Twists Of Fate Ch. 03 free porn video

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I want to apologise for the delay but here’s the third chapter anyways.

Votes, rates and comments are always a welcome!!



She took a deep breath as the presentation came to an end and glanced at Terence who was standing beside her. Their turn was at the last and after listening to the previous presentations, she had started getting nervous, but now that they were done, she was relived. She stole another glance at her professor and was shocked. Was he smiling? She tugged at Terence’s sleeve to catch his attention and he followed her gaze to their teacher. Professor Tam had a visible smile on his face! They had never seen him smile, not even a twinkle in his eyes throughout the whole damn semester.

‘It appears that you two have done a lot of studying. Please return to your seats.’

Butterflies fluttered in her tummy after hearing her teacher’s remarks. He actually praised them. The days of hard work had finally paid off and Pari knew she owed all of this to Terence.

Later that day, after she got home and told Elsie about the presentation, she was more than thrilled. ‘This calls for a party!!!!’ Elsie yelled skipping towards her wardrobe.

Pari just sat there looking at her friend in disbelief. All Elsie ever wanted was to party but she felt content, too. Oh what the heck, she might as well be honest. She didn’t just feel content, she felt as if she was on top of the world so she didn’t refuse her friend’s suggestion.

An hour later, they were seated at one of the famous bars in HK along with one of Elsie’s friends. The music was blaring at its fullest and it enticed Elsie, so she made Pari down her drink and pulled her towards the floor.

‘Isn’t this awesome?’ Elsie screamed, bobbing her head and shaking her hips to the hip-hop/reggae mix that was blasting.

‘Sure. But I think I’ll go deaf in a matter of seconds.’ Pari replied sarcastically. The volume was okay at the bar, but they were standing too close to one of the massive speakers and she could actually feel the waves of sound.

Elsie gave a small chuckle as she continued moving her body to the music. She wore a pink and black spaghetti strap top and black denim shorts. She had black eyeliner and pink eye shadow on her eyes to match her top. She looked stunning and Pari was not surprised. She could wear a sack and still look pretty.

Pari had selected a white tube top and a white skirt which ended a few inches above her knees for that evening. She had started wearing skirts more often since after receiving that compliment from Terence a few weeks ago. On her feet were white strapped heels and her eyes were lined with kohl.

Sometime later, she noticed that two guys had moved and were dancing along with them. She saw Elsie give a saucy smile to one of the guys and started grinding her hips on him. Pari rolled her eyes and stayed with Elsie for the remainder of the song. The other guy moved closer to her and started to move his body against hers a little too intimately. She was getting uncomfortable and tried to move away when he snaked his arms around her waist.

Once the song was over, she tried to step away from him but he held on to her. His hands gripping her elbow almost painfully. She tried to wrench herself free but it proved to be useless. She scanned the crowd looking for Elsie but she seemed to have disappeared.

‘What’s wrong shorty? I must say, you’ve got a cute little skirt on.’ He whispered throatily, his lips almost touching her ears.

She stared up at his face. ‘Let me go.’ She said, raising her voice up a couple of octaves, but it still sounded small with the music blasting around them.

‘What is the problem? We could have some fun, you know.’ Came the reply.

Who the hell did he think he was? She thought to herself all the while staring at him incredulously. She again tried to free herself and when he didn’t let go, she got nervous.

She struggled some more and was about to kick him on the ‘X’ spot when he was roughly pulled away from her. She looked up and recognized the green eyes. Terence.

He had a deep scowl on his face and was definitely seething. She had never seen him angry and now that she’d seen it, she definitely didn’t want to face his bad side.

He had been watching her having fun from the bar. She looked pretty cute in that dress and was planning to wait until she was done with dancing but when a guy actually tried to mishandle her, he couldn’t stop himself.

‘Is there anything you wanted?’ She could very well hear the anger in his voice. The nervousness she had been feeling moments ago was now etched on his face. He mumbled a small apology and hightailed his way off.

‘Thanks. I was really getting scared out there.’ She said, rubbing her elbow. ‘But I should suggest you to stop saving me every time like that. What if I get used to it?’

‘Well, in that case, we should stick together for life.’ He joked, his face was relaxed again.

‘Did that guy just grab your hand? I’m so sorry for leaving you alone, P. I swear I won’t do it again.’ Elsie started, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

‘It’s okay, Elsie. Terence was there to rescue me.’ Pari added simply.

‘Oh, hi!! I didn’t notice you.’ Elsie added, shaking hands with him.

* * *

Pari sighed as she entered her room. She was not totally drunk but still a little more than tipsy. After the incident, she shared a few dances and drinks with Terence and now, she was horny as hell. She shrieked as hands encircled her waste and his deep voice penetrated her ears.

‘I hope I did the right thing by following you.’ He said nipping at the sensitive area on the nape of her neck. She couldn’t suppress the moan building inside her and he spun her around to face him.

‘Ter—,’ her voice was cut short as his mouth captured hers in a breath taking kiss. She slid her fingers though his hair and held him there. Her eyes fluttered close as his tongue slid inside her mouth and hers slipped inside his. Sparks of heat and desire rushed through her, ending at the apex of her thighs which made her legs feel like jelly. She clung to him as his hands moved freely about her back. He gripped the edges of her top and pulled it off her.

The sight of those glorious globes made him even harder than he was already before. He slowly caressed them, pinching and rolling the hard nipples as he kept on with the onslaught on her mouth. She whimpered into his mouth as she tightened the grip on his biceps every time he pinched the hard buds.

He lowered his mouth to her neck and placed hot wet kisses as his hands travelled downwards and reached beneath her skirt. He slid the thin material of her panties aside and slowly stroked her outer lips. He could hear her breathing getting erratic and feel the moisture seeping from her love hole. He slowly made his way to the engorged button and made gentle circles on it. She took a sharp intake of breath as a jolt of pure pleasure hit her. He smiled against her hair as he kept on caressing and occasionally pinching her love bud. She was gasping audibly by now and he knew she was close. He then ravished her clit while thrusting two fingers inside her. Her pussy walls clamped over his digits and she screamed her release. He kept thrusting into her, prolonging her orgasm and once the aftershocks were over, she fell limp onto his arms.

He effortlessly carried her to the bed and laid her down. Through half-lidded eyes, she could see him undress and then his warm body crawled atop hers. He placed heated kisses along her jaw line and her face all the time caressing her body softly. He pulled the skirt down along with her panties and dropped them somewhere on the floor. This time, there was no teasing, no foreplay. He needed to be inside her and he needed it now.

He positioned himself at her entrance. ‘P, look at me. I want you to look at me when I take you.’

She opened her glazed eyes to look at him and he pushed his way in. Her eyes rolled back behind her head as a tortured moan escaped her lips. He was moving too slow. She wrapped her legs around him and urged him to move faster and he was more than glad to comply. He pulled his rod all the way out and then thrust in completely. She gasped as her nails raked on his bare shoulders. He didn’t care. All he wanted was to savour the feel of her warmth around him.

He then developed a steady rhythm and watched in awe as her breasts jiggled with the force of his thrusts. Her eyes were shut tight as her mouth formed an ‘o’ with the pleasure. Suddenly her hands started squeezing his biceps with increasing force and he knew she was about to come. He lowered his head to catch one of the glorious nipples into his mouth and bit it lightly. She screamed as her orgasm ripped through her and her pussy clenched on his manhood with a vice like grip. He kept on thrusting, prolonging her moment of ecstasy and after a few thrusts, he came inside her with a huge sigh. The feeling of his warm seed spurt deep into her womb started another mini-orgasm in her and she shuddered as her pussy milked the remnants of his seed.

When she woke up, it was still dark outside. She snuggled closer to his body and he held her tighter, as if he was afraid she’d leave. She turned around to look at his sleeping form. He looked so innocent, almost angelic while asleep. She remembered the look of anger in his face earlier that evening and a smile formed on her lips. No one had ever acted so possessively about her. Not like she had loads of people around her who were actually supposed to behave like that. She propped herself on her elbow as she gazed at his serene face and couldn’t stop the etching of a smile on her lips. She was sure she had formed a wall around herself, blocking out every type of emotional bondage in order to concentrate in her studies but somehow he drilled a hole into her heart. She had never ever allowed a guy to get half as intimate but she couldn’t help it with this man. God, she had given up so easily but in a weird way, she felt no regrets. She couldn’t believe how easily she let her composure slip through her fingers. A simple smile from him made her swoon with plain desire. She couldn’t stop herself from falling in love with this man. Yes, love was definitely a strong word but this was exactly what she felt for him—

Love. She wasn’t sure if he felt the same way about her, so she’d have to wait.

She traced a soft line along his strong jaw line. Then she further moved her hands to softly caress his lips. She was so engrossed, she didn’t even realize he had awakened and gasped when he opened his mouth to suck her thumb. He snaked his arms around her waist and she shrieked as he pulled her atop him. ‘Good morning sweetheart.’ His voice was hoarse with sleep but it sounded sexy nonetheless.

She bent over and placed a kiss on his lips. ‘Good morning.’

He moved his hands gently along her curves and she sighed at the sensation. He smiled as his hands moved to cup her breasts and squeeze them gently. She whimpered as she ground her hips against his hard manhood.

‘God… you are so—sexy…’ he said, his voice husky with desire. He reached between her legs to gently tug at her love button. Her body shuddered as he gave the hardening bud particular attention. He looked up at her face and she looked so needy. Her eyes were shut tight and she bit her lower lip.

He could take no more. He wanted to tease her but the expression on her face made him want to drill into her. He lifted her and placed her right above his throbbing manhood. Then he slowly lowered her and both of them groaned out loud in unison at the sensation of being joined. He moved her up and down his shaft without any effort and she moaned as his shaft massaged her. After a few thrusts, he drew fully out of her.

She opened her eyes to stare at him in confusion and gasped when he rolled over, taking her along with him. Now he had her pinned beneath him as he entered her with a powerful thrust. It made her rake the skin on his back with her nails. He withdrew almost completely out and thrust into the warm cocoon of her body. God, every time he saw her, he waned to thrust into her just like he was doing now. He bent his head to lick her nipple and then take the peak into his mouth and tug onto it with his teeth as his hips continued the frantic dance against hers.

‘Terence…. I’m going to come…’ she said hoarsely.

He increased his speed, wanting to get her there along with himself. He felt her body tense and then convulse violently as her orgasm flooded around them. The clenching of her pussy walls around him didn’t let him last any longer and he came inside her, with similar force.

As he fell atop her breathless, he thanked god that she was on the pill. He wasn’t sure if he could have withdrawn in time. Oh man, he was still inside her and he already felt like going for another round of lovemaking again.

He turned to lie on his back and wrapped her in a warm hug. She felt wonderful, laying there and listening to his heart beat. She trailed her fingers along the ripples of his abdomen and then suddenly remembered his gun. ‘You didn’t bring your gun today?’ she asked in a teasing voice.

‘I don’t think I need it when I’m with you.’

‘Why do you carry a gun anyways? I’ve wanted to ask this for a long time now. It makes you look like one of the mafia gang leaders.’

He chuckled as he wound his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. ‘Well, being the only heir to my father’s properties is a risky business, sweetheart. Father has enemies, and the Taylors top the list. We’ve been rivals and it goes way back into history. We are always after each other’s lives and business so it’s necessary to be on the safe side.’

She nodded as she stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. It was just 4 am and she was still feeling rather sleepy. Within minutes, both of them were asleep.

* * *

‘Wait a sec, you sneaky little whore.’ Elsie’s voice made her stop halfway into the kitchen. She felt her face go red and begged God to have mercy on her. ‘You kept me up all night with the noise, and I thought you were miss goody two shoes. You turned out to be a sly whore.’ She scolded.

Pari turned around to face her best friend. She had her hands folded below her breasts and mock scowl covered her face. She marched towards Pari and pulled her onto one of the dining table chairs.

‘Um… sorry, Else.’ She said with a sheepish grin and a name she used only when Elsie was mad which was next to never.

‘Sorry?? You need to pay back for the loss of my beauty sleep. Are you actually, P?? No, what have you done to my P you tricky alien.’

Pari let out a guffaw at that and sobered up when Elsie narrowed her eyes.

‘Ok. Tell me what I need to do. I’ll do anything to make it up to your ‘beauty sleep’.’

‘Spill the beans about last night. That’s all I want from you.’ She answered, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. ‘I must admit you look great. See? I told you, you were missing out on a big treat.’

‘Elsie…’ she half groaned half yelled. ‘I never asked you for any of those details! Leave me alone. They are very personal.’ With that said, she got up and marched towards the kitchen.

‘Oh common P, let me have a little fun. If you had asked me, I’d have told you everything. Besides, all that noise made me so horny last night. I need to relieve myself.’

‘Relieve my arse. If you want it so much, go to Emanuel. He’s head over heels for you, you know.’

‘Oh, you hush about him. He’s a nice guy… don’t try to change the topic, P. I—’ her voice was cut off as Terence came out looking as delicious as any chocolate dessert.

‘Good morning, Elsie.’ He wished as he made his way over to Pari and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

The breakfast was silent. Elsie wasn’t sure if s
he should keep bugging Pari in front of Terence, so she kept quiet. After the breakfast, Terence left and she started all over again.

‘Naa-na-na-na-naaaa….’ Pari yelled as she covered her ears with her hands and locked herself inside her room for the rest of the day while Elsie kept on nagging her from the other side of the door.

* * *

‘Jesus Christ, exams exams, fuckin’ exams…’ Elsie groaned at the table while banging her head against the stack of textbooks and Pari couldn’t help but smile. ‘What are you smiling at?’ she snapped right back. The finals were the next day and as usual, Elsie’s last minute cramming was on.

‘You need to relax, Else. Pounding your head won’t help.’ She replied calmly as she flipped through the pages of her book. She had returned from Terence’s place last evening and now, they were having their breakfast but Elsie’s food was untouched. ‘You’ll lose more weight if you keep this up and I’m afraid, in a few days’ time, you’ll be looking good enough to scare the neighbours at night.’

‘Easy for you to say, P. you’ve already revised twice and Terence’s always there to help. But I have no one. Even the geeks from my study group have finished. Awww… I’m in so much trouble. I heard first semester doesn’t matter…’

Everything else went unheard by Pari as she remembered the way Terence had ‘helped her study’. She spent one night at Terence’s flat and that was enough for her. After all, she needed to concentrate and with him, that was the last thing they’d do. Even though they studied seriously till dinner time, he wouldn’t have it after dinner.

‘I’ve discovered a new way of studying.’ He told her. ‘Want to try it out?’ and she had been happy to comply but she had no idea it included a bed and no clothes. Well, not technically a bed because their love making wasn’t restricted to a bed. He got up from his chair and walked towards her. He held her hand and pulled her against him and then his onslaught on her mouth started. She tried to protest at first but as soon as his hands found their way into her clothes, all she could do was squirm and whimper.

‘T— Terence, I I don’t thi—’ she started but trailed off into a moan as his mouth circled around one of her pebbled nipples.

His mouth was replaced by his hands as he tugged and pinched at her buds while his hands continued ravishing her mouth. Her hand moved to clutch at his hair and was rewarded by an animal-like growl.

His hands moved to the zip of her hood and in an instance, it was off followed by her t-shirt. Her jeans weren’t far behind. There she stood, clad only in her white bra and panties. His mouth continued ravishing her skin as he lifted her up. Her legs instinctively wrapped themselves around his waist. He carried her to the kitchen counter and once she was balanced between him and the cold granite counter, he started licking and nipping at her neck.

She reached out and started unbuttoning his shirt. It wasn’t fair, she was clad only in her underwear and he was fully dressed. As his shirt fell off his shoulders, she pushed him back to gaze at his glorious nakedness and couldn’t stop herself from grazing her hands along his toned muscles. She bent down to lick his flat nipples as her hands busied themselves with his jeans.

Once his jutting manhood was free, she grasped and squeezed it gently generating a moan from him. She started stroking him as he undid her bra and began assaulting her nipples with his expert mouth. Every time he bit on her bud, she squeezed his manhood harder causing moans to escape from both of them. He moved further downwards and kneeled before her. Her underwear was pulled away from her body and her thighs were pushed away to reveal her treasure to him. He pried her outer lips open and she whimpered as he gave a gentle blow on her engorged clit. Then he brought his lips and suckled on it earnestly. At times he would thrust his tongue into her dripping hole which made her gasp. He understood that she liked it, so he simultaneously sucked and fucked her with his mouth. Within minutes, she was shuddering as a violent orgasm ripped her apart.

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The Warning: Fate: The Preface Gaias? Warning:A Prophecy Fulfilled?The Rise of the Dark Creatures Has BegunDanyealle(no sex, plot)  Long after the staff had gone home for the night Darious and Modega were still there, sitting in his office quietly talking, waiting for the story one of the primetime news magazines was scheduled to run.? Sure, both of them had seen many people claiming to be vampires since the age of mass media had set in, but all the previous times it hadn?t been the...

2 years ago
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A Man and His PetsSequel Sandras and Courtneys Fate

Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim's pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was the mother of Jim's first two pets. She had been a drunken whore of a mother who frequently cursed at and slapped her teenaged daughters for no good reason. Jim, as his ultra-ego Bill, had decided Sandra needed...

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The changing of the fates

The great bear savaged as it ate the young king tearing his stomach up and clawed him ripping him to bloody shreds. Later when he had calmed down the bear took human form again the rage had subsided and he looked at his prize as had been promised by his new goddess the dark goddess of love and lust Laure standing there smiling in that strange but rousingly tight and shining attire, Barak walked quickly over to where Ce’Nedra stood screaming and crying at what had just happened and grabbed...

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SRUAF A Wizards Altered Fate

Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...

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Carnival of Mirrors Four Fates

CARNIVAL OF MIRRORS: FOUR FATES By BobH (c) 2004 Cedar Junction, MA, May 16th, 1987, 2:40 pm: Hot dog franks sizzled on griddles, sugar was spun into floss and onto sticks, vendors hawked their wares. The crowds swirled around happily, shouting and laughing, unaware of the danger that lurked among them. Reed Carter rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully and took in the scene before him with the experienced eyes of a predator. The fair had come to town two days earlier, the rides...

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Megyn Kelley Terrible fate

Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex The men closed in on her. They were all around, everywhere she saw men. Hands pulled her skirt up to the top of her thighs. A hand reached under her dress, the man laughing. “RIPPPP.” Her blouse was ripped off and wrapped around her neck. Next her bra disappeared. Megyn felt hands grabbing her breasts. The black bitch pulled up her head. “Snow White, you get ready for some heavy ghetto fucking.” A rough hand yanked her straight up by her...

1 year ago
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A Slaves Fate

Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often. I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 8 Fate

After a weird sort of a breakup with Samer and even wieder oral sex with Hassan immediately after my break up, I've decided to be alone for a while. I figured it would be best for me to actually decide what to do when there is no pressure to do anything. But the pressure was there, some pressure came from Hassan who was really impatient to see me again; other sorts of pressure were mostly self imposed. The only place no pressure came from was from Samer.But, let me rewind this story a little...

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A Slaves Fate

Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often.I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...

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Sissy fate

For a long time I have known that I was not like other guys. My first gym shower showed me that, the black guys cocks the size of grown men at age of 17. I sat and watched, trying not to stare as they walked past me cocks swinging from side to side huge balls, my God huge fucking balls mine looked nothing like these cocks. My first contact came by accident I was playing basketball with a couple of black guys, trying to guard this guy he dunked on me his big dick smacked me in the face as the...

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Matty got up much earlier than usual for a Saturday morning. Slowly Matty stumbled into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she left the bathroom, she noticed Derrick was in the study on the computer. They were the only ones at home. “Hey Derrick, where is everyone?” Matty’s voice surprised Derrick, she usually would still be asleep for a few more hours.Derrick smiled at his younger step sister. What a beautiful and sexy woman she had grown to become. She was 20 and he was 22...

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Wyatts Fate

WYATT'S FATE by J R D Trisha Colton ran into the office of Emily Drasberg, ignoring the protests of the secretary who tried unsuccessfully to interpose herself between Trisha and the office door. Trisha stopped cold when she saw Emily. The woman was fantastic! A platinum blonde bombshell with breasts that could've been on a centerfold in one of those "Juggs" type magazines. They must've been an F cup at least. Trisha had always been predominately attracted to men, but this...

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Ninas Fate

Disclaimer: The following story contains numerous adult themes, including, but not limited to, cross-dressing, BDSM, forced sex. It is a work of fiction and any resemblance between any of the characters and anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Again, this story is intended for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. If you are offended by any of the preceding words, please do not read on. Thank you. Nina's Fate by Nina ...

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Howies Fate

Howie's Fate Howard Hessman has a fight with Nicole and he is given a lesson on life. Nicole was in a foul mood. She had a fight with Howie the night before that ended with the both of them splitting up. She thought she could get it out of her system by doing a workout on the unarmed combat course. Needless to say, it failed to do anything. Except to give her a sore arm. The nightstick drills also failed to do make her feel better. She wanted to talk to Bobbie, but Bobbie was in...

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Hitchhikers Fate

HITCHHIKERS FATE By The Ghe It has been a challenging but exciting few months for me. Last summer, I had gone off with almost no preparation or warning into the wilds of the United States, leaving behind all my cares and worries. My name is unimportant, because all I have wanted is freedom from myself, and the prison of office life I had spent years building around me. Most of the time I was able to find my way walking or catching a bus in the suburbs, but lately, I've had to spend...

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Wishes of Fate

Wishes of Fate An old shaggy man greeted us when my wife and I entered the tattered old shop, a door down off LeGrand Street. Looking back it seems odd how this old place was open so late at night or early in the morning as it was nearly 3am Saturday. My wife (Teresa) and I had been out drinking and partying since early Friday evening. To say the least by this point we were both feeling quite intoxicated. "Hello and welcome, I am Bill the proprietor of this fine shop." ...

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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 1 - Rise and Shine! A piercing, ear shattering scream filled the room I was in. I couldn't quite place the voice at first, as I struggled to make sense of it all, but it didn't take long for me to feel the vibrations in my throat and the hear the sound coming emanating from my mouth for me to understand that I was the one who was screaming. A very GIRLY, high-pitched scream. Let me rewind a bit for a second here. You see, the reason why...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 139 Not Yet Gone to Ones Fate

Shishio: Now what would a whipped dog be doing here all by himself? Houji:... A whipped dog. Yes, as Lord Shishio says. Shinomori Aoshi! You've already lost to Himura! Your time to fight is over! How dare you show your face here! Get out! Aoshi: It is as you say, Houji. If you call me a whipped dog, I cannot deny it. But Battousai accepted a challenge from this whipped dog without trying to get out of it, and lost strength by taking unnecessary wounds. This, too, is truth I cannot...

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Three Square MealsChapter 134 The fickle hand of fate

“Almost there,” Alyssa said, glancing up at the Sector Map. She leaned forward to tap an icon on John’s console and switched the holographic display to the local System Map for a clearer view. The Invictus raced towards the gravity well of a red dwarf star, where the Brimorians had deployed a temporary comms beacon. It was the last link in a communications chain that snaked across the Kintark Empire to the Enclave border, allowing the armada to keep in contact with Deep Lord Athgiloi. John...

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Chain Gang WomenChapter 2 Marina Learns Angelinas Fate

If Marina had gone straight back to her hotel, then that would have been the end of this story. But Marina did not go back to her hotel. Instead she decided to visit Mr Marcelinus, whose invitation to the pair three years ago had been the start of the nightmare of Angelina's disappearance. She had the address and had little difficulty finding the house, which was a villa in its own grounds and very grand if dilapidated. She rang the bell and a maid let her in. Mr Marcelinus came out of a...

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Beach fate

Note : This story is completely fictional! Zoe, Liz and Jilly wandered down the hill from Liz's home overlooking the Portuguese beach. Zoe and her big sister and niece turned a few heads of the locals as they headed for the beaches only restaurant for brunch. Sunny beaches and golden sands were a theme throughout the sisters lives. Their father had been a servicemen and they't been service 'brats@ brought up on the move on dads overseas postings. Zoe a career woman was at the end of a months...

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Twisted Fate

My birthday was on the Wednesday that week so it would mean that any celebrations would have to wait for the weekend. I got the usual cards and a few presents from my family and friends but the present I always looked forward to the most was the one that Julia my wife always gave me in private before bed and away from prying eyes. That night as we got into bed Julia gave me a neatly wrapped present with pink ribbons tied into a bow. My excitement was clear to be seen as my cock started to...

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Twists of Fate Ch 02

My first installment of this series wasn’t that famous but I’ve tried to improve myself and hope this chapter is a better read. I found it a little rushed so added some details into it. Hope you like it!! I want to thank honeywldcat for helping me with the editing. Without her help, I’d be nowhere. Please do vote, rate and comment!!! XXX * The rest of the days went by and Pari hadn’t even noticed. Terence’s company made her days pleasant and time passed without her knowledge. He was a...

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Twists of Fate Ch 01

Hellu guys!! Here is a new story I’ve been working on. Inspiration hasn’t hit me yet to continue the chapters of To be transformed or not so hope you like reading this series while I work on the further chapters of the former one!! Keep the votes, rates and comments comming!!! XXX ‘Oh shit!! Oh shit…’ she murmured as she rushed through the crowded corridors of her university. She was late of Prof. Tam’s Economics class. That old man was one of the meanest people she’d encountered in the 21...

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Twists and Turns Among The Wampyr

San Francisco, if you know it well, is a 24 hour city. Like our kind, the city never sleeps. Karen and I sit in a darkened booth in the far corner of a members club, very select, you understand. Soft music plays, a susurrus of distant conversation reaching us as the assembled mortal throng describe their day. You’d know some of them. ‘$100 a gramme, but it’s not cut and I say that as a friend…’ (This from a perspiring long haired nervous type who it appears samples his own product.) ‘Did...

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Twist of Fate

The closed heavy draperies helped blanket the room in darkness. Outside the wind howled with its wolf-like voice. Just that sound made the house seem colder than it really was.  ‘Put your head down and rest,’ he whispered. ‘You know you want to. Things will be better in the morning, I promise. Everything always looks different in the light of day.’ He hated lying to her, but if it could give her at least a little peace in this blackest hour, it was worth it. Things would not be better in the...

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Twisted Fate

My birthday was on the Wednesday that week so it would mean that any celebrations would have to wait for the weekend. I got the usual cards and a few presents from my family and friends but the present I always looked forward to the most was the one that Julia my wife always gave me in private before bed and away from prying eyes. That night as we got into bed Julia gave me a neatly wrapped present with pink ribbons tied into a bow. My excitement was clear to be seen as my cock started to...

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Hand of Fate

Everyone who knew twenty-nine year old Gregory Hunt thought of him as a workaholic and this was probably as good a description of him as any. But his commitment to his work at Turner & Marks was not necessarily one of absolute loyalty to the company. No, the reason for his dedication was more because all Gregory had in his life was the job. Both inside and out of work he knew loads of people but none he could truly call friend, no one he could really turn to in a pinch. If he were honest with...

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An Amy Fantasy Ch 2 Twists of Fate

Part 1, Amy’s Sunday Amy’s thoughts returned to the present, leaving behind for the moment her mental recap of her date with Professor Daniels, Marc as she was now calling him. It was starting to get dark. How long had she been sitting there going over the most marvelous 24 hours of her life she wondered, there were no clocks in sight so she had no way of knowing. She got up from the sofa, walked to the small dorm fridge and got a bottle of water opted for the bed in her room rather than the...

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A Shared Fate

Emma closes the door behind her, leaving Megan alone with her not-so-secret admirer and both of the girls can’t help but stare at each other longingly. The blonde girl slowly starts to wander over to the bed where Megan is lying, kneeling on the edge of the bed and crawling over Megan’s body. The girls start kissing passionately, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths as the kiss gets more intense, Megan slowly strokes her beautiful partner’s body, her hands caressing and fondling her...

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Lockdown Fate

It is 4078, more than two millennia has passed since our time. Driven by Earth’s overpopulation problem, humanity has long since developed the technology to propel them to the stars and out of the Milky Way. From there a new age of humanity has once again began, hopping from moon to moon, planet to planet, and galaxies to galaxies, discovering new technology, fauna, wildlife, and sentient beings. Along the way, humanity’s technological prowess grew to rival other races they’ve encountered. The...

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Accept Your Fate

Welcome to a new story, in a similar theme as "New Man in Charge." In this story, you'll take on the role of a young man or woman in the not too distant future, sometime before the turn of the next century. Technology has advanced somewhat, and crime has taken an uptick, but in general, the world is similar to what we have now. The most significant improvements are in nanotechnology, gene editing, and pharmaceuticals. The story is inspired by the flash game "Corruption of Champions"...

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inevitable fate

He took me on a friday night my friends gone drunk again infront of my big tv screen jumping on my ex gf toyi was so scared when he appeared in my living room behind touching my shoulder looking back , the married black guy living 3 house to the left''dont be scare sissy boy , i have just what you need''sissy hypno infront of us repeating white boy loved to suck cockhe got naked watching me shy sit on my toy his bbc 8inch out making me shiver when he sat down near me his bbc in his hand...

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Was It Fate

  I lead the typical boring life of a stay at home mom. My husband Tim got a big promotion at work that made it possible for me to quit my job and become a simple housewife and to be at home for our 10 year old son Billy. We got married when we were both 20, I was a virgin, and we had Billy 2 years later. For a woman of 32 I think I look pretty damn good, though my husband never really tells me that. I am 5' 5” and weigh about 120lbs. I think most of my weight is in my tits. They are...

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My fate

Oh dear! Remember the self-confident, virile, young, up-and-coming business executive, with the trophy wife, you were, or were pretending to be, on your wedding day?Look at you now!An emasculated, sissy faggot locked in chastity, made up like a pretty girl, dressed in stockings,and high heels and panties, prostrate and helpless before one of your wife’s lovers, as he pumps your mouth full of his residual cum after he has pumped her to delirium!You thought, when you true on your first pair of...

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