Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 01 free porn video

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To all who read and commented on A World Of My Own, thank you. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. For those who asked that I continue that story I must apologize. I just kind of lost track of the plot and I just haven’t been able to get it back. Maybe this time will be better. All comments are welcome. Any advise on how to be a better writer will be accepted with great appreciation. Please vote and comment.

Chapter 1: The Blessing & Rebirth

If you could have anyone you wanted, whenever you wanted, anywhere you wanted them, would you feel blessed? Well, I could and I did feel blessed. But for every blessing there is a price to pay and the full cost is never really know until it’s incurred.

I grew up in a fairly normal way in a mid-sized city nestled in the mountains of Tennessee. I was sandwiched between two sisters, one a year older and the other a year younger. Both are absolutely gorgeous but I’ll save the detailed description for later.

Our Mom married and started having children at 16 so she is still fairly young and has kept herself in excellent shape. But, it’s her personality that is the real measure of her. She infects all around her with a feeling of warmth and joy. Her openness and sense of humor light up any room and her stunning good looks, though understated, draw everyone into her joyous circle.

Dad was in many ways exactly like Mom. Folks just wanted to be around him and as a child it seemed perfectly natural to see folks drawn to him like moths to a flame. I had no idea then, just why he drew such attention. All I knew is we were treated more like royalty then seemed natural and I loved it.

It was late August when our world was shattered. Dad loved piloting small planes and at 15 he began teaching me to fly. It was a consuming experience to be able to take control and fly with the birds. We spent hours together soaring through the skies over Tennessee, testing the limits of our plane and just enjoying the freedom of life among the clouds.

This was one of those glorious days where the bright blue sky seemed limitless. Not a single cloud marred the infinite beauty on this day and we were soaring and diving like eagles. The aircraft was responding like it was a part of us as we threaded our way through a series of narrow mountain passes and our exhilaration was at its peak when it suddenly happened. The gods must have thought we were having just a bit too much fun.

Clear air turbulence is nothing new to any seasoned pilot and Dad certainly was at least that experienced, but this was different. This was vicious. An angry god reached down and delivered a full throttle punch to the solar plexus. Suddenly the air was gone. Suddenly the sky turned black. Suddenly my world was shattered.

It was two years before I returned to the world of the living. It was two years lost and not a single memory beyond the Moment we hit the ground. I had been comatose and Dad was gone. No one was really sure why I wasn’t dead as well and there were more than a few times I’d wished I were. How can I possibly explain this? In an instant I went from soaring with eagles next to a father I adored to being bed ridden and fatherless and this instant lasted two years. But remember, I was blessed.

For the next year I endured the most rigorous rehabilitation. I had to learn from scratch how to control my body. Muscles that had been toned and perfectly functional were now turned to mush. Each day brought new challenges and each day was thankfully blessed with new successes. Mom and my sisters guided me, and prodded me and rebuilt my spirit and love of life. Two of my favorite teachers volunteered to help me catch up on my education and by the end of the year I was, quite remarkably, so far ahead that I was able to enter college a junior. By the time of my 19th birthday I was back to being me and more, and that’s when I began to become aware of my true blessing. I also began to become aware of a certain lack of inhibition.

Ms. Cavanaugh was one of those teachers that had brought me through my ordeal. At 36, she had been married and divorced and had no children. She stood at 5 foot 5 and was a very fit 110 pounds. Her hair was naturally streaky blond, lustrous and long. Her body was perfectly proportioned, with firm 36c breasts, thin waist and a near perfect heart-shaped ass. With each passing day my strength grew alongside my lustful fantasies.

I was almost totally inexperienced before the accident. I had had a girlfriend but we’d never gotten past second base. I’m not even sure I knew where second base was. Having missed my formative years should have left me somewhat clueless even now but I was being guided by some supernatural influence that left me certain of exactly what I wanted and Ms. Cavanaugh had everything required to satisfy those desires.

Having realized what I wanted I began to notice certain signs that seemed to suggest Ms. Cavanaugh knew what I needed and wanted to meet my needs. I also began to wonder how much of what I thought I was detecting as desire was just my over active imagination projecting. Were her light strokes along my arms and neck just simple friendly caresses or were they a window into her lustful heart? Was she brushing past me so I could get a sense of how firm her breasts were or was she just trying to pass by while I was being inconsiderate in not stepping aside? These and other doubts clouded my conscious thoughts while my inner self became more and more confident that I was correctly reading her true desires. Remember that growing lack of inhibition I mentioned earlier? I realized the only way to test the truth of my observances was to be direct and I felt totally free to do exactly that.

I had just gotten a series of college entrance offers and with little surprise, I was accepted and offered scholarships to all those I applied to. In fact, I received two from colleges I had not applied to. It was time to celebrate and all the folks who had helped with my recovery were invited to join the festivities. It was August again and a perfect day for a party in the backyard. We set out tables around the pool, hired a band, booked one of the areas best caterers and hired a few local folks with bartending talent. As much as I was looking forward to the party it was only second on my list of the day’s priorities. I decided this was the day I was going to loose my virginity and Ms. Cavanaugh was going to be my loyal assistant.

She arrived right on time and was looking radiant in her yellow flowered sundress with spaghetti straps and a v-cut above her breasts to show just the right amount of cleavage. The dress was cut short, displaying her near perfect legs and falling just below the downward curve of her perfect ass. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her makeup was subtly enticing. In short, she was a vision and I was a horny 19-year-old virgin. It was time to make things right in the world.

“Hey Ms. Cavanaugh, how’s it going.” I took her in my arms and hugged her more intimately than I had ever done before.

There was a certain sparkle in her eyes as I released her, took her hand and lead her toward the pool and Mom.

“I’m doing great Kenny. Congratulations. I knew you were going to get lots of offers. But, once again you amaze me. I never thought you would get so many and all with full scholarships. You are remarkable.”

“So are you Savannah.” She hesitated for a second, as this was the first time I had ever called her by her first name.

We had reached Mom and both women greeted each other warmly and Mom once again thanked her for all her help. The two had become very close friends over the past year. In fact, Mom had told me more than a few times that they had become more like sisters.

I was impatient. I had needs that had to be satisfied and Mom and Savannah had all day to talk.

“Mom, I need to talk to Savannah for a bit. We’re going to go up to my room
. Keep everyone happy until I come back.” Mom hesitated for a Moment while Savannah just seemed to get this puzzled look.

“Try not to be too long Kenny, Remember, you’re the guest of honor.”

I took Savannah’s hand once again and started to lead her back to the house.

“What is it that we need to talk about? Is there a problem? “ She seemed truly concerned rather than taken aback by my directness.

“Nothing terrible, I promise. I’ll explain inside.” I quickened my pace and before she knew it we were in my room and I had closed the door.

“Savannah, there is one last thing I need you to help me with and for this particular problem I can’t imagine a better person to help me through this.” I was remarkably calm as I led her to my bed and drew her down to sit with me.

“You know me Kenny. I’ve been helping you for a year now and I have loved every minute of it. Tell me how I can help and you know I’ll do whatever I can.”

“You’ve been great I can’t imagine having found a better tutor. The proof is in that pile of acceptance letters on my desk. But, there’s one more thing I need to learn and I want to learn it with you.”

I think it was starting to dawn on her but she was not going to volunteer. She seemed to suddenly become a shy little girl. I was going to have to tell her what I wanted and I had no qualms about doing exactly that.

“I am a 19-year-old virgin who is horney as hell and you are a beautiful and sexy women who I have be fantasizing about for a long time now. I want you and need you to teach me how to be as good a lover as I am a student.”

She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She just stared at me with her mouth hanging open for what seemed like forever. I knew I had to wait for her to respond but the wait was excruciating. I almost jumped too soon.

She stammered the first few words before she gained some control.

“Kenny, I don’t know what to say. I mean I’m flattered that you think I’m beautiful and that you want me to be your first lover. I guess I should have seen it coming. I can be so blind sometimes. But this isn’t right. I’m much older than you and I don’t think your Mom would think very much of me if I did what you’re asking. She trusts me to do what’s right for you and I don’t want to betray that trust. I’m sorry Kenny, but this is something I don’t think I can do for you and I’m really scared that you are going to hate me for not helping.”

While I was listening to her tell me how she couldn’t help me I also became aware of a totally different conversation. This conversation was happening on a totally different plane it was so contrary to what my ears were hearing that I thought I was hallucinating. That was until I began to see signs of a physical response that seemed to mirror what this alternate conversation was relaying.

This alternate conversation went something like this:

“Jeez if he only knew how I’ve fantasized about him. How many times have I cum at the end of my own fingers wishing it were his cock instead. I’m getting wet just thinking about it. God, he’s gonna see my nipples getting hard and he’ll know. If he took me in his arms right now and hugged me like he did before I’d melt and do whatever he asked. I wish I could just let go.”

Those physical sings were exactly as the alternate voice described. Her nipples were now visible thought the material of her dress and a crimson hue was now spreading from her face to her neck and chest. Was I reading her mind? Were we somehow connected? These questions could wait. Right now I needed to be uninhibited. I pulled her to me and kissed her full on the lips and after just the slightest hesitation she gave in.

As her lips parted my tongue began to dance gently and slowly across her teeth and as the teeth parted my tongue snaked it’s way into her mouth seeking out her tongue. It didn’t take but a second for our tongues to meet and begin their mating ritual. I was savoring the warm, sweet taste of her mouth when I realized my left hand had found a will of it’s own and was now caressing the side of her right breast. I became aware of this as the result of the little moan that escaped her as my hand found its mark.

I tore myself away from that sweet mouth to explore her face, neck and shoulders with my lips as I took her breast fully in hand and began gently massaging it. Her nipple was like a small stone and goose bumps began dotting her arms as I took her nipple between my fingers and began to gently roll and tweak it. I think I figured out where second base is.

My right hand was now finding some purpose as it slowly lowered the zipper at the back of her dress and then eased each spaghetti strap off her shoulders. As her dress fell away I laid her down and allowed my kisses followed its fall and began exploring each breast and all the areas around them. They were marvelous, firm, lightly tanned (no tan lines but that didn’t register just yet), and capped with areolas the color of rouge and nipples that were firm and standing proudly. I slowly worked my way to each nipple, first teasing it with the tip of my tongue and eventually suckling it between my teeth and stroking it with the full length of my tongue. Her breathing quickened, as her hands drew my head into each breast, urging me to persevere.

It seemed that she wanted more pressure, more contact, a higher level of intensity so I took each nipple between my teeth and began to nibble and tweak each. My fingers worked the other nipple so neither was being denied. That was when it happened. Her arms flung out from her sides as each hand grabbed at the bedspread. Her back and neck arched up and her eyes began to flutter closed. Her breath suddenly caught and her body seemed to be jolted by some unseen force several times. Each new jolt brought a grunt and moan from deep down in her throat until she finally collapsed and started breathing again. I made her cum and I felt like a king.

It took a while for her to regain some of her composure and all the while I lay next to her and gently stroked her breasts. I figured it would be a good idea to keep up at least moderately stimulated or I would loose the advantage I had gained.

“Kenny, that was amazing! I have never had an orgasm like that. I mean, of course I’ve had orgasms but never just from someone playing with my breasts. You have to be kidding me. There’s no way that was the first time. “

“Savannah, I swear that was the first time and it was great. I was just doing what seemed natural. Now, are you going to help or not.”

Without another word she slid off the bed and settled between my legs. With practiced fingers she undid my belt, unbuttoned my pants and lowered the zipper. She deftly fished my cock out of my pants, drew my underwear below my balls and began kissing the head. I was hard as stone and already seeping a bit of precum, which she quickly licked clean before taking the head of my cock in her mouth. What a rush. Her hot mouth on my hard cock was almost too much. I was grasping for some measure of control and I was barely holding on. She seemed to sense the tension in my balls and pulled back. She spent the next 5 minutes kissing and licking every swollen inch of my cock and balls and even ventured down to my anus where her tongue tickled and danced lightly over my asshole. It was heaven and a blessing. While I enjoyed every second of her oral attention it help reduce the urgency I felt to cum so when she finally took me back in her mouth I was free to just enjoy.

She slowly worked my cock into her mouth one inch at a time until she met my pubic hair and I could feel her throat grasping at the head of my cock. That’s when she started to bob up and down in long luxurious strokes, all the while running her tongue in small circles around the underside of my staff. I was loosing it again and again I was grasping for some co
ntrol over the inevitable. Again she sensed the tension building and again she pull her mouth off my cock. However, this time was different.

“Don’t hold back Kenny. Let me make you cum. Let yourself go. I want to taste your cum. Please, let go for me.”

And with that said, she plunged back down the full length and my cock head was once again in the grasp of her throat. She took my balls in one hand and with the other she began to massage my asshole. I was a lost soul. There was no controlling this onslaught. She wanted my cum and I wanted to give it to her so I took her head in my hands and began pumping my cock in and out of her mouth. That’s all it took. It came on me in a flash of white light and before I knew what hit me I exploded. The first long rope of cum went straight down her throat. I was still pumping so the second rope laced her tongue. The third and forth were in her throat again and the final dribble fell just inside her lips. She swallowed every drop and kept sucking until she was absolutely certain she had gotten all of it.

“Wow” was all I could say. I was stunned into a profound sense of peace and wonderment. I had my first blowjob and it shook me to my very core. How much better could this get? How much more intense would fucking her pussy be? I was still hard when she pulled away, stood before me and hugged my head to her chest.

“That was great Kenny, Thank you. I’ve actually wanted to do that for a long time but I was afraid it would ruin everything if I told you. You tasted so good and you came so hard I couldn’t help myself. I know you wanted more but I just couldn’t hold back. I really needed to taste your cum. I needed to fell you explode in my mouth. Please don’t tell anyone but I’ve always had a thing for blowjobs. It just makes me wild.”

It made me pretty wild as well. Now that my breath had returned talking was again an option. “It was so intense I thought my whole head was going to explode. I never imagined it would be that intense. And I’m still hard so we can do plenty more.”

“Jeez, you’re a devil. You really are still hard. God. Listen, I’ll do everything you’ve been dreaming about but for now I think we better head back down to the party before folks start wondering if we’re ever going to return.”

I looked at my watch and was amazed to discover we had been at it for almost an hour. We really did need to get back to the party but before I went anywhere I need to do something about this hard on. There was no way it was going to remain discreetly tucked away in my pants given its current state.

“Why don’t you go ahead and I’ll follow in a bit. I think I need a quick shower.”

“Ok but don’t be too long. Oh, and one more thing, Please promise we’ll keep this just between us. I would die if your Mom found out.”

“Ok, I’ll keep the secret but you need to promise me something. Before this day is out I want all of you. I’ll be discreet but I am going to find an opportunity to pull you away at some point today. When I do, just trust me and promise you’ll come along.”

She didn’t hesitate… “I promise”, and with that and a quick kiss she ran off to the bathroom to fix herself up.

I headed to the other bathroom to do the same and before long we were both back to a party that was in full swing. Everyone we invited and a few more were there, the music was rocking, the dance floor was overflowing and the pool was one huge tangle of bodies in bathing suits.

I found Mom with her current boyfriend who I kind of liked. He was nothing like my dad but he was decent and Mom seemed to be really happy with him so he was Ok with me. He also help quite a bit during my rehabilitation and he was the one that set up my gym. He helped me build an exercise program and worked out with me on a regular basis. His efforts had me toned and actually looking better than I did before the crash so I was pretty appreciative.

Mom grabbed my hand and asked, “Where have you been? Everyone’s been asking about you. Is everything Ok?”

“It’s fine Mom. I just needed to talk through some things. Don’t worry. I’m fine. In fact, I’m great.” I was great. In fact, I was better than great. I just had my dick sucked for the very first time and before the day was out I was going to have that very same dick warmly ensconced in a beautiful pussy that was just waiting to be invaded. But for now, it was time to party.

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A New Start in Life Chapter 9

A New Start in Life Part 9 Hi again, I apologise for the delay in posting another episode of this tale, I have been thinking about how this story should develop. I must thank those that emailed me, it is always nice to hear comments, good or otherwise, and I will always try to take these on board. The story continues where it left off with the girls returning to university for their final year, Susanna's operation for her nose, Adams apple shave and vocal chord tensioning have...

3 years ago
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My First Virgin

My son's friend, Josh, was going to be spending a week with us while his parents were out of town. The Saturday Josh was to come over my husband had to run up to his parents house out of town to tend to some emergency they were having with their plumbing, and he took my daughter and son with him. They would return on Monday. Josh showed up and after some chatting he went out to mow the lawn for me. Josh is a good k** and I have known him since he was little. He was excited about getting his...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Aspen Romanoff Party In My Pants

My stepsister Aspen & I are prepping for a party, the kind you have when your parents are out for a night. We’ve done other things together when the parents are gone for a night, the kind of things you don’t talk about in polite society. She can’t even focus on getting ready when I’m around, instead she is pulling out her tits and trying to get me to touch them! Her stepdad is still home but she can’t stop herself. Even when he comes to see us before he leaves,...

3 years ago
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The World8217s Greatest Lover 8211 Part I

Hey guys this is ANKIT, male 25. This is my first story and is a real life experience .About me, I am 6 feet, fair, I look handsome have a good physique as I a sportsperson and most important is that I respect women and their independence. I feel sex is an art of satisfying a lady making them feel heavenly and out of this world. After all being happy and pleasurable is what we all are born for. It all happened 3 months back in the month of October 2013, one of my distant relative Aunty Shamita...

3 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 5

The stew was eaten. Bob, knowing the women would feel more comfortable bathing if he wasn't in the building, said he was going over to the saloon for a drink and to play a game or two of cards. Millie tested the water in the tub, which was still steaming. Boots stood nearby, having announced that she was going to remain there to assist the bather in and out of the tub, and "deal with any trespassers." Millie was fairly sure nobody would molest them, but she didn't say anything. She'd...

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My Wife and the Pest Control Man Revised Edited

After my Sally was sure he was curiously gawking at them, she feigned shock and loudly shouted, “Are you staring I my breast? Oh my God, you are staring at my breast, and not only that you are getting an erection.” Mr. Evans turned three shades of red, and I was sure he was going into cardiac arrest. There was total silence in the library as everyone looked on in astonishment. Sally tossed the form back at him and stomped out of the library. We momentarily locked eyes as she passed my table...

2 years ago
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Young Bess Part Six

How very grateful I am to have such good friends supporting this little project! Elaine! I always suspected you were somewhere in the background. Thank you for your editorial collaboration. Special thanks to Brian for so many lovely reviews? To Felicity for your supportive e- mails? To Bluto, Bruce, Sophie, Sirearle, C-Monster, and dd for all your courtesies?many, many thanks! Please note that YOUNG BESS is fully copyrighted and cannot be reprinted or reproduced without the express...

2 years ago
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Great Night With Aunt

This story about 18 years old guy and 40 yeras old his aunty.he live with my mom and aunt.his aunt is single women.she is 40 years old. .She is pretty asian women. she has pillow type boobs and her cup size is E.Last week Tuesday my mom went my grandmothers home. My mom told her sister to look after me until she coming. mom leave home about at 5 pm. After my mom went me and aunt alone at home. we had sex before ( In My first Story About That ) We decided to have sex at middle night. that was a...

3 years ago
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Saree Falls Out Boobs Enjoyed By Tamil Guy

Ithu vanthu 19 yrs irukum pothu nadanthathu. Puthusa oru computer class ku nan ponen. Apo enaku sir 28 yrs than irukum. Romva handsome and have a great body. Gym figure. Enaku avara romba pidikum. Avar enai thoda madaranu engidu irunthen. Avara sila poluthu lesa en body ala thadavuven. Ahhhhh mmm ahhh ahhhh shhhh Apidi oru nal nan classku saree uduthidu ponen. Nan 34 28 36 figure fair sexy chick. Enga ore la romba perku en mela oru kannu. Nan black saree uduthidu class ku ponen. Athu enaku...

3 years ago
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Taken captive in Locker room

Here I was trapped in the gym's locker room pressed against the far wall with one of the schools bullies male member deep up my butt. He had twisted my arm up my back and pushed me down the stairway till we were in the gym's locker room. I had tried to struggle but not wanting my arm broke I reluctantly went with my assailant. Once we were in the locker room he pushed me away like I was nothing but a sack of bone and turned to secure the door way. Well I thought he was doing that and took that...

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Subway Girl Ch 07

Friday I got home from work and still had a few hours to kill before going to Alicia’s, so I decided to call my dad. He answered the phone, but I was immediately reminded why I usually call him on Sunday mornings. It was obvious he had been drinking, but he wasn’t slurring, just being talkative. I told him I was still working, and then I told him I’d met a girl. ‘Yeah, I figured that,’ he said. I could hear ice clinking in the background like he was swirling his drink. ‘I noticed your cell...

1 year ago
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Moving In

"I want to hear you sing," said Julian. Caitlynn looked up. They were lying together on the couch in Julian's living room, still somewhat post-coital from their lovemaking on the roof of the 7-11. After locking the store up, Julian had driven home, leading Caitlynn in her own car. Neither one of them had said a word about her coming home with him, but it had still been by mutual assent. The room was dark. They were still waiting for the power to come back on. Until a moment ago, they'd...

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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Peeping Tom on our Asses

My partner and I were dispatched to find out about a peeping tom in the area. We had to chase the mother fucker as he tried to escape. Turns out we found hard evidence on his phone of him perving on white girls taking pictures. We got this piece of shit to confess. Then we showed this scum bag how we deal with this type of situations, sucking his big black cock and getting him to bury his face in our asses, giving him a little of what he was looking for, white pussy with a twist of girl power....

4 years ago
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Bet with GF leads to sex with bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is the continuation of my previous story. If you didn’t get a chance to read the previous one, please read that first and get back to this. Thanks for the wonderful feedback that you have shared with me. Guys, some people were asking for the pics of my gf and bhabhi. I wouldn’t be sharing pics of anyone because I respect their privacy. And also, few people were asking whether this was a true incident. This is a 100% true incident. Now, let’s start the story. After the video...

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I think my doctor has a thing for me and I think

I never written a story here before but this happened recently so I thought I will share this with you. Not like many of the stories, this one is true, however, it may not be as exciting as some of the other stories on xhamster. I added some pictures to make the story more entertaining (pictures are not mine and i'm not in them unless specificly stated, go to my profile to see my pictures).So, most people in Ireland have their GP (general practice doctor). A GP is a family doctor who does...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11E05 Charlene Tudor 30 from Manchester

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a community garden center – which is pretty overgrown - then we pan around to see distant tower blocks, then trendy and modern apartments in the foreground, until we see our host walking toward us... He’s chunky and he’s cheerful – squeezed into a West Ham football shirt that’s probably XXX Large but is still struggling to hold his belly and man-boobs. Beside him, looking up at him as they walk, a beautiful Doberman. Dennis begins his...

1 year ago
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Never Tease A Master

Never Tease A Master by Throne PART ONE I started doing it just for fun. Ever since my teens I'd been enjoying a bit of crossdressing. Mostly it was just panties. In my twenties I got an apartment where I could have more clothing, though I still limited myself. Then there was a wig. And make-up. It became a regular occurrence for me to change from Barry to Bunny. Of course I visited all sorts of TV sites on-line. Who doesn't? And I was intrigued by guys who had declared...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 The ship meeting

Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...

1 year ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 18 From the Ire to True Love

They fell quiet as I lay silent, naked, gross and all slimy-hopeless. Finally, slowly, I got up. “OH my GAWD.” I dry heaved doubling over and fell to my knees. I just avoided their eyes and was so embarrassed, mortified. I muttered “OW-w-w - ow, oh, ow.” I knew I was way outclassed for strength and what a stupid thing for me to try. If I’d had a tail you know where it would have been. I sobbed. And I did have a tail. I didn’t even realize I was carrying that hose around still hanging out of...

2 years ago
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Helping step daughter part 2

Still keeping tabs on the toys I noticed the plug wasn’t getting used as much as it was but the dildo and lubricant was being used more. The Saturday before my wife was to visit her parents on Friday she left the house early to do some shopping for her trip. I woke as normal to take my morning shower, neglecting to put any clothes on since she always takes her daughter with her. I headed for the kitchen for a drink, passing by her bedroom I saw her still sleeping in her bed. Knowing she...

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friends mom

"Okay, Everybody, that's it for today! Good practice everyone," Mrs. Summers called out, clapping her hands to bring all of the team in from the outfield. From your vantage point on the bench, you surreptitiously watch her as she walks back and forth along the front of the dugout, your eyes running up and down her long bare legs as she paces in front of you. Damn, she's sexy, you think to yourself as you watch the mature brunette, your eyes flicking from her toned bare legs to her ample ass to...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed MomChapter 6

She was sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and reading the morning paper when Patty came into the room. She looked up from the paper at Patty and then put the paper down. "Have a good time last night? It sure sounded like it. I'll bet they heard your screams down by the end of the block." "Fuck you!" "No thanks, Tony already did. He spent the night by the way; you just missed him, he had an early class." "I told you to leave him alone." "I know and that's why I had to...

3 years ago
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The Cowboy and the Widow

Summer 2015 Castle Texas 8AM 35 year old newly retired Rodeo Bull Rider Adam Rogers is on the way to a job interview, when he gets to his destination he parks his Ford F-150 Pickup truck near the driveway of the house where his future boss lived. He got out of his truck grabbed the file folder that contains his work history which included his 8 years of active duty U.S. Army Service and his 10 years as a Rodeo Bull rider. After he had the folder in his hand he closes the truck door and walks...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting In My City Part Two

Okay from where I left it, Emily, Lisa & Myself were happily having an evening in a Norwich pub and I had found a decent hotel not far from the Railway Station (it would be handy in case of sore heads from any possible hangovers to just cross the road and climb on a train for the two of them).We arrived at the Nelson Hotel and I got them sorted out at the reception (it was all automated, just involved a debit card etc) and I found them their twin room..The girls found their way in and I was...

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Lemons or Lemonade

If you have read any of my other stories you know that they have no explicit sex scenes, this story is no exception. Constructive comments or critiques are solicited and welcome. If you like or even dislike the story please take the time to comment on it or send me an email. It would be nice if you could rate or vote on the story too. Your comments and ratings help me to learn and grow as a writer. Thanks for taking the time to read my story and please enjoy. There are some people who say...

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My mom is very pretty

I am 20 years old and I have a 7 inch cock. I have short brown hair and I have a fit body. One day, my dad left for a business trip and he left me and my mom here in the house. My mom is very pretty for a 35 year old. She has perfect breasts. I have had a crush on her ever since I was 18 years old. One night, I was talking to her about my life on the couch. I was dazzled by her beautiful face. She asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told her that I was a free man. She was wearing a sexy shirt...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 282

Compliments of Andy K ‎ Another bar, a different night. It was a slow night at the bar, only a few tables full and, with one exception, the usual beer-and-a-shot crowd at the bar. The new guy waved Mike, the bartender, over and started a conversation “Mike, I’m Artie and I have a question for you. Are you any kind of a betting man?” Mike asked back “What kind of betting man do you mean?’ Artie said “Y’know, the usual stupid bar bets; anywhere from ten bucks up to fifty, depending on the...

3 years ago
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Your Mothers Room

Being 18 and horny as usual, I took advantage of any time I was home alone. Whenever I could I would sneak into my moms room and raid her lingerie drawer. I would slip the silky or lacy stuff on and masturbate with a fervor, or sometimes I'd just jerk off into the panty crotches, bra cups, or the toes of her stockings. Today was no different, or so I thought. Except today was the day that I got caught with my dick in my hand and the head literally drooling precum when I heard my mother cough...

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RejuvenatedChapter 8

Glossary: Chevra Kaddisha: Ritual burial society. The members wash, dress, and place the body in the casket. Mazel tov: Congratulations Schvantz: see schmuck [but more vulgar] On the way home the night before, David had stopped at a supermarket and bought tubes of both hydrocortisone and anti-fungal cream. He showered at home after using the gym the next morning and used the medicine liberally. It seemed to help. He remembered the guys in high school talking about crotch rot. Maybe this...

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The SmithChapter 7 Graduation

Three minutes after adjourning to bed for the night, a petite brunette came stomping down the stairs and into my library again. Stomping on old hardwood floors was pretty futile. The thick Persian rug that covered the seating area, in this section of the library, even more so. Frustration and anger, mostly the first, warred within her as she demanded, “I think I broke the clasp. Can you undo it please or just cut the damn thing off?” Following her directions, I had her turn around. The...

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The Seductive Sister

Jack had only recently had his birthday, he had always hated having it so close to Christmas, as it never got him as many presents as usual. But I always tried to make it as special as I could for him. We had only known each other for 3 years, but I had never had a mate that I could relate to so much. We were almost telepathic, and enjoyed exactly the same things. He had only recently turned 18 while mine was months ago, so I couldn't go out without him. I felt a brotherly bond like ours...

First Time
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JuniorChapter 24 Sammys in love

Naturally, I called Kelley and Suzanne to tell them about my harrowing experience on the road, but I didn't get a chance to talk to Marcie until the next afternoon when she returned to school. She and Charlie were the only ones I told about coming back to school early and hearing Gladys exclaim how Victor missed the landing strip and landed in the drink. Marcie thought it was hilarious and I had to admit that I was feeling the same way. As I explained to her, "I was letting my mind play...

1 year ago
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Morning LightChapter 31

The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent preparing for Rhonda and Robert's arrival. Jimmy had to vacuum the pool and the hot tub, set up the grill and finish up outside. Jennifer straightened up the house and prepared dinner. Robert and Rhonda arrived at 4 PM. Jennifer greeted them at the door and kissed Rhonda, giving her a big hug. She turned to Robert and smiled, then kissed him briefly on the lips in a friendly manner. It was easy to tell that he was still nervous about the...

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KennedyChapter 5 Kennedy Goes to Camp

The next morning Kennedy was waiting for Mr. Glastonbury when he came into the practice room. "Sir," Kennedy asked diffidently, "did a Slayer die last night?" He looked at her curiously. "Yes. The Watchers Council let me know early this morning. Why?" "I felt her die. It was like I was her. Then I was in this other place..." "They would have told me if you'd been Chosen," Mr. Glastonbury mused aloud. "I think I was only half-chosen, sir. Some black woman, I mean, she was...

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