Snowbound Encounter free porn video

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Now, to make matters worse it was night and the snow was getting so deep I knew it was just a matter of time till my little sedan got high centered or stuck. It had been miles and miles since I’d seen any signs of civilization like houses. I made it almost another mile when my worst fear was realized. The snow was just too deep now for traction and I was stuck. I tried over and over to get moving again but it was no use. And even if I could get going the question loomed, go where? What now? It was in the low teens outside. Would I freeze to death here? Was this the end of my short twenty years of life? Such thoughts I knew would do me no good. This was a survival situation of my own making and I had to find a way out.

The car’s heater could be used only sparingly because my fuel was so low. Nobody on earth knew where I was, hell, I didn’t know where I was! To conserve resources I turned everything off. Due to the reflective nature of snow it wasn’t as dark as I imagined it would be. I decided to get out and evaluate things and see if there was anything such as a distant farmhouse around here. After bundling up the best I could I stood by the car and scanned the seeming endless horizon. Scattered silhouettes of naked trees, the usual old fences, and…..A LIGHT! I could barely make it out but it was there! It had to be a farm house. It was the only hope I had but only if I could reach it without literally freezing to death. Throwing some meager supplies in a small pack and securing the car the best I could I set off.

It was a long, slow, exhausting slog as biting cold wind stung my face. My hands were getting cold even though they were tucked in my coat pockets. Ever so slowly I could start to make out the form of a modest farm house where the light emanated. Soon I could make out windows that were lit as well, meaning someone was home! I just hoped they were friendly.

I was nervous as I approached. It was an old averaged sized house with a big porch probably dating to the early 1900s. Scattered out buildings, old cars and farm equipment, and a row of dormant poplar trees stood in defiance of the drifting snow. Curtains over the windows prevented my having any preview of the occupants. Now nearly frozen, I gathered all my courage and knocked on the doorframe.

Nothing happened, I tried again and this time heard movement. The door creaked open and a tall, well- built man in his forties looked down at me through the beat up screen door. “Yeah, can I help you?” he asked. In my case it was not a merely rhetorical question!

My teeth chattering from the cold I explained my predicament and hoped for a sympathetic response. He invited me in much to my profound relief! “Come warm up by the stove and take your coat and shoes off.” The house was a bit cluttered but warm and cozy, especially to me. My host pulled a chair over for me and I began to thaw myself out. I was glad to discover my hands and feet didn’t have frostbite. I heard some activity in the kitchen area but didn’t take much notice of it. A few minutes passed and a pleasant female voice asked timidly “Would you like some hot chocolate?” I looked to see a fairly attractive girl a year or two younger than me handing me a steaming mug. I thanked her politely. “This is my daughter Shari. I’m Rex. Let me catch you up to date. This storm is supposed to last another day or two and it’ll be at least that long till the road is plowed and passable for your car. The whole area is without power. The only reason we have it is that we have a dam on a creek nearby providing it. We have a landline but we must have a downed line somewhere. We’re so far out in the boonies we’re usually the last to get serviced.” None of what he had told me sounded at all encouraging.

About this point Shari nudged her father and gestured she wanted to talk with him privately. “Excuse us, we’ll be right back.” I said “No problem.” and realized I was now warm enough to begin feeling almost normal so I sat pondering my options, or the lack of them.

Shortly the two returned. This time I had thawed out to where I was much better able to observe and process things. Chief among them was Shari. She seemed different. No she wouldn’t win a beauty pageant but she had a wholesome “girl next door” look. With her perky face, dirty blonde ponytail spilling over her shoulders, short denim skirt, and long almost skinny legs she was quite cute. They sat down and offered me a bowl of warm stew which I readily accepted since I was starving.

It was hard for me to not stare at Shari. My girlfriend had broken up with me a couple months earlier and I hadn’t had sex since. As a result I was very horny below the surface but I did my best to keep it under control. Getting a hard-on with her dad here could be a very bad thing.

“So, now you know the situation. You’re basically stuck here with us and that’s ok. You can stay here and we’ll put you up and feed you till things improve enough for you to leave but you need to help us with some things in return.” Rex explained. “Oh sure, absolutely, just name it. I promise to do anything you want.” I said with grateful sincerity. Of course I was expecting a list of chores like chopping wood, feeding farm animals, helping clean, working on broken down gear and other such stuff.

“Excellent, glad to hear that, I think we’ll all get along great. “ Rex told me. Shari took my bowl to the kitchen and returned. “Ready to get started? Follow us. “They got up and started down a short hallway as I tagged along behind bursting from curiosity concerning what they had in mind. When I spotted the bathroom I excused myself, ducked in, made good use of it and rejoined them. We then entered a bedroom that was clearly Shari’s. “What was going on?” I wondered.

What came next about blew my mind.” The first thing you need to do is take my daughter’s virginity while I watch. She just turned eighteen and is still untouched. The few boys we have around these parts are as stupid and clumsy as cavemen and could never do it properly. We can tell you’re from the city and more refined. Besides, she likes you.” At this Shari blushed like a schoolgirl confirming the truth of the statement. Needless to say I was totally stunned! Did I REALLY here him right! “You’re not serious!” I blurted. But Rex just nodded and said “Absolutely, like a heart attack. And after you two are done there’s something else you need to do for me but I’ll leave that till later. Shari, I think we should show him how serious we are, go ahead, you know what to do.”

On that cue Shari pulled off her top revealing her perky little breasts with big, dark nipples. The shoes went next then she loosened her skirt and dropped it to the floor. Staring straight at me her hands went to her narrow hips and slowly pulled down her lacy white panties which she quickly stepped out of and stood before me in naked splendor. At this I felt my penis lurch to full erection.

Shari had a lovely little body! She was maybe five feet tall, was slim and lean but not skinny, and had only a token patch of light brown pubic hair that did nothing to hide the plump lips between her thighs and the slit between.

“You’re way over dressed son, let her help you.” Rex said as he stood out of my field of vision. With that Shari came to me and gently began removing my clothes and making as much body contact as possible in the process. The next thing I knew my briefs were pulled down and my erect organ popped up finally freed from the restraining fabric. My heart thumping heavily, she grabbed my wrist and led me to the bed.

I’d been so wrapped up with Shari that I had forgotten her dad was in the room someplace! I glanced around and was startled to see the big, powerful man had stripped also and was now sitting in a chair sporting a fully erect cock that was easily eight inches long! Catching my gaze he said “Just get on with it, pretend I’m not here.” Then Shari kissed me hard on the lips causing my attention to instantly return to her and we started getting into some serious lovemaking. Frankly, she was horny as hell and before long I was at her level!

Outside the window the howling gusts of the blizzard blasted icy barrages against the house causing it to shutter and creak as our hot, lusty young bodies entwined. Taking plenty of time and as gently as possible I tutored her body in the ways of pleasure. With a charming sense of wonder and fear she had explored my balls and penis and I worked fingers into her feminine passage finding it slick with her juices. She, I knew, was more than ready for me. “Ready?” I said. She responded with a shy nod and I wasted no time positioning myself between her thighs. I found her entrance and slowly started to work my way in when her hymen offered some slight resistance. This caused her pretty face some minor distress but it passed quickly. Then my penis slipped easily into the sensual Eden of her tight, youthful vagina and her virginity became but a memory.

Shari clamped her arms and legs around me as I reveled in the delicious sensations of my cock moving within her. I could tell by her face she was lost in the sensuous moment as much as I was. Her legs came up higher and higher till her ankles were over my shoulders. I plumbed the greatest depths of her titillating tunnel which spasmed round me. But I wasn’t done.

She got on top and rode me hard for a long time. Finally I had her get on all fours so I could watch myself fucking her. Her baby smooth buttocks, little butthole, and my big dick sliding in and out of her moist cunt lips was gorgeous! Soon she moaned loudly and I felt her vaginal walls quiver and then grip my penis hard. It was the final straw. My semen burst in diminishing waves into Shari’s now deflowered vagina. “Are you ok?” I asked in genuine concern as I pulled out. Nearly breathless she flopped over on her back and enthusiastically gasped, “OH YES! THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was wonderful!”

Clapping came from the other side of the room and a husky voice said “Good job kid! That was quite a show! Wish you could have seen it! Thanks!” I had understandably been so caught up in my lovemaking I had totally forgotten about Shari’s dad watching us! It was a relief to know they were both happy with me even though I though the whole thing was rather weird.

Then I remembered He’d mentioned there was something else he wanted me to do for him and asked about it. I was not prepared for the answer. Rex got up and came toward me with his big penis looking more intimidating with each step he took. “Ever been with a man?” This caught me way off guard and I stumbled for words. I was also a bit scared. “Uh……uh…n… no!” I managed to reply.

“Well, that’s about to change. The other thing I want you to do for me is to let me fuck you in the butt. You did promise to do “anything” you know.” Rex said staring into my face. This was the last thing on earth I wanted to do! My mind raced to find a way out of this but came up empty and now I really was scared. There simply were no other options. I couldn’t leave without risking my life and I desperately needed his help and resources. There was no choice but to accept his request. With my heart thumping I shyly muttered, “What do you want me to do? And is she goin to watch?” I asked worriedly. “Well, I’m going to stick my dick in that sexy bottom of yours and take your virginity like you took my daughter’s. And, of course she’ll be watching.”

I gulped at his intentions being so blatantly laid out like that and instantly got very nervous. “Come stand over here and turn around, I want to see your body.” Rex ordered. Still very naked I stood before him and turned in slow a circle displaying all sides of my body to his view. “Very, very, nice! Let me see your backside again.” I did and he massaged my shoulders, arms, legs and back. Then his hands roamed over my smooth buttocks and a finger, starting at my lower back, slid down the crevice between them causing a shiver to shoot through me when it touched my hole.

“Shari, do you have something I can use to lube him up?” I heard a drawer open and some obvious rummaging around then I heard her say “Lotion?” “Sure, that’ll do it, thanks.” was her father’s response. The digit left me but soon returned and now slick as a greased frog, slid effortlessly into my bottom hole. It surprised me and I let out a gulp. It felt strange as it moved around inside me. “There, now that feels nice doesn’t it?” he asked as his other hand reached around and started fondling my boy parts. A strange, never before felt yearning began growing in my body especially in my pelvis. “Yes.” I admitted. Another finger joined the first and he whispered in my ear, “How’s that?” Although I was really scared about where this was going I had to give him another yes. This was met with: ”Good, now get on the bed.”

Shari’s father followed me onto the bed and I got an even better view of his still very erect and anxious organ. I trembled knowing what he intended to do with it. He directed me to get on all fours and I did so. His hands gently laid down a light film of lotion on my thighs and buttocks then all over my now spent balls and dick. “How did it feel having this in my daughter’s cunt?” The question seemed so weird in a way but I just told him “Really nice.” There was some movement on the bed behind me. “Now you’re going to feel something else really nice.” With that statement the plumb-like tip pushed suddenly against my anus and I trembled fearing the worst. Somewhere in my being though was a suppressed mix of excitement, curiosity, and physical longing. Doing everything I could to get my tight ring of muscle to let down its guard, it slowly started to expand. “That’s it, just a bit more.” he encouraged. As his words ended my struggle ended too. Rex’s penis passed the clenching flesh of my anus and slowly buried itself deeply in the engulfing warm walls of my rectum!

At first I didn’t know what to think but then I realized I was ok. After waiting a moment he started slowly moving back and forth within me. Now I knew he had been right when he said it would feel really nice. This was more than just really nice, this felt FANTASTIC! His big hands gripped my waist and I heard the rhythmic slapping sound as his groin pounded against the soft cheeks of my butt. My eyes had been closed as I had gotten caught up in the sensations of Rex’s entry into my body. Suddenly they snapped wide open when a feminine voice asked in an almost child-like way “Do you like it? Do you like having it in your butt?” I’d virtually forgotten about Shari and there she was still naked from our fuck kneeling and staring into my face. “Yeah, yeah, I do.” I gasped as her father’s cock started humping me even harder. “It looks really cool, I like watching it go in and out of you!” she said with much enthusiasm. Then, still on all fours she turned around so her butt and cunt lips, dripping with my cum, were nearly in my face. “Lick it.” she ordered with surprising assertiveness. As her dad continued fucking me, my tongue traveled over her clit, outer and inner lips, and cunt, sometimes licking up my own semen.

Rex pulled out of me and stood by the bed. He had me lie on my back on the edge then bring my legs back all the way. Still standing, he slid easily back into my rectum but this position felt different. His organ was rubbing against something inside me that felt amazing! I held my legs up and simply reveled in how great it felt. Shari then reached in and started pumping my dick with her small hand. After just a few minutes Shari cranking on my cock and her thrusting away inside me hitting that tickle spot came again. Rex rammed me harder and deeper than ever and I suddenly felt his cock erupt his juices far into my bowels! Then he pulled it slowly from my butt.

“There, how was that?! You liked having my hard cock in you didn’t you?! “Rex asked not really looking for an answer. I couldn’t believe my own response when I gushed, ”THAT WAS AMAZING!”

It was now getting really late so Rex left the room and snuggled up behind Shari in a spooning position with both of us still naked. Sleep came quickly and the night passed in a blink.

After a delicious breakfast the next morning I was helping Shari with the dishes when she caught me off guard. “When we finish with this I want you to fuck me the way that dad fucked you last night. I want to know what it’s like getting it in the butt.” A deep male voice suddenly interrupted before I had fully processed Shari’s words saying “Ok daughter, he’s all yours after I’m done with him.”

Soon we were all naked in Shari’s room again and Rex’s finger was in my butt. Shari, obviously fascinated, asked, “Can I do that? I’ve never felt inside a boy’s butt before.” Her dad replied “Let me see your nails.” They met his approval and in no time her cautious well-lubed finger was probing inside me. “Wow, it’s so warm and soft in there!” It was weird wrapping my head around the fact that a female body part was penetrating me! Another and then another of her slender digits joined the first and this “play” went on for a few minutes. “Ok sweetheart, he’s ready for me now, pull em out. Thanks. ” She did as he said and dried her hand while keeping a watchful eye on me.

He said “Get up for a minute.” and then placed pillow on the center of the bed. “Now lie back with this under your hips. I want to see how deep you can really take it but I won’t make you cum. You need to save that for her.” My fear was largely gone now, replaced by anticipation and a thumping heart as I did as he said. “Bring your legs back as far as you can and relax your ass.” I did and being quite flexible my thighs pressed hard against my chest. I watched between my calves as the big hairy man positioned himself and lowered his powerful, stallion-like member to my entrance and started to push. Thanks to Shari’s preparing me so well there was only moderate resistance. Then in a single continuous motion his entire very lengthy penis sank to the deepest possible level of my bottom and I felt his loins and ball sack press hard against me. “WOW!” I thought. Rex was overcome by lust and in no mood for a gentle session as he started fucking me as hard as a jack hammer.

Shari watched her father pound me from every angle she could think of but didn’t participate at all this time. My legs rested on his broad shoulders with his face right above my own and I searched it constantly for sign that he might cum soon. At his pace it didn’t take long, he made a loud gasp and once again his semen shot far into my bowels. I’d loved every second of it!

Rex pulled out and I sat up trying to come down from the sexual high I’d just experienced when Shari practically burst, “MY TURN! I can’t wait! Stick it in my ass now!” With that she got in the same position on the pillow that I had just been in with her knees pulled back to her chest. “We have to get your hole ready before we do that.” I reminded her. “Oh, I did that that while dad was fucking you. I already fingered my hole like crazy. Please hurry, I want to feel you in my butt!” Looking down I could see her plainly bared rosebud glistening from a copious amount of lube. In all honesty, I was just as horny as she was, this would be my first time at butt fucking.

As fast as I could I slathered lotion on my rock hard erection and placed the head against her little entrance. I stretched out above her lovely, petite, body and let her calves rest on my shoulders. “Do it! Fuck me in the ass like my dad did to you!” she said as I looked down her cute smiling face.

I lowered my pelvis and at first encountered resistance but applying more pressure my tip popped through her muscular sphincter and she gasped loudly! “You ok?” I asked, genuinely concerned for her comfort. Her eyes twinkled and she shook her head enthusiastically. With this confirmation, I proceeded to slide my penis to the hilt in the hot, creamy soft depths of Shari’s Rectum! My GOD IT FELT GOOD! It took all I had to not cum at once. I lay still for a moment to get used to these wonderful new sensations and then started gently humping. Shari was as lost in it as I was saying “OH YEAH! FUCK ME! Fuck in the ass!” And I did, like a fucking machine till I started to wonder about another position and withdrew my cock. At first she wasn’t pleased but on hearing the plan she excitedly got on all fours with her legs bent a little and let me get behind her. Carefully I slid my cock back into her cute feminine bottom and fucked it relentlessly as she cued and let out other cute, girly sounds. I loved looking down and watching my own cock gliding back and forth in her widely stretched but tight anus. I knew I was reaching the point of no return when big hands suddenly gripped my hips and something large slid between MY buttocks! Her dad’s big cock slipped deep into my own ass as I frantically fucked hers! He hit that spot inside me again and I blasted my sperm harmlessly into Shari’s rectal cavern as unspeakable pleasure flooded through my lust-ridden young body! A moment later rex did the same in mine! Utterly spent, we just lay there like limp rags for several minutes then slowly snapped out of it and got dressed.

We had several more sessions like these in the couple days we were snowed in. Phone service was restored and the road was eventually plowed. Rex and Shari kept their promise to help me and pulled my car out after giving me detailed directions to the interstate. After a very fond farewell I got in my car and drove off, sad that it was all over.

About two years later I stopped in to say hello and learned that Shari was off to college but Rex took the opportunity to fuck my butt just like before. Those two turned me bisexual and to this day snow always makes me horny!


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Out of town encounter

Whenever I travel I know I am going to be horny, and I may get to "stretch my arms" a little... explore my "darker side" that must stay hidden whenever I am home. I generally like the "usual porn". Occasionally, though, I may veer off the main stream a little and open my mind for more interesting attractions. One of the first things I do when I get settled into the hotel (as "settled in" as you can get at a hotel) I open the phone book and browse the local entertainment venues. Bars,...

3 years ago
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Redemption with Jerry 1st and 2nd encounter

My story with this guy starts like a year and a half ago. Maybe two years ago. I was posting ads on Craigslist looking for guys to suck off. At the time I was watching rough porn... facefucking type stuff. So I think my ad probably asked for somebody to “fuck my face”..Little did I know... I wasn’t ready for that at the time. A guy... let’s call him Jerry... answered my ad and said he had his own apartment and he would turn me into his sissy. And it turned me on. He seemed different from a lot...

3 years ago
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110 Louisersquos First encounter

110 Louise’s First encounter. Louise, looked out of the car window, rain tricked down the glass, as they waited the lights, a dreary Devon day. She was going to stay with her aunt and uncle again, mum and dad having to go off on another business trip. Luckily it was just across town so she could still continue at the school she loved and with her friends, but she hated leaving her room and all her treasured possessions, 14 going on 15 now, puberty just upon her, she valued the little room and...

1 year ago
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Anonymous Encounter

Well it was a boring day. It was fairly hot outside,somewhere around 93 degrees. The sun was shining, there were very few puffy clouds in the sky, and I was home alone. As usually happens when I am bored and home alone, I was horny as hell. I wanted to jerk myself off, but I wanted to do it to something different than the normal porn that I usually watch. I figured since no one would be back at the house until tomorrow, I would take the time and dress up and do my makeup and hair and really go...

3 years ago
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Whilst travelling back to my ship whilst in the navy 30 years ago, I had my first stranger sex encounter.The last train was usually full with Sailors returning from leave and other passengers, I was sat reading a book and every time I looked up I noticed this older woman kept catching my eye. I was 20 at the time and she must have been early 40s, Suddenly out of the blue she sat next to me and started talking about the book I was reading. General conversation ensued, after the first stop, the...

2 years ago
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Public Restroom Encounter

This story is entirely fictional. All characters in this fictional work are over the age of 18. This work is intended to be consumed by adults, 18 or 21 years of age, depending on your location. Please ensure that you are not living in a community that forbids reading material with sexual content. This work is NOT intended to cause any harm to existing human beings, either due to being featured in this work or by consuming it. The appearing characters should be treated with respect, whenever...

4 years ago
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Special Encounter

Special Encounter, an erotic story as told by photo model Julie Starr.Julie: Okay, so this wasn't my first bi-sexual encounter, (remind me to tell you about that one some other time though, hehe) but this one was surprisingly exceptional for a variety of reasons, as you will see.I am a happily bi-sexual girl and thoroughly enjoy the best of both worlds. This story was an experience that was one of those wonderful adventures you remember for a long long time. It has already brought a smile to my...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Encounter

Hi, let my name be Hardrocky. As I don’t like to show my identity. To say about myself I am a 23years old bachelor living in Chennai. And now I am going to say about my first sex experience which happened today. As everyone says any woman in Tamil Nadu mainly in Chennai, Bangalore or Coimbatore feel free to msg me @ hardr coming to the sex story still now I have not yet fucked any woman and today I was very much eager to lose my virginity after a 23year time. To begin, I am same like other boys...

4 years ago
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Narrating My Threesome Encounter

After having a wonderful sex with my beloved Sujata mami, we were laying on the bed holding each other’s body. I was narrating her about my threesome encounter which I had experienced before. My classmate Ajit lived in the far away part of the town. He had an elder brother who was married and was working in gulf, while his wife stayed in the city alone near my locality. One day, while I was with Ajit, he took me to his sister-in-law’s house for his work. He introduced me with her sister-in-law....

3 years ago
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Shreya Raj8217s Sexual Masseur Encounter

Hi guys, this is Shreya raj from Bengaluru writing my first sexual encounter with a masseur. As it is my first story here please forgive me for my mistake suggestion for changing my narrative style are most welcomed. I am 24 years old 54 height with stat 34b 32 36 fairer side and my friends always compliment me that I look like actress shreya sharan that makes me expose my beauty to the world. I am here to narrate my sexual adventures to all you guys. This is my first story here which happened...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Encounter

Dear ISS readers, my name is Manish, from Bangalore. My family, relatives, friends call me by nick name Munna. I would like to share my first and recent sex encounter with you all. Ok. Let me introduce myself. I am an engineer working in it fiend, staying in Jayanagar. I am regular reader of ISS and after reading many stories I too had a dream to have sex desperately and finally it happened this year in the month of June 2015. Let me explain the true story how I got a chance to have a sex. On...

3 years ago
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My Second Lesbian Encounter

Sorry for making you wait for such a long time!! I hope you guys remember about my first lesbian encounter with Sanjana . For those who don’t, I’m Natasha and it will be great if u read my earlier post My first encounter was really very special; everything was so new to me. The feeling that u get is too amazing. Girls who have not tasted another girl are surely missing a lot .The touch, the feel, everything is super amazing!!!...

1 year ago
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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 3 Little Ann Prepares for Her Next Encounter

As Ann continued to relax at the ranch, her thoughts kept coming back to the past days events. Her sexual appetite had soared from the gang type rape endured by the dog pack. Her pussy and asshole seemed alive with a new realization of her body’s needs. She loved fucking! But not just by anyone, but the raw savage animal instinct she had out in the woods. It was pure fucking at its best. No wining and dining. No drama or the nasty rumors she had heard of so much in school of the girls who...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 7 Itrsquos Just a Casual Encounter

Don’t ask me what my name is I know what your game is It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter Christina Amphlett & Mack McEntee Free Falling Late September, 1982 I landed with a hard thump on the ground, knocking all the air out of my lungs. I felt a stabbing pain in my shoulder, and then more pain as my foot slammed against the back wall of the house. I heard Lisa scream, and come running towards me. “Everyone! Help, please! Will’s...

2 years ago
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Encounters with Tom Sneak Peek and First Encounter

Now I’ve been shy about my body, its curvaceous and yes I’m a bit overweight for my 5ft6 frame, my arse is rounded, my breasts are very large and my thighs are bigger than I would like. However, its all me and so that’s that. Most sunny days I love to wander in the garden topless (at least) sometimes completely nude, smelling the flowers and settling down to soak up the rays. So, anyway, there I was one Saturday afternoon in early August laying naked on my sunbed when a voice comes...

4 years ago
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Leading up to their first encounter

He began chatting years ago, when the worked on the road alot. Living out of hotels, gave him the privacy that he needed for his secret life. Day by day.. he would add women that he chatted with to his friends list. Some, he never connected with again, others were more regular; but, nobody really "clicked" with him. After a career change, he settled in a nice job in his hometown. No longer traveling on the road, but still frustrated in the bedroom, he knew that his chatting would...

2 years ago
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Three for One Special Encounter

Three years into our marriage, my X-Wife and I took the opportunity that presented itself to us and expanded our sexual horizons and freedoms. The years we spent together opened my eyes to the realities of a deep trusting love. Our first encounter with a new friend who we came across on a fateful friday back in the late 90's is only part One of the open journey, we continue to travel to this very day. Priscilla is the most stunning woman I've ever encountered. Her unique, amazing beauty comes...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My First Granny Encounter

This a true and to the point off my First Granny Encounter.At the age of 24, all males are ready to play,enjoy and learn from every sexual encounter they are due to experience in there lives.This a true and to the fact lifetime experience that I had encountered in my life.I was working in construction, I was living in West OZ and the work had dried up, so I thought to my self whilst I am still young and being a single male after splitting up with my fiance of 2 yrs, I decided to hit the road...

2 years ago
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My Recent Encounter

I am a secretly bisexual married man 60 years old living in Philly. I had some previous encounters with other bi men MWM which I prefer. On the 4th of July the wife and I went down to the waterfront to see the fireworks and while there we got involved with another couple and were chatting waiting for the festivities. We had a lot in common and he was retired from the Navy and I retired from the Army. We chatted had a few glasses of wine and he and I really hit it off. We had similar...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Encounter

Hi guys this is Shreekanth from Bangalore, JP Nagar 6th phase. I am here to narrate my life’s 1st and most romantic experience with a girl which I didn’t expect to happen so unexpectedly. Well to know about myself, I am 24 years old, 5.8, average built body, though not a huge dick but a satisfying size for any women. This incidence took place on Diwali 1st day when my ex-colleague named Yashaswini (name changed due to her request upon privacy) came to my house for inviting me to her brother...

2 years ago
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After Hours Encounter

This is my first attempt at publishing a story on here so please provide your feedback! Love to know what others think of my story and any constructive criticism is accepted, but please be kind! They had been flirting with each other the entire day, and really it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. He made it seem like he was just being courteous and kind so the others around wouldn’t think anything of it. It was cold, she had to walk home, and he was being a...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My first encounter

Hi friends…m a ocasionally reader of ISS,ocassional in the sense wenevr i get chance in cyber.Its simply gr8..all share their their fantasies n real encounters..i2 wishd 2tell u guys n gals abt my first encounter.Sorry if u dint liked it…This happened wen i ws studyning in diploma…It ws my xam time..i used 2sit near window of my room to study,ther was a compound wall 10yards away frm wndow.,n ther was 3houses next to the c.wall.Aftr the xam i used to do all my collge wrk sittng near wndw.In one...

4 years ago
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Surfing a4a led to my first gay encounter

One day I was looking at gay videos on xtube and started viewing a video title a4a encounter. Curious about a4a site, I started browsing the site looking at profiles until it said I needed to setup a profile, and so I did. I quickly setup my profile, uploaded a couple pictures and continue browsing profiles. I came across a profile with pictures that peak my interested. His profile said he was 6'0" 230lbs married black male with a 7.5 inch uncut cock and he was looking for a discreet sexual...

2 years ago
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A Brief Encounter

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ A Brief Encounter Damn! I’m out of coffee cream for the morning. I hate black coffee. If it was a desperate situation, I could always use two-percent milk, except that it takes almost half a cup of the stuff to kill that acid taste. Cream just seems to smooth the flavour out so much better. A quick glance at the clock on the wall above shows that it’s nearly 9:00 PM. The local...

3 years ago
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A Stocking Encounter

The man and woman sat at their table in the veranda of the hotel awaiting their food.  Both eagerly excited to see what would be concocted from their initial orders from the menu.  As she twirled her honey colored Pies porter in her fishbowl-sized glass, bored by her companion and the lack of their conversation, her eyes scanned the restaurant looking from one couple to the next searching for a true match made in heaven.  The 5-star Tuscan-based restaurant nestled itself quietly in the center...

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Park n Ride encounter

Yesterday morning I was heading over to do a little grocery shopping and decided to swing in to the park and ride to see if anything was going on. First, let me tell you I'm inexperienced with a guy other than when I was much younger and got picked up hitch hiking and talked out of my clothes in some mans car.I pulled into the park n ride off exit 1 on I84 and slowly cruised through the parking lot. I notice on vehicle backed in with a man about my age, 60's, sitting there by himself. I...

1 year ago
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BBC 2 Ben the 2nd encounter

For those unfamiliar with part 1 of this story, please read BBC Number 2 but here’s a brief summary. I’d been chatting online with a 26 year old black stud named Ben who was interested in fucking my wife Erin’s brains out in front of me. When he listed the things he wanted to do to her it was like he was reading down a checklist of things she enjoys so I made the encounter happen for them. Ben fucked Erin hard and stuck with the plan that he and I had made which was for him to fuck her bareback...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon Encounter

The Ad Nikita was a fairly typical upper-middle class professional girl. She had completed her engineering degree at the age of twenty-two and was confident, outgoing, and didn't take any shit from men in her professional life. She took good care of her body, working out daily and performing yoga every morning and evening. Her family thought she was just working out to improve herself but in reality Nikita wanted to look hot for the men that used her. How did Nikita find men? The internet, of...

Oral Sex
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K2 A Second Encounter

Heading from the Coffee Shop the night I met K, I followed her to her apartment and parked near her and got out. She stayed in her car and was closing up her phone as I walked up to the driver's side. She lowered the window and I saw she was semi-clothed from our encounter at the old pumping station.She lowered her window and in the light of the security lamps, she undid my pants with no protest from me and freed my cock and proceeded to take it in her mouth. And she moved so I could have...

Straight Sex
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My Glory Hole Encounter

It had been nearly four months since I last got laid. At twenty-three I had no desire for a serious relationship and settled instead for casual flings and friends with benefits, the downside is while it had been four months since I had last slept with my latest fling, I had not properly been fucked in over a year.I found myself becoming desperate for it. At work, I daydreamed about being called into my boss’s office and reprimanded which then ended with me pinned up against the wall and getting...

1 year ago
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Car Park Encounter

A chance encounter in a quiet car park, as seen from both sides ! I’d love to know what people think of my fiction.*************************************************************************************************************************June and her hubby were a devoted couple who'd been together since they'd first met as teenagers. Fit and attractive, they were looked every inch a model, middle-class couple with two, well behaved c***dren. Outwardly everything looked as close to ideal as most...

2 years ago
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The Encounter

---purely fiction---I've always been turned on by the idea of having sex with another man. I've always been too shy to do anything about it however. I've of course played with my butt with my fingers and some toys that I've purchased over the years. I know I love the feeling of it, though it does hurt a little, it still feels great. I've met some gay men in my life, one was really handsome too and kept trying to flirt with me. However, my shyness always got the better of me, and I kept pushing...

3 years ago
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Fantasy of a first Bi encounter

Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...

3 years ago
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Fantasy of first Bi encounter

Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...

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Office Encounter

While surfing cl postings looking for interesting scenarios I came across one which got my attention and got my imagination running. It was short and to the point, asking merely for someone who might be interested in a midday encounter in an office. This set off all sorts of ideas in my head and as we'd started to make "dares and tasks" a fun part of our sex lives I decided to run with it. I dreamed up a scenario and wrote a posting of my own, pretending of course, to be you. It read as...

1 year ago
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A chance encounter

A chance encounterA chance encounter.It was late in the summer and the last weekend at the beach house. I was almost ready to go back to the city. One last walk along the beach to soak salt air into my lungs so I would remember it. I walked along the water's edge to get the sound of the sloshing waves inside me. Far away a dark-haired woman was walking in the opposite direction. Against me. She walked in an almost causual manner, yet with her head high up and a straight back. Dangling. As we...

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Chloersquos first sexual encounter

Chloe’s storyI was a small, petite shy girl at school and I didn’t get that much attention from the boys, they all preferred the girls that had huge boobs and would suck them off for an ice blast. I had boyfriends but I was so shy I would avoid seeing them so there was never going to be any sex happening that was for sure.The strange thing about me was that I was horny all the time but I never masterbated, I’d never tried it. I only started masterbating from about 24, even that was rarely, I...

4 years ago
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My Mechanic Second Encounter

Two days after my first encounter with Jim, I saw the number for the garage come up on my phone. My heart was racing and i felt a tingle between my legs as i answered it, wondering if It would be Jim and his big cock telling me he was ready to have me again. I was disappointed when it was just the desk guy telling me the car was ready and I could pick it up when i was ready. I acknowledged and hung up the phone, wondering when Jims hammer was going to sooner had i put my phone in my...

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