Eleanor s DescentChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 46
- 0
Poole. January, the following year.
“There’s a riot goin’ on out there.”
Jacko looked up from his pint as someone burst in through the pub doors. “Oh?” he asked.
The man who had made the announcement was someone Jacko knew only as Ken. Ken was older than Jacko by a good ten years, and had been a member of the Socialist Workers Party since he was seventeen. Even in his late sixties he was still a union activist, but was currently ‘off duty’. A riot interested him because of the number of protests he had managed to subvert to his own cause when he was younger. This one though, while he supported its general aims, he’d been unable to get near because of the number of TaF Safety Patrols, and the sheer viciousness of some of the fighting.
“What’s ‘appening?” asked Jacko, more interested in Ken than in what might be happening outside.
Ken gave a half shrug. “Not sure how it started; think one of the Safety Patrols got into more trouble than they could handle. Now the bastards are swarming all over the place. Wouldn’t surprise me if they announced another curfew.”
“Couldn’t happen to nicer people,” muttered Jacko, thinking deeply.
Ken frowned slightly. He had never been able to understand Jacko. Ken hated the Safety Patrols and the so called Truth And Freedom Party with a passion. To him they were the very embodiment of the evil he had been fighting against even before his father had enrolled him in the Socialist Workers Party on his seventeenth birthday. To Ken, Jacko, as an ex Royal Marine, must be a fascist and therefore ought to have supported both; yet the disparaging remarks from him over the past few months led Ken to believe Jacko just maybe wasn’t a supporter.
This apparent dichotomy confused Ken. He wondered whether Jacko was a good socialist who had maybe just joined the military to train to fight for socialism. He decided it was time to find out. He thought while he ordered his pint and then relaxed onto a wooden bench along one wall, not far from Jacko, wondering how to start the conversation.
“So what actually happened? Whose fault was it? Who started it?” asked Jacko, trying to get Ken to talk.
Ken shrugged again, relieved that Jacko had started the conversation for him. “Didn’t see it start. Only heard the shouting. But I did hear those silly whistle things the SPs have been issued with.”
“Complete waste of time,” snorted Jacko.
Ken looked up, interested. “Why a waste of time?”
Jacko gave a short laugh. “All it does is let people know where they are. You don’t announce your presence to your enemies. But hey, they’re not exactly the sharpest tools in the box. Probably too thick to use radios.”
Ken was puzzled. The comments Jacko had made were still somewhat ambivalent. ‘Bollocks to this,’ he decided, just ask outright.
“So what do you reckon to the Safety Patrols? Reckon they do a good job?”
It was Jacko’s turn to shrug. “Dunno. Steer clear of ‘em myself. Don’t see much point in ‘em. That’s what the police was supposed to be doin’ after all, but they’re always too busy.”
“Well if the police are busy, maybe we do need the Patrol then.” This was a deliberately provocative remark by Ken in an attempt to draw Jacko out. Ken disliked the police. He’d been arrested four times during his life for activities during various protests. Only once had he been actually convicted of anything, and though all he’d had was a small fine and some community service hours, he’d come to hate the police as the outward sign of an establishment he despised. Unfortunately he was unable to totally hide that dislike in his voice.
Jacko heard it, recognised it, noted it, but otherwise didn’t react. He’d become more than a bit curious about Ken as well, not knowing about his political past. “So do you like the Safety Patrols then?” he asked.
Ken shook his head almost before he could stop himself. “No. It’s quite obvious they’re just Truth And Freedom fascist thugs.”
“Like the police,” said Jacko softly, guessing that this was what Ken wanted to hear. Although he had made it a statement, in his mind it was a question.
“Yes. Exactly!” exclaimed Ken.
Jacko just nodded slowly, almost absent-mindedly. “Well they’re here now; there’s nothing we can do about them.”
“Rubbish. We have to oppose them.” Ken moved to sit next to Jacko, his voice dropping. “Look. Everyone, well, anyone smart, knows the police are just fascist thugs; but they’re just amateurs compared to these Safety Patrols. Truth And Freedom is just another name for Fascist.”
Jacko’s only response was to take another pull at his pint, inviting Ken to continue. Ken did so. “The police need to be retrained to our way of thinking. It’ll need political control. Like the Soviets did.”
“And like Hitler?”
“Don’t be stupid,” snapped Ken. “They’re not a bit alike. The Soviet Union was a people’s paradise.”
“And look where they are now,” murmured Jacko. “A broken and nearly bankrupt economy. A completely fraudulent election system. The president and prime minister little more than puppets to gangsters and Russian Mafia interests. When they aren’t gangsters themselves.”
“That’s because the proper government was undermined.”
“The proper government?”
“The Communist Party of course. They wouldn’t need elections if there was a Communist government again. They were universally supported. That’s what we need here.”
“Only because nobody was allowed to support any one else,” said Jacko scornfully. “And you think their economy was good under the Communists?”
Ken was all enthused now and failed to notice Jacko’s scorn. “Yes. Exactly. It was a paradise on Earth.”
“Riiiiight. So if we had a Communist government here, what would you change?”
“Well, I’d install political officers into the police and army. Political parties would be banned unless they were allies of the government. The Americans and their lackeys would be kicked out, and all foreign owned businesses would be nationalised. That’s just for starters.”
“So everything that Thorn has tried to do then?”
Ken stopped short. “Yes. No. Er, no. He’s a fascist. I’d do it so that people are free to do what they want. Within the law of course.”
“And the law will say do what the Communist party says or else.”
“So as I said. Exactly what Thorn has tried to do.”
Ken finally worked out that Jacko was goading him. “You’re no socialist, you’re a bloody fascist.”
“I’m neither,” said Jacko quietly. “As far as I’m concerned, the difference between Graham Thorn’s Truth and Freedom Party, and your Communist Party is so small as to be negligible. And both are so wrong. Both are fundamentally evil. Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia had so many similarities it was frightening. You’re right in that Thorn needs to be defeated, and urgently, but you’d just replace him with something identical, the only difference being you think you’d be at the top of that heap instead of the bottom. Never mind the fact that most of the people at the bottom of this heap would be at the bottom of your heap as well. In any case, what about...”
Ken stood up, interrupting him. “You’re a soddin’ fascist,” he said in deep disappointment. “You made me think you were a good socialist.”
“I’m neither.”
But Ken, to whom anyone opposed to radical socialism and communism was automatically a fascist, didn’t hear him. He left again, intending to go and find the riot and break a few police and Safety Patrol heads. He had a bag full of cans of pepper spray, all completely illegal, and intended to use them. He had less than an hour to live, though he didn’t know it.
“That went well,” came another voice.
Jacko turned to see another semi-regular, a man probably in his mid-forties. One whose face he recognised, though whose name he didn’t know. He didn’t say anything, just raised his eyebrows enquiringly.
The stranger just smiled slightly and said nothing. Jacko had no intention of saying anything at that moment, so he just turned back to his drink and ignored the stranger. A few minutes later, a little after nine, his son-in-law, Martin, joined him as they’d arranged, and they laughed and joked the rest of the evening.
A little before eleven, Jacko and Martin left. For a few moments they stood outside the pub where Martin invited his father-in-law to visit the following day for Sunday dinner.
Jacko nodded his agreement and the two parted, walking in opposite directions. It was only the fact that he’d had four pints that evening and was not expecting anyone that slowed his reactions as he approached his yard. He wouldn’t do that again in a hurry.
“Excuse me, I’d like to talk with you.”
Jacko spun, startled, and more than a little chagrined that he’d been surprised so easily. It was the unnamed regular from the pub. “Oh. It’s you. It’s late. If you wanted to say something, you had time in the pub.”
“No. I need to talk to you away from the pub. Away from where anyone else may overhear us.”
Jacko’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What do you want?” He was suspicious but hid it well.
“My name is, Reed.”
Jacko heard the infinitesimally small pause before the name, and guessed that Reed probably wasn’t his real name. He gave a mental shrug. If Reed wanted to be security conscious, that was his affair. Plus, with what was going on these days, that probably wasn’t such a bad idea. He couldn’t make up a name just like that off the top of his head, so he didn’t try. “Jacko.”
“Jacko,” nodded Reed. “I know you are, were, a Royal Marine. I’d like your help. If you’re prepared to give it.”
“In what way?”
“I used to be in the Grenadier Guards. Me and a few of my, er, colleagues, have formed a,” he paused and smiled slightly, “well, let’s just say an opposition to Earth First. And especially to Truth And Freedom.”
“And what do you want with me?”
“I wondered whether you’d like to join us? I know you’re a marine and we’re army, mostly, but I don’t see that should make any difference.”
“How many of you are there?”
“Seventeen.” He shrugged. “At the moment. All but two are ex-guardsman, just not all grenadiers. The other two are ex RAF regiment.”
“Rock apes,” muttered Jacko.
Reed smiled slightly. “They don’t like that name.”
“Who’s your leader?”
Reed gave another slight smile. “With respect, I’m not going to tell you that. I’m sure you understand my caution.”
Jacko nodded approvingly. “Rank?”
“Who? Me?”
Jacko shook his head. “No, your CO.”
“He’s a Sergeant-Major WO1. Ex Scots Guards who moved here five years ago when he left the army.”
“And he’s your most senior?”
“Uh huh.”
“And what do you want me for?”
“Well, we can see a war coming. Between the Truth And Freedom supporters and the people. In a way it’s fortunate that Thorn has decimated the British Army as it means there are more people we might be able to call on. Unfortunately it’s also meant that there are a lot of ex-soldiers, particularly the younger ones, who may have been conned into joining the Safety Patrols. But many have also just gone missing as well. Possibly into TaF training camps, but we think most have just been rounded up by Thorn and his bully-boys.”
“And done what with them?”
Reed shook his head. “We don’t know. That’s the problem, no one seems to know. Did you know that almost every member of the Honourable Artillery Company, a Territorial Army regiment, has gone missing; along with their entire families. We’re worried.”
Jacko frowned slightly. As an ex member of the Royal Marines’ SBS he knew the HAC were more than just any old regiment. Instead they worked very closely with the special forces, the SAS, SBS and to a lesser extent the SRR, tasked with scouting behind enemy lines. In a sense they most closely resembled the Long Range Desert Group of World War Two. He hadn’t realised they were gone though. He wondered whether they had been ‘collected’ by the Confederacy as an expert, behind the lines, reconnaissance force.
“How long ago?” he asked quietly.
Reed shook his head. “No one knows. Not for certain. At very least two years we think, probably longer.”
“Well that almost certainly rules out the TaF then, they’ve only had serious power for about twenty months or so.”
Reed looked unconvinced. “Possibly, but they had a lot of influence in the year prior to that.”
“Not enough, I wouldn’t have thought, to get rid of an entire Terry regiment, plus families.”
Reed shrugged, “We don’t know. If they’ve gone into hiding that would be one thing, but where have their families gone? That’s what worries us the most. That’s why we’ve started to organise ourselves again.”
“Hmm. Maybe they’ve gone off into space. Fight this alien army that’s supposed to be coming our way.”
Reed looked surprised. “You know,” he said slowly, “I really never even thought of that. What with all the censorship and stuff, you just don’t hear of this space alien thing any more.”
Jacko just shook his head gently, smiling to himself.
After a few moments Reed looked up. “Well, would you be interested in joining with us?”
“No, but I think you should join us. Come on,” he waved for Reed to follow him into the yard.
Reed looked stunned. “You mean you have your own opposition group?”
Jacko just grinned.
“How many?”
“Yeah. Lots.”
“Hmm.” Reed looked sceptical. “So who’s your leader?”
“Now there’s a bit of a story in itself. In a way it depends on your point of view.”
Jacko opened the side door to his flat and invited Reed up the stairs and into the tiny sitting room. “We’ve organised ourselves as a group of semi-autonomous cells, Maquis style. You and your group would just be another of those cells. Your current leader would stay as your leader, and in theory only you and he would ever meet me; but only because you’ve already met me. My local leader is,” he paused and gave the ghost of a grin, “an RM First Lieutenant.” The fact that he was a recently redundant SBS officer Reed didn’t need to know. “There is a fairly full command structure above that, but don’t ask me who or where because for the most part I don’t know.”
“How on Earth did you manage to organise all that?”
“Off Earth,” answered Jacko.
“Off Earth?” Reed looked confused. He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean mean?”
“It means we didn’t organise it. Not entirely. It was organised for us. Like you, we organised ourselves into many small, tiny, independent groups. However a...” Jacko paused and then decided this wouldn’t compromise their security too much. “A field grade officer from the Confederation helped us to organise. Put different groups in touch. Helped set up lines of communication and got us equipment. We set up our own command structure though, where possible based on existing ranks, or at least, rank on retirement. So far it’s worked very well.”
“Is he still around?”
Jacko shook his head. “No, but we can get in touch with him, or rather his staff, if we need to. They have a better overview, but we supply them with intelligence. They help us to,” he paused again, “let’s just say there are fewer TaF thugs around than there might otherwise be. Of the nastier ones, anyway.”
“God,” whispered Reed. “I just never realised. We hoped others might do what we’re doing, but never dreamed it could be this organised.” He frowned for a moment. “So how come no one’s ever noticed TaF bodies?”
“Because as a general rule we don’t target large patrols, just individuals when we can get them alone. In a few cases we’ve managed to convert them to our cause, but mostly we have a foolproof method of disposal. Why? What have you done?”
Reed shrugged. “We’ve disposed of a small patrol. About a month ago they came snooping around. Lucky for us they were complete amateurs and we heard them miles away.”
“Where are they now?”
“At the bottom of a quarry lake, wrapped in iron chains. They’ll probably be discovered eventually, but by then,” he shrugged. “Hopefully by then it won’t matter.”
At that moment there was a gunshot. Both men instantly recognised it for what it was.
“Shotgun,” said Reed.
“‘Bout quarter of a mile away,” added Jacko. He frowned. It seemed unlikely to him that the riot would have come this way, always assuming it had even lasted this long. This must be something else. He flicked the sitting room lights off and opened the curtains. The two men watched and listened intently for a few minutes, but there were no more shots.
“TaF?” hazarded Reed. “I know I’ve seen a few of them carry shotguns.”
“Possibly. I know we don’t use them, but I think we can get some if needed.”
“What do you have?”
“Here? Not a lot. But we have a small variety. Mostly clubs and coshes of various types, some military issue knives, a few firearms.”
“Anything special?”
“Depends on your definition of ‘special’. Why?”
“All we have are kitchen knives, which are good enough I guess, but not ideal, and some home-made garrottes. We had three pistols which were originally liberated from dead Iraqis back in oh-three.” He shrugged. “Unfortunately we’ve run out of ammo for them, so they’ve been hidden out of the way.
“What type of pistols?”
“A Makarov and two CZ-75s. Both use nine mil ammo, but one’s a ninteen-mil. cartridge, the other an eighteen-mil. They’re not truly interchangeable.”
Jacko just nodded. He wasn’t going to offer to supply them with ammunition, though he was pretty certain he could. Not yet anyway. He wanted to wait and ensure this wasn’t a set-up. He didn’t think it was, but he wanted more certainty. “Nothing like that I’m afraid. I’m not even certain what pistols we do have altogether.”
Another shot rang out.
“That wasn’t a shotgun, but I don’t recognise it,” said Reed as the two men quickly moved away from the front of the room.
“I do,” said Jacko shortly. “Come on.”
He dashed across the yard towards where he stored the kayaks. From a wall inside a small office just alongside them, he grabbed a steel tub full of screws, bolts, washers and similar, all of various sizes. Rooting quickly through it he pulled out a small plastic bag from which he quickly retrieved a small, snub nosed revolver. He spun the chamber, counting quickly. “Five rounds left, not much use.” In fact there was a part box of ten more buried in the same tub, and a few more boxes hidden around the place. If he wanted to, he could quickly lay his hands on about fifty rounds. From an adjacent folder full of invoices, he slid a knife out and offered it to Reed. “Sorry, this is my entire stock. Don’t want to risk a raid and be caught holding illegal goods now.”
Reed gave a wry smile and, from a hidden pocket, pulled a ten inch carving knife.
“I’ve got used to this.”
Jacko nodded. “Come on then.”
The two men slipped out of the yard and down the narrow, unlit, lane. They kept close against the hedges on each side, Reed about five yards back and on the opposite side. Both men were wearing dark clothes, but this was just chance and they were not in any other way camouflaged. The main road was lit, and as they approached it, Jacko slowed and signalled for Reed to stop. Glancing quickly behind him, he saw that Reed had closed to about five feet back, still on the opposite side of the lane, and had crouched down to reduce his silhouette. Jacko nodded once and carefully peered around the corner. There was nothing moving. Jacko waited for a short while, frowning. There may not have been anything moving, but now he came to think about it, there was a car parked just across the main road from the lane, one he’d never seen before.
He could hear shouting now, and waited a moment longer, trying to identify both its direction and its movement. It was coming towards them but probably still a minute or so away. He gestured Reed forwards and whispered what he’d learned.
Reed popped his own head out and had his own very swift look before drawing back into cover.
“There’s what looks like an alley-way down to the right and opposite,” he whispered pointing in that general direction.
Jacko grinned. “Proves you don’t know the area,” he whispered back. “That’s most likely where the noises are coming from. That’s a short cut through to the back of the High Street.”
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*Thank you all for your amazing comments and feedback on the first chapter. Big thanks to Pennlady for schooling my ass on punctuation, I was getting a little lazy. This story is building on its own and at its own pace, so it may be a bit slow and I apologize! Lots of characters are walking around in my head! This definitely isn’t a ‘quickie’ so if that’s what you’re hoping for I’m sorry. I promise more answers in the third! Enjoy* * Elle had just set her sandy feet through her apartment...
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“So one day, I and my wife were busy fucking …” It wasn’t strictly true, we weren’t quite actually fucking, but we were teasing each other, and I jokingly asked her if she ever fantasized about having two cocks to play with at the same time. She grinned and said, “Well, duh! Who doesn’t?” Well, I don’t, for one, but the thought of my sweet Jennifer sinking her pussy onto a new cock … I found myself curiously turned on. Jennifer was too, as I discovered once I pushed her down on the bed...
Wife LoversIt was very early in the morning when Lizzie and Serri walked through the woods. Lizzie was whispering to Serri, "I know our camp is around here somewhere. Do you see any signs of a camp?" "A camp, no; but you might want to ask that woman over there with the bow that she is aiming at me. Serri whispered back to Lizzie, while she stood very still. Lizzie peered into the darkness finally seeing Lori standing next to a tall bush with a drawn bow and arrow pointed towards Serri. "Lori,...
A Woman's Clothes II ? by: Donna Williams I had reached the living room first, and noticed the camcorder set up to record the hall. I asked, "Why the camera?" "I wanted to record your progress to womanhood, plus it will give us something review as we try to make you appear more feminine. For example, your skipping just now needs lots of work, as the camera will show you. Plus we can take and print off individual frames for my girls scrap book and picture album," she said. "Now,...
My name is Neha, I am 26 old married woman. My Husband name Rohit. He was Muscular body and great 10” fat cock. It was Rohit’s birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Palm Springs and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we’d have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific...
Bob woke to find her gone. He was confused. How could something like that have happened and he not wake up until it was too late? He lay there thinking about it. He had fucked his daughter! A smile formed on his lips unbidden as he remembered her correcting him. Okay. He had made love to his daughter. Sort of. But in his dream it had been his wife. If she was still here this never would have happened. She had failed him again and she’d been gone more than fourteen years when she did it! But...
The weakness of the flesh Several hours of clearing up at Uncle Albert’s house brought me no real reward. It was arduous, unpleasant work on such a sultry day, and I felt terribly invasive going through the old boy’s things. The reflection that now they really belonged to me made me feel slightly less uncomfortable about it, but it did not make the work any easier. I decided to tackle one room at a time. So I started on a pile of old magazines at one end of the front room and took it from...
Saturday morning was bright and sunny. A perfect day for traveling. It had been a week since the big storm, and although no snow had fallen since, life was only now beginning to return to normal. Guests had begun to arrive just before noon. To make room for a possible deluge of partygoers, Anne asked us to double-up. So Martha moved her things into my room, and Elizabeth moved in with Roberta. We spent the afternoon mingling with the new arrivals. In late afternoon, we returned to our rooms...
OFF THE BEATEN PATH My name is Toby and I am a 29 year old gay forced bisexual 24/7 collared sex slave, I have been owned by Master T and Mistress N, for 5 year 7 months and 9 days. They are a newly young 50's retired D's couple. Every second of my servitude has been greatly explored and tested and very much enjoyed. This is a story of just one of my many adventure with exploring bondage with my Master and Mistress. I met Master Tom while working in an area hospital, he was a continuing...
Hi, this is me your writer southindian fucker returning with the fourth installment of the story, bully degraded my family series. Thanks for the big support and keep supporting. If you want to write stories for you email me Email id : So coming back to the story Story continues. We all were tensed about what to do as we all were trapped near the national highway. Having a high chance to get caught. Rahul:what will we do bro? Ravi:don’t know bro!What will we do with the two bitches?? We all...
“Yes, I would grab me a coke and while you are up to feed the dogs.” Mike patted her on the head. Melissa got up and headed to the kitchen and returned with a coke. “Sir um where is the dog food?” In the white container in the far pantry door, there is soft food in the fridge, one tea spoon of soft mixed into their dry food. Boss is the only one that gets Beef Veggie; the other two get Beef and Gravy.” Melissa turned and headed back into the kitchen. As she portioned out the dry...
I was already in a foul mood when my dad called. I had just broken up with my fiancée, a little matter of her being caught with another guy's cock in her mouth and a day after catching her I was laid off from my job. Then my dad calls and tells me that he and my mother have just split the blanket. The only surprise there was that it had taken so long for it to happen. Mom and dad hadn't been getting along for years and both my sister and I had expected them to separate years ago. In fact we...
There was a knock at my door. I knew who it had to be.“Hi,” she said. “I don’t want to cry myself to sleep. May I sleep with you?”I thought for a second, then pushed the door open. As she walked through, I held my trailing hand out to her. She took it, and as soon as I had the door shut, she came into my arms. “I’ve never missed a Christmas at home before,” she said. “I don’t think I would have slept at all.”I smiled, but sadly, because the same was true for me.So, I leaned down and kissed her,...
Love StoriesIntroduction: Around you beautiful dark-haired witches laid on damask pillows are being plowed, exposed to show for your pleasure alone the slick pricks sliding in and out of the wet cunts. Samanthas Night Out The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didnt know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out. Her husband had told her that it was a special treat but he would tell her nothing more even though she pleaded, threatened, cajoled, and...
Hi friends again Harish from Coimbatore. Thanks for your comments in previous story.if any girls or aunties need free haircut,facial,waxing ,sex etc can mail me to the below mail address.my mail address is .com. Please feel free to message. This story is about a newly married girl who starved for sex.lets begin the story. My self of age 22 average height and weight and had did a beautician course( not working as beautician). I have average athletic body with good size dick which every ladies...
Jennifer sat up in bed and greeted the morning with a smile. She glanced at the calendar, filled with pink X's, on the wall next to the bed. She felt a special glow inside that made her tingle from head to toe, and today nothing would extinguish it. She then enthusiastically said, "I don't believe it, my wedding day is finally here! " Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, she hummed the tune, "Here comes the bride." Then got up, slid into her blue jeans, shirt, and donned pair of...
It's been a long day at work & I'm finally free, looking forward to an evening out with my friend John, I haven't seen him in ages, just an evening in the local for a quiz but as I'm thinking if what to wear I hear my name called, I turn to see Roger, a guy who's been working in our office, he's so hot! 'What's up?' I ask 'I'm staying down for the weekend, thought we could grab that drink?'My mind is racing 'um, I've got plans but I'm sure u could tag along' my inner voice is cheering me on...
She saw him up there sitting on a high throne of red and green velvet and she thought well why not her boyfriend had broken up with her two weeks ago seems he found another girl to lie to...Barry had been a good lover but he was never her friend not really Patricia always knew what a con man he was but the sex had been so great that she overlooked a lot well Barry was gone now and she was lonely and kind of horny too so when she decided to sit on Santa's lap it was not just to ask for presents...
Manu apni behan ki saheli Madhu par ashik ho chuka tha. Ussne apni behan Sheetal ko apni saheli ke saath dosti karne ko patane ka plan banaya. “Sheetal, yaar apni saheli se mera intro to karwa do na? Mujhe bahut pasand hai. Agar vo maan jaye to ussko teri bhabi bana loon, sach behna” Asal mein Madhu ko Sheetal bhi bahut pasand karti thee aur usske saath lesbian sex karne ki ichha karti thee. Agar ek aurat ki dusri aurat ke saath shadi ho sakti to Sheetal apni saheli se shadi kar leti. Lekin...
The following morning Fiona was bubbling with happiness; so much so that Sheila remarked on it. Fiona merely gave her a beaming smile. She almost skipped into the hospital but suddenly remembered to get Hank a copy of The Times. "He'd better not dare to even look at the crossword while I'm with him," she thought. She waved a cheerful good morning as she passed the nurses' station but was stopped by a call from Sister. "Good morning, Mrs Adams. The brigadier is so much better that...
File / Save. File / Exit. Start / Turn Off Computer / Turn Off. "Check please." The parking lot was empty, except for his car and the one next to the dumpster -- probably the cook. He knew the waitress walked -- he'd offered to give her a ride enough times. She probably thought he was coming on to her. That's okay. She didn't know. He wouldn't accept a ride from a guy like him either. A lone sodium lamp lit the entire lot from atop a pole in the far corner. Its buzz was louder than...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI'm a married straight cocksucker. I say straight because I love sex with women and I don't have any other interest in guys aside from wanting to suck their cock. I've been an avid and enthusiastic cocksucker ever since the first time I blew my best friend Larry .Larry and I were best friends since grade school and when we were both around 16, we...
A word before: my first story. This is a story for those who do not really associate the words ‘dick,”pussy,’or ‘fuck’with any romantic feelings. I have tried to give this some depth. I hope you like it. Also, the setting is fantasy. ‘Enter’at your own risk. ‘Please, take me.’ Three words. Three words which completely failed to convey any meaning at this time. Altarus Wending, the Lord of the City of Wind Chimes was completely dumbstruck at the sight presented in his chamber. She was...
Author’s Note: I would like to thank everyone who has waited on me to finish this story. I appreciate all the comments that I have received both kind and critical. I would like to add that I have began to go back and revamp the story to add a little more of an adventurous side to it. The additions will help segue to the next novella and sustain the entire series. I will be posting that revised edition in it’s’ entirety, no waiting for chapters. I have also started the next novella and will be...
College cheer leader Sammie believes she has no option but to take on two judges at once to make sure her team wins the regionals.... Samantha, Sammie Green, always got what she wanted. Always had. Always will. Right now she wanted to win, even more than trying to get inside her new team mate, cute Morgan’s bra and licking her unknown mystery arsehole, some good things you had to work a little bit for, but Sammie was confident of Morgan’s lush titties being all hers as she grabbed her fetching...
The world swims and even the dim view through half closed eyelids is too bright for your taste. After closing your eyes tightly once again and focusing on ignoring the commingling tastes of copper and cotton in your mouth you notice that for some reason your hands are clammy and cold and that your shoulders are stiff and sore. "This is going to be one hell of a hangover," you think grimly. Your mind drifts back to last night, to the events of your 18th birthday. It was a party of unmatched...
BDSMMy sister lost her husband so I being a good brother have been mowing her lawn. She is apt to come out with her PJ's on or a pair of shorts and no bra with her big tits and nipples poking out. Now mind you she is a big girl and overweight. When we were much younger I had played with her then very small tits and pussy just getting hair.I know that because of her husbands medical problems she hasn't had sex in a few years. One time after mowing lawn as I hugged and kissed her before leaving I let...
Tanelickt and Danka departed from the Great Temple before sunrise on August 6, only four days after Danka first entered the city. The two penitents had very little time to spare if they were going to cross the entire western valley, go into the mountains, cross the pass near Novo Sumy Ris, and navigate the hilly country along the road that lead to their destination in Novo Sokukt Tok before the weather became too cold to travel. The real problem was the pass dividing the western valley from...
"Company, my ass," said Todd, after Kelly had relayed Laura's message. "I'm going to pull over and find out what the hell's going on." Todd waited until the next turn in the road and signaled as he would if he were actually going to turn, but he slowed the Tracker down, then slammed on the brakes and was nearly out of the truck before it had stopped rolling. He stepped into the middle of the road all set for a confrontation with the driver of the gray Buick. Caught by surprise, the...
Get into the bath and lie down" he says and I do. I am excited because I know what he has planned...... I climb into the bath and lay flat on the bottom as ordered. My Master looks at me and says,again, "You are my Good Boy - now you are my Piss Boy". "Yes Master" I reply. "Piss on yourself" he orders. I lay in the bath and hold my dick and concentrate - my bladder feels full of the water we drank at dinner earlier and I feel the piss starting to move towards my limp cock. I shoot a small...
*************************************************************************** When George and Valerie dropped us off at the hotel, I stopped at the front desk as the girls headed up to the room. I checked with the clerk to see if they had a small commissary. I grabbed a couple small bags of chips, some cookies and candy, and some drinks. I got back to the room and I could hear the shower running. There was a trail of damp clothes running from the front door into the bathroom and the...
By mid-October, Anna Belle and Jasper were growing live corals and several species of tropical fish in a large aquarium in the basement of the Van Buskirk house where they'd set up their lab. By November, they were experimenting with small pieces of that coral in separate tanks with varying levels of salinity and acidity, trying to recreate ocean changes already happening with global warming and the drastically increased absorption of carbon dioxide. With Elmer's help and often under his...
Hi friends I am back with my one of my stories again as you have read in my previous stories about my mom Shreya, I would describe her again for the ones who are reading this for the first time. She is 42 years old. She is extremely gorgeous and hot. Her figure is 34 29 36. She has perfect pair of boobs, nice, round and firm. She usually keeps her hands and legs clean. She has long hair and half of it has curls. However she keeps changing her hairstyles. She has a superb arse. I have noticed...
A Wonderful Encounter Pt. 8 By Heather Anne Peel This installment focuses on the wedding of Heather & John! This is a work of fiction. Chapter 1 - Wedding Day Morning I awoke at 10 AM on the day our wedding, February 14th aka Valentine's Day. The wedding itself would occur at 4 PM, at the same wedding chapel where Sarah Hathaway and Michael (whom also goes by his middle name, Daniel) Stein were married in December. I had a small hangover from going out with my bridesmaids,...
Hello, myself Nikhil from Kerala. I would like to share my experience of physical relationship which I had with many girls during my college time. I studied in Bangalore the lover’s paradise. Here I am going to tell you about my first love and sex I had with a girl from UP who was my classmate.let’s call her Deepa, In fact, she wasn’t my girlfriend. But I had an interest in her from the very beginning as she is stunningly hot. She was short but got good boobs in shape and big ass I’m not good...
"Okay, I've got blood samples of a dozen ill victims," Doc Frank told his mother. "Can you teleport me to my lab at University?" Tanya didn't bother to answer. Instead, she stood up and reached out to touch his arm. They both disappeared, along with the samples Frank Jr. had been holding, leaving Ivory behind with the Mayor. "How long do you think this will take?" the Mayor of Utopia asked, anxious that his townspeople retained faith in his ability to guide them. "Who knows?"...