- 2 years ago
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She sucks in her breath sharply and cries out as the burning sensation floodsher buttocks. As she stands unsteadily in the slow moving old cargo van, sheis supported by her arms which are being gripped tightly. Each of the two men,one on each side of her, is dark and sinister looking. They face each otherkneeling on one knee and using their bent knees to support her midsection.The threat of even worse things to come is obvious in their eyes.
How did she find herself in this helpless and maybe even hopeless situation?Here she is being held captive by four Middle-eastern looking men. Her clotheslying in a shredded heap in the right rear corner of the filthy van in whichshe is being held.
Her looks are striking....appearing like an 18 year old Faith Hill. Her naturallight blond hair a gift of heredity from her Scandanavian ancestors. Likewise,her crystal blue eyes which seemed to dance when she laughs which she did often.She is a happy girl without guile and perhaps a little naive. Standing 5 feet5 inches and weighing 110 pounds, her figure is shapley without being voluptuous.Because she likes to run and does it often, there isn't any body fat to speakof. She gets lots of attention from the male students at the High School fromwhich she is graduating. Laura isn't dating anyone seriously and is quite securein herself without being self-absorbed and is totally without conceit. Sheis fairly sure that she will end up with someone like her Father who she respectsand adores. He is her ideal of what a man should be. She is not attracted tothe "bad boy" types most of the really popular girls find so desirable.Laura is heading to College as a decent student, and is a more than decenthuman being. She enjoys tutoring grade school kids in Reading as a volunteer.Virtue, to her, is its own reward.
She has a warm relationship with her parents and the rest of the close familyin which she has grown up sheltered and protected. Still, she has been allowedto develope her own personality. Her friends think it is quite odd that whilethey are rebelling against their parents in practically everything, Laura seemsquite content to take on her parents' values, morals, and general outlook onlife. As far as her parents are concerned, this Daughter is about as perfectas one could be. Of course, she isn't perfect but she is definitely a greatsource of pride to her parents.
As the brain fog created by the stun gun which had been used on her startsto lift, she remembers her Mother's admonition as she left the house to jog, "Becareful, it is not safe to be running before the sun comes up." Parents alwaysworry too much and if they had their way, she wouldn't go anywhere withoutan armed guard. That would have been advisable this particular morning. Ifonly she had been able to conceive that there might be a threat before sheleft, she might have avoided this nightmare which was just beginning.
Dressed in a bright green silk running jacket, black sports bra, black leotardsand white running shoes, she was jogging down the middle of the quiet suburbanstreet about 6 AM. They silently glided up behind her as she ran, opened upthe sliding side door and hopped out. She doesn't hear them because of theMP3 player which is plugged into her ears and blasting away her favorite runningmusic. She feels a sharp jolt of electricity.
As she is rendered unconscious, she is pulled into the slow-moving van andtossed on to the floor. Just that quickly, they begin to cut her clothes fromher body using a large pair of shears. They are careful to prevent injuriesto her body while they cut the clothes from her.
The destruction of her clothes is symbolic and hope-of-escape robbing. Itis intended to show her that her situation is hopeless. Being naked foreveris to be a symbol to her of her lack of control of her own body and the entiresituation. It is emblematic of her inability to stop others from doing whateverthey chose to do to her body.
The driver, Shazzaar, is careful to only speed up to the speed limit to asnot to attract the attention of a patrol car. Getting pulled over for a trafficviolation is a sure way to be charged with immigration violations, kidnapping,and all of the other crimes the group had committed since they had arrivedhere illegally from Canada after sneaking across the border.
As her mind cleared a little more, she became aware of the conversation goingon around her. What she hears is gut-clenching. They are talking about whatthey will be doing to her and with her once they are finished with her. Tohear them discussing her like she is an animal or a piece of meat is humiliatingand frightening at the same time.
This group of four had several purposes in their quiet prowl of this slightlyabove average income neighborhood. Their primary means of support consistsof the sale of sex slaves that they kidnap and sell in the Slave markets ofSaudi Arabia. It is very, very lucrative. Secondly, there is no reason whythey cqnnot have some sexual fun before they ship their cargo to the East.They need to be sure that they do not permanently mark their prey and if sheis a virgin they did not want to destroy that particular asset. After all,one did not have to vaginally rape a girl in order to get satisfaction whichis a side benefit of the this enterprise.
Their plan for this hapless victim is the same fate as for all of their victims. There is a huge market and therefore a huge payoff for the delivery of youngblond females in the slave markets of Saudi Arabia. Virgins are, of course,the most highly prized and bring the highest prices. Once she is sold, shewill never again be seen....she will be used by her owner until he is tiredof her and then she will be sold to another, at a much smaller price, of coursebecause she will no longer fetch virgin prices. This selling and resellingwill continue until there is not much value left in her and then she will endup in a cheap brothel.
While she is lying on the floor of the van, naked from the stripping of herrunning clothes, the abductors play with her body. They run their hands overher almost perfect body noting the attributes that will undoubtedly fuel afierce bidding war when she is displayed on the auction block. Her skin isclear and slightly tanned from spending some of her Summer in the sun. Shehas a very slight rise to her belly which is just enough to add shape to analready beautiful set of contours. Her pubic area is not shaven, however herlegs and underarms are smooth and totally lacking in hair. At some point, shewill be shaved as the buyers of flesh in the Middle East for the most partdo not like to encounter hair except on their concubine's head. Mohamed decidesthat this is a task he will do himself and is sure he will enjoy it even thoughhe is fairly sure that she will not. Her legs are rather long and shapely asthe rest of her body. Her breasts are erect and the nipples are a very lightshade of tan. There is no doubt that this gorgeous blond is a real blond asthe lower part of her body testifies.
Slowly coming to from the electric jolt, it takes a minute or so to realizethat she is totally naked and that her clothes had been gone. They are talkingabout not wanting to wait to sample her body. They discuss part of her willbe off limits, who will be first, and what protocol they will follow. The sightof her lovely nude body is just too tittillating to put off the sexual congressthat they all crave with her. She wants to know why they have destroyed herclothes. They laugh. She is told that it is not likely that she will ever wearthese clothes or any other clothes as long as she was allowed to live.
It takes a few moments for the gravity of that information to sink into hermind. As she grasps it, she breaks down into a sobbing invocation to let herleave unharmed. Again, they laugh at her. Why would they let her go? They certainlydon't feel any sympathy, empathy, or even kindness toward her. Lust...yes,lots of lust which would shortly be satiated. The kidnappers had discussedwaiting until they reached their hideout to start to break her into the sexualslave that she is to become. They need to find out just what a prize this oneis. They would have their relief now and the cash payoff later when she isshipped.
They are surprisingly gentle at first as their hands rove over her legs,breasts, buttocks, arms and feet. All of them spend much of their copious sparetime reading and watching pornography. Most of it, of course, is rape and kidnappingmaterial. They buy into the theme that pervades most of that genre. That themebeing, that women, even if they are forced and restrained, will react positivelyto being raped. The notion is that a woman's body will betray her true feelingsby responding with pleasure once the perpetrator is able to breach her naturaldefenses and stimulate her sexual organs. While all of this is going on, sheis begging to be set free.
They became more bold as they continue to roll her nipples between theirfingers, insinuate their fingers slightly into her the cleft between her buttocksand her vagina. There seems to be no end to their patience with this activity.Laura is squirming in an attempt to avoid them. They mistake her movement aspleasure. The fact is that she feels like she wants to jump out of her skin.She hates her tormentors and isn't deriving pleasure from having her nakedbody pauwed over by 3 complete strangers. They diddle with her breasts andrub their fingers back and forth across the lips of her sex, trying to teasea positive sexual arousal from her body. They treat her body as if they ownit and in essence they actually do. She continues to squirm and trying to evadetheir probing fingers. Her fear and loathing is growing and she cries evenharder. Her entire body is shaking as she is wracked with shame and fearfulexpectation of what will be done to her next. They notice that her hands areclenched and her toes are tightly curled. Her obvious discomfort only heightenstheir lust for her. There will not be any mercy shown no matter how much pleadingshe does.
They are eager to find out just what they have so that they can estimatewhat the payoff for this caper will be. She is asked if she is a virgin. Witha trembling, halting voice, she admits that she has never had sex in any form.They are skeptical. There was only one way to find out and Mohamed tells herthat he is going to stick his finger into her sex far enough to find out ifher hymen is intact. As Mohamed tries to insert his forefinger into her vagina,she pulls up her legs defensively and kicks at him.
He knows instinctively and from past experience that he will need to provehis dominance with her and decides that this is the opportune moment for that.Patiently, he explains that she is not to resist anything that will be doneto her and that she needs an object lesson so that her compliance will comewithout hesitation or resistance. He shows her several implements that couldbe used to discipline her. First, he shows her a riding crop which he wouldlike to use but the marks it would leave on her flawless skin would take along time to disappear, if they did at all. Her eyes grow wider. Next he showsher a birch rod but he admitted it would have the same disadvantage as thecrop. She is trying to shrink away from this instrument of pain but to no avail.The wooden Fraternity paddle is the next thing shown to her. It has holes drilledin it and of course it would do a lot of damage to the skin. As he points outthe disadvantages of the various pain utensils, her fright and desperationrises. Laura persists in trying to arouse compassion on the part of even oneof her abductors but to no avail.
They feel that she needs to be taught a painful lesson right away becauseshe isn't going to like anything else that will be happening to her any betterthan this. They do not want her obstructing their plans for her either shortterm or long term. She tries to assure Mohamed that she will obey but he knowsthat her schooling needs to take place.
The paddle he intends to use for punishment is specifically chosen to inflictthe maximum amount of pain and the least amount of marking and injury to herbody. The leather paddle is about the size of a racquetball racquet but itis solid and has a little give to it as it is applied. The sting from it isfrightful and the sound is equally intimidating. The leather paddle will workjust fine. As she looks at it, she almost passes out from fright.
So, this is how she finds herself, naked, bent over the knees of two of hercaptors and about to be thrashed. Pain is a good deterrent to defiance andpain is what Mohamed decides she is going to experience. The first stroke isfollowed quickly with another. Actually, there is no time space between theswats that Mohamed rains on her. She will receive as many as he can give hercontinuously before his arm tires out. The globes of her rear end are quicklyfiery red and her throat is raw from screaming in pain. As she is being beaten,she begins to think that he will never stop! He doesn't say a word to her untilhe, exhausted from the exercise, stops beating her. Upon completion of thisfirst beating, he quietly and menacingly says "this is to teach you to complyimmediately when you are told to do something". She is crying so hard and chokingon her tears that she can only nod her head that she has learned the lessonintended. He smiles benevolently at her and without hesitating, inserts hisfinger and finding the pot of gold he is searching for. The hymen is thereand intact. It was getting very difficult to find young American girls whohad not experimented with sex. This one is gorgeous AND virginal. It doesn'tget any better than this! A beautiful, blond, virgin is the Holy Grail in aslave auction. The bidding will be fierce.
Yes, she is a virgin because unlike a lot of the girls that she knows, shehad decided not to give away something as precious as her virginity to somehigh school kid out for a quick cheap thrill. It is both a matter of commonsense and morality as far as she is concerned. Now, she realizes that she hassaved herself for a ravishment that she is powerless to stop. It is ironic.She saved herself only to become a sex slave in the Middle East.
Mohamed proceeds to tell her in advance what the next ordeal will be andwants to be sure she will remember what will happen if she resists. She nodsagain that she understands, still unable to talk. She is lowered to the floorof the van and placed stomach down over a low 8 inch high bench which is onlyabout twelve inches wide. Her ankles are tied to the iron hooks which had beenwelded to the van's floor and her wrists are handcuffed to the similar hooksin front of her. It is terribly uncomfortable and it is only going to get worse.
Mohamed tells her that because she is a virgin, she will not be vaginallyviolated. It would be stupid to reduce her value by taking her virginity. Afterall, money is the real motivator for this project, not that they all couldn'thave some fun before she is shipped to Saudi Arabia.
The fun will be relatively harmless to her as he explains. She is going tobe forced to fellate all four of them and she is going to raped anally by allfour of them. Out of consideration for her obvious fastidiousness, the fellationis going to take place first and not vice versa. Mohamed, as the leader willnaturally go first and he is becoming very aroused as he describes what willhappen next.
There is a dirty gray curtain separating the driver cab from the back ofthe van. This prevents any prying eyes from observing the action taking place.The windows are closed and that prevents anyone from hearing her screams. Theywould gag her however they need her mouth for what is to come next.
Mohamed positions himself so that he is seated on the floor with her headbetween his legs and his legs extended over her manacled arms and resting heavilyon them. Pulling out his penis, Laura is stunned at the size of it. It is atleast 3 inches in circumference and about 9-10 inches in length. At first,he moves his penis around rubbing it on her face....he positions it againsther closed lips motioning for her to open up. She resists only for a shorttime and finally accepts what is inevitable.
Grabbing her by her twin ponytails, he pulls her face onto his penis. Shedoesn't really want to cooperate however the pain in her buttocks reminds herthat she does not want a repeat of the beating she just received. He pushesand pulls and it does not take long to spurt onto her face and into her mouthgagging her. It is so humiliating.. and she can hardly catch her breath.
Almost without a hesitation, Mohamed produced a jar of vasoline. He showsit to her and points out that it is really for her benefit. He doesn't wantto ruin the merchandise but he does not tell her that. He liberally appliesit to her anus and pushes a glob of it into the rectum with his forefinger.He inserts his well lubricated penis into her well lubricated anus. Even withlubrication, the passageway is still too tight to enter easily. Once again,he uses her ponytails to leverage his thrusts. Pushing just the head of hispenis inside her anus, it lets it stay for a full minute without stroking inand out. Then, he pushes in a little further again stopping for a brief moment.Then he starts pumping into her in earnest. It is still tight. The back andforth motion on her middle is causing bruising and scrapes which he would haveavoided if this was not so pleasurable. But, these minor bruises and the scrapeswill surely disappear by the time she reaches the slave market.
He comes for the second time and stays in for a while enjoying the feelingof being inside of her. After a short while, he shrinks and he pulls out andzips up. He motions for Ahmed to have his turn. He reminds him that he is touse her orally before using her anus.
Ahmed is only too eager to begin his humiliation of this flower of Americanwomanhood as he takes his position in front of Laura. He pulls out his memberand Laura notes that is is less prodigious than that of Mohamed, however, itis no more hygienic and he uses it with even more fervor. Pushing it to theback of her throat, gagging her, and making her feel like she cannot breathe.He tells her to breathe through her mouth. When he ejaculates, it is all intoher mouth and he does not permit her to spit it out. She silently wishes thatthey would kill her now so that she would not have to endure anymore of thisoutrage being committed on her.
As Ahmed finishes up, he takes up a place behind her. Mohamed instructs himto once again use the vasoline to prevent damage to their very valuable asset.He applies a liberal quantity to both her entry and his member. Moving rapidlylike a mechanism, his midsection slaps against her buttocks and the sound isloud. He also uses her ponytails to leverage his thrusts. If he were pullingonly a tiny bit harder, her hair would be pulled from her head. Between herqueasiness, the pain on her buttocks and the pain in her rectum, and the paincoming from her head with her hair being pulled, she is overwhelmed by hercircumstances. As he reaches his climax, she begs for at least an intervalof rest. That is not going to happen. She is denied even this small favor.
He is followed by Ali. Ali is vicious and cunning. He always has an angleand thinks that he follow his own plan of action without regard to the plansof Mohamed. As he uses Laura's face, he decides that he is going to take hermaidenhead. He doesn't really care if it diminishes her value. After all, hehas risked everything in kidnapping her and he is going to have her completelyor else. After he ejaculates into her face, (God, How she hates this), he movesaround behind her positioning himself to have the second half of his treat.He is so intent on his next move that he does not notice how closely Mohamedis watching him. Ali is slowly rubbing the head of his penis between the cleftof her behind arousing himself again. As he moves it downward, he attemptsto insert it in her vagina. Mohamed is not having any of this. He grabs Aliaround the neck and pulls him away from his prey.
Tossing him against the back door of the van, Mohamed kicks him hard in thegroin. There is little need for words. Ali knows what he has attempted andthought he could get away with it before anyone knew. Mohamed tells him hehas just lost his turn and he will not be permitted to touch her again eithernow or later when they reach their destination. There is no point in his arguingas he is told to take over driving so that Shazzaar
who has missed all of the recreation so far is able to have his share ofthe spoils.
What happens next is not a lot different than the previous outrages. Shazzaarfinishes both of his rapes and returns to driving.
The evidence of their facial and anal rape drips from her body. She feelsso debased and filthy that she is sure that she will never again look in amirror and be proud of herself. She is trembling and seemingly without recourse.Her desperation is turning into hopelessness. Her hopelessness is turning intoa kind of numbness.
Laura is in near shock. She is trying to make sense of what had just happenedwhen the van came to a stop. They use the remnants of her clothes to wipe herbody down. The dirty gray cloth that was hanging from rings at the top of thevan, is removed and used to wrap Laura up completely covering her after therestraints are removed. Rope is used to tie up the cloth around her. She feelsherself being picked up and carried. They obviously do not want to be seendragging a naked abused girl into a building.
She is unwrapped much like a Christmas present and in truth and in more waysthan one she actually is. When they pull the dirty rag off of her she realizesthat she is in what looks like an empty gym. The only thing that she can seebesides her captors is a saw horse. She refuses to think what that might meanfor her. As she is unwrapped, they put handcuffs on her wrists and ankles todisable her.
They bring in the rags that had been her running clothes before they usedthe shears to cut them off of her. They also bring in her small fanny packwhich contains her wallet.
From her ID they learn that she has just turned 18. They also find a photographof her and what they quickly determine is her identical twin sister. Twistingher right nipple viciously, they determine that her sister's name is Catherine.They also determine that her twin Catherine lives at home as she does. Thismade it obvious what was going to happened next. They would simply stake outher home and snatch the sister as soon as they could. As she listened to theirplans for her equally innocent sister, she knew that she had to do somethingto disrupt their plans if only she could gain an opportunity. What chance wouldshe really have? There are four of them and one of her and she is without freedomto scarcely move. What could she do? In this moment, she realizes that if thereis anything that she can do to save herself and her sister, she will have todo it. Catherine should not have to endure what she has just been through.
It was not hard to figure that the payoff for this beautiful pair would benot two times the going rate but at least three and maybe four times. Justthinking about the twins together totally naked , mirror images of each otheron the auction block gave all four of them erections and made them eager touse Laura again. Laura had hoped that she would be spared anymore attacks forthe time being but that was not to be. She had tried pleading, begging, crying,and nothing seemed to move her captors except their lusting for her. That wasjust resulting in continued abuse.
They remove all of their clothes so as to be sure they can enjoy all of thesensory pleasure possible. This time, they simply position her on her handsand knees. It takes 3 hard swats with the leather paddle to get her to openher mouth and unpucker her rectum. With the exception of Ali, still being deniedhis pleasure because of his attempt to diminish their ultimate payoff, thethree use her again in the same way she had been used in the van. She collapseson the floor in humiliation and despair and quietly sobs.
Her captor Mohamed instructs the others to begin staking out Laura's homeand sends them on their way. He tells them to use the cell phone to reporttheir progress. They are reluctant to leave because they each want anotherround with Laura but Mohamed exerts his authority and sends them on their way.After all, rank has its privileges and he fully intended to exert that privilege.He redresses for the time being.
After they leave for their second kidnapping of the day, Mohamed begins tothink that another sound beating with the leather paddle would be effectivein getting Laura to obey without delay or question. He pulls her to her feetand marchs her over to the sawhorse. He uses pieces of the rope to tie herhandcuffed hands and feet to the sawhorse. She begs to be exempted from furtherpunishment but her entreaties only make him want to cause her more pain. Takinga few steps back, he tells her that this lesson is worth learning even thoughit is painful. Twenty is the number of swats that he feels will fix the lessonin her mind. He takes his time as he wants to be sure that he can put plentyof power into each and every swing. Whack, whack, whack. It is so painful thatLaura can hardly catch her breath for the crying and screams. When he finishes,her rear end looks like it is painted red. He can not wait to enter her again.Loosening her ropes, he puts her on the floor on her side.
Mohamed decides that he would have another go at her before he goes to sleepas he is getting quite tired from all of the activity of the morning. Thistime, he decides to pull down his jeans to his knees. The belt has the casefor his cell phone and the sheath which holds his 6 inch knife.
He arranges himself behind her and spoon fashions himself as she lay on herside crying but exposed to him. Thrust after thrust, he continued to punishher until at last he ejaculates again. Although finished, he does not withdrawhis penis. He is more tired than he thought so he decides to simply wrap hisarms around her and stay where he is.
As she lays, there she begins to formulate how she might escape and get revenge.She also wants to be sure that they were not able to kidnap her Sister. Thereseems to be only one answer and that means she needed to do something violent.Of course, she had seen the knife on his belt but up to this point there hadbeen no opportunity to get her hands on it and the current level of desperationwas forcing her to think outside of the box.
As he naps, his grip on her lessens. She has seen the knife but he did notthink that she would even consider what she now planned to do as he sleepseven more soundly. With as little movement as possible she reaches the snapon the knife sheath and pops it open. Carefully unsheathing the blade she forcesit into his abdomen to the hilt. He realized it too late to exert force onher but as he tries to pull away, the knife eviscerates him.
He does not die immediately but the pain is keeping him from reacting toLaura.
Scrambling to her feet, Laura goes through his jeans for the key to the cuffsand gratefully finds it. Opening the cuffs, she quickly decides what she needsto do next.
She uses Mohamed's cell phone to call her Father, Lt. Anderson, a twentyyear veteran of the Local police. Her brother is also a policeman althoughhe is a rookie. When her Father learns what took place, he does not hesitate.With the description that Laura provides, Rob and his father locate the van.It is on her block and Lt. Anderson and Rob make quick work of subduing thethree occupants. It only takes the breaking of Ali's left hand with the buttof the service revolver to get the address of the warehouse from the three.They are gagged and cuffed and put in the back of the van. They look furtivelyat each other while they are riding back to the hideout. They are not surewhat is going to happen to them but they know that it will not be without costto them. The severity of their punishment to come they can't even imagine
Anderson and son drive to the warehouse taking with them clothes for Laura.They are absolutely stunned to see the condition of their daughter and sister.Laura does not spare any details when she describes how brutal they had beento her. Her father is so overcome with grief over what has been done to hislovely daughter, that he begins to sob. Laura recounts how she had imploredthe kidnappers to show her even a little mercy and described how they justlaughted at her. Without question, this needs to be avenged and father andson are in agreement that Laura is not going to be victimized again in courtby some sleazy attorney who would use her embarrassment against her to secureacquittal or a light slap on the wrist sentence. These miscreants will notbe afforded the protection of the U.S. court system.
No, this called for decisive, no-nonsense, action on their part. There isno doubt in their minds that the remaining three criminals need to pay andnever again be allowed to do this to anyone else's daughter, mother, or sister.
The Andersons were able to get the body of Mohamed wrapped in the gray ragand tied up just as the kidnappers as done to Laura. They throw him into theback of the van with the three that are still alive. The three are having ahard time believing that their leader is dead.
Not knowing what was going to happen next had all of them wide-eyed. Lt.Anderson drives to his home to take Laura to her Mother and sister. His rookieson picks up the family car and follows his father as he drives away. He sortof knows what his Father has in mind as they drive to the wrecking yard thathis Uncle Jack owns.
These illegal aliens have snuck into this country and there is no way thatthey would be traced by anyone to the Andersons. There is no reason that theycan't be disposed of with impunity. Who is going to file missing persons reportson criminals who are not supposed to be here anyway?
Pulling into the yard, Jack Anderson came up to the window on the driverside of the van to find out what his brother and nephew were doing there inthe early morning. Lt. Anderson, in cold fury, describes what has happenedto his beloved Laura to her Uncle. Jack is furious and wants to make sure thatjustice is done. Jack goes inside and comes back with a large pair of metalshears. Pulling the pants down on each of the kidnappers, he loops a pieceof flexible wire just past the heads on each of their penises.
The gags have been removed because the Andersons want hear what possiblejustification there might be for what happened. The kidnappers cry, moan, begfor forgiveness, beg for mercy....they now know the desperation their captivefelt when she was pleading.
Jack stops for a moment and looks like he is reconsidering his actions. Aftera short time, he tells them, " I am giving you the same amount of mercythat you showed Laura, you miserable cowardly bastards!"
Telling Lt. Anderson to pull on the wire straight out, Jack proceeds to removethe offending appendages from each of the criminals. It happens so fast thatthey hardly know what is happening to them. They are bleeding out and if theyare lucky, they will be dead before the rest of Jack's plan is executed.
The van is driven to the crusher, pulled into place and the machine is putinto action. When it is over, what was the van and the four kidnappers is nowa four by four cube of scrap metal. It will be shipped off to a scrap reclaimingfacility about 400 miles east.
While the Anderson brothers could never give back to Laura what had beentaken from her, they had done what they could do. It would never be necessaryfor Laura to stand up in a court of law to make sure that these vile devilsare punished. That fact made it bearable to live with what they had done. Theyfeel that any guilt that might come over them will be more than offset by knowingthat Laura would never have to see any of them again.
Laura would never be told what specifically was done with them and they arefairly certain she would never ask!
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Kuz the Shockpod lounged in his cell, his hands laced behind his back. The aches and pains of exposure to vacuum, the bullet impacts, the lacerations, all of it paled next to the happiness of having finally met an alien race that he felt got his people. The restraints were just the right level of restricting to not insult his honor, and the United States Marine Corps Serviceperson that stood before his cell door was a nice touch. Kuz had heard of the United States Marine Corps. He had wanted...
I wake to the morning sunlight, stretch my arms, and pull myself out of bed. After slipping on my slippers I walk myself down the stairs and begin to pour myself a cup of orange juice. It has been three weeks since my encounter with Mason, and ever since then I’ve been avoiding him, its not that I am afraid of him, I just feel somewhat ashamed of myself, allowing him to take advantage of me like that. I sip from my cup. Or am I more ashamed of how much I enjoyed it? I think back to that day,...
BisexualI’d been summoned up to the photocopier yet again. Miss Michelle was there trying to get it to work and instantly I was stunned into a dazed gob-smackedness – Her tight low-cut jumper was a wanker’s dream – and I’m a wanker. What I didn’t know was that, behind the almost-closed blind in the office window next to the copier, an eager audience was awaiting my humiliation!I’m supposed to be fixing the copier but I can only stand there and gawp as the deliciously-lovely Miss Michelle pulls bits of...
Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter XII The Third Week Sunday - Back home. Monday - Back to... normal? And the Epilog The wedding is over. I'd met a wonderful guy and even if I did like guys, which I don't, my heart belongs only to Sara. But I hurt him, which really upset me. Other than that, it was a...
I started my Friday at 1 pm when i got up showered and shaved my entire body especially down there. I went and got my nails and hair done, red nails to match my red hair. I bought myself some new lingerie, a simple silk lace low cut bra, crotchless string panties, garter belt and stockings all in pink and yellow. I then got this very tight skimpy white dress with a plunging neckline and it barely covers my ass. Once I got home and applied my makeup. Bright red lips, blue black and silver...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Debate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So it's the Saturday before the election,” Adelia said, the caramel-skinned talk show host who was interviewing me, “and you're finally included in the final presidential debate.” “Yep,” I said, shaking my head in disgust. “The Republicans and Democrats were both sweating. They felt the heat of my campaign. They didn't want me out on stage, didn't want to give me more of a platform, but they...
What would you do for $1500?? Well after picking up this couple and interviewing them for a bit the offering of $1500 to see them have sex came up. The guy wanted no part of this and as usual the money hungry “go getter” decided that she wanted to take in the action. We dropped off the guy and we quickly find out how hot and naughty Vienna is, all in the hope of some green. We have her get naked and suck off on my “random friend” which led to a hot sex scene. This is looks super hot from all...
xmoviesforyouJohn was enjoying a quiet pint in his local pub, out of the way from the hustle and bustle of his wife and visiting niece. The pint was going down rather well and he was happy with just his mobile phone for company. It was around half past ten, just as he was finishing the dregs of his last pint when his eyes met Emily, his niece, from across the bar.Emily made a beeline for her Uncle John and soon she had offered to buy him a pint and was knocking back gin and tonics, and doubles at that. By...
IncestShe looks distracted. Fuck, who am I kidding - she looks scared. My arms are on both sides of her shoulders and as I look down at her she is looking everywhere but directly at me. I whisper her name as quietly as I can and she makes eye contact.... Tonight has been an experience already. We've been kicking this happening around for more than a year now and we're both expecting it. I wouldn't use the word "planned" but the doubt has faded away through hours of conversation and occasional...
BDSMSusan Wow! What a game! It was by far the best game I have ever played. Hmm ... Maybe there's something to that business about being sexually satisfied, after all. Anyway, after taking a shower — and after being worked over by some football players who had been working out on their own, along with the whole boys' soccer team — I met the others in front of the school. I was amazed to meet Tom Mason and to find out that he had been naked for most of the day with Jill. He seems like a really...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPTHS OF TRAINING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- James didn't know how long he'd been handcuffed to the bed or how many times he'd made her cum, but neither seemed to matter. Angella appeared to be a never ending fountain of desire and need, not to mention the literal fountain she'd filled his mouth with, twice. It was an understatement to say that she was like no...
Roxie sang and danced as she went about her housework. She had never felt so happy in years. She paused, looking out the window at her son who was digging up the flower bed. His back gleamed with sweat, and his young muscles rippled. She found her hips swaying, a smile on her face. There was a dull, aching throb in her asshole, but it was a delicious feeling. Rich had fucked her in the ass the night before until she could take no more. Her asshole wasn't sore, but ached...
He called to her, she could feel it in her soul. As she made her way to him, her body thrummed with need. Her master sat regally on a lush cushion at the end of the room. Julissa approached slowly, eyes down. She let the sheer gossamer robe she wore over her nakedness, slip from her shoulders and pool on the tiled floor. She had led another life once upon a time, but now, as she kneeled obediently on the floor at the feet of her master, she was merely a slave. Julissa had been a devoted and...
Oral SexSo I was up late one night, bored, and thinking I would call one of those dating hotlines. So I did, I gave a quick bio and what I was looking for. "Hey, I'm a 30's year old… So I was up late one night, bored, and thinking I would call one of those dating hotlines. So I did, I gave a quick bio and what I was looking for. "Hey, I'm a 30's year old guy, 6'0" tall, short brown hair, groomed beard and mustache, medium build and looking for someone to talk too, perhaps excahange numbers and...
Cheating WifeSo she rode. Khadeem smiled faintly while he watched Leanna riding a horse, from the looks of it a young one, from inside the rented limousine. That smile was quickly replaced when he watched her get thrown on her back. Quickly opening the door he ran towards the ring where she lay. The man in the ring, he assumed he was her father, yelled to the house for someone to call 9-1-1. Reaching her side he leaned down by her side. ‘I’ll be guessing that you’re Khadeem.’ Khadeem looked up into the...
Three years on and numerous work conferences later, none had lived up to the dizzy heights of her virgin Work Conference. Whilst attending these subsequent work conferences Paris was always curious as to whether or not she would ever meet him again. The tall, bald, attractive, sexy man who called himself Maxwell, Max for short. The man who never divulged to her the reason for his attendance at that work conference. Her curiosity remained just that as she never had the good fortune to meet him...
My hand is on your belly - feeling the slight move of it with the rhythms of your breathing -- the gentle sounds of the steady inhale and exhale of a woman at peace is so relaxing to my ear. The sun has not even awaken, but my eyes are open and peering into the darkness. I raise my head a little to see the cool digital light of the clock on your side of the bed - and it says 3:22am - it is still so early. I move my hands to your hip that holds the sheet as a canopy over your body and mine. I...
~ Yesterday’s News ~ He was relegated to the back page of section B in the local newspaper, overshadowed by an advertisement for the Disabled American Veterans. ========================================= BOARD DENIES PAROLE FOR MEREDITH BY ANDREA CASPER * STATESMAN JOURNAL * SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 SALEM, OREGON — The Oregon Parole Board has denied the release petition of convicted felon David Meredith. Meredith, originally from Klamath Falls, had served less than half of a seventy-five month...
Hello ISS readers! Mera naam jabeen Ahmed hai aur mai 20 saal ki hu hum Jalgaon k rahne wale hai. Kuch hi mahino pahle maine ISS ki site par aayi aur Kuch stories read kiye aur finally apni stroy batana chahti hu. Mere ghar me 4 log hain. Mom dad badi bahan aur mai dad ek company me manager hai aur jada tar business trip pe bahar rahte hai. Mom school teacher hai jiski wajah se muje aur meri bahan ko bahot Saara time akele milta hai meri bahan ki umar 21 saal hai aur uska naam yasmin hai ye...
I normally wore my strappy black bodysuit with jeans or some denim shorts. But on its own, it was downright sexy. I let a strap fall from my shoulder and angled the camera a bit to obscure my face. The idea that someone…a stranger would be seeing this turned me on incredibly. I decided to be bold. I unsnapped the bottom of my bodysuit, letting the flaps fall loose. I positioned the slim fabric over my private area and leaned over seductively. SNAP! The camera shutter went off. Suddenly, I...
LesbianWe notice her right away, as she walks into the bar. She’s tall and voluptuous, all of the curves in the right places. She’s dressed in a business suit, with jacket opened to a lacy camisole. Cleavage to die for. Heels. Brunette, with brown eyes and long lashes. The line was simple, honest. I smile, and said, ‘Hi, would you like to join us?’ We both flirt with her shamelessly. I ask her to dance, and hold her hand as we walk to the dance floor. While dancing close, I make it obvious how...
Pt 2We sorted ourselves out a bit, after the hot introduction. Mich re-arranged her dressing gown and Doug dressed in his shirt and pants. Doug then showed Dee and I to our bedroom. We flopped our suitcase on the bed and turned to each other, hugging and once again kissing. Our tongues duelled, we could smell the fresh sex on our mouths and bodies. “Have you any idea what is planned for the weekend?” Dee whispered.“Sex.” I smiled and laughed. “Doug suggested that we, or should I say you and...
Half awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...
Straight SexJodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and… yes… horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course and hadn’t washed it out in the shower. But now she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the...
The sheet is barely covering me, I’m wearing nothing but panties. I sleep soundly as you quietly enter our room. You come to me, sitting on the bed as your hand runs over my leg up to my thigh, resting softly as you caress me. Your fingers slowly run up to my panties, tugging on them. I begin to stir awake as I see you a soft smile appears on my face as you look down at me.“There you are, my sweet.”His voice was low, soft, sweet. His dark eyes glowed in the night light. Removing the sheet...
Love StoriesI'm in my 30s and have been completely straight all my life - other than some fondles at boarding school which were as much about sexual exploration as anything else. But now, having done a fair amount of straight stuff, I find a degree of curiosity about pushing boundaries with another guy. Here's one experience I had at school which has been recurring to me lately and a fantasy which gets me horny. If you like it... let me know. Would be interesting to hear from others who have similar...
Gay MaleThe whole family was in an uproar at the next Sunday lunch. Nonna and Gina were over the moon. A few were looking at me with speculation. One of the younger ones finally asked the question foremost on all their minds. "Are you rich?" So that was it! "No, Sophie, I'm not rich. But my job pays really well and I've always been conservative with my money. Tell the family to stop wondering. I can well afford this. If I couldn't, I wouldn't have asked." Brian was so proud of me it was...
Of course, after that exciting conclusion to Elaine's last show, no one was going home. The crew helped with general cleanup and breakdown of our sets, but they didn't disassemble the command center. Rhonda issued a directive that acceptable dress would be clan gis for the evening as we were likely to have company for quite a while. Sheriff Donaldson showed up first with a fire truck. There'd been a massive pileup on 37 just an hour ago and all EMTs were transporting injured from the...
Labelled by the medical/psychiatric profession as the ultimate state of confusion – whereby a person is not clear whether one is male or female – nowadays the notion of androgyny is ridiculed rather than clinically dismissed as deviant. Subsumed under the label of the hermaphrodite it tends to be perceived as an idiosyncratic adoption of maniacs or new-age freaks. Retrieving the positive – and more ancient – meaning is not an easy task. Keep in focus that this is the same society with very...
The Reunion. This couple had embraced, but moved on unaware of how each other felt. They had each been tormented over the years by seeing each other with different partners until they both settled down with families and drifted apart. The only contact being a Christmas card exchanged each year.Now quarter of a century on, there respective marriages failed they have arranged to meet. Both are aware that the other would have changed.He arrives at the motel room with time to spare and draws the...
Straight SexJust as she had promised, the key was on the top of the doorframe. I took it down and unlocked the front door of a stylish, but moderate beach house. I had my clipboard, my measuring tape and my camera. The view from her great room was spectacular. The wall facing the beach was made of glass with tasteful Grecian columns to support it. It was a simple project. Extend the deck further toward the beach and extend the size of the room to take in the current deck. After a short pause to get a feel...
Straight SexI can't remember now how I actually came to meet Joe and Lori. Joe was a young Army captain going through some training in the Newport News, Virginia area in the late 1980s. If you're out there reading this, Joe, yeah, you just about to find out that I was fucking your sexy young wife Lori on the side during the day while you were off being trained. You bet. Your sexy wife Lori was not only laying out beside the apartment complex pool in that fucking sexy two-piece swimsuit but she was also...
Continued form chapter three Hell he can blow his load all in me for all I care I'm already pregnant anyway. I think I would like to try something either today or tonight , or maybe even when we go camping. I went back into the den pretend to read I softly said to myself wow she really is kinda slutty. Chapter Four sues gets Laid I decided to double check my clothing and other stuff , I may need to take some extra stuff camping . My bedroom is next to spare bathroom It's...
A Buzzcut and a Strapon – by Bald-Ed —————————————————- This is a true story about my new adventures with my wife Linda. The lesson is that sometimes dreams come true, but there is a price to pay for them … I have a strong hair fetish, I must admit. I am fascinated by women with very short hair. A buzzcut on a woman is a major turn on for me. Luckily, I am married to a very open minded woman, who has a hair fetish of her own: she likes bald men ! since we are married my wife Linda shaves...
“I’m pregnant,” the girl at the door said. Guys don’t generally want to hear that at the best of times, let alone when they’re happy bachelors “playing the field.” The big difference here was... “We’ve ... never had sex,” said Ben. He was pretty sure of this. The girl at the door (Patty, he recalled) was cute but only a friend of a friend who had visited the “party house” he lived in a few times previous. They hadn’t even kissed, let alone... “Not you...” she said, looking down at her feet...
Another Father’s day at the office. The second time I believe. I was thinking about all the times I never got to celebrate Father’s day and how much it pissed me off when the office pager went off. “Aja, please come to my office!” It was my boss, Mr. Bell. I got up and walked to the office, still thinking of what a disappointment this day was. “Aja, I’m surprised you’d even be here on Father’s Day. You’re one of the only people that showed up,” Mr. Bell said, shuffling papers on his desk. He...
BDSMI am Yogesh from mumbai,I am orginally from solapur settled in mumbai ,my native is in Trivandram,I was living with my mums sister past SEVERAL years IN MUMBAI, my mums sister is also near by town. I completed my B Com ,I passed my railway board test ,I posted as a management train in mumbai , ofter 6 month completed I went to trivandram for 15 days course . At that time I was 21 staying railway guest house,I send a letter to grand father to come and see me in the weekend , thay are staying 1.5...
IncestVORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...
The blond woman sat in the back of the club at a secluded table and winced at the string of bad jokes coming from the comedian on the stage. Her nerves were raw as she listened to an endless monologue of old jokes and aimless comments. If those people didn't get here fast, she wasn't sure she could stand to wait while this jerk was rambling. "No, I'll tell you what," continued the clueless lug. "I've never seen a place like Las Vegas. You really see strange stuff here. Just this...
May 30, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio It was with more than a little trepidation that I drove home from karate class. I didn’t really want to talk to April, but I knew I had to. The bottom line was church. It didn’t matter to a lot of people, but it mattered to me. I feared that my conversation with April was simply going to go around in circles, and end with her crying again. Unfortunately, I didn’t see how that could be avoided. “You should go see her,” Mom said when I came downstairs after my...
Well, it has been almost a month, since I started cruising in search of a female for casual fun. I tried everything, but, as I sayed before, with no luck.My game is weak, I thought. On the other hand, I started thinking through my advances, and realised, I was approaching only 10s and 9s, so there could be a potential problem. So i turned to a dating site, made only for Serbia. I tried to make some contacts, but, most of those profiles are fake, so no luck there. So, I desperately got onto a...
Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...
Swingers"I'm sorry." "What for?" "My dad." I could see that her eyes were wet. "Tami, your dad's not your fault." "You were protecting me. And you almost got..." We were sitting on the swings. We'd both skipped school, and last night seemed almost like a dream. I twisted my swing and scooted closer to Tami. I picked her up and pulled her sideways across my lap. "Tami, first of all, what I did was stupid. I should have called the cops, then knocked on the door and tried to sell him...
Of all the places Tom had seen so far, Bangkok was his favorite. Despitethe overwhelming heat of the Thai climate, strolling through the backstreets of Sukhumvit Road seemed to energise him. The smell of the spicystreet food, the noise of the cars and tuktuks that seemed to bepermanently stuck in traffic, the view at a colorful urban jungle, wheretrendy bars, shabby tailors and high end hotels had fought for the bestavailable locations and had settled down in a way that wouldn't have madesense...
Hallo ich bin 16 Jahre und heiß Marika. Ich wollte euch eine unglaubliche Geschichte erzählen die mir passiert ist als ich mit meinen Freund der 21 war Schluß gemacht habe. Wenn ich jetzt zurück denk würde ich es mir 3 Mal überlegen ob ich es wieder mach. Es war ein warmer Sommertag, als ich eine SMS bekam von meinen Ex-Freund Stefan. Er wollte das ich zu ihm komm, weil er mir was wichtiges sagen wollte. Ich zog mir ein Kurzes Top und einen Minirock an, um ihn etwas zu provozieren. Zwar hatte...
My dearest lovely Aunt By: Tanuj Hello Readers, I am Tanuj aged 37 married and have two children from Calicut Kerala. I want to narrate an incident that happened with me 20 yrs back. I was just 17 and was undergoing my high school education. I was very studious, well behaved, smart and handsome boy. I never had any interaction with any girl of my age and never thought of sex or masturbation which students of 17 yrs today seemed well aware off. My aunt who was 30Yrs and a very beautiful women...
IncestHEY Guys, This is My 1ST Story at ISS. Pretty Damn Excited as if I have to just appear a wonderful exam:-P… I am a regular reader of ISS. I am Aryan age 22, and presently stay in Guwahati (Assam). The heroine of my story is a Bandana. She is an Average looking Girl Rather Lil Fat then average But, MY GOD she has Got the Bestest Bestest Breasts and the hugest I must Say. We became friends through a common friend around 3 years back. I am presently studying in Gauhati Commerce College, a reputed...
Hello horny girls and guys! This is “lesbiandaughter”. It is my real life story and I can guarantee that you have not read any such story anywhere before. This is going to be a long story but worth every minute of reading. Guys, hold your dicks tight and girls, keep your hands in your pussies and let’s get into the story now. We are a family of 3: me, my mom and my dad. The heroine of my story is my mother. Let’s call her Manya. She is 44 and is a proper milf. Her stat is 38-36-44 and is 5 feet...
Lesbian“What the fuck?” I yelled.As I entered apartment I was stunned when I saw my boyfriend. To my amazement, he was fucking his ex-wife Cynthia. I thought she was long gone and forgotten.He and I had been having a homosexual relationship for over a year now. With him as the top and me as the bottom. Yet here he was fucking his slut ex. I recognized her from pictures Randy had shown me. Pictures that were long gone.I had met Randy when he was on the rebound after Cynthia had left him, and taken him...
CheatingIN THE BULL'S EYE by Throne Donna laughed as she checked her husband Mark's outfit. His blond hair was full but not long and she had put a yellow, plastic-flower barrette above each ear. There were circles of rouge on his smooth cheeks and a coat of peach-tinted lip gloss on his mouth. He was wearing a pale yellow, sleeveless shirt with a large image of a cute teddy bear on it. Below that he had on terrycloth short-shorts, in a brighter shade of yellow. His hairless legs were...
Both Sue and Cindy were totally hot and sexy looking in their advanced states of expectant motherhood. Neither of them was really sure which had gotten knocked up first -- in fact, it might have been the very same day that Chuck knocked up his daughter-in-law Cindy and that Tim had gotten his own mother Sue with child. It didn't matter and the doctor who was seeing them both estimated their "due dates" as virtually the same day. It didn't matter because both Cindy and Sue felt "very...
Zoe "You want something... ?" I kneeled at Mistress' feet and I was just, well, arousal. My whole mind, my whole body, my whole being wanting just one thing: Release. For a second I thought what a stupid question this was, until I realized she was teasing. That's how far gone I was. "Yes, Mistress, please allow me to cum ... please..." I begged, but those were just the words I said. I'm sure the begging my eyes and body did was far more intense. However, I wasn't granted release,...
Marianne – Part III – The Convention/San Francisco Matthew would arrive at my place by 6:30, so I woke up at 5:00, I didn’t want to be rushing around before he arrived. I showered (I wanted to be fresh) and went to my closet to pick out what I’d wear that day. I wanted to look sexy so I chose my clothes carefully. I picked out a pale blue dress, that fell about 4 inches above my knees. It was going to be chilly out so I put a short-sleeved white sweater over it. The dress had a scoop neck and...