Haunted High School free porn video

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Oh God, now this was childish. The thought passed through my mind over and over as I trudged with my friends up through town and to the old high school. The place had been deserted since the new one was built over fifteen years ago and was scheduled to be demolished in the Spring. The rumor, what I was told about the school since starting here a few months ago, was that it was haunted. It was a rite of passage every year that seniors had to spend the night in the vast halls of the school on Halloween.

I was with three of my best friends, all of us 18 years old. It was late, well past the time for trick or treating to be over, making this a forbidden treat for girls who almost always did what we were told The streets were mostly deserted, lights out in most of the houses in this neighborhood as kids were tucked into bed after their exciting night of dress up and candy hording.

We giggled as we walked, ducking behind bushes and into darkened yards every time a car would come by since we were out well beyond curfew. And between times we whispered of the scandal that had been the reason the old school was considered haunted.

"I heard he shot her, then shot himself," Patricia said earnestly trying to sound a little less breathless with excitement than she was. Patricia was the youngest of the group, only just turning eighteen a few days ago. She was tall, dark haired with beautiful blue eyes, skin that was creamy white and a smile that lit up her face.

"No, he didn't kill her," Bridgett, the tiniest one in the group at barely five feet tall said. She was dark haired also but her hair curled and reached her mid back. Her brown eyes twinkled in the light of the street lamps and she almost danced along the sidewalks, eager for the adventure. "Her boyfriend found them. He got told that she was fooling around on him and followed them to the school that night. He shot them both then disappeared. No one's seen him since."

"You both are wrong." Stephanie was the oldest of the four of us and very full of her own importance. "After her and her lover snuck out of the Halloween party, her boyfriend did find them out. But she's the one that pulled the trigger on the gun after the two guys were fighting over it. She killed the guy she was fooling around with accidentally and then killed her boyfriend out of rage." She shook back her long hair, running her hands through it, a habit she'd had for years. Her eyes were gray and steady, and she pulled Bridgett back and into the brush as another car drove by. "When she went to run out of the school, she stumbled going down the stairs and broke her neck."

I was the newest member of Stephanie's crew, her word not mine. I had moved to this small town in no where Michigan a few months back when my Mom and Dad decided to get divorced. Well, decided was a timid way to put it, more like knock down drag out screaming at each other. So Mom moved me and my little sister here, stuck me in a school with a quarter of the students as my old one and half of the programs I had been enrolled in at my other school. They didn't even have a pool.

I was almost as tall as Patty, my hair also dark but straight and long. I used to be on my old school's swim team and had the long lean body of a swimmer. The idea of spending the night in an old school wasn't exactly how I had planned to spend my Halloween. Parties, boys, even stupid costumes would have been better than this. But Stephanie had taken me under her wing when I started at the school and she had decided that we were going to keep up this tradition. So who was I to argue with the Princess?

"What's wrong Danielle?"

My head jerked up as Stephanie's voice yanked me from my thoughts. She was looking at me as we walked with that look in her eyes. She was waiting for me to argue with what she wanted to do. I knew that. She liked confrontation. She was always willing to put in her two cents and she was always right, or at least she thought she was. It was about the only thing I didn't like about her.

"I'm fine, just a little cold." I wasn't used to the cold Michigan weather. Where I was from, it was sunny and warm. Michigan was rainy, and I could see my breath plume in front of my face.

"You think this is cold, wait until January." But she seemed to take the excuse and turned back towards her mission.

The school loomed over us, huge and old, two stories of moldering bricks and broken windows. There was a high fence surrounding it studded with no trespassing signs every few feet. Through the years, kids had knocked enough holes into it so that we were able to get in easy. Stephanie led the way around the building and up a pile of half rotten boards to a window that would be easy for us to climb through. She held the frame open carefully and motioned us through.

The rest of us looked at each other, waiting to see who would go first. Bridgett stood at the bottom of the pile, eyeing the big building warily.

"It doesn't look this big during the day."

"Baby," Stephanie said scornfully.

"Am not," she shot back.

"Are too."

"Okay, children," I stepped forward between the two of them. "Knock it off, I'll go first." Stephanie turned back to the window and I turned to follow her, but not before catching Bridgett sticking her tongue out at Steph's back.

I slipped one leg over the window frame, still laughing silently at Bridgett's childishness. Back home, Stephanie would have been told to 'fuck off', or called a 'bitch'. Not had a tongue stuck out at her. This town had to be festering back in the sixties. After climbing through the window, I stood looking at the spider web encased hallway covered in graffiti from the many years of being abandoned. I took out the flashlight that I had stashed in the deep pocket of my coat and flicked it on, shining a beam up and down the hallways.

Patricia was next through the window and she held it open for Bridgett who got a boast through from Steph. She was the last through and dusted her hands off on her coat.

"Well, it hasn't changed much." She turned down the hallway and started towards the stair leading up to the second floor.

"Where are you going? What do you mean, it hasn't changed much?" Patricia hurried after her, grabbing Steph's coat to stop her.

Stephanie had gotten out her own flashlight and used it to point in the direction of the stairs. "Tim brought me out here a couple of times last summer. No big deal," she added quickly. "And up," she said simply.

"But, that's where it happened. I didn't think..." Patty's voice stuttered to a stop at a single look from Stephanie.

"So you thought we were going to do what, come up here and sit around down here all night? Maybe tell ghost stories? Hell no. I want to see the spot it happened. I heard if you are here on the anniversary at the exact time it happened, you can see their ghosts." Stephanie grinned. Something new, something interesting, anything that took the dullness out of small town living. God she couldn't wait to get out of this town.

Bridgett grabbed for my arm and held tight as I followed Steph up the stairs. She shrieked once and almost jumped into my arms. When we all turned to look at her, she pointed with her own flashlight beam to a corner where a rat was busy doing rat things. "I hate rats."

Stephanie scoffed, tossed her mane of hair and continued towards the intersection of hallways, shining a beam of light through the mostly open classroom doors as she went. You could hear our footsteps echoing through the empty halls, smell the odor of rodents, old dust and something nasty rotting. Creepy shadows were everywhere, and I began to get a bad feeling about this whole thing.

We hadn't heard of anybody else coming out here tonight and had purposefully not told our boyfriends or anyone else what we were doing. This was our night out and our opportunity to crow the next day at school. But Stephanie wanted more than to just be able to crow. She wanted to have something special to be able to tell everyone, something guaranteed to make her center of attention for months.

So we trailed after her, Bridgett with a death grip on my arm, Patty slightly behind me. I flipped open my cell phone to check the time. Just after 11 o'clock.

"What time did the murders happen?" I called out after Stephanie.

"A few minutes before midnight." She grinned back at me, her smile slightly evil looking in the beam from her flashlight as she held it under her chin walking backwards. "Makes it even scarier, doesn't it? Wooooo!" she said, trying to sound like a ghost howling.

She turned and took another step towards the other hallway. She shifted, intending to shine her flashlight into one of the classrooms when a pair of arms reached out, dragging her inside. Her scream was echoed quickly by the rest of us and I started to run forward, ready to do what I could to rescue her. when I heard her snarl and the sound of a fist hitting material covered skin.

"Tim, you ass."

I took a deep breath calming nerves that were starting to stutter a little in the incredible creepiness of this place. Stephanie walked out of the room, Tim's arm around her shoulder, his hand inches from her breast. She pushed him off of her and glared at him.

"How did you guys find out we were here?"

Guys? Oh, shit.

My worst fear was confirmed, behind Tim, Nick, Brian and Terry walked out. Terry and I had been dating only a couple of weeks and I was still a little shy around him. I didn't need for him to see me tonight in this scary school, doing something so totally immature as screaming at shadows and maybe making a fool out of myself.

He smiled at me and walked over, giving me a one armed hug and a kiss on the cheek. Terry was very tall, and muscular. He played hockey all winter and kept in shape during the off season playing baseball, basket ball, whatever sport was up, he was involved. But he didn't have the normal jock mentality. He loved books and movies and carried an A average. And all of this was on top of being gorgeous.

He intimidated the hell out of me.

I heard Bridgett shriek again as Nick picked her up around the waist and kissed her.

"That's how we knew," Tim said.

My brow furrowed in confusion.

"We heard Bridgett scream," Nick said. He hugged his girlfriend and then put her feet back on the floor. "No one screams like she does. Especially during..." He cut off abruptly, his breath coming out in an audible woof as Bridgett smashed her small fist into his stomach.

Stephanie punched a finger into Tim's chest, causing him to wince. "So you guys didn't know we were going to be here?"

He caught her hand and pulled her around so her back was against his front. "Nope, we just figured we'd see what all this bullshit was about with the high school. This is the last year it will be here." He hugged her around the waist. "And you girls said you were busy tonight."

Terry gave me a nudge and nodded towards Patty and Brian. The two were lip locked like they hadn't seen each other in months instead of just hours since the last bell at school today. His hands were molded to her ass under her coat, hers were in his hair.

"Wow," I whispered, impressed. I'd seen them at it before but never like this.

"Hey, you two get a room," Stephanie snapped.

Patty pulled her lips out from under Brian's for a second and gave Stephanie a smirky smile. "What, jealous?"

Terry leaned close and whispered in my ear, "I am, wanna try that?"

I reached under his coat and tickled his side, knowing he couldn't help but squirm away from me. He gave me a mock glare that had me laughing.

"Now I know Superman's weakness." I had started calling him that, teasing him, after the first time I saw him without a shirt on in gym class. He'd been setting up for a lay up shot, his body rippling with muscles. Talk about a stomach! Tight with packed abs that were absolutely delicious.

"I'll Superman you," he growled, snaking out a hand to pull me to him. He bent down and covered my lips with his, pushing his tongue in my mouth, which startled me for a moment. We'd kissed, we'd even made out, but he never went right at it this way. I liked it.

I let him coerce my tongue from my mouth and then followed his back between his lips. His mouth locked around it, suckling gently. I rose up on my tip toes so that he could reach me easier and so I could be against him better. His arm locked around my waist holding me up against him. And wow, the way it felt. His body was hard against mine, even through the thick coats we were both wearing. And he moved against me, subtly, letting me know that he was just as hard under his jeans.

I felt my face flush. I was still a virgin and even though I had strong feelings for Terry in the short amount of time that we had been together, I didn't know if I was ready for that step yet. But I loved the way he kissed and the way he touched me like I was the most important thing in his world. I didn't know if he was this way with his other girlfriends, but Stephanie told me that he wasn't. She said that he barely looked at girls, he was more into sports. Until me.

"All right, knock it off you guys." Stephanie's voice was loud and commanding, you might even say bitchy.

Brian looked over from where he was chewing on Patty's neck. "Hey Smithers, control your woman would you?"

Even as I heard him say that, I knew it was the very worst possible thing he could have said. I cringed and Terry, knowing what I knew, stopped kissing me and pulled me further along the hallway. Tim got a pained look on his face. He pulled Stephanie closer to him, probably trying to stop the outburst that we all knew was inevitable. Even Patty was shaking her head at Brian. I saw her mouth the word 'stupid' at him and then smack him on top of the head.

"His woman?"

"Steph, he was just goof..." she cut me off with a hand in the air.

"Control his woman?"

And then amazingly, Tim wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and picked her up, carting her off and around the corner of the hallway before she could continue.

I looked at Patty and the two of us looked at Bridgett, and we all three started laughing, knowing that all hell was going to break lose over that move.

Terry stroked his hand over my hair, pulling me close to him again. And suddenly, I was ecstatic that he was there.

"Wanna check out the rest of the school?" His lips brushed my ear, causing me to shiver in response.

"Let me guess, more dirt, more rats and more graffiti?" I snuggled in close to him, he was so warm and solid.

At that moment we heard the first scream. I was out of Terry's arms and running up the hallway in seconds. Terry was a step behind me and then quickly two steps ahead. We were both athletic but he had a longer stride. The others were right behind us.

The scream came again, the voice I recognized as Stephanie's. We turned the corner at the junction of the two halls and slid to a stop, Bridgett running into my back...

"Damn it, Stephanie!" I hissed at the girl who was bent over. Her and Tim were standing in the middle of the hall, laughing their asses off at scaring all of us.

"Happy Halloween, Danielle," she managed to gasp out. "If you guys could have seen your faces." She put her hand on Tim's arm. "It was hysterical."

I was so mad that I turned and started walking away, determined to leave and go home even though my mom thought I was staying at Bridgett's and her mom thought she was staying at Patty's who was supposed to be staying at Stephanie's. Stephanie's parents didn't much care what she did, she was the Princess and could get away with anything. And it pissed me off. Terry was behind me, knowing that I was ready to blow at the first person who talked to me, he stayed quiet.

Stephanie trotted up behind me, trying hard to get the smile off her face. She'd managed to calm the laughing, finally and caught up to me, grabbing my arm.

"Don't be mad, Dan, we were just playing."

I turned, intending to give her a piece of my mind when I realized what she had called me.

"Sure, Steve," I smirked, knowing it irritated her as much as being called Dan irritated me. "No problem. It's all just in fun isn't it?"

"Okay," she conceded. "I deserved that. But come back. You know this party won't be any fun without you." She leaned in closer, looking over her shoulder for the other two girls. "You know this won't be any fun if you leave. Those two will get scared and wanna go home. Please, Dan, stay?"

If she hadn't said please, if she had just stuck with the same authoritative bitchiness that I was used to from her, I probably would have left. Instead, I sighed and gave her a dirty look that said volumes. "No more shit?"

She gave me an innocent, butter won't melt in her mouth look and made an x shape over the place her heart would have been if she'd had one. Yeah that was a mean thought, but it was how I felt. Then she squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck, strangling me.

"Let's go back... see if we can keep the others from freaking out on us tonight."

We turned the corner in the hallway, Steph holding onto me as if I'd leave if she let go, Terry following right behind me. The gang had camped out, sitting against the walls. Patty was straddling Brian's lap, lip locked again. Bridgett was giggling, and I saw that Nick's hand wasn't visible but was under her coat.

Tim was a few feet away and when he saw Steph, he wiggled his finger at her. She let go of me and walked over to her man. Well, stalked over actually, her hips moving beneath her coat like a hunting cat about to attack. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her, the sleek way she moved was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen. Even when she sat down on Tim's legs, she moved herself closer, scooting her ass along the long length of his thighs in a way that just screamed sex.

"Would you do her?" Terry whispered in my ear.

I looked up and back at him, he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. At first his question shocked me a little, and then I thought about it. What would it be like?

Whoa. I wasn't in to girls. Was I? Would I, no could I do that? I looked at Stephanie once more, curious. Her coat was open and Tim's arms were inside of it. They were kissing. What would it be like to change places with Tim? I knew what my breasts felt like, would hers feel the same? The idea was unbearably arousing and confusing at the same time.

I turned and grabbed the collar of Terry's coat, pulling him down to me until I could reach his lips with my own. I kissed him, thrusting my tongue between his lips to search his mouth, feeling the sharp edge of his teeth before rubbing against his tongue. I slowly unzipped his jacket, stepping inside the material to feel the heat of his body.

Before he could stop me, I slipped one of my cold hands under the hooded sweatshirt and tee shirt he was wearing, letting it rest on his skin and then trailed it up to his nipples. My cold fingers ran over and around his flat nub, even as he jerked a little at the frigidness of my hands.

It must have felt good because the next thing I knew, he pushed me around and my back slammed against the old cinderblock wall. His knee thrust between my thighs until I was riding it, moving against the hard seam in the crotch of my jeans. The pressure rubbed just right and I moaned into his mouth, surprising myself. He'd always been gentle, never taking, always asking. It was another thing about him that had intimidated me, the way he was always in control of himself.

He wasn't now.

His hand pulled mine from under his clothing and forced both of them over my head, holding my wrists tightly with one of his large hands. His other hand was ripping open the zipper of my coat, pulling on my sweater until he could find his way under it to my skin.

I fought him, even though I didn't want him to stop. It was strange, a scary, heady feeling to have the power to turn him on like this. I didn't want it to stop. I didn't think about the others, or what they were doing or seeing if they were watching us. I didn't care.

A little voice in my head was shouting warnings and I wickedly ignored it, pushing it back behind the great wall of feelings that was blocking everything else.

Terry's hand was warm against the supple skin of my stomach. He moved it up over the ladder of my ribs and around to my back. I arched away from the wall, giving his hand room to touch me if he wished. Instead I felt a tiny snap and then the restriction of my bra gave away.

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The bus rolled into my hometown around dinnertime. I was wide awake, but I had been still for hours. When the bus driver finally parked, I felt like I was waking from a dream. In many ways, I was. It had been ten years since I had visited my little hometown in the dusty South. So much had happened, but my town looked exactly the same. I grabbed my bag and exited the bus. There was a crowd of cars waiting, but I didn’t recognize any of them. It wasn’t like my brother to be late. Then I...

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Haunted HouseChapter 1

Orange-red leaves clung to tree branches as they fluttered in the wind, the brown ones falling victim to strong gusts. In a few weeks the trees would be bare, like skeletons, but right now they added the color of autumn to the countryside. The howling October wind rattled the mansion's heavy, warped door. It had just slammed shut, causing the little gray squirrel to jump and turn in mid-air. With bushy tail raised, its little feet scampered down the dirt path to the safety of the trees, its...

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Haunted HouseChapter 3

The next morning it was Nick who was the last to rise. When he found the others in the kitchen he walked directly to Sandy, a huge "shit-ass" grin on his face. Leaning in for a kiss, her slap caught him by surprise and his head jerked back. Rubbing his cheek, he asked, "What was that for?" "For last night." "Last night? You seemed to enjoy last night." "You asshole. You think I'd enjoy having someone rape me? You're lucky nothing happened." "Rape you? Nothing happened? You...

5 years ago
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Haunted MansionChapter 1

"Why are we walking up here?" Brandon whined, as the six teens scampered up the steep stone steps that led up to the decrepit old mansion that lay on the edge of town. Brittany turned back to him, pivoting, like the cheerleader she was, on one foot. "Because of all the rumors that it's haunted, god, why else. Brad, talk to your brother." Spinning back around, Brandon thought he could see her panties as her pleated skirt swirled. She skipped a couple steps and caught up with her best...

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Haunted MansionChapter 7

Laying awake in my room on the third night, I recapped the highlights of the evening in my head, while laying naked on my bed, ever so slowly stroking my cock. Natalie had really appreciated me bringing her the sandwiches. I ended up staying in the room with her for over five hours, just talking. By the end of the night, we were actually best friends, rather than it feeling like it. She was the sweetest girl, years ahead of her maturity. That was before age regression, as she now looked...

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HauntedChapter 2

Sandy handed me a tape cartridge. I put it in the deck and watched Mel, our little next door weasel getting it on with a voluptuous blonde in the middle of his living room. They talked for awhile, typical escort conversation, trying to loosen up the John. After a long and sensuous lap dance with him staying in his wheelchair, she sucked his cock. Leading her into his bedroom, he pulled himself onto his bed, not letting his fake paralyzed legs help. Then she straddled him, but he obviously...

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HauntedChapter 4

"How's Sandy?" asked Jock the Joke while the group of interviewers and I settled into our seats in the interrogation room. "Great," I said. "I could make her better," said the sleazebag with his patented sleazy smile. I thought of a million retorts but kept them to myself. Sweets and Joke sat with a man I didn't know. He had the conservative suit look of a Fed. I wondered who hid behind the glass, hoping for Nakamoto and fearing my dad's old friend Lieutenant Sam Kamalua. As the...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 4 Taken by the Demonrsquos Tentacles

The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine’s guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to form a zigzag chain of diamonds. The shide fluttered as I turned on the tatami mats...

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The Highschooler

The High Schooler Chapter one Another day...Fuck... It is not like I'm not good at school because i am, straight A student, parents pride, kid of the year...screw all of it! I was to fucking smart, I was trapped by it. I walked in a cloud of nothing all day nothing really mattered.. i absorbed and gave back all information passed my way, but did not feel anything acting and most of the time just sat there wishing i was in collage or something. "i need something to numb my mind...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 8 Ghostly Futa SixtyNine

Chapter Eight: Ghostly Futa Sixty-Nine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 NOTE: My apologies for failing to upload this part. I somehow overlooked it. I rubbed the polish carefully into the statue of Kanshu-no-Kami, the mighty kami wrestling the dread yokai Yokubō-no-Tako and keeping him imprisoned. I shuddered as I reached one of the octopus-like tentacles wrapped about Kanshu's leg. The artist who had sculpted the statute caught the features perfectly. But so long as I danced the...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 15 Futa Ghosts Naughty Exorcism

Chapter Fifteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Exorcism By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “No,” I cried out in grief and regret. “No, Ōjo-sama!” Tears fell from my eyes as shame overwhelmed me. I had failed her. I stared up at her beautiful form of Mitsuko-hime dangling from the branch of the pine tree, swaying in the breeze that groaned through the cursed woods. Her eyes bulged. Her white-painted face smeared by her tears. Her sandal had fallen off. I grasped her sock-clad foot. Slime soaked...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 3 Hot Futa Ghost Threesome

Chapter Three: Hot Futa Ghost Threesome By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ōjo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo's daughter while I was a simple...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 3 Hot Futa Ghost Threesome

My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ojo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo’s daughter while I was a simple miko. But none of that had mattered while her lips were upon mine. I laughed...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

Chapter Nine: Futanari Fucks Her Bully By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Will this work?” my Ōjo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 2 Naughty Naked Selfies

Chapter Two: Naughty Naked Selfies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo's daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 05

Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot… somewhere with better security. The executive assured him they...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 07

Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend’s husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles…as long as Diana got to watch! There’s no way I could ever do that… Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to tell her heart...

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Haunted by the PastChapter 5

Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot ... somewhere with better security. The executive assured him...

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Haunted by the PastChapter 7

Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend's husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles ... as long as Diana got to watch! There was no way she could ever do that ... Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 2 Naughty Naked Selfies

My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo’s daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never up so close. What was she doing in the onsen? Didn’t her father’s castle...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

“You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ojo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen’s hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand stroked my cheek. She cupped my face and pulled me closer. My heart beat faster and faster...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 8 Ghostly Futa SixtyNine

I rubbed the polish carefully into the statue of Kanshu-no-Kami, the mighty kami wrestling the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako and keeping him imprisoned. I shuddered as I reached one of the octopus-like tentacles wrapped about Kanshu’s leg. The artist who had sculpted the statute caught the features perfectly. But so long as I danced the Kagura on every equinox, Kanshu would keep the yokai trapped, protecting our province. Behind me, the slap of my father’s feet echoed through the shrine. He...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

“Will this work?” my Ojo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai imprisoned beneath the shrine. And not long after that, Mitsuko-hime would...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 15 Futa Ghostrsquos Naughty Exorcism

“No,” I cried out in grief and regret. “No, Ojo-sama!” Tears fell from my eyes as shame overwhelmed me. I had failed her. I stared up at her beautiful form of Mitsuko-hime dangling from the branch of the pine tree, swaying in the breeze that groaned through the cursed woods. Her eyes bulged. Her white-painted face smeared by her tears. Her sandal had fallen off. I grasped her sock-clad foot. Slime soaked her sock, covered my hand. I jumped back, gaining my feet. Shadows writhed around her...

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Robin reflects on high school

Robin reflects on High School Robin Jacobson and his cousin Beth were in the cafeteria of their Pennsylvania High School, both wearing the white robes and mortarboards of graduating senior girls. Underneath their robes they were both wearing pastel colored dresses, required by their high school dress code for graduation. Both girls were of course wearing heels, as they were both eighteen years old. Like every other girl in their graduating class, they had their purse makeup bags...

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Back in the late 1970s the local council were in the process of building a Hoising Estate at Dartmouth Park Hill right next to the famous Highgate Cemetery in North London, But the building firm went bust and youths had been stealing building materials such as lead for roofing and valuable copper wire or breaking windows so two guards were employed 24/7 myself assigned nights 7pm to 7am with a second colleague. As it was such a large site we communicated by radio. We were also paid to do two...

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My First Day at Understanding High School

My First Day at Understanding High School By Jennifer Allison "I want to welcome all of you to Understanding High School." said Ms. Roth-Morton, my new school's principal. "This is a new school in an old school building, but a school set up for the needs of all its students." Let me explain how Understanding High School came about and the reason I am attending. First the school. The city I live in has a population of around a half million. This city is also one of the richest...

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Mr Hightower and his new friend Cydney

My name is Jason Hightower. I'm 47 years old, married to my high school sweetheart Dana, and to everyone else it seems like I live the perfect life. However there is one small problem. I'm unbelievably bored with my marriage. I'm not sure who's fault it is. My wife is beautiful and she is my best friend, but lately I've felt a disconnect between the two of us. We're still intimate, but it isn't the same. I think we've just grown apart. My wife is unable to have children and even though I told...

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A Highland Fling

Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...

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Underwear High School

Underwear High School Son of a bitch. Fucking Underwear High School. Damn the luck. Brenda and I weren’t even doing anything wrong but somehow we got caught and tossed out of our regular school. Dad had threatened us before with Military School, Shock Camp, and even the Stockade. As you can imagine, he used to be in the military. Well that first Monday morning Mom and Dad delivered us to school at the designated time. They took us in to see the Principle. His secretary...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 12 Fucking the Futa Ghost

Chapter Twelve: Fucking the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn't there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubō-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine. My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Tōdō...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 14 Futa Ghosts Naughty Memories

Chapter Fourteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Memories By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My blood-soaked shide hissed down at the yokai-possessed Daimyo. Blood streamed from his face, wounded by my first exorcism attempt. Mitsuko-hime, my lovely Ōjo-sama, screamed in terror, not understanding what I was doing, and threw herself over her father. I had a moment of frozen time, Mitsuko-hime staring up at me, tears streaking the white makeup coating her face. She looked like a crying doll. I had to...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

Chapter Thirteen: Possessed by the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko's possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ōjo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 11 Slimed by the Tentacle Monster

Chapter Eleven: Slimed by the Tentacle Monster By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I was energized as I raced down the path lit by the half-full moon. Transformed. Changed. Futanari. I did it. I made contact with the great Kami Hangetsu, a deity both male and female, changing back and forth with the cycle of the moon. But when it was half-full, the Kami was both. And now so I was I. I had a dick. My clit turned into a hard, throbbing cock. My Ōjo-sama would be so impressed. I promised...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 1 Virgin Taken by the Futa Ghost

Chapter One: Virgin Taken by the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I ran through the dark forest, branches reaching for my long hair, my heart hammering in my chest. This place was cursed. Yokai and Onryō stalked between the tangle of trees and maze of roots bursting out of the broken, folded ground. “Mitsuko-hime,” I called, my words swallowed by the dark trees. “Please, Mitsuko-hime, don't do this. I'm sorry.” Everything had gone so wrong today. It was supposed to be...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 11

The group was pleased to learn when they arrived at the nightclub of The Riviera in Las Vegas that the concierge had arranged for all of their drinks to be ‘on the house.’ They only had to pay for their dinners. Everyone ordered their favorites from the menu. They chatted and laughed as they sipped on drinks while they waited for their meals to arrive. Diana Richards was chatting with her best friend Lynda Seldon. Lynda’s eyes widened as she glanced up beside her. Diana looked up quickly when...

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