Goes Without SayingChapter 20
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
Christmas was comfortable with David’s parents, taking him back to a time before he left home, Christmases with brother Tom and sister Ruth. Of course the house was full to bursting with Tom, Teresa and Patrick their son, and of course Ruth.
There was little time for reflection, but in odd moments, David thought of Gwen, and missed her anew at that family time. He noted that Evan seemed to have forgotten his mother in the excitement and the crowd. He knew it was to be expected, but it hurt him all the same.
This father caught his mood on one occasion.
“Missing her?” his father said gently.
David could not resist the temptation, and it was a testament to the progress he had made through his bereavement.
“Goes without saying, Dad,” he said with a grin.
“Something else that goes that way,” the older man said. “Evan doesn’t need to be reminded. He’ll remember in his own time.”
David realised he was right and admired his father’s perception. He surmised that children live in the present and in the love of their carers, and he knew Evan was comfortable having Gwen in heaven looking after him through Celia. Bethan of course had no memory of her mother at all. To all intents and purposes, Celia was her ‘mother’. He had never managed to work out how he felt about that.
“You’re right Dad,” he said with a smile. Pause. “Again!” and both men laughed out loud.
So on Saturday found him and his little ones in a different crowded house in Wales. David wondered at the ease with which Evan and Bethan settled with their alternate Grandparents, and how confidently Siân assumed her guardianship rôle over her Godson and his sister.
On the Monday Siân joined him in the bedroom while he was packing, having taken on the children’s packing herself.
“Dai, bach,” she ventured. “How d’you feel about me coming with you? I can help you get everything ready for New Year and Mam and Da’s arrival.”
David was surprised, but immediately saw the benefits!
“Wonderful idea!” he said. “You’ll be a Godsend.”
“That’s settled then,” she said with a lovely smile. She impulsively kissed his lips and was leaving the room when he called after her.
“You’ll need to pack, I’m going in a minute or two,”
She gave him a cheeky smile. “Already done. My bag’s in your car!” and she giggled.
David sighed and tried to look exasperated, but couldn’t help grinning. “OK,” he said. “Can you put these bags in the car?”
“No problem!” she said, suiting the action to the words.
Siân proved a considerable asset on the journey back home, since the children were awake and needed entertaining while David drove the car. Once home she took charge of Bethan while David unpacked the car, Evan helping. Then, having had a snack of cheese on toast, they made a shopping list and shopped for the coming week and weekend.
David was impressed as Siân organised the children, and fell easily into partnership doing the shopping, pushing the trolley with Bethan in the kiddie seat. while David kept an eye on Evan, who had been well trained by Celia and was well behaved.
He put Siân on the car insurance, having learned she had been driving for three years.
The Welsh parents duly arrived on Wednesday, New Year’s Eve at lunchtime, and his parents late afternoon. All their adult children were making their own arrangements. Both Grandmothers took over the meals, for which David was grateful.
Siân’s mother Bethan came to David in the kitchen while he was making after dinner tea and coffee for everyone.
“Dai Cariad,” she said quietly. “Look you, your Mam and Dad and Bill and I get on very well, and we’ll have a whale of a time tonight talking about old times. It’ll be boring for you and Siân. Why don’t you take her out for the evening? Surely you know places to go on New Year’s Eve?”
David was taken aback. While he had tickets for a party at his favourite club, he had not thought of using them. Taking Siân had never entered his head either. Suddenly the prospect was very enticing!
“Mam,” he said, “That’s a wonderful idea, but would Siân really want to go?”
“She’ll jump at the chance, don’t you worry. Ask her! And don’t worry about the babbies, four grandparents should be able to manage.” She laughed and left the kitchen.
A moment later Siân arrived. “Mam says you want me?” she said.
“She’s had the bright idea that we’ll be bored with the older folk, and suggested we go out to celebrate. I do happen to have tickets for my favourite club’s party tonight. Would you be interested?”
David noticed the eager look that flashed across Siân’s face, instantly banished. “Oh, really?” she said, affecting lack of interest.
So that’s how you want to play it, is it? He thought, and called her bluff.
“It’s OK,” said David. “You don’t need to bother; I’m going anyway. Enjoy your evening.” He turned to take the drinks to the families, stifling a grin.
“Oh well, if you’re going on your own, I suppose I could keep you company.”
“No it’s OK, I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out.” He passed her and joined the parents.
“David!” she called after him. He placed the tray, then turned and went back to her.
“Please, David, I’d love to go. I was pulling your chain,” she said, with a begging look.
“So was I. An hour?” He grinned.
She scowled. “Fine.”
David went back to the families and Siân ran upstairs to prepare herself.
“We can either go straight to the club or I could see if there are any friends at our local pub first, and go on to the club about ten or ten thirty. Which would you prefer?” David asked as they left the house.
“I’d like to meet some of your friends,” she said, “and in any case, a couple of hours in a night club is more than enough for me.”
David phoned Alex.
“I’m going to the pub tonight, you going?” he asked when Alex answered.
There was a pause. “Not tonight,” he said. “Got a date in town, but I’m pretty sure Tony and Sally will be there, and I think Des said he’d be going, possibly Bill as well – he likes company on evenings like this.”
“Fine,” David said. “I’ll be good to see them.”
They walked to the pub, and would get a taxi to the club. They pushed through the door to find the place pretty full, but David spied their group in one corner. As they walked towards them he was entertained by the expressions on the various faces.
Sally saw them first and did a double-take at the sight of David with a pretty woman in tow who looked so like Gwen. She nudged Tony who looked and smiled broadly, waving at them. Desmond looked worried, which puzzled David, while Bill who had his back to them turned and then smiled knowingly. Ozzy was there as well, and looked uncomfortable, after all, David had not seen him since the fracas in that very pub. Perhaps he would be more circumspect this time, David thought.
“Hi, all!” David greeted the crowd, noting they were all fixated on Siân. “Can I introduce Siân Price, Gwen’s sister? Her family are staying with me over New Year.” He then went round the group, naming each for Siân, who grinned and greeted appropriately.
They were bought drinks and room was made for them to sit. There followed the usual conversations gaining further information and explaining how long the various members had known him, and some banter about him having such a pretty girlfriend, in which David noted Ozzy did not join, but looked uncomfortable.
It was some time into the evening when David noticed Desmond beginning to relax. He had been tense for about an hour.
“Hey Des,” David joked, singling him out. “I note that Alex is once again missing. I phoned him earlier and he’s apparently got a date tonight. I haven’t seen him for weeks, if it’s the same girl it must be getting serious.”
“Er ... Yes,” Des muttered.
Then Ozzy jumped in, this time thankfully not at David’s expense, “but Alex said he was coming here tonight, Des. Change of plan?”
The discomfort in the group was palpable. Bill added his piece, “Perhaps he doesn’t want us to meet her, eh, Des?”
Sally looked very uncomfortable. “More likely his woman doesn’t like pubs,” she offered. “They’ll have gone straight to a club.”
Ozzy made to speak but suddenly looked pained, and David surmised that someone had kicked him under the table.
Justin, Desmond’s friend, proclaimed it was his round and who was drinking, and the release of tension was almost audible. By the time he’d returned, and everyone had thanked him and taken the first sip, the conversation had moved on to Wales versus England Rugby, and the banter flowed freely.
At ten thirty, David phoned for a taxi.
“Well, folks,” he said, “Siân and I have tickets for the Green Parrot to let the New Year in, so we’ll take our leave of you all. So Happy New Year!”
The response was noticed by Siân but not by David. Most of the group wished them Happy New Year, but Sally and Des looked startled then worried. She noticed Sally busy phoning on her mobile as she and David made their exit.
In the back of the taxi Siân remarked, “Strange dynamic in that group. Some of them, like Des and Sally knew more than they were saying. I think they know who the girlfriend is. I think the others were just puzzled. I remember Alex from the funeral. He was so good. He’s your closest friend from way back?”
“Yes, he is, of all my friends, he was the one who would not give up on me, even when I was impossible to get on with. He organised Celia to turn up precisely when I couldn’t go on any longer. He’d been keeping her from me until then, judging the exact time she would be successful in moving in and looking after me and the children.”
“But you haven’t seen him recently.” It was a bald statement and he caught an undertow. He wondered where her thoughts were going. She did not elaborate.
David thought about that. “No,” he said. “After Gwen’s death, he’d come over some weekends since I couldn’t get out, and we’d have a night in, but since Celia’s been there, he’s not been round. I mean, Saturdays are when he goes clubbing, picking up girls, so he’s never in then. One Friday I invited him to come over for a night in with Celia and me, but he said he was meeting the gang at the pub, so I went as well. Another Friday when Celia was away on her night off, I tried, but he was out.”
She looked thoughtful. “So he was never at home on Saturday nights, but on Friday nights he was in when Celia was at home with you, but you couldn’t reach him on the Fridays she was off.”
“Well, yes, if you put it like that.”
Siân arrived on Sunday afternoon to a rapturous welcome from Evan and a welter of nonsense syllables from Bethan, whose grin more than made up for her lack of intelligible conversation. Siân had brought warmer weather and her own warmth and affection with her. They were sitting in the living room after the evening meal and after the children had been put to bed. “So tell me everything again about your cold war with Celia,” she said with an encouraging smile. He told her the whole story –...
“So,” said David’s mother, as they sat in the living room when they had put the children to bed after a tiring day for his parents. “Have you decided when Beth will be Christened?” “No,” he replied. “Life has been pretty hectic these last few weeks.” “You’re looking much better,” said his father. “Thanks to Celia,” David said. His father looked surprised. “Celia?” he asked. “I told you Celia had moved in with David,” said David’s mother. “Honestly. James, you don’t listen to a word I...
David’s parents, as he expected, accepted David’s announcement with equanimity, once he had assured them that Gwen’s parents had urged the couple to marry as soon as possible. His father did take him aside. “You remember years ago when you brought her home for the first time? What I said?” “You said it went without saying, then you said it anyway. She’s still very beautiful, Dad, very sexy, but she’s changed radically. She’s been through a lot of suffering, and she’s learned a lot. She’s...
David’s homecoming followed the same pattern for the week he had established on the first day. He would be greeted by his son, pick up Bethan for a cuddle, a play and a tickle. Celia would bring him an aperitif – a beer, G & T, or a dry sherry before they sat down to the evening meal, with Bethan close by him in her bouncy chair. He had to admit that Celia’s cooking had improved immensely, and found himself looking forward to finding out what delight she had in store each evening. There...
It was Tuesday, the second evening after David had ejected Celia. His first night alone had gone rather better than he thought it would. He had put some jazz on the music system and had a few beers before having a bath, doing the usual bedtime chores and going to bed. His emotions seemed to have gone to sleep ahead of him, and he slept well, going into work the next morning. However, the Tuesday evening was different: the house now felt very empty to him. He was feeling low, despondent,...
Next morning, Friday, the sun was streaming through the bedroom window, lighting the curtains, when David came to consciousness. He glanced at the alarm clock and sat up with a start. Eleven thirty! The children! He leapt out of bed and grabbed his dressing gown, throwing it over his body as he ran to Evan’s room. It was empty. Then to Beth’s. Empty again. Then he heard Evan’s voice, obviously playing with a toy. He went downstairs. It took seconds between his leap from bed to his reaching...
David arrived at work a little late, but he was the boss. He remembered that Marissa had taken the day off so it meant that he was catching up all day and that particular Friday was a busy one. The financial storm clouds were gathering, and the banks were looking dodgy. He could only see big trouble ahead and a recession which would hit the company. At the end of the day, he sat back and caught his breath. Everyone else had gone home and the only people left in the building were the...
Next morning, New Year’s Day 2009, the two families watched the Viennese concert and ate Christmas Cake and chocolate torte with whipped cream, along with Scottish Coffee (with whisky cream liqueur), after which David’s parents made their departure, followed in the evening by the Welsh contingent. Siân’s parents seemed very happy to leave her behind. As they cleared the debris and tidied up, David said “I think we need to talk about last night.” Siân stopped her tidying briefly. “OK,” she...
David and Siân decided they would sleep together all night and get up early. In any case, David was going to work. This time she came to bed in her bra and knickers and invited him to strip her of them, which somehow made her nudity more erotic. They made simple missionary love that night and fell asleep in each other’s arms. They rose at six, and were in the kitchen with Siân feeding Bethan at six-thirty when they heard Celia’s key in the lock. Celia must have seen the lights on, and so...
David felt good to be back looking after the children on his own, cooking their evening meal, and feeding Beth. It was fun to watch Beth crawling, and beginning to make sounds approaching the odd word. Evan asked for paper and crayons and spent time drawing or rather scribbling on the paper, telling David what his pictures were about, for which David was grateful. He bathed both children together, and after drying and dressing Beth in her night clothes and putting her in her cot, did the...
As he drove back to his house, it became clear to him that to all intents and purposes his relationship with Celia was over. It was a matter of time really. He felt a sinking feeling of depression. Now a new worry came over him, would he be able to affect ignorance? He need not have worried. Celia was her usual loving self, and her affectionate hug and kiss when he arrived did not seem to have any reservation. It was enough for him to have a flash of doubt as to whether he had heard her on...
Early in his sexual career, as a teenager, David had been educated by a very actively sexy girl, Jackie Shanley, who took him in hand (and mouth), and afterwards patiently explained about foreplay. She talked about setting the scene, the atmosphere, then remote foreplay. “Girls have erogenous zones all over the body,” she explained. “Boys know about kissing and about boobs and bum, but when they go for those straight away it’s a disappointment. There are other areas that turn a girl on.” At...
They married the following May in the Wesleyan Chapel that Gwen’s family attended, and they took over the one hotel in the area for the weekend. Tom, David’s brother, was Best Man and Siân, Gwen’s sister, the only Bridesmaid. Among the guests was Celia of course. Gwen had invited her after they had agreed it was only right since she was Gwen’s best friend, and David’s ex-partner. Gwen thoughtfully paired her off with Alex in the invitation. As usual, Celia made a big impression on the males...
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On Friday he phoned Alex. “D’you fancy coming round for some beer at home? Celia is out on the town, so I’m housebound.” There was a moment’s pause before he replied. “Sorry old son, I’m out on a date. How about Saturday at the pub?” “That would be good, but if you came to mine instead, Celia would be there and the three of us could have an evening in together. I’ve plenty of beer in. You never see Celia and me at the same time. It would relieve her of another boring evening in.” Another...
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Without Love Part two. The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her meagre wage allowed; the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she may as well be on another planet. It was not long before the...
First TimeMyself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...
Myself Bhama Chouhan, I am divorced due to some circumstantial situations, I’m 30 and have a four-year-old child, but he lives with my parents and I live all alone. It’s not so that my parents don’t support me, but it’s me who want to stand on my own feet. I have a perfect figure of 34 by 32 by 34, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist fucking me. I am a white beauty and sun usually turns me red. I got puffy lips, tight boobs, broad waist, broad thighs and up straight bums. My...
I bet that got your hands moving. You have maternity leave if you choose not to use those golden slippers. Mandy’s parents rushed through the title paperwork for the new cars, houses, and everything else to do all the things to make the house I gave them as theirs free and clear, well except for property taxes, which in that area is less than three months of rent on the trailer where they previously lived. The place in my head showed that Mandy and her mom didn’t have their cycles in sync....
Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 21, 2005 First a brief report on events in Corvallis. Thursday morning Julia had called my cellphone to tell me what to wear to school. When I didn't answer her call to my cell, Julia called her home's landline. When no one answered that she successively called her parents' and Ava's cellphones, alerting my family with her increasingly frantic concerns while the phones were ringing unanswered. Thus the discovery process started thirty minutes earlier...
The phone interrupted Peter. ‘You’re wanted. It’s urgent and I can’t handle this one.’ Mark sounded worried. ‘I’ll be back in a minute.’ Peter tossed the words back at Jennifer and Andrew as he charged down the stairs to his office. Mark held out the phone. It was Susie calling from next door. ‘Get in there and fight. I saw her enter the workshop. You know she’s special, so fight for her.’ ‘I am fighting for her, and yes, she certainly is special.’ Peter threw in a quick reply but Susie had...
Sadly, Bob and Ted felt a little neglected through all these preparations, although at times Jennifer and Peter joined them to all go out together with Ruth and Karen who seemed to be the permanent partners for Ted and Bob. Things were changing in Peter’s apartment, too. The place was subtly altered and Jennifer’s clothes seemed to take up all the available space. Eventually April arrived and Peter’s bachelor days were almost at an end when he drove Jennifer to Mascot airport. ‘Goodbye,...
This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten chapters long it follows the story of a group of people involved in an investigation into the serial attacks on homeless women. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Laying in bed and staring up at the ceiling...
Sunlight streaming into his eyes brought Peter around. Into the pain flooded the thought, ‘My head aches. Why are the drapes open? The light is too strong.’ The thoughts seemed to smash pound behind his eyes like a blacksmith’s hammer forging a horseshoe as he staggered under the shower. He knew his hangover was causing pain. With the hot needles of spray stabbing his skin, he retraced the events of the previous night. ‘Can’t I get anything right? I’ve insulted the one girl who attracted me,...
Three weeks had passed without any further contact from Peter. His lack of communication confused Jennifer’s family. They wondered if he would ever return. In her familiar surroundings, Jennifer was recovering, but without Peter’s presence, she was unable to accept that he was alive. To avoid the possibility of upsetting Jennifer, Elizabeth, Eric and Andrew could only talk of Peter when she was not present. Then things seemed to change, when early one morning the RSM handed Elizabeth a...
Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and said, “MAMA.” After dinner was over and the dishes done grandma, suggested Rick and I go for a walk around the ranch. She told me she...
JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the...
Sometimes in life, you are given opportunities that require you to make a choice. There are good choices, bad choices, and then there are choices that you just didn't think through. This story is about the latter.The air was hot and dry in sunny Las Vegas, but Cody and Elise weren’t feeling it’s scorching heat as they floated in the lazy river of the MGM Grand. It was Christmas time, so the hotel was almost empty. These two were not complaining though.Like most young passionate couples whose...
Mind Control‘Alexa!... get over my knee!’ ‘Oh no!’ ‘Over my knee now’ ‘Please no’ ‘If you don’t get over my knee immediately, and take your spanking, I'll cane, strap and tawse you before you leave’ 'What about the slipper?' 'That as well' 'What about the paddle?' 'Oddly enough in the circumstances, I haven't got one with me!' This had been the scene some twenty minutes previously. She had carefully positioned herself over my lap and I had smoothed her dress over her bottom and...