Haunted House Sex Story
- 4 years ago
- 47
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Laura knew something wasn’t quite right the minute she entered their apartment. The upside down coffee table and a scrawled sign on the television that shouted, ‘WATCH THE TAPE’, tipped her off.
‘Oh, brother. Must be time for another mission improbable.’
Grabbing the remote control, she turned on the TV and pushed play.
The screen filled with the dim shape of a man lying face down with wrists bound behind his back and his ankles tied together. The lifeless hands frozen in a claw shape and the painted on hair looked familiar. Laura moved closer to the screen.
She laughed. ‘That’s Tom’s old G. I. Joe.’
The picture suddenly blurred until the camera stopped and focused on a man wearing a pantyhose mask. Tennis balls, stuffed inside the feet, made the springy legs dangle onto his shoulders. He looked like a hard court jester with Wilson pom-poms.
In a falsetto voice, the taupe crotch spoke. ‘If you want to see your husband again you will follow my directions — precisely. Don’t talk to the police. You are under constant surveillance. Don’t try anything funny,’ and he shook his head, putting the tennis balls in play. ‘Now go to the bedroom.’
The video changed to Sunday’s taped episode of ‘Alias’, signaling end of message.
‘Oh, poor Tommy is feeling insecure again.’ She turned off the TV and hurried to their room — grinning.
Atop her pillow lay a small box wrapped in gold foil. She shook it. Nothing rattled. Ripping it open exposed a peppermint Altoids tin — their flavor.
Laura popped the top and lifted out a folded note.
‘Go to Luigi’s restaurant on Second Street,’ the message read. ‘Tell the hostess you are Celia Fate. Ask for Major Kissling. He will give you further instructions. You must arrive before 5:30. Wear the red dress and dancing shoes. Bring a large purse.’
It was only four o’clock.
‘I have time for a shower!’
Thursdays are slow at Luigi’s. The man sitting alone and facing the back, his features indistinguishable in the wall mirror, caught Laura’s attention.
‘Hi, Hon,’ said the svelte hostess seated at the register. ‘Wow, you look nice. Happy Halloween.’
‘Hi, Becky. Thanks. Same to you.’
‘You guys are crazy.’
Laura smiled. ‘Can’t argue with that.’
Becky stood up. ‘First, you gotta say it.’
‘I’m Celia Fate — looking for Major Kissling.’
Rolling her eyes, Becky said, ‘Follow me.’ At the table, she announced, ‘Hey Major, your Fate’s here. Dinner is almost ready.’
Kissling’s gray fedora hid his growing bald spot. His eyes were focused on the nearly completed Times crossword puzzle. ‘What’s a five letter word for sex appeal? Both ‘Laura’ and ‘Celia’ fit but they don’t work.’
Sliding into the booth, Celia whispered, ‘We can’t keep doing this,’ but she would if role-playing was the only way to save her marriage. ‘Why don’t you trust me?’ There was a prolonged silence before Celia finally answered. ‘Charm.’
Penciling it in, Kissling smiled, ‘You should know.’ His shadowed eyes wandered up from the newspaper, pausing on her deep cleavage.
‘Here’s your rabbit food,’ said Becky, obstructing his view while placing two salads on the table. ‘Anything to drink?’
‘Just cold water — no ice, please,’ answered the Major, stabbing lettuce with the anger of a ravenous carnivore on a diet.
Becky smirked. ‘Do you want that shaken not stirred?’
Celia said, ‘I’ll have a Sprite, please.’
After Becky left, Kissling declared, ‘Celia, you’re my best courier. I can’t lose someone so intelligent, gifted and… beautiful.’ His stare warmed her from the inside out until her cheeks burned. Then he continued, ‘Besides, I’m hoping you will make a mistake and you’ll be rid of that dweeb you call a husband.’ Pointing the fork at her, he said, ‘You deserve a lot better.’
‘Shut up! He’s a wonderful man–‘
‘Put your purse on the table.’
Celia knew arguing was pointless.
The Major reached into his suit coat and retrieved another gold package. Slipping it into her purse, he said, ‘You have until 6:30 to meet your next contact.’ He stood and dropped a hundred dollar bill. ‘Enjoy the meal. It’s your favorite.’ Winking, he added, ‘A New York strip — well done.’
Clenching her fists under the table, she squeaked, ‘I only stripped to get out of debt after the divorce. That was five years ago… and I said I was sorry for not telling you. Now please, let it go.’
‘Gotta run. The ‘Grim Ripper’ has work to do,’ said the Major over his shoulder. On his way out he stopped and tipped his hat to Becky and then kissed her cheek.
Celia smiled. ‘Ya gotta love a man who respects his mother.’
It was seven o’clock and Celia was tired of waiting at the smoky bar — tired of the come-ons from ghouls and drink offers from vampires. The past revisited was not a pleasant reunion. All her efforts to restore respectability in her life unraveled with one stranger’s bold comment in a restaurant. ‘Didn’t you dance at ‘Diamonds and Pearls’ a few years ago? Baby, you’re one sweet piece of ass.’ Tom flipped out and punched him.
She worried.
Someone tapped her shoulder as Billy Joel began to play.
‘Celia, let’s dance.’
A man with an eye patch took her hand and led her onto the floor.
‘Crusher?’ she grinned.
‘Not a name to instill confidence while dancing — is it.’ He held her close as they glided in slow circles.
‘What took you so long?’ she asked. ‘I was afraid something happened.’
Lifting the patch, he said, ‘I’ve had my eye on you. Made sure you weren’t followed,’ and then bent to whisper, ‘You certainly draw men’s attention.’
With crimson lips brushing his neck, she answered, ‘I only want yours.’
They drifted through a string of ballads — dancing with him always an uncomplicated pleasure.
His teasing fingers made designs on her back. ‘Mmm,’ She cooed, ‘that feels nice.’
‘Just checking for a wire.’
She giggled.
The music changed tempo and Crusher led Celia outside to her car, while instructing, ‘Go to the bookstore, Bound and Bagged, over on Avery. Tell the man behind the counter you’re there to pick up a copy of ‘The Human Comedy’ by Balzac for General Anxiety. Don’t open the book until you’ve driven to the Riverside Mall. Inside there’ll be two boxes. Only open the gold one.’
The sweaty bookstore clerk gave Celia the creeps and she was glad to be driving away — fast.
Five minutes later she opened the hollow book to see a gold box and a green box. A note inside the gold one read, ‘J. C. Penny’s swimwear department is holding a suit for Mona Wanamaker. Make sure it fits. Drive to the downtown Sheraton. Take the book and the suit inside. Ask the desk clerk if there’s a message for Lucy Ripanski.’
Swimwear is not a big seller in October and finding a salesgirl took time. Mona was anxious to leave until the woman appeared carrying a flowery swatch of cloth.
Laughing, Mona said, ‘I’m not wearing that!’ And spent another twenty minutes picking out something that covered more than three daisies worth.
‘Is there a message for Lucy Ripanski?’
The phone rang and the desk clerk answered it while handing Lucy an envelope. Excited the endgame was near, she ripped it open and removed a room key and a scrap of paper with the number 427.
Entering room 427 Laura thrilled at mission complete. There was champagne on ice and long stem roses, but no Tommy. Laura opened the book and inspected the green box. ‘This has to be an early anniversary gift,’ and began pulling at a loose corner. When the tape popped free she put it down.
‘Where is he?’
Next to the bathroom sink was a note. ‘Laura, thanks for playing along. I hope you had fun. I know I did. Put on your swimsuit and meet m
e at the pool,’ signed, C. U.
‘No more games,’ thought Laura, diving into the deep end and swimming the breaststroke to Tom, sitting with his feet in the water, watching her approach, and sporting the smile that melted her heart every time.
Helping her up beside him, Tom said, ‘You saved me again, Sweetheart,’ and kissed her fully in appreciation.
Laura held his face close and purred, ‘It’s the least I could do. You saved me first.’
Disbelief clouded his eyes. ‘How’d I do that?’
‘You gave me asylum.’
‘Asylum, that’s a good codename for our apartment.’ Tom’s eyes drifted down and he chuckled, ‘You didn’t like the swimsuit I picked out?’
Grinning, she declared, ‘Cool off, Mulder, this isn’t the triple x files,’ and pushed him in. Then followed after for some submerged counterintelligence and found a nightstick hidden in his trunks.
Laughing and splashing was fun, but they soon craved the privacy of their room and left a marked trail of damp footprints.
Tom cornered Laura in the elevator and slipped his hands underneath her towel. ‘I’d like to begin the debriefing.’
The ride turned into a playful display of veteran defensive maneuvers.
Safe inside the room, Tom’s interest switched to the hollow book. He removed the green box and handed it to Laura. ‘Happy anniversary, Honey,’ and kissed her cheek.
Moving to pour drinks, he stopped to push aside the curtain and briefly looked outside. ‘I think you’ll like it.’
Laura turned the package over, hoping Tom wouldn’t see her hand’s trembling. Every corner was now tightly sealed. ‘This can’t be the same box,’ and realized how close she’d come to failing his trust. ‘Life would be a lot less complicated if Tom hadn’t found out about the past’ — it seemed a lifetime ago and unimportant.
Beneath the green foil was another Altoids tin.
‘Go ahead, open it.’
‘Sorry,’ Laura said, returning from troubled thoughts. ‘I’m just enjoying the moment,’ and popped up the tin top. A diamond bracelet twinkled inside. ‘It’s beautiful, Tom.’ Then sighing, she added, ‘Isn’t it a little extravagant, considering you’re just starting the business?’
Tom wrapped her in his arms and whispered, ‘Sweetheart, you’d be surprised what some accounting firms will pay to have the ‘Grim Ripper’ appear with his truck at odd hours to shred a few hundred pounds of inconvenient files. But it’s worth the risk to make you happy.’
With panic in her voice, she asked, ‘You’re not breaking the law are you?’
‘No Honey, I’m just providing a service with a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ customer relations policy.’
Her bathing suit top fell free as Tom untied the straps, and said, ‘Now that the mission is complete, Agent Fate, you know what comes next.’
‘We both come next, I hope,’ she smiled, running her hands down into his trunks and squeezing his ass.
Squatting, he pulled on her waistband. ‘First, I have to perform a cavity search. You never know where the enemy might bury a tracking device,’ Tom said, dragging the damp panty down to her ankles.
Laura stepped out, laughing. ‘Oh, you’re right, we can’t be too careful,’ and messed his hair.
Standing, Tom said, ‘Give me your mouth.’
She leaned forward and his tongue slid between her lips as he pressed against her. Her cool skin began to warm from the full contact. The kiss lingered well after a thorough inspection. Their hands massaged the other’s back and moans were exchanged.
When she slipped her hand between their bodies and palmed his groin, Laura was surprised and disappointed. ‘What’s wrong?’ Fondling the limp penis, she asked, ‘The little soldier doesn’t want to salute me?’
Tom pushed away, saying, ‘I’m sorry,’ and rushed into the bathroom.
‘What just happened?’ Laura placed an ear against the bathroom door and heard the shower splash. It sounded like fun, but the door was locked. Pounding, she yelled, ‘Hey, let me in! I’ll wash your back!’
‘No! I want to be alone. I need time to think.’
Heartbroken, Laura left the door, raised the thermostat up to 75, and wandered naked around the room with arms folded across her chest. She didn’t want to put the red dress back on while her skin was covered with chlorine, so dry underpants would have to do. Sitting down at the desk, Laura doodled on the hotel notepad, wondering if her new marriage was over.
When the bathroom door opened, and Tom, wrapped in a towel, finally came out, Laura pushed by and locked the door. ‘Two can play the disdain game.’
Adjusting the water to first-degree-burn, she tried to scrub off the guilt of the past. But it never worked. Tears washed the sadness down the drain until, emotionally spent, she toweled off and stumbled out, too tired to argue.
Tom, wearing only his pants, sat at the desk writing. He turned to ogle her with a look of renewed want and the energy seemed to transfer. Her skin tingled.
‘Do you like looking at your naked wife even if a thousand other men looked before you?’ By the pained expression on his face, Laura knew the words stung and she felt both mean and powerful.
‘Honey, I’m trying to get a grip on this — thing. But it’s eating me alive.’ Tom stood and walked to the window, parted the drapes and stared outside. ‘The old adage, ‘Men use money to get sex and women use sex to get money’ keeps running through my head.’ Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he paused and seemed to be gathering himself. ‘You’ve used sex to get money — a lot of money I’ll bet. How can I compete with that?’
Laura walked to the desk and tried to think of a convincing answer. A list of questions lay written on the pad and she quickly scanned them. ‘Well, Tom, first you should realize I love you. And what other men paid to see, I give to you for pleasure.’
‘For how long.’ He spun around and grabbed the small roll of fat above his belt. ‘I’m not exactly Adonis now, am I? And I’m not getting rich.’
‘Hey, I’m not getting any younger either, ya know.’ Lifting her breast, she jiggled them, saying, ‘Gravity’s pulling on these too!’ Before he could respond, she continued, ‘Let’s go over your list of questions and see if I can ease your mind enough to win back some trust.’ The list was short but direct. ‘Okay, the number one question: Did I have sex for money? No, I did not. Was I propositioned? Of course. But let me clear up a general misconception about exotic dancers. The vast majority are not hookers. They are hard working, adventurous, liberated women. Most of them have college plans and career goals and only use stripping to get what they want. They all know their dancing days are limited to a few good years, but try to find another job that pays $2000 a week. Why shouldn’t women take advantage of men’s prurient desires? They’ve been taking advantage of us forever.’ Laura began pacing at the foot of the bed. ‘Next question. Did I like it?’
While she thought how to simplify the complex answer, Tom sat down in the desk chair. ‘You must’ve been a superstar. You’re beautiful and charming. I almost wish I’d seen you… perform.’
‘I was talented,’ she said, stopping in front of him. ‘At first, I was scared, like everyone else. But I love to dance and most of the men are very courteous and appreciative. It didn’t take long for me to settle into the routine.’ Putting her hands on her knees, Laura bent and dangled her breasts in his face. ‘To get the big tips you have to know how to tease.’
Grinning, Tom said, ‘You’re definitely good at that,’ and reached for a handful.
Laura backed up. ‘Uh-uh. No one’s allowed to touch the dancer.’ Her hands glided up her stomach and made circles around her breasts. The circles became smaller until the fingertips orbited the areolas. Each nipple began to swell. ‘When I started dancing I hated men — for what my ex put me through. I got my revenge by teasing them and taking their money.’ She straddled his kn
ees, and said, ‘Put your hands behind your back.’
He did.
‘Good boy.’ Their eyes locked in a stare down. She squatted. ‘A lap dance gets real close and personal, like this.’ Holding her breasts, Laura offered each one for appreciation, rolling the nipples. ‘They are so sensitive. Wouldn’t you like to suck on them? That would feel soooo gooood.’ The old sense of supremacy rose inside. ‘I loved doing this for money, but you know what was wrong with it?’
‘It was all fake and you wanted the real thing.’
Unbuttoning his pants, she smiled, ‘That’s right, Major Hardon. Now you understand. I wanted the full monty, the spend-the-rest-of-our-lives-together devotion.’ Boldly, she tugged down his pants, sat on his lap, and ground herself into his erection. His chest hair teased her distended nipples. She felt his hands squeeze her tush and lift. The tip of his cock pressed into her wet folds. She hovered on trembling legs, saying, ‘I only want to do this with you,’ and then sat on him. The swift fullness was always a thrill. She began massaging his shaft with internal compressions as their tongues danced the tango and their hips danced the rumba.
Grabbing Laura’s legs, Tom rolled them both onto the bed. Braced on straight arms, he looked down into his wife’s doe eyes. ‘I love you,’ he whispered, pumping slowly.
‘I love you too,’ she smiled back. ‘You know how to make every day an adventure.’
‘And you’re up to the challenge,’ he said, then quickly sucked and released a nipple, ‘aren’t you?’
‘Mmm.’ Arching her back with the titillation, she said, ‘If your up for it. I’m on it,’ while her hands slipped down to feel his penetrations and toy with her clitoris.
Tom rested on his elbows so his fingers were free to tease swollen nipples and increase her arousal.
‘I’m close,’ she moaned.
His hips became insistent. Each thrust ended in a grunt from both, each harder and louder and faster, until she clamped her legs over his back and bowed into her release.
One final jab and Tom pulled her tight, kissing her throat.
Laura tickled his ear with a red fingernail.
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"How's Sandy?" asked Jock the Joke while the group of interviewers and I settled into our seats in the interrogation room. "Great," I said. "I could make her better," said the sleazebag with his patented sleazy smile. I thought of a million retorts but kept them to myself. Sweets and Joke sat with a man I didn't know. He had the conservative suit look of a Fed. I wondered who hid behind the glass, hoping for Nakamoto and fearing my dad's old friend Lieutenant Sam Kamalua. As the...
The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine’s guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to form a zigzag chain of diamonds. The shide fluttered as I turned on the tatami mats...
Chapter 1: I Don't Believe In That Shit. Fate, destiny, karma, whatever you may call it, it's unavoidable. The powers that be determine who you are, what you do and how you do it. Your job is to just sit back and enjoy the ride so to speak. It's the one universal force which we cannot escape... Well fuck that. There is no such thing as fate, we have no destiny, and Karma will not come and bite us on the ass. Belief in this shit is purely for those who feel the need to blame a higher...
"Fate is not a game of chance" — Extract from 'The Games of Gods and Other Powers' by Scholar-Priest Bi-Tan, Grand Library of Aimsmouth. The shutters of the Only Inn banged and clattered as winds battered Mount Orion. Storm clouds circled the mountain in a brooding ring and within them screamed the assembled storm host. Lightning flashed. Thunder sounded. Great bellows rung out. The main door of the inn crashed open and Khor, King of Storm, strode in. He was a giant of a man, with wild...
Hey friends, I’m Yash. Now, first things first. I’m not a professional writer, nor an experienced person. I’m just a regular guy pouring every drop of his brain to yours. Back to business, This goes back to my late teens. I was a good guy, good in academics, good in football, and good at heart. The only thing my parents worried about was my physique. So, I joined a gym. I was a lean guy, but I was fit. I had muscles (no abs, and no chiseled body), and people liked my company irrespective to...
Accepting fate by Salma Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and yes it has scenes in it which is for a mature audience only. I knew it was time for my mother to leave me alone, I really did not want to go and she saw it in my eyes. She gave me a hug with tears in her eyes, "You are his wife now, and he is your lord and husband remember that." I cringed at the words, lord and husband. I remembered the leering look on Mr. Johnston's face, the look of lust when my mother bought me...
A Chosen Fate By: Monsta Edward Smith was having a sandwich at a diner during his lunch break. The salty gooey cheesesteak at Ned's diner called to him from time to time. Even though his doctor would likely recommend against it, Edward sometimes answered the call. Ed was only 24 years old but he already had elevated blood pressure. He wasn't overweight by much, he just had a high stress sedentary job. His wonderful newlywed wife had been gently urging him to improve his health ever...
Chapter Eight: Ghostly Futa Sixty-Nine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 NOTE: My apologies for failing to upload this part. I somehow overlooked it. I rubbed the polish carefully into the statue of Kanshu-no-Kami, the mighty kami wrestling the dread yokai Yokubō-no-Tako and keeping him imprisoned. I shuddered as I reached one of the octopus-like tentacles wrapped about Kanshu's leg. The artist who had sculpted the statute caught the features perfectly. But so long as I danced the...
THE RINGS OF FATE "David, I'm going to the mall, keep your eye on Susie?" mother called up the stairs. "O.K. mum," I called back, my heart rate picking up. As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I'd seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special. "Where are they?" I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad's...
Destiny's Welcomed Fate Talking across the cyber lanes; sharing desires, and speaking of dark things,daring whispers. Such secrets are only safe when shared with a hidden stranger.It was then that I began this twisted plot to gain my desires and at the sametime quench the mysteries you sought answers for. It must have seemed quite innocent when it arrived... it was meant too.Or perhaps simple blind luck, a commodity that had so often escaped you inthe past, how could you question its plain...
Liuzhou Intermediate People's Court pronounced its verdict, the two were guilty of intentional homicide, the defendant Lu Yuqiao (female) was sentenced to death. He Zhikun also received the death sentence and was carried out a week later. Lu yuqiao would try to appeal her death sentence. A few weeks later Yuqiao’s mouth closed over my penis and the sensation made it go erect immediately. Opening my eyes I make direct eye contact with this beautiful you woman whose sucking my dick. She only...
The Worst Possible Fate Copyright 2000 By Scott K. Jamison Tammy Fey had two problems. The first was the physical fact that he had been born male. Obviously, disgustingly male. Tammy hadn't been able to convince any doctors that he was worthy of gender reassignment surgery, and his efforts to disguise his maleness on his own just hadn't been terribly successful. To soothe his wounded spirits, Tammy wrote stories. Glorious, wonderful stories in which men were granted the...
Usama's Fate By JRD It was a Grand Convocation of the Fae. All types were there: Elves, Gnomes, Brownies, Leprechauns; at least a few of every type of faerie was there. And all were clamoring to be heard. Finally, Oberon stood and yelled, "ENOUGH!" In a moment's time the clamor was gone, and the hall was silent. Oberon continued, "The rules stand! The Fae will not reenter the fate of humanity. Any who do so will answer to me!" then he and Titania were gone. As most of...
Beautiful fate By Jungle Jane I guess you could say that my fate was sealed the summer I was thirteen years old. I was short, skinny, and awkward. I had just moved from Chicago, to a small Midwestern town, and I was having problems fitting in. I certainly did not fit in with the cowboys, the jocks didn't want anything to do with me, and I didn't want anything to do with the nerds. I was pretty much on my own at an age when kids need to feel they belong to...
The Ring of Fate - by Acid Dreams CHAPTER 1: The Ring of Fate Tommy looked at the ring one more time, not sure if he could accept such an expensive looking artifact. The lawyer looked at him sternly and told him that if he was not available to accept it, it was to be destroyed. Tommy wondered what his uncle was thinking when writing his will, but decided that the ring would do better with him than with no one. "I'll take it," Tommy told his uncle's lawyer. The lawyer smiled...
Altered Fate By Shagufta Hanaphie 1. a. Deepika meets Alok I was studying in the first year of engineering college at that time, so was Alok. The first time I met Alok he was struggling with some luggage he was trying to get to his hostel room. I carried it for him till the boys' hostel gate, as he walked behind looking quite embarrassed. I wondered at the frailty of the poor guy, he seemed so weak and shy. He thanked me profusely the next time we met - I think it was in the canteen. I...
Chapter Fifteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Exorcism By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “No,” I cried out in grief and regret. “No, Ōjo-sama!” Tears fell from my eyes as shame overwhelmed me. I had failed her. I stared up at her beautiful form of Mitsuko-hime dangling from the branch of the pine tree, swaying in the breeze that groaned through the cursed woods. Her eyes bulged. Her white-painted face smeared by her tears. Her sandal had fallen off. I grasped her sock-clad foot. Slime soaked...
Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...
Chapter Three: Hot Futa Ghost Threesome By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ōjo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo's daughter while I was a simple...
My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ojo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo’s daughter while I was a simple miko. But none of that had mattered while her lips were upon mine. I laughed...
The Fates by Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff Grant. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I...
The Fates by: Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I had no plans...
Chapter Nine: Futanari Fucks Her Bully By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Will this work?” my Ōjo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai...
Chapter Two: Naughty Naked Selfies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo's daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never...
Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot… somewhere with better security. The executive assured him they...
Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend’s husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles…as long as Diana got to watch! There’s no way I could ever do that… Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to tell her heart...
Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot ... somewhere with better security. The executive assured him...
Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend's husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles ... as long as Diana got to watch! There was no way she could ever do that ... Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to...
My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo’s daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never up so close. What was she doing in the onsen? Didn’t her father’s castle...
“You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ojo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen’s hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand stroked my cheek. She cupped my face and pulled me closer. My heart beat faster and faster...