Beginnings free porn video

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Looking back on my life, I realize that we are all products of our experiences, but certain events are more pivotal than others. When questioned, most people would say the most important things were things planned, like college, marriage, and children. Whereas those are indeed important, I think the course of my life has been defined more by the little things, like a chance meeting, or unexpected event.

I guess I should start my story from the beginning. My name is Carol. I was the only daughter of a high-ranking Army Officer, and admittedly, I was spoiled to the core as a child. In our house, my mother was the disciplinarian. I found out early on I could twist my dad around my finger. In almost every situation he would side with me. I learned, as I grew, that men were but putty in my hands. All it took was a little pout or a tear.

My story actually begins long before I met the love of my life. Although my family came from ‘old’ money, I lived the first ten years of my life traveling from one duty station to another. My father, Jim, retired from the Army, and was discharged in California. He became a well respected banker, and we lived a prestigious life.

I was put into private schools - first elementary, middle, and later prep-school. Their plan for my schooling mirrored my mother's early education. My mother, Mary, was always a role-model for me.

Mom was a truly beautiful woman and would usually be the center of attention when she walked into a room. She always took care of herself and looked much younger than her actual age. I looked a lot like her, and when I turned seventeen, people would always remark how we looked like sisters. She actually had me dress like her sometimes when we went out. It was fun.

After I got my period, my parents decided it was prudent to move me to a prep-school for sixteen-and-older girls. It wasn't that far from where we lived, but I still stayed in a dormitory and came home on weekends. The thinking was that without boys around, I would be able to concentrate on my education. The theory was 'out of sight, out of mind.'

If they thought putting a bunch of horny, hormonal girls in the same place would take their minds off sex, they were wrong. Almost every girl in there, including me, was practicing kissing with one another. Some became real experts at pleasuring other girls. My best friend Sally and I had many adventures, but that's another story.

Even though I was a virgin, I knew I was a very sexual person. When I was a senior and close to graduation, I remember getting out of the shower and standing in front of my full-length mirror evaluating myself. I think that was the first time I fully realized how attractive I was. I really had no idea at the time how much power that would give me in my life. As unfair as it seems, beauty opens many doors.

My graduation was not a big deal, but I was glad to be out of that woman’s prison. It meant I would have the whole summer off to do what I wanted before I started college. Here I was, eighteen years old and had never gone on a date, except for when I went to the prom, but that didn't count because my parents made me go with my pimple-faced cousin.


I had gone to the store that fateful August day to help mom with the shopping. Helping around the house was preferable to getting a job. She had a bridge club meeting and I wanted to get out of the house.

Just as I was about to enter the store, I saw, or should I say heard, this old sports car sputtering to a stop. The driver was cursing at his jalopy, and kicked the door because it wouldn't stay closed. It was so funny. Then I got a look at him. He kind of looked like Tom Cruise in Top Gun, wearing a leather jacket and aviation sunglasses. When he took his sunglasses off, he looked like a model, with a square jaw and high cheekbones. Then he saw me and grinned, but I turned back quickly and went into the store, embarrassed.

After picking up most of the things I needed, I was in the canned vegetable isle when I heard this masculine voice say, “Excuse me, miss.” I turned, and was looking my mystery man in the face. He seemed to be a bit unnerved.

“Can I help you?" I replied, staring up into his steel blue eyes.

For some reason, he didn’t respond right away, but then he asked, "I... I wonder if you might help me?"

"With what?" I replied.

"I'm new in town and not familiar with this store. I could use a hand in finding things.”

“I might be able to help. Where's your list?”

“Well… I really don't have one. I'm not much of a cook, and was thinking of fixing something... Italian. Do you have any suggestions, Miss?”

"First of all, my name is not ‘Miss,' it's Carol, and I would be happy to help a fellow shopper in need.”

"Thanks, Carol. You're sweet to help. My name is Chuck." He extended his hand and I did a finger shake.

“Okay, Chuck, let's find you something Italian. We can't let you go hungry, can we?” I smiled.

Now I was probably the last person in this whole store you would ask about cooking. I barely passed Home Ed class. The closest I come to cooking Italian is ordering a pizza from Round Table, with extra pepperoni. However, I went along with it because he fascinated me. We played this game where I was suggesting all kinds of things for him to buy, and he put them in his basket while we talked and got to know one another. As we talked, the basket filled.

I found out he was twenty-nine, and just got out of the Army, where he was a helicopter pilot. I told him I was college bound. He told me he was starting a business. I told him I went to an all-girls school, and he told me he had graduated from Berkley… Finally, we ran out of room in his basket, and he confessed.

"I really didn’t need help with a recipe. I just had to talk with you. You're the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on."

“Awww, that is sweet, but I have something to confess too. Just so you know, I can’t cook." We laughed like there was no tomorrow.

"I suppose a girl as pretty as you has a boy friend?"

"Actually, I'm between relationships right now," I lied. I didn't want him to know that I had never been on a real date before.

"I have an idea. Since I am new in town and neither one of us can cook, how about I take you out for Italian dinner and a movie?"

"Yes! When?" I replied, maybe a bit too quickly.

"How about seven tonight?"

“Tonight?” I asked, a bit panicked.

"Well... We both have to eat, and Italian sounds good, doesn't it?”

"True, that does sound good. Then seven is perfect! I have to go home and get ready," I replied, and turned to leave, flashing him my sexiest smile.

"Uhhh... Carol. You're forgetting something."

"What?" I said, looking around.

"Well, I might not be able to pick you up tonight…”

My heart sank. I knew it was too good to be true.

He continued, "Unless you give me your address and phone number."

I shuffled through my purse, looking for something to write on. I grabbed this napkin out of my purse with lipstick smudged on it and wrote out the information. He kissed my hand when I gave it to him, like in the movies.

"I'll see you at seven," he called out as I quickly walk away.

'Geeez... I wrote on a used napkin. How lame,' I thought to myself, hustling to the car.

Rushing out the store, thinking about all that I had to do, I totally forgot the basket of groceries sitting in the aisle. I went through my mental to-do list. I had to do my hair, pick a dress, put on makeup, and decide what pair of shoes to wear. There was so much to do and so little time. On the drive home, I thought this wasn't going to be easy to pull off, especially with my dad. He will go ballistic when he finds out I'm going out with a guy almost thirty.

I sprinted into the house. My mother was in the sitting room, talking with several older ladies.

I ran up to her and said, “Mom! I need to talk with you!”

“In a minute dear, I am busy," my mom replied.

“Now!” I said, pulling her arm.

She stood up and announced to the ladies, “Excuse me, I apparently have an urgent matter to attend to.”

I explained the whole story to her, sparing no details.

“You can’t go out with a man you just met an hour ago! And that is final. It is not safe!” she said, resolutely.

Then I cried. I knew that would soften her. It always did. I begged through my tears, “You have to meet him and at least give him a chance. You will see. Please Mom, please, please, please.”

“Alright, we will talk with him, but I can't promise anything,” my mom relented.

“Yes!!” I exclaimed, with a fist pump, and ran up the steps to my bedroom to get ready.


I was so excited to finally get out of this prison and go on a date. I knew it would be a miracle if my folks let me go. So I prayed. I never pray, but I thought God might listen to this one, because I don’t ever bother him.

“Oh God, I pray that you will soften my parents hearts and let them say I can go out with Chuck. If you do, I will take it as a sign. I pray in Jesus' name… Oh, and could you help me pick out the right outfit?”

I took my shower and washed my hair and put it in rollers. Then, I walked in front of my full-length mirror and examined myself, as I often do. It was fascinating how much my body changed in the last three years. I remember how I thought I would never get boobs. Now, I have these full breasts that are like foreigners to my body. My nipples were sensitive to the touch, even if I was the only one touching them. My parents had sent me to an orthodontist when I was younger and that gave me a pearly white smile.

Conceited or not, I knew who I was, and had confidence in myself. I am also grateful I got my mom’s rich, thick brunette hair, even though it is a pain to brush. I hadn't ever had it cut, so it was almost to my waist. My legs seem long, though I'm only five-two. All those years of running cross-country paid off, giving me my perfect butt, which I consider my best asset.

I finally decided on this cute yellow summer dress. It fit perfectly - tight in all the right places, and showing just the right amount of cleavage. I hardly ever put on makeup, but I applied some eyeliner and used a red-orange lip gloss. My only pair of heels finished it off. If I was a guy, I'd think I was hot.

I was taking my hair out of rollers when I heard Chuck’s car sputter up the driveway. The door-bell rang. I looked at the clock. He was fifteen minutes early. I was so nervous, and strained to hear what was being said. All I could hear was mumbling. Then… I heard laughing. It was my miracle! Could it be possible they actually liked him?

The hall clock chimed seven. I couldn't contain myself as I burst from my room and started down the stairs using my sexiest walk. My dad wolf whistled me. I couldn't believe he did that.


Chuck stood to greet me along with my mom. He was wearing a hounds-tooth sport jacket and grey slacks.

I wasn't going to let my dad ruin it. I felt beautiful. No, I am beautiful, I thought. Chuck greeted me. He reached out his hand and held mine. As our hands touched, I looked in his eyes and knew that instant I would spend the rest of my life with him.

“You look very pretty tonight, Carol!” he said, lifting my hand so I could spin.

"Look dear, what your nice young man did. He brought the groceries you left at the store today,” Mom said, pointing at three bags on the floor.

“Mother… I'm sorry!”

“It's fine, you were saved by Chuck.”

My dad not only liked Chuck, but gave him the keys to his Jaguar, explaining he wanted me home alive. I guessed one of the reasons they hit it off was that Chuck was an Army pilot and my dad was one also.

“Remember, be back before twelve,” my mom reminded.

We went to a nice Italian restaurant downtown, and talked and laughed for hours. Time just flew, and we realized we were the last people in the restaurant and they wanted to close. It was obviously too late for the movies, so Chuck suggested that we go somewhere and talk.

He drove us to the parking lot by the Santa Monica pier, overlooking the moonlit ocean. We talked and laughed, and were getting along like we had known each other all our lives. We were even finishing each others sentences.

It was a warm night, so we took off our shoes and went for a walk on the beach, hand in hand. After a while we stopped and faced each other. He slid his hand behind my waist, and pulled me to him. Then he took his other hand and put it on my cheek, turning my face to his. I looked deep into his eyes, trying somehow to will my desire to him. It seemed there was some sort of celestial connection.

As we gazed into each others eyes, we were so close that I could feel his breath mingle with mine. He gently touched his lips on mine. This was my first kiss and it was all new territory for me. I was dizzy with desire. With our bodies pressed together and our mouths in an unbroken kiss, I could feel his tongue searching to enter my mouth. I opened to receive his probing tongue, and then touched it with my own. We kissed for what seemed like hours.

Back in the car, the tinted windows were steamed from our body heat and that gave us extra privacy. As we continued to kiss, he progressed to caressing my breasts, and pinching my sensitive nipples through my clothing. It was the first time anyone touched my titty. It felt like electricity, causing me shivers. 

I unbuttoned my top, and without hesitation, he expertly unclasped my bra. It was so erotic to feel his hands on me, I discarded any pretense of modesty. He pulled down the straps, allowing him to expose my hyper-sensitive breasts.

”You’re so beautiful," he panted, as he cupped me.

When he flicked my nipples with his tongue, my juices were flowing like I had never experienced before. I was so hot and wet from his probing touches. Chuck played me like a fine instrument. This was the next best thing to heaven. He took turns sucking and nipping my nipples, while he was rubbing my pussy through the cloth of my panties. My wetness was soaking his exploring fingers. It was apparent he was no novice at this. I did nothing to stop him as he whispered sweet things in my ear.

“Chuck, my dress will get all wet and my mom will know,” I moaned, softly.

“Do you want to stop?” he replied, softly kissing my neck.

“No! Help me take it off.” I held up my arms and he slid it off, putting it in back seat.

There I was, naked, except for my panties, with a virtual stranger. I was more concerned my father’s seats would stain than losing my virtue. Chuck said he had a solution, and that was to clean the drip at its source. He then bent over and buried his head in my lap, sucking the flow of juices through my panties. Oh my God! That was incredible! I had no clue yet about shaving or trimming my pubic hair, so he was trying to negotiate my bush and pantie material at the same time. To make things easier, I lifted my hips and let him slide my panties off.

When I woke that morning, I had no clue I would be fully naked, with a man I just met licking my pussy in my father's car. This was either meant to be, or I was a wanton whore ... or both. His tongue darted here and there, touching all the right places, probing, and exploring. He parted my labia and sucked in my clit. It felt so much better with him touching me than doing it myself. I could feel an intensity building in me, wanting to burst forth.

“Ohhh, Chuck! Don't stop! Ahhh!" I erupted in my first mind-blowing orgasm with a shudder.

It was incredible! After I calmed down, Chuck helped me get my clothes back on and straighten up.

“Thank you! That was so much better than I ever dreamed. Is there anything I can do for you?"

“Well ….”He unzipped his fly, pulling out his big, erect cock. This was a night of firsts for me - my first date, my first kiss, my first orgasm, and now I was looking at my first cock. It was big, and it was pretty.

“I want to fuck you. Climb on my lap and make me a happy man."

“I can't, Chuck… I'm a virgin.”

“No fucking way!”

“Way! I am going to be a virgin till my wedding night. What else can I do to help you?”

“Okay... Kiss it!"

“Ewww, gross," I replied, but he put his hand around my head and pulled me down to it.

“Open your mouth," he commanded. I opened my mouth.

“Kiss the head," I did. It was salty.

“Lick it behind the back side," I did, and he moaned.

“Put it in your mouth and suck it up and down," I did, and it grew.

“Go faster and deeper," I did, but gagged.

“Play with my nuts," I squeezed them.

“Ahhhhh, I am going to cum. Swallow it all because I don’t want to ruin your dad's car.”

He flooded my mouth with cum, adding blow-job to my list of firsts. I was having a hard time trying to swallow it all, but it was not as gross as I thought it would be. In fact, I thought I could get used to this.

“Good girl. You're a natural. Let’s get you home. I will stop along the way to get you a Coke to wash out your mouth. Don’t breathe on your mom. She will know the smell.”

We arrived home about a quarter to twelve. I felt like Cinderella with Prince Charming. We stopped to kiss on the front porch. I pushed up on my tip-toes, looked him in the eyes, and just as our lips touched, the door opened with my mom standing there.

Mom said, “I take it you had fun.”

“Yes Ma'am,” Chuck replied.

“It was amazing!” I stated, probably revealing too much excitement.

Mom was a wise woman and knew there was more going on here than met the eyes.

Chuck asked if he could take me out again, and my mom said, “She is eighteen and can do what she wants.” That amazed me. I couldn't believe Mom actually said that.

We saw each other almost daily after that. Chuck and Dad became like best friends. Dad was a knowledgeable mechanic and helped Chuck repair his car. Chuck is amazing with wood-working, and built beautiful book-cases for Mom and Dad.

Chuck proposed to me on our second month of dating with a ring and everything. We went to his apartment where he made love to me without intercourse, honoring my wedding-bed wish. I remember seeing him completely naked for the first time. He was like a God. I met my match - a person as pretty as me. He was not just fit, but well-toned. His abs rippled and his arms were strong and muscular.

When he slid down his shorts, his cock was huge and ready. I knew for me to stay a virgin before our wedding, there would be a lot of cock-sucking. He taught me well, so gentle and patient. He showed me how to hold my climax to intensify my orgasm. He taught me how to pleasure him in the same way. He was a good teacher and I was his eager student. Our honeymoon would be spectacular.

On the night of the proposal, Chuck came in with me to talk with my folks. He did not leave it up to me to tell my parents on my own. My Dad had gone to bed and my mom had to go get him. They came back to the living room with my dad wearing a robe.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to ask to marry my daughter?"

I held up my left hand and showed them the ring.

Chuck answered, "Yes sir! I want to spend the rest of my life with your daughter. I love her, and we are right for each other.”

“If we say no, I suppose she will marry you any way?” Dad asked.

I answered for Chuck, “Yes I will! I love him.”

“Well then, welcome to the family, son, ... and never call me 'Sir' again.”

We were married three months later in my parents' garden. I had a custom gown, six brides-maids, a band, catered food, and an open bar. Chuck’s mom came to the wedding also. His dad was dead. There were so many people dancing and celebrating our marriage, I was so happy. My mom went all out sparing no expense. I really liked Chuck’s mom, Virginia. She gave us some nice gifts - not very expensive, but I knew that it was all she could afford on a widow's income.

Somehow, I had remained a virgin until my wedding, and that was difficult, trust me. Our wedding present from my parents was an all-expense paid trip to Paris, and a sizable down payment for a house. There are some real advantages coming from money.

After most of the guests had left, I went up to change clothes into my travel outfit. Chuck had gone up with me to my room while I changed. He was trying to take off what I was putting on. He wanted to consummate our marriage right there. He was like an octopus - hands everywhere.

“Stop it!” I giggled, “We have a flight to catch."

“Fuck the flight," he said, as he held me from behind, cupping my boobs.

“Get control of yourself," I said more forcibly.

He responded by backing off, and gave me that hurt little boy look for the first time. It was at that point I knew I was in charge of this relationship.


The plane flight was uneventful, and we slept most of the way. The time difference from California to France was huge, and I knew there was going to be major jet-lag. During the flight, I just kept reminding myself I was married. I even had a new last name and had practiced writing my new signature over and over. My dad even had credit cards made up in my new name.

After disembarking, we were greeted by our hotel representative. He was holding up a sign with our names on it. We were staying at Hotel Lutetia in the honeymoon suite.

“We will retrieve your luggage and bring it to your room, Monsieur," he said, speaking to Chuck like I wasn't even there.

It was then that I realized I would not only be addressed with my husband’s name, but would also be secondary in matters of business. I was now to be known as Chuck’s wife, not just Carol. When we got into the limo, there was champagne on ice waiting for us. I was glad they had popped the cork. It always makes me nervous when they pop it open. It scared me as a kid, and I never got over it.

Our trip to the hotel was magnificent. After living in Southern California most of my life, the antiquity of Paris overwhelmed me.

“It is so beautiful, Chuck! We are going to have such a special time.”

He pulled me close and was kissing me passionately, feeling me up everywhere. I had on a top with stretch elastic. Chuck had it pulled down along with my bra, and was kissing my hard nipples. He couldn't care less about some old buildings. He had all the scenery he needed right there. The driver was getting quite a show. The car stopped in front of the hotel, and I was hastily rearranging myself just before the car door opened. I still had one tit showing but quickly covered it.

The hotel was of the antique architecture that was prevalent throughout Paris. Even though the hotel was only ten years old, it looked like it was built in the seventeen-hundreds. The manager greeted us and called over one of the bell-boys to escort us to our room. This was not like any hotel I had ever seen. It had beautiful carpeting, classic oil paintings, fine furniture, and expensive accents everywhere. Our suite was stunning, like something out of a travel-brochure. It also had an incredible view of Paris and the Eiffel tower. It couldn't be more perfect.

We got there before our luggage, but the bellman said he would bring it up soon. Chuck picked me up and tossed me on the bed, pulling my clothes off as fast as he could. He was finally going to claim his prize! Single-minded in his mission, he moved me around like a doll. It was exciting just knowing he desired me so much.

He got undressed so fast I don’t even remember him doing it. We were rolling around on the bed attacking each other with our kisses and caresses. Then the phone rang. He had his head buried between my thighs as I picked it up.

“Hello,” I answered, trying to remain calm with a tongue inserted into my pussy.

“This is Mom and I was just calling to see if you arrived safely.”

“Mom, this is a bad time. Could you call back later?”

“Honey, you sound so stressed. Are you alright?”

“Mom, I am fine… I’m just about to get fucked.”

“Giggle," and a hang-up.

Chuck was so ready, and so was I. He took his proper position with his massive cock above my opening. I needed no extra lube as my natural juices were more than sufficient. He wiped his head in my plentiful wetness.

His cock was rock hard and he slowly slipped into me. I felt so full. There was a bit of a sting when he passed through my hymen, but not as bad as I was told it would be. His body always excited me, and I watched his big muscles flex as he moved his body over me, straining to complete the task he waited so long for. 

“I love you so much, my wife," he proclaimed, as he bottomed out inside me, finally claiming his prize.

“I love you too, husband," I said, as he picked up the pace.

I was now a full-fledged woman. He was no longer making love; he was just fucking me with a wildness I had never seen in him. I loved it. All sorts of emotions were flooding through me all at the same time - love, lust, and joy, all mixed together in one euphoric moment in time. We were, as our vows said, as one flesh.

I realized we had no protection, and I was fertile, but there was no stopping this train. He was closing in on his goal, our bodies were slapping together in our passionate song of love. Then… there was a knock on the door. He was fucking me so hard, I remember that I thought the antique bed might break.

“We can’t stop now," Chuck panted.

It was incredible! I was also reaching orgasm at the same time. We were both coming, and he was filling me load after load of hot cum. My head was spinning with such an intense pleasure.

The door opened and the bellman stepped in, pushing our luggage cart. So there I was, lying on my back, legs spread, with cum pouring out my pussy. Plus, we had an audience. He saw us and froze a few moments, then ran out. We both laughed so hard I was crying. I wish I could recall a lot about our trip to Paris, but I didn’t see much more than the ceiling above the bed that whole trip. We did bring back a souvenir with us though. Nine months later we named him Brian.


Those early years were difficult, but hard times pulled us together. I went to college with a small child, and Chuck struggled to establish our business. We lived in a rental the first few years. Chuck used our wedding gift from my folks to purchase a premium plot of land at the beach. I wasn't too keen about it at first, because it was nothing but sand, and we could have purchased a home. It was probably the wisest move we ever made.

I finished college and got my teachers credentials. With my extra income, Chuck designed and built our marvelous glass-faced, three-story beach home. Life was good - too good! We started to take things and each other for granted. Our love life started to wane. We lost the attentiveness with each other. Like so many, success became a distraction for us both, and that led to some drastic changes… But that's another story.


To be continued:

Much thanks to BethanyFraiser for editing my first story.

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This is a true story it happens over 50 years ago before all the news an information regarding sexual predators, gays and bisexuality. I am now 65 years old still horny but much wiser about various facts of life. Here is my story about my first sexual experiences, good or bad I let you decideA Friend and I were hitching home from school in those days it was fairly common practice then, often it would take a couple of different rides before we reached our respective homes. This day we hadn’t...

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A summer a few years my mum was offered use of a friends beach up the coast. It fronted onto a small secluded beachwith only a few neighbours and a small shopping centre.My friend Mickey went with us so I'd have some companionship for the few days we were to be there and mum couldjust relax and enjoy the solitude.Well anyway it was a nice place a bedroom each big lounge kitchen spacious bathroom and its own pool too.After we arrived Mickey and I headed sown to beach with nothing more than our...

3 years ago
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Jenna Gurl for Color Part 1

Jenna - Gurl for Color Part 1 By Jenna Shannon My dear reader, hopefully some of you will remember me, for others please take a few moments to peruse my earlier works. It has been quite some time since I have had the pleasure of converting my delicious adventures to print. Such is the life of a secret prissy gurl! A little background... I am a tall (over 6'), thin, flat tummied (aerobics have become a way of life),...

2 years ago
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How I Care For My Mother 8211 Part 1

Hi, I m Abhi, 25 year old, 6ft tall,fair skin, have athletic body. I m unmarried and stay at Los Angles (LA) and working in the computer company. After the death of my father, i took my mom with me and help her to come out from the shock of my father death. She took nearly 6 months and now living happy with me. My mother name is Lina. She is 50 year old, 5.7ft tall, very fair with long silky hair. She always wear nice and clean cloths. She has a figure of 37 32 33 and looking really beautiful...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 3

Alan hadn't climaxed despite all my efforts with my mouth. I had read that some men enjoyed having their penis pressed between a woman's breasts. I was certainly well equipped to do that so assuming the role of a slut again I said "Alan, would you like to fuck my tits?" As I spoke I saw his penis flex and grow a little more, so this is what turns him on! I rolled over and crouched over him, my large breasts hanging down like pink melons. I lowered them on to his thighs and slowly slid...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 51 Darkened Paths

“Where does this lead?” Elizabeth asked, pointing to a corridor that sloped downward. “The dungeon,” Elena answered. “Truly?” Julia wondered. “I’ll bet you two had quite the time tormenting the prisoners!” “The cells were almost always empty,” Joseph said with genuine bitterness. “Perhaps if my father had kept them filled to capacity he might still be alive.” “I know you do not believe that,” Genrico said, putting a hand on Joseph’s shoulder. “You have had ample opportunity to have the...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 149 Springtime

Most of the spring was spent, by me at least, with the legislation I was pushing and with trying to tone down the idiots on both sides who were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I was still being damned by Dick Cheney, but he was looking increasingly nervous. The Indians were circling the wagon train and getting closer and closer. It made his vitriol even more excessive, but it was taking on a very bitter and self-defensive tone. Regardless, I had my hands filled with...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 245

Laura was roaming the cosmetics aisles of the local Target store on Saturday morning, picking up cheap shampoo, moisturizers, and other odds and ends, when she ran into Charise, whom she had not seen for weeks. In fact, her heart took a skip as she saw her beloved Inky round the corner, this delicious teenager, so very black, like Dawn, so well-formed, so radiant when she smiled, almost homely otherwise. She remembered how Kendra had called her 'one ugly little nigger, ' and...

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Sun Bathing

Alright here’s my first try in writing, so bare with me…You’re basking in the sun letting the sun’s rays wrap around every inch of your body, allowing the rays to soaking into your skin heating your body where ever it can. Your brown hair pulled back into a pony tail snug under your back. Being home alone you chose the skimpiest bikini to get a better tan, consisting of two small triangles hiding your firm perfectly sized breast, and a low cut triangle that starts 4 inches below your navel...

1 year ago
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21EroticAnal Anissa Kate Lingering for More

Anissa Kate lingers quietly on an empty bed, staring out the window and lusting after her boyfriend Toby. She idly sucks her finger, thinking of her well-endowed man plunging his dick down her throat. She struts over to him, seeking the pleasure he never fails to provide. As she reveals her giant natural breasts, Toby has no chance to resist. She moans softly as he licks and fingers her asshole, rimming her into a state of bliss. Soon we switch up and he starts anal fucking her doggy style from...

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Nudist Beach Fantasy

At last we have a chance to spend a few days at a nudist beach.We find a nice semi private spot and strip off and lie down reading our books and soaking up the sun.After a while I start to burn so you rub more sun cream on me and then when you have finished I do the same to you, as I am rubbing the cream into your ass my fingers brush over your pussy lips, teasing you. My cock is almost hard and rubbing against your legs.I lie back down and just gently stroke your body, my cock hard.As the day...

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The Private Moments Of TeamDarkPower

Mawile and Sableye loved to have sex but loved when it was kinky and unusual sex. Tonight Mawile was tying up Sableye in soft velvet rope. As he tied her up he would stroke her body and pinch at her nipples. She squealed at the little shocks of pleasure he caused, smiling Mawile finished the bondage. "Oooo~ Mawile you tease me so much" Sableye said. "Haha I know and you love it!" he said pinching both of her nipples hard. She cried out as he started play with her breasts that...

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 12

I woke to Cynthia tickling my nose with her tail. Jessie was sleeping soundly on my chest and I knew it was still early. I turned my head to see Elizabeth’s new familiar rubbing his face against hers, “good morning Cynthia. Making sure he wakes his own chosen this morning?” I heard her laugh as Elizabeth opened her eyes. She smiled and whispered, “morning Thomas.” I freed a hand to reach up and give Cynthia a caress, “where were you last night?” She started purring, “I was talking to...

3 years ago
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Banishing The Past

It had been eighteen months of uncertainty, kept apart by work, distance and spouses on both sides. In that time we had managed just a few days of actual contact, wondering when the next time might be. Several times we had run close to being found out but had managed to convince our other halves that nothing was happening.Then it happened, a weekend of no contact, I had become worried and sent a quick message and it hit me. She'd found someone else in her area and was leaving the husband who...

Gay Male
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The Neighbor

Mike had watched the neighbor girl grow from a young girl to a sexy young lady. She had grown nice big firm tits and a great ass. She just graduated from high school and turned eighteen when he offered to take her to dinner for a celebration. He told her to wear something dressy as he was taking her to a fancy restaurant. She came over about six and was wearing a short tight red dress. It showed off her tits and ass and he was ready to fuck her right there. He didn't want to scare her so he...

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Squeak Squeak Sounds of a Good Whore

Introduction: Her and Her husband broke the law – she had to pay Squeak! Squeak! Sounds of a good Whore!!! It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved from the big city a few weeks ago. I graduated from the Police Academy. Worked two years on the mean streets of NYC. I needed a big change in my...

3 years ago
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Was it only a Dreampart 2

Continued from Was it only a Dream.....part 1 Shannon and I got into my car, she scooted over to sit right next to me as we drove the short distance to her house.. neither one of us spoke on the drive over.. she just quietly held my hand. Once at her house she pulled me into her bedroom, shut the door and turned around. she had a dreamy sort of smile on her face. she slowly walked over to me and put her arms around my neck,  As she did this I was grinning like I had Just won the Indy 500 /...

Straight Sex
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Chyoo Laboratories

Welcome to the Chyoo Research Facility The temperature outside is 35 degrees celcius. Time now is 08:52:17. Internal temperature is always mainatined at 18 degrees celcius. You are reminded that all personnel must register at biometrics at sublevel 6 reception prior to commencing duties. Biometric security is essential for access to restricted areas of the facility below sublevel 7. Please wait whilst biometrics measurements made. Retinal scan - complete Fingerprint recognition -...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Lena Paul The Porn Office

If you have ever seen The Office, you may think you know which character Lena Paul is playing, but Pam has nothing on this bad bitch. She sits at her desk in high, black stockings, doing business like a dynamo before challenging her male coworkers to a sales competition. The person with the most sales gets the biggest reward, her juicy, delicious cunt. Immediately, the office gets to work until finally our stud wins out and gets to claim his prize. He takes Lena into his cubicle space and...

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My sister inlaw First Time

The names have been changed to protect the innocent.June is a blonde, 5' 6" 38D still in good shape inspite of her age which will remain a secret.I have always wanted to fuck her but never thought she would be interested. How wrong could I be.It all started when I was giving her the usual greeting peck on the cheek. However, this day I pressed close to her right tit so I felt it press against my chest. Since that day she seemed to treat me differently, I liked that.One day I had to give June a...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 10

Aina: 5:51 AM, day 217 of 1406 H.E. (Hopewell Era), thirteen minutes before sunrise, morning after the Red Bird Festival Earth: Thursday, 10:00 AM, October 22, 2009 Eastern Standard and Central Daylight Savings Times Mark awoke first, the screeching of the migratory birds finally pulling him from his dream. He blinked his eyes open, and then he smiled at the sight of naked Anuhea sleeping in his arms. They had just married the previous evening, and had spent two hours afterwards hiking...

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Dont Be Too Familiar V

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR V CHAPTER TEN Marveling at what had just transpired, Jacob looks over the incredible sleeping form of Laura. She had just had her way with him, and he enjoyed it. She had pushed him back on the bed and straddled her lover. Climbing on top was ok, as far as Jacob was concerned as she impaled herself on his waiting hardon. He expected to have her ride his excitement, fulfilling her need to be in control. He did not expect that after she positioned his penis...

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Blackmailing little sister

theoretical sense, before I got my chance to make something really happen. But when the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it. I'm 19 and my sister Sara is two years younger. I didn't much notice her beyond thinking she was an irritation until about two years ago. One day she was this annoying girl, following me around, and the next she was...something interesting. She didn't have large breasts, but they were perfectly shaped, and firm, and she had long legs that wouldn't...

4 years ago
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The Night after I Broke up With You

dear Matthewhere is a little story of what i am doing now that you are gone.So me and my Gf from work meet up at the cabo - after work. About 11:30 - I went out to my car and changed into something more appropriate. My black skirt and a nice silky tank top, and my black boots. When i got to the bar, my friend was already drinking - so I asked my bartender guy friend I've been wanting to fuck, for a drink. One two three drinks down, and i was feeling quite buzzed. then to my left I saw two...

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Arabian Plaything Chapter 21

Belle continued to supply support for Princess Karina’s throne on frequent occasions. But this back-aching duty alternated with others. She was used variously as a holder, as decor ... stretched, trussed or suspended in numerous ways ... as a support, a footstool, a fan-carrier. Once she became the centrepiece of an electric standard lamp. These duties were of the lowest kind ... and undertaken by the newest members of the royal retinue. Never once did the Princess show any signs of recognition...

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Coworker horny wife part 3

Here is part 3. Hope you enjoy!She looked at me and whispered “This is Steven.” As if he were in the next room. She had to climb over me to get to the phone, but I made sure I slid a little with her so I was still under her when she picked up the phone. He tits were in my face as she answered with a soft hello. “hi baby, how are you doing…no, I was sleeping but it’s ok…I was tired so I came to bed…I had a really great time…Jim was very nice…he took good care of me.” While she was talking I...

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Swinging session 2

So after about a fortnight, we got an email from Simon asking us if we were free that coming weekend?we replied yes and a meet was arranged to go back to there’s for 4.00 sat afternoon, we were fucking long and hard thinking about all the fun we would have and by sat morning were as horny as fuck and couldn’t wait to get there.Simon texted us and said that Linda was friends with a couple from work and would we mind if they came over to?we text back saying as long as they were fit and horny the...

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You Always Sleep with Your Hairdresser Dont You

I sleep with my gardener as well. I hadn't really thought about it much until we moved locally about a mile to our present area. The new garden needed a lot of work and effort put into it to change it from wilderness to respectable. Me - I just like pottering - my wife likes 'gardening' as she puts it. The family joke started when, early that spring, I was doing some of the heavy work Jan can't manage. It was early evening and I was on my own out the front of our plot. It's a reasonable...

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SophomoreChapter 15 Reconciliation

It was Monday afternoon and classes had been postponed indefinitely due to an influenza epidemic that had affected a majority of the students, professors, staff and townspeople of Pontiac. I had been deathly ill since the previous Thursday night but after three days and nights in bed I was feeling much better. We convinced Mr. Oldham and Suzanne it was safe for them to leave. After Shirley saw them off she returned to the front room where I was lounging on the couch. Her eyes were still damp...

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Green DoomChapter 15 The Young Thief

Tattered clouds sped across the night sky like lost souls, alternately hiding and exposing the faces of the three moons that swung low overhead. Keeping to the shadows, Chinzel slipped cautiously along the deserted street. He sternly suppressed a nervous quiver as a sudden tropical shower spattered the cobblestones with large drops of rain. He decided that a sudden movement in the darkness was only a stray cat, dashing into shelter. "There's nothing to worry about," he scolded himself....

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business pleasure trip

Zara enjoyed her new job. But she enjoyed her new boss more. Mark came home that afternoon when Zara was gardening. It had been her routines since she finished working last month, and she really enjoyed it. ‘Leo invites us for dinner next Sunday, babe. ‘ says Mark to Zara, who was busy digging a hole for a new rose. Zara looked up. ‘Oh, hi there, hun. which one is Leo again?’ ‘He is the one with hospital project. He wants to meet you.’ Zara frowned....

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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Three

This novella is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and Runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

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Orphan MagusChapter 41

While Anna and Rawlings discussed what they could and could not do, I wrested myself loose from Lisa and moved around the island to stand by Mom. Lisa refused to let me get too far away and followed me. I leaned toward mom and quietly asked, “Are you wearing any jewelry?” She blinked at me. “Yes, but this isn’t the time...” I shook my head. “What are you wearing?” I wasn’t trying to be coy. Instead, I gave her my most sincere and serious face. She studied my expression and then said, “It’s...

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The Carpet Cleaner Part 2

I had just showered and sat down with a cold one when my phone rang, it was Dennis the boss and he had a quote for me, the price albeit a little high was reasonable considering the ‘extras’ so I agreed for him and Kate to come over tomorrow.“Will the back entrance be accessible?” he asked, I liked Dennis as he was full of inuendo’s and I told him my back entrance was always open and he laughed as we both had the same sense of humour, “That’s good” he said, “Katie likes to use the back entrance...

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iSummer chapter 7

"What's up Carls?" Sam asked as she came into the door.Carly was sitting on the couch. She turned to face Sam and patted the couch where she wanted Sam to sit.Sam took a seat next to Carly."Mel keeps changing the subject to just making up some excuse and leaving whenever I try to talk to her about her and me." Carly blurted out."Oh." Sam said. "So?""So?" Carly asked as she quickly stood up. "Sam, I'm trying to talk to her about something serious.""Maybe Mel doesn't want to talk about it. Think...

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Horny Interview

It was something I had become obsessed about and didn’t think was ever going to happen and it probably wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for my sister – at least, not in the way I expected.With her delicate features and deep green eyes, Sara had only recently become aware of the affect she had – on men, and on the world – and was making up for lost time. Everyone, just everyone, adored Sara. But then, they didn’t know her.Things always seemed to work out for Sara, at least I always thought so,...

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Spying on Riley 1

Riley had a lot of free time, and she spent a significant part of that time on the small balcony we shared. The first time I saw her enjoying the early spring sun, I was amazed by the shape of her body - it was perfect in every imaginable way. She wasn't tall, and she must have weighed just over a hundred pounds, if not less. The countours followed a tight, hourglass-like figure, starting at her upper legs, towards her hips, getting thinner at her waist, before spreading out again as her...

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Im Pissed and Hell Pay Chapter II

100% fiction! Mommy just sat, impaled on my 18yo cock. “Halle, touch me, fondle my breasts.” I took one of her sumptuous breasts in each hand, I rolled her nipples, gently twisting and pulling, she started to ride me, slowly she raised herself then lowered then rose. The slow upward and downward strokes, my balls were crying for release, no, no, not ‘til Mommy tells me I can. “Honey, put your fingers under me.” I slip a hand between her thighs and rub her clitoris. “Aaah, yes, that’s right...

4 years ago
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Tia My Sexy Black Neighbor

One day I was home alone working outside. She pulled in her driveway so I stopped what I was doing to talk with her for a minute. She was wearing a business suit, and of course, was wearing her Baby-G wristwatch. I walked over to her, kissed her cheek and said hello. “You look radiate as usual today Tia” I said. “You’re home early too”. “You must be home alone or you wouldn’t be kissing me” she said. “Yes I am alone” I said. “That’s good because I want you to come over and try...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 03

After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been. Just the morning before, he’d been a virgin. Now, he’d had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn’t surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video. Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 3 Nathaniel

He had dreaded telling his story, dreaded the inevitable revulsion he so richly deserved, especially when he finally opened his eyes and met her gaze. But what he was greeted with was not what he expected; he faced only sympathy and understanding, despite everything. Mixed with some pity, there was no way to hide that, but the overwhelming disgust he’d braced for never happened. Her reaction was the most surprising. She knew. She looked at him, had listened to him, seen right through him,...

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Just be a slut

Freshly showered, make up re-applied, carefully douched, both vaginally and anally, wearing only my heels and slave collar and leash, my Master/husband led me naked back into the living room of the hotel suite. I then learned what was in store for me. Since New England was leading at half time, Charles and Billy the Patriots fans from the East Coast could use me as their slave during the half time period. Furthermore, they were not restricted to the confines of our hotel suite. This...

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The Real Bitch

Hi ISS readers. This is my second story. This is also a real story. This had happened when I was 18. Hope you liked my previous story, which was also a real story. So for a recap, I am Aayush (name changed), I had been in several relationship before. In my last story I told about my first girlfriend, Manali whom I fucked in my house when my parents were out and we bunked our Maths tuition for the sex session. So, this story continues from there itself. Manali left my house after I took her...

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Seeing Matts Stars Part 4

Introduction: Im sorrrry! I never thought it would take me this long to get the next part out. I was struggling to make it how it was in my head. The next chapter shouldnt take nearly as long (fingers crossed!) For those who arent familiar with my work, my stories are super light, or even void of sex. This part is one of those. I do hope you enjoy! Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter so you can find out exactly when I post new parts. @SerendipitousSo Lecture halls +hats =good. Profs who...

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The Mitzvah

A Mitzvah By Kathy Smith They were just married, Ananiah and Hadassa. They are Israelis and just finished the compulsory military services (he got a rank of Private and her, Chief Warrant Officer). Now, they are starting university at the Technion, in Haifa, Israel. They met in 9th grades and they are dating ever since. Hadassa was a gem. She was smart, smarter than Ananiah. She was petite, about 1.55 m and 38 kg. She has piercing blue eyes and straight black hair, all the...

2 years ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 30

Julie and I were sitting down on the floor next to my little hideaway in the office looking at the assortment of files that constituted the data collected on the murders that had spurred my investigation of the Dirty Cop case and I guess I must have been sporting a huge frown of frustration at not being able to pull it all together into a semblance of logical motivation. When I had taken the courses in investigation at the police academy, the first thing they had driven into our heads was...

4 years ago
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Being taught

It was Saturday. I was tutoring Cal today. I put on a little pastel dress and thongs and a touch of make up. I arrived at his house at 11.30. I knocked. He answered the door and grinned easily. He leaned on the door jamb. Cal was 6’4’’, with a huge build and messy dark hair and eyes. He gave me one of his bone crushing hugs. “That’s enough, Cal,” I said, attempting to pry him away, but of course, I couldn’t make him do anything. He jogged upstairs to his room. “My parents are out,” he called....

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