Fellation indian porn

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Lien de la partie précédente : https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/histoire-de-matthieu-1-un-voyage-agr-able-735796Elle s'arrêta d'un coup sec, un mélange de sperme et de salive dégoulinant de sa bouche et me dit "Est-tu prêt à tout pour pouvoir me faire l'amour ?"J'avais la tête de cette cougard entre les cuisses, sa bouche autour de mon pénis, et sa langue qui caresse mon frein, quelle question, évidemment que je suis prêt à tout pour la baiser. Je lui répondis donc d'un hochement de tête. Elle...

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

2 years ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

4 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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Amis d enfance

Amis d'enfance. Quand j'y pense, c'est ?tonnant que Christian et moi soyons si proches. Nous n'avons rien en commun. Christian est tr?s sportif, il est grand, viril et muscl?. Il est le type m?me du beau mec qui fait craquer les filles. Je ne sais pas combien de copines il a connu... Je les ai pratiquement toutes rencontr?es, mais j'ai renonc? ? les compter. De mon c?t?, j'?tais plut?t petit et malingre. Je cachais mon visage encore enfantin derri?re de grosses lunettes qui faisaient de moi une caricatu...

3 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I’m the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I’ve never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! ...

2 years ago
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cocu suite agrave une crevaison de nuit

Mon épouse rentrait très tard d'une réunion de travail terminée par un repas et une soirée (01h25 de la nuit) et en cours de route elle s'est arrêtée sur le bas côté pour voir ce qui n'allait pas. En fait un pneu crevé, Une voiture qui la suivait s'est arrêtée et un jeune arabe est allé la voir et lui a proposé sans se départir de changer la roue contre une fellation.Je suppose que la tenue de ma femme y a été aussi pour beaucoup : petit tailleur noir, chemisier blanc jupe courte fendue sur un...

3 years ago
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Baise multiple au sex shop

Texte hard Arengements Claudia de Saint Amant De temps à autres, je vais dans un sex-shop Parisien pour trouver des hommes et me faire baiser. J’aime ces séances de sexe, hard, avec de vrais très bons mâles. Cela faisait plusieurs semaines que je ne m’étais pas faite baiser, faute de disponibilité. Je m'y rends, ayant envie de sensations très fortes. Toujours vêtue sexy et très provocante je rentre et choisi un film de transsexuel pour une projection en cabine. Je prends des doses de gel dans...

3 years ago
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les bienfaits du sperme sur la sant eacute

Le sperme et ses bienfaits sur la santéAvec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.Le...

4 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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Les f minisatrices Episode 2

R?sum? de l'?pisode 1: Nicole Nicolas avait quinze ans. Il ?tait un petit d?linquant sans projet d'avenir, au grand d?sespoir de sa m?re. Sa vie fut boulevers?e le jour o? il rencontra Agathe et ses s?urs D?borah et Alexie. Par amour pour Agathe, il accepta petit ? petit toutes ses fantaisies: du port de petites culottes f?minines ? un travestissement plus complet. Doria, la m?re d'Agathe, proposa ? la m?re de Nicolas de s'occuper de lui, ce qui impliquait une f?minisation plus pouss?e, y compris avec l'utilisation d'...

4 years ago
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Mon nom est coline, je suis une femme de 25 ans. Mais je ne me suis pas toujours appel? coline, mon vrai nom est en realite john, et j'etais un homme. Je vais vous racontez comment tout cela est arriv?.Aussi loin que je puisse remonter dans mes souvenirs, je me suis toujours senti femme. Une femme prisonnier dans un corps d'homme. Quand je devais avoir dans les 4 ou 5 ans, j'ai le souvenir d'avoir mis les bottes a talons de ma mere pendant une reunion de famille, chose qui avait bien a...

3 years ago
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Un destin boulevers

Un destin boulevers?. R?cit d'Evan. Que m'est-il arriv?? Des mois apr?s le d?but de cette histoire sordide, je n'ai toujours pas compris. J'ai beau essayer d'expliquer que c'est une erreur, que quelqu'un m'a fait une blague de mauvais go?t, personne ne me croit. J'en suis arriv? ? douter de moi-m?me. Mes meilleurs amis, le coach de mon club de foot, et m?me ma famille m'ont trait? comme si j'?tais un monstre. Emilie, ma copine, que j'aimais par-dessus tout, m'a aussi laiss? tomber! C'est un c...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

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Parler?! Raconter vite?! Dire ce qui m’est arrive parce que tout ? l’heure je sens qu’ils vont venir et que ce sera mon tour. La fin du chemin d’une pute.La rencontre C’?tait il y a ... Je ne sais m?me plus pr?cis?ment. J’ai perdu le lien, le sens m?me du temps qui est pass?. Dix ans?? Je dois avoir environ 36 ou 37 ans maintenant. Peut ?tre? J’?tais un jeune ing?nieur, un jeune cadre, r?cemment sorti d’?cole. J’ai trouv? un travail imm?diatement, tr?s correctement pay?, ? Lyon, dans le centre ville. Une grande entreprise intern...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

4 years ago
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Wheelchair bound babe gets pleasure where she cou

They say when a woman gets passed fifty, she becomes invisible, at one time she may have turned many heads or stopped conversations when she entered a room, but now she goes unnoticed.As Audrey came into the function room you would have thought the slim attractive brunette would have attracted the attention of the men filling the room. But she didn't she was also was transparent to them and she was only twenty eight.If she had walked into the bar a plethora of men would of rushed to buy her a...

2 years ago
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Autofellating Brother

Autofellating Brother? 1- Kim's bedroom: Saturday January 7th 2012 "Ohhh myyyy gawd!" Almost shrieked. Coming from Sarah. I looked over. "What?" Nikki asked before I could. "He's sucking his own penis," Sarah said as she pointed at the computer that was sitting on her lap. "Who is?" Megan asked, unable to keep a giggle from her voice. "It's huge ... look," Sarah said as she turned the computer towards Megan and Nikki who were both sitting on the other side of my queen sized...

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True Lies Redux

T I’ve started another serial. I can hear the groans now. It’s just a start with this chapter and the whole thing is NOT finished so it will be at least a week. As always for me it’s a ‘Loving Wives’ core but pretty darn non-erotic. More of a spy genre. I was motivated by QHM1’s ‘Mr. and Mrs. America’ follow on story and of course the Arnold S. ‘True Lies’ movie with it’s own almost strayed ‘loving wives’ sub-plot. Enjoy and please vote and comment. ************** What can I say? I’m a spy....

2 years ago
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A Painful Divorce

A violent man makes it easy to kick him out This is totally a work of fiction Katie woke late and lay on her back feeling thoroughly fed up and out of sorts. She knew that she ought to get a move on but was unable to motivate mind or body. It had been the early hours of the morning before she had finally fallen into bed having delivered her ungrateful husband to Dublin airport. He had been particularly difficult in the days running up to this particular business trip leaving her in no doubt...

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Third Party

We took a long time – several months – before choosing. The decision was important because we are not an irresponsible young couple playing the field. We are both nearer fifty than forty, in the third decade of our marriage, still very much in love but wise enough to recognise that sex, though pleasurable, was fast becoming routine. Before we got together we had both enjoyed other relationships, I more in number than Monique, but in marriage we had been sufficient to each other. Until now.There...

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The Royal Genies Chapter 02

“What do you think these things are?” Asked one of the workers, holding up what was, unbeknownst to him, the complete boxset of the most popular TV series ever to come out of the Martian Colonies. “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know,” said another, holding up a powerless laser sword. “I still think these artefacts should have been returned to the Gods, rather than being kept here.” “King Reylos said that they were safe to keep here, and the Queen trusts the judgement of her husband’s...

4 years ago
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Houston II Ch 06

Chapter 6. Argie & John Discuss Matters Argie got home around four, checked on the kids, who were already home from school and off with their friends. She decided on pizza for dinner, and made sure they had a six-pack and soda for drinks, then made a salad, wondering all the while just how she would broach the subject to her husband. After dinner, the kids piled into the living room to watch that night’s reality show, and Argie signaled John to join her in the bedroom. John quickly...

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Staff Privileges

 I went to the station and asked, “I’m here to see Jake Leonard?” The nurse looked me up and down and smiled, her round black face entrancing me, and she said, “Come with me. He’ll be glad to see someone.” I followed her, watching her plump middle-aged body filling her white dress too tightly, and she caught me watching as she glanced over her shoulder.We stopped outside a door, and she leaned into me, her cleavage between two of the largest breasts I had seen in a while calling a song that...

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Key Wested Chapter 4

Bret finally found his keys and opened the back door of the townhouse. He led the way in, his erection bobbing in front of him. Laura had stripped in the cab and stayed completely nude for the short walk to the door. Derek, Bret and I were all still wearing shirts, but were naked from the waist down. Laura followed Bret. She had one hand behind her, firmly wrapped around Derek’s hard-on, leading her new boy toy inside. Denise was next, blouse hanging open, pert nipples peeking into the dim...

3 years ago
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Jeu de Main Jeu de Vilain 2

Elizabeth - Hey...Pat...Patricia - What do you want Elizabeth...Elizabeth - Do you want to come to my home tonight...Patricia - For doing what...Elizabeth - Well...My little neighbour his living with me for the next nine days...Patricia - And whats the point with your neighbour...Elizabeth - He never done it...Patricia - Never done it...He never had sex...And how old his he...Elizabeth - Two time seven...Plus an half...Patricia - His u******e...You cannot do that...Elizabeth - I already gone...

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Cry Wolf for Cuckolding

Cry Wolf for Cuckoldingbygonzi2©We lived in a garrison town and my forty-year-old husband Tony was reading the local paper and exclaiming disgusting over and over again. “Do you see this Jenny, a study by the university says that tests have shown that one in four of the c***dren born in this town have been conceived in a cuckolding situation! That’s ten times the national average; it’s those randy soldiers fucking married women I’ll bet! And if so many have been born how many other married...

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A Night in Nairobi

To the casual observer, Maxwell James Robertson looked much like any other expatriate in the lounge of Nairobi’s Fairway Hotel. A well proportioned man, a touch under six feet, age had treated him kindly. Middle-aged, he had a firm face with a determined “Scottish” chin and aquiline nose. Having just spent a couple of weeks in Uganda, he was pleasantly tanned, a tan that set off his immaculately groomed silver hair to perfection. He was plainly dressed in what is commonly known in the tropics...

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Sexe en nature avec M eacute lissa

Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...

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St Bruno

Par une belle journée d'automne, je décide d'aller me promener au parc du Mont St-Bruno. Après avoir payé, je me stationne et commence ma marche. Je croise des chevreuils, vraiment pas peureux et quelques personnes. J'arrive près du petit lac, je m'assieds pour savourer ce silence qui fait du bien, je me ferme les yeux et me penche par en arrière pour profiter du soleil. Au bout d'un certain temps, j'ouvre les yeux et vois un homme assis près de moi, je ne l'avais pas entendu arrivé, il me...

4 years ago
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Sollicitation G eacute rontologue 4

Quelques jours passés prenant ma douche au matin. Une dame entrant reconnaissant Céline prenant place dans la seconde. Sortant dix minutes plus tard une serviette à la taille comme Andrée me l'avait suggérée auparavant (texte no 2). Céline arrêtant le jet d'eau pour s'essuyer et ensuite remettre sa petite culotte. Ouvrant le rideau à ma grande surprise apparaissant seins nus. Venant devant l'évier tout près de moi sans gêne. Me regardant un bref instant pour m'adresser la parole. La madame de...

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Une si jolie guide

Parti quelques jours en Dordogne avec Alain nous décidons de visiter Château et grottes. A l'office du tourisme, nous trouvons une promenade sympa à faire. La visite d’anciennes mines. Pour cette visite, nous enfilons de vieilles fringues pour ne pas risquer de les bousiller. Autant dire que je ne ressemble à rien. Nous arrivons au lieu du rendez-vous. Il y a une une mère et son fils et une famille avec trois ados. Il ne nous restait plus qu’à attendre notre guide. Une jolie fille arrive et...

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Meeting my future husband

I was finishing my second year at university. Somehow, despite all the partying…the booze… the sex and the travel trips…I managed to keep a good GPA. I was still a sort of a rock and roll hippie…these were the golden days of GnR, Metallica and all those bands…and I felt privileged to have been able to assist to some of those concerts. We were still hanging around with friends…partying mainly on Friday nights…or even on weekdays. Sex of course…but also drinking, joint smoking…playing music and...

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soir eacute e avant le breve

MA SOIRÉE PRE BREVET.... C'était un soir de juin, il faisait bon. un léger vent se faisait ressentir et une bonne soirée s’annonçait.Nous étions une bande d'amis stresser par le passage du brevet. Et oui, nous étions jeunes.Nous sommes la veille au soir du début des épreuves.... 2 jours de galère à bucher sur les sujets...Alors, nous avons décides de décompresser à notre façon. RDV fixé à 19h00... Nous sommes tous au RDV, prêt à passer une soirée agréable.Nous nous rendons au McDo afin de nous...

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Soir eacute e secr egrave te Part 1

Mon expo était sur la bonne voie, ma petite équipe me donnait entière satisfaction travaillant d'arrache pied à l'organisation de cette manifestation artistique. Elle couronnait 2 années d'un travail photo intense sur l'abstraction et la lumière.Quelques personnes étaient dans la confidence, je préparais un After un peu spécial après l’expo. J'avais convié quelques intimes et quelques amis partageant les mêmes envies lubriques, cette soirée secrète aurait lieu après le vernissage. J'avais...

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Pas mon style le photographe mais beaucoup de charme, il m’avait branché de manière élégante sans trop être lourd. Un ancien directeur informatique reconvertie dans la photo, un studio looké, quelques guitares Fender et de vieux ampli, une vieille Triumph Bonneville, un vieux canapé cuir comme mobilier donnaient une déco vintage et design a l’endroit. J’avais justement rendez vous le soir même avec lui pour choisir les photos qui illustreraient l’article.Mais pour l’instant il fallait que je...

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Bon d eacute but d apr egrave s midi au sauna

Je fréquente régulièrement un sauna gay d'où je ne repars jamais déçu.Un jour j'y arrivais, comme d'habitude, aux environs de 13 h 00. Après m'être déshabillé, seul dans le vestiaire, j'allais prendre une douche et passais dans une cabine, dite de repos, pour m'enduire le cul de gel lubrifiant. Ainsi, si un mec me passe une main dans la raie, il sent mon cul bien lubrifié et, en général, je sens au moins un doigt me pénétrer, souvent suivi d'un sexe bien dur.Après m'être donc bien lubrifié, je...

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etre bisexe

Ma femme et moi, nous aimons toutes les formes d’amour. Elle est bi et je le suis aussi. Elle se tape des mecs et des nanas. Je fais pareil. Le plus souvent, ces amours «mélangistes» se déroulent à la maison, et nous recevons beaucoup. Et c’est par téléphone que nous faisons nos rencontres... De plus, c'est vraiment donné, 90 centimes la minute, presque le coût d'une communication ordinaire locale. Et c'est grâce à ce numéro vraiment pas cher et sympa que j'ai pu vivre la belle aventure que je...

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Elle, je l’ai rencontrée chez moi. Elle s’appelait Maud. C’était une copine de fac de ma fille et elle était passée plusieurs fois à la maison. Beaucoup de filles et parfois de garçons défilaient chez nous, sans que j’y prête trop attention.J’étais par mon travail d’enseignant en biologie à l’université plus souvent à la maison que ma propre épouse, mais l’habitation bourgeoise dans laquelle nous vivions au cœur de Lyon était suffisamment grande pour permettre ce genre de cohabitation sans...

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libertinage et autres agrave bonne entendeur

En couple, Nous avons décidés de pimenter notre couple après une vie correct, au lieu de tromper pourquoi pas libertiner...La trentaine deux enfants, j'aime boire. lolApres inscription sur différents sites, on faisait les difficiles concernant les couples.Le feeling, les attentions, l'expériences etc... apprendre a se connaitre et plus si affinité....Seulement voila après avoir échangé différents dialogues avec un couple de saint pierre qui nous tapait a l'oeil, l’expérience commence à devenir...

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Leslie proviseure de lyc eacute e

Bonjour, je m'appelle Leslie. Je suis proviseur dans un lycée mais aussi une belle salope... ça se voit à ma tenue, non ? Dernièrement, il m'est arrivé une drôle d'aventure. Vous avez envie que je vous en parle, hein ?J'aime sucer la bite des étudiants que je reçois dans mon bureau. J'adore recevoir leur sperme chaud sur mon tailleur. Il me faut de multiples doses quotidiennes. Je ne peux pas me passer de leur foutre.Je crois même que ma réputation de salope commence à se savoir... Des...

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Kassy 2

Je me réveille avec le téléphone qui sonne... - Allo, répondis-je.- Oui c'est Michel, ton collègue je suis en bas de chez toi tu m'ouvres? Mais comment Michel a bien pu savoir ou j'habitais, je n'hésitais pas et lui ouvrit.Il arriva à ma porte, je m'étais habillé simple avec une culotte et un t-shirt qui moulait mes tétons durcis du matin. - Bonjour Michel ca va? lui demandais-je, en ouvrant la porte, comment as-tu eue mon adresse et mon numéro? continuais-je. - Avec les bonnes relations au...

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Reconnaissance agrave une Putain

Je conçois qu'on nous enferme dans la catégorie des veules et deslâches. Un mâle est prêt à tout pour obtenir une femelle. Depuislongtemps je convoitais la femme de mon meilleur ami. Je savais ce genred'infidélité et de frasques assez banal et pour le coup sordide. Je nepensais pas qu'un jour je m'abaisserais à un si bas étiage. On devraitêtre plus humble. Les abjects ne sont pas si loin des nobles. Je fus cejour-là une canaille. Pour ma défense la miss en question n'était pas enreste. Je lui...

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Rachael The Babysitter

"Mais maman!" Je plaidé. "Je ne ai pas besoin d'une baby-sitter! Je ne peux pas simplement rester moi-même cette fois? »Mais elle ne bougeait pas. Pour l'amour de Pete, je avais quatorze ans. Tout simplement parce que mes parents ont dû sortir de la ville pour le week-end, pourquoi ai-je avoir quelqu'un rester avec moi comme si je étais un petit enfant!«Regardez Jeff, je ai entendu tout ce que je vais vous entendre. Je reçois la fille de Mme Walker, Rachel de rester avec vous, et ce est tout ce...

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The Klinik Chapter Three

Chapter 3The cavernous, cathedral like laboratory, (hewn out in less happier times by slave workers of the ‘Thousand Year Reich’ from the steel grey granite of ’Tor Adlerstein’), was located deep below the main Klinik facility. It echoed to every faint sound.Ari Sonderberg tilted each of the two selected Plexiglas DIU’s in the central row of twelve in turn, draining them of iridescent fluid, acutely aware of the amplified hydraulic drone that filled and reverberated in the cellar laboratories...

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Vacation Vixen

I only cheat on Ron once a year, and to be honest, he deserves it. It’s when we’re on vacation, when he deserts me for his beloved golf, so I have nothing to do with my time but to seek out lovers. It started about ten years ago, when we’d been married around eight years. Ron’s parents had agreed to take young Sam for a fortnight to allow us to have something of a second honeymoon, so we’d flown off to the Med. But reliving our introduction to marital sex was the last thing on Ron’s mind...

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Please Shave Me

Chapter 1 Well, I was old enough to know that life doesn't always work out exactly as you want it to. Justin and I had been married for ten years and, frankly, the passion had faded. We were both deep into our careers, I was a property manager for a local upscale real estate developer and hubby managed a district branch of a large insurance company. So, we were pretty happy career-wise and financially, it was the once-every-other-week fuck that I was getting that was disappointing. I'm...

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Chapter V Lesbian Love sodomy

Great Lesbian Love and sodomyChapter V --- ---Other stories to read: http://bisoumidomi.unblog.frAfter this meeting with Michelle and Mark, we often spent evenings together. Sometimes I came alone or with the elected if it accepted the moment. Throughout this period I confess I papillonnais a girl to another. Finally, rather than admit I had in reserve several lovers, and that depending on the mood I was choosing one or the other. Each may not know the existence of others .. Not necessarily,...

2 years ago
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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

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Sylvie 1

Happy new year! Bonne et heureuse Ann?e 2008! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes premiers r?cits. J'ai ?t? tr?s amus? par vos remarque concernant "Ma fille Manon", parce qu'en ?crivant cette histoire, je me suis pos? exactement les m?mes questions que vous: quels sont les sentiments de Manon? Je vais donc tr?s ce...

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Moi une demoiselle d honneur

I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes autres histoires. Je serais toujours tr?s content de recevoir vos critiques afin de continuer ? progresser dans mon ?criture. Merci en particulier ? JP. J'essaie de tenir compte de tes remarques constructives. C'est difficile de trouver un ?quilibre entre le rythme de l'histoi...

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De haut en bas Part 1

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La transfo...

3 years ago
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Story First Meeting

Here's a story I wrote upon the request of a Domme I was corresponding with.The Taking-Arrival-I arrive at your hotel room as instructed at 7:30pm precisely. I knock twice on the door and wait for you to open it. You are as prompt as. You command me to the center of the room with a silent gesture. You then speak to me but in a friendly tone. Making sure I am really ready to go through with submitting to you. Of course, I am. I have wanted this so badly for so long.-Inspection-You order me to...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

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The Raid on Kadhir Pets

THE RAID ON KADHIR PETSPrefaceThe sudden surge in the awareness of Animal Rights in the Indian Subcontinent was mainly due to a popular film actress taking interest and forming an activist group. Her group once ransacked a prestigious research laboratory at Hyderabad and forcibly released forty eight monkeys that had been kept for medical research, an incident that made headline news and provided unprecedented popularity for the actress and her group. With yet another celebrity female from the...

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Third Party

We took a long time - several months - before choosing. The decision was important because we are not an irresponsible young couple playing the field. We are both nearer fifty than forty, in the third decade of our marriage, still very much in love but wise enough to recognise that sex, though pleasurable, was fast becoming routine. Before we got together we had both enjoyed other relationships, I more in number than Monique, but in marriage we had been sufficient to each other. Until...

Straight Sex
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Eric Erica en francais

Eric Erica (en francais)Eric, 18 ans depuis trois semaines, bon c?ur mais incurable r?veur et incorrigible romantique, ne faisait rien de sa vie. Rien de rien, incapable de se fixer ou de fixer son attention, archi largu? au lyc?e, non pas stupide mais jamais pr?sent, toujours r?fugi? dans son monde imaginaire. Eric ?tait diff?rent. Cette diff?rence, son p?re, ancien officier reconvertit dans l’industrie et sa m?re, une catholique bigote, tous deux issus d’une stricte bourgeoisie conservatrice, ne l’admettaient pas e...

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La soumission de Candy

La soumission de Candy Chapitre 1Ce n'est pas parce que vous ?tes parano que personne ne vous en veut. Je me suis toujours un peu m?fi? de mes semblables et, quand j'ai cr?? mon entreprises de conseil, j'ai trouv? tout naturel de mettre en place tout ce qu'il fallait pour surveiller mes employ?s. Enregistrement t?l?phonique, copie automatique des emails re?us et envoy?s, etc.N'ayant pas que ?a ? faire, je ne passais pas tout mon temps ? ?couter les conversations et lire les ?changes de courriers. Et surtout, en respect d...

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4 soeursopi g es

4 s?urs pi?g?es Ch 1 Decived Sisters 1 Coulybaca / MercySlayer ? ? *************************************** ? Droits d'auteur 2002 MercySlayer Vous pouvez poster librement cette histoire sur des sites non-commerciaux ou sur la partie gratuite de sites commerciaux. Vous ne devez pas d?naturer le texte ni omettre les informations concernant l'auteur. Je vous remercie d'accepter ces conditions. ? **************************************** ? ? Jeannette et ses trois s?urs pr?paraient leur vir?e ? Atlantic-City d...

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Dolly s Python

Dolly's Python! October 2005 "Hey, it's Mrs. Tarleton! How're you doing ?" I heard my secretary,Marcia talking and giggling with my wife."How're you, Marcia...you'rethe cutest secretary at Cooper, Tarleton and Strowbridge, girl!" Ilooked up, and there she was, my beautiful girl, Dolly Tarleton, her long,honey blond curls bouncing. I dropped my work to watch as my lovely wife andMarcia gossiped about the foibles of their favorite hairdresser. Young Deon, the black head of the copy department...

3 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

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bdsm list

BDSM CHECKLISTThis checklist can be filled out by a Sub and provided to their Dom/Top before playing with them. This will provide a quick "head-start" to identifying limits, negotiating and finding common ground for play. Dominants may wish to work through the checklist, to get a better handle on their specific interests. Switches should go through the checklist twice; one persons Dom and Sub interests may be very different.For each item, you need to provide two answers: ExperienceHave you had...

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Tommy Ainsgarth s Third time

It were a dark November night in Yorkshire. Tommy and Fred Brassenthwaite were working local passenger north from Donaster wi a D1 class engine, built be Ivatt and as much use as a chocolate teapot. Tommy were keeping a lookout for guards flag and whistle at Grisedale when he saw Dolly the girl he knew from the engineman’s lodging get off of train. Dolores were Landladies daugher, last thing Tommy knew she were at Grimsby college learning hospitality as she wanted be a hoo er. She were a...

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Impossible virtual sex

Jacqui smiles as she looked at her virtual chair. She had a new mod she'd found that she wanted to try as well as one she'd written herself. She could feel the anticipation in her body just thinking about it. She sit in her virtual chair and got herself comfortable. She pressed a button on the arm and the headset lowered onto her head. She relaxed as she felt the slight tingle of the electrodes beginning to stimulate her brain and the real world faded into a virtual one. She looked around...

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Urges Revisited

As his wife and two of her girlfriends piled into their car for a shop/spend-a-thon at the popular, but not so nearby mall, William's melancholy state intensified. He was now positive (correctly so) that his wife had married him for his money. The only positive thing that came from such a loveless union was Crissy, their only child, now approaching puberty. It's widely known among 'gold-diggers' that they need to quickly have a child by a rich man so that if he discovers the ploy and...

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Grade Inflation Eighth Grade Fellation

Misty Andersen and Tamara Brewer had shared homeroom together every semester since they had arrived at Monroe Middle School as sixth graders, two-and-a-half years past. Despite this fact, they barely knew each other, and throughout their tenure together, they had had little in common beyond the fact that both of their last names started with letters at the beginning of the alphabet - the sole basis of their common homeroom assignment. Through all of sixth, all of seventh, and now most of eighth...

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Hillary and Bill

Chapter One, Part One Election night – 2016 It is the worst night of her life. The unofficial returns are in, and though more than half of America enthusiastically identifies with her, all appears lost. How can it be? Through a heated season, the pending election acted as a tonic, a furious wind at her back. The thought of victory kept her spirits buoyant, her senses alert. Now, the relentless war of words has ceased; the race is over. Early this evening, the unforeseen happened; the...

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The Best Laid Plans

Twenty year old Millicent, Millie to her friends, was seriously pissed at her seventeen year old sister, Deborah. While reading her younger sister’s top secret and cleverly hidden diary, Millie had found out that the slinking little sneak had put the move on her boyfriend, Wallace. Well, Wallace was history now. The asshole had let Debby blow him! Her sister had slobbered all over his damn dick! She flipped a couple pages, and nearly tore the book apart in anger. She hadn’t stopped there!...

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The Newlin s Marcie and MarkChapter 4

Mark cavorted with Mrs. Morgenstern and Fay and Arianna separately until it was time to head off to the University of Nebraska to pursue his dream of becoming an architect. What he didn’t anticipate was a sexual drought that would last into his third year there. The subject matter proved difficult and the professors he encountered were merciless as far as Mark was concerned. After almost flunking two vital courses his freshman year, Mark refused all invitations to parties and football games...

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Numerous DelightsChapter 3 Rejection

As time went by the frequency of their coupling did not decrease, though the variation of the sex games dropped considerably as Derek's ingenuity ran out of ideas for novel sexual games. Helen tried shaving her mons, but soon gave that up on the grounds that it itched abominably, and did little for Derek's enjoyment. Tying Helen up became a bore, because there was nothing he could do to her tied up that she wouldn't let him do when she was untied. Almost without noticing it, they became a...

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The Royal GeniesChapter 2

Tonight, there was to be a party at the royal palace. On the anniversary of his death, the artefacts that had been recovered from King Reylos' fallen star were to be put on display for nobility and visiting dignitaries to see. Everything had been packed away, so now the palace's staff were working to get everything out and on display, but away from prying hands. "What do you think these things are?" Asked one of the workers, holding up what was, unbeknownst to him, the complete boxset of...

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Animal ThreesomeChapter 3

"Honey, I'm home," Denny called, entering his home. Cally jumped up from her chair, Prince following at her heels, as she threw his arms around his neck and kissed him in greeting. "How's Loretta?" she asked, somewhat jealous of this woman she had heard about but never seen. "Now, now... I told you she's just a friend... no strings... and she really wants to meet you, baby." "Well," said Cally pouting, "I don't know if I want to meet her." "Jealous?" "No," she said,...

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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 18

Trae felt Kat join him in his silent reflections. ‘What happened, Trae?’ Kat asked him. ‘I know who I am and I don’t wish to be that person,’ he replied sadly. ‘Why? Are you a bad person? I don’t believe that you are. I have never felt that in you,’ she replied. Trae sighed and hugged her and the cuttails who seemed to have joined him in a field of flowers beside a stream that he had placed himself in. He knew the place was one of his favourites in his valley and he felt he had conjured...

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Effet Papillon Part 5

Effet Papillon. 5e partie. 9. L'introduction de petites culottes toutes plus f?minines les unes que les autres ne fit qu'intensifier notre vie sexuelle. Maintenant que je portais des strings de ? salope ?, qualificatif qui revenait de plus en plus souvent au cours de nos d?bats sexuels, Franck n'h?sitait plus ? me traiter comme telle. Tout se fit progressivement, un ?l?ment ? la fois. Mais aux caresses, sodomies et fellations de nos premi?res semaines, vinrent s'ajouter de nouvelles...

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Schooling And Learning Part I

“The bush leaguer’s here, I see.” Phil smirked until I retorted, “Yep, hilt-deep in more bush than Michael Jordan.”“Liar as well as a piker.”“The word is spiker, as in what I do to your…oh, never mind. You’re too young.”Phil had taken an instant dislike to me our first day in the lab, and I soon returned it with interest. He was cocky, smart, and attractive, but knowing him long left you feeling that there was something vital missing at his core. He treated me like a low-grade threat our first...

Love Stories
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SOUMISE La premi egrave re rencontre

Nous voilà le jour J, Nathalie a passé une semaine qui oscillait entre joie quand Amant lui écrivait, déception si il ne lui répondait pas, angoisse face au jour qui arrivait et excitation de le revoir.Toutes ces émotions la rendaient imprévisible et nerveuse. Elle ne savait si elle serait capable d'aller jusqu'au bout, de franchir le cap de la tromperie. C'est une femme honnête avec des principes et des valeurs. L'adultère n'en fait pas partie. Elle essaya à plusieurs reprises d'aller vers son...

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il le faut mon amour

Corto mon amour! La distance qui nous sépare, l'impossibilité pour toi de te connecter à ton aise exacerbent nos sens. Je rêve de ta bouche, je veux entendre ta voix prononcer mon prénom! Soraya! Mon mélange d'occident et d'orient te séduit. Ce que je suis, les sensations que je génére chez toi te submergent !! Nos agendas et nos vies respectifs nous tiennent éloigner l'un de l'autre. Ta présence virtuelle brûle mon âme, mon absence te consomme. Nous nous retrouvons pour un moment...

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J appartiens Snake d sormais

Brian est appel? en Irak Ch 1 Coulybaca /? Vulgus Le texte de Vulgus ?tant tr?s long, je me suis permis de le diviser en plusieurs parties afin d?en faciliter la lecture  Premier chapitre : drogu?e, viol?e, film?e.  Pour la premi?re fois depuis le dpart de Brian pour l'Irak,? je m'accordais une petite sortie. Son unit? de la garde nationale avait ?t?e appel?e pour une p?riode de service actif, et, avant m?me que nous r?alisions, il ?tait partit en Irak. Cela faisait trois maintenant mois qu'il ?tait parti et je crevais d'en...

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The Subjection of Mom and Sis

THE SUBJECTION OF MOM AND SIS By RB Thibo © 2001   I reserve all rights to this story or any part of it. No part of thispublication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recordingor otherwise, without the prior permission of the ********NOTICE******* Please be warned. The following story contains severe bondage, tortureand sexual assault. It is purely fiction and strictly for fantasy purposes.Any...

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A Tale

FROM PERIL DELIVERED by TEACHER She sucks in her breath sharply and cries out as the burning sensation floodsher buttocks. As she stands unsteadily in the slow moving old cargo van, sheis supported by her arms which are being gripped tightly. Each of the two men,one on each side of her, is dark and sinister looking. They face each otherkneeling on one knee and using their bent knees to support her midsection.The threat of even worse things to come is obvious in their eyes. How did she find...

4 years ago
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TurbulenceChapter 2

Colette Bentley loved sex but did not prefer controlling men, particularly older men who no longer had the stamina to perform. When she first became an airline stewardess, she was judged by a senior group of BRITISH AIRWAYS pilots to be the most sought-after girl in her graduating class. These men, all members of the SAS, a UK advisory force in Viet NAM, were adventurers most of whom never married. Consisting predominately of playboys they rated the top ten girls from each graduating class of...

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A Natural Slut

Nick, a teenage boy seduces his uncle John. The story charts his evolution from a shy infatuated lover to an accomplished slave-concubine. Nick becomes Nikki and relishes his role as a sex-slave. Uncle John is a stern master who uses Nikki in every possible way.A Natural Slut By Nikki Part 1 Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous....

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Yearning for Hot Illicit Sex Try Email You Will Love It Chapter 3

5th email from Brenda: responding to my 4-1th email From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 4/22/13 8:31pm To: Harvey Landers ([email protected] Dear Mr Landers, Golly, I don't know what to think now. I was so pleased to get another email from you and it started off lovely. I thought you were really trying to be open and everything with me and I felt real good and thought your email was quite hot. I understood what you were saying about slut not being a bad term as my...

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Towards a Surrender Act III

Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...

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Meeting Karen

Meeting Karen By MadQuill Note: this story was inspired by another, though the plot lines are dissimilar : about a woman who models herself on someone. I hope readers will enjoy this translesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part I I stood with...

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The Devil s Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 3 Felicity Horny Little Schoolgirl

Note: Mary gave her father teenage Felicity to be his slave. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 – Felicity Rye – Tacoma, WA Being a slave was a new experience for me, and I wasn't exactly sure what was required of me. Yesterday, my former Mistress—the beautiful Mary who had taken my virginity that wonderful afternoon when Mark had brought my friend April and me home with him—had given me to her father, Mr. Sullivan, to be his slave. He was a gentle man, and a...

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Uncle Jim s Birthday Present

The adventure of a lifetime, that was what she wanted to do. Go on the adventure of a lifetime. Men, dancing, booze, exotic places, easy work and no parents, and most of all, men.  She had just turned sixteen and had gotten a ticket to wherever she wanted to go from her Uncle Jim who said he would chaperone if her parents thought she needed one.They said yes. So she and Uncle Jim, who was in his forties, had their heads together pouring through the atlas trying to decide which country they...

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Mouth Meet Cock

This is the true recounting of the first time a man's cock ever touched the inside of my mouth, with as much detail and in-the-moment sexual chronology as I can remember twelve years later. I have made no embellishments to make it a more exciting read. This is as it happened.It was in the summer of 2004, a few months after my separation and bifurcation of assets from my cheating ex-wife of thirteen years. The divorce actually came four years later, not because of any attempts at reconciliation,...

Gay Male
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Naughty Moms Club

"They say it's not the end," said Sylvia, explaining to the rest of the women in the room, "but we need to start using blindfolds."All the women in the room groaned in unison. They had thought they had found the perfect sexual amusement, but now it had all gone wrong.It had all started a year ago. Three of the local wives, Sylvia, Maria and Ingrid, who had sons in the same class, used to meet up for coffee, and all agreed that their lives were boring. The three of them had married young to...

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Tea Ladies

T Ladies Orgy(T minus three weeks)Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' wherethe quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until theyare triggered by a significant event.Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed thefeelings for so long...

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True Stories Part 1

TRUE STORIES - PART I By Michele Nylons Introduction For those of you who only read fiction I suggest that you go directly to my autobiographical sex stories contained later on in this essay; but what I thought I would like to do is to take a break form my usual 'physically forced' and 'caught with consequences' Transvestite sex stories and write some of my musings about Transvestism and share with you some of my real life sexual experiences. To set the scene, I am a...

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Lady In The House Part XIV

Lady in the House - Chapter XV By Michele Nylons I awoke in my cell the next morning unaware of the terrible fate that had befallen my sister Angie. I knew that Steve had sent his henchman Danny to do something to her in retribution for my recalcitrance but I didn't know exactly what that evil bastard Steve was capable of. I lay there shivering with dread hoping that Danny had just given Angie a warning, or at...

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Lady In The House Part XV

Lady in the House - Chapter XV By Michele Nylons After the warden left my cell my mind was racing. Why were they bringing my sister here to visit? How was I going to remove my makeup and nailpolish? What was I going to do about my semen-stained clothing? I heard the keys rattle in the lock of my cell door and Steve strolled in. "Well Michele it look's like you are starting to behave. The warden seemed happy with his little visit," he smiled mischievously at me. "Now...

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Tea Ladies

Tea Ladies By Michele Nylons (T minus three weeks) Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' where the quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until they are triggered by a significant event. Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings 'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he...

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So You Want To Be A Nurse Part Five

So You Want To Be A Nurse By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - The Gathering So how did Polly know about the five pounds? Dr Marron had tipped Michele five pounds but Michele hadn't told her about that. At the pub Polly had said, "So now you spend some of that five pounds that Dr Marron left you and buy a round." So how did she know? Polly lay sleeping beside her in the bed in room 302 at the Chelmsford Ambassador Hotel. They were still dressed in lingerie and...

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Pillow Talk Chapter Three

Pillow Talk By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Compromise Michelle called Linda the next day and she came around to Michelle's place and Michelle told her all about the previous evening except for having to give Frankie a blowjob. "You ain't telling me everything are you?" Linda teased. "I don't know what you mean." Michelle blushed. "You telling me Frankie 'The Stallion' Caputo had you all alone in that private booth and didn't do any more than kiss you?"...

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Consent Chapter One

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Short Skirt and a Long Jacket The boy pulled his bloated penis from Adele's lipsticked lips just as he orgasmed. The eruption of scalding semen spattered across her pretty face, splashing in her eyes, then across her cheeks and ran down her chin. The boy groaned with pleasure and then he laughed. "Good shot Pete!" the boy holding Adele down on her knees gloated. "She loves it! Look she's lapping at it with her tongue," Brian...

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