Panty Pride
- 5 years ago
- 27
- 0
“I swear, it was as thick as my wrist! Have you ever had one of those hotdogs they sell at the mall downtown? I swear you could’ve drizzled some mustard on top of that thing and they would’ve looked identical! I’m not even kidding!” The teenager raised her hands up to try and wrap her fingers around the imaginary girth of the object she was describing.
“Really? No way, Kathy! So you... ? All the way... ?” Her flustered friend looked on from the other side of the couch.
The TV show running in the background was all but forgotten. The crude exchange had taken priority. There was simply nothing more exciting than gossiping, especially if it involved talking about their latest conquests now that they were old enough to have hook-ups on demand. That brief phase while they were old enough to do anything they want, but not yet burdened by adult responsibilities.
“You can bet your ass I did, I’m still sore after we spent the entire night fuhhh-”
Her speech was abruptly interrupted by a book that came flying from the other side of the apartment. It brushed her cheek and tumbled to the ground mere inches away from the television screen. Katherine immediately raised a hand up to ease the dull ache that suddenly emanated from her tanned cheek, and stared at the source.
Standing there in the hallway was another teenage girl, whose emerald eyes glared something fierce.
“Gross! So gross! Both of you! If you keep on living like that, you’re going to have a real problem finding a good husband.” Unlike her two unruly roommates – who wore nothing but a shirt and panties – she was dressed very conservatively. “You won’t even find a boyfriend if you are all used up. I’m just trying to help! Come on, just ... behave like normal girls?”
She was dressed from head to toe. Wooly socks, sweat pants, and an oversized shirt. Even her facial features were somewhat concealed behind a cute pair of glasses. Her dark hair was bundled up into a simple ponytail and easy to maintain. Despite her attempts to hide herself from the world however, an unusually attractive girl was hidden under that façade. It was ironic that she was the one behaving all prim and proper.
The three girls had been brought together by sheer coincidence, all of them were recent college freshmen and originally lived too far from their desired university to endure the daily commute. However, nearly all places that were close enough were rundown flats for horrendous prices. They had been lucky that a new apartment complex had been constructed just a few months prior. The rent would be far too expensive by itself but the landlord didn’t mind having multiple occupants sharing the costs, and the rooms.
That’s how the three completely different souls from different upbringings, ended up in the same spot. It hadn’t been easy for any of them.
Anna’s dainty fingers lingered on another book but she hesitated to toss it just yet. Even the first throw was more of an impulse, one which she already regretted. Peaceful solutions are so much better. It’s how she had been raised.
“Can’t you just save your talk about boys for when you’re in private or something? I don’t want to hear about ... genitals or stuff. Please? I asked you like ... a dozen times already. Please...” She lowered her eyes in defeat.
She was only trying to help them! It didn’t make sense to her that someone would willingly engage in sexual acts without being married first. Anna had been the last one to move into the apartment just a month prior – roughly a week after the other two girls – and it was an intense change.
This wasn’t at all like what she was used to back at home. She raised her hand up to tightly grasp her necklace, a silver cross that she cherished more than anything.
Katherine scoffed at the remark. “This place is in private, silly. Last I checked, this is our home too. This is private. You should be thankful I don’t mind you listening ... if it weren’t for your constant bickering. How do you think you were born? Even your own parents enjoy fuc-” Once more she was interrupted by a rapidly approaching book, this one however barely graced the couch before it tumbled down. It hadn’t been thrown with any real seriousness.
“I don’t wanna hear it!” The teenager quickly covered both her ears before stumbling off to her room. “Nope, nope!” her soft voice accentuated each word as she walked off and loudly shut the door behind herself.
“What is her problem?” Mai was the second girl who had joined the apartment, and didn’t have any problem with Kathrine’s carefree attitude.
Both girls enjoyed getting laid. The more the better. Sex was the perfect release for the stress of studying. It was a blessing that they no longer had to worry about their parents when bringing guys home. As far as they were concerned, Anna was the only troublemaker they still had to deal with just because of that girl’s strict morals. Always judging. Always spouting religious crap.
“Honestly I don’t think she even had sex yet. It’s so weird and awkward with her around.”
“Kind of, yeah,” Katherine agreed.
She leaned to the side to grab a handful of snacks before redirecting her attention back to the TV. The show didn’t even register to her mind, she was distracted.
“Isn’t her entire family like that? Super obsessed, evangelical crusaders? The dad visited once and complained because I was wearing hot pants. Get outta here, who is he to tell me what to wear? Hell, I’d go celibate for a year if only it would mean that I get to see that girl barefoot and pregnant long before she’s even got a boyfriend. She’d flip her shit, and her family would ditch her faster than stale milk.”
It took her a moment to notice how Mai’s attention had suddenly piqued upon hearing that thought. More than that, it was a thrilling idea and would make for one hell of a prank. The two girls looked at each other with wicked smiles, and a twisted thought came to be.
Back in the bedroom, Anna was lying on her bed while staring up at the ceiling. She felt torn between what to do next. There was plenty of schoolwork left to study and she still had a few more letters to write and send back home, and she also felt obligated to keep at it with her attempts to help her new roommates. It was common sense, really. Sexual intercourse was meant to be a special bond with someone you love, the young teenager struggled to fathom why anyone would do that with a stranger.
On top of which, all three of them were neck deep in trying to manage their new schedules and classes. College was a real drag compared to high school.
Anna sighed.
So much to do.
Nobody really understood the pressure she was under. She not only had the urge to do everything at once, but also to do it perfectly. Anything less than that would be a disappointment, both to her and her family. She had expectations to live up to.
Her little world had opened up so much, and it still seemed to grow further with every day. Her hand moved up to grasp her necklace again, clenching over the small metal cross. It returned some of her strength and faith. She had promised her mother that she could do this. There’s no going back. So she rolled onto her back, grabbed another book and went right back to studying. As long as problems are taken one at a time, it’s impossible to be overwhelmed. Anything can be done.
Needless to say it came as quite the surprise when the other two girls – Katherine and Mai – burst into the room just an hour later. Anna raised a suspicious brow at the duo. After an argument, everyone tended to just ... avoid each other for a day or two. The change of heart was unexpected.
“What, why the big eyes? We came to make peace,” came Kathrine’s prompted response. “Come on out of your little cave, let’s have some fun together.”
The teenager reluctantly got off her bed. This had to be a trap, she simply knew that. It wouldn’t have been the first spiteful prank by her roommates. Her expectations couldn’t be any lower. Though upon being guided back to the living room, she was surprised to see a Monopoly set all prepared and ready on the table! It used to be one of her favorites spare time activities to play that board game, if only her brother hadn’t beaten her at it nearly every time.
“You like that one, right? Your dad mentioned it when he visited. If you don’t wanna play it, then we—”Katherine was interrupted before finishing the sentence.
“No! No, no, this is awesome! I love it!!! How did you even know ... oh right, yeah. Awesome!” Her green eyes sparkled in excitement. “I thought you hated me! I’m sorry,” she apologized for her earlier outburst. “Are you sure this is all right?” It was a huge turn of events. Maybe everything was going to work out after all.
“Of course!” Mai gave her a reassuring pat on the back. She barely managed to conceal a sly grin. This was going to be child’s play. “Why don’t you and Kathy pick some play pieces already while I go grab us some refreshments?”
What the religious girl hadn’t expected was what came a few minutes later. She was all hyped up and eager to begin, when Mai returned with a tray full of cocktails. At least they looked like cocktails, Anna had never visited a bar but she’d seen those drinks in movies ... plenty of times. Tall glasses with an orange liquid in it and an orange slice attached to the rim, others filled with a white liquid, a piece of coconut and an paper umbrella sticking out of the glass.
“Those look ... fabulous!” Anna’s tone was nervous and uneasy. “But that’s alcohol, isn’t it?” she inquired carefully, trying to sound polite. “I don’t really do alcohol...” This was her opportunity to mend the relationship with her roommates, she didn’t want to mess it up. They might even become friends.
“Nonsense, you’re gonna have a great time!” Katherine took the initiative, it’s no secret that she enjoyed those fruity sweet cocktails and everything that came after. She rolled her dice to get started with their board game, and then pushed one of the drinks towards their naïve roommate.
Anna glanced down at the Piña colada; a creamy drink, ice-cold and with an overpowering taste of coconuts and tropical fruit. It’s almost impossible to tell it even contains alcohol, but while that sweet flavor tended to linger on the tongue, it was easy the underestimate just how much of a kick the drink had.
Her petite fingers grasped the glass and she gingerly raised it up to her lips before doing a little taste test. Just a small dab, a droplet which she gathered with her lips and then rinsed off with her tongue.
“Mmh!” She poured a little more into her mouth, and her eyes opened wide. “This is alcohol? Seriously? This is ... kinda nice!” She greedily drank more while the sugary flavor intoxicated her senses. “Oh wow, this is a thing. I love it!”
“And nobody will ever find out,” Katherine reassured her before passing the dice to Mai.
Half an hour later while in the midst of their match, the doorbell rang and Mai happily slid off the couch to investigate. Neighbors constantly asked for some salt, flour, or other neighborly favor. It wasn’t anything unusual. But this wasn’t a surprise. When she opened the door, she faced two friends she often went out with. Ryan, a pretty buff guy who studied psychology together with Katherine – and Mike who was just about to finish high school. Mai pointed the way and while the guys entered the apartment, she quickly readjusted the air conditioning – things were about to get heated.
A startled gasp escaped Anna when the two strangers entered the room. She’d never seen either of them.
“Oh hey, glad you guys could make it!” Katherine stood up and greeted both with a warm hug. “We had a little change of plans here, I guess we won’t be able to go out today, but we totally don’t mind you joining us here? For a while? We even have drinks and all that,” she added while glancing at the assortment of cocktails on the table. Suddenly the amount of drinks made a lot more sense. Both of the giddy, excited girls stayed away from the couch and instead retrieved some chairs from the kitchen to get comfortable in reach of the board game. Which coincidentally meant that both guys sat down on either side of Anna ... on the couch. She nervously took another gulp of the drink. She felt trapped between them.
“Can’t you sit somewhere els-” the awkward teenager was abruptly interrupted by a hush from Kathrine.
“So how are you guys doing today?” she asked while swiping all existing cards and pieces off the monopoly board and rearranging things so that they could start over from scratch. She chose to completely ignore that Anna acted uneasy.
Mike shrugged in response. “I dunno, still a little down.” The slender guy lowered his gaze to the board to try and distract himself. Anna felt her eyes oddly glued to him, he wasn’t emitting the kind of macho aura that most men had. He wasn’t very muscular, certainly not as much as the other guy.
“Yeah? How so?” Katherine shuffled the cards and gave each player new pieces to play with.
He leaned back with an exaggerated sigh and crossed his arms behind his head. “Come on, you know why. I had my heart broken just a few months ago, that shit still hurts.” Anna couldn’t help but flinch at his use of swear words, but she felt compassion for him. He did seem a little down. If only she weren’t so incredibly shy she might be able to muster the ability to say a few words of encouragement – then again what did she know about relationships?
They began playing again, and she gradually noticed two more things. For one, her body was beginning to feel all fuzzy and numb after drinking two of those sweet gifts from heaven. Her head felt mushy and full of static. Secondly, she felt seriously warm. Her roommates had been wearing just shirts and underwear the whole time anyway. The two guys had already removed their jackets and sat there in just pants and wife beater shirts. It was a casual atmosphere. Anna was the only one dressed in multiple layers of clothing.
Throughout it all, the guys finally introduced themselves by name and mentioned a few more details about their life. Anna was stoked to hear about it all, soaking up all that knowledge like a sponge.
When she wiped the first traces of sweat off her forehead for the first time, Katherine used this newfound opportunity to sneak around and to approach her teenage roommate from behind the coach. It was time for a very special favor. She leaned over to peer over her roommate’s shoulder and reached out to grasp the bottom edge of Anna’s sweatshirt. A quick tug upwards removed the piece of clothing before the girls even realized what else had happened.
Suddenly, Anna found herself sitting there, topless, wearing a shocked expression instead of her two layers and a bra. She felt a fresh breeze of air to caress her upper body, including her bare nipples. To her dismay, she found that along with her sweatshirt, her regular shirt had also been dragged off ... and her bra had slid up enough to reveal her small, perky breasts.
Anna was slow to react, given the intoxicating drink. The rest of the group appraised her thin, teenage body.
Katherine smirked, looking down over Anna’s bare chest. Her pert breasts were an A-cup, maybe a B at most. This hadn’t been part of the plan but it was oh-so-perfect.
Anna however was horrified, her arms shot up to cover her small chest and she made a quick attempt to stand up only to have Kathrine’s hands pushing down on her shoulders, forcing her to sit back down on the couch.
“Noo!” Anna squealed in protest. “Let me go I gotta fix this I can’t believe you’ve done this ohmigod this is the most embarrassing moment in my life and I’m going to die!” She blurted out the entire sentence with a single breath. She was mortified! Her hands managed to cover her breasts but it wasn’t nearly enough to make her feel at ease. This was terrible. A disaster.
“Relax,” both guys spoke up simultaneously, and she suddenly grew aware of how everyone in the room was staring at her as if she was the crazy one.
Katherine suppressed a laugh while reaching down to help the dazzled girl readjusting her bra to hide those mosquito bites.
Her breathing slowly returned to normal while she kept glancing left, right, above, observing everyone’s reaction or lack thereof to the accident. The silence was broken by the little plastic dice as it rolled across the board game.
“Yes!” Mai chirped happily. “Time to get rich, oh yeah!”
And so, it was quickly forgotten that anything had even happened. Anna helped to suppress the memory by having another drink. This one had a strong aftertaste of alcohol which was barely concealed by the sugary flavor of an energy drink.
Everyone else could clearly see the results of her drinking. Anna had extremely pale skin, which made the alcohol-induced flourish of red spreading across both cheeks and her chest stand out even further. Even her tummy was colored a bright red and her intoxicated state was obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes.
Mike’s hand had found its way to her thigh, and was lightly stroking the sensitive area over the fabric of her pants. She could feel his touch affecting her – making her feel weird. She didn’t even know why she hadn’t slapped his hand away. The drinks, the adrenaline from the earlier accident, the heat, it was all affecting her. It was like her batteries had been drained completely.
Once they got close to finishing the game, she was just about ready to pass out on the spot. Everybody else was happily chatting about their fresh experiences with college, but Anna couldn’t handle herself. Her vision was a blurry mess and she could barely even concentrate on the board game anymore. There was an entire stack of paper money in front of her that she couldn’t even think of using.
When Mike moved his hand off her thigh, she was just about to stand up and excuse herself when she watched him removing his pants. It was then that the drunken girl noticed that the other guy – Ryan was it? – on her other side had already done the same as well. The heat was nearly unbearable, but she was the only one who hadn’t stripped down to her underwear.
It was a vicious cycle too, the warm temperature made it tempting to drink more of the chilled drinks, which in turn got her increasingly hot and bothered. She needed to close her eyes, for just a moment. Her vision turned black and she couldn’t tell how long it took for her to open them again.
“Don’t fall asleep on us, you’re meant to be the center of attention tonight,” came Kathrine’s voice suddenly just a few inches away from Anna’s face, it was like she had appeared out of nowhere! She also suddenly noticed that Mai was no longer sitting in her chair, instead she was straddling Ryan on the couch and heavily making out with him. The entire atmosphere had changed.
Had she passed out for a moment? It must’ve been a long moment. She was still in the middle of the couch all right, with something happening in all directions. Her gaze wandered forward again and she observed Kathrine, who was crouching down just in front of the couch, between Anna’s legs.
Kathrine’s hands moved around Anna’s hips and grasped the waistband of those unladylike sweat pants. With great ease, those nimble fingers began to pull and gradually remove that pesky layer of clothing. It was followed by an audible chuckle. It left Anna even more dazed and confused for a moment before she glanced down and realized the reason for the impromptu entertainment. Unlike her roommates, she didn’t own any seductive lingerie like laced thongs, black tangas, or any of that lewd stuff.
Anna’s involuntary strip revealed an old and washed out pair of bikini style panties, a dull and bleached pink cotton fabric that looked several years old. It even had the barely recognizable shadowy outline of a mermaid princess across the front with a small Disney logo next to it. Those panties were quite clearly bottom of the drawer material, something nobody would wear unless it’s a desperate laundry day. Then again, the inexperienced teenager probably hadn’t anticipated that she would end up drunk on the couch, dressed in nothing more than a bra and her underwear, while two guys and two girls had the opportunity to ogle her petite body. Nobody was supposed to see her panties. Ever.
A very long second passed before she had the presence of mind to cover her crotch with her hands. “I think ... I think I gotta sleep,” she mumbled. Her soft voice lacked conviction and energy. Her entire body felt heavy, as if someone had parked an entire friggin’ truck on top of her.
“Hey, are you sure this is okay?” Mike interjected while eyeing the girls. It was clearly not in Anna’s interest to go further, which didn’t line up with what he had anticipated.
“Come on, just get your dick out. Your relationship ended, what, a few months ago? Right? Just think of how good it would feel to be inside this cutie,” Katherine suggested lewdly.
He couldn’t deny that it was very tempting. He hadn’t gotten laid since his break-up. In fact, he hadn’t even masturbated. There was a couple months’ worth of cum churning in his balls. He took off his boxers pretty much on auto-pilot and his stiff dick bounced into view.
Katherine took the cue. She slung an arm around Anna’s small frame and rolled her onto her stomach. Anna weakly let Katherine position her. She felt like a docile rag doll. It was her first time drinking more than half a glass of wine and it clearly had an effect she hadn’t anticipated. It also didn’t help that she ended up drinking so much, so quickly. The situation was out of her control.
Anna found herself with her upper body resting on the couch and her knees on the rough carpet. She felt her panties being manipulated, then the unfamiliar feeling of warm air on her bare sex.
Katherine’s voice came from behind her. “This has got to be the toughest sale, seriously. How can a girl be this much of a virgin?!” she ranted.
Katherine observed Anna’s small patch of wiry pubic hair. Her thumbs, however, wasted no time digging right in, navigating to the center of that sparse copse of hair to apply pressure to the feminine folds of Anna’s untouched vagina.
“Found the goods!” Katherine reported. A gentle pull helped to finally push those lips apart, revealing the slightly moist, pink interior of the teenager’s pretty little cunt. A pristine treasure. If this girl would put even a tad bit of effort into her appearance, everyone would easily recognize that she’s a ten. Full score. She had the looks, and a pretty pussy to back it up.
Not like that made much of a difference to Mike, who moved in position behind the girl. His erection already had a fat droplet of pre-cum oozing out of the tip, his balls were aching for release. It didn’t matter that she’s a college freshman, or religious, or that she’s a bit of a nerd. The only important part about her was that tight snatch between her legs. It would feel so fucking good to dump a load inside a girl again.
As for Anna, she was decidedly confused by the turn of events. She clearly felt the warm air caressing her nether regions, but she also was still aware of the snug waistband around her waist. She wasn’t naked, or so she told herself. Everything was in order. At least until she felt something blunt nudging against her vulva. It felt both soft and hard at the same time. It was fortunate that she hadn’t drunk more alcohol, her intoxicated state was fading, albeit slowly.
She grew more aware of her surroundings. “What’cha doing back there?” she slurred drunkenly. As soon as she said those words, Kathrine’s digits applied more pressure to pull the vaginal opening further apart.
Anna flinched. The sharp pain from between her legs was strange and unfamiliar, until the realization broke through her foggy brain: Her hymen was tearing! Panic set in as she finally realized that the game was long over, everything was over, this was dangerous and certainly not what she had signed up for.
Her initial shock grew into a desperate groan when something fat and long suddenly tunneled into her delicate lady parts, stretching her open. Parts inside her that she never even knew existed were suddenly filled by something meaty and thick. Her partner was barely average in size, but as far as she was concerned it felt like someone had just shoved an arm into her unprepared womanhood.
She gasped, tensed up, and made a futile attempt to wriggle her crotch forward but the couch prevented her from escaping. Her insides were burning up. What just happened?!
“Sto-stop! I don’t ... I can’t ... this is too fast!” she murmured, pushing herself up and trying to squeeze her thighs shut.
But a persistent hand pushed down on the small of her back, forcing her knees to slide further apart. Adrenaline filled her heart, sobering her up incredibly quickly as she felt the object starting to move back and forth. It was surreal. Both of her small hands were clenched into fists before she had the presence of mind to look back again. There was Mike just behind her with his hands on her supple hips. To Anna, it felt like a strange combination of dancing with him and wrestling. He used her curves for more leverage to drive into her. Just by his side was Kathrine, her hand on Anna’s back. She seemed to be whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
With her lips to Mike’s ear and staring right at Anna, she spouted cruelties. “Yeah, fuck me that’s hot, you popped her cherry real good. She hasn’t even realized that it’s her first fuck, she didn’t even get to tell her virginity bye-bye.” Katherine laughed for a brief moment, after which she gave him a determined slap on the ass. “Get in there. Open her up wide! Crack that little honeypot. Is she tight? I bet she’s tight as fuck.”
Mike gritted his teeth and picked up the pace of his steady thrusts into the thin, naive Anna, who could only grunt softly in response.
For a short moment, the room was a medley of the smooching lips of the teenagers passionately kissing on the couch, the squishy wet sounds that emerged from Anna’s freshly deflowered girly bits, and her desperate sighs. Those lips of her cunt had stretched into a nice oval shape to accommodate the first dick of her young life.
Her body wasn’t nearly as stubborn about the issue as her mind however. Her insides were warming up, snugly wrapping around the veiny appendage and clenching hard. Her body was at just the right age for baby-making and craved the imminent injection of fresh, warm spunk. Her pussy was more than happy to oblige and open up.
Anna’s first fuck was at least partially as her parents would’ve hoped for. She wasn’t married which they would’ve utterly disapproved of ... but she was taking that cock bareback and without a sliver of protection. Their strict religious beliefs did not support condoms or birth control, or any other method of protected sex. Her parents may get their first grandchildren significantly earlier than anyone would’ve expected.
Mike plunged deeper and Anna felt his invader grow harder.
“Ah!” she gasped.
A sharp pain filled her loins. He had just reached the core of her femininity, way deep inside her pussy, and it certainly wasn’t a pleasant experience, for her at least. Any experienced woman would’ve realized that her cervix had just been rammed. At that point, any sane woman would’ve called for a break to demand the use of condoms. But not Anna, no. The awkward teenager remained quiet and unknowingly took the risk of receiving an injection of cum straight into her unprotected womb. She was about to witness her very own insemination.
Mike plunged in fully and moaned in bliss, relishing the warmth of being balls deep inside this beauty. Her snatch was snugly embracing his raging-hard cock and her soft, wet labia were kissing his crotch. It was amazing and any issues he’s had on his mind before were all but forgotten. He held fast, his grip tightening on her hips. This effectively spread her ass open wider and Mike used his thumb to slide Anna’s worn panties further out of the way. He looked down into her tight sphincter, watching it dilate, then tighten in time with her clenching cunt.
“Fuck her harder!” a familiar voice whispered into his ear. Katherine still had her hand on his butt, pressing him into Anna. “What are you waiting for? Show her what she’s here for, to take your hot load.”
Mike felt a primal need take over his mind. He drew back and plunged forward, hitting Anna’s depths again, eliciting a grunt from the small teen. She had the most amazing pussy he’s ever been in, and he wasn’t going to waste it. He began pounding into her without abandon.
Katherine smiled and squeezed Mike’s ass as he began pumping into Anna with vigor. He seemed to be a man with a purpose.
“You should fill her up,” Katherine said softly. Her voice grew louder as she added, “that’s it! Come inside her!”
At that, Anna’s ears perked up. “Nuh-no! I can’t this—is too much! Not inside, no no!” she pleaded, shaking her head back and forth weakly as she began struggling more fiercely.
Anna twisted her hips from side to side, almost managing to dislodge his cock after a particularly shallow thrust. The truth was beginning to hit her but it wasn’t the time to sulk, she had to take action before things got even worse.
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Bloody and Blondie - Traitorous Pride Chapter 1 - Red Forrest The woods, I love the woods, the sounds, the mystery. I'm confident; I'm prepared for anything that shows up in front of me. I'm alone, walking to nowhere, searching for adventure, for challenge, and for some gold too. I spent all my gold with drinks and girls in the last city I visited. So now I have just my clothes (gray pants, gray shirt, leather boots and a black cloak with a cap), my leather bag with some...
To be an incubus in this modern era is exceedingly easy. Declan St. Clare, a high level sex demon, needed to get his required amount of souls for the century, and by looking at the log of sinners in front of him, it was going to be simple. He would be able to get all seven off one list. Lifting his 6'5” frame from his computer chair, he opted to walk into his bathroom, rather than teleport there. Contrary to popular belief, he was able to see his reflection in the mirror. It's funny that most...
BDSM(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: A Mother's Incestuous Pride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! December 17th, 2026 – Detective Nelson Tucker Excitement rushed through me at what Tad Blake had just said. He knew about Clint Elliston's incestuous relationship with his sisters. I wanted to nail that pervert. I sat across from Tad in the interview room at my precinct in the Sacramento Police Department. My partner, a young woman named...
satuday , i went to the gay pride, but before I was fuck by an arabisch guy at his place, I fsucked him and het fucked me, but He came quick, so I needed more, . I went home, took my shower and went to the gay pride. I didn't find what I wanted so I decided to go to the sauna, but before I went to the night show, Where a guy looked At me, when I cam eout , he saked me what i did, I said I going home ( Didn't want o say where aI was going) He was hot and wanted to fuck me, but where? He took me...
I'm not really sure how I ended up like this, but what I can tell you is the spark that lit the fire was three little words. No, not those, although Becky told me how much she loved me all the time. No, the three that pushed me onto a gentle downward slope of depravity and decadence made up one of Becky's favourite phrases. "Make me proud." Whenever she said it, I felt a warm fuzzy glow spread through me - I wanted to make her proud. I wanted her to be proud of me, especially...
Pride"Today will be all about pride, slave," you told me. "Specifically, me taking it from you."I stood, fully dressed, hands cuffed behind my back, waiting.You approached me, and I felt your breasts against my chest. My cock stirred, growing harder in my jeans.You noticed right away, rubbing your hand over it."You can't control this thing at all, can you? I'll put a stop to that soon though."You ran your hands under my shirt, finding my nipples and teasing them gently. Your gentle flicks sent...
Gypsy PrideBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]: About a gypsy high schooler who had fallen to the trap of a bunch of skinheads, who decide to teach this Roma a lesson about manners and what gypsies ought to be good for.Story:Classes were over. But even if it was, to Tom and Jerry, it meant nothing. Tom and Jerry were two skinheads who came to school and even hid the truth from their teachers, that they listened to white power music and hated blacks and mulattos. Tom and...
PRIDE Sleazy Blonde, 2021 I had to do this. I stared in the mirror. I looked at myself. You'd never know had you looked in the mirror that I was 42 years old and a hardened combat veteran. Multiple tours in Iraq. Multiple in Afghanistan. I could not tell you the number of exercises and conferences and courses that had taken me away from my family over the years. They took a toll. Once upon a time, long ago, I had decided to go SOF, Special Ops Forces; I had succeeded. Later...
Psychiatrist's Pride By Ellen Patrick lay as comfortably as possible on the doctor's couch. This was his third visit to the psychiatrist. As much as he tried to relax it was hard for him to keep coming up with items to discuss with her. He knew that it was on his agenda to get to the very point on why he sought out professional help. Five minutes into this session and he had already felt like an hour has gone by. Pat looked at the Doctor as she adjusted herself in a leather...
Big Changes: Swelling with Pride Today was going to be a typical day. My alarm buzzed the time I had set it for, 6:30 am. I knew I'd have to get up this early if I was going to get my morning jog, a new tradition of mine, in, and it was pretty important that I make it to the campus bookstore in time for it's opening. A new feeling washed over me, though; I was still very sleepy. I had spent the previous night cramming for finals, finishing papers, and generally killing myself over...
It was a glorious July day in the big city and we were celebrating with our Gay Pride Parade. This annual event had become extremely popular in the city and even the mayor was in it. I'd participated a few times but this year I was a spectator. The beautiful floats, the drag queens, the leather boys, and anyone else willing to be identifiably gay always put on a wonderful and funny show. The streets were packed and good viewing spots were hard to find. Luckily I had grabbed one and standing...
My family or clan has always been very secluded and remote. Normally girls or women were chosen by the clan master. The children were raised by the mother but trained by the clan warriors and the father. In my case it was the master and all six of my mother’s brothers. I do not know what my father did to deserve my mother or why she still loves him. At eighteen I qualified for a commission in the emperor’s marines. First I had to see him and kneel to give my oath. That was the way of our clan...
Descending the Ladder "'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter 1: I was a Senior VP in a billion dollar tech company and Janice started as my intern/assistant. Everything about her was mysterious. Like how did she get the job in the first place? I hadn't asked for an assistant. I didn't need any help, and most especially not from a 22 year old college drop-out. But one day, she just showed up with a form from HR. "You're...
Chapter 11 Helped and Helping I got home to find Savannah at the kitchen table with Mom. They were deep in conversation and hadn’t noticed my arrival. I stood and listened in for a while. ‘I just don’t know. I love him so much. I want to make him happy, I really do. It’s just when he was punishing me he seemed to change and it scared me more than I’ve ever been scared before. I don’t know for sure but I got the feeling he scared himself. If I could just figure out what he wanted from me I...
Chapter 15: Planting a Seed By the time I got home, Eric and Annie were already locked away in Annie’s room. Mom and Carrie were hanging out in the den waiting for me, and it looked like catching up with Eric was going to have to wait for a while. Carrie’s face lit up like a flower in the sun when I walked in, and I was strongly reminded of one Christmas morning when she was about 10. Santa had brought her a puppy and the explosion of sheer joy that had radiated from her was like nothing I...
Chapter 6: Returning To The Womb I returned home late that morning feeling both refreshed and confused. I found my mother at the kitchen table reading the paper so I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave her a kiss hello, and joined her. “Mom, I really need your help. I’ve got so many things running through my head I can’t think straight.” One look at me and she knew this was important. She put her paper down. “Shoot and I’ll do my best to help.” I was already comforted just knowing I had her to...
To all who read and commented on A World Of My Own, thank you. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. For those who asked that I continue that story I must apologize. I just kind of lost track of the plot and I just haven’t been able to get it back. Maybe this time will be better. All comments are welcome. Any advise on how to be a better writer will be accepted with great appreciation. Please vote and comment. Chapter 1: The Blessing & Rebirth If you could have anyone you wanted, whenever...
Chapter 6 Returning To The Womb I returned home late that morning feeling both refreshed and confused. I found my mother at the kitchen table reading the paper so I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave her a kiss hello, and joined her. ‘Mom, I really need your help. I’ve got so many things running through my head I can’t think straight.’ One look at me and she knew this was important. She put her paper down. ‘Shoot and I’ll do my best to help.’ I was already comforted just knowing I had her to...
Chapter 9 Family Fun & More I got home around six and spent the next hour just relaxing. I had given very careful thought to how this night was going to go and if all went to plan I was going to need all my energy. Savannah showed up right on time and she was a true vision. She wore a simple black dress that was cut square across the neck and hugged all of her curves in just the right way. It came to about 6 inches above her knees to show her legs to their best advantage and was sleeveless,...
Chapter 14 2’s Company, 8’s An Orgy I got home a bit before seven and was pleased to find Savannah ready. She looked absolutely perfect dressed in the same elegant yet simple black dress with the same classic string of pearls resting at the base of her neck. Her hair was loose and shimmering in the evening light. Her nails were done in understated colors with just the slightest hint of a gold streak cutting across each. Her makeup was modestly applied with just a bit of highlight to enhance...
Chapter 10 New Clients, New Determination I got up late and didn’t make it to the office until just before noon. Rachael was waiting for me with a stack of phone messages and a sweet smile. ‘Good morning sir. Would you like some coffee?’ She was chipper as always and given how tired I was I found it just a touch annoying. ‘Coffee would be good. Bring my messages as well’, I barked. I headed into my office and settled down behind the desk. This was going to be a very busy day. Rachael...
To all those who have voted and sent notes, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. To the guy who’s wife couldn’t get through the story without giving him a bj, outstanding. That is the best compliment I could ever hope for. Be sure to return the favor. As for being the Steven King of erotica, that’s pushing it a bit I’m sure but thanks anyway. Please keep the comments coming. I’m going to take this in a number of different directions and have several more character I want to add. I’d be...
Chapter 13 Marriage & Murder I arrived at the office feeling energized and ready to face anything. At least I thought I was ready. Rachel was her usual chipper self and even at this early hour there was a stack of messages waiting. Again, the first one was marked urgent. It was from Philippe and had no return number. ‘Do you know what this is all about?’ I guessed he had made his flight arrangements and would be coming in next week. ‘Yes Sir, he left a voice message saying he would be...
Chapter 12 Wet Dreams – Wetter Reality I headed straight for my room and there was Mac stretched out on my bed. The only way this vision could get any better is if she was naked and I was hopeful that would come soon enough. For now, it was time to talk. I lay down beside her and took her into my arms. She felt so warm and smelled so good I just had to hold her for a while. Actually, I momentarily lost the power of speech. Instead, I was getting lost in her embrace and had to fight to regain...
Chapter 11: Helped and Helping I got home to find Savannah at the kitchen table with Mom. They were deep in conversation and hadn’t noticed my arrival. I stood and listened in for a while. ‘I just don’t know. I love him so much. I want to make him happy, I really do. It’s just when he was punishing me he seemed to change and it scared me more than I’ve ever been scared before. I don’t know for sure but I got the feeling he scared himself. If I could just figure out what he wanted from me I...
Chapter 7: Controlling My Empire I went to visit my uncle the following day and began to discover the full extent of my empire. Beside the consulting business my father had built there were various other businesses he had inherited or earned an interest in and all were operating profitably. I had accounts in all the places mom mentioned and several others as well so my holdings were widely dispersed. The combined businesses employed over 15,000 people in several countries and dad had left...
Chapter 7 Controlling My Empire I went to visit my uncle the following day and began to discover the full extent of my empire. Beside the consulting business my father had built there were various other businesses he had inherited or earned an interest in and all were operating profitably. I had accounts in all the places mom mentioned and several others as well so my holdings were widely dispersed. The combined businesses employed over 15,000 people in several countries and dad had left...
Chapter 8 Marriage, Babies & Slave Training By the time I got home that night it was 2:00 AM and I really expected everyone to be sound asleep. The house was quiet when I arrived so I grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed up to my room. Not everyone was sleeping. There was Carrie sitting on my bed watching TV. She looked so sweet laying there in her oversized tee shirt. I went to her and kissed her warmly as any lover would do. ‘What are you doning here? I figured everyone would be...
Looking at her sister prone on the floor at Master Jake's feet she again shook her head to clear it. What in the name of the great Jinn had Sheeka been up to that she was in this position in the first place? Looking over at Jake she could also feel the extreme amount of sexual energy that was practically oozing from him. Looking at his first three Jinns she nodded yes she could see now, why. Akeesha also knew that she had to stay as far from Master Jake as she could, as grateful as she was...
(an Assassin's Creed fan fiction) NOTE : The plot and characters are baeed upon the game Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood. For folks familiar with the franchise, this plot is placed in the mission "Castello Crasher" and occurs as Ezio sits on a ledge near the top of the tower, observing Lucrezia and Cesare share an intimate moment. The guard who comes later is not part of the actual game. For those unfamiliar, the plot is based in a ficitonal Renaissance Rome ruled by a family called...
Copyright Oggbashan June 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * It all happened because Janie was proud of my size. I’m not. I’m embarrassed by it. It frightens some women away. It makes other men jealous. It’s not as if it is a record breaker. OK. It is...
To be an incubus in this modern era is exceedingly easy. Declan St. Clare, a high level sex demon, needed to get his required amount of souls for the century, and by looking at the log of sinners in front of him, it was going to be simple. He would be able to get all seven off one list. Lifting his 6’5” frame from his computer chair, he opted to walk into his bathroom, rather than teleport there. Contrary to popular belief, he was able to see his reflection in the mirror. It’s funny that most...
When she graduated from Kellogg Northwestern University in Illinois, Kelly was probably the happiest woman on earth. Not only had Kelly received her Managerial Analytics Certificate in four years, placing as one of the top students in her year, and already been interviewed and accepted for a high paying job in a private company, she also had a perfect life outside of school and work. Her parents (both healthy and married for over 25 years) were relatively well off and paid for her education, so...
This is a fetish piece, which means it is a guy wearing women’s undergarments. Don’t like that sort of thing? Then this is not a story for you. This story is inspired by a man that lives half a world away from where I live. Yet I feel like there is a part of our being that is in perfect sync. He loves to dress as do I. I am sure he will recognize the picture I used. Perhaps you will find a bit of yourself in this.My hands glide down across the silky nylon slip. I could feel the warmth of the...
I'm standing still frozen. After getting fucked, bred, degraded and then receiving slutty clothes, heels and jewelry by this big black man. He brought on three of his friends,equally as black and as big with muscles sitting on the couch eye fucking the shit outta me. I just walked outta the shower mmy long blod hair is did, my face looks extra whore-y. dark eye makeup, red lips and all. wearing a gstring and bra matching set. purple with black strings. a mini pink fishnet dress. a pair of 6...
When she graduated from Kellogg Northwestern University in Illinois, Kelly was probably the happiest woman on earth. Not only had Kelly received her Managerial Analytics Certificate in four years, placing as one of the top students in her year, and already been interviewed and accepted for a high paying job in a private company, she also had a perfect life outside of school and work. Her parents (both healthy and married for over 25 years) were relatively well off and paid for her education, so...
First TimeHi All, This is Akshay Ganna again. I am 36 years old and have a very nice 6 feet tall athletic body. I hope you have enjoyed my previous stories. This particular story is a real life incidence which took about 10 years back. I was then 26 years old and had been working in an IT firm in Pune. I was deputed to Hyderabad for a period of 6 months on a project delivery. In about a week I managed to have 1BHK house on the 3rd floor. It was on the top of the building with a big open terrace. The...
"Hey, Crystal, make sure you suck his cock real hard." "Yeah, and remember to drink all his cum!" "Ooh, I heard he likes that." Just entering the locker room after practice, eleven of the twelve sweaty cheerleaders erupt into laughter. "Shut up, you guys," orders the senior member of the group. "Their bus already left." "We're just joking around, Crystal." "I'm not," sincerely states Kimberly, the shortest of the red skirt clad girls, as she slides hers off. "Maybe it's...
Dear Gwen, I guess this note is to say I won't be at the wedding. When you took out "Forsake all others" from both our vows and explained why, I had to think about why we were marrying. When I was younger I did not date because I did not find anyone in my age group I was contented with. In college I dated a couple of times, but again no connection. Then I met you and that changed, I felt a connection to you from the start. This may be hard to believe, or maybe not, but from a young age I...
Lynn drove the bus onto the street and we headed for Central Washington. The route was going to go through a couple of passes, but promised very little in bad road conditions and would only take about six and a half hours. If we had more experience driving the bus and it was in the Spring or Summer, we could have taken the real mountain route which took eight hours. The Princess Bride started and the girls all repeated their usual behavior and booed the bad guys and cheered the good guys. I...
“Jeryl and Paul, welcome to your first red carpet interview,” Stephanie Seymour, the hostess for the ‘red carpet show,’ before the Emmy’s said. “How does it feel to have your show nominated after only it’s first season?” Jeryl smiled at the camera, and gave me just the slightest tap with her elbow. “It’s an honor to be nominated, even though I don’t think they really have a category that ‘The Interns’ fits into,” I said. I smiled and hoped my real opinion of the whole Hollywood spectacle...
A hundred miles south of the Sanctuary, near a town called Leadville, Colorado, no one knew of the group living in Mt. Powell. People had seen the choppers on patrol, but the choppers flew so high they weren't able to tell what was in the sky above them. All that would soon change forever... As he looked out over the field of corn, he smiled. It was going to be a great harvest this season. Prompting memories of the hardship it had taken to get the farm that now stretched before his eyes....
Here is lovely blonde Lily. She lives with her mother and her new stepdad. She gets along well with him, but has a naughty little secret. She has been masturbating, fantasising about him every chance she gets. She would love him to punish her, dominate her. She knows it’s wrong but she just can’t help herself. To get his attention, she starts to play games with him, pressing his buttons and doing irritating little things. One day she takes it too far and he gets so mad. Lily is about to get the...
xmoviesforyouHello friends, Myself Sam an I am back in Indian Sex Stories dot net with another unexpected sex story which happened with me just a couple of days before when I reached my hometown for Diwali holidays. I stay at Chennai and I often visit my hometown whenever I get leaves. And one more thing, hope you guys liked my stories which I shared before. If not, den finds then the link of my old stories below: 1) 2)...
The Hi-School Girl ------------------ Part 1 The black van was parked at the side of the small road a good distance from Kawasaki High School. It had tinted windows, and it was difficult to look into the van from outside - not that anyone would want to do that, for the van appeared to be a normal delivery van. A man sat in the van, a camera with a powerful zoom lens on his lap. Very soon, he spotted his quarry - a pretty girl was walking down the road, dressed smartly in her school uniform...
After spending the day at a nudist beach, stepmother Alexis Fawx decides to live the naked life and announces the news to her stepdaughter Dillion Harper, explaining that she should get naked too. Dillion good naturedly agrees. And while she’s making breakfast in the buff, Alexis is lurking behind the wall, watching and masturbating. Dillion meditates outside on her yoga mat in the buff and Alexis sneaks around masturbating. Wherever Dillion goes there’s Alexis rubbing her clit....
xmoviesforyouAmerica hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...
It is always cold in Traverse City, Michigan, but tonight Alma was warm, Gretchen her lesbian lover for several months now had eaten her pussy with her four inch tongue followed by a good fucking with Gretchen’ s dildo. Alma was left totally satiated. She held her lover close, their bodies melding into one under the down comforter. Then Alma felt Gretchen’s hands on the top of her head as Gretchen guided Alma down to her pussy. Now it was Alma’s turn to bask in the scent of her lover’s pussy,...
That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...
Jenny is dumb struck. Her hand is now just dormant inside her sisters pussy, any thoughts of locating the g-spot have vanished. How can she answer this ? What exactly did Sky hear ? Sky now sees her chance to take control. Sky's attempts at loving other girls were all initiated by her, but the past day or so, with her smaller, younger sister, has been dominated by Jenny's actions. Now Sky can see how she can again be the 'big sister'. Sky knows by Jenny's silence, she has the relationship...