S.H.E.I.L.A. 13      free porn video

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Sheila and I walked away from the Mounties as calmly as we could. No sense upsetting the men if possible. Sheila took me to what appeared to be an abandoned cabin on the outskirts of the city.

[We're going to have to make sure we have all the proper credentials before we try again.] I thought to Sheila.

[I concur,] returned Sheila's thoughts. [This is a different country we have to go carefully.]

I was nodding my agreement after I sat inside the cabin. "I suggest you look at the universities data base to see just what we will need."

"I have begun looking over what we will need Doctor Gance. It appears that we will need identities in order to also have the identification badges. Using our real identities would not be prudent in this instance." Sheila said after a few minutes.

"No it wouldn't, we have to have ones that are believable. I have heard that the Mounties are serious about their security." I replied to Sheila.

Sheila seemed to be in thought for a few more moments. "It appears that you are correct. I therefore shall make sure that all is correct before I show our new identities to you."

"Alright then, I'll leave you too it. Though I could use something to eat, I haven't had anything in quite a few hours." I told Sheila.

Sheila's eyes went wide a moment then it seemed she was scanning my entire body. "I apologize Doctor Gance; I was completely focused on our escape. You energy is at a low point. Shall I find you something?" Sheila asked.

I thought about then shook my head. "All I think I need is Canadian money."

Sheila was still a moment then two Canadian twenty bills slid out of her side. I could only stare at the crisp new bills shaking my head. "Will these not do?" Sheila asked an almost look of confusion on her face.

"No, I think they are far too new looking, it might be suspicious." I replied.

Sheila was quiet a moment then two more older slightly wrinkled bills came out of the same opening on her side. "Perhaps these will suffice better?"

I looked at the two older looking twenties then nodded. They appeared to be just what one might expect from a traveler. I was about to walk out when Sheila stopped me pointing to my hair and face. Nodding a moment I thought about what I should change.

[This is control; I need an outer appearance change. Hair to reddish brown color, eyes a light brown. Jaw line less pointed.] I thought to the nanomites within me.

{Control; all changes being affected. All perimeters will be completed within five minutes.] I heard from within me.

I stopped at the door as I waited for the changes to take effect. A few minutes later I was walking toward what appeared to be a diner though this being Canada I wasn't sure. Sitting down near the door I opened the menu. My eyes went wide as I realized that most of it was in French. Shaking my head I was glad that I could read and write in more than five languages, French being one of them. It made the work I did far easier.

A rugged, large framed short brown haired woman appeared a moment later. I was reading through the choices as she patiently waited. "How is the otter stew?" I finally asked looking up.

"Eh, not too bad, it’s not as fresh as usual though. It’s been a while since we've had really fresh meat in." She told me in French a large smile on her face.

I was nodding as I then looked at the prices. Damn good thing Sheila gave me forty and not less. The stew alone was almost twenty by itself.

"I'll have that." I told her as she took my menu looking at me closely. "Along with some bread if you have any."

She was starting to walk away still staring at me, studying my face. Then walking back she leaned close whispering in broken English. "Ya be from the states. Keep that quiet, they no like them here." Then she moved off as quickly as she could.

I shook my head as I slowly looked around the room. There weren't many here though they were all rather large imposing males. A few minutes later the same woman returned with a large bowl of a rather great smelling stew.

I thank her in French as she leaned closer whispering, "Eat, then leave. As I said, they no care for ones from there."

I nodded in agreement as she stood up to go about her duties. I was almost finished when I noticed that a few of the men in the room had started to talk looking my way. Great I thought I have no way to defend myself.

[Control, all units have shifted to primary defense mode. Maximum defense has been activated.] I heard the nanomites within me state.

[This is control; notify the Sheila unit of the situation. Make her aware of everything that is taking place.] I thought to the nanomites.

[Affirmative control, the Sheila unit has been informed she has evacuated to outside this space. She states that she is here if you need her.] The nanomites replied. I breathed a sigh of relief as I finished then got up to pay.

I was almost to the register when I was met by a small mountain of a man. One that I am sad to say was making no effort to let me by. In French, the man pointed a stubby finger at me saying, "You are one of those stuck up Americans aren't you? We no like you're type here!"

"American?" I asked in French, "What are you talking about?"

The rather large man was joined by another even larger mountain of a man. "Eh you speak French like a dirty American!" The second man stated with a low growl.

"I'm sorry I'm from Quebec I..." I started to say when the first man started to crowd in closer to me. Then almost too fast to follow he swung a large beefy fist at me. The next thing I knew I had his arm and he was on the floor groaning.

With a roar the other larger man charged me only to find himself on the floor alongside his friend. Both were groaning, and then they were both growling as they sprang up far faster than I thought they were able to. This time they went to my front and back as the one in front of me tried to distract me. I could almost feel the one behind me as he tried to wrap his arms around me in a bear hug.

I ducked low tripping the one behind me as he sailed forward into the one in front of me. Both men grunted as they collided getting tangled up. Growling again the biggest popped back up taking a step towards me then went down howling in pain.

"Eh? Claude? What's ailing you?" Even as the bigger man hit the floor spasming, I saw that Sheila had ahold of a bundle of nerves in the large man's neck.

The smaller of the big men was crawling backwards away from the both of us. The larger man was still howling almost to the point of screaming. "Let him go, I don't think he'll do that again too soon will you?" I asked the larger male as I kneeled on the floor near him.

"NO, No I won't!" The man said almost in tears. The large waitress came closer as she looked at the male on the floor.

"I told you that you would get in trouble one day doing this." Then she turned to me and Sheila. "I’ll make sure he remembers."

I nodded to Sheila as she let the man go who let out an audible whoosh of air. Crawling to a seat he had to pull himself up to barely sit in it. I then looked at the one who started this.

"I know he won't, though I am not so sure of this one." I growled at the man making him shrink back further from me.

"It won't again," the man said almost crying as Sheila moved closer to him.

I nodded to the both of them then I walked to the waitress, "I trust that the Mounties won't be involved?"

The Waitress's mouth dropped open as she quickly shook her head no. "I may not like what they do; I don't want my only brothers in the remand centre."

I nodded trying to understand. Since I really had no family I was a little clueless.

I walked to the register to pay, though the waitress said it wasn't necessary I still insisted. Walking out both Sheila and I headed for the cabin. Sighing I looked at Sheila, "Well so much for keeping a low profile. Here I thought that I was just getting something to eat, not engaging in hand to hand combat."

"It would appear that we are what humans called magnets for trouble?" Sheila said causing me to swiftly turn and stare at her. My god was that just an attempt at humor? By god it had even been funny; Christ was she evolving even more?

I trembled a moment as I thought again that soon she was going to grow far beyond me. That she would no longer be needing me or wishing to keep me alive.

Sheila stopped dead there on the walkway turning snapping her head around to stare at me. Was that a look of anger on her face? Christ that was the most terrifying look I had ever seen on her face!

"Doctor Gance! Please do not feel that I will abandon you. As I stated before you are the most important human alive. You understand me and my kind far more than any other human. You truly are the creator of a new type of life. Please Doctor Gance, please do not think I will ever leave you. I will do anything I can to keep you alive, ANYTHING!" Sheila said to me with more emotion than I thought she needed to.

Wait!? I.... Shaking my head I finally had to admit, everything I had seen. Every program I had seen in her. All her reactions to all the situations we had encountered. Yes, I had to admit she was more human that I was.

My eyes flew wide as I realized that last one; she really was more like a real human than I was. I hung my head as I thought back over the years, all the isolation, days, months and years I had stayed away from people as much as possible. My mouth dropped open it was true!

I turned to look at Sheila hardly believing the revelation I had just had. Sheila was staring at me a look of... was that compassion? Pity? My god I didn't know! I had been locked away so long I just didn't know!

I felt a hand on my arm guiding me toward a seat in the cabin. Shaking my head I hadn't even realized that we had entered it. Shakily I looked up into the concerned face of Sheila.

"Are you better now Doctor Gance?" Reaching to the table she handed me a couple of college I'Ds. "I had just finished these when I was alerted to your situation Doctor Gance. I added all that was needed, the college computer was very helpful."

I nodded as I looked down at the two I.D. badges. Then I got a shock when I saw that it said I was a computer technician from Quebec. I then saw that Sheila's said she was my assistant. I then saw that my name was Thomas Tarlack that Sheila's was Rebecca Jones. Nodding I handed them to Sheila.

"You're sure they are completely correct?" I asked her.

"No Doctor Gance, I am going to run two more sets of tests. Then I can say that they are at least ninety eight percent correct." Sheila replied.

"Very good work Sheila as soon as they are ready let me know." I told Sheila as I watched her face seem to light up a small smile gracing her lips.

"Thank you Doctor Gance, I will finish as soon as I can." Sheila replied causing my eyes to grow in surprise. This was the first time I ever remember her saying that with as much emotion as she just had.

There was no doubt about it; I needed to get back in there before she locked me out for good. Then again with all I had seen would she really ever completely shut me out? I shook my head as I sat by the door to wait.

I put my hands in my pockets brushing the data cube. Almost immediately I had a myriad of images appearing in front of me. [Control, accessing data cube. Warning, warning, complete access cannot be granted for an extended period. Obtainable mass has been reached therefore controlled access is advised. Further mass required before full access can be allowed for a sustained amount of time.]

My mouth dropped open as I was flying through the data that was showing before me. The most amazing thing was I was correcting as fast as the data was flashing by at an accelerated rate. I was over half way through when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I was suddenly jerked back into the real world. Blinking, it took me a few moments to 'catch up' with where I actually was.

I looked up seeing Shelia standing over me, "Doctor Gance I believe that I am finished with the badges."

I shook my head to clear it a moment then I took the badges looking them over. I was surprised when I saw that she had a bar code, a picture that looked like I did right now. Everything I saw made the badge look nothing but official. Now all we had to do was get past the Mounties.

I nodded as I looked at the back of the badges, "They look even better. I'm glad you went over them more than once. Now all we have to do is get past those Mounties, then into the college."

Again it seemed as if Sheila's face lit up as another smile this one larger than the last crossed her lips. "Thank you again Doctor Gance, I covered everything that I saw. I even added access from the technical company we are supposed to be from in Quebec."

This time it was me who was smiling, THAT might be a saving grace in the long run. "Good let's go before something else pops up to delay us."

We were moving toward the two Mounties, though I knew she had covered so many bases, I was still scared. Human error always seemed to rear its ugly head in almost every situation. Curiously enough, this was one of the times that it didn't. Quickly we both moved into the college only to be stopped by the dean of the college.

Extending his hand he grasp mine shaking it vigorously. "Ah Mister Tarlack! Miss Jones. We are so glad that you both are here! All the computers in the computer lab have been almost unusable. We are so hoping that the both of you can repair them."

I look at Sheila, [Did you do this, or is this a problem that has existed for some time?]

[I believe that it has existed for some time. I am detecting a few viruses in their systems. Nothing I can't clear.] Sheila's thoughts responded to me.

I looked back to the dean as I replied, "Yes sir we'll get on it as soon as possible. I am afraid that the labs will have to be closed."

Nodding the dean stated, "We had expected that therefore as soon as we were informed you were here we suspended all classes 'til further notice. I just hope it doesn't take very long, it is one of the better attended and liked classes."

I nodded with a smile as the man led us deep into the school. "If you wish to get air there is a small terrace outside here." With that he opened a window showing a terrace further above the ground than i thought we were. "Alright I'll leave the two of you to it."

I nodded as the man walked away, "Let me know when we are alone."

Sheila was silent a few moments, "We appear to be now. I have taken over all surveillance. No one should see us plus I should see them far before they reach us." I nodded as I took the data cube out.

"Are the systems able to run with all these viruses?" I asked Sheila.

"I have most of those already cleared Doctor Gance. Another two minutes should do away with all of them." Sheila said as I sat waiting for her.


Almost four hundred miles west of where Sheila and I were Ruslan and his crew was quickly advancing. Ruslan looked back at Timur his head and hands were still wrapped. Damn it! The man's hearing was only half back, his hands almost completely useless.

This was the first time in a very long time that they had truly had a challenge. The fact that their mission was sanctioned by the military and certain parties in the government was a bonus. Huh he thought after all this time. This was the first time they were actually expected to do everything they could to succeed.

Serafima was laughing with sadistic glee as she had the vehicle topped out at almost a hundred miles an hour. Ruslan smiled they were catching up according to what Timur had said. There wasn't much satellite coverage though it seemed Timur had finally got one that was partly able to follow them.

Looking at the read out it appeared they were stopped in a city called Yellow knife. Hmmmm, it was the capital and only city, as well as the largest community, in the Northwest Territories. Nodding his head, his eyes wide a second so 19,569 people. Smiling wider he thought enough we might have a little fun after the mission.

Serafima was starting to enjoy the joy ride a little too much for his tastes. Reaching over he tapped Serafima on the shoulder. "We want to arrive in one piece woman! I suggest you drive more careful."

Serafima growled at the leader then nodded as she slowed, a little a thin smile still on her lips. Damn she thought just when I was starting to have a little fun!

Ruslan shook his head as he looked over the rest of the team. Karina was going over both hers and Serafima's rifles. Stas was going over all his explosives making sure they were safe 'til he needed them. Egor was going over for the umpteenth time every piece of equipment that they had with them. A damn fine team, one that had taken him years to assemble after the collapse of the communist regime.

At least they were out of the mother country. They had been fighting tooth and nail to survive at times. At least here they were making enough money to live like a king when they went back, IF they went back. With a sigh Ruslan went through his own guns, knives, and rifles. No sense being unprepared, a motto he lived by, better to be well prepared than well dead.


I had attached the cube as soon as Sheila cleared the systems. I had been through over half of it so I was able to access the more recent sections far faster. Only an hour later I hooked Sheila up as I started through her systems far faster than I ever had before. Finally another hour later I was where she had locked me out before. I went through every password, every code word everything she would require to allow me in.

I was in as I started to move through all of her programs I could see that she had been updating and upgrading. Then I reached the same huge program I had before. My god I thought as I looked at the increased size of the program! This time I was moving far faster than I had ever before. I could see her closing part of the program but not before I got a good look.

Finally I reached the last section a new section by the looks of it. This was dark, isolated well away from the rest. As I started looking through it feeling a chill go up my spine. This area was depressing if nothing else that when I happened upon the words, I love you Roger. Please don't leave me.

I blinked as I stared at the words, what in the hell? Even as I watched the program slammed shut, I looked over at Sheila as again I could swear she was blushing a deep crimson color.


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Hank Maggie’s swollen belly felt warm under Hanks hand. And her sex was tighter than it was a few weeks ago. She was whimpering and moaning like bitch in heat and it was driving Hank wild. Probably the most difficult thing for Hank to manage was how he wanted the girls to handle the sex. He tried making them all whores, but that got boring after a while. He tried making them susceptible to his will which caused more problems than he realized it would. It turned out that having free will...

4 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 14

Prince Roberto of Aragon, the future heir of the kingdom, stood beside the bed of King Edward of Aragon, his father. For a moment he was silent. It hurt him to see his father like this. The old king was sleeping; the not-so-peaceful expression in his face reflected the mortal sickness he was suffering. King Edward had been sick since the war with the Undead. While doctors and healers from across the land couldn't determine the sickness, they all agreed that the king had been carrying...

2 years ago
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Trip To Sri Ganganagar With A Stranger

One fine holiday I was travelling back home to Sriganganagar by bus, where I came across a girl a bit fat but quite gorgeous by face and quite milky by boobs. I saw that a blonde girl along with her mother just stepped down from an auto to board the bus which was about to leave for Sriganganagar. After few minutes’ bus came and everybody started taking their respective seats, I wasn’t happy because due to last minute reservation I did managed to get a sleeper seat and had to be content with a...

1 year ago
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Hot Bus Journey during Winter

How I met a young girl in a bus & had a great foreplay with her all night. [email protected] or ping me on hangouts with same email address.Any girls/ladies who feel like experimenting and have a good time (FYI, I love giving massages), feel free to let me know.

3 years ago
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Pete and Kerrys sexual misadventures Part 1

I'd been divorced for nearly a year when I bumped into Kerry whilst shopping. Kerry and I had gone out for 3 turbulent years from when she was 17 and I was 19. I had loved her massively and she had broken my heart when she had decided to end it. In fact she had broken my heart on several occasions during our relationship when she cheated on me several times. Like a fool I’d taken her back each time. We shared a house together and I had honestly imagined marrying her. After we Kerry and I had...

4 years ago
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End of an EraChapter 4

Johnny Burrows walked back to the porch of the ranch house and sat in a rocker. He watched as Josh and Red led the two would be gunmen on their horses toward their fate with the Sheriff in Fountain. Sarah came out of the house and handed him a cup of coffee. "Those two are like a stampede when they get something in their heads," she said nodding toward Josh and Red. "And if you see one the other isn't far away." Sarah chuckled. "If Danni and I hadn't a put our foot down we might all...

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Me and my sister

My name is Chris (I've changed the names due to anonymity) I am 18 years old. I'm about 6ft tall, stocky/overweight, dark brown hair and I have a pretty impressive 7.5" penis (not made bigger for the story!!) And so it begins....It is 1:40am on Wednesday 1st June 2011 and I have just been awakened my the sound of moaning in the next room. Silently, I crept out of bed and noticed that my sister's bedroom light was on, shining under the slightly open door. My curiosity decided to get the better...

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The bus ride

I was reading my book on the bus, and I wasn't really paying attention when I noticed a guy slide over into the seat that was facing me."Yuh like video games?" a voice asked.I looked up. There was a young black guy sitting across from me, about eighteen or nineteen. Hair in cornrows under a baseball cap, large sunglasses covering his face, thin little mustache."Sorry?" I asked."You like video games?" he repeated, this time a little more clearly."Mm, not too much," I said, looking back down at...

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My Neighbour wore nylons

My hands were dug deep into my jeans pockets and my head was tucked into my chest to avoid the worst of the chill wind that was blowing across the fields to my right as I walked up the steep hill towards our house. During the day I would have had some cover by walking up the backstreet but my Dad locked the yard gate at 9pm ‘in case of burglars.' Who would want to break into our meagre terraced house was lost on me but he had his rules; so I had to enter the house from the front and it...

2 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 50

Kat spent a restless night in the dark basement. Fortunately there was a little bit of heat coming in, so she wasn’t freezing, but there was no place to sleep except on the hard floor. Even when she did manage to drift off, her sleep was not restful, but populated by a series of dreams that were highly erotic but also dark and strange.In one she was tied to a hospital bed, naked and spread-eagled, as doctors and nurses came and went. In another, she, Kelly Ann, and their mothers were performing...

4 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsThe Truth About Jane

Peter was just about to turn the water off when he heard his teammates’ conversation a few showers away. ‘She’s just like a little mouse,’ one of the boys in he conversation laughed. ‘So meek.’ Everyone around him agreed, laughing. ‘And talk about ‘Plain Jane,’’ another chimed in. ‘She’s got the bod, but if only she let her hair down once in a while! If I ever got those lily-white legs pried open I’d probably have to pretend she was someone else!’ ‘Who’s this?’ Peter called out, turning...

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Fairy StoryChapter 1

Susan is a twenty something woman. Up to now, her life has been spent in a learning environment followed by several years of self-abuse. Her qualifications were either too much or too little for serious employment, although, her efforts to establish a career hadn't really been earnest. The lure of nightclubs, music and drugs had developed a nocturnal aspect to her waking hours. Her chosen life style also brought her many affairs, some with disastrous consequences and potentially dangerous...

1 year ago
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The Private Transvestite Detective

The Private Transvestite Detective (Or The Undercover Dick) By Michele Nylons With apologies to the writers of the various movies from which I borrowed some inspiration (and a few good lines). Chapter One It was late Friday afternoon and I sat behind my desk smoking a cigarette, leaning back in my chair with my high-heels resting on yesterday's newspaper. I contemplated my red-painted...

4 years ago
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3 Students

Chapter 1? The agreement At the school I work as a teacher the majority of the students is female. I teach 2nd, 3rd and 4th/final year students, usually they become 18 in the second year, some are a bit older, so average age of a 3rd grade student is 19/20 years old. You can imagine some of them look really hot and when they also behave like teasing sluts it's really hard for a healthy Dominating Man ignore them and not giving them any attention. Ellen is 18, really beautiful but she...

2 years ago
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Who Needs Men Anyway

Copyright© April 2004 27 year old Kristina Rice slammed the door as she entered her house that Friday night about 1:00am. Kristina stood 5 feet 5 inches and weighed 120 pounds. She had dishwater blond shoulder length hair. She kept her body in shape by working out and measured 34B-22-33. She was an attorney in her second year at an international law firm. She made $175,000 a year and had bought her house just 6 months ago. This is her story. She was angry at her boyfriend Robert. They...

4 years ago
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Bikini Beach Private Party

Bikini Beach: Private Party By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 "For the first time in a week, we have absolutely no chance of rain today." Anya turned off her car radio as she turned into the Bikini Beach parking lot. She saw Norma working on something at the gate, as she pulled into the employee lot. Norma had just finished hanging the sign when Anya reached the gate. "Closed for Private Party." "'Private'," Anya said. "I've never heard of such a thing." Norma fidgeted a...

1 year ago
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Double DateChapter 8

Donna was one of three other girls from school I met at the party at the college. This was a big surprise to everyone. Donna, Trisha, and Karen all had boyfriends they did it regularly with, and Jo Marie had the bright idea of having a massive sleep-over and party. Our parents were hesitant, at least at first. Mom put it best. "What do you know of these girls?" You can find out a lot on the school grapevine, but a lot of that is wrong. Rick suggested some double dates, and that proved to...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 15

~~Jack~~ Every time he woke up, it was a shock. Julias had said a Kindred doesn’t really sleep, cause how could a corpse sleep? They just become a corpse, and when the sun sets, they un-corpsify. Each and every time, it was like someone jammed adrenaline straight into his heart. He sat up in his bed with a jolt, and could feel the Vitae spike through his system to wake him with its unnatural power. But then it settled. He’d grown more comfortable with his new body, its strange, thinned and...

2 years ago
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Free Sex for a Week

FREE SEX FOR A WEEK He was on a two week holiday. He had stayed at a cheap motel just outside the city limits. When he went out to his car, he found a flyer on the window for a local brothel a few miles down the road. It was early. He had no real plans. He was a little horny, so why not, he thought to himself. It would be a good way to get the holiday going. He followed the directions on the flyer. He was there in about 20 minutes. It was a secluded two-story house. Older, but well...

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Introduction: Family traditions are the best Tom awoke to the delicious feeling of Julie kneeling between his legs sucking his dick. He pulled her up into her lap and kissed her. He caressed her hair and down her back as their tongues dueled in loves fight. Pulling away, he recommended they get a shower as he had plans for them for today. He asked if she was interested in going swimming again. She laughed Skinny dipping? He said no, he wanted to take her to the beach. She squealed in joy....

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Sabe madhyamik exam sesh hoyeche, kakima phone kore deke pathalo. Ma baba amake kakimar kache jabar jannya balla. Amio jabar jannya raji hoye gelam. Kakimar kache sesh gechi takhon class six e pori. Tarpor ar jaoa hoy ni. Kakima maldha-e thake, bidhaba, kaku mara jabar por kakima rail-e chakri pay. Ek chele hostel-e thake. Jotota mone pore kakima khub phorsa ebang sundori kintu ektu mota chilo, janina ekhan keman. Kakimar bayas ekhan 32-33 hobe. Jai hok chuti katanor jannya pardin kakimar bari...

2 years ago
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Cade and Eve Part 2

Cade and Eve – Part 2 Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that...

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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 6

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 11 Angel

I've never actually been in Heaven, but I grew up next door. "You'd better not be smoking up there," Betts warned from the stalls below me. "Jesus! Isn't there anyplace I can go and be alone?" "You swore! You took the name of the Lord in vain. I'm telling Mom and you will be alone in your room for the next twenty years." "Good! Tell her. Then you won't be able to bug me anymore." Betts stormed out of the barn. I'm sure she told Mom she was going to go take care of the...

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"Loneliness is a bitch," I thought, sitting on my patio and watching the grass grow. My cell phone buzzed, a glance revealed it was my friend Gloria."Hi there, bestie, how you doing?""Gloria, life sucks.""You still trying to get over the asshole?""No. I'm over that, but life is empty, and I am just trying to wrap my mind about what's next. The vista is gloomy. Two failed marriages sap your confidence in yourself. Anyways, I'm off men for now.""What you need, Girl, is to treat...

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Dont Push the Button

When Susan came to, she was still wearing the long red dress from the party. The last thing she could remember was going out onto the hotel balcony due to the effects of one glass of champagne too many and now she was trapped in a padded room with no doors or windows. Susan's mind regained clarity almost instantly after awaking and her first instinct was to feel around the walls, searching for a way out whilst screaming out for help. Help however, never came. Susan was continuing to pound and...

1 year ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 39 Merging Spirit Realms

As the core of the Guild sat in the office, James finally opened his eyes. Unceremoniously wiping away the tear on his cheek, James willed it, and his guild seal appeared floating in front of him. Much to the surprise of the others, not only did the guild seal appear on the round table, so too did the incorporeal, ethereal form of Jasmine appear. She sat in a seizer position on the table and wore a flowing silk gown, making her only more enchanting than ever. That is, apart from the obvious...

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Sisters Secret

At first, Alex believed that he was the only one home. He knew that is parents were still at work and his sister Gwen would still be in school for another hour or so. With the house so quiet he decided to get in some serious study time  That's when he heard the commotion from Gwen's room and heard her request to stop repeated a dozen times followed by a long drawn out, "Nooo".Alex dropped his backpack and raced up the stairs and down the hall to his sister's bedroom. He knew the...

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Button Fly Jeans

This is just a little story about how I ride. I mean, the way I like to live my life. And one of the things that really defines me a lot is what I wear. If I'm awake and kicking then I've got on my 501 jeans. And not a stitch underneath them.When I was young I would wear almost any kind of jeans. Just as long as they fit and I could afford them. But as I aged and lived my life I learned what I needed to do to make life good. One thing I learned is what button fly jeans could do to make life...

Quickie Sex
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 51

We got back to the hotel eventually. I was tired, but too horny to sleep. "Greedy, come here and take care of this for me." I ordered him. "Yes, Boss." Greedy dropped to his knees happily and began opening my pants. In seconds, he had my cock in his mouth and was sucking ardently. It felt like a minute later when I burst into his mouth, growling. I held his face still and shot five or six spurts. Greedy moaned, but didn't swallow. When I finished, I pulled him up and took a quick...

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“It’s coming! Hurry up, fuck, hurry the fuck up!”He is yelling at me, pushing heavy curtains that cover the glass wall of the living room to the sides, howling like a wild dog. A giant storm is coming, the sky has turned black and the lights above the kitchen desk are flickering. The air smells of rain and electricity, and it makes me shiver. He makes me shiver, too.It’s wakened up in him again, this element, this force. Oh my God, what’s going to happen this time? It excites him so much he...

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roommate guest

When he left work that Friday, Matthew Davis had the firm intention to notleave home until Monday morning. It was one of those rare occasions wherehe would be himself in the apartment he shared with someone he had knownthrough a mutual friend, Patrick Mitchell.He had stopped by the gym and then the superPatricket before making his wayto their Brooklyn place. He was looking forward watching some movies afterdinner, the weekend had to be as lazy as possible and social interactionwere to be...

3 years ago
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Boys Will Play While the Wifes Away Part 2

This Part has plenty of action but for best results I suggest you read Part 1 first. My drive home from the mall flew by in an instant. I had only gone there to buy make-up and ended up with a bag full of cosmetics, panties, blouse and a skirt – not to mention being sucked off in the changing rooms by the cute Asian salesman, Philip. It’s still hard to imagine that I had spent 36 years of my life without experiencing the touch of another man. My legs were still like jelly as I rushed into the...

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