Descendant of Baccus Pt 11
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 12
Wet Dreams – Wetter Reality
I headed straight for my room and there was Mac stretched out on my bed. The only way this vision could get any better is if she was naked and I was hopeful that would come soon enough. For now, it was time to talk.
I lay down beside her and took her into my arms. She felt so warm and smelled so good I just had to hold her for a while. Actually, I momentarily lost the power of speech. Instead, I was getting lost in her embrace and had to fight to regain control. I was desperate to make love to her but I couldn’t do that until I had come clean. I loved her too much not to tell her everything first and then hope she would understand and stay.
I sat up and turned to face her.
‘Mac, I have a ton of things to tell you and I really need to tell you everything. It’s just that this is going to sound so outrageous I just don’t know how you’re going to react. The worst part of all of this is I really love you. For me that means I have to be totally honest. But, what if I’m totally honest and as a result you hate me and run away? Jeez, I’m already screwing this up. Loving you isn’t the worst thing. In fact it’s the best thing I discovered about myself. I guess I’m just a little nervous.’
She was really worried now. She had never seen me as unsure of myself as I was at that moment and she had also never heard me tell her I loved her. The combination of the two was confusing her.
‘Kenny, I love you too. I always have and I always knew you loved me. I mean I sensed you felt that way. I really love that you want to be honest with me but you’re scaring me a bit. I mean, I think I can deal with most anything but I’ve never seen you like this. You’re not going to tell me you’re gay or something are you?’
She was searching for some explanation and when she came on the gay idea it really scared her.
I had to laugh just a bit. ‘No Mac, I promise, I’m not gay. It’s a whole lot stranger than that. Let me try something with you and maybe it’ll help you understand.’
I looked into her most recent memories and discovered what I was looking for.
‘Mac, you came here tonight hoping we would finally have a chance to make love.’
Hearing this, she immediately turned red and just looked at me trying to digest what I’d just said.
‘Was I being so obvious?’ She hadn’t even considered that I might be reading her thoughts. I was being too subtle.
‘No, you weren’t. Let’s try this again.’ This time I looked for something that I could not possibly know or guess and lo-and-behold there it was.
‘Mac, I’m sorry to embarrass you but in the shower this morning you were thinking about tonight and you masturbated. You had a really strong orgasm.’ I threw that last bit in to be sure I was driving the point home.
She turned even redder and gasped. ‘How the hell could you know that? If you were spying on me I’ll kill you.’ Now she was pissed.
‘Mac, please clam down. I wasn’t spying on you. I would never do that to you. I recently discovered an ability that will seem very strange to you. I know it seemed strange to me at first. You see, I can read your thoughts.’ She stopped me before I could continue.
‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t believe it. You’re just playing with me.’ She really didn’t believe it was anything more than luck at best or spying at worst. I needed something more if I was going to convince her.
I decided it was time to tweak her a bit. I tapped into her pleasure center and mentally nibbled on her clit just a bit.
She jumped off the bed and backed as far away from me as she could. ‘Jeez, what the fuck was that? What did you just do to me?’
The first thing that caught me off guard was the language. Mac never used that language and coming from her it seemed totally inappropriate. The second thing that caught me was her fear. I scared her now and that was not what I was intending.
‘Please Mac, I’m sorry. You see I also discovered that I have the ability to manipulate people as well. I just touched your pleasure center. I’m sorry. I just needed to do something that would help you see just how real this is. I promise not to do that again. Please come back and talk with me. Please.’ I really needed to settle her down.
‘Jesus Kenny, this is just too much. How did you discover this power?’ She still hadn’t come back to sit with me but I could see some of the tension draining out of her.
‘We’ll, I guess I really discovered it at the party. By the way, I’m really sorry I didn’t get to spend any time with you. It was just so crazy.’
She started to ease back to the bed. ‘I was really pissed with you that day. If you had been able to read my thoughts that day you would have know I was hoping that would have been the day we first made love.’ With that declaration she sat on the bed and punched me. This was no love tap. It caught my upper arm and it hurt. That was one more failure to add to my growing list.
‘Sorry Mac, I was just really overwhelmed that day. Actually I’ve spent most of the time since then feeling overwhelmed. There’s more though. You see I’ve found out that this power is something that runs in the family. All the men seem to have the same ability to varying degrees. My father was a master at this and used it to help a lot of people improve their lives. He actually turned it into a consulting business that is now mine.’
I figured I’d hit her with the good stuff first and then try to ease her into my kinkier activities.
‘You’re serious, you can read and manipulate people’s minds. This is just too weird. Can you really make me do things?’ Her tone had shifted. Now it was less tinged with fear and more with curiosity.
‘I can but I won’t. The thing of it is I could but I won’t use this to do things to anyone unless they want me too. There have been times in my family history where this power has been abused and it always resulted in disaster. I am trying very hard and will continue to try very hard to be sure I don’t make that mistake.’ I knew that wasn’t totally true. I might make Philippe’s wife do things that she wouldn’t be asking for but for now I rationalized that this was not abuse. This would be done in the service of a client. I really wasn’t sure how long this rational would hold up.
‘This is just too much to get my head around. What exactly could you make me do?’ By now her curious nature was fully engaged.
‘Well, I guess I could make you do pretty much anything. It’s all pretty new to me so I’m not really sure if there are any limitations to this gift. I’ve tried it with a few people but so far, I’ve only done things they wanted done. I haven’t forced anyone to do something they would be uncomfortable with or unhappy about.’ I thought about my two slaves and felt just a bit better. As out of control as I had been, in the end it was nothing more than delivering what they needed to be happy.
‘Wow, I don’t know what to say. I guess this is going to take a while to settle in.’ I looked into her thoughts and saw she was wondering if what she felt for me might have been something I planted. I needed to nip this one in the bud quickly.
‘Mac, I swear to you, until this moment I’ve never even looked into your thoughts. I have never done anything even close to manipulating you. No matter what happens to us I really need you to trust me on this one. I would not do that to you. I really do love you and I would never do anything to abuse your trust.’ I wasn’t sure I was getting through and as hard as it was not to influence her, I decided to let her reach her own conclusions.
‘I guess I believe you. It’s just strange knowing you could do this stuff. How would I know if you were or weren’t manipulating me? I’ve always trusted you. I really want to trust you even now. Jeez, this is so confusing.’
Her mind was working a mile a minute but I stayed out of her thoughts and waited to see where sh
e would head with this.
‘I guess I trust you. I know I love you. I can’t believe you planted that in my head. I won’t believe that. You just need to promise me one thing. No matter what, I want you to stay out of my head. Promise me, you’ll let me be me. If you can promise me that I promise not to question you on this again.’ I sensed she was not fully convinced but she was also not prepared to run away.
‘Mac, I promise, more than that, I swear I will never invade your thoughts or manipulate you in any way unless you specifically ask me to. I promise you this with all my heart. No matter what, I will let you be yourself.’ This was as heart-felt a promise as I could give. I would not violate it for the world and having made the promise I had to let her decide whether to accept it or reject it. It was torture waiting for her to digest this.
She stared deeply into my eyes and finally wrapped me in her arms and whispered, ‘I love you’.
We had passed the first hurdle. I needed to take her to the next and I was going to stick with the good stuff for a bit more.
‘Mac, there’s a lot more I need to tell you but first I think it might help if I tell you a bit about how I think I’m going to be using this gift.’ I decided Josh’s daughter was the best example I had to help her understand how good this could be.
‘I have a new client coming in next week. He called yesterday about a problem with his daughter. You see, she was raped and she has been so traumatized by it that she can’t even get near another man. Her father says she even cringes when he tries to hug her. I’m going to try to get into her head and see if I can’t ease her pain. I believe I can. That’s just one example of the kinds of things I believe I can achieve with the gift. I’m really going to try to do as much good for people as I can.’
I think I touched a nerve.
‘Wow, you really think you can help her?’ Mac always had a big heart. If she could help she would and when she couldn’t she grieved. I definitely hit a nerve.
‘I’m pretty sure I can. I just need to get into her head and convince her it wasn’t her fault and the beast that did this to her is just that, a beast. He’s not a man. He’s an animal. If I can make her see the creep for what he really is I think I can help her get past this horror.’ I wasn’t convinced it would be as easy as I was making it seem but I really was confident I could help.
‘That would be so great. I guess I wouldn’t mind being able to do some of that as well. I was going to tell you I got into most of the universities I applied to and I am really leaning toward going to Harvard. They accepted me into the Psychology program.’ I knew she was going to tell me this and was about tell her about my change of plans when an idea struck me.
I had been considering how to get close enough to Shane to be able to help her and was thinking about using Mom as a conduit until I could get her more relaxed. Now I was thinking Mac would be the better choice. They would obviously be closer in age and could talk a bit more comfortably, maybe. It would also help me give Mac something that would make her happy and more comfortable with who I was becoming.
‘Mac, I think you can do some of what I’ll be doing. Hear me out for a second and if you want, maybe you can help me with this. You see, Shane – that’s her name by the way, is so traumatized she probably won’t be willing to sit with me so I can work with her. I was thinking about using someone else to help intercede. You might be the perfect person for this.’
‘Jeez Kenny, I don’t know what I could possibly say or do that would be helpful. I’ve never even met someone who went through this. I don’t see how I could be of much help.’ I could see she wanted to try but it would take some convincing before she felt any confidence.
‘Let me explain. You wouldn’t be doing this alone. I would be in the background looking into her thoughts. I’d feed them to you and tell you what you needed to say. I’d be with you every step of the way and when we got her past the first stage then I’d come in and work with her directly. You could help me break down the first few walls but you’d have to let me into your head.’
‘You mean I’d be like a puppet? You tell me what to say and I just repeat it?’ This wasn’t sounding quite so good to her.
‘Not exactly, I will be feeding you her thoughts and you’ll be free to react to them. What I’ll feed you will be more like suggestions and you can decide how to use them. As we go along I’ll be letting you know how you’re doing and you can adjust along the way.’ I really didn’t think this would work if I took total control. If this was going to work I needed her to be herself. If all she did was parrot what I told her Shane would probably see through the charade.
‘Do you really think I can help her?’ I didn’t need to read her thoughts to know she really wanted to believe she could.
‘I really do. Together, I really think we can help her get well.’ The more I talked this through the more I became truly convinced that this was the right tact.
She was sold. ‘When would we start?’
‘She’s coming in next Thursday. I’m going to start right away. By the way, you should know I get paid very well for my services. If you want to do this you will be getting paid as well and if we can do this together you might want to reconsider your college plans.’ I dropped the bait out there and wondered if she’d bite.
‘You’re not going are you?’ She took it, hook, line and sinker.
‘No Mac, I’m not. I have a job and a business now. Even if I went I can’t imagine having something better to do with my life. At least for now, I’m going to focus on the business and see where it takes me. I’m sorry. I know we made plans together but I just can’t walk away from this.’ The fact that so many people were depending on me to assume the reins and make this work had become secondary in my mind. I really did want to help as many people as I could and this was the best possible chance I could imagine to achieve that goal.
‘Mac, I wasn’t kidding about you changing your plans. I would love it if we could work together at this. If this team effort works with Shane it will work with others. If you really want to get into peoples heads and help them through their personal problems I can’t think of a better way to do it than this. Besides, it would let us be together and that was really the plan all along, wasn’t it?’
The wheels were turning as she worked to digest this. ‘I don’t know Kenny. I’ve been so focused on getting into college. I don’t know if I can just turn away from it just like that. Besides, my parents would die if I told them I decided not to go. You should have seen them when I got the letter from Harvard. I’ve never seen them so happy.’
I knew exactly what she was going through. It was just a short time ago that I went though all the same thoughts and the same sense of withdrawal.
‘Don’t decide now. Help me with Shane first. If you want to stick with it I can help with your parents. If you decide you still want to go the Harvard, I’ll stand by you. Whatever you decide, I’ll still love you.’
I hit the mark once again and once again she wrapped me in her arms ‘Ok, let’s do it and see what happens.’ She kissed me deeply as if the conversation had reached its conclusion. It was time to drop a few bombs.
‘Mac, there’s more I need to tell you. I’m sorry but this is going to get a lot stranger. Please hear me out.’
She was disappointed as she broke away and waited to see just how this could get any stranger.
I told her everything. I told her about my family history. I told her about my role in the family. I told her about Mom and me. I told her about Carrie and me. I told her about my slaves. I left nothing out. By the time I was done she was sitting in stunned silence. That’s when I dropped the biggest bomb. It was something I had discovered in dad’s files and it involved her parents.
‘Mac, your parents were also clients of my father’s. You were six and your father came to my father because he was having trouble with your mom. She was unhappy and your father didn’t know why or what to do. That’s when they became clients and that’s when dad discovered they were having sexual problems. It seems your father was having some difficulties getting aroused since you were born. He didn’t understand why this was happening and your mother, out of frustration had taken a lover.’
This hit her like a ton of bricks and seeing this hurt so intensely it shocked me. I really did love her and the depth of that love suddenly became so real it shocked me into a momentary silence. I recovered and pressed on.
‘Mac, Dad helped them through it. He counseled them and helped them see just how in love they were. He taught them how to be sexual again and by the time he finished with them they were more deeply in love that ever before. Mac, the last thing you need to know is this. We became friends because of this. You see, as they were being counseled your mom left you at my house with my mom. That’s when we met and started playing together. We’ve been friends ever since.’
The change was so sudden and so intense it was as if something in her snapped. I was suddenly convinced I’d pushed her to far. How could I have promised not to look into her thoughts? How stupid had I been? How much damage had I done to her? All this was barreling through my head when she suddenly growled at me, ‘Who was she fucking?’
It was pure venom. I didn’t need to search her thoughts for this one. She wanted to know who the bastard was and then she wanted to kill the prick.
I had to fight to get her back in my arms and it took all I had to hold her there. I needed to sooth her somehow and I couldn’t tell her the one thing she now wanted to know. I could not betray the trust my father had earned any more than I could break my promise not to invade her mind. All I could do was hold her close and hope she would be calmed by my touch.
‘I love you Mac. That’s all you need to know. All I’ve told you and all I’ve become hasn’t changed that. I love you more than I have loved anyone. I will always love you with all of my heart. You are a part of me.’ I kept repeating this and praying it would sink in and sooth her soul. I begged the gods to help. I couldn’t loose her now. Not after I had opened myself up so completely. I needed her to come back to me and just when I thought all hope was lost she seemed to settle just a bit.
That’s when the next explosion hit and the violence of it was astounding. She broke away and began wailing on me. The blows were coming with such speed a ferocity all I could do was cover up and let her spend this dark energy. I’d created this monster and I was going to have to endure its wrath.
By the time she was spent I was bruised and bleeding from my upper lip and nose. That’s when the next change overtook her. Her vision cleared and she realized what she had done.
‘Dear god, what have I done. Shit, look at you. You’re bleeding. Ah shit.’ She collapsed into my arms and started balling and I just kept telling her how much I loved her and how sorry I was for hurting her and on and on and on until she finally calmed again.
The roller coaster ride had finally come to and end and with a few more sniffles she started to come back to me. She kissed my busted lip and dabbed at my bloody nose with her fingers. She was coming back to me. Mac was coming back and I finally began breathing again.
‘Please tell me there are no more secrets you have to share with me.’ She was desperate to know the worst of it was over.
‘That’s all there is. I’m really sorry but I couldn’t live with myself if I kept these secrets from you. Not from you. I love you too much. Please don’t hate me.’ I heard my own desperation in that last request and with it I realized I needed her more than everything else I had or might have in the future. If I couldn’t have Mac then none of this was going to be nearly as sweet as it could be. With her, it would all be ok.
To all who read and commented on A World Of My Own, thank you. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. For those who asked that I continue that story I must apologize. I just kind of lost track of the plot and I just haven’t been able to get it back. Maybe this time will be better. All comments are welcome. Any advise on how to be a better writer will be accepted with great appreciation. Please vote and comment. Chapter 1: The Blessing & Rebirth If you could have anyone you wanted, whenever...
Chapter 6 Returning To The Womb I returned home late that morning feeling both refreshed and confused. I found my mother at the kitchen table reading the paper so I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave her a kiss hello, and joined her. ‘Mom, I really need your help. I’ve got so many things running through my head I can’t think straight.’ One look at me and she knew this was important. She put her paper down. ‘Shoot and I’ll do my best to help.’ I was already comforted just knowing I had her to...
Chapter 9 Family Fun & More I got home around six and spent the next hour just relaxing. I had given very careful thought to how this night was going to go and if all went to plan I was going to need all my energy. Savannah showed up right on time and she was a true vision. She wore a simple black dress that was cut square across the neck and hugged all of her curves in just the right way. It came to about 6 inches above her knees to show her legs to their best advantage and was sleeveless,...
Chapter 14 2’s Company, 8’s An Orgy I got home a bit before seven and was pleased to find Savannah ready. She looked absolutely perfect dressed in the same elegant yet simple black dress with the same classic string of pearls resting at the base of her neck. Her hair was loose and shimmering in the evening light. Her nails were done in understated colors with just the slightest hint of a gold streak cutting across each. Her makeup was modestly applied with just a bit of highlight to enhance...
Chapter 10 New Clients, New Determination I got up late and didn’t make it to the office until just before noon. Rachael was waiting for me with a stack of phone messages and a sweet smile. ‘Good morning sir. Would you like some coffee?’ She was chipper as always and given how tired I was I found it just a touch annoying. ‘Coffee would be good. Bring my messages as well’, I barked. I headed into my office and settled down behind the desk. This was going to be a very busy day. Rachael...
To all those who have voted and sent notes, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. To the guy who’s wife couldn’t get through the story without giving him a bj, outstanding. That is the best compliment I could ever hope for. Be sure to return the favor. As for being the Steven King of erotica, that’s pushing it a bit I’m sure but thanks anyway. Please keep the comments coming. I’m going to take this in a number of different directions and have several more character I want to add. I’d be...
Chapter 13 Marriage & Murder I arrived at the office feeling energized and ready to face anything. At least I thought I was ready. Rachel was her usual chipper self and even at this early hour there was a stack of messages waiting. Again, the first one was marked urgent. It was from Philippe and had no return number. ‘Do you know what this is all about?’ I guessed he had made his flight arrangements and would be coming in next week. ‘Yes Sir, he left a voice message saying he would be...
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Chapter 1 My name is Dorian - I'm 16 years old and am now the man of the house. My father ran out on my mother and me nearly three years ago. I'm glad he's gone. He used to come home drunk and knock my mom around. Afterwards he'd be very sorry and they would be luvvy-duvvy for a while, but it didn't stop him drinking, and it didn't stop him hitting her again. I didn't understand it. It was almost as though mom put up with the hitting because she enjoyed the added attention when he was...
PRINCESS PRESTIRA TIADOA Being a Highland princess was a lonely ordeal. Though my mother was a “free spirit” and encouraged me to make friends outside of the castle, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. A princess had her place, and it was not with the commoners on the street. That was why my only friend was my cousin, Adrianna Straltaira. Adri’s mom was a really busy woman, being the ambassador to Alkandra, so Adri spent most of her time living with her grandma, Great-Aunt Lydia, just a few...
Hello Friends, Greeting for the day!!!!!! Hope you are doing well but the same time you wanna to be honery or wanna to make sex. Let me start this with a short background about me, I am Jay currently at Bangalore working with a leading MNC software firm. Now I m 25 years old and 5′ 5”.I do have strong desire for sex from the college days, infact I had many more times. Please Note: This story keeps 100% privacy about the person and place. Late 2011 I just migrated from Pune to Bangalore,...
The intimidating smell of leather filled the air around me. It was the only thing I was aware of. Everything else was not present. Just pure darkness. My eyes were covered with the leather blindfold, my hands tied behind my back with a rough rope, which felt sensitive against my skin, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I closed my teeth around the ball gag which filled my mouth. I could feel the saliva pooling up inside, just any minute it could spill out. The atmosphere was tense and...
This story is based upon a photo series, “The Bet”, by Italian photographer, Andrea James Bramley, who started a photo series under this same name at I write this with the permission of both he and the model featured in “The Bet”, and with his collaboration. He especially helps with some of the Italian phrasing, which I don’t speak. I present to you this tale of a bet gone wrong. You will also find links to his other photographic works. Please...
Wife LoversThe Carruthers, 30-year-old Jake, 52-year-old Allen and his mother, 51-year-old Allie sat at the kitchen table drinking Allie's ice cold lemonade. Outside shimmering waves of heat rose from the plowed fields. Even their old mule retired to the coolness of the barn after drinking from the water trough.Allen wore faded almost white Oshkosh blue jean bib overalls with no shirt. A forest of grey chest hair sprouted from the top and sides of the coveralls. A matching grey monk's cap of hair circled...
"I'm tired. Gonna call it a night," I said to my study partner. We'd been sitting in the library for nearly 8 hours and my body was almost as tight as my brain was sore. "Come on. Thirty more minutes," he said. "We got this." Jake was slowly becoming a friend. I can't say I knew him terribly well, but we were in the same philosophy class together, and a few others, and this particular semester was killing both of us. We chatted a bit in Professor Tiegan's class on Nietzche and he asked me if we...
Rather than ask my man Roger if he would like to meet Gloria and her two boys next Sunday afternoon, I told him the arrangements were in place, knowing he would rise to, and enjoy the challenge. I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man Roger, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. My body is still good, both sexes love my legs and ass and the way I trim my...
Damn, I felt like a dirty rotten bastard, but it was like college all over again with a cute young thing lusting for my manhood. I can never seem to deny a woman anything that they beg of me, even when I know it is wrong. That day was two weeks ago, and since that time, every Tuesday and Thursday Judy would take the evening to care for my wife, allowing her daughter and I to have ‘study time’ alone at her home. Having been teaching Becky all my carnal knowledge had been terrific for my...
Entering his home, Dan found Wendy and Tina in bed with Lisa. Hanna and Jenny smiled seeing their mom receiving a good pussy licking from them. His wives smiled seeing the head of his cock and his balls showing below the hem of his hoodie. “Mom, we want Daddy to take you out for some sexy dancing,” Jenny said sitting on the edge of the bed. “I think it’s cute that Hanna and Jenny call you their dad. We know that Dan certainly treats you as one of his wives,” Wendy remarked. “I’ll quickly...
Hi guys, this is my first story. Please forgive me if there is any mistake.. Give me your feedback on Coming to the story which is a real story happen 2 month back. my name is Abhishek I am 23 years old height 5.8 have fit body. About my tool it is 5.5 inch in length and 2.5 inch thick. About the lady whose name is vandana (name changed) she is 41 year old she just look like zareen Khan have wonderful pair of boobs and ass her figure is 36-34-40 her ass is very big it swings when she walk. I...
After reading my last confession, you may think I would take advantage of my wife whenever she decided to combine her pills and vodka. The thrill of taking advantage of the situation lay in what I could make her do to another man – a man she would never be with otherwise. You may it's fucked up, but I guess after the first time I realized how great the power felt in whoring out my wife (for free no less).The second time I took advantage of her, Sharon had had a bad day at work so the vodka came...
After being dump my gf while I was in college I decide to just go online and hook up with some and didn’t care much who. I downloaded tinder and found this cute ass girl and messaged her and see if she wanted to meet up. She messaged me back and meet up with her at her place. We watched a Netflix and chill and started to making out with her and slowly feeling her out as she was grabbing my dick. She pulled my pants and started sucking it really good. And her head game was unbelievable that was...
Ch6 Dinner was a flurry of tastes for Sarah. They had ordered “A-La Cart”. Some she’s had before. Some she had been made to try. Ultimately, several empty boxes went into the trash. Several half consumed went into the fridge. She had enjoyed her dinner. Especially the steamed dumplings, wishing there were more. She was a little sad now. Thinking about it. The way her mother split. When she woke up. On the floor, naked, all sticky from obvious sex that she didn’t remember. She...
Mandy I did my homework while I waited for Gwen to get home. I considered my options. I could say nothing, and let her think everything was alright, then she might, or might not, find out the truth later. Or, I could tell her now and face the consequences, but at least I wouldn't be lying to her. I decided I owed it to her be honest. She was taking care of me, and if I started keeping things from her it would probably hurt her in the long run. I carefully thought about what to say to her,...
Hello doston mera naam prince hai aur mai Kanpur up me rahta hoon meri age 19 hai par na to meri koi gf hai aur na hi maien aaj tak kabhi kisi ladki ka badan dekha hai to sex ki baat to bahut door hai par iska matlab ye nahi ki mai story nahi likh sakta mai ISS par karib 2 saal se story padhta hoon aura maine soch ki kya hua sachhi ghatna na sahi koi story hi banayi jaye kya fark padta hai matlab to uske spicy hone se hai to mai 1 kahani likhne ki koshish kar raha hoon agar aapko ye acchi lage...
I step off the bus looking around, taking in the scene around me. People rushing into their loved ones arms, people talking on their cellphone, and people grabbing thier bags. It’s pretty hectic. I sigh and grab my phone realizing I missed a text. I open it and giggle. ‘R u here baby?’ I smile and slip it back in my pocket. Better to suprise him. I had been talking to Billy for a while. We had become best friends and thought it was time for us to meet. It took almost twenty seven hours to get...
He pushed the peddle down a littler further, hoping to reach a suitable camping spot before darkness fell. He was never too sure when he would come across a Reign checkpoint and there was an ordered curfew for this area. If he was spotted or heard after dark, they would hunt him down and find him. He scanned the edge of the forest on his right and looked for a break in the trees. Finally, he saw one. About a hundred feet ahead of him, a dirt road curved into the trees and seemed to disappear....
You have just spent the past four years of your life studying you ass off, working hard, and paying way too much money for a degree. Graduation is finally over, the last speaker seemed to drone on forever, who cares about how we will always be apart of this school, blah blah... You meet up with your best friend Tara, and head to her place to change, grab a cab, and head to the bar to get shit-faced. You met Tara early on in college, and have taken most of your classes with her. Many late night...
TranssexualNotes- Sentences in asterisks *like this* represent thoughts. "Good morning, Princess." *Sleep, I want to be left alone to sleep* "Sarah, get up, you can't sleep all day." Who's Sarah? I'm Sarah; they must be talking about me. I got up, rubbed my eyes, and took a good look around my bedroom. On one wall was a map of the world and a large poster of the Backstreet Boys, whilst on the other one was a large map of what appeared to be a large imaginary country called Vallermoore....
Once the wedding concluded I drove my wife, my son and his girlfriend to the King's castle in North Hampton. There a drunk King held court. After a couple dances, waltzes played by a string quartet, Bess decided to change. She winked at me and slipped by me and handed me a note. It directed me to her room. I gave it five minutes before following the map. Glancing tentatively inside, relief and a rigid cock arrived when I spied her naked and spread wide on her Queen sized bed. I closed the...
Sunday, July 21 Sandy tried to avoid opening her eyes and acknowledging the day. Her mind slowly awakened, though, and she realized that Sunday morning had arrived. In a mental haze she reflected back on the weekend, running her adventures with Tim through her mind. There was that wild fuck when they first arrived, the teasing of the pizza delivery boy followed by the slow fuck while they ate dinner, and then the comfortable, emotional lovemaking session before they fell asleep Friday...
ASTROLOGY - Part 4 The morning after the first night's fight was a calm one. Raj was sleeping on the sofa and on hearing the knock on the door, immediately came to the bed and pretended to sleep. On the gate was Naina who had come to dress me and take me for some more rituals. I was dressed up in a red Silk Saree with lot of ornaments and was made to sit in the never ending rituals. Naina tried talking to me about the first night but all I could reply was a faint smile. Finally, the...
“Jake! How’ve ya been?” the stocky man in oil-stained overalls asked, as he greeted me with a cheery wave. He put down his torque wrench, and strolled across the garage to join me. I stepped down out of my car, closing the heavy door with the satisfying weighty sound of well-oiled hinges locking it into place. “Not bad, not bad at all, Bob,” I replied, with a broad grin. Glancing behind me at my car, he frowned as he asked, “What happened to the Valkyrie? Been looking for trouble again?” I...
Woke up the ex-wife heavy breathing next to me, her legs open, her gash hairless with her cunt lips closed over her hole, still full of my cum. I got up and hit the kitchen for coffee, surprisingly the pot was full, finding mugs I poured a cup, and then a voice said do I need milk which made me jump. Turning was a short Filipino woman, in a maids uniform. Realising I was just in underpants and shirt, I apologised and said yes. As I poured the milk, I asked if she knew where the cigarettes were...
In a remote laboratory in Manitowoc, Wisconsin a scientist and a hooker were deciding on a price. “Is $2,000 a good price for your services?” the scientist said. “$2,000 is a lot beans Doc. You have that cash on hand? I wont fuck before I have the cash.” “The cash is right next to you on the stand.” She picks the cash up and counts it. All there, so she takes off the short pink dress that just reaches the bottom of her thigh. Taking off her bra and panties and heels being completely naked in...
Mindy found her fascinating. She was such an inspiration. A Goddess who used the powers granted her by the Halo, the device created by the very Institute of Apotheosis Research that the eighteen-year-old girl was at. It made her shiver, her naked body pressed against her twin sister, Cindy, their round tits smeared in their father's cum. They loved incest and now they loved being submissive to their father. To let him control them the way Bess let herself be controlled by her parents. The...
You certainly don't need to know about the BlazBlue universe to read this story. It'll definitely help, though! It's simply an anime set in the future. There's magic, and science, and they use it in unison to survive in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic world. It isn't barren, however, but a good portion of the population did die almost a hundred years ago. All you need to know while reading this is that there's people, and you're going to mess with them. Feel free to "like" your favourite...
My name is John I’m 32 years of age and married to a really lovely sexy wife who I adore.Here name is Alice and she’s 28 we have been married for just over four years, We have our own lovely home and own a very successful real estate business life couldn’t be better until about 6 months ago,You see Alice doesn’t have to work due to the success of my business but has on occasions helped me out when she stands in for me at the office at home.Business lately has slowed down due to the down turn in...
My head cradled on the soft pillow with my eyes closed, I lay there embodied in full contentment, and a satiated smile rests quietly on my lips. It takes about three seconds for my brain to process that I likely overslept. I sleepily reach for my cell phone on the night stand, which is only inches away from my face. I swipe the screen with an index finger and give a one eyed wink at the screen to see the time. 7:19 AM. The Eurostar train that I hope to take to Paris today has already departed...
SeductionMonica Travers had grown up in Wide Ford and was a very typical young woman, from the Wide Ford point of view. That did not mean she was typical, from the viewpoint of the wider world, however. She was pretty, in a plain way. With some makeup she could have been beautiful, but makeup cost money and her mother couldn’t afford it. Her childhood had been carefree. There was practically no crime in Wide Ford. One reason for that was that the only bar in town had burned down and the closest liquor...
Back about three years ago when I was still at school our school toke its annual trip to the hot pools, this year our new teacher Miss Anderson came with us for the trip.Everyone in our class thought she was a milf, she had long blonder hair 36C breats and a pear shape figure, no one had seen her in a swim suit so when we saw her we couldn't stop staring. Miss Anderson wore a one piece that made her look very slim and we could see her nipples start through the material.One of the deals at the...
Introduction: Mother helping her freshman daughter move into college dorm and ended up having a nooner with a cute college boy that is live down the hall from her. Short Description: Mother helping her freshman daughter move into college dorm and ended up having a nooner with a cute college boy that is live down the hall from her. Tags: MILF, college, mature sex I think thats the last of them, Cheryl said as she followed her daughter into her cramped dorm room. She was glad she still stayed in...