Descendant of Baccus Pt 11
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 8
Marriage, Babies & Slave Training
By the time I got home that night it was 2:00 AM and I really expected everyone to be sound asleep. The house was quiet when I arrived so I grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed up to my room. Not everyone was sleeping. There was Carrie sitting on my bed watching TV. She looked so sweet laying there in her oversized tee shirt.
I went to her and kissed her warmly as any lover would do. ‘What are you doning here? I figured everyone would be soundly sleeping by now.’
She was chipper. ‘I wanted to talk to you and I really wasn’t very tired. Would it be ok if we talked a bit?’
‘Sure, but let me take a quick shower first.’ I needed to clean away the sweat generated by my adventure with Racheal. I could have showered before leaving the office but everything was so new to me I actually forgot it was there.
The shower was just what I needed and by the time I got back to Carrie I was feeling a bit tired but comfortably refreshed. I climbed into bed next to her and kissed her once more.
‘Now we can talk. What’s on your mind little sister?’
‘Well, its kind of embarrassing but I’ve had this fantasy for almost as long as I can remember and I was hoping maybe you would help me with it.’ The wild woman who had fucked me with such abandon just a few days ago now looked like a total innocent as she worked up the courage to explain her fantasy.
‘Kenny, you know I love you with all my heart. I can’t imagine ever loving someone as much as I love you. I’m at an age where I should be thinking about relationships and husbands and maybe children but I really can’t imagine finding anyone I would want to spend my life with. That is, no one that would come close to you.’ She paused to screw her courage up one more notch.
‘Kenny, I want to be with you. I want to be much more than just your little sister. I want to be your wife. I want to have babies with you and grow old with you and share the resrt of my life with you.’ She paused one more time and a wave of relife seemed to wash over her.
‘There, I said it.’ She was truly releived.
‘Hey Sis, there’s no need to be embarrassed. I kind of guessed this was what you wanted. Remember, I can see inside your head when I want to. I’ve already been giving this a lot of thought and was planning to talk to you about it as soon as we had a chance. So, let me explain what I’ve been thinking.’
‘First, I would love to make babies with you. I love you very much and I know now that we would make excellent parents.’ I hardly got the last words out when she jumped on me and hugged me with all her might.
‘Hang on. There’s a but here that you need to hear.’ She suddenly looked worried.
‘We really can’t be officially married, at least not here in the States so you being my wife would have to be kept a secret shared with the family alone.’ She perked up again.
‘That’s ok. I don’t need the world to know. You and I will know.’
‘That’s fine with me as well but there’s another small detail. I’m realizing that I could never be manogomus. Even as husband and wife I will often be with other women. I may even share some of them with you. If you want to become my wife you have to understand this and you need to know I won’t tolerate any jealousies. You will share a very important part of me but you won’t have exclusivity. You’re going to need to decide if you’ll be ok with that.’ Her response was immediate.
‘I already knew that and I’m really ok with it. I know you’ll always make me feel wanted and important to you. I trust you and I love you.’ She hugged me again.
‘Well then, one last thing you need to understand is that you won’t be the only one I have children with. In fact, I’ll know in a week or so but I’m fairly positive that I got mom pregnamt yesterday.’
‘Holy shit, mom’s going to have a baby. That’s so intense. She must be thrilled.’ She paused and thought for a moment. ‘Will I be the baby’s aunt or sister? I guess both.’ She started laughing and then hugged me close and wispered in my ear. ‘Make me pregnant and mom and I can have our babies together.’
‘Ok then, but you won’t have them quite together. We need to get you off the pill first. It may take a couple of weeks before you’re fertile. In the meantime though, let’s slip you out of this tee shirt so we can consumate our marriage.’ I was already naked and as usual, my cock was springing to life in anticipation.
We made love that night. It was nothing like the animalistic fuck fests we’d had before. This was slow and tender and incredibly intense. We fucked and sucked each other until the sun came up and all the while I was dreaming about the moment when I would plant my seed deep inside her. The next generation was beginning to take shape.
I did mamange to get a couple of hours sleep and after a quick shower I headed down to the kitchen for some coffee and found mom in her usual place at the table. I kissed her good morning and immediately noticed she looked a bit green.
‘What’s up mom?’ I was a bit concerned as she rarely got sick and she certainly looked pretty awful as she sat sipping her coffee.
She smiled up at me. ‘I think you got your wish. I’m pretty sure this is morning sickness and that means you are going to be a father.’ Behind the quasiness she was feeling real joy.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise but I was momentarily shocked. That quickly gave way to a profound serenity. I rose and took her in my arms. ‘I love you with all my heart. I will love our child just as much. Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable.’
‘Not really, this just has to run its course. It’ll pass. Thank you for asking but don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.’ She felt so good in my arms I was tempted to blow off the office and carry her to bed. Unfortunately, I was now a man with responsibilities so I pushed the thought back and decided now would be a good time to fill her in on Carrie and me.
‘Mom, Carrie was waiting for me last night and we had a long conversation. I’ve decided that I will take her as my wife. She will stop takiing the pill today and I will be making a baby with her just as soon as she’s fertile. Also, neither Carrie or I are going to college. I will learn all I need to know on my own and Carrie will learn from me. I haven’t told her about this part of my plan yet but I’m sure she’ll agree.’
‘Also, I went through all the accounts yesterday and a bunch of stuff has been signed over to me. That includes the trust you’ve been drawing off. When I get home tonight I need you to help me understand what’s required to maintain the household budget. I would really appreciate if you would still manage the house so all I really need to know is how much will be required.’
‘I’ve also decided that I will take Savannah as my slave. I will be taking control of her assests as well and would like you to manage a few things for me. I want her house sold. Before it’s sold we will need someone to refinish her basement. I don’t think there are many folks who will want to buy a house with its own torture chamber. I will have her sign her accounts over to me as well. Once the house is sold I want you to use the proceeds to build a new house on the back of our porperty. I’ll give you the plans and I would like you to manage the construction project. I will find contractors I can trust to remain discrete. By the way, the house will be large enough to house ten people. I will be taking other slaves as well and the house will be both living space and training facility for them. I wanted it placed far enough back on the property so no one will be aware that it exists and so no one will hear or see what goes on there. I’ll scout out the location and give you the details when I have the plans ready.’
She was awe struck. ‘You seem to be moving pretty quickly. Are you sure you know what you’re doing. I mean it’s ok if you want to take it a bi
t slow. No one expects you to do everything all at once. You can ease into this if you want.’ I probed and found that it was not that she doubted my ability to handle all of this. She was just worried that I take enough time to enjoy along the way.
‘It’s going to be fine. I know enough now to be comfortable with what I’ve planned so far. I’m going to start meeting clients today and I’m actually really looking forward to jumping in with both feet. Don’t worry. I love this already.’ I really did. My life had purpose. There was no doubt I’d hit a few bumps along the way and have to change direction on occasion but I was looking forward to all those challenges. I was beginning to feel like the man of the family and it felt great.
‘I need to get to the office. We’ll talk some more when I get home.’ I kissed her and headed for the door. ‘Oh, by the way, call Savannah and tell her to be here at 7 sharp. She’ll be having dinner with us. I’ll need to spend some time with her before dinner so if it’s ok maybe we can eat around 8. Don’t set a place at the table for her. I will begin her training tonight and she will be eating on the floor.’ And, with that I was out the door. I can only imagine how mom reacted to that little bit of detail.
I got to the office to find Rachael sitting at her desk looking every bit as good as she had yesterday. I gave a quick thought to getting a morning blowjob to kick things off but then thought better of it. There was a lot to do.’
‘Good Morning Sir.’ She was genuinely happy to see me.
‘Good morning Rachael. He is a list of clients I want to talk to this morning. Give me 10 minutes to settle in and begin getting them on the phone. Did you remember my instructions on how you are to dress?’
She flushed and said, ‘Yes Sir, I have.’
‘Good, lift your skirt.’ I just needed a quick look at her lovely pussy.
She discretely lifted her ass from her chair and slid her skirt up to give me a full view. She had in fact remembered to leave the panties off.
‘Spread your legs.’
She did as told and was clearly wet. ‘I can see you’re wet, have you been playing with your pussy?’
She couldn’t answer fast enough. ‘No sir, not at all.’
‘Then what has you so wet?’
She turned slightly red. ‘I was just thinking about what you told me to do at lunch and I guess it got to me a bit.’
‘Well good. I’m glad to see you’re looking forward to it. I guess you forgot the part about your next lesson in obedience.’
‘No sir, I haven’t forgotten. I’ll try my best to learn from it sir.’ She was only slightly subdued when she delivered this statement. I probed quickly and discovered she was actually looking forward to it and was quite intent on learning from it. Maybe she wouldn’t be as hard a case as her mother was.
I headed into the office and settled down to work. For the balance of the morning I spoke with a dozen clients from the published list. I was saving the private list clients for later. Without exception, every client was thrilled to hear I was on board and before the morning passed I had a nearly full calendar of appointments for the coming week.
I was ready for a break.
I pressed the intercom. ‘Rachael, bring me two tuna sandwiches and a salad. Then go out and purchase the item we discussed yesterday. Be back in an hour and let me know when you have returned.’
Her perky voice shot back over the speaker with a quick ‘Yes Sir’ and in no more than 5 minutes she was knocking at the door with my lunch.
I spent the next hour eating and making notes on what each of the coming weeks’ meetings should accomplish and then moved on to planning who among the private clients I wanted to call this afternoon. I was so engrossed that the knock on the door startled me. The hour had past in an instant and Rachael was back. I buzzed her in.
She was carrying a small plastic bag that was discretely void of any markings.
‘Is that your new toy?’
‘Yes Master.’
‘Let me see it.’ I wondered how close she came to matching my size.
The dildo she presented was almost a perfect match. Its length was just a bit longer than the real thing and girth was just about a perfect match. The skin tone was lighter than mine and the head seemed a bit thicker. All in all, it seemed perfectly suited to the task at hand. It was time to give it a test run and it was time to introduce my slave to her chamber of horrors.
I quickly popped the secret door and led her through the bedroom. I didn’t even pause to notice if she registered any surprise at seeing this secret space. I led her into the training room. I decided that training room sounded more professional and since this was an office I decided to maintain some measure of professionalism. The space in the new home I was going to build would be a dungeon and torture chamber in every sense of the word.
Before she could react to what she was seeing I stepped behind her and closed the door. That was when I noticed a control panel mounted to the wall. It had a few new controls but the ones I recognized immediately were the door icons. A couple of quick taps and the secret door registered as closed.
I turned on my slave. ‘Strip and get ready for your next lesson.’
She placed the dildo on the table and was out of her clothes in a flash. It was good to see her ass had recovered. It was, once again, milky white. I’d remedy that before long.
‘Now, go select a paddle from the wall and bring it to me.’ I kind of liked making her choose my weapon.
The one she chose was about 14 inches long with a rounded head that looked somewhat like a tennis racket except this was all wood and had a pattern of holes drilled through it. She handed it to me and I tested the weight and feel in my hand. This was going to do just fine. It was perfectly sized for my hand and had been taped to provide a solid grip. The shape of the head made it top heavy so it would swing well and the size of the head insured it would cover both her cheeks with each shot. She was definitely going to remember this lesson.
Now I went to the wall and selected four lengths of rope to bind her with. I wanted to be sure she felt totally vulnerable for this round.
‘Bend over the table and spread your legs.’
She did as told and I quickly bound her limbs to the table much as I had done with Savannah. The best she would be able to do was squirm a bit.
‘Now, I am going to paddle your pitiful ass. So far you’ve been a pretty sad excuse for a slave. Let’s see if you can’t learn how to behave properly. After each stoke you will repeat, ‘I will obey my Master completely and immediately’. Once again, if you fail to repeat this simple phrase or you fail to convince me that you are sincere I will start again. I think 20 strokes should be sufficient.’
I reared back and let the paddle fly. It was a horrible sound that emanated from the point of contact and her scream immediately told me this was far more painful than the ruler. She chanted the required phrase.
I let loose again and she repeated again but now she was crying. I aimed the next blow a bit lower and caught her upper thighs and she screamed and chanted once more. She was already beet red and I started to worry that I was using too much force. I eased off just a bit on the next few strokes and she continued to cry out the required phrase after each.
I’d reached ten when I noticed moisture around her pussy. Was she sweating from the exertion of the punishment or was she actually getting wet. I reached in a dipped a finger into her cunt. From reading dad’s files I new a good slave would get off on some pain but I guess I really didn’t believe it until now. Rachael was fuckably wet so I decided to tease her a bit. I turned the paddle around and started to use the handle on her cunt, first running it between her slit and then by pushing the handle in several inches. I fucked her a bit like this until I was sure she
was close to coming and then I quickly pulled the paddle from her hole, flipped it around and delivered a vicious blow. Her scream was heart wrenching as was her pitiful voice as she forced the phrase once more from her lips. I repeated this sweet and sour mixture until I had reached a count of 19 and decided the last blow would have to be joined by orgasm.
I grabbed the new dildo from the table and shoved it up her cunt. I began working it as I whispered in her ear, ‘You’ve borne your punishment well. You have my permission to cum.’
I worked it forcefully into her tight hole and waited for the inevitable and when it finally ravaged her I struck. The final blow was the most forceful yet and I can’t even begin to explain the sound that came from her. It was shrill. It was guttural. It was mixed with her best efforts to sound out the words of her required response. And mixed with all of this was her orgasm. It was the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had. Of this, I had no doubt. It was the longest orgasm she’d ever had. Again, I had no doubt. It was so intense I nearly came in my pants and that was the most surprising part of the whole scene.
I quickly pulled my cock from my pants and shoved it up her cunt. I fucked her savagely until I finally exploded deep inside her. This was the first time I’d fucked her pussy and I was amazed at how tight she was. She was gripping my full length and her muscles were twitching to create an entirely different sensation along my length. I later came across a phrase for this, ‘Snapper Pussy’. This seemed totally appropriate as it felt like a rubber band being stretched and released against my cock. I don’t mean to say it stung as a rubber band does when snapped against your skin. Instead, this felt like the rubber band had been made of soft silk and kind of thumped against my length with each pulse. I was in heaven and Rachael seemed to have passed out.
I pulled my dick from her molten core, grabbed some smelling salts from one of the draws and brought her back around. She was dazed and seemed to have forgotten for just a moment that she was tired down. As it registered she looked over her shoulder and once she managed to focus she ask, ‘May I speak Master’.
I hadn’t yet told her that she needed to ask before speaking but now that she did I decided I liked the idea. ‘Yes you may.’
‘I’m sorry I’ve started so poorly. I promise to try harder to be a proper slave. Thank you for letting me cum Master.’ She delivered the words in a weak voice but that took nothing away from her heartfelt sentiment.
‘You took your punishment well and when you do well I will always finds ways to reward you. Remember that before you screw up again. I would prefer to give you pleasure that to have to deliver pain. However, I will continue to punish you without remorse if you fail to please me. Now, I’m going to untie you. Remain where you are.’
‘Yes Master.’
I quickly undid the ropes and picked up the dildo from the floor where I had tossed it. I also grabbed some KY from the counter where the butt plugs were lined up.
‘I want to see you use this. You may use some of this lube but by the end of this week I want you to demonstrate that you can take this without the assistance of the lube. I will be using your ass often so you better do a good job of getting it in shape for me.’
She took the lube and applied just a small amount to her asshole and slowly worked 3 fingers back into that tight opening. She then applied a bit more to the dildo and began to work it in. She was clearly struggling but she kept up the effort and I was reasonably pleased with her results. I just didn’t have the time to let her maintain this pace so I stepped up and gave it a mighty push until it was almost fully buried in her ass. Again, she squealed like a stuck pig but she held it there and before long she started to work it in and out. I probed and realized that even if I said yes she wasn’t going to cum so I tickled her pleasure center again and told her she was free to orgasm if she wanted.
To all who read and commented on A World Of My Own, thank you. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. For those who asked that I continue that story I must apologize. I just kind of lost track of the plot and I just haven’t been able to get it back. Maybe this time will be better. All comments are welcome. Any advise on how to be a better writer will be accepted with great appreciation. Please vote and comment. Chapter 1: The Blessing & Rebirth If you could have anyone you wanted, whenever...
Chapter 6 Returning To The Womb I returned home late that morning feeling both refreshed and confused. I found my mother at the kitchen table reading the paper so I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave her a kiss hello, and joined her. ‘Mom, I really need your help. I’ve got so many things running through my head I can’t think straight.’ One look at me and she knew this was important. She put her paper down. ‘Shoot and I’ll do my best to help.’ I was already comforted just knowing I had her to...
Chapter 9 Family Fun & More I got home around six and spent the next hour just relaxing. I had given very careful thought to how this night was going to go and if all went to plan I was going to need all my energy. Savannah showed up right on time and she was a true vision. She wore a simple black dress that was cut square across the neck and hugged all of her curves in just the right way. It came to about 6 inches above her knees to show her legs to their best advantage and was sleeveless,...
Chapter 14 2’s Company, 8’s An Orgy I got home a bit before seven and was pleased to find Savannah ready. She looked absolutely perfect dressed in the same elegant yet simple black dress with the same classic string of pearls resting at the base of her neck. Her hair was loose and shimmering in the evening light. Her nails were done in understated colors with just the slightest hint of a gold streak cutting across each. Her makeup was modestly applied with just a bit of highlight to enhance...
Chapter 10 New Clients, New Determination I got up late and didn’t make it to the office until just before noon. Rachael was waiting for me with a stack of phone messages and a sweet smile. ‘Good morning sir. Would you like some coffee?’ She was chipper as always and given how tired I was I found it just a touch annoying. ‘Coffee would be good. Bring my messages as well’, I barked. I headed into my office and settled down behind the desk. This was going to be a very busy day. Rachael...
To all those who have voted and sent notes, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. To the guy who’s wife couldn’t get through the story without giving him a bj, outstanding. That is the best compliment I could ever hope for. Be sure to return the favor. As for being the Steven King of erotica, that’s pushing it a bit I’m sure but thanks anyway. Please keep the comments coming. I’m going to take this in a number of different directions and have several more character I want to add. I’d be...
Chapter 13 Marriage & Murder I arrived at the office feeling energized and ready to face anything. At least I thought I was ready. Rachel was her usual chipper self and even at this early hour there was a stack of messages waiting. Again, the first one was marked urgent. It was from Philippe and had no return number. ‘Do you know what this is all about?’ I guessed he had made his flight arrangements and would be coming in next week. ‘Yes Sir, he left a voice message saying he would be...
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This is the time during the night that I miss you most of all.When you’re here licking my cock and sucking on my balls.I can hear your erotic cries and I can hear you having a fit,I can hear you losing your mind whenever I’m sucking on your clit.I feel your breath upon my skin, your eyes locked into me.Although the room is very dark, I wonder what you see.Your soft caress reaches out, touching me as I touch you,My fingers reach your lava hot snatch as I start to finger you.I hear you moan my...
It all started when my wife Janet and I decided to go to an erotic mask ball. We were both really excited about it even if we were not sure if we really wanted to fully participate in any swinging or swapping activities at the ball. All of these were optional and many couples just came to the ball to enjoy the erotic atmosphere.Anyway, the ball was indeed very exciting with many attractive couples involved in erotic activities. My wife and I, we decided to simply enjoy the view. Stage...
I always have a debate within myself when I see a guy with his fly open. Should I tell him or not. You never know what their reaction will be. If the guy looks mean or is unkempt or dressed like a bum, I will not say anything. If a guy looks friendly, I usually take my chances and tell him. Their normal reaction is one of embarrassment and usually they say, "Oops," or "Thanks," and turn away and pull up their zipper as discretely as possible. One error in judgement on my part, left me vowing to...
1:01 am Eastern Daylight Time, Thursday, August 6, 1992 Sommeville, West Virginia Local Klavern of the Ku Klux Klan “I, the Imperial Dragon of this Klavern of the Ku Klux Klan, hereby call this emergency session of said Klavern to order! All stand to attention! We have three missing members of this Klavern, upstanding, righteous, God-fearing Klansmen, determined to uphold and preserve the white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian social order and dominance of our civilization against the Jewish banking...
It was three days later when Luna decided call Coleson and see if he would like to see her again. She couldn't believe how nervous and giddy she was dialing his number. Her palms were sweaty and her stomach was flopping around like a catfish in a wet sack."Hello?" Coleson said when he answered the phone."Hi Cole, it's me Luna," she said, after a moment's pause to calm her nerves."Oh hi, Luna. What's going on?" he said."I was just wondering what you were doing Saturday?" she asked."No plans why,...
Straight SexHot-C asked for a spanking story. This one’s for her. Introduction Recognizing the reality of increased sexual precociousness among youth, Parliament lowered the age of consent to 16. The law forbidding corporal punishment was nearly repealed, schools could reinstitute corporal punishment, but parental permission must be obtained. Frightened by an uptick in school violence and of incorrigibility among teens, many parents sent their children to schools practicing traditional discipline. It...
Finally Pardin had an army. A company of well-trained men with great skill and he could not use them, at least not in any conventional manner. He would not go so far as to say they were so well fucked as to never fight again but the situation was close. Stupid, sweet, sickly love was in the air; the kind of gooey-eyed loving that trolls just love to extol. The town of Riverton was a quivering mess of satiated flesh. The fairies had been overly thorough in their dosing of the yellowshit...
TRUE STORIES - PART I By Michele Nylons Introduction For those of you who only read fiction I suggest that you go directly to my autobiographical sex stories contained later on in this essay; but what I thought I would like to do is to take a break form my usual 'physically forced' and 'caught with consequences' Transvestite sex stories and write some of my musings about Transvestism and share with you some of my real life sexual experiences. To set the scene, I am a...
LETTER FROM PALO ALTO Dear Shoeblossom, ? My wife Lillian is also the keyholder to my Prince Albert piercing. Much of our time together my cock is struggling to erect against the cruel way it is locked in a bow shape against the piercing in my testicles... ? Lillian teases me a lot, and spends hours walking around in front of me wearing very little...demibras, long T-shirts with no panties, you can imagine it. ? After four chaste months of nearly perfect behavior on my part this time, Lillian...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Avi Love is embarrassed. She’s shopping in an adult bookstore, which can be a little embarrassing in itself; however, she’s there for a specific item…an item she can’t even bring herself to inquire about! Avi is a working professional, and after a long day at the office, she needs a little sexual relief. And her boyfriend just isn’t doing the trick. Avi desires a big, black dildo to bring home and pleasure herself. But she can’t decide which one! The clerk...
xmoviesforyouIt was almost two hours later that we were once again in the living room. Preceding that, my mother had taught Jessica how to prepare one of my favorite dishes. It was good 'comfort food' and fit this situation to a tee. "You could have told me," Theresa groused for the umpteenth time. This time, my father responded, "In all fairness, no, I couldn't." "Fairness?" she said in shock. "How can you say that?" "Theresa," he said in a soothing voice, "in my business, I have found,...
Mistress Becky was not the sort of girl that found love easily.She was indentured to Sir Hugh Mountbatten and his three lusty sons. They all were saddled with dreadful reputations with regard to seeking female companionship or simply feminine interaction of any kind. Every nubile female drawing human breath in the nearby region lived in fear of coming under control of either Sir Hugh or one of his dreaded offspring even if one were to take a full day’s ride at a fast gallop in any direction...
SupernaturalDosto, sabse pahle aapko mai apne baare me batata hu. Mai ek padha likha aur hatta katta zawan ladka hu. Aaj meri kai sari girlfriends ho chuki hai aur sbke sath maine khoob maze kiye. Idhar udhar ki baate na krte hue mai seedhe apni story pr ata hu. Ye baat tb ki hai jb mai 10nth class me padhta tha. Mujhe tb sex k baare me koi jankari nahi thi. Meri mama ki ladki(sonam) jo umar me mujhse chhoti aur wo class 8 me padhti thi. Samay k sath uske stano me purna ubhar aa chuka tha aur uske mamme...
Characters Me - Alex - 16 Dad - Barry - 47 Mom - Emily - 42 Sister - Kris - 17 Barber - Eli - mid 60’s Left Neighbors Tom & Marge mid 60’s kids only occasionally Right neighbors Mike and Shaunna mid 40’s Son-Drew 15 Back neighbors Anne and Dianne - lesbians Barber customers John and Brian (15) Waterman Rob - Kris spanker - 25 Dad and I had the exact same routine every Saturday morning. Up at 8, bicycle shorts and tank-tops, and bike to the barber shop. Rain didn’t stop...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
My daddy spanks the teacher. Jim and Ruth sitting at the dining room table relaxing sipping coffee and are in deep conversation with the bills spread out as they discuss what will be paid and his wife Ruth having to answer Jim pointed questions of why this and that, Ruth eyes roll up, under breath to herself, gosh, Jim never understand that I need this as a women to keep my figure for him as well smell so pretty when he climbs into bed and wants the sex he demands. Jim questions come one after...
I slept very well that night. When I awoke, I went downstairs for some breakfast. I was rather hungry. I hadn't eaten much the night before. I guess I may have been too keyed up and excited about the upcoming reunion. While strolling around the waterways and fountains near the Kremlin, I had paused to purchase a couple of tacos from a Taco Bell. That quick bite was long gone and I needed new fuel for the day ahead. After looking over the menu, I made my selection. I ordered sausage,...
Tony Lovelock has a habit of sneaking into the laundry room to sniff his stepsister’s dirty panties. Chloe Temple is unaware of her stepbrother’s penchant for going into her dirty clothes until one day when Tony comes out of her bedroom wearing her panties instead of his mask. Chloe calls him out on liking the smell of her pussy, then hustles him out the door. Later, Chloe comes to apologize that she was so hard on Tony and assures him that his crush on her will pass. Tony claims it...
xmoviesforyouI had never heard of a game called “Guess Who’s” until the other night at the CROSSFIT Social. It was the first time I went to one of these, but had always heard everyone say what a great time they are. It's always a little interesting to see people dressed in clothes other than their workout stuff. I was wearing short body hugging skirt with a loose v-neck top. I was wearing a lacey bra which still couldn't hide my nipples when they would become erect. I was wearing heels, which showed off my...
The contract work on a drill-ship was too lucrative to pass up. Arrangements for my k**s was hard to setup. With so many Kristen needed help 7*24 and quality care is very hard to find. Pretty dull work but heavy skill and it paid off. Informed all computer connections are monitored. So I stayed away from this site. Got back Saturday and I've been hugging my babies ever since. No cock for a month. All work and no play makes Andie a bad girl. And Kristen is the best. She has basically...
It all started back when I was eighteen I had two women that lived next door to me and they loved to fuck and suck all the men around the neighborhood. I remember the first time I watched the oldest one Susan, give her boyfriend a blow job out by the pool. She had his pants pulled down around his ankles and she was sucking his cock all the way down her throat. She would suck his cock then she would stop and jack his cock, and then she would suck on his balls. She didn’t let him cum in her...
Hello, friends, my name is vijay singh and I am from punjab patiala city. My gmail account is my age is 20 and my height is 5 fit 5inch body is well muscles and my cock size is 7 inches long and 3 inches thick and I am m.Com 1st year student. I am the regular reader of indian sex stories I read all story’s of story on iss bt I am more and more interested in autys story’s kyu jo maze aunts ko chood kar aata hai wo maza kisi ladki ko chood kar nahi aata kyu ki aunts ko sex k bare me jayada pta...
Hi friends, here is our real story how I started to enjoy sharing my wife with other guys Once my wife and I took few drinks and she was a little over. I took her to our bed room and laid her on the bed. I was watching a porn movie the in the drawing room. A few minutes later one of my business friends came and rang the doorbell. He was coming from a far area and wanted to stay with me. I served him drinks and food. Because of tiredness of traveling, he took three four pegs and got inebriated....
Dave found Jeff in the gym working out on one of the machines. Jeff nodded at his friend and kept working, "Did your monkey suit fit?" "Yeah, but I'm not wearing that thing." "Yeah, you will," Jeff huffed out as he pulled the bars to him. "Is that an order?" Jeff stopped and looked at him. "Of course not. Where did that idea come from?" "Then I'm not wearing it." "Yeah you will." "Damnit, Jeff. If you're not ordering me to, then why in the hell do you think I will?...
The next day, everyone was a bit hung over. I needed to pick up my car, which I’d left at the bar the night before. Joe said it was on his way and he’d be glad to take me. I borrowed a raincoat from John to wear over my skimpy outfit, then Joe and I headed out. Joe was making eyes at me during the drive, and I decided it would be best to come clean. “Joe, there’s something you should know about me,” I started. Joe quickly said, “Hey, baby, there’s a lot I’d like to know about you.” “Yeah,...
CrossdressingThe weather in Georgia has been extremely warm so far this winter. My wife informed me that she and I would be doing some Christmas shopping Wednesday since I was off work. She loves this time of year, all the excitement and crowds are perfect for her you see I'm a cuckold husband and my beautiful wife is some what of a show off. To get ready to go out she had me shower then meet her in our bed room. She was waiting there wearing her bath robe and told me to stand there naked while she got...
So carrying on from where I left off in Part One. If you haven't read it, then go get up to speed!Gemma got home from work with a bit of a shock to myself and Louise who was about to get her tonsils tickled by my cock. So I've got myself composed and get to the kitchen before she has got into the house. Prepping dinner I hear foot steps and turn to see Gemma walk in. Fuck she looks good, she had a Black suit jacket and trousers on. Matching this was a White blouse and just visable under it was...
The next morning I got up, did my morning things then went down to the kitchen and made my coffee while waiting for Jordan. Soon I heard the sound of the shower and not long after a young beauty came downstairs to join me for breakfast. After breakfast and cleanup, I asked Jordan what she wanted to do today. "This morning, before it gets too warm, I'd like to go for a long walk on the beach. After lunch I want to go shopping and before you ask, I won't tell you what for – at least for...
Chapter 40 Brenda met Bill two days later at Danny's restaurant. "How's my favorite girl?" Danny asked when she walked in. "I'm just fine Danny, and you?" she asked. "I'm fine now that you're here." "Always the flirt Danny, I don't know what I'd do without you," Brenda said, the sarcasm dripping in her voice. Danny could see a change in his friend. Her innocence had disappeared, and had been replaced with a hardness he hadn't noticed before. "Meeting your friend again?"...
Hi all! This is yours Shankar again. Here I’m with my new and latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I really glad to see such feedback. Please no one ask me to introduce you as a male escort. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. I got a huge response after sharing my experiences here. Myself is Shankar from NCR; age 24, hairy chest with average body, I live in indrapuram, Ghaziabad but basically I’m a...
Lovely little Latina lady Camila Cortez ❤ returns to Hussie?Pass today and this time we paired her up with 19-year-old Damion Dayski and his humongous dick for this update. After our ? sock-loving director Johnny ?? Robins conducts the interview portion of the program ??? Camila finger-fucks her coed coochie to get her juices flowing. In steps Damion with ? lube for Camila’s perky tits and damn fine ass ? which she of course twerks for us. Camila then gets on her knees so that she can...