Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 14 free porn video

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Chapter 14

2’s Company, 8’s An Orgy

I got home a bit before seven and was pleased to find Savannah ready. She looked absolutely perfect dressed in the same elegant yet simple black dress with the same classic string of pearls resting at the base of her neck. Her hair was loose and shimmering in the evening light. Her nails were done in understated colors with just the slightest hint of a gold streak cutting across each. Her makeup was modestly applied with just a bit of highlight to enhance her wonderful eyes. She was the perfect image of a woman who had class and the benefit of good breeding.

I led her into the den.

‘Savannah, I have a critical assignment for you this weekend. I need you to listen carefully and carry out my instructions precisely. How you perform this weekend could mean the difference between life and death for the wife of the gentlemen you will be servicing this weekend.’ I was sounding very dramatic and it was. If she failed to convince Philippe that reeducating his wife was an option then I would probably be forced to help him execute his original plan. Just the thought of that left a foul taste in my mouth.

I explained the entire situation. I left no details out. She would need to know exactly what was at stake if this was going to work.

‘So then, I need you to be the perfect partner in public and the perfect slave in private. You will refer to him as Master when in private. You will respond to his demands as if it was me you were servicing. When in public, you need to be charming and engaging. Your goal is to sell the qualities of your master. Make people want to be near him. Even if it’s only to be closer to you, they must want to be involved with him. A good woman can make the difference between closing business deals and loosing them. Show him how effective you can be on his behalf.’ She had listened intently to every word and my probe revealed only one doubt.

‘Master, I will do my very best. I’m just concerned about my lack of knowledge about his business. I enjoy wine but I’m certainly no expert. I’m not sure how I can compensate for my ignorance.’ It was a fair point with a simple solution.

‘Savannah, Philippe will not expect you to be a wine expert. Should you find yourself in a difficult position simply defer to him. Remember, you are selling him. Humbly defer the question to him and give him the chance to demonstrate his expertise. You charm them and let him wow them.’

‘I understand Master. I will do my best.’

‘Let’s see what you’ve packed.’

‘My bags are in the entry way Master. Just a second and I’ll grab them.’ She ran off and returned with two bags. The first was a shoulder bag that was intended for a trip to the gym. The second was a garment bag that was just the right size for a couple of days.

‘Show me the clothes first.’

With a quick, ‘yes Master’ she opened the garment bag. She had packed another dress that was similarly elegant in style but cut with a slightly lower neckline and a plunging back. It was a soft blue and seemed to be made of silk. Below that, she had packed a gown. This was full-length and form fit. It was made of a shimmering material in various shades of gray and silver and was strapless. She had also packed a pair of dress slacks and a white blouse that was obviously meant for more casual occasions. She had a pair of shoes for each outfit and three sets of underwear that included a bra, garter belt and stockings. She had a small bag with various types of makeup and other toiletries and that was it. Unlike most women, she had packed only the essentials.

‘I’m pleased with your choices. Now show me the bag of tricks.’ She flushed a bit but moved quickly to get the second bag opened.

This one contained a riding crop, a whip and a paddle just in case she required punishment. To this she added two dildos, one large and one gigantic, two butt plugs, also large and larger, a vibrator, various lengths of rope and a set of nipple clamps. It looked like just enough to keep Philippe busy and happy.

‘Who chose these items?’ I wondered if Mom had helped her.

‘I did Master. I hope I did Ok.’

‘You did fine. Now get this all packed again. The car will be here in 10 minutes. Make me proud.’ I had a good feeling about this. If anyone could pull this off Savannah was the one.

I gave her a quick kiss and left her to get ready. I needed to get showered and on my way to Mac’s and I didn’t have much time if I was going to arrive by eight as promised. Unfortunately Carrie caught up with me.

She was electric and almost knocked me over as she ran and jumped in my arms. I just managed to recover my balance as she wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me deeply. I knew immediately what this was all about and it wasn’t just the fact that she missed me.

‘I’m ovulating. We can make a baby. Please, let’s make a baby.’ It was so tempting. One short step and we’d be in my room and a few more steps and we’d be on the bed making love. I really wanted to give in. I couldn’t give in.

I did carry her into my room and as I set her on the bed I broke away to try and explain.

‘Carrie, that’s really great news. I really do want this, I swear. But, it’s going to have to wait until later. I promised I’d go to Mac’s for a while. I’m already running late. I’ll come back as soon as I can and we can spend the night together. Will you wait for me?’ Even as I was telling her this I was thinking I could probably just take her to the shower with me. We wouldn’t have a lot of time but at least we could get started down our chosen path. But no, this was not the way I wanted it to happen and I don’t think it was the way Carrie wanted it either. We should be able to take our time and explore the depths of our passion. The moment we conceived our first child should be one neither of us ever forgot.

She was pouting like a little girl and that pout was weakening my resolve.

‘Oh Kenny, I’m so ready for this. I’ve been waiting all day. Can’t you put it off for just a bit?’ She was even whining like a child.

‘I don’t want to rush though this. Wait for me just a bit and I promise I’ll be yours all night.’ This promise seemed to bring her around a bit.

‘You promise, all night, just the two of us?’

I was about to confirm my promise when I remember Eric.

‘Carrie, Eric is coming in at nine. I should be back by 9:30 or 10. I want to spend a little time with him and Annie first and then I promise, I will be yours all night.’ Of course that assumed Philippe would not be interrupting me. I decided not to add that caveat.

‘Ok I guess. But please don’t keep me wait too long. I’ll bust if I don’t feel you inside me soon.’ She went from a frowning child to a wanton woman in a heartbeat.

‘Good, now let me get showered and out of here or I’m never going to get back.’ I kissed her warmly and made my way to the bathroom. I heard her sigh as I closed the door.

I got showered and out with out further incidence and arrived at Mac’s fifteen minutes behind schedule. The similarities in her welcome were scary. She ran down the front steps and leapt into my arms. Once again, I just about feel over.

She showered me with kisses and as I looked over her shoulder there were her parents, smiling from ear to ear. The child in me was a bit embarrassed.

‘Your parents are watching us.’

‘Yes, I know. I told them everything and they’re thrilled.’ I guess I was a bit surprised. I had thought they would be just a bit reticent about the change in Mac’s future. I also thought I was going to have to dance around an explanation of some things they might find a bit strange. However, I wasn’t about to complain.

‘How much of everything did you tell them?’ I doubted she’d really told them everything and I certainly didn’t want to confuse matters by saying too much.

‘Absolutely everything. I hope that’s ok but I just figured
that given the history they had with your father that they would understand. They were a little concerned at first but they’re really ok now.’ She was bubbling with so much excitement it was starting to infect me.

I put Mac down and quickly walked up and embraced both of them. They were about to become my in-laws and apparently, they already knew more about my private life than anyone outside the immediate family. I was going to have to talk seriously with them about privacy and secrecy.

As Mac came up behind us her father suggested we go in a talk.

In many ways, Mac’s father was similar to mine but was more subdued. He was personable, energetic and steady. Unlike my father, everything about him was understated. He dressed well but always in styles and colors that were subdued. He was always well groomed but didn’t bother to cover up the streaks of gray in his hair. He stood tall at a little over six feet and kept himself in decent shape. He wasn’t sporting an athlete’s body but he wasn’t sporting a couch potatoes gut either. He had always displayed a good sense of humor but when he told jokes they were always clean. He was friendly and as I recall, he always seemed to be among the group of Mom and Dad’s closet friends. He was a structural engineer by trade and that’s probably where Mac’s interest in architecture blossomed.

Mac’s mom had a very similar personality and manner of presentation. She would never be described as a stunning beauty. Maybe you would call her pretty or cute. She too had maintained herself well but not to the extent where she might be mistaken for a younger women. She was in her early forties and she looked exactly as someone her age would be expected to look. The one real difference between her and her husband was she did color the gray out of her hair. It was her only outward sign of female vanity. The thing I had always liked most about her was her laugh. It was warm and infectious and when she laughed her entire face lit up. She also impressed me as being extraordinarily sincere. There was absolutely nothing false about her. She always spoke her mind but she did so in such a way where folks never felt insulted. Her thoughts were always voiced as just her humble opinion and I think most folks accepted it as just that.

We made our way into the living room and sat around the coffee table and as I was about to get things rolling Gavin jumped in.

‘Son, before you say anything I want you to know something. Mac told us that you know about the service your father provided us during a very difficult period in out lives. What you can’t possibly know is just how much he helped. I can’t imagine how our lives would have turned out had it not been for him. He was a remarkable man.’ He paused for a moment as I absorbed being referred to as his son.

‘Son, you are a lot like him. You have the same kind heart and I think you have the same driving desire to do good things. I must admit, I had hoped Mac would wait until she completed college before getting married but if it’s to happen now I can’t imagine a better person for her to spend her life with. Just be good to her and love her and we’ll have no regrets.’

Before I could take a breath Sara jumped in.

‘Kenny, I think you know I always speak my mind. I have to tell you that I’m just a little worried. You are taking on a lot very quickly. I know you’ve started to take control of the business and Mac told us about how your relationship with Carrie is developing. Kenny, I guess I’m just worried that you won’t have time to be the kind of husband I think Mac needs. I’m just having a hard time seeing how you’re going to balance all of this.’ It was actually comforting to see that someone was asking questions.

‘I’ve thought about that quite a bit myself. It’s a fair question. I guess the best answer I can offer is that I really do love your daughter. I always have. I believe she loves me just as much. I know we won’t be living a conventional life and I don’t believe for a moment that our lives together will always be happy and peaceful, but I am confident that together, we will overcome the challenges and build a real life together.’ It was strange but I really didn’t have any doubts that we would make this work. It just seemed too right to be wrong.

‘I know you love her and I know she loves you. I just don’t know how you are going to balance everything so she doesn’t fell neglected.’ We had come to the heart of it. She had felt neglected and it almost destroyed her marriage. She didn’t want to see her daughter have to live through that turmoil.

‘I understand your concern. All I can say is I am prepared to make a lifelong commitment to Mac. I believe she is prepared to make the same commitment. Together we will make this work for both of us. We will share everything together. No matter how weird or wonderful, we will live it together. You have my word on that.’ I really wanted her to see my sincerity and while I could have helped her reach the right conclusion I was determined to let her get there on her own.

She just sat there pondering what I’d said. I could imagine the machinations going on in her head. I waited like man waiting to have the verdict read.

‘Ok Son, Just do me one favor. If you ever start to have doubts, if you ever feel things are getting just a bit overwhelming, if you ever start to doubt that this was the right decision, please come and talk to us. If you need it we will be here to help in any way we can. We are going to be family and for us there is nothing more important. Come to us if you need us. We’ll be there for both of you.’ She was tearing just a bit as she finished.

It was instinctive. I immediately rose and took her in my arms. ‘Thank you Mom. My parents always taught us the same lessons about family. Family always comes first. I promise you, I’ve learned that lesson well and will not stray from it.’ I broke away and gave her a kiss on the cheek before retuning to Mac’s side. She was also tearing just a bit.

Gavin jumped back in. ‘Let’s have a toast.’ He poured champagne and with glasses in hand, he said, ‘To the two of you. May your lives be blessed will the bounties of love, health and happiness. Maybe you can throw in a few grandchildren as well. Cheers.’

We all drank deeply as I thought about the idea of grandchildren and Carrie waiting at home. I’m sure that’s not what Gavin had in mind.

Mac bubbled up again. ‘Let’s eat. I’m starved’, and with that we were off to the dining room and a fantastic meal.

Dinner was relaxed and the food was perfect. Sara had made a roast ham, which was one of my favorites and Gavin had gotten hold of some really nice wine. By the time we were done we were all stuffed and feeling pretty mellow. It would have been great to just relax and enjoy the warm afterglow. Unfortunately, it was getting late and I had other promises to keep. I excused us and drew Mac away so we could talk.

‘Mac, I’m really sorry but I can’t stay. My cousin is arriving just about now and I need to spend some time with Carrie as well.’ I knew she was going to be disappointed and I also knew this would be the first of many tests that would challenge her commitment to our relationship.

‘Ah Kenny, I was really hoping you would spend the night. I was kind of hoping we could spend the night making love. You know, right next door to my parents and all that.’ She seductively whispered the last bit and I will be the first to admit the idea was enticing.

‘I’m really sorry. Trust me, I would really like to stay but I can’t break my promise to Carrie.’ I figured her next question would bring out the real reason.

‘Why tonight? Can’t you see her tomorrow?’

‘Mac, remember what I told you? Carrie is ovulating. We are going to make a baby tonight.’ There was no sense in sugarcoating it. She would have to accept this or rethink her decision.

‘Oh, I see.’ She was clearly wrestling with the news and how she wanted to respond. I remained patient.< br>
‘Jeez Kenny, I know you told me all of this but I guess I just thought I’d have some time to get used to the idea.’ She paused for another round of thought wrestling.

‘I guess I understand but when are we going to have time together?’ She was sounding a bit depressed.

‘We will have a lifetime together and Mac, we’ll be making babies together too. Stay with me on this and I’ll make it great for all of us.’ I don’t know if it was the lifetime together or the making babies part but she started to come around.

‘You really want to have babies with me?’ She obviously liked the idea.

‘Absolutely. When you’re ready I can’t think of anything I would enjoy more than starting our family together.’ I was becoming more acutely aware of my responsibility to continue our bloodline. Having a few children with each of my women seemed a reasonable way to insure I’d accomplish exactly that.

‘Ok, I guess I’m Ok with this. I’m mean, it’s not like you didn’t warn me. Just promise me you won’t make me wait too long. I really need you.’ She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed intensely when an idea started to form in my twisted little head.

‘Mac, why don’t you come over tomorrow and spend the weekend? We can spend the day together and then you can join a party I’m having for a new client on Sunday.’

‘That sounds great. What kind of party? Should I bring anything special to wear?’ She was back to being bubbly.

‘Actually Mac, this party won’t really require clothes.’ I was looking forward to seeing how she was going to react to that one.

Her jaw dropped and she took on the look of a deer caught in the headlights of an on-coming car.

‘Jeez Kenny, what kind of party is this?’ I had to probe. I just couldn’t help myself. I found she new exactly what kind of party I was talking about. The only questions in her head were how many people and would she be the only female.

‘Well, I guess the best way to describe it would be a Roman orgy. There’ll be a total of eight of us. My sisters, Mom and Savannah will be there. Annie’s boyfriend will be joining us as well.’ I would have preferred a more equal mix but this would work out just fine.

‘Wow, I don’t know what to say. I’m not sure I’m ready for this.’

‘You’re going to have to trust me on this. You’re going to have a great time and I’ll be there to make sure you do. It’ll be fun.’

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Elric stood with chest spread wide, naked, his muscles gleamed in the moonlight. His skin was a sickly dark navy blue. His eyes were an aluring green. With long pointed ears and long canine teeth the creature spread it's wings. It's powerful legs lunching off the roof in a powerful roar into the night toward his new mistress. His had been living for 300 years, he has kept his hands off of humans for the last 30 years of his captivity, no rapes, no kills, he deserved this one human, he needed...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 4

“So, I gotta say,” I said. “This vampire planet is pretty nice.” “Brash, you’re saying that through a hologram projected by a floating skull,” Princess Kira said, leaning forward to look me in the eyes. “Via a cybernetic brain connection while you yourself are buried in a hermetically sealed stasis vault while waiting a death sentence.” “Pff!” I made my tiny holographic representation flip its tail in a very Brashy sort of way. “It’s not a death sentence.” P90, who was also seated at the...

1 year ago
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Outdoor self bondage

Just after I got out of high school, and I was getting ready to go to college. I had the house to myself. I had dreams of being drag out in to the woods, striped naked and left tied up out in the country. We lived on the edge of town. I can walk a 1/4 mile and be out of view of every body. There a small lake in this area where I have gone skinny dipping many times. And also nude sun bathing. I worked with self bondage. And found ways to hog tie myself, where the only way to get out was to cut...

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Yes Mr Shaver part 2

Introduction: Second installment of one day in my crazy early twenties. liberties have been taken with names and details. You wanted to see me, Mr. Shaver? Pete asked, somehow managing to pull his gaze from my nakedness while the young Travis groped me. His eyes quickly shot back when I gasped slightly, a shiver going down straight from my breasts to my crotch as Travis rubbed his splayed palms in a circular motion over my tightened nipples. I watched him lick his lips, obviously becoming...

4 years ago
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My first time with him Part 1

Tonight was like no other, yet it was all perfect, and the same as any other time at first. I walked into my room, you were lying on my bed with that silly grin on your face. You thought you were going to “get lucky” but I have other plans. We were 16 and in love, there was no other way to describe it, except for maybe “Puppy Love” but I hate that term. So I look at you and that cocky little grin of yours, and just keep repeating in my head ‘omg, he is so cute!’ I had missed you when you went...

2 years ago
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The Medical Alternative

Kaylie was a bad girl. Often she was in trouble as a kid. Her parents always thought she would grow out of it, but things only got worse when she hit high school. Now she had barely graduated. Her parents worked hard to send her to college, hoping if she could land a good job someday, she'd be alright. You can imagine her parent's horror when she was booted out of school before the end of her first semester. Back at home, her mother was more infuriated than ever. They had done...

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Their First Toys Ch 03

In the morning, Kathy and Jane smirk at each other as they get up, that they are naked, that their nipples pop out again. During the day, they go to buy champagne, agreeing that Jane looks older, old enough not to have trouble at the store. She doesn't, coming out of the store with grin. Kathy immediately pays for her bottle. Snickering, they agree to buy ice, and Kathy pays for a bag at filling station. Snickering again, they return to their room and put the ice on the bottles in their...

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cuckold lifestyle 66

Last week my wife asked me what I wanted for Easter. I suprised her by telling her I wanted to eat her after she spent the night with one of her guy friends. She said is that all you want? I said well I'd like to take you shopping to buy something sexy to help you get the most of a night out. So last Saturday she and I went shopping down in Little Five Points. That's a little community in down town Atlanta that is full of cool little shops that sell 60's and 70's style clothing. She picked out...

2 years ago
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Mr Mom

Mr. Mom by Paul G Jutras "Hurry up Mommy!" 6 year old Tommy called out to his 36 year old mother, Irene. "We don?t want to be late for The Great Chance!" "All right, All right, dear." Irene said as she buttoned Tommy?s coat on him and grabbed her purse. "I know you?ve been looking forward to this ever since I first bought the tickets. Now we?re all ready. Get into the car and we?re off." "Yeah!" Tommy screamed as he ran with a giggle up to the car and climbed into the back seat...

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Across the AlleyChapter 4 Moving and Settling In

By the end of the month, my old house was on the market. I had found the perfect house for myself. Situated just about 10 miles southeast of the city where I was now working. It was just a mile off the interstate and 25 minutes from the ocean. The house was large for just me; having four bedrooms, three baths with an attached two-car garage. Best of all, set off slightly to the side behind the house was a 30 by 60 shop. All of this was on 5 acres. I fell in love with it and used a small...

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Daddys Little Girl

I had been away at school for the past few years. When my father suggested the boarding school I was thinking it would be one of those modern-day boy/girl schools. But boy was I wrong. It was an all girl school. Sure it was nice, the student body got along great. I had some good friends but I missed my time at public school where I had both girl and guy friends. Now it was Christmas break and I had gotten a letter to come home. But it wasn’t to the home that I was raised in. After my mother...

1 year ago
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All Things Considered

And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring……. As you can probably tell, not a whole lot was going on! So yeah, it’s not exactly the Little House on the Prairie but our home sitting squarely on the Nebraskan high plains in a small mid-western township, is if nothing - congenial living. OK, so it was constructed in 1926. Interesting year that. Calvin Coolidge was in the White House, Eddie Cantor was running hot with “Bye Bye Blackbird,” A.A. Milne...

3 years ago
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December holidays part 14 the final weekend

It reached the final Friday before my parents return from their 2 week break. As I woke up counted the cash I had left R525 and then made up my mind being single that I'm going to go out to a club and have one fun night out before my parents return. Friday went by rather quick as I did a few house chors making my life easy for tomorrow and Sunday so I could chill. It soon reached 6pm and I made myself two home made hamburgers for supper and after eating I went to my parents bedroom where I ran...

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Paint the Town

It's your average Saturday morning: you woke up in your apartment, you watched your morning cartoons (no matter how old you get, you still enjoy a good cartoon), ate a simple lunch and decided it was time for you to join the world of the living. You climb off the sofa and head to your bathroom for a shower. As you strip off in front of the full length mirror on your bathroom door, you begin to take stock. So the important question is:

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Wrestling On The Bed

We were pretty young, my cousin and me. He was about two years younger than me. His older brother was my age, same grade in school, but we were never close. We got along fine, just ran in different crowds. The younger one and I were always pretty tight for whatever reason. He was a big k**, already 6 foot and stocky when he hit his teens. I found out he had a man-sized cock to go with his height and build. I never thought of myself as gay and didn't know about bisexuality but I knew I liked...

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Two Worlds

Travis Michael Dillon had seen enough. He had seen enough bloodshed. He had seen enough suffering. He had seen enough of the war. So in the spring of 1866, he decided to do something about it. The War Between the States had just ended and while President Lincoln had worked to heal the country and reunite it once again prior to his assassination, Travis wanted to get as far away from it as he possibly could. The war had ravaged his small town, his state and his country. It had divided the...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Holiday Ch 09

2nd Tuesday – 3rd day as BBC Slut wife When I woke, Jaye and Samuel were already intertwined, kissing as she stroked his erect Big Black Cock. They were a beautiful study in Black and white She sensed me and rolled part way from him, but kept on stroking his Black Cock. "Hi, B! How are you this morning?" "I feel like the North Korean Army just marched through my mouth!" She giggled. "Well, I feel like they all gang-banged me!" She had obviously gotten up during the night and cleaned up because...

2 years ago
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Birthday Pe Gf Ke Sath Sex Lonavla Me

Dosto, mera naam aarush hai. Ye meri pehli desi hot sex story hai. Ye ek real story hai. Jisko yakin karna hai to karna, else I don’t give a fuck. Mai mumbai ke kalyan area me rehta hu. Meri girlfriend anushka bhi mere ghar ke paas hi rehti hai. Hum dono ek dusre ko bht like karte the. Lekin kabhi sex nai kiya coz wo thodi conservative type ki thi . Mai bhi usase pyaar karta tha, so force nai kiya usko kabhi. Lekin icha bht hoti thi meri uske sath sex karneki. Ek baar uske birthday pe humne...

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When wife Sarah and I were first married I liked to buy what were very soft porn magazines as that was all I could legally buy then. I especially liked the features involving threesomes and actively fantasised sharing my wife a second guy. One evening when we were both in a passionate mood I half suggested we should maybe try sex with a third person either male or female. A great way to spoil a great fuck session as she seemed to lose interest straight away.After that I remained quiet about my...

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MommysGirl Nina North Aspen Rae Mona Wales The Birlfriend

Wealthy stepmother Mona Wales pressures teen Nina North to make her formal debut to society and meet a respectable man. Nina claims she’s already in love with a personal trainer from the gym. Because she’s afraid to come out as lesbian, she describes her tomboy girlfriend Aspen Rae in gender neutral terms. Mona is horrified by the news but invites this person for dinner. Nina’s muscular ‘birlfriend’ Aspen arrives, but Mona is too busy judging and grilling her with...

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Becoming an Owned Slut and an Amateur Pornstar

Elizabeth - Lizzy by her friends - forced herself to slow her breathing as she heard her phone buzz. The words of the online ad still filled her mind. I am looking for a submissive female. You must be obedient, and willing to please me. I will control some aspects of your life outside of our play sessions. But when you come over, I will control you completely. I will make you into my slut. And I will take sexual pictures and videos of you to post online. In return, I will mentor you in your...

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Fast Food

Julia walked into the McDonalds where she worked, wearing a white shirt, khakis, and tennis shoes. She was late, and her boss, the manager, was not happy. "You need to show up on time, AND IN UNIFORM!" he scolded her. Then he stormed out in a huff. Julia stuck her tongue out at the door he had left through. "One of these days, I'll get you back." Julia turned to her locker and opened it. Inside was her blue polo shirt with the McChickenPopsBell logo on it, and her matching blue visor. Then...

3 years ago
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A Mother and Her Son 8 Last

The rest of the night was a blur of sexual frenzy. Tommy's youth wore his mother out. He took her three more times that night, bringing her to the brink of exhaustion and ultimate satisfaction.Chapter 12When Tommy awoke the following morning, the bed beside him was empty. He looked at the clock and saw that it was ten AM. He crawled out of bed and found a pair of shorts to put on and then went downstairs. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw his mother standing at the stove fixing breakfast...

3 years ago
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Forgotten FamilyChapter 3 Forming a New Family

The AI must have special programming because the door to my new home opened as soon as I reached it, and allowed me to enter before closing again. I looked around and the front room was empty so I headed to the movie room where I found a distressed looking Sophie trying to keep Alex calm. I was wondering what the problem might be when Amber noticed me and ran towards me with a cry. "Daddy! You left us!" she told me as she wrapped her arms around me. Alex noticed the scream and followed,...

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The RiflemanChapter 20 Rebellion

William "Soria can you stop the overload?" I asked as I reloaded my second pistol, I quickly ejected both clips and loaded the magazines up to full again as the alarm continued sounding. "Yes if I can get to the controls, but we can't," she replied as she crawled into the access hatch. "WARNING TEN MINUTES UNTIL CORE BREACH!" "Soria, get your cute ass back out here and get to work. I'm going out there to hunt them down. Lock the door behind me," I said as I started walking...

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First experience

I want to tell you about my first experience in cross-dressing and what happened afterwards.First some explanations. When I was 12 or 13 years old I was a slim and tender boy with long hair (early 70’s it was normal for boys to have long hair). I lived in a neighborhood with a lot of c***dren my age (some a few years younger or older). So I had a lot of friends to play with. One of our favorite games was “cowboy and Indians”. We played this in the woods not far from our street. It had most of...

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RuthAnn High School Ch 04

Scott pulled up to the gatehouse of his community, and rolled down the window of his truck. Jack, one of the security guards for the settlement, walked up and shined his flashlight at the front of the windshield, looking for the sticker that indicated a resident of the property. Scott reached up and turned on the overhead light to make Jack’s job easier. “Good evening Mr. Hansen. How was the first day of school this year?” “Evening Jack. Long as usual, but also running very smooth already.” ...

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Ritechi Sarasoo Oooakkan

Hello sukurthukale, yellavarakkum veendu swaagadham. (oru apekhsha, yee episode vaikkumbol aadhya pakudhi vare ningale bore adichekkum, yennaal muzhuvan shemayode vaaikkumbolekkum thrill adichirikkum; yendhu cheyaam yellavareyum sahachariyathinu anusarichu visadhamaayi parijaya peduthanam allo….. pls..) Yidhil parayunna Ritechi ore naattukar, naattil ariyapedunna kuleena kudumbhathile angavum aakunnu. Aalu sundhari aanelum amidha vannam 38 vayasu vare vivaham onnum aayirunnilla, avasaanam...

2 years ago
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Sharmile Ladke Ko Padhaya Chudai Ka Paath

Mera naam Swati hai aur mai 25 saal ki housewife hun aur mera rang gora aur figure bohot slim aur sexy hai aur chut chikni aur gulabi hai. Mai bohot chhoti umar se chudaasi rahi hun aur meri pyas khatam nhi hoti kbhi. Meri shadi 24 ki umar me ho gai thi aur mere pati ne jitne josh me mujhe suhagraat pe choda tha utne hi josh me aaj bhi chodte hain.Jaisa ki aapne meri pichhli kahaniyon me padha hai, mujhe chudne me bohot maza aata hai. Aur mai ye bhi bata chuki hun ki pati ki gair-mojudgi me mai...

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Pretty Feet

I stood in front of the salon with the Groupon printout in my hand. I held it like an award I had won and was proud to have. It was a pick-me-up gift from my mother for when I got my next interview or two. That was why I was here, to get my nails done for an interview I had the next day. I wanted to get my hair done, but – well, my budget wasn't going to handle that, no matter what. As it was, I had lost my cell phone, land-line, internet, and I was barely keeping the rent paid and the lights...

1 year ago
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A Surprise from Jenny

A Surprise From Jenny - By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - My Dream I was a normal, happily married man aged 28 married to my beautiful 26 year old wife, Jenny, except for one slight problem - I was a secret cross dresser! Jenny worked as an estate agent which meant she worked most of Saturday and Sunday mornings most weeks and this allowed me to enjoy my feminine side. Soon after she...

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How Laura lost her cherry

“young lady, how many times i have to tell you...” She stopped in the middle of the sentence because of Laura bursting in cry. “What's happened??” “Mark drop me” Laura said. Usually the conversation between her and her step mom was just about pas the salt or get hurry because the bathroom isn't your propriety. Victoria sighed and sat on the bed. “what's the problem this time?? did he watch another girl?? or is he too much time with his friends??. Laura sobbed many times and added.. “he...

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