Homecoming 2
- 4 years ago
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A word before: my first story. This is a story for those who do not really associate the words ‘dick,”pussy,’or ‘fuck’with any romantic feelings. I have tried to give this some depth. I hope you like it.
Also, the setting is fantasy.
‘Enter’at your own risk.
‘Please, take me.’
Three words. Three words which completely failed to convey any meaning at this time. Altarus Wending, the Lord of the City of Wind Chimes was completely dumbstruck at the sight presented in his chamber. She was down on all fours. On her knees. Her head was resting on a pillow which she clutched to her breast, her pale blonde hair spread like a halo and her eyes looked at him, fathoms deep, past her milky thigh. With her back to him, she had spread her knees slightly and upturned her bottom. Her Bottom. So petite, like two perfect spheres of alabaster, supported by the two delicate organic pillars of her thighs. And between those thighs. Reason threatened to fail. Between those thighs shone a slight, downy cleft in whose depth winked a promise of a rosebud.
Her. Miloena de Rishgei, exiled daughter of the sixth warden of the elven Cashiana Forests, one of fifteen commanders of the Guards of the City of Wind Chimes. The same who demurely turned her head and blushed when she saw married couples in her contingent exchange a kiss. The same de Rishgei who hurled such refined and withering abuse as to cow the most thick headed drunks and beat the most stubborn would-be troublemaker to a swift retreat. The same, who on two mornings previous, he had seen up to her elbows in blood, rally a handful of desperate guards and face down an entire company of Orks who had managed to break through. A feat that had saved uncountable lives. Was it really already fifty-six hours ago?
And now this. In his chambers. On his bed. Like this. His mind reeled.
‘Please, take me.’
A single tear slid out of the corner of her eye and seeped into the pillow. This brought him to his senses immediately.
‘Miloena, ‘ Altarus spoke softly, as if afraid that she might flee or break. Just as softly, he walked over to the bed and unhurriedly sat down on the edge. His eyes never left hers. He reached over her far shoulder and gathered her in his arms, pillow and all. She dropped her head on his shoulder and a slight shudder ran through her.
For a While, Altarus just held her. Then ‘What exactly is it you want?’
She gulped. ‘Please, take me. I need you. I want you. I love you. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please ‘ The litany dissolved into racking sobs.
Well. This was news. He had loved her for over two years now. Sometimes, it seemed, he had always loved her. Of course one of the things he loved her for was precisely the fact that she could surprise him. Another was her indomitable spirit.
Never once though, in all the seven years they had known each other and worked with each other, had he made any advance, much less brought her into a position where she would be forced to make a decision. She was already an exile. It had been enough to win her respect, her trust and finally her friendship.
‘You must know, Miloena, that I will never take you. ‘ Her body froze. ‘Much less like this. ‘
He tilted her head to look into her eyes. His fingers wiped the traces of her tears away and caressed the old, white scar that ran almost vertically from her left forehead, across her cheek and down to her chin.
‘However,’he continued softly, ‘I will accept your love and your trust as a partner. As an equal. Anything else would be beneath you. You shouldn’t grovel like this. Not for anyone. You are far too strong for that. It’s not you. I know. I know you. And above all, you should never grovel for me. I love you far too much for that. ‘
Hope dawned in her eyes. ‘You love me?’
‘I love you, Miloena de Rishgei.’He said it with all the sincerity of his over six hundred years.
She sagged against his chest and made a soft mewling sound, to express relief and joy. Her arms snaked out from around the cushion and she held him tight. Like pieces of a puzzle all falling into place or a light in a window where none had shone for so long, they silently held each other for a long, long time.
The sun bathed the room in gold, then in amber and finally in fire. When the room was lit only by three candelabra, she finally stirred.
‘I love you, Altarus Wending. ‘ She paused and then looked up at him. ‘Please, take me.’
His hand came up and ran over her forehead and through her hair and then brought her head up. Their lips hesitated, touched and then melted against each other. For the longest time, they were immersed in the kiss. Slowly at first, tentative and curious, growing bolder and more demanding. Savouring this thrilling and brilliant new taste. This sensation that sent sparks up into the heavens and woke hungers as old as the oceans.
He kicked off his boots and pushed the pillow away and her hands followed the echoing ache of desires almost forgotten. Her fingers ran over his clothing, finding buttons and laces. His shirt flew and she took a sharp breath as her breasts touched his naked chest. She kissed a trail down his chest and busied herself with his leggings. His hands found hers and he helped her unsheathe from the heavy leather.
Before she could go about his under garment, he lifted her bodily and sat her back on the bed. She grabbed for his loincloth and a giggling wrestling match ensued over possession of the garment, reminding him that this was after all, the Miloena he knew and loved.
‘You held back,’she accused him with mock outrage.
Then she quietened all of a sudden and blushed heavily, all at once conscious that this was the first time she had ever seen him completely naked. She didn’t know where to look until she looked into his eyes.
And drowned.
Altarus wondered at this creature before him. He had always known that Miloena was beautiful as standards went. But until this moment it had never really touched his consciousness.
Or his Body.
He was very erect, almost painfully so. And it washed through him that he had to have this woman. Would have this woman. Now. Their lips met. His hands softly found their way over her warm skin, caressing her. His fingers found her breasts and she gasped at the sensation. Warmth spread like honey in her depths.
His kisses travelled down her neck and she murmured his name. He let her glide onto her back and his kisses continued their journey down her front. Her breasts, no larger than ripe apricots felt heavier than usual. When his lips touched her right nipple, a soft sound escaped her. She arched her back, seeking, needing the warmth of his lips. She would be lost in an abyss of despair should he desert her now.
He obliged her lovingly and took her right nipple in his mouth, not sucking yet, simply savouring her warmth, her soft fullness, and her taste. His tongue ran over her roused nipple. She moaned and writhed under him. His hands travelled further over her body, over her flat belly, over her thighs. His left hand ran back up to cradle her head in a kiss and his right fluttered over her pubic mound.
The honey in her belly seemed to get warmer and more liquid with each passing moment. His lips had found their way to her left breast and he gently ran his tongue around her erect nipple, drinking in her fragrance and her warmth, making her writhe and coaxing a sigh from her parted lips.
Her hands caressed his taut body, running over his back, his chest, his belly, timid but determined, she sought to find his maleness. Hesitantly she touched his hard warmth. She wrapped her fingers around him, marvelling at his smooth warmth. Not overly large, but who needed that? He was undeniably, unavoidably male and for her slight, willowy frame, more than enough so.
She trembled at the thought that she would
feel her love inside her soon. The honey in her belly ran into her limbs. His hand at her pubic mound had been gently fondling her downy cleft. Fire raged through his belly as he felt her lips part and the rose within slowly swelled, swelled under his fingers and kissed them with their honeydew. Her hips came up of their own accord and her thighs slid further apart. She was ready. His scrotum drew tight. She sighed softly when he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cleft.
She drew a sharp breath when his member reacted to the warmth and loving touch of her hands. He twitched. She had the impression of his maleness swelling even more in her hands. A need overcame her. She almost whimpered, letting his maleness go and pulling him into an embrace. Her intention was absolutely clear to him.
Their eyes met and worlds were exchanged. Both were slightly scared. Neither of the two was new to this dance. But that was entirely immaterial. Both were new to each other and both looking at a heart shaped hole in the universe, filled with infinite possibilities.
‘Please, take me, ‘ she whispered, breathlessly.
She spread her legs further and timidly exposed the blooming rose which nested between her soft, swollen cleft. Clear fluid pooled on its lips. He kneeled between her legs and lay down on her belly, drawing her into his arms. He cradled her head in his hands. She looked into his eyes and bathed in the love reflected there. She felt his member twitch against her belly. He shifted and she felt him brush against her rose. She clutched him and for a moment felt afraid. But the honeysweet warmth and the longing to have her love insider her was stronger.
‘I am yours.’
‘My Lady.’
‘My Lord.’
Their lips closed the seal. The soft, wet warmth of her rose drove him wild. He took a deep breath to restrain himself, to keep himself from driving, impaling, reaming, plunging into her soft female depths.
She felt his head parting her lush petals. She meeped quietly as he touched her most intimate entrance, bringing her hips up and offering him her deepest love. He took another deep breath and kissed her gently.
She cried out softly as he eased himself a little deeper. The head of his manhood now completely immersed in her honeyed folds, her petals mimicking the kiss of their mouths.
‘Please,’she cried, ‘Please, please, please. ‘
But what she pleaded for, probably not even she could have said. He slid deeper, almost halfway into her. Her warmth was simply delicious, her wetness, her softness, her femininity, her sex threatened to tear his senses asunder. Her female hips, her breasts against his chest.
She felt clearly how he entered her moment by moment. She felt the warm honey in her belly run. She felt how his maleness gently eased her pliant folds apart, how her honey eased him deeper into her. She was sure that he was hotter than was normal. She felt him so distinctly. His maleness. Insider her. Almost fully inside now. Her rose was already being stretched slightly.
Her hips jumped involuntarily. He was not quite fully inside her. However all she was capable of at the moment was feeling how he filled her. Having her love inside her. Her senses reeled and her mind sang. He felt her twitch around his member.
‘Miloena. ‘ He whispered in her ear.
And holding her tight, he very gently entered her completely. The bliss, the satisfaction, the sense of well being was infinite. To be completely immersed, embedded in the woman he loved. To feel her warm, living flesh around him. Her wetness. Her love and her trust. Her willingness, her desire to have him inside her. She slowly accommodated him and her rose swelled around the base of his maleness, sealing him inside her. She had never felt so complete. They embraced gently and covered each other’s faces with butterfly kisses.
No thrusting, no moving was remotely necessary.
Whether it was his warmth or simply the feeling of having this wonderful male, her love inside her, his sex, his potency, her womanhood, her femininity grew more and more aroused. Her hips pressed themselves against him seemingly of their own accord. Her rose pressed against his pubis, keeping him buried as deeply as possible within her. He could feel her twitching around him, tremors dancing up and down, as if wanting to draw him deeper.
But he could go no deeper. He had already reached her deepest, felt the soft, round button mouth of her womb caressing the head of his maleness. This alone was oil on the fires of his passion. But to feel her so intensely, her femaleness, her sex surrounding him, trembling, twitching, drawing him into her. His scrotum tightened further.
The bottom dropped out of her world and she was sent spinning into the stars. The honey in her belly spilt. She made a small sound and then her belly cramped, she clung to him and whimpered.
He felt her contract around him. He whispered her name into her ear and held her tight as the agony of passion washed through her. He felt her pull on his maleness, her hungry sex sucking his potent maleness into her.
The fire that was his passion focused into a searing sun. A sun that gathered itself in his depths and then shot out through his maleness. It was pure release. Pure passion. Pure love. His member pulsed inside her. Once. Twice. Thrice. Lots. She lost track.
The force of his pulsing racked her petite frame and she had to bite down on a scream as she felt the hot sun of his essence being spilled into her nakedness. It was almost more than she could take. She had had men before, human and elven, but none, nothing had been like this, ever. Fear made a brief sally but was washed away in a torrent of passion and need. The need for this essence. The need for this Man. Her Man. Her Lord. Her Love.
An eternity later, his pulsing subsided and her femininity rested, content that this male member was deeply embedded and that its seed had been delivered strong and true. The fire inside her calmed to a steady glow. Miloena’s breathing gradually came back to normal and she caught Altarus’ hands, which had been caressing her face, in hers.
‘My Love. My Lord ‘She panted.
‘My Lady.’Was the reply.
The stars wheeled as they lay unmoving, silent, simply content, he still deeply rooted in her, still hard and living as taut muscle.
The sun he had planted in her began to diffuse, to wander. She felt his warmth, nay, his heat slowly seep up into her womb where it danced and tingled and set off all sorts of chain reactions. Hunger. Need. Desire. As if the fire he had ejaculated into her needed to be fed. The warm honey of her sex stirred. He felt her rising need and answered it with his own.
He held her to his chest and rolled onto his back. She kissed him warmly, drew her knees up along side of him and then raised herself onto her hands on either side of him.
He felt her soft bottom on his thighs, her nakedness clutching him inside her, warm and wet. Alive with desire. She enjoyed the pleasure of his warm hands caressing and teasing her breasts. She sat up a little straighter and mewled as his member pulled hard forward against the inside of her belly. Balance eluded her and she swayed slightly.
He placed his hands over her breasts and she leaned into his support, moaning with bliss. Slowly, she rotated her hips, gyrating softly, pressing her rose against his pubis, never altering the depth to which he penetrated her.
It was, he thought, one of the miracles of the universe. This fulfilment. This incredible, unequable, sensation of watching the woman, the love of your life joining her sex with yours. Being embedded deep within her. Watching her body seek its pleasure from your maleness. Urging you deep, deep into her. Feeling her soft, wet, warm nakedness embrace you and cherish you. Seeing your desire, your passion, your love and your respect reflected in those half lidded eye
s. Eyes in which you could sink a ship of stars and spend an eternity unravelling their mysteries. Altarus’ maleness twitched and pulsed gently, just a memory of what had been passed through the two lovers.
‘Oops, ‘ Miloena laughed softly. And then, ‘More please.’
What was there to say to that?
In answer, he thrust gently upwards into her. A cascade of sensation unrolled itself insider her, straight into her womb, and made her gasp. His fingers tantalising her nipples, he continued with a slow, soft rhythm, playing with her, seeking out the depths of her naked femininity.
She felt him moving inside her, slow and soft but just as unyielding and pitiless as the ocean waves. Her nakedness strove to keep him rooted deep inside her. Her rose clutched his maleness when he withdrew, the rose coloured lips clung to him and distended, gleaming with dew.
And when he thrust into her, she welcomed him, rocking her hips to meet him and take him inside as deeply as she could, flattening her delicate rose against his hard body, uttering a soft sound as he touched her innermost depth.
It was a dance. It was a rhythm as old as the oceans and she had the fleeting image that she was riding on an ocean wave, so pure and so strong. Leaning deeper into him and thrilling at his lips on her breasts as he leaned up to kiss them, she felt the honey in her belly stirring more determinedly and gather, only to be enhanced by the sun he had planted there.
She moaned at his strength. His unyielding maleness. His hard shaft that filled and fulfilled her. Her nakedness twitched and pulled, her rose yearned, stretched, worked to keep him deep, so deep inside her. He felt her lithe body flex and shudder.
Her felt her womanhood contract around him, eager, full of need. His member responded immediately and he throbbed softly, swelling in her depths, causing her to double over and give a long, pained moan. The mouth of her womb caressed him lovingly. His potency gathered in his loins. A sun, hotter than the last collected at his centre and made its searing way to his swelling maleness. He cried her name.
And his hands closed around her hips, pulling her down onto him, impaling her, thrusting gently in a single intention to enter her as deeply as possible. She felt his rising fire and the molten honey in her belly answered with alarming readiness.
She called to him and pressed herself against him, keeping perfectly still. For an instant, they caught a glimpse of the precipice on which they danced in each other eyes.
Then he pulsed. Hard. Harder. With a sensation that was almost pain, the sun in his loins erupted into her. Her eyes opened wide in shock and she punctuated each eruption that racked her with a gasp, each higher and higher until she was keening.
He felt her rose clamp around his pulsing member. Her nakedness trembled and then rippled around him, drawing him deeper, drawing the molten gold of his essence deeper, drinking him up into her, feeding the fire that demanded his ardency, his potency.
She arched her back and gave an inarticulate cry. And then she crumpled on him, her body still shivering, her womanhood still twitching. The honey in her belly almost stung her rose, so heavy was it in her depths. As if she needed relief.
He held her gently in his arms and caressed her hair, whispered her name and gentle words of love and comfort. Miloena curled her arms around his neck and kissed his lips tenderly and full of trust. Both a little breathless, they cuddled like children, seeking each other heartbeats and listening to each other bodies relaxing.
Time passed.
‘You know, I am sure your essence is warmer than normal body temperature. In fact, I’m quite sure it hot. ‘ She confided this with a deep blush. He just had to kiss her.
‘Perhaps its just our heated tempers?’
‘No! I’m sure of it. Its hot. ‘ She blushed even deeper and whispered, ‘I’m sure its warmer. I can feel it. It burns in my womb like a furnace, I’m sure it does, and melts my insides.
Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...
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Love StoriesHOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...
Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...
Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...
The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...
HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...
It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short,...
TeenIntroduction: I fuck with my new boy toy during Homecoming week.. I last left you with telling you how I had found a way to control my jealousy. While at the same time, get some attention, especially when I went along with John when he was making personal appearances somewhere. If you need to know, more read my last story Becoming the Slut. I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more...
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I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more when I found out that Adam was a virgin. I told him I would show him the wonders of sex as long as we kept it our little secret. It was Homecoming week at our college when I started Adam’s lessons. I had only given him one little lesson on how to hold and kiss a woman. Adam was a fast learner; I had enjoyed myself with him that first...
This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....
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Margaret handed a small paper bag to Brandon and Shelly. “Put anything valuable or that you might lose in here, keys, id, cellphone. And don’t worry, we’re going to return them later. You both have to unlock your cells though. We need to be sure to let your friends know where to find you.” Shelly looked at Brandon, wondering if she should hesitate or hold back anything. He just looked back and shrugged. They were outnumbered. So they both just did as they had been told. “Now what?” Shelly...
"What the heck is this room for?" Matt asked as we entered a cylindrical black room filled with bubbles and machinery. "This, my good sir, is where we make Carbonated Floaty Drinks. They fill you with gas and lift you into the air." "Wow, it's so high up!" Virana exclaimed. The ceiling must've been at least two hundred feet from the ground. "Can we try some?" I asked. "No can do," Wilco said. "It's far too powerful at the moment. Still needs some tweaking. Now come along....
INCOMING! He was about ten feet from the van when he saw movement to his right and to his left. Two men, one appearing from around the front of the van and one from around the rear, turned to facing him. They had been strolling calmly, to appear non-threatening, but they sped up and headed right toward him once they saw he spotted them. Instincts and years of training had him reaching for his pistol. The glint of a blade in the hands of one of the men took on a strange gleam, as the world...
They were only about a third of the way through the boxes; it was taking longer than it should as they found themselves discussing the pros and cons of each pistol as it was unboxed. Carol was strictly into the autoloaders, and greatly admired his collection of 1911s and Browning Hi Powers. Doug also had a half dozen revolvers, running the gamut from an original cap and ball .44 Russian conversion to a matching set of Taurus snub-nosed .357 magnums. There were amiably arguing the merits of...
Friends get closerHi I'm Julie and here I was again, alone in my bed. I had just woken from one of the most erotic dreams I have ever had, rolling over onto my back I could feel the dampness between my legs and the pull of my top on my erect nipples. I slowly turned to sit up in my bed and had the quilt bunch up next to me as I sat. I lived with one of my closest friends and she was stunning. Put it this way if we weren't so close and if she wasn't straight I wouldn't mind some of her. I didn't...
LesbianLike most couples, we have always used fantasies as part of our foreplay ritual. Some of our thoughts and dreams leading to some really intense sex. However as a couple we had never built up the courage to fulfill any of our fantasies. Our most regular fantasy consisted of the two of us with another couple, Sal my wife ending up in bed with the other woman while I watched, and finally getting to fuck her after she had orgasmed with the woman and the other man had cum inside her. The thoughts of...
Since the accident, mostly my husband Tony just watches while I'm having sex. With a couple of guys that we've known for a long time, and with the permission of the other guy, he likes to get closer to the action. Not just getting an eyeful of my pussy as I lower myself onto a cock; but getting closer to the action and helping to give me pleasure. This is a description of the last time that happened. Steve, the other guy, is a couple of years younger than me, and extremely fit - in both senses...
Terry Lane is the 51 year old Senior Vice President for New Business Development and Sales for Tri-Care Healthcare. She has been with Tri-Care for over 21 years, starting out as a Marketing Director and Salesman and then was promoted a Regional Marketing Director and then on to a Vice President for New Business Development. She was finally promoted to her current position eleven years ago. She is attractive, smart and very good at what she does. The CEO of Tri-Care has the fullest confidence in...
I had just returned from a two week vacation with the bastard better known as my husband. It was really just a last ditch attempt to reconcile our sham of a marriage, but to my thinking, it was just an excuse to get drunk and fuck a lot. To be honest, my husband was great in the sack. It was how he got me to marry him (because he wasn't the best looking guy in the world), but the man certainly knew his way around a woman's body. The problem was that was all he was good for. He couldn't hold...
The rest of their sophomore years passed in a flash. They went to parties, hung out together, Sophia kept her grades up in spectacular fashion. They hung out with Crash and Jessie, who were getting closer and closer, much to Sophia and Warren's (inward) delight and (outward) amusement. Sophia turned Sweet Sixteen, and eagerly began driver's ed, causing much affectionate grumbling from Warren, who wouldn't be sixteen for a while. They passed their test to compete in Junior Dance, and were...
Luna was surprised as Dudley pulled her to him then she felt his lips meeting hers in a gentle kiss. She could not help it. She had never been kissed before and she felt her body respond to his touch. She did not want it to stop and not knowing quite what to do she pressed her lips more firmly against his and her arms slid round the back of his neck pulling him into a harder response. Now he slid his arms more firmly round her and drew her closer to him. He felt his cock hardening and he...
John slowly walked toward the study; I could see his hands rubbing at his thighs as he neared the door. He does that when he is upset or pissed about something. John turned toward Gina and I just before he opened the door, he gave us both a little wink before he entered. I watched as John knocked at the door and slowly opened it. However he closed it again and stood outside the door so I figured his aunt was busy or something. Gina was walking me into the main room where we mingled with...
Introduction: Chapter 28 Fun at the party as I go to my first swing party where I am the guest of honor I last left you at a party that Johns aunt DeRonda was throwing. Johns aunt was waiting for him in the study as he had some explaining to do to her. Mostly about what happened after the game Saturday, he had told a rather large group of people outside the locker room that he was not going to play football any more. John had gotten upset with the crowd because someone had pushed me to the...
Angelica and I were both in Atlanta for our jobs, and when I found out she was there I asked her if she wanted to join me for drinks that evening. Angelica and I had unexpectedly hooked up a few weeks ago at her place and I hadn’t see her since then, so I thought it’d be great to get together. That day at her house was incredibly hot, so I wanted to see her again for sure.We went for drinks downtown and had a great time talking. She made me laugh, and we had a lot more in common than I...
Quickie SexRobert's wife hates cum. She is highly sexed and adores to play and suck and fuck his cock all hours and all places. She is also particularly good at blow jobs - no one, but no one, sucks cock as thrillingly as her. The only problem is, she detests the taste and texture of cum so never, ever - no exceptions - takes it all the way by mouth or hand. When she senses he's about to come, she sits astride him or drags him between her legs and takes his explosion inside her pussy. It is highly...
September 21, 1989-09 Howie Markels walked back and forth in front of the hotel cooling off after his morning jog. He’d only done about four miles, but that was more to get loosened up for the day, than a real workout. That had been eight laps around the block on which the hotel was located. Only a few people had been out and about, although it was still more than one might have expected for right after sunrise. Still, bakers, coffee shops, and other businesses that catered to the early...
September 25, 1989 Howie stumbled along trying to work out the date. He knew he had been taken on the twenty-first and had spent that day in the van. That night, the hood had been replaced by a blindfold. They had held a flashlight right up to his eyes when making the change from hood to blindfold. He hadn’t been able to see his captors. The next day would have been the twenty-second. He had spent a miserable day walking, getting pushed along, tripping, falling, and getting pulled back to...
September 26, 1989 John Long Badger had been sleeping about as well as a man suffering from a very bad case of gas could sleep ... which was to say, not very well. He bolted upright when he heard the first gunshot. He was frantically looking around the shack to see what was happening when all hell broke loose outside. The gunshots were coming so fast and furious that it wasn’t possible to count. He wasn’t the only one looking around with terror. “That new guy is gone.” “There are two...
The next day things seemed a bit better in the office. It wasn't as if some dramatic changes occurred suddenly and the office was this bright, cheerful place, but Beth was clearly making an effort to control herself. When I saw her in the morning she smiled and said hello to me and when she saw other people that we worked with she said hello in a way that seemed less forced and maybe even without the hostility that she seemed to be carrying around before our talk. I actually saw her talking...
I lay awake that night staring at the ceiling trying to sort out my feelings about Beth and what I should do. If her father was correct, she had feelings for me other than friendship and if I was honest with myself I knew that I felt more for her that just being friends as well. Let's face it: She's beautiful and now that I got to know her she was fun to be with and we had a lot of common interests. I knew that I had to do something because I had started thinking about her all the time....
Beth and I left the office quickly. We were both anxious to get away from the smirking faces, whispers and giggles that were going around our department. We walked side by side through the halls and waited for an elevator in silence. We gave each other nervous glances and small smiles of anticipation until we heard the ding of the elevator announcing its arrival on our floor. We walked in and quickly pressed the button to go down to the garage level where we could get into our cars. As the...
In the months that followed that first date, things were great between Beth and me. We had fun whenever we were together and more importantly, we learned to love the quirky little things about each other that make you who you are. For me to love Beth I had to not only love the smart and beautiful woman that I thought she was at the beginning, but I also had to embrace the fact that, yes, sometimes she was a bitch. I have to admit that there are times when her bitchiness did grate on me and I...
Carlota almost choked on her tea when she heard the question. Having child had always plagued her mind but she wasn’t so sure she was ready, Conor always kept saying he was but stayed supportive to her when she said she wasn’t, but she could also feel his frustration of being married for two years now and still have no child to love and cherish. Carlota took a deep breath, “We’re still in the planning stage, mama, I don’t want to go and head in first without making sure we can fully support the...
My name is Gus Snead, you may have heard of me recently in the news. I am the man whose name has been sullied about by ignorance and hatemongers who do not understand the nature of who and what I am. I am 34 years old, live in Illinois (let’s just say Chicago for sake of simplicity); I was a former teacher who has changed the entire state of a school. I have been chased out of the district by fools who do not understand my desire to mark my territory (like I said ignorance and hatemongering)...
“Why Can’t I” The urge to mate and to expand my territory had subsided after my second session with Carolyn. I also noticed that it was quickly reaching the end of the school day and that I could not stay here overnight, not if I wanted to continue my plan. I was able to focus and gain enough composure to get tell Carolyn to drive to my apartment. I think she was able to read my mind because she started to regain some of her poise as well, I believe she understood what was at stake and...
The early morning summer rain washed away my tears as I sat naked in a lotus position on top of a cliff overlooking Eros Valley a few hundred meters below. I allowed myself to feel sorry for myself. Two years ago, on Christmas Day my ex-husband left with his affair of three years, never to return. After the divorce I threw myself into yoga practice and even went on an eighteen month retreat at an ashram in India. I found peace through meditation and yoga, but not Enlightenment.In all this time...
Swingers1. this was originally a set of emails sent to a friend serving in iraq. 2. place yourself in the character danny's place as you read all of it. as we sit on the couch watching tv, my head laying under your chin, you have one hand wrapped around me, cupping a tit. the other is stroking my hair. we're at peace, resting from the fun of the day and its after 11. we watch the news and while its on, i let my hand slide slowly down your chest, feeling every ripple and knowing im so...
All day and throughout his journey home he'd been looking forward to this moment. It wasn't often he was able to surprise his wife but having tied up the final paperwork on the new contact earlier than expected, he'd decided to make the journey home today instead of leaving it til his usual Friday. Besides, he'd long grown tired of living in hotel rooms and it would be fun to surprise his wife. Yet for some strange reason, five minutes ago when he'd switched off the cars engine, he...
Props to Techsan for the editing job. Techsan, I am in awe of your patience and skills. Once again, I have to say that although Lt. Col. Vandervoort and his shattered ankle are entirely real, Daniel is pure fiction. For those of you who have stuck by this story, I thank you profusely for reading it and voting. For those of you just discovering this story, I’d ask you to read all the chapters and vote, vote, vote. Thanks again one and all. Chapter 10 Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944 ...
Once again, I want to thank Techsan for his patience and editing skills. Thanks one and all for keeping up with the story…and voting. Now the disclaimer: Although Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort is a real live person in history, this story is pure fiction and only borrows the name for accuracy of the historical facts surrounding the fictional story…and for dramatic effect. Hope you enjoy. And vote…vote…vote! Chapter 9 Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944 The twenty-seven year-old Lt. Col....
Chapter 2: Tomorrow’s Path I will never for the life of me understand the simple pleasure a woman finds in shopping. Or the seemingly unnecessary consideration of such trivial things as price or practicality. That morning, we went shopping with Mary’s credit card, and aside from valiantly attempting to hide my shock at the prices she paid, I was fairly preoccupied with the knowledge that I now knew what a Ken doll felt like. I was dressed, undressed and redressed so quickly that I barely had...