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It was the Night Before Christmas...

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could please have your attention for a moment." the young man in the neatly pressed blue suit said as he stepped in front of the ticket counter. He had to repeat himself several times before the din of the crowd subsided enough for him to be heard.

"Oh shit, this can't be good." Ilyssia Giordano thought as she took note of the all too artificial smile on the man's face. "I knew I should have taken the flight out yesterday." She chided herself. Her father always told her it was bad luck to travel on Christmas Eve.

In a more perfect world, she would've taken a flight out of Chicago yesterday, and by this time would be on her way to the Bahamas. Instead, she'd been sitting here in O'Hare Airport, spending the day before Christmas watching the snow pile up on the runways for the last four hours. There was no way she was ever going to make her connecting flight in New York. Peter Sullivan, a fellow Associate in her office, had invited her to spend the holidays with him in a much warmer climate. A glance at her watch reminded her that he would be leaving JFK at 06:30 - three hours from now.

"I'm afraid I've got some bad news, folks." the man from the airlines said, now that he had everyone's attention. "The weather people now say the storm won't let up until well after midnight. The earliest take off times we're looking at are tomorrow morning."

"Fuck!" Ilyssia said out loud without realizing that she had.

The volume of her outburst brought a disapproving look from the old woman standing next to her. At first, Ilyssia thought she would offer an apology, then her anger get the better of her.

"Screw you lady!" the 24 year old blond thought. "You'd be pissed off too if you just traded Christmas Eve on the warm beaches of Nassau for the snowy streets of Chicago."

When the older woman continued her stare, Ilyssia whimsically stuck her tongue out at her.

"Well, I never..." the old woman stammered.

"Well, maybe that's your problem." Ilyssia said to her, unable to resist such an old but well used line.

With that, Ilyssia's antagonist walked away in a huff.

"Well that was fun." Ilyssia thought, "Now what do I do?"

It suddenly occurred to her that since she had checked out of her hotel this morning, she had nowhere to stay in Chicago. With the airport, as well as practically every other form of transport in the city, shut down, it was going to be impossible to find someplace to stay. Glancing out the large window, Ilyssia concluded that even if she could find a place, there was no way a cab was going to make it through those streets.

"Looks like I'm sleeping here." she said quietly to herself as she ran her hand across her pinned backed hair, rubbing the back of her neck as she remembered the last time she had to sprawl out on one of those hard lounge chairs.

At least the trip isn't a total loss, the young woman reassured herself. The extra day she'd spent in Chicago had helped secured her the Davidson account. Seeing as it was worth a half million dollars a year to her firm in advertising fees, she could look forward to a very warm reception from old man Wilson and the rest of the board when she got back to New York. That and a really big Christmas bonus.

Most everyone in the office had written off Davidson Electronics, knowing that a rival firm had made them a better offer. That was why they were willing to let an Associate make her own presentation. After all, who wanted to hustle off to the Midwest a few days before Christmas on a lost cause. Well she had showed them.

Thinking of the office, Ilyssia thought she should at least call Peter and let him know she was never going to make it. No sense him taking a chance that he might miss his plane waiting for her. Swallowing her disappointment, she headed for the phone bank.

Ten minutes later, Ilyssia's disappointment had turned to pure rage. Of course everyone in the office was overjoyed by her success with Davidson, but the key phase there was -- everyone in the office. It only took Sally Levin, the receptionist who answered the phone two minutes to mention that Peter had left for the airport over an hour and a half before. More importantly, he hadn't left alone. Not waiting to even see if Ilyssia was going to be able to get back in time, Peter had offered her ticket to Jennifer Maris.

"That bitch!" Ilyssia thought as she slammed down the phone. She could imagine the silicone breasted redhead taking her place on the plane, in the Bahamas, and in Peter's bed.

It wasn't that Jennifer would be humping Peter that so offended Ilyssia. After all, even though she and Peter had gone out a few times, ending up in bed together the following morning -- it had always been a casual thing. What really pissed her off was the fact that Jennifer would be screwing him on her bed, on her beach, and on her vacation!"

Spending the next hour and a half roaming the airport, Ilyssia despaired of finding even a halfway comfortable place to sack out. More seasoned travelers had already staked out the more comfortable spots. In addition, she felt guilty about antagonizing that old woman.

"A great way to spend Christmas," she thought." She's probably a grandmother with a dozen grandkids."

Up ahead, she saw one of those volunteer Santas, collecting money for poor kids. She could see that the Santa was an older man, with an actual white beard. The traditional setting made her think of happier holidays back home.

Passing the Santa, she saw that his iron pot only held a handful of change. Dropping two tens in his pot bought her a very cheery Merry Christmas as well as a somewhat soothed conscience.

"Thank you very much, young lady." the Santa had said. "I wish for you, the Merriest Christmas ever."

With a brighter step, she continued her odyssey, this take taking the time to notice all the Christmas displays and humming along with the carols being played over the PA system.

"Robby, you're a life saver." the salt and pepper haired man said into the receiver of a pay phone. "I'll expect you in about an hour."

The small piece of conversation on the other side of the wall caused Ilyssia to stop in mid-step. It struck a familiar cord.

Ilyssia was sure she knew that voice, but couldn't get a good look at the owner. The high walls of the phone bank hid his face. Carefully she made her way across the obstacle course that was normally a thriving air terminal.

Try as she could, she just could it get a good look at him as she moved. All she could tell was that he was tall, nearly a good foot taller than her five foot four frame. Dressed in an soft tan overcoat, the man looked much younger than his years. Certainly not the fifty-two his driver's license proclaimed him to be.

At the last second, Ilyssia realized that he had turned the other way after hanging up the phone. By the time she managed to get around another stack of piled up luggage, he would be gone.

"Mr. O'Shaughnessey!" she called out as loud as she could, waving her hand in the air to get his attention. Realizing at the same moment that she was going to look pretty stupid if she was wrong.

A smile filled her face as the tall man turned at the sound of his name. He looked around for a moment, perplexed as to who had called him.

"Mr. O'Shaughnessey!" Ilyssia repeated, this time getting his attention.

Seeing the rather attractive young woman waving to him, Sean Michael O'Shaughnessey was more than a little confused. He had no idea who she was, or what she could want with him.

"Mr. O'Shaughnessey, I can't believe I'm running into you here of all places." Ilyssia grinned as she caught up to the older man.

"Excuse me, Miss." he smiled, ever the gentleman. "Can I help you with something?"

The look of puzzlement on his ever so familiar features cause Ilyssia to laugh. It had after all been at least two years since he had seen her last. And while he hadn't appeared to have changed a bit, she had definitely undergone a renaissance.

"You really don't recognize me, do you?" she laughed.

"I'm not sure," came his reply. "I think..."

Then it hit him. She was a lot slimmer than the last time he'd seen her, and the hair wasn't blond back then -- more a dirty brown. And of course that flawless smile had been hidden by a set of braces.

"Lisa Giordano!" Sean exclaimed in recognition. "Well look at you, I can't believe it!"

"Boy, it's been a long time since anyone's called me Lisa." she smiled. "I use Ilyssia now.

"I remember how you used to hate that name." Sean chuckled.

"Well, I sort of grew into it." she smiled back.

"So you did." he agreed. "I can't get over how much you've changed."

"Well, it was like you always told me, Mr. O'Shaughnessey." she replied. "You just have to believe in yourself and not worry about what anyone else thinks of you."

"Did I say that?" Sean laughed. "I must've been quite a smart fellow once upon a time. And you can do away with all that Mr. O'Shaughnessey stuff, you're all grown up now. I answer to either Sean or hey you."

"Okay Sean it is then. You were that and a lot more." she answered back.

Back when Ilyssia Giordano had been just plain Lisa, she had been friends with Kimberly O'Shaughnessey, Sean's youngest daughter. As a matter of fact, she'd even been the maid of honor at Kimberly's wedding four years back. A fact that surprised her at the time since she had once dated the groom. But it hadn't seem to matter to Kim at the time.

As warm as the memories of her friendship with Kimberly were, they paled against those involving Sean O'Shaughnessey. At one time or another, it seemed like he was a 'favorite uncle' to almost every kid in the neighborhood. He was never too busy to lend a helping hand.

"So what brings you to Chicago?" Sean asked.

Ilyssia quickly told him all about the Davidson account, and how, since they had all but written it off, they let her fly out here to take one last stab at it. Sean seemed quite impressed that she had managed to sign them up. She decided to leave out the part about Peter Sullivan and the trip to the Bahamas. Sean was far from a prude, but she didn't what him to think less of her for planning to shack up with a casual friend for a few days of sun, fun and sex.

"I always knew you'd accomplish great things." Sean laughed. "Make all those old fogies sit up and take notice."

Ilyssia was surprised to realize how much his admiration suddenly meant to her.

"And how did you find yourself trapped here?" she asked in return.

Sean explained that his company had a distribution problem with their Chicago outlet and they needed to have it straightened out before Christmas day. It was a small matter really, but one which needed an on site approach and couldn't be handled over the phones.

"But why you?" Ilyssia asked curiously, "After all, you're one of the partners. I'm sure you have a lot of bright young men who could've come out here and handled that."

"A lot of bright young women as well." Sean added, reminding Ilyssia that he had offered her a job right out of college as well. "But I really didn't feel right pulling one of them away from their families so close to Christmas. I really didn't have any plans other than visiting the kids, so I hopped on the plane and here I am."

Ilyssia smiled. That was so like him. Who ever said that a nice guy couldn't run a successful business had never met Sean O'Shaughnessey. With his two partners, he'd built a small one town business into a multi-million dollar company.

"You're never going to change." Ilyssia commented.

"I hope not." Sean replied. "I'm way too old to start over. You know what they say about old dogs and new tricks."

"You are never going to be old." the blond girl laughed.

Sean laughed himself. "Tell that to my body," he grinned. "My brain keeps insisting that it's still only 21 but my body says otherwise. Sometimes very forcefully."

"Well it's really great running into you here." Ilyssia said. "At least I have someone to talk to while we wait out the storm."

"Wouldn't you rather have a warm bed somewhere to spend the night?" Sean asked.

From anyone else, Ilyssia would've immediately took that as a pick up line. Seeing it came from Sean, the thought never crossed her mind.

"I had a warm bed. Unfortunately I checked out of it to try and catch the flight. If I hadn't been in such a hurry, I'd still be there." She said. "And even if I could get a cab in this mess, I doubt there'd be room at the inn."

"Well, I know of a motel not far from here where I'm sure you could get a room." Sean smiled. "In fact, I was on the phone with the owner when you found me. He's holding a room for me now and I'm sure he'd be able to come up with something for you as well. We're old Army buddies. Let me give him a call back."

"Looks like some things never change," Ilyssia grinned. "You're still bailing the kids out of trouble."

A quick phone call told Sean that his friend was unavailable at the moment, but that he'd sent one of his workers out to the airport in a 4x4 to pick him up. They should be there in about 45 minutes.

"Well I'm sure he'll be able to come up with something once we get there." Sean said as he told Ilyssia. "What say we get a cup of coffee and warm up while we wait."

"Sounds fine to me." Ilyssia said, the prospect of trading a hard plastic chair for a soft bed already warming her deep inside.

Luck was with them as they entered the closest shop. A couple were just getting up from a booth. They ordered coffee and spent a few minutes catching up. Ilyssia told him all about life in New York, at least the sanitized version that she normally told family members. She was sure that Sean wouldn't react the same way as her parents had when they learned that their 'little girl', as they still referred to her, hadn't been a little girl since her 17th birthday. That was when she had let Tommy Mallory put his thing inside of her. An event that happened more and more frequently the older she got. Ilyssia was far from what anyone could call promiscuous, but she was a sexually aggressive woman and not afraid to go after what she wanted.

Sean, in turn, brought her up to date on the doings in Spring Valley. Ilyssia took in every word, surprising herself at how interested she was in what her friends lives were now like.

"And you know Kimberly had twins last summer." Sean was saying as he sipped his coffee. "Johnny's taking over his father's lumber business couldn't have come at a better time."

The image of Johnny North, now Sean's son-in-law came to mind. Of course the image that Ilyssia kept was much different than the one carried in the older man's wallet. In Ilyssia's image, Johnny was both naked and muscular, holding a cock the size of which that you rarely saw outside of a porno flick. If she learned nothing else about Johnny during the spring they had been an item, it was that he was equally fantastic in bed. No lover since had equaled those two fantastic months. She envied her friend when she considered that Kim had him in bed with her every night.

Well, it had been her decision to end the relationship, she reminded herself. As good as they were in bed together, they shared much different dreams. Johnny had no greater goal than to one day run the family business. A goal she was now glad to hear he had reached. She, on the other hand, had her sights set higher -- and spending her best years in Spring Valley wasn't part of the plan.

"And how is Amanda doing?" Ilyssia asked, immediately realizing that she had made a stupid blunder.

"I hear she's doing fine." Sean said unemotionally, taking another sip of his coffee.

"I'm sorry, I asked without thinking." she apologized.

"That's okay," he said. "She's someone you know and it's only natural for you to ask about her." he paused a moment, then added, "If you'll excuse me a few minutes, I need to use the facilities. Another problem with growing older." he grinned.

"Damn, that was stupid!" Ilyssia admonished herself. "How could I ask him about Amanda. What was I thinking?"

Amanda Murphy O'Shaughnessey was Kimberly's mother and Sean's wife of over 30 years. That was until their divorce last year. They had been married when Sean was 18 and she had just turned 17. Over three decades, they had raised 4 children and saw 6 grandchildren come into their life as well. Then one day it all came apart. Rumor had it that Sean came home unexpectedly one day and found Amanda in a compromising position with one of her students. She was a professor of English literature at the local community college. No one in town was really sure, since Sean hadn't made an issue of it at the divorce hearing. He had simply said they had irreconcilable differences and Amanda hadn't contested that statement.

Actually, one other person in Spring Valley did know what happened. Amanda had frantically called her daughter right after Sean walked out. Kimberly, needing someone to talk to, someone she trusted but still distant enough to keep anyone in town from knowing, had called Ilyssia in New York.

Considering her own somewhat sexually adventurous background, Ilyssia shouldn't have been shocked by the story Kimberly confided in her -- but she was. It wasn't the sort of thing that she imagined happened in their home town. Of course she was wrong about that. Things like that happened in small towns everywhere. They just didn't get talked about as much as in the big cities.

Sean had indeed found Amanda on the floor of their basement party room with one of her students, both of them wearing less clothes than you'd see on the beach.

What no one knew was that aside from the sandy haired 20 year old, who's cock was at that moment siding in and out of the 48 year old woman's mouth, there was a second, similarly clad, young man who was busy burying his own cock between her legs. Standing beside them was a third young man, totally naked and stroking his cock, eager to join in on the fun.

A dozen possible actions had flashed through Sean's mind as he beheld the orgy going on in his own home. The most extreme of which was to grab the shotgun he kept in the next room and blow them all to hell. Few people in this small town would've convicted him under these circumstances. Instead he simply stood there until he knew Amanda had seen him. Then he simply turned and walked away. He never came back to the house and never saw Amanda again until the day of the divorce hearing. He had sent his three sons to pack up all his things and move them into a new house he rented.

What not even Kimberly understood was the real reason Sean had simply walked out of a 30 year marriage. The obvious reason, that his wife was screwing around on him was also the wrong reason. Sean O'Shaughnessey was no innocent babe in the woods, especially in sexual matters. Back when they'd first been married, before the kids had started coming with astonishing regularity, he and Amanda had led a somewhat sexually adventurous life of their own. They were young, and it was the 60's after all. They'd been at parties where they'd swapped partners, had a third in bed with them -- of both sexes. Amanda had even had a brief same sex affair during their second year of marriage. Then when the first baby came, they both decided it was time to settle down and put their games aside.

It was the knowledge that Amanda had started those games without his knowledge that bothered him the most. He later found out that she had been bedding students for the better part of ten years. Yet even that he could've dealt with. What he couldn't come to terms with was the fact that she had come to him almost a year before and told him that she no longer had any interest in having sexual relations and she would appreciate it if he wouldn't make any demands on her in that area.

It hadn't been a turn of events that he envisioned at that point in their life together. After all, they'd had a still active sex life. Still, it was a request he had to respect. Amanda had hinted that if he felt that he had to go elsewhere to take care of his needs, she would understand. But that wasn't the kind of man Sean O'Shaughnessey was, as she well knew. So in spite of many opportunities, since he was still an attractive man, he had remained celibate since that day.

"I saw the jeep from the motel outside." Sean said as he came back to the table. "We'd better get going."

They had stored their larger luggage in one of the lockers and only took a small bag each. Better to travel light since they would be back here in the morning.

The quarter mile trip to the motel took almost a half hour in the bad weather. If it wasn't for their driver's skill with the 4x4, they would've been involved in at least two accidents. By the time they arrived, Sean wondered if perhaps they might've been safer staying back at O'Hare.

"Here we are, safe and sound." the young woman behind the wheel said as if she could read Sean's mind. "Watch your step when you go up the walk, I know they salted it before I left but it can still get icy in this wind."

Both Ilyssia and Sean thanked her for the ride and hurried inside. Chicago was certainly living up to her nickname as 'the windy city'.

No sooner had they stepped inside and began to dust the snow from their coats when the air was shattered by a booming voice.

"Sean, you miserable old SOB, how the hell are you?" called out the gray bearded man from behind the counter.

Sean smiled as the voice's owner spun around in his wheelchair and rolled himself out from behind the counter, quickly moving to shake Sean's hand.

"Damn, it's good to see you again." Bobby Wilson said as he energetically pumped his friend's hand.

"Bobby, you look great." Sean replied with enthusiasm in his voice. He released his friend's hand to instead give him a bear hug.

Ilyssia watched as the two men embraced, wondering what the relationship between them was. It was obvious that they were close friends. Sean had mentioned that they had been Army buddies, but until an hour ago she couldn't have imagined this gentle man in the military.

"And this is Lisa, I mean Ilyssia Giordano." Sean said as he motioned to his companion.

"Any friend of Sean's is always welcome." Bobby said, the wicked gleam in his eyes very evident to Ilyssia.

"Did your desk clerk tell you that we'd need an extra room for Ilyssia?" Sean asked.

"An extra room?" Bobby repeated. "No, he just told me that you'd called and said that you were bringing a girl with you. I just assumed that..."

Seeing where Bobby was headed, Sean quickly cut him off.

"Bobby, she's a friend of my daughter's." he said in a lower tone. "I happened to run into her at the airport."

"Shit, Sean, I believe you." Bobby replied. "But even if that idiot clerk had gotten your phone message straight, I don't have another room to be had. I've even had my staff quad up in order to rent out their rooms."

Sean turned and looked at Ilyssia for a moment, a look of apology on his face.

"Of course I suppose I could give her my room and bunk in with you." Bobby mused. "I did save you my best room, it's up on the second floor."

Sean realized the offer Bobby was making. Ever since he lost the use of his legs, Bobby never slept anywhere but on the first floor of a building. He had a terrible fear of fire and was forever worried about being trapped on the second floor.

"No, Bobby, that won't be necessary." Sean said. "We'll make do."

"I'll do it, you know that." Bobby said.

"I know you would, but I don't want you to." Sean said.

"All right, but you know how I feel about you, pal." Bobby said. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be laying in a plot in some Veteran's Cemetery instead of in this chair. It might not have been a perfect life, but it's still a life."

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What is wrong with Molly? “I’m taking her to the ER. She isn’t ever cuddly like this, not even with me. Molly’s is almost limp like a rag doll. Her breathing is normal, and I can feel her heartbeat is fine, but she didn’t even respond when I pinched her just now,” I told them as I got the door open. “Can you call ahead and let her parents know?” I had the place in my head only show me any bad energy inside her and anything making her unresponsive. All I saw was the bad energy from a few...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Fantasy Comes True

I have finally lived out one of my greatest fantasies. My name is Kathy and I'm a late 40's housewife and part time swinger. My husband Dave and I have done some swinging and we love the adventurous lifestyle. I've had a fantasy of enjoying and being enjoyed by a group of men. We've considered running an ad on a swingers website for a group to fulfill my fantasy. I do some online chatting from time to time and that is always good to make me nice and horny. I very rarely cam with the guys I...

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Bangalore Male Escort In Chennai

I thank all readers for such a great responses on my previous stories.I am rahul from bangalore.Now I am 25 years old, average male.This is my third story in ISS.I am working in bangalore and also working as male escort in bangalore.After pleasuring priya on her flat, after some days I received her call and priya told me she had a favor to ask of me. Her school friend hema who lives in chennai is looking for a sex partner and she wanted me to go chennai and fuck her. priya told me that her...

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Playground Love

She sat opposite me sipping her tea, the tracks of her tears still evident on her cheek. "I'm sure things will be ok," I tried to re-assure. "I don't know, this time he's gone too far," fresh tears left her eyes. It was painful for me to watch her like this. I had loved her for so many years, from the first time I saw her on the school playground. Her husband of just two years was fooling around with some slut he had picked up in a pub. "It's not that I wouldn't do anything he...

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KellyChapter 24

Mike was driving as they rolled through the main gate at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. They exchanged knowing glances. The sentry hadn’t looked up from his comic book — he just waved their car through. Mike and Kelly were both in civilian clothes and both had deep tans from their Hawaiian honeymoon. They found the headquarters building and walked in. Kelly was wearing a leather jacket with a fur collar similar to a World War II bomber jacket over a sweater and skirt. Her golden hair was back in a...

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Hungry For Sex

hello everyone, this is naveen (name changed) let me introduce who don’t know me, I am naveen age 30, height 5.6 feet and medium in colour and I am from hyderabad .Every time I write a story with different .Any woman looking for sex in hyderabad can mail me at com and hope everyone will like it and guys please don’t waste your time lets enjoy and let it be secret. dont feel bad to contact lets have fun. I am going to tell you my recent encounter with a teacher in hyderabad, her name is sonia...

3 years ago
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Key West Story

Introduction: Spring Break My nephew Eric and his sister, Jen, had come down for spring break. We had plenty of room on the boat at Key West. The weather was bad, though, later in the week, overcast and too windy. My wife, Kate, and Jen had driven up the Keys to shop around. So it was just Jarrod and me on board that morning. We have spacious salon below the helm. By noon he and I were lounging with a couple of beers, there on the white leather couches watching a flick on the flat screen....

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No Problem

NO PROBLEM Jean Wilmot joined her friend Bridget as usual in the lounge bar for an aperitif before dinner. She was on the final leg of an extended round the world trip, although Bridget had only joined the ship in New York for the final leg of the voyage to Southampton, on the south coast of the UK. They had got to know each other when they were invited as guests of the Captain at his table the first evening out of port, both getting on so well, especially when they discovered that...

4 years ago
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exploring my female persona all help welcom

well i started dressing i female close when i was around 12. then when i was 17 i had a sexual relationship wit an older guy for almost a year.i had known him for a couple of months, he made passes tward me from day one. so one day i showed up at his apt, with submission on my mind. we played a couple games of chess, during which i would accidently knock pieces off the table then make a big deal about picking it up bending over with my ass pointing his way.i would flash a glance at him then...

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The Spiral She Led HIm Down

The Spiral She Led Him DownBy Anise Pemberton PART ONELife had not always been so good.So Corinne Beswick mused as she relaxed on the sofa lapped in indolence; her every reasonable and achievable desire catered to by the handsome older man on the carpet before her.A handsome man whose attention was concentrated on the slender foot resting in his lap, its unblemished and smooth whiteness standing out starkly against the navy apron she insisted he wear when performing his chores. His eyes seldom...

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Romina Part 5

Winter holidays started a few days later, my mother still worked all day and my sister was spending the holidays at a friend's house. That meant I would have two full weeks of complete solitude between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, it was the perfect opportunity to start experimenting with my pink little hole. The first morning I woke up early and anxious. I began by getting dressed in mom's lingerie, a gorgeous black lace bodysuit was the selected outfit, it had a thong cut back and a halter...

1 year ago
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best friends part 12

Nathan, Connor, Chris, and Ben all went to North Eaton High School. They were in 9th grade but had all been best friends since pre-school. Recently, Nathan started having fantasies about fucking his long-time friends. He didn't want to do anything about it because he didn't want to ruin their friendships, he started thinking that maybe they were in the same position as him, but how could he ask them without coming off as extremely gay? One day after school, Nathan walked home, went into his...

2 years ago
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Husband Got His Wish and I Got a Gangbang

My husband has five great friends he has known since college. They get together once a year for fishing or golf or some football game. Ever since I meet them he has suggested that I should be part of one of their annual trips, but all he wanted was to get me be their slut for a night, sucking all of those hard cocks and letting them all creampie my pussy. Men! I mean what was in it for me except maybe twenty orgasms and countless loads of cum. But I could not seem too cooperative. Finally after...

3 years ago
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Manhattan Nights

Copyright© 2002 LeRoy Zoltan, that's my name. A monarch by both monikers, twice-over. Manhattan, Kansas wasn't quite big enough for the likes of royalty, so the day I graduated high school I said "Hi, ho" to the old folks, crammed a couple of changes of clothes into a backpack and hit Route 24 with my pride intact and my thumb in the air. Rode into Manhattan, New York, on a royal chariot, a Greyhound bus to be exact, with all of $50 in my pocket. Port Authority Terminal has got to be...

1 year ago
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Hot Blonde

HOT Blonde Part 2 It is 11:30 pm on Wednesday night and I am out on another stake out. I am still on the trail of this fucking dirt bag, Darrin Black. I am beginning to wonder if my cover has been blown. I am sitting in my company car having a cup of coffee. My car is a thing of beauty. It is a Cadillac CTS-V series, which means it has 500 horsepower a 6 speed manual transmission. Top speed is 185 mph, it is a fucking jet. It is jet black and double tented windows and is a great under cover...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend Became my Lover and Filled my Asshole

I was quite a skinny man at 18 and hadn’t quite filled out yet. I was not too attracted to girls, but Mom said that I would eventually. Because I didn’t care if girls looked at me or not, I never tried to get a hot body. I had a best friend, Shane with whom high school was not that hard. But one day things changed. That’s my story of how my best friend became my lover. I saw one of the jocks kissing a guy. Not just any guy, but the baseball coach. My cock sprung up of its own accord and I...

4 years ago
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The Vicars Daughter wanted a gang bang OMG

A few years ago, when I was in my prime,I was friends with the vicars daughter, and when I say friends, thats all it was for years.Then one night after a boozy party with some friends, we started talking about who had ever seen their parents fucking.When it was Judy's turn she gave us a very graphic description, of having seen her Mum get gang banged, by three guys at Bible Camp.She had seen her Mum sneak out of the chalet that they were staying in one night and followed her.Her Mum knocked on...

2 years ago
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NyxChapter 10

Temporarily, we forgot about the South End Motorcycle Gang and went back to my first love: rapists and pimps. Another trip to Humboldt St. with me in my African-American disguise proved that we were a long way from getting rid of those bastards. I had hardly stepped out of the alley and started down the street when I was accosted by a man who looked like the very stereotype of a pimp, with his wide-brimmed hat, his black pinstriped suit, and his overload of chains and bangles. He looked like...

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MagicianChapter 34

I did not know what to expect from a Council meeting. I had some sort of vague round table and intelligent Mages speaking words of wisdom and common sense idea in mind. I should have known better. What I got was a chamber with several tables and chairs and a bunch of screaming prima-donnas. Everything that was bad about Mages in the real world seemed to be amplified here in arrogance, disdain, pride, intransigence and a general 'I know best and to hell with the rest of you!' attitude to...

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Brandon Part 4

Brandon and I weren’t able to see each other as much as we wanted to the rest of the summer. Between his work schedule and my baseball schedule, it was hard to find time. When we could find time, it was hard to find a place. We would send each other sexts every so often. I dressed up in my yellow bikini from our first night, remember this?He texted back with a picture of his hard cock, now look what you’ve done!Brandon was a student manager for the college football team so he had to get to...

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Invisible EmpireAppendix Character List

At the request of an astute editor, I am including a brief summary (or 'cheat sheet') of the characters who are in the story, "Invisible Empire." This is intended to help clarify who is who. While I have excised most of the plot spoilers, please note that there are still some reveals in the dossiers for each character. This file would be best read AFTER you've completed the entire story, or if you are truly lost. Characters are listed alphabetically by their first name, and each entry...

1 year ago
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Love being tortured

I was home alone one day and my brother's friend came by. He asked if he could wait for him. I said it was okay. Then I went to watch TV. He came and sat beside me and started making small talk. I was very shy so I would just answer him and try to watch my show. Then he surprised me by asking me if I was a moaner or a screamer. Being so shy, no one ever talked to me like that before. I got really embarassed and said "I don't know." in a kinda quiet voice. I could feel him staring at me for what...

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Lanas resume read, receptionist, waitress, topless dancer, and housewife, but she was never unnoticed by the resort mgr. and his wife. The timing was perfect to offer her a new position at the Bali Hai Resort, as hostess and bar manager, along with a new sports car. Lana and Leo had moved to the suburbs and reeling her back to the resort would require transportation. I paused to ask Lana about the extravagance of a new rental car, for a hostess no less. Her reply, "I'm worth it." There were...

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Day TripChapter 13

I wasn't through with Martha. She woke me up sometime in the middle of the night wanting another sex session. I was pretty tired, but I figured that I really ought to do everything I could to encourage Martha to keep to her current attitude. She didn't need any foreplay, she was sopping wet and raring to go. To save some of my strength, I had her straddle me and do all of the work. The advantage of doing it this way was that she enjoyed the orgasms just as much as in the missionary...

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My New Neighbours

A couple of weeks ago I had a new family move in next door, Bob and Jean who are in their late 30’s I would guess and their Daughter Emily who had just finished school. I had seen Jean in her garden a couple of times and was a very plain Jane but did have a nice figure, slim and I had only seen her in jeans but my assessment was good. Bob was a salesman and it appears he worked away a lot as I haven’t really seen much of him. I had seen Emily a couple of times walking out to school and she...

2 years ago
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Starting With Mom 8211 Part 2

I already told you guys how i approach mom to fuck her and how she resisted but now I am gonna tell you how i convince her. Today i reached home after 3 weeks and dad is busy in his work so he is on his business tour so its me and mom alone at home. When i reached home mom was looking bit tensed so i asked her what happened then she told me that she is bored at home and she has nothing to do alone at home then i asked her to make trip to shimla Then we asked dad for permission and he allowed us...

3 years ago
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The Pit

The Pit part 1 of 2 By Morpheus Our small group of close friends stood gathered together, each of us knowing that it was likely going to be one of our last big adventures before we graduated high school and went our separate ways. None of us was very happy about it, and though we all knew that we'd be able to meet up again afterwards, we also knew that it just wouldn't be the same. As we stood at the base of the mountain trail, we all glanced towards the van that we'd parked...

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Emma The Beginning Part 3

Sunday morning arrived to the most amazing sensation, opening my eyes I saw what I knew I could feel, Emma bobbing up and down slowly and gently on my morning erection, she smiled up at me as I focused on her I just laid there and let her do her magic. I wasn't long before I was gasping and moaning in ecstasy as Emma skilfully brought me to orgasm and I filled her mouth with my sticky cum. She licked me clean and kissed up my body until our lips met and we shared a delicious cum...

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Sods LawChapter 8

Wednesday 18th July 1984 On graduation day, I found that I had little opportunity to be civil, but I was polite. “Mum, Dad, this is my boyfriend David. He’s been so helpful to me in my final year and my preparation for Finals; he’s the reason I’ve got a First.” There was a half smile from both parents, I extended a hand to her mother. “Mrs Metcalfe.” “David.” There was a smile as she took my hand, but no warmth in it. “Mr Metcalfe.” “David.” Again the reluctant smile of acknowledgement...

4 years ago
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Chapter VI Part One Friday The Big Party Weekend Begins

The big day is finally here. It is early on a Friday afternoon. The limousine that will take us from our home in the Silicon Valley area of Northern California to a four-star hotel in San Francisco is due to arrive at any moment.Two of the hottest parties of this, or any other year, will happen there. My husband Dave and I are all packed and ready for a weekend of partying courtesy of Jeffrey Scott, the President, and CEO of the high-tech company that employs me, and his beautiful and sexy wife...

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My Swinging Neighbors

I was s*******n and a half when this story happened. I was still a virgin, waiting for the right guy to come along. I had plenty of guys asking me out, just none that I really wanted to sleep with. I was blonde, blue eyes, great skin, nice boobs and a great ass. I was the assistant head cheer leader. My best friend, Katie, looked as if she could be my sister. I would go over to her house all the time, they were like a second family to me and I have known them for about ten years. Her mom and...

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A Wakeup FallChapter 10

I met with the council of leaders. Somehow, a copy of the British manual had been obtained and I was put to translating it. The leaders weren’t impressed nor pleased. One said, “There is no provision for any independence on the part of the ‘native peoples.’ Jonso has been telling us that we will have to fight and win. I now understand that. They do not consider the possibility of equality in their manual.” Another said, “I would like to hear Josh talk about the similar actions in his...

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Ama Padisa Ghara Aunty 8211 Part 2 Odia

Muin daily daily aunty nka bisayare bhabiki ratire halauthaye,ta chhada aau kichhi b kari paru nathaye. Kichhi dina pare ama podasi ghare jane doctor sucide kariki marigale. Aau ama area sara loka katha hebaku lagile ki se docotor ra atma santi paini aau sabu dina ratire ta ghara pachhapatu ajib ajib sound suni baku miluchhi. Sete belaku uncle nkara night sift chalithye,ta aunty asiki mo mausi ku tanka saha soiba pain dakile hele mo mausi ta sabuthu besi dara ,tenu se bahana beniki mo naa...

2 years ago
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The ContractChapter 3

As we drove home from the doctor's office that day John began to question me. I could tell he was very suspicious of Samantha's sudden and fortuitous arrival. "So... you never mentioned Samantha before. If she was such a friend, why not?" "It was a long time ago John. After college we were so busy with our lives, and by then Samantha was going to college on her own. It never came up, and we kind of went our separate ways. I thought of her often. You had friends in college I never knew...

3 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part VIThe Visit Part 1

"Oh fuck fuck yeah baby yeah Kelly ride my big dick. Let me stretch that tight pussy!" I was on my back and my girlfriend Kelly was sitting on top of me in the cowgirl position, bouncing around, causing her big tits to jiggle. Her blue eyes were closed and her mouth slack with ecstasy as her tight wet pussy was stretched open by my rock hard 9 inches. "Oh fuck babe I'm gonna-" With a start I woke up, laying in my bed, naked as usual, as my cock spasmed and sprayed my chest with cum. "Damn." It...

Love Stories
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Fraternity Bonfire Part One

I looked down at my phone, expecting to see some kind of message explaining his delay, but it was Dom, the shittiest texter I knew. He was the kind of guy you could text in the morning, and hear nothing back until later that evening. That was, of course, assuming he hadn’t started the conversation by texting you in the middle of the night. It was never “wyd” or anything carrying that sort of connotation, although the frequency of his late-night text to me increased dramatically after he...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 7 If I Cant Have You

Medway High School 8:35am, Thursday, February 15, 1979 “And to end the morning announcements,” Mr. Williamson said, “The following teachers are out sick today, and their classes will not be held: Mr. Pierce, Ms. Glover and Mrs. Bumstead. We would greatly appreciate it, if anyone who comes down with flu-like symptoms, be it either students or faculty, please stay home and help limit the spread of this nasty flu-virus. That is all. Have a great Thursday.” “No math class for us,” Lynette said...

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My assignment

As a freelance writer, I usually take whatever jobs I can find, but recently I have developed a certain fondness for writing scripts for television variety shows. It's interesting work; it pays well enough, and I meet and get to know some of the sexiest women in the world while I'm doing it. For example, a while ago, I got a contract to write two scripts for variety show segments featuring Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian. As an admirer of beautiful female bodies, especially their succulent...

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My New Job

I think I must be a nymphomaniac. I'm horny all the time. I lost my last job when they caught me fucking the young clerk in the mailroom. He was tall and skinny, with pimples on his face and not very good look at, but he had a huge cock. He spent a lot of time walking by the table where I worked. He was always dropping stuff so he could kneel down and look up my mini skirt. Sometimes I wouldn't wear any panties and would open my legs just a little to tease him and let him see something. I...

2 years ago
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Yummy mummy

My name is Pamela, known to my sexy friends as Auntie Pam. I’m 44, single and a size 14, and have been told I’m a yummy mummy. I’m bi, love giving and receiving oral, playing with toys and enjoy both anal and vaginal fun. Roll play is something I really enjoy, some may say my tastes are a little perverse being a mature woman who loves having sexy fun with younger men and couples. I’d also like to be in touch with other mature women that like having fun with young men too. How it all began. It...

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I love the feeling of cum dripping out of me. As I stood in the hallway listening to my boss telling me about another interminable meeting, I wondered what she would think if she knew that, not five minutes ago, I was on the back fire escape, being fucked by the forklift driver from the warehouse, and that his cum was right now dripping out of my pussy and running down my inner thigh. Would she grab me by the shoulders and push me into her office, would she run her hands down over my blouse,...

4 years ago
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A Hotel With Candy

I got out of bed and looked at my sexy green camisole with bright pink fishnets, bra and panties that I liked to sleep in after I had just spent the night masturbating with my favorite dildo. I looked back at my nightstand to find it was still beside my pillow where I had left it the previous night and stilled wrapped in a condom all sticky with my favorite lube, strawberry flavored. I finally had gotten sick of fake cocks and wanted to try a real one. I went on to my favorite CD website and...

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