Descendant of Baccus Pt 11
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 13
Marriage & Murder
I arrived at the office feeling energized and ready to face anything. At least I thought I was ready. Rachel was her usual chipper self and even at this early hour there was a stack of messages waiting. Again, the first one was marked urgent. It was from Philippe and had no return number.
‘Do you know what this is all about?’ I guessed he had made his flight arrangements and would be coming in next week.
‘Yes Sir, he left a voice message saying he would be arriving at the airport at 10:30 this morning and hoped you would have time to meet with him today.’
I guess this was more urgent than I had surmised.
‘What does my schedule look like today?’ I was pretty sure I was free and I was getting excited about dealing with my first client.
‘You have a few calls scheduled for this morning but beyond that your calendar is open. Would you like me to arrange a car to meet him at the airport?’
I thought quickly and decided to turn this into a test.
‘No car. Have the company limo take you to the airport. I would like you to meet him. Also, make a reservation at the Hyatt. Make it a suite with an open departure date. He will probably be a bit worn down from the long flight. I want you to be sure he is comfortable. Do whatever it takes to get him settled in. You can bring him to the office at 2.’
I quick read told me she knew exactly what I meant by being sure he was comfortable and with out hesitation she responded with a simple ‘Yes Sir’.
‘Bring my coffee’, and with that I headed into my office to deal with the balance of the phone message and to prepare for Philippe.
It was 10 when she buzzed to tell me she was heading out. Luann would be filling in for her while she was out. Damn, I had forgotten all about my morning blowjob. So much for rituals.
‘Ok, send Luann in and check in with me when you get to the hotel.’ I was tempted to remind her of her instructions but decided to let it go and see how she did once Philippe arrived.
Luann knocked on my door a moment later and as she entered I saw Rachael heading down the corridor.
Luann was the exact opposite of Rachael. She was the stereotypical bookworm. She stood about 5 foot 6 but looked much shorter as she stood hunched looking down at her shoes. She wore thick glasses that hid most of her face so it was difficult to tell if she was even slightly pretty. Her skin was pale and lightly freckled and her dark red hair was pulled back in a plain ponytail. She had the kind of hair that would explode into a wild bush if set free but I guessed it could be tamed if she took the time to do anything with it.
She was dressed in a white blouse that was buttoned up to her neck. It fit loosely so there was no telling if she had breasts at all. She could have been flat for all I could tell. Her skirt was just as unflattering. It was a long, gray, wool tweed that fell just above her ankles. If all of this wasn’t bad enough the shoes were the real killers. They looked like old-lady orthopedics in black. She could not have made herself look less inviting if she had tried. Still, my overactive libido began wondering what would be unearthed if I’d taken the time to peel away the layers of frump.
She was clearly nervous. In fact, she was wound tighter than a watch spring. If I’d made a sudden move she would have crumbled. It was strange. How could anyone be this nervous? It wasn’t like I was some monster. I needed to probe a bit.
What I found was a startling combination of things. First, she was generally nervous in front of any new person. She was just to shy and that shyness manifested itself as physical tension. She hated this and wished in the worst way that she could get past this and learn to interact with some measure of normalcy.
The second thing I found was a bit more surprising. She was a slave and Uncle Steve was her master. I dug a little deeper and found this was a relatively new status for her and she was still not entirely comfortable with the role. She had entered this role willingly in the hopes that it would help her break out of her shell. She hated being so shy and she hated the fact that it left her virtually incapacitated. She was having her doubts now.
The last thing I discovered was pleasantly surprising. Rachael had advised her that I had forgotten about my morning blowjob and let Luann know she might be called on to provide this relief. Luann was not uncomfortable with doing this but was really afraid that she would not perform well enough. It seems Uncle Steve had found it necessary to teach her how to properly perform this service and she still lacked confidence in her abilities. I would be happy to give her my own lesson in the art.
‘Luann, please have a seat. I have a number of updates for my calendar.’
She dutifully sat opposite my desk, raised her pad and waited for my instructions.
I added a number of appointments and a series of new phone calls I had scheduled. I also moved a few items on the presumption that Philippe would require some time beyond the afternoon. I dictated three letters I needed to get out and also dictated notes I wanted at hand for this afternoons board meeting. In all, it took about an hour and fifteen minutes to get things organized and I was just about to invite her to suck my cock when the phone rang.
It was Philippe calling from the car.
‘Good morning Kenny. Thank you for organizing the car for me. Also, thank you for making time for me. I’m sorry I couldn’t provide more notice but I got the last seat and it was on very short notice.’ I listened as I fantasized about Luann on her knees.
‘Welcome Philippe, would you excuse me for just a second?’ I didn’t bother to put him on hold. I decided I’d tickle his libido just a bit.
‘Luann, please come over here and suck my cock.’ It was a polite command and she moved without hesitation. She had certainly learned how to free a cock. I was comfortably ensconced in her hot mouth in a flash.
‘Sorry Philippe, I’m running a little late this morning. I normally like to start my day with a nice blowjob. I find it helps get me settled into the days activities.’ I was so matter of fact about it he couldn’t help but laugh just a bit.
‘That sounds like a fine way to start the day to me. I wouldn’t mind adopting that practice.’ My casualness seemed to put him at ease.
‘I heartily recommend it. If you wish, Rachael will be happy to do the same for you. She has very good oral skills. In fact, she will be happy to do whatever you wish to help you get settled in. She’s going to take you to the Hyatt and get you checked in. I’ve asked her to bring you to the office at 2 so you have plenty of time. Enjoy.’
‘Fantastic! She has already suggested as much. Given the current marital problems I’ve gone without for quite some time. It would be good to release some tension. Thank you.’ He sounded like a kid at Christmas, opening presents.
‘Glad to be of service. By the way, if it’s not already raised, the limo had a privacy screen. You have about a half hour before you reach the hotel so if you don’t wish to wait just let her know what you would like. I’ll see you at 2.’ I was looking forward to hearing his report on her performance.
‘I look forward to it. Until then.’ I hung up and began to concentrate on Luann’s performance.
She was actually pretty good. Her suction was just about perfect and she almost managed to take my full length. With a little more practice she would be an excellent cocksucker. For now, she was performing adequately.
Her strokes were long and her hand was following her mouth so my entire length was being coaxed to orgasm. I stopped her.
‘Luann, are you enjoying yourself?’ I had the feeling she was getting pretty excited but was hiding it well.
‘Yes sir. I’ve learned to enjoy this very much.’ She still wasn’t looking at me but at least sh
e was conversant rather than offering a simple yes or no answer.
‘Good, I’d like to see you cum before you get me off. Please raise your skirt and play with your pussy.’ I embarrassed her and since that was exactly what I’d hoped for I was happy to see her turning red.
She came up off her knees and quickly raised her skirt to her waist. She held it there, settled back to her knees and with her free hand she pushed her panties aside and began stroking her pussy. I couldn’t get a real good look but I’d say she never shaved. Her bush was thick and hid her pussy completely. If she were mine that would be the first thing I would change.
‘Are you wet?’
‘Yes Sir. Sucking cock always makes me very wet. If you will allow me to suck you cock while I’m playing with myself it will help make me orgasm faster.’ I detected a real need in her voice.
‘Allow me.’ I took my cock in one hand and her head in the other as I guided my pole back into her mouth. Once seated, I took her head in both hands and began to slowly fuck her face. I looked down to see two fingers begin to stroke with the same rhythm.
‘Tell me when you’re ready to cum’ I instructed. She was going to have to mouth this around my cock. I had no intention of letting her loose until I was ready to spray my load. I was flashing on an image of my cum spraying across her glasses and dripping off her nose and chin. I was going to make a beautiful mess of her innocent face.
I increased the speed and force of my thrusts and started to force my cock down her throat. She seemed to be taking it well and I was just a bit disappointed. It went against the image. I was expecting her to gag and fight against my invading pole but she just seemed to get more excited. She was now working her cunt with three fingers and her pace was still matching my own. Oh well.
It took a few more minutes of this and she was ready. Each time I pulled out of her throat she manage to get a word out. ‘I’m Going To Cum’. With my cock stuffed in her mouth she sounded like a deaf person trying to speak.
As she got the last word out I shoved my cock down her throat and held it there. I didn’t have to wait long for the explosion of her orgasm. She came in quiet fits and by the time I pulled my cock from her throat she was turning blue. That’s when I let her have it.
I stroked my cock once and got her right across both lenses. The next hit her right between the eyes and the last few caught her nose, tongue and chin. I’d done a fine job. She was dripping with cum and her look of innocence was suddenly destroyed. I would never look at her the same way again.
‘You may go now.’ I dismissed her without mention of her performance. I figured I’d let her wonder and let Uncle Steve know later where I thought she needed improvement. Like an obedient child she rose and left the office without bothering to wipe her face. I wondered if anyone would notice.
I spent the rest of the morning cleaning up odds and ends and before I knew it Rachael was buzzing to let me know they had arrived.
‘Bring him in please.’ I was anxious to hear his assessment of her performance and thought it would be a good lesson in humility to have her listen to his critique.
I met him in the lounge and was immediately stunned by what I saw. He was not at all what I pictured him to be. I was expecting a man in his late forties or early fifties. Instead, this was a man in his late twenties or early thirties. He was tall at about six foot 3 and seemed to be well built. He was wearing a light gray silk suit that was clearly tailor made for him and he’d dressed it up with a much darker gray shirt and a canary yellow tie. All in all, he was the perfect image of a man who’d achieved wealth and stature. This was not a man who appeared to require my services.
This image was further fortified as we shook hands. His grip was firm and confident. He was confident enough not to try to overpower me but firm enough to let me know this was a proud man. Whatever the problem, this could prove to be a difficult case. Too much self-confidence and he would fight my attempts to assist him. Then again, enough self-confidence and he wouldn’t need my assistance. This was going to be interesting.
I invited him to sit and offered him a drink. Rachael went to the bar to prepare his scotch and soda. I settled for a coke.
‘How was your trip?’
‘It was actually very relaxing. The flight was on time and the weather was calm all the way over. Sorry again to provide so little notice but I was really anxious to meet you and see how you might be able to help.’
‘It’s quite all right. I was actually looking forward to meeting you and my schedule has been pretty flexible so for. I suspect it will get much busier before too much longer so it’s probably better that you came sooner rather than later. Tell me, did Rachael do an adequate job making you comfortable?’
‘Yes, she was wonderful. By the way, I really do like your morning ritual. I’ve decided I will be adopting that from now on.’ He was smiling like a kid.
I hope I won’t embarrass you with this but Rachael is in training and it would be very helpful if you could assess her performance more specifically. Can you tell me what she did for you and what you thought of those services?’ Rachael had returned with the drinks and was standing along side my chair.
‘Oh, I see. Well, I guess that’s the least I can do. I took up your suggestion and had her give me a blowjob in the car. She was really quite good. In fact, she may have been the best I’ve ever had.’ Rachael was beaming.
‘When we got to the hotel I decided to take her to bed. I was pleased to find that she wasn’t wearing panties and her pussy was quite wet. She felt really good and responded very nicely. I guess my only disappointment was I was unable to make her cum. I do like to give my women as much pleasure as I receive from them.’ Rachael’s smile faded a bit with that one.
‘Rachael, why is it that you didn’t cum for the gentlemen?’ I was firm with her even though I knew the answer.
‘I’m sorry Master. I was only following your instructions. I had not received your permission to cum so I fought off the urge.’ She turned to Philippe. ‘I’m sorry to have displeased you sir.’
Philippe was about to respond when I jumped in. ‘My apologies Philippe. I have Rachael under strict instructions not to orgasm unless she is granted permission. I’m afraid I forgot to fill you in. If you would like to try again I can set her free. She is actually very orgasmic and would probably have cum several times had I allowed her that freedom.’ I had him stirred and a quick look into his thoughts told me he was intrigued by her servitude and curious about how she would respond in the throes of orgasm. I also found him wondering what her ass would feel like. He had apparently fucked her doggie style and was lusting over that fine specimen.
‘Did you have a chance to sample her ass?’ I decided to chide him on a bit.
‘No, I’m afraid I missed out on that delicacy. Is it as good as it looks?’ He was hooked and Rachael knew it.
‘Her ass is very nice and getting better. She is actually very tight but I’ve had her doing exercises that have loosened her up just enough to be enjoyable. Rachael, go get the 9-inch dildo and bring it back here. I’d like you to demonstrate for the gentleman.’
She responded with a simple but embarrassed, ‘yes Master’ as she headed off to retrieve the toy.
‘Philippe, please let her demonstrate for you and then feel free to try her out yourself. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how good her ass is.’
He was having second thoughts about this. He was actually getting a bit embarrassed by the thought of performing in the company of others. I figured I’d help him get over it with a few mild tweaks. I had him ready a raring to go by the time Rachael returned.
‘Rachael, bed over the couch and demonstrate.’ She did as
‘Philippe, when I first started her training she was so tight it was almost painful to fuck her ass. Since then she’s been working with the dildo each morning and now she can take it with just a bit of saliva as her lube. I think the tightness is just about right but maybe you can let me know what you think.’ He never took his eyes off Rachael as she began to work the plastic dick into her asshole but he was paying attention. The bulge in his custom made trousers told me his dick was paying attention as well.
Rachael had worked most of the dildo into her ass at this point and was now stroking it comfortably and I found myself getting excited as well. Maybe this would be a good time to introduce her to a bit of double penetrating action. Then again, with Philippe it might not be a good idea. I’d have to play this one by ear.
‘Rachael, are you ready for a real cock?’ Whether she was ready or not Philippe was.
‘Yes Master.’ The response was more of a moan than a clear verbalization. She was obviously on a hair trigger.
‘Philippe, she’s all yours.’ My tweaking obviously did the trick. He was out of his clothes and in position in no time at all.
His cock was about the same length as mine but he had more girth. In fact, he was wider than the dildo now stuffed in Rachael’s ass. This was going to become interesting.
Rachael sensed him behind her and eased the dildo out so he could enter and that’s exactly what he did before her asshole could relax and close. As soon as he had the head of his cock seated he grabbed her hips and pressed in. She groaned as his dick disappeared.
‘This is the best ass I’ve ever had. It is perfectly tight. I wouldn’t change a thing.’ He was beaming as he began to work her with long, solid strokes.
Each time he hit bottom Rachael grunted and each time she did Philippe seemed to be spurred on to make the next trust just a bit more forceful. It didn’t take long before he was pounding her ass just as hard and as fast as he could. That’s when I let her go.
‘Rachael, you can cum now.’ It was if the words were the trigger. She immediately began to spasm and shake through a monster orgasm and as she was overcome Philippe decided to add a bit of a twist.
The first shot actually took me by surprise as he began spanking her ass with a passion. Rachael reacted as well. With the first shot her orgasm leapt to a new level of intensity. With each of the following stokes I could almost see the sparks of raw energy spiking through her body. Her head was flailing wildly. Her spine was spasming with such force it looked like it might snap. Her cries had become so shrill it was almost painful to listen to. It reached a crescendo as her finger practically poked through the leather of the sofa and then she collapsed. She had just had the most intense orgasm of her young life and I was both impressed and just a bit jealous.
Philippe hadn’t cum yet.
‘Let’s give her a few minutes to recover and then let’s see if we can’t have a bit more fun with her.’ He actually looked somewhat ridiculous standing over her unconscious form with his dick standing at attention as he tried to catch his breath.
He finally spoke but the first few words came out in French. He caught himself quickly and started again.
‘That was the most intense sex I’ve ever had. At her best, my wife was never that good. Does she always cum like that?’
‘I think that was probably the most intense orgasm she’s ever had. You did well. How about we bring her around and do her together. She’s never had two cocks at the same time. If you’d like to take her ass again I’ll take her pussy. I bet we can make her next orgasm even better.’ Given what I’d just witnessed I had no doubt the next orgasm would turn her into a vegetable for the rest of the day. I decided that would be a worthy goal.
It was awhile before she started to stir again and when she did it still took time for her to recover her bearings. By the time she did I was stripped down and sitting next to her with my cock standing at attention. As this image registered in her consciousness she groaned a bit and in an exhausted voice she asked, ‘What would like me to do Master’.
To all who read and commented on A World Of My Own, thank you. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. For those who asked that I continue that story I must apologize. I just kind of lost track of the plot and I just haven’t been able to get it back. Maybe this time will be better. All comments are welcome. Any advise on how to be a better writer will be accepted with great appreciation. Please vote and comment. Chapter 1: The Blessing & Rebirth If you could have anyone you wanted, whenever...
Chapter 6 Returning To The Womb I returned home late that morning feeling both refreshed and confused. I found my mother at the kitchen table reading the paper so I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave her a kiss hello, and joined her. ‘Mom, I really need your help. I’ve got so many things running through my head I can’t think straight.’ One look at me and she knew this was important. She put her paper down. ‘Shoot and I’ll do my best to help.’ I was already comforted just knowing I had her to...
Chapter 9 Family Fun & More I got home around six and spent the next hour just relaxing. I had given very careful thought to how this night was going to go and if all went to plan I was going to need all my energy. Savannah showed up right on time and she was a true vision. She wore a simple black dress that was cut square across the neck and hugged all of her curves in just the right way. It came to about 6 inches above her knees to show her legs to their best advantage and was sleeveless,...
Chapter 14 2’s Company, 8’s An Orgy I got home a bit before seven and was pleased to find Savannah ready. She looked absolutely perfect dressed in the same elegant yet simple black dress with the same classic string of pearls resting at the base of her neck. Her hair was loose and shimmering in the evening light. Her nails were done in understated colors with just the slightest hint of a gold streak cutting across each. Her makeup was modestly applied with just a bit of highlight to enhance...
Chapter 10 New Clients, New Determination I got up late and didn’t make it to the office until just before noon. Rachael was waiting for me with a stack of phone messages and a sweet smile. ‘Good morning sir. Would you like some coffee?’ She was chipper as always and given how tired I was I found it just a touch annoying. ‘Coffee would be good. Bring my messages as well’, I barked. I headed into my office and settled down behind the desk. This was going to be a very busy day. Rachael...
To all those who have voted and sent notes, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. To the guy who’s wife couldn’t get through the story without giving him a bj, outstanding. That is the best compliment I could ever hope for. Be sure to return the favor. As for being the Steven King of erotica, that’s pushing it a bit I’m sure but thanks anyway. Please keep the comments coming. I’m going to take this in a number of different directions and have several more character I want to add. I’d be...
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Hi my name is karthik am from hyderabad this is my true story,plz if u like my stories send ur feedbacks to my yahoo id am 23yr old single guy studying in some college in hyd, and love to live to the fullest. The incident i am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back.if aunties, gals, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id Epudu e story malini aunty chepputadi vinaadi ok na,aunty ni chuste naku pichi akki poyindi . Naa vayassu 45 years. Naaku 23 vayasu appude na...
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I woke up before the alarm went off, and lay in bed for a while before getting up. I had slept soundly after another round of amazing sex with my father-in-law Bill last night. I smiled as I recalled his remarkable virility and stamina for a man of his age.I had little doubt that, had we spent the night together, he would have given me orgasm after orgasm. I was getting wet just thinking of our lovemaking.Sexual excitement soon gave way to guilt as I thought about the relationship that I had...
CheatingHey, all sexy iss readers. This is your Suraj from Bangalore with a fantastic story with a sexy shy friend’s sister. My contact details and kik username suraj2030. .Her name is Liya. Me and my her brother is very close friends since 4th class, he had one elder sister and one younger sister who was 2 years younger than me. In school days she was not so attractive and I never had any feeling on her. But when she entered 10th her breasts started growing and her nipples were always poking out from...
Minter now had a taste of the ruthless retribution that would be dealt out to any male who dared violate the spirit of freedom that prevailed within the matriarchy of Charlotteville, his humiliation continuing as he was led down through the seething crowd of women, their tart libidos brought to an extremely erotic head by the shaming of a white male on the gallows, and the lowly display of submission by the example who was now paraded to receive their spiteful contempt. As he moved amongst...
I gathered the drinks and returned to my office to find this beauty still standing there with a super sexy smile and her stunning firm body looking even hotter. I gave her the water and sat on the small sofa and she sat on my chair and we began to chat about the party. I asked her if she was going with her boyfriend? She looked sad and said they had split over 8 weeks ago, I asked why they had split and she looked at me and said “Mr. D I really like you and your like one of the family” and...
Reddit AltGoneWild, aka r/AltGoneWild! Do you love staring at those bad looking bitches? I’m not talking about when your mother strips out of her sweatpants showing you all the shit she shoplifted from the local big box store as you try to hide your mystery boner, either. I’m talking about the goddesses over at If you get off to the pieces of ass that have piercings all over their bodies and more ink than original skin cells, you’re going to love this subreddit!So if the...
Reddit NSFW ListThe SixthForm College was pretty much empty when seventeen-year-old pupil Gemma Dawson walked through the secretary’s office and into the Headmasters study. Mr Cooper looked up startled when he saw Gemma enter. She was wearing her summer school uniform of a green and white gingham dress with buttons down the front, a white belt, the hem halfway down her thigh. She also wore short socks which was strange for a sixth former. He didn’t like it when a pupil just barged in to his room though....
Spanking“So how was your date?” Maria asked when the twins arrived for breakfast. Maria wore a tee shirt like Patti’s. “Great,” Andy said. “Donna’s terrific.” “We had a great time. No hassles, no pressure,” Patti added. “I even made sure to give him a big hug and a kiss in the middle of the mall. Gotta keep up appearances.” She looked at her brother. “I checked with Donna first.” “She told me. She also told me to put my arm around her when we were walking,” Andy added. “Well, you sure made it...
Hi friends ,ye meri pehli story hai iss me. mera naam ayush hai aur me management ki padhai kar raha hoo , i am 18 years old. mai mumbai me rehta hoon aur mujhe married woman bohot acchi aur sexy lagti hai.kisi bhi aurat ko maza chahiye ho to plz mujhe email kare ab me apni sacchi story me aata hoon. mere ghar me mai, meri maa ,mere pita,aur meri choti behen rehti hai. Meri maa ka naam droopa hai vo 38 saal ki ek bohot khubsurat aurat hai. unki height 5.3 hogi , rang gora hai, unka figure kuch...
The First Session Sunday morning - about 11am - and I'm driving west, around 30 miles fromhome. It's an area I don't know too well, although the main road is familiarenough. My cellphone rings. "Good morning slave. I'm behind you. Your registration number is xxxxxxx, isn't it?" you ask. " Your description of your car was veryclear and it was easy to spot you. There's a right turn up ahead. Take it andfollow the road for about a mile until you come to a layby. Pull in and expectcompany." I...
Later that same Wednesday, Amelie left her small, but cozy apartment and took the bus down-town. The incident had been an eye-opener to her. She had not really thought about such things before, but she was keen to learn more about it. At that time, the internet in the building where she lived, was having stability-issues, so when she got off the bus, she walked back a bit and turned down a narrow side-street. There was an old and very friendly second hand bookstore that she had visited on...
I was utterly dumbfounded and shattered when the Headmaster, having pulled me out of my class in the middle of the morning session told me that a complaint had been made by the parents of a student, that I had raped their fifteen year old daughter the previous afternoon after school hours in a deserted class room. She had apparently arrived home from school in a distressed state, and after examination at the local hospital the fact that she had been raped was quickly confirmed. The Headmaster...
Here you were, leaving the big city for the first time. Your mother said that it was time for you to get out into the real world. She was shipping you off to the wilds of the new, California. Your uncle had a ranch there, where you could escape the brutal, north winter of home. You were resistant at first, then settled on the idea that it would be a grand adventure. You had been locked in your sleeping room for a full day before you got up the nerve to explore the locomotive. Your stomach was...
Edited by Barney R. All errors are mine. All of the cheating stories have their clichés – I came home unexpectedly – she (or he) stopped or slowed way down on sex – he (or she) started using anything for an excuse to start an argument – bills from hotels that you had not been to – gas receipts from areas that your spouse wasn’t supposed to be in. They are clichés because any and all of them have happened enough that they become somewhat commonplace reasons for adulterous divorces. Mine...
Be good to the neighbor's wife.Now this is a kinda true to life story, or maybe I'm just shucking, you just never know.I'd rented an ole shotgun place a few years back, wasn't much to look at, but it was out in the sticks so was good for my intended purposes.It had a big ole front room which was quickly turned into a practice room for my band. I'd tacked egg carton baffling up on the south wall as that was the general direction of my only neighbor who also happened to be my landlord.Said...
Wife LoversA little background: James was a high school teacher. He had never even thought about fooling around with any of his students, despite the fact that many were model beautiful and he was a single man in his mid twenties. Over the four years he had been teaching a number of the girls girls had tried to get him to notice them. One time a senior girl even met him in his classroom at the end of the school day and began unbuttoning her shirt, exposing the cleavage of her D-cup breast to his eyes. He...
I stood alone in a little bathroom cubicle at the market, leaning against the sink. I was breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down. My efforts were not successful. I could still taste Jack in my mouth and feel the sensation of his lips on my neck. I lifted a hand, ran it through my blonde hair, then rubbed my neck with my palm. I moaned and wriggled. Then I danced in excitement with my feet.Then I steeled myself. I hadn't gone to the bathroom to pee. I needed to steady myself, and I...
TransStepmother' Love By: Malissa and Gang I sat on the front porch waiting, fear radiating through me at the uncertain meeting with my Stepmother. It had been three years since I last saw her, even longer since I'd last seen my father. Now I was being sent to them in disgrace, a thirteen year old boy that my mother wanted nothing to do with. I'd endured the beatings, the degradation, and humiliation for my problems, all my life, but now even I'd gone too far. I couldn't really...
Mom, at the youthful age of forty-two, without telling anyone but her husband had the momentous surgery to enhance her breasts. When the k**s came home for Thanksgiving it was obvious. And so was her joy. And her pride. And her resolve. Are her backbone. Her daughters said little. Her sons said less. Wives said little. Husbands said nothing. Hurray for the otherwise low-key mom and mother-in-law. Late on Thanksgiving night mom and one of the daughters were talking. The subject came up and mom...
"I'm a really great fuck. Like, really. I'm kind of a dork, no, more of ageek really, but guys, take note – the geeky girls? the ones who telldumb jokes and are, like, too smart and don't do their makeup and wear boy'sclothes... the ones who are silly and freaky and who, to this day, have yetto wear an outfit that you can see their body in? Yeah, those girls...we'll ride your cock until your eyes roll back in your head, we have sweet,sweet asses underneath all that khaki, we'll tie you up and...
My Step-Mom is always cleaning my room, I hate it so much she is just so annoying and always looking through my things. Today when I got back from the gym, my Mom confronts me with my pocket pussy. She was looking through my stuff when I wasn’t home and found it in my drawer. I was so embarrassed but my Mom told me not to worry, wanting to be good at sex is nothing to be embarrassed by. She did bring up a good point though, fucking fake pussy is not gonna help me be better at sex. I...
xmoviesforyouWhen Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon returned from Washington just after the new year, they informed their friend, Dawn Estevez, that they had confirmed the identity of her uncle and that he was, indeed, involved in their investigation. She very sadly promised not to inform anyone in her family what was going on until the investigation was closed. They had also returned with all the authorized documents from headquarters to begin the actual investigation into the import/export...
Chapter 4When someone finally stirred it was Mikey. "Mom?""Yes, honey?" She said in her sweetest voice."Hmm," Mikey paused. "I've got to take a leak."With these words his Mom began to laugh and through herlaughter, "Yeah, me too."With their laughter they regained the will to separate.Mikey rolled off his mother and stood up. Still facingher, with her watching him, he tried awkwardly to puthis still hard dick back into his white underpants. Herlaughter intensified and he couldn't help but join...
The flight to Tel Aviv was four hours long; it was dark when we arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport. I had called Ben-David before we left Madrid so he could inform his friends that I would be seeing them tomorrow morning. I wanted another night of rest. The ribs were better as long as I was careful. We landed on the main runway and were headed for the general aviation terminal when we were diverted to park in front of what was obviously an IDF (Israel Defense Forces) hanger. As the...
The Wedding Dress by Sheila Anne Morgan I have always been slightly overweight, but now I seemed to have put on an additional ten pounds I couldn't seem to lose, as much as I tried. My wife of five years, Maureen, said, "You know what, Randy, you just need the proper incentive to lose that extra weight." "Maureen, I've tried everything, I just...
I can sometimes be a bit of a know-it-all, especially when it comes to porn subjects. I can’t help it. I’ve been reviewing smut nonstop for the better part of a decade. I’ve got porn on the brain and smut in my veins. It’s all I think about. It’s all I do. And yet, once in a while, some dinghy ass porn website will surprise me and teach me a humbling lesson about smut. As it turns out, you can’t know everything about porn. Porn is much like our cultural zeitgeist, constantly shifting, always...
Indian Porn SitesThe day was glorious – sunny and bright and I was going to be stuck at the University planning for a conference. On my way into the city on the train I wondered how Alis day would go. She was planning to sunbath and work on a tan. She had a short workout and a little steam and drug out the sun lounger from the shed and set it up in the sun. It was a hand-made wooden affair from the local trees. We have had two of them for years. She laid out her nice and plush bath towel and oiled herself up...
My Sister, Myself By Genni S ICQ # 85004594 Jason Andrews was pissed off. It wasn't bad enough that he was stuck at Home baby sitting his 7-year-old sister on a Saturday morning, now she'd disappeared and his parents would kill him. He was watching television when Katie wandered in and changed the channel to some girly cartoon series and said she was bored. Jason had one of his brain waves and suggested a game of hide and seek which Katie jumped at. He closed his eyes, started...
Discovery of Love and Submission Pt. 03byAshLJ©I was not sure if I was dragged into the bedroom by Clare or followed. It felt like it was a little bit of both. I was thrown onto the bed with a strength that surprised me. I did not want to yelp but couldn't stop myself as I fell onto the soft mattress. Clare didn't seem to notice and pounced on top of me with a huge grin on her face. Our lips locked, and my mouth was possessed by Clare's tongue. She was fiery with this kiss as she had been with...
Ha, Peter’s so dumb. His friend got pulled over for speeding, and because he was the passenger in the car, his friend’s mom Tucker Stevens is punishing him by making him do all their dishes. For some reason, Peter’s scared that Tucker will call his mom, so he agrees to be punished — anything but dishes. Mrs. Stevens is feeling frisky and tells Peter that her out-of-the-house husband hasn’t been paying any attention to her lately…so he might as well pull his dick out! Peter can’t believe it,...
xmoviesforyouSarah went into the bathroom and pulled off her shirt and skirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were so small compared to Kaylie’s, but I guess they were ok, Hank seemed to like them. She grabbed one and squeezed, it filled up her hand easily. What did they say, more than a handful is a waste? She also noticed that her nipples were still hard. They had been hard all afternoon. She flicked one of them and felt a little surge of excitement flow through her body. What...
I am now going on 67 of age and finally I plucked up courage to do something I did when I was a young lad, have gay sex, I've always fantasized about having gay sex again although I am now a married man, I watch old gay guys having sex all the time, I get so hard and horny, anyway I was watching online some old gay grandads having sex in a woods, what a turn on, I came buckets watching it, one was a big fat guy maybe about 70 ish the other was about 10 years young and not so big, they both had...
Sunday became a turning point in my life. I arrived and Mona said she had a favour to ask me. “Are you bi by any chance” she asked me. I wasn’t sure why she was asking. In fact, back in the day I did have a brief affair with a woman at work. It lasted two weeks, was very intense and she decided she liked men and it ended. “I have dabbled” I said. “Oh good” she replied “this couple have booked and I was hoping you could take it”. I had to laugh. She had already booked it so what was she...
This is the second installment of the story Genetic Influences. This installment continues the story with Chapter Three. The previous two chapters can be read in the first installment. I appreciate reader feedback and have enjoyed reading reviews posted thus far. Chapter Three: Preparations "Mmmph," I groaned as I rolled onto my chest and squished my tits. "These damn things are going to take some getting used to," I thought. I looked, bleary-eyed at the clock on my...