Twists and Turns
- 2 years ago
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Hellu guys!! Here is a new story I’ve been working on. Inspiration hasn’t hit me yet to continue the chapters of To be transformed or not so hope you like reading this series while I work on the further chapters of the former one!! Keep the votes, rates and comments comming!!!
‘Oh shit!! Oh shit…’ she murmured as she rushed through the crowded corridors of her university. She was late of Prof. Tam’s Economics class. That old man was one of the meanest people she’d encountered in the 21 years of her life. Those small wrinkled eyes of his were always looking for students making mistakes. On top of that, she had completely missed Ms. Young’s Business Mathematics class. She had been on time the whole semester and now when the finals were just a month and half away, she was late. Hong Kong, the city that never sleeps. Yah right, she thought. She’d tasted the city last night and was paying the price this morning. She was sure to be busted. She couldn’t afford to fail. Even though it was her first semester and she was a full scholarship student in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School, she had never failed, ever. After four and half months of racking her brains over the boring assignments, she couldn’t even think about failing.
She was lost in these very thoughts as she literally ran around the last bend of corridors to her class when she bumped against a solid chest. Her books went clattering to the floor. Her angry chocolate-brown eyes met dazzling emerald-green ones. She murmured obscenities as she bent to pick them up and rushed past him, not even waiting for an apology.
* * *
Terence Williamson stared in awe at the receding back of the girl he’d bumped into. She was in so much hurry, she didn’t even bother listening to his apology. Then he saw her enter Prof. Tam’s class and smiled to himself. That old geyser was always getting into people’s nerves. He was ruthlessly rude, especially to people like him, people who were non-Asians. Even though she rushed away, he had a good look at her face. She had a wheat-brown complexion and huge brown almond-shaped eyes. Her dark hair was tied up in a pony-tail and she looked visibly irritated. But it was her eyes that caught his attention. They were so beautiful, he thought as he made his way to his car.
Pari Shrestha received a glare from her teacher. She was 15 minutes late and was fully prepared for the humiliation but he did nothing as such. All he did was give her a warning and go on with the lecture. She was glad, she’d always submitted his homework in time so he favored her. Another reason was the fact that she was an Asian. He always gave Asian students a second chance and she was Nepalese. Hence, she was saved from his possible wrath.
The rest of the day was eventless. She had four classes that day and for the rest of the day, she was free. So, she called her best friend Elsie Fung up.
‘Hey Elsie, what are you ding right now?’
‘Nothing much. Staying home and getting bored. This flu sucks. I got to stay home all day while you get to have fun. I’m so done with staying at home. I want to get out of here.’ Came a complaint from the other end.
Pari smiled.
‘Don’t be sour Elsie. If you want to come out then why don’t we meet up? We could have a snack and then do some shopping. I was so tensed today, thanks to our ‘night out’. I can’t believe I always fall for your tricks. You didn’t even have that silly cold till yesterday.’
‘Hehehe… you always make that mistake, missy. Ok, I’ll meet you at McDonalds in 15 minutes?’
She hung up, smiling. Elsie always made her smile. She’d first come to Hong Kong 5 years ago with her uncle. He was a textile engineer and lived in Hong Kong with his family. Elsie was one of his friend’s daughters and back then they were neighbours too. So, she and Elsie became fast friends and kept up with their relation there after. When she finished her high-school, Pari’s parents decided to send her to Hong Kong for further studies and another year with Elsie ended them up as best friends. Elsie was a total chatterbox. Although her eyes were exceptionally small, she was beautiful with her creamy white complexion and jet-black hair. They both stood at a height of 5’2 and their body structures were more or less similar but Pari was the curvy one. Elsie was slim, a perfect size zero and although Pari desperately wanted to be a size zero, she couldn’t. No amount of dieting or exercising seemed to help her. She had 33 B cup breasts. Her body tapered at her 25′ waist and flared at her 34′ hips. After months of unsuccessful tries to get rid of that body, she gave up.
When she got to McDonalds, Elsie was already seated with a burger and a can of Pepsi in front of her. She made her way to the table and was surprised to see another empty tray next to the one with the burger.
‘Am I hallucinating or are you over eating?’ she teased.
‘Shut up P. I got bored waiting for you and ordered. By the way I’ve eaten mine and this one is yours.’ She replied pushing the tray towards Pari. She smiled. Elsie knew her so well.
‘So tell me, why were you tensed? Some arse bothered you again?’
‘No I was late for my economics class and I thought Prof. Tam would fail me.’
‘So did he?’ Elsie cut in.
‘No. surprisingly he didn’t. I was already late and on the way, I bumped into some guy. I had to stop to pick my books and that only added to my tensions. Jesus, I didn’t even wait for an apology.’
‘Poor guy. He missed his chance with you.’ Elsie added with a wink and Pari rolled her eyes.
They chatted about stuffs as she finished her burger. It was already 5:30 so they made a quick trip to the super market to buy some clothes. After that, they headed towards their apartment. She still had 2 assignments due tomorrow. As the semester was drawing to an end, her schedule was getting more and more hectic. No matter how early she woke up or how late she stayed up, it didn’t seem to make things easier and to add to her list of agonies was her part-time job at a restaurant near her apartment. Elsie had forced her to live in her apartment and Pari put out a condition. She would pay her bills herself. So she took the job. Her social life was a ruin. Elsie was the only friend she had inside and outside campus but she was a Bio student and it didn’t help much. She was single and while Elsie was always shagging someone or rather, ‘dating’ someone, she was still a virgin. Not that she had any complaints. It was not like guys didn’t approach her, but she didn’t care She wouldn’t be able to keep up with anyone because her only goal right now was to graduate. Her parents weren’t here to support her and although she came from an upper-middle class family back in Nepal, it made no difference here. She had to take care of herself and faffing about definitely didn’t help.
* * *
Terence opened his flat door and got in. He took his jacket off as he made his way into the kitchen. Putting a bowl of pasta into the microwave, he unbuttoned his shirt and undid the holster underneath. No, he wasn’t a gangster or a mafia gang leader but after being the son of a top business tycoon in the U.K., one had to be careful. His dad wasn’t from the mafia either but in business rivalry, the underworld got involved anyways. That was the main reason he left the U.K. to study in Hong Kong. This place was like a safe nook for him. Further more, he wanted to live a normal life so he denied the security his father had offered. The Williamsons and the Taylors had been business rivals since what seemed like centuries ago and they were always after each other’s neck. He shook his head and his thoughts travelled to the girl he bumped into earlier. She was rather short, well he stood at 6’1 and any girl would look short to him. She was delicately beautiful, almost fragile. He was definitely not a skirt-chaser. Rather, he was chased around by skirts. He had jet black hair and green eyes
. His body was leanly muscled which was always fancied by girls and it gave him that ‘anime’ type look. But he didn’t want those girls like he didn’t want this girl who was calling him right now. He rolled his eyes and tried to remember how many times he’d told her to go away but she seemed too thick skinned to notice. Anyways, he stared at his phone as it went into voice mail mode and Antoinette’s nasal voice came through.
‘Hey Terence! I don’t know why you’re ignoring me when I’m doing all I can to get back together with you. Call me when you get this. Love ya!!’
Jeez, this girl was impossible, he thought.
* * *
The week passed by as usual. Pari had 4 days of classes and two days at work. When Saturday finally came, she felt relaxed. She had forgotten all about the green-eyed dude and was busy finishing the chores with Elsie. But as soon as evening approached, Pari was tailing Elsie into one of the famous night clubs. She was dressed casually in a tank top and shorts while Elsie was dressed in one of her skimpy tops and skimpy skirts. She sighed at why she couldn’t say no to this girl and the answer came right up. Because this girl was full on stubborn.
The music was blaring at its fullest as they got seated at the bar. She ordered vodka orange and Elsie ordered plain vodka. They sat there staring at the mass of people lost in their own world. Then she found Elsie eyeing a guy who was giving similar attention to her. She murmured a ‘be right back’ and sauntered towards him and they got lost somewhere in the crowds. Now, there she was sipping her drink alone when a cheerful voice came from behind her.
‘Hey, seems your friend left you all by yourself.’
She whirled around to face a lusciously handsome guy. She was sure they’d never met before but his eyes reminded her of something she couldn’t place a finger on.
‘Yah she did. But you need not worry ‘cuz she’ll be back soon.’ She replied.
He extended his hand for a shake and added, ‘Hi, I’m Terence. I must apologise for bumping into you the other day. I’d have said sorry then but you left without so much as a glance.’
She blushed as she shook his hand.
‘I’m sorry but I was in a hurry and furious at the same time. I was late…’
‘For Prof. Tam’s lecture.’ He finished his sentence for her. ‘I can understand. He is horrid at all times but you’re an Asian. You needn’t worry. It’s people like us who need to be wary of him.’
She chuckled. ‘Don’t know. So, where are you from?’
‘U.K. Northern Ireland to be exact. What about you?’
‘Nepalese. Tell me why are you in Hong Kong instead of Oxford or Cambridge?’
‘He he. Long story. I’ll tell you some day. So tell me, what classed do you take?’
She gave him the details of her classes and was surprised to find their subjects matched. She wondered why they hadn’t met earlier. So they decided to take classes together. Finally a friend inside campus, she though.
‘Hey P, wont you introduce me?’ Elsie’s voice startled her.
‘Gosh Elsie… well, Terence, my best bud Elsie and Elsie, this is Terence. The guy I bumped into.’
‘Oh, so you’re the dude with green-eyes!!’ she exclaimed as she shook hands and Pari groaned inwardly. Then she further added, ‘Listen, I got to go somewhere so, please don’t mind returning home alone? I promise I’ll make it up to you.’
Pari shook her head in disbelief.
‘Ok ok. Go but be home before morning. It’s your turn to cook tomorrow.’
Elsie squealed and gave a huge peck on her cheek and left with the guy she’d been staring at.
‘Well, there she goes. So now what do you plan to do, ‘P’? I say, that’s a weird name.’ he joked.
‘Haha. It’s Pari but she calls me ‘P’ and I don’t mind. I think I’ll be leaving now.’ She said getting up.
‘If you don’t mind, I’ll drop you home.’ He offered.
She started to deny but it was getting late so she agreed. It was a 10 minute drive to her apartment and as she stepped out of the car, he called out.
‘So I’ll see you in Ms. Young’s class on Monday?’
‘Sure. I’ll be there.’ And she waved him goodbye.
She sighed after she got inside. One heck of a man he was. Just the touch of his hands made her shiver and made warmth pool between her legs. She’d have to be careful with him.
* * *
Sunday was spent in the restaurant. It was full and the staffs were not enough. So she literally worked her arse off the whole day attending three tables at a once. By the time the restaurant closed, it was well over 9 pm and she was as tired as hell. When she got home, Elsie had the dinner prepared and both of them ate in silence. Elsie could see how tired her friend was so decided to give her some peace. After dinner and after completing the left-over of her homework, she dumped herself into the bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next morning, she was back into Ms. Young’s class but she wasn’t paying any attention. Terence hadn’t shown up yet and she was feeling disappointed. Not that he had promised her or something. But she still expected him there. She toyed with her pencil as she stared blankly at her teacher.
‘Missed me?’ a whisper made her gasp. Lucky, she was sitting at the back of the class or else, the teacher would have heard her. She whirled towards her side and caught his brilliant green gaze. He had a lazy smile on his face and his hair was still wet from a recent shower. Jess, how can a man be so good looking? She asked herself.
‘No ways. Why should I be missing you?’ she asked in nonchalance.
‘I don’t know. But you were continuously glancing at the door so I thought you were waiting for me. Of you weren’t, it’s cool but if you were, I’m really sorry. I got up late.’
‘Oh thank god I’m not the only sleepyhead in the world.’ She joked and he grinned at her.
He sat beside her in every class the whole day but did not try in any ways to impress her. Well, he didn’t need to, she was already impressed. He was sitting there and just being himself so she felt quite comfortable around him. After the classes were over, he dropped her home and promised he would be on time from now onwards.
He sighed as he flopped down on his bed. This girl was really getting into him and no matter how much he tried to restrain, she managed pulled him back. He was no play boy but still, this was not like him at all. He had just met her yesterday and he was already falling for her. But a part of him didn’t see anything bad in it. She was beautiful, sweet, friendly and every other positive adjective he could think of. The main thing was, she was very simple. She had a tiny hint of attitude but that was it. Like the posh girls he knew, she had no such unnecessary pride in her. Maybe he should fall for her.
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Howie's Fate Howard Hessman has a fight with Nicole and he is given a lesson on life. Nicole was in a foul mood. She had a fight with Howie the night before that ended with the both of them splitting up. She thought she could get it out of her system by doing a workout on the unarmed combat course. Needless to say, it failed to do anything. Except to give her a sore arm. The nightstick drills also failed to do make her feel better. She wanted to talk to Bobbie, but Bobbie was in...
HITCHHIKERS FATE By The Ghe It has been a challenging but exciting few months for me. Last summer, I had gone off with almost no preparation or warning into the wilds of the United States, leaving behind all my cares and worries. My name is unimportant, because all I have wanted is freedom from myself, and the prison of office life I had spent years building around me. Most of the time I was able to find my way walking or catching a bus in the suburbs, but lately, I've had to spend...
Wishes of Fate An old shaggy man greeted us when my wife and I entered the tattered old shop, a door down off LeGrand Street. Looking back it seems odd how this old place was open so late at night or early in the morning as it was nearly 3am Saturday. My wife (Teresa) and I had been out drinking and partying since early Friday evening. To say the least by this point we were both feeling quite intoxicated. "Hello and welcome, I am Bill the proprietor of this fine shop." ...
Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 1 - Rise and Shine! A piercing, ear shattering scream filled the room I was in. I couldn't quite place the voice at first, as I struggled to make sense of it all, but it didn't take long for me to feel the vibrations in my throat and the hear the sound coming emanating from my mouth for me to understand that I was the one who was screaming. A very GIRLY, high-pitched scream. Let me rewind a bit for a second here. You see, the reason why...
Shishio: Now what would a whipped dog be doing here all by himself? Houji:... A whipped dog. Yes, as Lord Shishio says. Shinomori Aoshi! You've already lost to Himura! Your time to fight is over! How dare you show your face here! Get out! Aoshi: It is as you say, Houji. If you call me a whipped dog, I cannot deny it. But Battousai accepted a challenge from this whipped dog without trying to get out of it, and lost strength by taking unnecessary wounds. This, too, is truth I cannot...
“Almost there,” Alyssa said, glancing up at the Sector Map. She leaned forward to tap an icon on John’s console and switched the holographic display to the local System Map for a clearer view. The Invictus raced towards the gravity well of a red dwarf star, where the Brimorians had deployed a temporary comms beacon. It was the last link in a communications chain that snaked across the Kintark Empire to the Enclave border, allowing the armada to keep in contact with Deep Lord Athgiloi. John...
If Marina had gone straight back to her hotel, then that would have been the end of this story. But Marina did not go back to her hotel. Instead she decided to visit Mr Marcelinus, whose invitation to the pair three years ago had been the start of the nightmare of Angelina's disappearance. She had the address and had little difficulty finding the house, which was a villa in its own grounds and very grand if dilapidated. She rang the bell and a maid let her in. Mr Marcelinus came out of a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Zoe, Liz and Jilly wandered down the hill from Liz's home overlooking the Portuguese beach. Zoe and her big sister and niece turned a few heads of the locals as they headed for the beaches only restaurant for brunch. Sunny beaches and golden sands were a theme throughout the sisters lives. Their father had been a servicemen and they't been service 'brats@ brought up on the move on dads overseas postings. Zoe a career woman was at the end of a months...
EroticMy birthday was on the Wednesday that week so it would mean that any celebrations would have to wait for the weekend. I got the usual cards and a few presents from my family and friends but the present I always looked forward to the most was the one that Julia my wife always gave me in private before bed and away from prying eyes. That night as we got into bed Julia gave me a neatly wrapped present with pink ribbons tied into a bow. My excitement was clear to be seen as my cock started to...
CuckoldMy first installment of this series wasn’t that famous but I’ve tried to improve myself and hope this chapter is a better read. I found it a little rushed so added some details into it. Hope you like it!! I want to thank honeywldcat for helping me with the editing. Without her help, I’d be nowhere. Please do vote, rate and comment!!! XXX * The rest of the days went by and Pari hadn’t even noticed. Terence’s company made her days pleasant and time passed without her knowledge. He was a...
Hello!! I want to apologise for the delay but here’s the third chapter anyways. Votes, rates and comments are always a welcome!! XXX * She took a deep breath as the presentation came to an end and glanced at Terence who was standing beside her. Their turn was at the last and after listening to the previous presentations, she had started getting nervous, but now that they were done, she was relived. She stole another glance at her professor and was shocked. Was he smiling? She tugged at...
San Francisco, if you know it well, is a 24 hour city. Like our kind, the city never sleeps. Karen and I sit in a darkened booth in the far corner of a members club, very select, you understand. Soft music plays, a susurrus of distant conversation reaching us as the assembled mortal throng describe their day. You’d know some of them. ‘$100 a gramme, but it’s not cut and I say that as a friend…’ (This from a perspiring long haired nervous type who it appears samples his own product.) ‘Did...
The closed heavy draperies helped blanket the room in darkness. Outside the wind howled with its wolf-like voice. Just that sound made the house seem colder than it really was. ‘Put your head down and rest,’ he whispered. ‘You know you want to. Things will be better in the morning, I promise. Everything always looks different in the light of day.’ He hated lying to her, but if it could give her at least a little peace in this blackest hour, it was worth it. Things would not be better in the...
My birthday was on the Wednesday that week so it would mean that any celebrations would have to wait for the weekend. I got the usual cards and a few presents from my family and friends but the present I always looked forward to the most was the one that Julia my wife always gave me in private before bed and away from prying eyes. That night as we got into bed Julia gave me a neatly wrapped present with pink ribbons tied into a bow. My excitement was clear to be seen as my cock started to...
Everyone who knew twenty-nine year old Gregory Hunt thought of him as a workaholic and this was probably as good a description of him as any. But his commitment to his work at Turner & Marks was not necessarily one of absolute loyalty to the company. No, the reason for his dedication was more because all Gregory had in his life was the job. Both inside and out of work he knew loads of people but none he could truly call friend, no one he could really turn to in a pinch. If he were honest with...
Part 1, Amy’s Sunday Amy’s thoughts returned to the present, leaving behind for the moment her mental recap of her date with Professor Daniels, Marc as she was now calling him. It was starting to get dark. How long had she been sitting there going over the most marvelous 24 hours of her life she wondered, there were no clocks in sight so she had no way of knowing. She got up from the sofa, walked to the small dorm fridge and got a bottle of water opted for the bed in her room rather than the...
Emma closes the door behind her, leaving Megan alone with her not-so-secret admirer and both of the girls can’t help but stare at each other longingly. The blonde girl slowly starts to wander over to the bed where Megan is lying, kneeling on the edge of the bed and crawling over Megan’s body. The girls start kissing passionately, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths as the kiss gets more intense, Megan slowly strokes her beautiful partner’s body, her hands caressing and fondling her...
It is 4078, more than two millennia has passed since our time. Driven by Earth’s overpopulation problem, humanity has long since developed the technology to propel them to the stars and out of the Milky Way. From there a new age of humanity has once again began, hopping from moon to moon, planet to planet, and galaxies to galaxies, discovering new technology, fauna, wildlife, and sentient beings. Along the way, humanity’s technological prowess grew to rival other races they’ve encountered. The...
Welcome to a new story, in a similar theme as "New Man in Charge." In this story, you'll take on the role of a young man or woman in the not too distant future, sometime before the turn of the next century. Technology has advanced somewhat, and crime has taken an uptick, but in general, the world is similar to what we have now. The most significant improvements are in nanotechnology, gene editing, and pharmaceuticals. The story is inspired by the flash game "Corruption of Champions"...
BDSMHe took me on a friday night my friends gone drunk again infront of my big tv screen jumping on my ex gf toyi was so scared when he appeared in my living room behind touching my shoulder looking back , the married black guy living 3 house to the left''dont be scare sissy boy , i have just what you need''sissy hypno infront of us repeating white boy loved to suck cockhe got naked watching me shy sit on my toy his bbc 8inch out making me shiver when he sat down near me his bbc in his hand...
I lead the typical boring life of a stay at home mom. My husband Tim got a big promotion at work that made it possible for me to quit my job and become a simple housewife and to be at home for our 10 year old son Billy. We got married when we were both 20, I was a virgin, and we had Billy 2 years later. For a woman of 32 I think I look pretty damn good, though my husband never really tells me that. I am 5' 5” and weigh about 120lbs. I think most of my weight is in my tits. They are...
IncestOh dear! Remember the self-confident, virile, young, up-and-coming business executive, with the trophy wife, you were, or were pretending to be, on your wedding day?Look at you now!An emasculated, sissy faggot locked in chastity, made up like a pretty girl, dressed in stockings,and high heels and panties, prostrate and helpless before one of your wife’s lovers, as he pumps your mouth full of his residual cum after he has pumped her to delirium!You thought, when you true on your first pair of...