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Impiety By Grinder This story is based partially on Greek and Chinese mythology and history, but not entirely. If I appear to get something wrong it is because I decided to modify it to better fit the story, and I also had to jumble some dates, just a heads up. Adonis called back to his men, "Lets hurry up or the war in Troy will be over with before we get there!" Indeed, the Trojan War had lasted about 5 years before Adonis had heard of the Strife between Greece and Troy, and it had taken him almost another year to get this far. He had made his was slowly from his hometown of Goya on the northeastern edge of the Caspian Sea south and west to Asia Minor (Modern Turkey), by passing through Persia (Iran). He was now wandering through the land far south of Troy, trying to find some supplies. He direly wished to fight Achilles, the greatest hero of the Greek army, who was said to be the son of a god, and invulnerable to weapons. Adonis had fought with distinction in China 11 years earlier when the Chou overthrew the Shang dynasty. After traveling south into Persia, to help sell the salted fish caught on the Caspian by his town, he had heard the call sent out from the warring factions for mercenaries. Deciding to join a group of them headed east without his parents consent at the age of 16. He had heard of the riches of the Chinese empire and he also wished to see more of the world than just the Caspian and northern Persia. While in China he had preformed many deeds of great valor in the fierce final battle with the Shang, and even helped lead the final charge. For this, he was rewarded handsomely with silken garments, most of which were women's, for his future bride, 3 chests of gold, a powerful steed named Hex Marks, an Iron sword and shield (Adonis had been fighting with a bronze sword and his fists, both of which could easily be cleaved by Iron. The west had yet to discover iron and iron weapons was a closely guarded secret by the Chinese), and an Iron chest plate and Iron shoulder guards, and a mail shirt said to be made from the scales of dragons. He had also been offered the new emperor's 5th daughter, but Adonis declined, saying that he had left his home to fight and no doubt his parents thought him dead. He had left home a boy and returned a warrior. Fourteen of the mercenaries he had joined followed him, because the band's leader had been killed during the war, and the loose contract the group had followed stated that the men could follow whoever they thought to be the worthy leader. Adonis had gotten on with his life, fishing like his father, but he was yearning for adventure again. Indeed his men (whom he now called Ronins) wished for battle once more. Again, while traveling south to Persia he had heard of the battle between Troy and the Greeks. He had heard stories of Hector, the greatest of the Trojan Heroes, and he wanted to fight alongside him agenst the tyrant Agamemnon who was the leader of the Greeks. But finding Troy was as hard as any battle in China. He could not take the northern route, because of its vast amount of wilderness. So he had wandered the deserts of the south, and had finally after visiting a town called Odessa, he had learned that Troy was to the northwest. However, the supplies the company had were dwindling. Adonis knew the temples in this area had a lot of food through donation, and might be friendly enough to share with warriors who would fight the foreign Greeks. Adonis decided to approach one and plead for supplies, and maybe make a donation if the gods were generous. The temple he approached was that of the Goddess Artimis, the goddess of the moon and ruler of women. As he approached, a few of the temple occupants who were on its steps (Young girls in training to become priestesses) noticed him and fled into the temple. While he waited, he looked at the statue in front of the temple and stood near it, featuring a tall woman with an arm at her side that was holding a bow and another pointing to an invisible subject. In addition to being the goddess of the moon, she was a superb huntress. Quickly, the head priestess (A white haired matron) and her scribes, assistants, and everyone else in the temple bubbled out and stared from the top of the steps, down at him. "You are on sacred ground on which men are not meant to tread," the High priestess said sharply. "I apologize to you and your goddess but my men and I have little food, I was hoping to maybe get some from you, for we are headed south to fight the Greeks," Adonis replied. The high priestess had a slight look of horror on her face at the mention that this strange and rather powerful looking warrior was going to fight a war, and the Temple's workers started to whisper furiously. "Leave, and do not come back!" she shouted. "But..." Adonis began but he was drowned out by the cries of the other women for him to leave. "But I'm..." he tried again, but the women continued (very shrilly) to wail, begging him to leave. Adonis was tired, and he had not had a decent meal to eat in days, and the women screaming made him lose his temper. He drew his sword and swung it at the statue of Artimis, cleaving it right at the knees. The statue fell to the ground with a dull thud the women stopped screaming and just stared in horror. Adonis lifted his left leg and brought his foot down on the head of the statue, shattering it. Suddenly, lightning flashed, and the wind whipped up. Adonis looked up and decided to leave, he was not afraid of the goddess, mighty warriors were almost gods in their own right, but he knew that he would get no help here and night would fall soon. He whipped his cloak around, turned and stalked off, leaving the priestesses to mourn their statue and pray to Artimis for swift vengeance on him. Artimis was furious. The warrior Adonis had destroyed the statue and broken one of her decrees. She did not care of this man going to fight the Greeks, but she believed that the Greeks would win eventually and it was best not to aid either side. Her brother Apollo had many of his temples destroyed because of his support for the Trojans. This man needed to pay. Artimis considered fighting him, but she might end up like that fool Venus. Venus had joined the battle at Troy and gotten herself injured, and driven off in disgrace. Instead she consulted the head priestess of the assaulted temple what she though was the proper punishment. "My lady goddess, he should pay with his sweat. Force him to work for you, make him cower at the sound of your voice." "Humm...interesting plan, but only women may be my temple workers, and I don't think..." Artimis began, but the priestess interrupted "Your father has dominion over men, he could yield control of his fate to you. He has never made up for his trick on Callisto." Author's Note: Callisto was a nymph that was told by Artimis that she must remain a virgin. Zeus, Artimis's father, disguised himself as Artimis and had sex with Callisto. For more info on this a book or something. "Yes." Artimis continued, "And with him so engrossed in the war, it is likely he will not even think about my request." High in his on mount Olympus in the palace of the gods, sat Zeus on the throne. He ran his fingers through his long beard as he watched the war of attrition being waged below. The Greeks had sacked 3 more towns around Troy, but the were avoiding a frontal assault on the cities' walls. This was good news, as one of his many illegitimate sons was fighting for the Trojans. Still he watched closely at the movements of both sides so closely that he did not notice his visitor. The visitor spoke up and said, "Father", but Zeus did not hear her. "Father," she said louder, and Zeus looked up, recognized his visitor and quickly said, "Hello Artimis" before looking back down on earth. "Father I need a favor," Artimis began; Zeus only mumbled an affirmative as he watched some Greeks attack a caravan. "I need you to give me dominion over the fate of a man named Adonis." Zeus looked up at this and asked, "Why my daughter?" Artimis said in a tense voice, "He attacked my temple, and destroyed one of my statues." Zeus looked at her and said, "Then have him killed, the Amazons are your followers are they not?" "Yes," Artimis began. "But him being killed won't replace my statue. If he became one of my followers, he would be forced to apologize to me for his offense." Zeus deliberated for a moment. He did not know this man, nor did he particularly care what happened to him. "Fine," he finally said. With that, Artimis quickly said thank you and left. After leaving the temple of Artimis, Adonis' group continued to wander. They had come across a temple of the God Dionysus. Dionysus's followers were jovial and friendly, and gave them all the food they could carry, both in their packs and bellies. The women of he temple had even offered to pleasure them, but Adonis declined, he thought it best not to distract his men with the wants of the body. Adonis had had too much wine and was sleeping off the alcohol when a shout arose from the edge of the camp at the crack of dawn. Adonis got up, slowly put on his dragon scale shirt, chest plate and shoulder guards, grabbed his sword, and stumbled out of his tent. His head was pounding as if there was a drum corps nearby. His men, a most of whom were drunk as Adonis were outside as well. No less than 100 Female warriors had surrounded their camp. Their leader, a tall, well built woman, with jet-black hair that was mounted on a horse approached Adonis and his men who had started to form a semi-circle behind him. She had eyes which seemed like a cat's, ready to strike, and on her face she wore a scowl. "Are you the leader of this band of warriors, Adonis?" she asked sharply in Persian. Adonis began to nod and said, "Yup." Fortunately he knew enough Persian to answer. Then he drunkenly shot back with a question of his own. "And who are Y..." was all he got out before he threw up. It made his stomach feel better, but now he had an awful taste in his mouth. The woman smirked, she knew he would be easy prey, but still, she needed him alive, so she was told to deal. "To answer your question, we are the Amazons, we serve the goddess Artimis, whom you have offended with your impiety. And I am the leader of this war band, Vashiti" "If you give up and come with us immediately," she continued, "and your men will be spared" She continued. Adonis looked up and replied "I will not lay down and allow you to just take me, however, none of my men will assist me in resisting you." "No!" shouted Ewan and Dussel together, Adonis' 2 most stalwart fighters, and among the few of his men who had abstained from drinking. "Listen," Adonis began. "You men have no chance of getting out of here alive unless we make this deal. They want to take me captive, or else they would not have tried to deal. You take the men and head to Troy. You don't have to fight, just get supplies. I can always try to escape, so stay in Troy about a month. If I don't arrive, then you men are free to go where you wish." "Captain," they said solemnly Adonis turned to the Amazon, "Do we have a deal, if none of them help me, you will let them go?" The tall Amazon laughed. How long would a drunk man last alone? "All right you wretch. In fact, I will let your men pack up too, get there garbage out of our way." This offer would give their horses maximum mobility, but it would also allow the alcohol to wear off, but it would make little difference, their numbers were too great for even a warrior such as Hector to win. Adonis' men began to break camp, slowly, taking 3 hours, mostly because the alcohol in there own systems had yet to wear off, but also because they knew that the more time they took, the better it was for Adonis. However, the Amazon leader, Vashiti had noticed this too. She took a spear, and threw it into the encampment. It landed almost perfectly vertical. The men who were breaking camp looked at the spear and wondered what she was doing. "When the shadow of the spear disappears, we attack, and will slaughter all in the way!" she shouted. That cut their time down greatly. The drunks scrambled to get their packs packed and the troop cart loaded. In half an hour, nearly everything was loaded, and only the most drunken were still fumbling with their stuff. Adonis had gotten his things packed, and placed them well off to the side, but he drew out some of the silken garments meant for his bride and he decided to try to bribe the Amazons. Ewan, who was watching his captain do this, thought it a very sad thing to see. He stumbled up to Vashiti, and held out his arm with a silk shirt draped over it. "What if I offer you..." Adonis began. "Clothes made of the finest material know to man?" He held out the shirt to Vashiti and stumbled forward. Vashiti pulled her left leg out of the stirrup and kicked Adonis in the stomach. Adonis fell backwards and clutched his stomach, and somersaulted backward so he ended up on his knees. Looking at the silk shirt, which was still clean, he said, "I'll take that as a no." And he stumbled back to his possessions. Grasping his Iron broad sword in its scabbard, and his hexagonal shield, he moved to the middle of the field in which they had set up camp, next to the spear Vashiti had thrown. His men were gathered against the trees a hundred feet away, all of them were restless, the captain was about to either be killed or captured, and while they could try to intervene, they knew they could not change the outcome in the state they were in, they would only parish. The spear's shadow disappeared as the Sun reached the highest point in the sky, and the Amazons charged. Adonis drew his sword and began to employ the tactic he had devised. Back in China, while attacking an enemy Officer, his bronze sword had been cleaved in half, and he had only won in that face off because he tackled his opponent and started hitting him with his fists. However, his first impulse had been to run, so he hoped that as he cut the Amazonian swords that they would retreat. For the most part, the tactic worked. Though he had to swing his sword his furious speed in wide swaths, just to keep up with his opponents, the first to attack quickly retreated when their weapons were rendered useless. Amazonian swords that struck his armor were blunted and upon discovering this stopped the Amazons in their tracks. The problem was that he had no time to cut down any Amazons, and swinging around a heavy Iron sword and shield, in Iron armor was wearing him down. Nothing he could do, just keep swinging. Sometimes the Amazons would pull away and then attack quickly like they were the sea and he was a lone rock at high tide. This gave Adonis small breathers but it was never enough. Finally, Vashiti had approached close enough to pull the spear from the ground that she had thrown. She waited till Adonis turned his back to stop an attack from behind, and she swung the spear so that the shaft struck just above his shoulder blades, where his neck connected to his torso. This momentarily stunned Adonis and the Amazonian warriors jumped on him and began hitting him with their fists and shields as hard as they could in the head, back and where ever else they could reach. "Stop! Stop!" Vashiti shouted; they did not want their prisoner dead. Her warriors began to pull at the chest plates and shoulder guards that made up his armor and tried to tear off his cape. Some almost pulled off his arms trying to pull the shield off his arm. Ewan and Dussel, seeing this horrible riot of greed, threw caution to the wind. "Charge!" they shouted together, and drew their own Iron swords. 5 others who were sober quickly followed, while the other 7 who were nearly sober, hesitated and followed. Vashiti, not suspecting this new attack, retreated a short distance and reissued commands. The 14 new combatants quickly turned the tide because some of the weapons the Amazons had were destroyed by Adonis; and they had not replaced them. After cutting down 45 Amazons, the battle swayed against Adonis' men. 10 Ronins were killed outright while the others were swarmed like Adonis, knocked out, and captured. By this time, Vashiti had regained control of her soldiers and was able to keep them from nearly ripping the prisoners to shreds. After burying the dead, and talking possession of their opponent's strange possessions, the Amazons left for their goddesses' temple. Adonis woke up in the damp chamber with every part of him in pain, even his butt. One eye was swollen shut, but when Adonis tried to rub it, he found his hands shackled to the wall above him. Looking to his left, he could see Ewan, and Dussel, and on his right, Joshua, and Jason, two brothers from his hometown who had decided to join him after his return from China. While there were shackles for more people, at least 6 empty shackles were upon the other walls and next to the door. Adonis hoped that they were simply in other cells, but knew that if all the other cells also held 11 people, then that was unlikely. Adonis began nudging Jason with his foot, which awoke him with a start. "Jason," he said meekly. It felt like he took a blow to the thought. "Captain?" he replied quietly, shame evident in his voice. "You attacked them? Against my orders? I told Ewan and Dussel..." "They were about to tear you to pieces Captain!" He did not yell this, but there was a frantic tone in his voice. "After they had knocked you out, they began grabbing at your armor, clothes, and weapons. Their leader tried to stop them, and Ewan and Dussel were so angered that...oh are you angry captain?" Jason was still pretty young, only 15, he had followed after his elder brother. And now this boy whom Adonis had be reluctant to allow along was in this mess. "No Jason, I am not angry, but now you will have to pay like I will. Try getting your brother up, I will try getting up Dussel and Ewan." A few minutes later, all his remaining men were up. Each gave their account of the battle and expressed regret at not following orders. Adonis did his best to console them and be their leader, but as they say, moral was low. It was not long before guards came in and tossed them scraps of unidentifiable meat and bread, and a few smalls bowl of water, as well as to let them out to relive themselves. On this last trip, there was little to see, only 3 other cells were in the prison, and all of them were empty, confirming to Adonis that the rest of his men were dead. Not long after being returned to their cell and all the "Excitement" of being fed had worn off, the prisoners got their first visitors. Adonis' heart almost froze at the sight of Artimis walking into the cell. There were hundreds of gods and goddesses scattered all over the world, but this was the first he encountered personally. In addition to Artimis, Vashiti, and the Elderly priestess whom had confronted him at the temple, as well as 2 of the guards whom had brought them food earlier. "Well, you have our undivided attention," Adonis said with a smile. Artimis Smiled back and simply said, "Cheeky, I like that." "Well I try." Artimis smirked and continued, "Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your lives are no longer in your hands. My father has given your lives to me and I can do with you what I see fit." Ewan, Dussel, and Joshua gasped at this, but Adonis resisted joining in. He and his men no longer free will. They had to do what they were told. For a man of independence like himself, it felt like his stomach was being strangled. "Now, I thought about having you join my Amazons to replace those whom you have killed, but don't worry, you will atone for their deaths." "We will never give in," shouted Jason, his childhood ignorance amusing Adonis while at the same time making him feel worse. "Jason, it is unfortunate, but we will do as we are told no matter what, weather we like it or not," Joshua told his brother. Jason, not believing this turned to Adonis, his eyes wide with fear asked, "Captain?" 1 tear rolled down Adonis cheek at this. Jason had never left the Caspian when they had left for Troy, and was unaware of the concept of slavery until they had reached Persia (Slavery was illegal in Goya and the surrounding towns) Jason had been horrified of the concept of making someone work for nothing and how poorly some slaves were treated, and he had vowed in front of the entire company that when he made enough in warfare, he would free as many slaves as he could. The though of becoming one must have ground his soul to dust. And Adonis knew that only women could be servants at the temple... "Get on with it," was all Adonis could say, but Artimis had a different plan. "I think not. You see, I am in need of a new Priestess, a new birth mother, a new laborer to maintain the temple, a temple guardian to protect us from ruffians like yourself, and a new statue. So I will allow you to delegate which position your men will get." "And what if I refuse?" Adonis shot back, while raising his eyebrow. "Then I will make all of you new birth mothers, and I don't think the boy wants that," she said, shooting a glance at Jason. "I will leave you to deliberate...Ta ta!" The abrupt ending of their meeting was somewhat confusing...and the fact that Adonis was to decide his men's fate, or else, kept him from saying anything, but the others began to worry. "Birth mother?" Jason began to wonder and Joshua leaned in and Adonis guessed that the older brother was explaining to him what it meant, because Jason began to tear up again. Seeing him cry like that was funny sometimes but now it was only making Adonis apprehensive. "No!" Jason cried, "I can't..." "And you won't," interrupted Joshua, "Because I am requesting of the Captain that I be given the position of birth mother." Jason only stammered, while Adonis took up the conversation. "Are you sure? That was the job I was most not looking forward to giving out." "Yes, I never should have asked you to allow my brother to come along, so I will punish myself by taking this task." "But brother," Jason began, but Joshua stopped him. "Do you wish for that job? You are only a boy; you're cracking up as it is. I will be able to take it, do not worry." Jason smiled, not tearing up this time, and turned to Adonis. "Captain, tell me, what to priestesses do?" Adonis thought for a bit and replied, "Well, they conduct the ceremonies for the god or, in this case, goddess, as well as teach others about the deity they serve and they look after the workers in the temple..." "Even the birth mothers?" Jason said hopefully. "I believe so." "Then I will become a priestess and look after my brother." "Well, that's 2 down" Adonis said to Dussel, leaving the other two to chat or argue or whatever brothers did. Adonis had no brothers, though he somewhat longed for one now. "Sir, I request..." Dussel began, but Adonis cut him off. "I have made my decisions on one of the other jobs, so you might as well save your breath Dussel." "Well, I thought that us making the decisions on who would take what would ease your mind." "I am grateful for your concern, but I am still the leader. Anyway, if you were about to take the job as the replacement statue, forget it. I destroyed that thing, I will pay for it." "Then I will be the temple guardian and protect you till my life fails." "And I will be the laborer and make sure nature deals no damage to you." Ewan joined in Adonis sighed and smiled. Though he was five years younger than either Ewan or Dussel, they respected him and knew they would follow him to hell and back. Though sometimes his ego would get the better of him, and he thought his men were loyal because of his skill and charm, he knew that their dedication and character is what drove them to be this loyal. Adonis just hoped that no ruffians decided to attack while he was made of stone. Artimis and her subordinates returned a week later hoping that the decisions Adonis made would alienate his men, but every man accepted his duty. This angered Artimis slightly, but it was nothing, she had tried to split them apart merely for her entertainment. Joshua was freed from the chains first, and the guards took him away. The guards were the only ones who retuned an hour later, and this time they came for Jason. This cycle repeated, as Ewan was taken away, and then Dussel. Adonis was left to sit and simply regret that his men had to be drug into this. Adonis Had fought many hard battles, done many things he despised, and knew that this was retribution for all he had done. Karma. That's what the Hindus called it. But Karma and reincarnation were death punishments, Adonis was not sure he was even going to die. And he was not even sure he believed in Karma. In fact, what did he believe in? Adonis mentally smacked himself for trying to come up with his entire system of belief only minutes before the guards took him into the unknown. "Well, it no longer matters..." Adonis whispered, as the sounds of booted feat approached. The guards unlocked the cell and strode in. Adonis tensed up, wondering if they would take a shot while he was immobilized, but it never came to pass. The unlocked the shackles attaching him to the wall, but it still left a second pair binding his hands together. Soon, he was walking down the long hallway to oblivion. The hallway eventually ended, and opened up into an amphitheater. It looked as if the entire temple staff was here to watch. Though he noticed something out of place. All the women were in separate groups, likely divided by caste, women wearing baggy clothes and with full bellies were definitely birth mothers, while women wearing Armor must have been temple guards. There were three women and a girl that looked as though she were fast approaching woman hood standing separate from the others. One in armor, a second in what looked like work clothes, a third in maternity clothes but without a belly, and the last in red and white priestesses garb. The girl priestess had black hair exactly like Jason's and tears in her eyes...and Adonis knew who these four were. Turning away from his men, Adonis realized Artimis had arrived, she was standing in front of him, sword drawn, the same blond hair, same brown eyes, the same intimidating smile that he had seen before when she had been delivering the news of his fate to him. Glancing at the sword, he felt a quick flash of foreboding, just before Artimis suck her sword squarely into Adonis's chest. Adonis dropped to his knees and looked into Artimis's eyes, which seemed to be so full of hate, but suddenly softened, and soon they seemed so calm. While his eyes were locked with hers the changes began. Tiny beads of light shot along Artimis's arms, along the sword, and into Adonis's chest. The hole made from the sword did not bleed. Though Adonis noticed nothing, the sight of Adonis, hair lengthen and turning the same sunny shade of blond as Artimis's, same brown eyes, long legs, full breasts as their deity's was viewed by every one in the amphitheater. Artimis withdrew her sword, and the twin slumped, drained of energy from the transformation. "Take her, and prepare her," Artimis said, turning away, and striding to a stone bench to wait for her next part in this play. Artimis's guards wrenched the new Artimis to her feet and began to strip her. Though Adonis's mind screamed at this new body to resist, it was far too weak to respond. The only thing keeping him/her on his/her feet was the guards, who now had him/her fully stripped. Adonis was suddenly very self-conscious, looking down at his new body, he/she instantly turned red and tried to cover up, but the guards pulled his/her arms away and forced something over his/her head and arms. The fell of it was familiar and soon, Adonis had found the armholes and the hole for the head. It was the Dragon mail shirt that he had received from the Chinese emperor, only it had bee reformed to accommodate his new body. Next came a white tunic, exactly like the one Artimis was wearing, and finally the same Iron Armor he/she wad warn before, but again, remolded, custom made to fit his shape. With all the new weight, Adonis did not think he could get up even if his new body were at full strength, but it did not matter. A cart was drawn up and Adonis was placed on the back of it. The precession of women followed, with Adonis's former men in front. Soon, they were at their destination. The Pedestal that once held Artimis's statue had been cleared of debris and now The guards were pulling Adonis off the cart and over to it. Adonis tried once again to fight, but with his/her armor against him/her it was again futile. The guards pulled him/her up onto the pedestal, and Artimis, who had been following at the end of the group, snapped her fingers and Adonis became ridged. He/she was still flesh, but other than his/her eyes, eyelids, and the soft rise and fall of his/her chest nothing could move the slightest bit, he/she could not even fall down. Now the guards began to position his/her arms, body, head, even hair. The placed a bow in his/her hands and quiver full of arrows on his/her shoulder. When the guards were finished, they jumped down from the pedestal and rushed to Artimis side. Artimis smiled, and trued her back toward he twin, who instantly turned to stone. The others who had been transformed broke from the crowd and flung themselves at the foot of the statue and wept. End

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TRANSFORMERS Sort Of Conclusion

Chapter 5 Now, I could tell you all of what was said in that room that night, and all the technical stuff that they tried to drum into my head about the changes they'd managed to make in the suit so I wouldn't get any rashes or like that, but it would just be a meaningless jumble of words to you, much the same way it was to me. Oh I remember all that they said, but not much of it made any real sense to me right then. The only thing I could concentrate on, the one thing that kept...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 8

Carla loved to be nude so much that she called it "addicting." The minute she got to our apartment, off came the few clothes she bothered to wear sandals, cutoff shorts and a blouse. She never wore a bra and only once in a very great while did she bother with a micro-thin thong. If we were in for the rest of the day and night, then Carla was nude for the duration. If we happened to be running to the grocery store quickly, she'd usually wear an oversized T-shirt that ended about two or...

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Sex with my office colleague

Hi my name is Tyren I am from Chandigarh but working in Delhi now. I am 28 years old I always never wanted to leave Chandigarh and work in Delhi but once when I came and joined my office here I was very pleased and happy that I had made this decision of moving to Delhi for work. The reason was the girl whom I saw in my office. Her name is Shailu (that’s how I call her). Wow she was really a lotus in the pond. A rare star in the sky. She was too sweet, too hot and too sexy. At the beginning...

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Losing My Virginity To My Bindu Akka 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Madhu again. This is the continuation of how I lost my virginity to my Bindu akka. Please read the first part first. Anyways, so there I was sleeping like a baby on my mom’s friend’s hot daughter Bindu akka. Even Bindu akka was also sleeping. Maybe she also passed out due to her excitement with me. Whatever the reason, she just looked like a sleeping beauty. She was so fucking beautiful, you know. ???????????????????? I guess I had dozed off for like 15-20 minutes. And I guess she was out cold....

4 years ago
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Taking her every way and more

So she's sitting beside me on me on my couch. This was my plan, but I only ever imagined it would have happened so soon. Cassie's skin is perspiring slightly, her legs spread only slightly but enough for me to see her purple g-string. More importantly, enough for me to smell her rich cunt. I say rich because it stinks. Earlier in the evening, when she finally admitted I had succeeded in seducing her, she told me that she had been depressed and hadn't bothered to shower all week. I told her I...

3 years ago
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Sex With An Aunty

Hi, i am guru here… Am from udupi, its a district in karnataka, nearby mangalore. Am doing my final year engineering in nearby college. Anyways let me come to the story. Am a good physic guy, who go gym daily, and prefer being fit.I am 5.9ft height with nice physic.. Girls do stare at me when i go to college,especially seniors in my college and some of my cs lecturer. By the way am doing engineering in mechanical stream. And do trust me.. Its a real story.. Nothing cooked up……. Coming to the...

4 years ago
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Washing Day Procrastination Part 3

PART 3 Washing day had never been a great joy of mine. I had managed to do one load on this particular day, but had been waylaid by a most enjoyable procrastination. After a soak in my oily bubble bath, with some self-exploratory caressing, the event had been cruelly interrupted by a phone call advising that Mike the electrician (who I had not previously met in person, but flirted with on the phone) was indeed on his way to fix some faulty wiring for me. And faultily wired I WAS on this day, as...

Wife Lovers
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Municipal BlondesChapter 24 Guardian Angel

JETLAG HIT ME big time and I had three cups of coffee thick enough to cut with a knife before I got in my rental car and headed southeast. I got a fast car and drove too fast all the way from Zagreb to Split on the A1. The mountain pass wasn’t as bad as I expected but spooky as hell. A five-mile tunnel. Before I took off, I sent a quick text to Jordan to let him know where I was headed. I want him to know, but I don’t want him to get there before I do. The big lie It took over five hours...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 9

Waking up the next morning was a sudden, pleasant transition: one moment I was asleep, and in the next, my eyes had snapped open. For the first time in weeks I wasn’t drowsy; in fact, I felt remarkably clear-headed. I slid my arm across the bed, felt nothing, and rolled onto my side. Violet was gone, but I could feel a trace of her warmth in the sheets. Pressing my face against the fabric, I breathed in her scent, a combination of something like cinnamon spice and Calvin Klein’s...

4 years ago
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I Finally Fucked My Dads Friend

Mr. Walker was my dad’s friend. It had been a year since I knew him and we kissed last month in a party at his house. It was me who started all this. Let’s just say I was a big slut who wanted to fuck with her dad’s friend. I was nineteen. I had blonde hair, 34C size tits and a fine hot ass. I always found myself getting horny to see older man checking me out. However, Mr. Walker was married to a beautiful woman but he always checked me out too. When I found out that he liked me I started...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 167 Remembrances 3A Man and a Woman in a Rain of Blood

Battousai (thinking): I started drinking about half a year ago. About the time I got the scar on my cheek... I never liked the taste, but lately all I can taste is blood... My master taught me the sword, but I learned to drink on my own. (Behind him, Tomoe downs her cup in one gulp. The bar looks on with admiration. Two roughnecks elbow each other.) Roughneck 1: Hey? Roughneck 2: Yeah. (They walk over and slam a bottle down on her table.) Roughneck 2: Hey, woman! Roughneck 1: Have a...

4 years ago
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Webcam Fun

I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was sitting there at my computer, the screen filled with an image of some unknown guy stroking his cock and urging me to play with my pussy, not that I needed any encouragement. My hand was already inside my panties, my fingers sliding up and down through my swollen, wet lips. As I watched, I saw the guy's hand movements quicken and seconds later a huge load of cumm jetted from the tip of his knob, splashing onto the screen of his computer. That was it...

5 years ago
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My First MILF

My First MILFPart 1When you grew up in a conservative small rural community in the mid-west back in the 1960s, it was not unusual to reach high school graduation without being initiated into the practical realities of sex. None of my friends had had sex. Petting or copping a feel was a big deal. One of my friends claimed to have felt his girlfriend's tits a few times, but I was more than a little suspicious about that. One of the girls in my class was rumored to have been "ruined" by a...

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Allisons New Life Ch 23

When Todd and Allison got downstairs, in the basement, in the dungeon, she gasped. The room was filled with sex toys, lined up along the walls, shelves held other toys. Everything was organized, different whips on one part of the wall, a shelf full of vibrators and dildos… there were hooks all over the ceiling. The walls were painted a shiny black, as was the floor, none of it looked very inviting. In one part of the room there was a kind of horse, it looked almost like a vault that gymnasts...

3 years ago
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Steam room seduction

I went through a stage years ago of going to a local gym, more or less, every day, except Sunday, you know day of rest and all that shite. When I started, I was very overweight, and wanted to lose a couple of stone before the holidays so off I went and joined. Where I live in the East Midlands there are loads of gyms to choose from and not being to arsy about which was the best for your money I opted for the nearest with a pool, sauna and steam room. After a few weeks and me getting myself into...

2 years ago
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Rich Redhead goes Black again

Angela who is 29 year old professional from a great background who is really pale white with red hair had her 1st black dick from this 18 year old named Tyrone. As I mentioned in my 1st post she had just met him in her backyard one hot summer day. She got seduced by his thuggish ways and ended up getting fucked raw dog in her bedroom by him. The next day she called one of girlfriends who was a bit swanky about the encounter. Her friend was jealous and told her she should text him and see if...

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Oedipus Denied

Oedipus DeniedbyCuckSon237©My name is Ruben, and for the majority of my high school career, my life was a living hell. This was due in no small part to a nasty piece of work called Dean. Dean was in the year above me and for some reason, out of all the k**s in my school, he made his sole purpose at school to bully and humiliate me. Maybe it was because I'm Hispanic, maybe it was because I wasn't into sports, I have no idea, but bully me he did.The torture continued for years and years until...

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When I Look Back

You only get so many years and then it's over. Even more important, you only get so many good years. I was beginning to worry that my good years were quickly running out. Don't misunderstand me; I didn't have a bad life, far from it. I had two children I adored, a husband I still loved and a gratifying career in which I was quite successful. But it paled in comparison to the exciting life I led just over twenty years earlier. Even after we married, we would have dinner out, go to clubs,...

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GirlsDoPorn 20 Years Old E493

This girl is a knockout right off the bat…she’s got a cute little lace-up top on that shows off the shape of those firm tits of hers, along with a smile that would melt an iron heart! She’s 20 years young and is going to school in the medical field somewhere and is hoping to get a down payment together for a condo so she’s here to make easy cash making her very first adult video at Girls Do Porn. She absolutely loves giving head so she takes her time sucking this dude...

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Jack Jessie part 2

Amy let herself into the house. She and Jessie had been friends since grade school, and knocking had fallen by the wayside. “Jess! Saw you were home alone, and came to hang out!” Amy was puzzled, there was part of a pizza on the coffee table, bottle of wine, and moaning coming from the back of the house. “OMG! She brought a boy over, and got her cherry popped!” Amy thought giddily. “I gotta sneak a peak, and see who it is.” So she quietly made her way down the hallway to Jessie’s room, and...

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Unexpected ConsequencesChapter 10

I laid back naked on my bed in a fantastic three-some with Julie and Lisa. Julie rode my cock cowgirl style while Lisa sat on my face while making out with Julie. As I tongued Lisa's steamy snatch, she and Julie kissed and fondled each other. Unfortunately an annoying buzzing sound distracted me as it seemed to get louder and louder. I finally realized that my alarm clock blared as I woke up ending one of the most erotic dreams I had ever had. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and...

3 years ago
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Escape For Passion Part 9 Conclusion

Introduction: A tutor for the girls is found. Part 9 – Conclusion Chapter 9A A week later, Sid left for another of his business trips and both girls began missing him even before he left. When he came back three days later, he brought Bill with him. Bill was a young, slim man who was introduced as their tutor. Bill was a tall man with wavy black hair cut collar length. His long slender fingers were connected to strong hands and arms. His torso was proportioned evenly. He looked like he was...

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The Sex Stories of My Chubby Chinese Panda Girl

This is a series of fictional stories based on my girlfriend's real experience. First of all, I'd like to introduce my panda girl a lit bit. Her name is Liz, 25 yr-old, born and live in Shanghai her whole life. She's the type of real life Asian girl you can rarely find on porn site since she's very shy and innocent, but deep in her heart lives a little horny slut. She's about 162cm, chubby body with a big round ass which is hardly seen on Chinese girls. She also has round cute face, thick...

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Draw or Die Like a DogChapter 7

Oh, Shit! Which door to try? Well, there was nothing for it—they had to check both rooms, no matter which one contained Arthur Harrison. Jack was standing near the door on the right, so he opened it far enough to determine that the room was empty. That was all the information they needed, so Jack and Bill opened the door to Harrison's bedroom and slipped inside. Harrison was sleeping naked and on his back. Bill sneaked up to the side of the bed and dropped on one knee into Harrison's solar...

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Tyler and the Dancefloor Part 2

….Tyler leads me out of the club, my cock still dripping. As we approach the exit, Tyler slows down and makes me walk in front of him. At first I don't understand why, but then I feel his cock pressing against my ass and all becomes clear. I slow down, give my ass a little grind into his crotch, and we step out into the night, with Tyler's hands around my waste and his cock digging into my ass. The cool air against my naked cock makes me gasp. I'd momentarily forgotten that Tyler had ripped my...

4 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 20 Bridgetown

Bridgetown was lying in the sunshine of the late spring day afternoon when they approached the harbour, beating up against the prevailing south-eastern trade wind. Harriet watched as Asia drew nearer with each tack, the silhouette of the city growing steadily. Amanda Fallon was standing beside her, also curious to see their home for the next three years. “Mr. Dougherty, kindly have the gunner ready for the salute!” Tony’s order cut through Harriet’s musing. “Prepare for the gunfire,...

2 years ago
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Evil Dude Vs Blonde Babe

'Muhahaha!' laughed the evil bad guy as the young and beautiful lass ran as fast as she could, stumbling over every single rubbish bin in the alleyway! At last, she tripped, tumbling head over heels with a loud crash! 'Oooh, my ankle!' the blonde babe cried while caressing her thigh in uttermost pain. The bad dude pointed at the weeping girl and laughed once again. 'It appears that you have tripped and hurt your foot! You will never walk again! Ahahahahaha!' The woman got up and proved...

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There and BackChapter 12 And if I die before I wake

When I awoke, it was bright out. I was lying in a field, my overly full pockets bruising me. I heard a shout, and then the pounding of several pairs of feet running. The sun was in my eyes, and when someone's head suddenly blocked the glare I was left temporarily blind. I heard my name being called by a voice I recognised. And then something wet bathed my face. "Now I know why everyone says Ferelden smells like wet dog." I grimaced at Prince, who chuffed happily and licked me...

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EvilAngel Tiffany Tatum Crazy Fucking Massage

Skinny blonde teen Tiffany Tatum seeks a ‘special massage’ from a gentleman masseur named Mister Big Fat Dick. The lithe beauty strips to her birthday suit as the buff stud leers with lust. Tiffany lies on her back as the brawny, bald muscleman sensuously massages her nude frame. Tempting Tiffany sucks his hard cock in an enthusiastic blowjob. Mister Big Fat Dick licks her snatch then stuffs his boner inside for a slamming fuck. Tiffany masturbates while the stud sucks on her toes...

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Step Daughters First Fuck

Stepdaughter’s First FuckI am married to Carol, a gorgeous 45 year old MILF who is one hot lady and sexually adventurous. Abut now here I was lying flat on my back looking up at my gorgeous twenty-year old step daughter Angie. Here she was in the throes of passion as she straddled me and feverishly rode my eight inch cock. She rode me so well she was literally going to pump all of my sperm into her young tight pussy. What had happened here? Two months ago she was a problem in our marriage. She...

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A More Permanent Position Ch 02

Half so Proud Maddie finished her work for the morning, and Amanda gave her permission to wander around the office a little bit. She crawled out from beneath Amanda’s desk and bowed to her before she left the office. Her ‘work’ was to massage Amanda’s feet and calves as the girl browsed fashion websites, picking outfits to order on the company card. Occasionally, Amanda would ask Maddie her opinion on something, which was the only break she got all day. Meanwhile, messages were flashing on...

3 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 5

That same night, Bo disclosed her new bestial conquest. At first John was revolted at the notion that his beautiful wife had gone so far with a horse. That is until he saw the excitement in her eyes as she recounted every sordid detail. He found himself with a raging hard-on which Bo was only too pleased to take care of for him. His mind was reeling at the images that were flooding it. He could picture his wife's horny face stuck on the end of a giant horse cock. Now he was wishing that he...

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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 7

In the morning, Tom felt good. He hadn’t drunk very much since he was busy talking and being a good host. He put some ice and champagne in the ice container and filled a jug with orange juice. He had already eaten and had a cup of coffee when the girls woke up. One of Alexa’s guards was sleeping but the other was awake and sitting in the living room. They had taken turns so one was always ready. Mary woke up about the same time as the girls. Maria was fixing food and Tom got out wine glasses...

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Wendys Lament Part 1 Of 2

The comforter tore from her teeth as her body strained again. She'd been biting it, fighting to muffle her cries of pleasure. Her breathing was rough and she gasped like a diver surfacing. Her lungs pumped hard. Her heart pumped hard.Her hips and tight, grinding pussy pumped hard.Short brown hair was plastered to her head in a combination of epic bed-head and sweaty exertion. Hunched over her husband's legs, her modest breasts dangled invitingly, her nipples and areolas engorged.Her panting...

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BLTMs Living The Good Life

"B.L.T.M.'s Living The Good Life" By Warm Hearted Better Living Through Magic Inc. has the highest customer approval rate of any company that still uses the door to door business model. B.L.T.M. has nothing but respect for its main competitor's products. But Better Living Through Magic Inc. offers the convenience of not searching for a disappearing shop and the ambiance of not dealing with a man in a bathrobe. Author note: I have enjoyed the writing of Bill Hart and the...

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Helping my socially awkward son

“He is just so socially awkward,” I told Rachel.We were having lunch together at our favorite restaurant and my step-son had come up in the conversation. I had only been around my step-son for five years, so I hadn’t been around to help him during his childhood.“I know, he must have such a tough time in school,” she said.“You have no idea. The other day, I saw him talk to a girl and it was hard not to cringe,” I said. My son was about as shy and socially awkward as you can be, and I knew that I...

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Too Much LoveChapter 11

Max wanted everything to be perfect when Paige saw his apartment for the first time. He’d barely moved in and Nick’s staff had already cleaned twice, but he wanted to give an impression of sophistication and general having-your-shit-togetherness even though he knew it would largely be artifice. His solution to the problem of the significant delta between reality and the impression he wished to give was straightforward. He locked away everything he thought might come off as dumb or childish...

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SexAndSubmission Gia Derza My New Boss

When Brunette beauty Gia Derza breaks the rules and steps out to make a deal with thug Tommy Pistol she is thrust into a world of hardcore BDSM, anal sex and the gritty life of a gangster. Gia’s boyfriend Vito would have her and Tommy’s head if he found out she was doing some botched business without him but she can not go home empty handed so she offers to do anything to make things right. Anything! So first things first — outside in the park Tommy puts Gia on her knees and...

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The New Guy Part One

It started out like every other first day back to school, the early mornings, scattering through her wardrobe trying to find something to wear, her mother screaming from downstairs to hurry up before she’s late for her first period. But this day wasn’t going to be like anything she expected. She grabbed her cell, car keys, bag and made her way to her car. She pulled out of the driveway and headed to some of her friends’ houses to pick them up. When they arrived at school she pulled up next to...

4 years ago
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My new life

I was nothing special in School. High School or college. I spent my time trying to keep my head above water. I didn’t play sports or have a lot of girlfriends. My Mom took up a lot of my time and so did the house we lived in. I got out of school and found a job and went to work. I started looking at porn and was drawn to all sorts. For some reason I liked guys in panties the most. I did put on my mom’s when I found them. And that was fun. Sitting in my room with the door locked, shades down. In...

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Step Sibling Encounters Homework

Why Teens don’t do their Homework: J’Arnie and Hamish promised a weekend of homework with their parents away. A bawdy romp by step siblings and their willing ‘studious’ partners; a brother and his adopted sister. Delia Rogers and Ted McDonald like any concerned parents with senior college aged siblings tried to keep homework on their blended family agenda. You know the talk: balance the social life with some genuine academic rigour. Well this was worth a try as Delia and Ted felt failures in...

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Relaxing Ride Chapter 1

Relaxing Ride Ch. 1 F/f       by Dudetodude ©       Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Please do not copy or distribute this story without my permission. This is a story involving sex between a middle aged and a 21 year old woman. This is a subject near and dear to me. If anyone has any lesbian stories involving age differences, I would appreciate reading them.       * * * * * I was invited to spend a few days at my older brother’s condo in Florida with his wife and my niece and...

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My Minotaur Part 8

Traveling with Talitanitia was spectacular. Some mornings I would wake up mid-orgasm, her greedy, long tongue snaking in and out of me, lashing across my clit at the same time. Others, I would instead awaken to some audacious act of lovemaking between her and Oluth, one morning the two of them caught in some acrobatic ball of sex, another the great bull on his hands and knees, massive prick pulled back between his legs as she licked and slurped upon the undersides of his upside-down balls. In...

2 years ago
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Experience With Savita In Bus

Hi all this is Chirag again with a great experience with my girlfriend Savita while going to Goa I was going to Goa for some work so I requested Savita my girlfriend to join me so that we can have good fun for which she agreed at on shot and we booked the last row tickets and I informed her to come to Dadar at 9.00pm as bus was leaving at 10 I asked her to wear loose shirt and skirt so that I will be fun for which she blushed and said of and I was in a short shirt And shorts we met at Dadar...

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A Gift For My Wife

The settlement was nice but the feeling that I regained in my lower extremities was even better. Dana was choked up seeing me walk again for the first time even if it was with assistance from the balancing bars. On the ride home Dana teased me by rubbing my thigh and asking me if there were any other feelings coming back down there. What she didn’t know was that those feelings had come back months before but with me unable to move on my own I didn’t want to waste her time. Dana always tried...

3 years ago
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Jamacia Mistaka

My wife Brooke and I sail pretty often in the Caribbean. I am a professional captain by trade, and I have a lot of time off. Usually a few weeks at a time and sometimes more, but we don't want to waste too much time getting there. Therefore, we usually charter a boat in the area we wish to sail.We had been talking about chartering in Jamaica. No acceptable boats were available, so we intended to scrub the idea since we don't like hotels. Then my wife found some small beach bungalows for rent....

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Sex with a Nigerian

Hi Readers. I am Aradhana. Aged 22 with fair complexion and tall and slim structure. Working for a BPO. My elder brother Vikash is doing his Doctorate in IIT. One of his friends is Crucifix Oludaya, who is a Nigerian. The first time he came to our house with my brother. He was dark black complexion, tall, broad chest and well built physique. On the very first sight itself I liked him very much. He talked very politely and the way he talks was very nice. And after that visit he came to our house...

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In Submission to a Dominant Force 2

This is the second part of this story, to catch up and understand the situation please read part 1. The story is "based" on true fact as explained in part 1 and is about the domination by mother in law over her sissy son in law, it is about her slow emasculation and feminisation of him as she takes over his life. From past experience, if you don't like stories about sissification and forced feminisation then please don't read on only to send me withering complaintive feedback. This...

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Lustful ViceChapter 34

When Ray arrives, the girls are ready. Zaria is dressed in a miniskirt. Her muslin top hangs off her shoulders showing off the crease of her collar bone, the purple straps of her bra and then it swoops down in front to reveal just a hint of cleavage. The lower end of the top is ragged and leaves her diamond adorned belly button exposed. She wears bog hoop earrings at the base of her ears, while the rest are adorned with golden studs. Her hair drapes to one side, the end caressing her breast....

3 years ago
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She needed the money Chapter 13

All that next week Victor noticed his wife Rhonda and their house “guest” Ann were especially sexually excited. Of course he realised that it wasn’t him that was causing this. No, it was the possibility of getting a dog. Still, he wasn’t complaining as both women used him for their enjoyment. He did hope that, if they got a dog, that wouldn’t stop. After all, apart for a couple of minutes of furious humping, a dog spent the majority of time tied and not actually moving. One fact that meant...

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Becoming Gay 2nd Story

Becoming Gay (2nd Story)Once I returned home that summer from my cousin’s house, I went back to my usual routine of watching porn. I was totally addicted, and couldn’t get enough of it, especially after giving my cousin multiple blow jobs during vacation. The summer ended, and school started, so I had to cut down on my porn activities. Shortly after school started back we had a teacher work day, my family was working and I was so looking forward to a day of watching porn. My best friend named...

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