Beginnings free porn video

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Looking back on my life, I realize that we are all products of our experiences, but certain events are more pivotal than others. When questioned, most people would say the most important things were things planned, like college, marriage, and children. Whereas those are indeed important, I think the course of my life has been defined more by the little things, like a chance meeting, or unexpected event.

I guess I should start my story from the beginning. My name is Carol. I was the only daughter of a high-ranking Army Officer, and admittedly, I was spoiled to the core as a child. In our house, my mother was the disciplinarian. I found out early on I could twist my dad around my finger. In almost every situation he would side with me. I learned, as I grew, that men were but putty in my hands. All it took was a little pout or a tear.

My story actually begins long before I met the love of my life. Although my family came from ‘old’ money, I lived the first ten years of my life traveling from one duty station to another. My father, Jim, retired from the Army, and was discharged in California. He became a well respected banker, and we lived a prestigious life.

I was put into private schools - first elementary, middle, and later prep-school. Their plan for my schooling mirrored my mother's early education. My mother, Mary, was always a role-model for me.

Mom was a truly beautiful woman and would usually be the center of attention when she walked into a room. She always took care of herself and looked much younger than her actual age. I looked a lot like her, and when I turned seventeen, people would always remark how we looked like sisters. She actually had me dress like her sometimes when we went out. It was fun.

After I got my period, my parents decided it was prudent to move me to a prep-school for sixteen-and-older girls. It wasn't that far from where we lived, but I still stayed in a dormitory and came home on weekends. The thinking was that without boys around, I would be able to concentrate on my education. The theory was 'out of sight, out of mind.'

If they thought putting a bunch of horny, hormonal girls in the same place would take their minds off sex, they were wrong. Almost every girl in there, including me, was practicing kissing with one another. Some became real experts at pleasuring other girls. My best friend Sally and I had many adventures, but that's another story.

Even though I was a virgin, I knew I was a very sexual person. When I was a senior and close to graduation, I remember getting out of the shower and standing in front of my full-length mirror evaluating myself. I think that was the first time I fully realized how attractive I was. I really had no idea at the time how much power that would give me in my life. As unfair as it seems, beauty opens many doors.

My graduation was not a big deal, but I was glad to be out of that woman’s prison. It meant I would have the whole summer off to do what I wanted before I started college. Here I was, eighteen years old and had never gone on a date, except for when I went to the prom, but that didn't count because my parents made me go with my pimple-faced cousin.


I had gone to the store that fateful August day to help mom with the shopping. Helping around the house was preferable to getting a job. She had a bridge club meeting and I wanted to get out of the house.

Just as I was about to enter the store, I saw, or should I say heard, this old sports car sputtering to a stop. The driver was cursing at his jalopy, and kicked the door because it wouldn't stay closed. It was so funny. Then I got a look at him. He kind of looked like Tom Cruise in Top Gun, wearing a leather jacket and aviation sunglasses. When he took his sunglasses off, he looked like a model, with a square jaw and high cheekbones. Then he saw me and grinned, but I turned back quickly and went into the store, embarrassed.

After picking up most of the things I needed, I was in the canned vegetable isle when I heard this masculine voice say, “Excuse me, miss.” I turned, and was looking my mystery man in the face. He seemed to be a bit unnerved.

“Can I help you?" I replied, staring up into his steel blue eyes.

For some reason, he didn’t respond right away, but then he asked, "I... I wonder if you might help me?"

"With what?" I replied.

"I'm new in town and not familiar with this store. I could use a hand in finding things.”

“I might be able to help. Where's your list?”

“Well… I really don't have one. I'm not much of a cook, and was thinking of fixing something... Italian. Do you have any suggestions, Miss?”

"First of all, my name is not ‘Miss,' it's Carol, and I would be happy to help a fellow shopper in need.”

"Thanks, Carol. You're sweet to help. My name is Chuck." He extended his hand and I did a finger shake.

“Okay, Chuck, let's find you something Italian. We can't let you go hungry, can we?” I smiled.

Now I was probably the last person in this whole store you would ask about cooking. I barely passed Home Ed class. The closest I come to cooking Italian is ordering a pizza from Round Table, with extra pepperoni. However, I went along with it because he fascinated me. We played this game where I was suggesting all kinds of things for him to buy, and he put them in his basket while we talked and got to know one another. As we talked, the basket filled.

I found out he was twenty-nine, and just got out of the Army, where he was a helicopter pilot. I told him I was college bound. He told me he was starting a business. I told him I went to an all-girls school, and he told me he had graduated from Berkley… Finally, we ran out of room in his basket, and he confessed.

"I really didn’t need help with a recipe. I just had to talk with you. You're the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on."

“Awww, that is sweet, but I have something to confess too. Just so you know, I can’t cook." We laughed like there was no tomorrow.

"I suppose a girl as pretty as you has a boy friend?"

"Actually, I'm between relationships right now," I lied. I didn't want him to know that I had never been on a real date before.

"I have an idea. Since I am new in town and neither one of us can cook, how about I take you out for Italian dinner and a movie?"

"Yes! When?" I replied, maybe a bit too quickly.

"How about seven tonight?"

“Tonight?” I asked, a bit panicked.

"Well... We both have to eat, and Italian sounds good, doesn't it?”

"True, that does sound good. Then seven is perfect! I have to go home and get ready," I replied, and turned to leave, flashing him my sexiest smile.

"Uhhh... Carol. You're forgetting something."

"What?" I said, looking around.

"Well, I might not be able to pick you up tonight…”

My heart sank. I knew it was too good to be true.

He continued, "Unless you give me your address and phone number."

I shuffled through my purse, looking for something to write on. I grabbed this napkin out of my purse with lipstick smudged on it and wrote out the information. He kissed my hand when I gave it to him, like in the movies.

"I'll see you at seven," he called out as I quickly walk away.

'Geeez... I wrote on a used napkin. How lame,' I thought to myself, hustling to the car.

Rushing out the store, thinking about all that I had to do, I totally forgot the basket of groceries sitting in the aisle. I went through my mental to-do list. I had to do my hair, pick a dress, put on makeup, and decide what pair of shoes to wear. There was so much to do and so little time. On the drive home, I thought this wasn't going to be easy to pull off, especially with my dad. He will go ballistic when he finds out I'm going out with a guy almost thirty.

I sprinted into the house. My mother was in the sitting room, talking with several older ladies.

I ran up to her and said, “Mom! I need to talk with you!”

“In a minute dear, I am busy," my mom replied.

“Now!” I said, pulling her arm.

She stood up and announced to the ladies, “Excuse me, I apparently have an urgent matter to attend to.”

I explained the whole story to her, sparing no details.

“You can’t go out with a man you just met an hour ago! And that is final. It is not safe!” she said, resolutely.

Then I cried. I knew that would soften her. It always did. I begged through my tears, “You have to meet him and at least give him a chance. You will see. Please Mom, please, please, please.”

“Alright, we will talk with him, but I can't promise anything,” my mom relented.

“Yes!!” I exclaimed, with a fist pump, and ran up the steps to my bedroom to get ready.


I was so excited to finally get out of this prison and go on a date. I knew it would be a miracle if my folks let me go. So I prayed. I never pray, but I thought God might listen to this one, because I don’t ever bother him.

“Oh God, I pray that you will soften my parents hearts and let them say I can go out with Chuck. If you do, I will take it as a sign. I pray in Jesus' name… Oh, and could you help me pick out the right outfit?”

I took my shower and washed my hair and put it in rollers. Then, I walked in front of my full-length mirror and examined myself, as I often do. It was fascinating how much my body changed in the last three years. I remember how I thought I would never get boobs. Now, I have these full breasts that are like foreigners to my body. My nipples were sensitive to the touch, even if I was the only one touching them. My parents had sent me to an orthodontist when I was younger and that gave me a pearly white smile.

Conceited or not, I knew who I was, and had confidence in myself. I am also grateful I got my mom’s rich, thick brunette hair, even though it is a pain to brush. I hadn't ever had it cut, so it was almost to my waist. My legs seem long, though I'm only five-two. All those years of running cross-country paid off, giving me my perfect butt, which I consider my best asset.

I finally decided on this cute yellow summer dress. It fit perfectly - tight in all the right places, and showing just the right amount of cleavage. I hardly ever put on makeup, but I applied some eyeliner and used a red-orange lip gloss. My only pair of heels finished it off. If I was a guy, I'd think I was hot.

I was taking my hair out of rollers when I heard Chuck’s car sputter up the driveway. The door-bell rang. I looked at the clock. He was fifteen minutes early. I was so nervous, and strained to hear what was being said. All I could hear was mumbling. Then… I heard laughing. It was my miracle! Could it be possible they actually liked him?

The hall clock chimed seven. I couldn't contain myself as I burst from my room and started down the stairs using my sexiest walk. My dad wolf whistled me. I couldn't believe he did that.


Chuck stood to greet me along with my mom. He was wearing a hounds-tooth sport jacket and grey slacks.

I wasn't going to let my dad ruin it. I felt beautiful. No, I am beautiful, I thought. Chuck greeted me. He reached out his hand and held mine. As our hands touched, I looked in his eyes and knew that instant I would spend the rest of my life with him.

“You look very pretty tonight, Carol!” he said, lifting my hand so I could spin.

"Look dear, what your nice young man did. He brought the groceries you left at the store today,” Mom said, pointing at three bags on the floor.

“Mother… I'm sorry!”

“It's fine, you were saved by Chuck.”

My dad not only liked Chuck, but gave him the keys to his Jaguar, explaining he wanted me home alive. I guessed one of the reasons they hit it off was that Chuck was an Army pilot and my dad was one also.

“Remember, be back before twelve,” my mom reminded.

We went to a nice Italian restaurant downtown, and talked and laughed for hours. Time just flew, and we realized we were the last people in the restaurant and they wanted to close. It was obviously too late for the movies, so Chuck suggested that we go somewhere and talk.

He drove us to the parking lot by the Santa Monica pier, overlooking the moonlit ocean. We talked and laughed, and were getting along like we had known each other all our lives. We were even finishing each others sentences.

It was a warm night, so we took off our shoes and went for a walk on the beach, hand in hand. After a while we stopped and faced each other. He slid his hand behind my waist, and pulled me to him. Then he took his other hand and put it on my cheek, turning my face to his. I looked deep into his eyes, trying somehow to will my desire to him. It seemed there was some sort of celestial connection.

As we gazed into each others eyes, we were so close that I could feel his breath mingle with mine. He gently touched his lips on mine. This was my first kiss and it was all new territory for me. I was dizzy with desire. With our bodies pressed together and our mouths in an unbroken kiss, I could feel his tongue searching to enter my mouth. I opened to receive his probing tongue, and then touched it with my own. We kissed for what seemed like hours.

Back in the car, the tinted windows were steamed from our body heat and that gave us extra privacy. As we continued to kiss, he progressed to caressing my breasts, and pinching my sensitive nipples through my clothing. It was the first time anyone touched my titty. It felt like electricity, causing me shivers. 

I unbuttoned my top, and without hesitation, he expertly unclasped my bra. It was so erotic to feel his hands on me, I discarded any pretense of modesty. He pulled down the straps, allowing him to expose my hyper-sensitive breasts.

”You’re so beautiful," he panted, as he cupped me.

When he flicked my nipples with his tongue, my juices were flowing like I had never experienced before. I was so hot and wet from his probing touches. Chuck played me like a fine instrument. This was the next best thing to heaven. He took turns sucking and nipping my nipples, while he was rubbing my pussy through the cloth of my panties. My wetness was soaking his exploring fingers. It was apparent he was no novice at this. I did nothing to stop him as he whispered sweet things in my ear.

“Chuck, my dress will get all wet and my mom will know,” I moaned, softly.

“Do you want to stop?” he replied, softly kissing my neck.

“No! Help me take it off.” I held up my arms and he slid it off, putting it in back seat.

There I was, naked, except for my panties, with a virtual stranger. I was more concerned my father’s seats would stain than losing my virtue. Chuck said he had a solution, and that was to clean the drip at its source. He then bent over and buried his head in my lap, sucking the flow of juices through my panties. Oh my God! That was incredible! I had no clue yet about shaving or trimming my pubic hair, so he was trying to negotiate my bush and pantie material at the same time. To make things easier, I lifted my hips and let him slide my panties off.

When I woke that morning, I had no clue I would be fully naked, with a man I just met licking my pussy in my father's car. This was either meant to be, or I was a wanton whore ... or both. His tongue darted here and there, touching all the right places, probing, and exploring. He parted my labia and sucked in my clit. It felt so much better with him touching me than doing it myself. I could feel an intensity building in me, wanting to burst forth.

“Ohhh, Chuck! Don't stop! Ahhh!" I erupted in my first mind-blowing orgasm with a shudder.

It was incredible! After I calmed down, Chuck helped me get my clothes back on and straighten up.

“Thank you! That was so much better than I ever dreamed. Is there anything I can do for you?"

“Well ….”He unzipped his fly, pulling out his big, erect cock. This was a night of firsts for me - my first date, my first kiss, my first orgasm, and now I was looking at my first cock. It was big, and it was pretty.

“I want to fuck you. Climb on my lap and make me a happy man."

“I can't, Chuck… I'm a virgin.”

“No fucking way!”

“Way! I am going to be a virgin till my wedding night. What else can I do to help you?”

“Okay... Kiss it!"

“Ewww, gross," I replied, but he put his hand around my head and pulled me down to it.

“Open your mouth," he commanded. I opened my mouth.

“Kiss the head," I did. It was salty.

“Lick it behind the back side," I did, and he moaned.

“Put it in your mouth and suck it up and down," I did, and it grew.

“Go faster and deeper," I did, but gagged.

“Play with my nuts," I squeezed them.

“Ahhhhh, I am going to cum. Swallow it all because I don’t want to ruin your dad's car.”

He flooded my mouth with cum, adding blow-job to my list of firsts. I was having a hard time trying to swallow it all, but it was not as gross as I thought it would be. In fact, I thought I could get used to this.

“Good girl. You're a natural. Let’s get you home. I will stop along the way to get you a Coke to wash out your mouth. Don’t breathe on your mom. She will know the smell.”

We arrived home about a quarter to twelve. I felt like Cinderella with Prince Charming. We stopped to kiss on the front porch. I pushed up on my tip-toes, looked him in the eyes, and just as our lips touched, the door opened with my mom standing there.

Mom said, “I take it you had fun.”

“Yes Ma'am,” Chuck replied.

“It was amazing!” I stated, probably revealing too much excitement.

Mom was a wise woman and knew there was more going on here than met the eyes.

Chuck asked if he could take me out again, and my mom said, “She is eighteen and can do what she wants.” That amazed me. I couldn't believe Mom actually said that.

We saw each other almost daily after that. Chuck and Dad became like best friends. Dad was a knowledgeable mechanic and helped Chuck repair his car. Chuck is amazing with wood-working, and built beautiful book-cases for Mom and Dad.

Chuck proposed to me on our second month of dating with a ring and everything. We went to his apartment where he made love to me without intercourse, honoring my wedding-bed wish. I remember seeing him completely naked for the first time. He was like a God. I met my match - a person as pretty as me. He was not just fit, but well-toned. His abs rippled and his arms were strong and muscular.

When he slid down his shorts, his cock was huge and ready. I knew for me to stay a virgin before our wedding, there would be a lot of cock-sucking. He taught me well, so gentle and patient. He showed me how to hold my climax to intensify my orgasm. He taught me how to pleasure him in the same way. He was a good teacher and I was his eager student. Our honeymoon would be spectacular.

On the night of the proposal, Chuck came in with me to talk with my folks. He did not leave it up to me to tell my parents on my own. My Dad had gone to bed and my mom had to go get him. They came back to the living room with my dad wearing a robe.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to ask to marry my daughter?"

I held up my left hand and showed them the ring.

Chuck answered, "Yes sir! I want to spend the rest of my life with your daughter. I love her, and we are right for each other.”

“If we say no, I suppose she will marry you any way?” Dad asked.

I answered for Chuck, “Yes I will! I love him.”

“Well then, welcome to the family, son, ... and never call me 'Sir' again.”

We were married three months later in my parents' garden. I had a custom gown, six brides-maids, a band, catered food, and an open bar. Chuck’s mom came to the wedding also. His dad was dead. There were so many people dancing and celebrating our marriage, I was so happy. My mom went all out sparing no expense. I really liked Chuck’s mom, Virginia. She gave us some nice gifts - not very expensive, but I knew that it was all she could afford on a widow's income.

Somehow, I had remained a virgin until my wedding, and that was difficult, trust me. Our wedding present from my parents was an all-expense paid trip to Paris, and a sizable down payment for a house. There are some real advantages coming from money.

After most of the guests had left, I went up to change clothes into my travel outfit. Chuck had gone up with me to my room while I changed. He was trying to take off what I was putting on. He wanted to consummate our marriage right there. He was like an octopus - hands everywhere.

“Stop it!” I giggled, “We have a flight to catch."

“Fuck the flight," he said, as he held me from behind, cupping my boobs.

“Get control of yourself," I said more forcibly.

He responded by backing off, and gave me that hurt little boy look for the first time. It was at that point I knew I was in charge of this relationship.


The plane flight was uneventful, and we slept most of the way. The time difference from California to France was huge, and I knew there was going to be major jet-lag. During the flight, I just kept reminding myself I was married. I even had a new last name and had practiced writing my new signature over and over. My dad even had credit cards made up in my new name.

After disembarking, we were greeted by our hotel representative. He was holding up a sign with our names on it. We were staying at Hotel Lutetia in the honeymoon suite.

“We will retrieve your luggage and bring it to your room, Monsieur," he said, speaking to Chuck like I wasn't even there.

It was then that I realized I would not only be addressed with my husband’s name, but would also be secondary in matters of business. I was now to be known as Chuck’s wife, not just Carol. When we got into the limo, there was champagne on ice waiting for us. I was glad they had popped the cork. It always makes me nervous when they pop it open. It scared me as a kid, and I never got over it.

Our trip to the hotel was magnificent. After living in Southern California most of my life, the antiquity of Paris overwhelmed me.

“It is so beautiful, Chuck! We are going to have such a special time.”

He pulled me close and was kissing me passionately, feeling me up everywhere. I had on a top with stretch elastic. Chuck had it pulled down along with my bra, and was kissing my hard nipples. He couldn't care less about some old buildings. He had all the scenery he needed right there. The driver was getting quite a show. The car stopped in front of the hotel, and I was hastily rearranging myself just before the car door opened. I still had one tit showing but quickly covered it.

The hotel was of the antique architecture that was prevalent throughout Paris. Even though the hotel was only ten years old, it looked like it was built in the seventeen-hundreds. The manager greeted us and called over one of the bell-boys to escort us to our room. This was not like any hotel I had ever seen. It had beautiful carpeting, classic oil paintings, fine furniture, and expensive accents everywhere. Our suite was stunning, like something out of a travel-brochure. It also had an incredible view of Paris and the Eiffel tower. It couldn't be more perfect.

We got there before our luggage, but the bellman said he would bring it up soon. Chuck picked me up and tossed me on the bed, pulling my clothes off as fast as he could. He was finally going to claim his prize! Single-minded in his mission, he moved me around like a doll. It was exciting just knowing he desired me so much.

He got undressed so fast I don’t even remember him doing it. We were rolling around on the bed attacking each other with our kisses and caresses. Then the phone rang. He had his head buried between my thighs as I picked it up.

“Hello,” I answered, trying to remain calm with a tongue inserted into my pussy.

“This is Mom and I was just calling to see if you arrived safely.”

“Mom, this is a bad time. Could you call back later?”

“Honey, you sound so stressed. Are you alright?”

“Mom, I am fine… I’m just about to get fucked.”

“Giggle," and a hang-up.

Chuck was so ready, and so was I. He took his proper position with his massive cock above my opening. I needed no extra lube as my natural juices were more than sufficient. He wiped his head in my plentiful wetness.

His cock was rock hard and he slowly slipped into me. I felt so full. There was a bit of a sting when he passed through my hymen, but not as bad as I was told it would be. His body always excited me, and I watched his big muscles flex as he moved his body over me, straining to complete the task he waited so long for. 

“I love you so much, my wife," he proclaimed, as he bottomed out inside me, finally claiming his prize.

“I love you too, husband," I said, as he picked up the pace.

I was now a full-fledged woman. He was no longer making love; he was just fucking me with a wildness I had never seen in him. I loved it. All sorts of emotions were flooding through me all at the same time - love, lust, and joy, all mixed together in one euphoric moment in time. We were, as our vows said, as one flesh.

I realized we had no protection, and I was fertile, but there was no stopping this train. He was closing in on his goal, our bodies were slapping together in our passionate song of love. Then… there was a knock on the door. He was fucking me so hard, I remember that I thought the antique bed might break.

“We can’t stop now," Chuck panted.

It was incredible! I was also reaching orgasm at the same time. We were both coming, and he was filling me load after load of hot cum. My head was spinning with such an intense pleasure.

The door opened and the bellman stepped in, pushing our luggage cart. So there I was, lying on my back, legs spread, with cum pouring out my pussy. Plus, we had an audience. He saw us and froze a few moments, then ran out. We both laughed so hard I was crying. I wish I could recall a lot about our trip to Paris, but I didn’t see much more than the ceiling above the bed that whole trip. We did bring back a souvenir with us though. Nine months later we named him Brian.


Those early years were difficult, but hard times pulled us together. I went to college with a small child, and Chuck struggled to establish our business. We lived in a rental the first few years. Chuck used our wedding gift from my folks to purchase a premium plot of land at the beach. I wasn't too keen about it at first, because it was nothing but sand, and we could have purchased a home. It was probably the wisest move we ever made.

I finished college and got my teachers credentials. With my extra income, Chuck designed and built our marvelous glass-faced, three-story beach home. Life was good - too good! We started to take things and each other for granted. Our love life started to wane. We lost the attentiveness with each other. Like so many, success became a distraction for us both, and that led to some drastic changes… But that's another story.


To be continued:

Much thanks to BethanyFraiser for editing my first story.

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This is a true story it happens over 50 years ago before all the news an information regarding sexual predators, gays and bisexuality. I am now 65 years old still horny but much wiser about various facts of life. Here is my story about my first sexual experiences, good or bad I let you decideA Friend and I were hitching home from school in those days it was fairly common practice then, often it would take a couple of different rides before we reached our respective homes. This day we hadn’t...

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A summer a few years my mum was offered use of a friends beach up the coast. It fronted onto a small secluded beachwith only a few neighbours and a small shopping centre.My friend Mickey went with us so I'd have some companionship for the few days we were to be there and mum couldjust relax and enjoy the solitude.Well anyway it was a nice place a bedroom each big lounge kitchen spacious bathroom and its own pool too.After we arrived Mickey and I headed sown to beach with nothing more than our...

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A Lawyers Ladies My First Time with Julie

Julie and I are standing at the hotel's entrance as the clients' black limousine pulls up. The uniformed driver comes around to open our door. Julie gives me a look that says, "I impressed." The driver takes her hand as she steps into the car. We both are able to appreciate her small firm ass while she enters. As she sits, the long slit up the right side of her dress displays a long lean dancer's leg. I step in and sit closely by her. The driver closes the door. We dimly follow him around...

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245 the eyes have it 5

Breakfast over and after a coffee hers in a closed cup with a straw, he washed up, her still sat in a sodden roll-on reeking of warm piss. To her amazement he cleared the table, of every scrap, even the laughing gnome cruet set paul had brought from that visit to Mablethorpe that habitually lived on the table top, today it found itself a new home for the day, peering at her from the side worktop is arms round the salt and pepper mushrooms. From his bag he took a rope or two, lay them on the...

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Spring Green

Spring Green Things are never what they seem Let a star be just a star And a woman — just a dream. Dreams Are Best | Robert Service Oh yes, life is change…because as Yeats’ said — ‘things fall apart,’ and the fall can be brutal and direct — or — such change may arrive softly, with the coming of a breeze. Sometimes change arrives on vast columns of marching men playing dark anthems, yet too, there are those few times when change comes as gently as the night, in the form of a woman, perhaps,...

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First trophy girl

My name's Terry, I've always been pretty popular, but never liked most of the girls I dated. They were always too plain or too full of themselves, but that was back in high school, and I've changed quite a bit since then. I'm 6'2" now and fit, I work out at least 4 times a week, brown hair, green eyes and a nice thick 8" cock that gets hard any time I think about forcing my cum into a girl. I love the idea of forcibly impregnating some girl, or multiple girls and watching them have my kids and...

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The Mob Book 2Chapter 15 Finaleacute

When he woke at 04:00, he found Philippa had already left. Jason took the dogs for a run and then went to the gym. Everyone joined him except for Gamma who was managing the drilling group. Lucia had organized a martial arts tournament in his absence and she was in the gym with the group she was training, but enthusiastically greeted Jason welcomed him back and helped Felix and the bugs orient themselves and to learn to use the machines while Jason did weights. While the bugs and the Jumo...

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Iron ManChapter 9 Missile Man

I was moving just below the speed of sound, ripping through a feathery washboard layer of clouds that rested a thousand feet above a denser, more complete layer of cloud cover. The full moon above me light up everything below me, lining every edge in silver fire and dipping the world in a patina of aloof coolness. Inside my suit, I was grinning like the Cheshire cat. "All right, that cloud to your right is a bad guy. Give him a blast," came Serenity's voice through the comm. I rotated on...

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The business man part 2

Not only was Bob still there when I emerged from powderingmy nose, but he stood there in just his boxer briefs, witha big bulge that I couldnt keep my eyes from. I commentedthat I was glad he was still there. He replied how could Ileave with this and he pulled the waistband of his shortsaway and revealed one of the best looking cocks I had everseen. It was at least 8 inches and slender at the tip and gotthicker towards the base........I walked up to him andslipped my hand inside his underwear,...

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Movie Night Part 2

I was going to give my brother a blow job. My cheeks grew hott at the thought, and between my thighs grew even hotter. I'd never even touched a cock before with my fingers, let alone my mouth. But here I was now, hoping to get it right... "C'mon..." Matt whispered hoarsely, his voice pleading. "I'm so hard that it hurts...and your mouth is right there, teasing me..." I gulped down the last bits of my hesitation and pressed a small, closed mouth kiss to the head of his...

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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 6

Rick's POV The date I had with Sarah was amazing, all things considered. She's a strong, smart, funny, beautiful woman. I asked her for another date on friday and she accepted. We spent that night together and had coffee in the morning before I had to leave for work. Me and David are driving up to the police station. I had someone from our legal council ask the judge to postpone the trial and have Tommy moved into our custody. It gives us easier access to him rather then wasting time...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 255 Max the Celeb

Eve and I left the the fortress, which had once been my downtown office. I no longer had any need for an office. I hadn't hadn't needed it even when I renovated the building Lucas occupied at that moment. The bike ride back to my downtown house was only five minutes. Traffic was light as it almost always was in the downtown. If for some sick reason, one wanted to ride in real traffic, she would be forced to ride to the mall area. There were a few old established neighborhoods around town...

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Another Boring Friday Night

With my wife away for the weekend visiting her family, the weekend looked to be pretty boring. I had stayed home because of work. I was on a design project with a hectic schedule of long hours and late nights and there was really no way I could take a three day weekend. I had worked well into the night this Friday night and was just about to lock up the office and head home. As I walked to my car I thought about the empty house waiting for me at home. It had been a while since I’d visited the...

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BlackAmbush Chanel Summers 09082019

So if you’re a Chanel Summers fans or a fan of our other sites BackRoomCastingCouch & ExCoGi, then you know this is Chanel�s 3rd round in the sack with us. It also figures that this little girl would by now feel very comfortable, and trust, with us to never suspect we would pull any fast ones or shady things with her. Well, you would think that but that�s just what did because we just couldn’t resist the thought of ambushing this super sexy and trusting newbie with a BBC on...

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Sulochna Aunty Ki Maalish Ki Aur Jamkar Chudai Ki

Mera naam jimmy hai aur main bahut hi sexy hoon maine bachban se hi sex ka mazaa liya hai apni mama ,mausi aur chachi ki betiyon ke saath ,maine apni kirayedar aunty ko bhi choda tha jab main 18 saal ka tha woh meri girl friend ki mummy thi usse boobs kya the ki buss kisi ki bhi laar tapak jaaye woh bahut hi sex ki bhooki aurat thi uss ke pati bahar rehte the aur woh apne char bachon ke sathh akeli rhti thi woh apne boobs ki malish karwati thi, ek di ki baat hai main apni girlfriend ko doondhta...

1 year ago
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You and Me

*** Chapter One: Falling in Love All Over Again My girlfriend, Niaomi, wants to take me out on a date. This is out of the ordinary for us because we don’t really do the whole date thing. I mean, I don’t mind… it’s just a little strange. Niaomi is 5’7”; she has black hair to her lower back, pale icy blue eyes. My favorite feature of her face would have to be her lips though… they are so soft and full… just thinking about them makes me wet. She has 36B breast and a very nice ass. Niaomi took me...

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The Enemys DaughterChapter 7

Courtney lay bound over the stool. Her wrists where tied to the front legs and her spread legs were bound tightly to the back. Her thighs were also bound to the back legs, making her legs completely immobile. Her head was pulled up, a rope tied from her hair back to the other end of the stool, forcing her to look forward and also allowing complete access to her mouth. Her ass was forced up into the air, her anus and pussy spread open, waiting for a hard cock to enter either passage. Courtney...

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The Vibrator

We were three days into a week long visit from my two younger kids whho were visiting for spring break. It had been a pleasant day with the kids. Normal fun stuff, joking around, a long walk, catching a movie etc. My youngest child was complaining about her bedroom being too quiet because the fish tank at her mothers’ house made a buzzing sound. Immediately the older kids, including my 15 year old who lives with me full time, started trying to find solutions to the sound problem. After a few...

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Old convertible

I have this wonderful old convertible Sprite. It runs beautifully since I had been taking it in to this vintage repair shop. They recently sold the business and I haven't found anyone who treats my car the same way and it hasn't been into the shop for at least 6 months.It was a beautiful day and I didn't have to work. I had only plans to go to dinner with my friends at 7pm. I decided to take a drive around the lake,the long way, enjoy the scenery and the weather. So I dressed in comfortable...

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The Scarecrow

Crows nettled on the two poled wooden fence on the farm. The stared at the scarecrow, then to the freshly plowed dirt with seeds in the lines. One cawed loudly at the unnerving but lifless Scarecrow. One started flying, heading toward the feild. Before it could even land it was cut in half and fell to the ground, it's lower half twitching. The weapon that killed the creature was stuck in the wooden fence.  A rusty sickle with fresh blood dripping from the blade. The rest of the crows took...

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Home invasion humiliation

There’s Mike, James, Nicole, Katie and me. We are all 17 and about to enter our last year of school in London. James has been friends with Mike since forever. They both play football together and James is very sporty (unlike me!). He’s very shy and such a goodie-two-shoes - never in trouble. He’d probably get teased for being so timid if he wasn’t also so athletic and sporty. Nicole is mike’s girlfriend and they’ve been dating for about 2 years. For religious reasons they’ve agreed to...

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Identical Twins

They were identical twins. One was Paul and the other was Gary, this much I know, but if you asked me which one was which I'd be at a loss to say. OK, it's sunny Queensland, hubby is off on some golf course doing what he loves the most, chasing those little white balls, and his sometime loving wife takes a trip to the local club to sit with the oldies to play bingo, with little success. It's approaching lunch time now, I'm on the club's wide terrace, and the view of the beach and the sea under...

Straight Sex
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Blackmailed Into PerversionChapter 4

I don't know how long I was working his cock, but I was interrupted by Mr. Ballard's voice. "Harry, get your ass back to work. You had your fun, and I ain't paying you to fuck all damn day. Now get." Harry pulled back away and again his cock made the popping sound as it came out. He pulled up his pants and walked out. I was still on my knees and I just knew that Ballard wanted me to suck his dick. I knew what a sick asshole he was and I guess he just had to get in and get his nuts...

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Fantasy Fulfillment

There was a knock on the door. Natalie stood and answered it, her long brown hair twirling around her. She wasn't expecting anyone important, so she assumed it was a door-to-door salesman or something. So she was very shocked to see the tall, dark haired woman in the sunshades standing there. She looked vaguely familiar. "Hi, do you mind if I come in and use the phone?" "I'm not really supposed to let anyone into the house..." "It'll just be for a minute. My car has broken down. And besides......

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My Dream Came True With My Neighbor 8211 Part 2

Hi folks this is Akhil from HYD. Hope you all enjoyed my 1st part of this story. And this is the conclusion part. Those who didn’t read my 1st part please read it the tittle is My Dream Came True, with My Neighbour-Part1 those who are new to them about myself I am from hyderabad in final year of my engg in a reputed college. Those who want to maintain a secret relation with me can contact through privacy guaranteed coming back to the story I started smooching and which went to peaks and mean...

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A Twist in The Tale Part One

My name is Alan and I've been married to Linda for 16 years. I work for a civil engineering firm and regularly travel all over the world overseeing projects. I've never cheated on my wife until recently. I hired a new girl as my P.A. My old P.A. left to start a family and it took quite a while to find a suitable replacement as I needed someone with an engineering background. The new girl, Jo is fresh out of university and full of energy and enthusiasm, very hard working and keen to learn, she...

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This Little Piggy

A plethora of emotions ripped through her, anger, shock, fear and undeniable abject desire. Her heart pounded up into her neck and shoulders and her face surpassed the color of the pretty box by at least three shades. With shaking hands she reached in and pulled up the papier mache half mask with the pink forehead and cheeks, tiny black eyes and darker pink snout of a pig. Her eyes filled with tears and she let out an involuntary gasp at what lay under it. The coiled tail attached to a plug...

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Having fun with my wifes pussy

It was hot Saturday and I told my wife I wanted to show off her pussy so I had her put on her shortest pair of cut off jeans without any panties. The way the shorts were cut showed just the bottoms of her butt cheeks in a way that isn't really out of the ordinary. But the crotch of the shorts was cut extremely short, the fraid material hid her hairless pussy lips when she stood and walked but when she sat down and spread her legs the thin crotch disappeared between her pussy lips. She put on a...

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Coming HomeChapter 10 Sex In The Dark

I suppose the future was predetermined for the three of us by what had happened in my bedroom that morning. Betsy didn't blow the whistle. In fact, for several weeks she didn't do anything. That included talking to either of us or anyone else, for that matter. She had taken on a sullen, hurt look and it affected her performance at work while at the same time making her an alien presence in our little family. She'd sit in the TV room reading or watching something and the only time she'd...

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The Boss

Mae had worked for Mr. Sen for 3 years. She was a very good assistant and did her job well. Today Mr. Sen asked her if she could stay tonight and work for a few hours on a special project. Mae replied "Yes, Mr. Sen., you are the boss." As they were working that night Mae leaned over the desk to reach for a report and Mr. Sen could see down her blouse. He noticed she was not wearing a bra and she had great full breasts. He replied "Mae, are you not wearing a bra tonight?" She answered "NO sir, I...

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Pantyhose wife and friends

My wife was going out for the evening with her friends Pat and Sue. It was just for a meal to celebrate Pat's promotion. I watched her dress as I often do. She put on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose without panties which meant I had the perfect view of her dark hairy triangle through the nylon. As always this gave me an instant hardon. She then pulled on a blouse and black pleated skirt. Just then the doorbell rang and she got me to go and answer it as she finished...

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Heart of the Sunrise Ch 04

(Note: The first part of the Sonata appeared under the title ‘Woman in Chains’, the second part as ‘The Stones of Years’.) IV Naples and the Molo Beverello fell astern, the white cliffs of Capri lay ahead across a smooth, blue sea. The hydrofoil cut through the easy chop like a knife, men and women sleek and tan stood on the aft deck leaning back on teak rails, sunning themselves, lost in the idle concerns of the sun-borne. Deck-hands coiled lines while waitresses from the bar fanned out...

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Sex Shop Bargain

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nicki—when I was younger I used to put a little heart instead of a dot over the first ‘I’. But I have kind of grown out of that now. I am about five feet six in stocking feet, and five nine most of the time—I love wearing heels. I have long wavy brown hair and a… curvaceous body, sometimes it’s hard for men to make eye contact with me—they prefer making eye contact with my boobs. But that’s OK. I live in Brighton, and have since I graduated from university...

2 years ago
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The AdventureChapter 7

It was several days later that Gwen finally heard from Andre. Her dreams had been vivid since her encounter with P.J. and Brad and she had actually orgasmed in her sleep on more than one occasion. “Are you alone?” asked the now familiar voice on the phone. “Yes, Daniel is at school and Robert is at work.” “I hope you found your adventure satisfying.” “Oh my! Satisfying is not the word for it. I simply can’t describe...” “Then don’t try. It was one of many such experiences which await...

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Bus mai aunty ke sath maza

Hi I am Bunty. Mai mumbai se hu. Meri age 21 hai.abhi 1hapte paheli baat hai mai ISS padke ghar jane ke liye bus pakad raha tha.bus 1/2ghante me aanewali thi.dopaharke 3:30baje the. Sex story padneke wajah se mai garam hua tha.tabhi samne se 1 bhabhi ko aata hua maine dekha.uski umar lagbhag 30 hogi.bhabi ke bare me bata dena chahata hun aunty ki height 5.8 inch aur aunty ka figure 36 32 36 hoga.ab wo mere baju me aake khadi ho gayi.mai uske gol gol balls bar bar dekh raha tha.usne muze bus ke...

1 year ago
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If you are looking for a quick release, X Free HD may just be what you have been looking for. The domain name says it all; it is a free tube with thousands of free porn videos coming to you in sparkling HD quality, all for fucking free. To tell you the truth, you will hardly find better news elsewhere today.To be exact, there are currently 36,392 XXX videos covering a diverse range of niches spanning from hardcore to the downright weird. The number may obviously be larger by the time you get to...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 14 Hoods

When the alarm woke me I was surprised I had found sleep in the first place. Visiting the prisoners facing certain death had affected me more than I thought. I remembered images of a fading dream about Tyr and Egill accusing me of judging and killing without remorse. Dawn had assured me yesterday that it was her who would throw the switch. Still I had to be there. It was so she told me, the assistants task to put the blindfolding hoods over the delinquents faces and it would be me who would...

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An Adventure in Infidelity

WHILE THE CAT’S AWAYThe mouse will cheat with another guy’s wife…. My wife had taken the k**s back up to Montana for some family function, and Sue Ellen and I planned a rendezvous at my place (the first and only time we would have a bedroom to fuck in) -- I think she told her husband, Clifford, that she was going to be at an evening class or something.When I got home from work (the Houston commute was always terrible) I was already running late, and took the garbage out to the...

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Cindy in a bar

"Darn it!" Cindy exclaimed. "I just remembered I don't really need my purse. Would you please take this back to the room for me?""Sure!" I answered, smiling at the ruse.I took the purse and walked back along the walkway. It was the second floor walkway along the doors to the hotel rooms. We were staying in a hotel, one of those built around a courtyard in the center. The courtyard contained the usual walks, plants, and a pool. The particular place we had stopped was near the pool. There was a...

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Babysitter Blackmailers

It was a huge bathroom and I loved it. The thing is, the bathroom didn't have a lock on the door and the girls had a habit of walking right in and giggling as they looked at me naked. I told them it was not cool to walk in on someone but they kept doing it. I even threatened to tell their mom but they still kept doing it. I, of course, would never have told their mom because I was afraid my ass would get in trouble for some reason. After awhile I just let them have their fun. Soon they...

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lactating hot wife chapter 1 Chris exposes and shares me with his best friend

Setting the context:First, a little about me. I am twenty three, and married to my high school sweetheart. I am five foot, nine inches tall, with a slender athletic frame. My hair is blond and I frequently wear it in a ponytail, giving me a youthful, innocent look, even when naked. Normally, my breasts are small, but firm and perky with large prominent nipples. However, at the time of these events, my breasts were much larger as they were temporarily engorged with milk for my baby. I also have...

Wife Lovers
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Charlotte slipped into her pale pink satin chemise and started to line the candles up around the bedroom on all the shelves and tops of the furniture. It seemed almost ritual, as she had done this for the past four years now. She sprayed the perfume into the air as the room began to warm in the soft flickering glow. She then turned to the bed and eased all the creases out. Charlotte lingered over the hollow his head had made in the pillow the night before, before plumping it up. These little...

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Sissification Epidemic II

Epidemic Sissification II How could he have done that? His throat felt strange, almost like it wanted to rebel against what he'd just done. Sayuri's anus tingled from what had just happened. Why had he felt such a rush to be taken by a thick cock? To his shame he could feel how much he'd enjoyed it. When he finally reached orgasm it had been better than anything that he might have felt before. His eyes looked around, feeling like he was lost in a whirlwind. The uniform he wore felt...

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Chrissie Rene and Jean

Chrissie, Rene and Jean I hope you’ve enjoyed the stories I’ve already related to you concerning my adventures with Rene. I’ve told you of his insatiable love of S/M and bondage. I’ve also told you a tale of my relationship with Charles, his driver. Now I’d like to relate the details of an encounter with Rene which occurred near the end of our nearly 2 year involvement. Charles and the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud called for me at my condo the same as he had so many times previously. I must point...

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Worshipping Rachelrsquos Ass

I had just returned home when the telephone rang. It was Rachel and she sounded quite stern.We had once worked together at a nightclub. She was a pretty and very popular young bartender and I was the burly bouncer. Despite our twenty years age difference her and I got along quite well. Rachel was a sexy bitch and she knew it. Her legs were natural wonders that led to one of the bests asses I have ever seen. I spent a lot of time sneaking looks. We often joked about my admiration for her body....

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Fucked My Gf8217s Cousin Sister On My Gf8217s Bed 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone this is me Rahul again with another hot experience I had. ..This time with my girlfriend’s hot sister that I have always fantasized about. Email me at for feedback or gf pic trade or to see pics of my girlfriend’s hot sister heenal. Or dm me on my insta account id – lustyfantasies97 So let me get straight to the story. Me my girlfriend and her sister were in the same college. My girlfriend’s name is shika and her sister’s name is heenal. Let me start by describing u about my GF…She...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has Branches IIChapter 5

One of Philip's most favorite non-family fucks had been Celia. She had turned him on the first time he'd ever met her and then he'd quickly continued seeing her and fucking her on a regular basis. He soon knocked her up with a baby, and then he and Celia had continued to get together and she'd continued to conceive one baby after another. The amazing thing to Philip was that the only thing that seemed to be affected in the long run with Celia's several pregnancies had been the size of...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 58 Southern Comfort

July, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Wednesday went by quickly. I spent some time with Dave and Penny making sure that everything I needed to finish would be done before I left for Georgia on Thursday morning. Dany would be starting Monday, and that presented a logistical problem that Julia and Elyse would solve - getting an additional computer. It also created a space problem in the old study room, so after a lengthy discussion, Cindi would work out of my private office, and when we hired her...

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