Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 15 free porn video

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Chapter 15: Planting a Seed

By the time I got home, Eric and Annie were already locked away in Annie’s room. Mom and Carrie were hanging out in the den waiting for me, and it looked like catching up with Eric was going to have to wait for a while.

Carrie’s face lit up like a flower in the sun when I walked in, and I was strongly reminded of one Christmas morning when she was about 10. Santa had brought her a puppy and the explosion of sheer joy that had radiated from her was like nothing I had ever seen before or since. We were all affected by it and that whole Christmastime turned out to be one of the absolute best I can remember. As a family, we’d danced and sung together. We’d chased and wrestled each other. We’d all played with the puppy together. We’d feasted together. Carrie’s deep joy seemed to wash over all of us, and I don’t think any of us remember any other gifts that were exchanged that day. Carrie and her puppy had given us all the gift of Family and we had reveled in it.

Today, Carrie was wearing a short silk robe with a simple tie and a matching pair of loose fitting silk shorts that were almost as soft and bronzed as her luscious skin. I wanted nothing more than to feel her and that silk against me, so I squeezed myself between Mom and Carrie, and once again, I marveled at the gifts I had been given.

To the room at large I asked, ‘How are Annie and Eric getting on?’

‘Actually it was kind of funny. Eric had only enough time to say hello to the two of us before Annie jumped into his arms and from there it was like the rest of the world just disappeared. I’d say they’re getting on just fine.’ Mom was smiling a very pleased smile at that.

‘Where are they now?’

Carrie’s response suggested she thought that was one of the dumbest questions she’d ever heard come out of my mouth. ‘They’re in Annie’s room doing what we should be doing.’

‘You mean they’re already making a baby?’ She seemed just a bit embarrassed.

‘No, or at least not yet, but I’m ready.’ I believed, her, too.

I was suddenly overwhelmed by an image of Carrie and me making love there on the floor with Mom at our side urging us on while she sucked on Carrie’s breasts. Until this point I’d been able to easily identify from whom individual thoughts were emanating, and yet this one caught me by surprise. It took just a bit of extra concentration to recognize that this was not a single thought but rather the blending of two thought patterns. Both Mom and Carrie were picturing a remarkably similar image, and it was one I was more than happy to play along with.

Turning to my kid sister, I pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply. Her lips tasted so sweet that I spent the next ten minutes doing nothing else while Mom watched and smiled, until Carrie and I needed to break away and catch our breaths. It came to me that it was time to slip her out of her silk shorts and robe. With each and every centimeter revealed, I tasted her skin. I nibbled at her ears and neck. I attended to each shoulder, down each arm, and gently drew each of her delicate fingers into my mouth. Leaving her hands, I traced her collarbone with just the tip of my tongue and slowly worked my way down into the junction between her firm breasts. Carrie was beginning to pant with desire and for the moment Mom had been forgotten, though she was on the couch with us.

The fragrance that was uniquely Carrie was intoxicating my senses as I finally reached her right nipple and teased it gently with my lips. I had to fight back as she tried to smother my face in that sweet breast. She urgently desired more contact there, but I was determined to take this tantalizingly slowly. I planned that by the time I penetrated her she would be so completely lost in the sensations I was creating that her world would contract down around her passions and her brother who was stoking them.

I slipped off the couch and drew her with me to the floor in front of the fire, leaving Mom to watch from the couch. I quickly moved behind Carrie and began exploring her back, from her shoulders to the dimple just above her derriere. I avoided her reach for me, and felt I was plucking chords on a musical instrument exquisitely fashioned by a true master. She was rewarding me with a serenade of low sensual moans, glissando and crescendo in time with my strumming fingers.

I slid back and eased her down to the floor as I repeated the kisses I’d traced from the top of her head down across her breasts and over her flat tummy. I had plans to watch that belly grow round with a child, to be conceived before the light of the new day warmed us with its nurturing rays. As I traced past her navel she raised her hips to offer me her soaked pussy. I bypassed this with an effort of will, and slid around to her side. I began alternating light kisses and coy tickles with the tip of my tongue down her legs, pushing her shorts ahead to clear the path on my journey to her sexy feet. Her anticipation had been building to its peak as I gently sucked a big toe into my mouth. By the time I’d laved all ten toes she had become frustrated with my pace and was wound as tight as a watch spring. It was time to push her over the edge.

Along the way I had been removing bits of my own clothes, and so at this point I was left with only my briefs and a raging hard-on poking prominently above the waistband. I shed that last piece of clothing as I slowly slid up between Carrie’s smooth thighs. Ol’ One-Eye had no trouble finding the way, and as my mouth reached hers he was looking directly into the mouth of her womb. One quick thrust and our pelvises met. She screamed into my mouth as she exploded in orgasm and, had I not taken drastic control over my senses, I would have joined her. I had no plans to end this liaison so quickly.

I waited until she came down from her high.

A short while passed before Carrie was able to focus again and only then did I begin to slowly work my cock so deeply buried in her molten core. I was moving machine-like, maddeningly methodical, as I worked her to the edge and back several times. I was determined that her next orgasm would be the most intense yet! Then I did something that surprised even me. Without knowing how I’d thought of it, I tweaked a point deep inside her mind to create a very special connection and with that in place I pushed her over the edge and released my own self-control. Together, our orgasm came crashing over us, slamming the two of us repeatedly against the barrier between consciousness and unconsciousness, in waves so intense that breathing became impossible. When we were finally released from rapture’s grip we drew great gulps of air into our deprived lungs simultaneously, and a moment after her breathing was restored, Carrie broke down in tears.

Her tears would have been hard to decipher if I hadn’t been the cause. Mom, with no idea what I had done, became scared that something had gone terribly wrong. I shot a quick placating command her way, which stopped her in her tracks while I held Carrie close and waited for the tears to subside. It took some time but soon enough a smile began to light her entire countenance with joy.

‘I felt it, Kenny, I felt it!’ Her happiness recalled once again that long-ago Christmas morning when the puppy came bounding out of the box.

‘Felt what, Carrie?’ My own smile made it impossible to play dumb to any real effect.

She whispered as if this was some great secret. ‘I felt the exact moment when you made our child. It was like a star was illuminated the instant we conceived. Is it always like that?’

‘No, Sis. Conception isn’t normally like that. I wanted you to experience the creation of this new life.’ I placed my hand gently over her belly, the belly that would soon be growing round with our child. ‘I helped you a bit so you could remember this for the rest of your life. Thirty years from now you’ll be able to describe the smallest detail about this moment.’

I felt Mom’s joy before I recalled her physical presence. That joy was radiating from my mother as she sank down along side us and wrapped us in her arms. We stayed as a family, protected in my mother’s embrace, for a long time.

I became aware over some time that this new conception was emitting an energy that was enveloping us, but only I could feel it. It grew so strong that I could sense it as it wrapped me within gossamer wings that reached out and bathed me in iridescent light that was amazingly bright and warm. But not just ordinarily warm, it felt like I had been returned to the wet warmth of my mother’s womb. I hadn’t felt this when I’d made Mom pregnant, and it was an epiphany when I realized why this was. Carrie and I had conceived a son, and what I was feeling was an ethereal connection to him right from the very moment he was conceived. Mom and I had conceived a girl and for reasons I still don’t fully understand, I never achieved the same connection with our daughter.

The vision of the three of us that I’d had earlier did indeed come to pass as we spent the rest of the night together, making love. The next morning Eric and Annie found us tangled, naked and asleep in front of a dying fire. Annie covered us and together they headed off to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I was woken by the smell of bacon frying and gave Mom a gentle shake and a kiss to bring her around as well.

‘Good morning. Annie and Eric are making breakfast. You should probably join them. I think I’ll take Carrie up to bed and let her sleep a bit more. I’ll come down as soon as I have her settled in and grab a quick shower.’

It was great to finally see Eric again and he obviously felt the same way as we hugged like long lost brothers. He had matured a bit over the intervening years but still looked much the same as I remember him from before my accident. Eric has that classic All-American look. I’d bet that if you looked All-American up in the dictionary, his picture would be there. At six-foot-five and 220 pounds he definitely stands out in a crowd. Having just about every one of those pounds as muscle doesn’t hurt either. His blond hair and blue eyes completed a physical package that could have left me jealous had I been my old pre-self-discovery persona.

For all his good looks, what really makes Eric remarkable is his personality. All you have to do is see his smile and you immediately know, here is a warm and open person with little or no pretense. He has a great sense of humor even when he pokes fun at his own infrequent mistakes. All in all, Eric makes certain no one is intimidated by his amazing good looks.

I wanted to be sure of what was going on in his head and what I found was both comforting and a bit confusing.

First, Eric had lost none of his desire for Annie. Instead, it had blossomed into a deep love for my sister. He wanted her in every possible way a man can want a woman. They had only just touched the surface last night, and it wasn’t all physical. They had spent the majority of the time talking, sharing their hopes and desires, and recapturing and strengthening the bonds they had as young children. I looked inside Annie and found her feelings were just as strong.

The next thing I found was one that confused me. Eric was a blood relative and yet he lacked many of the gifts granted to me. I had assumed that all male family members were similarly gifted but I was wrong in both kind and degree. The only paranormal ability he seemed to have in any strength was reading the thoughts of others. Even this seemed to be limited in comparison to my own ability, and I sensed he could not directly influence the thoughts of others. Everything else I knew I could and would be able to do in the future, were strangely absent in him. With the exception of his god-like good looks he was pretty damned close to being ordinary. As confusing as this was, I knew that this was exactly what Annie was looking for.

Now that I had some insight into Eric’s psyche, it was time for a bit of a one-on-one with him.

‘Annie, I’m going to borrow Eric for a while. Do me a favor and go up and see how Carrie’s doing, please. I left her sleeping but it’s probably time she rejoin the living. Eric, would you do me a favor and head out to the guesthouse. I’ll come over to join you in a minute. I need to have a quick word with Mom.

Annie jumped up, gave us all a quick kiss (Eric’s kiss was a little more lingering then the others), and bounded off to attend to Carrie. Mom thanked Eric for a great breakfast and then he headed out the back door.

Now that I was alone with Mom I wanted to ask her directly, ‘Mom, I had a look in Eric’s mind and found something strange. He doesn’t have any real power or strength. I can tell he is from the same bloodline as us, but he seems to be missing a number of elements. Do you know why that is?’

Mom gave me a reassuring smile. ‘Actually, that’s pretty simple to answer. It’s like everything else in the world. You have leaders and followers and all shades in between. Like your father, you are at the alpha-male end of the spectrum. Eric is somewhere in the middle. It’s natural, and nothing to worry about.’

‘Are the breeding attributes still the same or do these vary as well?’ Even as I asked, I discovered I already knew the answer. All I had to do was to look within myself to answer any question I had about my family. It was like the whole family history had been simply one more part of the genetic inheritance my father bequeathed me. I let Mom answer anyway, more to give her reassurance that she could help me, and some to give me the reassurance that she was still Mom.

‘Eric can breed without worry, Kenny. I think they make a perfect couple.’

‘I do too, Mom.’ I changed the subject. ‘Listen, tomorrow Savannah will be coming back with Philippe, and Mac will be coming over as well. I’d like us to have a barbeque. Is there anything we need?’

‘Let me check.’ She went about looking through the refrigerator and the freezer and then went and rummaged through the pantry. When she got back she had a short list of what was needed for a barbeque. It looked like Eric and I would be making a supply run.

‘Good, Eric and I will do the shopping if you and the girls would get the house organized.’ I was amazed at how easily giving orders to my Mom was coming to me now. ‘Philippe will be staying here tomorrow night, he can use the guesthouse. Mac will be moving in with us as well, I expect. I’m going to pick her up on the way back from the store. She’ll stay in my bed with Carrie and me. How are you doing on the household budget?’

There was a built-in desk in the kitchen that Mom used to manage all of the household bills and such. From one of its drawers, she handed me a sheet that had an itemized list of the monthly bills and other expenses she had been tracking. To my eye, it wasn’t an overly generous budget. She had also listed the balances in the two accounts she had been using for the household and they each had sufficient funds to meet expenses for at least a year.

‘With two more people living with us some of this budget will probably need to be increased. I’m going to consolidate these accounts into one and set it up to maintain about 125% of the current balance. I’d like you to continue to manage the household for all of us. I’m also going to have to set up a separate construction account on Monday. I’ll pass you the details and the building plans, and get you a signature card for the bank. It would be a great help if you could manage that project for the family as well. Just keep me up to date on the progress and any overruns’

‘No problem, Kenny.’ It was only a bit more than she had already been doing but she seemed thrilled at having additional responsibility.

‘Great, Mom, I love you,’ I kissed her cheek and headed out to grab Eric.

There was an old wicker rocker sitting on the veranda in front of the guesthouse and this is where I found Eric
waiting. ‘Hey buddy, I need to go into town to get some stuff for a barbeque tomorrow. Take a ride with me and we can catch up along the way.’

As I was finding lately, I’d been subconsciously devising a plan to test Eric’s compatibility with Annie. He was in love with her. That much was obvious on the surface. And yet, I wondered was how well he’d be able to identify and satisfy her needs – I could read his intent, but not test his reactions without observing him actually react. Had he been gifted with greater mental abilities he could have easily read her needs and worked to meet them. Without that ability, his own inner desires would likely color everything he did with her or for her. Annie needed a relationship that was based on equality, a quid-pro-quo. While she could enjoy being dominated at times, she’d be just as likely to be dominant. Even during submissive periods there would be limits. She would never give herself as completely as someone like Savannah. My test for Eric would hopefully see just how aggressive he would be if he were set free. Would he apply self-imposed limits to his actions? Would he show signs of gauging the comfort level of his partner and respond to those reactions? Could he avoid becoming completely self absorbed? However this turned out, it was going to be fun putting him through his paces.

It was strange how I was looking out for my sister’s happiness. It wasn’t just her, it was all my women – even though I was possessive, and had the ability to just coerce or take what I wanted, even though with some of them it was overtly a master-slave relationship, and with others, I could exercise a more subtle control, even with all this – I wanted my women to be genuinely happy. And I guess I wanted it to be natural, without constant maintenance from me. I knew by looking in myself that this would somehow be important.

The ride to the shopping center gave us just enough time to catch up on all that Eric had been doing while I was recovering from the airplane crash. There were no surprises in his history. He had stayed with his drawing talent and was now working as a freelance cartoonist for three different publications, as well as doing illustrations for a series of children’s books. He had not had any serious relationships outside of Annie. That’s not to say he was celibate, either. He had more than his fair share of girlfriends. He just never had ‘The One’.

We were just pulling into the parking lot when I raised the question of the family history.

‘I know all about it. My Dad filled me in when I came of age. We don’t have the same abilities you have but I guess that’s Ok. I must admit, I was a bit jealous at first but I pretty much got over it. Once in awhile I find myself wishing I could get into the head of my editor or a publisher when they start busting my chops on a deadline but other than that, I seem to do Ok.’

I was scanning him constantly now and he was being completely open with me. That was a real good start. I wondered how I’d have felt if our positions were reversed, and I could only read minds weakly.

All I said out loud though was, ‘Then you know I have to decide if you and Annie are a good match.’ I parked the car in an empty spot.

I turned and looked at him while he continued, ‘Yeah, I know. Dad made sure to remind me when I left yesterday. Hey, I’m really not worried. You know me and I know Annie. You know how I feel about her. I trust you.’

‘I’m glad to hear you say that because I’ve got a bit of a test for you. If you really know Annie it’ll be a breeze. Let’s go get the groceries.’ I got out of the car.

‘Hey wait, aren’t you going to tell me what the test is?’ He was trying to appear anxious but a quick scan showed he was confident and looking forward to whatever I might have in store for him.

‘You’ll find out soon enough.’ I hooked my arm around his tree-trunk of a neck and pulled him to his destiny.

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Hi friends I am back with 3rd story but this is continuation of 1st and 2nd story. If u don’t read my earlier story I hope u ill read it “sleeping cousin” and “ sleeping cousin part 2” , thanks for yr good comments for the earlier stories. Any females in Bangalore to satisfied mail me at Well for new guys let me introduce once again. I am 23 from Bangalore working in MNC good looking and got good body too. So let me begin with my 2nd story which happened between me and my younger cousin sister...

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toyboy and naughty milf

mmm …so hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous…he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i wasnt…so he went upstairs and when he came...

4 years ago
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He is a Freak Honey

He still remembers the laughter and hearing, "My god is that real, that's unfucking believable, Shitttt!" He remembers all too well how his cock reacted at the sight of that, that... Damn, what that bitch did to him. Be'zhawn Hygate sat in his booth in the Player's Lounge, long a hot spot of the elite social working class of downtown Cincinnati. This was where the best of the best partied after work and on weekends. Married, single, separated, divorced, men and women, if you wanted a...

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EdenChapter 17

Preliminary analysis of the specimens produced a strangely mixed bag of results. The air, as the Argo had found, was quite breathable without respiratory filters; it was considerably more pollen-laden than Earth's—an ecology without significant insect population would naturally rely more heavily on airborne dissemination—but the pollens were completely innocuous to humans. Likewise the water was perfectly drinkable; the natural sediments would simply pass through the human digestive tract...

1 year ago
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A Christmas Ski Trip1

It's kind of an overcast day with the chance of a storm coming in later in the day. There are not many skiers here and that is making for some great runs. No lines at all to the gondola, which is very rare. As I step in, I notice someone getting in right behind me. As the door closes I turn and say hi to you. I can't really see your face with the helmet and goggles on, we start chatting. You remove your helmet and goggles and I see your beautiful face framed with your...

4 years ago
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Easy Load Wali Aunty

Hi Readers first of all Assalam-O-Alaikum! kaise hain umeed kerta hoon ke aap sub kharayat se hoon ge.main urdu stories ka aik boht zayada reader hon aur urduurdu per her aok story prhi hoi hai aur sub kee sub boht heeeeezaberdast hain.ab main aap ka introduction apne bare main kerwana chahta hoon.My name is Adnan(spouse)and i am 19yrs old hoon aur student(edge) hoon and live in Lahore.Story ke taraf chalne pehle main aap ko batana zaroori samajhta hoon ke ye story real nahin hai balke ye mere...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 162 Clearing the Alligators

I was on my way home, when my jacket pocket began to play that song again. "Hello," I said after I pulled over. "What did you need," Jen asked. She sounded busy. "Can you swing by the jail. I need for you to take a statement from one of the Smiley vics." I replied. "Actually, I'm across the street at the courthouse. I can drop by, before I get in my car, which I was about to do." I knew that it was an imposition, but I didn't really care. She got me into most of this shit, so it...

1 year ago
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The Tomgirl and the Butterfly

Chapter 1 – The Caterpillar and the Hunter The clouds had broken and the snow had eased for the first time in two weeks.Kids who had spent weeks cooped up in their apartments surfing cable and playingNintendo were finally released from their urban prisons. Free to roam the neighbourhoodagain, to seek out their friends and stretch their legs. For Charlie the weeks had burdened her even further than for the locals.Her father had bought her here to the city on a business trip. While he lefteach...

4 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 5

I hated the expressways that we had to use to get to and from work, but Janice relished the challenge of driving on them, so I learned to keep my mouth shut. We were headed home one day on an expressway when we saw a car burst into flame. Of course, everybody was driving too damned fast for that much traffic, so there was a chain-reaction collision ahead of us. Janice proved that she was a superlative driver and managed to bring us to a stop without hitting any other cars or being hit. It...

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 131 Campaigning

Friday, we all flew out to Shawnee, including Stormy, where we were met by Frank Keating, who traveled with us to Springboro. It was a mutual love fest, with Frank thanking me for saving his citizens and me thanking Frank for his inspired leadership and help during the crisis. We started at the school, now being rebuilt, and toured the town, and then met with the Torquists. Along the way I said wonderful things about Springboro and Oklahoma, and whatever it was they did there. I gathered it...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Bhabhi 8211 Coincident

Myself Sameer Sharma from Bhopal, M.P. (). Mein aur mere dost bahut acche se ek dusre ko jaante hai sabhi. Sabhi ko sabhi ke baare me sab kuch pata hota hai. Hum aapas me sab kuch share karte hai. Mera ek dost hai Rishi, bahut accha friend hai aur wo uske bade bhai, mummy aur bhabhi ke saath rahta hai. Hamara aksar ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana rahta hai to hum ek dusre ki families acche se introduced the. Abhi se 3 mahine aur 4 din pahle ki baat hai. Rishi ke bhai ki job lagi hui thi forest...

3 years ago
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When I Modeled for My Therapist

        My therapist had left his canvas out on the easel. I asked him about it. He was looking for a female to paint - nude. Did I know anyone?         I thought to myself "hmm, I wouldn't mind, but would he agree?" I spoke my mind and a time was set. What was I thinking to agree to this? Was I being spontaneous or just plain stupid?         It was decided that he would come to my flat to photograph me and from the photos we would choose which one he would actually...

1 year ago
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I don’t always sleep well. I wake up at night and sometimes I wake up because I have pain. I’ve been that way all my life. I try hard not to wake my man up on those nights. Sometimes I get out of bed and go read a book or listen to music. Other nights I go sit on the porch and let the cool night air relax me and I can rest. But many nights I just lay there in bed and try to force myself to sleep. This night, I was awakened by a fierce pain in my chest. The lupus was just sitting there and I...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Carl And His Stepsister Marias Affair With Their Uncle Part 3

The weekend had finally arrived and I carefully planned a day of intimate time alone with Carl and Maria. We agreed use my bedroom and the king-sized bed, silk sheets, and subdued lighting to set the mood. They wanted to fuck and the mood setting was really for me. For our first time together, we agreed I would watch them and join in when ready. I was accustomed to being the voyeur anyway. The thought of having sex with them was surreal, yet exciting. On Saturday afternoon, we all entered my...

First Time
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Introduction: Ben & Angie finally return to Astoria and we have the wildest night of sex I could imagine. HOT TUB HEAVEN, THE CONTINUATION I stay at the Astoria Holiday Inn every Monday and some Tuesdays while Im working in town. I enjoy soothing my bones in the hot tub every night Im there. Two weeks ago, I had the experience of a lifetime. A couple were sitting in my favorite spot in the tub while their three kids splashed in the pool. I eased in and sat far enough away from them so I wouldnt...

2 years ago
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My sister and me

Sorry for the bad English, I'm writing through an interpreter!Briefly about my sister: my cousin, we are the same age (21 years old). Thin with a small chest and middle ass. The vulgar, can calmly talk to me on vulgar topics and discuss. We live now in different cities.All this happened on New Year's Eve. We met in a circle of friends at the apartment, celebrated, had fun, drank. Closer to the morning, we decided to go home, as there were then other plans for us, and the drunks were already...

4 years ago
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Should Is Just An Excuse

Tera stared into her mother’s bedroom through the space left by the partially open door. The door never closed completely. The latch couldn’t engage and when her mother would close the door it would always slowly drift open. Tera watched her mother undress after a late night out on a date with her new boyfriend. She watched as her mother reached behind her back to pull the zipper down on her dress. Tera’s eyes glared in disgust as she noticed how the dress formed itself to her mother’s...

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A Gift Horse for NancyChapter 2

Nancy was somewhat surprised that she had enjoyed riding her grandfather’s big cock with it planted deep inside her rear door. She surprised herself even more when she asked her boyfriend Todd to make her take it the same way because she had always been a little skittish about taking it up the ass before and this was a completely different attitude on her part and he was adjusting to her new kinky side that he had never seen before. Of course, she always followed up her ass fucking sessions...

4 years ago
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Jenny punished for thieving

It had taken a couple of weeks to work out, but I had finally narrowed down when my losses were occurring, and tied it down to just one member of staff, a young checkout assistant named Jenny.Jenny was s*******n, and had been with my small Builders Merchants for about two months, but since she had started, small items of stock were going missing, as were small amounts of cash from the till.I had deliberately avoided calling in the Police, or my own in house Security Officer, and had opted for...

3 years ago
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Summer at Aunties

You stumble off the plane and into the airport with your legs feeling like jelly having been seated for a few hours, heading down to the conveyor belt to collect your suitcase. Watching as a few familiar people you recognize from the flight all come and go, collecting their bags happily and leaving while you remain growing increasingly worried. Eventually it becomes clear to you that your luggage isn't going to be there as you head to the nearest staff member and explain your situation. Getting...

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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 14

After David left I started supper and it was not much later that Dennis finally got home. He looked at me when he came in and smiled. He said, "I'm sorry, I know this is rough on you. And I know that of the two of us I was always the one that was so uptight. But I have to say, there is one thing that has changed that I find I'm quite happy about. You look beautiful Amanda. It occurs to me that if I had not been such an ass the things that happened since I went to Atlanta would never have...

3 years ago
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Whispers In The Dark

Stepping into the room and gently closing the door behind him, he found her as he often had, standing by the window gazing up at the moon.  Her head tilted slightly and she watched his reflection in the window as he pulled off his suit jacket and laid it carefully across the back of a chair, leaving him in a waistcoat, pressed white shirt and tie.  Even looking at him through a glass window she could feel an electrical current go through her the moment her dark eyes locked with his as he came...

Straight Sex
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Me and Gavin Part 2

The story started off kind of slow, but I think you need some character development. If you haven’t read the first chapter “Me and Gavin” you should go back and read it first. Hope you like it. After I finish probing your little belly button and your little abs, I’m going to work my way up to your chest licking every inch of your lean little body. Then I want to run my tongue around your little pink nipples, in circles, over and over while gently sucking them every so often. Once your...

1 year ago
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Sarah Part Twenty

I woke Saturday morning to an empty bed. Sarah walked into the bedroom wearing her pink bathrobe, all bright, bubbly and smiling. “Good morning. It’s about time you woke up.” This was a significant change from the night before when she had cum four times, was sore in several places, and, for the most part was in a daze. She was so exhausted that she had fallen to sleep in bed as we were talking about the evening. Now, she was in good spirits as she sat on the bed beside me. “How come you’re so...

4 years ago
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Babydoll Boys

Babydoll Boys Chapter One - Frat boys Like most college boys, Bluto Fratman was always looking for ways to enrich his higher-educational experience. On most weekend nights, occasional Tuesdays and most Thursdays, Bluto and his fraternity brothers performed field research on the effects of ethyl alcohol on the post-adolescent male brain. They performed this vital task in the fraternity house, as well as various entertainment establishments both on- and off-campus. The...

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Sali ke sath wo din

Hi friends, mera naam rakesh hai aur main delhi se hoon yeah meri paheli story hai hope ki ismein jo galtiya hongi aap sabhi maaf karenge. To baat uun dino ki hai jab maine final year ke paper de raha tha.usi time meri chachi ka opeeration hua tha humari family mein hum loog aur humari chacha ki family rehti hai meri shaddi pakki ho gayi thi sirf baat hui thi sagai hone wali thi (but chachi ke operation ki wajhase postpone karni padi) hum do bhai hain maine aur mujhse meri mother...

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DevilsFilm Harlow West Boffing The Babysitter

Harlow West is a babysitter. Her client, Steve Holmes, offers to drive her home. However, Harlow says that she has a question first: how does a girl know that what she’s doing is pleasing to a man? She doesn’t want to disappoint her boyfriend during sex, you see. Steve is surprised, because he sure wasn’t expecting that kind of question. He wonders why Harlow doesn’t ask her friends instead, but she says that her friends are all more experienced than her and she...

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the hunt is on

So, now that I was hooked I had to find a way to get panties on my own. A friend of mine said he was he was going to Best Buy and ask if I wanted to go along. The closest Best Buy is about 30 minutes away and in another town, since I didn't get to go there often I quickly agreed. As we get near the Best Buy Store we passed a Walmart, a Kohls and a Marshals and I realized they are all just filled with NEW panties. I suggested that when we were finished at Best Buy maybe we should stop by the...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 149

After seeing my family off, the first thing I did was read the details of all the intel intercepts for the last ten days. While on vacation I was receiving just the summaries. I read part of them then went to the national security briefing on the second floor. There is where I had an unusual awakening. Iran was in worse shape than previously thought. Their military was now getting paid with script and not cash, not even every week but every other week. The script could be deposited and then...

4 years ago
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Make Me A Sissy Star

MAKE ME A SISSY STAR! A reader-guided story Part 1 Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be a model. Some people might think that sounds shallow or basic, but I've never really bothered what other people think.There are those who are born to perform surgery or write novels or govern a country; I was born to strut on a catwalk. I'm not bragging when I say I am perfectly suited to modeling. I'm 5'9, which is the perfect, average male height beloved by most designers....

2 years ago
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Strangers In A Strange Place part two

Returning home from my…well…adventure in the Mojave Desert I found my wife, Belinda, alone and frightened. She had called the police when I had not returned from my conference in Vegas at the expected time. My business had also called her. I had returned, but she had not realized that I saw her fucking the pool boy. And then I had left abruptly, finally encountering my aliens in the Joshua Tree National Park. At a deserted gas station, to be exact. My story has been told earlier. This is a new...

2 years ago
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Older Makes a Good Teacher

It wasn’t that easy being gay and living in a place like Omaha.  I was attracted to a lot of guys in my high school, but there was no way I was going to approach any of them.  I had visions of them ganging up on me in the gym and beating the shit out of me. I knew the answer would be in hooking up with older, maybe married guys.  Besides, they were safer … they were just looking to get off, not looking for a relationship.  I figured it would be the perfect way to satisfy my curiosity about cock...

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The Gentle Man

Copywrite©2010 Mendon Fishers I was suddenly awake, and covered in a cold sweat. I guess I had ‘The Nightmare’ again but couldn’t remember it. I guess talking to the ‘doc’ had helped. I knew I couldn’t go back to sleep yet. The nightmare would only return. I looked over at the alarm clock. It was 4:30 am. Almost time to get up anyway, so I might as well get dressed. Running a ranch started early in the morning and lasted late into the night. But I loved it. I had 535,000 acres in the foot...

1 year ago
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Apne dost ki biwi ke saath chudai

Pabby here with very exiting exprince 1st one to one then me my friend and his wife. If any female or gal or couple or group wanna contect me plz mail me at Main aur Amar bachpan se dost the. Hum log paas hi paas rahte the aur saath khelte the. Hum donon hi padhne mein bahut tez the aur hamesha class mein pahli ya doosari position laate the. Inter paas karne ke baad hum dono ka admission ek hi Engineering College mein ho gaya aur hum donon ek hi kamre mein rahte the. Hum donon achchhe numberon...

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