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Chapter 38. Laura

Barry was a middle age single man with a daughter in college. He was a science teacher at a high school but his salary was not enough to finance his kid in her university even with her scholarship. He did not need that much more, basically just fees and books but he did not have the money for them.

He did not want to work a second job all the time so he ended up being a male escort. Working once a week would get him the money he needed. He got one hundred and fifty dollars plus tips.

He liked going places without having to pay and he liked the company of women.

He was tall, handsome, with a bit of grey at his temples. He was a fan of the symphony and the baseball team. He liked rock concerts and operas. He was a good dancer.

Most of his clients were middle age or older women and most wanted sex. He was a very good lover and made sure the ladies felt loved and had at least one orgasm. Several of the women were married and none pretended otherwise to him. Several had introduced him to their husband as a friend of a friend.

All women that had Barry for an escort once asked for him by name on subsequent calls.

That name was Mark.

His wife had died twelve years before and he had not dated anyone outside the escort service. He was still in love with her so he saw no point to relationships. To him the fucks were just part of the job and he was glad to have them.

His daughter Miki knew what he did for extra money and found it amusing. She was twenty-one years old and would begin her senior university year in the fall. She was very happy he did not take jobs when she was home during school breaks. She had not asked him to do that for her, he just did.

It was summer vacation when his agent called and said, ‘I know you don’t work summers but I have a situation. A woman asked for you but I explained you did not work when your daughter was home. I sent her Lance. She called me this morning in tears saying that Lance was just a kid and treated her like a piece of meat. She had to fight off his sexual advances.

She insisted I give her your number so she could talk to you.

I told her that we did not do that but she made me promise to give you her name and number.’

Barry was flattered. He thought about it for a few moments then sighed and asked for her name and number. He hoped he could reason with her.

As it turned out she was the one he remembered and liked best.

He in fact liked her well enough that if she had lived in town he would have dated her, the only one for whom he felt that way.

She was a paleontologist that had made an important find and was in town to lecture at the Museum of Natural Science. He and his daughter had tickets for it. His daughter Miki idolized her but he had never told his daughter he knew her.

He called her and it went directly to voice mail. He said, ‘Hi Laura, this is Barry. My daughter and I will be in your audience this afternoon. She is looking forward to meeting you. I will be happy to see you again. Bye.’

Dr. Laura Ballard was Miki’s hero. Even though he had cautioned his daughter that there were no jobs for paleontologists she had insisted to include it as a major. Fortunately she was also getting a teaching certificate in science.

Barry had given his daughter Laura’s newest book as a birthday present and Miki was taking it to the museum hoping she could get it autographed.

Laura was a handsome, tall, slim, athletic, talented, shorthaired redheaded woman. She had a wicked sense of humor but most of the barbs were self-inflicted.

On their first tryst she expected to be fucked and be left alone but instead he had made love to her. He took her to many orgasms before he had his. He had curled up to her and kissed her shoulder as she fell asleep and stayed with her overnight.

He loved her again in the morning and showered with her. He had joined her for breakfast.

It was her last night in the city on that trip.

She was very much affected by him. He got a big tip.

He puzzled himself with the extra perks for nothing. Staying overnight was always extra and he had paid for breakfast without thinking about it. Her tip had more than covered his expenses anyway.

He did admit to himself she was special.

She returned five months later for a museum fundraiser. She was in town for three nights and she had contracted him for all three. Before Barry most of Laura’s escorts were women. Most of the time she used an escort just one night. She had never asked for any escort for an entire stay.

She knew she had made a wise decision when they made love the second he arrived at her hotel room. He was the perfect companion at her function that evening and made love to her for over an hour when they returned to her room. It was a school night so he left at two in the morning. He kissed her softly and said, ‘See you tomorrow. Good night.’

He accompanied her to dinner with VIP’s the second evening, a Friday. Barry was acquainted with some of the guests and mingled with them with Laura. All evening she felt like she was with her man.

He stayed with her all night and after making love to her that morning took her to one of his favorite places for breakfast.

She told him who she was, something very few clients ever revealed to him and was sure she had never revealed to anyone else.

He confessed that he already knew who she was.

He told her his name was Barry and that she was his daughter’s hero. He impressed her when he asked perceptive questions about her work.

She had errands to do and asked him to keep her company.

He did and by the time they returned to her hotel they were holding hands and kissing at random moments. They made love then showered together. They kissed for long stretches under the stream.

That evening he escorted her to a ball for the Opera House.

During the ball he surprised her when he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. He was not surprised to learn she was not a good dancer so he did some ‘hard leading’ and made her look good.

Barry kissed her cheek when the song ended.

She kissed him hard right there in the middle of the dance floor in front of everybody. They held hands the rest of the evening.

Some of the ladies at the ball had been clients of his, many were with their husband but managed to gush about him to her. They also told her not to become too attached, that he was still in love with his late wife. That gave Laura pause but she could not pin down why it did.

She had no functions on Sunday, and her plane did not leave until late afternoon.

He spent the morning making love to her and she then fucked him hard.

He took her to his favorite deli for lunch. She was about to take out her credit card when he paid the check.

‘You are my date now, he said.’

She again kissed him in front of everybody.

Their kiss as she got in her limo lasted long enough for her driver to whisper, ‘You have a plane to catch.’

‘See you next time,’ she said.

When he got home late that afternoon his daughter Miki asked him, ‘Special lady?’

‘Yes,’ he answered.

Miki knew not to ask who it was.

On her next trip three months later Laura realized that first night that she was indeed falling in love with him.

She asked him to fuck her hard and he did bringing her to a deep orgasm.

She then told him he could leave but he ignored her and kissed his way down her body. He rubbed his face on her red pubic hair then loved her pussy for another orgasm. Barry then kissed his way up and made love to her until they had simultaneous orgasms, hers was her third of that fuck.

He made a move to leave but she pulled him to her and almost suffocated him with kisses.

It was still the school year but he kissed
her until she was asleep before he left.

He could not be with her the second day until after six. Whatever her plans were for the evening were canceled. She was waiting for him with Ruben sandwiches and her naked body. They fucked first, then ate, then fucked and talked and fucked until she was asleep sometime after two AM.

On their third and last night on a Friday he took her to a symphony concert and dancing at a jazz dinner club. He made love to her nearly the entire night and again kissed her before she got in a limo to take her to the airport.

He never noticed she had not tipped him. It never occurred to her to do so. It had not been a business deal for either.

It took him two days to realize he had not escorted her to any functions. She had apparently come to the city to be with him.

He felt flattered, and nervous.

That tryst had been two months before.

That afternoon at the museum as soon as she was introduced and came out she looked for him in the audience. She smiled and nodded at the people she knew but her smile for him was special. Miki noticed that. So did everyone else some of whom turned to look at him.

She gave a very funny lecture covering her last trip to fossil grounds in Canada with accompanying slides and ended with a short video of her sliding and falling in deep mud.

‘And while I was there I took in a beauty treatment,’ she quipped after the video clip.

She held the image of her screaming as her butt landed in the mud and the audience laughed for about five minutes.

She waited until the last giggle and chuckle faded then said, ‘Well OK, I’ll run it again,’ and did in super slow motion.

That time the video ended with a shot of her mud covered ass and the words ‘The End’ over it.

She got an ovation when she finished then she sat at the autograph table.

Her father told Miki to stay at the back of the line and that he would be right back. He did not notice Laura’s eyes following him as he left the lecture hall but Miki did. She also noticed the smile she got when Laura saw she was still there.

She was third in line when her father returned.

Miki had noted that Laura was gracious with everyone and that when someone was taking a bit too long she would bring the person behind him or her into the conversation. That was enough to move the line along.

Miki was very happy that her hero behaved as a hero should.

When it was Miki’s turn Laura stood and gave her father a soft kiss on the lips then gave Miki a hug.

‘You must be Miki. He told me you were a bratty kid not a beautiful young lady.’ She kissed Miki on the cheek then sat down and wrote a long passage on her book before she signed it.

Her father walked up to the table and handed Laura a Mounds candy bar. She stood and kissed him again.

She whispered to him, ‘I do not have a dinner date.’

Barry then said loud enough for Miki to hear, ‘If you are not already booked come have dinner with us tonight. I am a good cook.’

‘Can you pick me up?’

‘Yes, from where and what time?’

That was arranged and they left.

As they drove home Miki had a million questions for her Dad but was still too stunned to manage any except to ask,

‘Can Jess join us for dinner?’

‘Do you two promise not to fawn on Laura?’


‘Well, OK.’

Jess was her best friend and also paleontology major. She also idolized Laura.

Laura had given him an early pick up time and she was nude when she opened the door for him. He got nude quickly and fucked her to an orgasm, ate her pussy for a second orgasm, then made love to her for a third.

As they dressed she noticed he had not cum and a small smile crossed her lips. She hoped it meant he was going to make love to her again.

Miki and her friend Jess greeted her like the star Laura was to them. All Jess could do at first was suppress a squeal.

Laura reached into her bag and brought out a copy of her last book and asked Jess to spell her name. Jess tried but could not speak. Miki told her and Laura wrote a note, signed it, and gave Jess the book.

Between fucks at the hotel Barry had told her about Jess since she would be joining them for dinner.

‘Jess is the best friend I would have picked for Miki. I have a copy of your latest book in the car and I was going to give to her at the museum. I want you to give it to her, please. She is very, very disappointed she could not come to your lecture this afternoon.’

After Laura handed her the signed book Jess had tears in her eyes as she hugged the book to her chest. The overwhelmed girl could not manage a thank you.

Of course her reaction was the best thanks Laura could ever get.

Laura noted Barry’s big smile and said to herself, ‘Yeah. He’s the right one.’

Laura asked, ‘Why did Jess not come to the lecture.’

Miki said, ‘She had to work. She tried to get off but couldn’t.

We had a ticket for her.’

‘Let me see it.’

The girls scrambled in their purses and Jess found it in hers.

She handed it to Laura and she wrote ‘Valid for November 21st’ and signed it.

Laura handed a DVD to Miki and said, ‘Let’s show Jess what she missed.’

Miki played it and they sat and watched the DVD she used on that afternoon’s presentation with their own personal Laura Ballard narration.

Barry left Laura to their mercy and checked on dinner. He had prepped it and called Miki to put it in the oven when he got ready to bring Laura home. Soon it was done and he brought it out to the counter. The aroma brought the ladies into the kitchen so he went ahead and began to plate.

He intended to use the formal dining room but Laura helped him serve the girls and served them on the kitchen table then served her own plate and sat with them.

The girls were just able to control their giggles and barely ate. Laura and Barry ate every morsel. He fixed four glasses of wine and told the girls they could have just one since they had to drive.

He had convinced Miki to spend the night at Jess’.

As Laura finished a long and somewhat racy story Miki looked at her and said, ‘I love you.’

Her father laughed and said, ‘That’s enough fawning. Kiss the poor lady goodbye and go. Come back around nine. I will have breakfast for you.’

The girls kissed Laura on the cheeks as he took pictures, Laura looked at him and kissed each girl on the lips. He got those pictures too. Somehow the girls managed to walk out the door.

Laura and Barry heard loud squeals outside and laughed.

‘Are they gay?’ Laura asked him.

‘I am not sure they have decided. They have had sex with each other but as far as I know no other girls. They do date guys.’

‘I see you would not be upset if Miki was gay.’

‘Not at all. She is a smart kid and will figure it out and whatever she decides will be fine with me. I love Jess too if they end up as partners.’

They were in his bedroom naked by then and she urged him onto his back and straddled him. His cock finished becoming erect in her pussy. It was her second time on top with him.

She fucked him slowly.

Laura had fucked him hard once but as she daydreamed about it over the following months it occurred to her she should have taken all the time in the world. That night she did.

They kissed and talked.

After her second orgasm she told him what she had been doing the previous two months.

After her third she asked him to be her escort at an awards show in October in Chicago. He asked her if she was getting an award and she said hopefully.

He said he would be there with her.

She kissed him and as the kiss intensified so did her fuck.

He erupted into her as she reached her fourth orgasm.

She was more than pleased.

After a couple of dozen k
isses they got up and went to clean up the kitchen. He was by then accustomed to her fetish of allowing his cum to ooze down her thigh.

‘One day I will lick that up,’ he said to himself.

After they finished in the kitchen they got a glass of wine and sat on the couch and listened to classical music on his stereo.

She said, ‘That was when I knew I was in love with you, our last night together on the last trip. You took me to a symphony concert on your own money. You took me dancing afterwards. You loved and kissed me all night.

I did not want to be in love with you, I know you are still in love with your wife.

But I decided that as long as you treated me like you loved me I would be fine.’

He gave her a long kiss.

‘Miki looks just like her Mom. Tell me about her.’

He did, half way through his story a tear left his eye. Laura kissed it and hugged him.

When he was done Laura said, ‘I would have liked her. Hell, I probably would have seduced her. I assume you knew I am Bi.’

He nodded yes and kissed her. ‘She would have accepted advances from you.’

That statement floored Laura. A tear fell down her cheek. He kissed it. Laura was trembling when he held her in his arms.

For the first time it occurred to her he might love her too.

She sobbed then willed herself to stop.

He kissed her and she felt his love for her.

She sobbed as she smiled.

It took her several minutes to compose herself and they got another glass of wine and sipped it as they kissed.

Before the wine was gone his cock had recovered.

They went to bed.

‘You don’t have to answer but I am curious, how many women have you made love to in this room?’


After a short pause she asked, ‘In this bed?’


‘Love me.’

They began what would be the longest fuck of their lives.

They were still in bed when Miki came home the next morning.

She went to the bedroom and awakened Laura with kisses to her lips. ‘Your agent is on the phone,’ she said.

Laura had been naked uncovered when Miki came in so Laura saw no point in getting dressed and went to the living room naked.

Her father had awakened so she asked him, ‘Are you two fuck buddies or lovers?’

He thought about it for a moment and said, ‘Somewhere between the two, closer to lovers. No, lovers.’

Miki grinned, nodded and kissed his cheek then said, ‘You better get dressed. I think she will need to be somewhere soon.’

Laura came back to the bedroom and was telling someone on the phone she would be there on time.

She looked at Miki and asked, ‘Don’t you have a class today?’

‘Oh yeah. I will be out of your way soon.’

‘No, I need you to give me a ride. I am the surprise lecturer.’

Miki gave her a big smile then a soft kiss and said she would wait for her in the living room.

A requisite class in Paleontology was only offered in the summer that year. It was her only class.

Laura walked up to Barry and told him, ‘Watch carefully.’

She uncovered him then leaned over and slid his cock in her mouth. She sucked it until he was hard.

She gripped his cock and said, ‘This is the first cock I have ever had in my mouth. It is now going to fuck me in the shower.’

That was exactly what happened and after getting dressed she joined Miki, kissed her lips and off they went to the university.

Barry went to the kitchen and fixed himself some coffee then sat at the table in his patio to drink it.

Barry was wondering how Laura would cope with his part time job. He wondered if he could afford Miki’s senior year without the job. His daughter’s school was the most prestigious in the southwest. It was expensive.

He worried that he had cheated on his wife. His wife knew she would not survive her last operation and had made him promise he would find a mother for Miki. She trusted him to always do the right thing. But he knew that search would be fruitless and had never bothered to look. Miki no longer needed a mother but she loved Laura.

He loved Laura.

Barry sighed and made his decision.

He called the escort agency and quit.

He was starting to worry at their delay in returning but just as he picked up the phone they drove up. They came in carrying stuff and he was told to get the suitcase out of the trunk.

He smiled as he did, Laura was moving in with him.

He wondered for how long.

The girls put everything up in Miki’s mother’s closet. There were three dresses on hangers there and the dresser still had stuff in it but there were no problems for the girls. Neither mentioned the apparels.

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My Lost LovesChapter 3

My body convulsed as another bolt of excruciating torture shot through my chest. I was losing ground and I knew it. My only hope was to get to my phone in the house. I could feel the cold breezes getting stronger as daylight was slipping away. My left side was numb. I used all the strength I could conjure up to twist my body onto my stomach. I looked up, the ten feet between me and the steps to the back porch looked like a mile. I reached out using my fingers as a claw, digging into the...

1 year ago
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Bus Journey the longer experience

Hello every one this is Someour Mukh again sharing my experience with you all... if u reading my story first time then I must tell you that my height is 5ft 11in having a athletic body due to my martial arts training ...and doing my engineering from Pune. as if I told you in my earlier story(if u have read that... titled Bus Journey-the short fantasy) that I hope to meet that women again...whom gave me the first immense pleasure of touching the boob(or rather not say it first.. that’s a...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Boyfriends TreatChapter 3

Ry and I have become very close, I had never thought I would have sex with another girl, but it had happened. Tadd and I had talked about it, but just as a fantasy. I would have to tell Tadd about it. Damn, he would love it, but, would he really think it was okay. Oh My God... , what had I done, Ry seemed to be content with it. On Sunday night Tadd called, he wanted to know how I was doing, and of course what I was doing. We tease each other on the phone, and he did not know about Ry being...

3 years ago
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Taking the Girl

Taking the Girl by Daddy_JackNOTE: This is a true life experience ...We drive in silence to a hotel room. My hands squeeze your breasts through the dress, alternately sliding up your skirt to feel your inner thigh, teasing you, tempting you, and exciting you. We had only met that evening through a connection at the dating site, but our erotic conversations over the past week created a tremendous appetite and anticipation of tonight's pleasure.I take you in my arms in the elevator, kissing you....

4 years ago
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The Strongest Of SoulsChapter 9

The fire ring surrounding Devon had vanished, as Chadwick slowly stumbled to his son. Devon lay motionless upon the iron bar, dried tears staining his soot covered cheeks. Chadwick knelt beside his son, as he felt for a pulse. 'Thank god' he thought, as he felt life flowing through Devon's body. Chadwick heard a rumble beside where he knelt. Fearing the worse, and too weak to defend his son, he moved to cover Devon from whatever it was. Only, he found that sticking out of the ground was...

4 years ago
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Die Chance

Die Chance Seit ich sieben war hatte ich nur einen wirklichen Wunsch, n?mlich ein M?dchen zu sein. In den folgenden Jahren wurde dieser Wunsch immer gr??er, und als die Pubert?t einsetzte, wurde dieses Problem immer schlimmer. Ich sah, wie sich die M?dchen zu Frauen entwickelten, mit ihren wunderbar geformten K?rper und Br?sten. Auch ich wollte so aussehen, stattdessen entwickelte ich mich zu einem Mann, mit einem verabscheuungsw?rdigen K?rper und diesem Ding zwischen meinen Beinen, welc...

4 years ago
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Family of Whores

The steam from the stove was making her sweat and she was already perspiring from her workout at the gym. Rebecca loved taking care of her body. At 35 years old she was definitely what you would call a milf. Her long red hair which, was now wet with perspiration was sticking to the milky white skin on the back of her neck. Her form was slim and tight although men would often comment that she still had quite a bit of “junk in the trunk”, which complimented her huge fake breasts. Rob had talked...

2 years ago
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RepercussionsChapter 15

I found Marsha waiting for me at the end of Reggie's street in the morning. She's wearing another skirt and blouse but today she's wearing them in the manner prescribed by Reggie. We exchanged a quiet greeting and then walked in silence to our tormentor's house. She yelled for us to come in when I knocked and when we got to her bedroom she said, "From now on just come in and come back here so I can check you out." Reggie stopped getting dressed while she examined what Marsha is...

2 years ago
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Conquer and Suck Seed Part 2 Vicky

Jay sat his desk, reviewing some policy revisions sent in from the contracted photo agency when he heard a knock at his open door. Glancing up, he saw Steph carrying an armful of binders, looking busy as she scribbled something on the paper on top of the stack. "Well, here are the project proposals, in need of your approval before execution," she said, laying them neatly at the edge of his desk, pushing them toward him slightly in the process. "Seems like a handful.. looks like you really are...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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beginning of a great long weekend

I’m lucky, my tub is big enough for 2… so my man and I start off our long weekend together with a warm bubble bath, relaxing, sexy, some music, some drinks… after a while we are making out, you on top of me, slowly kissing my neck and shoulders, working your way down to my nipples, which are so hard you can feel them against your chest. As you are kissing me, you feel my hand slip between us and take your cock, which is getting hard from the making out. As I take it I push you off of me and we...

1 year ago
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Love is the Dark

He supposed that he loved her. I mean, he thought silently to himself, my heart beats wildly every time I see her... I can't even form a valid sentence when I'm around her. And below the waist... Seth sits quietly on the stoop outside of his apartment, kicking at stones, looking at the other side of the street, and the beautiful form that speeds across it. Her hair flies back in the wind as she passes, like silken black tendrils for their great length. Her porcelain white skin is perfect and...

First Time
2 years ago
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Deathly White Thighs

CHAPTER 1 Romance, oh why couldn’t he experience romance? Just the once would do, thought Tom O. Bates whose trail of mixed-bag seductions lay in his wake like feathers of a rooster attempting to escape the red-faced farmer’s wife wielding an axe and intent on having her sleep interrupted by only one cock at dawn. Tom was an unsuccessful writer of sexy novels, rejected because his sentences were unacceptable. Too long. Another reason was although his hero and heroine met in the first chapter...

4 years ago
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Dterminisme naturel1

D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la m...

3 years ago
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Granny Kate Makes Up for A Bad Date

Granny Kate’s Makes Up for A Bad DateNow I consider myself a nice guy which is maybe why so many of the women in our Seniors Singles Club like me. I do a lot of favors for my Grannies. Last week one of my favorite Grannies Kate called me and said “I’ve got an usual request for you, and if you turn me down I’ll understand” I replied “go ahead”. Kate explained that her long-time friend Angie was coming to Tucson and would be staying at the posh Westward Look Resort. She asked if I would take her...

2 years ago
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Being spied on

After my first year in college I spent the summer working as a life guard at a local pool. The money sucked, but I got to see hot girls in small bikinis, and some of the girls I worked with were real hotties as well. One girl Katie was exceptional. She was a red head with a slim build but large C-cup breasts. Her nipples were often hard and visible through her guard suit and I often fantasized about sucking on them while I jacked off. After about a month I was closing up with another female...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Mira Im Nervous But Excited

What’s up girl? Well we know one thing and that one thing is that you haven’t ever had good sex before. We also know that you’ve only had one boyfriend ever and his cock’s the only stiffy you’ve ever sucked or fucked. Another thing we know is that no guy, namely your EX, has ever given you an orgasm before and we think that in some parallel universe that makes you almost a virgin, almost. Well today is the day that your life changes because Tyler is going to pay a ton of attention to you...

1 year ago
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New ToysHot SexMultiple Os

My partner and I just went to the local adult toy store today. We got home, got warmed up by looking at some of the pictures and videos on xHamster. Then we moved upstairs for our own private show (we were gonna make it public, but the camera batteries died). He put the cock rings on that I picked out for him and I sucked his dick until it was rock hard, rubbing his balls with one hand and rubbing my pussy with the other hand. He picked out a Silver Bullet vibrator for me. I was already...

3 years ago
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Passenger Seat Sister 3

Passenger Seat Sister By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three "Hold what thought?" Craig gave her a look. "Please tell me you're not up to anything else now Tara?" "Like I'm doing this for me?" replied Tara annoyed, checking her phone again at a light. "I'm up to coordinating to meet up to get your glasses and contacts, which we'll be getting in a minute." "Wait, you're meeting that guy from the eye glass store?" asked Craig. "Yup, remember I promised him a...

2 years ago
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Conversations By r.gold "Christopher! What are you doing? What have I walked in on? What's going on?" "Nothing, Lisa. I'm just rocking the baby. I'm, uh, I'm not doing anything wrong." "Anything wrong? You're sitting here wearing my dress, my shoes, my makeup, my jewelry, and rocking our daughter." "I know that, Lisa. Sometimes when it just gets really slow, I'll get dressed. I'm lonely by myself each day. I was bored and this seemed like fun. It's not like you didn't...

1 year ago
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Pool HustledChapter 15

Joyce The meeting in Detroit was boring. I just wanted to get to my hotel room in Chicago, so I could fuck Eric. Soon we were in the plane, flying into the wild blue yonder. Eric and I talked all the way to Chicago. We talked about the pool tournament and what our responsibilities would be. At this tournament we will have a lot more help. Both of us will be trouble shooters, problem solvers, and finger pointers. It will our job to let the help know just what to do. We should have a little...

3 years ago
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90 Days Changed Me into a Pussy Gay

While this is mostly a tale of sexual fantasy, it is in some ways based on true events. I'm a great lover of big black cock, and have truly had many wonderful experiences with them. All names have been changed, but I did actually spend 90 days with 5 beautiful black thugs, and did get a taste of some of the delicious dark meat, and at least got to see some of it every day, this is what I wished had really happened. So those of you who enjoy big, thick, throbbing black cocks, enjoy!I was a...

4 years ago
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Pleasure Of A Lifetime

Hi Friends, This is Raj again with my stories which have turned me into a person that I am today. I am narrating you the latest that has happened with me recently. Let me tell you that I am from Pune and had gone to Noida for some official work. As trains to Pune were packed, my office had made reservation for me in Rajdhani Express till Mumbai in first class cabin as I am on a senior position in my company. I finished my work at my Noida office by afternoon and left for the station to catch my...

2 years ago
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Shaking Car

Often I have thrown around the idea that I might be homosexual. As is to be expected at my age, I was becoming very curious. I began my exploration by watching gay porn and reading gay erotica. It got me off, but never as easy as heterosexual material did. *shrug* Still, I kept going, often exploring my ass with lubed fingers, or a smooth object. I found that orgasms while stimulating my ass were fantastic. It was from this discovery that I formulated this fantasy. It involves a friend of...

2 years ago
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A Hook Up In A Small Town Pt 1

How did I get here?That question kept circulating in my head as he kept… well, let’s review.I moved back to my hometown to help at my Uncle Jack’s fishing excursions business that he ran with my cousin, Tripp. Before they left on an excursion on my first day back, Tripp told me that one of his buddy’s - a member of our fire department - would be by the shop to pick up the box of supplies behind the counter. About twenty minutes after they headed out on an all-day excursion, his friend came...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part III

It was Sunday; just five more days until Julie’s return. Normally they would skip breakfast, have a few coffees and then go down to the local pub and enjoy their Carvery over a bottle of wine. Alistair wouldn’t be going today; too many people would be asking questions about Julie and he wasn’t in the mood. Julie had prepared a few meals for him before she left. Today it was steak and kidney pie. He would enjoy that after a walk into town to get the Sunday papers. As he finished his second cup...

3 years ago
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Into The Woods part 3

I smile and turn to kiss him as I feel him start to wake. He looks at me, making my heart skip a beat. I kiss him deeply, turning to face him. He growls playfully and rolls so he is on top of me, kissing my neck. I giggle then wrap my legs around his waist, moaning softly in his ear. he looks into my eyes, the deep black of his irises fogged over the way it gets when he is horny. I smile and kiss his nose, slipping out from under him and taking off toward the front door of his "house"....

1 year ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 62

Robert was back in moments, leading Eva by the hair. When he got to Tom he pushed her down between his legs. He then turned and left her there. Tom looked down at the confused woman. He gently stroked her face and watched as she nuzzled against his hand. He helped her up and pulled her into his lap. He held her while she snuggled in his arms. Tom spoke gently in her ear, "I'm afraid that Robert thinks that you're too old for him. There are things that he just doesn't understand. I...

1 year ago
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Teachers PastChapter 2 Mistaken Identity

Kerri was 28 years of age and nothing like this had ever happened to her. She lived a sheltered life and devoted much of her time to her teaching duties at the college. The dilemma now facing Kerri started a few weeks ago when one of her students found out about the one unfortunate indiscretion in her life. He was now blackmailing her into doing things that were truly degrading for someone who held a high position of authority. Sky smiled with satisfaction, as his plan to shame and humiliate...

4 years ago
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A Picnic With Her Family

I woke up in the morning, and realized that I was alone. I freshened up and got out of the bedroom, and walked to the dinning room. Breakfast was ready, her younger sister was on the study table, reading up. Her elder sister was watching tv, mother was in the kitchen, I think cleaning up. And my mate was waiting at the table for me. I greeted everyone “Good Morning, ladies”. Replies came in one by one, except her younger sister. I walked up to her, held her chin with one hand, tilted her face...

3 years ago
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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 4

I raced to the two other exterior doors and dropped the bars across them, too. Fortunately, Pa had never removed the iron bars across the windows he had installed to keep out marauding Comanches 12 years ago. Thus, my house was as nearly impregnable as any fort, as long as they didn't resort to fire. Of course, I could suffer a lot of broken glass, but I could live with that. Somewhere along the line, Pa had acquired a Henry rifle, and I had plenty of ammunition for it. As the saying goes,...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Nina Elle Finger Flip Air Cock

Skateboarders have a way of bouncing back after nasty spills, but even the toughest skater is going to need a little time to regroup after taking a board to the nuts. That is what happened to Nina Elles stepson today, and he is definitely in some major pain. Nina hears him moaning through the bathroom door and her stepmotherly instincts immediately kick in. She goes inside and finds out her stepsons balls have been bruised. Even though she has to laugh a bit, she wants to make him feel better...

3 years ago
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Coerced Adultry Contd

A recent happening has caused our lives to change, to say there is a new chapter would be an understatement as our lives have had a new beginning. Our permanent guest is a member of my husband’s unit and has always been a wonderful person. He was just a good friend until recently when my husband cooked up a plan to have him fuck me while I was drunk. The same night I found out that Walt, my husband, and Rog, our guest were having a sexual affair. I wasn’t as unconscious as they thought for I...

1 year ago
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Lets go shopping

Our wonderful dinner was just about over, when I asked you if you had any plans for the evening. No, you said, you thought we would watch a movie or go for a walk and end up fooling around, like every night. I smiled and said I love the way you think. ‘I was thinking, I need a new dress shirt, and was wondering if you would like to go to Burlington Coat factory and shop.’ ‘That’s a great idea, why don’t you clean the dishes and I will change in to my shopping outfit?’ you tell me.

1 year ago
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Etched In StoneChapter 4

Dothan Volentin didn't appear to be too dangerous. His eyes were heavily lidded and the deep circles under his eyes gave him the appearance of a desperately tired man. Jorie's first impression was dispelled quickly enough. The slight scurry of a local scavenging rodent, which was typical for the camp, was Dothan's first kill of the night. They had just sat down around a rickety table, a rarity because the only tables were in the labs, the administrators' offices and the commissary. Jorie...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Bailey Brooke Blow Job Naughty Teen Is Going To Dredd This Big Black Cock

Tasty teen Bailey Brooke services Dredd’s massive member! Bailey Brooke is looking super fine in her white lace lingerie with matching stockings and heels. She shows off her body as she teases us and runs her hands across her supple skin. Bailey heads inside where Jules has a surprise waiting for her…. DREDD! Dredd has his cock out and is ready for Bailey as she makes her way over and wraps her lips around it. She can barely fit it in her mouth but that doesn’t stop this slut...


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