A Trip To Remember 1Chapter 7 free porn video

In the morning, Tom felt good. He hadn’t drunk very much since he was busy talking and being a good host. He put some ice and champagne in the ice container and filled a jug with orange juice. He had already eaten and had a cup of coffee when the girls woke up. One of Alexa’s guards was sleeping but the other was awake and sitting in the living room. They had taken turns so one was always ready. Mary woke up about the same time as the girls. Maria was fixing food and Tom got out wine glasses and made them all mimosas. They all loved them and asked how everything was made. There was fruit in the city from time to time, but they were hard to find. Tom just shrugged. “I don’t know where anything is, so I go and look for things. I sometimes find what I’m looking for and sometimes find something else.”
Mara said, “I’m not that old but I have never been to a party like that before. It was like someone was going around town sending people to your house. The food was all great and things I wasn’t used to. The drinks were the best tasting and the company was fun as well. We wished you would have joined us Tom.”
“I would have enjoyed it, but Alexa and Pace are both younger and were both drunk. If you are going to be with me. I want to make sure that you can know what you are doing. Sometimes when people are drunk, they do things that they regret in the morning. I don’t want to lose either of your friendship because you did something you later would regret.”
Alexa added, “I’m sober now and still think I would have enjoyed it, but it is sweet that you think of us like that. Sometimes we mess up and learn from our mistakes, but it is easier not to have the mistake to begin with. Next time we can fuck like bunnies and then get drunk.”
Tom looked over and the guard didn’t even flinch. The parents seemed to be a little laxer with Pace and Alexa spending the night and waking up without a care in the world about what they might run into when they go home. Alexa stuck out her leg and looked at her anklet. “Love it.”
It had been a long week and after the girls left Tom said, “Mary, I want to go down and look at the slaves that might be up for auction this week. We need some maids, a coachman and a tutor for the girls and the guards to learn Latin. Would you like to take a walk?”
She looked at Mara and she said, “I don’t like seeing people locked up. We have a few and treat them well. You treat yours more than well but not all of them will come home with people like us and I don’t want any part of it.”
Mary said, “We keep track of the days and use what we would pay them to pay ourselves back for the cost and then will set them free.”
“That’s great but I still don’t want to see them.”
“Enjoy your day then, we are going for a walk.”
A few guards and the girls went with them. It was just a short time ago that they were in those same pens. They wanted to see it from the other side. They also wanted to get out of the house. Down at the auction house there were a lot of people in the pens. They went along and spoke with them. They were from all over and spoke different languages. They could understand and speak all of them but didn’t want people to know that, so they stood close and spoke softly.
Tom normally addressed the men and Mary the women. Tom would ask, “Where are you from? What is your trade?” Most were laborers. He may need those someday but not now when he was short on living space. One man said that he trained horses. This made Tom stop to talk to him. “Where are you from and what do you do with horses?”
“I’m from Germain and used to breed and train horses for riding or pulling wagons. We were captured when someone wanted what was ours and my brother killed him. Now my brother is dead, and we are all slaves.”
“Who is we? How many are there and are they all here in the pens?”
“I am the only adult man. My wife and daughter are here in the pens. My brother’s wife and their young son are here as well. The boy is with his mother.”
“Do the women have any skills?”
“They are good with plants. We had large gardens and fields for raising food for the family and for the animals.”
“Do you speak Latin?”
“We traveled all over to buy and sell horses. We speak Latin, Judean, Spanish and bits and pieces of other languages.”
Tom told Durr, “Talk to the man.”
Durr and the man started to talk and went on for a few minutes. Tom asked the man, “I need someone to train horses, I’m in need of someone to drive my coach. I’m in need of someone that can teach my guards how to speak and understand Latin.”
The man said, “I can run your farm and take care of your horses. My wife or sister in law can teach your men. My daughter is a great driver and knows horses very well. The boy can muck out stalls and work in the garden. If you can keep my family together, I will owe you my life.”
“Do you know where your family is?”
“Down two or three pens. I have yelled to her.”
“Yell down and tell her to hold her hands out of the fence.”
He yelled down and a set of hands came through the fence.
“What is her name?”
“Helga and I am Hans.”
Tom walked down to the woman and touched her hand. “What is your name?”
“I am Helga.”
“Durr, talk to her.”
Durr told her that he worked for Tom and was his slave. That he and his men needed to learn Latin. Hans had said that she had taught the kids Latin. She spoke his language well enough as well as Germain and Latin.
Tom said, “Show me your daughter, sister in law and son. We will be back tomorrow and try to keep you all together.”
She started to cry but pulled her daughter to the fence and then went to get her sister in law and son. Tom asked, “What is your name?”
“I’m Adel, Sir.”
“Your father says that you do well driving horses.”
“Yes, Sir. I can drive, ride and train them.”
“I’m in need of a driver. You may sometimes be able to stay out at our farm with your family but will also need to stay in the city to drive. Would you be okay with that?”
“I will do as you wish, Sir. My mother has told me about what happened and what our new role in life will be.”
“Don’t speak to anyone and only speak German to your family. Many people don’t want a slave that doesn’t speak their language. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
He was introduced to Kay and her son Friedrich. He wanted to know what they looked like when they were on the auction block. Mary found two sisters that were maids for a wealthy man but were being traded in on younger models now that they had reached the ages of 16 and 17. They both spoke Latin. The only thing they didn’t find was someone to tutor the Chinese girls.
Mary wanted to get another cook and called out, “Are there any cooks here?” A few women came to the fences hoping to be in a kitchen and not out in a field or tied to a bed. Mary went along and interviewed them. There was a pretty girl that said that she had worked in the kitchen of her last master. Mary didn’t ask why she was on the block, but they would find out how well she could help Maria.
The next day’s auction was slow, and he felt sorry for the ones he didn’t buy. There were a few young girls and they were always stripped naked and some were labeled as virgins. Tom and Mary wanted to buy them all, but it would just cause more problems for their home in the long run. Mara may have been right in her thinking. In truth the slaves for the most part was treated well and made up a large percentage of the population. It was the young girls that you felt the worst for because even though they were sheltered and fed, you knew what they would be doing for that protection.
All that were planned to be added to the family were bought and brought home. Tom immediately took Hans and Adel to see the horses he had and then to the market to look at a wagon or carriage. Tom was doing this because he didn’t know much about carriages even though he knew about horses. They found both a wagon and a carriage. They looked over the stock of horses and Hans said, “If you need one, I would go with the chestnut mare, but I wouldn’t buy any of these horses. None are as good as what is in your stable.”
They had to go home to get the horses to pick up their purchases. A couple of the guards doubled up in the rooms so the families could have beds. They made sure everyone was fed and had a place to sleep before calling it a day. The meal was good but a few of the loaves were burnt on the bottom. When he asked about them, Cara said, “The other girl Maria was daydreaming and was late taking them out. I’m sorry Sir. I will watch her more closely next time.”
Maria was there and sent a thought to Tom, “If it were true, I would tell you, but it is a lie. I was carving the pork and pointed to the oven for her to watch the bread. She was not paying attention.”
Tom couldn’t speak to her without opening his mouth to speak so just nodded to her to let her know she was heard.
The next day, Tom went to the market and found some mattresses. He looked around for some furniture and found a table and benches. If he thought, they may need it he bought it. The wagon came with him and one of the guards would carry what he’d bought to the wagon. When the wagon was full, he had Hans drive him out to the villa. They pulled up to the big house that was empty and had never been lived in.
Hans was amazed at the size and grandeur of the place. Tom said, “You and your family will have to live here for a while. We don’t have enough room in the city. We also haven’t had time to furnish it. We will get some food and whatever you need to live.”
Hans just stood there. “We will live here?”
“Just until I can have a house built for you. You will need to make a list of the things you will need to live and the things you will need to run the farm and take care of horses.” Tom picked up the bench and started for the house. He put it down and went back for more. Hans was still looking at the outside of the house. “Hans, you are the slave, why am I doing all the work?”
Seeing Tom, smiling, Hans laughed and grabbed a mattress. He put it in the closest bedroom and then went back for more. They had things for a small house and enough to live with for now. They went downstairs and Tom showed him the bath. Hans seemed pleased.
As they rode back Tom told him that things were moving along quickly, and he would oversee the farm for now. When they were home there were men next door digging a basement for the new building foundation and basement. This made Tom pleased and there were so many men that it may only take 2 or three days to dig it out.
Over the next few days they dug out the basement. At the same time, they supplied the farmhouse with enough furniture and food for Hans’ family to move out there. He rode out with Adel. The family was amazed at the house. Tom gathered them together and gave each one a gold chain. He said, “You have probably noticed the others that have these on in the house. You are all slaves. This is my mark and marks you as my property. I can have you killed, beaten, or sold whenever I want. But I must trust you with my property, my family, and each other. I have made a promise with the gold chain that when your work is such that the salary you would earn equals the cost of your purchase, upkeep and your collar, I will set you free. You may continue working for me and earn a wage or you can go your own way and have that to pay your way to starting a new life. You have been given clothes and if you need anything you will let me know.
“Hans will make a list of what he needs for horses, ladies you will plan a garden and we will talk often to make sure we agree on what you should be doing. Treat my home as your home until we can get a home built for you.”
Helga started to cry as did Kay. Hans went and comforted them and said, “Thank you, Sir. It is more than what we could have dreamed of.’
Adel drove the carriage back without saying much. Tom asked what she was thinking. “Tom, when my stupid uncle killed that man, they captured us and told us that we were slaves and both our land, and we would be sold to repay the military and the man’s family for his death. Mother explained that as women we would probably be raped and used. That we would be slaves for the rest of our lives. We just left a family with horses and a wagon and more gold than I have ever seen. This is not what I was expecting. You have been so good to us and I am just waiting for everything to change.”
“I can’t change your past. I also can’t just buy slaves and let them go. I can treat others the way I would want to be treated under the circumstances. So that’s what I do. I must trust people, or I will go crazy with worry. If someone runs away. The cost of the gold won’t hurt me. But I will learn the true character of someone that I trust. If they can’t be trusted, I don’t want them in my house. I may have them hunted, sold, or killed. I may have someone rob and beat them and leave them on the side of the road to find their way with nothing. I try to be a fair man but if you cross me then all that goes away and now you are threatening me and my family. I consider you part of my family now.”
“I like that. If my father took off with your horses and your gold, he would deserve what you just said. He won’t because he is honorable and honest but if he did, he would deserve it. Be careful of the new girl in the kitchen Cara. I think she is stealing from you. I don’t know for sure, but she always acts like I walked in on her when she was doing something she shouldn’t.”
“Maybe she was just goofing off when she should have been working but that would be stealing my time wouldn’t it?”
“Yes, it would. I also wanted to thank you for taking in my whole family. I heard the prices you paid, and people aren’t cheap. I saw the furniture you bought and these fine clothes you gave us. Thank you. I will give you my all.”
“When you aren’t working you can go out and look for horses, carriages and other things you think we could use. If you don’t feel safe, take a guard with you.”
“I get to go shopping. Aren’t women supposed to love that? I do when it is horses and horse stuff. The other girlie things I don’t need.”
When he got back it was later in the afternoon and the architect and builders were at the table with plans and wine. Tom said, “Sorry to keep you waiting, I’m glad you started without me.”
He looked at the crude paper but could understand the design. It would be a basement and four stories above ground. It had the arches that supported the coliseum and the aqueduct. He also liked the vaulted ceiling for strong support and a cool design. The high ceilings would give it more opulence but also help to keep it cooler in the summer months as more air could flow through the building.
“I like it. It covers everything we discussed. I don’t see the security areas on the drawings but I’m assuming that’s for secrecy?”
“Yes, there are a few. We will show you once they are in place.”
The builder said, “We will start with the plumbing, and foundation while many of the column pieces and marble slabs are crafted by teams of men off site to be brought in when we are ready for them. The vaults will be done out of brick and mortar set on limestone columns. The outside facade will all be limestone and the floors will be a pattern of marble that gives the room depth and almost looks three dimensional.”
“I like it.”
“Normally a building like this would take up to two or three years to complete but with multiple teams working both onsite and offsite to complete the work and working two shifts from sunup to sundown, we hope to complete the project in six months. These are the numbers I’ve come up with to finish in that time with the extra manpower.” He slid a price across to Tom.
“I was hoping for eight months. I will give a ten percent bonus for each month earlier. It will be prorated so a month is 10%. Six weeks would be 15%. If it goes over nine months, I will start charging 5% a month. Do we have a deal?”
“So, I have 8 months to make this amount and if I finish in six, I get a twenty percent bonus?”
“Yes but no working before sunup or after sundown. I have neighbors and I try to be a good one. I will have to go and talk to them and apologize for the disturbance. You also can’t block the entire street. People need to get by.”

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