Female Without Choice free porn video

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Female without Choice By: Rachael Free Here I sit, dressed in a slinky, little black dress, silky panties and hose, a very tight corset showing off my very large breasts and all made up with my long beautiful hair. My long red nails show off how delicate my hands are and the rings and jewelry are very feminine. I have been told to sit here and wait as Bev finishes dressing. How could I ever have agreed to this or even let this happen to me? I'll never know. I guess it all started the day she found me dressed in her favorite work suit, makeup and all, like some little tart. I knew I should have been more careful. Now my life has changed dramatically and I'm afraid will change even more in the near future as we prepare for the rest of our life. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz It was just another Saturday and it was time to have some fun as my wife, Bev, was out shopping with her best friend for the day. I knew it took her almost an hour to even get to the stores, so there would be plenty of time for me to get dressed and be Francine for the day. My name is Ted, I'm 27 and I'm a crossdresser. As usual, I unpacked my things, selected my lingerie, made sure my face was shaved very smooth and then began the transition into my girly alter ego. Over the years I perfected how fast I could change leaving me time to be a girl. My legs didn't have much hair so my silky hose looked fine without needing to shave. I probably had three hairs on my chest which didn't cause any problem for low cut dresses or blouses either. I always wore longer sleeved blouses or dresses so I didn't have to shave my arm pits or my arms even though the hair was blonde and fine. Francine emerged from the bathroom perfectly made up, in a tight, short skirted business suit (pink of course), matching heels and purse and a beautiful red curly wig. Bev and I were about the same size and I could fit into her clothes with a few exceptions. I didn't dress often in her clothes though and usually settled on my own things. Today was a thrill as I donned her favorite business suit. The tightness of the suit reminded me of how compliant I had to be dressed as a secretary. My lips were colored in a frosty shade of pink making me look like a very pretty woman. My perfume (Giorgio) matched my wife's for the day so she would have trouble picking up the fragrant smell on me when she returned. I made sure I hugged her a lot, getting her perfume smell on me and my clothes before she left. Pretty smart, eh? Francine had some cleaning to do (honey do list from "her" wife) and proceed to dust and vacuum. Of course the drapes were open and passer bys saw a pretty woman doing housework inside. Luckily we live on a main street without many homes around so any neighbor catching me would be very remote. I was pleased with my work and sat to have a glass of wine. I just loved how my lipstick prints left a mark on the sides of the glass. I got all tickly inside. Too bad I couldn't do my nails. Not enough time today. I love how perfectly polished nails compliment how feminine my hands look when they hold a glass of wine, or even play with a big dildo. I sat at the computer and connected with another girlfriend I met online. As Francine, I'm very submissive and love chatting with strong girls, even real girls too. They seem to be even more controlling and love girly boys. I was lost in my own world when I heard a key in the door. Who could it be? No one but the two of us had a key to our home. We had no children and our relatives love so far away, no one has a key. It must be Bev and am I in a world of hurt. I had no where to go and no where to hide. All my stuff was still out on our bed and my makeup was everywhere in our bathroom. All my fears of being caught had come to reality. Not knowing what to do I just sat there frozen to my chair. It didn't take too long before she rounded the corner of my den and saw me in all my glory. Her hand went to her mouth, more in shock than anything else. She just stood there looking at me and I could tell she was getting mad. Here eyes seemed to blaze as she lowered her hand. Both hands went to her hips as she walked over to me. "Stand up!" she shouted. I jumped up as fast as I could. In my 3 inch heels and with hers on we stood eye to eye. "So this is what you do when I'm gone. What do you have to say for yourself? Are you queer or something? Do you like men's cocks? Do you want a pussy?" The questions just came coming as I couldn't even say a word. After she was done asking questions and degrading me, she told me to stay dressed but get out of her sight, she had some thinking to do. I left the room and went to our bedroom to clean up my things. Bev sat at the computer and saw my active chats. I don't know what she did but now she knew everything. I made sure my things were picked up, my makeup back in my case and just sat in a chair in our room wondering what would come next. Bev came in to the room about an hour later and looked down at me with my legs crossed in a very feminine manner. I was used to acting the part when I dressed and it felt natural to cross my legs and put my hands on my knees. "My but aren't you the girly one," she said as she looked in my makeup case and through my suitcase. "So, you like to dress up and play with your other girlfriends on line? Do you ever meet them? Do you suck their cocks?" More questions. "Well do you?" I sheepishly told her no and that it was all fantasy. I had no interest in a man or his cock and I didn't want my own pussy. This was just a release for me from all the stress in my life. She laughed saying, "Stress! You don't have any stress. Your job is almost on auto pilot and you work in a boring bank from 9 to 5 everyday. What stress?" Well maybe using stress as an excuse wasn't the best tactic at the moment. I mumbled some more things and she just looked at me with disgust on her face. "Well if you're going to act like a girl, then so be it. I want to see all your things. If I'm not pleased, we are going shopping to make sure you have all the essentials. You want to be a girl, then that's what you will be." I knew I was in trouble but she really seemed pissed. Maybe I could calm her down and talk about this later. "Hurry up now. I don't have all day. The stores will be closing soon." She was dead serious and I began holding up my clothes for her as she asked my how I matched my colors and fabrics. She got a kick out of how ridiculous I must look in some of the clothes and said they would never work. She even had me show her all my bras, panties, corsets and garters getting a kick out of my breast forms. She saw enough when she told me to get my purse and follow her. I checked my face in the mirror and thought I looked OK. Running after her out of the room I nearly fell when she stopped directly in front of me. "Before we go anywhere missy, you need to freshen up your lipstick." I went back the bathroom, got out my pink tube of lipstick and applied a fresh coat to my lined lips. She was right behind me telling me to use some tissue and purse them together and then put on another coat. This way the lipstick would last longer. She also had me put a light coat of gloss over the top making my lips glisten in the light. She sprayed some more perfume on me, very heavy, saying a girl needs to smell her best. I knew I was wearing way too much but couldn't object too much in my current state. "Come along now, I want to do some more shopping. We have a lot of things to get." It was still winter and she let me use her Fox fur coat. It was warm inside as we got in the car, her driving of course. She didn't say a word on the way to the mall. Instead of going to the one an hour away, we went to a local mall close to home. I hoped no one was there that I knew. I would be humiliated beyond belief. After parking, Bev had me follow her, almost running after her in my heels trying to keep up. Once inside I loosened my coat and walked behind her as we immediately went to Victoria's Secret. I had been here before shopping for Bev as well as myself. This time though, I was dressed as Francine. Bev walked around holding up all sorts of bras, panties, teddies and other feminine things as she whispered to a salesgirl. I saw the girl smile and nod as she selected some bras and matching panty sets. She walked up to me and told me I could try them on in the fitting room. Bev had asked the girl to make sure they fit and she measured me on the floor as well as joining me in the fitting room. This was very embarrassing but Bev didn't seem to care. Of course she knew I was a guy but didn't seem to flinch. The girl helped me off with my top, undid my bra and helped me with my new bras, making sure my breast forms fit perfect. She acted like a true professional as I just kept quiet, not saying a word. She commented on how the bras fit, how they showed off my cleavage, and how pretty I looked in them and recommended I take the time to attach them to my chest for a better fit. Attaching the forms would also let me feel how real breasts feel and react to movements but I really did have to shave off all that nasty hair under my arm pits. I blushed from embarrassment but she told me that she's helped other "girls" in transition and she was happy to help me. What in the world did Bev tell this girl? I left on one of the bras and the new style and fit did compliment my suit top better. She also undid a button to show off some of my cleavage. Bev had her hands full of slips, teddies, hose and more bras and panties as we headed to the cash register. I had to pay with my credit card and our salesgirl just giggled as she rang up my purchases. We walked out with three large bags of finery with our heels clicking away as we went to an upscale woman's store. Inside the store, we were immediately approached by a woman who asked if she could help us. Bev whispered to this woman too and a big smile came to face. She came up to me and took my arm saying, "Now sweety, just you take care and relax. You are in such good hands. When you leave here, you will be the prettiest girl on the block." Now what did Bev tell this woman? We tried on dress after dress, skirts and blouses, jumpsuits, sleek slacks and tops, and even short and long cocktail dresses. At the end of our little escapade, my arms were full of bag after bag of dresses, skirts, suits and even a long gown. It was getting late so Bev decided it was enough for today. We would do some more damage tomorrow. Bev opened the door for me as I put all my things in the back seat. She opened the passenger door too and watched I sat down, making sure I smoothed out my dress under me and then carefully slid my legs and feet into the car. She laughed saying I looked so femmy. We went home and we unpacked all of my new things. Bev carried them to the guest bedroom, making room for new clothes. She also cleaned out a few dresser drawers, folding my new panties, bras and other unmentionables and arranging them in the guest dresser drawer. She even sprayed a light mist of perfume over them to make sure they smelled feminine. "OK missy, what should I call you? I can't call you Ted now can I?" I blurted out, "Francine". "Very nice indeed, then Francine it is. So Francine, what shall we do tomorrow? I have an idea, you need more shoes and I think pierced ears are on the agenda. I know a great place for earrings and a very expensive shoe store that will tickle you. Clean off your makeup and get yourself undressed. Here, put this on too. After you're done, come see me in the den." She threw me a long, silky nightgown with matching panties and pink mules. "OH, by the way. Before you some out, put a fresh coat of red lipstick on too. I love that color." I hung up my pink suit, put my pink shoes in the closet and folded my bra up putting it in the dresser drawer. My panties needed washing. I had leaked all over them with all the attention throughout the day. They smelled and they needed to be washed out along with my pantyhose. The makeup came off with no problem and I even moisturized my face. Satisfied with removing my makeup, I retrieved my panties and hose and went to the den. Bev saw me carrying my soiled undies and immediately told me to go wash them and hang them in the bathroom so they could dry. A woman always needs clean underwear and I needed to make sure I hand washed all my finery fro now on. The soap was scented and I made sure all my fluids were cleaned off of the fabric. I hung them on a coat hanger making sure they would dry evenly. I joined Bev back in the Den and she told me to look at the screen. She was looking at a corset store online. She liked a few of them but wanted to know my opinion. I loved the frilly, red and black satin one the best but she told me it wasn't very functional. She looked and chose a basic, long line model with a lot of spandex and rubber for firm control. She then chose another with very rigid stays for a form fitted look. She also picked one that said it would take at least 6-7 inches off anyone's waist measurement. She giggled with excitement as she had me give her my credit card. The next online store had more realistic women's breast forms. She bought two sets. One set was to fit my current bra size and then one of the largest forms made so she could play with me. She laughed saying I would need some new bras for these puppies. Bev really seemed to get into all this and then said I needed to go to bed. She had some more shopping to do online and I needed my beauty sleep. My beauty sleep. This was getting really weird now. I was hungry and tired from all the shopping and did look forward to going to sleep. I walked to our room and got under the covers when I felt her hand grab the covers and throw them off of me. "No you don't little lady. I'm no lesbian. All your new clothes are in the other room. You sleep in the guest bedroom from no on. I only sleep with real men." She pulled my arm and I knew she meant business. I trotted down the hall and got myself into bed in the guest room. I was scared to think what would come next but fell asleep very fast. I woke to Bev yelling at me telling me I had to get up and make her breakfast. "And make sure you have some new lipstick on!" she yelled. I got up, washed off my face, and put on some new lipstick. I looked kind of stupid in my gown, slippers and lipstick. Bev had coffee and read the paper as I fixed her some eggs, bacon and toast. She ate without saying a word and as soon as I put a plate down for me she told me to give it to her. She said I would ruin my girly shape eating all this stuff and I needed to go on a diet. Grapefruit, a cup of low fat cereal with skim milk and yogurt were the only things allowed in the morning. Lunch and Dinner meals would be discussed later. I ate my cereal, grapefruit and yogurt but felt empty inside. Once I had finished she told me to go clean up, make sure I moisturized, shaved my arm pits and the rest of my body so I was smooth all over. She told me she would have some things for me to wear when I was ready. I knew I couldn't use our bathroom so I showered in the guest bath. This treatment was very harsh and soon I would have to put an end to it. I knew she was still mad so I just let her vent. I'm sure she would come to her senses soon. After shaving everything and only a few nicks later, I walked into our bedroom. On the bed was a white bra, pink panties, my gaff, a short black leather skirt, a frilly white see through top, silky hose and 4 inch heels. My breast forms were also on the bed. Bev told me to lay down as she inspected my body for hair. Once satisfied, she applied some glue to the back of the breast forms and then to my chest, matching up the form to my chest and then removing it to let it dry a bit. She said the glue would hold on harder if it set a bit. I waited for about five minute and she took one form, positioned it in place and pressed down the edges. It fit like a glove and the seams were very tight The next one was applied and I was told to wait a few more minutes until it set completely. Bev then had me sit up to put on my gaff, making sure I tucked myself away. The panties looked great with only a little bulge just like a girl. A pair of silky hose were next and I rolled them up my legs like I had done many times before. Bev said, "It looks like your pretty good at this. You may not need as much help as I thought." It was a compliment but I knew she was taking a stab at me. I took the bra and hooked it together, sliding it around my body as I had seen Bev do so many times. This time though, I had my own tits. It was a little more difficult but once in place, the cups gently covered the forms and my nipples poked through the flimsy bra material. Bev insisted on non-padded bras so I could show off my nipples. The blouse was a see through number and you could see the white bra underneath. Bev had me sit down and she went to work on my makeup. In a matter of minutes, I was transformed from a man into a very sexy woman. Bev helped me with my wig and sprayed me with some of her perfume. The skirt was next and fit perfect. I loved leather skirts. I felt very soft and feminine in them. The blouse didn't hide anything. Nothing was hidden from view and my chest was quite a sight. I would be getting quite a few stares today. I stepped into a pair of white, patent leather heels as Bev attached an ankle chain. She didn't want me to put on and finger polish. She had a special surprise for me today. I stood up, looked in the mirror and loved how I looked. Bev scurried around and told me to get out of the way while she finished. I walked to our kitchen and sat down, waiting for her. Bev finally finished and came into the room throwing my pink purse at me and then a black clutch purse. "Make sure you transfer everything over and use the new wallet I have inside." I looked inside and I found a small pink little wallet with a flower embroidered on the front. She had me take out all my cards, ID and money and transfer them to the new wallet. She took my men's black wallet and used scissors to cut it into pieces. "You won't be needing this old thing any more." I transferred all my things, tampons and all, into my new purse. Bev gave me the Fox fur again and off we were on another adventure. The first stop was at a select woman's shoe store. I noticed some of the prices and the lowest I saw was $100. Bev had me measured as I waited for some selections. She chose all the looks, heel heights and colors as we tried on shoe after shoe. Walking in some of the 5 and 6 inch numbers was a bit tough. Three to four inch heels were the easiest for me to manage. We even tried on some boots with stiletto heals. Bev couldn't resist having me buy the thigh high, jet black boots with 5 inch stiletto heels. I knew she had something in mind. After an hour, we finally paid for our purchases. I had six new pairs of heels and a pair of kinky boots. Bev bought three pairs for herself and naturally, I paid for everything. Next we were off to her salon. Even though it was Sunday, her friend told her she would open it just for us and to use the back door. We pulled up to the salon and knocked on the door. Her brined Sally was waiting with another young girl. They kissed and Sally gave me the once over saying I looked very pretty already. I'm sure Sally and the young girl knew about everything about me. Sally had me sit in a chair and her assistant came up to me with a gun and pressed it to my ear. I felt a sting and a click and I now had small hole in my ear. This process was done three more times and now I had my ears pierced twice in each ear. I was to only wear studs for a few days until my ears healed and Bev chose some larger fake diamonds and pink colored gems to match. Then I could wear almost any kind of pierced earring. I was also asked to raise my blouse and the girl pierced my belly button. A short rod was inserted and I could change that out too in a few days. Next came the manicure. My hands were soaked, filed, roughed up and then a set of acrylic nails with ? inch nails were tightly secured to my fingers and molded into place. They were painted a very deep red shade that stood out in the light. I was told the glue would never come off and I would need to be retouched in a few weeks. How would I ever hide these things at work? The pierced ears and fingernails were beginning to become a problem. I was told to remove my heels and hose and was given a pedicure too. I loved how they massaged my legs and feet and took care to file them. Matching red polish was applied and I was allowed to put my hose back on after they dried. Putting on my pantyhose was an experience. My new nails kept catching on the silky fabric and Bev scolded me not to ruin my new hose. I finally succeeded in pulling them up my legs and tucking everything away without an incident. Sally's assistant just watched and giggled as I struggled with my new nails. Sally had me sit in a chair and proceeded to apply some more makeup to my face. I wasn't allowed to look until she was finished but told me I looked great. Bev and Sally kissed cheeks as we grabbed our coats. I was finally able to look at myself in the mirror and the combination of my new polished, red nails, my glistening earrings and the dark, heavy makeover with bright red lipstick reminded me of a slutty hooker. Bev told me I looked just fine and we were now off to somewhere else. I didn't know what else Bev had planned. Bev pulled into an entrance and I looked up at the neon sign flashing above us. It was a casino. We were going to strut ourselves in public with me looking like a hooker in my see through blouse, leather skirt and slutty makeup. Bev pulled into valet parking where a nice young man opened the door for me. I could tell he was eyeing me up and down and even trying t get a peak under my skirt. Making sure I kept my legs together, I took his hand as he lifted me out of the car. I slipped a bit and he caught me in his arms. I smiled at him as he helped me regroup. I could tell he liked what he saw. Bev came around and slapped my hand telling me to quit flirting. She took my arm and led me into the casino. We deposited our coats and almost immediately, were hit on by several men. My state of dress didn't help much. In fact, there wasn't much to the imagination in my get up. Bev and I walked through the casino watching the gamblers. I found something very interesting though. As we walked around, I kept noticing security guards behind us and watching us. I'll bet they thought we were hookers. Why wouldn't they with the way I was dressed and my makeup. We sat in a circular booth in the lounge and had a few drinks when we were approached by two guys. Just think about the seventies and the unbuttoned shirts and hairy chest. I almost burst out laughing but it was apparent these guys thought they were hot. They sat next to us, as close as they could and I could smell the bad aftershave on my suitor. Bev played along and flirted as I tried ignoring my "date". Bev said she needed to use the ladies room and took my hand as we excused ourselves. Once inside the bathroom, Bev looked at me and asked me how I liked being a girl now. I could tell she was a bit mad when she said, "You better start acting like one or else. You better make these two guys feel real special too missy" She was serious. She would probably out me to everyone in the casino, including our two new gentlemen friends. I nodded, understanding how serious she was when she told me to fix my lipstick. She handed me a tube that matched what Sally used on me and I applied a fresh thick coat. We rejoined the guys and my "date" pulled up close to me again. We were all inside a big booth and I felt a hand reach under the table and rest on my leg. I was scared and just let it go. He began caressing my leg as he reached around me with his arm and pulled me close to him. I tried sipping my drink but it was almost impossible. I glanced over and Bev and her date were hitting it off. He would act like he was biting her neck and then would kiss her cheek with Bev giggling. My date pulled me closer and had me almost face to face when he moved his head and pressed his lips to mine. This guy was kissing me. I could feel both arms around me as he held the back on my head, trying to part my mouth with his tongue. There was no breaking away from his grip as he finally succeeded in opening my mouth and shoving his tongue deep into my mouth. This really sucked but I remembered what Bev said and had to go with it. He was all over me, invading my mouth with his slimy, gooey tongue, licking my face and sticking his tongue in my ear, and even trying to suck on my neck. That was it, no hickies for me. I pulled back as far as possible and laughed at my lipstick smeared around his mouth. He looked at me weird as I took my napkin and wiped my lipstick from his face. He now knew he must have looked foolish and took the napkin to cover his face while he bolted out of the booth to the bathroom. Bev saw what he looked like and was laughing too. I wiped my face with another napkin and Bev helped fix me a bit and put some more lipstick on me. We laughed together as did Bev's date. My "date" came back and said he had it for the evening and was leaving. I think he was slightly embarrassed. His buddy kissed Bev and said goodbye leaving the two of us still in the booth. Bev commented on how I handled myself and that she was proud that he "didn't take advantage of me". We both laughed again and I seemed to feel more comfortable with the situation. Bev suggested we get out of the place and we walked arm in arm, getting our coats and heading home. The ride home was a little more enjoyable with Bev getting a kick out of our time in the Casino. I laughed too. Wouldn't be even more funny if he knew he was kissing a guy. Bev almost lost control of the car when I said that, laughing hysterically. We were like two girlfriends who flirted all night and were telling stories, not like husband and wife. We got home and made it inside. I hung up the fur and helped Bev with her coat. She took my hand in hers and leaned forward to me, softly kissing my luscious lips and then pressing her lips into mine, parting my mouth with her tongue. I could feel the passion begin to build as my tongue wrestled with hers. Our breathing increased and Bev's hands were all over me. "Baby, I really need you. I'm so horny." Wow, I thought being Francine turned her off but maybe I was wrong. She took my hand and led me to our bedroom. She unzipped my skirt and I let it fall to the floor. Her hands were running up and down my body, making me get very excited. She was even massaging my tits through my blouse. She told me to remove my blouse and I carefully unbuttoned it, with difficulty because of my new nails, but finally let it slip off of me too. I was standing right in front of my wife in some very pretty lingerie and my pretty tits. "OK, the hose and panties come off too." I kicked off my heels and quickly removed my pretty panties and hose. My dick was now very aroused and ready for action. I would never have thought anything like this would ever happen to me. Bev stroked my hair, kissed me gently and then pushed me back onto the bed. "OK baby, now it's time to pay the piper." Bev reached into a side table and got out a 7 inch vibrator. She licked it, put it in her mouth and smiled at me saying, "Roll over honey, your going to be a real woman tonight." My heart was pounding and I did exactly what she wanted. I rolled over exposing my bottom. My ass was in the air with a pillow under me as Bev hummed to herself and dripped some oil onto the crack of my ass. I felt her finger draw it down the crack and stop at my waiting hole. She played with my anus and then pushed her finger up inside of me. I squirmed a bit. It felt like a prostate exam I just had. She then inserted another finger and reamed my ass, stoking my insides and pushing her fingers in and out. I was responding by pushing back against her. She p[ulled her fingers out and I felt a vibration against my cheeks as she pushed the vibrator against my lovely hole. Bev then pushed it in slowly making me wiggle on the pillow. The thickness seemed to be a problem but she told me to relax, Mama would take care of everything. I tried not to think about the pressure or slight pain and relaxed my muscles as the vibrator found it's home buried in my ass. The vibration made my dick get even harder as she reamed me with the tool. I moaned and let out a few screams as she fucked my ass with the vibrator. I was now feeling very horny myself from all the sensations inside of me. Just then Bev pulled the vibrator out and told me to just lay there. Removing the vibrator made me feel empty but soon I would be full again. I felt Bev behind me again and felt another large item pushing against my ass. This thing was even larger than the vibrator as she eased her self forward, expanding my anus to accept a new tool. I looked in the mirror and saw Bev wearing a strap on with a huge cock sticking straight out in front of her. The pressure and pain was more than before and Bev didn't stop as she pushed against me, opening the hole wider to take her inside me. I felt like I was being torn apart. But she kept pushing against my ass. Finally I felt a knob pass my hole and slip inside me. Bev pushed it in further and deep within my bowels. There was still pain but also pleasure as she rode me, fucked me with her tool and called me her bitch. My body was on fire and I didn't want it to stop. I bucked up to meet her thrusts as she leaned forward, grabbing my tits and fucking me like the slut I am. I exploded onto the pillow, as she kept up the pace. My mind was lost in a euphoric feeling while I climaxed. It was the most violent orgasm I could ever imagine and savored the feeling while I kept getting fucked from behind. Bev could tell I climaxed and pulled out of me as I heard a plop as her cock pulled free from my ass. She slapped my ass very hard telling me what great little bitch I was. This was a moment I would never forget. I was totally satisfied even though I wasn't able to fuck my own wife. I laid on the pillow for a few minutes as Bev washed up. I finally got up, feeling how sore my ass was from the workout and still felling the sting of her swat. I waddled over to the bathroom where she told me to collect my things and go to my own room and go to sleep. I thought I would be sleeping with her but I guess not. I was dejected but still glad she felt something for me. I knew she was pissed and maybe after tonight she would loosen up a bit. The sun was shining and the covers were pulled up tight to my face. It was the best sleep I had in the past few weeks. Maybe the sex helped. I got up and used the facilities. I'm glad I removed my wig and makeup the night before. Looking in the mirror though was a 20 something man, wearing a long negligee and sporting a nice rack under the fine, silky fabric. Matching panties complimented the negligee. This was the first time I didn't need a bra. They were still attached and the weight and movements of my tits tickled me. They bounced a bit when I walked, responding like a real girls perky breasts. They also looked so natural in the negligee. I put on a matching robe and slippers and went to the kitchen for some coffee. Bev was sitting at the table with her coffee reading the paper. She had a donut in front of her and basically ignored me until I sat down. She lowered the paper and said, "OK Francine, let's get a few things straight. From now on you are going to be my maid, understand? I've already called your employer and told him you resigned. He wasn't surprised. He said you seemed to be struggling at work and he was going to recommend you look for another job anyway. My job can carry both of us and with you here at home, I don't need a housekeeper anymore, you can do the work." I sat there in disbelief as she went on saying, "Last night was a rarity that may never happen again. I'm into men, not women. You caught me at a very difficult time and I figured I better show you who's boss." I could only look ahead as she went on. "You will find that we will still be married but that I'm going to open the relationship so I can be pleasured. Do you have any problems with that?" I lowered my head and nodded saying no. "Good, so that?s settled. Now for the rules. Your going to be up before me every day, make breakfast for me, help me get dressed making sure my clothes are always washed and ironed and prepare my lunch for the office. Is that clear?" I just nodded again. "During the day you will wear a nice servants dress, fully made up with high heels. I expect the house to be spic and span when I get home at 6PM and dinner on the table. I will always call if we will be having visitors for dinner so you can make all the preparations. I expect you to paint your room in a nice pink color, hang matching drapes and make the room very girly. Also, I've ordered a few women's magazines that I expect you to read. I will be testing you on the articles too so don't miss anything." The lecture went on and on and on. I sat there listening about my new life. Bev wasn't going to listen to common sense and it sounded like she had this thing all planned out. My life as Ted would never be the same. "Oh and by the way Francine, I've set up an appointment at my doctor's office for you today at 1PM. The doctor has been prepped about your new desires and is going to help you achieve everything you desire. She even knows a local surgeon who does phenomenal work with transgendered girls. I'm sure you two will hit it off and she can get you on the right track." This was moving way too fast. How was I to stop it? "Here take these pills first. The doctor told me you can start on my birth control pills, the dosages are relatively small but it's a start. I won't be needing them with you anymore. Maybe I'll try another method soon with my new friends." I lowered my head and tears began to form in my eyes. "Oh don't go and cry. This is a glorious day. I'm going to help you become the woman you've always wanted to be." Bev got up and left the room. I had no job, was destined to serve Bev in our house as a maid, and would be on my way to becoming a real woman soon. This isn't what I wanted. I only wanted to dress up a little and have some fun as Francine. Could I ever stop this train wreck? Bev came into the kitchen as I still pondered my future. "Hurry up and get ready missy. I've laid out some clothes for you for today's appointment. I've left some money on the counter for your bus. I'm taking the car today and from now on. Also, I took all your current ID and credit cards out of your cute pink wallet so you don't have to worry about all those bills anymore. You better not be late and make sure dinner's on the table when I get home." She grabbed her coat and briefcase and was out the door, off to work. I dropped my head in my hands as Bev left. She was dead serious and it didn't look like anything was going to change her mind. Slowly I walked into my new room and saw the outfit she had selected for me. It was something a teenager would wear, not a girl in her twenties. There was a short jean skirt, a frilly pink top, white stockings with little bows at the top, pink 3 inch heels, and a pink bra and panty set. I would look ridiculous wearing something like this. Bev also had a shoulder length blonde wig on a stand for me to wear. This was very well planned out. Hot having any choice, I showered, shaved, put on some makeup making sure it wasn't too overboard, getting dressed in my new clothes, putting on a shorter wig and stepping into my heels. Looking back at me in the mirror was a reflection of a teenager with a huge set of tits. Bev also left a note wanting me to take a picture of myself, with the clock in the background, before I left. She really wanted to control the situation. It was noon and I had to get running. I set up the camera on a stand and took the digital photo as instructed. I grabbed her fur again, my purse and my keys to the house making sure I could get back in later. I'm sure glad there was no snow on the walkway to the bus stop. Walking in snow in my heels would have been a real pain. The bus pulled up and I dropped my money in the slot. I took a seat near the front. A guy was giving me the once over as I tried keeping my legs together and pulled my fur up close to me. The trip took 40 minutes and I got to the doctor's office just in time. On the door was Cr. Stephanie Taylor, OBGYN. Oh boy, this was a real woman's doctor, not just a woman doctor. I walked in and there were four women sitting in the lobby. This was very strange being in a woman's doctor's office, being the only man around. I tried to be quiet as I talked to the receptionist. She asked me to speak up and in my best high voice, I told her I was Francine West. She looked and said all she had was a Ted West. She also gave me the once over probably thinking I wasn't dressed appropriately. I mumbled and told her we were related. She looked back into the book and told me to have a seat writing down Francine on the chart. It would be about 30 minutes. I took a seat and picked up a magazine. Of course it was a woman's magazine and I sat there reading about makeup after five, what colors are best for my skin, how to look five pounds thinner and so on. One by one, the other women made there way to the back while others entered the office. This was a pretty busy place. I heard my name called and I got up and walked as casual as I could to the door. The nurse asked me to follow her where I was asked to remove my coat and shoes and step on the scale. My weight was 159 pounds. The nurse wrote it down and then took my blood pressure and pulse. Satisfied with the results, I was shown to an examining room. I was asked to disrobe down to only my bra, put on the paper gown and sit on the table. The doctor would be in soon. I took off my pretty things and sat on the table. There were two metal things sticking up on the end of the table with curved ends. I just sat there when I heard a knock. In walked a woman in her forties I guessed. She looked very proper, dressed in a business suit wearing a doctor's coat. She was reading the chart when she looked up at me. OK Francine is it, so why do you want to be a girl? I wasn't ready for the question and stumbled and stammered as she spoke again. "I know this is hard for you. Your wife briefed me on how you've always dressed as a woman at home, how you are more attracted to men than women, how you like anal sex over conventional sex with a woman, and basically how you have decided to go forward with your transition." I was speechless. This wasn't my desire. "She also said you may have second thoughts and that I wasn't supposed to listen to any of your complaints." My goose was cooked. Now what was I going to do? "OK little lady, I need you to move back on the table and put your feet in these stirrups." I complied and basically I was exposed openly to this woman I didn't even know. "I see you are very smooth and hairless. Your skin also feels very soft. I'm sure you like the way a woman's body feels under her fine lingerie, don't you now?" The doctor examined me, feeling my testicles, my dick, inserting her finger in my ass to feel my prostate, push on my stomach all over and then moved up to my upper body as she felt around my chest, felt my neck, checked my mouth and ears and finally checked my breathing. It seemed like a normal examination. Once she was done she said she needed some blood and once the nurse finished, to get dressed and join her in her office. Dr. Stephanie left the room and a nurse came back in with five vials to be filled. I hated giving blood and usually passed out. Well this time was no exception. I guess she took the blood when I was out because I heard her talking and felt a cold cloth on my forehead. "All finished little lady. Now that wasn't that bad now as it? You fainted for a bit so we quickly finished. Just lay back a few minutes until you can clear your pretty little head. Once you feel OK you can get dressed." I was embarrassed. I fainted while the nurse took my blood. How utter girly. In a few minutes I felt fine so I redressed in my white stockings, skirt blouse and grabbed my coat and purse. The nurse showed me to the doctor's office while I waited. The door opened and the doctor took a seat. She looked at the chart and then at me. "OK Francine. I'm used to helping girls transition so I want you to feel comfortable around me. You can ask me anything about how you feel, what changes will be occurring, how you handle the hormones or just about anything. I know this will be a slow transition and we will meet every two weeks while I monitor your success." I sat there taking everything in as she went on saying, "Now, being a girl, oh sorry, woman, requires both physical as mental preparations. I have a series of tapes for you to listen to that will help you prepare for the final changes in your life. To begin with, I'm going to hypnotize you so that the tapes can work more efficiently. So let's begin." The next hour went by in a blink. I woke up and felt very refreshed. I shook the doctor's hand and agreed to seeing her every week. She also gave me a bottle of pills telling me to take two a day. I almost skipped out of the office I felt so good. I don't know why but I didn't feel mad anymore, just happy with me. The bus ride was uneventful and I got home at 5PM. Oh no, I had to get diner ready. I put on an apron as I prepared chicken, broccoli and a potato. Dinner was ready as Bev pulled into the garage. I set a beautiful table for the two of us with candles and white wine. Bev came in and threw her coat and briefcase down. She didn't look happy. I was standing there waiting for her to notice the food when she sat down and began eating. I sat down too and she looked at me saying. "I eat alone. You eat after me, got it?" I just sat there as she finished her meal and left the room. I carefully ate my food and cleaned up the kitchen. I was a little upset because Bev didn't even seem to appreciate what I did for her. I walked into the living room and Bev was on the couch watching TV. "Come over here and rub my feet Francine. I also want to hear about your doctor visit today." I sat on the floor in front of her and began rubbing her feet. I chatted away about the office, the women, the nurses and the doctor and told her what the doctor said top me. I also told her about the tapes and pills. She smiled and patted my head saying I was a good girl. I felt proud that I made her happy. I rubbed her feet the next hour when she said she was going to take a bath. It was time for me to go to bed too. I had to get up early for her tomorrow and I needed to listen to my tapes. Not wanting to upset her I agreed and turned off the lights as I made my way to my room. My emotion's were all over the place. I was still very confused at what was happening as well as how fast Bev was pushing me into a new lifestyle. I took off my makeup, moisturized my face and skin, took off my wig and brushed it out a bit and changed into my silky negligee. The covers felt good and I quickly fell asleep. The buzzer woke me at 6AM. No time to waste as I quickly got myself together, put on some makeup, my wig and dressed in my servants dress. I was told to wear silky pantyhose and 4 inch heels everyday so after the once over in the mirror, everything seemed in place. The dress was pretty plain and had a frilly peter pan collar. There was lacy detail around the arms and the hem and also over each pocket. It zipped in the back making it a tight fit. One last check to freshen my lipstick and I was off to the kitchen. I made Bev some poached eggs and bacon with an English Muffin. She came in without a word, sat down and read the paper. Her coffee was poured and I stood there while she read the paper, ate her breakfast and finished her coffee. Again, not saying a word, she got up and went to her bedroom. I hurriedly picked up the kitchen. Bev came into the kitchen again, grabbed her coat and briefcase and before she left said, "OK Francine, I want the entire house vacuumed, the place dusted and I also want the silverware polished. Got it? Oh bye the way, I'm having a guest for dinner. Make something special." I nodded as she opened the door and left. I was being treated like a second rate citizen, not like her husband or even her servant. The day seemed to fly by as I moved from job to job. By four PM I was dead tired but had to get dinner ready. I set a nice table for two in the dining room knowing I wouldn't be joining her. I prepared two filets, some beans, a salad, and potatoes au gratin. The smells were fantastic. I heard her car and she came in, threw her coat down and went directly to the couch. She told me to bring her a glass of wine and I scurried to please her. The dinner was ready and waiting. The doorbell rang and she yelled at me to answer it. I made sure I looked printable and went to the door. I opened it only to find my old friend Roger standing there. I hadn't seen Roger in a few months since our last binge together chasing girls. Roger and I went way back into our college days before I met Bev. We were quite the pair, getting quite a bit of pussy and breaking a few hearts along the way. Roger smiled at me and I asked him in. I took his coat as Bev came up and hugged him. Bev then said, "I'd like you to meet my new housekeeper Roger. This is Francine." Roger put out his hand and I took it as he pulled it up to his face and kissed the back of my hand. "Francine, Bev has told me so much about you." What in the world did Bev say about me, or sorry, Francine? Roger and Bev went to the couch and sat together as I went to finish dinner. I served the plates and called them in. Roger then said, "Francine, this smells incredible. Filet's used to be Ted's favorite meal." What did he mean by "used to be"? I was confused. I served the meal and filled the glasses as Bev excused me. I was told to wait in my room until she called. Sadly, I went to my room and sat quietly while I heard laughing from the dining room. This went on for some time and then there was an eerie silence. Should I go check? No, I could get into trouble. I just sat there until I heard Bev yell down the hall. "Francine, you can clean up now." My feet hurt as I stood and went to the kitchen. The plates were still on the table and another bottle of wine was opened. I cleaned up the dining room and kitchen wondering what was next. I could hear giggling and laughing from the living room but stayed quietly in the kitchen. I heard Bev yell out again, "Francine, get us another bottle of wine and make it quick." My feet moved as fast as they could opening a new bottle and bringing it into the living room. Here was Roger on the couch with Bev, my wife, curled up next to him. I could tell they had been kissing with Bev's lipstick smudged on her face. I served the wine and then was told my services wouldn't be needed tonight. I was shooed away to my room and sat and cried. My wife, my old lover, my confidant was carrying on with my old best friend. In fact, I'm sure Roger didn't even recognize me. I put my head in my hands and cried. My crying fit lasted a while and I got myself together to undress, remove my makeup, and get ready for bed. I put on my silky gown and got up under the covers, put on my headphones and cried myself to sleep. The alarm rang at 6AM and I got up quickly to get ready for another day. Anew day, a new colored servants dress. Today was pink. I made sure my makeup accentuated the dress and fixed my hair. I even changed my earrings with small hoops. Maybe Bev would notice. The coffee was done, the breakfast made for one person and I waited for Bev to come to the kitchen. To my amazement, Roger walked in in only his boxers with Bev close behind. I put my hand to my face as Bev looked at the small plate of food and told me this wouldn't be enough. I was instructed to make some more food immediately. Without thinking, I jumped and made some more eggs and sausage. Bev and Roger were carrying on drinking coffee and sharing short kisses as I busily worked. In a short time I had some more food and they ate everything up. Bev left and Roger came up behind me and hugged me saying, "Ted old boy, you make much better woman than you did a man. I can't wait until I get to pop your cherry. I hope I get to be the first." I was mortified and humiliated. He knew about me. What was I gong to do? Roger left and I finished cleaning. Bev came in as usual and collected her things for work. She said, "Roger's changing and will be leaving soon. No don't go doing anything behind my back missy, he's all mine." I was actually disgusted she would even think I would or could do anything like that. Bev left and Roger came in soon thereafter swatting me on my ass. "Care to fool around sweety?" I kept my face away from his. My old best friend was now taking shots at me. This was way too much. Roger then said, "Ted, oh I mean Francine. Please clean out a few drawers for me in Bev's bedroom and some room for my suits and shirts in the closet. It seems I'll be around for some time." Another stab through the heart. The days and months followed with me tending to both Bev and Roger daily. I detested ironing and folding his underwear and socks, I also hated cleaning up the mess in the bedroom every morning. They didn't even have the decency to throw the used condoms away. I found them on dressers, in between the sheets, and even on top of lamp shades. Of course, the cum was always dripping out of them making me touch the wretched juice. My daily activities didn't change much from day to day. I became very adept at getting myself ready, tending to the two lovebirds, cleaning up the house, meeting Dr. Stephanie every week. My emotions seemed to be out of control a lot and I cried very easily. The doctor said it was very normal and to just let the tears flow. My testicles were shrinking and my dick seemed smaller. It never got hard anymore and it was easy to tuck away. My breast forms came off in the second month and my nipples became very puffy and sensitive. In a matter of months I was in padded bras and was developing a nice set of breasts for my own. Roger would always come by and tweak my nipples, making me blush from the attention. Five months went by and then ten. It was now a year after Bev found out about Francine. Even Bev seemed to soften up around me not being as mean to me as she was at first. I was even allowed to have dinner with them during the week but always tended to cleaning up by myself. Roger now lived with Bev full time. One thing I found strange was that I didn't find any condoms in the room in the past month. Maybe they were improving and throwing the evidence away. One morning Bev came into the kitchen and held my hands. She never did this so I wondered what was happening. She hugged me and told me she was going to have a baby. I was upset, confused and happy all at the same time. Bev and Roger were going to be parents. I could tell she was ecstatic and told her I was happy for her. She told me she wanted me to be the nanny. Wow, now I would be the nanny of my wife's baby. She then said, "But of course, you and I have to divorce so I can marry Roger. You understand, don't you Francine?" She then went on saying, "And I want you to be able to breast feed the baby. I don't have the time with my job and all. You're a sweetheart Francine." Well my breasts were now a C cup and my aereola and nipples looked like any other girls from all the hormones. Bev had checked with Dr. Stephanie and she said she could make it happen. I don't know how but I would be caring for my ex wife and ex best friends baby. I met with Dr. Stephaine the next week and she discussed the hormone changes I needed as well as my options. By now I was pretty useless in the male department and she recommended that I do the final surgery to make my transition complete. I was already prepared for this day and agreed. The next week I was whisked into surgery where I now was a complete woman. Bev even hired a nurse to care for me at home while I recovered. By now, my body looked very female and I now sported a beautiful pussy with a very sensitive clit and lovely labia. Just think, over a year ago I was a normal man chasing girls and here I was now, a sexy woman with a pussy. After recovering, I got back to my daily chores but Roger seemed to treat me different. He would help me do things, help with the breakfast and dinner and even compliment me on how I looked that particular day. Bev didn't seem to notice anything odd but I sure felt it. One night Bev called and said she had clients in and she wouldn't be home for dinner. She was now in her sixth month and Roger had been cut off for quite some time. I decided to make the two of us filets and fixings and we had a wonderful dinner together. He suggested I put something on other than my servant's uniform and I joined him and a very plain, short black dress. By now I didn't need a wig and my hair was curled around my face making it look thinner and more feminine. My breasts filled the cups of my bra and you could see them bulge out of the top of the dress. My legs were encased in very silky hose and I wore 4 inch heels. Quite frankly, I felt wonderful having dinner with Roger. Dinner was great and I cleaned up with Roger helping. We finished and he suggested we sit on the couch and have some wine. The lights were down low and the fireplace was lit. It was very comfortable as we sat looking at the fire and sipping our wine. Roger reached out and took the glass out of my hands. He put the glasses down and reached over to me, planting his soft, wet lips on mine. The last man I kissed was the icky guy in the casino. This kiss however was sweet, tender and soft. My head laid back as he moved around me and took me into his arms. I could feel his strength as our lips met again, this time with more passion. My arms flew around his neck and we kissed as only lovers can. His hands roamed my body, cupping my breasts, playing with my nipples and even putting his hand on my leg and under my dress. The emotions and feelings were taking over as I succumbed to his advances. I used to know all of Rogers tricks but didn't care at that moment and just wanted to surrender to this man. In a matter of minutes I was down to my bra and panties on the couch. Roger was down to his boxers sporting a huge hard on. I licked my lips as he sat back on the couch and I proceeded to suck on his swollen cock. My lips, mouth and tongue worked on his throbbing member until he came in my mouth. I wanted to please Roger and made sure I swallowed all of his warm seed. When he finally subsided I made sure I cleaned him with my tongue. He was stroking my head as I laid on his lap feeling very content. Roger was still hard though as lifted my hand, helping me up and onto the couch. He reached for my panties and hooked the sides in his fingers, slowly pulling them off of me. My pussy was now very wet from pleasing this man and Roger went down on me. This was the first experience I had as a new woman and his tongue and lips felt incredible. I was getting very excited and he knew it. I was ready to explode a few times and Roger eased up holding back the rush. I felt him pull away as he lowered himself onto me and guided his erect cock into my hot pussy. I wanted him badly and he was very careful not to hurt me. I had made sure I had followed all the instructions for proper dilation but I was going to be fucked by a real man and a real cock. Roger took his time as his cock entered my wet hole. It slid in without any pain and Roger started fucking me with all his might, thrusting his cock deep into my hot pussy. The feeling was overpowering and I found myself lost. The orgasm came without warning and my eyes opened to a jolt of electricity as I exploded. I screamed out in ecstasy. It was really mind blowing. I had never experienced anything like that before and held him tight so I could feel another. He kept pumping and I was hit with another mind bending jolt of pleasure. Roger kept fucking me as I orgasmed again pulling him close to me as our bodies moved in rhythm. I didn't hear any noise or any door open but I did regain some sense of reality when I saw Bev standing in the room with her hands on her hips. Roger was still pounding my pussy to kingdom come as I tried to speak. I could only get out a few words when Roger looked up and saw Bev too. He immediately stopping fucking me and jumped up, wiping his dick off. He told Bev it was nothing and that I seduced him. I covered myself with a blanket as Bev and Roger yelled back and forth at each other. Bev finally ran to her room and Roger followed. I got up, collected my things and went to my room. I heard them arguing for the next hour and finally drifted off to sleep. The alarm rang and I jumped up to start the day. I thought I better get ready as usual. The breakfast was ready but no Roger or Bev. I waited 20 minutes then I thought I should go check on them. I knocked on the door and it opened slightly. I saw Bev in her bed but no Roger. I opened the door and tip toed in. Bev knew I was there and said, "Are you proud of yourself Francine?" I froze in my footsteps as she proceeded to say, "He's gone. I threw him out. Are you happy now?" I had just about had enough and said, "He seduced me. Before I could do anything he was all over me. He was just waiting for the perfect time and last night was it. He never wanted to be with you and I knew it. Roger is a whore." Bev started crying as I went to her side and stroked her hair. I tried to comfort her and then said, "Well it's just you and me again isn't it. This time though I can help raise your daughter." Bev was going to have a baby girl. Bev stopped crying and sat up in bed. She patted the bed next to her and I sat down. She took my hand and said, "Francine my dear, it's not Roger's baby, it's yours." Now I was totally confused. I know I cleaned up all the rubbers myself and I didn't have sex with Bev after she found out about Francine. "You remember your first visit to Dr. Stephanie's office?" I nodded. "Well do you remember having to masturbate into a cup. Well I had the sperm saved and frozen for us. I knew had great genes and you would be a great father. I couldn't help but save a part of you." The baby is ours Francine, yours and mine." I burst into tears, hugging Bev and not letting her go. We finally stopped crying and sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. Bev knew Roger had been cheating on her but never thought he would make a move on me. I didn't ell her I put on my best feminine charm last night but right now she didn't need to know that fact. Roger was gone and the two of us would be together again but not as husband and wife. The divorce went uncontested and was over in a matter of months. Me, now being a woman seemed to seal the deal. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So here I sit waiting for Bev to finish getting ready. It's her baby shower and we are getting ready to leave. Bev is now eight and a half months pregnant and bursting at the seams. Dr. Stephanie also changed my meds making me ready to breast feed. I can hardly wait. Bev comes out and looks so beautiful. A pregnant woman just seems to radiate beauty. I grab our purses and help her into the car. It's a tight fit but were only ten minutes from the restaurant. There must be 100 women ready to party. Too bad Bev can't partake in any alcoholic beverage, nor can I. We turn out of the sub and down a road being recovered. It's pretty bumpy and I look at Bev. She's looking a little uncomfortable with all the bumps and then squeezes my hand saying, no yelling, "My water just broke." The seats totally wet as well as the floor. I'm shaking from excitement and turn down the next road off to the hospital. No time to get any bags, we have a baby to deliver. Finale I'm sitting hear in a rocking chair with our little bundle of joy suckling on my milk swollen breast. Bev is sleeping right now. It's my shift for the baby. I look over at Bev and she looks so beautiful with her eyes closed. Our sweetheart looks exactly like her and I can smell the wonderful scent of a newborn baby in my arms. Isn't it amazing how life can change directions but come back on track, only to define a new life and focus? Yours truly, Francine

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Power of choice

David isn't athletic, bright, or handsome. You can say, he's an average Joe who spent most of his time playing video games, but there's a reason for him being a shut-in. Throughout his life, he's been harassed by his family and peers. His older sister, Sarah, is a straight A's student, and every chance arises, called him a complete failure. His mother, Heather, favor her daughter, and reluctant to give him affection. David tosses the Xbox's controller across the room, and shout. "Damn it, lost...

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Dungeon MasterChapter 2 Choices

I woke suddenly with a muted scream covering my mouth with my hands so as not to alert the Sisters or the orderlies. Glancing over to see if Skank was back from his latest excursion, I found myself in an empty room with only a single golden, glowing, baseball sized orb floating in the center. The small room didn’t have any obvious noticeable exits from my brief inspection. Gathering my courage, it seemed that Stoneface wasn’t pulling my leg. Not that I would ever forgive him for throwing me...

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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. "Get out," she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she'd spat the words. "Get out now, or stay," she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

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Not by Choice

Not by Choice By Stefanie Flowers VOWS OF A LIFETIME So here I am standing at the alter about to take wedding vows. I had always thought that one day I would marry the girl of my dreams and raise a family; but how could I have imagined this? My spouse to be was not the girl of my dreams and I was very reluctant to be here today getting married; certainly not as I am now. I was being forced into the marriage. Not by a gun held to my head but by a series of unfortunate circumstances...

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It Was My Choice

My boyfriend, Ben, had been out of town on a business trip for over two weeks and was still a week away from coming home. This was the longest time that the two of us had been away from each other since we started dating. We actually both agreed to not even to masturbate for the whole time he was away. Needless to say I was really second guessing my pledge. When he called the Sunday before he was to come back, I confessed I really needed a little physical relief. He suggested I get naked, get...

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Life is Full of Choices

Authors note: It's been five years or so since my last published effort. I hope you enjoy this first part. Part 2 is already being written and will try to soften the bad karma from part 1. Life is Full of Choices Part 1 As I had always said to myself, once I graduated high school, Hillstown would only ever be a memory for me. A glance in the rear view mirror of my '89 Toyota and that would be it. My trailer trash step-mom and my three idiot half-sisters could stay in the...

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Female for a Day

I have always been obsessed with boobs. I like them all but especially big ones. I stare at them in the grocery store and of course have an extensive collection of pics from the internet. Lately, I have even been thinking about what it would be like to have a big set myself. I'm a guy don't get me wrong, but I am fascinated by what it would feel like to have a large set of breasts.A couple of weeks later I was back at the mall but this time as my male self and also was with a buddy of mine. We...

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Large van comes to old warehouse, out of it steps one heavy male, which opens back door of the van. He escorts 6 humans, likely females, to place inside of warehouse. In average size hall, about 5m in square, is female dressed in black latex clothing. Once 6 humans are in place, she nods to heavy male, that he can leave place. She calls her female slave and starts talking: Welcome to my prison. Slave will tell you rules.Slave start to read from sheet of paper:Obey the mistressEverytime when you...

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Minxs Choice

She is in the attire of my preference. Short little mini skirt that is more than revealing, a tight tube top pushing her round fleshy breasts awkwardly upwards and almost falling out. Her make-up is dark and she is walking on heels that resemble stilts. I take a look at her succulent neckline and there is the collar that I placed on her 3 months ago, proudly owning the body that belongs to me now. I answer the door, not allowing her entry as yet. She greets as she has been taught, “Good...

1 year ago
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Female warden male prisoners forced fellatio

This story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only.It was a small Southern town, isolated, and obscure, and when I saw the flashing lights in my rearview mirror I was astonished, since I knew I had been driving well below the posted speed limit of forty five miles per hour.  I felt a bit of outrage, but decided that the best thing to do in such a situation is to go along with the flow, and cooperate fully.I stopped and waited in the car, having pulled out my license and papers, and...

2 years ago
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Female POW 2 Nightmare in BosniaChapter 6

Though Arkan had died in the American Delta Force attack on his hotel headquarters cum rape camp early the next morning, he continued to influence events in his native Balkans. His bodyguard Alexander had survived the attack by virtue of having accompanied Val and Bobbie to the coast where they were handed over to the middleman's agent. Blindly following Arkan's instructions on what to do in case of his sudden, violent death- instructions which had assumed that Serbian betrayal rather than...

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Hobsons Choice

The expression "Hobson's Choice" is named after the keeper of a livery stable in seventeenth century England who required customers to accept the next horse available. Hence "Hobson's choice" means no choice at all. Hobson's Choice © 2003 by Nom de Plume "Young man, do you have anything to say for yourself before the Court pronounces your sentence?" The judge, a gaunt man with a hawk like face and bony hands protruding from his black robe, glowered down at the youthful...

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Owned By Choice

Kidnap Meeting Dr Millar Brave New World Angel Making Plans for Georgie Treatment Mrs Perkins Max Georgie's Choice Release and enslavement Epilogue This story was inspired by two of my favourite on line stories - The Stepford Wives by Sarah Barndt and Guinnea Pig by Ruth White. If you enjoy the story check these two out or e-mail me at [email protected] Kidnap I staggered out of the bar, took two steps down the alleyway and collapsed. Another typical...

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Weapon of Choice

1. Inside the club it was like being at the bottom of the ocean, a dim, uncertain place filled with random movement and sound. Grant Blackley moved through it like some great marine predator, shoals of lesser creatures parting before him as if unconsciously realising all of this was his territory. Because it damn well was, Grant thought. He took up one of his regular positions at the top of a flight of stairs, overlooking the dance floor. At six foot five he hardly needed the extra...

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Hezekiahs Choice

Hezekiah's Choice She quickly but quietly entered my room and came up to my bed. It seems I am incapable of getting out of my bed without assistance. She has a razor in her hand as she tells me she will be removing my hair from my legs, chest and abdomen. I have no choice but to allow her to proceed. I have no choice because I am laying in a hospital bed being prepped for quadruple open heart surgery. The doctors told my wife and me that surgery shouldn't wait as I would probably be...

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

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By my choice

By my choice I read the diary. I am struck by the fact that almost everything that has happened to me was by my own choice. I watch the sea break against the shore, hear the cry of birds, and my mind goes back... I was always small. Slim, barely five foot five inches tall, I was the despair of my father. He had wanted someone his size, six foot three, a linebacker in college. Instead he got a boy that read, sang and danced. I had grown my hair long in rebellion against my father, and...

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Female Predator On Campus

I was walking around campus all day wearing my shortest skirt and tightest T-shirt. And I could feel the predator staring at me. Wherever he or she might be. There were rumors of a predator roaming all over the campus. Male and female students had been attacked. And nobody thought anyone could do anything about it. Well, I decided to go on the hunt. Predators can and do get caught. No matter who they are and how tough they think they are. Men and women who prey on the innocent have a new enemy....

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 04 One Naughty Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Four: One Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My barely legal daughter, eighteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to...

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 7 The Choice

AUDIO MEMO; NEENA ALEXANDROVNA TO SVETLANA NIKITECHNA Physiology has played into my hands and provided an excellent teaching opportunity! I went to collect Vyera early this morning to get her started on her work for the day. She has had a language lesson each day with regular testing, to make sure she is absorbing what she has been taught. Afterwards, she has been working as an assistant to the Domestic Staff and has been given all the menial tasks to do, such as cleaning the floors in the...

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The Peoples Choice

To all of those that make up the Hollywood establishment, in the world of music, TV, and film, the People's Choice Awards have always been a favorite of theirs. That's because, while some music awards shows will have a select few publicly-voted winners, for the most part, the biggest awards shows in town are nothing but ass-kissing contests. And while different, the People's Choice Awards had always been perceived as more of a "popularity contest" due to the fan-voted aspect of them. But once...

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CHAPTER 4: MY CHOICEThe next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this...

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The Choice

Dan and I were high school buddies that ended up at the same university in our hometown. I played football while he played basketball. He was the taller and more slender one concentrating more on cardio and speed. I had brown hair and brown eyes while Dan was a redhead with blue eyes. I was a gym fanatic working out with weights and drinking protein shakes. We both had sports scholarships to get us through school. I was still going steady with April who I knew from my childhood...

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Female Supremacist Family

                                    Born And Raised as my Sister's Total slave                                       By slave2MsJuana                                        Dedicated to Mistress Juana and Female Supremacyi was raised in a Female Dominated home. my Mother is a firm believer in Female Supremacy and trained Her family in this way. me and my father were to always bow down to Mother and my Sisters. my dad was my Mother's personal slave since before i was even born. i found out that...

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Life and Choices

Life and Choices COPYRIGHT 2004 There can exist at any given time in this world one mind to one body. There are exceptions to all rules though. Some folks or at least one existed of two minds in one body for a time. This person is Jay Hall. Of course, Jay has never realized this, unless you count his dreams. Although these facts should be painfully obvious to him, he fails to realize that his entire state of being is a paradox to the universe, and one that should soon be...

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Female Orgasms 101

Orgasms 101It is surprising that later in life, a man may still not be sure if and when a woman orgasms. Thus, the reason for this story. Men don't feel bad. Women aren't expected to know when or how a man orgasms. He just stops momentum and displays the obvious (excluding a cumless climax). Orgasms are about life and not just sex. Orgasms sure do keep a woman happy. As a woman loses her inhibitions about sex, the easier it is for a woman to orgasm. I'm going to explain to you when you are...

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Another new story, based in another world, in a world gone mad, and lucky me, in a world I have right inside my head J Another new story, based in another world, in a world gone mad, and lucky me, in a world I have right inside my head J  female~by nom~  When I was eleven, my periods started. Father was so relieved, because it was a good sign that I would develop a full figure quickly - men like their females big-titted and as young as possible, which was a hard combination to find these...

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The Wrong Choice

I was sitting in the railway waiting room on a cold winter night, wondering which sin of my last life had cursed my commonsense so I had to make a series of wrong choices , which had condemned me to spending the night in a deserted station 100 kilometres from the nearest town. . A tiny voice in my mind told me I was lucky too, if I hadn't been I wouldn't have gotten tickets to the next train in the morning, which would take me to the nearest outpost of civilization. And to think all this...

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Wishes Do Not Exisit but You Always Have Choices

Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...

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Female Teacher Addicted To A Cruel Teen Girl

Female Teacher Addicted to a Cruel Teen GirlFaye Duncanf/F Humiliation, DependenceThis work is copyright (c) 2010 by Faye Duncan. You may download and keep copies for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.Author's note:  Anyone reading in this delicious genre will know soon...

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Female POW 1 Mother of All Rapes

INTRODUCTION: During the Gulf War two American female servicemembers were captured by the Iraqi Army. The women were non-combatants. One was a truck driver with a bad sense of directions; the other a doctor flying in a search and rescue helicopter. Both were, to use the official phrasing, "sexually abused". This story looks at what might have happened if women had been full combatants in that war. It was the second day of the air war and Air Force Major Diana Barker was feeling very...

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F4 Tuesdays Choice

(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ by Gladys Knight and the Pips.) * * * * The blast of a departing train’s whistle drew me to the window of...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 4 One Naughty Choice

Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My teenage daughter, fourteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to her pussy. She rubbed me against her flesh. The shower sprayed on my back as my wicked daughter guided me right to...

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Choices, by Armond Note: this is a continuation of my story, 'Useful Information'. It helps to read that story first. 1. C-r-a-a-c-k! The wooden banister splintered on impact. All went slow motion: body slipping backward, hands grasping at air, emerald eyes, opening wide, dark red eyebrows, arching high, mouth opening to scream. She fell. Through the banister, toward the hallway floor, three stories below. "DEIRDRE!" "Una, wake up!" Ula said, giving her a sharp shake....

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Female Gangs

Female GangsBy  Sonya  EsperantoStory: ONE  THURSDAY AFTERNOON?Why  don’t  you  shut  up!!?  cried  the young beautiful woman named Sarah.?No why don’t you shut up!!?  the young woman named Miranda  screamed back to her.It was a fight between two rival female gangs,  inside college campus.  The argument was taking place at one of the college’s narrow hallways.  Unfortunately, for all the other women studying in that college,  that the females highly outnumbered the males,  and the college...

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Public Incestuous Passion 6 Sisters Naughty Choice

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sister's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this and to PAEUL for an idea used in this story. Melody Samuels What did I want? My Darkest Day's Porn Star Dancing thudded through Flashing Glitter, the strip club. I was on stage, my hips swaying, my tartan, schoolgirl skirt dancing about my thighs. Men whooped and hollered around me. They showered me in attention. It was an exhibitionist wet...

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THE HUNT Chapter 4 My Choice

The next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this condition? Would...

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Matter of Choice

Sarah and I grew up together. We were from the same country stock, hard working families that sweat together from daybreak to dark with almost no thought of weekends or vacations. Living on farms away from all of the rich kids that lived in town, with parents who had jobs and money caused us to gravitate towards each other. We were friends, the kind there is no explanation for. No matter where I was, she was somewhere nearby and vice-versa. Sometimes we would have a few hours free from work...

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Not Very Nice People Chapter 1111 Mikes Choice

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 11: Mike's Choice Synopsis: The moment of truth has arrived for Michael Caldwell. He must choose between two different paths, but neither is free of troubles and challenges. Perhaps destiny or higher powers just cannot be fooled, regardless of what you do. ***** I was filled with a cold horror that threatened to disable my mental faculties altogether as I witnessed how a creature out of the most outlandish nightmare I could possibly...

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I Made a Choice

A story of a man and his choice to accept their daughter as his own or choose to turn his back on everything he loved. Thanks to Angel love for her editing skills. I read the report from DNA Testing Centers without anger or suspense. I had anticipated the results in part but still had no idea of whom Penny's real father was. All this report told me was that it wasn't me. That much I had already figured out. But, I had all I needed now to find out. Penny Ann Hendricks was our baby's name....

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Choices. So many choices, so many ways things could have worked out. But we make our choices, and we try to make good ones. And we take responsibility for our choices, too. Did my choices lead me inexorably to this point? Or was there an uncontrollable, unchosen outside force that got me here? Not that it really matters, because I choose, every day -- every minute of every day -- to live like this. Wasn't it Sartre who said that every day we make the choice to go on living, so we are...

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Female Led Marriage

Female Led Marriage by Sissie Maid Cuckold "That preacher sure messed up at our wedding." "What do you mean she messed up?" "She got it all mixed up she had me saying to: Love, Honor and Obey and then at the end she announced us as Ms. and Mrs. Coleen Jenson instead of Mr. and Ms. Ralph Ferguson, must have been her first time or something. " "You do remember agreeing to being in a female led marriage...don't you Ralph?" "Well Ya sure I agreed you could be the boss of the...

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Female Privilege

Author's note. We often hear the term "male privilege" almost always in a derogatory way as if there's something inherently wrong with a man taking advantage of certain aspects of his gender. However, we rarely hear the term "female privilege" and this could lead one to believe that there are no benefits to being female. In fact one could argue, and it may well be true, that the term "male privilege" was coined by a female, one with a massive chip on her shoulder who overlooked all...

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Done by Choice

Would you believe it that what I am about to tell was done by choice. Really it was a queer find, me finding a coke bottle painted pink and having a cork plugged into the neck of it, when I removed the cork, low and behold there came a cute as sexy very feminine a Genie. Commonplace to what is thought of a Genie, she was elated to being set free from her bottle, and was willing to grant me three wishes. As asked, she suggested her fancy was for making middle-aged men like me to looking like...

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Sophies Choice

"Sophie's Choice" Chapter 1 - The Awakening It was the sudden strong pungent smell (smelling salts) that brought me back to consciousness. Was it me that was brought back to consciousness? Was it a different person? It was my brain, my thoughts, my feelings, my memories. But not my body! "Stand up next to your cot at attention" the female voice coming over the loudspeaker system said. Very feminine but not to be messed with. My head spun. I tried to bring my body up to the...

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Petronellas Choice

Petronella's Choice by Bryony Two finely-dressed women were taking tea, in an opulent sitting room. Althought both were in their late 40s, they were undeniably attractive, and of athletic build. A maid stood nearby, demonstrating a near-perfect submissive pose. The Mistress of the house fussed over the tea ritual, while her visitor regarded the maid, and not for the first time she shook her head in wonderment. "I still can't believe that's actually Lord Mandrake." "I can...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 18 Cheerleader Slaves Naughty Choice

Chapter Eighteen: Cheerleader Slave's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson The rings thrummed as I passed between them. I hurtled head-first towards the machine. I thrust my arms out before me. My skin crawled. My toes tingled. I felt the next arm spinning down at me, trailing a wake of particles that made my entire body feel like it wanted to fly apart. I hit a metal shelf around the base of the machine, hovering with the arms. I grunted, rolled, and crashed...

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The Choice

Deena’s Story Tears ran down my face as I walked up the garden path towards our new house. Blinded by the sadness, I couldn’t find the keyhole as the key scraped over the brass lock. My shoulders shuddered while I let out another cry for help. “Toby!” The door opened and I fell into the arms of my love. “Fuckin hell... what’s up with you, Rainy Face?” I didn’t know how to tell him. So I just spilled the words from my mouth. “I lost it. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” “Lost what?” “My...

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Angies Choice

Angie's Choice By Angela Renee Rineheart I had just turned 22, and felt as confused as when my Father passed away at age 13. I had no more of an idea what to do with my life now, as I did then. My relationship with my girlfriend of five years had arrived at a decision that needed to be made. Her family was constantly asking the question of "when are you two getting married?" It was almost Springtime, and the questioning was heating up again for a Spring...

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