TSINF 7 2 Brother s Safety
- 4 years ago
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The film (titled "Betrayal") was nominated for six awards but only won best screenplay and cinematography. Rain Man took most of the rest but the film served its purpose.
I reported later than usual for spring training but I had let them know the reason ahead of time. It went great but the season started off lousy. The batting order seemed to change daily and nobody ahead of me could manage to get on base. I thought I'd break the record for intentional walks before things suddenly changed.
We seemed to catch fire all at once and I started getting pitched to. Most of the time there were at least two guys on and I got something to hit. This team still had some great talent and it was starting to make itself felt. Nolan Ryan, Wilson Alvarez, Kevin Brown, and I were the starting rotation.
We had some pretty good players in the field, too. Franco, Sierra, Palmeiro, and Gonzalez could hit. There was also a new guy on the team. His name was Sammy Sosa and he needed some serious work. Most of the team was skeptical about his chances but they didn't know what he could become. Before, Texas gave up on him and traded him to the White sox. Rhonda might get mad at me but I was going to try to change that.
I started working with him on the first day I reported. First, I took him out to dinner and laid down the ground rules. I told him what I thought he could do and how to get there. I pointed out that no team had much patience with a rookie and he had to get serious fast.
He had more determination than I thought he did. We stayed late every day and on game days we both showed up early. I was determined to break his habit of swinging at anything in the same zip code. We hit the weights together and that helped him just as much. When we started he had looked almost anorexic. I intervened for him three times to stave off a trade.
Mid-way through the season they were glad they had listened. So was I. He was moved to third in the order (ahead of me) and started to produce immediately. He ended up with 27 homers for the year instead of the 1 he would have had. His average ended up at .327 instead of .238 and we finished the year off right, sweeping the Giants in the series.
There was no "project" with Miami. We were simply unbeatable with the new additions. We went 16-0, beating the 'Niner's 34-0 in the Super Bowl. We had one hell of a party after the game. It lasted a week. Al and Carl were on cloud nine and didn't want to leave even then.
Things were progressing smoothly this year and we only changed two events in the timeline. In the great scheme of things, one would be considered minor but we hated needless violence. It was also a field test for the new hand held laser. When the scum who set the only exit of the "Happy Land Social Club" on fire in the Bronx that had murdered 87 people approached with his can of gasoline on March 25th, George hit it with a nice, tight beam. This caused it to explode and the perpetrator was engulfed in flames. Justice was served.
The Hubble Space Telescope launched on April 24th, causing logistical problems for us. We now had to use the hologram cloak every time we traveled. Hiding the construction facilities wouldn't be a problem since we had long ago decided to build the first large ships at a facility somewhat "off the beaten path".
Earth had too much traffic in space, so it was decided we would build the ships on the surface of Mars. With only a third of Earths gravity we would be able to launch all but the colony ship from there. With so many deep canals and craters we could easily hide the activity. The entrances to the underground facility were located there. It would be much more difficult to explain the disappearance of the thousand or so people who would be working there.
We left the first Iraq war alone even though we all remembered that the end result was the second one (just like WWI). None of us intended to let that happen though. There was more than one way to remove Saddam from power. In the interim, we would monitor and gather intelligence.
Adam and his crew had left a back door in the computer operating system core. It was accessed through a 128 bit encrypted password and would open the system of any computer connected to the internet. Adams main systems in the underground Hazard facility made a Cray look like an abacus. He was able to track down Saddam's PC and provide us with its contents. Among the information was not only his personal email address but the locations of his chemical and biological manufacturing facilities and stockpiles along with the underground nuclear research facilities. We could use the information later.
Should we feel bad for Microsoft? I hope not, because we really didn't. This was the year that they would have released Windows 3.0 but It didn't happen. The user interface on our system was way ahead of even the latest release I remembered of theirs. It didn't crash regularly or need to be rebooted daily, either. The only thing we were sorry about concerning them was not being able to take advantage of their IPO.
It was also the year that html had been introduced. I suppose it still might be but we hadn't seen it yet. Our language to do everything we had remembered was called "Netspeak". It did everything html had along with several more features we thought up. It also had cgi and other features that hadn't been actual features of the original language built in. The interpreter for the code (and others) was part of the operating system. Compilers for C, C++, and several others were also built in. The only thing about all of this that disturbed us in the least was the effect this would have on Linux. It would have been released next year but now there was no need for it. We already had Linux on steroids.
We had been pleased that the Berlin wall fell on schedule and hoped perhaps that it may have been hiding some "Retreads" behind it. When the dust settled we might have to investigate.
I decided to stick with my original plan of playing for ten years. That meant that next year was it for me, so I let it all hang out. I hit 84 home runs with an average of .528 in 1990 to go along with a 26-0 record. My ERA was .071 and I had two more perfect games along with six more no-hitters. That earned me the Cy Young and batting Title. We swept the series from the Reds.
Football was still my favorite sport and I had more fun there. My sacks were actually down a bit but that was more because of Al and Carl than anything I did. There are only so many plays in a game. It had quite a bit to do with Joe and Stan, too. Our punter felt like a thief since he sometimes went a month without having to work while still being paid to watch the game from the bench. We went undefeated and beat the Giants 31-7 in the super bowl. Al was the MVP with six sacks and a fumble recovery.
Tina presented us with three beautiful additions in February. Alison, Berit, and Carla were born on the 18th. The ABC's (as we called them) were as lovely as the rest of the children. Tina announced after they were born that she had had enough. Triplets were almost more than her small body could take.
At first I thought she meant that she was done having children but she soon set me straight with "oh, no! I love having your children. The next time will be easier though. Would you still love me if I was shaped more like Beth?"
What a loaded question! Beth was six feet tall and built like a goddess. I did the best I could by answering "babe, I'd love you if you were built like Mama Cass. The package you're in at the moment is wonderful but your beauty is inside of that lovely container." I guess she liked it because she about scorched my lips with the kiss she laid on me.
We had a cookout at Lea's in California on March 3rd. Michael J Fox and his wife Tracy were invited for a reason. We had them over fairly often even though we had to keep up the appearance of Leo being Lea's husband.
This time I asked Mike if I could show him something in the den. He grabbed his beer and followed me with a "sure, what's up?" When we got there I asked him to sit down and we both grabbed a chair.
After he got comfortable I dove right in. "We know about the Parkinson's Mike."
He looked stunned and then angry "how?" he blurted "the only people who are supposed to know that besides me is my doctor and Tracy!"
I waved off his protest and told him "that's not really important right now. What is important is that we might be able to help you get rid of it."
He was a practical guy who believed in reality so naturally he scoffed "yeah, right! You know as well as I do that there's no cure for Parkinson's."
I didn't let him get any further. "Mike, it's true that at the moment there is no conventional cure for what you have. I believe that in ten years or less there will be but we're not there yet. I know you're not one of those delusional people who believe in faith healing but I want you to do something for me."
He looked even more leery but took my hand as I asked. He listened as I said "Parkinson's, early onset and in the beginning stages. Not much damage yet but believe me, you don't want to wait ten tears. This will get a lot worse."
When I released his hand he gave me a strange look. "I know Tracy didn't tell anybody about my problem and I'm pretty sure the doc wouldn't either. What the heck is going on?"
To my credit, I didn't make any "Back to the Future" references. I just smiled and told him to wait a week and then get the tests run again. When he asked why I told him "'cause they'll be negative. You're now perfectly, disgustingly, healthy."
He just shook his head and said "whatever". I couldn't help but wonder if he'd believe me when he tested negative. Perhaps I'd joke about the side effects of the treatment in a month or so. He should be approaching eight inches by then.
Once again I didn't have nearly as much time to get acquainted with my wives and family as I wanted. It was time to report for spring training. I announced my intention to retire at the end of the season on the day I reported. I had expected some reaction but the extent and volume surprised me.
I was inundated with interview requests and the quantity of mail delivered reminded me of that old movie "Miracle on 34th Street" where the post office carried bags full into the courtroom. Not all of it was flattering.
How could people get so upset just because I someone decided to quit playing a game? I agreed on one interview and went with Sports Illustrated. It must have helped because the "you're scum" mail dropped off quite a bit. I tried to explain that there was more I wanted to do with my life and I couldn't play ball and do anything else worthwhile at the same time.
I made sure that I emphasized my happiness with both of my teams, the organizations, and all the fans. I may have gone a little overboard when I promised to have my best year ever before leaving. The real bombshell was when I announced my intention of becoming the next governor in my home state of Kentucky. It would be tough to play and run a campaign but we thought it was "doable".
My promise of a good season began on opening day. I was the starting pitcher and the standing ovation when I was announced was deafening. I felt like I owed these fans something. I know we provided entertainment and all that but the fans didn't have to cram the stadiums and buy all the over-priced souvenirs, junk food, and pay the astronomical price for the privilege of attending in person.
I got pumped and it showed. My first game of the season was a perfect one. Added to that were four home runs and a walk in a 16-0 drubbing of the Yankees. Many of the so-called "experts" had them picked to win the series this season.
Football started the same way. Both my teams were unstoppable and it was far from being just because of me. It was like all the guys were desperate to help me go out with a bang. Whatever it was, I sure appreciated it. Another big surprise was when the Rangers traded for Rhonda.
I had suggested it when asked for my opinion when we lost our starting first baseman to a shoulder injury but didn't think there was any way a deal would get done. Rhonda was in the last year of her contract with Chicago and it didn't seem possible that they would let her go. When I asked her about that she told me that after she informed them that it was either trade her now or she would retire, they took what they could get. She moved right into the lead-off spot and with her there and Sammy moved behind me in the lineup I had a lot of chances to drive in runs.
Travel was a nightmare. It seemed like I was on the road every day that year. On top of the games I had campaign appearances and interviews out the wazoo to attend. I hit every town I could and spoke to as many people as possible.
We leaned heavily on education and job creation, outlining our plan to combine both for the best workforce in the country. It was also the beginning of a real immigration reform policy. The plan was for employment and social services to be denied to any person in Kentucky who was in the country illegally.
This would be accomplished by using drivers' licenses or a state I.D. with biometrics. Any employer caught intentionally hiring illegals would be fined 10,000 per person, per occurrence. The verification of status was accomplished wit a chip imbedded within the card that contained a photo, fingerprint and Social Security number. The number had to be validated in order for the card to be issued. In the case of legal immigrants, their status was verified and this information was also included. We made sure to emphasize just how much money the problem was costing the state and what that cash could be better used for.
We made sure to stress the point that we welcomed legal immigrants with open arms and hoped more would move to the state Some of the money saved would be earmarked to provide english classes for those who obeyed the laws by entering the country legally. The country did need immigrants but only those who got here the right way. Hel, I even stated that if the tide of illegals could be stemmed we should increase the amount of people who were allowed to immigrate legally.
We had a very receptive audience since the state had always been a conservative and patriotic one. People thought I was nuts at first when I announced my choice for lieutenant governor but Chrissy quickly proved her worth. While I worked on the smaller, outlying communities she tackled the cities. Chrissy was an amazing orator. She could just about shred any idiot who dared to debate her and got several opportunities to prove it.
We won the election by ten thousand votes as a third party, amassing 42% of the vote. After a short acceptance speech I flew back to rejoin the Dolphins. Baseball was over for me. I went out on top with the Rangers, beating Atlanta 4-1 in the series. I had 88 home runs in my last year and went 26-0 on the mound with an ERA of .043. If anyone else ever hits 623 home runs in ten years or ends up with a lifetime ERA of .092, I hope I'm around to see it (unless they're juiced).
After we won the super bowl (beating Buffalo 28-3), it was time for politics. That last year at Miami was wonderful. We were undefeated champions again and the run that team had will probably never be equaled.
The Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan went as scheduled also. Neither our group nor the one in Russia could prevent it. Both governments were involved and we hadn't had enough influence to impact it a bit.
The most momentous event of 1992 happened on September 26th. Angel's sixteenth birthday had finally arrived. On that day (the 21st), I was informed in no uncertain terms that her feelings on the subject of becoming my wife had not changed one bit. As a matter of fact, they had strengthened. As for myself, any misgivings were long gone. I had been in love with her for quite a long time. This love was much more than a father's love for his daughter and I had given up hope of ever fighting it.
Somehow we all managed to slip away undetected on the night of the 24th, and on Friday, September 25th we were married on the reservation. Angel insisted that our wedding night was to be spent at the Hazard complex though. She had been living in my quarters there for years. When I was there, she hadn't left but was content to snuggle by my side.
When we got to our quarters Angel made me shower without her before taking her own. I was lying in bed nude, with the sheet at my waist when she appeared in the doorway wearing a red see through baby-doll nightgown. The sheet did a rather interesting magic trick by instantaneously raising a respectable distance off of my midsection.
Angel had a deep voice and a sexy laugh. I think the sheet managed another inch when she said "I guess you like how I turned out."
She wasn't the serious type though, and immediately pouted "I hope you won't be disappointed in me. The other kids were mean to me. I asked them to help me learn how to kiss and other stuff, but they wouldn't let me play with them! They said my daddy would have to teach me."
I was more than happy to help, and just raised my arms without saying a word. She melted into me and we had our first serious (real) kiss. It was tentative at first, as she explored and experimented with her technique but steadily grew more intense. I could already smell her arousal even before I began to kiss and nibble her neck. Her gasps and moans grew more intense as I kissed my way between her breasts, untying the small bows holding her gown together. I hadn't touched any part of her that didn't seem unusually sensitive.
I let out a moan of my own when I uncovered her perfect breasts and could only tease them a short while before her erect nipples could no longer be ignored and I covered one with my lips before giving it a lick and slight nibble.
Her hips rose off the mattress and she let out a moan and a "oh Godess yesss" as she pressed my face to her chest. She had actually orgasmed from that slight stimulation! I got the same response from the other one and three more between her stomach, thighs, and calves. One more followed from a single long lick from the bottom to the top of her labia.
I would have enjoyed the flavor more if she hadn't almost broken my nose with her pubic bone when her hips flew up that time. Still, she was as tasty a morsel as I have ever sampled. I began to eat her in earnest then but tried my best to only take her to the edge and not over. It wasn't easy because she was so orgasmic it didn't take much to send her over the top.
When I finally did, it was by using my tongue on her g-spot as I thumbed her engorged clit with one hand and slipped the index finger on the other into her sphincter. Up until now the only sounds Angel had made were gasps and moans. When I did that, she did a lot more. It didn't last very long. All she managed was "oh Gods dadeee!!" before she passed out.
She woke up with a smile and said "so that's what they were talking about when they said beware of the magic tongue" and kissed me passionately before rolling over on top of me.
She proceeded to give me the same treatment she had just received, up to and including not letting me cum right away. Angel must have inherited her ability from her mother, because she was a natural. The little minx even lubed up a finger in her own juices and sent an anal probe in as I exploded. She paid for that move by being practically drowned when I unloaded. She not only didn't spill a drop, I almost passed out from the pleasure myself. From the moan as I came, I believe she did too.
I didn't even get to catch my breath before she moved up and straddled my hips. I started to warn her to be careful but I have since learned that particular word is foreign to Angel. She dropped down until all nine inches were buried inside her and our pubes met.
I was concerned as I watched her face but if there was any pain, she didn't show it. All I saw was an expression of sheer bliss as her pussy clamped down in yet another convulsion. She rode me slowly, intermittently speeding up when she came for over an hour before I lost it again and sent another torrent her way. I had to catch her that time and lay her head on my shoulder. She had blacked out and almost fallen backwards.
She awoke smiling again and rolled me on top before whispering in my ear "fuck me now, daddy. Do it really hard. I want to see what that feels like next."
So did I and she seemed to like it even more than I did. I had to find out what the hel she had been reading though because her tight little pussy had been milking me every since I entered her. She not only had great muscular control, she had some serious staying power!
I think we both screamed when I came that time. It was also time for a much needed break in the action. Both of us were soaked in sweat and mingled juices, as well as extremely thirsty. We grabbed a drink, took a shower and changed the bedding before she cuddled up in the recliner with me for some wine.
"Daddy" She said "do you mind if I call you uncle Matt when we're around other people so they don't look at us like we're crazy?"
This was what she usually called me anyway because of snooping dickweeds. It really chapped my ass that most of my children had to hide their parentage but the mission was just too important for vanity to interfere.
I chuckled "Angel, you can call me anything, any time. I'll always be your daddy and I'll always be there for you."
She gave me a squeeze and a kiss before telling me "I'm like Faith, Sharon and Connie. They're the only others that don't have sex with the other guys sometimes when you're there. I've known since before I was born that the only man I would ever be with was you."
When I started to say something, she put her finger across my lips and informed me that it was her body and her decision and even if I didn't want her, she would never be with another male. "Females are another matter. I can't wait to see what that's like tomorrow. If it's any better than this it might kill me! I still have a few more positions I want to try, too. Let's see, doggie, reverse cowgirl, and last but not least, I still have this nagging cherry ass that I need you to take care of for me. "
I asked if she was very sore and she gave me a smug smile as she told me that if I was referring to her "de-virginization" the only concern I should have would be overuse. It seems that our female offspring didn't come equipped with hymens. "It's nothing but a useless piece of flesh" she explained. "I suppose evolution is an ongoing process."
In retrospect, I wish we had taken care of Angel's ass problem sooner in the evening. I had already cum five times, and the length between was getting longer. That, coupled with how orgasmic Angel was and the fact that she didn't seem to care which orifice was filled ensured a long and semi- pain filled ride for me. Every time she came, her ass clamped down and damn near amputated my favorite appendage. This seemed to happen every time I got close, effectively cutting off the possibility.
Eventually I timed it right and the faucet was opened. As she collapsed in another faint, I checked to make sure my balls were still in place and hadn't been ejected before Lying down next to her.
When we emerged to the world, we were greeted with congratulations, hugs, and kisses, along with comments about our screams causing some concern about the ceiling in the cave falling. Angel was having some trouble walking at first but hid it well.
If I could have taken my eyes off of her ass I probably wouldn't have noticed the slight change in the wiggle. Once again, just as always, she attached herself to my side and we went to work in the lab.
We had other heartbreaks coming. There was no way to prevent the first attack on the World Trade Center on February 26th without potentially screwing up our plan. Unless the assholes had at least some success they might change too much to remain predictable
We faced problems in Somalia also. The ill-advised mission in Mogadishu to capture warlord Mohamed Aidid would be impossible to prevent unless we became personally involved. The risk of discovery was just too high. Three days before the dreaded news was to be heard however, something strange happened. The car Aidid was travelling in somehow exploded. We were now convinced that there were other "Retreads" out there. But how would we convince them to contact us? Surely they had to know who we were? Rhonda was selected to put together a plan and report her conclusions.
We wasted no time implementing our promises after taking office. Sometimes we had to play dirty, but we got the job done. Somehow word always got out to the public when some special interest or the other managed to convince a member of the legislature to oppose the platform we ran on. In some cases, the lobbyist and politician were named, along with what had been promised as compensation for opposing the legislation. No source was ever named by the reporters. It might have been if they had known, but we made sure that never happened.
After the first mid-term elections this seldom had to be done. People ran against the crooks and used their corruption against them. After two years we were the majority and faced only token opposition to most things. By the time the next election rolled around it was just a formality.
Unemployment was the lowest in the state's history, roads and infrastructure were in great shape, and perhaps best of all, test scores in all of the schools were now well above the national average. This was a good thing for another reason.
Our biggest detractor was the teachers union. They hated the year round school but really detested the fact that they also had to pass standardized tests to remain employed. They were well paid. In fact, their salaries were much higher than before the changes. The difference was that the incompetent ones could no longer remain employed.
Chrissy played a large part in convincing the public that what we were doing was the right way to go but the union wasn't listening. To counter them, charter schools were opened throughout the state and a voucher system was pushed through and enacted.
These schools attracted the best teachers and the old public schools ended up with the worst ones. As each charter neared capacity another public school was converted. Finally we were left with two systems. One was the old one. They had very few students and the worst teachers and administrators in the system. When this point was reached the worst of those schools were closed and the staffs were laid off.
The union didn't go quietly but we hadn't been expecting them to. A strike was attempted but didn't work out well for them. Each charter school had their own contract with the staff and it was both good and fair. They worked longer hours with the year round program and had to be available to students until nine PM each evening (by phone) but the compensation was better and discipline was enforced.
Students who caused problems ended up in the schools staffed by the dregs. These were classified as "alternative schools." The vast majority of teachers in the new system refused to participate in the strike. The unions other tactic was to have the voucher system declared unconstitutional but we were ahead of them there, too. The courts in the state were on our side now. Hopefully the higher courts would agree with their ruling.
I spoke in defense of the new system and one argument in particular seemed to impress them the most. "One of the things I dislike about professional sports is that players, who are for all intents and purposes nothing but employees, are forced to work at a specific place. I don't believe the general public would accept being told where they can work or attend college. Why should they be forced to send their children to a school that provides sub-standard education? Let them make the decision on what is best for their children."
The biggest showdown on education actually involved the federal government. We used the line item veto that had been pushed through to eliminate several things. Bi-lingual classes were among them. The feds threatened to withhold all funding if we didn't provide assistance for Spanish speaking students.
We countered with "cool! That means we don't have to worry about all of the other programs you force us to provide while not providing the money for them. By eliminating all of these programs we will save $293,000. This is counting the funds you are withholding. If you would like us to offer any program we will consider it only if you fund it fully. We will, however, offer no program that singles out any ethnic group. We feel that if special consideration is offered to Spanish speaking students it would be discriminatory unless the same program were offered to every other ethnic group. If you want us to offer programs for all of them and provide the funds to do so, we will. In the mean time, we will handle education on the state and local level without federal interference."
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I'd met Rick and Roz in a chatroom one night, they are very very local to me and their relationship is intriguing. They're not married to each other, Roz is married to another guy but they enjoy lots of fun together with her husband's blessing.I'm a bi married guy who has been exploring his bi side for the last 5 or 6 years, having refrained since my teens. The urge has returned and I've gradually been learning what I enjoy and what I'd missed out on for nearly 30 years.We initially chatted...
Mark lived in a rural area of his state, owning more than 200 acres of timberland. Actually, he owned in partnership with his mother as part a business he started and she supported. He was developing a reputation for high-quality, solid wood furniture that he designed and constructed himself. He had helped his dad build the large two story house that he shared with his mother, his aunt (mother's sister) and three sisters. His dad had died suddenly about three years ago, just as Mark was getting...
Monday's practice was excellent. All four girls qualified for extracurricular activity at Laura's house. Tiffany did her celebration with Eric, of course. Gradually, the girls moved toward one-on-one privacy when they were with me. It was rare for a second girl to be in the bedroom while I had sex. I enjoyed the sort of sexual free-for-all we had up at the cabin and would love to do it again, but I ultimately loved the alone time with each girl even more. I would never want to give up...
Waking up to a New Life. Ch 2. By Matthew. I felt something stroking over my face, putting my hand up to brush it away, I realized it was also a hand belonging to someone else. Yes this nanny woman. "It seems a shame to be waking a sissy from its lovely sleep, but we have a busy day ahead for you Sissy," it was that same woman from last night. I tried to burry my face back into the comfort of the pillow, not wanting to hear what I was hearing. "Yes we would all like to spend...
Willy had enjoyed fucking his friend Barry's tight teen ass. He also liked that Barry's sister Cindy had watched the whole episode. She had helped by greasing her brothers tight ass hole and Willy's big cock. Cindy had been smiling at her brother's plight while Willy moved his seven and a half inch prick back and forth in the stretched orifice. After cleaning Willy's cock with the warm face cloth Cindy kissed the spongy head allowing a little precum to moisten her attractive lips. Willy...
I‘d met David through my (now ex) wife. He lived in the Twin Cities with his partner Dennis. His being gay made it very easy for me to talk openly about being Samantha. He hosted a drag show on Saturday nights at a small gay bar so he’d invited me to come along, meet the ‘girls’ and see the show. I could stay the night so I could go dressed and have a fun ‘girl’s night out’ while he MC’d the show. I got dressed at David’s before we left for the show while David waited and changed at the bar. I...
Gia and September have been besties forever. They always have sleepovers and what-not. Well, Gia has always had a “thing” for September. One night, while sharing the same bed…Gia couldn’t help herself. She started to fiddle her diddle under the covers, while staring at September’s perfect ass. Gia tried to be quiet, but just couldn’t control herself. Of course, September woke up and caught her, but Gia couldn’t stop cumming, so September just had to...
xmoviesforyouThis is a continuation of my novel. I’m sorry it took so long to get it on here. It’s going to take even longer to get the next piece on. I’m sorry in advance for any grammatical, spelling or punctuation issues as I still have yet to be able to get an editor to contact me. As with before, all sexual actions take place by eighteen year old adults. For those who have been looking for sex, it finally comes into play in this addition. There are some problems with time in this one, so I know there...
(The Superman family portrayed in this story won't be familiar to younger readers, but hopefully will be recognized by older ones. It's set firmly in the Silver Age.) The Adventures of Jamie Olsen, Girl Reporter By Heather St. Claire Five centuries ago, London had its famous Globe?the home of Shakespeare's theatre company. Today, Metropolis is home to a famed globe of its own. It sits atop the Daily Planet building, home of a great metropolitan newspaper. The Planet is unlike any...
It started out an ordinary day in my ordinary life. Up with the sun, morning coffee and some quiet time to begin with. I got dressed, and out the door I ran to a meeting for my internet retail business. I arrived early at the inet-caffee. (A local hangout for Geeks like myself) Ordering a double latte I took a seat in a booth by the window, openend my laptop and logged on to the company website. Emerged in the web, endulging in my six bucks cup of coffee, it wasn't long before I noticed...
Alice was driving down the road, lost, but singing happily along to her mp3s. She had just left a great week with her friend Sara in New Hampden and had promised to meet Ronin in Edinburgh . He had some kind of birthday surprise for her. Now, her birthday was a month ago, but they hadn’t had a chance to celebrate together because of conflicting schedules. She just knew that there was a new trainee waiting for her special education. Alice shrugged mentally and tried to focus on the...
IIShe woke in the late midmorning, recalling a night of restless tossing and turning in the pillows. Then, in the first hours of the dawn, she remembered yawningly, sleep had come to claim her nonetheless. Stepping onto the cool marble floor, taking the first steps in search for a mirror, she felt the muscles of her upper body aching, as after a day of extended exercise. "Now, I’m dumb", she scolded herself. "There are no mirrors in this room..." She opened the white double door and tiptoed...
The "How To Give Oral" Guide Tasha, Honey, you can not have it both ways. You want to be a "sissy" dress in sexy silky lingerie and skirts, tops and dresses, but you do not want to have to pleasure your men. Is that right? "Stephanie, I really like to wear my sexy lingerie and dresses and feel like a woman. But I do not want to let a man put his cock up my ass and I do not want to suck his dick" "Well, Tasha, you are a 'sissy' now and you need to learn how to pleasure your men....
The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer’s outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...
Battleship Prien, the living hell for nazis' prisoners Authors: Noemi Salvadge & Mister Johnson Author's emails: Noya2929 [at] gmail [dot] comTags: M/f, M/f+, F/f, F/f+, F+/f+, interracial, modification, snuff, Tit Torture, feet, slavery, bondage, real, torture, nc, Extreme, Scifi Introduction Summary Germany won the Second World War with the aid of Japan. 56 years later the rest of the Solar System is colonized, full with Battleships of the two superpower Empires. In 2001 Battleship Gunther...
I don’t know whether it was just plain luck or fate which brought to meet the very glamorous Princess Zeeta of Tyros on that fateful day when I went shopping for a new Dinner Jacket in Regent Street. My old jacket had succumbed to years of being sloshed with university cheap wine, and the subsequent dry cleaning had made it look much the worse for wear. It was my 23rd Birthday and the money had been given to me by my loving sister and her husband who was my only living relatives as a joint...
FetishSiobahn appeared eager to pursue the porn connection we established but was conspicuous by her silence. You can imagine my trepidation. Did I push too far? After watching, was she offended, embarrassed, angry, ambivalent? I had been contemplating several reasons why she might not be in contact for some time.As I was having my morning coffee, my phone buzzed, indicating an incoming text. It was from Siobahn. She knew I was home alone all day on Thursdays and asked if I'd like some company.I ...
MasturbationShe was on a weekend trip in Las Vegas…Kaneshia and her girlfriend had never been there before so they thought why not have fun in every since of the word…Kaneshia has always had a hidden desire for Nikkie..even when they were in college together Kaneshia wanted her so .much…Nikkie is 5’6 long luch legs size 36 c breast that ar frim..she has the deepest green eyes you could get lost in..her complexion was a honey tone…Kaneshia was not bad her self with an ass that men and women comment on...
Hi everyone there . Thanks for giving such a wonderful response to my first story . All aunties in chennai and Bangalore are welcome for their share of action- contact me : Now coming to the story – this story is about how I was stuck in an awkward situation with my gym friend and one thing led to another . There is this new adventurous gaming zone opened in chennai – where they handcuff you and you have to go inside a dark room and follow the clues and solve them . So it was three of us –...
And it reminds me of last weekend when my boyfriend came over. He stayed over later than usual but I didn’t mind. It was about 4am when I got a little tired, so I went into my bedroom just to lay in my bed. My window was open during the downpour. Rain calms me down so naturally I started drifting off to sleep. I started to wake up when I heard my boyfriend come into the room. I tried to roll over so he could lie down next to me but he pounced on me instead. He knows my body very well and he...
Author's note: this story gets off to a slow start - I do hope the build up was worth it for you. Although purely fictional, Tess is based on a real person. If she ever reads this she will know it is about her.Tess knew she was different from a very early age. She came from the usual dysfunctional family - the product of an alcoholic dad and a mom who never saw or heard anything. It wasn't so much that she was physically abused, she wasn't; it was the emotional abuse. Tess was always a little...
SpankingDoston aaj sanjay apko ek nayi kahani kisi aur ki jubani batane jar aha hai. Ye kahani do padosiyon ke beech huyi bahut hi jabardast chudayi ki kahani hai. Mere flat ke thik samne ek flat hai . Baat tab ki hai jab mai sirf 24 saal ka tha.ji haan kahani mere aur mere samne ke flat me rehane wali ek ladki ki hai. Jab usne mujhe bataya ki mere sath pehali baar usne kaise chudawaya tha. Usne ye bhi bataya ki wo chudayi ki kahaniyan padhti hai to maine socha ki puri baat usi ke shabdon me sunaane se...
Dear All meri kahani chhoot gayii thi too age ki kahani is traha se thi. mai tarni ke mast gand aur chuchi koo dekhtaa rahaa aur tea ki chuski lene laga. chunki 12 baje mujhe office jake papers collect karne the aur ohin se ghar waps jana tha. too mai jalde se oth kar naha doo loya aur tani ko bool gaya ki office paunch kar mai aap ko phone karoona aur aap bus stand aa jana. usne kaha thik hai.mai phata phat secretret challa gaya aur wahaan papers ektha kar ke tarni ko phon kiya ki Woo aajaye...
I am right 30 years old and have been married about 7 years. I can't say that I have never thought about cheating on my wife but I never have followed through. My wife has this friend from church, a woman named Nora. She is older, like in her late fifties. Homey looking. Her husband left her after 30 years, turns out he was cheating on her big time with many women and some dudes too. Shook this Nora up pretty bad. Not sure why she and my wife became besties but they did. Any way Nora would come...
I found Emily and Brenda working in the kitchen, putting everything back in order from the lunch we'd just had. "Brenda, Joyce and I are taking Shirley over to Mama's tonight for a few hours. We need for you to watch all three babies. Can you do that for us?" I saw the look that passed between Brenda and Emily. "Kenny, we thought you'd be with me tonight. Remember, it's still my turn, because I missed it before?" "Brenda, I thought tonight was going to be our night too, and I was...
Hello friends! This is Deepak, 26 years from Mysore. This is a true incident related to how I fucked my neighbor aunty which happened few years back when I was PUC (+2). I am extremely interested in girls and aunties. Those who are interested can mail me to and also comments about the story are appreciated. I was very good in my studies but very weak in Mathematics. Somehow I used manage to pass in Maths. But I failed in 12 STD mathematics, so it made me to sit in home for one year. My mom was...
The sunny skies and warm air were attracting more and more people to the park as the day wore on. After lunch, Ashley, Lenore and I decided to avoid the growing lines on the slides and spend several hours in the wave pools and on the endless river. We woke Angelique and spent the next three hours splashing each other as we explored the park. We stayed at the park until the setting sun and diminishing light signaled that it was time for the park to close. Morgan gathered everyone up and led...
Meanwhile, Linda had an eye on Cathy and her son. By the way Cathy behaved, Linda knew she was having an orgasm. Then Cathy knelt in front of the boy and started to unzip his pants and take out his cock. Obviously, she was going to suck him. Linda didn't want to allow this. She wanted her son's cock juice for herself. So she whispered to her mother for help. While Bob and Linda talked, Julie quietly went and stopped Cathy from taking the boy's cock into her mouth. She told Bill, "Your...
Young and over-worked office assistant, Aaliyah is overwhelmed with phone calls and people dropping things off for her powerful and gorgeous boss, Hollywood agent Cherry Torn. Cherry keeps her beyond busy and to top it off she makes comments to Aaliyah, asking her to dress a little sexier. Aaliyah’s finally had enough when Cherry playfully smacks Aaliyah’s ass! Aaliyah flips, telling Cherry she is quitting. Cherry apologizes; she had no idea that Aaliyah was unhappy. Aaliyah...
xmoviesforyouThe bed was already warm from her lithe body, her scent rising up to me as I lifted the sheets and slid in against her. I turned to face her and she me, her hand tracing the outline of my waist and hips. The silkiness of her skin on mine felt so good, but part of me said ‘No Hazel’. I started to speak. ‘Edith, we can’t sleep together; it’s not right….”‘Why not’ she said indignantly ‘you sleep with other women don’t you? Don’t you like me?’ ‘Of course I do, but…’ I started to say, feeling her...
July 4, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written on July 5, 2017] [Whew! My life is obviously getting hectic. Yesterday’s entry was another long entry and I’ve still got to catch up on today; actually, tomorrow in diary time.] At the 6:05 alarm, we got up and dressed in knockabout t-shirts and shorts for breakfast; no sense spilling something on the uniforms. When we got to the kitchen, Mom was busy finishing up making breakfast (eggs and waffles), so hadn’t hugged us. Dad had no such constraints....
I was surprised by how much pleasure I derived from shoving that un-lubed butt-plug up my whore-wife’s asshole. I lifted one of her legs by her knee, high above her waist, while her arms were still suspended above her head. She was standing on her tippy-toes on the other foot and was helpless to move. I roughly pushed the butt-plug into her wet pussy, fucked her a few times and then quickly lined the tip up with her little hole and while maintaining eye contact, pushed it up and into her...
Oh, the people you meet online! Sounds almost like a book title by that writer, what’s his name…fine, I’ll stay away from sullying a children’s author’s name by linking it to my sexual experiences. I’ll get to the point. Life online is like a box of chocolates, you never know what… Ok, I’ll stay away from paraphrasing movie quotes too. I’ll cut to the chase – I met a woman online, and she wanted me to round out a threesome with her lover. Not her husband, but her lover. Complicated? It’s sort...
I know it wasn’t my husband Alan who put me in my present condition, but I hold him responsible. It was Alan who insisted that we take in a lodger to help with the mortgage and it was Alan who insisted on the lodger being a male. Our lodger turned out to be a twenty year old foreign exchange student attending the local university from England named Jamal, who was black. It was also Alan who decided to have a vasectomy two years before following the birth of our second c***d; otherwise, I...
I stared in horror out of the window. Andy took the opportunity to shove his willy all the way into my fanny. I was not amused. “For fuck’s sake, Andy”, I said, pushing out his embrace and rushing out of the room. I grabbed my bath robe and put it on. Going past the office I told him “Don’t do anything. I’m planning to come back to bed”What is wrong with me? I’m 38, I have a good figure, I’m in my sexual prime (seems to be I always have been), I run my own business and earn my own money, I...
He was very focused. Angel started to say something to him to let him know she was home, but he was hammering and a pipe must have burst. Water sprayed out violently. "Goddammit!" He scrambled to get the water shutoff, leaving him soaked and the shower a disaster. He continued cursing. She was taken back a bit, he was usually so calm and in control. "Daddy," she rushed up to him and tried to do something to help. "Oh honey," he said, calming down a bit on seeing her. "It’s been...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 Breakfast with my old classmates was fun. We had it in the Kids' House, Carol having fetched a good supply of food from the Adults' House; not that she really needed to get much as most of our guests were girls. They eat like sparrows at the best of times, and even less when they'd rather talk. A couple of the people I'd called hadn't come because they'd made the mistake of telling their parents where they were going, and their parents had vetoed the idea of...
"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...
It was a beautiful ceremony. I can recall the exact moment, when I got out of the limousine…my father greeted me in his arms. He told me how proud he and my mother were of me…he kissed me on my cheeks and said, “Steve’s a good man…I’m glad you found each other.” I met Steve at UCSB and truth be known, it was kinda like…love at first sight. I met him in the library. “Excuse me. Would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me?” I turned to the voice and immediately, I was taken prisoner...
This series of sex stories describes my four year relationship I had with my girlfriend and all steamy details. Every tiny detail about the story is fully true. I have never revealed to anyone, a single detail(the hot ones) of our relationship, even to my closest friends. During my bachelor studies, I met my girlfriend. Even though I had previously known her through mutual friends, it was only after meeting her in college that we got close. We instantly got really close, talking all the time,...
Sujata’s fingers were moving with lightning speed between her thighs, in her love hole and her eyes were glued to the Laptop screen. She was not watching a steamy porn movie but was reading an i****t story, Mom seducing and getting fucked by her son. She read many Mom son stories but nothing excited and drove her up the wall like the one she was reading, Vanaja’s insatiable i****t. The story was so near to her feelings towards her son, Rohit and the deion of fucking scene so graphic that she...
It was a grey day in February as the train approached Leicester. Belinda Masters – Captain Belinda Masters – Linnet – was tense. Her lover and fiancé, Jamie MacAllan, was painfully aware of her discomfort and took her hand. "Goldie, my love..." She looked at him, biting her lip. "We don't have to do this if it's going to be painful for you." Her lips quivered a little. "We've come this far ... and I think you're right; I need to do this. I need to give them a chance. If they...
continued from Training DayI wake up groggily and glance at my clock and see that it's 19:12. I've slept for about five hours. I stumble to the toilet and pee and wash my face. Back in my bedroom, I throw on my nightie. Why should I bother dressing if I'm not going out?My stomach growls. I remember Mum talking about leftovers so I go to the kitchen and find them in the fridge. I pop them in the microwave and sit at the kitchen table. The events of the day storm back into my brain.The microwave...
LesbianTHE BIRTHDAY PRESENT "Why do you want to go in there?" Darren asked his wife. They had gone out early one Saturday shopping but had gone to mall which, although it wasn't far from where they lived, was one they didn't habitually use. Amber had been married to Darren Wilkes for two years and she had just discovered something about him that had shocked her but she had decided to show him how she felt about it in an unusual way. "I've often seen the outside of this place and I've...
HI i m Mayur from Gujarat meri ye pehli story he..Sorry story to nahi kahunga par sex k liye partner dhundh n k liye likh raha hu..Pehle mere bare me ku6 batata hu.Mera name Mayur he aur meri umar 24 sal he body evreg he mere lund ki size sayad bahot badi to nahi he lekin 6” to hogi aur me ye story padh padh k ab mujse raha nahi jata Kyon ki aaj tak maine kabhi kisi ladki ko choda nahi he. Aur aaj kal chodne ka itna man karta hai ki me din me 3 bar muth marta hu. 1 bar to mene upar ka maza...
Doato mera name rahul he aur me apke liye ak nayi khani le ke aya hu ye khani meri meri taiji ki he meri taiji ka nam sangita he wese dhikhne me to wo kuch khsh sundar nahi he unka rang gehua he aur unka sarir 42 38 48 he aur unaki lambai lagbhag 4 10 hogi.bath ush din ki he jab me apna intarwiw dene jaipur se dehli gaya tha to muje interviw ke bad taiji ka larka lene aya aur me uske sath unke ghar aa gaya jaha wo taiji aur uski wife rahte the unhe waha aye jyada same nahi hua tha kuchder...
The Kingsley sisters were blessed with beauty — hair as black as night and an unusual shade of violet-blue eyes that sparkled with humor. They came from good English stock, wealth and at the age of twenty and nineteen, Penelope and Emma were desired as the perfect society wives. They sat in the family carriage, on their way to the home of the Marquess of Fords. It was to be a country party and the sisters dressed accordingly. Emma was watching the trees pass by them through the small window....