are grown and have their own lives. Her husband lives in another city and even has another family there."

"What if it doesn't work out? I don't want you and Maria being pissed at me."

"As long as you don't beat the girl I doubt if we'd ever get pissed at you. More than likely Maria would just introduce you to someone else. She has lots of girlfriends."

Lourdes seemed a nice enough lady so I thought I'd give it a try and ask her out. A Mexican woman never has a strange man call on her at her residence unless she wants to get the neighborhood gossips going so we agreed to meet at a neutral spot and then go from there for drinks and dancing.

Lourdes was charming, intelligent, educated and had a career, but she was under no illusion that she could attract a suitable Mexican man for a relationship. Things are changing with the younger generation in Mexico and the divorce rates are rising, but for Lourdes' and older generations divorce was never an option. Also, she couldn't compete against the younger and prettier women that are always available. Lourdes was the kind of woman that might have been grabbed up by an eligible male in the states but not in Mexico.

If anyone asked we were "novios" or sweethearts in this case. That made it okay to be seen together in public. In Lourdes' mind that made it okay for us to sleep together. I would be her escort to events she'd been invited to. She would be my companion if I needed a date. At the end of the evening we would sleep together at my place. Gifts were never mentioned but appreciated. In some ways our relationship was not unlike a commercial transaction, but in this case getting screwed on the deal was something to look forward to. Love wasn't a factor.

One thing Lourdes ruled out immediately was oral and anal sex. I wasn't into anal anyway but I do appreciate a good blow job. I didn't push it though. Mexican women are very traditional when it comes to sex; even the young ones. The woman's pussy was where a guy's dick belongs and nowhere else.

Lourdes brought along an overnight bag that looked like an oversized purse when I took her to my place. I pointed her toward towards the bedroom and bathroom then left her alone to freshen up. In the meantime I took a Viagra to make sure I was up for the task. She came out of the bedroom wearing a slinky blue negligee and I wasn't so sure I needed the little blue pill. Lourdes looked hot!

"You like how I look?"

"I like very much how you look." I led her back to the bedroom and onto the bed. We were soon kissing and caressing and engaging in all that foreplay stuff. Well, I gave the old girl quite a workout with help from the Viagra.

"Enough!" Lourdes cried at one point. "Why won't it go down?"

"Viagra," I admitted.

"That's cheating," she responded with a giggle. "I hope you don't use that stuff every time we're together."

"Only when you want some extra loving," I promised. It was great fun for the two months the affair lasted and I wasn't the one that caused it to end. I called her for a date and Lourdes told me she was going to be busy with her grandchildren and she'd call me when she was free. In the meantime Maria told me Lourdes met an American through another friend and started seeing him but wanted to keep me on the back burner. I know I didn't have any claim on her but I didn't appreciate how Lourdes decided to keep me in the dark and it kind of reminded me of things that led to my divorce.

I thought of various ways of embarrassing her but in the end I decided to play the gentleman. I left a voicemail message telling her I knew about her sneaking around on me and I was ending our arrangement. I told her I left her belongings that she kept at my place with Maria and she could pick them up from her. A couple of weeks later I heard the guy she was going out with dumped her. Lourdes called me all apologetic and wanted to restart our arrangement but I was no longer interested in her. Maria thought Lourdes had been foolish and offered to introduce me to another girlfriend but I begged off. Playing the gentleman actually paid off for me a short time later ... in spades.

I was sitting at a table in a restaurant I liked to frequent when a young lady approached me and said hello. She was Lourdes' youngest daughter Carmen who I had met before. Carmen was married, about 22 years old and spoke English quite well. She was pregnant and had a just visible baby bump. I should mention she was absolutely beautiful. I was suspicious Carmen was here on behalf of her mother but I asked her to join me anyway. We ordered refreshments and chatted a bit. I asked how her mother was doing. I wasn't really interested but I was just being polite.

"I thoroughly disapproved of the way my mother treated you," Carmen said.

"I appreciate that."

"I would never treat you that way."

"Well uh ... if you ever decide to leave your husband please let me know."

"He has left me."


"He's gone abroad on business; to China as a matter of fact." I wasn't surprised. China has been making vast inroads into Mexico. The Chinese were taking business away from stateside businesses right and left.

"How long will he be gone?"

"He wasn't clear on that, but he could be gone as long as 60 days."

"Are we discussing a possible arrangement?"

"Are you interested?"

"I'm very interested but why me? I mean, you could have your choice of men, rich and handsome men willing to do anything to possess you."

"Yes, but that's the problem. Once he possessed me he wouldn't want to let me go. I saw you with my mother. I believe you can be discreet. You won't make a fuss when the affair ends as it must when my husband returns. You won't try to pursue or blackmail me. I think I can trust you."

"You can trust me, but I'm not wealthy. You're probably used to—

"My husband is wealthy but he's quite the tightwad and you'd be surprised at what I'm used to. My mother was quite satisfied with the places you took her and the money you spent on her ... before she got greedy with this other fellow. If you treat me as you did her, I won't complain nor give you any cause to complain."

"I think we'll enjoy each others company." We were in a darkened booth and I placed my hand high on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. It would have earned me a quick slap in the face any other time but I was certain of our understanding. She just blushed and smiled.

"By the way, I hope you're not disgusted by my present condition. It does my husband."

"It has the opposite effect on me. I love pregnant women. My wife and I had three children during our marriage and we had relations almost to the very day she gave birth to each one." I caressed Carmen's baby bump which made her blush even more.

"I'm going to hope my husband stays away even longer than 60 days."

Carmen's husband was gone less than 60 days but we made every day he was gone count. I can't understand how some men are put off by darkened nipples, a belly swelling with a new life growing inside of it. I loved fucking that woman and imagining it was my seed that put her with child. I was falling in love with her but I knew we didn't have any future together. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to scare her away. In the end it was Carmen who got emotional when we had to part. She called me recently and told me there may soon be another chance for us to be together. I can hardly wait.

These are just a few of my adventures living in retirement south of the border down Mexico way. I might tell you a few more stories if you've been entertained by my experiences. Adios!

The End


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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in MexicoThe group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips.Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis – no...

Gay Male
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Maid in Mexico

I have done business all along Mexico's northern border and found more good and friendly, easy to get along with people than you would ever expect to come across. Usually people look on the border towns as being places for dangerous sex, sneering merchants who will rip you off in a yanqui second and cheap goods of dubious quality. If that is all you're you are looking for, you'll find it because whatever there is a market for, there is someone to supply the demand, no matter how sleazy. On...

4 years ago
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Paradise in Mexico

Spell check and grammar check by Grammarly She cheated, I ran I am sitting on my veranda sipping an iced tea. The veranda is in Tepeji del Rio, Hidalgo, Mexico. I am here because my ex-wife was/is a slut. I am Gary Wilson, 49, 5’ 11” and weigh about 190 lbs. I have blue to gray eyes and am starting to lose my hair. I was the owner of a small but profitable company. The company made things that every car in the world needed. The products were also in every appliance you have ever used or...

1 year ago
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Return to Mexico pt 1

It had been a year sinice our last visit to Mexico. A year since Jess had discovered her more adventurous side. A year since we had met Maria. It had been a year sinice our last visit to Mexico. A year since Jess had discovered her more adventurous side. A year since we had met Maria. Jess had surprised me with a trip back to our favoirite resort in Mexico, not telling me where we were bound until we were already in the air. Our marriage had become much more adventurous in the last year and...

3 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

Group Sex
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Our Guest from Mexico Part 2

Maribel was from Monterrey, Mexico and my wife, Janie, and I decided to take her in as a boarder while she worked on getting her papers. Her older brother worked in my construction company, so I was more than willing to show a little benevolence. Jane was not completely on board with us taking on a boarder, and after meeting Maribel at the bus station was even more skeptical, but over time, she welcomed it, as Maribel quickly and unapologetically ingrained herself into our routines, helping...

Straight Sex
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MexicoBefore Ms. Erotica knows it, she and MK are in Mexico, a small town south of Ensenada. Off season and off the beaten path, it feels like they have the humble resort to themselves. Their room opens to a balcony overlooking the ocean and a long sandy beach where they’ve just returned from a leisurely walk; just them, the waves and a plethora of shells that she delights in picking up and showing him.“This is amazing MK, I’m learning to not doubt you when you come up with suggestions that at...

4 years ago
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Do it in Mexico

I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public ,...

2 years ago
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Chapter 6 Swinging in Mexico

Chapter Sex- I mean Six, A Venture into SwingingAs I traveled down the road of life, so many events happened with each making its unique impact on my life. My contract with our common relative, Uncle Sam, had run its course and I was no longer obligated to serve as an active duty officer. I did join the army reserve and did some contract with part of the government because I offered some special talents to them.Lt. Col North was up to his ears brokering deals here and there and I got involved...

4 years ago
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Sexual Revolution Mexico

This is my story of when my Chinese girlfriend Leanne, my good friend Juanita who is of Mexican heritage and myself had a threesome. I'm of mixed heritage Cuban, Mexican, Russian, Italian, etc; My families racial background is very complex. Race has never played a big part in my dating life. I can always find something attractive about a woman regardless of race or skin color. I met Leanne through friends at college and when we first met we instantly feel in love. She was my first girlfriend...

4 years ago
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spring break in Cancun Mexico at 18 yrs old

My senior year of high school me and two of my best friends booked a week in Cancun for Spring Break. We anticipated the vacation all year and saved our monies for ONE HELL OF A WEEK! My best friend since 7th grade, Scott and my other best friend from High School, Ryan and I were staying at an all inclusive resort for seven days of sun and fun in the Carribean paridise! Wine, women and song!! At least, thats what we thought it was going to be?The day of our flight we were all so excited...

3 years ago
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Spring Break in Mexico

In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it. We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat...

2 years ago
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Maid In Oaxaca Mexico 2

MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 2 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 4 "Do you want to marry me Chris or should I say Cristina and move in with me?" It was several weeks later and we were having a nice glass of chardonnay sitting at an elegant caf? not far from the UN building when Pat asked me the question that was dropped like a bomb. But I knew her well enough by now not to be completely surprised. That was her style all right. She loved to come out with big things out of the blue without any p...

3 years ago
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Santa Fe New Mexico ORAL ALLSTAR

Be careful if you have a younger step-brother because if you treat him like shit your entire life then he just may end up putting his dick inside of your wife as payback. My older step-brother has learned this the hard way (well he has no idea so fuck him lol) as my sister-in-law Nickey made the mistake one night during a family get together of telling me she's always thought that I was cute while we were outside near the fire pit. That was all it took to open the door (and her mouth) for the...

4 years ago
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Drugged for Dogs and HorsesChapter 7 Onwards to Mexico

I don't recall anything from shortly after my brother was taken to his room, and woke up naked and massively stretched in my room the next morning. Blacky had put me to bed about 6AM when the shire finally finished, exhausted after a marathon 10 hours fucking and pumping session. He had pumped gallons of sperm into my insensible but ecstatic body as I lay doped and happy, in an attempt to get me with foal. I very unsteadily left my room to see my brother being led from the bedroom. His dick...

3 years ago
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RetributionChapter 11 Mexico

“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...

1 year ago
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Escape to Mexico

Peggy Wendel was a rich spoiled brat. She was only fourteen and had already joined a gang. Not a gang that robbed people - but a sex gang that smoked dope and seduced girls. The leader was eighteen years old and Peggy loved him. He broke her cherry. His name was Larry Tate. Larry would pass her around to the other boys to fuck, but Peggy knew she was his favorite. The other gang girls were jealous of Peggy and called her american sex laws were so stupid. You could fuck any girl you wanted in...

3 years ago
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Down Mexico Way

Judit and Ray Bulger went to Mexico, from their comfortable semi detached house in Downlands Road, Olivers Battery, Winchester. They had heard of the donkey shows from a wealthy pal in the Royal Winchester Golf Club, a retired consular executive and they wanted to see for themselves whether it was true that a girl could fuck a donkey. Bestiality had been a minor interest in a varied childless marriage, but they shared an avaricious curiosity about it and she’d had a liking for, if not a desire...

4 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

2 years ago
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Beach Vacation in Mexico

Next thing I know, I’m walking the beaches of a beautiful, warm, and exotic beach resort. And fortunately, there are plenty of college girls around here, too. I was recently single at the time, and open to just meeting new people and having fun. I’m not bad looking, a tall and thin swimmer. I feel comfortable walking around the hot girls on the beach. And yeah, I’m discreetly taking peeks at the girls in their small bikinis. I could tell it was going to be a fun trip. I met a few people my...

4 years ago
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A Vacation in Mexico

“All characters in this story are of the age of eighteen or of a higher age and are consenting adults. Please fell free to vote and leave your comments on this story.”(I would like to thank Nikki James for her help with editing this story and input) As I parked at the ruins of Palenque on the second morning of my trip to Mexico, I noticed a busload of people unloading at the entrance gates to a Mayan temple just ahead of me. The group of people had gathered at the gate, where a guide...

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A Story of Mexico Ch 02

The next morning, a knock came on Vanessa’s door. Groaning, she crawled out of bed, walked across the room, and opened the door a crack. It was Maria. ‘There is breakfast downstairs, and fresh coffee,’ Maria announced brightly. ‘Come down, before it gets cold.’ How could she be so cheerful this early? Vanessa wondered. But as she left the door and picked up her wristwatch from the dresser, she saw that it was nearly 9:30. She felt like she had just fallen asleep an hour ago. Still, the...

3 years ago
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara, 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black sheep” of the family, mainly because I’m a...

3 years ago
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Mexico with Carol

Introduction: Carol loves to have sex. In the back of a cab….. Carol in Mexico Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of C cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs, she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face dont tell the real story, though. This is a story about one week in the best sex year of my life. After my divorce I went from 20 years of what Carol called housewife sex to the hottest girl I had ever had. Carol didnt just like...

2 years ago
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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in Mexico The group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips. Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis –...

3 years ago
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True Story How it Began for Us Mexico 2014

We had been married nearly 41 years in May of 2014 and we were enjoying a sun-drenched vacation at a luxury resort on the Mayan Riviera. Our resort featured swim-up suites and a swim up bar. We had a swim-up suite, right across from the bar. We loved the social aspect of hanging out at the swim-up bar as we got to chat with people from all over. While we were at the swim-up bar, we began chatting with a couple from the UK. Karl and Tanya had been married for only a week.  As it turned out,...

4 years ago
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Another Mexico hookup for wife

This is a very hot story from another Mexico may be asking if the husband ever gets to play around or does he always have to just watch? Answer is “Yes husband gets to play around also”...we will save that for another story.We had been playing around in the “Sexy Pool” all afternoon, and the pool was winding down a bit as people headed to afternoon siestas. We had been talking to a group of guys who had come down for a bachelors party, when one of the guys in the group says, “hey I...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Wife Swap In Mexico Part 2

Thank you for the nice comments about the first part of this story (part 1). From the requests, I guess I had better finish the story! First, below is a picture of my wife taken at this resort in Mexico...this is probably why "Hot Couple" had no problem finding us!We pick up after the wives had just given blowjobs to both of us husbands (and completely swallowed)...we all were getting back into the party vibe of the hot tub as there were other couples in the hot tub who had just watched our...

3 years ago
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Bailey Visits From Mexico

Bailey was the younger seventeen year old sister of my fiancé’s best friend and future maid of honor. She came to stay with my fiancé, Rolalinda, and myself. Bailey was from Mexico and was a beautiful teenage lady. I had seen photos of Bailey on social media, and while she was an attractive young lady, I didn't really have any designs on Bailey, since I had a live-in girlfriend.  Rosalinda and I picked Bailey up at the airport, and I was surprised that Bailey spoke very good English. Rosalinda...

2 years ago
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Mexico Honeymoon

This story happened about six months ago while my husband and I were on our honeymoon in Mexico. We decided to go to Cancun because of its nightlife and beach. I met my husband while I was in college at a bar near Atlantic City, and ever since then we have loved to go out, get drunk and dance without a care in the world. He was out of college with a new career as a salesman living on his own, so we always had somewhere to go afterwards and fuck each others brains out. Let me describe myself, I...

3 years ago
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Cindi takes me to Mexico sex resort

Cindi and were both exhausted from the work grind and she informed me one night she had booked our next vacation. never resist since she has always given me great surprises. Cindi is my wife and I'm blessed. She's 24, 5'6" short blond hair, small firm titties and a muscular butt. She stays conservative around town but when we travel she spices things up. She's not afraid to go to a topless or even clothing optional beach, she always draws a crowd. She will flash crowds just to see their...

2 years ago
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wonderful mexico experience part one

To begin this story with two first experiences for each of us, intereracial sex and bi. I should introduce my wife and I. She is 5'8" tall, slim with small perky tits, and a clean shave pussy, and I am 5'8" tall, in shape 160 lbs and also shaved, and a little larger than average cock. I am mid 40's and she is mid 30'sseveral times my wife and I have vacationed below Cancun on a small cove with cabanas on the beach. At least once each trip she and I after drinks and dinner close by, end up...

4 years ago
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Maid in Mexico Bimale BBW

Maid in Mexico (Bi-male, BBW)Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious. A four gigabyte flashdrive full of porn, 3 dirty magazines, and some anal lube. Maybe not "everyone" brings these items on vacation, but I did, and I was VERY glad to have them. My impromtu vacation to Cabo coincided with a hurricane off of Mexico's coast, and my weather consisted of four days of pouring rain. No beach time and no sun. This could have been a disastrous vacation, but it...

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Fucked in Mexico

I'm a 43 year old mother of 3, I'm 5.10, 220lbs. could be described as chunky with large tits and very wide hips. My husband and I were on holidays in Mexico at an all inclusive resort. My husband loves golf and played almost every day while we were there. On Wednesday morning we got up had breakfast then Chuck left for his tee time. I was wearing my blue Bikini, that didn't cover much but hey what the Hell I'm on holidays and I'll never see these people again. I sat by the pool for a couple...

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