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‘I love you Mommy! I love you Daddy!’

Natasha Stone giggled with her backpack dangling from her shoulder. She had just finished giving her father a hug and was now waving as she ran off into the classroom. Both parents had their eyes shining with tears… Tears of pride and happiness. Their five year old daughter was starting her first day of school. It was symbolic day for the parents who wished for nothing but the best for their daughter. They didn’t know that as their little girl ran into her classroom that she would be meeting the boy who would become a monumental figure in her life.

‘Do I have to go? I wanna stay with you, Daddy!’

The little boy was gripping his father’s hand tightly as he watched more and more kids his own age run into the classroom that he would apparently be in until the school day was older.

‘Yes, Gage. You want to learn and meet new kids your age, don’t you?’

He sighed, his little boy was extremely shy, but he loved the little boy with all of his heart. He never could understand why his wife could leave without a second thought about how her son would be raised. That was nearly three years ago.

Gage Benevento stared at his father through his bright blue eyes and slowly nodded.

‘I love you Daddy.’

He hugged his father tightly as scared tears sprang forth in his eyes.

‘I love you too, Gage. I’ll be right here waiting when your day is done. Have fun.’

Matthew Benevento just gave his son a reassuring kiss to the forehead as he gently nudged his son into the classroom.

Five year old Natasha Stone was wearing a blue blouse and matching blue shorts. Her hair was pulled up in a bright blue bow. She was quietly sitting at the table she had found after stuffing her backpack into her cubby. Natasha quietly watched as all of the kids filed into their seats, but still nobody sat with her. The little girl was growing more and more upset by the minute, thinking she would be all alone, and friendless on her very first day of school.

What was really only a couple of seconds seemed like an eternity. Gage stood by the cubbies watching the little boys and girls with a curiosity that matched his timid personality. They were loud and he didn’t like loud.

He spotted the girl sitting by herself and in that moment the little boy felt safe. At the age of five, you don’t think about how this is going to be the person you’ll be with the rest of your life.

Not at all. Gage in fact was just thinking, ‘She’s pretty.’ As butterflies swarmed his tummy. He found himself taking the seat next to her.

Her face lit up when the boy sat next to her. He was extremely cute. She may only be five, but she wasn’t dumb. He was ‘cute as a button’ as her grandpa would say.

‘I’m Natasha!’

She squeaked, throwing her little arms around him, and hugging him. Gage had not at all been expecting that and stiffened in his seat. The girl was hugging him. Why? He just kind of sat there, dumbfounded. When she pulled away, he grinned.

‘I’m Gage.’

There was silence between them as the teacher tried to grab the classroom’s attention, but the only person who seemed to exist right now to the small boy and girl was each other.

They hit it off instantly, their friendship blossomed, and by the time all the kids had rushed out of the room at the sound of the bell, Natasha and Gage were still on the floor playing. Their giggles filled the air as they raced cars. Sometime during the day, Natasha had gotten fed up with her hair being up in a bow so she took it out and threw the bow onto her desk. When she wasn’t looking Gage pocketed it, for whatever strange reason his little boy mind could conjure up.

Gage’s father had been a nervous wreck, not understanding why his son hadn’t met him until he heard the familiar laughter. His son was still in the classroom. He headed inside to find his son playing with a remarkably pretty little girl.

He could tell she was mixed by her unusual skin color, reddish brown hair, and exotic eyes. Matthew chuckled to himself, realizing that his little boy had picked out quite a cutie to become friends with. He shook his head to himself.


He called his son’s name and the little boy jumped up, running to hug his father.

Natasha stood up, realizing her parents weren’t here, and she was the only little kid left unclaimed. Watching her new found friend reunite with his Daddy made her very upset. Matthew Benevento noticed the little girl’s eyes fill with tears.

‘Are you okay, darling?

He asked, shifting his son in his arms.


Gage said annoyed almost.

‘That’s Natasha. She’s my friend.’

He said as if his father should know that. Matthew laughed at the introduction, but kept his focus on the little girl.

‘I don’t know where my Mommy or Daddy are.’

She sniffled, standing up to get her backpack from her cubby. ‘How about we help you find them?’ He suggested and Natasha’s face lit up once more.

Matthew grabbed his son’s backpack, letting Gage hold it, as his free hand found Natasha’s. He lead her out of the classroom only to see a woman and a man approaching, it was clear by sheer resemblance that Natasha was their daughter.

It was confirmed when the little girl screamed with delight and ran to her parents. Matthew grinned, walking up to them. He introduced himself and his son.

‘Hello, I’m Matthew Benevento and this is my son Gage… Our children our friends.’

He explained as Gage shyly smiled.

‘Yeah! Gage is my boyfriend!’

Natasha’s voice broke the silence, causing the three parents to burst out into a fit of laughter.

‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Matthew… Gage… I’m Abigail and this is my husband Vladimir.’

Natasha’s mother introduced them. Abigail studied the little boy that her daughter claimed as her boyfriend. He had dark hair and sharp blue eyes. Her little rascal sure knew how to pick them. The look on her husband’s face said that he agreed.

Ever since his daughter was born, Vladimir’s plan was to lock her away like Rapunzel so no boy or man could get to her. And on her first day of school, she had already confirmed his worst fears. That she wouldn’t always be his baby girl and one days she would fall in love. He just didn’t know it would be so soon, but he pushed it aside, and labeled it as puppy love. Surely, it wouldn’t last… Could it?

‘Nice to meet you as well.’

Vladimir’s heavy russian accent broke through the air. They talked for a little while, a friendship easily brewing between the fathers as Abigail kept an eye on her daughter and Gage who insisted on playing a bit longer.

It was that first day that sealed the fate for Gage and Natasha. That it wasn’t just chance that made the little boy sit next to the little girl. It was something so much powerful. It was fate.



Natasha let out a frustrated scream, the eighteen year old girl was going to lose her mind. She may have been pretty when she was five, but she was all out stunning now at the age of eighteen. Puberty had done her well, reaching her final height of five foot three. She was petite with curves to boot, but they made her self-conscious so she often preferred to wear clothes that didn’t accentuate her body.

‘Calm down, Tasha..’

Gage’s soothing voice came. They were day and night, but they were inseparable. Always had been. Natasha was a wild, hot-headed, fierce girl, whereas, Gage was a laidback, chill, and calm boy.

‘It’s just so frustrating! What have I ever done to those girls for them to hate me?’

She cried out in frustration. In the back of Gage’s mind, the answer screamed, ‘Be so beautiful that they could never co

But instead he settled with, ‘Their just dumb… Jealous…’ He tried to comfort his best friend.

‘Jealous?! Of what?!’

Gage sighed, he didn’t understand how Natasha could be so blind. She was gorgeous. Boys constantly flirted and tried to get her attention, but she always thought they were being nice… Or worse, pitying her.

‘That your smart… Pretty… Confident… You’re not like the other girls, Natasha.’

Gage had been madly in love with Natasha since third grade when he got in a fight with a sixth grader who was twice his size over her. Heck, he had been in love with her long before that, but he didn’t realize it till then.

Eight is a young age to realize that you wanted a girl to be only yours so he didn’t take to well when the sixth grade bully was taunting his girl on the playground. He stormed up to the boy and decked him straight in the nose after he had pushed Natasha to the ground. The boy wailed and ran off towards a teacher as Gage helped Natasha up who hugged him tightly. She giggled, elated, that her knight in shining armor had been there to help her.

‘You’re my hero Gage Benevento!’

Natasha kissed Gage’s cheek right before a teacher came up to them and told Gage to go to the principal’s office. Gage was escorted to the principal’s office all the while blushing, because the girl he loved had kissed his cheek. Being suspended from school those few days had been totally worth it to hear his girl say that he was her hero.

Hearing what Gage had just said to her made her heart soar. She had realized she was in love with him that very day as well. He had always been there for her, always.

‘I’m not?’

Her voice was soft, quiet.

‘Not in a million years. They don’t hold a flame to you, Natasha Stone.’

Gage’s voice was dead serious as he assured her this. She tilted her head up slightly so that she could lock eyes with him. He was considerably taller than her at a towering height of six foot one.

He bent down, loving that his girl was so much shorter than her. He had teased her about it since they were thirteen and he had his first pubescent growth spurt.

In one fell swoop his lips brushed hers and a million earth-shattering sensations drowned their bodies. Her lips parted and she gasped, loving the way it felt.

His strong arms curled around her tiny waist, pulling her body close to his. Never in his life had anything felt so good… So right. He would happily give any limb to forever be able to have this euphoric feeling. To have Natasha in his arms.

This wasn’t the first time Natasha and Gage kissed, though. There had been one time when they were twelve. It was both their first kisses, standing in the middle of a circle of their friends who had been teasing them about being chicken. The dare was that they had to kiss for three seconds. Three Mississippi seconds. They did so and it was agony.

They were two awkward preteens who had no idea how to kiss so their lips just pressed as they listened to their friends do the count. When they pulled apart they both were blushing although Natasha’s wasn’t as prominent as Gage. His creamy white skin always showed his fiery blush relentlessly with no regards or mercy.

When they finally pulled away from their kiss, Natasha was beaming with sheer joy, Gage’s heart was flying out of his chest, right into her hands.

‘That was a much better first kiss.’

He chuckled against her lips, his devastatingly blue eyes boring into her soul. She shyly pressed her face against his strong chest, listening to his laughter rumble through his chest. He would always love how shy Natasha was when it came to him when she a force to be reckoned with when it came to anybody else. They must have forgotten they were standing in the school parking lot after the day had ended, because there a wolf whistle followed by other howls.

‘Oh come off it!’

Gage growled to his group of friends coming up to him.

Gage, although still shy in his own rights, had come out of his shell during their junior year of high school. Now in their senior year, he was easily one of the most popular, but still very quiet kids in their graduating class. He had won popularity by his loyalty, humor, and downright good heart/personality.

People had always sworn that they were a couple, no matter how many times they swore otherwise. Girls in their high school knew better than to try and grab Gage’s attention. He wanted no one but Natasha. He never actually told to anybody, but he didn’t need to it. It was in his eyes, in his body language. When he was with her, he had a protective stance, as if always wanting her safe.

It was the same for Natasha. Hardly ever did guys approach her unless they were looking for an easy rejection or a scolding from somebody who knew how it was with Gage and Natasha. They were their high school’s ultimate couple… Even if they weren’t a couple.

‘Come off it?! How about you come off of her?’

Ricky laughed hard, thinking it was hilarious. It was about damn time with these two. It was ridiculous how they were together every waking hour it seemed and yet nothing ever happened.

‘That was some kiss you two. Shit. I think I ever felt it!’

That had their friends bursting with laughter and Gage had the sudden urge to smack his best friend upside the head for that remark that made Natasha bury her face even more against his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart. Strange how he was conflicted though, wanting to tell his buddy to say something like that again just so he could feel Natasha try to hide herself against him. He was almost positive everybody within a ten mile vicinity would be able to hear the performance his heart was doing in his chest.

‘So how about it, G? You going with us to enlist?’

Ricky asked as he threw his practice gear into the back seat of his vehicle. Right then, Natasha felt as if she had been sucker punched. Ever since Gage was about twelve, he had longed to be in the air force. He had brains to boot, but his heart belonged to the air force.

‘You… You’re going to enlist?’

Her voice came out weaker than she had expected, not wanting the love of her life to do this, even if it did make him happy.

‘Natasha… We’ve gone through this…’

He said quietly, his blue eyes trying to meet hers, but she was no longer look at him.

Sure, they had gone through a million times as friends since the start of junior year when Gage made it clear that he wouldn’t be applying for college alongside his best friend. They hadn’t been a couple then and even though Natasha had a strong hold on him, he couldn’t put off what he had always wanted for a girl that wasn’t his. Not officially.

‘No! We haven’t. Things are different now, Gage!’

Natasha said, growing more upset by the minute. She felt selfish for trying to make Gage stay when she knew it was what he wanted more than anything, but didn’t he want her more than anything, too?

‘I can’t do this right now… We’ll talk later. I’ll call you, Nat.’

He said quietly, unraveling his arms from around her waist, before joining Ricky. It was the wrong thing to do, Gage knew this… Leaving Natasha alone in the school parking lot only mere minutes after they both came to realization that they were soul mates would become the biggest mistake of his life.

Tears streamed down the petite eighteen year old girl’s face as she watched Gage drive away to sign his life away to the air force.

It was one thing to leave to go enlist in the air force, but to have no disregard to her feelings. It nearly killed her right then.

A week later, Natasha still hadn’t returned any of his phone calls, refused to see him during the school day, and when he stopped by her house, her parents made up lame excuses as to why he couldn’t come in or why she wouldn’t come to the do

He knew he hurt her and that he broke her heart, but he was going to be leaving for basic training right after graduation and he wanted to see her. He needed to see her. He had become so used to spending almost every waking moment with her that it was like someone had immediately cut off his air supply and was twisting his heart out of his chest.

If she refused to see him the easy way, well he’d just have to go about it the hard way.

Gage had done this more often than he would like to admit, climbing up the side of her house, to her bedroom. Whenever Natasha was upset when they were younger or he just needed to escape when things got a little rough at home, he would trek to her house, and crawl in through her window.

He would then crawl into bed with her, feel her snuggle back against him, and just lay there holding her. Sometimes he would fall asleep or sometimes he wouldn’t and just lay there as long as he needed to before leaving. They never spoke of these encounters, but it comforted them both a great deal, and brought them much closer.

Natasha had gone to bed early, feeling like an empty drone, just barely getting through the days. She was so hurt by Gage, but she missed him so much. Natasha didn’t want to talk to him though, knowing he was leaving. She had heard Ricky and him talking about it a few times whenever they happened to cross paths in the hallways at school.

When she heard the window crack open, she knew it was none other than Gage. Her heart began to thud in her chest when his foot hit the carpet of her floor. He crawled into her bed with her, his muscled arms curling around her thin waist, and pulling her close to his warm body.

‘I have missed you so much, Natasha. Please…’

He paused, a desperation in his voice that scared her.

‘Please do not deny me…’

Natasha said nothing as she turned to face him, her body was clothed only in a night gown and panties. Her nipples pebbled into little stones when they brushed against his chest. He leaned his head down and kissed her lips tenderly. His large hand gently rested on her smooth thigh, gliding up gently before gliding back down, caressing her slowly…

Gage wanted to memorize every inch of her if this would be the last night he would spend with her. Tomorrow, Saturday, would be graduation day. He would leave on Sunday.

Tears stung at Natasha’s eyes, realizing this would be their first and last time together for a very long time. She slowly pulled up his shirt and tugged it off as he raised his arms so that she could free his torso of the unnecessary clothe. Once it was disposed of somewhere in the darkness of her room, her soft hands moved down his chest. Her fingertips danced across his nipples causing him to groan slightly before he felt her digits trail down to find his abs.

A loving smile warmed his face as he realized that she was trying to memorize him as well. He captured her lips with his once more, but this time the flood of passion broke the dams, and destroyed everything in his way of having her. He undressed Natasha quickly, his mouth kissing on her shoulders, along her collar bone, down to the valley of her beautiful breasts. He caught her left nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the little diamond of flesh.

‘Oh Gage!’

She cried out as a jolt of pleasure surged through her body. He was still wearing his shorts and boxers, but that wasn’t for long as he felt Natasha hook her fingers under both waistbands and tug them low. He kicked them off before he resumed his ever slow torture of her body. His fingers explored her wet heat, becoming drenched in her sweet nectar.

Curiously, he dipped a finger into her, feeling her warmth embrace him. The pressure of her walls clamping down on his finger drove him absolutely wild, his member becoming painfully hard. Just as Gage had been curious about her body,

Natasha was curious about his. Her tiny hand wrapped around his surprisingly thick and long shaft, gently stroking him.

Gage damn near shot a load right then and the urge to fuck her brains out was stronger than it had ever been.

He wanted her ready though so that he wouldn’t cause her too much pain when he took her virginity and she took his. He pushed his finger in and out, stopping whenever he met the barrier that preserved her. Kept her pure. It was all he needed in this world, knowing this incredible woman was giving herself to him, and no one else.

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The Interview I thought it couldn’t happen to me… but it did. I am, well was, a compassionate third grade teacher and recognized in town as a caring individual who always put children first. The problem was that teachers without tenure were ‘downsized’ first (read ‘fired’) when the school district experienced budgetary concerns. My name is Eve and I was two weeks short of gaining tenure when the principal, Mr. Selznick, called me into his office. Maybe it was Friday the thirteenth… I don’t...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 05 A New Order

The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...

3 years ago
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My wife becomes a TV Actress

I was extremely nervous. I knew I was going to forver lose my exclusive right to my wife Prayashi's body after this day. Yet, it was important to do it. It was important to let Prayashi pursue her dream of becoming a Television actress and the "audition" with Khaled sir was an important step towards fulfilling that dream. After all Khaled sir was one of the most well-known casting directors in the Telugu Television industry and his blessings would guarantee a break for Prayashi. My beautiful...

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Gigolo For A Business Lady

When I arrive at their suite in the best hotel in town Jodie greets me simply dressed in high heels, a knee length white skirt and a black silk top. Lily white skin, long brunette hair that hangs below her shoulders and a big sexy smile with very attractive facial features. “One of her pet fetishes is watching a much younger, very well hung man masturbate for her. And she loves talking and offering advice and encouragement while it is happening,” she tells me as she leads me into the main...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 10

Four days later, Jamie returned and the girls went to the station to collect him. The train was a respectable thirty-five minutes late, and he was clearly tired from the short but arduous journey. Lauren introduced herself and was delighted that Emma beamed at Jamie all the way back to the house. He was almost the same height as Lauren, not muscular but certainly no wimp. He also had blonde hair, darker than Emma's, cut conservatively like his father's. Lauren guessed that he had yet to...

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Amys First Time Chapter 2

copyright 2006 I started to speak but she turned and ran out of the bathroom. I went back to Candi's bedroom and dressed, then headed down the stairs moving slowly to try and see what might be going on. Mom Bob makes me feel alive and I haven't felt that way in years. Candi you haven't been with a man since your divorce from Jim, You just miss male companionship can't you see that? Honey he could be a rapist or worse for all you know. All I am trying to tell you is you got laid last night,...

4 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 3 Good triumphs over evil

There was a knock on the door. Jenny answered it, coming face to face with Virginia Casey, “Hi Jenny, why have you been crying?” “Come in. Maybe you can help.” Jenny added water to the already hot teapot. Jenny answered after she had Virginia and herself seated at the breakfast nook, “I am still being overwhelmed by the memories of the rapes.” “How’s John dealing with this?” Virginia asked. “He’s, my rock. He loves me and tells me this will become a distant past.” Jenny cried. She calmed...

2 years ago
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Bucket Seats

Bucket Seats I just love bucket seats. The girls have a hard time getting out of them discretely. Plus with a two-door car the seats lift forward to let people get into the backseat and that is even harder for the girls to get in and out of gracefully. I love to be polite and hold the seat or the door for them just so that I can look up their skirts at their panties. That is if they are wearing any panties. My wife is well aware of why I wanted that car. My wife has the ‘grocery...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Katy Kiss Vibrant Ginger Babe Gets Fucked At Bathtime

Follow the tasty ginger goddess Katy Kiss into her private quarters as she begins to take a hot and steamy bubble bath. Her fiery orange pubic hairs against soft white bubbles is a beautiful sight. She started to play with herself in the water, and even got a friend to help her too for the double the pleasure. She returned the favor by sucking down his thick cock until her pulsating pussy was ready to be railed. That cunt was so good that her boys load was spread all over it, making for one...

2 years ago
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Olivias new Master part 7

After a short while Olivia found she was pregnant so one morning while they were all having breakfast together she told her Master that she was having his baby and she asked what was going to happen while she was pregnant ?He smiled at her and he told her that while she was pregnant in the later stages she would not take his or anyone else's cock's in her pussy, so she would be taking anal all the time but she would still have the Vibrators used on her daily.Olivia was happy with this as she...

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Chapter 21 The new training class and Chapter 22 Training New Slaves

The new class of training will have 12 weeks of training because it’s a large class 40 girl and 10 boys. The training will be starting in two weeks right now they are being seen by the doctor I will be observing looking for some new dom’s or dommes. I have one of the subs bring two of the girls in, so I can talk to them. The first one in her name is Julia 18 she is a manly looking girl, so I know she is gay the other girl looks shell shocked Beth 16 is her name I think. I begin by asking them...

3 years ago
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Chikaning at a premiere

This is a story some one shared with me I just had to share here, hope you like and also hope it gets posted.Hey guys.Here is something I want to share here that happened to me last week.This past Sunday, I was in the city, having dinner with friends. After we hung out for a bit, they took off and I was heading home. As I was on my way, I passed by a large area with a massive set up including projector screens and barriers all over the place, with some people waiting in a line, while a security...

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Moms Horse HungerChapter 3

Slowly, dressed in shorts and top, Patti descended the stairs. She was flushed, embarrassed about facing her mother, wondering how she could look her in the face after knowing what she had done with Blazer. "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to sleep all morning," Alice said as Patti came into the kitchen. "Sit down. I kept the eggs hot." Patti lowered her gaze and sat quietly at the table. With her mother facing the stove, she stole a glance, admired her mother's round...

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08 TogetherChapter 106

Flashback – Masha – Moving day Because of my special training, I naturally woke up earlier than Louise and Linda. I slipped out of bed, went into the bathroom and did my morning routine, then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Breakfast was ready when Louise, carrying Linda, came out of the back and said, “Wow, I didn’t even hear you wake up.” I smiled at her and replied, “I wanted to wake up early so I could prepare your breakfast. It’s complete so have a seat at the table.” Louise...

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BrattySis Lilly Hall Screwed By Step Brother

Lilly Hall is waiting impatiently for her stepbrother Jake Adams who is supposed to join her at a concert. When he does show up, he tells her that he’s not going to go. Lilly freaks out because Jake has gone back on his word. When Lilly begs, Jake says he’ll reconsider for a hand job that makes him cum, and although Lilly isn’t into her stepbrother at all she agrees since she figures it’ll get her to the concert.Jake isn’t satisfied to just see his hot sister stroking him off, so he suggests...

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South of Bikini Terra

South of Bikini Episode 8 "Terra" 0940 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 9th, 1944 "As you can see, Empress, this facility is very crude by comparison. I'm afraid it will be some time before our technology will catch up to Reilly." I told Alex Reilly as we finished our tour of Atlantis-Minor- Mina's chosen name for our base on Ni'ihau. "Captain, though you call it 'crude', I find this small settlement of yours wonderfully relaxing! I am reminded of similar places on...

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Breakfast at Stephanies

  My eyes fluttered open and I rolled over to help some of the sensation flow back into my arm, as I had apparently been lying on it for the past few hours.   Yawning, I rubbed my tired eyes before peaking past my clenched fist to the body beside me. Stephanie was still fast asleep, her chest gently rising and falling with each breath as her arms cradled her pillow beneath her head.   I shifted into a more comfortable position and tried to go back to sleep, but my thoughts kept drifting back...

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DANCER by Jacki Pett This was absurd. They had made him get out there and audition every day now, for a week. He was obviously better than the rest of these awkward excuses for dancers. They were amateurs compared to him. He was the best they had, man or woman. Why did they waste his time like this? He had better things to do. Brian had quite an ego. He was elated to have finally made it to the stages of San Francisco and was looking forward to landing the part. He was...

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EvilAngel Khloe Kapri Anal Darlings

Wearing a kinky leather harness, cute, ass-blessed Khloe Kapri claps her butt cheeks. She penetrates her tight asshole with a rainbow-colored dildo and licks it clean. Mark Wood presents his erection, and Khloe gives him a gagging blowjob. He fucks her pussy from behind, yanking Khloe by a leash. Khloe crawls on hands and knees, and she moans as Mark’s meat porks her pink sphincter. She climbs on top for a bouncy buttfuck on his throbbing boner. Khloe’s bunghole gapes! See deep anal...

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Fantasy Of Foreplay With My Sister Comes True

This is a real life story happened with my sister. I have being fantasizing her since childhood & wanted to kiss her passionately so much that I finally took the courage to ask her & made her to do so. My sis has beau soft lips & average breast size, which I just love so much to suck. She is married but I could have given anything to be her husband. We both were visiting our relative in a small town & have been put to stay in one room. At night my sister wanted me to go out of the room so...

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Doctor Creeps Demented Laboratory The Opening

Doctor Creep's Demented Laboratory - The Opening Picture a mad scientist. Old, hobbling with crooked glasses and a hooked nose. Wrinkled skin and ugly liver spots, right? Not Doctor Creep. Doctor Creep is as plain as they come. He has deep blue eyes, is tall, young and strong. He was handsome, with a square jaw and white smile. In fact, the only thing crazy about his appearance was the mane of jet-black hair the sprouted in every direction. And yet not a single girl was interested...

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Two Sides

Lori All my life I have heard that there are two sides to every story. In my case I learned recently that it is so true. Let me explain. One evening recently, while my husband was out of town on one of his frequent business trips, I found myself idle and pretty bored. One of those evenings when all my close friends off somewhere and I was at loose ends. To remedy that, I was browsing around the PC my husband and I share, when I started to wonder what he had been writing lately. We both write...

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Rogue MagusChapter 11

I wasn’t sure what to do about Dana’s attitude, but I knew I didn’t like it. She was my Stirpe now, so didn’t that mean she had to follow my lead? I knew she had to follow my orders, but I wasn’t going to do that. I simply didn’t understand why she acted so nonchalant about Michael’s news. Was that how most Padroni behaved? I understood that my status had changed with regards to Magus Law, but did that really make me better than anyone else? I didn’t think so, and acting like news like...

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Jiggle Chapter 4

I was walking down the street to Ms. Arthur's house with my boobs and ass jiggling, even though they were being supported with a bra and panties. "Hey, settle down girls!" I whispered down to my boobs. On my way there a couple of guys walked past me and I could clearly see them taking peeks at my cleavage. I didn't really mind it though. When I arrived at Ms. Arthur's house I rang the doorbell and she answered. "Oh hi! You must be Josie!" she said. "Yep, that's me. Nice to meet...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa India Summer India gets a sensual BBC Massage

India Summer gets call from her husband that he is going to have to work late as is going to miss their shopping/dinner date but he did hire a masseuse who is already setup in their living room to say sorry. India is a little disappointed at first but then she goes to meet the masseuse and is pleasantly surprised, once he starts to rub her down her pussy gets so wet she can’t help herself but to take advantage of that BBC riding his cock till it explodes all over her face. “Don’t let my husband...

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Apni Do Mausi And Mami Ke Saath Bang Bang

Hey friends, I am Shubham (name changed). I am currently residing in gurgaon, haryana. Let me narrate the story in Hindi for my Indian fellows :) #SCENE-1 Yeh ek sachi ghatna hai jo ki mere saath aaj se 6 mahine pehle hui. Mene apni 12th class ki studies over kari thi and mein uss waqt 18 ka tha. Mera bachpan rajasthan ke ek chote si city mein guzra. Mein aapko bata du ki Mein 6ft lamba hu and mere penis ka size 6.5″ hai jo ki 4″motta hai. Haan toh story is prakar chalu hoti hai. I gave the...

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CommunityChapter 62

Nikki's turn: So okay, lemme tell you what I see. I always thought that if Cindy's mom ever showed up, there'd be, in Dan's word, a shitstorm. Cindy and I and Tina have all shared our 'crappy mom' stories, and Cindy's is pretty bad. Not necessarily worse than mine or Tina's, but gee, who wants to be all scalar about that? So Cindy's mom shows up, and Cindy's a wreck. The bad thing is Cindy's a wreck because her mom is NOT. Evidence. We sort of left Cindy and Dan 1.0 and her...

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Chicago Part 1 when I lived there

My first trip was to BH1 (which is now closed) because it was the closest to my home and the least expensive to enter. I only had the vision of what I read or saw in movies so I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was kind of strange from the outside, just a small sign and when entering this large old building I had to go downstairs. I paid my entry fee and received a room key and a smallish well used, but clean, towel, the door buzzed and I entered. It had dim lighting so it took...

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My Humiliation

Introduction: A large crowd of older boys stood around the room watching and laughing. They drank their beers and cheered him on. Note:Based on fiction only. This is a dark fantasy of mine. This story involves graphic rape and should not be viewed by anyone offended by such material. A large crowd of older boys stood around the room watching and laughing. They drank their beers and cheered him on. You going to take that? someone said. I heard another voice say, Yeah man dont let that little...

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Hot HusbandChapter 2 Same Game New Rules

After breakfast we went about our usual Saturday chores. We’re somewhat atypical in that Wallace doesn’t do the yardwork while I do the housework, rather I help him with the yardwork, then he helps me with the housework. We talked as we worked, mostly about what we were doing, and idle chit-chat, while carefully avoiding talking about our “game.” When we finished our chores, I hopped in the shower and was soon joined by Wallace who started kissing me all over. “Honey,” I said, “stop, I’m...

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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 7 Sunday

For the life of me, I didn't understand what had happened the night before. I thought Jason would be up for a threesome with Heather. I thought he'd be excited by the thought. I thought he would have been happy for me, but instead he storms out of the room. I felt like such a slut, only I didn't know why. I hadn't been able to fall asleep for hours, and when I finally did it wasn't pleasant. "Go away," I mumbled into my pillow as someone shook my shoulder. "Jennifer," said a...

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Fun On The Bus With A Hot Bengali Aunty

Hello friends, this is my first experience. I am Rahul and 21 years of age. I was fit until recently after which I met with an accident and I am still in bed rest now. This experience of mine took place around a year back when I was in my hometown (Kolkata) for my semester break. I have a height of 5ft 8inch, I am decent looking and I was a gym freak and a runner till before my accident and thus had a muscular body. Now coming to the story, I was traveling in a mini bus from my house to my...

4 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 8

Her hair is like blood, her eyes violet jewels And she governs the fates of all whom she rules. Her voice is of silk, but her words are of steel. Look in her eyes, and your fears become real. A blossom of blood, with thorns that can kill, She will bend all your dreams to the ways of her will. Her beauty is pure as the clear driving rain, But to enter her world will bring only pain. The blade that she holds you cannot defy. Kill her you might, but she will not die. There is but one...

2 years ago
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Mami Ko Jamkar Pela

Hi, mera naam anuj sharma hai.Mere bahut sare mama hai aur unki achchhi achchhi (wife – my mami )patni hai.Mein aur mera parents delhi mein rahte hai. Aur mere mama mami bhi vahin rahte hai.Mein anuj sharma 19 saal ka hu. Meine dasvi ke direct diploma kiya aur delhi mein rahta hu.Meri mami ki age 40 ki thi par wo 20 ki maal lagti thi unka figure kisi beauty queen se kam nahi tha. Mere ghar ke do ghar ke baad mere mama mami bhi apni family ke sath rahte hai. Mare mama ki wife bahut sundar hai...

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Accidentally crashed a hen party

It truly was an accident. My wife's family has a cabin in the woods about 6.5 hours from where we live. I had been travelling for work, and my wife had asked me to meet her at the cabin for a "hot sexy weekend" to catch up on time away from each other. The drive would be even longer for me coming from 2 states over. The mix-up was that I thought she had said this weekend. But she meant next weekend. Somehow we weren't on the same page when we spoke, and she had meant for me to come home, and...

1 year ago
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Demons Bride

Jane couldn't believe how boring this evening had been so far. When she had promised her brother to go to his fiancée's hen night she had feared it wouldn't be her thing but that it would be this awful she had never expected. She had been prepared for an evening of giggling girls, alcohol and strippers. But it had turned out to be even worse: twenty women were sitting in Tiffany's flat, listening to her reading from some tarot cards or asking this with-board questions about their futures. Jane...


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