Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 7: Controlling My Empire

I went to visit my uncle the following day and began to discover the full extent of my empire. Beside the consulting business my father had built there were various other businesses he had inherited or earned an interest in and all were operating profitably. I had accounts in all the places mom mentioned and several others as well so my holdings were widely dispersed. The combined businesses employed over 15,000 people in several countries and dad had left plans for several expansion projects that would nearly double the staff count. The businesses included construction, product manufacturing, a health care network and 2 banks.

I also owned an island that was independent of any country jurisdiction. It was located at the southern end of the chain of islands that make up Indonesia. My grandfather had bought the island from the Indonesian government decades ago and it was currently maintained as a wildlife sanctuary and was generating income through Eco-tourism.

All told, my net worth was in excess of fifty billion dollars. Dad had been drawing a meager salary of $250,000 per year and had left instructions through Uncle Steve to continue paying me that same amount in the event of his death. As a result and given the fact that I was not spending any of it, I had cash in the bank of about $750,000 dollars. This was small change given what I was learning.

Mom had been drawing on a trust dad had set up in the event that he died and I was either dead or incapacitated. Now that I was back on my feet and ready to take the reins that trust would revert to me and I would assume support for my family.

Dad’s primary work was to provide consulting services to all sorts of folks who wanted to learn how to be more successful in their lives. Uncle Steve handed me a note Dad had left that asked me to assume his role. He explained that with our unique talents we could offer advise and guidance that was unparalleled and thought I would find the work as fulfilling as he had. He also explained the fee structure and this helped clarify how we now controlled such a diverse empire. Basically, everyone dad helped provided a financial interest in his or her future. He was paid in equity rather than cash. I knew I wanted to work and this work seemed as good as any at this point. Beside, if dad found it fulfilling I truly expected I would too.

I spent the rest of the day getting settled into dad’s old office, actually, my new office and getting acquainted with several members of the senior staff and our client list. The office was actually two rooms with a private bath. The primary room was more like a comfortable living room with two large leather sofas facing each other and a simple oak and glass coffee table in the center. The floors were set in a herringbone pattern of oak in various shades and a Persian carpet woven in rich shades of red and gold covered the majority of this. The lighting was subdued but sufficient for the space. One wall of the office was a floor-to-ceiling window that was dressed in both a sheer and a heavy set of drapes. The heavy set was done in rich velvet that mirrored the colors of the carpet. In the far corner was a small bar with a couple of leather stools and behind the bar stood a huge tank with fresh-water fish. The overall ambience was one of understated comfort that made me feel immediately at home.

The second room had much the same feel but this was set with a large oak desk as its centerpiece. Again there was a wall of windows while the other three walls were covered by bookshelves that were fully stacked. I took a quick inventory of the books and found that they ran a gamut from casual fiction to business and psychology texts. I had a feeling this collection was going to provide all the education I would require.

I sat behind the desk and tried to get a sense of how dad felt in this position. The clearest image I conjured was a man who was humbled by the power he wielded on a daily basis. Given how destructive power can be it seemed that maintaining a humble disposition was the best defense I could mount and I knew it was a defense I would have to become dedicated to maintaining. I would do my father proud or die trying.

I began rummaging through his desk and found all the typical paraphernalia until I got to the last draw. In this space was a control panel with a touch screen and monitor that made it look like a TV remote control on steroids. I found the power button, pressed it and this compact beast came to life.

It didn’t take long to discover that one of its functions was to monitor the security cameras in several locations around the building. I played a bit until I was satisfied that I had accessed all of the monitoring points before moving on to the other controls.

That’s when I got stuck. I hit a control that was labeled “Access Points” and was prompted for a password. I had no idea what that would be or at least, I didn’t think so. But, then it came to me. I don’t know where it came from but I immediately began entering a series of ten numbers and suddenly the display changed to reveal a series of 4 door shaped icons. I began testing each.

The first opened a panel on the surface of the desk and a computer popped up to fill the space. It was lit with a mirror of the display I was toying with. For the time being, I stuck with the remote.

The second icon opened a panel in the bookshelf behind the desk that was filled with file folders. A quick looks at these revealed that these were clients with very well know names. Each folder had a description of the services dad had provided, recommendations for additional services and most importantly, what form of payment had been promised by each client. Many of these clients had paid with an equity interest in their companies and I recognized most of these as part of the list Uncle Steve had shared. There were a couple not on that list, including a chain of bordellos in Australia and a ranch of some sort in Argentina. I was not yet sure why there were holdings that did not appear on Uncle Steve’s list. I’d have to look into that later. I guess dad kept these secured to guard client privacy. .

The third access point revealed a similar panel, also filled with file folders. I didn’t recognize any of these names so I began going through the first few before I realized these were all women dad was having sex with. Each folder had the woman’s details and a description of her likes and dislikes. Dad had also included notes about what he liked and disliked most about each. I spent quite a while going through these and it proved to be very interesting reading. The most interesting part was a discovery that dad had several slaves. Apparently all had offered themselves freely and each had been willed to another master when he died. In each of these folders was a detailed description of the training he had put them through and, like a report card, each was scored on how well they had learned what was required of them. He had also characterized them by type. There were domestic slaves, office slaves and sex slaves. I also discovered one category labeled toilet slave that was particularly strange. It mainly involved urine, he called it golden showers, and the two women in this category seemed to be among the first he had trained.

He was sexually active with all his slaves but it was the sex slave’s role to please him and others while the remaining slaves where there for his pleasure alone. In the folders of the four sex slaves he included a list of all the folks he had demanded the slave service and each of the serviced individuals had also given the performance a score. When scores were sub-par he listed the various punishments each had endured. I noticed several matches between the list of his clients and the list of those serviced.

I discovered a total of 14 slaves from age 18 to 36. His first slave was taken when he was 20 and the last joined him a year befor
e his death. As I studied these I knew I could and would enslave Savannah and now I was getting some sense of how I would train her and what I would train her for.

The final access point revealed a hidden door in the bookshelf that was situated between the two file panels. This office had much more than I had expected. I entered into a bedroom that was perfectly matched in decor with the lounge. Its focal point was a huge circular bed in the center that was set on a carpeted platform. It appeared that the platform was cushioned so falling off this monster would be more fun than painful.

There were three doors offset in each of the three interior walls. The first led to a large bath done in marble with bronze fittings. It was the first and only space that was ostentatious. It included a toilet and bidet, a glass-enclosed shower stall and a very large whirlpool bath. The marble counter had a pair of matching sinks set into it and a full wall of mirrors backed it.

The second door led to a large closet and dressing area. The racks were filled with suits and the draws were filled with everything else my dad could possibly need. I gave one of his suit jackets a quick try and realized I had grown so that it fit just about perfectly. It was a somewhat unsettling revelation.

The final door led to a chamber that looked like a mirror image of the chamber in Savannah’s basement. The only real difference is it was larger and had a more complex set of mechanisms to bind a person. This was obviously where dad had trained his slaves. Thinking back to the files on his slaves and the training he put them through I began examining the equipment and imagining how it was and would be used. I was getting hard as I began to picture Savannah bound and being whipped. I was definitely going to have fun here.

I left this space and returned to the desk. There would be plenty of time to fully explore this private space. For now, I needed to focus on the business and how I was going to assume the reins. I found everything I needed to know on the computer and it was nearly 10 at night when I finally looked up and realized I was starving.

I grabbed some things I wanted to review at home and left the office only to find a young, smarty dressed, secretary sitting at the desk outside my door.

“Good evening Mr. Marcus.” She was eerily cheerful for this time of night. “My name is Rachel Anderson and I have been assigned as your secretary until you can find someone more to your liking.”

I liked what I saw so far. She had red hair the color of a rich burgundy that was cut neatly across her shoulders and brushed back from her forehead. Her eyes were honey colored and seemed almost Asian in shape. Her breasts were not particularly large but they did seem to fill her blouse nicely. If the lower half was in tune with the upper half she was a fine specimen of a woman.

“How long have you been here Rachel?” I suspected she was sitting here since shortly after I had entered late that morning.

“I arrived at 10 this morning. I was told not to disturb you and also to be sure no one else disturbed you.” She seemed almost apologetic for having spent the day basically idle.

“What are your normal working hours?” Since she was here at this hour I suspected she had no set schedule.

“My hours are flexible. I will be here whenever you are.”

I suddenly wondered if this might have been one of the office slaves dad had trained but I didn’t remember seeing her name in any of the files. She also looked a bit young given the fact that dad was gone 3 years now. I decided I didn’t need to get home just yet.

“Come into the office and let’s talk a bit.” I turned and led the way.

I sat on the couch and motioned her to join me. She sat demurely at my side with her legs held closed and her hands resting on her lap. She had set herself at the edge of the couch with her back held perfectly straight. There was something about the overall image that just screamed, “I’m submissive”. I liked it.

“How old are you?”

“I’m 20 years old sir.”

“And, how long have you worked here?”

“I started last week as your personal secretary. I’ve been told the position may be temporary.” She was transmitting a clear hope that it wouldn’t be.

“And what did they say you would be doing as my personal secretary?” I purposely emphasized personal trying to gauge how she would respond.

“I will do anything you ask. I’ve been told that my job is to insure you have everything you need or want and to help manage your office. I’ll need you to tell me how best to do that.”

I was looking beyond her words and knew she really meant what she was saying and fully expected me to use her completely. In fact, she was hoping I would use her completely. I also discovered an interesting fact. Her mother had been dad’s secretary and one of his office slaves. Now I remembered the family name. Her mom was one of the more difficult training cases.

“I believe I can do the job well once I have a better understanding of what you will require. I just completed my bachelor’s degree at Tennessee State with majors in business management and financial accounting. I graduated at the top of my class with a lot of hard work. I am prepared to sit for my accounting exams if you wish me to and I will work just as hard for you.”

This all sounded real good to me.

“We’ll let’s start with a simple task. I’m starving and I’m guessing you are too. Go to the kitchen and fix us a few sandwiches and a salad.” I waited for the right response.

“What type of sandwich would you like Sir.”

That was the right response.

“Anything will do.”

She left quickly and I settled back into a daydream of how I was going to use her once my belly was satisfied. It didn’t take long for her to return and I was hard when she did.

She had made a selection of sandwiches with various cold cuts and tuna. She also made the salad I asked for and had brought a number of dressings along since she was uncertain what my tastes would be.

I grabbed a few cokes from the bar and invited her to dig in with me. She ate like a bird while I devoured 2 sandwiches and a large helping of salad. By the time I was done she had managed to consume half a tuna sandwich and a small helping of the salad, which she ate with no dressing. I later learned she was weight conscious and was always careful about what and how much she ate. I liked that about her.

Now that I’d satisfied my belly I was ready to focus on my more primal urges. I had been probing her mind throughout the meal and I learned that she wanted to be taken. She could be embarrassed but she would work through the embarrassment to answer any question or perform any act I required. I decided to test her limits.

“Clear this up and come back quickly.” It was a clear demand that she immediately responded to with a simple “Yes Sir”. Everything was back on the tray and she was out of the office in an instant and only a few minutes before she returned. She stopped short of the couch waiting for my next command.

“I am going to ask you a series of questions that will help determine if I keep you on or not. You are to answer them completely and with total honesty. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir, I do.” was her simple and calmly stated response.

“Are you aware that your mother was one of my father’s slaves?” I wanted to hit her hard right from the start.

She didn’t hesitate. “Yes Sir, I am. She told me when I turned 18 and your father had already passed away. She was very happy with him and her role.”

“Are you aware of the training she endured to achieve that position?” I wondered how much she really knew and how much she was willing to relate.

“She described her training as very demanding and of
ten involving both mental and physical punishment until she had learned what was required of her.” There wasn’t much detail there but the answer was delivered in a forthright manner.

I probed and found that she knew more detail than she was sharing.

“You have just taken a step closer to being replaced. I want complete and honest answers or this is all just a waste of time. Now once again, did your mom make you aware of the type of training she endured?” My tone left no doubt about my dissatisfaction and her thoughts registered this fact with absolute clarity.

“I’m sorry sir. She described being punished in a number of ways. She explained that she was often bound and beaten with various implements. She described the beatings as being almost as painful as giving birth. She was also made to beg for forgiveness and was treated like a dog when your father decided it was necessary. She explained that she was often to willful for her own good and your father had to spend a great deal of time breaking her of that will. He required her to service his sexual desires and she was also beaten on a number of occasions when she failed to perform adequately. She did describe one particular instance when she was required to service him orally but chocked and vomited when his penis entered her throat. She was made to lick the mess clean. I believe that happened here in this office. On one other occasion a client complained that she was disrespectful to him during a phone call. In this case, she was bound to some sort of rack and whipped by your father and then by the offended client. Those are the stories I remember. I’m sorry but I may have forgotten others.”

She had shared all that she remembered.

“That’s better. Now tell me, how did she describe how she felt about her role?”

“She always said she was never more happy than she was once she finally learned how to be a proper slave. She described it as liberating which seemed a little odd to me. What she described was a feeling of freedom that came from knowing all she had to do was make your father happy and everything else in her life would take care of itself. I’ve studied quite a bit on this subject and I think I now understand what she felt. I guess it can be liberating when all of life’s little problems are boiled down to a single requirement, satisfy your master and you will achieve satisfaction.”

She really meant what she had said and a more in depth probe revealed what I had suspected. Her studies had convinced her that she wanted to be mastered and was hoping I would master her. I wanted to hear her say it.

“I want a simple yes or no answer to these next questions and you had better answer without hesitation if I’m to believe you.” I paused for effect. “Do you want to be my slave?”

“Yes.” There was no hesitation at all.

“Are you prepared to undergo the necessary training?”


“Are you prepared to be owned by me?”

“Yes, I am.” She realized her error immediately and gasped.

“I said yes or no. What part of that did you not understand?”

She hung her head and said, “I sorry. I just wanted to be clear.”

“You were perfectly clear. Now yes or no, are you prepared to be owned by me?”


“And are you prepared to undergo the necessary training?”


“Do you understand that once I agree to accept you as my slave there will be no turning back? I will own you and there will be no chance of escaping my ownership.”


“Be careful now. I want you to be sure you understand what I’m saying. Your life will be mine. You will do nothing without my permission. You will go nowhere without my permission. You will have neither lovers nor friends unless I provide them. You will be mine to do with as I please 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you say yes that’s the end of your life, as you know it. I will redefine your life to suit my needs. Now, is this what you want?”

“Yes.” This response was as emphatic as the others but there was a certain tone of resignation in her voice that made me wonder. Was this really what she wanted or just what she thought she wanted? It was time for a test and she had earned her first punishment with her earlier lapse.

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As Jennifer drove they each told the other their story. Jennifer told Adam all about herself and she in turn heard his story. Jennifer found out that Adam Brian West was renting an apartment in Cedarcrest with the guy who was supposed to have picked him up. They had known each other since First Grade and got on reasonably well together. Adam was also hoping to pick up a Building Apprenticeship sometime soon and had worked on construction sites as a laborer in preparation for that. Art was...

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Without Love

Without Love     Part two.     The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her meagre wage allowed; the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she may as well be on another planet.   It was not long before the...

First Time
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Shadow and LightChapter 27

United States Senate Offices, 7 Months Ago It was a usual busy day in the Senate, people coming and going, debates and meetings that never seemed to end and the occasional brown envelope passed under a desk. In one hall, the assistant to the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee walked down the halls in a brisk pace. His palms and forehead was sweating, he would have been running flat out after the call he just received but there was a level of decorum to maintain in this place. He soon...

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Losing my virginity at the lighthouse

This is my first story of hopefully many, depending how well I do I guess. This story is about the night I lost my virginity. I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. My on again off again boyfriend was 18 and about to go to college in New York City in the fall. We had been dating for about 6 months with some gaps in between. This night was about a week after we got back together after breaking up before his prom which I did not get to attend. We had never had sex together but we had fooled...

First Time
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The Best Camping Expirence Ever

It was a Friday night and I had invited my friend Andrew over to spend the night. We were inside, sitting around and watching television when I had a great idea. "Hey Andrew, you wanna sleep outside in the tent tonight? It'd be fun." I asked. "Okay, sure" He replied. I am bi-sexual and so was he, and we'd known that fact for awhile about each other. Andrew was 5' 9 and I was a little taller at 5' 11. We both had very in-shape body with abs, I had blonde hair he had...

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A Quirk of fate againIIIShanes TurnE172part2of2

For an answer he stepped over and kissed my cum filled pussy. Grabbing him by the hair, I pulled Jim Bob up and kissed him. Our lips met and ignited our bodies in flames. Our lips and tongues danced to each other’s passions. Laying back, I pulled him on top of me. A Quirk of fate again-IIIShane’s Turn Part-2-of-2 As Jim Bob continued to stare at my hairless pussy, I said, “You do plan on fucking me, don’t you.” For an answer he stepped over and kissed my cum filled pussy. Grabbing him by the...

Cheating Wife
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Die Nachhilfelehrerin

Als ich meinem Mann durch die riesige Glasscheibe des Abfluggates ein letztes Mal zuwinkte, merkte ich zu meinem Entsetzen, dass ich mich frei fühlte. Ein halbes Jahr würde er nun auf einer Großbaustelle in Brasilien verbringen, die er als Bauleiter beaufsichtigen sollte. Oft hatten wir über seine Abwesenheit gesprochen, und nun, als es so weit war, spürte ich nichts von Traurigkeit. Als er durch den schmalen Gang, der zu seinem Gate führte, verschwunden war, drehte ich mich um und genoß die...

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My Dirty Little Secret 9

And 'Quin' is actually 'Dave' -- I didn't forget that name, obviously, but I've got this weird quirk of writing each chapter with different names, just experimenting with the flow of names so that I can use them for some other writing I do (unfortunately that isn't erotica). Then I just replace the names with the names I've been using for the series. Anyway, I'm sorry for that mistake and hopefully it won't happen again. You probably have noticed from the scroll bar to the...

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The Party Maid

The Party Maid By Nancy Gaymaid Mistress had led me to a dressing room in the basement, where I was left alone to dress for my "coming out" party. In reality, this was a get together for Mistress and some of her friends, not a party for me. After several months of intense sissymaid training at the hands of this beautiful black domina, it was time for me to be put on display, and into service. I was terribly nervous and apprehensive about what would happen to me, but there...

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GF from many years ago 5

Many years ago, I had a girlfriend that lived in another state so we would send hot emails back and forth all the time. Here's another one that she sent me:After a night of endless hard core sex, you and I are still insatiable and want more of each other. I want you to lift my legs onto your shoulders as you pump in and out of me hard and fast. I moan with each thrust of your huge cock into my hot pussy. You want me to cum over and over again, so you won’t stop until your cock is throbbing and...

1 year ago
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AngelaWhite Angela White Keisha Grey 11152017

I was so happy to finally get to shoot with Keisha Grey for the second installment of Angela Loves Threesomes. This scene begins with some lesbian action and I make sure to indulge in all of Keisha’s amazing curves. We kiss passionately and I cannot keep my hands off her! When Steve Holmes arrives he dives straight for my asshole. Keisha keeps my butthole lubricated with her spit while Steve pumps inside. When it’s Keisha’s turn to ride, I rub her little clit while Steve’s hard cock...

4 years ago
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Sparkys DadChapter 9 Christmas

Diane dumped all her clothes but her shoes in the hamper and went into ‘her’ bathroom naked except for her slippers. Ready for the night, she put on the nightgown and the robe Eric had given her. Remembering the one she had brought, she went into the bedroom and put it, too, in the hamper. She was really imposing on Mrs. Grant. She got out of robe and nightgown and got into bed. She thought that Eric, for such a controlling man, really let himself be bossed by his daughter. Only to a certain...

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My best friends girlfriend CH4

The sound of birds chirping their morning tunes woke me up. It took me a few minutes to gather my bearings and realize I was not in my own bed. Then I remembered where I was. Looking down I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. Katherine seemed to fit perfectly in my arms and her light breathing was like music to my ears. I could most definitely get used to waking up in the mornings like this. The question was; Would I? I mean, sure we loved each other. That much had been confirmed. We...

Straight Sex
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Whiskey And A Smoke Part VI Night After the Concert

Thud…Thud…Thud…Thud…I opened my eyes and heard a continual pounding in my head.  Lifting my head off the pillow I felt a slight pain in my eyes and forehead.  Maybe a headache was causing the noise.  But, the thumping was too loud and erratic to be coming from my head.  A light, “uh…uh…uh…,” came right before each noise. I laid back down on my pillow and pulled Megan in closer to me.  My one arm wrapped around her side as I cupped her breast in my other hand.  She wiggled her ass and pushed it...

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RuneswardChapter 08

The woman had chosen her seat with care. She’d taken the table to the furthest right, then taken the chair with its back to the wall. From her vantage she could easily see every way into or out of the room – the front doors off to the left, the kitchen door center right and the stairs to the upstairs rooms directly to her right. It was her normal instinct, instinct honed on years of being in enemy territory. Of course, she was a Queen’s Knight – everywhere outside the castle walls was...

1 year ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 3 Our First Fuck

Maya got better at her emotions as she held my dick to rub it gently on her thirsty pussy. She positioned my dick on her fuck hole. She looked at me. I could see the lusty hunger in her eyes. Without wasting a second, I pushed my dick in her pussy. Her pussy was tight. I could feel my dick skin being peeled as it entered her hot pussy. Maya closed her eyes as again I thrust my dick inside her. Her hot body moved back with the force of a hard insertion. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my...

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Waking Up to Susan

Early in the first week, with my aunts and father still there, my two cousins and I secluded ourselves in the back bedroom, while the rest of the family gathered in the front family room. As often happens while visiting relatives, the stay had become tedious for the youngest of the group, thus we set about in idle cousin chat. Further bored though enjoying the company between the three of us, my cousin Susan reached behind her and stealthy swung a pillow momentarily stunning me. After the...

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Cum Covered Camcorder

His name was Michael and looked about thirty five years of age when I first met him. At the time, I was nineteen, a college drop-out, daughter of divorced, dysfunctional parents who knew nothing about me whatsoever. They loved me of course, but we weren't exactly close; distance was more acceptable and far less uncomfortable than a sweaty hug from my old man and to feel my mother's tight breasts (operated, no doubt, though she denied it every time) squashed up against my own. My parents, even...

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WildOnCam Britney Amber Buckle Up With Britney Amber and Lets Fuck

Britney Amber is always a pleasure to have LIVE and this sexy babe always is rocking the hottest lingerie. She is all strapped and buckled up in black being a naughty hot tease with her magnificent large tits and gorgeous legs in her thigh high black stockings! If your cock is not rock hard yet it better be soon once she gets Marcus to lay down so she can show you how she loves to fuck! She rides his cock hard making those tits bounce and bounce while her pussy consumes every inch of that dick!...

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Fuck With Aunt

100% fiction! It was first time that I saw I an aunt dressing up. the next day I frequently asked her if we can fuck she too agreed. then on night I saw that she was wearing 4bras then obnly I came to know that she has stiff boobs. then she removed her dress then she started to massage my penis with her boobs then we started on to serious fuck then ons of cum came on her. then we started to fuck ojn seriously daily t was first time that I saw I an aunt dressing up. the next day I frequently...

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Double BBC out of Town

This story is about something that happened to me while away on a buisiness trip. I'm a married 38 year old mother that travels on occasion for buisiness. While on a trip to Indianapolis I was snowed in with no hope of leaving that night to get home. With my return flight booked for the next day I checked into a hotel near the airport. Still dressed in my short blue dress I went down to the bar to get something to eat and maybe a couple drinks before bed. While sitting at the bar downstairs a...

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Their StoriesChapter 6 Alines Story

I awakened to bright sunlight streaming into this strange bedroom. I turned around to see whether there was someone beside me and the bed was empty. I felt this strange lasitude throughout my body and my mind went back to what must have been last night. I remember being carried in here and being undressed and falling asleep. My mind took me back to the beginning of the evening because everything in between struck me as being a fantasy, a dream. I had put on that costume of Rita's and when I...

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Fucking Girl From Training Batch Part ndash 1

This experience happened when I started my job.After joining the company we were in training and in my batch there was a hot girl named pooja . She was really hot and we always use to sit together and do a lot of chit chat.I often used to flirt with her and praise her for her beautiful face and sexy figure.She always used to wear a tight tee and jeans which used to show off her figure. On one the day, we were taking a brisk walk.It was really cold and we were just roaming around. We were having...

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43 Reminiscences from the manor estate

43. Reminiscences from the manor estate An additional few memories to the story “sex and my amazing wife” PART BSEE ALSO 42 AND 44 My position as lord of the estate comes with some privileges, one is that if I say jump people do tend to do just that, though it`s not a privilege to abuse, although I hear a number of my contemporise do just that. One couple were Jack and his wife Alice, my dungeon keeper (we cater for the kinkier side in our manor house hotel) and his wife our medical sister...

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Geeks In SpaceChapter 9 Dancing with the Star Charts

There was a hearty breakfast in the captain's mess, a bit of glamorous conceit that had been added to the Pai Lung when she became the Hawking and the ship became a commercial venture. It was Ted, Victor, Wendy, Ike, DeeDee and Rob, along with Alexandra Nascimento and Owen Gardner. Victor and Ted seemed a touch too cheerful, and blamed it on their military backgrounds. "We learn to be of good cheer and to eat well, of our meal and of life before we go off to battle." Victor said, raising...

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Metamorphosis By Julia Manchester Copyright 2008 Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters or events portrayed to any person or entity, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. This work also includes mature subject matter and may not be appropriate for those under the age of eighteen. Part 1 1. It was nobody's fault, really. The truck was passing the car on the highway when the car in front of the Strattons had a blowout...

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Deepika does a Different Shoot

Deepika Padukone stared at her naked reflect into the mirror in her bedroom as she put down a script that she had received from a leading Bollywood producer. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, which ended below her pert 34B breasts. At 5'9'', she was tall for an Indian actress, with long never ending legs and a toned ass that her fans loved. The 30 year old athletic beauty had a dream run in Bollywood – billed as one of the top actresses in the country, she had won awards, accolades...

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The PresenceChapter 15

Kathy got out and held the boat as Beth tosses the ropes on the platform. With the boat secure they walked up to the house. “How about we have some soup and a sandwich for lunch? I think the kids would go for that.” “That sounds good for me.” When they walked into the house the girls were just coming into the room. “Wow mom, your suit. It looks a little ... small.” Kathy placed her hands on her hips. “Do you think anyone else would notice me?” “Mrs. Stevens, if I had your figure I...

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Closer to my daughter Prelude

My name is William. I am 52 years old… a thick hairy british man with a head of hair, a beard and a bit of a beer belly. I have been a single dad ever since my wife passed away from complications soon after giving birth.Beth was surely a younger version of her mother. Now about to enter university, she is a straight A student, while she wasn't athletic by any means she loved doing MMA specializing in Judo. She shared the body traits of myself and her mom. milky white skin clad in black...

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JulesJordan Natalie Porkman Fresh Young Teen Slut Natalie Porkman Wants More

New porn starlet Natalie Porkman is 18 and ready to show Manuel everything she can do! Natalie’s laying on the couch in a purple top with matching panties as Manuel interviews her to find out more about this nubile young babe. She’s from Florida and decided to get into the industry because she was already having a lot of sex and she figured why not get paid for it and be safe. Manuel has her stand up to show off her sexy body as she takes off her top to expose her perky little titties, then she...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 8 The Funeral

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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