- 2 years ago
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Every Old Home Has A Story To Tell
It’d been a long drive. He’d left New York City eighteen hours ago, and he was exhausted. When he pulled up to his new home, it looked worse than it had in the pictures. Yes, it was old and rundown. Seeing it under the hot Georgia sun, the house looked like it was ready to fall apart. The inspection said it had good bones. It was called the Wythe House and had been built around 1836. They’d advertised it as a fixer. The overgrown lawn, broken windows, and rotting porch all pointed to a much bigger project than he’d expected.
According to the family, Caleb Wythe first built a smaller home on the site, before the antebellum home was constructed. He’d started a general store in Lafayette in 1830, but that was just the first of his business ventures. And Caleb also served as the mayor. His fortune grew over the years, and he was one of the county’s wealthiest citizens. Caleb was one of three local businessmen who built the factory in northwest Georgia.
If you stood back and squinted, you could see what had once been a grand home. 150 years ago, it had been a showplace, somewhere a person of position in the community would be proud to call their home. Today, it looked sad and neglected.
The realtor insisted that the reports of the hauntings were phony, that there was nothing to fear from the house other than the extreme amount of work it needed.
The backstory was that during the Civil War, there was a lot of military action in the area. As the battles drew closer, the Wythe family abandoned their home. From old family letters, Lilith Wythe, Caleb’s daughter, had insisted on staying because her friend Jacalin was ill. The rest of the family basically left with very little of their belongings. When they returned, they found bloodstains and hoofmarks in the floors, and no sign of Lilith or Jacalin.
The house had been practically a steal because the reports of its tragic history and being haunted were enough to keep most buyers away. But Allen Kincaid wasn’t just any buyer. Allen grew up with a healthy appreciation for things others couldn’t explain. His belief came from his grandmother’s gift of sight. She could predict the future and had even foreseen her own demise. It had been a family secret because people didn’t like things that weren’t easily understood.
Allen started up the steps of his new home and unlocked the door. The once-grand house had been trashed. It looked like high school kids must have broken in and had a party. There was the stale smell of beer, and holes and graffiti on the walls. He had a monumental task in front of him to make the place livable again. But Allen never shied away from hard work; he got that from his dad.
There was a majestic staircase that didn’t look safe and that worried Allen. He pushed his fears back and ascended the stairs to the bedrooms above. There were four to choose from: a large master with a sitting area and three almost identical smaller ones. He picked the one next to the bathroom; it was in the best shape. The room was the only one where the window hadn’t been broken, and the floor was in good condition.
Allen set his suitcases down and opened the window, letting in the fresh air. The house came with some antique furniture. This room had a beautiful hand-carved bed frame that looked to fit the mattress he’d brought in the moving trailer. His goal for today was to set up somewhere to sleep and to start work on unpacking the kitchen.
Allen manhandled the mattress and box springs to the second floor and was relieved when they fit the frame. He turned to leave the room, and the window behind him slammed shut, causing him to jump. Allen chuckled to himself. He would have to add fixing the window to his growing to-do list. He found a board to hold it open before getting back to work.
By the end of the day, Allen had unpacked his kitchen, made his bed, and unloaded the rest of the boxes from his rented trailer. The power and water companies had stopped by and turned on the utilities. He’d had to let the water run in the sinks and tubs for the pipes to clear. He was grateful to be able to take a shower before going to bed.
Something woke Allen from a sound sleep. He felt the hair on the back of his neck go up like someone was in the room with him. He jerked up and flipped on the light. Allen found a young woman, in a poofy old-style dress that could have come straight off the set of Gone With The Wind, looking down at him. She was all of five foot nothing with long, silky, dark brown hair. The kicker was she had the telltale pallor of a ghost.
“What are you doing?” Allen asked.
Her hand flew to her mouth in shock.
“You can see me?”
Allen loved her sexy Southern accent.
The young woman’s eyes got bigger.
“You can see and hear me. No one has ever been able to do that before. How are you doing that?” she asked.
“I don’t really know. My grandmother always had a gift. Maybe some of that passed on to me,” he guessed.
“I’m Lilith,” she said formally and offered him her hand.
Allen chuckled. It was like she expected him to kiss her ring or something.
“I’m Allen. It’s a little late, and I’ve been up for nearly two days straight and need my sleep. Otherwise, I would love to get to know you better. Maybe we can talk another time.”
“I’d be delighted.”
Allen turned out the light and settled back down, but Lilith was still standing beside his bed.
“What?” Allen asked.
“You’re in my room.”
“You have the whole rest of the house to haunt.”
She just stared at him. Then he got it. Lilith was lonely. Who wouldn’t be after all these years?
“I’m too tired for this, so I plan to go to sleep. If you want to join me, feel free,” Allen said.
She gave him a smile and crawled onto his bed and laid down next to him with her hand on his chest. Allen closed his eyes and fell asleep.
When Allen woke, he thought Lilith might have been a dream, probably caused by the story the realtor had told him. That and being up too long. When he came downstairs to make his coffee, he found Lilith waiting for him. Not knowing what you say to a ghost, he got busy making his coffee.
“A gentleman would have the common decency to say good morning,” Lilith said.
Oh, boy! This was how she planned to play it.
“First, I’m not a gentleman. Second, I was up nearly two days straight. I’m tired, and I have a ton of stuff that must be done to make this place livable. Finally, I’m not really sure what the proper protocol is for talking to a ghost.”
That didn’t go over well. Lilith gave him a withering look.
“I will tell you that I’ll not be ignored. I’m not really sure how long it has been, but there’s been no one I could talk to in what seems like an eternity.”
Allen sighed. She had a point. He checked the progress of his coffee before answering her.
“I’m sorry, I’m just out of sorts. I hadn’t really expected to find I had a roommate when I bought this house. Let me make myself something to eat, get a cup of coffee in me, and then we can talk,” he suggested.
She smiled. When she did that, she was beautiful.
“Deal,” she said and let him get his day started.
When he was done eating and had his caffeine fix, he sat back and looked at Lilith. He finally felt almost human again.
“We need to figure a few things out. I recognize that you lived here before I did, and you probably resent me moving in,” Allen said.
“No. I want my house fixed, and I can be of help. All I ask is that you talk to me,” Lilith said.
Allen wondered if his mother might be able to help him rid the house of Lilith if she became too much of a pest. He’d planned to live alone and wanted his privacy. He would wait and see how this worked out.
It turned out that Lilith was eager to please Allen. She’d learned to leave him alone until he had his first cup of coffee. Lilith was handy at looking in walls and telling him if there was something amiss or not. The only thing that was a little off-putting was that she slept on his bed at night.
Through their daily talks, they began to learn more about each other. Allen shared that he was an author and had sold his first book. He’d used the advance from his publisher for his second book to buy the house. He wanted somewhere quiet and laid back where he could work on that next book.
Lafayette, Georgia had been randomly picked, and he’d done some research. He wanted to live somewhere completely different from where he’d grown up in Malibu, California, and where he attended school in New York City. Lafayette was a small town. He’d picked it because his father had told him about growing up somewhere similar.
Another reason he left was that the love of his life and decided her job was more important than their relationship. Shae consistently worked sixty-hour weeks, if not more. She’d promised when she first took the position that she would have to work long hours to get ahead, but that it would slow down. After five years, it never happened, so he’d finally had enough.
The other problem with their relationship was she thought he was a ‘total slacker and leach.’ Shae had called him that when he told her he was thinking about their relationship and where it was going. He’d always had family money from both his father and mother. He’d gained access to his trust when he turned twenty-five. With the success of his book, he now had his own money.
Allen had found that working on the house was therapeutic. It kept him busy and his mind off what he’d left behind. So far, the move had been everything Allen hoped it would be, except for his new roommate. Now that it had been several weeks, he was okay with how that had turned out.
Lilith didn’t remember much about before she died. She had memories of her childhood but said she didn’t know what happened that caused her to die. All Lilith knew was that she’d been young. If what the realtor said was true, Allen estimated she’d been in her late teens or early twenties. He also thought it was probably for the best that Lilith didn’t remember what happened.
“Why haven’t you passed over?” Allen asked.
He was currently under the sink, installing a garbage disposal.
“I don’t really know. I feel like I have unfinished business of some kind. Every time I think I should leave; I get this sense that it would be a mistake for some reason.”
“I hate to break it to you, but wouldn’t that reason have been revealed over the last hundred years?”
“Perhaps. I don’t know. I guess that makes sense,” Lilith said.
Allen scooted out so he could see Lilith.
“I’m not saying this to be mean. But I would bet that no one who found themselves in your position would want to admit they were still here for no reason. My point is that everyone eventually passes over. It’s just the way things are done,” Allan said.
“You’re sure about that?” Lilith asked.
Allan barked out a laugh.
“No. It just makes sense, is all.”
“And me still here as a ghost doesn’t?” Lilith asked.
“We’re just talking here. I’m not trying to tell you what to do,” Allen said.
Allen crawled back under the sink. He prepared to hook up power to the disposal when he felt the surge of electricity enter his body, and he couldn’t let go. Allen hadn’t replaced the circuit breakers yet, and, in that instant, he knew he might have just signed his own death warrant. The old-style breaker hadn’t tripped, and the current continued to flow through his body.
His eyes rolled back into his head, and then everything turned black.
“Allen!” Lilith yelled as he came to.
Someone tugged on his hand to help him out from under the sink. He sat up and felt Lilith touching his hand. That couldn’t be right, could it? It felt strange. Her hand felt sort of tingly. Allen imagined it was an aftereffect from the shock he’d received.
Allen took a closer look at Lilith, and she seemed more vibrant, alive even. She wasn’t as shimmery as she’d always been before. Then he looked down at his arm, and it was the same.
“What’s going on?” Allen asked.
“I don’t know.”
It came to Allen that he might either be dead or close to it. He tried to pull away, but she gripped his hand tightly.
“Please don’t, not yet,” she begged.
“But I can’t stay like this.”
“Just a little longer. I can ... I can actually touch you,” she said as she broke down.
She was suddenly in Allen’s lap, and her arms were wrapped around his neck. The sudden contact woke his traitorous cock. He’d had no female contact in over a month.
Before he could decide what to do, the world spun and tilted. Allen felt like he was falling, and right before he landed, he found himself looking up under the sink. Allen was back in his body.
His body ached like someone had taken a bat to him. He hurt all over.
“I don’t feel so good,” he admitted.
He pushed himself out from under the sink and found Lilith hovering over him.
“Did that really happen?” he asked.
“I think you almost died. You should go see a doctor,” Lilith worried.
“And hire an electrician. I can’t believe I was so stupid. The last thing I want is for my spirit to be stuck here and haunt this house forever,” Allen blurted.
As soon as he said it, he knew he’d stepped in it. Lilith got a shocked look, turned around and left.
What’s the saying? You don’t realize what you have until you lose it? A week had passed with no sight of Lilith. Allen realized that his ghost had become a bigger part of his life than he wanted to admit.
After he’d graduated from college, all his close friends had scattered to the four corners of the earth. Allen and Shae had moved to the trendy neighborhood of Tribeca in lower Manhattan. The name was an abbreviation for the ‘Triangle Below Canal Street.’ Shae had made friends at work. He’d started his first novel and had made some acquaintances, but no real friends. That is if you counted the server at his favorite breakfast place or the guy that cut his hair as acquaintances.
Over the last several weeks, he’d made his first real friend since college. The only catch was she was not of this world. Allen worried it might be equivalent to having an imaginary friend. The more days that passed by without Lilith reappearing, the more he feared he’d made it all up.
Progress on the house was going well. He’d hired professionals to handle the plumbing and electric. Allen didn’t want a repeat of his near electrocution. He’d also had someone come in and replace all the windows. He was currently painting the inside of the house. Before she left, Lilith had shared with him the original paint colors. She’d been pleased when he wanted to restore the home to its original glory.
He’d just finished the living room when his phone rang. His eyebrows scrunched together because he saw it was his mother. When he’d moved, he’d gotten a new cell phone because Shae had lit up the old one trying to get ahold of him. The only person he’d given his new number to was his adoptive brother Dave, in case of an emergency. He doubted this was an emergency. He contemplated not answering, but he figured he might as well get this out of the way.
“Didn’t think your old mother could track you down, did you?”
“Tell Dave he’s dead to me,” Allen said.
“Leave him alone. I had a feeling you’d given him your new number, so I made him give it to me,” Mom said.
“I’m surprised no one else has tried to track me down,” Allen admitted.
“Shae has been calling nonstop. Dave told us you need a fresh start, so we left you to your own devices.”
“Until now.”
“You didn’t think I would let this go on forever, did you?” Mom asked.
“I suppose not,” he said.
His mom just wanted to check up on him, as mothers did. He assured her he wasn’t running around in with his underwear on his head or anything else too crazy. When she was sure he was okay, she was about to ring off.
“Before you go, I have a delicate matter to ask you about,” Allen said.
“I hate to speculate.”
“Remember grandma’s gift?”
“Oh, boy. Don’t tell me you have it too. Did you know your father went to a psychic when probably a year or so old? He was told that you had undiscovered talents,” Mom said.
“I didn’t think Dad believed in that stuff.”
“Your dad admitted that what the psychic told him was mostly right. You know your dad though. He might surprise you with what he really thinks,” Mom said.
She was right. His dad wasn’t the type to dismiss something out of hand.
“When I moved in, I met a ghost. A young lady who I think died during the Civil War.”
“Okay,” Mom said, neutrally.
“Did grandma ever talk about ghosts?” Allen asked.
“You need to get rid of her?”
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It was three days later when I decided to send Christine a message. I had gone from not having 1 girl talk to me, to have 3 girls messaging and flirting with me online. The only significant one worth mentioning was a very aggressive one who worked in retail at the fragrance department. We’ll call her ‘Fleur’. Fleur was the type that would have small windows where she would appear on Literotica, post photos, and then disappear. Her pictures stirred up a storm of replies which made it hard to...
Personal Shopper By Emma Smith Monday, 26 August 2002 Chapter 1 "At last, I have finished it!" he shouted to the empty room at the top of his voice. He heard someone upstairs banging on the floor in anger. He continued at a slightly lower volume. "For twenty five years they called me mad. Then I changed my name. Now I, Otto Von Fruitcake, have succeeded where no one else could," He looked around guiltily and finished his remark. "Where no one else could be bothered to...
After four weeks at home Matt was starting to get antsy and was thinking about where he should go on his next trip. He remembered fondly the good fishing he had and the exciting women he had met on his visit to the northwest. Matt visited with both of his children and they brought him up to date on what was going on in their lives. Neither one said anything about getting into a serious relationship with anyone but the hesitancy in their voices when he broached the subject made him think...
Vanessa screamed her orgasm, her body squeezing around Tom in every sense. They held each other close as he pumped those streams of cum she so loved deep into her body. They rode the waves together, merging their unholy union. Then he groaned, and slowly pulled his length from his sister's soiled pussy. She raised her hips and stuck in two fingers, as if trying to push all that cum further inside her body, trying to make sure none of it was wasted. "I can feel it inside me," she said. "You're...
IncestAfter my dark passenger eagerly overtook my instinct and there was my new drug at every young age, sexual pleasure and even when I was unaware of the crave inside me and the actual sexual act, it came out instinctively. I wonder now that there is no need to keep an eye on our next generation kids, accepting the sexual desire is more than morale of human being kindness. The day I woke with my first ejaculation in my night track, I was feeling awesome and pumped up with energy and sense of...
IncestNot long after the scene with the pool guy and Janice occurred, Jim was called out of town on business for a few days. A couple of days after he left, Candy and I were eating dinner and just chit chatting about things. It was getting late into the summer and college would be starting soon. Candy took a sip of her wine, "So are you going to try to keep working at the store while you're going to school?"I shrugged , "I'm thinking about it. I already talked to the owners and asked them if I could...
“Wh– what in God’s name is she doing?” “Oh, fuck... THAT’S what I’m talking about...” Willa didn’t miss a beat when she cast a glance around the edge of her folded bonnet at the pair of conservatively-dressed women who had just tiptoed into the dimly-lit alley. In lieu of a greeting, she decided to instead use her lipsticked-purple tools of the trade to slop on a fresh coat of ooey-gooey, bubbly spit onto the curved pipe she had sliding back and forth across her tongue. “Sch-luurrp– !” As...
DAY FOUR “Ooh, look at them Richard, so peaceful. They must’ve had ... quite a night. It certainly smells like sex in here.” Wait, did I hear that? Naw, my alarm hadn’t gone off, did I remember to set it? I barely opened my eyes and saw Mary and Richard, oh shit, oh my god, “HELLO Mother, Hello father!” “Who are you ... oh god bless America,” my sister/lover said. “Why are you in here?” I asked, trying to change the topic. “It’s eight am. We should be on the road, but somebody didn’t set...
Hi, ISS readers me Dev, 24years old, handsome guy, I am interested to doing sex with married woman & I am very lover boy of boobs lets start about my stories which is happened two years back. Lets start one Saturday I do my all work & going to play when I come to my home my mom tell that my friend mom call me for some work then I call back to the friends home, his mm receive the call &tell that for some work my friend is going to his uncles house, she have alone& she tell for me to stay there...
IncestLisa slowly woke up and opened her eyes. As she moved her eyes, they settled on her sister's face. In a scratchy voice, she said, "Hi, Sis. Can I have a drink of water? I'm really thirsty." Tammy brushed the hair out of Lisa's eyes. "Hey, Sis! Yes, you may have a drink. How are you feeling?" Reaching over to the bedside table, she lifted a glass of water with a straw in it to her sister's lips. "Take your time drinking. Well, we now know what was wrong with you, and it will...
Rolling down I-20 out of Weatherford Texas, I was watching for a truck stop to take a bathroom break and get a cup of coffee. Then I remember from traveling this road before that the old time West-N-Go was up around exit 278 in Abilene. It wasn't much of a truck stop but out in the middle of nowhere it would work. Swinging off the interstate and pulling up to the stop sign I could see the truck stop to my right. I waited for the one car coming and pulled around the corner and into the parking...
Oral SexI first saw it while I was doing the dishes. I was scraping an untouched plate of stir-fry into the garbage. Theo had called with an apology and an excuse. Last-minute emergency. No one else available to cover. Coming home late. See you in the morning. The usual.After dropping the clean plates into the sink I found myself just staring out the kitchen window. It looked out into the backyard, a 900-square-foot rectangle of crabgrass and twigs presided over by a poorly-pruned oak tree.My eyes were...
Monster SexThe doorbell rang. He checked the clock, and put down his book. She was on time this time. Last week she had been 13 minutes late, and he had left her standing outside for half that more, before opening it hear her excuse. She had gotten caught by a train. He had listened to story, and then had sent her away. They hated that. But they knew beforehand, that they had a 10 minute window. As it was her first time, she begged and pleaded, afraid that he would not train her now. He had...
Chapter Summary – Claire and Duke find some new friends. Previous Chapter Summary – Duke got lucky. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't ruin your, or other people's...
Now, to make matters worse it was night and the snow was getting so deep I knew it was just a matter of time till my little sedan got high centered or stuck. It had been miles and miles since I’d seen any signs of civilization like houses. I made it almost another mile when my worst fear was realized. The snow was just too deep now for traction and I was stuck. I tried over and over to get moving again but it was no use. And even if I could get going the question loomed, go where? What now? It...
I am Behanchod (off course it is not real name) of 19 years from Karachi Pakistan. Since last one year I’m fan and frequent visitor of erotic stories and have read good number of desi stories. After a lot of consideration, I have decided to share with you all the sex stories of my real sister. Believe me these are REAL stories, though names are not correct but the story is REAL. So let me start. Our family is well off and my father is a business man, with every facility in our home. We are five...
It is an early morning, and you are getting ready to go to school. You have taken a shower, had breakfast, brushed your teeth, and put on clothes. You are about to grab your backpack and head out the door when you hear a strange noise coming from your older sister's room. Normally, since you think of your sister as a monster anyways, grunt and groans coming from her direction would seem normal. For the last few weeks, however, she has been away at some kind of camp for the school's dance team....
IncestSaturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday morning I woke up feeling energetic and decided that I wanted to go for a run. It felt like I wanted to burn off some energy, although it seemed that I could run without using ANY energy. Despite the impossible physics, not playing soccer while my arm was healing meant I didn't get enough running around, and I felt like it this morning. It was about the time we normally get up for school, so I lightly tapped on the girls' door in case they were asleep....
Read previous chapters to understand the story. Narrated by David. We have finally arrived in Bangalore. The morning was all blurry and fast. We left the hotel as soon as the car was repaired. During the rest of the journey, all I could think of was how mom slept by my side. It was still pretty early in the morning when we arrived at uncle Jerry’s house. It was a luxurious grand house with an indoor swimming pool and all. Mom and I were given separate rooms. After settling...
IncestNote: All persons used in this novel are fictitious. Although the areas used in this novel are real, the points of interest used to make this interesting reading for you, are neither at the exact heights, or in the location described. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this is not the story for you. As I have it notated now, those scenes will be evocative rather than aggressive. They also will be few and far between. This is going to be a ‘SHORT STORY, for your...
She stood and crossed the room to kiss him. They kissed gently at first, then more roughly, sucking and biting each others lips and tongues. He slowly backed her up against the wall as his hands began to explore her. He then pressed her against the wall, His hands finding her ass and squeezing it. She could feel his hardness through his jeans, pressing into her loins. It made her start to get wet. He then reached up and grabbed her by the hair, pulled her forward and turned her...
Fem Joy! I’m not sure if you know this about your old friend The Porn Dude, but I’m something of an art connoisseur. When I’m not masturbating furiously to free creampie tubes and premium lesbian gangbangs, I like to appreciate the creative expression of human skill and imagination, particularly within the visual media. I like artistic nude photography of beautiful women, fine erotica featuring gorgeous sluts, and skillfully crafted films depicting the perfect female form in various states of...
Premium Porn Pictures SitesYou wake up in a bed but you don't remember how you got there or where you are. You slowly get up and look around the room it seems to be a hotel room a crappy one. You only have a plain shirt and shorts on and there are no clothes around but you are decent enough to go to the front desk and find out what happened. You exit the room it is a bright sunny day where ever you are. As you get to the front desk you see no one is there. You ring the bell on the desk hoping for a response. Nothing. You...
Marina awakened by degrees. She wasn't aware of her first conscious thought upon waking, for a host of strange sensations vied for her attention: a wonderful feeling of weightlessness, of a warmth that surrounded every inch of her body, and the quite unwelcome feeling of a stuffy nose. She decided to focus on the warmth. It felt so peaceful, just lying on her side, and she luxuriated in it, enjoying the perfect feeling. She opened her eyes finally, feeling somewhat groggy, as though she'd...
Impiety By Grinder This story is based partially on Greek and Chinese mythology and history, but not entirely. If I appear to get something wrong it is because I decided to modify it to better fit the story, and I also had to jumble some dates, just a heads up. Adonis called back to his men, "Lets hurry up or the war in Troy will be over with before we get there!" Indeed, the Trojan War had lasted about 5 years before Adonis had heard of the Strife between Greece and Troy, and...
This is a short version of a day at work that my husband will only know about if he finds this story online. Remember how exciting fire drills at school were when you were a kid? You got away from your boring math class and got to go outside and check out all the hotties and if you were lucky maybe sneak away for a couple of hours with your friends. Well fire drills can be exciting as a grown up too… Serval years ago I worked on a team where I was the only woman and was able to enjoy...
There's a message on my answering machine and I know it's from her.I don't know what it was that made me decide to invite her to come with me. I only knew her through the office and we chatted often enough, maybe once a week, but it was always small talk. We weren't really friends.The company had organised a reward weekend for its top sales agents and I had originally intended on going alone, having just recently split up with my boyfriend, I thought that it might be the best idea. This year,...