Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 09 free porn video

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Chapter 9

Family Fun & More

I got home around six and spent the next hour just relaxing. I had given very careful thought to how this night was going to go and if all went to plan I was going to need all my energy.

Savannah showed up right on time and she was a true vision. She wore a simple black dress that was cut square across the neck and hugged all of her curves in just the right way. It came to about 6 inches above her knees to show her legs to their best advantage and was sleeveless, with a zipper up the back. To this classically simple garment she added a simple string of rose-colored pearls and matching pearl earrings. They stood out nicely against the dark material. Her hair was brushed out and was capturing the highlights of the setting sun so it almost looked like she’d worn a saintly crown. Her makeup was a bit more pronounced tonight and that was the one element I was not totally thrilled with. That would have to change but it really did very little damage to the overall appearance. She was gorgeous.

I invited her in and led her to the den without as much as a kiss hello. It was time to give her what she asked for and somehow I doubted it would be quite the way she had hoped.

‘Have a seat.’ The coldness of my greeting was having the effect I’d hoped for. She was definitely off balance and worried.

‘I want you to listen without interrupting. When I’m done I will ask you one and only one question. Think carefully before you answer as it will be the only time you are offered this choice.’

She was starting to get a sense of what was coming and as I looked inside I saw her getting excited. It would be interesting to see if her excitement would be maintained.

‘You have asked me to take you as my slave and I have spent a great deal of time considering that request. I may be prepared to grant it based on a number of conditions.’

‘First, if I agree to take you as my slave I will own you. You will have no will of your own. I will tell you what to do, where to go, how to dress, when to eat, when to sleep, who to fuck and how to fuck them. In short, you will become my property, my play thing.’

‘Second, since I will own you I will also own everything you now own. You will sign everything over to me and I will do with it as I please. You will be stripped of everything.’

A quick read told me this was starting to sound a bit too intense for her.

‘Third, you will quit your job. You will have no need to work for anyone or at anything other than what I decide will be pleasing to me. I may put you to work in my office or I may just leave you chained up in my dungeon until I have need of you.’

‘Fourth, I will put you through a very intense, painful and demeaning training program. I have not decided what type of slave I will turn you into but I am certain that I will be using and sharing you with others. Whatever fate I choose for you will be met with your absolute commitment to succeed.’

‘Now, and remember to take your time before answering, do you still want me to take you?’

By this time she was ringing her hands and grinding her teeth. As I looked inside I could see a full-fledged battle between wanting to accept everything I offered and running away as fast and a far as possible. I really didn’t know how this was going to turn out and while I could have influenced her response I decided not to. If she said yes it had to be her decision alone or I would never truly feel comfortable with what I was going to do to her.

The battle was coming down to one question. She wanted to know if I would ever really love her if she became my slave or would she be nothing more than a thing I played with. If it were possible for there to be love she would give everything up for that chance. If she were destined to be nothing more than an object then she would have to say no.

‘May I ask a question?’ The tension in her voice was almost choking her. I on the other hand remained calm and determined, almost cold.

‘Yes you may.’

‘I love you. I will always love you. I want to be yours as completely as possible and that’s why I offered myself to you as your slave. I can’t imagine a better way to demonstrate my love than to give myself over to you. I created the room in my basement just for you and never considered sharing it with anyone else. But, I’m scared. I’m scared that you will think of me differently if I do this. I’m afraid you won’t be able to love me. I think it would kill me if I gave you everything and lost you at the same time. I don’t know how to ask this but I guess I just want to know if you could love me as your slave or would I just become some kind of object you owned and used.’

I let her hang for a few beats before I responded.

‘I love you too and I truly believe I will always love you. However, I will also use you. If you give yourself to me I will take full advantage of you. I will treat you like an object. I will abuse and embarrass you at times. I will make you do things that you’d never imagined doing and I will teach you to love all of it. By the time I’m done with you, you will be a very different person but I will still love you. I think the real question you should be asking is will you be able to love yourself. Will you be able to love that inner you you’ve kept so well hidden or will you be repulsed by it as I bring it out into the light of day and begin to nurture it?’

She didn’t hesitate this time.

‘I’ve looked long and hard at these feelings ever since I began tutoring you. The side of me that wants to be so completely dominated is as much a part of who I am as the side I show the world every day. I can’t deny that this is a real part of who I am and I have become comfortable with that part of me. I’ve become convinced that I need to let this side of me free. I’ve felt so bottled up until now that I don’t think I’ve ever really been happy. If I can release this beast inside me and still have your love I really believe I will finally be truly happy.’

She was crying softly now and as I watched her tears roll down her cheeks I knew I would always love her. No matter how I chose to use her that would not change.

‘Listen to me carefully. I will always love you and giving yourself to me would truly be a gift beyond any I could hope for. However, there will be times when what I do to you makes you doubt that love. There will be times, especially in the early days of your training where you will regret giving yourself to me. None of that can be helped if you are to be a true slave. If you have the strength to bear these times then say yes. I you have doubts then please say no. I meant what I said before. If you say yes this will be the last time you will have a choice.’

I actually wondered if I really did want her to say no. If she said yes I would not take half measures in her training. There would be times we both regretted taking this path but I would follow it relentlessly and I would drag her along if necessary.

If she said no we could still be lovers and friends. I might not have as much time for her and we would never be as close as we would be if I became her Master, but we could still have fun. I almost wished she would say no.

She settled my indecision.

‘I’m ready. If you’ll have me I’m yours. Just tell me what you want me to do.’ She seemed to sink under the weight of her decision and at the same time I read a sense of relief at having made the choice she did.

I rose and took her in my arms and just held her for a while. The intimacy of it was almost more than I could deal with. I kissed her deeply and then held her by the shoulders, looked into her eyes and started her down the road to her complete submission.

‘From now on I am your Master and you will refer to me that way. If you fail to do so you will be punished. I am not happy with the amount of makeup you’re wearing. You will use modest amounts in colors I choose. You a
re no longer allowed to wear panties unless I tell you to. I want easy access to your pussy and ass at all times. You ask permission before you speak. If you fail to ask permission you will be punished. You will not orgasm without permission. If you do I will punish you. From now on you are mine. You will do exactly as I say without the slightest hesitation. If you fail you will be punished. Your training begins now and until I am satisfied that you are aware of your new role you will be treated like a dog. You will join me for dinner tonight and like any good dog you will eat on the floor. I will be sharing you with others. Do for them as if you were doing for me. If you fail you will be punished. Tomorrow you will come to my office with all of the documents related to your house, car, bank accounts, and any other assets you own. You will sign all of those over to me. From now on you live here. I will create a suitable environment soon but for now you will be kept in the basement. When I am satisfied that you are learning your proper place I may provide a more comfortable arrangement for you. I truly hope you can learn to live with your decision because there is no turning back now. Do you understand?’

She looked into my eyes for a brief second and then looked down as she said, ‘Yes Master’.

‘Good. Now, give me your panties.’ She quickly, and with no modestly at all, slipped them off and handed them over to me. They smelled sweet. They were also moist.

‘Now, blow me!’ I quickly released my cock and she moved just as quickly to her knees to capture it with her mouth. It was strange. She was doing everything just as before but I just wasn’t enjoying it as much. I guess I was just a bit saddened by her choice. I really liked the Savannah I’d come to know. She’d really grown on me and now I could only hope this new Savannah would grow on me as much.

I grabbed her head and started to fuck her mouth and that seemed to do the trick. My orgasm wasn’t as intense as the last time I’d enjoyed her mouth but it did the trick and after squeezing the last few drop out I was ready to introduce my new slave to the family. I was also starving.

I drew her to her feet and noticed a few drops of cum clinging to the corners of her mouth and as I did she moved to wipe them away. I stopped her.

‘Don’t! I want them there for everyone to see. From now on you might try harder to suck down every drop and maybe you can avoid the embarrassment of everyone seeing your cum stained face. Now let’s go to dinner.’

She began walking at my side. ‘No slave! You will remain two paces behind me at all times. Before you are allowed to walk at my side again you will need to earn it.’

I led the way into the dining room where everyone was just being seated. All eyes fell on Savannah.

‘Let me introduce you to my new slave.’ I turned and called her to me. ‘This is Slave Savannah. I have just agreed to take her into training. Until I say otherwise, she will be treated like a stray dog. I will need all of you to help me maintain that discipline if she is to succeed. Showing her any kindness will do her more harm than good. Also, you will see things as I conduct her training that will be upsetting at times. Please trust me and please don’t interfere. Training a proper slave is a daunting task. With your help this slave may just succeed. ‘

Mom had done as asked and not set a place for her. I pointed to the floor at the side of my chair and she obediently took her place on the floor with her legs crossed underneath her. She looked pathetic.

Dinner conversation was a bit strained at first. Having Savannah sitting there waiting for me to pass her scraps of food had to be upsetting for everyone. But, it passed before long and we were talking just as we always had. The meal was excellent as usual and we all ate heartily.

We were just about through when I realized Annie was still not aware of Mom’s condition or of Carrie and me and our new relationship. It was time to bring her up to date and talk to her about what I was thinking about for her future.

‘Annie, there’s some news we need to share with you. Mom, why don’t you start.’

Mom was beaming as she explained her new state. ‘Well honey, there’s no real way to ease into this so I’m just going to come right out with it. You’re going to be a sister again.’

Annie lit up like a Christmas tree. ‘Wow, holy shit. A boy or a girl?’

‘I don’t know yet but that’s not all the news. Kenny is the father.’ She looked at Annie with just a slight touch of fear at how this news would be accepted.

‘Wow, that’s so intense.’ She paused for a Moment to digest this news and then continued. ‘I guess I’m a bit stunned but I’m really thrilled too. God, this is going to be so cool. We’re going to have a new baby in the house.’

I jumped in. If she thought one child was thrilling lord only knew how she’d react to the news of two.

‘Annie, Carrie and I are also going to be together. She has asked to be more than just my sister. She wants to be my wife and I have agreed. She has stopped taking the pill and as soon as she is fertile we’ll also be making a baby. The house is going to get pretty noisy before long.’

I had forgotten Savannah was at my side until I heard the small gasp that came from her as I delivered this news.

To the table I said, ‘Excuse me’ and for Savannah I offered her first true taste of her new role.

‘You are a dog. You have no business listening in on my conversations. If you want to be heard you will ask permission. Otherwise, you are to remain invisible. You have just earned your first punishment. Now, sit there and keep quite.’

She hung her head with shame and as I looked back at the table all three women were clearly shocked.

‘I’m sorry for the disruption. Please just remember, I am doing this for her. She wanted this. She had a choice and this is what she choose. Help me and together we can help her succeed.’

‘Now, where were we? Oh yea, the house was going to get noisy.’

Annie was the first to recover.

‘Kenny, you seemed to have things pretty well set with Mom and Carrie. Can I ask, have you had time to think about me yet?’ As Mom had said, they would all be looking to me to help guide their futures.

‘I have Sis. Actually I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what would make you happy. To be honest, I’ve also looked into your mind a bit to try and get some hints.’ She flushed at that bit of news.

‘I know you still have very strong feeling for Eric. I really like him as well and I think it might be worth getting the two of you together and see if there’s still the same spark you two used to share. I hope that’s ok with you. I called him today and he’s going to come over and spend the weekend. You two can catch up a bit and if you’re still interested I’ll talk to him.’ She lit up once again, jumped from her seat and ran to me. She jumped into my lap and nearly knock us both over as she hugged me.

‘Thank you. Thank you so much. I knew I could count on you to do the right thing. I love you so much. God, I can’t wait to see him again. Thank You.’ We kissed deeply and as we broke the kiss she whispered, ‘How about making love to me. It’s been days and I really need to taste your cock.’

‘Down girl. I have plans for all of us tonight. Tonight we are going to be a family like no other. Now, go help Mom get the coffee and leave things to me. I promise you’ll all be satisfied before the night is out.’

She gave me one last kiss before she got up and with Mom, headed to the kitchen. I asked Carrie to stay behind.

‘Carrie, when is your period due?’

‘It should be around the end of this week. It’s normally pretty regular.’

‘Good. Now, I need your help tonight. I want us all to make love together. I think this might be a bit strange for Mom though and I want to be sure she gets comfortable and really enjoys herself. If you can make sure you pay specia
l attention to her I’d really appreciate it.’ Carrie and Annie had been lovers and the three of us had been together so I was confident we would be ok. I just wondered if Mom might be a bit overwhelmed and figured if Carrie kept focused on her, Mom come around. All we needed to do was whet her sexual appetite. I also had plans for a bit of a warm up with Savannah. If all went to plan this would be the wildest night yet.

Mom and Annie returned with the coffee and after a bit more small talk I decided to get things rolling.

‘Let’s all go inside. Savannah, clear the table and then join us.’

I led them to the den. This room was going to be perfect. It was a bit oversized but very cozy with it’s rich wood paneling and a stone fireplace that made the coldest winter nights fade into the distance. Of course being August, there was no need for a fire but still it added warmth to the overall ambiance of the room. There was a large over-stuffed sofa done in shades of gold and two matching chairs set at either side of the fireplace. The floor was carpeted in a thick pile that invited folks to stretch out and relax I’d certainly done just that on many occasions.

I directed them to sit on the sofa.

‘Before Savannah gets here I need your help with something. First, Mom I don’t want you to be embarrassed but I need to know something. Have you ever been with a woman?’ Her response stunned me.

‘Of course, many times. Your dad loved to watch me make love to women and then join us.’ It was such a matter-of-fact response that we were all momentarily stunned. I began to wonder just how experienced and kinky Mom might be. Maybe I’d have a chance to explore some of that tonight. For now, I needed to push on.

‘Savannah hasn’t. I need all of you to help me here. When she comes in I’m going to make her give each of you an orgasm. Then when we’re all making love tonight I’m going to instruct her to be sure she is servicing one of you at all times. However, I don’t want her to cum tonight. Let her do as I tell her but don’t reciprocate. If she does orgasm I want to know and I will have to punish her. Will you help?’

They looked at each other for a second and then all agreed. I scanned each of them and discovered Mom was actually looking forward to this much more than the others. Again, I was a bit surprised.

No sooner had they agreed than Savannah came into the den. She moved immediately to my side and kneeled. That was a positive sign.

‘Savannah, I am going to let you participate tonight. Listen carefully and follow my instructions exactly. First, I want you naked.’

She became red with embarrassment but quickly slipped out of her dress and removed her bra. She really was beautiful.

‘Now, I want you to undress the ladies.’ She responded with a simple ‘Yes Master’ and before long I was sitting before four naked goddesses.

‘Now Savannah, I would like Mom and my sisters to enjoy an orgasm to take some of the edge off. All the dogs I know love to lick things. Show me you can be a good dog and lick each of them until they cum in your mouth.’

She hesitated just a bit before she spoke. ‘May I say something Master?’

‘If you must.’

‘It’s just that I’ve never done this before and I’m not sure I know haw to do it well enough.’ She was being sincere so I cut her a break and let slide the fact that she hadn’t jumped right into her task.

‘I know you’ve had your cunt eaten before so you certainly know what you like. Just do the same and let’s see if you can’t get it done. Now, stop wasting time. You can start with my mother.’

She crawled to Mom who was now leaning back with her legs spread and began kissing her inner thighs and outer labia. Mom purred just a bit to let her know she was off to a good start. With that bit of encouragement she slipped her tongue out and stroked between Mom’s pussy lips. They were already engorged and red with lust and Mom moaned this time. She reached down and spread herself open. Her inner lips are a bit larger than either of the girls and are a deeper pink as well. They were glistening with her wetness and Savannah didn’t hesitate to lavish them with long strokes of her tongue. It wasn’t going to take long to get Mom off. I should have asked them to try and hold back so Savannah would have to work a bit harder. Oh well, maybe next time.

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It was starting to get dark and Marissa hadn’t come home yet; concerned I called her cell phone. After ringing and ringing, it went to voicemail, so I left her a message to call. My nose kept wanting to bleed and so I went into the bedroom to lie down and the next thing that I knew, I was waking up to the sunshine streaming through the window. I looked over at Marissa’s side of the bed and saw that it hadn’t been slept in. “What the fuck?” I muttered. I realized that I was still dressed and...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 29

I only had three classes my first semester in law school — and thank God for that. My time from the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to bed, was accounted for. I was also thankful the Alabama offense was very similar to the Kentucky offense. I had to learn new terminology, but very little else. The Tide waltzed through our opener and set our sights on the defending national champion Wildcats. It was hard for me to believe it had been only nine months since the city had thrown a parade...

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Time with Aunt Amy

I gawked when came out onto the decking. I was sitting half-reclined on one of the loungers next to the pool. It was shady under the big parasol shade but I still had sunglasses on. And I was grateful to have them because at least they gave me some cover to mask my surprise and delight at seeing my ripe, voluptuous Aunt Amy in the two-piece swimsuit.“I hope you don’t mind,” she said from behind her own huge sunglasses, “but it’s too hot to wear mush else.”I gulped down against the inappropriate...

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A Cuckold By Choice Chapter 2

“What’s this?” I laughed. “Starting early?”“Hi darling,” my wife smiled. “We’re just celebrating breaking up for Christmas.”“So I see.” I smiled. “You smudged your lipstick.”At least she had the good grace to blush and Charlie got up to get a round in.“Charlie just wanted a word, darling,” she said hastily.“Katie,” I said quietly and took her hand, “you know I’m fine with what you’re doing, well, with what we’re doing, but please don’t lie to me, if you want to see Charlie, just say so,...

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The Best Day Off Work 1

It was the middle of the day and I was lounging around the house in some lace boy short panties that allowed all of my sexy chocolate ass to hang out the bottom and a plain white t-shirt with no bra, so my 34C tits hung freely. I had pulled my hair up in a loose ponytail and had just put the finishing touches of color to my own pedicure. I had taken the day off from work, just to relax. It had been a stressful week and I just wanted to take a day off and do nothing. The doorbell rang and I...

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I gave my brotherinlaw to my sister on the cell

Hello, my name is Yasmim. I am a blonde of 1.70 with delicious breasts with pink tips anda thin waist that makes my butt even rounder.I have 102cm of hips.I'm very little bitch. I love to give. Amooo pica that fucks thirty minutes and even a goodpussy. Sex is life! My sin is lust !!! I've realized several fantasies, but mybrother-in-law has always been a dream in my hottest nights of cum in a hot siririca. My sister and he have been married for almost seven years. I was always very in tune with...

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The Night is Long

_The air was filled with smoke and blood. It was the dawn of 5th day of the siege when they finally broke through the gates, the city defenders stood no chance as the hordes of Beast and Man tore into them. I looked to the sky as i stood there on the balcony and i behold a red comet that streaked across the sky like an arrow let loose from its bow. On that day as the sun rose i knew one thing, a conqueror had been born.- - - - - - _ The world of Ayr is entering its next stage, for two centuries...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 183 Confession End

(Kenshin and Kaoru are walking back through town as the sun sets.) Kenshin: So Miss Tsubame told you. I'm sorry to have worried you. Kaoru: I'm sorry I interrupted. Kenshin: You don't need to apologize. I was about ready to go back anyway. (A little pause) Kaoru: Um, Ken-- Kenshin (catching sight of three kids eating noodles at a stand across the way): Whose students are those? Kaoru: Oh, that's the Shibata-school Jouetsukan uniform. I do outside training there four or five times a...

3 years ago
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Dulcie and MannieChapter 3

There is a famous psychiatric study, 'On Being Sane in Insane Places'; perfectly well individuals were admitted to acute psychiatric units and found it was extremely difficult to convince the staff that they were, in fact, perfectly sane. Emmanuel Wagner had, of course, shown clear signs of not being 'well' for two years and his recovery, occurring quite without any medical intervention, intrigued, puzzled and worried the professionals. His parents struggled mightily and only managed to...

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Yes, this is a reposting. The old post didn't catalogue number of readers or comments. This is one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy and comment. -L***********************She introduced herself as Ms. Parks to the class, but I already knew her as Phyllis.  Phyllis lived with her parents who the summer before had moved into the apartment next door to my estranged father.  That was the very same summer in which my beloved mother favored my sister to travel around the country with her –my mother...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty Part 4 Final

Hi, Madan here. I am sorry for the late post of my sex story. I was lost in my professional life so couldn’t write. I apologies for making you wait. I believe that your anger will vanish as soon as you begin reading. Well I am very happy and pleased to see your feedback. Every feedback was a reward for me. If I am writing something good, that’s all because of you readers. Your suggestions, advice and appreciation motivate me and force me to write though I have busy schedule. So all credit goes...

4 years ago
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Santa Claus is cumming

My little sister, Anna sure knows how to keep Santa busy on Christmas Eve! She made arrangements for Santa to visit a couple of our friends' houses and deliver packages to add to the holiday spirit. Santa would visit Anne's and Karin's Christmas parties, then make a midnight appearance at Annika's. My sister thought this would be just the kind of thing to keep Santa jolly all Christmas Eve. Of course, she had hubby playing the role of Santa.By the way, he does a wonderful job as Santa...

3 years ago
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Jane my Mates daughter

Here is the second part of the story with Jane my 18 year old friends daughter. I cycle a lot and pop into Jane house to see her dad from time to time but most of the time before we went on holiday it was her sister Sarah that I would see and she would make me a coffee. And we would chat and I would give her a relaxing massage if we were alone. Not that we were often alone most of the times I would massage her neck and shoulders, I would also get to play with her boobs down her top as we had an...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 15 Playing Without The Queen of Hearts

September 9, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “White boy! Phone for you!” Clark called out on Thursday evening while I was with the study group. I got up and went to our room to pick up the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, Mikey,” Liz replied. “I just called to say, ‘thank you’.” “For what?” “Making Mindy come back to my room.” I chuckled, “Do you know how difficult it was to kick a hot, naked fox out of my bed? And then, after she turned on the lights so I could see her body, kick her out of my room?” Liz...

1 year ago
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Entering the lifestyle

                After being awake for over thirty hours, sex was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was working two jobs at the time in hopes of knocking back these damn student loans.   As I was standing against the wall smoking a cigarette trying to fight off the sandman I felt someone behind me. “What’s up man?”, I say having no clue as to who was behind me, just knowing that someone was there. “How ya doin Jarhead?” came the reply from behind me. Upon hearing this I knew it was my...

4 years ago
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Truck Stop RendezVous

“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that, I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut.Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A thirty-six-year-old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men.I’m what you...

Gay Male
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Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

3 years ago
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Kutai Pavadai Aunty

Hellor friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexiyaana kutai pavadai auntyai eppadi usar seithu mater seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru unmai kathai enbathaiyum ungalidam solli kolugiren, en kaama anubavathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil pagirnthu kola vaaipu koduthatharku migavum en nandriyai therivithu kolugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vinoth eppozhuthum pengalai sight adithu kondu irunpen. En kalluri kaalam mudinthu ippozhuthu 25 vayathu aagiyum entha pennaiyum...

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Dating Kelly Part VISpring Break Part 2

My eyes slowly opened and I blinked in the harsh caribbean sun. I glanced around and remembered things the way you do after waking up from a deep sleep. I was in a hammock slung between two palm trees near the beach of the resort my family was staying at. I gradually noticed that my arm was asleep and I looked down to see that my girlfriend Kelly was sleeping next to me, her petite body nestled into my bulkier one and wedged on top of my arm. Still somewhat asleep, I enjoyed the peaceful scene:...

Love Stories
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VT a Lesbian Love Story Ch 06

Week Six:R & R Trin did not like being bedridden. She detested being waited upon, and she sure as hell hated the compression stockings affixed to her thighs. Since she got home from the hospital she would doze all day with Violet, and then allow herself to be dressed. Together they walked outside for a set number of blocks, then returned home. Violet had installed an air-conditioner into their room despite her own discomfort. Trin emotionally was withdrawn. She did not do much, mostly...

4 years ago
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Not so little brother Chapter 2 Alternate

I woke up the next morning confused. Did that really happen? Could that have happened? Neh. That’s just ridiculous… I opened my eyes. Standing in the doorway of the bathroom was Steven. His hair was messy and he was naked from head to toe. Between his legs was the beautiful cock that I had sucked last night. It looked just as big as when he had first stripped down for his shower the previous night. FUCK! Steven was brushing teeth while he watched me slowly enter the waking world. He...

1 year ago
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The New NeighborsChapter 9

Jeremy led Emily down to the media room and showed her all of the amenities, with which she was appropriately awed. When he asked if she would like to watch a movie, she said, “Um, can we just talk for a little bit?” She related the conversation with her mother and Sally and concluded with, “I think our mothers have given us permission to, um, well you know, ‘do it.’” “Yeah, it kinda sounds like it. But that doesn’t matter to me as much as knowing whether you really want to. I’m kind of a...

2 years ago
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Collecting my Prescription from the Pharmacist

Collecting my Prescription from the PharmacistI’m a fit 55 year old man and I have a few ailments that require a visit to the Pharmacist every month. A couple of months ago they had employed a new Pharmacist. Catching an occasional glance, she has a pretty face behind a pair of black rimmed glasses. If she stands I only get to see her shoulders above the high counter. She’s about 40 -45 with mousey blonde hair and can only be 5ft 2in may be 5ft 4 and a light frame. I’ve never even spoken to her...

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Ted WhoChapter 10

Sandy came to the game that night and, as promised, she paid me no notice at all -- no waves, no thrown kisses, nothing. But I saw her up there, sitting in the Family section. But this time she was very close to the dugout, alongside Amy Parkison, the young woman who served as translator for our Japanese left-hander, Shiggie Nomura. Shiggie had just joined the club recently, and it looked like he would really improve our pitching staff. Shiggie's translator, Amy, was a fine-looking young...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Shae Celestine The Daddy Swap Pt1

Ariana Aimes and Shae Celestine were trying their hardest to lose their virginity before college. It was only a few days before school was supposed to start and all they accomplished were sucking a few dicks! How the heck are they gonna get deflowered with only a few days to spare? By swapping their handsome fathers of course! In part one, Shae approaches Ariana’s dad and admits the big crush she has had on him. She begins to rub his crotch and moves him over to the bedroom where she...

3 years ago
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My BBW Mother In Law

Sometimes in life, opportunities just land on your lap at unexpected times and you need to be ready to take them as they are unlikely to ever be repeated. Having now started affairs with two women in their 60’s only a few weeks beforehand, to say I had my hands full was an understatement but I was getting regular sex and wasn’t complaining. What I have found in the past is if you are getting it regularly, women seem to magically know and further chances occur, but I was not expecting it to be...

2 years ago
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Toyboy Forced to Act as Adult

Many thanks to Kirk2004 for editing this story. Easter is a booming time at North Scandinavian ski resorts. The weather is usually above zero and very pleasant and sunny. Everybody is at least four days off the job. I was at one of the larger more popular hotels in our North together with three friends. A gorgeous brunette gave me a bright smile and some kind comments during breakfast and now at the "after ski" I saw her sitting only a few tables away from my gang. Once again I got a bright...

2 years ago
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Big slut from small town

I was your typical small town girl, pretty naļve, and with two options open to me after high school: work a crummy job and live with my parents, or marry a local boy and make lots of babies. Neither appealed to me, so at 19 I moved to the big city for fun and adventure. After six months I had a cheap little studio apartment and a job as a waitress in a run-down diner. It wasn’t so bad; the food was excellent, the tips were good, and we got one free meal a day. Connie, the...

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KABBAB MEIN HADDI HI, Huma is here with a new hottest incest story. Enjoy it dear readers. ” Bacho, kabab mein haddi muhavre ko sentence mein use karo,” my teacher once said when I was in class 5th in school. I made the sentence,’ Mujhe itni bhookh lgi thi ki main kabab ke saath haddi ko bhi kha gaya” All students laughed at me at my lack of knowledge and the teacher caned me. But still have not learnt what was wrong with my sentence. Later in College, I was enjoying whiskey with my friend at...

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A Kink In Time Part 4 The Voyage Home

Alaric, Skye and I moved through the lobby of The Pyramid, and I couldn't help but notice all the truly stunning-looking men and women. Everyone was dressed fairly skimpily considering that it was cool in the lobby. But here I was wearing a bikini myself and I wasn't chilly at all. I was about to mention it when Skye said, "We're not really as sensitive to temperature changes as regular humans are." "Regular humans?" I said. She shot me a look. "Kayla, you have a tongue that can...

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Don8217t Envy Your Neighbour

Hello, friends, this is my story when I was at Vadodara, I am sharing with you best moments of my life. As I was not married that time, I was looking for a girl or better call her my dream girl.   I still remember the first day I saw her outside my apartment; I stepped out from my flat and was going out for my office meeting. Suddenly she came out from her flat with a bang on the door and was drying her hair with a towel; it seemed she just took her bath.   She was looking damn gorgeous with...

3 years ago
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Best of FriendsRevised0

It was a Tuesday, sunny and warm. School passed by quickly, luckily, and I grabbed my bag from my locker. Adam met me halfway down the hall, and we walked side-by-side to the exit. I saw a girl from my grade, Jessica, walking up to me and I stopped. "Hi, Cody." she said softly. She didn't try to talk quietly, it was just the way her voice was. "Whats goin on, Jess?" she smiled up at me and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well..I was wondering. Did you maybe want to go...

1 year ago
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The first time my husband mentioned it, I was shocked, but I always said I would go along with anything to please him, as long as it was between us. So he calmed me down and I got dressed up in lingerie and make up for him. I did my hair and when I came out, I looked pretty good I would say for what he called a ‘BBW’ because I had recently had a baby and had put on quite a few pounds since we met. He had me pose in different poses and move freely as I chose as he clicked away with my digital...

3 years ago
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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 14 Off to War

“No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.” - Ronald Reagan Jason left the meeting with Ixal, Lisirra and Corvus. He was joined by Julia, Perdita and Razza along with Kalalal and his team. They met with the excited Gromelix and went for a flight together for half an hour before they climbed into an assault frigate to fly to the updated Battleship waiting outside the asteroid. “Your ship looks huge next to...

1 year ago
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Romantic Conference Pt 02

Ryan could feel a wet warmth as he realized that she had been wearing nothing under her skirt. She moaned as he began gently tracing the slick spot from her hardening mound to tight opening. As the passion grew, Sarah slid further onto the bed and laid on her back. Ryan followed as his fingers sunk into her now sopping and swollen pussy. He could feel her pea-sized clit respond as he fingered both it and the ridges building inside her most intimate spot. He worked both the inner and outer folds...

2 years ago
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New City

“I’m goning to miss you” says your mum in her foreign accent as she wraps her arms around you. You lean down to hug her back before giving her a kiss on the cheek goodbye. You wave off her car as she begins to reverse out of her parking spot before disappearing. You then turn around and take a good look at your ginormous campus. After taking in the change of scenery, you grab your bags, the duffel bag on your shoulder, the suitcase with your left hand and the 4 bags of food your mum just bought...

4 years ago
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Naliravil Savukathopil Kathaliyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil gramathu kathaliyai savukathopil eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar dinesh vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan oru gramathil vasithu varugiren, enaku oru kathali irukiral aval peyar sumathi vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Naangal oruvarai oruvar kathal seithu varugirom, adikadi meet seithu kiss seithu matter panuvom. Pinbu savuaki thopu veti vitargal athanaal engalaal meet seithu sex pana mudiyaamal...

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