Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 6

Returning To The Womb

I returned home late that morning feeling both refreshed and confused. I found my mother at the kitchen table reading the paper so I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave her a kiss hello, and joined her.

‘Mom, I really need your help. I’ve got so many things running through my head I can’t think straight.’

One look at me and she knew this was important. She put her paper down.

‘Shoot and I’ll do my best to help.’ I was already comforted just knowing I had her to turn to.

‘Jeez, I hardly know where to begin.’ I took a long drag on my coffee and figured I’d start with my sisters.

‘Well, to start with, there’s Annie. She is really taken with Eric and I think if he proves to be half the man she thinks he is she would gladly marry him. Then there’s Carrie. She is totally taken with me. Mom, she wants to have my baby. And now Savannah just got done telling me she wants to be my sex slave. I know I’m suppose to be able to deal with all this but I don’t know where to start.’

I paused and took another draw on my coffee.

‘For instance, you said the women of the family always marry within the family. But I’ve read things about birth defects that happen when blood relatives have children. Does this happen in our family or are we somehow immune?’

I wasn’t giving her time to answer. Really, I was just venting.

‘And if we are immune does that mean I should give Carrie her wish and have a child with her? What about Annie, am I supposed to try to get her and Eric together? What if I don’t agree and think there is someone better for her?’

‘On top of all this, I’ve been offered a slave and even if I wanted one I’m not sure I’d even know where to start. She expects me to train her to be my perfect slave. What the hell is a perfect slave?’

‘I feel like I’m drowning fast and still I’m having a great time. I just don’t know where to go next. I need to sort things out and I need your help.’

I’d finally released it all and sat back feeling better already just for having laid out the questions. Mom took up the reins.

‘First things first. We don’t have to worry about all the problems that come with a typical incestuous relationships and that includes the problems associated with making babies. Annie would be free to give Eric children and you are free to give Carrie a baby if you want.’

‘You should take control of both your sisters. They are depending on you to help them choose the right husband. If you think Eric is right for Annie then help them get together. If you think she should be with someone else then lead her in that direction. She will respect your choice and will thank you for it.’

‘Now, for Carrie. The only question here is do you want to have a child with her. Remember, the secret is to find a way to combine your desires with the desires of others. When you can do that successfully both of you will be fulfilled.’

‘Finally, and this is the same answer I gave you for the Carrie issue, if you think you might be satisfied having a slave then take her and let your instincts decide how you use her. She’s already told you that her only real desire is to be yours. If you want her then the answer is simple. Take her and just let things develop as you wish. Actually, this could be a good thing. You would have someone to focus all of your prurient desires on and that should leave you freer to work your skills with others where both must be pleased without a clear indication of how.’

‘Now, I have a question for you. Do you want to have a child?’ I read a sense of hope in her eyes.

‘The honest answer is I do but I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. I’m supposed to be going off to college in a few weeks. How am I going to help Carrie through her pregnancy if I’m not here? And then when the baby comes how wrapped up will I be and will I have the time it takes to be a good father? I really do want children but I won’t risk having them if I’m not certain that I can be every bit as good as dad was with us.’

Her pride in me showed through once again. ‘I know you have doubts but believe me when I tell you, you are thinking like your father and all you really need to do is keep your mind engaged this way and you will do just fine. Whatever you decide will be ok and anytime you start feeling confused you have your sisters and me to help. We will always be here for you.’

Well there it was. I was not as fucked up as I thought and everything had a simple solution. Just think through both sides of the problem and the solution would be obvious. If I decided not to impregnate Carrie that would be ok. I just needed to let her down carefully. The same was true for Savannah. If I turned her offer down I could still play her little games and keep her and myself reasonably happy. Best of all, Mom reaffirmed that my head was working as it should and I really was in proper control.

I rose, took her in my arms and hugged her warmly. She was and always would be my touchstone. Wait, what was this? I sensed a deep desire in her and I suddenly realized I had been ignoring her. Sure I was paying attention to her but only with those things that I needed her help to sort out. Mom wanted me and I suddenly flashed back on the party and my fleeting fantasy about being inside the pussy I came from. Our desires were in tune.

I kissed her gently at first waiting for a response and her reaction was immediate. Her mouth opened and her tongue slid gently over my lips until I parted them to let her in. We quickly rose to a frenetic level as we explored each other’s mouths and stoked our mutual desires but this was not the way I wanted her. I realized this was a fantasy and an important part of that fantasy was to take her in the bed where I had been conceived.

‘Let’s go upstairs’ I took her hand and led the way.

When we got to her room I slowly turned and lock the door. I wasn’t so much that I wanted the privacy but I sensed that this was one of dad’s little quirks. I took her in my arms again and picked up where we left off but now I was trailing my hands down to her lovely ass. She was almost as firm as my sisters

My cock was responding and as she felt my firmness pressed against her she began grinding her hips to increase the pressure. I broke away. I wanted to see her naked and part of my fantasy was to slowly strip her. I grabbed her tee shirt and eased it up as she raised her arms to assist. I guided it over her head, then drew it down over her arms and tossed it over on the chair near the bed. She was wearing a white lace bra with a small rose embroidered in the middle of the cups and the slightly sheer material allowed just the hint of her nipples and areolas to show through. I needed to uncover them and suckle them as I had when I was a baby.

With light kisses covering her exposed skin I eased each strap off her shoulders and then reached behind and undid the clasp. I discovered I was pretty talented undoing bras with one hand and a quick snap of my fingers.

As her bra fell away I caught it and tossed it over with her tee shirt. She had the fullest breast I had yet seen and while they did not defy gravity they sagged only slightly. Her nipples were distended to about a quarter inch long and about the same around. Her areolas were the color of light chocolate and fairly small and the rest of her skin was lightly tanned with tan lines that showed the outline of a bikini top that was slightly more modest than the one Carrie had worn at the party.

I took both in my hands to test the weight and then leaned in to tease each nipple before I began feeding. I don’t know how to explain just how erotic it was to suckle those breasts once again. I suddenly found myself wishing she were lactating. I really think I would have cum then and there had I drawn her milk once again.

As it was, I was enjoying this tremendously and Mom began responding with light moans of pleasure. I tra
ced every inch of her breasts with my lips and tongue and eventually found enough will power to draw myself away from those delicious globes and begin working my way south. Her belly was flat and firm and quivered just a bit as I traced kisses over and around her belly button and as I did this I undid the button on her jeans and slid the zipper down. The jeans fit her like a glove and sliding them down proved to be a task best accomplished one inch at a time until they slid over her hips and down her thighs.

Her panties matched her bra and again the thin material provided just a hint of her bush and labia. I skipped over her life-delivering core and eased her pants off each leg and flung them over to join the rest of her clothes before I headed back up.

I skipped over her pussy once again and rose to stand and as I did I spun her around. My kisses began to dance over her shoulders and back as I cupped her breasts from behind. She was squirming in response as I eased down again to devote appropriate attention to the ass I had been admiring as she danced with Jake.

Her ass was every bit as enticing as I had imagined. She was firm and round. Her skin was smooth and lightly covered with very fine hairs that would have been unnoticeable without the proper light. The bottom of each ass cheek held firm so there was no hidden crease between each and her upper thigh. In short, she had the ass of a teenager. I moved her panties so they were set in her crack and showed my admiration for that fine piece of work by kissing every succulent centimeter.

She reached back to stroke my hair as a sign of her appreciation and I took that as a sign that it was time to ease her out of her panties. They were moist and the scent that escaped with them was enthralling. I needed to taste her so I rose once again and eased her back to the bed. I guided her down gently so she was lying on the bed with her legs hanging off the side and dropped down to my knees.

She had shaved her pussy clean with the exception of a small blonde v-shaped patch marking the proper direction. It was both sexy and totally unnecessary. Her labia were full, colored a deep pink and were moist with her juices. I reached in and spread her open a bit to find her inner labia and the hood of her clit and I was lost. I came out of this impossibly small hole to join the world and now I just wanted to climb right back in. I settled for a taste instead and then another and another until I was eating her pussy with feverish intensity. By the time her clit popped out to join the fun she was dripping and as I took that nubbin between my lips she grabbed my head and began grinding her pussy against my mouth and chin.

She was moaning constantly as I worked her to the point of no return and finally she exploded in orgasm. She didn’t shoot like Carrie but the volume of cum was no less impressive. It was dripping off my chin and running down the crack of her ass as she twisted and convulsed though one wave after another. I had wrapped my arms around each leg to hold on and I was loosing the battle. It was like trying to ride a wild bronco. I finally lost my grip and she literally jolted away from me and uttered the first words either of us had spoken thus far.

‘No more please. Too sensitive. Shocks. So good. Let me catch my breath.’ She was spitting these out in short, choppy exclamations and I was content to watch her slowly return from the peak I’d driven her to.

I took the opportunity to strip off my clothes before joining her on the bed and gently stroking her hair until she was ready for more. I needed to be inside her and with no words needed I rolled on top of her and let my cock find its own way into her sexual core. I slid in with ease and her tightness immediately enveloped me in luxurious warmth. I started slowly. I really wanted this to last as long as possible and maybe even longer than that. I also began to realize another desire lurking somewhere deep in the back of my muddled brain. I wanted to make my mother pregnant. I wanted to watch her belly grow with our baby. I wanted to watch our child slide from the same pussy that I’d come from. I wanted to suckle from one life giving breast as our child suckled from the other.

I must have been projecting. Mom looked up at me and said, ‘I’m not taking anything and it’s the right time of the month. Let’s make a baby.’

Now I was on a mission. I was time to make a baby and with that focus I began stroking with greater urgency, making sure I got as deep as I possibly could with each stroke. It didn’t take much longer for either of us when I uttered the first words I’d spoken since we got to the bedroom.

‘Cum with me Mom.’ It was a hope more than a demand but it registered and as I stiffened and shot the first burst of cum deep in her womb she stiffened and began to succumb to her own orgasm. I don’t know how long we were caught in the throes of orgasm but by the time I had deposited the last drops of cum deep inside her we both just collapsed.

I held my cock deep inside her, not wanting a drop of cum to escape before the job was done. For her part, Mom held her vaginal muscles taught to fortify the seal.

She started weeping gently and after a while she finally spoke.

‘When your dad and I conceived you we made love three time and he shot three loads of cum into my fertile womb. It would mean so much to me if we did the same thing. I can’t imagine wanting anything more than to relive just a small piece of the time I spent with your father.’ She was crying intensely by now so I just held her and did my best to sooth her.

When she finally quieted I said, ‘Close your eyes and just imagine I’m dad.’ I began moving inside her again and we kissed, and as we kissed I probed her mind to find out just what I needed to do to make this real for her. In her mind, she was replaying that day with dad so it became like following a script.

Dad had her legs held high and was driving deeply into her as he came the second time. I slowly worked her into the same position and after about five minutes of this I was ready to deliver the second load of life giving cum. She sensed my pending eruption and grabbed my ass so she could pull me in tightly as I delivered the second dose. Again, I came in buckets. With her legs held high we had the added assistance of gravity as my sperm sought out her egg. Something inside told me this was the shot that found its mark but she wanted three and I wanted to deliver.

I let her legs fall back down and lay with her again so we could both recover. I used the time to probe her mind. I wanted an advance look this time. When mom and dad had reached this point it was like the gates of hell had burst open. They went wild. Every possible position was employed and he even spent some time fucking her ass. I loved the intensity and intimacy of the first two rounds but I was really looking forward to the abandon of the next and my cock was obviously in agreement as it once again retuned to its full potential.

I flipped mom over on her side and began working her again and once again, there was no need for words. I knew what she wanted and she knew I knew. She closed her eyes once again as she gave in to the memory and I flipped her over to take her from behind. It was in this position that I felt her building to a new orgasm so I reached around, grabbed her clit and pinched. That did the trick and she exploded. Before this one past it was time to take her ass. I quickly pulled my cock from her spasming cunt and drove it into her ass. With all the juices we had produced it slid in easily and the force of mom’s orgasm seemed to double in intensity. I began pounding her forcefully and was almost ready to give in to my own orgasm before I pulled myself free.

She moved with the agility of a cat trying to escape a bath. In a flash she had flipped around, pushed me over on my back and began giving my cock a tongue bath. It was heavenly and functional. I couldn’t go back to her pussy with
a shit streaked cock or she might get infected and that would ruin everything and she was determine to make this perfect. She cleaned every inch of my cock and balls and when she was satisfies she climbed on top and took me back into her sopping cunt. She rode with abandon until I was again close so I pulled her down on me and rolled her over.

It only took a few more deep stokes and I was filling her once again and that was enough to trigger her final orgasm of the day. I had no doubt I was going to be a father. Mom had no doubt she was pregnant. We were both spent and it was a while before either of us spoke. Mom began.

‘Thank you Kenny. I don’t know how to explain just how much I needed that. I’ve felt so empty since loosing your father. I mean, Jake is really nice and he’s actually a decent lover but no one had touched me the way your father did. That’s until now. I love you so much. Thank you.’ She was getting teary eyed again.

‘I love you too mom and I love the idea of having a baby with you. Being inside you like that and knowing you were going to get pregnant was the most erotic experience yet. I’m the one who should be saying thank you.’ As I spoke the words I also reached another decision.

‘Mom, I’ve decided to give Carrie a baby as well. It’s the perfect time. You can both help each other through the pregnancy and the children will have each other as they grow up. I’ll manage around my college schedule.’ It was oddly comforting to have made this decision. Despite all that it would mean to our lives I was certain this was the right thing to do.

‘Kenny, there’s something else I need to explain to you. You’ve already realized you are smarter than average. What you haven’t realized yet is there is no need for you to attend college. You would actually do better on your own just concentrating on those things you want to learn and then applying that knowledge, as you would like. That is the way all of the men in our family have achieved their goals. If you want to go to college for the experience that’s fine but it’s not necessary.’

This was a real shocker. I’d grown up thinking that the hopes of my parents were like those of most parents I knew. Your children grew up and went off to college so they could be truly successful in life. I had been so focused on achieving that goal that having it suddenly described as unnecessary was bewildering.

‘I’m confused mom. Dad had diplomas from Harvard and MIT. How did he get them if he didn’t go to college and why did he have them?’

‘Your father earned those diplomas the same way you can if you wish. He decided others would feel more comfortable if they saw these hanging on his office wall so he went to each of those universities and tested in all the required course areas to proved he had the necessary command of the subject. The schools granted him credits based on these results and awarded him diplomas that were as valid as any issued to common students. No college offered diplomas on this basis until your father convince Harvard and MIT that this was a valid way to promote higher education. Now almost all offer life-experience credits and charge handsomely for them. The student and the college wins and you can too if you want to take this approach.’

I was still a little stunned but the reality of this was beginning to sink in. I could define my own structure and direction without the strict mandates set down by any university and I would be at least as successful. That would also leave me free to help both mom and Carrie through pregnancy and insure I was around to help raise our children. While I was digesting this new twist mom decided it was time to drop one more bomb.

‘There’s one more thing you need to know. We are, or I should say, you are wealthy. We don’t flaunt it but we have all the money you could possibly need. Your father left it to you and if you are smart about managing it, it will be all your children will ever need. This house if fully paid for as it the lake house and the cars. Part of your inheritance also includes houses in France, Italy Switzerland, England, Australia, Honk Kong and Brazil. Your father’s business was transferred to you as well and there are a number of bank and investment accounts in each of the countries where you own property. You will need to spend a fair amount of time learning about all the things in your portfolio. I really don’t know how much all of it is worth but it is a significant amount. Until now, your uncle Steve has managed it. He’s been managing the business as well. You should go to the office tomorrow and talk with him about how best to transfer all of the management to you.

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Kylies Offer

Kylie stared out the window at the glittering lights of the city below. She could feel the low hum of the Ferrari's engine as the car sped smoothly along the canyon roads under the bright, moonlit sky. Loud techno music roared inside the car's small compartment, but it seemed muffled, as if being played somewhere off in the distance. Slowly, as if in a drug induced haze, she turned her head and looked across at the man behind the wheel. He looked to be in his mid thirties and had lean, rugged...

1 year ago
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My Fucking Family

Beginning of Prologue: When most people think of inbreeding they think of rare disorders and deformities that range from the terminal to the comical, but there is another side. When the genetic pool goes from Olympic sized to backyard, those rare positive mutations also have a chance to take hold. That is what happened to Hawk’s family. His ancestors lived on a crazy hippie commune called New Eden. The Edenians wanted to live “sin free” which to them meant that they should live as nudist on a...

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Metamorphosis The Story of Marilyn MonroeChapter 6

After a couple of days of blocking scenes, it’s time to hear some of our music. Maurice had completed the orchestrations and the overture and entre act. He brought in a couple of his keyboards and synthesizers. We were eager to hear what he’d done. “DARLENE and CAITLYN! -- On stage, please?” They came up, I asked, “Have you looked over ‘I Was Born?’” They both said ‘Yes’ as I cleared everyone off the stage, putting them back to back telling them to sing out, not to each other, but to...

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AllGirlMassage Maddy O8217Reilly Carmen Caliente Teacher8217s Tramp

Carmen Caliente is on the phone with her friend talking about how epic her weekend was. She ended up hooking up with all sorts of girls and can’t wait to start college and find some new pussy. When her friend tells her that a new massage parlor opened up, Carmen asks her if that’s the one that Maddy O’Reilly is working at. Her friend tells her it is and that she should go check it out. Carmen hangs up the phone and starts thinking about how hot it would be to dyke it out with...

3 years ago
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Forgiveness Is Best Served WarmChapter 10

“Robbie?, Will was sobbing. Janice is dead ... JANICE IS DEAD, Robbie. What am I gonna do?” I said, “We are on our way, Will. You’re not alone.” It seems that Janice was on her way from dropping the kids off at a overnighter with friends when a drunk driver drove through a stop sign and hit her broadside. She never knew what hit her. Melinda had heard the conversation and was already sobbing herself. She kept saying, “NO! NO! NO! It can’t be, not Janice.” When we arrived at Wills place,...

2 years ago
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Hatchery RoadChapter 14

“Oh, this is so good!” Grant couldn’t help but laugh. The look of sheer bliss on Sarah’s face after she bit into the enormous cheeseburger she’d ordered was priceless. Lindsey recommended the place to her and the pretty young blonde had been looking forward to this all day. And after all the work she’d put in today, she deserved it. “I’m serious!” She loudly exclaimed to her dinner companion, though it came out a bit garbled as she was still chewing. “And I really like this cheese! What is...

3 years ago
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Too Good to Resist Chapter 1

In the back of his mind, Mike knew it was wrong. After all, he was a married man and Naomi was married as well to someone else. However, his thoughts of morality were quickly squashed by the intense visions of Naomi and his memories of her. Mike and Naomi had a scorching hot relationship for several years, but things fizzled after awhile. They parted ways, and found themselves married to other people in a few years time. They had, for what it looked like, moved on from each other. Time, on the...

2 years ago
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My Minotaur

My Minotaur by SizeQueenSupreme © Part 1: In which Lady Ailara buys her last slaveI stepped off the boat, wrinkling my nose at the smells of peasantry. It's not that peasants are bad people of course, they just don't have the intelligence to escape their plight.Of course I was one once. I just happened to be born with a particularly ample bosom, and the brains behind it to land a worthwhile husband. I married him and his wealth at 18 years, and I've never looked back. That's my story, and I...

3 years ago
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Bestowed Discipline

                                                                       Bestowed Discipline                                                                           As I sat on on my knees, my hands tied to my ankles, my mouth gagged and tied tight, the sounds of Mozart filling my ears. my hands growing numb and my knees hurting. The gag in my mouth has left it dry, swallowing has become a chore. I look down at my cock, the roach clips in place, the flesh around them turning red. Shaking my...

2 years ago
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My First Escort

Fictional story So here the story goes Ek baar me apne kaam ke wajah se jammu me rukne wala tha for almost 6 days And as you know jammu bohot thandi jagah hai. I was dying of cold. I had stayed at hotel. And I was very desperate to have sex. So I called some service online and asked for an escort. They said ‘the girl will come to my hotel room within 30 minute’ I said ‘fine ‘ I couldn’t wait to have sex. After 30 minutes she arrived. I opened the door. Woah. She was wearing a tight red dress,...

3 years ago
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Art Part Two Ch 06

Art, part two. Ch. 06 Art finds out about Dr. Heidi’s land of the dolls. Heidi’s place was an up-scale neighborhood of narrow brick row houses or townhouses. They shared common walls and looked like they were four or five stories high. The first level was a garage and a front entrance that must have led directly upstairs. Heidi pulled her Mini-Cooper into the garage and there sat a nice shiny American Harley Motorcycle. ‘Wow, whose bike?’ ‘It’s mine, Jonesy. You’re looking at my pride and...

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LoveHerBoobs Arabelle Raphael Tits Tats and Palm Trees

Doing ranch jobs requires not only physical strength but also proper attire. As such, Isiah Maxwell is taken aback when the new applicant for his ranch, Arabelle Raphael, comes to apply while wearing a fishnet top with long sleeves and tight skinny jeans. Despite having second thoughts, Isiah needs an extra pair of hands for his ranch, so he decides to talk with Arabelle. During the interview, Arabelle volunteers to show Isiah her skill sets. She takes off the handsome hunk’s cowboy hat...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 12

December 13, 1974 Sandra Miller and Cathy Peterson glared at Tim when he sat down at the lunch table across from them. He had just walked over and sat down without any kind of invitation. Cathy said, “Go away.” “No. I have a proposition for the two of you.” “We’re not interested.” “Yes, you are.” “Are you stupid or something?” “No. In a couple of weeks we will be entering the Christmas holidays. That’s normally a reason to celebrate, particularly since we’ll be out of school for almost...

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BoundGangBangs Victoria Voxxx Second Chances Victoria Voxxx Gets Every Hole Slammed In Her First DP

Victoria Voxxx is desperate to stay with her boyfriend, Donny Sins. But Donny’s done with her. She can’t fuck or suck, and she’d need some serious training to get her sexual skills up to par. But she begs him not to dump her, so he gives in… on one condition: she’s gotta actually have some fun during sex, and get fucked by Donny and all his friends. Victoria dreads being alone on the street so she agrees, and finds herself tied up and used by five dudes at once....

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A Special Girl Birth of a Special Girl

A Special Girl By Alhana Escher Birth of a Special Girl James' world had been turned upside down. Just moments before he had been getting off with, in his opinion, the cutest and sexiest girl in school. Now though, his was totally freaked out sitting on his living room floor having just discovered his girlfriend Alice wasn't actually a girl at all. He had found out when his hand, that had been slowly making it's way up her legs underneath her dress had reached the silkiness of her...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 35

Betty Hanson was putting together a bag of clothes and essentials just in case the power didn't come back on tonight. The local substation was shorted out by an animal that ate its way in to a transformer and the local power company could not guarantee everyone getting back on today. As she thought about staying there tonight she had the same thought as her daughter. Would THEY make love with her Mom and Dad in the house? Would she seduce her husband Scott just to let their daughter and her...

3 years ago
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Book Store Stories Ch5

Candy was still on the floor, under me, I said "I'm cuming too Honey."Lets backup a bit and explain.Earlier today, my daughter Candy had let me fuck her ass as we took a shower in preparation for tonight's adult bookstore fun.Thus Candy thought, fair is fair enough and had me backup to the glory hole. The guy in the other booth had fucked me leaving his hot load deep up my dark hole while Candy kneelt on the floor sucking my cock.Yeah, so when I said, "I'm cuming too Honey", Candy spit my cock...

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CherryPimps Lily Larimar Gets Herself in a Mess

Lily Larimar works at Cheery Cherry Cleaning Services and has been busy vacuuming up Charles Dera’s home, but one big problem! She is not allowed to go into the backroom and Lily is not getting the message! As she worked her way in there, she was shocked to find a collection of toys and film equipment. What in the world is happening in this room?! She decided to give one of those toys a whirl and started fucking herself with it. Charles rushed up and was shocked to find her in bed and...

1 year ago
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A Dish Best Served Cold part one

   I have known of her, her entire life through family.  I hear about her, and the things she is doing so I do know about her poor decisions and her lack of motivation.  I have on occasion looked at her social media just to see how she has changed throughout her life.  There are some pretty revealing picks and comments.   That"s a little about Hanna, Now me.  I am just an average, 52 year old guy, 6'1 well built and 215 Lbs. Mostly grey hair and blue eyes.  I am retired from the military...

1 year ago
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Dinner Date

I have a friend and her name is Brittany. She's 28 years old, about 5'4 and around 135lbs. She has black as night hair and a beautiful set of perky tits as I would soon find out. Brittany has been a very good friend of mine ever since she dated my brother about 10 years ago. They broke up but Brittany and I stayed close over the years. I never really viewed her as a sexual partner, even though she is incredibly beautiful. We would hang out by ourselves quite a lot. Going to movies, dinner,...

3 years ago
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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and keeps...

Love Stories
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Our First Cuckold

As you laid on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of black, fuck-me heels, my head was between your sexy legs as I devoured your pussy. Your eyes were closed and you were pulling on your hard nipples.“I bet I know who you’re thinking about,” I said. You smiled a little and said, “I’m sure you do.” The past two nights we had been to our favorite sex club and a new guy was there.  He was black, in his early thirties, good looking, muscular, and well-hung.  I noticed him looking at you both nights...

4 years ago
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Sardi Ki Dopahar Main Padosan Se Masti

Dosto ye kahani isi january ki hai. Mere flat ke saath wale flat main ek bhabhi (meenu) rehti hai. Unki sister in law (shalu) ke saath apna chakar chal raha tha aur hum dono ne kai baar sex kiya tha. Humara chakkar 2 saal se chal raha tha. 30 january ki dopar ki ye baat hai jab mere ghar main koi nahi tha. Maine shalu ko 11 baje apne ghar bula liya ke aaj poore din masti karenge. Wo ghar pe aayi aur jaisa maine plan kiya tha main us par toot pada. Main use seedhe hi bedroom le gaya aur usko...

2 years ago
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Big Sister Tried Out As A Centerfold Part Five

My sister Annie’s body was the thing of fantasies. Despite the fact that we’d grown up together, I hadn’t really seen her as a sexual focal point until we’d had our initial experience in the garage. Strange as it might sound, that still felt a bit like an accident. It felt like an innocent exploration more than the hot experience that it truly was.Since that time, we’d progressed to actually fucking and meaning it.This had all started with a photography session in our garage. I’d taken some...

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The Dungeon Bar

On Saturdays, I had a regular breakfast gathering with two of my longest-standing buddies. We were all in our mid-twenties and had known one another for over five years. The place we frequented made the most incredible three duck egg omelette. Comparing a duck egg to a chicken egg, if you will forgive my ridiculous comparison, is like comparing Swiss chocolate to homemade fudge.One Saturday morning, as we gathered for our weekly indulgence, Peter, who was one of the three, then intrigued us...

Gay Male
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Coming Out

Coming Out: There are some secrets you never talk about, even to your wife. As a result, does a wife ever know her husband or a her wife? My wife Corinna and I had been married for 10 years when this story begins. We had two beautiful children, our daughter Felicity who was 15 and our son Sacha who was 13. They were both good students and top of their classes at school. I thought of myself as fairly conservative. We would go to church every Sunday. I worked as an accounts...

1 year ago
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Family Full of Sluts Part 1

100% fiction! I was 20 years old at the time and my sister Kate was 19. We were both still living at our parents house as we both were working and going to college part time. Our parents slept on the other side of the house so they wouldn't have to deal with our wild ways. My sister had always been a very beautiful woman. She got a lot of attention at an early age because she devoleped young and fast. By her freshman years she was in C cup and now she had 42 d's. I had always liked staring down...

3 years ago
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Coffee Anyone

I got directions to her place, it was way out in the country. We had exchanged emails after I had answered her online ad. She asked me if I wanted to come out and have coffee and meet. I agreed and off I went. I drove out, down one country road to another and finally down the dirt road to her place. She had seen me drive up and hollered to me as I got out of the truck. I walked into her place and she asked me how I took my coffee. "With just a bit of milk" I replied. We sat around for hours,...

4 years ago
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The Ranchers Daughter3Chapter 3

Belfort, TX, July, 1892 The next morning, Mat decided that there was nothing in Belfort to keep him there. After breakfast, he went over to the train station to see when he could leave. Bad news. The next train through headed West wasn't due for another three days, so he asked about other possibilities. Well... the station agent wasn't supposed to talk about it, but here was a stagecoach headed West due to come through Belfort that afternoon. Mat decided that the only thing worse than a...

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Me And Mike In The Treehouse Part 2

A couple of weeks had gone by since my first story. Mike and I saw each other once in a while but never had the chance to go “swimming” by ourselves. We have other friends and family stuff to do so it took a while for us to have that chance again. Almost too long for me. The day finally came and we set up a meet and told our parents our plans to go swimming. We just failed to mention our plans for afterwards. We met as usually at the tree house and dropped off our clothes and snacks. ...

2 years ago
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Aisi Behan Sabki Ho

Hello mera naam bilz hai ye meri pehli story hai frnds i hope ki sab ise enjoy karenege me punjab ka rehna vala hu me bcome 2nd year me padta hu mera rang saaf height 5’8 or penis 7″ hai meri ek behan hai jiska naam liza hai wo 12 th class me padti hai meri behan bahut hi sexy hai uska figure 36-28-36 hai jo bhi use dekhta hai uska lund khada ho jata hai wo school me ek choti c skirt or shirt dalti hai jiski upar k do button khule hote hai or hair bhi khule chod deti hai ek dum blue film ki...

2 years ago
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Libby Left Her Penis Home

Libby sighed happily when she woke up to a bright sunny day, but her good mood was short lived. "Did I forget to set it? The alarm didn't go off! Damn, I'll be late for work again!" she shook her head. "That's what I get for trusting an antique!" she grabbed the nearly one hundred year old first generation iPad and flung it across the room. "And today is the big meeting! They warned us attendance is mandatory!" The thirty-six year old blonde looked down at her sheets and groaned....

4 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 8 Memories and Minotaurs

The sudden shift in time and position was immediately disorienting. One second, she was on the first floor of the Radley house, the world spinning around her. The next, she was running along a busted bridge, her legs not quite right beneath her. She tripped, colliding with someone else on the bridge, and they tumbled off together. Once she hit the cold water, her synapses fired all at once, restarting her brain and giving her full control. “Beth!” A hand swung out, grabbing her wrist, but...

2 years ago
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Rebas TranceChapter 4

Six months later... “Mom, isn’t it time that you forgave me for mind-controlling you guys? Daddy already did. So did Barbara Jean, at least I think so. I mean, really, I was basically under the influence of Eugene, though I admit that my own anger was a factor as well,” Kyra pleaded with her mother while having to rub her down. “Oh, alright, but no more shenanigans, okay? You’re still my baby girl, you know that! But ... you also know that you and I are a lot alike! Too much alike in some...

1 year ago
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I was Straight Blacken Gay

His long hard cock slapped against my cheek. It was humiliating, degrading and embarrassing. I loved it. I have always had a submissive side and being cuckolded by my beautiful wife was an incredible turn on.His rod was over 8 inches long and proportionately thick. It glistened with the juices from my wife's just fucked pussy and a stream of precum flowed steadily from the thick cut head.Despite the excitement of a humiliating taboo situation I was conflicted. I was straight. I had never...

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