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I had just returned from a two week vacation with the bastard better known as my husband. It was really just a last ditch attempt to reconcile our sham of a marriage, but to my thinking, it was just an excuse to get drunk and fuck a lot. To be honest, my husband was great in the sack. It was how he got me to marry him (because he wasn't the best looking guy in the world), but the man certainly knew his way around a woman's body.

The problem was that was all he was good for. He couldn't hold down a decent job. We had absolutely nothing in common beyond the sex. He had no interest in having kids and I had wanted a family. Now in my early thirties, my clock was starting to tick loudly and he had wanted no part of it. I suppose I could have could have learned to live with all of these things, if the bastard did not openly flaunt his infidelities.

All my friends asked me why the bastard would cheat on me. To be honest I did not have a clue. I was a fairly thin, five-eight blond, with big breasts (and I worked out to keep them and the rest of me from sagging). I wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world, but I was probably a close second (ha ha). Most importantly, I loved to fuck and had few inhibitions in the sack.

What I quickly realized was I was not his type. He preferred young, petit dark haired girls like my best friend and fellow waitress Janey. Anyway, once I caught him cheating, I started too as a matter of principle. Still, I found most of my affairs to be pretty unsatisfying. To my partners, I was just a taller version of Marilyn Monroe. They wanted to fuck the shit out of me, regardless of what I would get out of the experience. While I admired their enthusiasm, most sessions left me unfulfilled and needy, falling back helplessly into my bastard husband's arms. The man played me like a concert violist played a Stradivarius and I both loved and hated the sweet music we made.

I walked into the Hollywood Luncheonette, where I worked, and opened my locker. It was not a bad place to go for breakfast or lunch if you like a ten dollar cup of Maxwell House and a couple eggs, a few slices of bacon and a two pieces of dry toast for twenty bucks. I guess PT Barnum was right, because many people continued to show up at the diner. They seemed happy to shell out a king's ransom for mediocre fare and even tip generously, when their hot, celebrity lookalike poured them a Cup O' Joe.

I put on my uniform and adjusted my name tag that read "Marilyn". The owner, Vic, was a pig (I had to blow him just to let me take two weeks off). He made all of us waitresses look and act like celebrities. My best friend Janey was "Mary Ann" from the sixties sitcom, while a cute young redhead named Rachel was "Ginger" from the same show. A cute girl named Jade was labeled "Lucy" after the Asian action hero. He tagged Rosa, a busty Chicana, as "J-Lo". Anyway, as much as I hated all of this, I always got those huge tips. Since the tips and not my hourly wage paid the bills, I put up with it.

When I got to the dining room, I noticed that it was still early. There was only one customer who was at one of Janey's tables. When I looked closely, I could tell that she had been crying and that the man who had to be in his late thirties was stroking her shoulders. I waited for the little tableau to end and then approached her once she headed back to the kitchen.

"What's the matter, Baby?" I asked comfortingly.

"I'm thinking of having an affair with that guy out there."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Don't act so surprised. You have them."

"Honey, you and Steve have only been married two years. Rich and I have been married almost ten and he is a cheating bastard."

"Steve's cheating on me."

I was in complete shock. "What?!"

"He's cheated on me with at least two women. One of them is Rachel."

"How do you know?"

"She told me. She also told me he said that he is fucking his boss' receptionist too."

"And you believe her?"

"I didn't at first, but then I followed Steve and the girl to where Rachel told me that he took her. I saw them go into the motel room."

"That's awful! What an asshole! And Rachel?! I'm going to give her..."

"Don't blame her, Honey. She told me she did it because she thought he would be the kind to cheat and she was right. Anyway, thank God for Mr. Bloom!"


"He's nice man over there. He was one who told Rachel about Steve and suggested to her that she should investigate. Anyway, since Steve's fucking around, Mr. Bloom asked me if I wanted to use him to get revenge and now I'm seriously thinking about it."

"Baby, isn't he a little bit old for you?"

"I don't care! He's really sweet and kind too. There's even a kind of quiet handsomeness to him..." she murmured.

"Well, I don't see it."

"More importantly, I really like being with him ... being close to him," her eyes took on a far off look.

"Well, if you want to get back at Steve, I'm sure I can find someone better..."

"It's not just that. I can tell he really cares about me. I hear he's an amazing lover..."

"How do you know this?"

"Rachel told me."

"She slept with him?!" I asked in shock.

"Yeah. After she broke up with her boyfriend for sleeping with Jade."

"Her boyfriend slept with Jade!?" I exclaimed, as apparently a lot had happened in the last two weeks in my absence.

"Yeah. Apparently he had been sleeping around on Rachel too."

Something was not right here. While most of the waitresses here were not all that tight with each other, we were all on pretty friendly terms and I never could imagine this kind of drama taking place here. I decided that maybe I should meet this new customer. "I'd like to meet this Mr. Bloom."

"Funny. He just asked me to introduce you to him," she smiled.

"So, I've been hearing an awful lot about you, Becky," he smiled, calling me by my real name, as he took my offered hand.

"You too," I smiled. When I had gotten closer to him, I could see what Janey was talking about in terms of quiet handsomeness. He still had dark hair with no touch of grey. He did not have a bad body. Perhaps a little middle age spread, but I had slept with worse when I had been drunk. He even had a sweet smile and a little twinkle in his eyes. Still, I'd never have given him the time of day if I were sober. Certainly, he had no business doing the horizontal mambo with a twenty-four year old cutie like Janey or especially an even younger hottie like Rachel. "Mr. Bloom, please understand that I mean no disrespect but..."

"You're worried about your friend," he said pausing. "I know what you mean. You're probably right too. While she is a little older than our 'Ginger', 'Mary Ann' is much less experienced. It was probably a bad idea to ask her."

"About Rachel..."

"Don't worry. Rachel is fine. We're just kind of seeing each other right now, but we're not exclusive. It was Rachel who even suggested that I ask Janey if she wanted me to sleep with her as a way of making to up to Janey for her sleeping with Janey's husband."

"Well, you're not really her type."

"I know. I'm not really you're type either, right?"

I kind of smiled shyly. While I was not really attracted to him in a traditional way, I sensed a warmth coming from him. It was a weird kind of feeling of comfort and contentment. "To be honest, no, but I've always had bad taste in men," I joked.

Mr. Bloom laughed. "Thank you for your honesty, dear. If my wife had been more honest about me from the start, we would never have had to endure the tortuous fiasco, I like to refer to as 'our marriage'."

I felt a tear come to my eye, but managed to avoid it from falling. I certainly could empathize with him. "I know what you mean."

"Well, I've given up on monogamy. I've discovered that it just doesn't work."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. After my wife left me for that bastard, I took a little of the money I had left from our settlement to go to Tibet on a voyage of self-discovery."

"What did you learn?"

"A lot of things," he laughed. "One of the most important things I learned is that I cannot simply find fulfillment in others. I have to find it in myself."

"Sounds kind of lonely," I murmured.

"Not at all. I share that sense of fulfillment with others."

"Like Rachel?"

"Yes. She's a great girl and I think since we connected she's on the right road."

"And Janey?"

"Maybe, though I share your concern that she may not be ready to let go of what she has."

"What do you mean, 'let go'?"

"She's not happy because she has lived kind of a sheltered life. She needs to decide if she's ready for an extreme change."

"You mean like cheating?"

"Among other things," he smiled cryptically. "Oh, I noticed that things are starting to get busy. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with that bastard boss of yours," he smiled, standing up.

"You know Vic?"

"Better than I care to," he said, giving the first grim expression I had seen him make. "Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Becky. I hope we can be friends."

"I'd like that," I smiled, as he was shaking my hand, before he let go of it and walked away.

It was at the exact moment that I realized that he had been holding my hand the entire time. As he walked away, I started to feel an emptiness wash over me followed by a fog. I quickly shook my head to clear the cobwebs and proceeded to a customer who had just sat down.

The next morning, Mr. Bloom was seated and I saw him talking to Janey. She looked a bit worried as she walked away. I approached her.

"Hey Janey, what's up?"

"I decided that I want to sleep with Mark."


"Mr. Bloom. The thing is..."


"He wants me to do something for him first."

"What? Dump your hubby?"

A strange look came over her face. "Yeah, something like that."

"And you're willing to do that..."

"Yeah ... well ... that part at least," she said with a blush and she walked away.

I was confused, so I walked over to Mr. Bloom's table.

"Hi Becky ... or should I call you 'Marilyn'? You really are looking quite sexy today," he smiled.

"Call me whatever you want, as long as you tip well," I found myself flirting.

"Well, you are quite lovely."

"Thank you. Now about Janey..."

"Yes, Janey was telling me a lot about you this morning," he interrupted. "Please don't be too harsh to her, but she told me that your husband was pond scum."

I wanted to get angry at him for his comment, but he was really quite right. Besides, I had this feeling of wanting to be closer to him, so I sat down next to him since the place was virtually empty. He immediately took my hand and I felt the feeling of warmth and contentment. "Yeah..." I murmured.

"Well, a man like him does not deserve such a lovely, charming and caring woman like yourself."

"Thanks..." I mumbled, lost in the feeling.

"And don't worry about your friend. I think she'll make the right choice," he smiled, as he stood up, let go of my hand and walked away.

As I saw him leave, I felt the feeling of loneliness creep over me. All of a sudden, I understood what Janey saw in him and why she wanted to sleep with him. It wasn't really his physical appearance, but there was something about his presence that made him incredibly attractive. While I was with him, I had felt like I was basking in the sun. When he left, I was in the dead of winter, longing to see him tomorrow.

After work, I decided to go to "Happy Hour", because let's face it: I needed to get happy and I needed help (in form of tequila shots with Corona chasers). I took a lot of free drinks, but nobody I particularly wanted to reward with my charms. Strangely, I did not see Janey. "I guess Mr. Bloom is getting lucky right now," I thought and then suddenly realizing that maybe it was Janey who was the lucky one. Usually Janey gave me a lift home, but tonight I scored a lift with Keisha (AKA "Beyonce"). When I opened the door with my key, I heard some giggling coming from my bedroom. "Fuck, you're hot," came my husband Rich's voice.

"No wonder Becky is still with you. You fuck like a champ!" came another voice, seemingly familiar, but out of context.

"Shit! He's in there with some fucking whore who knows who I am!" I thought, while stumbling to the bedroom door, ready to make a scene. Then all of a sudden, I felt a pair of hands take mine and I looked into a vibrant set of green eyes that shone in the dim light.

"Shhhh ... Everything's fine, Becky," whispered Rachel, as I felt a warm calmness wash over me.


"I know it's hard, but you have to let go."

"Shit! You're perfect! You feel so good on my cock, Baby!" moaned my husband's voice. "You're husband's a fool to cheat on you!"

"You're cheating on Becky," came a voice that I now recognized as my best friend.

"That's different. She fucks around on me too. But if you were mine..."

"You'd probably fuck around on me too."

"Maybe ... but not as much."

"Janey..." I whispered feeling a mixture of calm tinged with sadness.

"She didn't want to do it, but Mark told her that it was for your own good and that she'd be helping you. That is what Jade did to me and what Rosa did to Jade. Rosa helped me come to terms with what Jade did to me the way that Jade helped Janey come to terms with what I did to her."

"Now you're helping me?" I asked.

"You bet, Honey. We're all important to Mark. Ultimately, he wants to be sure we're all happy."

I was momentarily distracted by a sound that I knew really well and one I did not. "Ohhhhh ... Shit!" screamed Rich.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh Fuck meeeeee!" screamed an obviously climaxing Janey.

"You hear how loud she's screaming?" asked Rachel.

"Yeah..." I asked in a subdued voice.

"She'll be screaming louder and cumming harder in about an hour," said Rachel.

After hiding in the kitchen and hearing Rachel lead an excited Janey out to her car, I crawled into the bedroom, climbed next to my passed out bastard of a hubby and passed out myself.

In the morning, I dragged my hung-over body into the shower and prettified myself for work. After buying an industrial strength/sized coffee from a nearby coffee shop, I dragged my sorry ass into work.

When I walked in, I saw Janey wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen. I just scowled at her.

"Don't be so mad, my dear." came the voice of Mark Bloom, as I felt his hand take mine and I calmed down.

"But my husband..."

"Come on, Ms. Monroe ... do you really love Mr. DiMaggio that much?"

"He's probably more like Arthur Miller," I cracked a more relaxed smile.

"See? No real loss."

"He was a good playwright."

"But I heard a terrible lover."

"And I hear you're an amazing one."

"One doesn't like to brag," he smirked.

"Well, my hubby is an amazing lover too," I protested.

"But a lousy excuse of a man. You need someone to satisfy your soul too."

"And you can do that?"

"I can and I would be willing to do it."

"But Janey..." I started.

"Do you know why Janey's so happy?"

"It sounded like she got the shit fucked out of her by my hubby, Rich."

"She did, but that's not why she's happy."

"Then why is she happy?"

"Because she gave herself to me last night."

"What about her husband?"

"She called him from my place last night and asked for a divorce."

I knew I should have been shocked by all of this, but for some reason any surprise or outrage was being muted by this strange sense of calm that I felt when I was in his presence ... and in Rachel's presence in my living room last night. I was also feeling something else ... that strange warmth. This time it was radiating in my groin. I was awoken from my aroused daze by his voice.

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There was Sandy and Tom in Lovington, New Mexico. They weren't AC/DC and we had only had one letter from them, but they seemed very nice. Sandy was a slender, sexy blonde, and Tom was fairly nice-looking. We had a standing invitation to call them anytime. There was a sexy brunette in Mesquite, Texas, Jane. She and her husband were both AC/DC. Jane was 28, 5'4", 128 pounds, 36-26-38 and from the one letter we received from them they seemed to be quite uninhibited. We decided to drive...

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Wife share fantasy

This story starts with me and my wife, m28 f26, both quite open and willing to a degree but sex has somewhat died off and become routine.In an attempt to spice things up we recently began to explore toys and roleplay. My wife being into vibrators and forced scenarios. When we first met sex was always great and frequent and she told me often she watched porn her choices were mainly cumshots, dp and threesomes. At first i was a little freaked out by this but as time has gone on ive really begun...

1 year ago
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Choosing a Second Chance

Well everyone, this will be the last story I write about Ryan—there are three total, if you would like to check them out. I’ll have to look elsewhere for inspiration if I wish to write more, all these memories of him are starting to get to me a bit. All that girly stuff aside, I hope you enjoy this one. It’s a little slow to start off, but it’s got the heartache you wanted to read about. Send feedback! The strangest thing was the fact that I had been dreaming about him when he called me. Ryan...

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Through the Looking GlassChapter 3

Teleport rooms had become a standard fixture in any large office complex. Once the teleport knew the 'feel' of the room they could hit it with amazing accuracy and minimum energy. That was true for any teleport room on Earth within the range of the teleporter. Unfortunately, Tenkei wasn't on Earth and was well outside the range of any known teleport. There had been talk about using the teleport rooms on one of the orbital hotels as a transfer station for Tenkei, but nothing had been...

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James looked to be the typical mid south gentleman in his mid 50's. He was about 6 feet in height, had a slight beer belly and was balding in back James was divorced for some 6 years and lived alone on the out skirts of town. He worked an 8 to 4 job, and was pretty much a homebody, although he did go out on a date occasionally.To look at James, you would never in a million years guess, but James loved to dress up in women's clothes. One of his bedrooms was completely devoted to Misty, which was...

2 years ago
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Mounting Sheep

A found story from 2002, badly written and composed, needing lots of adjusting and also moved from the USA to the UK. Berny Ingleton, a 35 year old sheep farmer, lived with Martha his widowed 55 year old mother in the nether regions of North West England, growing sheep for market. The wool was for the few textile companies still managing to exist in the bleak left overs of a once thriving industry. Bert, his deceased father was a land owner, with a string of five racehorses in training but...

2 years ago
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VacationChapter 46

Day Forty-six - Thursday I couldn't move. Arms and legs wrapped me up. A husky voice was whispering in my ear, "I love you, I love you, I love you," over and over. I turned my head and kissed the smiling mouth, while peering into the deep brown eyes of my sweet Sue. "It's time to wake up, honey, I'm sorry for not waking you with my mouth or pussy. They're both a little tender and overworked from last night. We sure did do some serious playing in the tub last night. Those two lezzies...

3 years ago
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CandiceChapter 3

I wanted to ask my dad for advice, but that seemed like a bad idea. Asking him how to make up with a girl after forgetting her name? He might start wondering why I'd been having sex with Candice in the first place. "Flowers," Tiffany decided. "Those azalea things?" "Roses." "Ouch!" I winced and tried to look over my shoulder. "Hold still," she said. "I'm almost done." "She really scratched me good, huh?" "Ummm..." "Never mind," I said. "I mean, she scratched me a...

1 year ago
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A Lesson in Sex A Futanari Story PART 1

Bianca sat in the Cuntsville Public Library, absentmindedly flipping through a book on female sexuality by Dr. Ingrid Muffsniffer, mostly admiring the full color photos of female genitalia. It was a lazy, dreary Friday afternoon, and Bianca found herself without plans for the weekend. While she should have been studying for her exams (she was earning her masters degree in Reproductive Therapy), she couldn’t focus on anything in front of her. All of the study material was dry and boring, and...

1 year ago
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Sunset followed as the Juniors of Ridgecrest High School where about to embark on the last summer before their Senior year and everyone of them was glad, well all except me. Let me introduce myself, I'm Alexander Jamison McBride, I go by Jamie, I'm 18 years old, I'm 6'2 inches tall, I weigh 195 lbs, I have dirty blonde hair, I have heterochromia eyes (meaning my eyes have two diferent colors) sterling silver iris' with baby blue section's, I'm slightly tan due to living near the beaches, my...

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Blackmailed WifeChapter 7

Pete, despite the drink, maneuvered his long black Cadillac skillfully through the streets of Tijuana and out on the other side of the city. They had left the pavement and were following a dirt road to a large Spanish style hacienda. It showed up clearly, in the moonlight that flooded Baja California, even though it was still over a half a mile away. The Martinis, wine, and black Russians left a comfortable glow on Ann. The black Russians in particular were delicious after dinner. It was a...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 19

I woke up groggily in the middle of the night with my lip and hands throbbing. I got up after moving Vicky to the side and went to the washroom and then took a couple of aspirin with a glass of water. I got back to bed and fell asleep quickly. I woke again to the alarm buzzing and reached over to shut it off. It was only five thirty but I knew I should get up and get going to be at the arena for six thirty. I showered and shaved and slipped back in to bedroom to grab some comfy travelling...

1 year ago
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A Night With Gillian

Gillian and I were lovers years ago, albeit briefly. Because of a variety of situations, we were never able to fully consumate our lust for each other, that is until last May 10, 2003. In the meantime, we did, however, remain friends. I wrote this in 2003, shortly after this happened. As I sit here and write this, Gillian has now left my life. I look at the pictures over my desk, and one in particular stands out. In the edge of the frame, there is still the residue of a white powder, a reminder...

3 years ago
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Samrsquos Secret

[A little background for this, Sam was born with male genitalia, which is one of the reasons why she doesn't like the word panties, something she can't technically wear because of her 'extra' friend. The only four people who know about Sam having male genitalia are her doctor, her mom, her s*ster, and Carly. Carly found out because the two secretly dated for a while and lost their virginities to each other prior the finale of 'iCarly', and after Sam broke up with Freddie. When she was younger,...

2 years ago
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Primeval UrgesChapter 7

“Yes,” he says. “Suck my cock.” The woman smiles and leans forward to take it into her mouth. She begins to suck softly, the man groaning and running his hand through her hair. Mercy cannot believe it. The man ... the man is the same from her dream. He is quite handsome now that she has a chance to view him from a different angle and without him on top of her. And the woman is beautiful. Together they look like angels, a beauty that Mercy has never seen before. Together they look like the...

1 year ago
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Devotion And Duty

“Thank you for agreeing to help me with this, Victoria. I don't think I could do it by myself, but I guess it's time.”“You don't need to apologise for anything, Frank. I know it's difficult, and it's only been two weeks since Jessica… well, it's not been a long time. I'm glad to help.” Victoria took Frank's hand as they entered the bedroom. It had been the master bedroom, but as her cancer got worse, Jessica insisted Frank move into the spare room so he could get some sleep rather than listen...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The ReturnChapter 5

Nothing had been touched where the shimmering was. The Range Rover was exactly where I had left it. Using the spare tarpaulin I made a temporary shelter, the walls were dense branches that I stuck in the ground. I even covered the tarpaulin with leaves to break up its outline. "Now this is our base camp, I'm afraid you're going to be on a low diet for the next three months, what food you see here is all I have. I brought enough tea bags to give me two cups of tea a day. So from now on...

1 year ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 20

I pulled out of Orlando Bloom’s asshole with a pop after I shot off a load up his bunghole and Madeira spilled her spunk up mine ... just seconds after Miranda Kerr moaned in ecstasy and he unloaded up her wonderful Aussie bum. It was pizza time at last, having been distracted a little by the urge to give Miranda Kerr and her ex some good, hard buggering. We could use some serious booze, too, to add to the joys of so much pizza. Since the town was basically deserted, Mom was able to easily...

4 years ago
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Little Slut Nicci

Daddy called,and said he'd be there in about 15 minutes. I took my bags out to the curb, and sat on one while waiting, and when Mr. Thompson from down the street stopped to ask me if I was running away with a laugh, I told him about going to spend the summer with my father as I noticed his eyes dropping down between my legs. The sundress I wore was kinda short, and with my legs uncrossed I wondered if he could see my white panties. Just after he told me to have fun, and drove off Daddy pulled...

4 years ago
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Flashers delight

It was early afternoon and 14 year old Mark was standing at the entry door to the flat he and his mum had just moved into, the flat was at the top of a tower block there was only one other flat on the landing and the only way onto the landing was through a locked door which you needed a key for or you had to be buzzed in by a tenant of the landing. Mark knew the other tenants were 12 year old Mandy her sister 16 year old Sara and their dad who was a long distance lorry driver and hardly ever...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 7 DwarfQueens Hot Demands

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Seven: Dwarf-Queen's Hot Demands By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Ruins of Khan, Kingdom of Haz I smiled as I led my party into the ruins of the dwarven fortress of Khan. The wide entrance that pierced the thick, stone wall led to a courtyard. The ground had been covered by paving stones, yet despite that plants and trees had grown. The tree roots buckled up the thick paving stones. Swaths...

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DONNASummer JobPart 2Moira sorted out my mistak

As I was willing to learn more, Margaret, the lady in charge of the office, gave me more responsibility, soon I was ordering parts that the firm needed. On my second week I had finished the order and it was posted to the firm, 3 days later the delivery turned up and there was a problem. I was called into Richard’s office and asked, “Donna did you make out this order” I looked at the invoice and said “Yes”. There were 2 columns and I’d put 12 in one instead of 1 in the first column and 2 in the...

2 years ago
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Beer Goggles II MindbenderChapter 4

Rick showed up, right on time, at 1:00. We went through an old 'Employees Manual' I'd kept around and I explained the 'rules of engagement' so to speak. Covering the usual like 'always courteous, never lose temper, let the customer vent and dontdon't argue'. He thought that was weird. Guess he'd never bitched at a customer service person ... but I let it go. There was a knock at the door and I glanced at the mantle clock. 1:15, she was right on time. I looked Rick in the eye and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Britney Amber Sexy Real Estate Agent Fucks For Sales

American Milf sensation Britney Amber isn’t one of the top real estate agents in the business for nothing. The busty blonde fucks to close sales, and with a beautiful face and voluptuous curves like hers, you can bet she doesn’t have any problem as she does with her client Ryan King in today’s 4K hardcore premium porn scene. He can’t wait to have a taste of her trimmed pussy or to have her experience his thick dick in her mouth deepthroat or in juicy snatch either. A...

4 years ago
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Fucked By A ManBeast His Bitch

Cindy sighed heavily, slipped off her shoes, and hung up her coat. The house was quiet and she was the only one there. Her so-called husband was gone for the second night in a row. He told her he was working, but she knew better, because she’d seen him with another woman walking into a local pub. After that she battled with her feeling wondering whether to let him stay or force him to leave a divorce him. After all she needed a man she could count on. Cindy, walked to the bedroom and...

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My Cruising Highlights

I love the dirty, sleazy feeling I get servicing total strangers, even better when other perverts are watching! and have spent many happy hours cruising for cock over the years in toilets, woods and laybys and have had many memorable encounters!Here are some in no particular order, just the ones I still think about when I masturbate.Once I was the woods at hyde heath (now sadly blocked off) I was naked on my knees taking turns sucking 2 blokes while we all shared a bottle of poppers, a 3rd guy...

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Cari The Beautiful Realtor

Cari The Beautiful Realtor By Fergus Rea Christi's realtor's was bucking the trend. Whilst others had stagnated or gone under during the housing slump, Christi's kept on increasing its turnover and profit year on year. Competitors would analyse Christi's business model in minute detail, to try to understand how they managed this, but none of them came close to understanding what was really going on. Jack Christi, owner and manager, is highly competent with key skills such as...

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Sex with teenage collage guys

Amar mattu naanu ottige snaana maadi kutiddevu aaga avana premd suman pon maadida, amar avanu ibbaru maataadutta iddaru, amar nannannu demgida bagge heltaa idda aaga suman keltaa idda naanu demga beku amta, amar nanage helida naanu sari amde matte innu yaaradaru iddare baroke heli grup maadona amde, adakke amar innu avana premdsige kaal maadida kevala arda gamteyalli amar jotege suman, hemamt,raaj,prem mattu naveen bamdaru ellarigu baadaami haalu kotte ellaru kudidu maataadutta tarale maadtaa...

1 year ago
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Anna erotic freedom in Europe 1

Anna's intimate introduction in a dirty daring dream after an inventive invitationAnna is my most intimate friend here. We live far apart, but dream about each other, right from our sexy start.Anna is as pretty and yummy as she is young. We share her taste, as she loves girls with similar sexy lovely lines.Anna is known by her breast size as username: 34a. Although she almost never wears a bra with her firm little tits.Anna is very fond of being naked. At her home in the cold she heats hot...

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OSL Caroline

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...

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Tricked The Older Neighbor Lady Into Fucking

I see the lady neighbour over the road brushing the step. She is older and quite attractive, and for quite a while now, I have had very lewd thoughts about her. I have devised a plan. Will it work or will it all turn out to be just terribly embarassing for us both...? I have to try it...if I don't I will always wonder what may have happened if I hadn't been so unsure of myself. She is wearing a short nylon overall. I have been told that she wears this short overall to turn on the k**s who...

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