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Dedicated to everyone I’ve loved, past…and present

No Absolution: February 1998

It’s quiet here. But then again, it’s supposed to be quiet. Cemeteries, even those in the heart of a city, tend to be full of silence. The sounds of the neighborhood – barking dogs, laughing children, even the traffic on the adjacent streets – are swallowed up by the silence of the graveyard. The walls around the perimeter of the cemetery – imposing redbrick walls six feet high and adorned with a black iron fence – have something to do with it, I suppose. I’m a historian, not an acoustical engineer.

I’ve been here some fifteen minutes, but it seems as if I have been here for hours. It has been twenty minutes since I drove into the parking lot, walked into the main office, and asked one of the dark-suited employees where Marty’s grave is. The employee – or Service Representative, as her desktop nameplate so eloquently states her job title – quietly tapped a few keys on her computer’s keyboard, squinted at her glowing monitor, then gave me a lot number and directions. “I could show you myself,” she suggested, “if you’d like.”

“No, thank you,” I said. I have a pretty good sense of direction. Besides, the Service Representative looks too much like my wife – correction, ex-wife. Red hair, green eyes. Carrie is a bit taller, of course, and she doesn’t work in a funeral home. Still, in just the right light, the Service Representative – Jennifer Something-or-Other – is a dead ringer for the woman I have just divorced. Oh, swell.

It took me three minutes to find Marty’s grave. It wasn’t hard at all, Jennifer’s directions were explicit enough, and as I said before, I have a good sense of direction.

Besides, for some reason I can’t begin to comprehend, Martina Elizabeth Reynaud, even in death, has been tugging at me like a magnet attracts an iron filing. She has been doing this since I first saw her in the chorus practice room at our high school nearly 20 years ago, and I suppose she always will. Perhaps that explains why I left Miami to study, and, later, teach history at Harvard, Georgetown and even Oxford. Why I chose to live in Washington, DC for five years after becoming a professor of history at the American University. (I now live and work in New York City.) Why I roamed Northwestern Europe and the UK for another year to research my book – still unfinished, I am afraid – on Operation Market-Garden. My friend (and ex-lover) Nicole says I’m just a restless soul. My barhopping friend Mark thinks it’s just a premature middle age crisis, I just celebrated my 33rd birthday last week, after all. I have another theory. It’s not original, so I can’t call it the James Garraty Theory of Life. Want to hear it? Here goes. No matter how old you get, how affluent or successful you become, you’ll never outrun the ghosts of your past. Particularly the ghosts of your adolescence. Put simply, you can graduate from high school, but your soul will never leave that place.

God, it sure is quiet here. Then again, it is supposed to be quiet.


I received a phone call a week ago from my friend Mark Prieto. I have known Mark since we were fifth graders. He is a real estate broker who has lived in Miami all his life, except for two trips to New York City (once for my wedding, once for my recent divorce), Mark has never felt compelled to leave South Florida. We talk over the phone at least twice a month, and we exchange e-mails on a weekly basis. Most of the time we talk about trivia– sports, mostly, or Mark’s latest sales exploits. Last year Mark was the first broker in his firm to make over a million in sales, and all of those in residential properties. We also talk a great deal about women. Actually, he does most of the talking, since my divorce from Carrie I have spent most of my non-teaching hours on Uncertain Trumpets: Operation Market-Garden, a critical study of the ill-fated Allied airborne assault on Holland in September 1944. Mark constantly chastises me for burying my nose in books, maps and archival photos. His advice, simply put, is this: “What you need, Jimmy boy, is to go to a bar, pick up some sweet young thing, and get laid.”

“I’m not you, Mark,” I say wearily. “Don’t get me wrong, pal, I like the company of women. I like sex. But I’m not into one-night stands, cheap, meaningless liaisons – that sort of thing. It’s – empty, somehow.”

“So you say, Jim,” Mark says, and I can almost see him smirk, even though he’s a thousand miles away. “But you’re not doing yourself any favors by sleeping alone every night.”

And so it goes. At least, that is how it usually goes.

But the phone call I received last Tuesday night did not go as usual.


Mark always lets me know when he is going to call me by sending an e-mail. Since I spend most of my time at the university – teaching, preparing lectures, grading papers, advising students, attending faculty meetings, or working on my Market-Garden manuscript – it is very likely that my telephone will go unanswered. I don’t give my home number to my students, they can leave any messages on the university’s voice mail system. I haven’t spent too much time at home since the divorce. The apartment is in a nice mid-Manhattan building. It is on the third floor and has a nice view of downtown New York. Right now it is a bit unkempt, my ex-wife, a stockbroker for a large investment firm, has good taste in home decoration, so it’s more stylish than it would be if I’d decorated it. At the moment, however, every available piece of furniture – except a smallish couch in the living room – is cluttered with maps, photos, books and stacks of transcripts from oral histories provided by the staff of the Eisenhower Center in New Orleans. I’ve written two other historical books – Triumph in the Pacific and Lost Victory: Desert Storm 1991 – and it’s always been like that. I keep my personal computer in my office – there’s no room at the inn for it at what Mark calls “the command center.”

Every night before I reluctantly leave my office I check my computer for e-mail messages. I get them all the time from all over the world. But on that Tuesday night, there was only one message.

To: Professor James K. Garraty
From: Mark
11 February 1998, 1634 EST
Subject: m.e.r.

Be home by 10 PM. Got to tell you something.

That’s it. There were no details, none of Mark ’s acerbic observations, no jokes. Just a cryptic subject line and that terse message.

Be home by 10 PM. Got to tell you something.

I looked at my watch. It was nearly eight o’clock. A few of my colleagues in the History Department were in their cubicles. The department chairman, Henry Townsend, Ph.D., poked his head into my cubicle just as I was shutting down my computer. “Hey, James,” he said casually, “calling it a night?”

“Yes, Henry,” I replied as I shut off the power to my monitor.

“Hmm,” the department chair said drolly. “How’s your research coming along?”

“Oh, just great,” I said. “I think I’ll hop over to London during the semester break to take a look at some of the dispatches from 21st Army Group, maybe interview some of the old ‘troopers from the First Airborne Division.”

“You’re sure the British will let you into the country? Weren’t you the one who wrote that Montgomery was Eisenhower’s worst impediment to the conduct of the campaign in Northwest Europe? I bet they love you for that assessment.”

“Well, I’ll just let the record speak for itself, Henry. Besides, Ambrose and Hastings have said the same thing.” I really wasn’t in the mood for a debate. “Look, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night,” my boss replied. “Hey,” he said as I switched off my desktop lamp, “are you okay?”

“I’m just a little peaked,” I said, settling for a half-truth. I had given three lectures in my regular Tuesday-Thursday history classes, spent most of the afternoon grading papers, and part of the evening reading my correspondence. Not exactly backbreaking, and it was still early in the semester. Mark’s cryptic message had, however, left me a bit unsettled. But I’ve never been very good at letting people know what I’m feeling, and I don’t like opening up to just anybody. Henry Townsend is my boss and colleague. We get along nicely within those well-defined boundaries, but I never discuss my personal life with him.

“Go home,” he said quietly, and then he walked away.


“Hi, Mark,” I said when I picked up my telephone receiver. I glanced casually at my watch, it was 10:05 PM.

“Jim, Marty died yesterday afternoon.”

No preamble. No jokes. Just this hellish bolt-out-of-the-blue.

“What?” I had been standing next to the couch in the living room. In the blink of an eye I was sitting on the couch. My legs had lost their strength. I felt the blood rush out of my face.

“I know,” Mark said apologetically. “I just heard about it this morning. I had hoped it wasn’t her, y’know, and I didn’t want you to find about it from the papers.”

“I-I understand,” I managed to say bleakly. I took a deep breath. “Mark, how…how did she –?” I couldn’t bring myself to say the word die. It has such an ugly aura of finality to it.

“Well,” Mark paused, then he continued. “A car accident of some sort. Three other people were killed, Jim, so it must have been pretty bad. The cops haven’t really said anything else.”

“My God, no,” I whispered.

“I’m really sorry, man,” Mark said quietly. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No, not really,” I said. “Look, thanks for telling me yourself. You did good, man.”

“You okay?” he asked, and I could almost see him frowning with concern.

“No, not really,” I said again.

“Can you come down for the funeral?”

“When is it?”

“Well, it’s not until Friday, from what I’ve heard,” Mark said.

“I’ve got a bunch of office hours appointments with some of my undergraduate students, and I can’t break away from them.” It was true, but it sounded pretty lame, even to me. “I’ll see if I can get one of my teaching assistants to cover for me next week. Is it okay if I stay at your place?”

“Hey, doesn’t the university pay you history weenies enough so you can pay for a hotel?” Mark mock-wailed in an attempt to cheer me up. “Sure,” he said in a more subdued tone. “When do you think you’re coming down?”

“Sunday, maybe Monday.”

“Okay. Give me a heads-up call as soon as you know, all right?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, then I hung up the phone.


I was not able to sleep that night. To be honest, I didn’t even try. I stood in front of my living room window, staring out at the bright lights of New York City. I don’t know how long I stood there, in fact, I didn’t see the millions of multicolored lights or the never-ending streams of headlights and taillights on the busy streets below. Instead I saw, in my mind’s eye, the crowded high school classrooms and halls where my friends and I had shared triumphs and tragedies, where the ghosts of our past still reside. Images flickered in my mind. I saw the faces of teachers and fellow students I hadn’t seen in years. I heard snatches of songs I had rehearsed in third period chorus. I saw the library where I had spent long hours studying after school.

Most of all, I saw Marty.

Marty as a shy sophomore, auditioning for Mrs. Quincy, the school choir director.

Marty at the 1981 Homecoming Dance, looking radiant after being selected as Junior Princess.

Marty singing her first solo at the 1981 Christmas concert.

Marty sitting alone in the chorus practice room on the last day of our senior year.

I stared long and hard at those sepia-colored memories. And as my mind carried me back to the place I’d sworn I’d never return to, I remembered.

Journey’s End: 14th of June, 1983

6:00 a.m. Home:

I woke up on the morning of my last day of high school with a blinding headache. I had not slept well. I’d stayed up too late, spent far too many hours leafing through my still new yearbook. (In one of those strange moments of reflection, I wondered if 20 years later I would recognize myself in those black and white photos after drinking one scotch and soda too many.) At three in the morning I finally turned off my reading lamp and plopped my head on my pillow. Even so, I’d only managed to doze off when it was suddenly time to get up again, the Sony radio/alarm clock was blasting out Sousa’s “Semper Fidelis March” at what seemed to sound like 180 decibels. I switched it off quickly before my head exploded.

I reluctantly took one of my hands out from under the bed sheets, and keeping my eyes closed, turned on the lamp on the night table next to my bed. I opened my eyes slowly, letting them grow accustomed to the light little by little.

“Gotta get up, buddy-boy,” I muttered under my breath, “so get movin’.’

I got out of bed slowly, but my body was not yet in synch with my brain. I stood up tentatively, looking for all the world like a newborn fawn trying to get up on its feet. My legs were not sure if they could support my body weight, and for a few seconds I felt sure that I was going to fall flat on my face. I was surprised when I didn’t fall. Not only were my legs capable of supporting my 160-pound body weight, they could propel me across my room. I tried crossing the space between my bed and my battered student’s desk (still cluttered with half a year’s worth of English assignments, a Smith-Corona typewriter, a rough draft of my last research paper, and several issues of Time magazine), and, although my knees wobbled ever so slightly, I made the short round trip twice before I was certain I’d make it to the bathroom. Taking one last look around, I turned off the light from the wall switch, then shuffled blearily across the hallway to the bathroom.


10:55 a.m.: South Miami Senior High School: A Classroom:

On the last day of school, things always seem to take place at a slower pace than usual, especially after the last final exams have been completed. Since Finals Week is so markedly different from the norm, with schedules switched to accommodate final exams, there is a battle between the faculty and the restive students for the maintenance of order and discipline. The administration insists on enforcing strict attendance even on this last day, and the students demand to be released after 180 days of boredom and drudgery. For the first two days of Finals Week the administration blusters, bullies, and cajoles, and a majority of the student body remains on campus to review for the remaining exams.

On the last day, however, as soon as the third period (actually, it’s second period, but old habits die hard) bell rings there is a mass exodus from the school, even though there are a few faculty and staff members stationed like guards in the hallways as a deterrent. They are either bypassed or ignored altogether, and in some cases the teachers simply turn their backs on the whole thing. There are more important details to attend to – grading exams, recording grades, and putting away materials until another school year begins in the fall semester – and standing guard duty seems to be a waste of time. What few students remain do so out of habit or loyalty to friends, favorite teachers, or alma mater. In every classroom small groups of students sit together in a corner or at their desks, exchanging yearbooks, pens and maudlin inscriptions. On each of the high school’s three floors, a small
er group of students, with no place to go and nothing else to do, pulls itself together into a work party and carries away armloads of textbooks into the departmental storage room. An even smaller group just wanders aimlessly about like a desert tribe without a leader or plan of action.

Every once in a while, the silence that has prevailed since the last finals period commenced is broken by the loud metallic SLAM of a locker being violently opened. This is followed by the soft thudding sounds of notebooks being carelessly dumped on the carpeted floor. Papers fly all over the place like an out-of-place snowstorm, becoming, for a few hours, a weird carpet upon a carpet. Then the silence returns, only to be broken again by the slam-thudding sounds or an infrequent “Hey-hey-hey Cobras, Number One, Cobras Num-ber One!” chant recalling football games and pep rallies of the past. The chant echoes eerily through the halls…then the silence returns, falling like a final curtain on a deserted stage. This is South Miami High on the 14th of June, 1983.

“Here you go,” I said to the attractive cheerleader (ex-cheerleader, I mentally corrected myself) whose yearbook I’d just signed. Hastily I had jotted this entry: To Ann Saroyan: It was nice having you for a classmate in English this year. It really was a trip and a half! Best Wishes, Jim. I closed the yearbook and handed it back with an I-aim-to-please smile.

Ann Saroyan – she looked sort of strange dressed in “civilian” clothes, I was accustomed to seeing her in her cheerleader’s uniform – beamed happily. Her hazel eyes gleamed with end-of-high-school joy. “Thanks, Jim,” she said. She smiled at me and handed me my yearbook. She had quickly scribbled: Good luck in the future. Love, Ann Saroyan, Class of ’83.

“Thank you,” I said after reading the inscription and closing my yearbook. “Really.”

Ann smiled again. She looked wonderful. I stood there for a minute, still thinking how strange it was to see the captain of the cheerleaders in jeans and a brown-and-beige plaid blouse. She was very pretty. She leaned toward me slightly and kissed me chastely on the cheek. “Goodbye, Jim,” she said in a half-whisper. Then glancing back over her shoulder at the clock on the wall, she gathered her belongings and walked out of the classroom, presumably to collect a few more yearbook inscriptions.

I watched her leave, and after looking around the nearly empty classroom – Mrs. DeVargas, my English 4 instructor, had departed some time before to get a cup of Sanka so she could finish grading some thirty-odd final exams in the refuge of the English Department office – I grabbed my backpack, stuffed my yearbook inside, and walked out into the corridor.

Forgotten Dreams: 14th of June 1983

11 a.m.: South Miami Senior High/ The Library

I had been sitting in the library for nearly an hour when fatigue and emotional exhaustion finally caught up with me. I’d been leafing listlessly through the final issue of the school newspaper and had nearly finished the lead article (Assistant principal announces retirement) when my eyelids suddenly dropped like shutters on a window and I drifted off into a deep slumber. I vaguely thought about classes, but – nothing ever happens on the last day – I suddenly didn’t care. Without hesitation, I put my head down on the table and allowed my mind to drop off into a misty netherworld of dreams.

This is what I dreamed:

I am sitting alone in my old English classroom at my old desk, reading from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The only sounds in the room are the ticking of the clock and the occasional rustling of the pages of the book. Then, Martina Reynaud, the most beautiful girl in the Class of ’83, walks in. She’s tall, graceful and absolutely breathtaking. She’s wearing a black dress, one that shows off her long dancer’s legs. Her peaches-and-cream complexion is flawless, there is no sign of a pimple anywhere. Her long chestnut hair cascades down over her shoulders. In short, she is the personification of feminine elegance from the top of her head to her high-heeled shoes.

I try to get back to my reading assignment, but the scent of her perfume, a mixture of jasmine and orange blossoms, is beguiling. I look to my right, she is sitting at the desk right next to mine. She gives me a smile. My heart skips a beat. I know guys who would kill for one of Marty’s smiles. She has that effect on most men. Her smile is full of genuine warmth and affection, I can tell by the look in her hazel eyes.

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch1 A Change in Conditions

CHAPTER 1 A Change in Conditions ------- A wife catches her husband tidying house as a French Maid ------- She knew her husband liked cleaning the house when she was out. She suspected that he liked to dress up as a maid to do it, because she had come home early once and caught him scurrying away with a broom and a dustpan. All she saw was a flash of white bow and black dress before he was out of sight down the basement stairs. The house had been tidied, and she noticed that the...

3 years ago
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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 3 Trained to Serve

CHAPTER 3: Trained to Serve --- The maid learns how to serve Mistress Tate Each day, after Cecilia had finished practising his ladylike walking in the posture bar, Mistress Tate would teach him a new household skill. First she would sit him at the kitchen table and make him write down her detailed instructions in his Maid's Notebook. From then on, he had to perform his duties from memory. At the end of the day, they would review his work against the standard set out in the notebook....

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 4 Afternoon Tea with a Guest

CHAPTER 4 Afternoon Tea with a Guest The maid learns how Ms. Anderson likes her tea. --- As Cecilia served his Mistress breakfast, she announced, "My friend Heather is coming over for tea today. I thought it would be nice if you served us, Cecilia. Heather can help make you even more like a woman. Won't this be fun?" "Yes, Mistress Tate," he agreed uncertainly. "There's a good girl," she said, admiring the prettily-tied apron bow of his Hallowe'en maid's uniform. "We'll skip...

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 5 Maid Service for Ms Anderson

------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 5 Serving Ms. Anderson --- While cleaning house for her wife's friend Mrs. Anderson, the maid disgraces herself --- "You can take a taxi home, I'll pay the driver when you get there," said Mistress Tate as she dropped Cecilia at the curb outside Ms. Anderson's house. She watched him walk up to the door in his pale blue cleaning uniform, with its crisp white collar and white short-sleeve cuffs, and the...

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 6 Hard to Be a Woman

Hard to Be a Woman Cecilia plays housewife for Ms. Anderson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ He was in the kitchen rounding up ingredients for dinner, still in his pale blue housekeeping uniform, when Ms. Anderson came in wearing a black slip. She slipped her delicious body onto a kitchen stool. "Get me a glass of white wine," she demanded, adding conversationally, "You know, being a woman is about much more than looking good while...

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 7 The Penalty for Lying

CHAPTER 7 The Penalty for Lying Cecilia is caught lying to her Mistress ------- The next morning, as instructed by Mistress Tate, Cecilia didn't put on a maid's dress. "I can't decide whether you should wear your pretty English Maid uniform, or your new, practical housekeeping outfit," she had explained. "I thought you might dress in the new uniform for your regular cleaning, and save the other one for more formal duties. Tomorrow, just dress to your underwear and corset for your...

4 years ago
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The Weaver And The WindChapter 24 Champions of the Unspoken

I had just finished another round of visits to the principals in our upcoming confrontation, and was back home in the Valley of the Wind once again. I had checked with the Armored foot in Lamin, and found that the majority of the Zadaru were there. There was some friction between the two populations, but it was being kept to a minimum, mostly by the continuous presence of the Wind of Arbor. My sweet Cor was as busy as I was! They planned to move out within days of my visit, so her mediating...

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Ghostlover Ch 01

Jane occasionally read Literotica, and when she read ‘Ghostlover Ch. Zero’, a bell rang. ‘John, there is a real problem with this story!’ ‘Darling, it’s just a ghost story.’ ‘I’m afraid not. Can ghosts change their sizes, or the size of their body parts?’ ‘Ghosts are fictional beings. Authors can endow them with whatever characteristic they like.’ ‘John, a literary tradition may be as binding as a handbook of biology. There isn’t much leeway for the authors of a ghost story. Apparently,...

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LoveLocked Locking Down Stepdaughter

SCENE 1 [Setting: A spacious, upper-middle class kitchen—expensive refrigerator, dishwasher, wine cabinet, pasta-maker, the works.] [At a tall island right of center, SUE sits on a wooden stool, sipping morning coffee. She is early 40s, tall, with lustrous black hair, olive skin, and beautifully manicured scarlet fingernails. A plush red bathrobe barely contains her fit but voluptuous frame.] [NIKKY walks in from stage right. She is 18 and resembles SUE, although rounder in the face....

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LoveLocked Infomercial 1

[Scene: Middle-class living room. Blue sectional sofa, hi-def TV, two chairs and ottomans in red leather, two end tables, one with large ceramic vase. Standing center are HUSBAND and WIFE, white, late 30s. He wears blue jeans and a polo. She wears a white sun dress and strappy sandals. Her long, sharp fingernails are painted fire-engine red. They are mid-fight.] Husband [pleading]: Please, please, just listen to me— Wife: No! Goddammit, I have had it! Get OUT! Husband: Look, I just...

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“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...

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Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...

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Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...

Mind Control
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Haulover Beach Encounter

Now this is the perfect day and the perfect way to just kick back and relax. On the beach on a beautiful warm day listening to the waves and smelling that salty ocean air. There are plenty of people enjoying themselves and,, most importantly, plenty of beautiful women around.I don’t know why, but that woman standing down there really caught my attention. She is standing, looking out over the water with her backside towards me. With all of the other nude females around here on the beach, this...

Wife Lovers
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Wellcome to! A dating site that helps futanari and those attracted to futanari meet someone special. Whether you're seeking true love or just a new friend, start your search here.

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John and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.

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LoveAffairs The awakening

Faith is young and naïve but full of passion for life. She walks with her hands tied with her groceries bags. Her mind, as always, drifts as she smiles at the sunny Florida day. "Are there any gentleman left nowadays?" Quietly she puts away her groceries, as her mind drifts to He Who is Unknown—only a shadow and a dream. Days go by and the dream continues to haunt her. Faith plans on going to the gym, but she never makes it there. On the way she sees this magnificent creature. He is tall, and...

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Tigerlovers beautiful body burnt into my har

Life is boring. I often look forward to an event or chat that will bring me something extra. And sometimes I happen to have a chat that brings excitement and pure joy, exaltation. The chat to beat all chats. And because there is no such thing as chance, I convince myself that I deserve these lucky shots. Because I am a good guy and am nearly always nice to people ...It all started - as ever - quite innocently. On Xhamster. Contact, chit-chat, no strings attached, wow, this is nice! And also:...

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Tigerlover takes me in the butt quid pro quo

Writers are not only writers, but often also readers. I read a lot of porn stories by fellow writers. Because I am curious as to what they write and how they write, and of course because their stories often excite me. Some time ago I came across the deliciously horny stories written by Tigerlover. My heart beat went up because of them. By their contents and by her staccato writing style. It was as if she whispered the stories into my ears, intimately and panting. As if some sphlnx like woman...

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Slovene Tranny and Her American Men

Milena Dorin awakened from her slumber. She grabbed her iPhone and pressed the button to see the time. It was 6:14 a.m. She decided to get up and bathe. She walked into the master bathroom of her palatial two-bedroom, two-bath downtown condo. She pulled her douching apparatus from beneath the sink. She cleaned out her 40-inch ass. After completing that task, she hopped in the shower. The steamy, hot water felt good against her milky-white skin. She scrubbed her curvaceous figure with a purple...

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Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...

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she jumps at my touch,are you here i ask ?turns to me her eyes look past me yes is the reply,i move away from her hand reaching for me always usessex as distraction with intimacy ,with talking in general. you thinking about him again it goes unspoken between us affairs are wildfires burning fast all consuming and over too quicklyi've done worse to her ,and come back empty and emotionally drainedpart of it is the sex and majority is emotional guilt justifying the great sexnew body to...

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Title: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...

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Lovestory 2K

There are love stories of all kinds: cross-culture, cross-border, cross-religion and so on. This is a double-cross-dress love story. Read it and see if you like it. Hema and Giri met accidentally. Hema is tall for an average woman, with short hair and not much to show off for a cleavage. In spite of her looks she is more feminine and desirable than her more endowed roommates. She lived in a two-room house with two other girls on a share-everything basis. All three of them are working...

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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

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Clove and Spice

I glanced away from my video game for a second to pick up my cellphone when it started to ring. I looked at the screen only long enough to notice that it was my best friend Lars Wilton calling. "Hey," I said simple, propping the phone up between my cheek and shoulder. I took a moment to wipe the sweat from my palms before picking the controller up and turning most of my attention back to the game. It was the newest installment in the Modern Warfare game and I was playing online at the...

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Flickerloves first BDSM experience

My First BDSM ExperienceTonight was going to be a lot of firsts for me. At the age of 40, for the first time in my life, I was meeting someone who I had met over the internet. Not only was I meeting them but I was going to allow them to give me the pain, domination and humiliation that I had craved for over 20 years. It had been a long time coming.As I sat on the train I switched back and forward through several emotions – anticipation, nervousness excitement and self-doubt amongst them, but...

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liplover pumped out 3 huge loads

Lateshaythank you baby!5:46 pm, September 8 liploverAwesome tits and ass. Been watching your movies and tributes. I have so far pumped out 3 huge loads and need a break to build up the cum volume. I will be back at it as soon as I can blow more cum loads. Would love to pump my cock while I watched you strip on cam and you could see my cumshots come squirting out for you.

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Amiablelovers Experience 8211 1

Hi friends, i am a regular visitor to this site. I read the stories, become excite and shag myself. As i have few experiences so i want to share with u. By the way i am Sagar 23yrs, 5.10ft, 68kgs, 30w, fair, 7″ cut cock and i am straight but i know about the gay sex. Once i went to a town in Andhra Pradesh for some work. I finished my work so i came to bus stand to return back to my place. I went and enquired about the bus and came to know that next bus after 2 hours. The time was 10 pm so i...

Gay Male
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ShoeLove Chapter 3 Marie Tamara I chuck

I've known her for a long time, around 9-10 years. Her name was Marie (name changed). She was tall, athletic, thin and had very light, almost white skin. Her brunette hair was only slightly longer than shoulder length. There was something about her, something that few had. A kind of aura, a feeling you had when she walked into the room. It was not so much what she said, no, she said very little. It was simply her presence that made you fascinate, even at this age. Back then we were actually...

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Lovebright Academy The Real Story

Some of you may remember a wonderfully funny story by Downing Street a while back called "LOVEBRIGHT ACADEMY." Now Downing Street is one of my favorite authors, but he has his squiks and this made him to pull a few punches in his tale. I happen to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of Lovebright Academy, so I know the whole story. I don't want to call too much attention to Downing's omissions, so with his permission, I've decided just to re-post his story, inserting the needed additions...

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Doglover Donnas Daughter Debbie Does Dogging

Debbie was a girl that didn’t try to hide the fact that she enjoyed a good hard dick up her bum more than anything else in the whole wide world unless it was a really good looking man eating her fanny like she was a delicious fruit tart just out of the oven. Her best friend Maggie with her almost orange hair had eaten Debbie’s pretty snatch a few times as well and she knew from experience that the petite and juicy young girl had no control over her squirting urges when a nice long wet tongue...

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