Descendant Of Baccus Pt. 13 free porn video

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Chapter 13

Marriage & Murder

I arrived at the office feeling energized and ready to face anything. At least I thought I was ready. Rachel was her usual chipper self and even at this early hour there was a stack of messages waiting. Again, the first one was marked urgent. It was from Philippe and had no return number.

‘Do you know what this is all about?’ I guessed he had made his flight arrangements and would be coming in next week.

‘Yes Sir, he left a voice message saying he would be arriving at the airport at 10:30 this morning and hoped you would have time to meet with him today.’

I guess this was more urgent than I had surmised.

‘What does my schedule look like today?’ I was pretty sure I was free and I was getting excited about dealing with my first client.

‘You have a few calls scheduled for this morning but beyond that your calendar is open. Would you like me to arrange a car to meet him at the airport?’

I thought quickly and decided to turn this into a test.

‘No car. Have the company limo take you to the airport. I would like you to meet him. Also, make a reservation at the Hyatt. Make it a suite with an open departure date. He will probably be a bit worn down from the long flight. I want you to be sure he is comfortable. Do whatever it takes to get him settled in. You can bring him to the office at 2.’

I quick read told me she knew exactly what I meant by being sure he was comfortable and with out hesitation she responded with a simple ‘Yes Sir’.

‘Bring my coffee’, and with that I headed into my office to deal with the balance of the phone message and to prepare for Philippe.

It was 10 when she buzzed to tell me she was heading out. Luann would be filling in for her while she was out. Damn, I had forgotten all about my morning blowjob. So much for rituals.

‘Ok, send Luann in and check in with me when you get to the hotel.’ I was tempted to remind her of her instructions but decided to let it go and see how she did once Philippe arrived.

Luann knocked on my door a moment later and as she entered I saw Rachael heading down the corridor.

Luann was the exact opposite of Rachael. She was the stereotypical bookworm. She stood about 5 foot 6 but looked much shorter as she stood hunched looking down at her shoes. She wore thick glasses that hid most of her face so it was difficult to tell if she was even slightly pretty. Her skin was pale and lightly freckled and her dark red hair was pulled back in a plain ponytail. She had the kind of hair that would explode into a wild bush if set free but I guessed it could be tamed if she took the time to do anything with it.

She was dressed in a white blouse that was buttoned up to her neck. It fit loosely so there was no telling if she had breasts at all. She could have been flat for all I could tell. Her skirt was just as unflattering. It was a long, gray, wool tweed that fell just above her ankles. If all of this wasn’t bad enough the shoes were the real killers. They looked like old-lady orthopedics in black. She could not have made herself look less inviting if she had tried. Still, my overactive libido began wondering what would be unearthed if I’d taken the time to peel away the layers of frump.

She was clearly nervous. In fact, she was wound tighter than a watch spring. If I’d made a sudden move she would have crumbled. It was strange. How could anyone be this nervous? It wasn’t like I was some monster. I needed to probe a bit.

What I found was a startling combination of things. First, she was generally nervous in front of any new person. She was just to shy and that shyness manifested itself as physical tension. She hated this and wished in the worst way that she could get past this and learn to interact with some measure of normalcy.

The second thing I found was a bit more surprising. She was a slave and Uncle Steve was her master. I dug a little deeper and found this was a relatively new status for her and she was still not entirely comfortable with the role. She had entered this role willingly in the hopes that it would help her break out of her shell. She hated being so shy and she hated the fact that it left her virtually incapacitated. She was having her doubts now.

The last thing I discovered was pleasantly surprising. Rachael had advised her that I had forgotten about my morning blowjob and let Luann know she might be called on to provide this relief. Luann was not uncomfortable with doing this but was really afraid that she would not perform well enough. It seems Uncle Steve had found it necessary to teach her how to properly perform this service and she still lacked confidence in her abilities. I would be happy to give her my own lesson in the art.

‘Luann, please have a seat. I have a number of updates for my calendar.’

She dutifully sat opposite my desk, raised her pad and waited for my instructions.

I added a number of appointments and a series of new phone calls I had scheduled. I also moved a few items on the presumption that Philippe would require some time beyond the afternoon. I dictated three letters I needed to get out and also dictated notes I wanted at hand for this afternoons board meeting. In all, it took about an hour and fifteen minutes to get things organized and I was just about to invite her to suck my cock when the phone rang.

It was Philippe calling from the car.

‘Good morning Kenny. Thank you for organizing the car for me. Also, thank you for making time for me. I’m sorry I couldn’t provide more notice but I got the last seat and it was on very short notice.’ I listened as I fantasized about Luann on her knees.

‘Welcome Philippe, would you excuse me for just a second?’ I didn’t bother to put him on hold. I decided I’d tickle his libido just a bit.

‘Luann, please come over here and suck my cock.’ It was a polite command and she moved without hesitation. She had certainly learned how to free a cock. I was comfortably ensconced in her hot mouth in a flash.

‘Sorry Philippe, I’m running a little late this morning. I normally like to start my day with a nice blowjob. I find it helps get me settled into the days activities.’ I was so matter of fact about it he couldn’t help but laugh just a bit.

‘That sounds like a fine way to start the day to me. I wouldn’t mind adopting that practice.’ My casualness seemed to put him at ease.

‘I heartily recommend it. If you wish, Rachael will be happy to do the same for you. She has very good oral skills. In fact, she will be happy to do whatever you wish to help you get settled in. She’s going to take you to the Hyatt and get you checked in. I’ve asked her to bring you to the office at 2 so you have plenty of time. Enjoy.’

‘Fantastic! She has already suggested as much. Given the current marital problems I’ve gone without for quite some time. It would be good to release some tension. Thank you.’ He sounded like a kid at Christmas, opening presents.

‘Glad to be of service. By the way, if it’s not already raised, the limo had a privacy screen. You have about a half hour before you reach the hotel so if you don’t wish to wait just let her know what you would like. I’ll see you at 2.’ I was looking forward to hearing his report on her performance.

‘I look forward to it. Until then.’ I hung up and began to concentrate on Luann’s performance.

She was actually pretty good. Her suction was just about perfect and she almost managed to take my full length. With a little more practice she would be an excellent cocksucker. For now, she was performing adequately.

Her strokes were long and her hand was following her mouth so my entire length was being coaxed to orgasm. I stopped her.

‘Luann, are you enjoying yourself?’ I had the feeling she was getting pretty excited but was hiding it well.

‘Yes sir. I’ve learned to enjoy this very much.’ She still wasn’t looking at me but at least sh
e was conversant rather than offering a simple yes or no answer.

‘Good, I’d like to see you cum before you get me off. Please raise your skirt and play with your pussy.’ I embarrassed her and since that was exactly what I’d hoped for I was happy to see her turning red.

She came up off her knees and quickly raised her skirt to her waist. She held it there, settled back to her knees and with her free hand she pushed her panties aside and began stroking her pussy. I couldn’t get a real good look but I’d say she never shaved. Her bush was thick and hid her pussy completely. If she were mine that would be the first thing I would change.

‘Are you wet?’

‘Yes Sir. Sucking cock always makes me very wet. If you will allow me to suck you cock while I’m playing with myself it will help make me orgasm faster.’ I detected a real need in her voice.

‘Allow me.’ I took my cock in one hand and her head in the other as I guided my pole back into her mouth. Once seated, I took her head in both hands and began to slowly fuck her face. I looked down to see two fingers begin to stroke with the same rhythm.

‘Tell me when you’re ready to cum’ I instructed. She was going to have to mouth this around my cock. I had no intention of letting her loose until I was ready to spray my load. I was flashing on an image of my cum spraying across her glasses and dripping off her nose and chin. I was going to make a beautiful mess of her innocent face.

I increased the speed and force of my thrusts and started to force my cock down her throat. She seemed to be taking it well and I was just a bit disappointed. It went against the image. I was expecting her to gag and fight against my invading pole but she just seemed to get more excited. She was now working her cunt with three fingers and her pace was still matching my own. Oh well.

It took a few more minutes of this and she was ready. Each time I pulled out of her throat she manage to get a word out. ‘I’m Going To Cum’. With my cock stuffed in her mouth she sounded like a deaf person trying to speak.

As she got the last word out I shoved my cock down her throat and held it there. I didn’t have to wait long for the explosion of her orgasm. She came in quiet fits and by the time I pulled my cock from her throat she was turning blue. That’s when I let her have it.

I stroked my cock once and got her right across both lenses. The next hit her right between the eyes and the last few caught her nose, tongue and chin. I’d done a fine job. She was dripping with cum and her look of innocence was suddenly destroyed. I would never look at her the same way again.

‘You may go now.’ I dismissed her without mention of her performance. I figured I’d let her wonder and let Uncle Steve know later where I thought she needed improvement. Like an obedient child she rose and left the office without bothering to wipe her face. I wondered if anyone would notice.

I spent the rest of the morning cleaning up odds and ends and before I knew it Rachael was buzzing to let me know they had arrived.

‘Bring him in please.’ I was anxious to hear his assessment of her performance and thought it would be a good lesson in humility to have her listen to his critique.

I met him in the lounge and was immediately stunned by what I saw. He was not at all what I pictured him to be. I was expecting a man in his late forties or early fifties. Instead, this was a man in his late twenties or early thirties. He was tall at about six foot 3 and seemed to be well built. He was wearing a light gray silk suit that was clearly tailor made for him and he’d dressed it up with a much darker gray shirt and a canary yellow tie. All in all, he was the perfect image of a man who’d achieved wealth and stature. This was not a man who appeared to require my services.

This image was further fortified as we shook hands. His grip was firm and confident. He was confident enough not to try to overpower me but firm enough to let me know this was a proud man. Whatever the problem, this could prove to be a difficult case. Too much self-confidence and he would fight my attempts to assist him. Then again, enough self-confidence and he wouldn’t need my assistance. This was going to be interesting.

I invited him to sit and offered him a drink. Rachael went to the bar to prepare his scotch and soda. I settled for a coke.

‘How was your trip?’

‘It was actually very relaxing. The flight was on time and the weather was calm all the way over. Sorry again to provide so little notice but I was really anxious to meet you and see how you might be able to help.’

‘It’s quite all right. I was actually looking forward to meeting you and my schedule has been pretty flexible so for. I suspect it will get much busier before too much longer so it’s probably better that you came sooner rather than later. Tell me, did Rachael do an adequate job making you comfortable?’

‘Yes, she was wonderful. By the way, I really do like your morning ritual. I’ve decided I will be adopting that from now on.’ He was smiling like a kid.

I hope I won’t embarrass you with this but Rachael is in training and it would be very helpful if you could assess her performance more specifically. Can you tell me what she did for you and what you thought of those services?’ Rachael had returned with the drinks and was standing along side my chair.

‘Oh, I see. Well, I guess that’s the least I can do. I took up your suggestion and had her give me a blowjob in the car. She was really quite good. In fact, she may have been the best I’ve ever had.’ Rachael was beaming.

‘When we got to the hotel I decided to take her to bed. I was pleased to find that she wasn’t wearing panties and her pussy was quite wet. She felt really good and responded very nicely. I guess my only disappointment was I was unable to make her cum. I do like to give my women as much pleasure as I receive from them.’ Rachael’s smile faded a bit with that one.

‘Rachael, why is it that you didn’t cum for the gentlemen?’ I was firm with her even though I knew the answer.

‘I’m sorry Master. I was only following your instructions. I had not received your permission to cum so I fought off the urge.’ She turned to Philippe. ‘I’m sorry to have displeased you sir.’

Philippe was about to respond when I jumped in. ‘My apologies Philippe. I have Rachael under strict instructions not to orgasm unless she is granted permission. I’m afraid I forgot to fill you in. If you would like to try again I can set her free. She is actually very orgasmic and would probably have cum several times had I allowed her that freedom.’ I had him stirred and a quick look into his thoughts told me he was intrigued by her servitude and curious about how she would respond in the throes of orgasm. I also found him wondering what her ass would feel like. He had apparently fucked her doggie style and was lusting over that fine specimen.

‘Did you have a chance to sample her ass?’ I decided to chide him on a bit.

‘No, I’m afraid I missed out on that delicacy. Is it as good as it looks?’ He was hooked and Rachael knew it.

‘Her ass is very nice and getting better. She is actually very tight but I’ve had her doing exercises that have loosened her up just enough to be enjoyable. Rachael, go get the 9-inch dildo and bring it back here. I’d like you to demonstrate for the gentleman.’

She responded with a simple but embarrassed, ‘yes Master’ as she headed off to retrieve the toy.

‘Philippe, please let her demonstrate for you and then feel free to try her out yourself. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how good her ass is.’

He was having second thoughts about this. He was actually getting a bit embarrassed by the thought of performing in the company of others. I figured I’d help him get over it with a few mild tweaks. I had him ready a raring to go by the time Rachael returned.

‘Rachael, bed over the couch and demonstrate.’ She did as

‘Philippe, when I first started her training she was so tight it was almost painful to fuck her ass. Since then she’s been working with the dildo each morning and now she can take it with just a bit of saliva as her lube. I think the tightness is just about right but maybe you can let me know what you think.’ He never took his eyes off Rachael as she began to work the plastic dick into her asshole but he was paying attention. The bulge in his custom made trousers told me his dick was paying attention as well.

Rachael had worked most of the dildo into her ass at this point and was now stroking it comfortably and I found myself getting excited as well. Maybe this would be a good time to introduce her to a bit of double penetrating action. Then again, with Philippe it might not be a good idea. I’d have to play this one by ear.

‘Rachael, are you ready for a real cock?’ Whether she was ready or not Philippe was.

‘Yes Master.’ The response was more of a moan than a clear verbalization. She was obviously on a hair trigger.

‘Philippe, she’s all yours.’ My tweaking obviously did the trick. He was out of his clothes and in position in no time at all.

His cock was about the same length as mine but he had more girth. In fact, he was wider than the dildo now stuffed in Rachael’s ass. This was going to become interesting.

Rachael sensed him behind her and eased the dildo out so he could enter and that’s exactly what he did before her asshole could relax and close. As soon as he had the head of his cock seated he grabbed her hips and pressed in. She groaned as his dick disappeared.

‘This is the best ass I’ve ever had. It is perfectly tight. I wouldn’t change a thing.’ He was beaming as he began to work her with long, solid strokes.

Each time he hit bottom Rachael grunted and each time she did Philippe seemed to be spurred on to make the next trust just a bit more forceful. It didn’t take long before he was pounding her ass just as hard and as fast as he could. That’s when I let her go.

‘Rachael, you can cum now.’ It was if the words were the trigger. She immediately began to spasm and shake through a monster orgasm and as she was overcome Philippe decided to add a bit of a twist.

The first shot actually took me by surprise as he began spanking her ass with a passion. Rachael reacted as well. With the first shot her orgasm leapt to a new level of intensity. With each of the following stokes I could almost see the sparks of raw energy spiking through her body. Her head was flailing wildly. Her spine was spasming with such force it looked like it might snap. Her cries had become so shrill it was almost painful to listen to. It reached a crescendo as her finger practically poked through the leather of the sofa and then she collapsed. She had just had the most intense orgasm of her young life and I was both impressed and just a bit jealous.

Philippe hadn’t cum yet.

‘Let’s give her a few minutes to recover and then let’s see if we can’t have a bit more fun with her.’ He actually looked somewhat ridiculous standing over her unconscious form with his dick standing at attention as he tried to catch his breath.

He finally spoke but the first few words came out in French. He caught himself quickly and started again.

‘That was the most intense sex I’ve ever had. At her best, my wife was never that good. Does she always cum like that?’

‘I think that was probably the most intense orgasm she’s ever had. You did well. How about we bring her around and do her together. She’s never had two cocks at the same time. If you’d like to take her ass again I’ll take her pussy. I bet we can make her next orgasm even better.’ Given what I’d just witnessed I had no doubt the next orgasm would turn her into a vegetable for the rest of the day. I decided that would be a worthy goal.

It was awhile before she started to stir again and when she did it still took time for her to recover her bearings. By the time she did I was stripped down and sitting next to her with my cock standing at attention. As this image registered in her consciousness she groaned a bit and in an exhausted voice she asked, ‘What would like me to do Master’.

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Hi guys this is my new story, about mom and dad’s sex adventure. My mom is 45 years old but looks in her late 30s with a sexy body of 36-30-36. My parents have maintained a very active sex life. My dad because of his job had to go out of station for few weeks. He was going to come back home tonight, and dad was very horny for mom. Mom also works in a MNC, she was very tired when she got home and got into her bed and went to sleep very early that night. So straight to the story Dad came back...

2 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 32

Helen was packing when Sandy let himself in shortly after noon on Monday. Not yet dressed, she was putting the clothes she planned to take into her carry-on. Her vest was at the end of the bed with her traveling clothes. "Hi, Sandy, what's up?" "Well, I wanted to see you off, but there's something else." "Oh?" "You didn't exactly level with me Saturday — about meeting Astrid." "What's the problem?" "Nothing at all, Helen. But you'll love this. When we closed for lunch...

2 years ago
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Repopulating the WorldAnother Survivor

It had been 2 years since the dreaded meteor had hit earth. Allie, Rich and John seemed to be the only ones that had survived the hit. They had traveled through many towns and had found no life. The trio had made it a goal to repopulate the world, and they had started. Adam was now a year old. The three survivors and their son entered a new town. According to Rich’s navigation it was a town some where in Texas. John went ahead and found shelter in a nice ranch house just outside of town. As the...

3 years ago
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You wake up in your apartment and notice something sinister. You are not exactly sure what's going on, but your window is open and with a quick glance you notice that the security system is offline. You have your weapon at the desk drawer and you are pretty sure there's plenty of ways to deal with this situation.

1 year ago
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Laura part 20

"This one's for table six," my colleague Saffron says to me as she places two hot cups of coffee on my tray. I take the opportunity to stealthily straighten my tight miniskirt before grabbing my tray and taking it over to the young couple at the corner table. "Ah, thank you!" The young man says with genuine gratitude as I hand him and his girlfriend their drinks. "Can we also order a plate of chips to share, please?" "Sure!" I enthuse. "What flavour would you like?" "Let's try the...

2 years ago
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Craigs list ad

I was looking at crags-list one day in the MwM section in a city near me, and saw a local ad for a husband and wife looking for a older fellow for an afternoon of fun. Right up my alley. I made a e-mail contact and received a reply the next day. Older couple looking far a like minded guy for an interlude. As I drove up to the house, nice house in nice suburban neighborhood. Ringing the bell was answered by a nice looking guy about my age. He invited me in and said his wife was in the bathroom,...

1 year ago
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Indian Delight

It had been a long, dark, and stormy day in central New Jersey. A large hurricane had broken up off the coast of the Carolinas, and its remnants were moving up the eastern seaboard. I had not been anxious to tackle the fourteen-hour drive home in such a storm. So, I had slept a little later than usual. It was late morning when I finally checked out of my motel room near Patterson, NJ. The desk clerk warned me of the approaching storms. Road conditions were expected to deteriorate and become...

First Time
2 years ago
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Im my Wifes Sissy

I was online when l came across an article about dogging, when my wife came home from work l brought up the subject and suggested we try one of the local carpark which apparently was a meeting place. First Jolie thought me mad, but when we were in bed she said may be if we went for a drink before going to the carpark, then decided we would try dogging the following Friday evening. Friday evening came l sat downstairs while Jolie dressed, l have to say she dressed to be noticed. Her top was...

3 years ago
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The Warlord

Once upon a time in a land, far, far away lived a young woman by the name of Isabella. She lived happily in the Kingdom with her mother and father. Her mother was a seamstress and her father was a jewelry craftsman. Her parents complimented each others designs with creating custom dresses and jewelry which there would ever be, one of a kind. While growing up, Isabella watched her parents work and over the years, she ended up creating her own designs in both clothing and jewelry and that made...

2 years ago
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How to cum HANDSFREE

A lot of people have asked me how I manage to cum without hands. Well it has required some training for me. It is of cause important to be horny enough to do it, but it is also important to experience how it feels to cum without hands. Therefore the training is about to get to the state, where you know, that you don't need so much to control yourself to achieve the point of no return using your mind only. Later this control will be easier, because you know the feeling. Here is the training to...

2 years ago
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After a Carnival ball

I must have dozed off. I awoke to warm, oiled hands sliding up my back. I moaned softly, wanting nothing more than to drift back into darkness. But the scent of this sweet almond oil kept me awaken.They were strong hands, kneading my shoulders, then caressing my neck and down my back, warming me. I felt strangely groggy, I could not remember where I was; or whose hands were on my back. I was sure he was not my beloved husband…I suddenly was fully awake now, my mind racing as those hands moving...

4 years ago
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Cinderella Liberty Pt 2

I looked up at the ceiling and contemplate everything that had happened.  This wonderful woman had crashed into my life.  I sensed that there was a connection.  But there was this contract she had that said we could only meet once or she'd be cast loose with nothing.  How could I let her go without even the smallest hope of trying to make a future together? My anger was tempered with a fatalistic realization that I was doomed to a life without the most perfect woman for me that I had ever met. ...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 22

Jenny Beth was staying with Lisa, Sher and Jimmy. Julie and Mandy took Pat, Jean and Jill home, but not before Andie and I promised to come over one night for supper. They promised Andie and me that they would be at all our home games. Jada, Jen and Jan walked across the street to their house, after they too, promised they would attend Andie’s and my home games. At the pool, Andie and I stripped, then swam twenty fast laps before showering and heading up to bed. Both of us were excited and...

1 year ago
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The Instructions

                                                       THE INSTRUCTIONS        She arrived just as ordered, at four o'clock sharp, and she let herself in with the key she had been given. The room was small, and sparsely furnished. There was no one there, but the note was lying on a small table, just as he'd said it would be. Resting on it was a pair of metal handcuffs, bright and glittering in the dimness of the room. The sight of them made her throat tighten up. Although she saw that there...

1 year ago
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Compassionate Rachel part 2

I woke up the next morning, sliding myself from underneath my sisters hugging arm while she still slept. She was beautiful. I watched her sleep for a moment taking in her beauty, her soft lips which even now seemed to draw me in. I wanted to kiss her but I let her sleep. We were both still naked from the night before. I had truly fallen in love with her. I guess I had loved her for a long time but never considered taking it as far as we did that night. Rachel was definitely the only girl I...

3 years ago
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Old ManChapter 4

Three months had gone by since I awoke to find myself ten thousand years in the future. Many things had changed, but many were still the same. I searched in vain for any signs of prejudice, favoritism or intolerance. They appear to have been erased off the face of the earth. Good riddance. Instead, people take pride in their accomplishments, their heritage, anything that makes them stand out from others. Not as something that made them better than others, just as something to be proud of. I...

2 years ago
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Fighting for a New Life Ch 0607

CHAPTER SIX ‘Why can’t we call your parents or Melissa?’ Ariana asked. ‘Because we don’t know if whoever is after you is watching them. I’ll call mom later from a pay phone when I go into the city,’ Bobby told her. Ariana pouted. ‘I hate feeling so cut off,’ she grumbled. ‘I know, but it’s for your own safety,’ Bobby said. Ariana let out a half shriek, stood up and ran from the house. Bobby shook his head with a sigh, knowing it was futile to run after her. In the months that they had been...

2 years ago
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Well it all started out when i went to Jason's house for a sleep over...... my mom was like it is summer now so u can go..... by the way my name is Eric... he lived in the southeast part of town and i lived in the northeast...... so it took me 50min to get there...... when i arrived i found on his computer chatting with his homegals... i asked him where should i put my stuff and he said inside his closet...... well that went swell and later we went outside to go meet his friends...... they all...

2 years ago
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Chatham Prep School

Chatham Prep School by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved As I approached the grounds I hoped to be keeping, I couldn't help notice the age and ornateness of the place. There were a lot of flower beds along the walkways, all well kept with cedar chips. The campus looked extremely well kept up especially with dozens of annual and perennial flowers in the beds along the red brick walls and I wondered how many guys they had looking after it. As nice as it was,...

2 years ago
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It had been a while since I had done a bachelor party, but now that I was back to being an escort, I had scheduled a few parties and this was my first one since I had retired nearly 15 years ago. Mikey was my chaperone and he was in the corner of the hotel room handling the music that was currently playing while the bachelor fucked me in the ass. He had seen me fuck and suck off quite a few men since we had been together, but this was the first time that he had been with me since I had been...

1 year ago
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The standard edition of a porn tube site, is pretty much everything that you’d expect. It’s free, it’s got loads of porn on it, and it’s readily available for you to use. Really, with so much of the site being exactly what you’d expect, there aren’t very many defining features that it has which would differentiate it from the rest of the sites on my porn lists. That being said, let’s check out everything that has to offer to see if there’s something that you can potentially...

Latina Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Super Mario a burning sensation

Being 24 years, young black, with a nicely toned defined body, is what attracts most people to me, but in the end my friendliness and charnming personality that always win them over.and to me this is quite exciting, especially when having to dream about hot bodies. while getting laid with hot, young, handsome and sexy men is the icing on the cake. for this is exactly how i felt not to long ago. now as i sat reminiscing i have no idea where to start, or should i just write about my previous wild...

Adult Humor
1 year ago
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Family Conspiracy Chapter 3 Marci learns the First Rule

Marci was almost in tears as she retold the story of her first experience with a glory hole. To her credit, her voice didn’t crack once during the whole story. She had just shared her first sexual experience with her own father. I took another sip of my brandy. It was time she started learning the new rules of the household. “Marci”, I started in a commanding voice, “take off your clothes”. It was not opened to discussion. I had made plans for my daughter’s life from now on, and her...

3 years ago
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Summers Story

The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...

3 years ago
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RecruitingChapter 4 Setting the Girls Up With Their Wardrobe

"You have those receipts for me slut?" her Master asked and Britney reluctantly took the dog cock from her mouth. "Yes Master," she said and handed them to him. Mike looked at them and dialed the number for Victoria's Secret. "Good afternoon, Victoria's Secret, this is Mary. How may I help you" a girl said. Mike couldn't remember if the saleslady had a nametag or what it said if she did. "Hello Mary, this is Mike Simmons and I was wondering if you were working there about 11 this...

3 years ago
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J and Silent TChapter 2 Back to School

Interlude: Elle Magazine interview (unedited) Elle: You say you respect Cynthia. Why is that? Jason: There is an early 90's gangster movie. The movie sucks, but I always remembered the tagline from the poster. "You only respect what you fear." Cynthia is a lovely person when she steps out of her persona, which is most of the time these days. Still, I would never cross her on purpose. When she asked me to show her personal submissive how the other side lived, I was not going to say no,...

4 years ago
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One kinky night part 1

It all started late one evening, we sat on the couch watching television cuddled close. She sat so close I could hear her breathing and feel her chest press against mine as her breasts moved with the motion. I slide my hand down towards thighs, rubbing the inside as her nipples began to perk up. She turned her body more towards me and we began to kiss. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid the zipper down. The warmth from her pussy radiated underneath her navy blue panties. She asked me to make her...

2 years ago
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I Bet Youd be better as a Woman

I Bet You'd be better as a Woman By Gail Blue "Hey Karen, what'cha watching?" I had surprised her. Her face flushed red with embarrassment, and she was breathing heavily. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I just finished up on the computer and was about to turn in..." Karen was fumbling with the remote, trying desperately to turn off the television. I could see sweat pouring from her brow. Her pants were off. Curiosity overcame me,...

1 year ago
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You better Pull Out Creampie

I could feel my orgasm building, pressure in my balls as I thrust into her pussy. She squirmed below me, eyes closed, tossing her head back and forth, her red hair splayed out across her pillow. She was breathing heavily and grunting each time I pushed into her. She held her chest, alternately pulling on her nipples and squeezing her tits together. There were low, animistic noises deep in her throat as I fucked her.Any second now, I knew I was going to cum, and I knew I needed to pull out. I...

2 years ago
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My sons in love with me 2

I let my 16 year old son take me into Taking his virginity. I felt sick and since that day I have not human Right to speak. To call myself a mother! I-I could say no, The thought of him losing it to trashy slut. But looks who’s talking, I stared at the sink, I’ve been here 20 minutes. I felt so blue, sad, I had already finished washing the dishes what ells am I good for now. I felt arms wrap around my stomach and soft curved Lips kiss my head. I shivered uncomfortably and push...

3 years ago
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The Return of the Ex Girlfriend

The Return of the Ex Girlfriend Jim had never been so happy in his entire life! Here he was just home from his honeymoon, andready to begin his marriage with the most beautiful and loving girl a man could ever hope for. Tosay his courtship of Sally had been a whirlwind affair would be an understatement, because lessthat two months ago he had met her for the first time at a New Year’s Eve party given by a mutualfriend. They left the party arm in arm, and had been together ever since. Jim knew on...

1 year ago
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My First Perm

My First Perm by MM I've never been quite sure when the idea first occurred to me. I do know that it didn't come all at once, but developed slowly over the course of many years. Certainly the first time that I thought of doing something with my hair other than combing it frightened me. I had always considered an interest in hair to be an essentially feminine trait, and I was sure that I was a male. So how did I come to the point of sitting in the waiting room of a salon,...

3 years ago
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Dudley Do Right of the Mounties

From out of the frozen Canadian north rides Dudley Do-right of the Mounted Police, defender of truth, justice and the Canadian way. The heroic Constable Do-right and his fellow Mounties stand as a bulwark between law-abiding citizens and the felonious few who would do wrong in the wild and wooly frontier at the closing days of the 19th century. Let's join Dudley today as he rides patrol duty. "Look, Horse! There's Nell down by the river. It looks like she's having a picnic with...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 9 Security and Connections

Dave, Pam, and Alice looked through the one-way glass at the classroom with an array of children in it. Bobby and John, the older children he’d had with each woman, were in the class and were surprisingly behaving well. There were three ‘teachers’ or ‘facilitators’ in the room: Samantha Stone – one of the twins, Taylor Volker, and Athena Willis. Each was working with a small group of children looking at computer screens and-or workbooks. The group they could see right in front of the one-way...

2 years ago
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Amor Vincit Omnia

Paulus quietly entered the RCR, sneaking on the tip of his toes so as not to be detected by the only other person in there, his well-to-do older brother. Pressing a few random buttons on his way past, just for the shits and giggles and because he knew how it infuriated his by-the-book sibling, he crept up behind Valentinus until he was no more than an inch away from his gleaming white robe, preparing to give him the fright of his life. As he silently raised his hands, preparing to jump on the...

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