Kristin Paul
- 2 years ago
- 27
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After Warren's wedding, Kristin didn't see Tom for almost a month. But, a few days before Labor Day weekend, during one of their three-times-a-week phone conversations, Tom asked if he could come up for Labor Day weekend. Kristin was thrilled.
She volunteered to help find a hotel for Tom to stay at. After they got off the phone, she went down and asked her mother's advice.
"Why get a hotel?" Peg asked. "Tom can stay here, honey."
Kristin looked at her in amazement. "You're going to let him stay here?"
Peg laughed. "He was already here for a week, wasn't he? And you guys started going out then, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but now he's coming here just to see me. I'm just surprised. Happy, mind you, but surprised," Kristin laughed. "If he doesn't have to pay for hotels, he might come up more often."
"Good," Peg smiled at her. "Look, Kris. You guys haven't, you know, done anything?"
"God, No!" Kristin burst out. "Just kiss."
"Well, then."
"But, you know," Kristin faltered, "I mean, what if, you know, I mean..."
"What if it gets more serious than that?" Peg asked with a smile. Kristin nodded, blushing. "Well, if he was in a hotel room, you'd just go over there, so what difference does it make? Look, Kris, you're responsible and smart. And, don't forget, when your brothers were your age, they were well into their sex lives."
"But they're boys."
"Since when am I sexist?" Peg laughed. "Girls have the same urges that boys do. I know that."
"Well, it's true. Anyhow, the only difference is that girls have to be more careful. But you know that."
"Yes, well..."
"Kris. You might want to think about going on the pill."
Kristin gasped. "But, Mom, I mean-we haven't-I don't know..."
"Better safe than sorry."
"OK. Well, I'll think about it."
Kristin went back upstairs, shaking her head. What a strange conversation that was, she thought. She knew her mother was open, but still. She and Tom hadn't gotten anywhere near any of that!
Ah, well-she was glad Mom was going to let Tom stay here, however. She happily called him and shared the good news.
He came up for the whole Labor Day weekend, and once more later on in September. He and Kristin really got along well. She felt more comfortable with him than she did outside of anyone besides family and her one best friend Marie. She'd never felt like this around a guy before. The time in between visits was taken up with frequent phone calls and even more frequent IM sessions.
Early in October, she got a surprise. Tom was coming up again for the weekend. The night before, he called and told her that he didn't have practice Friday, as his coach had another commitment. "So, I can come up early. How about I pick you up at school?" Kristin happily agreed, and gave him directions to Wilkins Academy.
That Friday, Kristin found herself waiting for Tom out in front of her school, surrounded by a bunch of other students. Kristin wasn't social at all. She kept to herself-except for her aforementioned best friend Marie-and her fellow students didn't know much about her. They were surprised to see her here in front of school.
"Kristin Kelleher? What are you doing here?" one of them asked.
"Waiting for a ride," she said softly.
"You're not usually here."
"I usually go home with my mother." The group of girls looked at her blankly. "Mrs. Kelleher, the senior English teacher."
"Oh," one of the girls said, "she couldn't drive you today?"
"No, it's not that." They all looked at her. What the hell, she thought, and took a deep breath. "My boyfriend is picking me up."
" You have a boyfriend?" one of them asked.
"Yeah," she smiled. "And he lives in New York, so we only see each other like every other weekend. He usually can't get here until around seven or eight on a Friday night, but he got to leave early today, so he's picking me up here."
"How'd you get a boyfriend that lives in New York?" another asked.
"Well, he came up here last July to work with my brother. And he stayed at my house for the week. We got to know each other then."
"What do you mean, work with your brother?"
"What are you talking about?"
"None of you knows who my brother is?" she asked. They all looked at her blankly. She wasn't surprised, she never talked about this. She was kind of surprised she was talking about it now. "Are any of you figure skating fans?" A few of them nodded yes. "What's my last name?" she said with a smile.
One of them picked up on it. " Warren Kelleher?!?!?"
"Yup, Warren's my big brother. Sophie's my sister-in-law. And they choreographed my boyfriend's long program. That's how I met him."
"Evan Pogdar?" one of them guessed.
Kristin cracked up laughing. "I'm not Evan's type." They looked at her. "I'm a girl," she giggled. "Evan's gay. Plus, Warren and Sophie don't choreograph for other dance teams. Competitors, and all that."
"Brett Tomlinson?" another asked.
"Nah. Warren did do their choreography. But Brett's in love with his partner, Andrea." She giggled. " He just hasn't figured that out yet. Anyone that spends seven seconds with them has, though."
"All right, who?"
Kristin smiled. "Tom Bellamy." And found she was enjoying this-especially at the gasps and murmurs that went through the skating fans in the group.
"Tom Bellamy is a hunk!" one of them said.
"That he is," Kristin agreed.
"I don't believe you."
"You don't have to believe me. Here he comes." She pointed as she saw his car drive into the lot.
He pulled through the lot and parked in front of the waiting area. He jumped out of the car and walked over to Kristin, pulling her into a kiss. Kristin happily kissed back. Then he opened the passenger side door and let her in. As he walked around the car to get back in himself, she looked at the dumbstruck faces of her fellow students and grinned.
"What was that about?" he asked as they pulled away.
"Showing you off," she laughed. Surprised-he knew how shy she was-he laughed right along with her.
Tom had spent the whole drive up from New York laughing at himself. When Terri, his coach, had told him that there would be no practice on Friday, he couldn't get to Boston fast enough. And only three or four months ago, he just would've shown up to practice by himself anyway!
Tom had been skating-focused for quite some time. Oh, he had other interests-though he hadn't been in a school building for some time, he was smart. He read a lot, and about a lot of different things. Plus there was his piano-playing. But one of those interests was never really girls.
Because he was a skater, he knew a lot of teenaged girls-and he found them mostly silly, shallow, and flighty. Now, he had a prominent silly side-but he wasn't shallow or flighty. Leaving home at 13 to pursue a skating career tended to make a person more focused than that. And the attitude of the girls he knew just drove him nuts. So, he figured girls were pretty much a non-issue until he-and, more importantly, they-got older.
And then he met Kristin. Shallow? Flighty? Not even a little bit. She was sweet and kind, very smart, and incredibly mature in a lot of ways. Plus, they had a lot in common. He was so smitten even he could barely believe it.
Of course, one of the ways she wasn't all that mature was in relationships. Then again, neither was he. It was kind of the blind leading the blind. He was determined to take it slow and easy.
She'd been having similar feelings lately. She'd not been impressed with the teenaged boys she'd come in contact with, for a lot of the same reasons. They were shallow and obsessed with 'appearances' and being macho. Now, she knew that guys that weren't like that did exist, but she also knew they were rare. Kristin had a standard-and that standard was easy to identify. It was her big brother Warren, who she'd been hero-worshiping since she was 5. And she saw the whole Warren-Sophia relationship unfold, and knew how Warren had treated Sophie even when they were still in high school. That's how she wanted to be treated. So, Warren was her standard, even as she knew he was a rare bird.
Tom, to her shock, met the standard.
The only thing that worried both of them, just a bit, was Kristin's shyness. Tom wasn't shy, he was rather social, and he worried that Kristin might freeze up if he had her in a social situation. Kristin knew this, and worried herself.
This is why Kristin was glad that she had done what she did that day after school. She found she liked showing Tom off. And she found it easier to talk to the girls, because of him.
They went out for supper and a movie that Friday night. Saturday, when they woke up, Kristin shocked Tom.
"Hey, how about we go to a football game today? Wilkins has a big game."
"You want to go there?" Tom asked.
"Yeah," Kris admitted.
"You do like showing me off!"
"Well, a little," Kris grinned. "Plus, I always keep you cooped up in the house on Saturday afternoons when you're here. And I want you to meet Marie, my best friend."
"I'd love to go."
When they arrived at the stadium and found Marie, Marie was shocked.
"Kristin Kelleher! You came to a football game? I do believe I'm gonna faint!"
"Yes, I came to a football game."
"Unbelievable. What's with the hunk?" she asked, looking at Tom.
Kristin broke up laughing. "Marie, this is Tom. Tom, Marie."
"Nice to meet you," Marie grinned. "So, this is the famous Tom? You didn't tell me he was gorgeous."
"If you watched more figure skating, you'd have figured it out on your own," Kristin teased.
"Yeah, yeah. Not my thing," Marie said. "No offense," she told Tom.
"None taken," Tom grinned.
A bunch of other students had filed into the stands. Most of them knew Marie, and were busy greeting her. They knew who Kristin was, but didn't really know her. Kristin looked around and felt a little lost.
"Relax," Tom said, squeezing her hand. She smiled gratefully at him.
Just then Allison Ventrie showed up. She was Marie's other best friend, but she got on Kristin's nerves. "Hey, Marie," she said. Then she looked over. "Kristin Kelleher? You actually came out of your room to attend a school event? Catch me, Marie, I may just faint."
"Be nice," Marie admonished.
"Well, I'm just shocked," Allison continued, standing next to Kristin. "It's not every day you see the school hermit at a football game." Just then she spotted Tom. Allison was a skating fan. "Aren't you Tom Bellamy, the skater?"
"Guilty as charged," Tom grinned.
"What the hell are you doing here at a football game in Massachusetts?"
Tom laughed. "It seemed like a cool thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. I live in New York, so when I come to see Kris, I come for the whole weekend. So, we needed something to do, so here we are. I like football anyhow."
"This is Allison, by the way," Kris told him. "And, Allison, you obviously know who my boyfriend is, so I don't have to introduce him."
Allison blinked rapidly. " Boyfriend?"
"Yeah," Kris said. "We've been going out since July."
"Her brother choreographed my long program this year," Tom told him. Allison nodded-she did know that Warren Kelleher was Kristin's brother. "So, I stayed at her house for the week." He grinned at Kristin. "And sparks flew." Kristin giggled.
"He drives up from New York a couple times a month to see me," Kristin told her.
Allison just shook her head. "Unbelievable." She went over and sat next to Marie. "I think you and I need to start acting like wallflowers," she said to Marie. "Maybe we can get a hunk like that to ask us out!"
Kristin, having heard what Allison said, just giggled.
The rest of the game was fine, Kristin even got into it. She didn't know a lot about football, but Tom and Marie explained the stuff she didn't get. She ended up having a good time, and even got along reasonably well with Allison.
Driving to get some supper afterwards, Tom said to Kristin, "What happened to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You seem, I don't know, like you're loosening up. Is this the same girl who went into an absolute panic when I caught her playing piano?"
Kristin smiled, and then said, very softly, "You help my confidence."
"Good!" Tom exclaimed.
After eating, they were back at her house, chatting with her parents. The talk turned to skating-and to Skate America, which was only a few weeks away. They were talking about it, and then Tom had a brainstorm.
"Hey, you should come!" he said to Kristin.
"You should come. To Skate America. I'd love to have you there. And you'll get to see Sophie and Warren, they'll be there. It'll be great." He turned to her parents. "She'd have to miss a couple days of school, though, I skate on Thursday and Friday, then the exhibition on Sunday."
"That's fine," Peg said, "her schoolwork is exemplary, she can afford to miss a couple days. I'm used to this with Warren."
"I'll get you a flight, and a hotel room. What do you say?"
"I'd like that," Kristin said.
"Great! Let's go up on your computer, I'll see if I can book the arrangements." They went up, and quickly found Kristin a flight to Chicago Wednesday evening. "I'll already be there," Tom told her, "so I can get you at the airport." Then they went to book a hotel. That was harder.
"Damn, the one where I'm going to be staying is full. I can get you in this one, but it's not close."
"Crap. I really want to go," Kris sighed. "Well, if I have to be booked into this one, then that's OK."
"I don't know. Getting you back and forth to the arena isn't going to be easy."
Kristin asked him, "Do you know what kind of room you have?"
"It's a suite. Only one bedroom, thought. Two beds in it, but only one bedroom."
Kristin thought for a minute, then, very softly, said, "Are you sharing your room with anyone?"
"Huh?" Tom said, stunned.
"Well," Kris said haltingly, "if you're not sharing your room with anyone, I could, you know, stay there."
"You'd do that?"
"Um, well, yeah."
"No, I'm not sharing my room with anyone."
"Then that's settled," Kristin smiled.
Amazing, thought Tom
A little less than three weeks later, Kristin stepped off the plane in Chicago. Tom met her with a hug and a kiss, then gave her a worried look.
"We have a problem," Tom said, then took a breath. "The room only has one bed. They screwed up. I tried to change it, or get you in your own room-no dice. It's a suite, though, and there's a couch in the other room, so I can sleep there."
"No way," Kristin declared. "You have to skate. No way are you sleeping on a couch. How big is the bed?"
"Well, huge. It's a king."
"Then we can both fit," Kristin said. Tom was completely stunned. "It's OK," she smiled, "I trust you."
They got Kristin's bags and headed towards the car Tom had rented. Tom's head was reeling. Kris was going to sleep in the same bed? She trusted him that much? He wasn't sure if he trusted himself that much!
After a late supper, they headed towards the room. They took turns in the bathroom changing into bedclothes. Then they went to bed.
It was very awkward. Neither was used to sleeping in an occupied bed, and Tom was rather hesitant to touch Kris at all. So, he tried to huddle on his side of the bed. Kris, however, backed right into him. Twice.
"I'm sorry, I think I'm being sucked into the middle of the bed," Kris giggled.
"It's OK. I'm not fond of the edge either."
"Good," Kris said, and let her back snuggle into Tom's chest. Tom blinked, then went for broke-he slipped his arm around her waist. She sighed, "That feels nice," and closed her eyes. Tom, amazed, didn't think he'd be able to sleep all that well. He was wrong. They were both asleep in minutes, utterly comfortable.
The next day was the short program for the men. Tom skated very well, and ended the evening in second place, behind only the defending World silver medallist, Yakashi Kitaro of Japan.
It was the next morning that everything changed.
They had settled into bed that night spooned and cuddling, the awkwardness gone. But something had happened during the night. When Kristin awoke in the morning, she felt strange. It took her a moment to realize why. During the night, Tom's hand had migrated-and was now wrapped around Kristin's breast.
Kris gasped. The warm tingling coming from her breast was thrilling. She felt a throb building in the pit of her stomach, and a warm rush gathering between her legs. Her nipple was as hard as a rock, pushing at Tom's hand through her nightie.
Just then, Tom woke up.
He didn't realize that Kristin was awake. He did realize, after a minute, just where his hand was. Hissing out an "Oh shit!" he quickly pulled his hand off Kristin's breast and put it back around her waist.
Kristin's eyes opened. "Tom?" she said.
"Sorry," Tom replied sheepishly.
"For what?" she said. And then she grabbed Tom's hand, pulled it off her waist, and placed it back on her boob. For good measure, she pushed on the back of it for a minute, driving it back into her boob. Then she sighed contentedly.
"Kris?" Tom asked, flabbergasted.
"Oh God Tom, don't stop!" she hissed.
Tom was incredulous. What happened to the shy, demure virgin he was dating? He couldn't believe it. But he didn't stop. Now awake, he massaged her boob with great gusto.
"Oh, Tom, that feels so good!" Kristin enthused. "If I had known it was going to feel this good..."
Emboldened, he took his other hand and gathered her hair with it. He pulled it back, giving himself a clear avenue, and started kissing and nuzzling her neck, and sucking on her earlobe, as he fondled her boob.
"Oh my!" she groaned. Then, suddenly, she said. "Stop! Wait!" Tom withdrew his hands, figuring she had had enough.
He was wrong. She sat up, and started unbuttoning her flannel nightie, fingers trembling just a bit. Before Tom knew it, she was pulling the nightie over her head. And there she sat, in all her glory, wearing nothing but panties, blushing furiously.
"You're so beautiful," Tom whispered.
Kristin smiled-blushing deeper-then settled herself back to where she was, spooning into him. His hand came back up to her now-bare breast. He cupped it with his hand, fondling it, and dove his lips back into her neck. She sighed happily, then moaned.
"What happened to you?" Tom whispered in her ear.
"I'm so turned on!" she admitted with a giggle.
"Kris, what do you want to do?" Tom asked.
"Oh! Well, I mean, I don't think... I'm not ready... I mean..." she sputtered, blushing.
"You don't think we're ready to make love. That's fine."
"It is?"
"Kris, when it happens, it'll be my first time, too."
"It WILL?"
"Uh-huh. I've fooled around some, but I'm still a virgin." He kissed her neck again. "So you don't want to make love, but you're horny out of your mind."
"Yes," she gasped, his hand still working her boob.
"I can help you," he said. "Take off your panties."
Kris gasped, and gulped-and then took off her panties. Tom's hand quickly moved down from her boob to between her legs. She spread them slightly to give him access, then gasped as his finger lightly traced her pussy. He moved his other hand underneath her, and reached around with it to cup her boob again.
Kristin leaned back into him, breathing heavily. His one hand fondled her boob, while the other one was delicately playing with her pussy. She couldn't believe how this felt!
Just then, Tom's finger found her clit. And she just went crazy.
Her hips were bucking. She was moaning and gasping. Tom did all he could to keep his hands in contact with her pussy and boobs as she writhed next to him. He gripped her as tight as he could with the hand that was on her boob, but she was still bouncing all over the bed. Tom was amazed. He wasn't all that experienced, but he knew enough, and had heard enough, to realize that Kristin was very responsive. Who knew?
Tom was pretty sure that even Kris was surprised.
Just then, Kris blurted out, "Oh God... I mean... I feel... I think I'm gonna... OH GOD!"
"Oh, goody, Kristin's going to have an orgasm!" Tom whispered in her ear. "Cum for me, Kris." Kristin's eyes went wide, and she screamed, and came all over his hand.
After she was done, he moved his hands back around her waist, and cuddled her as she tried to regain her breath. "Are you OK?" he whispered after a bit.
"My sweet Jesus. I don't believe how great that was!"
"Good," Tom said.
"Oh, man." She then turned over so she was facing him. She leaned in and gave him a hellacious kiss. She was still naked, so Tom was definitely reacting. "Oh man," she repeated. "I think I'm in orbit." He just grinned at her. "How are you feeling?" she asked.
The first few weeks of summer had been fine. Kristin and I were able to hang out together and keep our feelings for one another at bay. Kristin didn’t want to cheat on her new boyfriend, who she was away from the first time since she started dating him, and I didn’t want to start anything physical in fear of allowing my emotions for my past love to return. Over time, however, neither of us could hold back any longer. Our physical and emotional attraction for each other was just too...
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Hi, before the story beginning, I would like to say that I love to read comments about the story. So please comment. And I hope you enjoy this kinky story about a blonde mom who becomes a nice rubber gimp. t had been 9 months since that fateful day, though she didn't know that. She didn't know much anymore, all she cared about was the next cock shoved in her mouth. It was a sunny afternoon in August, and Kristin was busy doing housework, when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting any parcels,...
After the theater date I found myself conflicted. Kristin is all I thought about, all the time. I would wake up a night and he would be the first thing I thought about. We talked and texted constantly. We were just like a normal romantic relationship and that had me worried. I liked Kristin a lot, but was I falling for him. We both had significant others and wanted to keep this relationship in the closet but I wanted to share it with anyone who would listen.I almost got my cock in his ass but...
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I was feeling a bit horny the other day and decided to put an add on cl in the missed connections section. Simply I put “ is there any where near by dudes can hang out naked”.I got lots of replies but one stuck out to me. It said hello there my name is Kristin you still looking. It went on to say name is Kristin my family named me that. I was thinking this was a girl. After a few emails back and forth I determined that it was a he and he also knew of a spot nearby to go and get naked. After...
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After the second encounter with Kristin I was obsessed with him, Couldn’t get him out of my mind. I kept texting him and asking to meet again. We communicated back and forth and I asked him to meet me for lunch. I needed to sort out my feeling and I thought lunch would be a safe way to talk without all the sexual tension. I didn’t know why I was so wrapped up with this guy. I thought it might be the kissing, as it made our time real intimate and I didn’t get intimacy at home anymore. What ever...
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A few weeks had passed, and we were recovering from the McBride-Hodges wedding when the phone rang. I was surprised to find that it was Jonathan Wilkerson calling. Although we had spoken on the phone a number of times, with the single exception of Little Bit and company, we had been the ones initiating the calls. But not that time. “Cam,” he began, “I have a favor to ask.” He wasted no time with small talk, but rather moved immediately to the reason for his call. A favor for Jon Wilkerson?...
Kristine had noticed me staring at her during the office party. How could I not the way she looked that evening, in that tight black dress and wearing fishnet pantyhose. To be fair, I’ve had the hots for her a long time. I suspect Kristine knew this, and enjoyed the attention. She often mad an effort to put her hand on my lower back when she spoke to me. More than once her hands have graced my thighs, I’m thinking deliberately, as she has leaned over my desk to point out something on my...
So, when school started, we joined in with the other freshman class. We had taken similar, but not identical schedules, so we weren't in the same class all the time. But when we were, it was assumed that we were fraternal twins. We saw no need to correct them. Mom had warned us about showing any affection towards one another in school, which was really hard to do. It didn't take long, only a week or two before some of the other girls started to flirt with Matt. Bless his kind heart, he...
At 9:30 the next morning, I presented myself at Jonathan Wilkerson’s office. I was welcomed by his secretary, a brunette with “Becky” on her nameplate. She greeted me and buzzed the office. Wilkerson told her to show me right in, so she rose from behind her desk and led the way. I was used to seeing short skirts on the students, but hers might have been the shortest. It barely covered her crotch. Moreover, she was quite tall, with a gorgeous pair of legs that went on forever. Jonathan...
Although we returned to the park at other times, after three nonstop days, the edge was off. Furthermore, Charlie had given us the super VIP pass so our visits were always very pleasant. We spent time swimming and soaking up the sun with Kris complaining that, because Disney didn’t have a nude beach, she was going to show strap marks. Since her preferred attire was the tiny thong that scarcely covered her nipples, I didn’t think that would be a problem. Incidentally, she really could even...
The limo drove up to a 44-story building on the east side of Lexington Avenue and the doorman raced to open the door for Kris and me. At the same time the chauffeur got out from behind the wheel after first electrically popping the trunk lid. We only had a few of our things with us; most would be coming over from Teterboro by truck. “Tom,” I said, speaking to the doorman, “I would like you to meet my fiancée, Kristin Collins. Needless to say, I’m sure you will treat her with the same care...
There were a couple of things I omitted about our life together. The first was pro football. I think I mentioned that the girls could all talk knowledgeably about it, but I didn’t realize until the season started how much they really liked it and how closely they followed it. It was really funny. Terry was still with us at the time, and it seemed that each of the four girls had a different favorite team. Kris adored the Rams, Liz, the Giants; Tina, the Patriots; while Terry loved the Jets....
With the girls finally back home, things got back to normal. Or as normal as things ever were at the Harris compound. Mother delivered her baby, an adorable little girl that she and Dad named Karen. After nearly thirty years, I finally had a sibling, and she was utterly adorable. Of course, my parents were so proud, you would have thought they invented the little things! Tina gave birth to a boy, as did Liz. The younger girls were utterly ecstatic! Now there were four babies for them to goo...
At that point an utterly beautiful black woman came closer and introduced herself. “How do you do?” she said to Jane. “I’m Mary Smith, and you might be just the person for me to be talking to.” Jane giggled and replied, “I guess we should be better acquainted. My name is Jane Smith, and the two of us must have the most ordinary names in the country.” “I guess that’s probably true,” Mary replied with a warm smile. Then she added, “That’s my husband out there.” She indicated the giant, John...
Late on Friday, an announcement was made that there would be a special convocation for the entire school on Saturday morning at nine o’clock. Attendance was mandatory. There was just a little more than the usual bitching about having to get up at the crack of dawn on a weekend yet, but the students and faculty all appeared. Entering the auditorium, they found a rostrum on stage with a few chairs flanking it. Promptly at nine, President Arnn appeared and began the meeting. Jane Smith was...
I don’t know what happened that Saturday night between Mary Beth McBride and Fred Hodges. But what I do know is that by the time she and the other seven girls appeared at our apartment in New York on Tuesday evening, she was engaged and flashing a gorgeous ring. Kristin, along with Little Bit and Ann, were utterly ecstatic. They were able to really go to town with a dinner for 12. Moreover, Kris sniffed that since we were back in the city, she again had access to some of the finest and most...
No sooner were we back in the suite when we heard a knock at the door. Kris just nodded toward me and grinned, saying mentally, “Your turn.” I opened the door and was surprised. Tom and Martha were sitting there patiently, but that wasn’t the surprise. The surprise was their appearance. Never before or since have I ever seen two more beautiful tigers. Obviously, they had been brushed and groomed till their coats truly glistened. Stepping back, I motioned for them to come in; their human...
As we approached the cathedral — it’s only a few very short blocks away from the Waldorf-Astoria — we encountered a veritable army of police directing traffic and keeping order. The music we had been hearing wasn’t helping a whole lot; it was attracting passers-by by the hundreds. As we reached the church, two more busloads of police were arriving to assist. All I could think of was it was a very good thing that both the Taylors and ourselves enjoyed such good relations with New York’s...
Friday, we all flew out to Shawnee, including Stormy, where we were met by Frank Keating, who traveled with us to Springboro. It was a mutual love fest, with Frank thanking me for saving his citizens and me thanking Frank for his inspired leadership and help during the crisis. We started at the school, now being rebuilt, and toured the town, and then met with the Torquists. Along the way I said wonderful things about Springboro and Oklahoma, and whatever it was they did there. I gathered it...
"I'd imagine the science academy, quite different from the world you were used to." Katsuhito said at last. Hoping to rescue Washu from sinking into eminent melancholy. "Understatement of the millennium!" She answered brightly. Allowing him to draw her back, away from the pull of past regret. "I remembered on arrival looking around like my eyes would fall out! So much to see! Even managing to touch down on G-gamma one in the middle of the night cycle. Kept trying to figure the...
I woke up to Cutie shooting jizz all over my face. One Angel was sucking a wad from my cock, the other was sucking one from Creamy. They were beautiful. Unreasonably beautiful. Creamy and I came at about the same time and the Angels alternated sharing jizz kisses with me. Creamy and Cutie got me up again. Then Left Angel - I saw his nut tattoo - sat on my face and Right Angel sat on my cock. Creamy sat on Left's cock and Cutie sat on Right's, facing Creamy. After that, I didn't see much...
A nice vehicle was the only luxury Phil had permitted himself on his western trek. He bought a Mustang convertible because he couldn’t rent a car and he wasn’t about to pay for a car service. He had already decided he was going to have it shipped back east when he left. It was time for the sensible sedan to disappear from the driving rotation – or maybe to serve if they ever went to the demolition derby. He knew he’d have a hard time convincing Hailey to give it up, though, so he figured it...
Not one, but two people walked toward me from out of the crowd. Well that seemed to answer my question about what Swamp Dog wanted me to do with the SUV. One of them should have my flight information for heading home. "Hello my name is Hanna. Colonel Marten sent me." A very fit looking woman with very red hair said to me. "Sorry to meet you under these conditions." "Don't worry about it I was the one ready to go," I said. "Good for you," the guy following her said. "You have a...
~~Eric~~ His dad’s face broke into the biggest smile Eric had ever seen, when Jessy lifted her shirt. “Holy hell,” his dad said. He sat up in the hospital bed, and twisted his whole body to face her. “I know, right? I got pretty lucky, getting this lean without losing the tits.” With white t-shirt and black bra in hand, she bounced in place several times. Both men stared, hypnotized. Laughing, she pat her abs with one hand, still holding the clothes up to her collar with the other. “I...
January 19, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 20-21] Lana wasn’t too fidgety in Geography class, but we could tell she was excited. At lunch, she let some of that out. “I’m so excited, I almost can’t stand it.” Heather replied, “Hey, you’ve got only three classes to go, and one of them is gym, so you can work off some of that energy in our last class of the day ... right before we go to the pitch where you can work off more.” “Yeah, about that. I know we had a holiday on Monday but...
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) The meeting at the Anderson's had gone very much as expected, in that my two families would do the decent thing and give Ava buckets of support. Everything about it was pretty obvious, so I won't bother describing it further. Most of what follows are threads left dangling when Ava & Co. went to meet my parents. I'll present the threads a little out of chronological sequence, following threads rather than chronology, for the sake of...
Even though I wanted to sleep forever, I awoke at 7AM. I made coffee then dressed in my cold weather bike riding outfit. After a few more pulls than usual, I got the bike started, and off I went to Hardee's for breakfast. Again, as I did every morning while at home, I wished that Helen would find a place to open a sit down diner of some kind. I loved Hardee's, but I felt like a trader. I really wanted to spend my money with Helen, and now Cheryl. Still Hardee's was always interesting....
Wednesday went much better all the way around. The damaged cars in the parking lot had been hauled away after the owners had retrieved their personal things. The top of the transformer had been hauled away and a cleanup crew was cleaning up the blacktop. It was especially pleasing to ride through the parking lot and see the six rental cars there. Several students came by to complain about the generator noise. I told them they would get used to it pretty quick. The choice was a little noise...
Hillbilly Medical Terms (and I use the term "hillbilly" with love and respect ... cause I is one!) Benign ... What you be after you be eight. Bacteria ... Back door to cafeteria. Barium ... What doctors do when patients die. Cesarean Section ... A neighborhood in Rome. Catscan ... Searching for Kitty. Cauterize ... Made eye contact with her. Colic ... A sheep dog. Coma ... A punctuation mark. D&C ... Where Washington is. Dilate ... To live long. Enema ... Not a...
Something woke me up, but both girls were still asleep. I carefully got out my phone and sent a gang email, “I have had a change of policy regarding who can and cannot be a member of the GSS. There will be a meeting as soon as it can be scheduled between performances to explain the UPCOMING policy change.” I separately sent this email, “Anyone with both Social Networking and computer skills, who would like to consolidate and be in touch with our Fan Clubs around the USA, please contact me...
As everyone walked down the hall toward the theater, Selina hung back. When Diana turned and caught her eye, Selina, with purpose, walked on past, turned the corner and went on to her suite. If I do not ask, then the answer cannot be no, she thought. Waiting four minutes by her internal clock, she walked back out of her suite, down the hall and peeked around the corner in the direction of the theater. There was no one in the hallway. Shortly, she slowly opened the theater door the tiniest...
Feeling totally exhausted and satiated after her hot tryst with Trina, and after days of fucking with Sholandra, Bernice, Randi, and of course Trina twice, Laura was ready to give her body a rest for a few days. But then the day after this episode with Trina her work team was again thrown together for an entire day, and much of it she spent with Randi, trying hard not to let the others know that she and Randi had screwed each other senseless all last Saturday afternoon. Randi evidently had...
The Invictus dropped out of hyper-warp at the edge of the Alpha Centauri system, its huge engines blazing to life before the tachyon particles even had a chance to dissipate. Following a familiar path, the battlecruiser roared towards Gravitus, a volcanic planet that had been terraformed by the Federation into a spectacular jewel of the Core Worlds. However, the warship’s destination wasn’t the planet itself, but Olympus Shipyard, the vast six-armed space station in high orbit above. The...
Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...
No need for explanation. As he went off to University his parents were concerned that as a maths genius Jack might not have the necessary background in the humanities but he was confident. He came to class at the end of the semester for his philosophy final exam where the students had all prepared from their vast array of assignments and readings. Their eccentric professor gave a one-question final exam. He picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk, and wrote on the board: “Using...
The man who called himself John kissed me and it took my breath away. I was gasping for air when he broke the kiss, still he didn't release his grasp on me. He pulled me to him even harder so he could kiss my neck. I was absolutely helpless as he lifted my tee shirt over my head. Even though he had broken the connection between us. I was still his captive and we both knew it. My breasts though small were very sensitive. My nipples were as hard as an old style sewing thimble. They were...
Looks like whoever decided we were getting a pool really put some serious money into it. Who else in school has a pool they can use all year that doesn’t live in a mansion? For that matter, with all the money being spent on our house, why didn’t they just build us a bigger house with the things they were giving me? Wouldn’t that have been way cheaper than the major renovations done to our house? I fixed myself some lunch and went to nudge Trudy awake, again. She is usually horny when she has...
Skye and Jill scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on as soon as my face appeared in the doorway. Liz looked up from her desk while I stood sheepishly in front of her. “If you want Brea gone, she’s gone,” I said. “No,” Liz said almost at once. “I was being silly.” “It’s not worth arguing with you over,” I told her. “If she’s going to be a problem then you’re right. We should let her go. But I still think we do it in a way that it doesn’t come back on her at the hospital.” “She...
I finished out the morning going over the State of the Union speech with Adam Pierce – revising, reading and changing again. He left before lunch to make corrections and load it on the teleprompter. The calm was broken by a series of emergency messages from Andy and a request for MTAC. Moments later General Ingram and the Chief of Naval Operations were standing at my door. “We have an incident taking place in the Indian Ocean,” the General said just as the MTAC screen went live. “The...
“The truth is far, far stranger.” —M. Suddain, Theatre of the Gods The gray haze hung over my eyes. I couldn’t see the dashboard or even the steering wheel that I held in a death grip. Yet irrelevant details blossomed in my vision. Straight ahead, across the railroad tracks, was the Etna Elevator, its flaking paint still displaying a Purina logo. In the rearview mirror, I could see the gazebo built on stilts as if some raging flood were expected. Beyond, a pastoral mural painted on the...
The next day – Ben (Valentin), Jens (Dasha), Ira and Mira – On the mission We successfully deploy the latest major device from the diplomatic box and walk back to the hotel. I’m thankful that it’s the fuck gone since now things should be easier and safer for all of us. We walk back to the hotel, take showers and change clothes. We then dispose of our old clothes, check out, and take a taxi to the airport. I can see the relief on Dasha and the twins faces because they no longer have to wear...
We left Denerim a scant few days later. We’d managed to avoid Eamon – who was apparently accompanying Connor to Kinloch Hold – altogether, and saw Kallian only briefly, between her duties as Bann of the Alienage. Cailan had ‘people’ looking into who would have attacked Anora’s ship, as did Leliana, though I doubted we would ever get closure on that subject. Erlina had been locked up in Fort Drakon – but in a rather comfortable room, not a cell, and the reforms Cailan had brought to the prison...
It took only a single phone call to the hotel room and Ekaterina packed a bag and headed downstairs to meet the group. She was happy to see Adam again and she was comfortable in Anya's presence. Ekaterina was not especially familiar with American porn but she had taken time to study up on the people she had met earlier in the week. She had been amazed at how sweet Judy Jackem and Michelle Foxx had been. They hadn't reacted with revulsion when the saw the things she had done. Most people...