- 4 years ago
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Fairytale (Ropemaker Story I)
By C
Once upon a time, a young rope maker went out into the world to seek his fortune.He traveled on foot for many months and saw many strange things along theway. One day, he came into a kingdom that seemed to be under a curse: thefields were blighted, the air was grimy with clouds of soot, and the fewpeople he saw fled as he approached. After a few hours in this strangecountry, he was surrounded by a troop of mounted soldiers. They seizedhim, put him on one of their horses, and took him to a large, black castleat the top of a high hill. Then they brought him inside and marched himinto a great hall with two thrones at the end of it. They brought him upto the thrones and threw him down on the floor. A harsh voice then commandedhim to look up.
The occupant of one of the thrones was clearly the king of the country. Hewas an old but powerfully built man with white hair and an iron crown. Nextto him, on the other throne, was a young woman, with a smaller crown. She wasn'tbeautiful, but her face was animated by a lively intelligence. The rope makercouldn't keep his eyes off her.
"You're a trespasser!" said the king.
"No!" said the young man. "I'm just an innocent wayfarer."
"No one is innocent," said the king, "but I'll give you a chance
to save your life. You've seen no doubt that our kingdom is under a curse. Several
years ago, four evil fairies came here and ruined everything with their hateful
magic. They're a kind of vampire, really, and they slowly drain the life out
of everything: people, animals, crops. If you can capture them, I'll let you
live. In fact I'll do better than that: I'll let you have the hand of my daughter
in marriage. She's getting on my nerves lately and I'd like her to move out.
What do you say?"
The young rope maker glanced at the princess, who smiled at him mischievously. "Verywell, Sire," he said. "I'll try. But . . . how do I capture them?"
"How the hell do I know? We have one clue: an old charm regarding vampire
fairies that goes like this: 'The best hope: a length of rope.'"
"Well," said the young man, "I am a rope maker. Maybe I am the
one destined to bring their reign of terror to an end."
"For your sake you'd better be," said the king. "My men are the
best trackers in the world. If you haven't caught those supernatural bitches
within three days, you'll be hunted down and brought back here. Then you'll dangle
at the end of your work product."
So the young man set out. He reasoned that if they were vampires, the fairieswould be attracted to any fresh life force, so they would probably come tohim on their own, given enough time. He hoped they'd come before three dayshad passed.
After several hours, he found a deserted cottage. It very likely had belongedto a rope maker, because it contained several lengths of the stuff. Agood omen , he thought. He would stay here for the night.Before turning in, he pulled out his wine flask. Suddenly, it was as if a voicespoke in his head and told him to take a piece of badly rotted rope that hehad found, crumble it up, and drop the bits into the wine. He followed thestrange prompting. When he was done, he decided not to drink the wine, butto go right to sleep.
Sometime later, how much later he couldn't say, he awoke to find the cottagefilled with a bright, unnatural light. He was surrounded by four of the mostbeautiful women he had ever seen. One had a head of the brightest red hair,with a matching red shift, red panties, and red high-heeled pumps. She hada pair of red wings as well, something like an insect's. These folded and unfoldedrepeatedly as she stood there. The next had bright blue hair, a blue outfitin the same provocative style as the first girl's, and blue wings; the thirdhad hair, outfit, and wings of white; and the fourth had everything in green.Each wore, as well, a ribbon around her neck, in the appropriate color. Theysmiled at him, and as they did, he realized they had unnaturally long canineteeth. He was frightened, but also fascinated. He realized that they had putsome kind of spell on him: he was finding it very difficult to move.
"What a handsome boy," said the redhead. "I'm feeling thirsty,
girls; shall we share a drink?"
"Let's, let's," said the others, and smiled at him with a terrible
"I'm a little thirsty too . . . ladies," said the young man. "Could
I just have a sip of my wine first?"
"I don't see how that could hurt," said the redhead.
Suddenly he found he could move again. He reached over and picked up the wineflask. Once more, as if a voice spoke to him, he knew what he had to do. Heraised the flask, as if to drink from it, and then, very quickly, splashedsome of the wine on each of the evil fairies.
They screamed with fright and pain and tried to run for the door, but he blockedtheir way. He forced them into one of the corners and then tossed the restof the wine on them. More screams; then they were still. Carefully, he lookedthem over. They weren't dead--just unconscious. He got out some of the betterrope he'd found and tied their wrists behind them. Then he punctured theirwings with an awl that had belonged to the owner of the cottage and fastenedthese together with additional rope. Next he took the ribbons from their necks. Itseems , he thought, that rope takes away their powers .He hoped that binding them with it would be enough to keep them helpless. Somethingmade him believe that it would.
After about an hour, the four evil girls returned to consciousness. They struggledfor a bit against the ropes that held them, but it did them no good. The redhead,who seemed to be their leader, looked up at the rope maker.
"What . . . what are you going to do to us?" she asked.
"I'm going to take you back to the king," said the rope maker. "But
I'm not going to let him deal with you. No, I have a feeling it has to be someone
like me."
"Do you mean you're a . . . a . . . ."
"Yes, a rope maker."
The four wicked fairies started to wail. "No no no no!" they cried.
"There was a prophecy, wasn't there?" said the young man. "You
knew you'd run into me sooner or later, didn't you? Why make such a fuss now?"
"Because we don't want to die!" said the green girl. "And it really
shouldn't be necessary, should it? I mean, we can pool our resources and give
you four magic wishes, if you want. Just promise to let us go!"
"I have a feeling your magic is very dangerous; and I think I'm going to
get what I want anyway: a princess and a fortune."
"That scrawny little bitch!" the blue girl cried. "Why have her
when you can have all four of us?"
"I have to admit it," he said, "sampling your charms would be sweet indeed,
for a little while. After that, I've a notion you'd devour me, like a quartet
of female spiders. No, it's like this: I've bagged you, I'm going to keep you,
and I'm going to kill you. So why don't you just have a good cry about it and,
when you're done, we'll be on our way."
So they did cry: big heartbroken sobs. When they finally subsided into snifflesand the occasional plaintive whimper, he got them up, not ungently, and marchedthem out. He found that they had to go in whatever direction he told them,though it was clear they didn't want to.
In this way, he herded them toward the castle. They pled with him for theirlives as they went, but he was in no mood for mercy. Eventually, they arrived.He shouted out to the guards, and told them to fetch the king and his daughter,as he had accomplished what had been commanded.
After a few minutes, the king and princess came out. "This had betterbe good, " the old man said. Then he got a closer look at the rope maker'sunwilling companions, and he fell silent for a while. "You did it; younabbed them," he finally managed to say. "How?"
"With rope," said the young man. "It nullifies their powers, and
I have a feeling it can kill them. I need your men to help me." He explained
in a low voice what was necessary (he didn't want his prisoners to get too agitated),
and the king commanded the guards to make it so.
After about half an hour, several of the king's men wheeled out a gallows fromthe castle dungeon. It had four nooses, ready for business. When the girlssaw exactly what was in store for them, they began to wail loudly once again.
"Can't we discuss this?" said the redhead through her tears. "How
can you do this to creatures as lovely as we are?"
"Beauty fades," said the rope maker, "and all that crying is ruining
your faces. Enough already!" He then forced them to climb the gallows. They
went up onto a drop-away platform, and once there, he put the nooses around their
necks and tightened them. Each girl shuddered as the slack was removed.
For some time now, he had been curious about one detail. Finally, he had toknow. He went from girl to girl, yanking their panties down to their knees.(Oh, how they squealed!) Sure enough, each had a muff of the same bright coloras the hair on her head. He noticed that their groins were damp, and on animpulse he slipped two fingers into the white-haired girl's cunt and put themto his lips. The taste was like honey with a slight dash of vinegar. He felthimself hardening, and for a moment he was tempted to throw in his lot withthem and forgo the princess. Then his head cleared. He went behind them, foundthe lever he was looking for, and pulled it. The wicked fairies dropped abouta foot and hung there, squirming frantically like so many hooked fish.
Suddenly, the princess ran up to the gallows, quickly climbed the steps, andthrew herself into the rope maker's arms. "Oh my God," she whisperedin his ear. "I'd like to fuck you right now, right here, while these bitchessnuff it."
"Princess!" he said. "Your father . . . ."
"I know," she said. "Don't worry; we'll have plenty of opportunities
later. For now, just kiss me."
So he did just that, as the four vampire fairies kicked their lives away.
Of course, the young rope maker married the princess, and later they becameking and queen. His sideline as a wicked fairy killer brought plenty of additionalrevenue into the kingdom. Countries hundreds of miles away would seek out hisservices. Often, at night, he and his queen would make love beneath the dangling,thrashing feet of their latest catch. They lived happily ever after, but thefairies didn't.
The End
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Lucy said, "What... ?" "When... ?" asked Grace. "Do you know New San Antonio Rose?" asked Grannie. "You mean the one by Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, Grannie?" I asked. Grannie sang, "Deep within my heart lies a melody A song of old San Antone Where in dreams I live with a memory Beneath the stars all alone It was there I found beside the Alamo Enchantment strange as..." She stopped. Grannie is one of the Crane Girls ... they have perfect pitch. I was playing right...
The film (titled "Betrayal") was nominated for six awards but only won best screenplay and cinematography. Rain Man took most of the rest but the film served its purpose. I reported later than usual for spring training but I had let them know the reason ahead of time. It went great but the season started off lousy. The batting order seemed to change daily and nobody ahead of me could manage to get on base. I thought I'd break the record for intentional walks before things suddenly...
Please note, there is a brief scene of a nonconsent/drugged young woman who is sexually attacked. This is not in the tags because it is not a focus of the story’s main characters. The Green Wake lived up to its name. Every surface possible was covered in either green or gold. The effect was a little jarring for Ethan as he slid into a golden chair at an open green table. The deck had dark green tiles with gold trim on the border. The pattern was mirrored on the upper deck. Screens depicting...
My hand reaches out touching her breasts her hard nipples are under my thumbs; her back is arched pressing her breasts firmly into my hands. Moans of pure bliss feel my ears. My eyes are locked into her gaze, her green eyes sparkle with love and excitement. Her red hair is blown softly about by the summer’s breeze. She is setting on my lap with my harden cock fully within her; she grinds her hips and raises and then slowly drops, it won’t be long before she is having another orgasm. I love...
When I was 16, I was a senior at Whittier High School in California (graduating a year early) and on the swimming team. In May, we were finishing our season and I had done very well setting several school records in a school with horrendously fast swimmers. My girlfriend, Lynn, was quite pretty, fantastic legs, big, perky tits and a great, outgoing personality. She was blonde with blonde pussyhair. She was proud of her body and showed it off a lot. She wore tight clothes, which showed...
The three of us waited. I was getting a bit antsy to get out of this tub. From above I heard arguing. Woman arguing. One voice was definitely Bobby's. I wonder what she had done wrong. Fuck this, I'm leaving. So up the ladder I went. As I climbed toward the opening, I could tell something was not right. "Listen bitch – turn your ass around and head back into that sub!" I slowly peeked over the edge of the round hatch. We were in some sort of subterranean cavern. The sub was moored to a...
When we reached the barn, I tapped the horn and killed my engine; Tom appeared from a nearby doorway to help me carry him inside. Once inside, we staged him in a variety of poses, with an assortment of backgrounds and of course, in descending levels of clothing. We used what he’d managed to put together as well as the articles he had in the shopping bag and in his current state, his eyes were open for almost every shot for that ‘realistic’ look.All the still photos would eventually end up...
Gay MaleAs a major shock to all of us, especially herself, Gae began chucking her guts up one morning. You'd think a registered nurse of her length of standing would have recognised the symptoms! After all, at one point she was in charge of the neonatal clinic at Kogarah. Eventually she went to our local GP expecting something to do with an ulcer or something. She lived with me, so of course she was under stress all the time. The doctor listened to her symptoms then looked her in the eye, "Did...
Tall blonde Ivana Sugar is practicing her pirouettes when her ballet partner Dan joins her at the barre. He wastes no time letting Ivana know he’s horny, and finds Ivana a willing partner. Soon he has peeled her out of her leotard and miniskirt and leaned her over the barre so that he can lustily eat out her creamy fuck hole. After a wet and wild blowjob delivered while they both lay on the floor, Ivana once again puts the barre to work to help her keep her balance as she slides down...
xmoviesforyouThe room was nicely appointed. “So is the baby asleep finally,” said Ronald? “Yes, she always sleeps after she suckles, and now we can relax a little,” said Stacey. They were sitting on the couch in his place and cuddling. He let his hand slip down the front of her dress and gently massage one of her swollen breasts. She turned to him and kissed him lightly. “I love you, Ron, I really do,” said Stacey. “And, I love you,” he said. Her hand began exploring the front of his Dockers. “Hmm,...
CheatingTired of stuck up bitches that want gifts, dinners, money all of your fuckin' time and attention? Did you ever want to just find a little SUBMISSIVE fuck toy and fill her full of your man seed? At Creampie Thais, I do just that. I pick up hot Thai whores off the streets of Thailand. In beer bars, discos, and from the aGoGos, I wreck their young slick pussies and fill them full of my spunk. After I have these whores suck my cock and dump my sperm into their receptive cunts, I throw them back to...
A year has passed. We are in contact with Atlanta by the radio that they furnished. Their operator has become part of our community and we have exchanged persons on an irregular but frequent basis. We haven't heard from the Sin Loos during this period. I didn't know to be worried or not. We continued to patrol with the Lu's who were our close allies with people traveling back and forth all the time, particularly from Dorset. Old Charlie was showing a little bit of age but wasn't willing...
It is the future all over the globe. After thousands of years of oppression women rose up and decided that they needed to take control. Little by little they organized themselves, and through combined political, economical and scientific efforts they decided to change the future of mankind. A new drug was stealthily taken by women that resulted in a significant decline in male births. So in a few generations women outnumbered men more than ten to one. Then women took power suddenly and...
She is now naked from the waist up. I notice Jack appears to be a little nervous, and he avoids looking at his daughter's pert, young breasts. Krissy gets a pair of scissors to cut the price tag off, then sits on the kitchen table next to Jack while she prepares the blouse to put it on. She just casually sits there topless while we have conversation. Her breasts must be less than a foot from Jack's face so it is pretty hard for him to not stare at them. Krissy finally gets the tags cut off,...