Ghostlover Ch. 01 free porn video

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Jane occasionally read Literotica, and when she read ‘Ghostlover Ch. Zero’, a bell rang.

‘John, there is a real problem with this story!’

‘Darling, it’s just a ghost story.’

‘I’m afraid not. Can ghosts change their sizes, or the size of their body parts?’

‘Ghosts are fictional beings. Authors can endow them with whatever characteristic they like.’

‘John, a literary tradition may be as binding as a handbook of biology. There isn’t much leeway for the authors of a ghost story.

Apparently, ghosts preserve the semblance of the dead, and cannot sire with women – if they do, they employ human semen wilily collected, and the children aren’t the ghosts’ exact replicas, but resemble their human parents.’

‘Perhaps the author of the story was so reckless as to write a ghost story without reading any beforehand.’

‘Good point, but the five ghosts there described seem shapeshifters like me, who took on Paul’s identity, and for whatever reason, decided to have sex with Elizabeth.’

‘Hmm … a question unrelated to that story: did you mean that shapeshifters like you may sire with women, but the offspring will be their exact replica?’

‘No. I didn’t say that. Shapeshifters like me neither sire nor bear – they actually don’t reproduce. They are the offspring of something which can be compared to a Queen Ant, and are themselves sterile.

Since they are nearly immortal, sterility isn’t a big problem, and, as you have seen, our society is opener than an anthill – and probably than most human societies.’

‘Thanks, but … if shapeshifters like you are sterile, how could the lesser Pauls and Paulas have been born by Elizabeth?’

‘They, so to say, … came out of the closet. The pregnancy was simulated, and allowed them to appear and join the orgies between Paul and Elizabeth.

I was ‘born’ in a similar way: not all human zygotes successfully implant in the womb, and I replaced one of these, as it was a female embryo, I took on a female body and adhered to the feminine gender.’

‘Are you shapeshifters so oversexed as to join whatever orgy they come across?’

‘Darling … you know that we are as sexed as the partner we pick up. And the more partners we get, the more sexed we become in order to please them all.

Therefore, I think that it was Elizabeth the oversexed, and the Pauls simply pleased her.

The problem is … why did they take on the identity of a ghost, and did they eventually become Elizabeth’s lovers?’

‘Hmm … what does the Queen Ant say?’

‘What should she say?’

‘Human technology allows people going abroad to stay in touch with the authorities of their country, and ask for rescue. Isn’t it the same for you?’

‘We communicate telepathically, so if we are in real trouble we can be rescued in the blink of an eye.

If the five ‘ghosts’ of the story actually are shapeshifters, they haven’t asked for rescue so far, but I know that five shapeshifters were part of an inquiry team on … ghosts.’

‘Tout se tient … human scientists sometimes concoct the very subject they are supposed to study.’

‘Nonsense. It have been they who have proved that ghosts are fictional.

Something else has happened, and we must discover what.’

‘Perhaps we should first trace the author of the story – and I’m nearly certain that Literotica webmasters won’t help us – and perhaps cannot.’

‘You’re right, but there is another way to act. I don’t think that there are plenty of women named Elizabeth, born in 1876, dead in 1978 after bearing 30 children, in Scotland.

Even if some details have been altered, we should be able to trace her.’

‘How do you know that she was Scottish?’

‘Paul studied in an Edinburgh boarding school. Even though Tony Blair studied there, the Fettes College isn’t Eton.

Can you book two seats in the next plane to Edinburgh?’

‘Why just two? Won’t Veronica come with us?’

‘She doesn’t like Scotland very much, and she has already agreed to replace us as the janitor of the Astarte Nunnery while we are abroad.’

‘Ok, so we will save some money. But, before going overseas, we should do some research to ascertain that the ‘memories of Elizabeth’ are factual, not fictional. The Web could be a good starting point.’

Jane did that, and discovered that a woman named Elizabeth really lived in Scotland between 1876 and 1978, and had 30 children, moreover, she discovered (after a few e-mails and paying for the costs of archival research) the boarding school Paul studied in.

John was convinced, and they flew to Edinburgh, where they rented a camper, so they could make love anywhere along their route.

John asked, ‘Why are we driving straight towards Elizabeth’s house? Wouldn’t it be better to contact her kin before?’

‘What if either the cistern doesn’t actually exist or Paul’s corpse has already been recovered and properly buried?

Better not to disturb Elisabeth’s kin in these cases.’

After a few hours’ trip, they reached Elizabeth’s maiden house. It was a two-story building that had once hosted a farm, and now hosted a fashionable golf club, incorporated as a PLC.

‘PLC?’ wondered John in amazement, ‘It’s unlikely that a family enterprise has been incorporated as a Public Limited Company’.

‘Right. We’d better look up the local Chamber of Commerce archives,’ Jane replied, and they actually showed that the PLC was incorporated in 1980, in 1981 it bought the farm from Elizabeth’s heirs, and in 1984, after extensive rebuilding and landscaping, the golf course was opened to the public.

‘The body must have been found then,’ John said, ‘We better stop searching and enjoy the trip.’

‘No, darling,’ Jane replied, ‘before coming to Scotland I also read the digitalized old issues of the local newspaper, and I found no news of the retrieval of a corpse here for two centuries. Perhaps we should look up the Scottish Land Registry records.’

John demurred, ‘We’ve already spent a lot of money doing archival research, we are now on the spot, and perhaps we should look at the actual reality in front of us, and not at the way it has been interpreted and written down.

In a word, perhaps we should survey the estate – not just read what archives say about it.’ Jane agreed, and they found a way to legally enter the club – buying a couple tickets for a golf competitive round due the next afternoon.

John didn’t love golf, but Jane was able to survey the course and ascertain that no cistern was there, but an old building, which might have been a poultry pen once upon a time, was just beyond the course border.

She asked about it to the club janitor, who answered, ‘It was once part of the farm, but before our rebuilding and landscaping, a group of five people forked up quite a lot of money to buy it and the neighboring courtyard.’

‘Did they pay in cash?’ Jane asked, and the janitor answered, ‘Right! The owners were astonished at that, and talked about it for weeks, but the law of the time didn’t forbid them to accept the money.’

‘How could I meet these people?’

‘They meet there on Sundays for a kind of religious rite. Nobody is allowed but them, but you could talk to them after the rite.’

All pieces fell into place in Jane’s thought: the five buyers were most likely the shapeshifters who once impersonated Elizabeth’s ghost lovers, shapeshifters prefer to pay by cash (and if they operate in countries in which a piece of ID is required to open a bank account, they may have no choice), and the only reason a group of people may overpay a poultry pen and its surroundings is to conceal a secret.

‘John,’ Jane latter asked his husband, ‘Would you like to park the camper in front of the poultry pen until Sunday?’

‘Until tomorrow morning? Ok.’

John filled the tanks and parked the camper in sigh
t of the poultry pen, which had been turned into a house surrounded by a high wall. The gate had a tiny hole which allowed Jane to peep into and see the manhole of an old cistern in the courtyard.

She also felt that the premises were fenced in a way only a shapeshifter like her could detect – it was the equivalent of the tape marked ‘Police line – do not cross,’ but in this case it meant ‘Scientific research # *******-551.5-4 underway – do not interfere.’

The number ‘551.5’ implied that it was a research on meteorology, and the number ‘4’ that only experts could raise objections, but it was customary to write a false subject number in order to deceive less knowledgeable people – in a word, an expert could prove his competence by inferring the right subject number from the limited info available to the general public.

Jane contacted the Queen Ant proposing to change the subject number from 551.5 to 133 (necromancers), and the Queen Ant let her contact the director in charge of the inquiry.

‘Hi, Jane,’ he said, ‘What’s the matter with this scientific research?’

‘Humans know that necromancy doesn’t work. How much time have you already spent in such a fruitless pursuit?’

‘To refute necromancy, we need about forty years’ worth of statistics. Humans have never attempted that.’

‘Sir, we can only make inquiries with little chance of success when the dignity of nobody is in jeopardy. When there is such jeopardy, only inquiries whose likelihood of success is prima facie millions of times greater than yours could be approved – and if the success doesn’t materialize soon, they are interrupted.’

‘What’s the being whose dignity is being hurt, Jane?’

‘Paul, the dead. He’s awaiting burial since 1894, it’s high time he gets it.’

‘He’s dead, so his time preference is zero. Being buried in 1894, now, or in 2021 makes no difference for him.’

‘But as a live man he wanted being buried as soon as he was clearly dead.’

‘Humans say that Paul’s right to burial may be balanced against other interests – for example, to forward science. Human doctors perform autopsies, thus delaying burial, in order to learn more about the causes of death.’

‘You’re right, but autopsies are far more successful than necromancy, and they don’t benefit just the doctor.

For example, if somebody is murdered, the autopsy proves that and points to the murderer, it prevents him from gaining from the murder and ensures him punishment.

Autopsies may avenge unjust death – they don’t just satisfy the doctor’s scientific curiosity.’

‘Organ transplant is a way a human corpse is used to benefit the living, and not every transplant is successful.’

‘Explantation is only performed on people who assented to it during life. Organ transplant is not a kind of legalized robbery, but a highly prized gift.

Paul didn’t assent to be used for necromancy, did he?’

‘No, he didn’t.’

‘Why did the five researchers impersonate Paul’s ghosts? The stole his identity.’

‘You must have noticed that Elizabeth’s farm isn’t far from a castle renowned for its works of art – and its presumed ghosts.

When Paul was killed and thrown into the cistern, the researchers thought that a ghost was about to issue from him, and watched him closely for a week.

Then they realized that ghosts didn’t exist – they saw none in the castle, and Paul didn’t bring forth one.

They felt pity for Paul and for his girlfriend Elizabeth, and wanted her to know what had happened to him, and bury him.’

‘But they didn’t take into account that disclosing her that he had caught a venereal disease would have led her to deny him burial – and to conceal her father’s murder.

Now you know why humans think that lots of details about one’s life should be kept private.’

By the way … how did they know that Paul had caught syphilis?’

‘You must already know the answer: they were able to read Paul’s engrams – his memory as a collection of data stored in his brain – before rot began.

Not only did they learn about his health, but also about his biography and personality. Impersonating him thereafter was, as humans love to say, a child’s play.’

‘I don’t think they’d behaved correctly towards Elizabeth.’

‘They wanted Paul to be properly buried, Elizabeth to mourn him, and … to learn how a human would react to a ghost, if he or she would see one for real.

Elizabeth’s reaction was quite unexpected, and they found worthwhile to keep studying her behavior until her demise.’

‘That’s why I didn’t find any info about this part of the inquiry – it was classified under the heading ‘Psychology’ in lieu of ‘Pneumatology’.’

‘Yes. Had you guessed that, you would have learnt what I’m telling you without coming to Scotland.’

‘I’ll be more careful. But the researchers lied to her, and for 86 years.

What did they do after her death?’

‘Necromancy books say that the most suitable corpses are the ones of people who have died young and have been really disappointed after death.

Paul was multiply disappointed – killed young, insulted and hidden by his murderer, his surviving fiancé refused to bury him and was ready to find solace at the hands (so to say) of five ‘ghosts’ impersonating him even in bed, after the death of Elizabeth, her kin disbelieved her and didn’t even try and search her estate before selling it.

It seemed to be a perfect candidate for necromancy, and in 1981 we began experimenting with him.’

‘What are the results so far?’

‘Pretty well disappointing. The inquiry is due to end in 2021.’

‘What’s your opinion on the immortality of the soul?’

‘We have been observing humans for twenty-six centuries, and haven’t been able to prove the existence of the soul so far.’

‘The actual existence of ghosts and the effectiveness of necromancy are based on the belief that there is actually a soul. If you can’t prove that, you can’t prove that necromancy works. No experiment was needed – just formal logic sufficed.

You’re wasting time and resources in a fruitless pursuit, and hurting the dignity of a being who once upon a time was alive, and desired to receive a funeral after death.

Such a desire can be construed in all humans – and there is no reason to think that death nullifies the will of a person.’

‘I understand. But there is a problem – the promises of necromancy were so big that the five researchers were promised that the inquiry won’t end before 2021.

If I were you, I’d wait another 13 years before burying Paul.’

‘You’re crazy – or you fear being held accountable for approving flawed research, and for hurting the dignity of a sentient being.’

’13 years are next to naught in the life of nearly immortal beings like us, or of one already dead like Paul.’

‘You don’t understand. Continuing the research until its due end would imply that Paul or any other being can be sacrificed for the sake of science – even though science itself can gain nothing from their sacrifice.

Stopping that research, even just a second before its natural end, would prove that this is not the way we inquiry about the universes beyond ours, and that the dignity of their inhabitants is prized by us.

I’ll appeal your decision before the Higher Ethical Committee.’

‘You won’t succeed, by the way, you are enjoined not to disrupt the experiments, so you may not try and enter the property.’

‘I may not,’ Jane mulled, ‘But John can.’

The next morning John waited for the five shapeshifters, dressed like business men, to assemble at the property gate, and introduced himself as a metapsychics enthusiast who had read an article the local newspaper had devoted to them a few years ago.

‘Dear sir, we have a rite to perform,’ one of the shapeshifters answered, ‘Would you be so kind as to
interview us later?’

‘Could I watch your rite?’

‘Why not?’

So John saw that the five shapeshifters sat around the cistern manhole, tracing circles around it, around themselves, and around him, telling him, ‘These circles are for our protection. Don’t venture out of yours until the rite has ended.’

After that, the shapeshifters began warbling ancient spells in several languages, when they stopped, one of the shapeshifters said, ‘You can get out of the circle.’

‘Has anything happened during the rite?’ John asked, and one of the researchers replied, ‘We should read the recordings of the instruments in the house to answer your question.

It takes about a week to do that – that’s why we are performing the rite weekly and not daily.’

‘You’ve sung some lines from ancient necromancy books,’ John noticed, ‘Are you necromancers?’

‘No. We are using these formulae because we think that they’re effective even if they aren’t recited upon a tomb.

Actually, ancient necromancers borrowed them from sources unrelated to their activity.’

John bade farewell to them, entered the camper and let Jane listen to the tape recorder in which the shapeshifters’ words were recorded.

‘Wonderful!’ Jane said.

‘Not at all,’ John replied, ‘They haven’t admitted to their actions.’

‘John, even if they had confessed criminal acts, they would have flown to our universe before being apprehended.

Your tape recording witnesses that the shapeshifters have lied to you, therefore they are ashamed of what they’re doing – and will be challenged by the Higher Ethical Committee.

The inquiry assumptions were that necromancy could be performed without violating human laws – but their lie shows that their actions are questionable at least.’

The recording was forwarded to the Higher Ethical Committee, which therefore convened in the courtyard and summoned the five researchers, the inquiry director, Jane and John.

The head of the HEC proclaimed, ‘This is the first time we convene outside our universe, but since one of the witnesses, John, may not survive there, we had to convene in his planet and don the bodies, dresses and wigs of human judges in order to inspire reverence in him.

Let’s talk the director of the research being challenged first.’

‘I’m only going to say that no living being is being hurt in this research. The man we’re using for our experiment, Paul, has left no surviving relatives (the last of them died in 1956), so nobody is crying for him.

His corpse hasn’t been damaged or defaced in any way, and at the end of the research, due in 2021, we’ll have him found by the police and buried.’

Jane replied, ‘Human laws say that, if you know where is a dead body, and it isn’t in a cemetery, you should promptly inform the police.

The researchers didn’t do that, and entered into a slippery slope, stealing Paul’s identity, deceiving Elizabeth, and now using him for a research on necromancy which may not succeed.

We should stop this folly – the researchers’ lies prove that they are aware that their behavior is indefensible.’

‘What would humans think of us if we persevere?’, the HEC chief asked, and John answered, ‘Since I’m human, I can say that the whole humankind would sneer at you, because so intelligent beings as you proved unable to discern factual from fictional human writings.

Moreover, they may think that you’re ready to sacrifice anybody, any human being, dead or alive, for the sake of science. Humans have worked very hard to prevent being so abused by their fellow humans, and they won’t like to fear being mistreated by beings like you, against which they have no defense.’

‘Is there a way to stop the experiment and save our face, to borrow a human expression?’, the HEC asked.

‘The best way is to let the police find the corpse,’ John answered.

‘What was your plan to have the corpse retrieved in 2021?,’ the HEC chief asked the research director, who in turn answered, ‘To have the cistern collapse. The corpse should then become visible.’

The HEC members deliberated in a room, and after a few minutes they announced that the experiment was to stop, and that Paul would have been retrieved by the police within next Friday.

The HEC, the five researchers and their directors would immediately come back to their universe, Jane would arrange things in order to have Paul found and buried.

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We meet againTime had passed by a few days since we were at the Lake, and my husband  had showed me the film, and although the light was poor I liked what I saw, and was pleased with the results and that everybody was happy.There was just one thing I forgot to tell him, and that was that I had arranged to see the last man who had fucked me again, and that he had rang  and said "could he see me tonight". He was delighted with me and hoped that he could see me again. I had to say that I would...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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River RatChapter 28

What with one thing and another, it took several hours to wind up this end-of-the-season staff meeting. There was one more item on the list to wrap up the year: the season-end staff party at Al's the next night. Everybody who had been at the staff meeting would be there, of course, but so would most of the summer boatmen and swampers within reach, many of the people from other companies who had filled in for the odd trip or two, a few former boatmen like Michelle's parents Pat and Rachel,...

3 years ago
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Big is Beautiful

When I was a young man I was unfortunately in the crap with girls club and really didn't have much experience at all and as I was about to turn 19 I was still a virgin and apparently the only one in my friends still to be. As I say I was quite quiet around girls as many of us are nervous but it wasn't a question of not being into them.Being almost 19 before the dawn of internet hook ups and living in the British countryside with a penchant for older curvier ladies you really narrow your options...

2 years ago
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A Chefs JourneyChapter 9 News of Jason

Rebecca The most heartbreaking of news came out in late February when father's investigator reported that Jason had been working at a resort in Wyoming until the middle of January. Jason had finally purchased a replacement car, and the registration change had alerted the investigators to check in the area. Once they started, they discovered the resort and records showing he had started working there in July. Contact had been made with the owner of the resort, but at the time all we knew was...

2 years ago
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Hot Horse Ride 2

After we step down from the hot ride on her horse, I notice Nikita has big eyes for the growing member of her horse. I take charge and lead the stallion to his stable and ask her "Please get me your dressage whip". As in trance, she obeys.Even in her hottest dreams she never went so far as ... Shivers run down her spine in expectance. With a shy smile and blushes revealing more, she delivers."Thank you, my dear. I´m glad you like my proposition. Now, let me take you for a walk as well. Let´s do...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Nightmare

Introduction: This is a first attempt and is currently incomplete. Constructive comments are appreciated! Are you sure this is the right place for your meeting dad? It looks… Well it looked like nobody has lived in the old house for ages. The two story dilapidated house looked locked up tight. Even the shutters are drawn. Still wearing my school uniform I shivered when I felt a draft under my skirt. I hated wearing this stupid plaid skirt and white blouse but the Woodward School for girls was...

4 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 15

Rachel had not seen her boyfriend, Jeff, as often as she would have liked because of her travels to the rodeos. And when she was home they were both busy with work, so it was a Friday and Saturday night relationship for the most part. They had been dating for three weeks before she slept with him. It wasn't great, but she chalked it up to opening night jitters. A week later she spent the night at his place. The sex was slightly better that time. She did have an orgasm, so she put that one...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 24 The Valedictory Address

Preparing our valedictory address presented us with a few problems to overcome, not the least of which was that it had to be a joint presentation, since we had been named as the co-winners of the honour, albeit after a little nudge from us to the school administrators. We had started tossing realistic ideas back and forth a few weeks previously, and finally hit on what we felt was the perfect solution, especially in that it could be delivered as a 'duet' of sorts, with each of us taking on...

3 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 11

Josh sat on the bed, staring silently ahead, focusing on nothing in particular. His mom had thrown on a robe, and was now pacing back and forth in front of him. “Josh, it’s just meaningless sex. Something to take our minds off everything. Going to that hospital every day. Seeing your sister like she is. Sex is just something we both needed to escape it all.” While quiet on the outside, the voice inside Josh’s head was screaming. All those months of feeling guilty for wanting to fuck her...

1 year ago
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BabymakerChapter 7

"Hi Trent!" Stacy grinned at me, or she could have been Angie. "Hey boyfriend!" Angie said with a delicious smile, except she might have been Stacy. "Uhhh..." I blinked between the two of them, twin thirteen-year-old girls. Tall, slender, beautiful with golden hair and bright blue eyes. They looked like angels to me, but with horns instead of halos! "We were just in the neighborhood..." Stacy sighed, sort of holding one lonely textbook against her tummy as she thrust her hips...

3 years ago
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RebelChapter 39 Nicole

Most people seem to think that young Lafayette was the first Frenchman to come over and serve the American cause. He might have been the richest and perhaps the youngest and surely the best known, but he was not the first. I met a man called Bonnet, Bo-nay he called it, at least a year before I saw Lafayette. He went to war in style, followed by two wagons, one with his food, cook and dinner table and the other for his wife, their clothes and her maid. I had both of them. The maid was better...

2 years ago
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Tarzan Jr Makes His Bones Chapter 3

The muscular son of Tarzan recently transplanted from the Dark Continent knocked on the glass window in the taxi and asked, “Can you take me to the main train station in the middle of London?”The driver looked in the mirror at him and didn’t like what he saw.The bloke in the back was horrendously huge with muscles that strained the seams of his finely cut three-piece suit custom tailored for him by the family haberdasher. The tailor there was noted for his fine workmanship and he only did suits...

3 years ago
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A Show Of Exposure

Gazing into the distance as I ploughed south down the M11 towards London, I was barely aware of the constant splatter of raindrops and spray on the windscreen. The passing junctions blurred into one another as I ate up the miles between the flat I shared in Cambridge with my girlfriend, Sara and my secret destination, the Radisson Blu Hotel next to Stansted Airport, some thirty miles further down the motorway.Hard as I tried to concentrate on the road and the perils of navigating roads as slick...

2 years ago
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When I was 18 I was asked to escort my new neighbors 15 year old son when we went to the pool to swim. I didn't mind, he was a cool k** and I like him. We set off to swim one afternoon and found a good sized croud when we arrived. I relaxed in a lounge chair watching Bobby as he swam and scoping out some of the sexy chicks. Before long I was feeling pretty horny and there was a noticable bulge growing in my shorts so I got up and dove into the water swimming over to Bobby. He said "Did you get...

1 year ago
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Secret Thought

Jono walked down the school's halls absent mindedly glancing at the occasional suit of armor or painting trying to find out where he was going and why things seems oddly out of place. 'Ok Jono explain to me why things seem familiar an so ruddy twisted' Jono thought to himself. 'For that matter why am I here and where am I going.' Jono continued to walk down the eerily familiar hall. Noting that the scene was taking on a more familiar look. 'Ok this looks like the hall in the girls dormitory....

1 year ago
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African savana

I woke up one morning and decided I have been born on this continant yet I only partialy no this land so its time to see what's out there in the wilderness. So my preparations started bought all the necessary equipment asked mt wife to join me and she said she aint going if I aint gona stay in hotels. After months of planing for the three month journey ahead of me I was ready to depart. The morning of my departure my wife and I have the most amazing sex we ever had in ten years of our marrige....

Erotic Fiction
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 38

Despite sleeping well most of the night, I was awake quite early on the Monday morning; I therefore went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea, only to find Sian already there, engaged on the same errand. "Sorry if I woke you, but we needed a cuppa!" "I don't think I heard you, but it doesn't matter at all. By the way, thanks again for coming over to Bristol for lunch; I'm really chuffed that you took the trouble!" "I wasn't sure whether Sheila would keep the secret; but it was...

3 years ago
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A Paladin Corrupted

One day, in the great mountains that extend for leagues and leagues to the east of the Kingdom, a noble Paladin was riding through the trackless woods. The Paladins were the noblest and strongest of all the knights of the realm, halfway between monks and warriors. This Paladins name was Matthias, and even as far as Paladins go, he was tall, and strong, and handsome, and upright. While other Paladins felt doubts and had to overcome temptation, Matthias was single minded in his devotion to his...

2 years ago
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My Boss Wife

She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever met. With curves for days and an ass so sexy that it a recurrent feature in his dreams and fantasies. He wanted her. Deji wanted so bad to fuck his boss’ wife.On days he had to go to drop documents at his boss’ house, he gets extremely turned on whenever he caught a glimpse of his wife. It was torture seeing her in whatever she was wearing. In a nightwear, in shorts, tying a wrapper, whatever. While having a quick discussion with his boss on Monday...

4 years ago
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My 20yr old gf is into older men w huge cocks

I’ve recently introduced my 20yr old g/f Sara to the videos and stories here on xhamster. It’s been an exciting experience sharing our turn-ons and fantasies together as we hook up and role play together. I’ve noticed that she’s really into thick cocks, and especially older men with thick cocks. It all started after we read a story about some guy secretly watching his young g/f hook up with her friend’s dad. She shared how the story got her pussy really wet, and I ended up spending the next...

1 year ago
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Nudist Incest Holiday

Note : This story is completely fictional! Arriving in Devon,with my lovely wife and our son,we met our old divorced friend, whose fields we were staying in. He looked good and healthy,considering he was fifty nine,and introduced our son to him for the first time. He knew that we would be nude for the two weeks,and had seen us without clothes before,when we had stayed in his fields. My wife loved to show herself off to him,as he brought the milk to us,and said to me quietly,as we left on our...

4 years ago
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A First For Us

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…Soon after my divorce, I had began to have some relations with some women friends of mine. Our relations were simply for enjoyment. No one was expecting anything more from our relationships. Things...

3 years ago
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Mothers and DaughtersChapter 15

“This is torture,” Sherry mumbled. Sherry didn’t know if someone could actually die of boredom, but knew that she was close to finding out. In another five or ten minutes, she’d have a data point resolving that question. Unfortunately, if her hypothesis was true, she wouldn’t survive to pass that data point on to anyone. “This is boring,” she muttered for the hundredth time. She was shopping with Otterly and her mother. There was nothing she could imagine that could possibly be worse than...

4 years ago
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From Faithful to Freedom

Back and forth, every night. Between twisted blankets, scattered pillows and a lump of a fiancee next to her, Kya decided to wake up and proceed to her living room. It wasn't a lavish apartment, but with Peter being in between jobs, it had to make due. Being a lone breadwinner was hard on Kya. Especially in such a chaotic office environment like hers. She works long nights, and comes home to continue working on household chores like laundry and cooking supper. Even without a job, Peter spent...

3 years ago
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Party Time

After I’d been at university a few months, my sex life started to pick up and at nearly twenty years of age, I finally lost my virginity to a girl. It wasn’t a momentous occasion. We were both nervous, awkward, and scared of pregnancy and I’d jerked my load almost the moment my cock slid in. But I’d succeeded. I wasn’t a boy anymore, but a man. I acquired a bunch of randy mates and through them, I got invited to that unforgettable party. I may have forgotten some of the details and where I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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She needed the money Chapter 9

Victor rang Frank and asked if the farm was available the next day. “Sure” replied Frank “I have someone in the morning but the afternoon is vacant. Your two lovelies want a repeat do they?” Victor laughed “yes they seem eager to return for round two” he said. “Well then I will make sure I have a special stallion for them. I keep him for my special customers”. Victor thanked him and hung up. Turning around he noticed Rhonda and Ann both eager to know the answer. “Yes” he said smiling broadly...

3 years ago
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Second Coming Part IV Pulling Teeth

Second Coming #4: Pulling Teeth By Valerie Hope THE NBARU EMPIRE HAD NEVER had anything like it before, in all its history. Their society grew from nomadic groups and hunting parties, and their leaders were those who were strongest, fittest and most ruthless, those able to either destroy or checkmate their enemies in their rise to power. No one being ever excelled ? all things were done for the glory of the clan, and now the Empire. So the Fuzzies were completely unprepared for...

2 years ago
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Weekend Sex with Seth

I was so happy when Seth called me and told me his divorce was final. He told me that it's been official for a month, but he needed time to just soak in that he is free to do what ever he wants and when he wants. His ex wife was a stickler on his comings and goings. Seth could be an underwear model, or a spokesman for a trash company and have every lady falling at his feet. I'm just lucky, that I work at the golf course that he plays at.I was at work, doing a short shift: 4 hours to be...

1 year ago
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Dreams Come True

It's funny how wishes can turn out. Before it happened, I would never have wished it to happen. I wished for things like saving up enough money to start a business back home, or getting a green card. It's funny how life turns out - I also dreamed of fucking blond American girls, not that they paid much attention to me. Lookswise, I looked like plenty of other Mexican teens - caramel-colored skin, black eyes and jet-black straight hair. I was smoother and slimmed than most, but apart...

3 years ago
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Coming Home homeI had just finished a shitty day of work and was driving home. Usually when I am driving home after a poor day at work I tend to relax by driving very aggressively down the deserted country roads on the way home. After a good hard drive home I am usually relaxed by the time I walk in the door. Today was no exception. I parked my car in the driveway and headed toward the door. I noticed that Mara’s car was in the driveway, and I remembered that she said...

4 years ago
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Calonge Cuties 2 Sas Marina Joseacutee SM Marlene BDSM


4 years ago
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Inspired by Mazza’s “Perfucktory” and written as a companion story.'Almost there,' he thought. He could feel it building. Andrew went into his signature move, his closer. He knew it was time after he saw her signs. He felt the nails, waited for her to pull her knees up and jam her heels into his butt. Of course he already had her near the edge, and when he’d told her he was close, he knew it would push her closer. Sure enough, just as he started his closing move which consisted of sawing his...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Quiet Shy Guy

I wonder what people really think about me. I guess I talk a lot. When I really get going my friends just laugh at me. They don’t say anything, they just laugh. I can’t help it, it’s just who I am. I work as a receptionist and everyday I talk and flirt with all of the salesmen who come into the office. When the other employees get bored, they will often come up to my desk and talk with me. They know that I always have an interesting story or a joke to tell. ...

2 years ago
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My first time sucking

I was working out of town and staying in a nice hotel. My work day was done and I was in my room resting. I soon got tired of sitting around and decided to take a dip in the pool. I put on my swim suit and a t-shirt and was off. As with most hotel pools, it was not very crowded, probably ten people or so, I did not count. I found a lounge chair, took off my shirt and jumped in. After a few minutes of swimming a few laps, I went to the shallow end and sat on the stairs that led into the pool. I...

2 years ago
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Aunty And Young Boy 8211 Chennai Andra Experience

H every one, this is chinna paiyan ( name changed ) . I have been following Indian sex stories for very long time ! I m 18 now !! Young but energetic boy . I don’t know why like aunties a lot ! They r sexy , caring and unsatisfied soo I love them. This is the time fa me to say my story which happened one year ago !! with my aunty Sunitha age29 .she s very fair and slim . she looks like small girl .her stats 32-30-34 . she s from andra.. I thought her homely first but later she was a sexy bitch...

1 year ago
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Sean and Nicole Meet

Nicole thought over it many times before finally agreeing to it. She had thought about how it would go and Michael had shown her videos and had her read stories about what it might be like, but nothing helped calm her nerves. Michael had a deep fantasy for BDSM and Nicole was happy to indulge in it, especially since she had started getting her sex drive back. The couple had done some adventures things already like some bondage, spanking and even some threesomes, but nothing like this. Nicole...


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