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"STEPCHILD" By: Jacki Pett My stepsisters, Amanda and Cathy, are sitting on the couch next to me in the doctor's waiting room. My stepmother is in talking with the doctor. Amanda and Cathy are both reading magazines. Janet, my other stepsister, felt bad she couldn't be there with me too. I feel kind of weird, sitting here, sort of spaced out. Mom gave me a Valium to take before we left the house. She said it was to help me relax. It's been a long time since I've felt this uncomfortable around other people. Maybe it's because Dr. Morse is a gynecologist. This is my third visit to her and I like her but I still feel awkward sitting here, in my dress, in her waiting room. The women sitting around us don't realize I'm a guy. My life wasn't always this confused. I had just turned twelve a few days before my real Mom's accident. She and I were really close. I miss her a lot. It was natural that I was really depressed for a long time after she died. My Dad and I never got along very well. His work kept him away from home a lot. Mrs Bates, our house keeper, looked after me. Dad had been a big football star in college and he always expected me to follow in his footsteps. I was never the athletic type, being short and kind of puny. He and I never got along very well. I was always a little jealous of the relationships my friends had with their Dads. I had no brothers or sisters to emulate. My only role models were Mom and Mrs Bates, with Dad away on business so much. Physically, and I suppose emotionally, I took after my mother more than my father. He was 6'4" while my mom was a tiny 5'3". On my eleventh birthday I was only 5'. Mom always told me that I would trim down and build myself up when I got a little older. She never made me feel selfconscious about my 'baby fat', she called it. It bothered Dad a lot more than her. Dad was always trying to get me involved in sports but I was never very interested. He constantly encouraged me to build myself up, so that I'd be better suited for sports. He made me try out for everything but I always failed miserably. I seemed to lack the skills, the coordination that other kids had. He always said I threw a ball like a girl. That frustrated him and he took it out on me often. I wonder what he'd think of his son if he could see me now? I was upset at Dad today. It seemed like Mom's funeral was only a few days ago and he brought home this woman for me to meet. "Dennis, I'd like you to meet your new mother, Ms Worth." He introduced her as his fiance. How could Dad fall in love with this woman? He was supposed to have loved Mom? I know I sounded a little cold but I couldn't help it. "Hello Ms Worth." "Please call me mother, Dennis. It's very nice to meet you at last. Your father's told me so much about you." She said sweetly with a warm, but phony smile, as she took my hand. I bet he has, I thought to myself. The woman didn't fool me. I could feel the coldness toward me. I could see it in her eyes. I tried to excuse myself but Dad wouldn't let me go to my room just yet. "We're going to be moving in a few weeks. I'm selling the house and were going to live in Georgia." "We're moving?" I didn't want to leave New York. I didn't want to go live in a strange place and leave my friends. "What about Mrs Bates?" I asked. She had been with us since I was born. I didn't want to leave her behind. "We won't be needing a housekeeper any more Dennis. I'll be taking care of you from now on." Ms Worth, 'Mother', said with that same phony smile on her lips. She made me very uncomfortable. I didn't like it. Mrs Bates had been like a Mother to me since my real Mom died. I didn't want a new Mom, especially not this woman. After dinner, Dad went off to tell Mrs Bates about his decision. Ms Worth and I were left at the table. "I think you'll enjoy living with us in Georgia. We have a really nice house in the country, just outside of Atlanta. You'll have new friends to play with and I have three daughters who are just dying to meet you." GIRLS! I'm going to have to live with three girls? Now I liked the idea even less. I didn't know what to say to the woman. "Janet's 15, Cathy is 13 and Amanda is your age." She told him. She took her wallet from her purse and showed me their pictures. They were all very pretty, like their mother. "They're pretty." What else could I say? The youngest girl didn't look much like her sisters. I didn't realize at the time but she had my Dad's eyes. "I know that all of this is very sudden Dennis but I'm sure you'll just love Georgia." She was no more convincing now than she had been earlier. I know she didn't really want me coming to live with them. "I'm sure." I said sarcastically. The woman's smile turned to a frown. "You will learn to accept me Dennis." She said coldly. Dad came back and I excused myself from the table. It was obvious I wasn't going to get a chance to talk to him alone. I went to my room. I had a lot to think about. Dad came in around eleven to tell me to turn off my TV. "Mother thinks you're very nice." He told me. I knew he was lying. "No she doesn't Dad." I was hoping to find some compassion. "She doesn't like me. And she's not my mother. My Mom is dead." "Dennis, I've had enough!" He said menacingly. "Ms Worth and I are going to be married next month in Georgia and you will show her the same respect as you did your real mother. She's your mother now and I expect you to act accordingly. You will call her Mother or you'll be a very sorry little boy. You and I have never gotten along very well. You've let me down time after time and it's going to end now. You are not going to ruin the happiness I've found. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Dad scared me. The look in his eyes was something I had never seen before. "Yes sir." I answered meekly. He was still upset. "I expect you to obey her. You will do as you're told and that's the end of it." "Yes sir." I replied again, cowering. He really scared me and as I sat there on the edge of my bed I heard a noise at the door. I looked past Dad to see the woman standing in the doorway, smiling with satisfaction. I had been put in my place and she knew it. She stayed the night. I guess she slept with my Dad in the bed he had shared with Mom. The thought made me angry. Dad got me up early the next morning. Ms Worth made Dad and I breakfast. Mrs Bates was strangely absent. She always had breakfast with me, even when Dad was home. 'Mother' tried to be really sweet to me in front of Dad. She said she hadn't cooked for men since her husband died years ago and she enjoyed it. When Dad left to go to the office the woman got on my case almost immediately. I got up from the table to go out to play. "And where do you think you're going?" She said. "I was going out to play." I answered innocently. I had none of the sarcasm of the night before in my voice. Dad had warned me. "Not until the table is cleared and the kitchen is cleaned up, you're not." She commanded. "The girls do their chores around the house and you might as well start getting used to the same. Boys don't get any special privileges under my roof." Witch, was the first thought that came to mind. I didn't say anything. I cleared the table while she went in the living room to read the paper and drink her coffee. It wasn't fair. I had put everything away and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I was on my way to my room when she stopped me. "Wait a minute young man. Come with me and we'll see what kind of a job you did cleaning up." She herded me back into the kitchen. "Just look at those counters and the stove. You're not going to get away with doing half the job. I want to see those counters sparkle and I expect this floor to be swept before you go anywhere." She wasn't kidding. I never had to do this before and I resented her making me, but what choice did I have. It was almost ten before I was allowed out of the house to play with my friends. She made me wipe down all the appliances and wash the sink on her second inspection. Where was Mrs Bates? I was on my way out the door and she made be go back to my room and change. She didn't like my old jeans and tee shirt. I had to put on school clothes and was told, in no uncertain terms, not to get dirty. It was embarrassing but I knew she could make life difficult for me. Dad got home around six. 'Mother' made dinner and to my surprise, she cleaned up herself. I figured out that it was because Dad was there. No one objected when I went to my room after dinner. They didn't want me around. I heard them go to bed around midnight. She left the next morning, to go home. Dad didn't have much to say when he got back from taking Mother to the airport. Mrs Bates was back and that was a relief. I told her how the woman treated me. "You can't expect her to be exactly the same as your mother Dennis. She is obviously a very orderly person and she thinks she's just teaching you to take care of yourself. You're going to have to give her the benefit of the doubt." Mrs Bates explained. I guess she was right. I just figured that all mothers were the same. I was wrong. I still didn't like the idea of my Mother being replaced by this woman. I tried to tell Dad what the woman was like when he wasn't around, but he got mad at me again. He said I was overreacting and he didn't want to hear any more about it. I don't understand him. He is more distant toward me than ever. We stopped for the night at a motel off I95 in North Carolina. I said goodbye to my friends this morning and Dad and I left in the car for Georgia. I was surprised that we didn't even stay around to wait for the house to be sold. Dad arranged for a real estate agent to sell it for him. Dad explained that he didn't want to bring old memories into our new life. That's why all our old furniture was being sold with the house. He wouldn't even let me bring my bed. Dad is acting funny. We don't even talk like we used to. He's hardly said two words to me since we left. The day was overcast and It reflected my mood, gloomy. We got a late start this morning. Today was bright and sunny. I guess the weather brightened my mood, and Dad's as well. We talked a little. Our conversation centered around the new home we were heading for, Ms Worth, my new Mother, and her girls. That's all he talked about the whole way. We reached the house around 2:00 in the afternoon, after driving through Atlanta. We left the city behind and the scene changed to rural countryside. The house was on a large piece of property. It was like the ones you see in southern magazines. It was a gray, two story house with white trim and shutters. The front porch wrapped around both sides of the house. I had expected it to be bigger, the way Dad had described it. Ms Worth and her daughters came out on the porch to meet us when Dad honked the horn. I recognized each of them from the pictures the woman had shown me. Janet, the oldest, was almost as tall as her mother. She had to be 5'9". In the picture she had long curly, light brown hair but now it was almost yellow blond. She's even prettier than her picture. Cathy stood next to her. Cathy wasn't as tall as her sister and her hair hadn't changed. She had long straight dark brown hair. She looked a lot like her sister only she looked softer, more sweet and innocent. They both had great figures. Amanda's curly red hair was not a surprise. It was the same color as Dad's. I had wondered before but now I was sure. She had his chin and nose too. I had Mom's light brown hair and features. Amanda hadn't blossomed yet, like her sisters. She was slender and almost flat chested. She was only a little taller than me. I thought to myself, it's too bad that they're going to be my stepsisters. I watched the four of them as Dad and I got out of the car and walked toward the house. They turned and whispered to each other after seeing me. Something they saw was apparently funny because the girls were giggling. The oldest whispered something to her mother and a grin crossed her face too. I didn't like the way it made me feel. Dad hugged an kissed Ms Worth then turned to the girls and hugged them like he had known them for a long time. I was becoming more and more convinced that my suspicions were correct. Dad had been seeing this woman long before Mom died. How could he? "Girls," Ms Worth said. "This is Dennis. Dennis, these are my girls Janet, Cathy and Amanda." She proudly announced. They stood lined up next to their mother. Dad stood at the woman's side with his hand around her waist. I was an outsider and the look on the girls' faces did nothing to make me feel welcome. "Hello Dennis." Each said in turn with a distinct lack of enthusiasm "Hi." I said to the three of them. "We waited lunch for you." Mother said to Dad. "Wonderful. It's been a long ride. I'm hungry." Dad said smiling. He turned and headed for the house. The girls gathered around him and their mother. They seemed to forget about me as they left me standing there. Dad called after me from the porch. "Come on Dennis." Amanda was the last one through the door and she let it swing closed with a cold backward glance at me. I mounted the steps and followed them into the house. Everything looked brand new. The furniture looked expensive and it appeared to have hardly been used. It was like a show house, a model that had never been lived in. The kitchen was ultra modern, much nicer than ours at home. HOME? This was my home now, I thought with regret. I sat at the large kitchen table with the others. No one said a word to me. The girls fussed over my father. They called him Dad as if they had known him forever. I resented them and their familiar attitude toward my father. They were just like their mother. I was sure they resented my being there. "Girls, why don't you give Dennis a tour of the house." Mother suggested. They were reluctant. They didn't have to say anything, you could tell by their reaction to her request. "Come on Dennis." The oldest, Janet, said as she got up from the table. She took her dishes and deposited them in the dishwasher. The other two did the same and then cleared the condiments from the table. It didn't take a genius to figure out that I was expected to help. I got some nasty looks from the girls when I got back to the table from the dishwasher to find that it was already cleared and everything was put away. I guess they figured I was too slow. We went through the formal dining room and living room that I had passed coming in. In the rear of the house, through an archway in the living room, was a large recreation room. This was definitely a room that was lived in. I was shown the downstairs bathroom. It was spotless. The laundry room was next. I could have cared less about seeing that room. Cathy pointed to a closed door off the recreation room. "That's Mom and Dad's room. It's out of bounds." I wasn't sure it that meant it was out of bounds to just me or to all of us. "Ok." Was all I said. Dad's room had never been out of bounds to be before. It really bothered me. I followed them back through the living room to the stairs and up to the second floor. "This is my room. You never go in there." Janet announced. I didn't say anything. I just nodded. "This one's mine. Same thing goes." Cathy announced in nearly the same tone of voice. The third door was obviously Amanda's. That left the one at the end of the hall that I assumed was mine. I was shocked when Amanda opened her door and said coldly, "This is our room." I turned to her with surprise. "What do you mean 'our' room." "Are you stupid?" Janet said sarcastically. "She said it's your room. Your's and Amanda's." Janet shook her head. "Your brain must be a puny as the rest of you." I let it go by. As a matter of fact, I hardly heard her sarcastic comment. I turned to Amanda, "I have to share a room with you? I don't get my own room?" "You think I like the idea? It stinks, But Mom and Dad said I have to, so I guess I'm stuck." Janet shoved me through the door. She towered over me. I wanted to belt her but I got the feeling she wanted nothing more than for me to try. They all did. "That's your bed," Amanda pointed to a single bed against the wall by the closet. "and that's your dresser." On the far side of the closet was a little narrow four drawer dresser. It was half the size of the one I used to have. I walked toward the closet when harsh words from Amanda stopped me. "That's my closet." She announced. I turned. "Where's mine?" I asked in a nasty tone of voice. Amanda pointed to a cloth covered wardrobe that stood against the wall, beyond my dresser. "That's all I get?" "That's it." Said Cathy. The three stood side by side staring at me in defiance. Living here was going to be hell. They must have sensed my depression. "We heard you were a sniveling little Mamma's boy but we didn't think you'd be such a little wimp." Janet taunted me. "I'm no wimp." I had had enough of their insults and started toward them. None of them budged. Janet knocked me back on my ass with one hand. She was stronger than she looked. "Don't mess with us wimp." With that warning, the three sisters turned and walked out of the room. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there on the floor for the longest time. How could I stand up to them? There was no question in my mind where I would stand with their mother if I tried. I had a pretty good idea where I would stand with my Dad if I gave the girls any trouble. They were obviously closer to him than I ever was. Was it because they were girls and he didn't expect anything more from them than to be themselves? Dad had betrayed me. He had obviously talked about his disappointment in me. It hurt me that he had told these strangers. Did he really think of me as a wimp and a mamma's boy? They left me alone the rest of the afternoon. I had hoped that Dad would at least would come up and see where I was but he didn't. I could hear everyone downstairs having a good time. They were all in the rec room talking and laughing. I never felt so alone. Janet came up around six. "Come on down for dinner." She told me. You could tell by her tone that she really didn't care if I did or not. "You better learn to start doing your share around here if you know what's good for you." She told me as she left. I sat quietly through dinner. Everyone else talked but me. The girls told Dad they were glad he was finally moved in. He had betrayed me and Mom. There was absolutely no doubt any more. As the girls asked to be excused I got some pretty harsh looks. I didn't have long to debate what to do. "Help the girls clean up Dennis." Mother commanded. Dad didn't even look up. It didn't matter to anyone that I wasn't finished eating. They piled all the dishes on the counter and I was elected to load the dishwasher. The others cleared the table and put away the leftovers. I was the last one out of the kitchen by the time I finished washing the pots and pans and drying everything. They were all in the rec room. I didn't care to join them. I went back up to the bedroom. I hesitate to call it my room. On Amanda's side of the room is the bathroom. I went in there and locked the door and put on my pajamas and brushed my teeth. It was only eight o:clock but I went to bed anyway. I fought back tears as I lay there waiting for the escape of sleep. At least I don't have to go to school with the girls. They go to a public school. Dad drove me this morning, on his way to the airport, to the private school he had enrolled me in. Private school was fine with me. I have been going to private school for years. Ms Worth doesn't seem to care for the idea though. She told Dad it was a waste of money. She thinks I should go to public school, just like her girls. I'm surprised Dad didn't give in to her. He seems to go along with anything she wants. He always figured I have a better chance at sports in private school. My first day wasn't so bad. It will take a little while to make new friends, I suppose. I miss Mrs Bates. She was nice. More than that, she cooked, did the laundry and cleaned. Mother cooks sometimes but she doesn't clean or do laundry. The girls and I are expected to do it all. I hate it. I no sooner walked in the door from school than I was expected to dust and vacuum the entire downstairs. I didn't finish until dinner time, since Mother made me redust half of what I did. She wasn't satisfied with the way I did it. The meal she cooked was a lot different than we had last night. "You're going to learn to eat healthy Dennis. Apparently Mrs Bates didn't know a great deal about nutrition." It bothered me that she put down my friend. "Mrs Bates was a good cook. She made the kind of food I like." I was floored when her open hand met my cheek. It stung and my face turned bright red. "Don't you ever talk back to be young man." She stood over me. Her face was red with anger. "You'll eat what I give you and like it. You're going to learn to eat healthy. You're pudgy and it's about time you start to shape up." I could see the girls smiling. They enjoyed seeing me humiliated. "What do you have to say?" She asked, still fuming. "I'm sorry?" I answered. "I'm sorry, what?" She asked. "I'm sorry Mother!" "That's better. Now eat your dinner and then you can go to your room." The redness drained slowly from her face. I did as I was told, as quickly as I could. I should have known she had a temper. The girls got no end of pleasure out of seeing me humiliated. Mother packed me a lunch to take to school. The two crackers, an apple and an orange were hardly enough to fill me up but I had no money to buy anything, so I made do. Sharing a room with Amanda hasn't gotten any easier. The other two continue picking on me too. I didn't do anything to them. Why do they hate me? School's not bad. I made a new friend today. Unfortunately Jack lives about twenty miles away. I'd like to make some more friends, some that live closer but there weren't any guys around and Mother didn't let me go out to play. It was only my second day and I was so homesick. I'm better off at home if I stay off by myself as much as possible. The wedding was a big affair. I thought Dad would want me to be his best man or at least take part in the wedding somehow but a guy he works with had the honor. I was hurt. My new mother was impossible, screaming at me to do this and do that. The girls gloated. They got to be part of the wedding. They were bridesmaids. Everyone seemed to ignore me, as if I wasn't even there. It's been almost a year since we moved to Georgia. My life's been horrible, I hate it. Outside of school, I don't have any friends. I never go anywhere. Not even to the stores shopping. Dad's always away on business. Mother goes off with him sometimes, leaving the girls in charge of me. It's awful when she's gone. He doesn't see the way Mother and the girls treat me, or he just doesn't care. I do chores as soon as I get home from school. The girls seem to be doing less and less. True, they get home from school much later than I do but it doesn't seem fair. The girls seemed to have backed off a little over the past year but I still try to stay out of their way. I've lost weight a lot of weight in the past year. I think I'm too skinny but mother insists I'm fine. I really envy those guys that eat normal food. They make fun of my lunch in school. She started me on vitamins some time ago. There's always four or five at my place at the table with each meal. I objected at first but Mother made me take them. I'm used to them now. I hate my life. I hate mother and I hate the girls. When Dad's gone they treat me like dirt. Again, I told Mother I needed a hair cut and she told me no. She said she liked it long and that I would have to leave it that way. "There's nothing wrong with your hair. Just put it in a pony tail. Lot's of kids your age have long hair." That was the end of the discussion as far as she was concerned. I tried a pony tail when I went upstairs but I looked ridiculous. It was just too long. Clothes were another problem. I couldn't remember getting a single new item of clothes in months, except for my school uniforms. When I asked for a new pair of jeans Mother said I should make do. The girls are always getting new clothes. It's not fair. I can't even wear a lot of my clothes, they don't fit anymore. My shirts are all too big but I have to wear them anyway. They're all I've got. Mother's constantly telling me to be careful not to ruin my clothes cause she won't buy me more. I don't mind so much anymore that she only feeds me small portions of food, like she gives the girls. I think my stomach must have shrunk. Dad was finally home for a few days. He had promised to take me to a ball game but, because of Mother's nagging, we ended up taking all of us to the theater instead. We saw a ballet, YUCK. We hardly spend any time together, ever. He's always too busy. I Went to the dresser when I got out of bed to get ready for school and found that I had run out of clean underwear. Amanda had done the laundry yesterday so I went to our bathroom door to ask her if she had seen any of my clean underpants. She called out to me, "Mother said that the ones in the laundry were disgusting. She threw out all but one pair." Apparently Mother was in the hall and overheard our conversation. I turned to the sound of the bedroom door opening. "What's the problem." She asked, coolly. She was always on the alert for problems between her girls and I. She was always ready to rush to their defense. "I don't have any clean underpants to wear." It was as much a question as a statement. "So, just borrow a pair for today. You can do laundry when you get home." She suggested. "Borrow a pair?" From who? Mother went to Amanda's dresser and opened one of her drawers. "Here, wear these." She tossed me a pair of Amanda's panties. I caught them in mid air, by reflex. I looked at the white cotton panties with their lace trim and then looked back at Mother. "These are girls?" "So?" Was mother's response. "I can't wear...." She knocked me sideways but I managed to stay on my feet. "You'll do what I tell you to do. Now put them on and stop your fussing." She stood there waiting. Amanda opened the bathroom door when she hear the commotion. "Mother, those are mine!" She was upset that her mother gave them to me. "You have more than enough honey. I bought you four new pairs just last week." "Well I don't want them after he's worn them." She complained. "Don't worry. They're his now." Mine!? I didn't want them. She was still waiting for me to put them on. "Can I get dressed in the bathroom?" I asked. "You'll get dressed right here. Amanda, go back in the bathroom and finish getting ready for school." I didn't miss the look on her face when she looked back as she closed the bathroom door. I was going to be wearing her underwear today and she thought it was hilarious. I turned away from Mother and dropped my pajama bottoms to the floor. It was embarrassing. I quickly pulled on the panties. I wished I had laid out my pants but they were hanging in the wardrobe. I wasted no time in getting them out and pulling them on. I gave me some relief to cover up but they knew what I had on and I knew that Janet and Cathy would too, in a few minutes. "That's better." Mother said. "Now get ready for school." She left. I was in the kitchen having the small bowl of cereal that Mother proportioned out for me when the girls walked in. They were all three swishing their hips. Their intent didn't escape me. "Hi Denise." Cathy said as she sat down next to me." I was trembling. I wanted to crawl under the table. Janet added, "I bet you look adorable in your pretty panties Denise." "He does. I saw him through the keyhole." Amanda told her sisters. "Now you girls stop that." Mother told them smiling. I glared at the girls. I looked to their mother. Her tone with them was anything but harsh. She thought it was funny too. They continued to make faces and make exaggerated feminine gestures when their mother wasn't looking. I wanted to die. The guys at school are already teasing me about my long hair. I skipped gym today. I couldn't let them see what I was forced to wear for underpants. I got detention and Mother yelled at me when I got home late. I pleaded with her not to tell Dad and she agreed. I found a few pairs of my own underpants in the laundry and washed them out in the sink. I swore I would not run out again. I hid the pair of Amanda's panties in the pile of clothes in the laundry room. It was a few days later when I found Amanda's underwear in my drawer. When I tried to give it back to her she reminded me that Mother said it was mine now. I buried it in the back of my drawer. Amanda laughed. They all tease me constantly. I'd give anything for a greasy hamburger. I've lost a bunch of weight and I'm as skinny as a rail. Mother expects me to clean my room without any help from Amanda. This includes picking up after her. She leaves her underwear and things all over the floor. I know she does it on purpose. I wash out my two remaining pairs of underwear out each night in the sink. Mother said I would have to make do. If I needed clean she would borrow a few pair from the girls for me. I told her I was alright with what I have. Somebody took my underwear from the bathroom last night and replaced them with two pair of Amanda's lacy panties. Mother thought it was cute and she insisted I wear them when I told her what happened. Just for fun, She also made me take off my tee shirt and made me wear one of Amanda's lace trimmed ones. The girls laughed at me over breakfast. It was humiliating. Mother thinks it's hilarious. I forged a note to get me out of gym today but how long could I get away with it? Mother's supposed to give me allowance but I haven't gotten any for months. After school I took the few dollars I had stashed away and went to the store and bought myself new underwear. When I walked in the front door with the bag and Janet saw it, she told Mother. Mother became furious with me for wasting money on something I didn't need and she took them away from me. I don't get it. Dad makes good money where he works. Mother and the girls get anything they want. I have to talk to Dad when he gets back but I'm afraid to tell him about what's going on. He always sticks up for her and the girls. Just the other night, over dinner, some one made a comment about me. I think it was Janet. Dad responded with, "You're such a crybaby Dennis. You should have been born a girl." His remark really hurt. It wasn't the first time he'd implied that I was more like a girl than a boy. The girls all smiled at each other. I caught the smirk on Mother's face too. How could I tell Dad now, about what had been going on? I couldn't, it was too embarrassing. My birthday came and went and no one even remembered. Amanda's had only been three weeks ago. She was thirteen now too. As if I wasn't already depressed enough. Dad was home when I got home from school today but Mother and the girls stayed close by all the time. They didn't give me a chance to talk to him alone. I won't pretend that I haven't thought about running away. There's just no where to go. The next morning, a Wednesday, over breakfast, Dad told us that he would be gone for 3 weeks to a month, on business. I was given explicit instruction to obey Mother, as always, while he was gone. When I got home from school on Tuesday afternoon the girls were all home already. Everyone was in tears. The girls surrounded Mother on the couch. She was wailing. Dad's plane went down somewhere in the Pacific. All I could think of was that I was alone now. What was going to happen to me? I suppose I should have felt grief but I didn't. Official word came on Thursday. Dad's definitely dead. They didn't recover a body, the search yielded no sign. The funeral is Saturday. I don't understand why I don't feel sad. Mother isn't happy about being stuck with me. She said that things are going to be a lot different around here from now on and that scares me. Things couldn't be much worse. It's been a week since the funeral. I've been spending a lot of time in my room. I should say 'our' room. I still can't cry. I miss him, I suppose, but I should feel sad. The girls are acting weird. Every time they look at me they smile and laugh. I don't get it. 'Mother' has been treating me differently too. She calls me 'dear' and 'sweetheart', just like she calls the girls. I don't like it. I missed a lot of school, with the funeral and everything. I had forged another excuse for gym and it got me out of it for a while but my luck finally ran out. Each day I waited around as long as I could for the other guys to get out of the dressing room before I changed into my gym clothes. One particular day, I thought I was alone. I wasn't. I had just taken my shirt and pants off when Bill came around the lockers and spotted me standing there in Amanda's panties and tee shirt. I didn't know what to do. Bill laughed and ran off. I barely had time to get my street clothes back on before a dozen or more of the guys came rushing into the locker room with Mr Marks, the PE teacher. He took me to his office. Once he confirmed what Bill had told him, he called the principal's office. I tried to tell him why I was wearing girls' underwear but I know he didn't believe me. He sent me to the office at the end of the period. I don't know how the whole school found out so fast. The walk from the gym to the office was the longest I can remember. All the kids, the guys and the girls, seemed to know what had happened. I was taunted and teased the whole way there. I couldn't look at them. I stared at the floor. I was the 'pretty little long haired sissy in girls' underwear'. How could I ever face these kids again? The office called Mother to come and get me. She was told that I would not be allowed back into school until I got help with my problem. Mother assured them that she would see to it that I was put on the right path. Mother dragged me out of bed on Saturday morning. She said that was enough mopping around. At breakfast I discovered more new vitamins at my place. Mother didn't bother to explain and I didn't ask. I just took them. I didn't argue with her. When breakfast was over she gave me a list of chores to do and said she expected them done when she got home. Janet was staying home to make sure I did everything I was told. I wasn't in a mood to argue. I didn't read the entire list until she was gone and was shocked to read that I was expected to wash and iron all their clothes and to even hand wash all their underwear and delicates that had been left in the bathrooms. When I tried to explain that it had to be a mistake, Janet told me in no uncertain terms that it was no mistake and that if I didn't do everything on the list I would be in a lot of trouble. It took me all day to do everything. I did the washing, cleaned all the bathrooms, and there are four. I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed and dusted the entire house. Janet watched to be sure I did a through job, bitching all day about being stuck at home with me. By the time the others got home, I was exhausted. I tried to skip dinner but Mother wouldn't let me. The same new assortment of vitamins were there by my plate. The vitamins weren't so bad. They couldn't hurt me, I decided. Mother let me go to my room after dinner. I was tired and wanted to go to bed. As always, I undressed, getting off the borrowed underwear quickly and went to put on my pajamas. They weren't in my dresser where they belonged. In their place was one of Amanda's nighties. I didn't know what was going on. I had an old pair of shorts in the bottom drawer and was stepping into them as Mother walked in on me. I was very embarrassed to be caught without my clothes on. I usually changed in the bathroom, with the door locked. "What do you think you're doing?" I was embarrassed. She was angry. "You're not going to bed in those." She told me. "But my pajamas are gone." I knew better than to tell her that Amanda had swiped my pajamas and replaced them with her nightie. She just get made at me for complaining about the girls again. I didn't know what else to do. I just had to show her what Amanda had done. She laughed. "So what's wrong with that?" She had slapped me just this morning for complaining. I had not forgotten the way it stung. "Just put it on and stop being such a whiner." She told me. Her tone was unmistakable. I pulled it over my head. It was white cotton with lace trim and it came down to my knees. "Now put on your underwear." She said. I begged. "Please don't....." "DO IT!!" She slapped me hard, twice. I tried to tell her through my tears. "But I don't have any clean underwear." She pulled open my underwear drawer and showed me at least a half dozen new pairs of girl's panties. I was floored. She turned the light out when I was in bed in the nightie and my new underwear. When she was gone, I undressed under my covers and slept naked. I had a hard time falling asleep. I felt ridiculous and dreaded the morning when I would wake up with Amanda in the other bed. I knew I'd have to put them back on before woke up and saw me. There was no doubt that Amanda would tell her mother if I didn't have the nightie. I cried myself to sleep. Mother came into the bedroom the next morning, when Amanda announced that I was awake. I was still under my covers and had already put the nightie and panties back on. Mother didn't say much as she emptied my dresser drawers of all my clothes. I was speechless, in shock. I watched her stuff all my clothes into a lawn bag. She emptied the wardrobe next. Even my shoes and sneakers were dumped into the bag. I was afraid to ask what she was doing. Janet and Cathy came in to watch what was going on. They looked thrilled. Amanda looked equally delighted. Mother put the bags of clothes outside the bedroom door and turned back to me. "Now get out of bed." I was mortified when I reluctantly slid out from under the covers and stood next to the bed in the nightie. I couldn't bring myself to look at any of them. The girls laughed and Mother just smiled. "Come on down for breakfast now." She told me. "Please let me have some of my clothes to wear." I pleaded, almost in tears. "You're fine the way you are. The rest of us are in our nighties too." Mother let me put my long hair into a ponytail before she paraded me down the stairs to the kitchen. I had breakfast, terrified the whole time that someone would come to the door. The girls teased me until Mother told them to stop and leave me alone. She never did that before, she surprised me. I ate quickly and hurried back up to the bedroom. Amanda followed me and got dressed in the bathroom. I got back into bed, ashamed to be seen. About a half hour later Janet and Cathy came into the room with Mother. "We have things to do today. Get dressed." She demanded. My heart sank when Janet dropped a pair of brightly colored print tights and a long white cotton blouse on the bed. I just stared at the clothes. "Do as I tell you!" Mother came over to the bed as stood over me until I got out from under the covers. She helped me get the nightie off and waited until I pulled on the tights. I felt so strange in them. "Tuck yourself in between your legs." She said. I looked down and I could see the small bulge of my penis. I put my hand into the tights and under the panties an pushed it between my legs. "That's better." She turned to the girls, "Help him get ready and bring him downstairs. We don't want to be late for our appointment." Mother turned and left. I stood there staring at the three of them, dumbfounded with what was happening. Janet had a wicked smile. "Put your blouse on Denise." I had to try to stand up to her. "It's Dennis." "From now on, it's Denise. Now put on the blouse!" She demanded. I was on the floor, on my ass again. "Cathy, let Denise borrow a pair of your sneakers." Janet suggested. "Coming right up." Cathy hurried to her room. I put on the blouse and buttoned it up. They called it a tunic top. It was big and loose fitting. The collar and cuffs were lace trimmed. At least it covered my ass. I felt like such a fool. Cathy returned in a minute with the sneakers and a pair of pink socks. "Here Denise, put these on." All three stood over me as I pulled them on and tied the bright pink laces. Where were we going? What was the appointment all about? "I need to do something with his hair." Janet said as she picked up Amanda's brush from her dresser top. I tried to get away from them but the three of them cornered me. I had to stand there while Janet took out my ponytail and brushed out my hair. The last thing I wanted to do was to leave the house dressed like this. What if someone saw me? It was Sunday and everyone would be out at the stores. I rode in the back seat between Cathy and Janet. "You look really cute today Denise." Janet teased. "I think she looks adorable in her tights." Amanda said to Cathy. "Don't you." "Now girls, don't tease Denise." Mother scolded, smiling in the rear view mirror at me. I ignored them. At least I tried to. We pulled up at the mall. All I could think about was the crowds of people inside who would stare at me and laugh. The way the kids in school did. Mother took my arm and, holding it tightly, paraded me through the middle of the mall. I didn't want to look at the people who passed us but I couldn't help myself. I was surprised that hardly anyone took a second glance. I was as skinny as Amanda. My hair was as long as Cathy's, down past my shoulders. But my face was still my old face. Did I look that much like a girl? Mom had always said I looked more like her than Dad and I supposed now that was true. I had big green eyes and a small nose and mouth. My face had always been small and narrow, even when I was heavier. I had often hoped it would grow to be more masculine as I got older, but it hadn't. I hadn't reached the age of puberty. I had anxiously awaited the first signs of manhood. My voice was still high and I hadn't begun to sprout hair.I was never more aware then at that moment of how I wished I looked more masculine. We stopped outside the beauty parlor. Mother leaned close and whispered in my ear. "If you don't go along with this I promise you will live to regret it." She squeezed my arm so tightly that it started to go numb. There I was. Standing in the doorway of a beauty parlor in girls' clothes and I was about to go in and have God knows what done to me, and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. We were apparently on time for the appointment. The hairdresser was waiting for us. Mother introduced me to the woman. "This is my stepdaughter Denise. Denise this is Carolyn." "Hi Denise." The woman said with a smile. "Hi." I said cautiously, ashamed. Mother pretty well took things from there. She told the girl what to do. She explained that I was very shy and unsure of myself. "It's time for Denise to have a new look. It's time for her to grow up and put her tomboyish ways behind her. She could use a boost in her self confidence." Mother told her friend Carolyn. The woman took me and sat me down in her chair. As she brushed my hair she said to Janet, "It's so very sweet of you girls to care so much about your stepsister." Carolyn commented. They just smiled. What a joke, I thought to myself. I had no idea of what was going on. She washed my hair then spent almost a half hour with her scissors, giving me what she called a layered cut. I just sat there while the woman worked on me. I felt almost sick. "Is Tina too busy to give us any appointment today?" Mother asked the woman. "Let me check for you." The woman returned a moment later. "She says she could fit you in, in about a half hour." "That's perfect. There's something else we need to do. Thanks Carolyn." Mother looked at me then smiled at the woman. "Denise looks 100% better." "Do you like your new look Denise?" Carolyn asked me. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror again. I was stalling. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell her the truth, that I hated it and would just as soon be shaved bald. "It's a lot different than I'm used to." That was the truth. "I think she just needs to get accustomed to it. Thanks Carolyn." Mother lead me out to the front of the salon where the girls were waiting. They all stared at me with surprised looks on their faces. I think Amanda was sincere when she said, "Denise, you look fantastic. I can't believe the difference." Cathy looked at me funny. "She looks adorable. What a difference it made." Janet wasn't impressed. At least she didn't appear to be. "We better get a move on." "Alright, come on girls." Mother looked at me and smiled when she said it. Why? Why were they doing this? A few shops further on, we came to a small jewelry store. "Here we are." Said Janet, smiling. "Come with me Denise." Janet took me by the hand and led me inside. We walked up to the counter. "Hi. My sister would like to get her ears pierced." My ears pierced. No! No! NO! I tried to pull my hand from Janet's. She wouldn't let go and squeezed my hand hard. She had me across the knuckles and it really hurt. "Sure, we can take care of you right away." The girl indicated that I should follow her to the rear of the store. Janet didn't let go of my hand until I was sitting in the girl's chair. She stayed right by my side as my earlobes were sterilized and tiny studs were shot into them. I didn't hurt, not physically. Emotionally I was a disaster. I heard very little of what the girl said about washing my ears. I was staring at my reflection in the mirror. If I thought I looked like a girl when I walked into the mall there was no doubt that I looked like one now. My stomach was doing flips. I turned to Janet. "I need to use the bathroom." Janet must have seen me turning green. The girl pointed to a door in the back wall of the store. "The bathroom is in back." She told us. I just make it to the toilet before I threw up. We joined the others waiting out in the mall. Mother smiled at me adoringly. Cathy and Amanda were delighted. I knew they were laughing inside. I wanted to run but there was nowhere to go. "Come on girls. We need to get back for Denise's nail appointment." Mother herded us back toward the beauty parlor. Nail appointment? That too? I looked at my hands. I chewed my nails to stubs, constantly. What could they possible do to make them look like girl's nails? I found out. When we left the salon, a little over an hour later, I had perfectly manicured acrylic nails. They were all a little more than an eighth of an inch longer than the tips of my fingers and had two coats of clear nail polish on them. The woman had assured my 'Mother' that there was no way that I would be chewing these nails off. I felt very strange as we started walking through the mall again. Mother still held my arm and Janet walked on my other side. Cathy and Amanda followed us. "Now I think we better find you some new clothes for school tomorrow." Mother said. I stopped in my tracks and stared at her. "I can't go back to Bentley looking like this." My eyes were filling with tears. "Of course you can't sweetheart. You're going to start going to public school tomorrow, with your sisters." There was a bench right behind me. I squatted down on it. "I can't. Please don't make me Mother." "You don't have to call me Mother anymore. You're one of my girls now. Call me Mom." They were all looking down at me smiling. "Why?" I asked. "Why what honey?" Mother asked. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked weakly as the tears started to run down my cheek. "Why, to make your father proud of you. You were a horrible failure to him as a son. He often said you would have been better off if you were born a girl. Besides, the girls and I agreed from the first time we saw you that you'd make a much better girl than a boy. We don't want a boy living with us anyway. We'll all be much happier now as long as you behave yourself." That was it. He should have known. He knew he was a disappointment to his Dad. He'd probably have been happy about what they were doing to him. Mother took a handkerchief out of her purse and dried my tears. "Lets go now Sweetheart. We need to get you a few new outfits. You can borrow some of Cathy's and Amanda's things but I'm sure you'll be much happier with clothes of your own." I let them lead me into shop after shop. One of the girls went back into the dressing rooms with me each time as I was made to try on skirts, blouses and dresses for them. Mother had to approve of everything before she would buy it. The others had picked up a lot of things I never saw when I was in the dressing rooms. Each of us had at least one bag in our hand when we made our last stop at a shoe store. I learned that I was only a size six. I had always been embarrassed about having small hands and feet for a guy. Mother said I was lucky because there were always more styles available for girls with little feet. If that was supposed to make me feel better, it failed. They bought me five pairs of shoes and a pair of sneakers. I had three pairs of flats; black, white and navy. I had two pair of low heels that I wobbled on when I walked around the store; one cream colored to go with a dress they had bought and a black pair. I wanted none of them. I wanted my old clothes back. We were getting ready to leave the mall when Amanda ran into some of her friends. I tried to hide behind Mother and Janet but they wouldn't let me. Amanda introduced me to the two girls and their boyfriends, as Denise. I had to play along. I couldn't let them know the truth. The girls were glad to meet me and to learn that I would be going to school with them starting tomorrow. I wasn't so thrilled but I pretended to be happy to meet them. I avoided looking at the guys. I was relieved to get home. I never thought I would feel that way about this house. The girls got a big charge out of putting everything away for me. I just sat on the bed and watched. I could see myself in the mirror from there too. I still couldn't believe it was me staring back from the mirror. I threw up my dinner. Mother made me take another dose of my vitamins when I finally stopped heaving. The teasing wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In a strange way, they were more accepting of me like this. Mother treated me nicer and the girls were more than willing to teach me little details of how to act and what to say as we sat talking at the kitchen table. I wasn't a very willing pupil but I did appreciate being treated better so I at least listened to what they said. Mother seemed delighted to see us get along better. Was it worth the price I paid? Not as far as I was concerned. It was about eight o:clock when Mother suggested, "Why don't you girls take Denise upstairs and help him figure out what to wear to school tomorrow." Cathy and Amanda were more than willing. They were having a ball. Janet seemed reluctant but followed us upstairs. I sat on the bed as Cathy and Amanda argued over what I should wear. Janet didn't take much interest. She sat on Amanda's bed and said very little. Cathy, being older, made the final decision. "His green skirt with that white blouse that Amanda picked out." Cathy said, smiling at me. Janet spoke up. "This is ridiculous. He'll never get away with this." What was bugging her? She seemed so much different earlier, in the mall. I hadn't said two words since we left the table and I wasn't about to start now. Just the thought of going to their school, dressed up as a girl, was terrifying. I would have done anything to get out of it. "What's wrong with you." Cathy asked Janet in annoyed tone of voice. "This stinks. He's going to screw up and everyone will know that we have a queer living with us. We'll be the laughing stock of the whole school." "He looks terrific. No one will know." Amanda told her sister. "Oh, he looks like a girl but he doesn't know the first thing about acting like one." Janet turned to me. "Just look at the way he's sitting." I was sitting, straddling the corner of the bed. "We can teach him." Amanda tried to convince her sister. "I suppose." Janet gave in a little. She looked at me. "You better learn fast because if you give away your little secret I promise you your life will be a living hell." I had no doubt she meant what she said. Cathy came over and sat on the floor by me. "You've got a lot to learn and there's a lot of stuff that you'll have to pick up on your own. Watch us, watch our friends and try to mimic what you see." Easier said than done. I thought I knew Mother's reasons for what they were doing but I didn't understand why these three would go to all this trouble. As long as they were talking to me I decided I might as well speak up. Things couldn't get much worse. "I can't do this." I turned to Janet. "You know I'm going to mess up." Janet's expression changed to ice. "You better not and you better be convincing." "Why are you doing this?" I asked straight out. "You heard Mom." Cathy said to me. I didn't look at Cathy. I kept my stare locked on Janet. She studied me for a moment before saying what was on her mind. "I'm only going to say this once so listen good. Dad left our mother everything in his will." That was no shock to me. She went on. "But there was a condition. She got it all, only if she took care of you and raised you as her own. Dad had a lot of money, this house and a big insurance policy. None of us have any intention of giving that up. If Mom says we have to teach you to be a girl than that's what we're going to do. If you screw things up for us," Janet leaned over close. "you're going to be a very sorry little girl. Understand!?" Now things made more sense. "I understand." I answered meekly. Cathy and Amanda had been sitting on the floor watching me as Janet told me this. They looked relieved that I didn't have the nerve to talk back to their older sister. "Good, we understand each other. Tomorrow you're going to be the sweet, shy little stepsister and you'll do as you're told. Now, we're going to spend the next few hours showing you how to walk, sit, stand and, in general, how to be a girl. So pay attention." She was true to her word and I was too afraid of what might happen tomorrow not to take in everything they taught me. Before bed I went into the bathroom with Amanda. We were both in nighties. "Tonight you can borrow by cream but we'll get you your own tomorrow. Watch me and wash your face the way I do." I had seen her using her deep cleansing creams before. It felt odd doing the same. I had to use her lotion too, on my face, hands and legs. It felt oily and slimy until I rubbed it in. As we laid there in our beds, in the dark, I could hear Amanda's breathing slow as she fell asleep. The clock on the dresser said it was eleven thirty. I was still awake and staring at it at three. Amanda had set the alarm for an hour earlier than usual. It was a good thing because I took them forever to get me ready. Janet did my hair, showing me how to use the curling iron on my bangs. Cathy and Amanda had everything laid out on my bed for me when Janet and I came out of the bathroom. The panties were not the familiar cotton. They were silky with lace trim. They felt strange against my skin as I pulled them up. The girls were decent enough to turn their backs while I put them on. I wasn't expecting the next thing they handed me. It was a struggle to put on pantyhose. Standing there in them, in front of the others, I felt really strange. The white blouse with its funny collar looked uncomfortably feminine and with it tucked into the short green skirt I felt ridiculous. How could I go out dressed like this, much less to school? The weather these days was cool so Amanda loaned me one of her sweaters to take with me. In my black flats, they led me downstairs to breakfast. "You look lovely Denise." Mother stood next to the stove beaming. "Girls, you did a beautiful job with her." She gave them each an appreciative look and smile. Looking back to me, she added, "You'll do fine today. Don't be afraid." Afraid wasn't the word for it. Terrified didn't even seem like a strong enough word. She looked at me strangely then Mother said, "Where's her purse?" Amanda jumped up. "I forgot Mom." "Well, go get it for her." She said smiling. Mother was really enjoying this. Amanda returned a minute later and hung a small shoulder bag over the back of my chair, next to the sweater. I had to carry a purse too? I should have known. I wasn't happy. Amanda went back to eating her breakfast. "He has his new wallet, tissues, a pen and pencil, his brush, a pack of gum and some loose change." Mother checked the purse. When she pulled out lipstick she looked annoyed, she turned to Amanda. "You know the rules young lady, only gloss." She didn't expect me to wear that, did she? "You might as well know the rules too Denise," Mother said, turning to me. "No heavy makeup to school. If you want to wear it at home, that's up to you. Church and special occasions are another story. Do you understand." She was smiling the whole time but I didn't think it was funny. Janet obviously thought the whole thing was extremely funny. "We'll show Denise what she needs to know." She assured Mother. My stomach was doing flips. I couldn't eat the cereal in front of me. "That's alright honey. Just eat your toast and drink the juice." Mother said. "I know you're nervous. I wouldn't want you to get sick this morning." "Thanks." I said sarcastically. "Just thanks?" Mother asked, looking at me funny. "Thanks Mother?" I tried, not so boldly. "Mom" She corrected me, still waiting. "Thanks Mom." I conceded. I got a funny look from Janet. "That's better sweetheart." Mother said with a smile. She looked at the others. "You girls better get going before you're late." "See you in school Denise." Amanda said with an odd smile as she and her sister got up from the table. "Don't forget what I told you Denise." Janet said as she slung her purse over her shoulder and picked up her books. I just looked at her. Resignation on my face. I was not about to get her mad at me. "I won't." I had no intention of giving myself away, if I could avoid it. "Don't be nervous. Just remember what we taught you. See you later." Cathy said with a smile. She and Amanda were excited about today. As far as being nervous, I was that. There was nothing she, or anyone could say that would change that. Mother, or rather Mom, and I were alone in the kitchen. She was apparently going with me. That made sense. She had to enroll me. I wasn't sure how she was going to pull that off. I was almost sure you had to have records from the last school a person attended and some other identification. "All ready to go Denise?" She asked, pushing her chair back from the table. "I can't do this. I'm not a girl. Please don't make me." I had to try one last time. I begged her. Her mood changed abruptly. "I told you how things are going to be. Don't give me any more trouble." She was standing over me now and I was scared. I covered my face. "You are Denise from now on and if I catch you acting like a boy again I will punish you severely. The sooner you get that through your head the happier you will be. That's the end of it." "Yes Mom." "All right now. Let's get going and don't forget your purse." I followed her out the back door and we got in the car. The drive to the school seemed endless. I actually considered jumping from the car and running but I didn't have the nerve. We parked in the lot in front of the office and I walked a step behind Mother, through the front doors and into the office. I felt terribly selfconscious as I walked along in my outfit. I could feel the air waft up under the skirt, through the sheer material of the pantyhose. I knew I looked absurd. "Good morning Ms Worth." The woman behind the desk said when she saw Mother. "Good morning Elizabeth. How are you." "Fine." I told the woman, scared to death to say anything. The woman behind the desk looked at me and back to Mother smiling. "Amanda said you'd be in this morning to register her stepsister." Mother corrected her. "We don't think of Denise as a stepsister or stepdaughter. She's just the girls' sister and my new daughter." "That's sweet. I'll remember." She turned to me. "Good morning Denise. Welcome to Bremond." "Good morning." I answered the woman, terrified. Would my voice give me away? Apparently not. The woman turned back to mother. "Do you have her transcripts and birth certificate?" She asked Mother. That's what I was afraid of. She would see that my real name was Dennis. I watched as the woman studied the documents. She handed the birth certificate back to Mother without so much as a raised eyebrow. "Everything seems to be here." The woman looked up smiling. "I would prefer that Denise didn't have to participate in any physical activities until she's had a little more time to recover from the accident." Accident? What accident? What was Mom talking about? The woman turned to me. "Are you alright dear?" "I'm fine." I told her. The woman turned back to Mother. "What happened?" "Oh, it's nothing serious. Just minor trauma. It would just be better if she didn't have to take gym." "Well, since we're so close to the end of the year I don't see why we can't just give her a study hall. That should be alright." I was relieved. I had no idea how I would have handled taking a girl's gym class. I had been so nervous about everything else that I hadn't give gym a thought. Mother saved me, thank God. "Please see if you can put Denise in as many of the girls' classes as you can. I know she'd be more comfortable around them since she doesn't know anyone yet." She was smoothing the way for me as best she could. Of course it would be easier if I was close to them. Fortunately for me, Janet was in high school. "I'm sure we can accommodate Denise in at least a few of her classes. If you and she will just take a seat, I'll get her a schedule made up." That was all too easy, I mused as we sat on the chairs in the lobby. I was very careful to remember how to sit the way the girls had shown me with my knees tightly together and my feet slid off to the side. It felt awkward but

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A sexual journey Chapter 5

Reg and I sat down on Sunday and talked about what was happening. Unbeknownst to me he had been invited to this conference having been told I would be there to be a sort of sex slave. I knew he had watched me tied up and used by a group of men and enjoyed watching. Now he also enjoyed the latest escapade and I knew he had particularly enjoyed fucking Brandy. I wasn’t jealous because I had enjoyed her too. Of course all this discussion just turned us both on and we fucked like rabbits. Things...

2 years ago
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Slave Surprise

SLAVE SURPRISE! By: perverse_cowboy I get a text from you, telling me to be at a local High End Hotel at 7:00 PM. I am to pick up a key to room 528, under the name of "Woodcock" from the desk and follow written instructions that I will find on the table in the room. When I pick up the key, the man behind the desk gives me a wink and a devilish smile. "I’m sure you will enjoy your stay with us." He states. I thank him and hurry to the elevator, as I am running about 15 minutes late. I enter...

2 years ago
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Erotic Letter from a Lady to her Knight

My Liege do you remember your life thirty-one years ago? I do. It was the first time I saw you. You took my breath away and I found myself hoping that we would meet within the confines of Cleveland Castle. I watched you from afar, longing to feel your sensual lips on mine. Wanting to get to know you, to bask in your beautiful smile that could light up a room.One night the stars aligned and I found myself in your bed. That night I gave to you the only thing a virgin has to offer; myself and you...

First Time
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Humanitarian famine assistance

Humanitarian famine assistanceAuthor:  RotnebSynopsis: Kathy's participation in a demonstration in favour of famine is fatal to her, because politicians are too slow to allocate enough relief.The story is only fantasyTo prepare a necessary charity demonstration- ... I will finish my talk on the gruesome hunger problems in Africa, due to several unfortunate circumstances in connection with wars and climate. A whole world is starving. People lack first of all food. Political negotiations are...

3 years ago
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Driving in Snow Ch 27

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife. Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

1 year ago
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The Bride Wore NothingPart 1

My parents and I sat at the breakfast table. It was six o’clock in the morning, only five hours before the wedding. Neither of us spoke much. There was an uneasy stillness in the air. It was one of those “elephant in the room” moments. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know where to begin, luckily mom beat me to the punch and broke the silence. “Kait, I bought you a beautiful white dress for today and..” “We went over this before mom, the answer is still no.” I replied, not wanting to...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Tia dedicated to blondejenny

I had one of the best days at work I’d had in a long time on Monday. My apprentice goes to college on Monday so I get to be alone, time for me to play on here or go see customers to do a quote or something. Well this Monday I had to go to two jobs, both in the same street, very handy. The first was to a lady called Tia, she’s tall dark haired in her fifties, very well spoken and very attractive, 5ft 8 ish just right for me that, with a lovely figure to go with it. I had met her previously but...

3 years ago
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Temporary Romance

CAUTION: This is a story of a romance that is still building. The people in it don’t know what will happen next, but they hope they have found something beautiful and lasting. Because they have been so unsure of themselves until now, there is no sex at all until late in the story, and even then there is nothing very explicit. * Nicole Evans found herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She was unemployed, eligible for only the minimum unemployment compensation, and with little...

2 years ago
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Oh Teacher My TeacherChapter 6

We retired early Friday evening and for the first time in several days, we didn't make love. I think we were both asleep when our heads hit the pillow. I was up early the next morning, showered and shaved as I headed for the kitchen and breakfast. Our tee time was 9:12, and I felt much better after a good night's sleep. "Sleep well?" Crystal asked. "Very. I guess we were tired and maybe a bit stressed with everything that's been happening this week." "I'm sure. Is Astrid...

1 year ago
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Blowing a stranger in his car

It had been many years since I had had any guy on guy experinces. The last time was when I was much younger and got a blow job forma co worker after a work party. We had been drinking and he acted like he fell into my lap as I sat in a chair. He pushed and rubbed his face against my crotch and one thing led to another. I love cumming in a guys mouth. The best orgasms I have ever had have been with guys. As time went on I began to crave these feelings again.I had been thinking about getting...

3 years ago
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After Tuition Class 8211 Part III

By : Devteen Hi everybody, i am back with the third part of my story “AFTER TUITION CLASS”. After that incident in the pond i became a slave for my friends. Because shyam & sandeep said all the things even i masturbated looking at my moms body, to joy and others. They started to talk dirty about my mom and sister even i was near them. But they acted decently in front of my mom and sister calling them aunty and chechi. But they usually call them “vedi(bitch)”. Even hearing that i didn’t...

2 years ago
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Incest FamilyChapter 5

Margaret was becoming bored with the swimming party. She was pissed at her husband for such a flimsy excuse as a skinny-dipping party. She knew that he was itching to get that leggy young Alice undressed so he could have a good look at her. The buxom blonde had been acting very proper though, all things considered. She'd been shamefully respectful of Margaret's wishes when Margaret had decided the swimming lesson had gone just about far enough. And since then Alice had stayed pretty much to...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 615

Jeff and the General sat at a table in Ship’s lounge. Whitworth took a sip of his stim and grimaced. “I don’t see how they drink this ... stuff. It’s bitter as the devil,” he grumbled. “I can easily replace it with coffee,” Ship offered. “No,” Whitworth said after a slight hesitation. “I keep expecting to get used to it, but it hasn’t happened so far. Maybe I will eventually.” “It is, indeed, bitter,” Jeff agreed, “but Ship assures me that Stim has approximately the same concentration of...

3 years ago
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Laura aka The Little Nympho Chapter 11 Babysitting Katie Resubmitted and cut into 3 parts

Introduction: This is such a long chapter that I have cut it into 3 Parts. And I do apologize for the length.. However it is a critical part of this story and is necessary to maintain the stories continuity.. In this episode, Laura begins her new job babysitting for the Bells.. She meets Mr.Bs beautiful wife Lana and their very precocious daughter Katie.. She then makes a few mildly disturbing discoveries about her new employers.. And when her job gets unexpectedly extended for another day, it...

3 years ago
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Weekend at Grandparents With Cousins Part 2

The rest of the Sunday when by like normal but I thought that from now on my vacation was going to be a lot better. Sarah and I spent the rest of the day with Victoria just hanging out around town and it was very normal. Sometimes though, I would catch Sarah staring at my pants and I had to resist to just take her then and there, especially because we were in public, but mostly because we were around Victoria. That night, things changed a little bit though. When the three of us were finally...

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Anniversary Presents

Copyright © 2002 by the author It was coming up on our first anniversary when my wife and I proceeded beyond our usual passionate but essentially mundane love-making and began sharing sexual fantasies with each other, and sometimes even play-acting them with each other. Not that there was anything wrong with our sex life--to the contrary! We had still been in the throes of our "newlywed bliss" and experimentation hadn't been necessary. Love-making had been almost always missionary...

2 years ago
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The Taking Of Curious

I can remember the summer of 2009 very well, why you ask? Well it was the summer when I took ‘Curious’, yes, ok strange name, albeit a nick-name … but what a lady! I guess she was around mid-thirties dark hair good-looking babe!, anyway I lived next door to her, and first saw her from a gap in the adjoining fence … my story begins I was mowing the lawn one midweek afternoon when, after some 45 minutes of mowing I sat down on the chair on the decking, even though I had the CD player on, I could...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Lolly Dames Round Two With My Stepmom

Tony has a bigtit babe of a stepmom in Lolly Dames. They got together a year ago, but they were caught out by Tony’s dad. Lolly and Tony thought all was forgiven and forgotten, but now that they’ve decided to take a family vacation together, Tony’s dad has brought up Lolly’s infidelity again. He harassed Lolly to the point that she got a hotel room and blocked his phone number. Tony’s dad eventually sent his son over to go retrieve Lolly. When Tony arrives, he...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 310 Keeping an Eye on the Other Side

Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The Government's lawyers didn't rush away to get the just-modified agreement signed. It was never going to happen like that, Vanessa assured us. She would've been disappointed had that happened, as this was meant to be just the first round of several. She was hoping to get the Government dancing to our tune, and they weren't on the ropes enough for that yet. Despite Vanessa's saying she'd be very disappointed to get exactly what we had told our...

4 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 23 Saturday

After the now regular morning shower ritual had completed, Chet using the camera to take the set of pictures Mike had requested of his fantasy shower with the angels, and breakfast finished Kelli said, 'well today is the last one for games, and it's Julies turn. What do you want to play Julie, the "who come first" game or something else?' 'What else, we have only played that or the one where we had to suck the guys. Is there another game you know?' Kelli grinned, 'I have thought of...

2 years ago
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my first back seat fuck

so there i was all alone one night hitch hikeing home one drunkn night,,i had got into a fight with my girl friend in which it ended up that i left her place since she picked me up at the bar,,,iwas flirting with danger with her best friend and her other friend,, there names were Candy and Sheri, and my god was she ever so sweet, her friend Sheri was alright as well, so like i said she picked me up cause like a dumbass i need her ass,,,but she had caught me flirting with her two friends,, i had...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 10

Ed returned from school. He was taking three classes this semester, working full-time, and trying to protect John. He was tired and wanted to eat before going to bed. He found the note on the table by the door. He picked it up and read it aloud. “Ed, we have gone to Maria’s for dinner. Come there when you get home. Love, Kelly.” Ed didn’t want to go there, but he knew if he was going to get anything to eat that he must show up there. He dropped his books on the desk that Shirley had bought...

3 years ago
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A Gulf Coast Welcome II

To recap: A lonely man with a erectile problem meets a younger vacationing divorcee on Longboat Key. Their first day together ended in extraordinarily satisfying sex. The story continues...Driving over the Skyline Bridge to St. Pete seemed dangerous to me as my mind kept veering off the road and into memories of the night before. A chance meeting on the beach led to a night of amazing sex with a cock that worked the way it was supoosed to and although that seemed miracle enough, I kept flashing...

Love Stories
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Futas Hot Milf WishChapter 3 Cassandrarsquos Futa Party

Lana’s accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother’s pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other sixteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair’s vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller’s equally naked flesh. “I...” I sputtered. “Honey,” Mrs. Teller said, squirming,...

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A Persian Princess FallsChapter 3

Jasmine parked her car not far from a where a parking meter was. She saw a shop in front of her car on the sidewalk. They were at an alley in Hamburg that was known to be dodgy. It was full of Neo Nazis and poor working class White Germans. But what scared her was that shop she saw and she gulped. It was a tattoo shop, and Boris sitting next to her saw her expression. "You look nervous dear. Is something wrong?" he asked her as he unbuckled his seat belt on the passenger's side. "Where...

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Pyro Petey

Thanks to the hip and knee doctor for editing assistance. I always heard the expression, 'nobody is perfect.' If that is true, then I am normal. What I mean is that I am not perfect. My biggest fault, which I have under control, is the most serious one. I love to start fires. When I was younger, it was a real problem and that is how I got my nickname: Pyro Petey. My name isn't Pete or Peter, it is Robert Smith. It is one of the most common names in America, which can be a blessing or a...

1 year ago
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My Sister the Maid

"Bambi!" I cried out angrily to my maid, shutting her up. I didn't let anybody talks to my sister like that! Bambi (not her real name - all my maids have pseudonyms) looked over at me, startled and fearful. She was wearing a short, open bathrobe and was standing imperiously in front of where Penelope was kneeling, Bambi's blonde pussy less than a foot from Penelope's face. "This is... Penny... and she is..." my sister? Maybe I'd better not tell her that. "...a guest here and to be treated with...

3 years ago
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Nympho Fever

Center for Disease Control Lab Gemini 12 Two MPs guided the young woman down the corridor toward observation room alpha. She was young, approximately 25 with pin straight red hair and sedated to the point that she was having difficulty walking on her own. She wore a hospital gown and paper slippers, she didn’t notice that her legs had stopped moving and that the MPs were now dragging her. Upon entering the observation room her two escorts strapped her to a gurney in the center of the room. The...

4 years ago
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Beauty And The Beat

I entered the club, not planning to stay long. Clubbing wasn’t one of my favorite activities. While I loved dancing, dancing in a club so crowded with people wasn’t my thing. Angela kept after me and I finally gave in. She did say there was something I needed to see. She kept dropping hints, but wouldn’t give me much of a clue. So I finally gave in and joined her and some of her friends at this club.It was a pretty nice place, décor-wise. But it really was packed and the music was so loud you...

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Neighbors Chapter 5

Matt opens his eyes wearily, finding he’s alone in bed, the memory of his neighbor, and the previous night, still just a blur in his foggy mind. He lies there warm, and still a bit weary, before stretching his arms above his head, the sore muscles of his right arm and shoulder jar him fully awake, and the memory of last night floods into his mind. He raises his head from the pillow, reaching to touch the spot where Kat had been sleeping next to him. He glances out her window at the clear bright...

Oral Sex
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Wes and LesChapter 41

We got to the elevator and Sam pushed the call button. The doors opened to an empty car. I turned to Mom. "I know you're not old enough for me to call you Mom. Do you mind if I call you Mildred? She laughed. Why don't you call me Sue. That's my name." "Sue. Sue. I like that. Like the Indians. And all this time I thought it was Mom." She was smiling like a schoolgirl. Which is just as well since I felt like a schoolboy. I'd felt that way since yesterday. I'd found the most...

1 year ago
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Diwali Celebration With Horny Neighbour Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing good. I thought to share my experience from Last year’s Diwali which was the best one of my life. I was at my sister’s place in Indore last year for Diwali. I was there for almost a month and My sister used to live in a nice society with 4 Flats on the same floor. One day, I was sitting in my room and watching TV when my sister called me into the hall and introduced me to her neighbor friends. They were two women in their mid to late 30s. One of...

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Wet Work 2

My target was to be a woman, possibly two women if I could arrange it. I cannot explain why but somehow I was more comfortable with that than had it been a man. There is a vast trade in substandard drugs, even substances like chalk sold as real drugs, packaged as if they were the genuine article. Millions suffer or die as a consequence of this vile trade. Katherine Eleanor Porter-Haynes had been the product of a woman of high English birth and an American philanthropist whose vast wealth had...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Gia Vendetti Banging Hot Beauty

Smoking hot babe Gia Vendetti is loving how you check out her sexy body in her bright red bra and panties. It really pops on that beautiful dark skin but we all know how badly we want to see her naked and showing off that shaved pussy! She strips slow making sure to give you a show of that ass when she bends over and stares you down as she sucks that hard cock! There is nothing Gia loves more than pleasing you and really wants that cum of yours all over her! She grinds down on Brads cock in...

4 years ago
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Fluffer in TrainingChapter 6

Alan directed Rachel to the big ensuite bathroom while he took a shower in the other bathroom. He’d handed her some clean towels and left out a variety of items he said might be suitable for her to wear to bed. He’d explained that he often had women stay over, a number of who had left various garments at his place. He told her to take her time, and then to join him in the bedroom when she was done. Peeling off the wet singlet, Rachel lavished in the unexpected pleasure of using his huge...

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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 5 Wilderness Park

As with my other departures this one isn’t any easier. Leaving behind all my newfound young lovers makes me wonder if I should settle down in one of these communities and forget about returning to the oil fields. It isn’t that I need the money. My investments will provide me with a very comfortable living for the rest of my life. The vision of the twins Melanie and Kylie naked in my tent has me dreaming were they older so we could have enjoyed each other to the fullest. Fond memories of...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 10

'Rivers of blood ... flowing down my throat ... hot ... sticky sweet ... The pain ... the pain makes me come ... Need to come harder ... even harder ... make me die ... Light ... Bright! Béla blinked. As her eyes focused, she recognized the sun crystal embedded in the roof of the arborium. Something dark and heavy was lying on top of her, crushing her. 'Can't breathe... ' The crushing, heavy, dark weight moved upward, eclipsing the bright light. It slowly changed from a dark fuzzy blur...

3 years ago
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The Sorcery Patrol Case 9987 City Living

Tales From the Sorcery Patrol: Case #9987: City Living By C. M. Ellis Officer Emily Fae 1423 hrs 03/06/03 Sometimes I really love the city. I mean, most pixies find living in urban areas very difficult, and I?ll admit that the general lack of flora and fauna is sometimes a little disturbing, but on the whole, you really get a more exciting and complex combination of auras in the city. Sure, the softness and security of a pine grove, or the melody of a babbling brook have...

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Broken WindowChapter 2

"Soft little balls ... So sweet..." The woman played with my dick and balls like she'd never seen any before. "It's almost time to go," the man sighed and stroked my hair lovingly while I moved my tight, soft lips up and down his long cock. "I don't want to!" Stephanie pouted from behind me and I felt her mouth on my hairless little sack, her tongue playing against it. She had her nose pressed against my butthole like she wanted to fuck me with it. "I know, believe me." The man,...

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A Night at Fudruckers

It was a Friday night, about 11:00 p.m. Ashley and I had gone out for a dance with some friends of ours. She was so beautiful; she had on tennis shoes, jeans that hugged her perfect ass just right, and a shirt that was tight, but not too tight. We had pulled into Fudruckers for a quick burger before we went home. All of us ordered our food and sat down. Ashley and I sat on the side just the two of us. I was rubbing the inside of her thighs and pinching them gently. She kept doing that sexy,...

1 year ago
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Memorable Night With My Filipino Friend

This is a story about a wild night with a ‘friend with benefits’ of mine. Something about me. I am Raj, 6 feet tall, average body, and 6.5-inch thick cock. I am 30 years old and at the time of this incident, I was 26. I was working for a startup in the Philippines and living in Manila. I had met Tina around 6 months back via Tinder and had mind-blowing sex with her. We stayed in touch after that and became good friends. I shifted to Singapore for a couple of months and then moved back to...

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Youre the Wife Now What if Magic Wasnt Real Part 7

Part 7 The stern call of, "Wake up, Jane!" shocked me into alertness. It was one of those experiences when you wake up and you have no idea of who you are, never mind what day it is. It's almost a mystical experience as there is no connection with the memories you have accumulated throughout your life, just blissful being - no self as the Buddhists would say. As an adult, this experience, when it happened, would almost always be brought to a screeching halt when I remembered who I...

4 years ago
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Bobs Bad Choices

How to fuck up your life in one easy lesson: - Fall in love. - Get married. - Find out that your wife is a round-heeled slut. - Listen to (and believe) her when she promises that she is sorry, that she really loves you and that it will never happen again. - Forgive her. - Find out that she lied. - Divorce her. Six months later meet a stunningly beautiful woman: - Fall in love. - Get married. - Find out that your wife is a round-heeled slut. - Listen to (and believe) her when she...

3 years ago
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A chance meeting with an old friend

Donna was in town doing a bit of shopping and getting her nails done, I'd arranged to collect her after a couple of hours and I was at the point as she walked towards me talking to another lady. Apparently this other girl and her used to work together 25 years ago, she was quite tidy, 5'2", brown hair, super slim, probably too thin for her shape.As they got to the car Donna said "This is Paula we used to work together, she's coming up for a catch up", "Ok" I said as they both got in. As I drove...

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions Kate Kennedy Worthless Fucking Whore

With a ball gag in her mouth, completely naked, standing on the tips of her toes, Kate Kennedy is bound in rope bondage. Her thighs are tied together and her arms are bound behind her back to rope that leads up to the ceiling. Derrick Pierce creeps up from behind and tells Kennedy that he’s only there to please himself and use her body like an object. He grabs a flogger and starts hitting the backs of Kate’s legs and ass. He turns her around and flogs her tits hard, and the loud...

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I got what i wanted but from the wrong man 5

After performing like a slut all day I slept like a baby that night. It was like I didn't have a care in the world plus, I wanted to be rested for what ever came my way in the morning and with my sister coming I didn't want her to see me with bags under my eyes. I woke up feeling rested and ready for what ever the day or Harry bought for me today. I ordered a pot of coffee and toast with some fruit and as I sat thinking about my feelings for Harry, I wondered if I could go back to my life with...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 43

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van,Satinlvr_mwfandWunderboi******Chapter 43 - A Cell Phone Made Her Pregnant******​Our story thus far:The heroine, Suzi Recreant, has just returned from a rather successful follow-up expose` for the Rhino News Network. RNN, of course, is a subsidiary of Rhino Multimedia, or RMM, which is in itself a subsidiary of Rhino Electronics, all of which is owned by a Mr. Oskar Botha. During her interview, where she was able to obtain...

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St Emilias Academy for the Sexual Education of Proper Young Women

Abigail stepped out of Professor Mathison's office and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. She leaned up against it just for a moment to catch her breath and compose herself. She didn't dare stay longer, though, because the professor was still inside and she didn't want him thinking that she was hovering around his office waiting for him to leave. Down the hall she went, brushing her hair with her hand and making herself look as proper as she could again. The sun had already...

2 years ago
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This Couple Is MineChapter 3

The clientele at this extended stay motel consist mostly of men who are in town on business for a week or two. There are a few exceptions, but not many. I’ve met a few of them hanging around the pool in the evening and gotten to know them casually. I have yet to see any women or children around the pool at all. For that reason, I don’t anticipate anyone being offended by the sight of Kylie in her tiny little nearly invisible bikini. We entered the pool area and as usual there were half a...

4 years ago
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Mere Samne Wali Sweet Bhabhi

Hello readers. I am Praveen Kumar coming with a sexy story. Now I m staying in Bangalore. I m 25 yrs guy with 5.8″ height, average figure. Now come to the story…. Me jab banglr me aya ek apartment me reh raha tha. Meari samne wali flat me 1 couple & unka 2 sal ka bachha reh rahe the. Wo jo couple the unme se ek ka naam tha rahul & bhabi ka naam tha roshni. Unki arrange marriage hui thi. Or rahul ek businessman tha. Wo bhabi dekhne me bahat hi pretty thi. Me unko jab v dekha hun wo saree me hi...

3 years ago
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The Shower Room

"Alice, I suppose I don't need to explain to you why I have asked you in here," I said despairingly.Alice looked worried about what was coming. Normally when she came in to my office she was smiling, enthusiastic, delighted to tell me about how she was getting on or to receive praise from me for her latest work.Alice was one of our brightest and best employees, our first graduate trainee. At 22, she was our youngest employee, and also our first female employee. An attractive blonde, she...

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For the Love of Holly

* "Mr. Summers, do you have anything to say to the court before I pronounce sentence?" "I guess not, Your Honor." "Very well. The Court has some discretion in sentencing for cases like yours. I could remand you to the custody of the County Prison System for a period of up to twelve months. When I first saw your juvenile record, I was tempted to do just that. However, your last brush with the law occurred when you were fifteen years old. Since then, you have not been in trouble,...

2 years ago
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Pehle Train Or Fir Truck Me

Hi friends, mera naam Puja Kaur hai mere ghar me mere mummy papa or mera chota bhai hai mere mummy house wife hai or mere papa govt job karte hai mera bhai mujhse choda hai or wo abhi class me padhta hai, M dikhne me sundar hu or mera figure 32,30,34 hai jeans or leggings me meri back thodi ubhri hui dikhti hai jo mujhe sexy look deti hai, m girls school me 11th class me padhti hu or mujhe school mere papa chodne jate hai, Apko pata hi hai 11th class me jawani ka asar suru ho jata hai, mujh per...

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