Stock Ch. 01-18 free porn video

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This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Uncomfortable would be a good word to describe how Sean felt at the moment. Underage would have fit his situation even better. Decadence was shown lavishly about the dining hall, velvet curtains, silk hangings, tasteful paintings, and enormous crystal chandeliers hung everywhere to give the whole place the air of decadence and ‘old money’. It was a GenenCorp shareholder’s meeting to celebrate the company’s breakthrough success in the pharmaceutics industry and Sean had been invited. He may be one of the largest independent shareholders at the decadent dinner, with up to thirty-four percent of the company’s stock but he most definitely did not belong.

Sean was twenty-two years old.

So, to repeat what he was already thinking, he was very uncomfortable. Fact of the matter was he wasn’t all that social a person. He went out little, preferring the company of a good book to most people he knew and never was into the wild party seen that many of his college buddies favored. He hardly thought of himself as anti-social, far from it, he enjoyed a good conversation or better yet a good debate on society and its morals, but he was a loner.

And so, Sean sat in the far corner of the room sipping an excellent vintage of cabernet sauvignon while he watched and listened to other shareholders boasting about their other investments while at the same time hiding how they play the market. It was disgusting. Sean could tell right away that most of them didn’t have a clue as to what they were doing and simply stumbled across GenenCorp’s stock by pure luck, a total shot in the dark to spend their leftover play money on. Sean knew the company had potential from the start. No insider info on this venture. He had been closely monitoring the company since it first built itself from the ground up, observing closely what went in and what came out. As he had predicted, GenenCorp’s stock skyrocketed within a year and instantly Sean went from a scrounging college student with a BS is biochemistry to a millionaire. Of course none of his friends knew that, Sean’s living habits didn’t change. He still lived in the same two-bedroom apartment for the past three years while he worked on his graduate’s degree in biochemistry and whittled away the time at his computer, monitoring stocks and reading. It was his idle hobby of watching the market that landed him with over six million dollars worth of stocks. To say he was ahead of schedule to retire early would be an understatement. If he so chose, Sean could retire right now and simply continue day trading.

So why was he here? He thought idly to himself. Sean wasn’t so sure himself. A part of him thought it might be exciting to dress up and rub elbows with the rich and maybe find out any tidbits of useful information about GenenCorp from the board of directors that should be floating around. But there was more to it then that he supposed. He wasn’t quite sure what else it was that drew him to the meeting but there was more than a need to get out every once in a while. Sean took another sip of his wine as he continued to scan the crowd. He always did that, old habits die hard. Then again, he never did try to stop himself from observing a room, he simply did it. He just didn’t notice he subconsciously did it until he was thirteen. Sean popped a cracker with caviar in his mouth just as she sat down next to him and he nearly choked.

Seemingly out of nowhere a woman with raven-black hair in a stunning black dress that hinted at some very sensual curves pulled up a chair beside him and sat herself down. She wasn’t very tall, only 5’4′ judging by how she sat beside him, but she carried herself as if she were at least six-foot. She didn’t look a day past thirty, but considering the crowd he was in Sean would roughly guess she was closer to thirty-two. She coolly pulled a fluke of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and took a light sip. Sean didn’t know what to say, too flabbergasted by the fierce intelligence that flared brightly behind her soft brown eyes, so he sat there dumbly, put on his poker face, and then turned back to watch the crowd, not wanting to make a major faux pas and scare the woman away. He did, though, continue to watch her from the corner of his eye.

Just as she did with him.

‘I know this is awkward but I need your help,’ she said in a voice that was as enchanting to hear as she was to look at. She took another sip of her champagne as her eyes swept the crowd. Then Sean saw what she was looking out for and the only thought that ran through his head was, Oh shit. Breaking through the crowd was a man that was roughly 6’2′ and at least two hundred pounds, all muscle, with a dark scowl on his face and he was heading straight for them. While Sean did stay in shape from hiking in the nearby hills and going to the gym whenever he could he very well knew that he looked very average when it came to physicality. At just 5’9′ and a hundred and eighty pounds Sean definitely was not a Mr. Universe. Why the raven-haired woman chose to sit by him, he had no idea. Under the table he could feel the woman’s manicured nails digging into his thigh as she calmly looked at the charging bull that stormed his way toward them. Unfortunately for Sean, he was never one to turn down a plea for assistance. He dropped his hand under the table and reassuringly held the woman’s hand. She slowly let go and snuck a quick look at him, smiling in relief. Under other circumstances, Sean would have said something to break the ice but as it was, the hulking man was towering over the woman and was staring darkly over the both of them.

‘Well hello, Charles,’ she said in an endearing tone. Her eyes flashed daggers. ‘How wonderful to see you. Tell me, how are the Twins? Are they keeping you happy?’

The tall man’s gaze grew even darker and looked about to explode in fury. ”They’ are fine, Elizabeth’ he spat out between clenched teeth. ‘There seems to be a bit of a problem with the papers we signed last week.’

‘Oh, really?’

‘Yes. It would appear that you now hold all the shares of GenenCorp. That is, all the shares that I bought.’

‘Now, Charles, you and I both agreed on those settlement papers years ago. And those shares became mine the moment you signed them. No point crying over spilt milk, dear.’ Her endearing smile and tone disappeared. ‘Your loss.’

Charles’ eyes hardened and his muscles bunched up as his arms rose to throttle Elizabeth.

‘I suggest you do nothing rash.’

It was the first words Sean had said all evening. Elizabeth and Charles both stopped what they were doing and looked at Sean. ‘As you can see, Elizabeth and I were in the middle of something when you barged in here. And I would take great offense if you said or did anything that would cause her any duress.’ It was Sean’s turn to give a challenging glare. It was true though. He was never the kind of person to stand idly by while someone else was in trouble when he could do something to help. He supposed he got that annoying habit from reading too many fantasy novels.

‘You, stay out of this,’ Charles said while he pointed a meaty finger at Sean, ‘Elizabeth, you are coming with me. Now.’

Sean looked over at Elizabeth to see her respond. She didn’t say anything but looked at him with pleading eyes, her fingernails dug into his thigh once more. That was all the reply he needed. ‘I’m sorry…Charles is it? Well, I’m sorry but it would appear Elizabeth does not wish your company at the moment.’ He stood up and lifted Elizabeth’s arm slightly signaling her to stand as well. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse us. I believe…’

Sean never finished as Charles made to shove him aside. Charles never finished the motion and his arms were brushed away before they could touch. Sean hope
d this didn’t end violently. He hated getting into violent situations. Surprised at being so easily fended off by a smaller man, Charles put his whole body into a push that would have knocked Sean flat on his back. Too bad for Charles Sean wasn’t standing there any more. Sean sidestepped the larger man easily and tripped him with his foot. Charles lost his balance and fell face forward right into a waiter with a tray of red wine, which sent a fount of red right onto Charles dark gray suit. The clatter from the shattering crystal and silver tray drew everyone’s attention where Charles stood amidst the mess, Sean had taken several tactful steps into the crowd already with Elizabeth perched on his arm. Charles spun around red-faced with embarrassment and anger but couldn’t find the two and in a huff stormed back out of the dining hall. The crowd returned to buzzing about their initial conversations after a few inquiring comments into the interruption then continued on without a fuss. An unseen hand helped the waiter up and apologized for the larger fellow that knocked him over and placed a hundred-dollar bill in his breast pocket.

‘Thank you very much for helping me out back there.’

Sean turned around and found a pair of soft brown eyes that spoke volumes more than the words. It was apparent that she was frightened to death of Charles. Then Sean pieced it all together.

‘No doubt your ex-husband has a varying opinion on that.’ Elizabeth’s right eyebrow perked up at his words and smiled a small smile that made Sean’s heart flip. ‘Is there anything more that I can help you out with? Fight off muggers, save your kidnapped children, defend your honor?’

‘This isn’t the way I had planned on meeting people. But I have to admit that the approach has its merits.’

‘Such as?’

‘Meeting dashing young men that are willing to rescue the damsel in distress.’

The two of them laughed at that and were soon in a long conversation that put Sean’s mind at ease in the large crowd and Elizabeth’s from her ex-husband. Elizabeth had recently divorced Charles, only a month since the ink dried on the settlement papers, and now she was a single woman with plenty of money and endless amount of time on her hands. A dangerous combination, Sean thought, and he said so. God, she had a beautiful laugh. She came to the party for the same reason he did, to simply get out of the house and ‘to play dress up’ as she put it. Sean was surprised at how such a dazzling woman was so intelligent. Most of the girls he met in college didn’t even have so much as half the good looks that Elizabeth did and didn’t even so much as hold a matchstick to the bonfire of intellect that she possessed. Almost everything she did spoke confidence and daring that Sean found alluring and extremely sexy. But there was more to her than that. She had depth, a strong sense of self that he hadn’t found anywhere else, and he had most definitely looked. He found that when she made her choices she stuck with them, unlike other girls his age that vacillated from one choice to the other and then finally went back again after they thought they had made up their mind. In other words, she wasn’t fickle. Again, that strong sense of self kept hypnotizing him as the two of them talked about everything and nothing.

‘So tell me,’ Elizabeth said as she took a sip of her champagne, ‘What is college-boy like you doing in an overly decadent dinner party such as this? Don’t you have a beer bash to get to?’

‘Gee, you’re right,’ Sean said sarcastically, ‘I forgot all about the frat party tonight. I guess I’ll have to apologize to all the other drunken college students who I don’t know or care about in the haze of bong smoke, now won’t I? Honestly, I was never part of that crowd and if you ever catch me in it as I burn away my youth, go ahead and shoot me. I probably would thank you for it in the afterlife. The party-hardy life was never my gig.’

‘And the classy dinner party is?’

‘Well, I’m not much for any party scene at all. To tell you the truth, large crowds make me nervous. But I tell you what. There is one thing going for the classy dinner party.’

‘And what is that?’

‘The classy beautiful women, of course.’ Sean said that while looking deep into Elizabeth’s eyes and had the desired effect of making her blush.

‘My, my and a charmer too.’

‘But of course! Care to dance?’

Elizabeth arched that eyebrow of hers again and Sean nearly melted on the spot. Instead of doing that though, he took her proffered hand and raised it to his lips then led her to the dance floor. The band had struck up a hot tango and Sean was glad he took the ballroom dancing classes that his friends ribbed him about. Sean wasn’t surprised that Elizabeth could dance as well. Matter of fact, she was a fantastic dancer and with that black dress she wore had all the heads turned in their direction as the two of them swept the floor to the sultry music. Dancing with her was like holding on to a livewire, an electric charge zipping through every touch of skin accentuated with every step and turn. If she was a livewire then Sean never wanted be grounded even if it were the death of him, dancing with her felt that good. The band finished up and the two of them ended holding each other tightly, breathing heavily from the exciting dance. Again that burning light in her eyes had flared up and Sean was tempted to kiss her, crowd be-damned.

But he didn’t. The mere fact that he thought about it gave him a giddy rush, he was never this bold, especially around women. The two of them looked at one another for a brief moment then Elizabeth led them off the dance floor to their table, a wide grin on her face.

‘Wow,’ were the first things out of her mouth as they sat down to catch their breath.

‘Enjoy yourself?’

‘Immensely,’ she continued. ‘I haven’t danced like that since…well since ever! I’m surprised I still remember the steps since when I took those classes in college. ‘Bout damn time I put it to use. God, listen to me go on. I haven’t had that much fun in years.’

‘Didn’t look like you had forgotten much,’ Sean commented, ‘How long ago since you took those classes.’

‘I’d have to say at least twe…’ she caught herself but it was too late. ‘Damn, I shouldn’t have let that slip.’ She had a bemused look on her face. Twelve years. That would roughly put her at thirty to thirty-four unless she got more than a bachelor’s degree.

‘Doesn’t matter, I would have found out eventually by our second date.’ Did he just say that?

‘My, my. Second date. Aren’t we the confident one? What makes you say that there will be even a first date?’

‘Because, like you said. You haven’t had this much fun in years. You’re a free woman now and I would be sorely disappointed if you didn’t revel in it at first. Second, because I’ve always had at least a second date.’ He didn’t mention that he had only had one girlfriend in his high school senior year but that lasted for over a year. ‘So, could I get your number?’

Chapter 2

What was she doing? She had never felt so nervous before. Elizabeth combed out her black hair, braided it, and then pinned it up. She hoped Sean liked it. He was just as fun over the phone as he was in person. They talked every night of the week and now she was going to see him again tonight. She had been anxiously waiting for Saturday night to come and now that it was here she was terrified. So many thoughts ran through her head. What did he see in her? Why did he ask her out? Did he have any idea who he had humiliated at the dinner party? She thought she was done with relationships and getting into trouble after she divorced her husband but now she was jumping into a whole new set of problems. She had vowed to herself that she wasn’t going to get into anything entangling, just sit back, relax and enjoy the money that Charles was more than happy to give her in order to shut her up. And now, she was jumping into something entirely new with a
younger man. A much younger man. She was thirty-four for Chrissakes! Granted, Sean made her feel like she was ten years younger but that wasn’t it. There was more to it when he danced with her at the dinner party than just feeling young again, somehow he had gotten under her skin. There was something else about him that made her feel like she was the younger one.

The door chimed. Oh shit! He’s here already! She looked up at the clock. He was ten minutes early! Didn’t he know better than to show up early? He didn’t give her time to put her makeup on. Barefoot, she made her way down the stairs and opened the door. It wasn’t Sean.

It was Charles.

‘Hello, Elizabeth.’

Her heart froze in terror, she didn’t know what to say.

‘How kind of you to get all dressed up for me.’ The icy look in his eyes brought back so many terrible memories. Charles overpowered her and stepped into the house and shut it behind her. ‘Now it wasn’t very nice of you to have left me like that at the dinner party the other night was it? Was it?!!’

‘Well hello again,’ Elizabeth fought to keep the fear from reaching her voice, ‘I thought we had an agreement to stay away from each other.’

‘What, you actually believed I would stay away from you? After the humiliation you caused me with stunt with the GenenCorp stock?’ Elizabeth found herself on the cold marble floor, her jaw throbbing. ‘Listen, bitch. No one makes a fool out of a Talworth, are we clear?’ All Elizabeth could manage to do was gasp for air when his foot swung up and knocked the air out of her. ‘I SAID…’

‘I believe Elizabeth heard you just fine.’

Sean. She didn’t hear the door chime. Charles must not have locked the door. Sean will get the crap beaten out of him. Oh, God, Sean, get out of here. RUN! But the words never came as she continued to catch her breath. All she could do was play silent witness when he got beat up.

‘You again!’ She watched Charles turn around to face the college boy. ‘You have a little something coming to you, you little twit. No crowd to hide in this time.’ Elizabeth watched from the floor as Charles threw a meaty fist at Sean. Again, Sean wasn’t where the punch was aimed and appeared beside Charles. Elizabeth could hardly follow the flurry of punches and elbows that Sean rained down on her ex-husband and stared when Sean launched himself in the air while grabbing Charles by the collar, rolled backwards, and hurled the larger man out the open door.

The door slammed shut and Sean was by her side asking where she was hurt. She felt herself being lifted then placed gently on the couch by the fireplace. She heard him make some noise in the hall bathroom and then in the kitchen. A soft washcloth soaked in hot water was placed on her brow and gentle fingers probed her body for tender spots. She flinched when he touched her ribs and then moved on. The whole time she heard Sean softly cursing himself for showing up too late to help her before Charles could have harmed her.

By then Elizabeth had regained her breath and placed a hand on his to calm him. ‘Sean, I’m okay.’

‘Like hell you are. You just lay there and I’ll see what I can do.’

Elizabeth brushed away his hands and sat up. As much as she enjoyed the pampering, she had been through a lot worse and his efforts were very much appreciated but unnecessary. ‘Sean, really, I’m fine. I just had the wind knocked out of me is all.’ She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. ‘But I could really go for a hug right now.’ He returned her hug, carefully avoiding where Charles had kicked her. She may have felt like crying right then but she didn’t. All those tears were shed a long time ago.

‘It looks like I came just in the nick of time to rescue you again, O fair maiden.’

Elizabeth chuckled at that and pushed back to take a good look at him. He definitely didn’t look like he could take on someone nearly twice his size. What exactly was all that?

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Learning to be a Good Boy Part 2

Once upstairs and in the Perkins’ bedroom, Mrs. Perkins demeanor changed a bit.“On your knees, Boy” she barked, “NOW”I did as I was told as Mrs. Perkins lifted her sundress and mashed her wet, fur-covered pussy against my face.”Do your best, boy” she ordered, “let’s see if you know how to pleasure your Mommy.”I had never gone down on a woman up until now. Admittedly, I’m sure that I was clumsy and awkward as I lapped at Mr. Perkins’ syrupy center.“Oh you poor boy” she finally said in...

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An Unlikely Threesome Chapter 3

After arriving home, the group stepped out of the car and headed towards the door, with Lucy ahead of the other two. The exterior of the house was akin to a cabin in the woods as Lucy was a conservationist and loved living in nature. Lucy fumbled with her keys, still quivering from her orgasm and dropped the on the floor. Bending over to pick them up, the pair behind were given a gracious few of the blonde girl's shaven pussy. Aaron bit his lip and became hard for god knows how many times...

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school girl fantasy

When I was around 14/15 we had a deputy head teacher, he was a god amongst men and the rest of the all girls school felt the same way including some of the teachers, natural black hair that he always kept short but it always got messy, perfect skin with neat trimmed stubble, big bright ice blue eyes, straight white teeth which we got to see a lot because he smiled and joked with us and he always wore great suits with a silk tie, he never wore his jacket and never buttoned his cuffs because his...

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Surprise With My Sister In Law

Note : This story is completely fictional! My good friend. She went from a 40C to a 40DD after the surgery. This actually balanced her figure out because her hips were always a little bigger but now she had an hour glass figure. That added to her medium skin tone made her look even better than she did. Well, the last visit I was on business and my wife had to go back home a week early because of some problems with the kids. I stayed to finish a series of meetings for another week. We took...

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Dost Ki Behan Ki Chudai

Hello friends…M shekhar age 22 height 5ft 8 inch…Atheletic body…Thoda sawla… Aap sab ne meri story bhabhi ki chudai padhi…Apne meri story ko kitna pasand kiya ye mujhe mile mails se pata lag gya tha…I hve got approx.200 hundreds of mails…Frm ladies girls and bhabhies…N male also…Aaj fir mai apni ek real story lekar aya hu hope rkhta hu k apko ye bhi pasand ayegi…To story par ate hai…Ye story meri aur us ladki ki hai jo mere sabse achhe frnd ki badi behan hai…Unka naam neha(changed) hai…Age 26...

2 years ago
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The Superb Jenny

Before I met my wife I was a reclusive bachelor, hanging out at the local college theatre in western Montana and going fishing during the days.Work was never more than a way to make money for beer, fishing tackle and rent in that order. I was often cast in plays and had a pretty high opinion of myself in that aspect of my life. I met and bedded a lot of college-age girls, or women as they peferred to be called, and generally , life was good.After a minor run-in with the law I withdrew from my...

4 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 25

I heard Sara gasp as I turned to see Jack standing in the doorway. When I looked back at her, she was as white as a sheet. I'd heard that expression before but this was the first time I'd actually seen it happen to anyone. Jack waited her out for a bit, then said, "Sara, you didn't answer me. If I tell you I'm not interested once again, are you going to leave me alone or are you going to turn into some kind of a stalker?" Her hands shot up to her mouth and she stood up. I thought she...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 22 COPping a Feel

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Impressions Ch 02

Aren stared mindlessly into the pot of soup he was cooking. He couldn’t believe he had kissed Gin. It had been on his mind the whole weekend so he had been trying everything imaginable to occupy himself. That included gourmet cooking. Normally, he settled for preparing things like spaghetti or a toasted sandwich for meals, but he was a fantastic cook. He only enjoyed it sometimes, though the results nearly always pleased him. Today he had prepared tomato Florentine and homemade breadsticks. ...

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Calendar GirlsJanuary New Years Evolution

CALENDAR GIRLS JANUARY - New Year?s Evolution by Tammy Fairbanks On New Year?s Eve April had mixed emotions. It was a time of reflection; closing the door on the past year as well as new beginnings for the year ahead. She thought of her wife Hannah and her family again with a deep sigh. Hannah was now filing for divorce. The rest of her family wanted nothing to do with her. It was like her old life had completely rejected her. Since there was nothing she could do to change...

3 years ago
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J Is for Jealousy

Some people equate jealousy with envy. The two words are close relations, indeed. But the former is the evil step-sister of the latter. Envy is when you want something you lack but which someone else has. Jealousy is when you want that very thing that someone else has for the sheer joy of depriving them as much as gaining it for yourself. When that 'something' is a 'someone', jealousy becomes bitter and dark. You can't spell jealousy without 'lousy'; and that's how a jealous person...

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Indian husband cuckolded by feet

I married my my wife simran 2 years ago. I have a foot fetish and I used to lick her feet whenever I get time. As time passed, my wife got bored of me and wanted to Have more sex. I was unable to satisfy her desires as I have a small dick. Suddenly a major change came in my life. My college friend prashant contacted me for a job. Prashant used to bully me and was a hot muscular guy. I used to lick his feet. He said He had no place to live currently and wanted to live at my house. I asked my...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 37 Encounters

October 9, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “You’re really going to cut back your hours to just the six-hour Saturday shift?” Nancy asked. “That’s what I told Mr. Sokolov yesterday, yes. And he can reduce the hours whenever he finds someone to take them.” “What happened?” “The Biology Department secured a grant for $1500 per semester for me. I explained my situation to Doctor Stanton, my advisor, and he talked to Doctor Norris. I’m starting in the honors program next semester, and there is a small...

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Anne the teenage Slut

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); She is 1.65cm tall and weighs about 50 kilos. She has long dark blonde hair and a shaven little cunt. I’m 23 years old and love the feeling of either seeing my girlfriend with other men or hearing her tell me all the juicy stuff after. This is something I’ve always been drawn to. When I came to be her boyfriend I wasn’t even the first to fuck her. I let some strangers we met fuck her before I did. And the ball...

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My name is John Smith and I am a completly normal person. I just graduated high school and I'm going to a community college. I have had a crush on one of my close friends since 8th grade, but haven't said anything because she would never like me back. The only thing that makes me different is I have a weird fetish. I haven't tried it, but I love watching porn videos of it.

3 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 20 Make lsquoEm Wish They Was Arrested

October 9th, 1995, 4:15 PM CT, Chicago Union Station, Chicago, IL John was getting stir-crazy; it was now 4:15 in the afternoon, which meant they were 3 hours and 17 minutes late, and they were just coming to a halt at the platform of Chicago Union Station. He had an hour and a half to catch his train, but since it had been getting relatively close, he had been nervous. Now as the train was actually in the station, he breathed a big sigh of relief; he was now relatively certain to catch the...

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Amys Gangbang Dream Come True

Amy was an adventurous 20 year old girl and loved all kinds of sex with both men and women, so when her boyfriend Tony suggested a gangbang she was more than willing to take him up on the offer. The thought of having several men touching and fucking her at once was a real turn on. She agreed to meet Tony at his flat on a Friday evening. Before she made her way out she drank several shots of tequila to take the edge off. The tequila did its job and as she rang on his doorbell, she was a little...

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WildOnCam Samantha Lexi Horny To Fuck LIVE

Samantha Lexi has Irishman Celtic Irons’s attention being a horny slut in her sheer pink bra and panties. Celtic is about to pounce and get this babe slobbering all over his hard cock. Samantha loves it sloppy and there is no better way to suck cock than having spit run down her chin and feel it soak those balls too! How fast can Celtic make her cum and how many times will he succeed in pounding that tight pussy at every angle possible making her moan and beg for more! Sit back and enjoy...

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Introduction: Family traditions are the best Tom awoke to the delicious feeling of Julie kneeling between his legs sucking his dick. He pulled her up into her lap and kissed her. He caressed her hair and down her back as their tongues dueled in loves fight. Pulling away, he recommended they get a shower as he had plans for them for today. He asked if she was interested in going swimming again. She laughed Skinny dipping? He said no, he wanted to take her to the beach. She squealed in joy....

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My Endearing Angels

I had just been shopping for groceries when Emma came sprinting down the stairs. “Did you get Alice’s snacks?” Emma spoke excitingly. Emma herself would never ask for any snacks, but usually made her twin-sister Alice ask for twice as much. As if I wouldn’t notice. “Of course, honey. You know I always do,” I revealed two enormous bars of chocolate to her. I could basically see her drooling. Women and chocolate: A stronger love does not exist. “Well I’ll just give these to Alice...

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Boys Dont Cheer

I was looking for the bathroom at a party at some guy's place in my senior year. The main one had a lineup and I figured there was probably a half-bath off of one of the bedrooms. When I opened one of the bedroom doors I found Christa Clements lying on the bed, seemingly unconscious. The cheerleader had been partying hard and had disappeared from the party a little earlier. I guessed the slut had found a partner, as her shirt was open, skirt hiked up, and her bra and panties on the floor. Her...

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The Conference

Plane late, I enter the crowded conference room flustered, you catch my eye, guide me over to the lectern, I set up my computer, you gesture for me to begin.After a fumbling start, I get into my stride, the presentation is going well, I look over at you, you give me a smile.Lost in the thread of my talk I trip over a power cable and fall into your lap, the audience laugh, you feel my soft clit through my tight orange skirt.I make it thought to the end, the audience applaud, you call me over,...

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Aphrodite Arrives

Her eyes were open but she could see no light she could feel her entire body coming to. Andrea Lencroft could feel her own face, but the body attached to it wasn't her own. She could feel overweight body. Well, it wasn't that insane, and it was shapely, but it was a far cry from the oh so pretty skin suits she'd normally wear. It was most definitely female, her nipples excessively large. And of course there was the fact that she was restrained to a pole in an uncomfortable...

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My first with sisters friend

I am a Team Lead in software industry working in Bangalore. About me: Ashis, 28 and a native of Orissa. Being a great fan of and still not a participant forced me to write my experience that had happened 10 years back. Unlike others I am not somebody who has gone through multiple encounters and seems to have slept with every women around. I have only gone through four encounters and hoping to have more soon. This is my first post and I will publish the other encounters...

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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 7

Stella Maris, Marina and I are in a role-play - in the final day I am Master over my Slave MarinaStella Maris is Servant - shall I have revenge at Marina who as Servant intrigued the day before?Stella Maris liked her idea to have my virgin anal Rose ripped by strap-on by her sweet Servant!I wake up and my ass is in pain - Rose the tiny tight Sphinxter turned into a burning CullifowerI wake up and wake Them up - I order Them to shower each Other and wash properly my Ass as well! I want You to...

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Being Assisted by the Hardest

Philip was there, kneeling between his "daughter" Ellie's thighs and her mother was holding her arms back over her head. She and Philip had arranged for Ellie to be brought around that afternoon and here they were now at the point of mounting for Philip to not only deflower Ellie's virgin pussy but hopefully for him to fuck her, ejaculate into her never before fucked pussy and knock her up with her first baby. It had become a family tradition that Granddad Philip got to mate with all the...

4 years ago
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Felica Hardy humilates Mary Jane

Mary Jane and May Jane get owned again (humiliation ending)By [email protected] and Felicity have a sleepover with their teens and their victimsAuthor NoteIt been a while since Felicia Hardy ended her rivalry with Mary Jane Watson by completely humiliated her and making her a slave. Her daughter Felicity Hardy got in on the act by dominated Mary Jane daughter May Day Parker. Both of the Watson’s were beautiful red heads with super models looks. Mary was hot enough to be Felicia rival for...

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My First Bi Experience

So this is the true story of my first bi experience.When I was little I used to play with my next door neighbor everyday. We did everything together. We would play, watch TV, swim, ride bikes and everything else normal k**s do; he was truly my best friend.With being so young, we were often curious about the world. I remember bothering my parents with 'Why?' questions until they couldn't take it anymore. Something that peaked my interest was the human anatomy. When my best friend and I...

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Erotic Notion 27 Supersex 3000

Comic look at futuristic sex: In this age of virtual fucking, is it  still possible to fall in love? . . . ‘This dream was not so much the dream of a perfect woman As a spectre, sick of unbeing, That had taken possession of his body To find herself a life.’ (Tales From Ovid, tr. Ted Hughes). ‘What would you like to do today?’ ‘I don’t know. Are there any good programs?’ ‘None of your favorite shows have new episodes.’ ‘That’s okay. I’m in the mood for vintage comedy. What about ‘I Love...

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Shawn keeps fucking my sexy wife

After that bastard Shawn and his black friends had fucked my wife so hard with their monster cocks, she spent several months texting or talking with this hung nigger.We lived about three hours away from him; so hook ups were not common, but happened occasionally. The bastard sometimes came home during weekends, to spend two days straight fucking my sensual wife on our marital bed.Sometimes I was ordered to drive her to his college; so Shawn could fuck her in his own dorm, as I had to wait in my...

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JamesDeen Kelsi Lynn Kelsi Lynn Anal James Deen Punishment

HOLY SHIT! That is really all I can say about this scene. Kelsi Lynn and James Deen have a special bond. She seems to want to be his sex slave and live out filthy fantasies with the porn star. That or she is just a total whore who loves to be roughly fucked up the ass with her head shoved into a toilet. Anything is possible. I think it is the former based on the way she begs for approval from James after she gets her asshole destroyed by him and drenched in his cum. Whatever the reason these...

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Frankie and His Gurl Part 2

Part 2 by Jule (please read Part 1 first) I hadn't seen Frankie since late July, and as the hot sticky August plodded on, memories of Frankie filled my mind on so many lazy afternoons. We had brought each other through some very important changes, he through puberty and his first manifestation of male adulthood, and I in my discovery of the female inside of me. Now all I had were my hand and my memories as I closed my eyes and thought about the times we had weeks ago before he...

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The Country Affair

‘Mary, your hair is fine! The carriage is at the gate, now please stop stalling,’ Elizabeth Beauclerk called upstairs for her sister. The house had been buzzing all morning, preparing for the family’s long journey west from their home in London to the countryside of Worcestershire. With a quick twist of dark wavy hair she pinned the last curl in place and looked at herself in the mirror. She tied her straw bonnet over her hair and smoothed down the folds of her powder blue dress. The color...

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Meri Wife Chud Gayi

Hello to all this is my first story i hope you’ll like it.i would love to hear your comments at Meri marriage ko 3 saal hogaye hai mera naam vishal hai aur meri wife ka pooja.hum delhi mai rehte hai aur 2 years se hamari life theek chal rahi thi ki achanak yeh incident hogaya.pehle mai apko apne bare mai batata hoon mai dikhne mai kaafi sundar hoon meri age 24years hai. Hamari love marriage hui thi meri wife ki age 22 years hai,rang gora hai aur uske boobs ka size 36 hai aur gaand bhi 36 chut...

3 years ago
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A quiet afternoon

A beautiful autumn day, a few small fluffy clouds in the sky and the first chill of winter was just a smell on the breeze that rippled through the trees that were turning deep russet and dropping their leaves.She had chosen a nice spot , just on the curve of a bubbling stream, back up against a sturdy tree pad and pencils to hand just in case she got the urge to sketch the scene before her, at the moment though her mind was full of different urges and try as she might she didn’t think she could...

4 years ago
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Trials Of An Indian Housewife

When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...

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