Learning about sex as I develope
- 3 years ago
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When we finished dinner, Jon Wilkerson went to a rostrum set up beside a large screen at the front of the dining room. It took only a light ping on a glass to silence everyone present.
“Good evening ladies,” he began. Then he smiled in our direction and added, “There are a couple of gentlemen here tonight, but too few to matter, so ... Again, good evening ladies! The reason for this gathering is to welcome back some of our distinguished former students. But more importantly, it is to announce a major change in the governance of this Institute. Until now, it’s been all me. But no longer!
“Effective immediately The Wilkerson Institute will be under the control of a brand-new Board of Trustees. Chairing the Board will be the woman sitting with me at the head table, Martha Harris!”
I looked over and Mom was stunned! Good grief! Jon had accomplished the impossible: He had surprised my mother.
Jon continued, “Mrs. Harris never attended this institute. But, notwithstanding, she has donated well over $100 million to us ... and she’s the mother of seven of our former students. She adopted all of them.
“Which brings me to the next point: the composition of the Board. Serving with Mrs. Harris on the Board will be Kristin Collins Harris, Elizabeth Williams Harris Johnson, Christina Miller Harris Harrington — the three Carriers. Also serving will be Elizabeth Harris, Ann Harris, and their two younger sisters, Judy and Kim Harris. Also serving will be the Doctors Henson, and — I guess — me.
“I want to stress one thing: The Board’s membership will be dominated by young women all of whom have gone through our program. They know first hand what your life is like. And that means a change in focus for the Institute: Instead of focusing on our patrons, we’re going to focus on you! And we have the trustee membership to ensure that we do!
“Now what do you think about that?”
The immediate reaction of the gathering amazed me. There was none. Then a girl in the back rose to her feet and began to applaud. In an instant, it was like a tidal wave moving away from her as everyone rose to her feet and applauded. Then a girl shouted, “Three cheers for The Carriers! Hip, hip...”
And the room exploded with the sound of “Hooray!” washing over us. The cheers did not abate; they just grew louder. Then Tina diffidently got to her feet, followed by Liz and then Kris. The cheering just doubled in intensity, but finally the room quieted down.
“Well,” Jon said while still at the rostrum, “I guess that tells you girls what our students think of the prospect.”
Then he changed the subject dramatically. “I would like to now introduce you to the new chairman of our Board of Trustees, Marty Harris.” He grinned and added, “She’s Mrs. William C. Harris, Jr., and was christened Martha. However, if you ever call her anything other than Marty, I can’t be responsible for your safety. She has a presentation she wants to make. Marty?”
Mom rose to her feet and took over at the rostrum. “I have a magnificent group of daughters,” she began, “but I also have a number of beautiful grandchildren, too. I would like you to meet two of them, Sandra and Susan Dawson. First, I want you to meet Susan, the younger. She was only nine years old when...”
The room darkened and a picture came on the screen. The title said, “Susan Dawson conducting the New York Philharmonic Orchestra at Lincoln Center in the New York premiere of Dawson’s First Symphony.” I have to say the room’s sound system was outstanding. The music sounded even better than when we heard it at Symphony Hall. When it ended, the girls all stood to applaud.
Then mother segued into Susan’s “Variations on Themes from Childhood.” The girls — almost all of whom were afficionados of what passes as popular music — were captivated. Again, there was a standing ovation.
When the applause died down, Mom signaled for the lights to come up. “That was my granddaughter, Susan,” she repeated. “Now I would like to introduce you to my other Dawson granddaughter, Sandy...” Again the lights dimmed and the screen brightened. What we saw was something I didn’t even know existed: It was an infomercial produced for Tiffany & Company to introduce A Dawson Design. It showed Sandy working on her jewelry designs as well as designs for tableware. But, to show that she was still a young girl, the film closed with a shot of Sandy with her fellow cheerleaders. Sandy did a leap and her skirt came up revealing her blue bikini with her golden pubic hair peeking over the top.
The film ended and the girls cheered.
“Now I’ll show you some home movies. First, here are Sandy and Susan in their normal at-home clothing...” On the screen were Sandy and Susan, both naked, and locked in a passionate embrace. Then the camera zoomed in on the girls’ flanks, and their brands stood out. Both read, “SLUT.”
“What you’re seeing isn’t a normal sisterly exchange of affection. If those two look like they passionately love each other, it’s only because they do,” Mom explained. “You see, each literally saved the other’s life. Sandy saved Susan when the younger was only seven years old. They were held captive by a group of sadists and were being brutally tortured.
“When those animals were going to sell Susan’s virginity, Sandy volunteered to be branded and to take on all comers. She didn’t think Susan could survive. At the time, Sandy was only twelve, but she did. She was branded on both flanks and her sister, Susan, was required to whip Sandy’s pussy 25 times, each time drawing blood. And the girl took it!
“Later, when Sandy was near death, Susan branded herself to draw attention away from her sister and give her a chance to recover. And for her efforts, Susan was later savagely beaten. She had cost the sadists some business by taking so much time branding herself.”
Again the lights came up and Mom said, “I don’t want you to think I’m doing this because I’m proud of my granddaughters...” Her voice ran down and she cocked her head to one side, apparently thinking. Then she continued, “Bullshit! It is because I am proud of them, damn it! They are two of the most loving, most lovable creatures God, in His infinite wisdom, ever put on this earth!”
She paused and then continued, “But that’s not all of it. I know that most of you come from backgrounds you would probably rather forget. But I doubt if any of you lived through what my two darlings did. And they will carry those brands on their bodies for the rest of their lives. Notwithstanding, you have seen and heard the incredible achievements they have made, starting from a position of slavery and torture.
“Now there’s a bit more to the home movie...”
The next scene showed the two girls along with their mother, Jean, and baby brother, Jamey. Sandy was sitting back-to-back with Jean while both were sitting on the grass. Jean was nursing Jamey while Susan was teasing Jean’s unoccupied nipple. Jean was wearing big dark sunglasses and a floppy straw hat. The two combined to effectively mask her face. In the background was their 50-meter swimming pool.
When Jamey finished nursing, mother and sister played with him and teased him. The little guy just giggled and laughed, having a wonderful time. At that point, Jim Dawson appeared in the corner of the picture. Quickly, Jean passed Jamey to Susan, jumped to her feet and ran to her lover. As she did, her straw hat came off and she took off her glasses. The camera then zoomed in to catch the passionate kiss Jean and Jim shared. Honest to God, I would swear the bells were audible, and we could feel the electricity flowing between them.
At the same time, there was a sound like the collective intake of breath on the part of more than 100 young women. Then I heard one shout, “It’s Kristin!”
The picture on the screen faded and again the lights came up. Mom was laughing to beat the band! “Fooled you!” she gleefully announced. “That’s Jean Dawson, Kristin’s identical twin! She’s the mother of those two lovely girls.
“I’ve got one more bit of film to show you...”
Again the lights dimmed, the screen brightened, and there were Little Bit and Ann wearing their softball uniforms. “A number of you young women may remember these two. These are my daughters Elizabeth — Little Bit — and Ann. And as you can see, they’re starring on their high-school softball team.”
In the first scene, the two waved at the camera, greeting their friends at the Institute. Then it cut to Little Bit pitching — she was unhittable, mostly — and Ann batting. She caught one flush and sent the ball rocketing to left center field, far over the heads of the closest outfielders.
The girls in the room really cheered that one.
Again the screen darkened and the room lights came up. Mom continued, “Have any of you seen the premier issue of Mrs.?” To my surprise, a lot of hands were raised. She added, “In that case, you’ve seen Little Bit’s new mother-to-be. You see, she’s marrying Kimberly Kramer’s eldest son, Tony, in June. And at the same time, Ann will be marrying Tony’s best friend, Paul Christian. If I recall, Paul’s mother, Carol, was prominently mentioned in the story on Kim.”
She paused and then continued, “Oh, yeah ... In July, the two girls will be delivering their first babies, and in September will be starting as freshmen at Hillsdale College.”
A girl in the back yelled out, “You mean, in the ball game we saw, Little Bit and Ann were... pregnant? I don’t believe it!”
“Believe it,” Mom said, scarcely able to control her grin. “They were both about six months gone.”
Then she moved a bit away from the rostrum and cocked her head. Then with a decisive nod she continued, “You know, I learned something today. I learned that Jenny Henson is held in awe by many of you kids because she made $1,000 for a single night of fucking...
“Well, I have news for you!” With that, Mom stuck out the tip of her tongue in Jenny’s direction, then proudly announced, “I got $5,000 for a single night! Of course,” she admitted, “to get that I had to allow a group of guys to do anything they wanted to me for the whole night. And what they wanted was to beat the shit out of me with anything and everything while fucking me everywhere as hard as they could for as long as they could. But still ... Five-thousand dollars!
“And, by the way, Jenny’s not even in second place. That honor(?) goes to my best friend. We had a competition that night to see who could get the most money from fucking in a single night. She did pretty well, too. She turned four $500 tricks ... but it wasn’t enough. So the next day at school she had to spend the entire morning eating me, and I was really loaded with cum. She claims to have ended up stuffed from all the cum she sucked from my body, but I really think she was exaggerating.”
Mom paused and said, “I know many of you fucked for food. I know that Sandy Dawson fucked to survive. Jenny Henson fucked to pay for her medical education. Me? I fucked for the hell of it. So when you’re down on yourselves, just think of me.”
Again she paused, but then held her head high. “But in spite of everything I’ve done, God, in His infinite mercy, has forgiven me. So don’t ever give up on yourself. It’s never too late.” Then she grinned and added, “Incidentally, I’m using the same birth control that Jenny Henson is, although I did it first.” As Jenny had done earlier, Mom pointed her thumb in the air and said, “I will carry as many infants in my belly as Our Lord sees fit to give me. And there’s another bun rising in my oven right now!”
I was surprised, Dad was astonished, the girls at the table were joyous, and the other girls in the room just cheered. Mom? She felt just great!
Then she continued, “Now I’m going to close with the balance of Susan Dawson’s program at Lincoln Center. And, I’m delighted to say that I, and the love of my life, Bill Harris, play a rôle. I hope you like it.
“Whoops! One more thing before the tape rolls. What you’re about to see had never been done before. Using the finest software talent in the world — Tina Harrington, Merrilee Adams ... and Susan Dawson — they managed to synchronize pictures with live music. I understand that they programmed the computer to recognize the music being played — Tina was in the control room in case some instrumentalist screwed up a part and thus screwed up the computer — and change the pictures appropriately.
Here it is, and it’s entitled, ‘My Grandparents.’ And that’s us!” she concluded proudly.
The tone poem was utterly joyous. I really think I enjoyed it more that evening than when I had heard it live. The girls were utterly enthralled.
When it concluded, the program continued with “Star & Stripes Forever” and then the National Anthem. When the chorus got to the last stanza, girls started to rise to their feet and sing, too. In moments, they all were, and their singing was both beautiful and powerful. It concluded, and the lights came up.
But then the girls continued singing a capella, “God Bless America” and “America, The Beautiful.” Marvelous!
I looked at Mom standing proudly at the rostrum with tears pouring from her eyes. When the singing ended, Mom said, “Over the years, we’ve given a great deal of money to a great many institutions and causes. But I have to say that no money has ever been better spent than the money we have given to the Institute.
“And I want to add one thing: You heard Jonathan Wilkerson say that from now on, you — not the patrons — come first! Well, I’m going to make you a promise: We will fund the higher education of any girl here for as far as she cares to go. You’re all wonderful young women and I love you!
“God bless you all!”
There was a very unexpected result of Mother’s announcement. Over the following days and weeks, more names were given to Jon and Becky of young women who met the Institute’s standards. It seemed that a number of the girls knew others from whence they came who were dying for the chance to improve their lives, but they didn’t think training in sex would be an improvement. But with the opportunity for an education and to remake their lives, there was a great deal of interest.
And we were all delighted!
The next day, we went through the testing, with Kris and me going first. And it happened exactly the way Tina had predicted it would: The computer blew out ... and Tina was ecstatic! And she had a fix already loaded on a CD which she fed into the computer after she got it up again.
The second time the data were run, the computer screen displayed, “Perfect match. Validate inputs and rerun.” Again the data were entered, and this time the computer was happy.
And, of course, so were Kris and I. Of course, after the initial blow-out, we just borrowed a bed and I fucked her brains out. And was reminded that she was expecting another little Harris. But hell ... I don’t think I kept her in orgasm for even two hours. But it wasn’t our fault! We had to go to lunch, and Kris had to feed Billy.
Mom and Dad, to their utter delight, did exactly the same thing. And he was going to fuck her brains out, too, but it had to wait for lunch and for her to feed baby Karen.
That evening, Dad, Liz, Tina and their babies flew back to the States.
The rest of us had dinner — well, Jon and Becky couldn’t join us, either, so it was the three of us, the Hensons and the two tigers. Again, we were served by Abby and Brenda, with Carla and Diane assisting. When I commented to Abby that her pussy was then about as tanned as the rest of her, the girl just beamed. She admitted that she had received one of the new exercise machines that morning and had spent almost the whole day on it. She proudly announced that she had the indicator more than halfway to the right-hand stop. I have to admit that the girl was simply gorgeous!
When our drinks arrived, Jeff said that he and Jenny had developed what might be a foolproof way of determining if a new girl might be one of the ones we were looking for — one like Kristin and her sisters.
Kris’s eyes really widened at the news. “How does it work?”
Jenny studied her glass for a few moments before answering. “I guess it’s fair to say that the theory got its acid test today...”
“What’s that mean?” Kris pursued.
“Today we received two girls who’ve been worked over the way you describe Susan and Sandy Dawson,” she replied. “They’ve really been worked over ... for months, and by experts.”
“And... ?”
Jenny Henson appeared to be changing the subject. “You learned yesterday — as did Hubby — that I’ve been doing some microsurgery on the side. As you probably gathered, the reason for almost all of it was to try to repair the physical damage resulting from years on the street. The fact is that, almost without exception, the kids are loaded with STDs of every conceivable kind when they get here. But there are exceptions,” she stated, looking directly at Kris.
“You ... you mean ... Us?” Kris stammered.
“I mean you! All of you. I know most of you had far worse experiences than many of the other girls, but regardless, you’re all clean ... and incredibly healthy.” Again she paused and then continued, “The two new girls aren’t healthy — not by a long shot — but they are clean. And from what I can see happened to them, they should be rotting shells.”
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Dear Iss readers I am new to this I am here because of son now my husband this is true story I hope you all enjoying it my name is Ratna 46 year old I am very innocent very conservative Hindu lady my husband died only after 2 years of our marriage. When he died I have only my son Viji who a 6 month baby my husband family does not like me because ours love marriage& also inter caste one. he married against to wish of his family they virtually through me out of house. My widowed mom help me...
IncestI dont really know how to begin my story, but I figure Id start with a description of myself at the time. I was fifteen years old (turning sixteen in a month), around 5 foot 3, with brownish-blonde hair, green eyes, and pale white skin with a few freckles. A bit of an unusual combination, if you ask most people. I also had a somewhat average dick, just short of six inches and of reasonable girth. One of the reasons that kids always used to bully me was because of my rather feminine build: I was...
The last two weeks in June flew by for Jake and Melissa. College occupied most of their waking hours. Melissa then spent most of her free time between TnT and Thornton Development. Jake took up some of her slack with TnT. Mitzi was happy to see so much of him. She was efficiently managing the ever growing company with the help of an accountant and secretary/receptionist she had hired. She loved having Jake visit anyway, especially if he brought papers for her to type. The orgasm per page rate...
Sorkana's Rise, Combining Forces, 2 By: Malissa Madison FSP Longbow; Lomanith in the lead, M'gon led the twelve Gold and three Bronze dragons in their jump to the much larger number five hold. Captain Tillek stood at the front of the group of ships officers to welcome his distinguished guests. "Captain, there are two Transgenders in the group," whispered Dr Marchand the Chief Medical officer. "Weyr Woman Sorkana and her adopted daughter Sorki," she identified them. "Is there...
My name is Lisa. One summer, my boyfriend and I got a wild idea that for our summer vacation we would drive down to the coast of Florida near the Key's and get jobs and play all summer. My boyfriend Todd landed a job at a local hotel as a night security guard and I worked as a waitress at one of the local beach bars. Todd was always telling me about the guest at the hotel and their sexual escapades when they think no one is watching. Todd loved to watch. Watching all these excursions turned him...
VoyeurWe went through our standard things for our first day back. We cleaned the cabin and bathed. I fucked both girls in each of their holes. We were lying back before preparing supper. I said, "Lisle, I am troubled. I have feelings of violence toward you. If I keep you, I think that I may eventually kill you." I stopped talking and waited. After a long pause, she said, "Master, Alaric, I understand. I have watched women die before. It has always aroused me. While we were in Atalan, I felt...
She made breakfast, and we talked about the night before, how she taught me out to masturbate, and make my pussy feel better when I think about daddies big cock that I 'accidentally' saw. After we ate she wanted to take me clothes shopping, and we had funny watching all the boys gawk at my revealing clothes, and what my mommy was buying me. Later we got home, and changed as we just wore some sexy underwear that we just bought, and watched T.V. cuddling on the sofa missing my daddy who was...
Part Two: The Next Day For the most part I was working by myself the next day. Luckily my workload was light because I found it increasingly hard to focus. My mind kept drifting back to the events of the night before. Was she serious? Was this just fantasy? Was I actually considering taking the next step? I sent a quick text "Hi babe, hope you're having a great day, last night was fun, Love you." A few minutes later I received a text notification, looked at the phone to see her reply. "Ikr......
ANTICIPATION When Kelly heard from Mary about the trip to Central City gloryhole, she jumped. Literally. . “TAKE ME THERE!! Talk about Heaven!” “Oh, Kelly, can you imagine two hotties like us walking in there and asking for one of those rooms? We’d start a riot!” “Maybe we should go real trampy, you know, dress like sluts.” “Do you think a girl could drown in come?” giggled Mary. “We could ask Puttana. Well, you know I have a big...
After having a steamy sex last night, we slept in each other arms naked. She was lying by resting her head on my arm and hand on my belly. We have slept with shear satisfaction of losing virginity. In the morning, when I woke up I found her nowhere. Her black sexy bra was lying on bed only. I came down to stairs and found her in kitchen. Oh my god! I can’t describe her beauty. She was looking like a goddess of sex. She was wearing my white shirt with no bra and black panty. Her loosened hair...
...breathing deep from the mask, it was only moments before she was gone ...and immediately my nurse lifted the checkered skirt and I dropped to my kness , heaved her forward ...shoved her legs apart and nuzzled into the girl's cottoned crotch...almonds was the fragrance and a hint of urine...HEAVEN...suckling the fabric, I wormed my tongue around the gusset and found her slit and nosed onto her bud...My nurse had hiked her own whites up and was ffapping at her own exposed clit..briefs down at...
The bell rang loudly, the quiet room suddenly being filled with the noise of moving chairs and shuffling feet. “Okay class, that’s all for today,” I called, trying to make myself heard over the fracas. “And no excuses this time please, Caligula wouldn’t have tolerated it and neither will I!” I watched as the students continued to make their way through the exit, ignoring my rather poor attempt at humour. A few stopped to say goodbye, with a mumbled, “goodbye Miss Willis,” one hoped I...
Returning today is the one and only Alexis Crystal, once an innocent girl but now a star here at private.com and she’s come back as horny as ever ready to take things to the next level. Today in Private Specials, 5 BBC Gangbangs 3 this blonde nympho will take on four well hung black stallions in an unforgettable interracial gangbang. Watch Alexis in her lingerie as she gets a real taste for black meat, sucking, fucking and enjoying some great anal action before the main event, a hardcore DP...
xmoviesforyouI sat on my towel on the folding chair, the sun beginning to set in the west. Reverend Irene Bailey, who turned out to be a big-hearted, open-minded woman in her 50's, was droning on a sermon about how marriage was all about declaring to society at large that you were in love and determined to support the one you loved in all manner of ways. I let my mind drift. Irene Baily was the only one dressed. That's the way it often is, when the officiant isn't a naturist. I've had weddings at the...
With a stomach full of food and a steaming cup of coffee in front of him he began to feel more human. The café was starting to fill up with drunks from the local bars and it was getting hotter and more uncomfortable the more people came in. When a rather pungent, obviously homeless sat down next to him though, he decided it was probably time to leave. Squeezing awkwardly past the tramp, careful not to knock his watery cup of tea, he walked more confidently to the front door. The effects of the...
Sonal was spent, but I was still rock hard and even ready for some hot bathtub sex. She pulled my cock out again with one hand. Holding it at the base while she poured lots of oil on top of my cock with the other hand. The oil dripped down the length of my cock, drenching my balls. She then squeezed my cock real tight at the top and slid her hand all the way going to the base. She then slid her hand up the shaft again and continued to pump me fast and hard again and again. She was picking up...
Penelope Kay and her friend Jazmin Luv are hanging out in Penelope’s new digs, discussing how Penelope likes living with her new stepmom and stepbrother. Their conversation is interrupted with her stepbrother, Van Wylde comes to sit by them. The girls exchange text messages before telling Van that they’re in charge and he needs to brush his teeth and get ready for bed so they can go out. They try to put Van to bed, but even after Penelope reads him a bedtime story he’s not...
xmoviesforyouWe got to the high school gym just as the night weight lifting class was getting out. Working for the police department gave me access to the key to the gym, and its weight room. It was the high school's way of thanking us for providing security at all their games and dances. Wendy and I stood upstairs and watched as the class left for the night. I particularly noticed a cute redhead, with a well-toned bottom and long, curly hair. She looked adorably cute in her white weight lifting shoes and...
I woke up in a dark room. I could not remember anything. I had a splitting headache. I realized I was naked and bound. I lay there, on that cold floor, trying to remember how I got there, when a door opened, and letting light into the room. I was in a metal shed with a concrete floor, filled with a wide array of dressers. I could not see who opened the door, as it was behind me, until she walked in front of me. She was completely naked, with the biggest boobs I had ever seen. She walked over to...
The ClockProvided By: BDSM Librarywww.bdsmlibrary.comSynopsis: 13 stunning female models are k**napped and tortured. The finale is the infamous clock!As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists. Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder...
I must have gotten my love of fashion from my mother. She wrote a style column for a women’s health monthly, and took home free copies of couture magazines with beguiling names like Crash, Oyster and Purple. As an idle sixteen-year-old I spent hours going through them, cutting out pictures to tape into my fashion “idea book.”I hoped to be a runway model myself, one day, and I had every reason to think I’d have a shot at it. First, I was pretty, with strong cheekbones and wide-set eyes. Also, my...
IncestFriday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big hug in the bar that last about 30 seconds. Then a kiss on the lips that lasts more than 10 seconds. It is great to see each other. We then separate and start to mingle with our friends, laughing and having a great time. After...
Are you in need of training in the fine arts of pleasing women? If so, contact the Mistress at 570-4869. I will make sure that when I am through with you that you will know EXACTLY how to make your woman happy. This sounded heavenly to Ryan. All of his girlfriends told him he was selfish, never seeing to their needs. And that he was too quick, rushing into intercourse, never getting them ready. He thought foreplay was overrated, if you want to have sex, then have sex. Why bother with other...
"I guess that's the most pleasant way of my meeting a father" She giggled a bit, "So where are we riding too?" With me not actually having a plan, I replied "I'm actually hoping you could show some of Alaska's special food I hear so much about". "Thai food it is!" She gave directions to her favorite thai cuisine dinner, we parked on the side of a homely building. As she stood up to get out of my car I could see the backside of her thong that was white with blue lining....
I’ve been seeing ads for Buy&SellOnline. For short it’s known as BS&O. (Hey, I know the ampersand is in the wrong place. But that’s what others write and say. I think it’s because of the BS part.) I went to BS&O’s website looked around a bit until I saw the “personal service” heading. WSM meant Women Seeking Men. It really meant hookers seeking clients. Many of the ads featured bra size. 125EEE? [125cm is about 50 inches] Really? If that was for real she must be ready to tip...
The first time I ever masturbated was with a friend. When I was young my buddy and I had just finished swimming in my pool, and we went into my room to change. Before removing my swimsuit, I asked my friend if he had started growing pubic hair yet. He said yes and asked if I wanted to see. Out of mere curiosity I simply answered 'yeah', and with that he whipped out his already erect penis (I guess the thought of exposing himself had him turned on a bit). His penis was very large for his...