Spring Break In Cancun, Mexico At 18 Yrs. Old free porn video

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My senior year of high school me and two of my best friends booked a week in Cancun for Spring Break. We anticipated the vacation all year and saved our monies for ONE HELL OF A WEEK!
My best friend since 7th grade, Scott and my other best friend from High School, Ryan and I were staying at an all inclusive resort for seven days of sun and fun in the Carribean paridise! Wine, women and song!! At least, thats what we thought it was going to be?
The day of our flight we were all so excited that we didnt sleep a wink. Our flight was due out at 6:10am and we all had to be at the airport 4 hours early for the charter flight into Cancun. We all stayed at Ryans house and Ryans dad took us to the airport. My new sunglasses and hawaiian baggies shorts and my high school t-shirt on...out into the cold April morning and off to the airport freezing my nuts off. Even tho none of us slept at all, we were living on the excitement and didnt even notice "no sleep".
Our flight got into Cancun, a beautiful 85 degree day, at 11am. Hustling our way through customes and the crowds of k**s and into our shuttle to our heaven on earth for the week! When we checked in we were told that we were "early" and our room would not be available until 1pm at the earliest, but we were welcome to use the "accomodations" , get our writstbands, and check our luggage at the front desk. Off we went to the pool!! Ryan was the first to jump in...just as we walked down the stair case to the pool, he ran and flipped off the edge of the pool into the water. Scott and I joined with in seconds. I was in HEAVEN! Sun, hot bodies all around me, the music was PUMPIN!! I was high on life!! A swim up bar....who could have asked for more!!! (and at 18, we could drink legally in Mexico!) IT WAS ON!! BIGTIME!
It was "la familia" beers and shots of rot-gut tequilla all around! Once, twice, three times....on and on!! I was having the time of my life...litterally!! The best thing that had EVER happend to me! Until...I remembered I still had my cell phone in my pocket! Fuck! but, oh well...cant use it in Mexico anyways..it wont work!! so...FUCK IT! and keep partying!!
At one point Ryan went and got us checked into our room, but Scott and I were so into partying we didnt even notice he left. It was absolutely the best feeling I have ever had in my life. Freedome! Drinks! (all included in the hotel stay) and half naked peeps everywhere!! It doesnt get any better than this!! We danced on the bar to the beat...heavy beat of the DJ at the pool, women taking our pics, vids on cell phones going. I loved the attention. I let my shorts sag a bit lower than usual, but...what the fuk...so were all the other guys! It was all good! All in good fun! I had to tuck my boxers down into my shorts tho..cuz I noticed all the other guys didnt have underwear on under their shorts. And that exposed the abs for all to see and admire! :) I noticed that some guys had their shorts sag so low that you could see that they shaved their pubic hairs off! Mental note to self: shave my pubes next time I'm in the shower. We met all kinds of peeps from all over the world. Most of them were from the US and from all over the states. I finally got a seat at the swim up bar and nailed it! It was a premium to have a cement stool at the pools bar. There were only 7 seats and if you had one...you were someone special. You were in with the bartenders and everyone had to go around you to get a drink! So, if you liked that person trying to get a drink, you could intervien and get the bartenders attention faster! So, you could earn brownie points with that person! Cool! I like this game! And you could let the "boys" lay their girl on the bar in front of you for "the belly shot!"....which was totally cool, cuz I got to do a shot out of their belly button as payment for letting them use my spot!! (cleaver boy I am!)
Pictures being taken, cameras going off, vid being taken...I was a rock star!!
I lost track of time totally, but eventually had to move around to get the sun on my back as the sun was being shaded by the hotel building, which meant it was getting late in the day. Ryan and Scott had to drag me away from my famous swim up bar stool, only with promisses that we would be back the next morning, EARLY, to nail 3 stools for all of us!! Yippie!!
We all had plans of a big night out at Senior Frogs, a bar we had heard so much about from other peeps that had been to Cancun before us. And a slide inside the bar that you could take right out into the Carribean!! How fucking cool!! Our first day in Cancun was a friggan riot and I didnt want it to end EVER!! This was the LIFE!
We got to our room, a 2 double beds room, with a balcony! VERY cool! Marble...or maybe cut coral floors throughout. The balcony looked out over the pool, and just 5 stories up. Very cool view!! Over the pool was the crystal teal blue carribean! Breathtaking!!
I was drunk! Simply put....drunk! I could feel the red of sunburn on my shoulders and the dryness of the chemicals they put in the pool water on my skin. The smell of the ocean breeze and the warmth of the hot sun drifted into our open glass sliding doors to the balcony patio. MY GOD, I love that feeling. My friends had stepped out on the balcony and were dropping their wet shorts, laying them over the rail to dry and wrapping towels around themselves. I followed suit, and did the same. Flopping on the bed in just a towel wrap and waiting my turn in the shower in preperations for a big night out on the town and some MORE PARTYING!
Somewhere in all this...I fell asleep! Sound asleep! I guess, some might call it "passed out"? I woke up sometime later, the sun had gone down and I realized I was all alone, laying on the bed, naked because the towel had fallen off me in my sleep. I had a "hangover" and felt like shit. Felt worse because I had let my mates down and missed out on the Senior Frogs night out. I pulled a sheet over me (the air conditioner was cold on my sunburn) and rolled over, feeling badly, and fell back asleep.
I was awaken later by my friends coming in the room, loud and obnoxious, laughing and yelling "that fucker is still passed out!". I kept my eyes closed because the light hurt them, and when your sober, drunks dont amuze us as much...if you know what I mean? lol
Scott came over to the bed and jumped on top of me, joking and saying "wake up fucker!...you missed it!". What he didnt realize was that I was totally naked under him...just a thin white cotton sheet between us. I let out a moan as he knocked the wind out of me when he plopped on top of me. I kept saying "shhhh" as his mouth was inches from my ear as he layed on top. I put my hand over his mouth and kept saying "quite...shhhhh....your yellin in my ear dude!". Ryan had made some comments too, about how lame I was to pass out and miss all the fun at the club. Telling me all the fun they had and all the women they had met...and HOW MANY PHONE NUMBERS THEY GOT!! :) Ryan headed into the bathroom saying "fucken A!...I gotta piss man!!" Scott layed on me...moaning some bullshit...as my hand was over his mouth to keep him from yelling in my ear. He tried several times to be as obnoxious as he could, the fuckin drunk! But I just kept saying "be quite, lay still, shut up man!". ...and he did! He quieted down and stop squirming around. He passed out! His head down next to mine, his mouth burried in my neck. Ryan came out of the bathroom and flopped across his bed saying "awe...how cute...two faggots in the bed next to me!" and he also passed out!! Snoring!! OUT!!
This was a strange possition to be in. My best friend since 7th grade laying on top of me while I am totaly naked and just that paper thin sheet between us. I had always been an "admirer" of Scott. He was a very handsome man. Blue eyes, blonde hair and a great body. Abs of steal. Had been with the same girl, Ginny, for two years. And I liked them both, made a great couple.
Something about him laying on me...I dont know?....but...it turned me on. I was somewhat horny about it? His mouth on my skin...face in my neck...body touching mine in a sensual way....it was all rather...hot. I layed there just thinking about it. Hell, I had enough sleep and was wide awake now! lol
I had been with another guy when I was young, real young, and wasnt a stranger to "gay" things, as I had jacked a guy off several times in my life. I had always been curious about Scott, as he always had a huge bulge in what ever he wore...jeans, shorts, baggies...whatever he wore, he had a big cock bulge in them. That intrigued me? Made me curious? And it was well known around the hood that Scott was "hung" as his girlfriend would state too! But, I had never seen it, just from behind that day when he had dropped his shorts on the balcony , but by the time he turned around, he had wrapped a towel around himself. I layed there with my mind traveling about it. Then realized I had popped a boner! Scott laying directly on top of me, it was between us. Pressing hard against his crotch. Glad he was sleeping, otherwize he would feel it, I was sure! It felt good touching him like that. I would move slightly, just so I would get a "sensation" from my cock rubbing against the sheet under Scott. Ryan still snoring...and obviously passed out, I had some "freedome" to experiment a bit with out getting caught. I took my hand and ran it down Scotts back. He didnt move. He didnt wake up. Cool. I would make more and more bold moves as I got away with it and not waking him. I ended up with my hands on his ass cheeks. Felt awesome. Hard buns, nice round ass! Felt so fucking good! He had on a t-shirt and his baggie shorts, the kind that tie with a string at the fly. The material was sorta...I think? nylon , smooth feeling. Felt great! I felt around and figured that he didnt have on any underwear? I couldnt feel any under his shorts?? For quite a while I just kept feeling his bum. Rubbing my cock against his body, grinding it into his crotch while I played with his ass. He was asleep, and in a deap sleep. I could tell by his breathing. It was a couple hours later when I thought that feeling his skin would be nice. I wanted to feel his skin against mine. I figured as drunken passed out as he is, he would not even notice if I pulled his shirt off him?? So, I thought I would give it a try? Why not? If he woke up, I would just say "getting you ready for bed you drunk!" and laugh it off. Right? So, my plan went into action. I slowly started lifting his t-shirt towards his head, pulling it up slow and easy...inch by inch so as not to wake him. The sheet still between us I could not feel his skin until I could get the shirt off him completely and then lower the sheet between us. It took me a long time, but eventually got it off to his neck, but was afraid to pull it over his head, as I was sure to waken him then. Next I had to lower the sheet, slide it down inbetween us. It was a long, long process, took forever!! Inch by inch...until I could feel my chest against his...that warm smooth silky body on mine. My breathing got labored....as I was so excited I almost lost my breath a few times. The rush of doing all this was so hot too, I just could not believe I was getting away with it. It was a totaly hot adventure! Finally I could feel his abs on mine...so warm...so hot! My cock was throbbing hard by then. My body was in total awareness of his body. My hands would travel over his back and down to his shorts...then just a bit in...just enough to feel the start of his ass crack. I would stuff a finger down just enough to feel it...that warm place...smooth skin.... hot! My body was trembling. I was SO fuckin horny!
I wondered how it would feel to have Scott laying on top of me naked...body to body...skin to skin...totally naked? The feeling overtook me! I had to do it! I had to figure out a way to get him naked on top of me. By this time , it had to have been about 4 hours he had been on top of me? sleeping soundly. I had my chance. And had to take it! He was drunk and passed out on me! right?? It was his fault!! right?? I mean...?? right! haha!
I had to get his shorts untied first, to loosen them enough to pull them down. It was not easy as he was laying on top of me and a sheet between us. I had to wiggle my hand inbetween us and then slowly...in confined area...undo his tie. Finally untied... and loosend a bit. I could start tugging at the sides of his shorts and get them down. Again...Inch by inch...lower and lower until i got his ass cheeks exposed completly... MY GOD! Now, getting the shorts over his cock and down would take a trick of somesort?? I was stammied for an idea of how to do it? I tried sucking my gut in and tugging...that didnt work. I tried raising my hips up and raising his body and tugging...that didnt work. I finally tried putting my hands under the sheet and moving his shorts with my thumb...down a bit farther, inch my inch...until I could feel his shaft tug at the material. Then I pulled the material of his shorts into me...away from his body and then with my other hand pulled at the side of his shorts until I felt "plop" his cock fall out!! Success!! And then I slowly reached down and kept pulling them down his legs. I got so far and than had to spread my legs and let Scott fall inbetween my body and then use my toes as fingers and pull them the rest of the way off him. I heard them hit the floor when I finaly tugged the last time with my feet. Now, He was naked on top of me...and just his shirt around his neck. A sheet between us at the waist down. I could feel wet on the sheet as I tugged on it to slide it out of between us. I had precum all over it. And again, had to use my toes to tug at the sheet to lower it. When our cocks were touching, I almost shot my load intantly I was so excited. I had to freeze...and not move for a few minutes Or...I would have cum! His body felt so damn good on me...I was in heaven. I would put one arm around him and on his ass...pulling his body into mine close as possible and rub my cock against his body. I could feel the dick hairs grab at my cock head and it would pull a bit..maken my cock twitch and throb. I enjoyed his skin for a few hours, just touching me...laying there still. He never got hard...floppy cock the whole time...but mine was so hard it hurt! My balls ached! I saw the sun coming up...the room was getting lighter and lighter. It had to have been 6am-ish?? I was so fukin horny...my head was spinning out of control. I kept getting bolder an bolder with my moves. Grinding my cock into his body. My hands on his ass...and my head about to explode...I felt my cock swell up so big I thought I was going to combust and then....a flood of chills over me as I shot my load inbetween us. It lasted forever!! I never shot so much cum in my LIFE! My balls actually hurt as if someone had kicked them when I had finished cumming. I layed there still. And all that cum all over us. Scott was sliding in it, there was so much of it. I had to keep moving his body back on top of me so he wouldnt slide off me it was so slippery. With my arms around him...I fell asleep. I woke up suddenly when I heard Ryan saying 'oh my God, you guys are really fags". He kept saying "oh my God!" over and over again. Loud too! I just kept my eyes closed and pretended to be sleeping. Scott had slide off to my side a bit, but we were still intangled in arms and legs. The cum was still quite wet and obvious! Scott maoned something about "My God...what the fuck?"...and rolled away from me. "I'm covered in cum" he yelled! Ryan saying "oh yeah, faggots got it on last night!". Ryan taunting Scott about how hot he was fuckig me last night. Scott just kept repeating..."oh my God, what happened?, what did I do?". Ryan, not realy knowing...but...thought he would "tease" Scott, said "oh, you two are quite the hot fuckers!". I just kept acting as if I was sleeping. My cock starting to get hard again...I rolled over to cover it and put my hands over my head acting like I wanted to keep sleeping and be left alone. Scott was shocked and kept saying "oh my God", "oh my God"...."what have I done?". Ryan kept teasing Scott telling him that he saw the whole thing and that he had ****d me in my sleep. He had fucked me silly all night long. Scott was about in tears...shaken up...and highly confused. He kept trying to justify it to Ryan...saying "I must have been d**gged at that bar...someone put d**gs in my beer....I would NEVER do this to my best friend!!" "you got to believe me"..."I'm not gay!"...."Dont do this to me!! I am not gay"...begging Ryan to stop. I felt so bad for Scott, it wasnt his fault...and yet...this was interesting that it ended up that Ryan really thought that Scott had ****d ME!! (not that I ****d Scott!!) So, I let the game continue. I kept playing asleep and Ryan kept teasing Scott about "fucking" me all night. Ryan finally went in to shower and Scott sat on the edge of the bed. I acted like I was just waking up. He looked at me "dont hate me! please dont hate me!"...I said "I could NEVER hate you dude, NEVER, no matter what!". He said "I dont know how this happened" and tried to explain it as he was d**gged or something cuz he would NEVER do this! After a bit of him appologizing... I said "hey...it was more than half my fault...really...cuz once you kissed me... I kissed back...cuz I liked it...and thats how it happend". He, still in disbelief, kept appologizing. I said "fortet it" its a secret betwen you me and Ryan. We just have to keep Ryan from saying anything to anyone about it! And we agreed that "something" needed to happen between Ryan and me..something sexual, so he would NEVER say anything to anyone because he was invovled also. That is initself another story tho.. and to come later!
This is a true story, not fiction. oh...and Scott and I didnt ever do anything else. It did however change our relationship. Once we got home...he drifted apart...I think he was embarassed and just didnt want to face it. I still love him dearly...and miss him. He was...and still could be....my best friend!! Miss you Scott!!

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A Hurricane in Mexico

I am a construction superintendent for an international construction company headquartered in the Houston area, and we had just won the bid for a large housing and hotel project in Veracruz, Mexico, which is on the Gulf of Mexico. My name is Ed, and at forty-two years old I was usually the go-to guy to start new international projects. It was sometimes difficult for my wife when I was gone for months at a time. I was traveling to Veracruz with my boss, Ted Ferguson, who was forty-five years old...

3 years ago
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33 yrs olf Wife with Stranger 21yrs old

Kavita and I made our way back into normal lives that night feeling very horny from our experience at the webcam with other nude couples. We did not talk much but I could sense the thought rolling through her head. My thoughts were more about Kavita’s inhibited behavior at the webcam. I would like her to shed her clothes and shower her nudity to all viewers. When strangers peeped into her assets or eyed at her large boobs it really turned me on. Although she needed some instigation from my end...

2 years ago
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Maid In Oaxaca Part 7 Mexico 3 Final

MAID IN OAXACA - PART 7 (MEXICO-3) by Monica Graz CHAPTER 19 "So, is this Crissie?" Se?ora Juana asked looking at me but really addressing Pat. She was dressed like any woman of her class and age. Comfortable set of blouse and pants, sensible shoes and hair kept back in a severe bun. We were all standing where Pedro dropped us in front of the main house that looked quite impressive. "That's correct, this is Crissie, my faithful companion and maid." Pat replied looking at me re...

1 year ago
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Down Mexico Way

My retirement money goes a lot farther in Mexico than it does in the states and that allows me certain luxuries than I otherwise couldn't afford such as a girl to do my cooking and cleaning. I have one come in five days a week and I pay her the equivalent of a $1.50 an hour. That's the going wage. You don't dare pay them more than the going wage. The woman would invariably brag about it to her friends and then the other women would demand the same pay from their employers. That just pisses...

1 year ago
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Maid In Oaxaca Mexico 1

MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Patricia Martinez Torres is a pretty and highly intelligent Mexican girl in her mid twenties living in New York. Her father Diego Martinez Torres is a high-ranking diplomat serving at the UN Mexican delegation. Her mother Alicia Martinez Torres is 'old money'. She is the sole inheritor of vast pieces of land and properties in the southern state of Oaxaca at the vicinity of the town of Juchitan. In the district of Juchitan is the...

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Sandys Trip to Mexico Part 1

This is the story of my experiences when David rented me to Bob for his vacation in Mexico. Bob picked me up at the Thompson house. I said, “goodbye” to the family and went out to get in the car. Bob told me all I needed was three outfits. consisting of a pair of daisy duke shorts, which should show everyone what good legs that I had. A short cut off blouse two of which was completely see thru and one that was partially see-thru. A breakaway skirt that had been modified to came just up to the...

1 year ago
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Betrayed In Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind.1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds.5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington SteelSister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a successful...

2 years ago
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Nightmare in Mexico

Nightmare in Mexico ? by: rachaelcd Two weekends a month I met with Mistress Monica. I had been doing so for almost 2 years now, and I had almost saved enough money to buy my way into her stable of slaves full time. That had been my goal from early adolescence. I found Mistress Monica through the internet, and she had a program that was perfect for me. She required $50,000 cash buy in plus I was to have all my own equipment like bondage gear, crossdressing wardrobe etc. And...

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A day in the life Mexico State of Vera Cruz Cihuaton Little Women

A day in the life: Mexico, State of Vera Cruz; Cihuaton (Little Women) The jungle hung over the road, a vast wilderness inhabited by jaguar, deadly black tarantulas, and a host of birds and animals never seen by the white man. Quihuicha rested on the branch, watching the beehive of activity below. Twenty faerie were dismembering the javelina they had shot, and she was on guard against- A shape formed from the darkness. Ocelotl! She whistled, raising her bow. The arrows were long...

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Spring Break Incognito

Spring Break Incognito By Enigma I rolled off Sarah to lie naked, panting, beside her, trying to catch my breath. She snuggled up to my cooling body and was first to regain the power of speech. "That was fantastic, Jeff. I love you!" "Mmmm..." I pulled her tight to me. "Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" I managed to wheeze. "I love you too, honey." I glanced over at the lighted digits of the alarm clock that showed it was a little past 1 AM, "But we both have early classes...

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Spring Break Cuckold

I got a promotion from the company I work with. Some of the money, my wife spent on cosmetic surgery, implants and so on. Shes a hot lady, 35 y.o. blonde, with a body to kill for. I’m 5 years older and yes still super fit. Our 15 years marriage is fantastic maily because we maintained the dialouge and the sex drive. We are doing great all in all. So when my company promoted me, they threw in a 10 days vacation, all expenses paid. We picked a Hotel at Daytona Beach since my wife wanted to soak...

1 year ago
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A Story of Mexico

Vanessa could not believe her luck. Or rather, her lack of it. She had just barely left the airport, rented a car, and was over a hundred miles away from Mexico City when her rental car blew up. ‘No, no, no!’ Vanessa pleaded with the vehicle, as she heard a second loud bang and smoke began pouring out of the engine. ‘Damn it, not now!’ She was only an hour away from her business meeting with the corporate bigwigs of El Dorado Financing Group, and now she would be stranded. On top of that, her...

3 years ago
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Seeing Sisters 6 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexy bikiniPt 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-s-rs-434988Pt 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-pt-2-bbw-steals-hot-bf-from-hot-793101Pt 3 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-3-795739Pt 4 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-4-mexico-800242Pt 5 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-5-mexico-803920Robin shimmied into her 3rd new bathing suit: a pale, high-waist bikini and matching tube-top. The material wasn't quite...

2 years ago
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Maid in Oaxaca Mexico 4

MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 4 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 10 The feeling was so different, I had boobs! My breast forms were attached to my chest. My posture was different as well; my center of gravity has changed. As I moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast I kept looking down to my chest as it was protruding prominently pushing my uniform dress and apron bib outwards. Pat was very pleased as she was helping me gluing them into position earlier...

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Do it in Mexico

I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public ,...

2 years ago
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Betrayed in Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind. 1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep 2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio 3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn 4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds. 5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington Steel Sister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a...

3 years ago
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Spring Break Wife

It was 8am on a Wednesday, and Mom and I were exercising in the basement. I religiously worked out five mornings a week, and she was always right there with me. We started with a run on our two treadmills. Mom's industrial-strength sports bra didn't completely restrain the bounce of her D-cup boobs, which I loved to watch. She didn't seem to notice.Mom's big tits were a present from Dad for her thirtieth birthday. She told him she didn't want to go through her whole life with tiny A-cup boobs,...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

As the new school year progressed Ron assigned the two eager for more power beavers to put together an assertive classroom management program. Jill and Kelly were given the curriculum review challenge. It quickly became evident one after school work session per week with the four of them would make little progress. Half of Alaina's weekly free periods she met with Kelly to work on their project. Jill found herself giving up her free periods to work with Kelly and Ron Freeman conducting a...

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Ive Got Mexico

He’s got you, I’ve got Mexico. — Eddie Raven. Ned Samuels looked at the latest letter from his cousin Matt again as he sipped his rum and Coke on the beach, shaking his head at the man’s good fortune. Matt always was the lucky bastard. Then again, Ned’s own luck was beginning to change for the better, now that Chloe was gone. Oh, he still loved the bitch, but he had begun to let go of her. She left him for Sean Morris, some stupid silver-spoon jackass with more money than brains and no doubt...

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Hot tub wife swap in Mexico

Our first time swapping spouses...We decided to try one of the “adults only” resorts in Mexico, and we’d had read some reviews saying this particular place can get a little wild at night. We had flirted with the idea of doing something crazy on vacation sometime, and after a few years of marriage it felt like we may be getting close to making it happen.Let’s skip ahead to the good parts...On the second day, we were at the pool when a husband and wife came into the pool area who caught our eyes...

4 years ago
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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

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Female best friends in Mexico 8211 Part 1

This is of two female best friends. They were caught in a shopping mall in Mexico City on suspicion of stealing two sets of bikinis. Swati is a 25-year-old girl, and Ramya is 22 years old. They are office besties, and they came to Mexico on vacation. Swati was a part-time instructor of Zumba in one of the gyms. Ramya worked in a multinational company in Bangalore, where even Swati worked as a team lead. They had come to one of the shopping malls in Mexico City to buy a pair of bikinis as they...

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Down Mexico Way

My name is Pete. I'm a retired American living in Mexico right next to the border with the U.S. I'm divorced and my children are grown. I don't see them any because they're afraid of the border violence. But living in a Mexican border town can be as safe as anywhere else in the world as long as you don't mess with drugs; you mind your own business and avoid places where violence is a possibility. I obey those rules and do all right for myself. My retirement money goes a lot farther in...

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Ive Got MexicoChapter 2

Ned Samuels was in the middle of servicing his girlfriend, Jessenia Ramos, while his other girlfriend, Marisol (Jessenia’s younger sister) sat on his face, when the knock came at the door. Neither lady was going to get up while so damn close to cumming, so whoever it was would have to wait until they were good and ready, damn it! Ned loved that about his two ladies, of course. They insisted on getting their pleasure and they were hooked on getting it from him, thank God! Ned adored his girls...

2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach Part 1

I walked out of class exhausted. It was a long day, and I embraced the breezy Spring air as I stepped outside. Julia, one of my friends at college, was standing outside. "Hey," she said. "Hi," I replied back. "Sooo..." she began, "Looks like we have something to do for spring break." "Holy crap, really?" I asked, surprised. We had been looking for something to do for spring break, but all the decent beach houses on the shore were either taken or too expensive. Our little circle of...

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spring Break2

When we got off the plane, I was so excited to see Alex, I couldnt wait to start my spring break. Then I spotted him, wearing a typical Florida attire, Shorts, a tank top and sandals. Maybe it was the excitment of beaing away from home, maybe it had just been along itme sinve I had seen Alex, but he looked great, even Jen whispered under her breath "your brother is hot". And I had to agree with her, Alex is a little over 6' tall, tanned, and the tank top showed off his well defined arms...

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Spring Break Slave

Spring Break Slave By humbleslave "You fucking bitch!," I exclaimed for about the one hundredth time as I saw her holding up a DVD as she boarded the plane. A week ago, I had landed in Mexico, a regular college guy looking to blow off some steam on spring break. What I am now, and will be in the future, entirely depends upon the devious mind of the girl who just boarded the plane, whom I know only as "Mistress Ashleigh." I met Ashleigh my first night in Mexico. Returning to...

4 years ago
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Our Guest from Mexico Part 1

Maribel was from Monterrey, Mexico and we brought her to our house to live with us while she worked on getting her papers right. She wanted to immigrate to the US and her brother, a construction worker in my company, thought it would be better to have his sister in the US than in Mexico to help with the transition.At first, Janie, my lovely wife of 15 years, was not to keen on us taking in a border, for an unspecified time frame, but Janie knew Jose very well and like myself, she had a great...

Straight Sex
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Seeing Sisters 5 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-s-rs-434988Pt 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-pt-2-bbw-steals-hot-bf-from-hot-793101Pt 3 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-3-795739Pt 4 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-4-mexico-800242They showered together, unable to keep their hands to themselves. Chuck was fascinated and attracted to her luscious curves. He grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. Robin in...

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visit to mexico

Terry Nichols stepped out of the airplane, onto the uncovered tarmac andinto the hot air of small Mexican airport. Terry is 34-year old teacherfrom a small mid-western town in the United States traveling to Mexico toperform some research for her doctorate in Aztec culture. She was taking ayear long sabbatical from her junior professor position at a university soshe could visit the ancient city and study the culture first hand.Terry had never been out of the country before now, in fact, she...

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Summers In Mexico Can Be Trouble

It was the end of spring when Xavier got his job on the plantation. His prospects had really taken a hit after he'd finish high school a year earlier. Without the money for college, his search for employment had dragged him south of border into Mexico and onto a local plantation just outside of a border town with this seasonal job.Spring gave way to the hottest summer anyone could remember in Mexico. High temperatures didn't stop the crops from needing to be harvesting. Xavier didn't have any...

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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in MexicoThe group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips.Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis – no...

Gay Male
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Maid in Mexico

I have done business all along Mexico's northern border and found more good and friendly, easy to get along with people than you would ever expect to come across. Usually people look on the border towns as being places for dangerous sex, sneering merchants who will rip you off in a yanqui second and cheap goods of dubious quality. If that is all you're you are looking for, you'll find it because whatever there is a market for, there is someone to supply the demand, no matter how sleazy. On...

4 years ago
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Paradise in Mexico

Spell check and grammar check by Grammarly She cheated, I ran I am sitting on my veranda sipping an iced tea. The veranda is in Tepeji del Rio, Hidalgo, Mexico. I am here because my ex-wife was/is a slut. I am Gary Wilson, 49, 5’ 11” and weigh about 190 lbs. I have blue to gray eyes and am starting to lose my hair. I was the owner of a small but profitable company. The company made things that every car in the world needed. The products were also in every appliance you have ever used or...

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