Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 11: Helped and Helping

I got home to find Savannah at the kitchen table with Mom. They were deep in conversation and hadn’t noticed my arrival. I stood and listened in for a while.

‘I just don’t know. I love him so much. I want to make him happy, I really do. It’s just when he was punishing me he seemed to change and it scared me more than I’ve ever been scared before. I don’t know for sure but I got the feeling he scared himself. If I could just figure out what he wanted from me I would do anything to avoid putting him in that position again.’ I read her thoughts and found that she actually feared for her life. By the time I’d delivered the last stroke she was convince I was going to kill her. Knowing this just brought back my own depression at having failed.

‘Savannah, I know Kenny loves you and he truly doesn’t want to hurt you. He’d kill me if he knew I was telling you this but after your session today he called me. He was really upset with himself for having gone so far. He asked me to take special care of you and was really worried about you. Remember, as new as this is to you it is new to him as well. He’s really trying to find his own sense of balance and if you can just help him a bit I know he’ll get there. You just need to do your very best to insure you don’t need to be punished for a while. Don’t give up on him just yet.’

She had definitely told her more than I would have hoped but at least she hadn’t told her about my plea for Mom’s help.

‘I would never give up on him. I’ve given myself to him and if it means dying for him I would. The thought scares the hell out of me but it doesn’t scare me as much as thinking I might fail him and really loose everything. I really want to be his perfect slave. I really want to earn his love and respect.’ She was serious. If I asked for her life she would give it. All she really wanted in return for her total submission was my love. She’d have at least that. This much I could and would promise.

‘Good then. Stick this out and remember, be careful for a while. You need to try extra hard to be what he needs you to be and I promise you, he will be trying just as hard to find his balance.’

It seemed they a reached a conclusion so I eased back out of the room. I didn’t want them to know I was listening.

When I reentered they were talking about the salve Mom had applied and how well it seemed to be working. I put on a happy face and let them know I was home.

‘Hey ladies. How are you too getting on?’ The reaction was almost comical. Savannah immediately fell to the floor on her knees and smiled up at me like a loyal dog that was happy to see his Master. For Mom’s part, she was startled by my sudden entrance and even more startled by Savannahs reaction. She was so used to sharing coffee and long conversations with Savannah. They were peers. Now Savannah was a slave and she was the Mother of her Master. None of that had truly sunk in until this moment. Odd, she had tended to Savannah’s wounds and talked to her intimately about her new role and still it was this moment that finally brought it home for her. A quick read of Mom’s thoughts made me realize she was reacting as if she had lost a best friend.

It was time for the two of us to have a long conversation.

‘Savannah, come with me.’ She began to crawl behind me.

‘It will be easier if you walk behind me.’

‘Yes Master.’ She rose and walked the prescribed two paces behind.

I led her to the basement where she would be making her new home for a while. The house had a full basement that had been only partially finished. I guess we never really had need for this space. I led her to the far end and a room that had represented the only real finished space. It was painted beige and had a nice plush carpet on the floor in a light brown. There were a number of recessed lights that made the space seem warm even though it was very sparsely furnished. The furnishings were limited to two wicker loveseats that were cushioned and that was all. These were actually surplus from the backyard furniture.

‘You will take the cushion from the two loveseats and use them as a mattress. I will have some sheets and a pillow sent down for you. When I’m at work you are to provided assistance in the house. My mother will tell you what is required. You will treat her with the same respect I require of you and you will insure she is always satisfied with your efforts. When you are not busy with the tasks she assigns you will remain in this room until I call for you. You may read during these times. You have my permission to take any book from my library that might interest you. Just be sure to return them to their proper place when you’re done.’ She was not totally uncomfortable with the space and I detected some pleasure at the thought of doing Mom’s bidding when I was away. This was a good thing and I felt better once again.

‘How does your ass feel?’

‘Better Master. Thank you’

‘Let me see.’

She turned and eased her skirt up to her hips. She was striped with nasty looking welts that marked each blow of the crop. However, they were not as angry looking as they had been. She would recover and I was reasonably certain the marks would vanish.

‘Continue to use the salve for the next day or two. You can lower your skirt.’ I was feeling a little better having seen that her ass was not in as bad a shape as I’d feared.

‘You will join us for dinner again. Be ready at eight.’ I turned and left without waiting for a response.

I returned to the kitchen and asked Mom if we could talk. I couldn’t wait so she called the girls down and asked them to get dinner started and we headed off to the den.

‘Mom, I heard your conversation with Savannah.’ She gasped at this revelation.

‘I’m sorry Kenny. I knew I was saying too much but she really needed the encouragement. I just figured it might help you if she knew you were unhappy as well. I hope you’re not angry with me.’

‘No Mom, I’m not. It’s probably a good thing that you told her what you did. I just wish it wasn’t necessary. I feel like such an idiot. I’ve sworn to myself there will be no more punishments until I learn to control myself. Mom, I just don’t know how to go about that. I seem to get so carried away I’m almost blind.’ She immediately moved to my side and took me in her arms. For that instant I was just her son again and it was pure maternal instinct she was displaying.

‘I’m going to tell you something I could never tell you if your Dad was still with us. It is a secret we shared alone and I want you to promise me you won’t share it with anyone.’

‘Sure, ok.’ I was completely focused now. Mom always knew how to make me feel better and I had no doubt she was about to pull another rabbit from her hat. Besides, this family secret had to be a real winner if they had guarded it so closely.

‘Your father and I were already married when he took his first slave. I remember it like it was yesterday. She was actually a lot like Savannah though she hadn’t yet become independent. In fact, as I recall she was just finishing her last year at the university. Your Dad met her when she applied for an internship in her final year.’

‘Your father had an uncanny ability to read people. I’m pretty sure you’ve picked that up from him though I’m not sure you fully realize it yet. He immediately sensed her submissive nature and had already been toying with the idea of taking a slave as a bit of an experiment. He also found that she was very much attracted to him but was afraid to do anything that might show it because she feared being rejected. She’d apparently suffered a number of bad relationships and was a bit scarred as a result.’

‘All this played perfectly into his fantasy and he decided he’d give it a shot. I remember when he first told me about his plans and I thought he was crazy. He’d never shown the slightest sign of being domineering but I was his wi
fe so I promised to help him in any way I could. I had no idea just how much help he was going to need.’

‘It was a week or so after he’d shared this with me that he put the plan in motion. It was in his office. He had called Alicia in on the pretext of wanting to review some reports she had prepared and during the review he was seeding her desire for him. By the time they had reviewed the last report she was horny as hell and that’s when he pounced.’

‘I remember his recounting of it almost verbatim. I went pretty much this way,’

‘Alicia, you are one of the sexiest women in this office. I’m sorry to be so forward but I just want to tear your clothes off here and now and fuck the shit out of you. If you don’t get up and leave right this instant that’s exactly what I’m going to do.’

‘She sat in stunned silence and he pounced on her. She never had a chance as he did exactly as he said. He literally tore her clothes off and was inside her in a flash. I remember him telling me how wet she was and how easily he had entered her and I remember thinking it was a damn good thing he had read her correctly. If he hadn’t it would have been rape.’

‘Before he finished with her she had sucked his cock and taken him in her virgin ass as well and that was when he lowered the hammer. Again, I remember it almost verbatim.’

‘Alicia, I know you loved every moment of this so please don’t try to deny it. Now, if you ever want to experience this kind of wild passion again you will have to agree to a few things. I want you to be my sex slave. I want to own you. I want to be able to do whatever I want with you whenever I want and I want you to be ready to accept whatever that is. Right now I want you to get dressed and go home. If you come back to work tomorrow I’ll take that as agreement and I will begin to train you to be a proper sex slave. If you don’t agree than for your own sake, please don’t come back.’

‘He watched as she cobbled her clothes together and hurried out of his office without saying a word. He had read her thoughts as she left and through the jumble he was convinced she would be back and that night he was a different man in bed. It was the most intense night we had ever had. It was also the night we conceived Carrie. I actually think that might be why she’s so sexually wild.’

‘At any rate, Alicia did come back the next day and came straight to his office. He made her wait for a while and when he finally let her in he just looked at her and she froze. He told her he presumed her return meant she was prepared to become his sex salve and she said yes. He led her into his chamber without any further comment, made her strip and then tied her down. He took just a moment to explain that part of her training would involve pain. It was necessary if she were to be taught her true position. He then proceeded to paddle her ass until she passed out. He brought her around and went right to fucking her ass until she passed out again. By the time he was done she was a wreck and when he finally realized how out of control he had gotten he lost it and cried like a baby.

‘He brought her home with him and just like with Savannah I helped ease her pain and just like with you, he came to me for help. I’d never seen him as depressed as he was that day and I never saw him get that depressed again. But all of this is only a prelude to the secret I mentioned. The real secret is how I was able to help your father discover his limits and finally achieve self-control.’

‘There was really only one way to do it. He had to be able to administer his punishments with someone who was free to tell him when he was loosing control. He needed someone who loved him enough to accept this side of him and could help him nurture it until it was a beast he controlled and not one that controlled him. He needed me.’

Of all the things I had seen and heard so far and thought were intense this was by far the most intense. My Mom had been treated like a slave all in the name of love and the desire to help my father conquer his slaves while he conquered his own inner beast. What came next just floored me.

‘Kenny, I want you to use me the same way. Practice with me. I know what’s involved and I know how to help you. Let me do this for you and we’ll have your breast worked into shape in no time at all.’

I was speechless. Mom had just offered to let me abuse her, all in the interest of helping me. She was right off course. I could never loose control with her. She was one of only a few people I knew who could do this for me. But, I also knew I could never do this. I could see me tying her up and fucking her wildly. Actually, I could see me really enjoying it. I just couldn’t see me taking a paddle or whip to her. I knew immediately that if I did this I would truly be lost. And that’s when it came to me. There was a way she could help and I could still save my soul in the process.

‘Mom, I can’t. I love you for offering but I just can’t. I do have an idea though. What if I had you with me when I punish my slaves? You could still help keep me grounded and in control and I wouldn’t have to be traumatized with images of your ass turning red as I beat it.’ It seemed like a perfect plan to me.

‘Kenny, I really wouldn’t mind. To tell you the truth, I actually learned to enjoy it with your father at times. It made all my senses seem more alive so when we got around to the sex it was amazingly intense. I think I might like getting to experience that again.’

Well, maybe my plan wasn’t as fool proof as I thought. Mom wanted to be tired up and beaten. I still didn’t think I could do it so I decided to buy some time.

‘Jeez Mom, I’m going to need to think about that a bit. How about this? You help me learn how to administer punishment effectively and we can talk about you and me after I’m a bit more comfortable with my role as Slave Master.’

‘Ok. I can do that. But remember, I’m here and ready if you need me. Now you need to do something for me cause all this talk is got me hot as hell.’

She rose, stripped off her pants and kneeled over the edge of the couch.

‘Fuck me hard. I need to feel you slamming my pussy and my ass before I explode.’

Now this was a request I could satisfy. I stepped up behind her glorious ass, dropped my pants and slammed my cock into her dripping cunt. Mom squealed with delight as I began to assault her crack as hard and as fast as I could. I was a machine and she was stoking the engine. Here was my Mom trash talking and egging me on.

‘That’s it Kenny. Fuck my nasty cunt. Fuck your mother like she deserves. Fuck me hard. Make mommy cum all over you’re beautiful cock.’

I was loving every nasty word and fucking her for all I was worth. If she wanted to be slammed then I was the man to do it. I stepped it up a notch and she kept up with the trash talk.

‘Spank my ass while you fuck my dripping hot cunt. Make me scream you beautiful son of a bitch. Your mother fucking cock feels so good in mommy’s nasty little pussy. Make me cum. I want to cum all over your beautiful hard cock and then I want you to shove it in my mouth and cum for me. I want to taste my cum mixed with yours. Yeah, just like that. Just a little more. Make me cum for you. Make me your bitch. Fuck your bitch mother!’

That was it. She couldn’t speak and cum at the same time and she was cumming as hard as I’ve ever seen. Had she not begged me to cum in her mouth I would have lost it as well but with a bit of work I managed to hold out long enough to pull out and move around to her head. She immediately opened wide and I shoved my cock all the way in and down her throat. That was all I could take. I pulled back quickly, grabbed my cock and sprayed her tongue. She got her wish as our juices mixed in her mouth. I delivered three more strong blasts but these I aimed at her face. If she was going to be my bitch I might as well give her a proper bitch bath. She was starting again.

‘Ah yeah, that’s it. Cum on
mommy’s face. Make me your bitch and cream all over my face.’

She grabbed my cock and stroked the last few weak shots out and then began using it to spread my cream all over her face and her tits before she took me back in her mouth. I stayed hard and she sucked with such force I thought my head was going to implode, and then she let me go.

‘I need this dick shoved deep in mommy’s ass. Shove it in and fuck the shit out of me. Do it now.’ She was as wanton a bitch as any woman could be.

I moved back around as she reached back and spread her ass open for me.

‘Shove that dick up my ass. Make me scream.’

I did, as she demanded. In one vicious push I was buried in her ass and she was screaming in delight.

‘Ah god, that’s it. Fuck your mother up her tight ass. Fuck me hard. Make it hurt for a week. I want to remember how good your cock feels in my ass every time I take a shit. My ass is yours.’

I was pounding her so hard it almost hurt as my balls slapped against her pussy. I’d never imagined Mom could be so wild. I didn’t want this to end. I grabbed my pleasure center and pushed hard to delay the inevitable and continued to slam Mom’s ass as hard and deep as I could.

‘Ah god Kenny, you’re going to make me cum again. Do it. Fuck my ass and make me cum for you. That’s it, right there. That’s the way. That’s it.’ Again, she lost her ability to speak as she exploded violently and I still kept it up.

I drove her to one more orgasm before she begged me to put it back in her mouth.

‘Ah fuck Kenny, let me taste my ass on your cock. Come fuck my mouth baby. Give me your hot cum. Let me drink you down.’

That sounded fine to me and again I moved around a shoved my cock in her mouth but this time I took control.

‘I’m going to fuck your slut mouth and cum right down your fucking throat’, and that’s exactly what I did. I grabbed her hair and gave her the most intense skull fuck anyone could imagine. In fact, I was banging her mouth so hard I actually wondered if I was going to break her nose. I looked for any sign of pain and finding none I slammed her a few more times and then flooded her throat with my cream.

She choked and sputtered and swallowed for all she was worth and when I delivered the last of the major shots I pulled my cock from her mouth and slapped the last few drops over her freshly fucked face.

It’s amazing what an unbridled fuck session can do for you. All was right with the world once more and I was starving.

We both headed up stairs to clean up and when we got back down dinner was ready and the girls were sitting at the table with the biggest shit-eating grins I’ve ever seen. Savannah was at her place on the floor looking neutral but a quick probe told me all three of them knew exactly how intense my session with Mom had been and they were all horny as hell. The smell of the food was heavily laced with the musky scent of three steaming pussies and Mom’s freshly fucked holes and just as I was devising a plan to see that they were all satisfied the doorbell rang.

‘Sit, I’ll get it.’ Mom was about to jump up when I stopped her.

As I got up I shot a quick telepathic question at Mom.

‘Is Savannah going to create any embarrassment? Should I send her back to her room?’

The answer I got back wasn’t much help but was an obvious response all the same. ‘It depends on who it is and what they want.’

I decided to leave Savannah where she was and play it by ear.

I opened the door to find my childhood sweetheart and I immediately forgot about everything else. This was the girl I was starting to explore my sexuality with when my world came crashing down. This is the girl who stood by me throughout my rehabilitation. This is the girl I most often fantasized about when I masturbated. In short, she was my wet dream and much more.

She was five-seven and maybe 115 pounds. She had light brown hair that she used to wear long but was now cut in a short shag. Either way it looked great on her. Her eyes were large round pools of honey that drew you in until you thought you would drown in them. But her best facial feature was her lips. They were full and red and just screamed out to be kissed. Of course, now that I knew a bit more they also screamed out for a cock.

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Adventures of Texas

Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...

1 year ago
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Siru Vayathu Thozhiyai Perithaagi Oothen

Hi friends, enathu peyar Magesh vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan siru vayathil kanimozhi engira pen udan pazhagi irukiren, naan avaludan siru vayathil kalangai aatam vilaiyadi irukiren. Niraiya peruku siru vayathil viladiyaadiya vilaiyaatai maraka mudiyaathu naan athu pola thaan siru vayathil avaludan vialadiyaadiya appa amma vilaiyaatai aval ninaivu vaithu irupaal endru ennainen. Naan chennaiyil padithu vanthen, mtech mudithu vitu chennaiyil sila pengal udan jollyaga irunthu vitu ippozhuthu...

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The Dugout Whos on deck

I was working as a receptionist job at a small real estate office in a relatively small down. I had not been there long when one of the agents told me that one of her friends had a guy friend who had seen me around and been asking questions about me. Before long Mike came in with a few of his friends who were friends with the agent from the office and we were introduced. I knew it was no coincidence and that the whole thing was probably pre-planned, but none the less I was somewhat flattered...

3 years ago
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My Stepmothers Massage

Kyle Masters father was about to get remarried and although he has lived with Sally for the last few months before his father actually tied the knot with his soon to be stepmother, Kyle liked her, thought she was a beautiful woman and kind to his father. Sally was actually very kind to both of them, she never seemed like she was after something my father possessed but that she truly loved him and I could even feel like she liked myself as well ....

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Michaels Search

Michael Fielding was a strange duck his peers all agreed. He had manners, a superior intelligence, could think on his feet, analyze a problem and decide on a course of action faster than anyone they knew. He was handsome, fit and had that something that caused men to follow his lead and women to flock to his side. He was the man many other men liked but hated at the same time. Mike was not a bad boy but he had that self confident attitude, that little something that made women decide HE was the...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 39 Collision

Yutarou: I... could be a student here? Kaoru: How about it? It's up to you, but... Kenshin: Hmm... that is a good idea. Yahiko: I object! That rude little punk, your second pupil!! What are you thinking?! He's Raijuuta's student!! Yutarou: Hey, you. Yahiko: What? Yutarou (grinning): You're afraid I'll be better than you, aren't you. Yahiko: Idiot! You'll never be good! Yutarou: What! You shrimp! (As they bicker, Kenshin hears footsteps outside the room.) Kenshin: Everyone...

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Mere Bhai Ne Mujhe Fasa Kar Choda 8211 Part 2

Lesbian sex ke baad humdono bed par lete hue the. Thodi der ke baad shivani uthi or room se bahar jaane lagi. Uski gaand bilkul gol gol the maine use dekhte hue pucha ki kaha ja rahi hai. To wo boli susu aayi hai to mai boli mujhe bhi aayi hai ruk mai bhi chalti hu. Fir humdono ek dusre ki haath ko pakad kar bathroom me gaye or ek dusre ke samne face to face baith kar susu karne lage. Wo meri chut ko dekh rahi thi or mai uski chut ko. Fir haste hue humdono bahar aa gaye or fir se apne room me...

3 years ago
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Medical Misconduct

Medical Misconduct Jon closed the lights of the lab and walked to his office. He locked the door and sighed rubbing the ache on his back. He was only 30 but his strenuous work as a geneticist had ate away several years from his life. Groaning, he leaned down onto his leather chair and exhaled loudly. Jon worked for a large medical corporation and the research he was doing was very top-secret. No one was allowed into his office except his boss and some lab helpers. As a result, Jon was...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 6

It was a fascinating afternoon. That might seem obvious to many, but it was also fascinating in ways it would e hard for many to understand. Bob was mildly interested in seeing what changes had come to the world while he slept, but the memories of what had happened kept rising, and becoming more clear as he talked to the six women who had been so much a part of his affliction ... if that was the right word. He felt like he knew them better than should be possible. All of them had talked to...

2 years ago
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Rentin a Wifey

Mandy Mae was your typical rural hill country housewife during the week. Corralling, dressing, feeding, and generally keeping up with a passel of kids. Some of them were from her womb and some came along with her husband. She thought he’d sired the latest who would be three years old soon. Her others had various seed sources. Weekends were a different story. Her husband was too handicapped to work but with some accommodations he managed to screw just fine. That was good because his little...

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Live Ornaments for my Garden

We stood in the garden now that had recently been landscaped all it was missing were some garden ornaments and now I had three. In the garden were three holes freshly dug and there was a supply of fast drying concrete ready to be poured. Sadie was first, she was Janes daughter. She was just 23 years old nice big tits and a big mouth just right for what I had planned for her. I told her to strip naked, she looked at me horrified as I explained what was going to happen. Each of them would...

3 years ago
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Work Fun

Her desk was just outside his office door, which he frequently left open, and if he were working at his side table on a project she'd get an unobstructed view of him beneath it. Usually she'd be trying to get her work done, but would invariably end up thinking about crawling up underneath and taking down his pants for a delicious mouthful of his cock. If he'd given even a hint of an invitation she'd be all over him with her warm soft mouth ready to take everything he could slip down her...

1 year ago
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Breathless A torrid erotic story of one womans lust and secret desires

Cassandra contacts a Beverly Hills agency to provide her with the sexual fantasy of her dreams The day started off like any other day for Cassandra. She was awakened by the soft kiss of the sunrise and the sound of the waves rolling up to her Malibu Beach home. Her husband, like always, had already left for work early and hadn't bothered to make love to her or even kiss her before leaving. She rose from her bed and went out on the balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The same thoughts began...

4 years ago
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Amy Kessler was sitting in the living room by herself. The company had been gone for hours and she was finally left to think about the future. This week had been all about the past. I guess that happens when you bury your husband, she mused. She and Jake had not been getting along. They had spent most of their time together arguing. Their marriage had been coming apart and most of the fallout from their dissolving relationship had focused on Amy's son as he went through adolescence....

2 years ago
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MMDChapter 10 Dormanrsquos Doom

Six months ago: Never underestimate your enemy. It’s normal human behavior to hold your hated enemy in contempt and regard them as stupid, as less than your exalted self. May I never make that error—or the opposite of regarding my enemy as God. There I was on a planet visited by a Sa’arm scout team. My mission was partially completed when Arc Dios destroyed the small fleet of three scout ships. It was child’s play—much like three 19th Century sailing steamers running into a 21st Century...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Riley Star Petite Teen Fun

This scene features the amazingly cute, 19 year old, Riley Star and I having sex for the first time. We have strong chemistry and love kissing and being all over each other. We have fun, energetic sex all over the bed. There is POV shot during blowjob portion and when Riley is riding my dick with her butt facing the camera and while she rides on top of me facing the camera. Riley has multiple orgasms while I fuck her while holding a hitachi on her clit and a hand around her throat. The scene...

3 years ago
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My Whore Mother

Hi my name is Adi from Mumbai and I am 25yrs old. I have two sisters and their age is 27 and 22 yrs. this is a story of my mother Priya who is 48 yrs old. At this age she is still hot and a bombshell. Her stats are 36-28-40. She works as an assistant sales mngr. ours is an incest family and I have had sex with my mum. She is great. This is a story of her boss and the way he used her. We had open discussions about sex and she used to tell me everything whenever she had sex with her boss. I...

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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 10

Of course, not all men are comfortable shagging another guys wife while they stand there and watch. We had a few misses with our nightclub tactics where some of the guys wanted to fuck Cherry but only if it was them and her. Obviously this kind of defeated the purpose for us so we never accepted these offers. It was only after an experience that Cherry had while visiting a local concrete works late one day on her way home from work that we started to consider other options and the benefits that...

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Borrowing the Boyfriend

Marsha was having a day. Her boss had yelled at her as soon as she had entered the office. She was late to work because her car had stalled at a red light. She struggled with her work until lunch time and faked a reason to leave early. She knew that what she needed was a good hot shower and then a long bubble bath. She had arrived at her home only to find her daughter home from school. They argued over the fact that she wasn't at school until she asked her mother why she wasn't at work. Marsha...

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Private Lyen Parker Horny Brunette Hungry For Interracial Anal

It has been quite some time but today in Private’s My Personal Plaything we get to witness the return of Lyen Parker and it sure was worth the wait! This sexy brunette entices in the black stud Sensi with some soft BDSM before teasing and playing with her favourite dildo. When she’s all warmed up Sensi gets a taste of that delicious pussy and is rewarded with an incredible sloppy blowjob… deepthroat, gagging, this chick loves it all! Then watch as she offers up that tight little ass for some...

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Aunty Maureen is coming to stay

100% fiction! I awoke to mother gently stroking my cock. "Good news darling" she whispered giving me a soft kiss. "Your Aunty Maureen is coming to stay for a week, & you know what that means". I sure did. Aunty Maureen is mums older sister, a gorgeous full figured lady of 60 with the dirtiest mind imaginable. As mum began to slowly suck my early morning erection, I cast my mind back to her last visit. Beautiful memories filled me with excitement, memories of the 2 latex clad sisters locked in a...

2 years ago
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Bruised Manhood Times Two

For BadSarah...what we discussed in chat lolThe swing had to be strong because the action was going to be vigorous! The cost wouldn't be mine of course but his and it had to be here by the weekend. The forecast was for heavy snow and the threat of cabin fever required us all to have something to keep us entertained. Three cruel women and two, make that one and an half men. The half man was invited because he pressed his girlfriend, a BFF of mine for a threesome and insisted on having two women...

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foreplay poem for the ladies

ForeplayI can feel your spot and you’re dripping wetI whisper in your ear, on your mark, ready, setI kiss your inner thigh and your body just shiversYou twist and moan as your muscles start to quiverYou want it so bad that you start to get pushySo I spread your legs and French kiss your pussyYou taste hot and sweet, like peaches and creamYour bodies so hot I can see the steamIt feels so good that your body just shoutsI have you flipped upside down, and turned inside outYou legs tighten up,...

4 years ago
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The Captains Bride

I'm Captain Thomas bloody Beckinthwaite, from bloody Yorkshire and I don't give a bugger what you bloody think because I bloody speak as I bloody find. We had a bloody bad trip back from America on Steamship and when we got back to Liverpool I made sure me brass were safe and went to see bloody Agent first thing. I went in his office.It stunk like a Tarts boudoir with furnishings to match. Agent were a Slimy bastard with slicked down hair and poncy suit. He sat behind this over polished...

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Hot Tub

As she pulls down her shades she settles in for another lonesome night. She looks at her computer with a longing gaze and wishes it would turn into her handsome knight in shinning armor. She sits comfortably in her chair and clicks on her browser, as so she could enter into a world of make believe. Before entering this world she prays yet another prayer for some relief to her growing ache inside... She begins to undo her blouse while waiting for her world to load. Here she is again, in a...

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Desert Heat Part 16

Desert Heat – Part 16Saturday, July 20, 1985While the two girls left to pick up the young shoe clerk, we straightened up and then headed back to the bedrooms. Not long after, we heard the girls drive up and peeked out the bedroom window to see if they had the lad with them and yes, they did. Helen and Rosemary showed the teenager into the house and offered him a drink. He said he doesn’t drink alcohol but would be happy to have a soda. Rosemary asked him if he was hungry and wanted...

4 years ago
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Erste bisexuelle Erfahrungen

Ich gebe es mir selbst gegenüber zu: Schwänze erregen michEs war mit Anfang 20, ich war gerade Student an einer mittelgroßen Großstadt, dass ich meine Bisexualität so richtig entdeckte. Als Junge hatte ich während der Pubertät schon öfters mit dem Gedanken gespielt, mal einen anderen Schwanz anzufassen und zu wichsen, es aber nie ausprobieren können. Knapp 10 Jahre später war das einfacher: Einerseits hatte ich eine eigene Wohnung und konnte tun und lassen was ich wollte,...

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Alex Teaches Eva the Importance of Sharing

Mia and I have been friends for years and we have always been there for each other.   I considered her to be my best friend and we were very close.   So close that we would always share intimate details of each other's sex life with one another and also shared a mutual secret obsession for porn although we had never watched it together.  I started to feel this sexual tension between us and I had a hunch that she might be feeling the same way.  I noticed that she lingered on the hugs she gave...

First Time
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Fucked at the BBQ by sons friends BBC part 2

I sat on the toilet for several minutes trying to gain control of my body and mindHow could I be thinking of allowing my sons young friend to fuck me with his BBC while my loving husband was stood only feet away entertaining his friends.I jumped out of my daze as my son banged on the door shouting for me to get out as he needed to pee.I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was hidden away, then opened the door and let my son in.I walked slowly down the stairs like a big cat hunting its...

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Nude Beach Adventures 1

I headed along the cliffs toward one of the local nudist beaches until I found a suitable spot to change into my gurly beach going attire – Sun hat, lipstick, pink choker, sun glasses, string bikini and light cotton beach top. Total smooth shaved all helped with my look.I carried on around the rocks toward the beach, copping the odd interested look from guys walking back from the beach, smiling and checking me out. This was making me quite excited as to what might be in store.On arrival at the...

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NubileFilms Anastasia Brokelyn The Way She Cums

Lovely and lusty, Anastasia Brokelyn wanders downstairs. She’s wearing nothing more than a tank top as she settles into Raul Costa’s favorite chair and starts warming herself up by slipping her fingertip between her bare pussy folds. Masturbating with slow intent, she enjoys the touch of her own hand as she waits for her boyfriend. When Raul emerges from the bedroom, Anastasia beckons for him to join her. He’s happy to obey that sensual order as he comes downstairs and...

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Baseball Cuckold Ch 02

Timmy's girlfriend submits to his mother's masters!Timmy did not know why the coach or Mr. Smith had it in for him so bad. He knew earlier in the season there was some problems and he had almost been taken off the team; until his parents had a talk with them.Timmy did not realize his mother had had to fuck both men while his humiliated father was forced to watch. He did not realize his mother was now their sex slave and had a ring through her left nipple to remind her and her husband of it, or...

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KT and Family Ch 02

Author’s note: Preparations for the wedding are moving into high gear. There will be very little sex from here out. Them’s the breaks. If these two were only interested in sex, they would not be getting married. All characters are fictitious as are all the Chapter 7—Adjustments Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Dad tells me that the secret to anything is to put good people on it, then to stay out of their way. In the case of the wedding it was a synergy of the staff, Special Events, Aunt...

4 years ago
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Nash McLeod Hard to Figure

CHAPTER 1 Although it was the first calendar month of spring in South Australia a nip in wind from the south-south-west and originating in the Southern Ocean, swept across the plains to the ranges and into the remote servicing town of Respite Crossing to emphasize only the foolish would be wearing warm weather clothing just yet. Dressed in a zipped fleece-lined jacket that reached just below his hips, snug wool trousers, thick socks and old Army boots and a battered black stockman’s hat, Nash...

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What a party

He was at a celebration party, and he was bored, all his playmates were there but they were with their partners and behaving themselves. He looked around for someone interesting to talk to, but unfortunately no one could be found. At the bar he waited patiently for his drink like a good boy. An elegant and expensive looking lady walked over and stood near him. He caught the smell of her perfume, sweet and seductively alluring. They looked at each other and smiled. “You look as bored as I am,”...

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Party at Joes

“I can’t believe you talked me into this!” I said as I tried to pull the top of my outfit.Martha smiled. “The more you pull it up, the shorter it becomes at the bottom.”I stood outside of her friend Joe’s house wearing the shortest Santa’s helper costume ever created, it was bright red and came down just past my ass, luckily, I wore black mesh stockings, or my legs would be freezing. I went against her wishes of wearing high heels, and I wore my thigh high black boots instead.“Mine is fine,”...

Group Sex

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