HauntedChapter 3 free porn video

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Charles Russell Boyle IV, former army Colonel and owner of the Pequod Bar & Grille as well as other establishments, was found dead at his home in Hawaii Kai. Charlie, as he was known to friends and acquaintances, was a well respected and highly successful businessman, continuing and improving on his family's old real estate fortune begun by his great grandfather here in Honolulu over 100 years ago. His servant, Juan Magrille found the body early yesterday morning when Mr. Magrille was bringing him his usual breakfast. Nancy Guinn Boyle, Charlie's 4th wife was quickly informed and called the police. According to Lieutenant Sam Kamalua of the Honolulu police, giving the press the coroner's report, Mr. Boyle had been brutally slashed by a sharp blade across his throat nearly decapitating him. Lieutenant Kamalua told the press that the murder weapon has not been found.

In a statement made to this reporter, Mr. Magrille said that Micah Poole, 22, from Waikiki was the last known visitor to Mr. Boyle's house. Micah, about 6' 4", thin, with black hair and with what Mr. Magrille called "a pretty face and dark, haunted eyes," has a history of mental illness and violence. When asked, Lieutenant Kamalua agreed that Micah Poole was a suspect and was wanted for questioning. At this time, the whereabouts of Mr. Poole are unknown. "Any information on the location of Mr. Poole would be greatly appreciated," said Kamalua. "But do not confront this young man. He may be armed and dangerous."

It was George's birthday, and I found myself in the haunted house again with my two best childhood friends. We weren't celebrating. When I arrived at noon, I found Micah draped across George's lap like a pieta, not dead though he closely resembled a corpse. He breathed shallowly and his face, even in the dim light of the hurricane lantern, looked pasty. A couple feet in front of them lay the long blade of a chef's knife still bloody from its last slice. A noose dangled from the wall enclosing the second story, near the stairs to go up.

"Can you get that thing down?" asked George quietly. After a couple of hard pulls which chafed my hands, I finally loosened the rope and tore the threads off the nail. "I couldn't reach the damn thing," she said while I pulled it down. "When I drove to the telephone booth a couple miles away, I was so scared he'd have the time to kill himself." George's voice remained steady. I knew she shook inside but put up a stoic front. I couldn't even talk. My fear for my old friends had my heart in my throat.

When George had called me just a half hour before, I had been naked fucking Diana, my new found Amazonian lover doggy style while she and Sandy licked each other's pussies. It had been a crazy fuck. I had read about Charlie's murder and it freaked me out. Both Sandy and Diana comforted me. Maybe the complexity of emotions I felt: fear for my friend; my ambiguous feelings for that fat, disgusting but charming man I had known all my life and whether I felt happy or sad about his death. Charlie had actually always been nice to me and had taught me a lot. But I knew he was a monster. Out of the confusion, my libido arose. At first we made gentle ménage á trois love, but it escalated into a mad, pummeling fuck. Diana enjoyed the hell out of it, cumming several times. I released my sperm into her, shaking with the intensity of the orgasm when the phone rang. Sandy crawled out from underneath us and answered with a tired, "Hello."

"It's George," Sandy informed me. My cock still in its last pulses of orgasm, I slid the semi- hard flesh from its wet sheathe. Cum still dripped from it when I grabbed the phone. Diana crumpled to the bed, glowing red from her pleasure. Sandy sat on the bed beside her. Two sets of loving eyes stared at me with concern.

"I found Micah. You know where," said George quickly and breathlessly.

"I'll be right there," I said.

"Bring a spiral bound notebook and a pen," she said and hung up.

Sitting in the dusty living room of the haunted house illuminated by a gas lantern, the rope, the hammer that had nailed in the rope and the bloody knife laid out between me and my two old friends like an arrangement of exhibits at a trial, I waited for George, the smartest and most level headed of our little clique, to speak.

"He didn't do it," she said.

"I'd love to believe that," I replied.

"He didn't do it," she repeated angrily. "He said he did, and then I got him normal. Micah was out of his head when I got here. He had the noose ready and stared at it babbling about slaying the dragon and saving us. I asked him why if he had been victorious would he kill himself. He said he couldn't remove the head to prove it. I laughed. I don't know why I laughed, but when I did, he looked confused. I decided to use that. I got him back. Like we did four years ago, I talked him back to being the sweet, sensitive, brilliant man he is. He told me the butler did it. I laughed at the cliché. He laughed too. But he insisted. Then he relaxed and fell asleep. That's when I called."

"You believe him?" I asked.

"Of course."


"I'm hiring you. I'll pay you. I insist. Find the killer. Convince the police. Save Micah."

I nodded my head. In our dynamic, George was always the boss.

"I don't know about your situation over at the Rogers, but I need you to get on this. And I need you to be back here at 8 tonight. I have to get to work. I got to pay you, you know."

"Of course. I ain't cheap," I said.

"Get us some food first."

"Be right back." I ran off to a local greasy fish sandwich place, a local favorite that we used to frequent. When I returned, Micah returned to consciousness. He seemed dazed, but his smile pierced the clouds in his head.

"Good to see you, Joe," he said quietly. "I'm starved."

After chowing down, I got up, kissed George on her forehead, gave Micah the most confidant smile I could and said, "I love you guys."

"Me too," said Micah. We shared sad smiles. I split.

Returning to the surveillance, I relieved Diana of her replacement duties. Sandy slept in Diana's sister's bed. Diana wanted to talk, so I put in a fresh tape and we headed down to the kitchen.

Earlier, when her efforts to calm me down had resulted in a mind blowing fuck, I had been vague about my relationship to the Charlie situation. As we shared a coffee and she ate her sandwich, I gave her specifics. By the time my narrative finished, she knew all about the monster and my friendship with Micah and George.

"It sure sounds like he did it, and who could blame him?" said Diana, obviously amazed that such a monster could walk the earth so long.

"I know, but somehow I have to find out if he didn't who did. And the thing is, the three of us had been so close we could see inside each other. I don't know if that's true anymore. We haven't been close for awhile. But Micah and George still are. If she says he's innocent, it's not to protect him. She truly believes him. But if he had been so psychotic that some other person invaded in his head, Saint George or something, he may think as Micah that it was someone else. But he specified the murderer, a real person."

Diana nodded her head. "So do you want me to watch Mel for awhile?" she asked.

"Not now," I said. "It'll give me time to think."

"I got some studying to do. But if you need me, let me know."

I kissed her, hugging her thick, muscled body as she squeezed me against her. I appreciated the calming moment.

Once Sandy relieved me, I had much to do for the two hours before relieving George of the suicide watch. First I went back to the haunted house, bringing dinner to my hungry friends. Micah still looked pale and his speech sounded listless.

"I hate doing this, but I need to know specific things. Can we talk about the fucker?" I said to Micah, glancing at George, who looked tense.

"Okay," said Micah. "But I don't remember much about what happened. I just know who did it. I mean it happened, and then the butler exited the room and I entered. I don't remember much. I think the guy said something. Then I found myself here with George."

"No, I need to know how it worked. I mean as a kid with the fucker. I realize what I'm asking. Maybe George can tell me. But you know best. You know better than anyone the worst of it."

"Joe!" said George. "Is this really necessary?"

"If I'm right, I need to get into the fucker's house as soon as possible and examine the rooms he used for his..."

"Sex," said Micah tightly. "Yes."

Micah methodically drew two floor plans, one for the main room and one for the basement on the paper I had brought earlier. He labeled the latter "the dungeon." The farthest room down a hall he labeled the sex room. He crosshatched this with long remarkably straight lines.

I grabbed the paper. "I'll be back by eight," I said. It approaced seven. I had a meeting with Detective Nakamoto at seven. Luckily headquarters and the coffee shop nearby would take only a few minutes to get to. As I exited the haunted house, I noticed Micah writing.

"Sam's a bit tight fisted on this," said Nakamoto, sitting across the booth in the coffee shop.

"Yeah, I suppose he would be, Charlie being an old friend, and carrying so much baggage that could only get heavier with his murder."

"And you being an old friend of the main suspect isn't helping Sam's mood. You better not know his location and not tell us."

"What I need from you, Donald," I said, abruptly changing the subject causing Nakamoto's subtle squirming, "is to contact the FBI and find out about any child porno stings. I need a name, a local buyer. Try to keep Sam out of the loop."

"You put me in the shit on this, I'm going to go after your license, and maybe your balls," grumbled Nakamoto.

I finished the last drop of coffee. "Have I steered you wrong before?" I said, exiting the booth. His head looked heavy as it shook back and forth.

I returned to the haunted house. "I should be back by 11," said George as she rushed out.

Micah had several pages, both front and back filled with his careful writing. When I asked to see it, he paused his composing to tear out finished sheets.

The epic poem he wrote didn't rhyme, but every line had the same cadence and the same amount of syllables. Titled "The Butler Did It," it resembled an old English legend, with references to lords and saints and a dragon. But he set it in modern times. It was brilliant. It was weird.

The medieval juxtaposed with the modern made it clear that Micah crafted some sort of allegory. Though thick and obscure, it made sense. The tale spoke of vengeance, of doing battle, good against evil, and, most remarkably of love. The love story involved two men. Essentially luring away love using two forces. The dragon and its lair full of gold tempted. The second lure was more difficult to describe, a sort of longing for and creating a place to be absent from everything, to avoid the world of monsters and men and the insanity of life, its emotions and its dangers. But the place of absence wasn't safe. It had echoes of regret and fear and lost love, a maelstrom drawing the hero deeper into darkness and madness. Rather than succumbing, the hero breaks from his self-created tomb to do battle against the evil dragon and free his lover from its temptation.

"You and Juan were lovers?" I asked. Micah nodded, undeterred from continuing to write his epic. "Inside the fucker's house?"

He shook his head. "He replaced me in the dragon's harem. But I never entered there. Not until last night." The poem continued to be written.

"Did he lure you there?"


"You sure?"

Micah stopped writing. He looked at me with a face twisted in anger. I stiffened, ready to defend myself from a mad man's attack. His face went slack. His eyes closed. He opened them without looking at me and recommenced composing.

By the time George returned three hours later, Micah had stopped writing and slept. I had read the rest of the poem, the vanquishing of the monster resulting in mortal wounds to the hero who died in the arms of his lover at last freed from his greed. I led George to a room away from Micah.

"I think he might have done it," I said.

"Fuck you," said George.

"It was Juan."

"Make up your mind."

"No. I think it was Juan who killed the fucker, but he used Micah's hands."

"What are you... ?" Suddenly we heard a low thump. We ran back into the large room. Micah dangled from the noose. I ran up the stairs and pulled out my jackknife and cut him down. It may have been 5 seconds to cut through the rope, but it seemed like an eternity. George tried her best to catch him, but ended up under his body. Micah still lived. His breath rasped through his constricted throat. I loosened the noose, and then carried him to George's car with all the energy I could muster. Micah may have been thin, but he was tall and he was dead weight.

We raced him to the hospital. I called Nakamoto to let him know where the suspect's location. Before I hung up Nakamoto gave me the name and where to find the porno distributor. I rushed away.

First I went home to change into black clothes. While changing, I listened to the messages on the answering machine. Sandy warned me Lieutenant Sam Kamalua wanted to talk me and sounded angry. Then I heard Sam's voice.

"You better tell me where Micah is. You better turn him in now. Call me, Joe. Anytime. Now!"

George called me from the hospital moments catching me before I left. "He's going to live," she said. "But the police won't let me near him. You got connections, right? He needs me."

"I got some," I said. "I'll call Sandy. She'll make it happen."

"Thanks Joe. This may almost make up for you accusing Micah of murder."

"I swear to you George I hope you're right."

"I am right," she said and hung up.

Sandy told me she'd get it done. I wanted to walk through the phone lines and give her a hug.

"I owe you, boss," I said.

"When this is over, you're going to pay up. All night. Five orgasms at least."

"Gee, I don't think that's any payment, but if it is, I'm going to have to find a way to owe you a lot more."

"Are you going to be up for surveillance tomorrow?"

"Maybe there will be more to owe you."

"Get some rest."


"I know. See you later."

I grabbed my camera and exited my house ready for a long night.

Being familiar with the Boyle mansion and environs, I slipped through any possible observers to the darkest corner of the building, carefully breaking a basement window with barely enough egress to slip into the basement. Once inside, I plotted out my location and the location of the sex room. Careful not to alert anyone, I steered the flashlight in a downward direction. Though familiar with the main floor, Charlie had never had any reason to unlock the door to the basement for me, thank god. So, despite Micah's excellent floor plan, I had to familiarize myself with the dimensions, the length of walls, and the distances between doors. I dropped into a kind of mote of a hallway. No room occupied by a child victim would have access to its escape route.

Once I exited the mote/hallway through its only door, I found myself in the larger main hallway with doors to all the rooms. The door straight in front was the sex room. Before entering it, I decided to explore the dungeon. Luckily, all the doors had been opened. Unluckily, the possibility of having anything like clues still available seemed less likely. But I guess the abundance of stuff in this evil space precluded taking everything away.

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I was dating Dee a recently divorced 5 6 natural blond with new swimmers body. She had been married and got divorced when she found her husband had lost interest in her and was involved with someone else.She was angry and frustrated and very niece. she was 38 and had only had sex with her husband and one other man.She was ready to act out and try new things. She said her ex had never liked oral sex and had not had sex with her but 3 or 4 times in 15yrs.She was not pretty but had beautiful...

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KinksChapter 4

The following morning, as I was going into the bathroom, I spotted a pair of Mum’s knickers lying on the floor in front of the airing cupboard. Mum had been in there a few minutes earlier. I guessed she’d taken a pile of her clean clothes out to take to her room, and had dropped these ones without noticing. I whipped them up and stuffed them down inside my boxers. After brushing my teeth I went back to my room and took them out, spreading them on the bed and looked at them. I couldn’t help...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 23

Gazza looked at his vambrace and grinned. “Do they look hot?” he asked. He got five ‘yeses’ on top of each other, so he guessed they were sexy enough. He stood on the bed and flapped his new wings. He found he had to flap really hard to get any lift. He did get off the bed for a good ten seconds and up to at least twenty centimetres and then had to let himself down. “Wow, that is going to take some work to learn,” Gazza replied. “Did you do the spell?” Bette asked. At his blank look, she...

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A Switch

A Switch by Meryl Davids "What the hell happened to you", said Mary. "Fell down the stairs, then walked into a door", replied Sue. Sue had her arm in a plaster, and a black eye, Mary was lying on the settee with a hot water bottle across her stomach. "Period pains bad again love"Said Sue, "Yeah, I take it that bastard Richard has clattered you again" said Mary. "Yes, its my own fault, I keep on shouting at him when I feel down", replied Sue. "Its not your fault, you can't...

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My Big Mistake Part 6 Conclusion

This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only. Please send any comments to [email protected]. I love to hear from you. My Big Mistake Part 6 Written by 4play Saturday morning after having a big breakfast Master dropped a bomb on us by telling us, "Well ladies, it has been a lot of fun, but my work here is finished, I am leaving here today and going on to seek another couple. Mary I really...

3 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 30 Plans for a Party

It was a few days after the show at the Viaduct Club. Allison looked up from her coffee just as a taxi stopped outside the shop. It was quiet. The coffee shop was almost deserted. Cerys emerged from the taxi festooned with shopping bags, each of which carried the name of some designer brand or other. Amongst them, Allison noticed, were two carrying the logo of ‘Style with Restraint’. Half falling through the door of the coffee shop she collapsed into an armchair. “Who’d have thought spending...

4 years ago
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What happens in Vegas A comedy of errors

She smiled in contentment as she wrapped her hair in the big fluffy towel. The conference let out early this evening, and she was free. Her husband was back at home, and here she was in the great town of Las Vegas. She had consumed a nice dinner, had a nice swim in the indoor heated pool, and was nicely relaxed. A hot shower completed her evening. She intended to kick back and watch a movie on T.V. A knock on the door made her growl slightly. Who the hell could it be bothering her? She put on...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 532

This is compliments of John A. It could be a repeat but well worth a second look!!! Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life. As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the Nova Scotia back country. As I was not familiar with the...

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Nikkie Part 2

When I woke up, Jenna was gone, probably out for her run or possibly already at breakfast. It always amazed me that no matter how late she was out, she still almost always went out for her morning run, with the only adjustment being that she occasionally ran a little less distance. When I got out of bed, I noticed an envelope had been slipped under the door with my name on it. I picked it up and opened it; it was an invitation to a party at one of the sorority houses, along with a little note...

College Sex
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Stripped N Whipped At 13

From my blog.? I answer a reader's question. > I've been waiting for you to describe this whipping scene, when you were 13. Ok. But it wasn't just at 13, it was shortly before puberty until 9th? or 10th grade. As a teenager, my stepdad made me strip naked, stared at my body to humiliate me, and whipped me with his belt.? I thought of him as a stranger.? He whipped me all over really really hard, and I was crying but he told me not to move so I didn't? move and let him do it.? I was...

4 years ago
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I first met Ramona when I was in college. She was kind of chunky then, with big glasses and bad skin. She was an art major and she dressed kind of funky. I guess you could say that she had her own kind of style. Unfortunately her independent flair was not really what the majority of guys found sexy or even attractive, including me. Even though she was an art major and I was into manufacturing technology, we had some of the same program requirements, and ended up taking a computer graphics...

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The Neighbors Chapter Eleven Sex with Julie and Sarah

I'm going to cum Ah baby Don't Stop “OH God AAH!!!YES!! “ , I'm cumming ,again. "Oh fuck ooh yes . I too was ready to fill her up she is screaming to me "cum in me! cum in me ooh Fuck yeah, Daddy! Oh gawd yeah! . Yeah Daddy cum fill my pussy up Please fill my pussy with your hot cum, Daddy that's it aah yes ooh feels good aah . Then She collapsed on top of me the other girls seen I was wasted they would try again later with me this evening . Chapter Eleven ( Sex with...

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Aliens and CowboysAsteroids

Sunday morning, Mark woke up and went up to his office, where he grabbed his coffee and started going through the daily reports and then his messages. When going through his messages, Mark had received many messages from governments around the world, castigating him about his statement of alternatives to current governments. They claimed his statement was inciting civil unrest, fuelling separatist movements, and encouraging revolution! Mark and Cricket did some searching and found that many...

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Schooling Done Right 8211 Part 1 8211 Learning Biology

Disclaimer: All events, characters, and institutions mentioned in the following work are fictitious. Any resemblance to a real event, person or institution is purely coincidental. Oakham Boarding School. One of the premier institutions in India, attended by the students of the most affluent and influential families in the country. Situated in the hilly regions of Dehradun, it promised excellence in education and exposure. The reputed school proudly boasted about its outstanding students,...

4 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 9 The Plan

Codes for this story:[mF, drugged sex, mother, son, BBr] Lisa Stevens was excited. This was going to be her third date with Paul and that meant sex. And she had went all out to make sure this night was perfect. A new sexy dress and a new sexy scent to go with her new attitude on life. Unlike her husband, who moved in with his whore-secretary day one, she went three months without even considering a date. Plenty of guys asked (she still could turn an eye), but they were politely rejected....

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My first Big Black Cock1

It was a few weeks ago when I decided I wanted to go out and have a good time my wife was away so I had the house to myself. Well before I went to the bar I had to get ready because in my mind I knew what I wanted that night. I have had Sex with guys before but nothing like what was to come. So in the shower I cleaned my self and then gave myself a enema I wanted to be clean for just in case I found a guy that was down to fuck the shit out of me. So it was a few hours and I drove to the...

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Lottery Times Three

You hike the stupid P.R. style grin a little higher and spray more of the cheap champagne provided over the heads of the waiting journalists and photographers as they fire questions and photographs off at you. Behind you the trio of bikini clad models grin just as stupidly, but far more convincingly as they hold the giant copies of your winning cheques up. These three are your only contribution to this afternoon's activities and it was only when Camelot promised that Tara King, Rebekah, and...

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hello campers

It was spring time and my wife fancied a holiday a bit different. ‘ Lets go camping ‘ she said ‘ Do we have to ‘ I said ‘ It will be fun ‘ Anyway after some debate my wife gets her own way and we plan to go to Devon. We packed the car with tent etc and head off for the week. After pitching up the tent we go to the local pub for a drink , we have a laugh and a few drinks and after a while we are totally trashed. When my wife has a good drink she gets really horny , and starts to fondle me under...

3 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 29

When Kris left, he felt like the world was closing in on him and he had nowhere to turn for sanctuary. He believed Lulu was disgusted with him because he was a bad person. Mitch was going to conitinue investigating, find out that he'd committed a crime and probably arrest him. Even if he could find a way to patch things up with Lulu, his life would still be down the crapper, sooner or later. Eventually ... he was going to have to pay the piper, and he didn't need his memory to tell him how...

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Encounter with Rani

One more fact… u r gonna have a orgasm in a short while…. Here goes the story… Once, it was late night and i was alone at home since my parents were out of town. Whole day i was bored at home and thot of going for a small walk in our area and went out. I was actually new to the area and was wandering through the small roads which were outlined by some of the big houses. It was already 11.15 i remember. The roads were almost empty. Then a car , a big sedan came and halted near the gate of a...

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Danny and Jenny chapter three

I felt strangely proud as I walked into the little, old fashioned pub with her on my arm, people looked at her admiringly and a few of the locals greeted us warmly."Hello Danny," the landlord smiled in welcome, "Back again to do a bit more?""Yes, I, er, we might be here for a couple of weeks or so, depending on how much work I get done."Looking at Jenny in open admiration, he grinned and said, "Not much I'd say!" and then quickly added, "Aren't you going to tell us who this beautiful young lady...

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Our first Bi MMF

Our first FFMWe had been chatting for a while on here and loved chatting about all of the things we would do should we ever meet. We organised to meet at a local bar nice and quiet so we could get to know each other even better ;b Angel was wearing a short thin pink sundress and she looked fantastic. we met said all of our hellos and then orderd some drinks and after the initial akwardness wore off things really started to get interesting ;b After a few drinks i needed to use the restroom so i...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 33 Career Change

George came home from the office with a smile on his face. Slipping through the house, he stopped at the kitchen door and watched his wife trying to cook while keeping an eye on the boys. In an excited voice, he asked, “Who’s up for a little wrestling?” John and Joe immediately spun around and saw their dad at the door of the kitchen. With wild screams they charged him ready to wrestle at the doorway. George picked the two boys up, carrying one in each arm. When he reached the living room...

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The Show ndash Brent and Denna

Another original fiction story - enjoy and let me know what you thinkThe Show – Brent and DennaBrent has just turned 18 – tall, fit young man but very shy. He has the raging hormones of a typical high school boy and is always a bit aroused. He shares a home with his older s***** who is in school at the local community college in the dental hygiene program and his single mom. Denna is his 20 year old s***** is a hot looking brunette with a short pixie haircut slim waist and ample breast. Our...

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GirlsWay Cherie Deville Serena Blair House Rules

Cherie De Ville has hired Serena Blair to babysit while she goes out for a couple of hours. When she shows Serena to her room, she tells that her she has one rule that she absolutely needs to adhere to: no visitors are allowed on the property. Serena agrees and Cherie excuses herself and leaves. Serena picks up her phone and calls her girlfriend. When Serena tells her girlfriend that she can’t come to the house, her girlfriend insists, saying that she’ll make sure they don’t...

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Janet and John On Holiday Part 2

Janet and John are on holiday at Doggers in the October half-term.Doggers is dedicated to fam1lies who love dogging.Janet and John are too young to understand First Base, Second Base and Third Base.First: Kissing, Second: touching over or under clothing, Third: proper hand job. Janet had her own bucket list of sex-positions for this holiday (Oral, Anal, and Cuntal).Janet has already ticked off Oral, when she sucked the Biggest Blackest Cock in the World.Janet and John visit chalet number 4,...

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My trip to NC and the cousins house

My mother thought it would be fun if i had a summer with my aunt and uncle. She put me on a bus and I got picked up on the other end by my aunt and my cousin. My aunt was in her late thirties at that time on her second marriage. My cousin was sixteen and I had just turned thirteen. The house was a tin roof house on a tobacco farm. where I had to share the bedroom with my cousin. My aunt had placed a rope and hung quilts to diver us privacy. While her and my step uncle were in the other bed...

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Father Time

Adam’s head was about to explode. His temples pounded with a pain he had never experienced. The throbbing seemed to start at the base of his neck and rode completely up the entire backside of his skull. The pain was so intense that he knew at any moment he was become violently ill. This was a double sided blade of pain as the slightest movement increased the pain level to even newer heights. “We have him” a female voice stated flatly. “Excellent” came the reply, another females voice this...

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The Himbo

The Himbo By Weirdoid Edited by: Jo Companies are far from perfect, and Synthetronics Inc was far from the better ones. Synthetronics was widely known for being the world's only manufacturer of human like androids, designed to be indistinguishable from human flesh. It was also one of the most automated jobs in the world. Despite being a huge factory the boss, Mike Sterling, only had fifteen employees. Most of them mechanics to keep the lines running, a small marketing staff, and a...

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